An API conversion tool for popular external reinforcement learning environments to Gymnasium and PettingZoo APIs.
- Bindings to convert OpenAI Gym environments to Gymnasium Environments.
- Bindings to ALE-py to provide Atari environments in Gymnasium.
- Gymnasium bindings for single agent environments.
- Pettingzoo bindings for multiagent soccer environments.
- Pettingzoo bindings for all environments.
- Pettingzoo bindings for all environments.
The following are a list of existing environment suites that we are looking into bringing into Shimmy. We are actively looking for developers to contribute to this project, if you are interested in helping, please reach out to us.
This is an example of using Shimmy to convert DM Control environments into a Gymnasium compatible environment:
import gymnasium as gym
from shimmy.registration import DM_CONTROL_SUITE_ENVS
env_ids = [f"dm_control/{'-'.join(item)}-v0" for item in DM_CONTROL_SUITE_ENVS]
env = gym.make(env_ids[0])
env_flatten = gym.wrappers.FlattenObservation(env)
print("===🌎", env.observation_space)
print("===🕹️", env.action_space)
print("---flattened 🌎", env_flatten.observation_space)
print("---flattened 🕹️", env_flatten.action_space)
['dm_control/acrobot-swingup-v0', 'dm_control/acrobot-swingup_sparse-v0', 'dm_control/ball_in_cup-catch-v0', 'dm_control/cartpole-balance-v0', 'dm_control/cartpole-balance_sparse-v0', 'dm_control/cartpole-swingup-v0', 'dm_control/cartpole-swingup_sparse-v0', 'dm_control/cartpole-two_poles-v0', 'dm_control/cartpole-three_poles-v0', 'dm_control/cheetah-run-v0', 'dm_control/dog-stand-v0', 'dm_control/dog-walk-v0', 'dm_control/dog-trot-v0', 'dm_control/dog-run-v0', 'dm_control/dog-fetch-v0', 'dm_control/finger-spin-v0', 'dm_control/finger-turn_easy-v0', 'dm_control/finger-turn_hard-v0', 'dm_control/fish-upright-v0', 'dm_control/fish-swim-v0', 'dm_control/hopper-stand-v0', 'dm_control/hopper-hop-v0', 'dm_control/humanoid-stand-v0', 'dm_control/humanoid-walk-v0', 'dm_control/humanoid-run-v0', 'dm_control/humanoid-run_pure_state-v0', 'dm_control/humanoid_CMU-stand-v0', 'dm_control/humanoid_CMU-run-v0', 'dm_control/lqr-lqr_2_1-v0', 'dm_control/lqr-lqr_6_2-v0', 'dm_control/manipulator-bring_ball-v0', 'dm_control/manipulator-bring_peg-v0', 'dm_control/manipulator-insert_ball-v0', 'dm_control/manipulator-insert_peg-v0', 'dm_control/pendulum-swingup-v0', 'dm_control/point_mass-easy-v0', 'dm_control/point_mass-hard-v0', 'dm_control/quadruped-walk-v0', 'dm_control/quadruped-run-v0', 'dm_control/quadruped-escape-v0', 'dm_control/quadruped-fetch-v0', 'dm_control/reacher-easy-v0', 'dm_control/reacher-hard-v0', 'dm_control/stacker-stack_2-v0', 'dm_control/stacker-stack_4-v0', 'dm_control/swimmer-swimmer6-v0', 'dm_control/swimmer-swimmer15-v0', 'dm_control/walker-stand-v0', 'dm_control/walker-walk-v0', 'dm_control/walker-run-v0']
===🌎 Dict('orientations': Box(-inf, inf, (4,), float64), 'velocity': Box(-inf, inf, (2,), float64))
===🕹️ Box(-1.0, 1.0, (1,), float64)
---flattened 🌎 Box(-inf, inf, (6,), float64)
---flattened 🕹️ Box(-1.0, 1.0, (1,), float64)
For most usage, we recommend applying the gym.wrappers.FlattenObservation(env)
wrapper to reduce the Dict
observation space to a Box
observation space.
To install Shimmy from PyPI:
pip install shimmy
Out of the box, Shimmy doesn't install any of the dependencies required for the environments it supports. To install them, you'll have to install the optional extras. All single agent environments have registration under the Gymnasium API, while all multiagent environments must be wrapped using the corresponding compatibility wrappers.
pip install shimmy[gym]
import gymnasium as gym
env = gym.make("GymV22CompatibilityV0", env_name="...")
pip install shimmy[atari]
import gymnasium as gym
env = gym.make("ALE/Pong-v5")
pip install shimmy[dm-control]
from dm_control.locomotion import soccer as dm_soccer
from shimmy.dm_control_multiagent_compatibility import (
walker_type = dm_soccer.WalkerType.BOXHEAD,
env = dm_soccer.load(
env = DmControlMultiAgentCompatibilityV0(env)
import gymnasium as gym
env = gym.make("dm_control/acrobot_swingup_sparse-v0")
Courtesy to Danijar Hafner for providing this install script.
set -eu
# Dependencies
apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential curl freeglut3 gettext git libffi-dev libglu1-mesa \
libglu1-mesa-dev libjpeg-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libosmesa6-dev \
libsdl2-dev lua5.1 pkg-config python-setuptools python3-dev \
software-properties-common unzip zip zlib1g-dev g++
pip3 install numpy
# Bazel
apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl gnupg
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor > bazel.gpg
mv bazel.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable jdk1.8" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel.list
apt-get update && apt-get install -y bazel
# Build
git clone
cd lab
echo 'build --cxxopt=-std=c++17' > .bazelrc
bazel build -c opt //python/pip_package:build_pip_package
./bazel-bin/python/pip_package/build_pip_package /tmp/dmlab_pkg
pip3 install --force-reinstall /tmp/dmlab_pkg/deepmind_lab-*.whl
cd ..
rm -rf lab
import deepmind_lab
from shimmy.dm_lab_compatibility import DmLabCompatibilityV0
observations = ["RGBD"]
config = {"width": "640", "height": "480", "botCount": "2"}
renderer = "hardware"
env = deepmind_lab.Lab("lt_chasm", observations, config=config, renderer=renderer)
env = DmLabCompatibilityV0(env)
pip install shimmy[testing]
pip install shimmy[all, testing]
pip install shimmy[pettingzoo]
import pyspiel
from shimmy.openspiel_compatibility import OpenspielCompatibilityV0
env = pyspiel.load_game("2048")
env = OpenspielCompatibilityV0(game=env, render_mode=None)
If you use this in your research, please cite:
author = {{Jun Jet Tai, Mark Towers} and Elliot Tower and Jordan Terry},
title = {Shimmy: Gymnasium and Pettingzoo Wrappers for Commonly Used Environments},
url = {},
version = {0.2.0},
year = {2022},