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Jackson Release 2.17

Tatu Saloranta edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 98 revisions

Jackson Version 2.17 development started in November 2023.

This wiki page gives a list of links to all changes (with brief descriptions) that will be included, as well as about original plans for bigger changes (and in some cases changes to plans, postponing).


Branch is open for development.


No release yet


Articles, Blog posts

Changes, compatibility

Compatibility: platform requirements


Same as Jackson 2.16

Changes, behavior

Major focus areas, features included

Most Wanted features implemented

  • #437: Adds DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNEXPECTED_VIEW_PROPERTIES, enabling of which starts failing known properties that are not part of the active view

Full Change list

Changes, core

  • #242: Allow @JsonAnySetter on ElementType.PARAMETER (for use on constructor parameters)
  • #507: Add JsonWriteFeature.ESCAPE_FORWARD_SLASHES to allow escaping of '/' for String values
  • #1117: Change default RecylerPool implementation to newLockFreePool (from threadLocalPool)
  • #1137: Improve detection of "is a NaN" to only consider explicit cases, not double overflow/underflow
  • #1145: JsonPointer.appendProperty(String) does not escape the property name
  • #1149: Add JsonParser.getNumberTypeFP()
  • #1157: Use fast parser (FDP) for large BigDecimals (500+ chars)
  • #1169: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for specific invalid content, with Reader-based parser
  • #1173: JsonLocation consistently off by one character for many invalid JSON parsing cases
  • #1179: Allow configuring DefaultPrettyPrinter separators for empty Arrays and Objects
  • #1186: BufferRecycler should avoid setting replacement if one already returned, bigger
  • #1195: Use BufferRecycler provided by output (OutputStream, Writer) object if available
  • #1202: Add RecyclerPool.clear() method for dropping all recycled instances
  • #1203: Faster division by 1000
  • #1207: JsonFactory.setStreamReadConstraints(StreamReadConstraints) fails to update "maxNameLength" for symbol tables
  • #1217: Optimize char comparison using bitwise OR
  • #1218: Simplify Unicode surrogate pair conversion for generation
  • #437: Support throwing MismatchedInputException when deserializing properties that are not part of the view
  • #736: MapperFeature.REQUIRE_SETTERS_FOR_GETTERS has no effect
  • #4160: Deprecate DefaultTyping.EVERYTHING in 2.x and remove in 3.0
  • #4194: Add JsonNodeFeature.FAIL_ON_NAN_TO_BIG_DECIMAL_COERCION option to fail on attempting to coerce NaN into BigDecimal
  • #4205: Consider types in sun.* package(s) to be JDK (platform) types for purposes of handling
  • #4209: Make BeanDeserializerModifier/BeanSerializerModifier implement
  • #4214: EnumSet deserialization does not work when we activate default typing in ObjectMapper
  • #4248: ThrowableDeserializer does not handle null well for cause
  • #4250: Add input validation for NumberDeserializers deserializers for "stringified" FP numbers
  • #4262: Improve handling of null insertion failure for TreeSet
  • #4263: Change ObjectArrayDeserializer to use "generic" type parameter (java.lang.Object) to remove co-variant return type
  • #4299: Some Collection and Map fallbacks don't work in GraalVM native image
  • #4327: @JsonAlias not respected by polymorphic deduction
  • #4337: AtomicReference serializer does not support @JsonSerialize(contentConverter=...)
  • #4364: @JsonProperty and equivalents should merge with AnnotationIntrospectorPair
  • #4394: Better Base64 support for java.util.UUIDs

Changes, data formats

  • #449: IndexOutOfBoundsException in JacksonAvroParserImpl for invalid input
  • #451: IndexOutOfBoundsException in CBORParser for invalid input
  • #458: Unexpected NullPointerException in CBORParser
  • #464: Unexpected ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CBORParser for corrupt String value
  • #45: Allow skipping ending line break (CsvGenerator.Feature.WRITE_LINEFEED_AFTER_LAST_ROW)


  • #251: Unable to deserialize Object with unknown Timestamp field
  • #417: IonReader classes contain assert statement which could throw unexpected AssertionError
  • #420: IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by IonReader implementations are not handled
  • #424: IonReader throws NullPointerException for unchecked invalid data
  • #428: IonParser.getIntValue() fails or does not handle value overflow checks
  • #432: More methods from IonReader could throw an unexpected AssertionError
  • #434: Unexpected NullPointerException thrown from IonParser::getNumberType()
  • #437: throws NPEs for some invalid content
  • #469: IonReader.newBytes() throwing NegativeArraySizeException
  • #471: IonReader throws AssertionError for Timestamp value
  • #473: throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for some corrupt content
  • #473: Upgrade ion-java to 1.11.2 and remove handling of exceptions that are no longer leaked


  • #462: ProtobufParser.currentName() returns wrong value at root level


  • #426: SmileParser throws unexpected IOOBE for corrupt content
  • #324: Support use of xsi:type for polymorphic serialization (ToXmlGenerator.Feature.AUTO_DETECT_XSI_TYPE)
  • #618: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown for invalid ending XML string when using JDK default Stax XML parser
  • #631: Add XmlMapper.createGenerator(XMLStreamWriter) and XmlMapper.createParser(XMLStreamReader) overloads
  • #637: JacksonXmlAnnotationIntrospector.findNamespace() should properly merge namespace information


  • #454: Unexpected NumberFormatException in YAMLParser
  • #456: Support max Read/Write nesting depth limits (StreamReadConstraints/ StreamWriteConstraints) for YAML

Changes, datatypes

  • #274: Add 1-based Month[De]serializer enabled with JavaTimeFeature.ONE_BASED_MONTHS option
  • #294: Optional deserialization, serialization ignore contentConverter


  • #118: Support @JsonFormat(shape=STRING) on Range<T>
  • #124: Some deserializers throw unexpected NullPointerException when handling invalid input
  • #136: Fix for failing Guava Optional test
  • #138: GuavaCollectionDeserializer still throws NPE in some circumstances
  • #140: Cache deserialization fails with NPE for null valued entries
  • #142: RangeSet deserializer fails for content nulls with NPE

Changes, other

  • #25: Add support for single-int Constructors
  • #78: Deserializes "null" to "0.0" for java.lang.Double (wrapper)
  • #93: Skip serialization of groovy.lang.MetaClass values to avoid StackOverflowError
  • #100: Add support for java.time (Java 8 date/time) types
  • #112: overrideStandardValueWriter only applied to first java.nio.file.Path valued field of bean
  • #116: Add read/write support for java.nio.file.Path
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