From 15a2f128331195baac9580c267724a66b140d522 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Victor <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:13:11 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] feat: add exactly sampler for FATE 1.x

 python/fate_arch/computing/eggroll/ | 76 ++++++++++++++------
 python/fate_arch/computing/spark/   |  5 +-
 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/python/fate_arch/computing/eggroll/ b/python/fate_arch/computing/eggroll/
index a33af09302..49650df4cc 100644
--- a/python/fate_arch/computing/eggroll/
+++ b/python/fate_arch/computing/eggroll/
@@ -126,32 +126,17 @@ def glom(self, **kwargs):
     def sample(self, *, fraction: typing.Optional[float] = None, num: typing.Optional[int] = None, seed=None):
+        if fraction is not None and num is not None:
+            raise ValueError("specify only one of `fraction` or `num`, not both.")
         if fraction is not None:
             return Table(self._rp.sample(fraction=fraction, seed=seed))
         if num is not None:
-            total = self._rp.count()
-            if num > total:
-                raise ValueError(f"not enough data to sample, own {total} but required {num}")
-            frac = num / float(total)
-            while True:
-                sampled_table = self._rp.sample(fraction=frac, seed=seed)
-                sampled_count = sampled_table.count()
-                if sampled_count < num:
-                    frac *= 1.1
-                else:
-                    break
-            if sampled_count > num:
-                drops = sampled_table.take(sampled_count - num)
-                for k, v in drops:
-                    sampled_table.delete(k)
-            return Table(sampled_table)
+            return self._exactly_sample(num, seed)
         raise ValueError(f"exactly one of `fraction` or `num` required, fraction={fraction}, num={num}")
     def subtractByKey(self, other: 'Table', **kwargs):
         return Table(self._rp.subtract_by_key(other._rp))
@@ -169,3 +154,54 @@ def flatMap(self, func, **kwargs):
         flat_map = self._rp.flat_map(func)
         shuffled = k, v: (k, v))  # trigger shuffle
         return Table(shuffled)
+    def _exactly_sample(self, num: int, seed: int):
+        split_size = list(self._rp.map_partitions_with_index(
+            lambda s, it: [(s, sum(1 for _ in it))]
+        ).get_all())
+        if not split_size:
+            raise ValueError("no data available to sample")
+        total = sum(v for _, v in split_size)
+        if num > total:
+            raise ValueError(f"not enough data to sample, own {total} but required {num}")
+        sampled_size = {}
+        for split, size in split_size:
+            if size <= 0:
+                sampled_size[split] = 0
+            else:
+                if num == 0:
+                    sampled_size[split] = 0
+                else:
+                    sampled_size[split] = hypergeom.rvs(M=total, n=size, N=num)
+                total -= size
+                num -= sampled_size[split]
+        return self._rp.map_partitions_with_index(self._reservoir_sample_func(sampled_size, seed))
+    def _reservoir_sample_func(self, split_sample_size: dict, seed=None):
+        def func(split, iterator):
+            size = split_sample_size[split]
+            sample = []
+            random_seed = seed
+            if random_seed is None:
+                random_seed = random.randint(0, sys.maxsize)
+            random_state = random.Random(random_seed ^ split)
+            for counter, obj in enumerate(iterator, start=1):
+                if len(sample) < size:
+                    sample.append(obj)
+                else:
+                    randint = random_state.randint(1, counter)
+                    if randint <= size:
+                        sample[randint - 1] = obj
+            return iter(sample)
+        return func    
diff --git a/python/fate_arch/computing/spark/ b/python/fate_arch/computing/spark/
index 0a25c34431..5b64f17ef6 100644
--- a/python/fate_arch/computing/spark/
+++ b/python/fate_arch/computing/spark/
@@ -314,7 +314,10 @@ def _exactly_sample(rdd, num: int, seed: int):
     # random the size of each split
     sampled_size = {}
     for split, size in split_size.items():
-        sampled_size[split] = hypergeom.rvs(M=total, n=size, N=num)
+        if num == 0:
+            sampled_size[split] = 0
+        else:
+            sampled_size[split] = hypergeom.rvs(M=total, n=size, N=num)
         total = total - size
         num = num - sampled_size[split]

From f95660dfce94c4e5b4a88944f4255357ebe86e5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Surfacebuaa <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:19:09 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] feat: add OU homomorphic encryption for FATE 1.x

 python/federatedml/secureprotol/ | 374 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 374 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 python/federatedml/secureprotol/

diff --git a/python/federatedml/secureprotol/ b/python/federatedml/secureprotol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cd51b446a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/federatedml/secureprotol/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+"""OU encryption library for partially homomorphic encryption."""
+import numpy as np
+import random
+from federatedml.secureprotol import gmpy_math
+from federatedml.secureprotol.fixedpoint import FixedPointNumber
+# according to this paper
+# << Accelerating Okamoto-Uchiyama’s Public-Key Cryptosystem >>
+# and NIST's recommendation:
+# 160 bits for key size 1024
+# 224 bits for key size 2048
+# 256 bits for key size 3072
+kPrimeFactorSize1024 = 160
+kPrimeFactorSize2048 = 224
+kPrimeFactorSize3072 = 256
+class OUKeypair(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    @staticmethod
+    def random_monic_exact_bits(bits):
+        global last_generated
+        new_value = random.getrandbits(bits)
+        if 'last_generated' not in globals():
+            last_generated = new_value
+        else:
+            if new_value <= last_generated:
+                new_value = last_generated + 1
+        last_generated = new_value
+        return new_value
+    def generate_keypair(self, n_length=1024):
+        """return a new :class:`OUPublicKey` and :class:`OUPrivateKey`.
+        """ 
+        secret_size = (n_length + 2) // 3
+        prime_factor_size = kPrimeFactorSize1024
+        if n_length >= 3072:
+            prime_factor_size = kPrimeFactorSize3072
+        elif n_length >= 2048:
+            prime_factor_size = kPrimeFactorSize2048
+        assert prime_factor_size * 2 <= secret_size, \
+            "Key size must be larger than {} bits".format(prime_factor_size * 2 * 3 - 2)
+        # generate p
+        while True:
+            prime_factor = gmpy_math.getprimeover(prime_factor_size)
+            # bits_of(a * b) <= bits_of(a) + bits_of(b),
+            # So we add extra two bits to u:
+            #    one bit for prime_factor * u; another one bit for p^2;
+            # Also, make sure that u > prime_factor
+            u = self.random_monic_exact_bits(secret_size - prime_factor_size + 2) # p - 1 has a large prime factor
+            p = prime_factor * u + 1
+            if gmpy_math.is_prime(p):
+                break
+        # since bits_of(a * b) <= bits_of(a) + bits_of(b)
+        # add another 1 bit for q
+        q = gmpy_math.getprimeover(secret_size + 1)
+        p_square = p ** 2
+        t = prime_factor
+        n = p_square * q
+        # calculate g_p
+        while True:
+            while True:
+                g = random.randint(1, n-1)
+                gcd = np.gcd(g, p)
+                if gcd == 1:
+                    break
+            gp = gmpy_math.powmod(g % p_square, p - 1, p_square)
+            check = gmpy_math.powmod(gp, p, p_square)
+            if check == 1:
+                break
+        # calculate G
+        capital_g = gmpy_math.powmod(g, u, n)
+        while True:
+            g = random.randint(1, n-1)
+            if g % p != 0:
+                break
+        # calculate H
+        capital_h = gmpy_math.powmod(g, n * u, n)
+        # max_plaintext_ must be a power of 2, for ease of use
+        max_plaintext = pow(10, prime_factor_size // 2) // 2
+        public_key = OUPublicKey(n, capital_g, capital_h, max_plaintext)
+        private_key = OUPrivateKey(public_key, p, q, t, gp, max_plaintext)
+        return public_key, private_key
+class OUPublicKey(object):
+    """Contains a public key and associated encryption methods.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, n, capital_g, capital_h, max_plaintext):
+        self.n = n                         # n = p^2 * q
+        self.capital_g = capital_g         # G = g^u mod n for some random g \in [0, n)
+        self.capital_h = capital_h         # H = g'^{n*u} mod n for some random g' \in [0, n)
+        self.max_plaintext = max_plaintext # always power of 2, e.g. max_plaintext_ == 2^681
+    def __repr__(self):
+        hashcode = hex(hash(self))[2:]
+        return "<OUPublicKey {}>".format(hashcode[:10])
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.n == other.n and self.capital_g == other.capital_g and self.capital_h == other.capital_h
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash(self.n)
+    # multi H^r
+    # r is a random number < n
+    # H and n is public key
+    def apply_obfuscator(self, ciphertext, random_value=None):
+        """
+        """
+        r = random_value or random.SystemRandom().randrange(1, self.n)
+        obfuscator = gmpy_math.powmod(self.capital_h, r, self.n)
+        return (ciphertext * obfuscator) % self.n
+    def raw_encrypt(self, plaintext, random_value=None):
+        """
+        """
+        if not isinstance(plaintext, int):
+            raise TypeError("plaintext should be int, but got: %s" %
+                            type(plaintext))
+        if plaintext >= self.max_plaintext:
+            plaintext -= self.max_plaintext * 2
+        gm = gmpy_math.powmod(self.capital_g, plaintext, self.n)
+        ciphertext = self.apply_obfuscator(gm, random_value)
+        return ciphertext
+    def encrypt(self, value, precision=None, random_value=None):
+        """Encode and OU encrypt a real number value.
+        """
+        if isinstance(value, FixedPointNumber):
+            value = value.decode()
+        encoding = FixedPointNumber.encode(value, self.max_plaintext * 2, self.max_plaintext, precision)
+        obfuscator = random_value or 1
+        ciphertext = self.raw_encrypt(encoding.encoding, random_value=obfuscator)
+        encryptednumber = OUEncryptedNumber(self, ciphertext, encoding.exponent)
+        return encryptednumber
+class OUPrivateKey(object):
+    """Contains a private key and associated decryption method.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, public_key, p, q, t, gp, max_plaintext):
+        self.public_key = public_key
+        self.p = p
+        self.q = q                                            # primes such that log2(p), log2(q) ~ n_bits / 3
+        self.t = t                                            # a big prime factor of p - 1, i.e., p = t * u + 1
+ = gp
+        self.gp_inv = gmpy_math.invert(( - 1) // p, p) # L(g^{p-1} mod p^2))^{-1} mod p
+        self.p_square = p ** 2
+        self.max_plaintext = max_plaintext
+    def __repr__(self):
+        hashcode = hex(hash(self))[2:]
+        return "<OUPrivateKey {}>".format(hashcode[:10])
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.p == other.p and self.q == other.q and self.t == other.t and self.gp_inv == other.gp_inv
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash((self.p, self.q))
+    def raw_decrypt(self, ciphertext):
+        """return raw plaintext.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(ciphertext, int):
+            raise TypeError("ciphertext should be an int, not: %s" %
+                            type(ciphertext))
+        plaintext = 0
+        ct = gmpy_math.powmod(ciphertext % self.p_square, self.t, self.p_square)
+        plaintext = ((ct // self.p) * self.gp_inv) % self.p
+        if plaintext >= self.p / 2:
+            plaintext -= self.p
+        if plaintext >= self.max_plaintext:
+            plaintext = plaintext % (self.max_plaintext * 2)
+        return plaintext
+    def decrypt(self, encrypted_number):
+        """return the decrypted & decoded plaintext of encrypted_number.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(encrypted_number, OUEncryptedNumber):
+            raise TypeError("encrypted_number should be an OUEncryptedNumber, \
+                             not: %s" % type(encrypted_number))
+        if self.public_key != encrypted_number.public_key:
+            raise ValueError("encrypted_number was encrypted against a different key!")
+        encoded = self.raw_decrypt(encrypted_number.ciphertext(be_secure=False))
+        encoded = FixedPointNumber(encoded,
+                                   encrypted_number.exponent,
+                                   self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2,
+                                   self.public_key.max_plaintext)
+        decrypt_value = encoded.decode()
+        return decrypt_value
+class OUEncryptedNumber(object):
+    """Represents the OU encryption of a float or int.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, public_key, ciphertext, exponent=0):
+        self.public_key = public_key
+        self.__ciphertext = ciphertext
+        self.exponent = exponent
+        self.__is_obfuscator = False
+        if not isinstance(self.__ciphertext, int):
+            raise TypeError("ciphertext should be an int, not: %s" % type(self.__ciphertext))
+        if not isinstance(self.public_key, OUPublicKey):
+            raise TypeError("public_key should be a OUPublicKey, not: %s" % type(self.public_key))
+    def ciphertext(self, be_secure=True):
+        """return the ciphertext of the OUEncryptedNumber.
+        """
+        if be_secure and not self.__is_obfuscator:
+            self.apply_obfuscator()
+        return self.__ciphertext
+    def apply_obfuscator(self):
+        """ciphertext by multiplying by H ** r with random r
+        """
+        self.__ciphertext = self.public_key.apply_obfuscator(self.__ciphertext)
+        self.__is_obfuscator = True
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, OUEncryptedNumber):
+            return self.__add_encryptednumber(other)
+        else:
+            return self.__add_scalar(other)
+    def __radd__(self, other):
+        return self.__add__(other)
+    def __sub__(self, other):
+        return self + (other * -1)
+    def __rsub__(self, other):
+        return other + (self * -1)
+    def __rmul__(self, scalar):
+        return self.__mul__(scalar)
+    def __truediv__(self, scalar):
+        return self.__mul__(1 / scalar)
+    def __mul__(self, scalar):
+        """return Multiply by an scalar(such as int, float)
+        """
+        if isinstance(scalar, FixedPointNumber):
+            scalar = scalar.decode()
+        encode = FixedPointNumber.encode(scalar, self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2, self.public_key.max_plaintext)
+        plaintext = encode.encoding
+        if plaintext < 0 or plaintext >= (self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2):
+            raise ValueError("Scalar out of bounds: %i" % plaintext)
+        if plaintext > self.public_key.max_plaintext:
+            # Very large plaintext, play a sneaky trick using inverses
+            plaintext -= self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2
+        ciphertext = gmpy_math.powmod(self.ciphertext(False), plaintext, self.public_key.n)
+        exponent = self.exponent + encode.exponent
+        return OUEncryptedNumber(self.public_key, ciphertext, exponent)
+    def increase_exponent_to(self, new_exponent):
+        """return OUEncryptedNumber:
+           new OUEncryptedNumber with same value but having great exponent.
+        """
+        if new_exponent < self.exponent:
+            raise ValueError("New exponent %i should be great than old exponent %i" % (new_exponent, self.exponent))
+        factor = pow(FixedPointNumber.BASE, new_exponent - self.exponent)
+        new_encryptednumber = self.__mul__(factor)
+        new_encryptednumber.exponent = new_exponent
+        return new_encryptednumber
+    def __align_exponent(self, x, y):
+        """return x,y with same exponet
+        """
+        if x.exponent < y.exponent:
+            x = x.increase_exponent_to(y.exponent)
+        elif x.exponent > y.exponent:
+            y = y.increase_exponent_to(x.exponent)
+        return x, y
+    def __add_scalar(self, scalar):
+        """return OUEncryptedNumber: z = E(x) + y
+        """
+        if isinstance(scalar, FixedPointNumber):
+            scalar = scalar.decode()
+        encoded = FixedPointNumber.encode(scalar,
+                                          self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2,
+                                          self.public_key.max_plaintext,
+                                          max_exponent=self.exponent)
+        return self.__add_fixpointnumber(encoded)
+    def __add_fixpointnumber(self, encoded):
+        """return OUEncryptedNumber: z = E(x) + FixedPointNumber(y)
+        # """
+        if self.public_key.max_plaintext != encoded.max_int:
+            raise ValueError("Attempted to add numbers encoded against different public keys!")
+        # their exponents must match, and align.
+        x, y = self.__align_exponent(self, encoded)
+        encrypted_scalar = x.public_key.raw_encrypt(y.encoding, 1)
+        encryptednumber = self.__raw_add(x.ciphertext(False), encrypted_scalar, x.exponent)
+        return encryptednumber
+    def __add_encryptednumber(self, other):
+        """return OUEncryptedNumber: z = E(x) + E(y)
+        """
+        if self.public_key != other.public_key:
+            raise ValueError("add two numbers have different public key!")
+        # their exponents must match, and align.
+        x, y = self.__align_exponent(self, other)
+        encryptednumber = self.__raw_add(x.ciphertext(False), y.ciphertext(False), x.exponent)
+        return encryptednumber
+    def __raw_add(self, e_x, e_y, exponent):
+        """return the integer E(x + y) given ints E(x) and E(y).
+        """
+        ciphertext = gmpy_math.mpz(e_x) * gmpy_math.mpz(e_y) % self.public_key.n
+        return OUEncryptedNumber(self.public_key, int(ciphertext), exponent)

From 86c9c8e213bcde2ff15208a2a2cc34efc6736570 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Surfacebuaa <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:54:53 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Revert "feat: add OU homomorphic encryption for FATE 1.x"

This reverts commit f95660dfce94c4e5b4a88944f4255357ebe86e5d.
 python/federatedml/secureprotol/ | 374 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 374 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 python/federatedml/secureprotol/

diff --git a/python/federatedml/secureprotol/ b/python/federatedml/secureprotol/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cd51b446a..0000000000
--- a/python/federatedml/secureprotol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-"""OU encryption library for partially homomorphic encryption."""
-import numpy as np
-import random
-from federatedml.secureprotol import gmpy_math
-from federatedml.secureprotol.fixedpoint import FixedPointNumber
-# according to this paper
-# << Accelerating Okamoto-Uchiyama’s Public-Key Cryptosystem >>
-# and NIST's recommendation:
-# 160 bits for key size 1024
-# 224 bits for key size 2048
-# 256 bits for key size 3072
-kPrimeFactorSize1024 = 160
-kPrimeFactorSize2048 = 224
-kPrimeFactorSize3072 = 256
-class OUKeypair(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    @staticmethod
-    def random_monic_exact_bits(bits):
-        global last_generated
-        new_value = random.getrandbits(bits)
-        if 'last_generated' not in globals():
-            last_generated = new_value
-        else:
-            if new_value <= last_generated:
-                new_value = last_generated + 1
-        last_generated = new_value
-        return new_value
-    def generate_keypair(self, n_length=1024):
-        """return a new :class:`OUPublicKey` and :class:`OUPrivateKey`.
-        """ 
-        secret_size = (n_length + 2) // 3
-        prime_factor_size = kPrimeFactorSize1024
-        if n_length >= 3072:
-            prime_factor_size = kPrimeFactorSize3072
-        elif n_length >= 2048:
-            prime_factor_size = kPrimeFactorSize2048
-        assert prime_factor_size * 2 <= secret_size, \
-            "Key size must be larger than {} bits".format(prime_factor_size * 2 * 3 - 2)
-        # generate p
-        while True:
-            prime_factor = gmpy_math.getprimeover(prime_factor_size)
-            # bits_of(a * b) <= bits_of(a) + bits_of(b),
-            # So we add extra two bits to u:
-            #    one bit for prime_factor * u; another one bit for p^2;
-            # Also, make sure that u > prime_factor
-            u = self.random_monic_exact_bits(secret_size - prime_factor_size + 2) # p - 1 has a large prime factor
-            p = prime_factor * u + 1
-            if gmpy_math.is_prime(p):
-                break
-        # since bits_of(a * b) <= bits_of(a) + bits_of(b)
-        # add another 1 bit for q
-        q = gmpy_math.getprimeover(secret_size + 1)
-        p_square = p ** 2
-        t = prime_factor
-        n = p_square * q
-        # calculate g_p
-        while True:
-            while True:
-                g = random.randint(1, n-1)
-                gcd = np.gcd(g, p)
-                if gcd == 1:
-                    break
-            gp = gmpy_math.powmod(g % p_square, p - 1, p_square)
-            check = gmpy_math.powmod(gp, p, p_square)
-            if check == 1:
-                break
-        # calculate G
-        capital_g = gmpy_math.powmod(g, u, n)
-        while True:
-            g = random.randint(1, n-1)
-            if g % p != 0:
-                break
-        # calculate H
-        capital_h = gmpy_math.powmod(g, n * u, n)
-        # max_plaintext_ must be a power of 2, for ease of use
-        max_plaintext = pow(10, prime_factor_size // 2) // 2
-        public_key = OUPublicKey(n, capital_g, capital_h, max_plaintext)
-        private_key = OUPrivateKey(public_key, p, q, t, gp, max_plaintext)
-        return public_key, private_key
-class OUPublicKey(object):
-    """Contains a public key and associated encryption methods.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, n, capital_g, capital_h, max_plaintext):
-        self.n = n                         # n = p^2 * q
-        self.capital_g = capital_g         # G = g^u mod n for some random g \in [0, n)
-        self.capital_h = capital_h         # H = g'^{n*u} mod n for some random g' \in [0, n)
-        self.max_plaintext = max_plaintext # always power of 2, e.g. max_plaintext_ == 2^681
-    def __repr__(self):
-        hashcode = hex(hash(self))[2:]
-        return "<OUPublicKey {}>".format(hashcode[:10])
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.n == other.n and self.capital_g == other.capital_g and self.capital_h == other.capital_h
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self.n)
-    # multi H^r
-    # r is a random number < n
-    # H and n is public key
-    def apply_obfuscator(self, ciphertext, random_value=None):
-        """
-        """
-        r = random_value or random.SystemRandom().randrange(1, self.n)
-        obfuscator = gmpy_math.powmod(self.capital_h, r, self.n)
-        return (ciphertext * obfuscator) % self.n
-    def raw_encrypt(self, plaintext, random_value=None):
-        """
-        """
-        if not isinstance(plaintext, int):
-            raise TypeError("plaintext should be int, but got: %s" %
-                            type(plaintext))
-        if plaintext >= self.max_plaintext:
-            plaintext -= self.max_plaintext * 2
-        gm = gmpy_math.powmod(self.capital_g, plaintext, self.n)
-        ciphertext = self.apply_obfuscator(gm, random_value)
-        return ciphertext
-    def encrypt(self, value, precision=None, random_value=None):
-        """Encode and OU encrypt a real number value.
-        """
-        if isinstance(value, FixedPointNumber):
-            value = value.decode()
-        encoding = FixedPointNumber.encode(value, self.max_plaintext * 2, self.max_plaintext, precision)
-        obfuscator = random_value or 1
-        ciphertext = self.raw_encrypt(encoding.encoding, random_value=obfuscator)
-        encryptednumber = OUEncryptedNumber(self, ciphertext, encoding.exponent)
-        return encryptednumber
-class OUPrivateKey(object):
-    """Contains a private key and associated decryption method.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, public_key, p, q, t, gp, max_plaintext):
-        self.public_key = public_key
-        self.p = p
-        self.q = q                                            # primes such that log2(p), log2(q) ~ n_bits / 3
-        self.t = t                                            # a big prime factor of p - 1, i.e., p = t * u + 1
- = gp
-        self.gp_inv = gmpy_math.invert(( - 1) // p, p) # L(g^{p-1} mod p^2))^{-1} mod p
-        self.p_square = p ** 2
-        self.max_plaintext = max_plaintext
-    def __repr__(self):
-        hashcode = hex(hash(self))[2:]
-        return "<OUPrivateKey {}>".format(hashcode[:10])
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.p == other.p and self.q == other.q and self.t == other.t and self.gp_inv == other.gp_inv
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash((self.p, self.q))
-    def raw_decrypt(self, ciphertext):
-        """return raw plaintext.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(ciphertext, int):
-            raise TypeError("ciphertext should be an int, not: %s" %
-                            type(ciphertext))
-        plaintext = 0
-        ct = gmpy_math.powmod(ciphertext % self.p_square, self.t, self.p_square)
-        plaintext = ((ct // self.p) * self.gp_inv) % self.p
-        if plaintext >= self.p / 2:
-            plaintext -= self.p
-        if plaintext >= self.max_plaintext:
-            plaintext = plaintext % (self.max_plaintext * 2)
-        return plaintext
-    def decrypt(self, encrypted_number):
-        """return the decrypted & decoded plaintext of encrypted_number.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(encrypted_number, OUEncryptedNumber):
-            raise TypeError("encrypted_number should be an OUEncryptedNumber, \
-                             not: %s" % type(encrypted_number))
-        if self.public_key != encrypted_number.public_key:
-            raise ValueError("encrypted_number was encrypted against a different key!")
-        encoded = self.raw_decrypt(encrypted_number.ciphertext(be_secure=False))
-        encoded = FixedPointNumber(encoded,
-                                   encrypted_number.exponent,
-                                   self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2,
-                                   self.public_key.max_plaintext)
-        decrypt_value = encoded.decode()
-        return decrypt_value
-class OUEncryptedNumber(object):
-    """Represents the OU encryption of a float or int.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, public_key, ciphertext, exponent=0):
-        self.public_key = public_key
-        self.__ciphertext = ciphertext
-        self.exponent = exponent
-        self.__is_obfuscator = False
-        if not isinstance(self.__ciphertext, int):
-            raise TypeError("ciphertext should be an int, not: %s" % type(self.__ciphertext))
-        if not isinstance(self.public_key, OUPublicKey):
-            raise TypeError("public_key should be a OUPublicKey, not: %s" % type(self.public_key))
-    def ciphertext(self, be_secure=True):
-        """return the ciphertext of the OUEncryptedNumber.
-        """
-        if be_secure and not self.__is_obfuscator:
-            self.apply_obfuscator()
-        return self.__ciphertext
-    def apply_obfuscator(self):
-        """ciphertext by multiplying by H ** r with random r
-        """
-        self.__ciphertext = self.public_key.apply_obfuscator(self.__ciphertext)
-        self.__is_obfuscator = True
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, OUEncryptedNumber):
-            return self.__add_encryptednumber(other)
-        else:
-            return self.__add_scalar(other)
-    def __radd__(self, other):
-        return self.__add__(other)
-    def __sub__(self, other):
-        return self + (other * -1)
-    def __rsub__(self, other):
-        return other + (self * -1)
-    def __rmul__(self, scalar):
-        return self.__mul__(scalar)
-    def __truediv__(self, scalar):
-        return self.__mul__(1 / scalar)
-    def __mul__(self, scalar):
-        """return Multiply by an scalar(such as int, float)
-        """
-        if isinstance(scalar, FixedPointNumber):
-            scalar = scalar.decode()
-        encode = FixedPointNumber.encode(scalar, self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2, self.public_key.max_plaintext)
-        plaintext = encode.encoding
-        if plaintext < 0 or plaintext >= (self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2):
-            raise ValueError("Scalar out of bounds: %i" % plaintext)
-        if plaintext > self.public_key.max_plaintext:
-            # Very large plaintext, play a sneaky trick using inverses
-            plaintext -= self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2
-        ciphertext = gmpy_math.powmod(self.ciphertext(False), plaintext, self.public_key.n)
-        exponent = self.exponent + encode.exponent
-        return OUEncryptedNumber(self.public_key, ciphertext, exponent)
-    def increase_exponent_to(self, new_exponent):
-        """return OUEncryptedNumber:
-           new OUEncryptedNumber with same value but having great exponent.
-        """
-        if new_exponent < self.exponent:
-            raise ValueError("New exponent %i should be great than old exponent %i" % (new_exponent, self.exponent))
-        factor = pow(FixedPointNumber.BASE, new_exponent - self.exponent)
-        new_encryptednumber = self.__mul__(factor)
-        new_encryptednumber.exponent = new_exponent
-        return new_encryptednumber
-    def __align_exponent(self, x, y):
-        """return x,y with same exponet
-        """
-        if x.exponent < y.exponent:
-            x = x.increase_exponent_to(y.exponent)
-        elif x.exponent > y.exponent:
-            y = y.increase_exponent_to(x.exponent)
-        return x, y
-    def __add_scalar(self, scalar):
-        """return OUEncryptedNumber: z = E(x) + y
-        """
-        if isinstance(scalar, FixedPointNumber):
-            scalar = scalar.decode()
-        encoded = FixedPointNumber.encode(scalar,
-                                          self.public_key.max_plaintext * 2,
-                                          self.public_key.max_plaintext,
-                                          max_exponent=self.exponent)
-        return self.__add_fixpointnumber(encoded)
-    def __add_fixpointnumber(self, encoded):
-        """return OUEncryptedNumber: z = E(x) + FixedPointNumber(y)
-        # """
-        if self.public_key.max_plaintext != encoded.max_int:
-            raise ValueError("Attempted to add numbers encoded against different public keys!")
-        # their exponents must match, and align.
-        x, y = self.__align_exponent(self, encoded)
-        encrypted_scalar = x.public_key.raw_encrypt(y.encoding, 1)
-        encryptednumber = self.__raw_add(x.ciphertext(False), encrypted_scalar, x.exponent)
-        return encryptednumber
-    def __add_encryptednumber(self, other):
-        """return OUEncryptedNumber: z = E(x) + E(y)
-        """
-        if self.public_key != other.public_key:
-            raise ValueError("add two numbers have different public key!")
-        # their exponents must match, and align.
-        x, y = self.__align_exponent(self, other)
-        encryptednumber = self.__raw_add(x.ciphertext(False), y.ciphertext(False), x.exponent)
-        return encryptednumber
-    def __raw_add(self, e_x, e_y, exponent):
-        """return the integer E(x + y) given ints E(x) and E(y).
-        """
-        ciphertext = gmpy_math.mpz(e_x) * gmpy_math.mpz(e_y) % self.public_key.n
-        return OUEncryptedNumber(self.public_key, int(ciphertext), exponent)