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Jackson Release 2.10

Tatu Saloranta edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 83 revisions

Version 2.10 was released on September 26, 2019.

A blog post will be written to give an overview of features with usage examples of more noteworthy new features.

Changes, compatibility

No changes to minimum JDK baselines for use since 2.9, but 2.10 includes JDK 9+ compliant module-info.class which should improve forward-compatibility. Older versions of tools may have issues with this class.

JDK 8 is required to build all components, however, as module info inclusion plug-in requires it (note: publishing to Maven Central also requires JDK 8), but runtime environment of JDK/JVM 7 is needed with exception of:

  • jackson-annotations, jackson-core, jackson-jr only require JDK/JVM 6
  • Kotlin, Scala and Java 8 modules require JDK/JVM 8 or higher

Enum serialization has changed slightly by introduction of SerializationFeature.WRITE_ENUM_KEYS_USING_TO_STRING which takes over SerializationFeature.WRITE_ENUMS_USING_TO_STRING for specific case of serializing Enum values of java.util.Map keys (see databind#2129 for details)

Reported problems

With 2.10.0.pr1 we have released following problem reports

2.10.0.pr1: TypeReference assignment compatibility for readValue()

Due to changes:

Generic type assignment compatibility is now expected for TypeReference: so, for example, following code:

    MyType value = mapper.readValue(src, new TypeReference<SomeUnrelatedType>() { });

used to compile ok but obviously fail on run type when type cast fails. With 2.10 code will not compile, and that is intentional.

But there is a problem with generic type co-variance (?): although you can assign to subtype like

    Map<String, Object> value = mapper.readValue(src, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>() { });

you CAN NOT use subtype of a type variable, so this DOES NOT compile, unfortunately:

    Map<String, List<String> value = mapper.readValue(src, new TypeReference<Map<String, ArrayList<String>>() { });

which used to be allowed and actually does work. This is unfortunate, and we are not aware of a way to allow above case.

One thing to note is that this change IS binary-compatible (so anything compiled against 2.9 will still link fine against 2.10), but NOT source-compatible. This means that change should not cause any issues with transitive dependencies; but will cause compilation failure.

2.10.0.pr1 on JDK 8: Module info

I just tried to run my tests. When my application server tried to start, I got errors:

 Suppressed: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error scanning entry module-info.class from jar file:/home/ruwen/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-core/2.10.0.pr1/jackson-core-2.10.0.pr1.jar
        at org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.parseJar(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.parse(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationConfiguration$
        at org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationConfiguration$
        at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.scanClass(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.parseJarEntry(
        at org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.parseJar(
        ... 6 more

11:05 xxx@yyy:~$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-8u212-b03-2~deb9u1-b03)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.212-b03, mixed mode)

The blame was on an older version of Jetty. Since this was used only in test, the version was quite old. But other people might get similar problems with byte-code manipulating libraries.     

New Modules, status changes

Datatype: Eclipse-collection

First official version of the jackson-datatype-eclipse-collections (for Eclipse Collections was introduced in 2.10 (preview version included since 2.9.5)

Major features of 2.10

Much of additional functionality mirrors changes that 3.0 developments are making, in form that will get some of the benefits, and should ease migration to 3.0.

Safe Default typing

Due to numerous CVEs for one specific kind of Polymorphic Deserialization (see this blog post for details), block-list approach has proven insufficient to prevent issues. As a result, #2195 -- add abstraction PolymorphicTypeValidator, for limiting allowed polymorphic subtypes -- was added.

Builder-based construction of streaming factories and ObjectMapper

Although full moved to immutable factories, mappers, by (only) using builder-style construction will only be included in 3.0, 2.10 does introduce builder-pattern itself (but does not force strict immutability beyond what 2.x API supports). The main benefits of this addition are:

  • Easier migration to 3.0 since change to builder-based construction can be made in 2.10 already
  • More convenient configurability; ability to expose format-specific configuration beyond simple on/off features

Example of builder style:

JsonFactory f = JsonFactory.builder()
    // Change per-factory setting to prevent use of `String.intern()` on symbols
    .disable(JsonFactory.Feature.INTERN_FIELD_NAMES, false)
    // Disable json-specific setting to produce non-standard "unquoted" field names:
    .disable(JsonWriteFeature.QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES, true)
ObjectMapper mapper = JsonMapper.builder(f)
    .configure(MapperFeature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION, false)    

Separation of general / JSON-specific features

Another change geared towards 3.0 compatibility is the creation of 4 new format feature types, to replace 2 existing features (JsonParser.Feature, JsonGenerator.Feature):

  • StreamReadFeature: format-agnostic (general) features for stream readers (parsers)
  • StreamWriteFeature: format-agnostic (general) features for stream writers (generators)
  • JsonReadFeature: JSON-specific stream reader (parser) features
  • JsonWriteFeature: JSON-specific stream writer (generator) features

For 2.10 these features will act as aliases to matching JsonParser.Features and JsonGenerator.Features: in 3.0 they will be the only stream-level features (JsonParser.Features, JsonGenerator.Feature being removed)

Example of using new configuration features:

JsonFactory f = JsonFactory.builder()
    .disable(JsonWriteFeature.QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES, true)

JDK 9 Module info

All standard components will include module-info.class, generated using Moditect Maven plug-in. Resulting jars will therefore have proper module information for Java 9 and beyond but still be usable on JDK 7 (or, in case of jackson-core and jackson-annotations, JDK 6)

"Most Improved" non-core modules

Beyond core functionality most modules got some updates; here's a sampling of most notable


Root value sequence reading; reading typed Maps; ability to plug-in custom ValueReaders and ValueWriters (similar to databind JsonSerializer, JsonDeserializer


A bunch of fixes, plus support of XML Schema xsi:nil concept.

Change list

Changes, core

  • #151: Add basic Java 9+ module info
  • #433: Add Builder pattern for creating configured Stream factories
  • #464: Add "maximum unescaped char" configuration option for JsonFactory via builder
  • #467: Create JsonReadFeature to move JSON-specific JsonParser.Features to
  • #479: Improve thread-safety of buffer recycling
  • #480: SerializableString value can not directly render to Writer
  • #481: Create JsonWriteFeature to move JSON-specific JsonGenerator.Features to
  • #484: Implement UTF8JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(SerializableString) (and writeRaw(..)) more efficiently
  • #495: Create StreamReadFeature to move non-json specific JsonParser.Features to
  • #496: Create StreamWriteFeature to take over non-json-specific JsonGenerator.Features
  • #502: Make DefaultPrettyPrinter.createInstance() to fail for sub-classes
  • #506: Add missing type parameter for TypeReference in ObjectCodec
  • #508: Add new exception type InputCoercionException to be used for failed coercions like overflow for int
  • #517: Add JsonGenerator.writeStartObject(Object, int) (needed by CBOR, maybe Avro)
  • #527: Add simple module-info for JDK9+, using Moditect
  • #533: UTF-8 BOM not accounted for in JsonLocation.getByteOffset()
  • #539: Reduce max size of recycled byte[]/char[] blocks by TextBuffer, ByteArrayBuilder
  • #547: CharsToNameCanonicalizer: Internal error on SymbolTable.rehash() with high number of hash collisions
  • #548: ByteQuadsCanonicalizer: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in addName
  • #549: Add configurability of "quote character" for JSON factory
  • #561: Misleading exception for unquoted String parsing
  • #563: Async parser does not keep track of Array context properly
  • #18: Make JsonNode serializable
  • #1675: Remove "impossible" IOException in readTree() and readValue() ObjectMapper methods which accept Strings
  • #1954: Add Builder pattern for creating configured ObjectMapper instances
    • also add JsonMapper as explicit type, through which builders are created and that exposes JSON-specific configuration
  • #1995: Limit size of DeserializerCache, auto-flush on exceeding
  • #2059: Remove final modifier for TypeFactory
  • #2077: JsonTypeInfo with a subtype having JsonFormat.Shape.ARRAY and no fields generates {} not []
  • #2115: Support naive deserialization of Serializable values as "untyped", same as java.lang.Object
  • #2116: Make NumberSerializers.Base public and its inherited classes not final
  • #2126: DeserializationContext.instantiationException() throws InvalidDefinitionException
  • #2129: Add SerializationFeature.WRITE_ENUM_KEYS_USING_INDEX, separate from value setting
  • #2153: Add JsonMapper to replace generic ObjectMapper usage
  • #2187: Make JsonNode.toString() use shared ObjectMapper to produce valid json
  • #2195: Add abstraction PolymorphicTypeValidator, for limiting subtypes allowed by default typing, @JsonTypeInfo
  • #2204: Add JsonNode.isEmpty() as convenience alias
  • #2211: Change of behavior (2.8 -> 2.9) with ObjectMapper.readTree(input) with no content
  • #2220: Force serialization always for convertValue(); avoid short-cuts
  • #2223: Add missingNode() method in JsonNodeFactory
  • #2230: WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN is ignored if @JsonFormat is used
  • #2236: Type id not provided on Double.NaN, Infinity with @JsonTypeInfo
  • #2237: JsonNode improvements: "required"
  • #2241: Add PropertyNamingStrategy.LOWER_DOT_CASE for dot-delimited names
  • #2273: Add basic Java 9+ module info
  • #2309: READ_ENUMS_USING_TO_STRING doesn't support null values
  • #2331: JsonMappingException through nested getter with generic wildcard return type
  • #2336: MapDeserializer can not merge Maps with polymorphic values
  • #2390: Iterable serialization breaks when adding @JsonFilter annotation
  • #2392: BeanDeserializerModifier.modifyDeserializer() not applied to custom bean deserializers
  • #2393: TreeTraversingParser.getLongValue() incorrectly checks canConvertToInt()
  • #2398: Replace recursion in TokenBuffer.copyCurrentStructure() with iteration
  • #2415: Builder-based POJO deserializer should pass builder instance, not type, to handleUnknownVanilla()
  • #2416: Optimize ValueInstantiator construction for default Collection, Map types
  • #2422: scala.collection.immutable.ListMap fails to serialize since 2.9.3
  • #2424: Add global config override setting for @JsonFormat.lenient()
  • #2430: Change ObjectMapper.valueToTree() to convert null to NullNode
  • #2432: Add support for module bundles
  • #2442: ArrayNode.addAll() adds raw null values which cause NPE on deepCopy()
  • #2458: Nulls property metadata ignored for creators
  • #2467: Accept JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_ARRAY with no second argument to deserialize as "null value"

Changes, data formats


  • #168: JsonMappingException for union types with multiple Record types
  • #174: Improve Union type serialization performance
  • #177: Deserialization of "empty" Records as root values fails


  • #139: Incorrect decimal fraction representation
  • #155: Inconsistent support for FLUSH_PASSED_TO_STREAM


  • #108: Add new CsvParser.Feature.ALLOW_COMMENTS to replace use of deprecated JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_YAML_COMMENTS
  • #134: CSVParserBootstrapper creates UTF8Reader which is incorrectly not auto-closed (reported by iuliu-b@github)


  • #100: Add an option to specify properties prefix
  • #139: Support for Map<String, String> in JavaPropsMapper


  • #148: Add ProtobufMapper.generateSchemaFor(TypeReference<?>) overload


  • #242: Deserialization of class inheritance depends on attributes order
  • #336: WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN Not Used When Writing Pretty
  • #350: Wrap Xerces/Stax (JDK-bundled) exceptions during parser initialization
  • #351: XmlBeanSerializer serializes AnyGetters field even with FilterExceptFilter
  • #354: Support mapping xsi:nil marked elements as nulls (JsonToken.VALUE_NULL)


  • #50: Empty string serialized without quotes if MINIMIZE_QUOTES is enabled
  • #101: Use latest SnakeYAML version 1.24 and get rid of deprecated methods
  • #116: Error handling "null" String when Feature.MINIMIZE_QUOTES is active
  • #129: Convert YAML string issue
  • #140: Implement JsonGenerator.writeFieldId(...) for YAMLGenerator

Changes, datatypes

  • #34: (guava) Allow use of Guava versions up to 25 (from 22)
  • #37: (eclipse-collections) Implement pair deserialization
  • #48: (all) Add simple module-info for JDK9+, using Moditect
  • #53: (guava) GuavaImmutableCollectionDeserializercannot deserialize an emptyOptional` from null
  • #56: (guava) Range property name (de)serialisation doesn't respect property naming strategy
  • #58: (guava) Drop support for Guava v10 - v13 to simplify RangeFactory
  • #125: Ignore missing entities when lazy loading is enabled, if newly added Feature.WRITE_MISSING_ENTITIES_AS_NULL is enabled

Changes, JVM languages

  • #239: Auto-detect sealed classes (similar to @JsonSubTypes)

Full support for Scala 2.13 (and still supports 2.10, 2.11, 2.12). Fixes from 2.9.10 merged, plus:

  • (via databind#2422) scala.collection.immutable.ListMap fails to serialize since 2.9.3

Changes, other modules

Java 8 support

  • #51: (datetime) YearKeyDeserializer doesn't work with non-padded year values
  • #69: (datetime) ZonedDateTime for times before the epoch do not serialize correctly
  • #75: (datetime) Use SerializationFeature.WRITE_DURATIONS_AS_TIMESTAMPS for configuring Duration serialization
  • #82: (datetime) Typo in YearMothKeyDeserializer class name
  • #105: LocalTime should generate "time" schema instead of "date-time"
  • #121: Array representation of MonthDay can not be deserialized
  • #126: Change auto-registration in 2.10 to provide "new" (JavaTimeModule) instead of legacy module
  • #129: Support lenient setting with LocalDateDeserializer

Mr Bean

  • #52: Interfaces may have non-abstract methods (since java8)

Changes, JAX-RS

JAX-RS, base

  • #111: AnnotationBundleKey equality fails for Parameter Annotations

Changes, jackson-jr

  • #60: Add support for reading "root value" streams (linefeed separated/concatenated)
  • #63: Change default for JSON.Feature.USE_FIELDS to true (from false) in 2.10
  • #65: Allow registration of custom readers, writers (to support 3rd party, custom types)
  • #66: Add Json.mapOfFrom(Class) to support binding POJO-valued maps
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