This is a list of grammars that Linguist selects to provide syntax highlighting on GitHub. If you've encountered an error with highlighting, please find the grammar in the list below and report it to the appropriate repository.
Note: grammars marked with 🐌 are not updated when Linguist is so upstream fixes may take longer to appear on GitHub.
- 1C Enterprise: xDrivenDevelopment/atom-language-1c-bsl
- 4D: ayoubserti/lang-4d
- ABAP: pvl/abap.tmbundle
- ABAP CDS: FreHu/abap-cds-grammar
- ABNF: Alhadis/language-grammars
- AGS Script: textmate/c.tmbundle
- AIDL: google/aidl-language
- AL: microsoft/AL
- AMPL: ampl/sublime-ampl
- ANTLR: textmate/antlr.tmbundle
- API Blueprint: apiaryio/api-blueprint-sublime-plugin
- APL: Alhadis/language-apl
- ASL: sebadur/language-asl
- ASN.1: ajlangley/language-asn1
- ASP.NET: textmate/asp.tmbundle
- ATS: steinwaywhw/ats-mode-sublimetext
- ActionScript: simongregory/actionscript3-tmbundle
- Ada: textmate/ada.tmbundle
- Adobe Font Metrics: Alhadis/language-fontforge
- Agda: agda/agda-github-syntax-highlighting
- Alloy: macekond/Alloy.tmbundle
- Alpine Abuild: atom/language-shellscript
- Altium Designer: textmate/ini.tmbundle
- AngelScript: wronex/sublime-angelscript
- Ant Build System: textmate/ant.tmbundle
- ApacheConf: textmate/apache.tmbundle
- Apex: textmate/java.tmbundle
- Apollo Guidance Computer: Alhadis/language-agc
- AppleScript: textmate/applescript.tmbundle
- AsciiDoc: zuckschwerdt/asciidoc.tmbundle
- AspectJ: pchaigno/sublime-aspectj
- Assembly: Nessphoro/sublimeassembly
- Astro: withastro/astro
- Asymptote: textmate/c.tmbundle
- AutoHotkey: ahkscript/SublimeAutoHotkey
- AutoIt: AutoIt/SublimeAutoItScript
- Avro IDL: Jason3S/avro.tmLanguage
- Awk: github-linguist/awk-sublime
- BASIC: telnet23/language-basic
- Ballerina: ballerina-platform/ballerina-grammar
- Batchfile: mmims/language-batchfile
- Beef: dotnet/csharp-tmLanguage
- Befunge: johanasplund/sublime-befunge
- BibTeX: textmate/latex.tmbundle
- Bicep: azure/bicep
- Bison: Alhadis/language-grammars
- Blade: jawee/language-blade
- BlitzBasic: textmate/blitzmax.tmbundle
- BlitzMax: textmate/blitzmax.tmbundle
- Bluespec: thotypous/sublime-bsv
- Boo: drslump/sublime-boo
- Boogie: boogie-org/boogie-vscode
- Brainfuck: Drako/SublimeBrainfuck
- Brightscript: cmink/BrightScript.tmbundle
- Browserslist: browserslist/browserslist-vscode
- C: textmate/c.tmbundle
- C#: dotnet/csharp-tmLanguage
- C++: textmate/c.tmbundle
- C-ObjDump: nanoant/assembly.tmbundle
- C2hs Haskell: atom-haskell/language-haskell
- CIL: google/selinux-policy-languages
- CLIPS: psicomante/CLIPS-sublime
- CMake: textmate/cmake.tmbundle
- COBOL: bitbucket:bitlang/sublime_cobol
- CODEOWNERS: Alhadis/language-etc
- COLLADA: textmate/xml.tmbundle
- CSON: atom/language-coffee-script
- CSS: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-css 🐌
- CUE: cue-sh/vscode-cue
- Cabal Config: atom-haskell/language-haskell
- Cap'n Proto: textmate/capnproto.tmbundle
- CartoCSS: yohanboniface/carto-atom
- Ceylon: jeancharles-roger/ceylon-sublimetext
- Chapel: chapel-lang/chapel-tmbundle
- ChucK: textmate/java.tmbundle
- Cirru: Cirru/sublime-cirru
- Clarion: fushnisoft/SublimeClarion
- Classic ASP: textmate/asp.tmbundle
- Clean: timjs/atom-language-clean
- Click: stenverbois/language-click
- Clojure: atom/language-clojure
- Closure Templates: mthadley/language-closure-templates
- Cloud Firestore Security Rules: jaysquared/atom-firestore-grammar
- CoNLL-U: odanoburu/conllu-linguist-grammar
- CodeQL: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ql 🐌
- CoffeeScript: atom/language-coffee-script
- ColdFusion: SublimeText/ColdFusion
- ColdFusion CFC: SublimeText/ColdFusion
- Common Lisp: textmate/lisp.tmbundle
- Common Workflow Language: manabuishii/language-cwl
- Component Pascal: textmate/pascal.tmbundle
- Cool: anunayk/cool-tmbundle
- Coq: mkolosick/Sublime-Coq
- Cpp-ObjDump: nanoant/assembly.tmbundle
- Creole: Siddley/Creole
- Crystal: atom-crystal/language-crystal
- Csound: nwhetsell/language-csound
- Csound Document: nwhetsell/language-csound
- Csound Score: nwhetsell/language-csound
- Cuda: harrism/sublimetext-cuda-cpp
- Cue Sheet: relikd/CUE-Sheet_sublime
- Cycript: atom/language-javascript
- Cython: textmate/cython.tmbundle
- D: textmate/d.tmbundle
- D-ObjDump: nanoant/assembly.tmbundle
- DM: PJB3005/atomic-dreams
- DNS Zone: sixty4k/st2-zonefile
- DTrace: textmate/c.tmbundle
- Dafny: DafnyVSCode/Dafny-VSCode
- Dart: dart-lang/dart-syntax-highlight
- DataWeave: mulesoft-labs/data-weave-tmLanguage
- Dhall: atom-haskell/language-haskell
- Diff: textmate/diff.tmbundle
- Dockerfile: asbjornenge/Docker.tmbundle
- Dylan: textmate/dylan.tmbundle
- E-mail: mariozaizar/language-eml
- EBNF: Alhadis/language-grammars
- ECL: hpcc-systems/ecl-tmLanguage
- ECLiPSe: alnkpa/sublimeprolog
- EJS: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-embedded-template 🐌
- EQ: dotnet/csharp-tmLanguage
- Eagle: textmate/xml.tmbundle
- Earthly: earthly/earthfile-grammar
- Easybuild: MagicStack/MagicPython
- Ecere Projects: Nixinova/NovaGrammars
- EditorConfig: sindresorhus/atom-editorconfig
- Edje Data Collection: textmate/c.tmbundle
- Eiffel: textmate/eiffel.tmbundle
- Elixir: elixir-lang/elixir-tmbundle
- Emacs Lisp: Alhadis/language-emacs-lisp
- EmberScript: atom/language-coffee-script
- Erlang: textmate/erlang.tmbundle
- F#: ionide/ionide-fsgrammar
- F*: FStarLang/atom-fstar
- FIGlet Font: Alhadis/language-fontforge
- Factor: slavapestov/factor
- Fancy: fancy-lang/fancy-tmbundle
- Fantom: rkoeninger/sublime-fantom
- Faust: jpcima/language-faust
- Fennel: kongeor/vsc-fennel
- Fluent: macabeus/vscode-fluent
- Forth: textmate/forth.tmbundle
- Fortran: textmate/fortran.tmbundle
- Fortran Free Form: textmate/fortran.tmbundle
- FreeBasic: peters-ben-0007/VBDotNetSyntax
- FreeMarker: freemarker/FreeMarker.tmbundle
- Frege: atom-haskell/language-haskell
- Futhark: Alhadis/language-etc
- G-code: appliedengdesign/vscode-gcode-syntax
- GAP: dhowden/gap-tmbundle
- GCC Machine Description: textmate/lisp.tmbundle
- GDB: quarnster/SublimeGDB
- GDScript: godotengine/godot-vscode-plugin
- GEDCOM: fguitton/vscode-gedcom
- GLSL: euler0/sublime-glsl
- GN: devoncarew/language-gn
- Game Maker Language: textmate/c.tmbundle
- Gemfile.lock: hmarr/gemfile-lock-tmlanguage
- Genshi:
- Gentoo Ebuild: atom/language-shellscript
- Gentoo Eclass: atom/language-shellscript
- Gerber Image: Alhadis/language-pcb
- Gettext Catalog: textmate/gettext.tmbundle
- Gherkin: cucumber/cucumber-tmbundle
- Git Attributes: Alhadis/language-etc
- Git Config: Alhadis/language-etc
- Glyph: textmate/tcl.tmbundle
- Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format: Alhadis/language-fontforge
- Gnuplot: mattfoster/gnuplot-tmbundle
- Go: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-go 🐌
- Go Checksums: golang/vscode-go
- Go Module: golang/vscode-go
- Golo: TypeUnsafe/sublime-golo
- Gosu: jpcamara/Textmate-Gosu-Bundle
- Grace: zmthy/grace-tmbundle
- Gradle: alkemist/gradle.tmbundle
- Grammatical Framework: johnjcamilleri/language-gf
- GraphQL: rmosolgo/language-graphql
- Graphviz (DOT): textmate/graphviz.tmbundle
- Groovy: textmate/groovy.tmbundle
- Groovy Server Pages: textmate/java.tmbundle
- HAProxy: abulimov/atom-language-haproxy
- HCL: alexlouden/Terraform.tmLanguage
- HLSL: tgjones/shaders-tmLanguage
- HTML: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-html 🐌
- HTML+ECR: atom-crystal/language-crystal
- HTML+EEX: elixir-lang/elixir-tmbundle
- HTML+ERB: atom/language-ruby
- HTML+PHP: textmate/php.tmbundle
- HTML+Razor: austincummings/razor-plus
- HTTP: samsalisbury/Sublime-HTTP
- HXML: vshaxe/haxe-TmLanguage
- Hack: slackhq/vscode-hack
- Haml: ezekg/language-haml
- Handlebars: daaain/Handlebars
- Harbour: hernad/atom-language-harbour
- Haskell: atom-haskell/language-haskell
- Haxe: vshaxe/haxe-TmLanguage
- HiveQL: adidonato/language-hql
- HolyC: codingdandy/holyc.tmbundle
- Hy: tshakalekholoane/vscode-hy
- IDL: mgalloy/idl.tmbundle
- IGOR Pro: byte-physics/language-igor
- INI: textmate/ini.tmbundle
- Idris: idris-hackers/idris-sublime
- Ignore List: Alhadis/language-etc
- Inform 7: erkyrath/language-inform7
- Inno Setup: idleberg/atom-language-innosetup
- Io: textmate/io.tmbundle
- Ioke: vic/ioke-outdated
- Isabelle: lsf37/Isabelle.tmbundle
- Isabelle ROOT: lsf37/Isabelle.tmbundle
- J: tikkanz/JSyntax
- JAR Manifest: atom/language-yaml
- JFlex: jflex-de/jflex.tmbundle
- JSON: Nixinova/NovaGrammars
- JSON with Comments: atom/language-javascript
- JSON5: atom/language-javascript
- JSONLD: atom/language-javascript
- JSONiq: wcandillon/language-jsoniq
- Jasmin: atmarksharp/jasmin-sublime
- Java: textmate/java.tmbundle
- Java Properties: textmate/java.tmbundle
- Java Server Pages: textmate/java.tmbundle
- JavaScript: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-javascript 🐌
- JavaScript+ERB: atom/language-javascript
- Jest Snapshot: jest-community/vscode-jest
- Jinja: textmate/python-django.tmbundle
- Jison: cdibbs/language-jison
- Jison Lex: cdibbs/language-jison
- Jolie: fmontesi/language-jolie
- Jsonnet: google/language-jsonnet
- Julia: JuliaEditorSupport/atom-language-julia
- Jupyter Notebook: Nixinova/NovaGrammars
- Kaitai Struct: atom/language-yaml
- KakouneScript: kakoune-editor/language-kak
- KiCad Layout: Alhadis/language-pcb
- KiCad Legacy Layout: Alhadis/language-pcb
- KiCad Schematic: Alhadis/language-pcb
- Kit: atom/language-html
- Kotlin: nishtahir/language-kotlin
- Kusto: josin/kusto-syntax-highlighting
- LFE: textmate/lisp.tmbundle
- LLVM: whitequark/llvm.tmbundle
- LSL: textmate/secondlife-lsl.tmbundle
- LTspice Symbol: Alhadis/language-pcb
- LabVIEW: textmate/xml.tmbundle
- Lark: Alhadis/language-grammars
- Lasso: bfad/Sublime-Lasso
- Latte: textmate/php-smarty.tmbundle
- Lean: leanprover/vscode-lean
- Less: atom/language-less
- Lex: Alhadis/language-grammars
- LilyPond: nwhetsell/linter-lilypond
- Liquid: ifle/VSLiquidSyntax
- Literate CoffeeScript: atom/language-coffee-script
- Literate Haskell: atom-haskell/language-haskell
- LiveScript: paulmillr/LiveScript.tmbundle
- Logos: Cykey/Sublime-Logos
- Logtalk: textmate/logtalk.tmbundle
- LookML: atom/language-yaml
- LoomScript: ambethia/Sublime-Loom
- Lua: textmate/lua.tmbundle
- M4: Alhadis/language-etc
- M4Sugar: Alhadis/language-etc
- MATLAB: mathworks/MATLAB-Language-grammar
- MAXScript: Alhadis/language-maxscript
- MLIR: jpienaar/mlir-grammar
- MQL4: mqsoft/MQL5-sublime
- MQL5: mqsoft/MQL5-sublime
- MTML: atom/language-html
- Macaulay2: Macaulay2/language-macaulay2
- Makefile: textmate/make.tmbundle
- Mako: marconi/mako-tmbundle
- Markdown: atom/language-gfm
- Marko: marko-js/marko-tmbundle
- Mask: tenbits/sublime-mask
- Mathematica: shadanan/mathematica-tmbundle
- Maven POM: textmate/maven.tmbundle
- Max: Nixinova/NovaGrammars
- Mercury: sebgod/mercury-tmlanguage
- Meson: TingPing/language-meson
- Metal: textmate/c.tmbundle
- Microsoft Visual Studio Solution: Nixinova/NovaGrammars
- Mirah: atom/language-ruby
- Modelica: BorisChumichev/modelicaSublimeTextPackage
- Modula-2: harogaston/Sublime-Modula-2
- Modula-3: newgrammars/m3
- Monkey: gingerbeardman/monkey.tmbundle
- MoonScript: leafo/moonscript-tmbundle
- Motoko: dfinity/vscode-motoko
- Motorola 68K Assembly: zerkman/language-m68k
- Muse: Alhadis/language-emacs-lisp
- Mustache: textmate/php-smarty.tmbundle
- NASL: tenable/sublimetext-nasl
- NCL: rpavlick/language-ncl
- NEON: Alhadis/language-etc
- NPM Config: Alhadis/language-etc
- NSIS: github-linguist/NSIS
- NWScript: Alhadis/language-etc
- Nearley: Hardmath123/sublime-nearley
- Nemerle: textmate/nemerle.tmbundle
- NetLinx: amclain/sublime-netlinx
- NetLinx+ERB: amclain/sublime-netlinx
- NetLogo: textmate/lisp.tmbundle
- NewLisp: textmate/lisp.tmbundle
- Nextflow: nextflow-io/atom-language-nextflow
- Nginx: brandonwamboldt/sublime-nginx
- Nim: nim-lang/NimLime
- Ninja: khyo/language-ninja
- Nit: R4PaSs/Sublime-Nit
- Nix: wmertens/sublime-nix
- Nu: jsallis/nu.tmbundle
- Nunjucks: alohaas/language-nunjucks
- OCaml: textmate/ocaml.tmbundle
- ObjDump: nanoant/assembly.tmbundle
- Object Data Instance Notation: Alhadis/language-etc
- ObjectScript: intersystems-community/ObjectScript.tmBundle
- Objective-C: textmate/objective-c.tmbundle
- Objective-C++: textmate/objective-c.tmbundle
- Objective-J: textmate/javascript-objective-j.tmbundle
- Odin: odin-lang/sublime-odin
- Opa: mads379/opa.tmbundle
- Opal: artifactz/sublime-opal
- Open Policy Agent: tsandall/vscode-opa
- OpenCL: textmate/c.tmbundle
- OpenEdge ABL: chriscamicas/abl-tmlanguage
- OpenQASM: tareqdandachi/language-qasm
- OpenRC runscript: atom/language-shellscript
- OpenSCAD: tbuser/openscad.tmbundle
- OpenStep Property List: atom/language-property-list
- OpenType Feature File: Alhadis/language-fontforge
- Ox: andreashetland/sublime-text-ox
- Oz: eregon/oz-tmbundle
- P4: TakeshiTseng/atom-language-p4
- PEG.js: Alhadis/language-grammars
- PHP: textmate/php.tmbundle
- PLpgSQL: textmate/sql.tmbundle
- POV-Ray SDL: c-lipka/language-povray
- Pan: quattor/language-pan
- Papyrus: Kapiainen/SublimePapyrus
- Parrot Internal Representation: textmate/parrot.tmbundle
- Pascal: textmate/pascal.tmbundle
- Pawn: Southclaw/pawn-sublime-language
- Pep8: R4PaSs/Sublime-Pep8
- Perl: textmate/perl.tmbundle
- Pic: Alhadis/language-roff
- PicoLisp: textmate/lisp.tmbundle
- PigLatin: goblindegook/sublime-text-pig-latin
- Pike: hww3/pike-textmate
- PlantUML: qjebbs/vscode-plantuml
- Pod 6: perl6/atom-language-perl6
- PogoScript: featurist/PogoScript.tmbundle
- Pony: CausalityLtd/sublime-pony
- PostCSS: hudochenkov/Syntax-highlighting-for-PostCSS
- PostScript: Alhadis/Atom-PostScript
- PowerShell: PowerShell/EditorSyntax
- Prisma: prisma/vscode-prisma
- Processing: textmate/processing.tmbundle
- Prolog: alnkpa/sublimeprolog
- Promela: corbanmailloux/sublime-promela-spin
- Propeller Spin: bitbased/sublime-spintools
- Protocol Buffer: zxh0/vscode-proto3
- Pug: davidrios/jade-tmbundle
- Puppet: russCloak/SublimePuppet
- PureScript: purescript-contrib/atom-language-purescript
- Python: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-python 🐌
- Python console: MagicStack/MagicPython
- Python traceback: MagicStack/MagicPython
- Q#: microsoft/qsharp-compiler
- QML: skozlovf/Sublime-QML
- QMake: textmate/cpp-qt.tmbundle
- Qt Script: atom/language-javascript
- Quake: newgrammars/quake
- R: textmate/r.tmbundle
- RAML: atom/language-yaml
- RDoc: joshaven/RDoc.tmbundle
- REALbasic: peters-ben-0007/VBDotNetSyntax
- REXX: mblocker/rexx-sublime
- RMarkdown: atom/language-gfm
- RPC: textmate/c.tmbundle
- RPM Spec: waveclaw/language-rpm-spec
- RUNOFF: Alhadis/language-roff
- Racket: soegaard/racket-highlight-for-github
- Raku: perl6/atom-language-perl6
- Rascal: usethesource/rascal-syntax-highlighting
- ReScript: rescript-lang/rescript-vscode
- Readline Config: Alhadis/language-etc
- Reason: reasonml-editor/language-reason
- Rebol: Oldes/Sublime-REBOL
- Record Jar: Alhadis/language-etc
- Red: Oldes/Sublime-Red
- Redirect Rules: Nixinova/NovaGrammars
- Regular Expression: Alhadis/language-regexp
- Ren'Py: williamd1k0/language-renpy
- Rich Text Format: nwhetsell/language-rtf
- Ring: MahmoudFayed/atom-language-ring
- Riot: riot/syntax-highlight
- RobotFramework: shellderp/sublime-robot-plugin
- Roff: Alhadis/language-roff
- Roff Manpage: Alhadis/language-roff
- Rouge: atom/language-clojure
- Ruby: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ruby 🐌
- Rust: zargony/atom-language-rust
- SAS: rpardee/sas.tmbundle
- SCSS: atom/language-sass
- SELinux Policy: google/selinux-policy-languages
- SMT: SRI-CSL/SMT.tmbundle
- SPARQL: peta/turtle.tmbundle
- SQF: JonBons/Sublime-SQF-Language
- SQL: textmate/sql.tmbundle
- SQLPL: textmate/sql.tmbundle
- SRecode Template: textmate/lisp.tmbundle
- SSH Config: Alhadis/language-etc
- STON: tomas-stefano/smalltalk-tmbundle
- SVG: Alhadis/language-etc
- SWIG: textmate/c.tmbundle
- Sage: MagicStack/MagicPython
- SaltStack: saltstack/atom-salt
- Sass: atom/language-sass
- Scala: scala/vscode-scala-syntax
- Scaml: scalate/Scalate.tmbundle
- Scheme: sicp-lang/scheme.tmbundle
- Scilab: textmate/scilab.tmbundle
- ShaderLab: tgjones/shaders-tmLanguage
- Shell: atom/language-shellscript
- ShellCheck Config: Alhadis/language-etc
- ShellSession: atom/language-shellscript
- Shen: rkoeninger/sublime-shen
- Sieve: Alhadis/language-etc
- Singularity: onnovalkering/vscode-singularity
- Slash: slash-lang/Slash.tmbundle
- Slice: zeroc-ice/vscode-slice
- Slim: slim-template/ruby-slim.tmbundle
- SmPL: Alhadis/language-etc
- Smali: ShaneWilton/sublime-smali
- Smalltalk: tomas-stefano/smalltalk-tmbundle
- Smarty: textmate/php-smarty.tmbundle
- Solidity: davidhq/SublimeEthereum
- Soong: flimberger/android-system-tools
- SourcePawn: Dreae/sourcepawn-vscode
- Spline Font Database: Alhadis/language-fontforge
- Squirrel: mathewmariani/squirrel-language
- Stan: jrnold/atom-language-stan
- Standard ML: textmate/standard-ml.tmbundle
- Starlark: MagicStack/MagicPython
- Stata: pschumm/Stata.tmbundle
- StringTemplate: Alhadis/language-etc
- Stylus: billymoon/Stylus
- SubRip Text: 314eter/atom-language-srt
- SugarSS: hudochenkov/Syntax-highlighting-for-PostCSS
- SuperCollider: supercollider/language-supercollider
- Svelte: umanghome/svelte-atom
- Swift: textmate/swift.tmbundle
- SystemVerilog: TheClams/SystemVerilog
- TLA: agentultra/TLAGrammar
- TOML: textmate/toml.tmbundle
- TSQL: beau-witter/language-tsql
- TSV: Alhadis/language-etc
- TSX: Microsoft/TypeScript-TmLanguage
- TXL: MikeHoffert/Sublime-Text-TXL-syntax
- Tcl: textmate/tcl.tmbundle
- Tcsh: atom/language-shellscript
- TeX: textmate/latex.tmbundle
- Tea: pferruggiaro/sublime-tea
- Terra: pyk/sublime-terra
- Texinfo: Alhadis/language-texinfo
- TextMate Properties: textmate/textmate.tmbundle
- Thrift: textmate/thrift.tmbundle
- Turing: Alhadis/language-turing
- Turtle: peta/turtle.tmbundle
- Twig: Anomareh/PHP-Twig.tmbundle
- Type Language: goodmind/language-typelanguage
- TypeScript: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-typescript 🐌
- Unified Parallel C: textmate/c.tmbundle
- Unity3D Asset: atom/language-yaml
- Unix Assembly: calculuswhiz/Assembly-Syntax-Definition
- Uno: dotnet/csharp-tmLanguage
- UnrealScript: textmate/java.tmbundle
- UrWeb: gwalborn/UrWeb-Language-Definition
- V: 0x9ef/vscode-vlang
- VBA: peters-ben-0007/VBDotNetSyntax
- VBScript: peters-ben-0007/VBDotNetSyntax
- VCL: brandonwamboldt/sublime-varnish
- VHDL: textmate/vhdl.tmbundle
- Vala: technosophos/Vala-TMBundle
- Valve Data Format: Nixinova/NovaGrammars
- Verilog: textmate/verilog.tmbundle
- Vim Help File: Alhadis/language-viml
- Vim Script: Alhadis/language-viml
- Vim Snippet: Alhadis/language-viml
- Visual Basic .NET: peters-ben-0007/VBDotNetSyntax
- Volt: textmate/d.tmbundle
- Vue: vuejs/vue-syntax-highlight
- Wavefront Material: Alhadis/language-wavefront
- Wavefront Object: Alhadis/language-wavefront
- Web Ontology Language: textmate/xml.tmbundle
- WebAssembly: Alhadis/language-webassembly
- WebIDL: andik/IDL-Syntax
- WebVTT: weizhenye/language-vtt
- Wget Config: Alhadis/language-etc
- Wikitext: textmate/mediawiki.tmbundle
- Windows Registry Entries: bsara/language-reg
- Wollok: uqbar-project/wollok-sublime
- World of Warcraft Addon Data: nebularg/language-toc-wow
- X BitMap: textmate/c.tmbundle
- X Font Directory Index: Alhadis/language-fontforge
- X PixMap: textmate/c.tmbundle
- X10: x10-lang/x10-highlighting
- XC: graymalkin/xc.tmbundle
- XCompose: samcv/language-xcompose
- XML: textmate/xml.tmbundle
- XML Property List: atom/language-property-list
- XPages: textmate/xml.tmbundle
- XProc: textmate/xml.tmbundle
- XQuery: wcandillon/language-jsoniq
- XS: textmate/c.tmbundle
- XSLT: textmate/xml.tmbundle
- Xojo: jimmckay/XojoSyntaxTM
- Xonsh: MagicStack/MagicPython
- Xtend: staltz/SublimeXtend
- YAML: atom/language-yaml
- YANG: DzonyKalafut/language-yang
- YARA: infosec-intern/vscode-yara
- YASnippet: Alhadis/language-emacs-lisp
- Yacc: Alhadis/language-grammars
- ZAP: tclem/vscode-zil-language
- ZIL: tclem/vscode-zil-language
- Zeek: zeek/zeek-sublime
- ZenScript: CraftTweaker/ZenScript-tmLanguage
- Zephir: phalcon/zephir-sublime
- Zig: ziglang/sublime-zig-language
- cURL Config: Alhadis/language-etc
- desktop: Mailaender/desktop.tmbundle
- dircolors: jolkdarr/language-dircolors
- eC: ecere/ec.tmbundle
- edn: atom/language-clojure
- fish: l15n/fish-tmbundle
- jq: wader/language-jq
- mIRC Script: gen-angry/language-msl
- mcfunction: Arcensoth/language-mcfunction
- mupad: ccreutzig/sublime-MuPAD
- nanorc: Alhadis/language-etc
- nesC: cdwilson/nesC.tmbundle
- ooc: nilium/ooc.tmbundle
- q: komsit37/sublime-q
- reStructuredText: Lukasa/language-restructuredtext
- robots.txt: Nixinova/NovaGrammars
- sed: Alhadis/language-sed
- wdl: broadinstitute/wdl-sublime-syntax-highlighter
- wisp: atom/language-clojure
- xBase: hernad/atom-language-harbour