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+ version: 6 + -1,-1: + ind: -1,-1 + tiles: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAUwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAUwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAggAAAAAAUwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAAAAAggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA version: 6 - type: Broadphase - type: Physics @@ -77,856 +77,259 @@ entities: version: 2 nodes: - node: - angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: ArrowsGreyscale - decals: - 367: -12,9 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: ArrowsGreyscale - decals: - 17: 2,4 - - node: - angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: ArrowsGreyscale + id: Bot decals: - 16: -4,10 - 18: 1,19 - 92: -12,10 - - node: - angle: 3.141592653589793 rad - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: ArrowsGreyscale - decals: - 19: 0,13 - 20: 0,16 - 21: 0,2 - 22: 0,6 - - node: - angle: 4.71238898038469 rad - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: ArrowsGreyscale - decals: - 93: -4,9 - 94: -4,9 - 97: 7,17 - - node: - angle: 6.283185307179586 rad - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: ArrowsGreyscale - decals: - 95: 2,15 - 96: 2,6 + 4: -1,-4 + 5: 11,-6 + 6: 12,-5 + 7: 13,-4 + 8: 12,-3 + 9: 11,-1 + 10: 11,0 + 11: 11,1 + 12: 9,1 + 13: 9,-1 + 14: 9,2 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Box decals: - 0: 4,-2 - 1: 6,-3 - 2: 6,-4 - 3: 6,-5 - 4: 8,-5 - 5: 8,-4 - 6: 8,-3 - 7: 8,-2 - 8: 8,-1 - 9: 4,-1 - 10: 3,-1 + 0: 1,-6 + 1: 6,-6 + 2: 2,-3 + 3: 1,-3 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Delivery decals: - 11: -3,12 - 12: -2,12 - 13: -2,16 - 14: -3,16 - 15: -4,16 - 304: -10,15 - 305: -1,35 - 306: 9,35 - 307: 14,28 - 308: 14,20 - 309: 10,-3 - 310: 6,-7 - 311: -4,-8 - 312: -12,-5 - 313: -10,4 - 357: -8,24 - 358: -5,31 - 359: -11,20 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: DeliveryGreyscale - decals: - 314: -10,1 - 315: -12,-3 - 316: -9,-8 - 317: -1,-7 - 318: 10,-7 - 319: 10,0 - 320: 14,16 - 321: 14,24 - 322: 14,31 - 323: 10,34 - 324: 2,35 - 325: -4,35 - 356: -8,26 - 360: -11,18 + 15: 10,-1 + 16: 10,0 + 17: 10,1 + 18: 8,-1 - node: cleanable: True - angle: 3.141592653589793 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Dirt decals: - 23: -1,-2 - 24: -1,-5 - 25: 0,-4 - 26: -1,-3 - 27: 0,-5 - 28: 2,-2 - 29: 1,-1 - 30: 6,-2 - 31: 7,-3 - 32: 8,-4 - 33: 6,-5 - 34: 8,-1 - 35: 0,4 - 36: 0,6 - 37: 0,9 - 38: 1,11 - 39: -3,2 - 40: -3,4 - 41: -4,6 - 42: -2,5 - 43: -7,2 - 44: -6,3 - 45: -8,1 - 46: -8,5 - 47: -8,6 - 48: -6,6 - 49: -7,3 - 50: -6,12 - 51: -7,14 - 52: -6,15 - 53: -8,13 - 54: -7,15 - 55: -7,12 - 56: -4,14 - 57: -4,15 - 58: -3,13 - 59: -5,19 - 60: -4,20 - 61: -3,18 - 62: -2,20 - 63: -4,23 - 64: -6,23 - 65: -3,24 - 66: 3,18 - 67: 3,19 - 68: 10,18 - 69: 7,18 - 70: 10,21 - 71: 12,22 - 72: 10,23 - 73: 10,24 - 74: 12,25 - 75: 11,27 - 76: 9,28 - 77: 11,30 - 78: 10,31 - 79: 12,32 - 80: 6,30 - 81: 7,31 - 82: 6,32 - 83: 4,32 - 84: 3,30 - 85: 8,30 - 86: 7,25 - 87: 6,27 - 88: 6,24 - 89: 7,23 - 90: 4,27 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileCornerOverlayNE - decals: - 100: -2,24 - 332: -8,21 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileCornerOverlayNW - decals: - 98: -6,24 - 193: 0,19 - 333: -9,21 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileCornerOverlaySE - decals: - 337: -8,18 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileCornerOverlaySW - decals: - 99: -6,18 - 338: -9,18 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileInnerOverlayNE - decals: - 196: -2,18 - 331: -8,20 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileInnerOverlayNW - decals: - 327: -6,20 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySE - decals: - 330: -8,20 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileInnerOverlaySW - decals: - 326: -6,20 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileLineOverlayE - decals: - 104: -2,23 - 105: -2,22 - 106: -2,21 - 107: -2,20 - 108: -2,19 - 336: -8,19 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileLineOverlayN - decals: - 101: -5,24 - 102: -4,24 - 103: -3,24 - 195: -1,18 - 328: -7,20 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileLineOverlayS - decals: - 113: -5,18 - 114: -4,18 - 115: -3,18 - 116: -2,18 - 194: -1,18 - 329: -7,20 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileLineOverlayW - decals: - 109: -6,19 - 110: -6,21 - 111: -6,22 - 112: -6,23 - 192: 0,17 - 334: -9,20 - 335: -9,19 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelCornerNe - decals: - 117: 4,28 - 139: 12,25 - 142: 12,28 - 352: -2,28 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelCornerNw - decals: - 118: 0,28 - 140: 9,25 - 141: 9,28 - 349: -6,28 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelCornerSe - decals: - 133: 4,21 - 137: 12,21 - 144: 12,27 - 350: -2,26 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelCornerSw - decals: - 134: 0,21 - 138: 9,21 - 143: 9,27 - 351: -6,26 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelInnerNe - decals: - 353: -2,27 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelInnerNw - decals: - 198: 0,10 - 339: 0,27 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelInnerSe - decals: - 354: -2,27 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelInnerSw - decals: - 197: 0,9 - 341: 0,27 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelLineE - decals: - 127: 4,27 - 128: 4,26 - 129: 4,25 - 130: 4,24 - 131: 4,23 - 132: 4,22 - 148: 12,24 - 149: 12,23 - 150: 12,22 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelLineN - decals: - 119: 1,28 - 120: 2,28 - 121: 3,28 - 145: 10,28 - 154: 10,25 - 340: -1,27 - 342: -3,28 - 343: -4,28 - 344: -5,28 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelLineS - decals: - 135: 1,21 - 136: 3,21 - 146: 10,27 - 147: 11,21 - 345: -5,26 - 346: -4,26 - 347: -3,26 - 355: -1,27 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileSteelLineW - decals: - 122: 0,26 - 123: 0,25 - 124: 0,24 - 125: 0,23 - 126: 0,22 - 151: 9,22 - 152: 9,23 - 153: 9,24 - 348: -6,27 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNe - decals: - 241: 1,33 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNe - decals: - 231: 8,33 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNe - decals: - 266: 4,-1 - 292: 8,-1 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNe - decals: - 301: 12,19 - 362: -13,11 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNw - decals: - 240: 3,33 - 249: -2,33 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerNw - decals: - 262: -1,-1 - 281: 1,-3 - 290: 6,-1 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSe - decals: - 242: 1,30 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSe - decals: - 230: 8,30 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSe - decals: - 299: 8,-5 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSw - decals: - 238: 3,30 - 246: -2,30 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteCornerSw - decals: - 300: 6,-5 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerNe - decals: - 256: 1,32 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerNe - decals: - 204: 7,19 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerNe - decals: - 264: 2,-1 - 267: 4,-2 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerNe - decals: - 361: -13,10 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerNw - decals: - 252: 3,32 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerNw - decals: - 205: 6,19 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerNw - decals: - 263: 0,-1 - 275: -1,-5 - 276: -1,-2 - 289: 6,-2 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerSe - decals: - 257: 1,32 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerSe - decals: - 229: 7,30 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerSe - decals: - 282: 0,-3 - 283: 1,-2 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerSw - decals: - 255: 3,32 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerSw - decals: - 228: 6,30 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteInnerSw - decals: - 274: -1,-2 - 288: 6,-2 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineE - decals: - 243: 1,31 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineE - decals: - 206: 7,20 - 207: 7,21 - 208: 7,22 - 209: 7,23 - 210: 7,24 - 211: 7,25 - 212: 7,26 - 213: 7,27 - 214: 7,28 - 215: 8,31 - 216: 8,32 - 227: 7,29 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineE - decals: - 259: 2,1 - 260: 2,0 - 279: 0,-5 - 280: 0,-4 - 293: 8,-2 - 294: 8,-3 - 295: 8,-4 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineE - decals: - 302: 12,18 - 303: 12,17 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 250: -1,33 - 251: 0,33 - 253: 2,32 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 202: 5,19 - 203: 8,19 - 232: 7,33 - 233: 6,33 - 234: 5,33 - 235: 4,33 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 265: 3,-1 - 272: -2,-2 - 273: -2,-5 - 291: 7,-1 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 155: -12,10 - 156: -11,10 - 157: -10,10 - 158: -9,10 - 159: -7,10 - 160: -8,10 - 161: -6,10 - 162: -5,10 - 163: -4,10 - 164: -3,10 - 165: -2,10 - 166: -1,10 - 167: 1,19 - 168: 3,19 - 169: 4,19 - 170: 9,19 - 171: 11,19 - 363: -14,11 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineS - decals: - 236: 5,30 - 237: 4,30 - 244: 0,30 - 245: -1,30 - 254: 2,32 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineS - decals: - 268: 0,-5 - 269: -1,-5 - 270: -2,-5 - 271: -2,-2 - 284: 2,-2 - 285: 3,-2 - 286: 4,-2 - 287: 5,-2 - 298: 7,-5 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineS - decals: - 172: -14,9 - 173: -11,9 - 174: -10,9 - 175: -9,9 - 176: -8,9 - 177: -7,9 - 178: -6,9 - 179: -5,9 - 180: -4,9 - 181: -3,9 - 182: -2,9 - 183: -1,9 - 364: -12,9 - 365: -13,9 - 366: -14,9 - - node: - cleanable: True - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineS - decals: - 91: -14,9 - - node: - color: '#498842FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineW - decals: - 239: 3,31 - 247: -2,31 - 248: -2,32 - - node: - color: '#4988D9FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineW - decals: - 217: 6,21 - 218: 6,20 - 219: 6,22 - 220: 6,23 - 221: 6,24 - 222: 6,25 - 223: 6,26 - 224: 6,27 - 225: 6,28 - 226: 6,29 - - node: - color: '#B11F09FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineW - decals: - 188: 0,5 - 189: 0,3 - 190: 0,13 - 191: 0,15 - - node: - color: '#DDC342FF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineW - decals: - 258: 0,1 - 261: 0,0 - 277: -1,-3 - 278: -1,-4 - 296: 6,-3 - 297: 6,-4 + 36: 3,10 + 37: 3,12 + 38: 1,12 + 39: 5,13 + 40: 3,14 + 41: 4,16 + 42: 0,15 + 43: 0,17 + 44: -3,17 + 45: 2,17 + 46: -3,15 + 47: 5,20 + 48: 2,21 + 49: 1,20 + 50: 11,17 + 51: 14,15 + 52: 15,17 + 53: 15,15 + 54: 8,16 + 55: 6,19 + 56: 8,21 + 57: 8,19 + 58: 10,20 + 59: 7,23 + 60: 9,24 + 61: 6,26 + 62: 4,23 + 63: 3,24 + 64: 0,24 + 65: 0,26 + 66: 13,25 + 67: 7,13 + 68: 14,5 + 69: 16,3 + 70: 12,3 + 71: 10,5 + 72: 8,1 + 73: 7,2 + 74: 7,0 + 75: 10,-4 + 76: 10,-3 + 77: 1,-4 + 78: 2,-5 + 79: 1,-5 + 80: 5,-3 + 81: 4,0 + 82: 3,1 + 83: 4,-1 + 84: 5,0 + 85: 4,1 + 86: 1,0 + 87: 0,3 + 88: -2,4 + 89: 2,7 + 90: 4,7 + 91: 1,5 + 92: 1,3 + 93: 4,4 + 94: 8,8 + 95: 7,11 + 96: 10,12 + 97: 10,9 + 98: 11,12 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: MiniTileWhiteLineW + id: WarnFull decals: - 184: 0,8 - 185: 0,7 - 186: 0,6 - 187: 0,2 - 199: 0,11 - 200: 0,12 - 201: 0,16 + 19: 12,-4 + 20: 11,-4 + 21: 11,-5 + 22: 11,-3 + 23: 0,-5 + 24: 0,-4 + 25: 0,-3 - type: GridAtmosphere version: 2 data: tiles: 0,0: - 0: 30583 - 0,-1: - 0: 65329 - 1: 4 + 0: 14574 + -1,0: + 1: 60 + 0: 61440 0,1: - 0: 30583 + 0: 57599 -1,1: - 0: 30591 + 0: 247 + 1: 12288 0,2: - 0: 32639 + 0: 36366 -1,2: - 0: 4080 + 1: 34952 0,3: - 0: 30583 + 0: 14478 -1,3: - 0: 32631 + 1: 8 + 0: 61440 0,4: - 0: 65527 + 0: 57599 + 0,-1: + 0: 57599 + 1,0: + 0: 39867 + 1,1: + 0: 47359 + 1,2: + 0: 48011 + 1,3: + 0: 43963 1,-1: - 0: 57292 - 2: 1 - 2,-1: - 0: 56797 + 0: 47359 + 1,4: + 0: 47871 2,0: - 0: 12 + 0: 33791 + 2,1: + 0: 53759 + 2,2: + 0: 64991 + 2,3: + 0: 7645 + 2,-1: + 0: 61695 + 2,4: + 0: 53759 3,0: - 0: 7 - 3,-1: - 0: 30583 + 0: 61440 + 1: 134 + 3,1: + 0: 253 + 1: 32768 + 3,2: + 1: 8738 + 3,3: + 1: 2 + 0: 49152 + 3,4: + 0: 253 + 1: 32768 + 4,0: + 1: 16 + 0: 12288 + 4,1: + 0: 49 + 1: 4096 + 4,3: + 0: 4096 -1,4: - 0: 32519 + 0: 246 + 1: 8192 0,5: - 0: 65524 + 0: 33518 + -1,5: + 1: 18444 0,6: - 0: 65535 - 0,7: - 0: 47887 + 0: 4383 + 1: 1024 -1,6: - 0: 63239 + 0: 34952 + 0,7: + 1: 16 + 0: 2 -1,7: - 0: 56583 - 0,8: - 0: 61631 - 1,4: - 0: 65520 + 1: 128 + 0: 4 1,5: - 0: 56796 + 0: 63675 1,6: - 0: 56797 + 0: 61007 1,7: - 0: 65485 - 1,8: - 0: 61695 - 2,4: - 0: 65520 - 2,7: - 0: 23950 + 0: 1 2,5: - 0: 61156 + 0: 7647 2,6: - 0: 59630 - 2,8: - 0: 64533 - 3,4: - 0: 21844 - 3,5: - 0: 21844 + 0: 15 + 1: 1024 + 2,7: + 0: 9 3,6: - 0: 21589 + 0: 13107 + 3,5: + 1: 16902 3,7: - 0: 21829 - 3,8: - 0: 14149 - 0,-3: - 0: 65280 - -1,-3: - 0: 65280 + 1: 48 + 0: 4 + 4,4: + 0: 16 0,-2: - 0: 4351 - 1: 16384 + 1: 3 + 0: 31360 -1,-2: - 0: 49295 - 3: 13056 + 1: 1152 + 0: 32768 -1,-1: - 0: 35976 - 3: 13107 + 0: 136 + 1: 1024 + 0,-3: + 1: 18432 1,-3: - 0: 65280 + 1: 41216 1,-2: - 0: 49407 - 2: 4096 - 2,-3: - 0: 62208 + 0: 58640 + 1: 4 2,-2: - 0: 56575 + 0: 52016 + 1: 8 + 2,-3: + 1: 17152 3,-2: - 0: 29489 - -3,-3: - 0: 65024 - -3,-2: - 0: 4383 - 3: 52224 - -3,-1: - 0: 4369 - 3: 52428 - -3,0: - 0: 30577 - -2,-3: - 0: 65280 - -2,-2: - 0: 15 - 3: 65280 - -2,-1: - 3: 65535 - -1,8: - 0: 61917 - 0,9: - 0: 15 - -1,9: - 0: 15 - 1,9: - 0: 15 - 2,9: - 0: 7 - -3,8: - 0: 140 - -3,7: - 0: 52428 - -2,8: - 0: 61439 - -2,7: - 0: 65341 - -2,9: - 0: 8 - -3,4: - 0: 47927 - -3,3: - 0: 29286 - -3,5: - 0: 58299 - -3,6: - 0: 52974 - -2,4: - 0: 56583 - -2,5: - 0: 54495 - -2,6: - 0: 56605 - -2,3: - 0: 63359 - -1,5: - 0: 29815 - -4,1: - 0: 51328 - -4,2: - 0: 51392 - -3,2: - 0: 28662 - -4,3: - 0: 2176 - -3,1: - 0: 26151 + 1: 1057 + 0: 12288 + 3,-1: + 0: 51 + 1: 1024 -2,0: - 0: 63344 + 0: 32768 -2,1: - 0: 30704 - -2,2: - 0: 4080 - -1,0: - 0: 30576 + 0: 128 uniqueMixes: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 @@ -943,36 +346,6 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 - - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.15 - moles: - - 6666.982 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - volume: 2500 - temperature: 293.15 - moles: - - 0 - - 6666.982 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - volume: 2500 immutable: True moles: @@ -991,9101 +364,7186 @@ entities: chunkSize: 4 - type: GasTileOverlay - type: RadiationGridResistance -- proto: ActionToggleInternals +- proto: AirCanister entities: - - uid: 4 + - uid: 720 components: - type: Transform - parent: 3 - - type: InstantAction - container: 3 - - uid: 6 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 5 - - type: InstantAction - container: 5 - - uid: 8 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 7 - - type: InstantAction - container: 7 - - uid: 10 + pos: 2.5,-2.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: Airlock + entities: + - uid: 769 components: - type: Transform - parent: 9 - - type: InstantAction - container: 9 - - uid: 12 + pos: 5.5,15.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 770 components: - type: Transform - parent: 11 - - type: InstantAction - container: 11 - - uid: 14 + pos: 5.5,18.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirlockArmoryLocked + entities: + - uid: 748 components: - type: Transform - parent: 13 - - type: InstantAction - container: 13 - - uid: 16 + pos: 11.5,24.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 749 components: - type: Transform - parent: 15 - - type: InstantAction - container: 15 - - uid: 18 + pos: 1.5,24.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirlockAtmosphericsGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 768 components: - type: Transform - parent: 17 - - type: InstantAction - container: 17 - - uid: 20 + pos: 7.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirlockBarGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 765 components: - type: Transform - parent: 19 - - type: InstantAction - container: 19 - - uid: 22 + pos: 9.5,11.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirlockCaptainLocked + entities: + - uid: 359 components: - type: Transform - parent: 21 - - type: InstantAction - container: 21 - - uid: 24 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,25.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirlockCentralCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 744 components: - type: Transform - parent: 23 - - type: InstantAction - container: 23 - - uid: 26 + pos: 9.5,20.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 745 components: - type: Transform - parent: 25 - - type: InstantAction - container: 25 -- proto: AirCanister + pos: 5.5,6.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: AirlockChemistryGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 39 + - uid: 766 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-2.5 + pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 1 -- proto: Airlock +- proto: AirlockCommandGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 40 + - uid: 746 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,20.5 + pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 41 + - uid: 747 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,26.5 + pos: 8.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 42 +- proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked + entities: + - uid: 767 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,29.5 + pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockAtmosphericsLocked +- proto: AirlockGlass entities: - - uid: 43 + - uid: 750 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,0.5 + pos: -0.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 44 + - uid: 751 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,0.5 + pos: -0.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 45 + - uid: 752 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,0.5 + pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockCentralCommandLocked - entities: - - uid: 46 + - uid: 753 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,32.5 + pos: 6.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 47 + - uid: 754 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,12.5 + pos: 9.5,17.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockChemistryLocked - entities: - - uid: 48 + - uid: 755 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,22.5 + pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockCommandGlassLocked - entities: - - uid: 49 + - uid: 756 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,20.5 + pos: 13.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 50 + - uid: 757 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,20.5 + pos: 13.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 51 + - uid: 758 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,29.5 + pos: 13.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 52 + - uid: 759 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,29.5 + pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked - entities: - - uid: 53 + - uid: 760 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-1.5 + pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockExternalEngineeringLocked - entities: - - uid: 54 + - uid: 761 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-4.5 + pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 55 + - uid: 762 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-1.5 + pos: 6.5,5.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockExternalGlass - entities: - - uid: 56 + - uid: 763 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,11.5 + pos: -0.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 57 + - uid: 764 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,5.5 + pos: -0.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 58 +- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle + entities: + - uid: 2 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 59 + - uid: 262 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 60 + - uid: 263 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 61 + - uid: 264 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,3.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleArrivals - entities: - - uid: 62 + - uid: 265 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,11.5 + pos: -4.5,3.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockGlass - entities: - - uid: 63 + - uid: 266 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,20.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 64 + - uid: 267 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,10.5 + pos: -3.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 65 + - uid: 268 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,9.5 + pos: -3.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 66 +- proto: APCBasic + entities: + - uid: 771 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,12.5 + pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 67 + - uid: 772 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,12.5 + pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 68 + - uid: 773 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,12.5 + pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 69 + - uid: 774 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,27.5 + pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle +- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny entities: - - uid: 70 + - uid: 168 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 71 + - uid: 169 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,8.5 + pos: -4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 72 + - uid: 170 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,10.5 + pos: 17.5,3.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockMedicalGlassLocked - entities: - - uid: 73 + - uid: 171 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 74 + - uid: 172 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,15.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockSecurityLocked - entities: - - uid: 75 + - uid: 173 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,17.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AirlockVaultLocked - entities: - - uid: 76 + - uid: 174 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,17.5 parent: 1 -- proto: APCBasic - entities: - - uid: 77 + - uid: 175 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 78 + - uid: 692 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,5.5 + pos: 13.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 79 + - uid: 693 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,11.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 80 +- proto: Bed + entities: + - uid: 301 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,13.5 + pos: 2.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 81 + - uid: 302 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,21.5 + pos: 3.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 82 + - uid: 303 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,23.5 + pos: 4.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 83 + - uid: 304 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,22.5 + pos: 5.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 84 + - uid: 305 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,29.5 + pos: 1.5,21.5 parent: 1 -- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny - entities: - - uid: 85 + - uid: 723 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,8.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 86 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,10.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 87 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,9.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 88 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 89 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 90 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,11.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 91 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,14.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 92 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,5.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: AtmosFixNitrogenMarker - entities: - - uid: 93 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 94 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: AtmosFixOxygenMarker - entities: - - uid: 95 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 96 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-3.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: Autolathe - entities: - - uid: 97 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-0.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: Bed - entities: - - uid: 98 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,7.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 99 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 100 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 101 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,25.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 102 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,24.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 103 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 104 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 105 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,21.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: BedsheetBrown - entities: - - uid: 106 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 107 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,7.5 + pos: 11.5,19.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetCE entities: - - uid: 108 + - uid: 315 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,22.5 + pos: 5.5,21.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetCentcom entities: - - uid: 109 + - uid: 1102 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,30.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,19.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetCMO entities: - - uid: 110 + - uid: 314 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,21.5 + pos: 4.5,21.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetHOS entities: - - uid: 111 + - uid: 312 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,25.5 + pos: 2.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 112 + - uid: 313 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,24.5 + pos: 3.5,21.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetMedical entities: - - uid: 113 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,18.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 114 + - uid: 334 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,19.5 + pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetNT entities: - - uid: 115 + - uid: 311 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,23.5 + pos: 1.5,21.5 parent: 1 - proto: BlastDoor entities: - - uid: 116 + - uid: 1063 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,31.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1074 - - uid: 117 + - 1078 + - uid: 1064 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1074 - - uid: 118 + - 1078 + - uid: 1065 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1074 - - uid: 119 + - 1078 + - uid: 1066 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,34.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,28.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1075 - - uid: 120 + - 1078 + - uid: 1067 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,34.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1075 - - uid: 121 + - 1078 + - uid: 1068 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,34.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1075 - - uid: 122 + - 1079 + - uid: 1069 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,34.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,28.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1075 - - uid: 123 + - 1079 + - uid: 1070 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,28.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 - - uid: 124 + - 1079 + - uid: 1071 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,30.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1074 - - uid: 125 + - 1079 + - uid: 1072 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 - - uid: 126 + - 1080 + - uid: 1073 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 - - uid: 127 + - 1080 + - uid: 1074 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 - - uid: 128 + - 1080 + - uid: 1075 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 - - uid: 129 + - 1080 + - uid: 1099 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 - - uid: 130 + - 1101 + - uid: 1100 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,22.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 - - uid: 131 + - 1101 +- proto: BluespaceBeaker + entities: + - uid: 344 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,16.5 + pos: 3.2122846,-0.07573223 parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1076 - - uid: 132 + - type: CollisionWake + enabled: False + - uid: 345 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,14.5 + pos: 3.2122846,-0.22279596 parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1076 - - uid: 133 + - type: CollisionWake + enabled: False +- proto: BoxMagazineRifle + entities: + - uid: 633 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,13.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1076 - - uid: 134 + parent: 627 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 634 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,5.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1076 - - uid: 135 + parent: 627 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 635 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,4.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1076 - - uid: 136 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,3.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1076 - - uid: 137 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,2.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1076 - - uid: 138 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,26.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1077 - - uid: 139 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,28.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1077 - - uid: 140 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,27.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1077 - - uid: 141 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,28.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1077 - - uid: 142 + parent: 627 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 636 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,29.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1077 - - uid: 143 + parent: 627 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 637 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,29.5 - parent: 1 - - type: DeviceLinkSink - links: - - 1077 -- proto: BluespaceBeaker + parent: 627 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: BoxMagazineUniversalMagnum entities: - - uid: 144 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.280424,24.78172 - parent: 1 - - uid: 145 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.2165947,24.505123 - parent: 1 - - uid: 146 + - uid: 623 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.493191,24.611506 - parent: 1 -- proto: BoozeDispenser - entities: - - uid: 147 + parent: 617 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 624 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,23.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: BoxMagazineRifle - entities: - - uid: 149 + parent: 617 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 626 components: - type: Transform - parent: 148 + parent: 617 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 150 +- proto: BoxMagazineUniversalMagnumRubber + entities: + - uid: 620 components: - type: Transform - parent: 148 + parent: 617 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 151 + - uid: 622 components: - type: Transform - parent: 148 + parent: 617 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: Bucket +- proto: BoxMRE entities: - - uid: 156 + - uid: 319 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.651903,27.327007 + pos: 11.284545,7.288914 parent: 1 -- proto: CableApcExtension - entities: - - uid: 157 + - uid: 351 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,22.5 + pos: 11.394842,7.252148 parent: 1 - - uid: 158 + - uid: 352 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,22.5 + pos: 11.358076,7.252148 parent: 1 - - uid: 159 + - uid: 353 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,22.5 + pos: 11.505141,7.252148 parent: 1 - - uid: 160 + - uid: 354 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,22.5 + pos: 11.578672,7.288914 parent: 1 - - uid: 161 + - uid: 355 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,23.5 + pos: 11.615438,7.32568 parent: 1 - - uid: 162 +- proto: CableApcExtension + entities: + - uid: 153 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,24.5 + pos: -1.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 163 + - uid: 261 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,25.5 + pos: -2.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 164 + - uid: 811 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,26.5 + pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 165 + - uid: 812 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,27.5 + pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 166 + - uid: 813 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,28.5 + pos: 6.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 167 + - uid: 814 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,29.5 + pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 168 + - uid: 815 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,30.5 + pos: 8.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 169 + - uid: 816 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,29.5 + pos: 9.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 170 + - uid: 817 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,30.5 + pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 171 + - uid: 818 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,31.5 + pos: 11.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 172 + - uid: 819 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,32.5 + pos: 12.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 173 + - uid: 820 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,32.5 + pos: 11.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 174 + - uid: 821 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,32.5 + pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 175 + - uid: 823 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,32.5 + pos: 13.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 176 + - uid: 824 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,32.5 + pos: 13.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 177 + - uid: 825 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,32.5 + pos: 6.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 178 + - uid: 826 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,32.5 + pos: 6.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 179 + - uid: 827 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,32.5 + pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 180 + - uid: 828 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,32.5 + pos: 5.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 181 + - uid: 829 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,32.5 + pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 182 + - uid: 830 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,32.5 + pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 183 + - uid: 831 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,32.5 + pos: 2.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 184 + - uid: 832 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,32.5 + pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 185 + - uid: 833 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,23.5 + pos: 1.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 186 + - uid: 834 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,23.5 + pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 187 + - uid: 836 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,23.5 + pos: 0.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 188 + - uid: 837 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,23.5 + pos: -0.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 189 + - uid: 838 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,23.5 + pos: -0.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 190 + - uid: 839 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,23.5 + pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 191 + - uid: 840 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,24.5 + pos: 8.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 192 + - uid: 841 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,25.5 + pos: 8.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 193 + - uid: 842 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,26.5 + pos: 8.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 194 + - uid: 843 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,27.5 + pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 195 + - uid: 844 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,21.5 + pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 196 + - uid: 845 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,21.5 + pos: 10.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 197 + - uid: 846 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,21.5 + pos: 10.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 198 + - uid: 847 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,21.5 + pos: 10.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 199 + - uid: 848 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,21.5 + pos: 10.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 200 + - uid: 849 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,20.5 + pos: 10.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 201 + - uid: 850 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,19.5 + pos: 10.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 202 + - uid: 851 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,22.5 + pos: 8.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 203 + - uid: 852 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,23.5 + pos: 7.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 204 + - uid: 853 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,13.5 + pos: 6.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 205 + - uid: 854 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,13.5 + pos: 5.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 206 + - uid: 855 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,13.5 + pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 207 + - uid: 856 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,13.5 + pos: 5.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 208 + - uid: 857 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,13.5 + pos: 3.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 209 + - uid: 858 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,13.5 + pos: 4.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 210 + - uid: 859 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,13.5 + pos: 2.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 211 + - uid: 860 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,14.5 + pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 212 + - uid: 861 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,15.5 + pos: 4.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 213 + - uid: 862 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,14.5 + pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 214 + - uid: 863 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,11.5 + pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 215 + - uid: 864 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,10.5 + pos: 4.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 216 + - uid: 865 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,10.5 + pos: 4.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 217 + - uid: 866 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,10.5 + pos: 3.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 218 + - uid: 867 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,10.5 + pos: 2.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 219 + - uid: 868 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,10.5 + pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 220 + - uid: 869 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,10.5 + pos: 9.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 221 + - uid: 870 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,10.5 + pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 222 + - uid: 871 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,10.5 + pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 223 + - uid: 872 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,10.5 + pos: 9.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 224 + - uid: 873 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,10.5 + pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 225 + - uid: 874 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,10.5 + pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 226 + - uid: 875 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,10.5 + pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 227 + - uid: 876 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,10.5 + pos: 8.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 228 + - uid: 877 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,5.5 + pos: 8.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 229 + - uid: 878 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,5.5 + pos: 8.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 230 + - uid: 879 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,5.5 + pos: 8.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 231 + - uid: 880 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,5.5 + pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 232 + - uid: 881 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,5.5 + pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 233 + - uid: 882 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,5.5 + pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 234 + - uid: 883 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,5.5 + pos: 5.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 235 + - uid: 884 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,4.5 + pos: 5.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 236 + - uid: 885 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,3.5 + pos: 5.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 237 + - uid: 886 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,3.5 + pos: 5.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 238 + - uid: 887 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,3.5 + pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 239 + - uid: 888 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,3.5 + pos: 5.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 240 + - uid: 889 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,2.5 + pos: 5.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 241 + - uid: 890 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,1.5 + pos: 4.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 242 + - uid: 891 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,6.5 + pos: 3.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 243 + - uid: 892 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,7.5 + pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 244 + - uid: 893 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,0.5 + pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 245 + - uid: 894 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-0.5 + pos: 5.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 246 + - uid: 895 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-1.5 + pos: 5.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 247 + - uid: 896 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-2.5 + pos: 5.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 248 + - uid: 897 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-3.5 + pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 249 + - uid: 898 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-4.5 + pos: 4.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 250 + - uid: 899 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-1.5 + pos: 3.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 251 + - uid: 900 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-1.5 + pos: 2.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 252 + - uid: 901 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-1.5 + pos: 1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 253 + - uid: 902 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-1.5 + pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 254 + - uid: 903 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-1.5 + pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 255 + - uid: 904 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-1.5 + pos: 8.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 256 + - uid: 905 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-1.5 + pos: 8.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 257 + - uid: 906 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-1.5 + pos: 8.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 258 + - uid: 907 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-1.5 + pos: 9.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 259 + - uid: 908 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-1.5 + pos: 10.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 260 + - uid: 909 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-2.5 + pos: 10.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 261 + - uid: 910 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-3.5 + pos: 6.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 262 + - uid: 911 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-4.5 + pos: 6.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 263 + - uid: 912 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-2.5 + pos: 6.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 264 + - uid: 913 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-3.5 + pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 265 + - uid: 914 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-4.5 + pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 266 + - uid: 915 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-1.5 + pos: 8.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 267 + - uid: 916 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-1.5 + pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 268 + - uid: 917 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-1.5 + pos: 10.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 269 + - uid: 918 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-1.5 + pos: 11.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 270 + - uid: 919 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-1.5 + pos: 12.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 271 + - uid: 920 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-1.5 + pos: 12.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 272 + - uid: 921 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-1.5 + pos: 12.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 273 + - uid: 922 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-1.5 + pos: 12.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 274 + - uid: 923 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-1.5 + pos: 5.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 275 + - uid: 924 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-4.5 + pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 276 + - uid: 925 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-4.5 + pos: 3.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 277 + - uid: 926 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-4.5 + pos: 2.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 278 + - uid: 927 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-4.5 + pos: 1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 279 + - uid: 928 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-4.5 + pos: 0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 280 + - uid: 929 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-4.5 + pos: 0.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 281 + - uid: 930 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-4.5 + pos: 0.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 282 + - uid: 931 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-4.5 + pos: 0.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 283 + - uid: 932 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,10.5 + pos: 1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 284 + - uid: 933 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,10.5 + pos: 11.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 285 + - uid: 934 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,10.5 + pos: 4.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 286 + - uid: 935 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,10.5 + pos: 3.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 287 + - uid: 936 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,10.5 + pos: 2.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 288 + - uid: 937 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,9.5 + pos: 1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 289 + - uid: 938 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,8.5 + pos: 0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 290 + - uid: 939 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,7.5 + pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 291 + - uid: 940 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,6.5 + pos: -1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 292 + - uid: 941 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,5.5 + pos: -2.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 293 + - uid: 942 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,4.5 + pos: 8.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 294 + - uid: 943 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,3.5 + pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 295 + - uid: 944 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,11.5 + pos: 10.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 296 + - uid: 945 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,12.5 + pos: 11.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 297 + - uid: 946 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,13.5 + pos: 12.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 298 + - uid: 947 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,14.5 + pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 299 + - uid: 948 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,15.5 + pos: 14.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 300 + - uid: 949 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,16.5 + pos: 15.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 301 + - uid: 950 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,17.5 + pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 302 + - uid: 951 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,18.5 + pos: 10.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 303 + - uid: 952 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,18.5 + pos: 11.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 304 + - uid: 953 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,18.5 + pos: 12.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 305 + - uid: 954 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,18.5 + pos: 13.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 306 + - uid: 955 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,18.5 + pos: 14.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 307 + - uid: 956 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,18.5 + pos: 15.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 308 + - uid: 957 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,18.5 + pos: 15.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 309 + - uid: 958 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,18.5 + pos: 16.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 310 + - uid: 959 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,18.5 + pos: 14.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 311 + - uid: 960 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,18.5 + pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 312 + - uid: 961 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,18.5 + pos: 2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 313 + - uid: 962 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,18.5 + pos: 1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 314 + - uid: 963 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,5.5 + pos: 0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 315 + - uid: 964 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,5.5 + pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 316 + - uid: 965 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,5.5 + pos: -1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 317 + - uid: 966 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,6.5 + pos: -2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 318 + - uid: 967 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,4.5 + pos: -3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 319 + - uid: 968 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,3.5 + pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 320 + - uid: 969 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,2.5 + pos: 12.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 321 + - uid: 970 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,15.5 + pos: 12.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 322 + - uid: 971 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,15.5 + pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 323 + - uid: 972 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,15.5 + pos: 12.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 324 + - uid: 973 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,14.5 + pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 325 + - uid: 974 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,13.5 + pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 326 + - uid: 975 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,23.5 + pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 327 + - uid: 976 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,32.5 + pos: 0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 328 + - uid: 977 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,32.5 + pos: 0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 329 + - uid: 978 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,33.5 + pos: 0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 330 + - uid: 979 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,34.5 + pos: 0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 331 + - uid: 980 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,33.5 + pos: 11.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 332 + - uid: 981 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,34.5 + pos: 12.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 333 + - uid: 982 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,35.5 + pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 334 + - uid: 983 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,32.5 + pos: 12.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 335 + - uid: 984 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,32.5 + pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 336 + - uid: 985 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,33.5 + pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 337 + - uid: 986 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,30.5 + pos: -1.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 338 + - uid: 987 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,30.5 + pos: -1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 339 + - uid: 988 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,30.5 + pos: -0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 340 + - uid: 991 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,24.5 + pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 341 + - uid: 992 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,24.5 + pos: 2.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 342 + - uid: 993 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,24.5 + pos: 2.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 343 + - uid: 994 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,18.5 + pos: 3.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 344 + - uid: 995 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,18.5 + pos: 4.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 345 + - uid: 997 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,17.5 + pos: 10.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 346 + - uid: 998 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-1.5 + pos: 9.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 347 + - uid: 999 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-1.5 + pos: 8.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 348 + - uid: 1000 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-1.5 + pos: 11.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 349 + - uid: 1001 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-5.5 + pos: 10.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 350 + - uid: 1048 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-6.5 + pos: 15.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 351 + - uid: 1049 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-6.5 + pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 352 + - uid: 1050 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-6.5 + pos: 16.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 353 + - uid: 1051 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-6.5 + pos: -2.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 354 + - uid: 1052 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-5.5 + pos: 14.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 355 + - uid: 1053 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-5.5 + pos: 14.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 356 + - uid: 1054 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-6.5 + pos: -2.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 357 + - uid: 1055 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-3.5 + pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 358 + - uid: 1056 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-3.5 + pos: -1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 359 + - uid: 1057 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-3.5 + pos: -1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 360 + - uid: 1058 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-3.5 + pos: -0.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 361 +- proto: CableHV + entities: + - uid: 392 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,27.5 + pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 362 + - uid: 393 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,31.5 + pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 363 + - uid: 394 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,30.5 + pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 364 + - uid: 395 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,29.5 + pos: 9.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 365 + - uid: 396 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,28.5 + pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 366 + - uid: 397 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,26.5 + pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 367 + - uid: 398 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 368 + - uid: 399 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,24.5 + pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 369 + - uid: 400 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,22.5 + pos: 11.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 370 + - uid: 401 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,23.5 + pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 371 + - uid: 402 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,21.5 + pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 372 + - uid: 403 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,25.5 + pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 373 + - uid: 404 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,25.5 + pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 374 + - uid: 405 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,26.5 + pos: 8.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 375 +- proto: CableMV + entities: + - uid: 775 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,27.5 + pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 376 + - uid: 776 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,27.5 + pos: 8.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 377 + - uid: 777 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,27.5 + pos: 7.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 378 + - uid: 778 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,27.5 + pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 379 + - uid: 779 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,27.5 + pos: 7.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 380 + - uid: 780 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,27.5 + pos: 7.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 381 + - uid: 781 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,27.5 + pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 382 + - uid: 782 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,20.5 + pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 383 + - uid: 783 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,20.5 + pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 384 + - uid: 784 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,20.5 + pos: 7.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 385 + - uid: 785 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,20.5 + pos: 7.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 386 + - uid: 786 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,20.5 + pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 387 + - uid: 787 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,19.5 + pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 388 + - uid: 788 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,19.5 + pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 389 + - uid: 789 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,23.5 + pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 390 + - uid: 790 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,23.5 + pos: 7.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 391 + - uid: 791 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,24.5 + pos: 7.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 392 + - uid: 792 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,25.5 + pos: 7.5,9.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CableHV - entities: - - uid: 393 + - uid: 793 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-4.5 + pos: 7.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 394 + - uid: 794 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-4.5 + pos: 7.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 395 + - uid: 795 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-3.5 + pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 396 + - uid: 796 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-2.5 + pos: 7.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 397 + - uid: 797 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-3.5 + pos: 7.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 398 + - uid: 798 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-2.5 + pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 399 + - uid: 799 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-1.5 + pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 400 + - uid: 800 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-0.5 + pos: 8.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 401 + - uid: 801 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-2.5 + pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 402 + - uid: 802 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-0.5 + pos: 7.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 403 + - uid: 803 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-0.5 + pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 404 + - uid: 804 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-0.5 + pos: 7.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 405 + - uid: 805 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-0.5 + pos: 7.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 406 + - uid: 806 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-0.5 + pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CableMV - entities: - - uid: 407 + - uid: 807 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-0.5 + pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 408 + - uid: 808 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-0.5 + pos: 7.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 409 + - uid: 809 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-0.5 + pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 410 + - uid: 810 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-0.5 + pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 411 +- proto: ChairPilotSeat + entities: + - uid: 360 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 412 +- proto: chem_master + entities: + - uid: 341 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,0.5 + pos: 2.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 413 +- proto: ChemDispenser + entities: + - uid: 340 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,0.5 + pos: 1.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 414 +- proto: ChemistryHotplate + entities: + - uid: 343 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,1.5 + pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 415 + - type: ItemPlacer + placedEntities: + - 344 + - type: PlaceableSurface + isPlaceable: False +- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesChemical + entities: + - uid: 346 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,2.5 + pos: 3.7270064,-0.59045506 parent: 1 - - uid: 416 +- proto: ClothingHeadHatCentcomcap + entities: + - uid: 736 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 417 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingHeadsetAltCentCom + entities: + - uid: 726 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 418 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingHeadsetCentCom + entities: + - uid: 734 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,5.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 419 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingLongcoatCC + entities: + - uid: 737 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,5.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 420 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakCentcom + entities: + - uid: 733 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,5.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 421 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTCentcomm + entities: + - uid: 735 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,6.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 422 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTEngineer + entities: + - uid: 661 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,7.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 423 + parent: 658 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTLeader + entities: + - uid: 662 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,8.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 424 + parent: 658 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTMedical + entities: + - uid: 663 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,9.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 425 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,10.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 426 + parent: 658 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTSecurity + entities: + - uid: 659 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,11.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 427 + parent: 658 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 660 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,12.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 428 + parent: 658 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: ComfyChair + entities: + - uid: 740 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 429 +- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 362 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,13.5 + pos: 5.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 430 +- proto: ComputerCriminalRecords + entities: + - uid: 365 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,13.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 431 +- proto: ComputerIFFSyndicate + entities: + - uid: 364 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 432 +- proto: ComputerShuttle + entities: + - uid: 361 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,15.5 + pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 433 +- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor + entities: + - uid: 363 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,16.5 + pos: 7.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 434 +- proto: CrateArmoryUniversal + entities: + - uid: 617 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,17.5 + pos: 2.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 435 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 618 + - 619 + - 620 + - 621 + - 622 + - 623 + - 624 + - 625 + - 626 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: CrateEmergencyExplosive + entities: + - uid: 1086 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,18.5 + pos: 13.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 436 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 1087 + - 1088 + - 1089 + - 1090 + - 1091 + - 1092 + - 1093 + - 1094 + - 1095 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEControl + entities: + - uid: 406 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,19.5 + pos: 8.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 437 +- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEJar + entities: + - uid: 408 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,19.5 + pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 438 + - uid: 409 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,19.5 + pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 439 +- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding + entities: + - uid: 407 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,20.5 + pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 440 +- proto: CryoPod + entities: + - uid: 335 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,21.5 + pos: 1.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 441 +- proto: CryoxadoneBeakerSmall + entities: + - uid: 716 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,21.5 + pos: 3.2407064,2.4430451 parent: 1 - - uid: 442 +- proto: CurtainsBlue + entities: + - uid: 295 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 443 + - uid: 296 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 444 +- proto: CurtainsCyan + entities: + - uid: 297 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 445 + - uid: 298 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 446 + - uid: 299 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 447 + - type: Door + secondsUntilStateChange: -285.97836 + state: Opening +- proto: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTankFilled + entities: + - uid: 644 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 448 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 646 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 449 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 648 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 450 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 653 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 451 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 654 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 452 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 655 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 453 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 656 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 454 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 657 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 455 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: Dresser + entities: + - uid: 300 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,19.5 + pos: 4.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 456 + - uid: 306 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,19.5 + pos: 1.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 457 + - uid: 307 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,19.5 + pos: 1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 458 + - uid: 308 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,19.5 + pos: 2.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 459 + - uid: 309 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,19.5 + pos: 3.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 460 + - uid: 310 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,19.5 + pos: 4.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 461 +- proto: FaxMachineCentcom + entities: + - uid: 742 components: + - type: MetaData + name: N.T.N.F long range fax machine - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,19.5 + pos: 10.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 462 + - type: FaxMachine + name: NTNF +- proto: GasFilterFlipped + entities: + - uid: 520 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,20.5 + pos: 3.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 463 +- proto: GasMinerNitrogen + entities: + - uid: 413 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 464 +- proto: GasMinerOxygen + entities: + - uid: 414 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 465 +- proto: GasMixer + entities: + - uid: 412 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 466 + - type: GasMixer + inletTwoConcentration: 0.79 + inletOneConcentration: 0.21 +- proto: GasPassiveVent + entities: + - uid: 415 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 467 + - uid: 416 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 468 + - uid: 434 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 469 + - uid: 547 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,20.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 470 +- proto: GasPipeBend + entities: + - uid: 418 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 471 + - uid: 423 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,22.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 472 + - uid: 424 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,23.5 + pos: 9.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 473 + - uid: 435 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,24.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 474 + - uid: 436 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,25.5 + pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 475 + - uid: 477 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,26.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 476 + - uid: 482 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,27.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 477 + - uid: 519 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,28.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 478 + - uid: 556 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 479 + - uid: 557 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,30.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 480 + - uid: 562 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,30.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 481 + - uid: 570 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,30.5 + pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 482 + - uid: 576 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,30.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 483 + - uid: 579 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 484 + - uid: 594 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,29.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,12.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CableTerminal - entities: - - uid: 485 + - uid: 602 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,19.5 parent: 1 -- proto: Chair - entities: - - uid: 486 + - uid: 710 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,28.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 487 + - uid: 713 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,27.5 + pos: 3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 488 + - uid: 1152 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,26.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 489 +- proto: GasPipeFourway + entities: + - uid: 445 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,25.5 + pos: 7.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 490 + - uid: 457 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,25.5 + pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 491 + - uid: 458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,16.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: GasPipeStraight + entities: + - uid: 330 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 417 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-4.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 419 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,26.5 + pos: 5.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 492 + - uid: 420 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,27.5 + pos: 6.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 493 + - uid: 421 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,28.5 + pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ChairOfficeDark - entities: - - uid: 494 + - uid: 422 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.263696,32.574013 + pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 -- proto: chem_master - entities: - - uid: 495 + - uid: 427 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ChemDispenser - entities: - - uid: 496 + - uid: 428 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-2.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ChemistryHotplate - entities: - - uid: 497 + - uid: 437 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,24.5 + pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ClothingHeadHatCentcomcap - entities: - - uid: 499 + - uid: 439 components: - type: Transform - parent: 498 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingHeadsetCentCom - entities: - - uid: 500 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 440 components: - type: Transform - parent: 498 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingLongcoatCC - entities: - - uid: 501 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-0.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 442 components: - type: Transform - parent: 498 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingNeckCloakCentcom - entities: - - uid: 502 + pos: 7.5,1.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 443 components: - type: Transform - parent: 498 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTCentcomm - entities: - - uid: 507 + pos: 7.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 444 components: - type: Transform - parent: 506 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTEngineer - entities: - - uid: 509 + pos: 7.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 446 components: - type: Transform - parent: 508 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTLeader - entities: - - uid: 511 + pos: 7.5,5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 447 components: - type: Transform - parent: 510 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTMedical - entities: - - uid: 513 + pos: 7.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 450 components: - type: Transform - parent: 512 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTSecurity - entities: - - uid: 515 + pos: 7.5,8.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 451 components: - type: Transform - parent: 514 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 516 + pos: 7.5,9.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 452 components: - type: Transform - parent: 514 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomDirector - entities: - - uid: 503 + pos: 7.5,10.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 453 components: - type: Transform - parent: 498 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ComfyChair - entities: - - uid: 517 + pos: 7.5,12.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 454 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,30.5 + pos: 7.5,13.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring - entities: - - uid: 518 + - uid: 455 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,33.5 + pos: 7.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 519 + - uid: 456 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,31.5 + pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ComputerIFFSyndicate - entities: - - uid: 520 + - uid: 460 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,17.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ComputerRadar - entities: - - uid: 521 + - uid: 461 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ComputerShuttle - entities: - - uid: 522 + - uid: 462 components: - - type: MetaData - name: ERT Cruiser - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,31.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - type: WarpPoint -- proto: ComputerStationRecords - entities: - - uid: 523 + - uid: 464 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,20.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor - entities: - - uid: 524 + - uid: 465 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,20.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CrateFoodMRE - entities: - - uid: 525 + - uid: 466 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 526 + - uid: 467 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,24.5 + pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CrateTrashCartFilled - entities: - - uid: 527 + - uid: 468 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,26.5 + pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CrateVendingMachineRestockHotDrinksFilled - entities: - - uid: 528 + - uid: 469 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,23.5 + pos: 7.5,23.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CrewMonitoringServer - entities: - - uid: 529 + - uid: 473 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,33.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - type: SingletonDeviceNetServer - active: False - available: False -- proto: CryoPod - entities: - - uid: 530 + - uid: 474 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,21.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,24.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CryoxadoneBeakerSmall - entities: - - uid: 531 + - uid: 475 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.729409,21.437706 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 532 + - uid: 476 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.729409,21.714302 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,24.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CurtainsBlue - entities: - - uid: 533 + - uid: 478 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,24.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 479 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 534 + - uid: 480 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,24.5 parent: 1 -- proto: CurtainsCyan - entities: - - uid: 535 + - uid: 481 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,28.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 536 + - uid: 483 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,27.5 + pos: 12.5,25.5 parent: 1 -- proto: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTankFilled - entities: - - uid: 3 + - uid: 484 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 4 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 4 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,25.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 485 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 6 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 6 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 7 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,25.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 486 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 8 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 8 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 9 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 487 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 10 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 10 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 11 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 488 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 12 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 12 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 13 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 490 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 14 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 14 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 15 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 491 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 16 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 16 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 17 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 492 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 18 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 18 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 19 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 493 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 20 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 20 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 21 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 494 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 22 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 22 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 23 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 495 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 24 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 24 - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 25 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 496 components: - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: GasTank - toggleActionEntity: 26 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: ActionsContainer - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - actions: !type:Container - ents: - - 26 - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: Dresser - entities: - - uid: 537 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,16.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 497 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 538 + - uid: 502 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 539 + - uid: 503 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,28.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 540 + - uid: 504 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 541 + - uid: 505 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 542 + - uid: 506 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 543 + - uid: 507 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,25.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,4.5 parent: 1 -- proto: FaxMachineCentcom - entities: - - uid: 544 + - uid: 508 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - type: FaxMachine - name: NTNF -- proto: FloorDrain - entities: - - uid: 545 + - uid: 509 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,28.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} - - uid: 546 + - uid: 510 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} -- proto: GasFilterFlipped - entities: - - uid: 547 + - uid: 511 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,4.5 parent: 1 -- proto: GasMinerNitrogen - entities: - - uid: 548 + - uid: 512 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,4.5 parent: 1 -- proto: GasMinerOxygen - entities: - - uid: 549 + - uid: 513 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 -- proto: GasMixer - entities: - - uid: 550 + - uid: 514 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-1.5 + pos: 5.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - type: GasMixer - inletTwoConcentration: 0.79 - inletOneConcentration: 0.21 -- proto: GasPassiveVent - entities: - - uid: 551 + - uid: 515 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 2.5,-3.5 + pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 552 + - uid: 516 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,-3.5 + pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 553 + - uid: 517 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,-1.5 + pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 554 + - uid: 518 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-4.5 + pos: 4.5,1.5 parent: 1 -- proto: GasPipeBend - entities: - - uid: 555 + - uid: 522 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-1.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 556 + - uid: 542 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 557 + - uid: 543 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 558 + - uid: 544 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 559 + - uid: 545 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 560 + - uid: 546 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,24.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 561 + - uid: 558 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-5.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 560 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,24.5 + pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 562 + - uid: 561 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,32.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 563 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - uid: 564 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,9.5 + pos: 10.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - uid: 565 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,0.5 + pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - uid: 566 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,8.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - uid: 567 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,8.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - uid: 568 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - uid: 569 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 570 + - uid: 572 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,20.5 + pos: 8.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 571 + - uid: 573 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 572 + - uid: 577 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,29.5 + pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 573 + - uid: 580 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,31.5 + pos: 9.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 574 + - uid: 581 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,20.5 + pos: 9.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 575 + - uid: 582 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,30.5 + pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 576 + - uid: 584 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,20.5 + pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 577 + - uid: 585 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,17.5 + pos: 6.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 578 + - uid: 586 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,17.5 + pos: 6.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 579 + - uid: 587 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,21.5 + pos: 6.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 580 + - uid: 588 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,21.5 + pos: 6.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 581 + - uid: 589 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-2.5 + pos: 6.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 582 + - uid: 590 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,-4.5 + pos: 6.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 583 + - uid: 591 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-3.5 + pos: 6.5,11.5 parent: 1 -- proto: GasPipeStraight - entities: - - uid: 584 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 585 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 586 + - uid: 593 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-1.5 + pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 587 + - uid: 595 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-0.5 + pos: 9.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 588 + - uid: 596 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 589 + - uid: 597 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 590 + - uid: 598 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 591 + - uid: 599 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 592 + - uid: 600 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,1.5 + pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 593 + - uid: 601 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 594 + - uid: 604 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 595 + - uid: 605 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 596 + - uid: 606 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 597 + - uid: 607 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 598 + - uid: 608 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 599 + - uid: 610 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,5.5 + pos: 6.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 600 + - uid: 611 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,6.5 + pos: 6.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 601 + - uid: 612 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,7.5 + pos: 6.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 602 + - uid: 613 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,8.5 + pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 603 + - uid: 711 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 604 + - uid: 714 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 605 + - uid: 715 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,13.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 606 + - uid: 1153 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,15.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 607 + - uid: 1154 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,16.5 + pos: 3.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 608 + - uid: 1156 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,17.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 609 +- proto: GasPipeTJunction + entities: + - uid: 426 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,20.5 + pos: 7.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 610 + - uid: 429 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,21.5 + pos: 4.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 611 + - uid: 441 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,19.5 + pos: 7.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 612 + - uid: 448 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,19.5 + pos: 7.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 613 + - uid: 449 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,19.5 + pos: 7.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 614 + - uid: 459 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 615 + - uid: 463 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,19.5 + pos: 7.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 616 + - uid: 470 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,19.5 + pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 617 + - uid: 471 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,20.5 + pos: 6.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 618 + - uid: 472 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,21.5 + pos: 5.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 619 + - uid: 489 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,22.5 + pos: 10.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 620 + - uid: 498 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 11.5,25.5 + pos: 4.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 621 + - uid: 499 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 11.5,26.5 + pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 622 + - uid: 500 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 11.5,28.5 + pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 623 + - uid: 501 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 11.5,29.5 + pos: 10.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 624 + - uid: 521 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,20.5 + pos: 4.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 625 + - uid: 559 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,21.5 + pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 626 + - uid: 571 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,22.5 + pos: 9.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 627 + - uid: 574 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 628 + - uid: 575 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,24.5 + pos: 2.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 629 + - uid: 578 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,26.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 630 + - uid: 583 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 631 + - uid: 592 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,28.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 632 + - uid: 603 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,29.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 633 + - uid: 609 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,31.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 634 + - uid: 712 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,32.5 + pos: 6.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 635 +- proto: GasPort + entities: + - uid: 431 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 636 + - uid: 432 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,32.5 + pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 637 +- proto: GasPressurePump + entities: + - uid: 425 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,32.5 + pos: 8.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 638 + - uid: 430 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,32.5 + pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 639 + - uid: 438 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,32.5 + pos: 2.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 640 +- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer + entities: + - uid: 339 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,18.5 + pos: 2.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 641 +- proto: GasVentPump + entities: + - uid: 433 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,18.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 642 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 523 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 643 + - uid: 524 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 644 + - uid: 525 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 645 + - uid: 526 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 646 + - uid: 527 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,13.5 + pos: 10.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 647 + - uid: 528 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,13.5 + pos: 5.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 648 + - uid: 529 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,13.5 + pos: 3.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 649 + - uid: 530 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,9.5 + pos: 8.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 650 + - uid: 531 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,9.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 651 + - uid: 532 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,9.5 + pos: 10.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 652 + - uid: 533 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,9.5 + pos: 14.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 653 + - uid: 534 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 654 + - uid: 535 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,9.5 + pos: 4.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 655 + - uid: 536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,20.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 537 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,9.5 + pos: 11.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 656 + - uid: 538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,26.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,26.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,26.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 541 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,-0.5 + pos: 5.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 657 + - uid: 722 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,0.5 + pos: -1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 658 +- proto: GasVentScrubber + entities: + - uid: 548 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,0.5 + pos: 6.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 659 + - uid: 549 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,0.5 + pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 660 + - uid: 550 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,1.5 + pos: 4.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 661 + - uid: 551 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 662 + - uid: 552 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,3.5 + pos: 3.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 663 + - uid: 553 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 664 + - uid: 554 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,5.5 + pos: 6.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 665 + - uid: 555 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,6.5 + pos: 8.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 666 +- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW + entities: + - uid: 384 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,7.5 + pos: 11.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 667 + - uid: 385 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,8.5 + pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 668 + - uid: 386 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,9.5 + pos: 11.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 669 + - uid: 390 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,1.5 + pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 670 + - uid: 391 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,2.5 + pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 671 +- proto: GeneratorWallmountAPU + entities: + - uid: 387 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,3.5 + pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 672 + - uid: 388 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,4.5 + pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 673 + - uid: 389 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,5.5 + pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 674 +- proto: GravityGeneratorMini + entities: + - uid: 379 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,6.5 + pos: -0.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 675 +- proto: Grille + entities: + - uid: 191 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 676 + - uid: 192 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,2.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 674 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - uid: 677 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,9.5 + pos: 1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - uid: 678 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,11.5 + pos: 4.5,27.5 parent: 1 - uid: 679 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,12.5 + pos: -1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - uid: 680 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,13.5 + pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 1 - uid: 681 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,14.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 682 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,15.5 + pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - uid: 683 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,16.5 + pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - uid: 684 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,17.5 + pos: 3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - uid: 685 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,18.5 + pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 1 - uid: 686 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,20.5 + pos: -0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - uid: 687 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,20.5 + pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - uid: 688 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,21.5 + pos: 7.5,28.5 parent: 1 - uid: 689 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,20.5 + pos: 8.5,27.5 parent: 1 - uid: 690 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,20.5 + pos: 11.5,27.5 parent: 1 - uid: 691 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,21.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 692 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 693 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 694 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,24.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 695 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,25.5 + pos: 14.5,27.5 parent: 1 - uid: 696 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,26.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,6.5 parent: 1 - uid: 697 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,27.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,6.5 parent: 1 - uid: 698 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,28.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - uid: 699 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,29.5 + pos: -2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - uid: 700 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,29.5 + pos: -3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - uid: 701 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,29.5 + pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - uid: 702 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,29.5 + pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 703 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 1.5,30.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 704 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,20.5 + pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 705 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,20.5 + pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 706 + - uid: 1033 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,20.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 707 + - uid: 1059 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,20.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 708 + - uid: 1061 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,20.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 709 + - uid: 1062 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,21.5 + pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 710 + - uid: 1096 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,23.5 + pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 711 + - uid: 1097 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,24.5 + pos: 12.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 712 +- proto: GrilleDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 673 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 713 + - uid: 675 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,26.5 + pos: 4.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 714 + - uid: 676 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,27.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 715 + - uid: 682 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,28.5 + pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 716 + - uid: 694 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,29.5 + pos: 11.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 717 + - uid: 695 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,31.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 718 + - uid: 706 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,31.5 + pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 719 + - uid: 707 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,30.5 + pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 720 + - uid: 708 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,20.5 + pos: 5.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 721 + - uid: 709 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,20.5 + pos: 10.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 722 +- proto: GunSafe + entities: + - uid: 627 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,20.5 + pos: 3.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 723 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 632 + - 631 + - 630 + - 629 + - 628 + - 633 + - 634 + - 635 + - 636 + - 637 + - 638 + - 639 + - 640 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null + - uid: 664 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,20.5 + pos: 1.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 724 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 665 + - 666 + - 667 + - 668 + - 669 + - 670 + - 671 + - 672 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: Gyroscope + entities: + - uid: 380 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,17.5 + pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 725 + - uid: 381 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,17.5 + pos: 12.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 726 + - uid: 382 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,17.5 + pos: 13.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 727 + - uid: 383 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,17.5 + pos: 12.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 728 +- proto: hydroponicsTray + entities: + - uid: 325 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,18.5 + pos: 11.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 729 + - uid: 326 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,20.5 + pos: 11.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 730 + - uid: 327 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,20.5 + pos: 11.5,13.5 parent: 1 -- proto: GasPipeTJunction +- proto: JetpackVoidFilled entities: - - uid: 731 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 732 + - uid: 642 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 733 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 643 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,0.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 734 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 645 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 735 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 647 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 736 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 649 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 737 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 650 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 738 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 651 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,9.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 739 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 652 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,10.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 740 + parent: 641 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: KitchenKnife + entities: + - uid: 349 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,14.5 + pos: 11.624599,8.560317 parent: 1 - - uid: 741 +- proto: KitchenMicrowave + entities: + - uid: 348 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,18.5 + pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 742 +- proto: MagazineBoxCaselessRifleBig + entities: + - uid: 732 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 743 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: MagazineBoxMagnum + entities: + - uid: 621 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 744 + parent: 617 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: MagazineBoxRifleBig + entities: + - uid: 638 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 745 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 746 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,27.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 747 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,25.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 748 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 749 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,14.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 750 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,0.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 751 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 752 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,0.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 753 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,8.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 754 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 755 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,10.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 756 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,13.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 757 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 758 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,20.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 759 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,29.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 760 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 761 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 762 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -1.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 763 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,20.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 764 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,18.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 765 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,19.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GasPort - entities: - - uid: 766 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 767 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-3.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GasPressurePump - entities: - - uid: 768 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 769 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-3.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer - entities: - - uid: 770 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,18.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GasVentPump - entities: - - uid: 771 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,5.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 772 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,5.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 773 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 774 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 775 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 776 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 777 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,10.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 778 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,15.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 779 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,13.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 780 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,18.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 781 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 782 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 8.5,18.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 783 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,25.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 784 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 785 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,32.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 786 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 787 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,27.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 788 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 789 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,10.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GasVentScrubber - entities: - - uid: 790 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 791 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,7.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 792 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,10.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 793 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,10.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 794 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,13.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 795 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 796 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 797 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 798 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,32.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 799 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,32.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 800 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 801 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,31.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 802 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 803 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 804 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,20.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW - entities: - - uid: 805 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 806 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 807 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 808 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 809 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 810 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 811 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 812 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-0.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GravityGeneratorMini - entities: - - uid: 813 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-0.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: Grille - entities: - - uid: 814 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 815 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 816 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 817 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 818 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 819 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 820 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,5.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 821 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,13.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 822 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,14.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 823 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 824 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 825 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 826 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 827 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 828 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 829 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 830 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 831 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,34.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 832 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,34.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 833 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,34.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 834 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,34.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 835 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 836 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,33.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 837 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,32.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 838 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,31.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 839 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,26.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 840 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,28.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 841 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,27.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 842 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,28.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 843 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,29.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 844 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,29.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 845 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 846 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 847 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,20.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 848 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,20.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GrilleDiagonal - entities: - - uid: 849 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 850 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,29.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: GunSafe - entities: - - uid: 851 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,15.5 - parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 852 - - 853 - - 854 - - 855 - - 857 - - 858 - - 859 - - 860 - - 861 - - 862 - - 856 - paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ent: null - - uid: 863 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 864 - - 867 - - 865 - - 866 - paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ent: null - - uid: 868 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,14.5 - parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 870 - - 871 - - 872 - - 873 - - 874 - - 875 - - 876 - - 877 - - 878 - - 879 - - 880 - - 881 - - 869 - - 882 - - 884 - - 885 - - 886 - - 883 - - 887 - - 888 - paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ent: null -- proto: GunSafeRifleLecter - entities: - - uid: 148 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 152 - - 151 - - 150 - - 149 - - 153 - - 154 - - 155 - paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ent: null -- proto: Gyroscope - entities: - - uid: 889 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 890 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 891 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-0.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: HydroponicsTrayEmpty - entities: - - uid: 892 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,28.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: JanitorialTrolley - entities: - - uid: 893 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,27.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: JetpackVoidFilled - entities: - - uid: 27 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 28 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 29 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 30 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 31 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 32 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 33 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 34 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 35 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 36 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 37 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 38 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 2 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: KitchenKnife - entities: - - uid: 894 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.627188,26.621597 - parent: 1 -- proto: KitchenMicrowave - entities: - - uid: 895 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,26.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: KitchenReagentGrinder - entities: - - uid: 896 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,24.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 897 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,26.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: LockerDetective - entities: - - uid: 498 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 503 - - 504 - - 500 - - 505 - - 501 - - 499 - - 502 - paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ent: null -- proto: LockerEvidence - entities: - - uid: 898 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 899 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,7.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: MagazineBoxCaselessRifleBig - entities: - - uid: 900 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.29401565,33.51026 - parent: 1 -- proto: MagazineBoxMagnum - entities: - - uid: 869 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: MagazineBoxRifleBig - entities: - - uid: 152 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 148 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: MagazineCaselessRifle10x24 - entities: - - uid: 901 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.23789907,33.53154 - parent: 1 - - uid: 903 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 902 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False -- proto: MagazineUniversalMagnum - entities: - - uid: 870 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 871 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 872 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 873 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 874 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 875 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 876 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 877 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 878 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 879 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 880 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 881 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 882 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 883 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: MedicalBed - entities: - - uid: 904 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,18.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 905 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,19.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: MedicalTechFab - entities: - - uid: 906 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,21.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: MedkitAdvancedFilled - entities: - - uid: 907 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.312727,18.695625 - parent: 1 - - uid: 908 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.4616632,18.695625 - parent: 1 - - uid: 909 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.2063446,12.652766 - parent: 1 - - uid: 910 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.185067,12.269787 - parent: 1 - - uid: 911 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.185067,12.461277 - parent: 1 - - uid: 912 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.631876,18.695625 - parent: 1 -- proto: MedkitCombatFilled - entities: - - uid: 913 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.7382584,12.4825535 - parent: 1 - - uid: 914 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.6957054,12.652766 - parent: 1 - - uid: 915 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.6957064,18.201748 - parent: 1 - - uid: 916 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.716982,12.312341 - parent: 1 -- proto: MopItem - entities: - - uid: 917 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.3114777,27.433266 - parent: 1 -- proto: OxygenCanister - entities: - - uid: 918 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-3.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PaperBin20 - entities: - - uid: 919 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,31.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PottedPlant16 - entities: - - uid: 920 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,21.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PottedPlant19 - entities: - - uid: 921 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,4.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PottedPlant24 - entities: - - uid: 922 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,19.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PottedPlant27 - entities: - - uid: 923 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,18.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 924 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,33.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PottedPlant28 - entities: - - uid: 925 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,28.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 926 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,32.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PottedPlant29 - entities: - - uid: 927 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,28.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PottedPlant30 - entities: - - uid: 928 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,25.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 929 + parent: 627 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 639 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,24.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PottedPlant8 - entities: - - uid: 930 + parent: 627 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 640 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,2.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: PowerCellMicroreactor + parent: 627 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: MagazineCaselessRifle10x24 entities: - - uid: 504 + - uid: 727 components: - type: Transform - parent: 498 + parent: 724 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: PowerCellRecharger - entities: - - uid: 931 + - uid: 729 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,18.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: Poweredlight + parent: 728 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False +- proto: MagazineGrenadeBlast entities: - - uid: 932 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-0.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 933 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 934 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 935 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 2.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 936 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 937 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-0.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 938 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 939 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,6.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 940 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,6.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 941 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 942 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,14.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 943 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,16.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 944 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,12.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 945 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,20.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 946 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,24.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 947 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,25.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 948 + - uid: 1089 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,25.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 949 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 1091 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,23.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 950 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 1092 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,25.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 951 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 1093 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 952 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 1094 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,28.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 953 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 1095 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,27.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 954 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: MagazineGrenadeEMP + entities: + - uid: 1087 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,32.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 955 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 1088 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,31.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 956 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 1090 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,33.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 957 + parent: 1086 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: MedicalBed + entities: + - uid: 333 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,30.5 + pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 958 +- proto: MedkitAdvancedFilled + entities: + - uid: 717 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,17.5 + pos: 3.176877,2.7621942 parent: 1 - - uid: 959 + - uid: 718 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,18.5 + pos: 3.3258133,2.7621942 parent: 1 - - uid: 960 + - uid: 719 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,13.5 + pos: 3.3683662,2.7621942 parent: 1 - - uid: 961 +- proto: OxygenCanister + entities: + - uid: 721 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,7.5 + pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 962 +- proto: PaperBin20 + entities: + - uid: 741 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,9.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 963 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,10.5 + pos: 11.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 964 +- proto: PowerCageHigh + entities: + - uid: 270 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,13.5 + pos: -0.71673393,26.761541 parent: 1 - - uid: 965 + - uid: 271 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.7535,26.688011 parent: 1 - - uid: 966 + - uid: 272 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,7.5 + pos: -0.71673393,26.540947 parent: 1 - - uid: 967 +- proto: PowerCageRecharger + entities: + - uid: 269 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 968 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False +- proto: PowerCellMicroreactor + entities: + - uid: 731 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,1.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 969 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: Poweredlight + entities: + - uid: 1060 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,28.5 + pos: -1.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 970 + - uid: 1106 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,21.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 971 + - uid: 1107 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 972 + - uid: 1108 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 973 + - uid: 1109 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,-5.5 + pos: 6.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 974 + - uid: 1110 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,-5.5 + pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 975 + - uid: 1111 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,28.5 + pos: 0.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 976 + - uid: 1112 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,26.5 + pos: 11.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 977 + - uid: 1113 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,20.5 + pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 978 + - uid: 1114 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,6.5 + pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 979 + - uid: 1115 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 980 + - uid: 1116 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1 -- proto: PoweredLightPostSmall - entities: - - uid: 981 + - uid: 1117 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 982 + - uid: 1118 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,1.5 + pos: 1.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 983 + - uid: 1119 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 984 + - uid: 1120 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-7.5 + pos: -1.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 985 + - uid: 1121 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-6.5 + pos: 4.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 986 + - uid: 1122 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-6.5 + pos: 3.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 987 + - uid: 1123 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 988 + - uid: 1124 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,24.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 989 + - uid: 1125 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,31.5 + pos: 14.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 990 + - uid: 1126 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,34.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 991 + - uid: 1127 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,35.5 + pos: 11.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 992 + - uid: 1128 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,35.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 993 + - uid: 1129 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,26.5 + pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 994 + - uid: 1130 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -10.5,18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1 -- proto: PoweredSmallLight - entities: - - uid: 995 + - uid: 1131 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,32.5 + pos: 8.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 996 + - uid: 1132 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,32.5 + pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 -- proto: Rack - entities: - - uid: 997 + - uid: 1133 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,21.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 998 + - uid: 1134 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,12.5 + pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 999 + - uid: 1135 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,13.5 + pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1000 + - uid: 1136 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,25.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ReinforcedUraniumWindow - entities: - - uid: 1001 + - uid: 1137 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1002 + - uid: 1138 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,1.5 + pos: 5.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1003 + - uid: 1139 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,6.5 + pos: 1.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1004 + - uid: 1140 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,7.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1005 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,14.5 + pos: -1.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1006 + - uid: 1141 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,16.5 + pos: 11.5,17.5 parent: 1 -- proto: RollingPin - entities: - - uid: 1007 + - uid: 1142 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.6059115,26.685427 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,15.5 parent: 1 -- proto: RubberStampCentcom - entities: - - uid: 1008 + - uid: 1143 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.8166513,31.519691 + pos: 14.5,17.5 parent: 1 -- proto: Screwdriver - entities: - - uid: 505 + - uid: 1144 components: - type: Transform - parent: 498 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: SecurityTechFab + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,13.5 + parent: 1 +- proto: PoweredSmallLight entities: - - uid: 1009 + - uid: 1145 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,14.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,10.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SeedExtractor - entities: - - uid: 1010 + - uid: 1146 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,26.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,10.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SheetGlass - entities: - - uid: 1011 + - uid: 1147 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.47627544,-4.565197 + pos: 1.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1012 + - uid: 1148 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.47627544,-4.565197 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1013 + - uid: 1149 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.47627544,-4.565197 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1014 + - uid: 1150 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.7798302,21.346899 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1015 + - uid: 1151 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.7798302,21.346899 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,21.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SheetPlasma1 +- proto: Rack entities: - - uid: 1016 + - uid: 273 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.918722,24.888102 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1017 + - uid: 336 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.876169,24.654058 + pos: 3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1018 + - uid: 1085 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.876169,24.568953 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1019 +- proto: ReinforcedUraniumWindow + entities: + - uid: 615 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.876169,24.441292 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,6.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SheetPlasteel +- proto: RollingPin entities: - - uid: 1020 + - uid: 350 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.8592539,-4.6290245 + pos: 11.477535,8.63385 parent: 1 - - uid: 1021 +- proto: Screwdriver + entities: + - uid: 725 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.8592539,-4.6290245 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1022 + parent: 724 + - type: Physics + angularDamping: 0 + linearDamping: 0 + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: SeedExtractor + entities: + - uid: 329 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.8592539,-4.6290245 + pos: 11.5,10.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SheetPlastic +- proto: Shower entities: - - uid: 1023 + - uid: 287 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.3330214,21.58094 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1024 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 288 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.1840851,21.55779 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,11.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SheetSteel + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} +- proto: ShuttersNormal entities: - - uid: 1025 + - uid: 1103 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.22095585,-4.5864716 + pos: 2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1026 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + links: + - 1098 + - uid: 1104 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.22095585,-4.5864716 + pos: 3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1027 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + links: + - 1098 + - uid: 1105 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.22095585,-4.5864716 + pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1028 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + links: + - 1098 +- proto: ShuttleGunDuster + entities: + - uid: 1083 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.22095585,-4.5864716 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1029 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + links: + - 1077 + - uid: 1084 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.22095585,-4.5864716 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1030 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + links: + - 1077 +- proto: ShuttleGunPerforator + entities: + - uid: 1081 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.22095585,-4.5864716 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1031 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + links: + - 1076 + - uid: 1082 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.378358,14.3577175 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1032 + - type: DeviceLinkSink + links: + - 1076 +- proto: ShuttleWindow + entities: + - uid: 33 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.6947234,21.559666 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1033 + - uid: 34 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.6947234,21.559666 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1034 + - uid: 184 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.6947234,21.559666 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,27.5 parent: 1 -- proto: Shower - entities: - - uid: 1035 + - uid: 185 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} - - uid: 1036 + - uid: 186 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,28.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} -- proto: ShuttleWindow - entities: - - uid: 1037 + - uid: 187 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1038 + - uid: 188 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,28.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1039 + - uid: 189 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1040 + - uid: 190 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1041 + - uid: 236 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1042 + - uid: 237 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-2.5 + pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1043 + - uid: 238 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-2.5 + pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1044 + - uid: 239 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-2.5 + pos: -3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1045 + - uid: 240 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1046 + - uid: 241 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1047 + - uid: 242 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1048 + - uid: 243 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1049 + - uid: 244 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1050 + - uid: 245 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1051 + - uid: 246 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1052 + - uid: 247 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1053 + - uid: 250 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,28.5 + pos: -1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1054 + - uid: 251 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,26.5 + pos: 1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1055 + - uid: 252 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,2.5 + pos: 11.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1056 + - uid: 253 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,3.5 + pos: 14.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1057 + - uid: 316 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,4.5 + pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1058 + - uid: 318 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,5.5 + pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1059 + - uid: 320 components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,13.5 + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1060 + - uid: 374 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1061 + - uid: 375 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1062 + - uid: 376 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1063 + - uid: 377 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 8.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1064 +- proto: ShuttleWindowDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 248 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1065 + - uid: 249 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,16.5 + pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1066 + - uid: 254 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 11.5,16.5 + pos: 11.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1067 + - uid: 255 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1068 + - uid: 256 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,20.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1069 + - uid: 257 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,20.5 + pos: 4.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1070 + - uid: 370 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,22.5 + pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1071 + - uid: 371 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,22.5 + pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ShuttleWindowDiagonal - entities: - - uid: 1072 + - uid: 372 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,29.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1073 + - uid: 373 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - proto: SignalButtonDirectional entities: - - uid: 1074 + - uid: 1076 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,30.5 + pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 116: - - Pressed: Toggle - 117: - - Pressed: Toggle - 118: + 1081: - Pressed: Toggle - 124: + 1082: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1075 + - uid: 1077 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,30.5 + pos: 7.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 122: - - Pressed: Toggle - 121: - - Pressed: Toggle - 120: - - Pressed: Toggle - 119: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1076 + 1083: + - Pressed: Trigger + 1084: + - Pressed: Trigger + - uid: 1078 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 3.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,26.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 131: - - Pressed: Toggle - 130: - - Pressed: Toggle - 129: - - Pressed: Toggle - 128: - - Pressed: Toggle - 127: - - Pressed: Toggle - 126: - - Pressed: Toggle - 125: + 1067: - Pressed: Toggle - 123: + 1066: - Pressed: Toggle - 132: + 1064: - Pressed: Toggle - 133: + 1065: - Pressed: Toggle - 134: + 1063: - Pressed: Toggle - 135: - - Pressed: Toggle - 136: - - Pressed: Toggle - 137: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1077 + - uid: 1079 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,25.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 138: - - Pressed: Toggle - 139: + 1068: - Pressed: Toggle - 143: + 1069: - Pressed: Toggle - 142: + 1070: - Pressed: Toggle - 141: + 1071: - Pressed: Toggle - 140: - - Pressed: Toggle -- proto: Sink - entities: - - uid: 1078 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,3.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1079 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,5.5 - parent: 1 - uid: 1080 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,30.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1081 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1072: + - Pressed: Toggle + 1073: + - Pressed: Toggle + 1074: + - Pressed: Toggle + 1075: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 1098 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,28.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,21.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SinkStemlessWater - entities: - - uid: 1082 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1105: + - Pressed: Toggle + 1104: + - Pressed: Toggle + 1103: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 1101 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,26.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: SmartFridge - entities: - - uid: 1083 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,26.5 + pos: 12.5,20.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SMESBasicEmpty + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 1099: + - Pressed: Toggle + 1100: + - Pressed: Toggle +- proto: Sink entities: - - uid: 1084 + - uid: 277 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-0.5 + pos: 3.5,14.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SmokingPipeFilledTobacco - entities: - - uid: 1085 + - uid: 279 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.402694,33.497314 + pos: 4.5,14.5 parent: 1 -- proto: soda_dispenser +- proto: SinkStemlessWater entities: - - uid: 1086 + - uid: 321 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 1 - proto: StasisBed entities: - - uid: 1087 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,21.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1088 + - uid: 331 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,18.5 + pos: 5.5,0.5 parent: 1 -- proto: SubstationBasicEmpty +- proto: SubstationBasic entities: - - uid: 1089 + - uid: 378 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-0.5 + pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - proto: SuitStorageBase entities: - - uid: 2 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,12.5 - parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 3 - - 5 - - 7 - - 9 - - 11 - - 13 - - 15 - - 17 - - 27 - - 28 - - 29 - - 30 - - 19 - - 21 - - 23 - - 25 - - 31 - - 32 - - 33 - - 34 - - 35 - - 36 - - 37 - - 38 - - uid: 506 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,30.5 - parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 507 - - uid: 508 + - uid: 641 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,16.5 + pos: 4.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 509 - - uid: 510 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,12.5 - parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - type: ContainerContainer containers: entity_storage: !type:Container showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 511 - - uid: 512 + - 642 + - 643 + - 644 + - 645 + - 646 + - 647 + - 648 + - 649 + - 650 + - 651 + - 652 + - 653 + - 654 + - 655 + - 656 + - 657 + - uid: 658 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,16.5 + pos: 5.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - type: ContainerContainer containers: entity_storage: !type:Container showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 513 - - uid: 514 + - 659 + - 660 + - 661 + - 662 + - 663 + - uid: 724 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,16.5 + pos: 10.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - type: ContainerContainer containers: entity_storage: !type:Container showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 515 - - 516 -- proto: TableCounterMetal + - 725 + - 726 + - 727 + - 728 + - 730 + - 731 + - 732 + - 733 + - 734 + - 735 + - 736 + - 737 +- proto: Table entities: - - uid: 1090 + - uid: 322 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -1.5,22.5 + pos: 11.5,8.5 parent: 1 -- proto: TableFancyBlue - entities: - - uid: 1091 + - uid: 323 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,31.5 + pos: 11.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1092 + - uid: 324 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,31.5 + pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 1 -- proto: TableFancyGreen +- proto: TableCounterMetal entities: - - uid: 1093 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,33.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1094 + - uid: 356 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,33.5 + pos: 9.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1095 + - uid: 616 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,6.5 parent: 1 -- proto: TableGlass +- proto: TableFancyGreen entities: - - uid: 1096 + - uid: 738 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,18.5 + pos: 10.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1097 + - uid: 739 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,18.5 + pos: 11.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1098 +- proto: TableGlass + entities: + - uid: 342 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,24.5 + pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1099 + - uid: 1157 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,24.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,23.5 parent: 1 -- proto: TableReinforced +- proto: Thruster entities: - - uid: 1100 + - uid: 822 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,28.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1101 + - uid: 835 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,27.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1102 + - uid: 990 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,26.5 + pos: -0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1103 + - uid: 996 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -2.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1104 + - uid: 1002 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,23.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1105 + - uid: 1003 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1106 + - uid: 1004 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,21.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1107 + - uid: 1005 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,15.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1108 + - uid: 1006 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,26.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1109 + - uid: 1007 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1110 + - uid: 1008 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,26.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-9.5 parent: 1 -- proto: Thruster - entities: - - uid: 1111 + - uid: 1009 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,-0.5 + pos: 4.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1112 + - uid: 1010 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,-0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1113 + - uid: 1011 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1114 + - uid: 1012 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-0.5 + pos: 6.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1115 + - uid: 1013 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,-0.5 + pos: 8.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1116 + - uid: 1014 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1117 + - uid: 1015 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1118 + - uid: 1016 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1119 + - uid: 1017 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1120 + - uid: 1018 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1121 + - uid: 1019 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -2.5,-3.5 + pos: 14.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1122 + - uid: 1020 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -3.5,-3.5 + pos: 13.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1123 + - uid: 1021 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,-3.5 + pos: 14.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1124 + - uid: 1022 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-3.5 + pos: 15.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1125 + - uid: 1023 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,-3.5 + pos: 16.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1126 + - uid: 1024 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1127 + - uid: 1025 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1128 + - uid: 1026 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1129 + - uid: 1027 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1130 + - uid: 1028 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1131 + - uid: 1029 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-5.5 + pos: -0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1132 + - uid: 1030 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-3.5 + pos: -0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1133 + - uid: 1031 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-2.5 + pos: -0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1134 + - uid: 1032 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-0.5 + pos: -0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1135 + - uid: 1034 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-0.5 + pos: -2.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1136 + - uid: 1035 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-2.5 + pos: -1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1137 + - uid: 1036 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-3.5 + pos: -0.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1138 + - uid: 1037 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-5.5 + pos: 2.5,26.5 parent: 1 -- proto: ToiletEmpty - entities: - - uid: 1139 + - uid: 1038 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,5.5 + pos: 10.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1140 + - uid: 1039 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,3.5 + pos: 13.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1141 + - uid: 1040 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,32.5 + pos: 14.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1142 + - uid: 1041 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,32.5 + pos: 15.5,19.5 parent: 1 -- proto: UraniumWindoorSecureCentralCommandLocked - entities: - - uid: 1143 + - uid: 1042 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,15.5 + pos: 14.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1144 + - uid: 1043 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,3.5 + pos: 15.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1145 + - uid: 1044 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,5.5 + pos: 16.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1146 + - uid: 1045 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,5.5 + pos: -2.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1147 + - uid: 1046 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,3.5 + pos: -3.5,7.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineChefvend - entities: - - uid: 1148 + - uid: 1047 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,28.5 + pos: -1.5,-1.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineChemicals +- proto: ToiletEmpty entities: - - uid: 1149 + - uid: 289 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,10.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineCoffee - entities: - - uid: 1150 + - uid: 290 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,12.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineDrGibb +- proto: UraniumWindoorSecureCentralCommandLocked entities: - - uid: 1151 + - uid: 614 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,17.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,6.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineMedical +- proto: VendingMachineChefvend entities: - - uid: 1152 + - uid: 347 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,21.5 + pos: 11.5,9.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineNutri +- proto: VendingMachineCoffee entities: - - uid: 1153 + - uid: 1155 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,28.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,23.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineSec +- proto: VendingMachineDrGibb entities: - - uid: 1154 + - uid: 1158 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,16.5 + pos: 3.5,23.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked +- proto: VendingMachineEngivend entities: - - uid: 1155 + - uid: 410 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,28.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-5.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineSnack +- proto: VendingMachineMedical entities: - - uid: 1156 + - uid: 337 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,18.5 + pos: 5.5,2.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineSpaceUp +- proto: VendingMachineSec entities: - - uid: 1157 + - uid: 338 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,19.5 + pos: 1.5,8.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA +- proto: VendingMachineSeeds entities: - - uid: 1158 + - uid: 317 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,15.5 + pos: 10.5,14.5 parent: 1 -- proto: WallShuttle +- proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked entities: - - uid: 1159 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,10.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1160 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1161 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1162 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,22.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1163 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,21.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1164 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,29.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1165 + - uid: 328 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,17.5 + pos: 11.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1166 +- proto: VendingMachineSnackOrange + entities: + - uid: 1159 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,20.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1167 +- proto: VendingMachineYouTool + entities: + - uid: 411 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,26.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1168 +- proto: WallShuttle + entities: + - uid: 3 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-5.5 + pos: -3.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1169 + - uid: 4 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-6.5 + pos: -3.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1170 + - uid: 5 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-6.5 + pos: -3.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1171 + - uid: 6 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-6.5 + pos: -4.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1172 + - uid: 7 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-6.5 + pos: -4.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1173 + - uid: 8 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,-6.5 + pos: -4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1174 + - uid: 9 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-6.5 + pos: 17.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1175 + - uid: 10 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-6.5 + pos: 17.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1176 + - uid: 11 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-6.5 + pos: 17.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1177 + - uid: 12 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-6.5 + pos: 16.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1178 + - uid: 13 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-6.5 + pos: 16.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1179 + - uid: 14 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-5.5 + pos: 16.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1180 + - uid: 15 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-4.5 + pos: 5.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1181 + - uid: 16 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-3.5 + pos: 8.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1182 + - uid: 17 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-2.5 + pos: 9.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1183 + - uid: 18 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-1.5 + pos: 9.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1184 + - uid: 19 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-0.5 + pos: 3.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1185 + - uid: 20 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,0.5 + pos: 3.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1186 + - uid: 21 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,0.5 + pos: 2.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1187 + - uid: 22 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,0.5 + pos: 1.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1188 + - uid: 23 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,0.5 + pos: 1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1189 + - uid: 24 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,0.5 + pos: -1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1190 + - uid: 25 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,0.5 + pos: -1.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1191 + - uid: 26 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,0.5 + pos: -1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1192 + - uid: 27 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,0.5 + pos: -0.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1193 + - uid: 28 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,0.5 + pos: 0.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1194 + - uid: 29 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,0.5 + pos: 0.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1195 + - uid: 30 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-0.5 + pos: 0.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1196 + - uid: 31 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-2.5 + pos: 0.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1197 + - uid: 32 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-3.5 + pos: 13.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1198 + - uid: 35 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,0.5 + pos: 12.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1199 + - uid: 36 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,1.5 + pos: 12.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1200 + - uid: 37 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,2.5 + pos: 13.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1201 + - uid: 38 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,3.5 + pos: -0.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1202 + - uid: 39 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,5.5 + pos: 14.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1203 + - uid: 40 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,6.5 + pos: 14.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1204 + - uid: 41 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,7.5 + pos: 14.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1205 + - uid: 42 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,8.5 + pos: 0.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1206 + - uid: 44 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,8.5 + pos: 12.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1207 + - uid: 46 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,8.5 + pos: 10.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1208 + - uid: 47 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,8.5 + pos: 11.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1209 + - uid: 48 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,8.5 + pos: 11.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1210 + - uid: 49 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,8.5 + pos: 11.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1211 + - uid: 50 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,8.5 + pos: 1.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1212 + - uid: 51 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,8.5 + pos: -0.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1213 + - uid: 52 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,8.5 + pos: 0.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1214 + - uid: 53 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,5.5 + pos: 0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1215 + - uid: 54 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,8.5 + pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1216 + - uid: 55 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,8.5 + pos: 0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1217 + - uid: 56 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,8.5 + pos: 0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1218 + - uid: 57 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,7.5 + pos: 0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1219 + - uid: 58 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,6.5 + pos: 0.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1220 + - uid: 59 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,5.5 + pos: -0.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1221 + - uid: 60 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,4.5 + pos: 13.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1222 + - uid: 61 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,3.5 + pos: 12.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1223 + - uid: 62 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,2.5 + pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1224 + - uid: 63 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,1.5 + pos: 12.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1225 + - uid: 64 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,12.5 + pos: 12.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1226 + - uid: 65 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,13.5 + pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1227 + - uid: 66 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,14.5 + pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1228 + - uid: 67 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,15.5 + pos: 12.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1229 + - uid: 68 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,16.5 + pos: 13.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1230 + - uid: 69 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,17.5 + pos: -0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1231 + - uid: 70 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,17.5 + pos: 0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1232 + - uid: 71 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,17.5 + pos: 0.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1233 + - uid: 72 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,17.5 + pos: 0.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1234 + - uid: 73 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,17.5 + pos: 0.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1235 + - uid: 74 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,17.5 + pos: -0.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1236 + - uid: 75 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,17.5 + pos: -1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1237 + - uid: 76 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,17.5 + pos: -1.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1238 + - uid: 77 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,17.5 + pos: -1.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1239 + - uid: 80 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1240 + - uid: 81 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,15.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1241 + - uid: 82 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1242 + - uid: 83 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1243 + - uid: 84 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1244 + - uid: 85 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1245 + - uid: 86 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1246 + - uid: 87 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1247 + - uid: 88 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1248 + - uid: 89 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 3.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1249 + - uid: 90 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1250 + - uid: 91 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1251 + - uid: 92 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1252 + - uid: 93 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1253 + - uid: 94 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1254 + - uid: 95 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1255 + - uid: 96 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1256 + - uid: 97 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1257 + - uid: 98 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,21.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1258 + - uid: 99 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1259 + - uid: 100 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,23.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1260 + - uid: 101 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,24.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1261 + - uid: 102 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1262 + - uid: 103 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1263 + - uid: 104 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1264 + - uid: 106 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,25.5 + pos: 14.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1265 + - uid: 107 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,25.5 + pos: 14.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1266 + - uid: 108 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,25.5 + pos: 14.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1267 + - uid: 110 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,25.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1268 + - uid: 111 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1269 + - uid: 112 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1270 + - uid: 113 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1271 + - uid: 114 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1272 + - uid: 115 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1273 + - uid: 116 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1274 + - uid: 117 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1275 + - uid: 118 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1276 + - uid: 119 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1277 + - uid: 120 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1278 + - uid: 121 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1279 + - uid: 122 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1280 + - uid: 123 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1281 + - uid: 124 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,25.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1282 + - uid: 125 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1283 + - uid: 126 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1284 + - uid: 127 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,28.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1285 + - uid: 128 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1286 + - uid: 129 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1287 + - uid: 130 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1288 + - uid: 131 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1289 + - uid: 132 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1290 + - uid: 133 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1291 + - uid: 134 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1292 + - uid: 135 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1293 + - uid: 136 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1294 + - uid: 137 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1295 + - uid: 138 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1296 + - uid: 139 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1297 + - uid: 140 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1298 + - uid: 141 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1299 + - uid: 142 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1300 + - uid: 143 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1301 + - uid: 144 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1302 + - uid: 145 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1303 + - uid: 146 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1304 + - uid: 147 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1305 + - uid: 148 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1306 + - uid: 149 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1307 + - uid: 150 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1308 + - uid: 151 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1309 + - uid: 152 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1310 + - uid: 154 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1311 + - uid: 155 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1312 + - uid: 156 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1313 + - uid: 157 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1314 + - uid: 158 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1315 + - uid: 159 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1316 + - uid: 160 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1317 + - uid: 161 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1318 + - uid: 162 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1319 + - uid: 163 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,28.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1320 + - uid: 164 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1321 + - uid: 165 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1322 + - uid: 166 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,25.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1323 + - uid: 167 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1324 + - uid: 176 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1325 + - uid: 177 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1326 + - uid: 178 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1327 + - uid: 179 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1328 + - uid: 180 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1329 + - uid: 181 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1330 + - uid: 182 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1331 + - uid: 183 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1332 + - uid: 193 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1333 + - uid: 194 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1334 + - uid: 195 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1335 + - uid: 196 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1336 + - uid: 197 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1337 + - uid: 198 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,26.5 + pos: 3.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1338 + - uid: 199 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,26.5 + pos: 2.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1339 + - uid: 200 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,27.5 + pos: 2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1340 + - uid: 201 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,28.5 + pos: 1.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1341 + - uid: 202 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,25.5 + pos: 0.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1342 + - uid: 203 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1343 + - uid: 204 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1344 + - uid: 205 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1345 + - uid: 206 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1346 + - uid: 207 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1347 + - uid: 208 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1348 + - uid: 209 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1349 + - uid: 210 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1350 + - uid: 211 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,15.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1351 + - uid: 212 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1352 + - uid: 213 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1353 + - uid: 214 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1354 + - uid: 215 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1355 + - uid: 216 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1356 + - uid: 217 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1357 + - uid: 218 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1358 + - uid: 219 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1359 + - uid: 220 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1360 + - uid: 221 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1361 + - uid: 222 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1362 + - uid: 223 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1363 + - uid: 224 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1364 + - uid: 225 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1365 + - uid: 226 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1366 + - uid: 227 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1367 + - uid: 228 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1368 + - uid: 229 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1369 + - uid: 230 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1370 + - uid: 231 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1371 + - uid: 232 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1372 + - uid: 233 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1373 + - uid: 234 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1374 + - uid: 235 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1375 + - uid: 258 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1376 + - uid: 259 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1377 + - uid: 260 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1378 + - uid: 274 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-5.5 + pos: 8.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1379 + - uid: 275 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-5.5 + pos: 8.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1380 + - uid: 276 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-0.5 + pos: 9.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1381 + - uid: 278 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-2.5 + pos: 9.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1382 + - uid: 280 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-4.5 + pos: 9.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1383 + - uid: 281 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-3.5 + pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1384 + - uid: 282 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-4.5 + pos: 10.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1385 + - uid: 283 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-3.5 + pos: 4.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1386 + - uid: 284 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-4.5 + pos: 11.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1387 + - uid: 285 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-3.5 + pos: 12.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1388 + - uid: 286 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,33.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1389 + - uid: 291 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1390 + - uid: 292 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -7.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1391 + - uid: 293 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1392 + - uid: 294 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1393 + - uid: 332 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,4.5 + pos: 5.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1394 + - uid: 358 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1395 + - uid: 366 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,32.5 + pos: 2.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1396 + - uid: 367 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,31.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1397 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,13.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1398 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,19.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1399 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,12.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1400 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,12.5 + pos: 5.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1401 + - uid: 368 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,14.5 + pos: 7.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1402 + - uid: 369 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,5.5 + pos: 10.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1403 + - uid: 743 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,6.5 + pos: 13.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1404 + - uid: 989 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1405 +- proto: WallShuttleDiagonal + entities: + - uid: 43 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,14.5 + pos: -0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1406 + - uid: 45 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,13.5 + pos: 13.5,24.5 parent: 1 -- proto: WallWeaponCapacitorRecharger - entities: - - uid: 1407 + - uid: 78 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,11.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1408 + - uid: 79 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,20.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-2.5 parent: 1 -- proto: WardrobePrisonFilled - entities: - - uid: 1409 + - uid: 105 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,7.5 + pos: 13.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1410 + - uid: 109 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - proto: WeaponAdvancedLaser entities: - - uid: 852 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 851 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 853 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 851 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 854 + - uid: 666 components: - type: Transform - parent: 851 + parent: 664 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 855 + - uid: 667 components: - type: Transform - parent: 851 + parent: 664 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 856 + - uid: 668 components: - type: Transform - parent: 851 + parent: 664 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger - entities: - - uid: 1411 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,15.5 - parent: 1 -- proto: WeaponEnergyGunPistol +- proto: WeaponGunLaserCarbineAutomatic entities: - - uid: 857 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 851 - - type: EnergyGun - currentFireMode: - state: disabler - name: disable - fireCost: 50 - proto: BulletDisabler - - type: Item - heldPrefix: disabler - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 858 + - uid: 665 components: - type: Transform - parent: 851 + parent: 664 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 859 + - uid: 670 components: - type: Transform - parent: 851 + parent: 664 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 860 + - uid: 672 components: - type: Transform - parent: 851 + parent: 664 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 861 +- proto: WeaponLaserCannon + entities: + - uid: 669 components: - type: Transform - parent: 851 + parent: 664 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 862 + - uid: 671 components: - type: Transform - parent: 851 + parent: 664 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: WeaponGunLaserCarbineAutomatic +- proto: WeaponPistolUniversal entities: - - uid: 864 + - uid: 618 components: - type: Transform - parent: 863 + parent: 617 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 865 + - uid: 619 components: - type: Transform - parent: 863 + parent: 617 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 866 + - uid: 625 components: - type: Transform - parent: 863 + parent: 617 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: WeaponLaserCannon +- proto: WeaponPulsePistol entities: - - uid: 867 + - uid: 730 components: - type: Transform - parent: 863 + parent: 724 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: WeaponPistolUniversal +- proto: WeaponRifleJackdaw entities: - - uid: 884 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 885 - components: - - type: Transform - parent: 868 - - type: Physics - angularDamping: 0 - linearDamping: 0 - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 886 + - uid: 728 components: - type: Transform - parent: 868 + parent: 724 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + gun_magazine: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: 729 + gun_chamber: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 887 +- proto: WeaponRifleLecter + entities: + - uid: 628 components: - type: Transform - parent: 868 + parent: 627 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 888 + - uid: 629 components: - type: Transform - parent: 868 + parent: 627 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: WeaponRifleJackdaw - entities: - - uid: 902 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.64215493,33.53154 - parent: 1 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - gun_magazine: !type:ContainerSlot - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ent: 903 - gun_chamber: !type:ContainerSlot - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ent: null -- proto: WeaponRifleLecter - entities: - - uid: 153 + - uid: 630 components: - type: Transform - parent: 148 + parent: 627 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 154 + - uid: 631 components: - type: Transform - parent: 148 + parent: 627 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 155 + - uid: 632 components: - type: Transform - parent: 148 + parent: 627 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: WeaponTurretNanoTrasen +- proto: Windoor entities: - - uid: 1412 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-7.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1413 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1414 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-4.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1415 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,15.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1416 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,35.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1417 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,35.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1418 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,28.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1419 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,20.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1420 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-2.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1421 + - uid: 357 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-6.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1422 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,24.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1423 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,31.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 1424 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -10.5,20.5 + pos: 9.5,8.5 parent: 1 ... From 1f0ab9dcc3c3e8f49cbbac86a65cf8bf1fb05cf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JessieProudmore Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 10:32:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 02/38] Update ntnfscarab.yml --- Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml | 2835 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 1420 insertions(+), 1415 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml b/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml index 5eae4d49418..66f193d5ad4 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml @@ -112,69 +112,69 @@ entities: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Dirt decals: - 36: 3,10 - 37: 3,12 - 38: 1,12 - 39: 5,13 - 40: 3,14 - 41: 4,16 - 42: 0,15 - 43: 0,17 - 44: -3,17 - 45: 2,17 - 46: -3,15 - 47: 5,20 - 48: 2,21 - 49: 1,20 - 50: 11,17 - 51: 14,15 - 52: 15,17 - 53: 15,15 - 54: 8,16 - 55: 6,19 - 56: 8,21 - 57: 8,19 - 58: 10,20 - 59: 7,23 - 60: 9,24 - 61: 6,26 - 62: 4,23 - 63: 3,24 - 64: 0,24 - 65: 0,26 - 66: 13,25 - 67: 7,13 - 68: 14,5 - 69: 16,3 - 70: 12,3 - 71: 10,5 - 72: 8,1 - 73: 7,2 - 74: 7,0 - 75: 10,-4 - 76: 10,-3 - 77: 1,-4 - 78: 2,-5 - 79: 1,-5 - 80: 5,-3 - 81: 4,0 - 82: 3,1 - 83: 4,-1 - 84: 5,0 - 85: 4,1 - 86: 1,0 - 87: 0,3 - 88: -2,4 - 89: 2,7 - 90: 4,7 - 91: 1,5 - 92: 1,3 - 93: 4,4 - 94: 8,8 - 95: 7,11 - 96: 10,12 - 97: 10,9 - 98: 11,12 + 26: 3,10 + 27: 3,12 + 28: 1,12 + 29: 5,13 + 30: 3,14 + 31: 4,16 + 32: 0,15 + 33: 0,17 + 34: -3,17 + 35: 2,17 + 36: -3,15 + 37: 5,20 + 38: 2,21 + 39: 1,20 + 40: 11,17 + 41: 14,15 + 42: 15,17 + 43: 15,15 + 44: 8,16 + 45: 6,19 + 46: 8,21 + 47: 8,19 + 48: 10,20 + 49: 7,23 + 50: 9,24 + 51: 6,26 + 52: 4,23 + 53: 3,24 + 54: 0,24 + 55: 0,26 + 56: 13,25 + 57: 7,13 + 58: 14,5 + 59: 16,3 + 60: 12,3 + 61: 10,5 + 62: 8,1 + 63: 7,2 + 64: 7,0 + 65: 10,-4 + 66: 10,-3 + 67: 1,-4 + 68: 2,-5 + 69: 1,-5 + 70: 5,-3 + 71: 4,0 + 72: 3,1 + 73: 4,-1 + 74: 5,0 + 75: 4,1 + 76: 1,0 + 77: 0,3 + 78: -2,4 + 79: 2,7 + 80: 4,7 + 81: 1,5 + 82: 1,3 + 83: 4,4 + 84: 8,8 + 85: 7,11 + 86: 10,12 + 87: 10,9 + 88: 11,12 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnFull @@ -366,52 +366,52 @@ entities: - type: RadiationGridResistance - proto: AirCanister entities: - - uid: 720 + - uid: 2 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - proto: Airlock entities: - - uid: 769 + - uid: 3 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 770 + - uid: 4 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,18.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockArmoryLocked entities: - - uid: 748 + - uid: 5 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 749 + - uid: 6 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockAtmosphericsGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 768 + - uid: 7 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockBarGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 765 + - uid: 8 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,11.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockCaptainLocked entities: - - uid: 359 + - uid: 9 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -419,164 +419,164 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: AirlockCentralCommandLocked entities: - - uid: 744 + - uid: 10 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 745 + - uid: 11 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockChemistryGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 766 + - uid: 12 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockCommandGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 746 + - uid: 13 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 747 + - uid: 14 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,18.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 767 + - uid: 15 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockGlass entities: - - uid: 750 + - uid: 16 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 751 + - uid: 17 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 752 + - uid: 18 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 753 + - uid: 19 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 754 + - uid: 20 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 755 + - uid: 21 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 756 + - uid: 22 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 757 + - uid: 23 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 758 + - uid: 24 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 759 + - uid: 25 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 760 + - uid: 26 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 761 + - uid: 27 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 762 + - uid: 28 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 763 + - uid: 29 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 764 + - uid: 30 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,5.5 parent: 1 - proto: AirlockGlassShuttle entities: - - uid: 2 + - uid: 31 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 262 + - uid: 32 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 263 + - uid: 33 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 17.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 264 + - uid: 34 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 17.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 265 + - uid: 35 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 266 + - uid: 36 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 267 + - uid: 37 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 268 + - uid: 38 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -584,24 +584,24 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: APCBasic entities: - - uid: 771 + - uid: 39 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 772 + - uid: 40 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 773 + - uid: 41 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 774 + - uid: 42 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -609,61 +609,61 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny entities: - - uid: 168 + - uid: 43 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 169 + - uid: 44 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 170 + - uid: 45 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 17.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 171 + - uid: 46 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 17.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 172 + - uid: 47 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 173 + - uid: 48 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 174 + - uid: 49 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 175 + - uid: 50 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 692 + - uid: 51 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 693 + - uid: 52 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -671,46 +671,46 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: Bed entities: - - uid: 301 + - uid: 53 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 302 + - uid: 54 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 303 + - uid: 55 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 304 + - uid: 56 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 305 + - uid: 57 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 723 + - uid: 58 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,19.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetCE entities: - - uid: 315 + - uid: 59 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,21.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetCentcom entities: - - uid: 1102 + - uid: 60 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -718,40 +718,40 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetCMO entities: - - uid: 314 + - uid: 61 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,21.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetHOS entities: - - uid: 312 + - uid: 62 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 313 + - uid: 63 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,21.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetMedical entities: - - uid: 334 + - uid: 64 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: BedsheetNT entities: - - uid: 311 + - uid: 65 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,21.5 parent: 1 - proto: BlastDoor entities: - - uid: 1063 + - uid: 66 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -759,8 +759,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1078 - - uid: 1064 + - 839 + - uid: 67 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -768,8 +768,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1078 - - uid: 1065 + - 839 + - uid: 68 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -777,8 +777,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1078 - - uid: 1066 + - 839 + - uid: 69 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1078 - - uid: 1067 + - 839 + - uid: 70 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -795,8 +795,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1078 - - uid: 1068 + - 839 + - uid: 71 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -804,8 +804,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1079 - - uid: 1069 + - 840 + - uid: 72 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -813,8 +813,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1079 - - uid: 1070 + - 840 + - uid: 73 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -822,8 +822,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1079 - - uid: 1071 + - 840 + - uid: 74 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -831,8 +831,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1079 - - uid: 1072 + - 840 + - uid: 75 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -840,8 +840,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1080 - - uid: 1073 + - 841 + - uid: 76 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -849,8 +849,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1080 - - uid: 1074 + - 841 + - uid: 77 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -858,8 +858,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1080 - - uid: 1075 + - 841 + - uid: 78 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -867,8 +867,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1080 - - uid: 1099 + - 841 + - uid: 79 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -876,8 +876,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1101 - - uid: 1100 + - 843 + - uid: 80 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -885,17 +885,17 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1101 + - 843 - proto: BluespaceBeaker entities: - - uid: 344 + - uid: 81 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.2122846,-0.07573223 parent: 1 - type: CollisionWake enabled: False - - uid: 345 + - uid: 82 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.2122846,-0.22279596 @@ -904,46 +904,46 @@ entities: enabled: False - proto: BoxMagazineRifle entities: - - uid: 633 + - uid: 84 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 634 + - uid: 85 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 635 + - uid: 86 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 636 + - uid: 87 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 637 + - uid: 88 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -951,28 +951,28 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: BoxMagazineUniversalMagnum entities: - - uid: 623 + - uid: 98 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 624 + - uid: 99 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 626 + - uid: 100 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -980,19 +980,19 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: BoxMagazineUniversalMagnumRubber entities: - - uid: 620 + - uid: 101 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 622 + - uid: 102 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -1000,1290 +1000,1295 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: BoxMRE entities: - - uid: 319 + - uid: 107 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.284545,7.288914 parent: 1 - - uid: 351 + - uid: 108 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.394842,7.252148 parent: 1 - - uid: 352 + - uid: 109 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.358076,7.252148 parent: 1 - - uid: 353 + - uid: 110 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.505141,7.252148 parent: 1 - - uid: 354 + - uid: 111 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.578672,7.288914 parent: 1 - - uid: 355 + - uid: 112 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.615438,7.32568 parent: 1 - proto: CableApcExtension entities: - - uid: 153 + - uid: 113 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 261 + - uid: 114 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 811 + - uid: 115 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 812 + - uid: 116 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 813 + - uid: 117 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 814 + - uid: 118 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 815 + - uid: 119 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 816 + - uid: 120 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 817 + - uid: 121 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 818 + - uid: 122 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 819 + - uid: 123 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 820 + - uid: 124 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 821 + - uid: 125 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 823 + - uid: 126 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 824 + - uid: 127 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 825 + - uid: 128 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 826 + - uid: 129 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 827 + - uid: 130 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 828 + - uid: 131 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 829 + - uid: 132 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 830 + - uid: 133 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 831 + - uid: 134 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 832 + - uid: 135 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 833 + - uid: 136 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 834 + - uid: 137 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 836 + - uid: 138 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 837 + - uid: 139 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 838 + - uid: 140 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 839 + - uid: 141 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 840 + - uid: 142 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 841 + - uid: 143 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 842 + - uid: 144 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 843 + - uid: 145 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 844 + - uid: 146 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 845 + - uid: 147 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 846 + - uid: 148 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 847 + - uid: 149 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 848 + - uid: 150 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 849 + - uid: 151 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 850 + - uid: 152 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 851 + - uid: 153 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 852 + - uid: 154 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 853 + - uid: 155 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 854 + - uid: 156 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 855 + - uid: 157 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 856 + - uid: 158 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 857 + - uid: 159 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 858 + - uid: 160 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 859 + - uid: 161 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 860 + - uid: 162 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 861 + - uid: 163 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 862 + - uid: 164 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 863 + - uid: 165 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 864 + - uid: 166 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 865 + - uid: 167 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 866 + - uid: 168 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 867 + - uid: 169 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 868 + - uid: 170 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 869 + - uid: 171 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 870 + - uid: 172 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 871 + - uid: 173 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 872 + - uid: 174 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 873 + - uid: 175 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 874 + - uid: 176 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 875 + - uid: 177 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 876 + - uid: 178 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 877 + - uid: 179 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 878 + - uid: 180 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 879 + - uid: 181 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 880 + - uid: 182 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 881 + - uid: 183 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 882 + - uid: 184 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 883 + - uid: 185 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 884 + - uid: 186 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 885 + - uid: 187 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 886 + - uid: 188 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 887 + - uid: 189 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 888 + - uid: 190 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 889 + - uid: 191 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 890 + - uid: 192 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 891 + - uid: 193 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 892 + - uid: 194 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 893 + - uid: 195 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 894 + - uid: 196 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 895 + - uid: 197 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 896 + - uid: 198 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 897 + - uid: 199 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 898 + - uid: 200 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 899 + - uid: 201 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 900 + - uid: 202 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 901 + - uid: 203 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 902 + - uid: 204 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 903 + - uid: 205 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 904 + - uid: 206 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 905 + - uid: 207 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 906 + - uid: 208 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 907 + - uid: 209 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 908 + - uid: 210 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 909 + - uid: 211 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 910 + - uid: 212 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 911 + - uid: 213 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 912 + - uid: 214 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 913 + - uid: 215 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 914 + - uid: 216 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 915 + - uid: 217 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 916 + - uid: 218 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 917 + - uid: 219 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 918 + - uid: 220 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 919 + - uid: 221 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 920 + - uid: 222 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 921 + - uid: 223 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 922 + - uid: 224 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 923 + - uid: 225 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 924 + - uid: 226 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 925 + - uid: 227 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 926 + - uid: 228 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 927 + - uid: 229 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 928 + - uid: 230 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 929 + - uid: 231 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 930 + - uid: 232 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 931 + - uid: 233 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 932 + - uid: 234 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 933 + - uid: 235 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 934 + - uid: 236 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 935 + - uid: 237 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 936 + - uid: 238 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 937 + - uid: 239 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 938 + - uid: 240 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 939 + - uid: 241 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 940 + - uid: 242 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 941 + - uid: 243 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 942 + - uid: 244 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 943 + - uid: 245 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 944 + - uid: 246 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 945 + - uid: 247 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 946 + - uid: 248 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 947 + - uid: 249 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 948 + - uid: 250 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 949 + - uid: 251 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 950 + - uid: 252 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 951 + - uid: 253 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 952 + - uid: 254 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 953 + - uid: 255 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 954 + - uid: 256 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 955 + - uid: 257 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 956 + - uid: 258 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 957 + - uid: 259 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 958 + - uid: 260 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 959 + - uid: 261 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 960 + - uid: 262 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 961 + - uid: 263 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 962 + - uid: 264 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 963 + - uid: 265 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 964 + - uid: 266 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 965 + - uid: 267 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 966 + - uid: 268 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 967 + - uid: 269 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 968 + - uid: 270 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 969 + - uid: 271 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 970 + - uid: 272 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 971 + - uid: 273 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 972 + - uid: 274 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 973 + - uid: 275 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 974 + - uid: 276 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 975 + - uid: 277 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 976 + - uid: 278 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 977 + - uid: 279 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 978 + - uid: 280 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 979 + - uid: 281 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 980 + - uid: 282 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 981 + - uid: 283 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 982 + - uid: 284 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 983 + - uid: 285 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 984 + - uid: 286 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 985 + - uid: 287 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 986 + - uid: 288 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 987 + - uid: 289 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 988 + - uid: 290 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 991 + - uid: 291 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 992 + - uid: 292 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 993 + - uid: 293 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 994 + - uid: 294 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 995 + - uid: 295 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 997 + - uid: 296 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 998 + - uid: 297 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 999 + - uid: 298 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1000 + - uid: 299 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1001 + - uid: 300 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1048 + - uid: 301 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1049 + - uid: 302 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1050 + - uid: 303 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1051 + - uid: 304 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1052 + - uid: 305 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1053 + - uid: 306 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1054 + - uid: 307 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1055 + - uid: 308 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1056 + - uid: 309 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1057 + - uid: 310 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1058 + - uid: 311 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,19.5 parent: 1 + - uid: 1160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,15.5 + parent: 1 - proto: CableHV entities: - - uid: 392 + - uid: 312 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 393 + - uid: 313 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 394 + - uid: 314 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 395 + - uid: 315 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 396 + - uid: 316 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 397 + - uid: 317 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 398 + - uid: 318 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 399 + - uid: 319 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 400 + - uid: 320 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 401 + - uid: 321 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 402 + - uid: 322 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 403 + - uid: 323 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 404 + - uid: 324 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 405 + - uid: 325 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: CableMV entities: - - uid: 775 + - uid: 326 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 776 + - uid: 327 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 777 + - uid: 328 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 778 + - uid: 329 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 779 + - uid: 330 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 780 + - uid: 331 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 781 + - uid: 332 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 782 + - uid: 333 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 783 + - uid: 334 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 784 + - uid: 335 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 785 + - uid: 336 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 786 + - uid: 337 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 787 + - uid: 338 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 788 + - uid: 339 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 789 + - uid: 340 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 790 + - uid: 341 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 791 + - uid: 342 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 792 + - uid: 343 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 793 + - uid: 344 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 794 + - uid: 345 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 795 + - uid: 346 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 796 + - uid: 347 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 797 + - uid: 348 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 798 + - uid: 349 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 799 + - uid: 350 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 800 + - uid: 351 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 801 + - uid: 352 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 802 + - uid: 353 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 803 + - uid: 354 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 804 + - uid: 355 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 805 + - uid: 356 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 806 + - uid: 357 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 807 + - uid: 358 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 808 + - uid: 359 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 809 + - uid: 360 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 810 + - uid: 361 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - proto: ChairPilotSeat entities: - - uid: 360 + - uid: 362 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2291,43 +2296,43 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: chem_master entities: - - uid: 341 + - uid: 363 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: ChemDispenser entities: - - uid: 340 + - uid: 364 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: ChemistryHotplate entities: - - uid: 343 + - uid: 365 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - type: ItemPlacer placedEntities: - - 344 + - 81 - type: PlaceableSurface isPlaceable: False - proto: ClothingEyesGlassesChemical entities: - - uid: 346 + - uid: 366 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.7270064,-0.59045506 parent: 1 - proto: ClothingHeadHatCentcomcap entities: - - uid: 736 + - uid: 368 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2335,10 +2340,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingHeadsetAltCentCom entities: - - uid: 726 + - uid: 369 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2346,10 +2351,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingHeadsetCentCom entities: - - uid: 734 + - uid: 370 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2357,10 +2362,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingLongcoatCC entities: - - uid: 737 + - uid: 371 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2368,10 +2373,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingNeckCloakCentcom entities: - - uid: 733 + - uid: 372 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2379,10 +2384,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTCentcomm entities: - - uid: 735 + - uid: 373 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2390,10 +2395,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTEngineer entities: - - uid: 661 + - uid: 382 components: - type: Transform - parent: 658 + parent: 381 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2401,10 +2406,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTLeader entities: - - uid: 662 + - uid: 383 components: - type: Transform - parent: 658 + parent: 381 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2412,10 +2417,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTMedical entities: - - uid: 663 + - uid: 384 components: - type: Transform - parent: 658 + parent: 381 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2423,19 +2428,19 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTSecurity entities: - - uid: 659 + - uid: 385 components: - type: Transform - parent: 658 + parent: 381 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 660 + - uid: 386 components: - type: Transform - parent: 658 + parent: 381 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2443,7 +2448,7 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ComfyChair entities: - - uid: 740 + - uid: 387 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2451,14 +2456,14 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring entities: - - uid: 362 + - uid: 388 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,27.5 parent: 1 - proto: ComputerCriminalRecords entities: - - uid: 365 + - uid: 389 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2466,7 +2471,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ComputerIFFSyndicate entities: - - uid: 364 + - uid: 390 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2474,21 +2479,21 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ComputerShuttle entities: - - uid: 361 + - uid: 391 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 1 - proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor entities: - - uid: 363 + - uid: 392 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,27.5 parent: 1 - proto: CrateArmoryUniversal entities: - - uid: 617 + - uid: 97 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,8.5 @@ -2499,22 +2504,22 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 618 - - 619 - - 620 - - 621 - - 622 - - 623 - - 624 - - 625 - - 626 + - 104 + - 105 + - 101 + - 103 + - 102 + - 98 + - 99 + - 106 + - 100 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null - proto: CrateEmergencyExplosive entities: - - uid: 1086 + - uid: 393 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,25.5 @@ -2525,68 +2530,68 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 1087 - - 1088 - - 1089 - - 1090 - - 1091 - - 1092 - - 1093 - - 1094 - - 1095 + - 400 + - 401 + - 394 + - 402 + - 395 + - 396 + - 397 + - 398 + - 399 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEControl entities: - - uid: 406 + - uid: 403 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEJar entities: - - uid: 408 + - uid: 404 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 409 + - uid: 405 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding entities: - - uid: 407 + - uid: 406 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - proto: CryoPod entities: - - uid: 335 + - uid: 407 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,1.5 parent: 1 - proto: CryoxadoneBeakerSmall entities: - - uid: 716 + - uid: 408 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.2407064,2.4430451 parent: 1 - proto: CurtainsBlue entities: - - uid: 295 + - uid: 409 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 296 + - uid: 410 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2594,96 +2599,96 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: CurtainsCyan entities: - - uid: 297 + - uid: 411 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 298 + - uid: 412 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 299 + - uid: 413 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -285.97836 + secondsUntilStateChange: -330.18518 state: Opening - proto: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTankFilled entities: - - uid: 644 + - uid: 415 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 646 + - uid: 416 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 648 + - uid: 417 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 653 + - uid: 418 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 654 + - uid: 419 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 655 + - uid: 420 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 656 + - uid: 421 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 657 + - uid: 422 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2691,39 +2696,39 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: Dresser entities: - - uid: 300 + - uid: 431 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 306 + - uid: 432 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 307 + - uid: 433 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 308 + - uid: 434 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 309 + - uid: 435 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 310 + - uid: 436 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,19.5 parent: 1 - proto: FaxMachineCentcom entities: - - uid: 742 + - uid: 437 components: - type: MetaData name: N.T.N.F long range fax machine @@ -2734,14 +2739,14 @@ entities: name: NTNF - proto: GasFilterFlipped entities: - - uid: 520 + - uid: 438 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,0.5 parent: 1 - proto: GasMinerNitrogen entities: - - uid: 413 + - uid: 439 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2749,7 +2754,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasMinerOxygen entities: - - uid: 414 + - uid: 440 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2757,7 +2762,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasMixer entities: - - uid: 412 + - uid: 441 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2768,25 +2773,25 @@ entities: inletOneConcentration: 0.21 - proto: GasPassiveVent entities: - - uid: 415 + - uid: 442 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 416 + - uid: 443 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 434 + - uid: 444 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 547 + - uid: 445 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2794,112 +2799,112 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasPipeBend entities: - - uid: 418 + - uid: 446 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 423 + - uid: 447 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 424 + - uid: 448 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 435 + - uid: 449 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 436 + - uid: 450 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 477 + - uid: 451 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 482 + - uid: 452 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 519 + - uid: 453 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 556 + - uid: 454 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 557 + - uid: 455 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 562 + - uid: 456 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 570 + - uid: 457 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 576 + - uid: 458 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 579 + - uid: 459 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 594 + - uid: 460 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 602 + - uid: 461 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 710 + - uid: 462 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 713 + - uid: 463 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1152 + - uid: 464 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2907,730 +2912,730 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasPipeFourway entities: - - uid: 445 + - uid: 465 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 457 + - uid: 466 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 458 + - uid: 467 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,16.5 parent: 1 - proto: GasPipeStraight entities: - - uid: 330 + - uid: 468 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 417 + - uid: 469 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 419 + - uid: 470 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 420 + - uid: 471 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 421 + - uid: 472 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 422 + - uid: 473 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 427 + - uid: 474 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 428 + - uid: 475 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 437 + - uid: 476 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 439 + - uid: 477 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 440 + - uid: 478 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 442 + - uid: 479 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 443 + - uid: 480 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 444 + - uid: 481 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 446 + - uid: 482 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 447 + - uid: 483 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 450 + - uid: 484 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 451 + - uid: 485 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 452 + - uid: 486 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 453 + - uid: 487 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 454 + - uid: 488 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 455 + - uid: 489 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 456 + - uid: 490 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 460 + - uid: 491 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 461 + - uid: 492 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 462 + - uid: 493 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 464 + - uid: 494 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 465 + - uid: 495 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 466 + - uid: 496 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 467 + - uid: 497 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 468 + - uid: 498 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 469 + - uid: 499 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 473 + - uid: 500 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 474 + - uid: 501 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 475 + - uid: 502 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 476 + - uid: 503 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 478 + - uid: 504 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 479 + - uid: 505 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 480 + - uid: 506 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 481 + - uid: 507 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 483 + - uid: 508 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 484 + - uid: 509 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 485 + - uid: 510 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 486 + - uid: 511 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 487 + - uid: 512 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 488 + - uid: 513 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 490 + - uid: 514 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 491 + - uid: 515 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 492 + - uid: 516 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 493 + - uid: 517 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 494 + - uid: 518 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 495 + - uid: 519 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 496 + - uid: 520 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 497 + - uid: 521 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 502 + - uid: 522 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 503 + - uid: 523 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 504 + - uid: 524 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 505 + - uid: 525 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 506 + - uid: 526 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 507 + - uid: 527 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 508 + - uid: 528 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 509 + - uid: 529 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 510 + - uid: 530 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 511 + - uid: 531 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 512 + - uid: 532 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 513 + - uid: 533 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 514 + - uid: 534 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 515 + - uid: 535 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 516 + - uid: 536 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 517 + - uid: 537 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 518 + - uid: 538 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 522 + - uid: 539 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 542 + - uid: 540 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 543 + - uid: 541 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 544 + - uid: 542 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 545 + - uid: 543 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 546 + - uid: 544 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 558 + - uid: 545 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 560 + - uid: 546 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 561 + - uid: 547 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 563 + - uid: 548 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 564 + - uid: 549 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 565 + - uid: 550 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 566 + - uid: 551 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 567 + - uid: 552 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 568 + - uid: 553 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 569 + - uid: 554 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 572 + - uid: 555 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 573 + - uid: 556 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 577 + - uid: 557 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 580 + - uid: 558 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 581 + - uid: 559 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 582 + - uid: 560 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 584 + - uid: 561 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 585 + - uid: 562 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 586 + - uid: 563 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 587 + - uid: 564 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 588 + - uid: 565 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 589 + - uid: 566 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 590 + - uid: 567 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 591 + - uid: 568 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 593 + - uid: 569 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 595 + - uid: 570 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 596 + - uid: 571 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 597 + - uid: 572 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 598 + - uid: 573 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 599 + - uid: 574 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 600 + - uid: 575 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 601 + - uid: 576 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 604 + - uid: 577 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 605 + - uid: 578 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 606 + - uid: 579 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 607 + - uid: 580 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 608 + - uid: 581 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 610 + - uid: 582 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 611 + - uid: 583 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 612 + - uid: 584 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 613 + - uid: 585 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 711 + - uid: 586 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 714 + - uid: 587 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 715 + - uid: 588 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1153 + - uid: 589 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1154 + - uid: 590 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1156 + - uid: 591 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3638,152 +3643,152 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasPipeTJunction entities: - - uid: 426 + - uid: 592 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 429 + - uid: 593 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 441 + - uid: 594 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 448 + - uid: 595 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 449 + - uid: 596 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 459 + - uid: 597 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 463 + - uid: 598 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 470 + - uid: 599 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 471 + - uid: 600 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 472 + - uid: 601 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 489 + - uid: 602 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 498 + - uid: 603 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 499 + - uid: 604 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 500 + - uid: 605 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 501 + - uid: 606 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 521 + - uid: 607 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 559 + - uid: 608 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 571 + - uid: 609 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 574 + - uid: 610 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 575 + - uid: 611 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 578 + - uid: 612 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 583 + - uid: 613 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 592 + - uid: 614 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 603 + - uid: 615 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 609 + - uid: 616 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 712 + - uid: 617 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3791,32 +3796,32 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasPort entities: - - uid: 431 + - uid: 618 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 432 + - uid: 619 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - proto: GasPressurePump entities: - - uid: 425 + - uid: 620 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 430 + - uid: 621 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 438 + - uid: 622 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3824,125 +3829,125 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer entities: - - uid: 339 + - uid: 623 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,1.5 parent: 1 - proto: GasVentPump entities: - - uid: 433 + - uid: 624 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 523 + - uid: 625 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 524 + - uid: 626 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 525 + - uid: 627 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 526 + - uid: 628 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 527 + - uid: 629 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 528 + - uid: 630 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 529 + - uid: 631 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 530 + - uid: 632 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 531 + - uid: 633 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 532 + - uid: 634 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 533 + - uid: 635 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 534 + - uid: 636 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 535 + - uid: 637 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 536 + - uid: 638 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 537 + - uid: 639 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 538 + - uid: 640 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 539 + - uid: 641 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 540 + - uid: 642 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 541 + - uid: 643 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 722 + - uid: 644 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3950,46 +3955,46 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasVentScrubber entities: - - uid: 548 + - uid: 645 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 549 + - uid: 646 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 550 + - uid: 647 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 551 + - uid: 648 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 552 + - uid: 649 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 553 + - uid: 650 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 554 + - uid: 651 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 555 + - uid: 652 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -3997,235 +4002,235 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GeneratorBasic15kW entities: - - uid: 384 + - uid: 653 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 385 + - uid: 654 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 386 + - uid: 655 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 390 + - uid: 656 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 391 + - uid: 657 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: GeneratorWallmountAPU entities: - - uid: 387 + - uid: 658 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 388 + - uid: 659 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 389 + - uid: 660 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - proto: GravityGeneratorMini entities: - - uid: 379 + - uid: 661 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - proto: Grille entities: - - uid: 191 + - uid: 662 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 192 + - uid: 663 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 674 + - uid: 664 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 677 + - uid: 665 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 678 + - uid: 666 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 679 + - uid: 667 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 680 + - uid: 668 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 681 + - uid: 669 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 683 + - uid: 670 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 684 + - uid: 671 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 685 + - uid: 672 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 686 + - uid: 673 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 687 + - uid: 674 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 688 + - uid: 675 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 689 + - uid: 676 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 690 + - uid: 677 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 691 + - uid: 678 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 696 + - uid: 679 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 697 + - uid: 680 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 698 + - uid: 681 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 699 + - uid: 682 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 700 + - uid: 683 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 701 + - uid: 684 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 702 + - uid: 685 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 703 + - uid: 686 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 704 + - uid: 687 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 705 + - uid: 688 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1033 + - uid: 689 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1059 + - uid: 690 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1061 + - uid: 691 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1062 + - uid: 692 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1096 + - uid: 693 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1097 + - uid: 694 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -4233,56 +4238,56 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GrilleDiagonal entities: - - uid: 673 + - uid: 695 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 675 + - uid: 696 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 676 + - uid: 697 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 682 + - uid: 698 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 694 + - uid: 699 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 695 + - uid: 700 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 706 + - uid: 701 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 707 + - uid: 702 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 708 + - uid: 703 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 709 + - uid: 704 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4290,7 +4295,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GunSafe entities: - - uid: 627 + - uid: 83 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,8.5 @@ -4301,24 +4306,24 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 632 - - 631 - - 630 - - 629 - - 628 - - 633 - - 634 - - 635 - - 636 - - 637 - - 638 - - 639 - - 640 + - 96 + - 95 + - 94 + - 93 + - 92 + - 84 + - 85 + - 86 + - 87 + - 88 + - 89 + - 90 + - 91 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null - - uid: 664 + - uid: 705 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,7.5 @@ -4329,39 +4334,39 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 665 - - 666 - - 667 - - 668 - - 669 - - 670 - - 671 - - 672 + - 709 + - 706 + - 707 + - 708 + - 712 + - 710 + - 713 + - 711 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null - proto: Gyroscope entities: - - uid: 380 + - uid: 714 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 381 + - uid: 715 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 382 + - uid: 716 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 383 + - uid: 717 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4369,90 +4374,90 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: hydroponicsTray entities: - - uid: 325 + - uid: 718 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 326 + - uid: 719 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 327 + - uid: 720 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,13.5 parent: 1 - proto: JetpackVoidFilled entities: - - uid: 642 + - uid: 423 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 643 + - uid: 424 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 645 + - uid: 425 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 647 + - uid: 426 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 649 + - uid: 427 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 650 + - uid: 428 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 651 + - uid: 429 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 652 + - uid: 430 components: - type: Transform - parent: 641 + parent: 414 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4460,24 +4465,24 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: KitchenKnife entities: - - uid: 349 + - uid: 721 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.624599,8.560317 parent: 1 - proto: KitchenMicrowave entities: - - uid: 348 + - uid: 722 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 1 - proto: MagazineBoxCaselessRifleBig entities: - - uid: 732 + - uid: 374 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4485,10 +4490,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: MagazineBoxMagnum entities: - - uid: 621 + - uid: 103 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4496,28 +4501,28 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: MagazineBoxRifleBig entities: - - uid: 638 + - uid: 89 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 639 + - uid: 90 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 640 + - uid: 91 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4525,74 +4530,74 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: MagazineCaselessRifle10x24 entities: - - uid: 727 + - uid: 375 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 729 + - uid: 377 components: - type: Transform - parent: 728 + parent: 376 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - proto: MagazineGrenadeBlast entities: - - uid: 1089 + - uid: 394 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 1091 + - uid: 395 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 1092 + - uid: 396 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 1093 + - uid: 397 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 1094 + - uid: 398 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 1095 + - uid: 399 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4600,28 +4605,28 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: MagazineGrenadeEMP entities: - - uid: 1087 + - uid: 400 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 1088 + - uid: 401 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 1090 + - uid: 402 components: - type: Transform - parent: 1086 + parent: 393 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4629,38 +4634,38 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: MedicalBed entities: - - uid: 333 + - uid: 723 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: MedkitAdvancedFilled entities: - - uid: 717 + - uid: 724 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.176877,2.7621942 parent: 1 - - uid: 718 + - uid: 725 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.3258133,2.7621942 parent: 1 - - uid: 719 + - uid: 726 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.3683662,2.7621942 parent: 1 - proto: OxygenCanister entities: - - uid: 721 + - uid: 727 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - proto: PaperBin20 entities: - - uid: 741 + - uid: 728 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -4668,19 +4673,19 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: PowerCageHigh entities: - - uid: 270 + - uid: 729 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.71673393,26.761541 parent: 1 - - uid: 271 + - uid: 730 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.7535,26.688011 parent: 1 - - uid: 272 + - uid: 731 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4688,7 +4693,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: PowerCageRecharger entities: - - uid: 269 + - uid: 732 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4698,10 +4703,10 @@ entities: enabled: False - proto: PowerCellMicroreactor entities: - - uid: 731 + - uid: 378 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4709,226 +4714,226 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: Poweredlight entities: - - uid: 1060 + - uid: 733 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1106 + - uid: 734 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1107 + - uid: 735 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1108 + - uid: 736 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1109 + - uid: 737 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1110 + - uid: 738 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1111 + - uid: 739 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1112 + - uid: 740 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1113 + - uid: 741 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1114 + - uid: 742 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1115 + - uid: 743 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1116 + - uid: 744 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1117 + - uid: 745 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1118 + - uid: 746 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1119 + - uid: 747 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1120 + - uid: 748 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1121 + - uid: 749 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1122 + - uid: 750 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1123 + - uid: 751 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1124 + - uid: 752 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1125 + - uid: 753 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1126 + - uid: 754 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1127 + - uid: 755 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1128 + - uid: 756 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1129 + - uid: 757 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1130 + - uid: 758 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1131 + - uid: 759 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1132 + - uid: 760 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1133 + - uid: 761 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1134 + - uid: 762 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1135 + - uid: 763 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1136 + - uid: 764 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1137 + - uid: 765 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1138 + - uid: 766 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1139 + - uid: 767 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1140 + - uid: 768 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1141 + - uid: 769 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1142 + - uid: 770 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1143 + - uid: 771 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1144 + - uid: 772 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4936,42 +4941,42 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: PoweredSmallLight entities: - - uid: 1145 + - uid: 773 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1146 + - uid: 774 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1147 + - uid: 775 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1148 + - uid: 776 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1149 + - uid: 777 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1150 + - uid: 778 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1151 + - uid: 779 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4979,18 +4984,18 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: Rack entities: - - uid: 273 + - uid: 780 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 336 + - uid: 781 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1085 + - uid: 782 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -4998,7 +5003,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ReinforcedUraniumWindow entities: - - uid: 615 + - uid: 783 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5006,17 +5011,17 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: RollingPin entities: - - uid: 350 + - uid: 784 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.477535,8.63385 parent: 1 - proto: Screwdriver entities: - - uid: 725 + - uid: 379 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -5024,14 +5029,14 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: SeedExtractor entities: - - uid: 329 + - uid: 785 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,10.5 parent: 1 - proto: Shower entities: - - uid: 287 + - uid: 786 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5039,7 +5044,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: Fixtures fixtures: {} - - uid: 288 + - uid: 787 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5049,33 +5054,33 @@ entities: fixtures: {} - proto: ShuttersNormal entities: - - uid: 1103 + - uid: 788 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1098 - - uid: 1104 + - 842 + - uid: 789 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1098 - - uid: 1105 + - 842 + - uid: 790 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1098 + - 842 - proto: ShuttleGunDuster entities: - - uid: 1083 + - uid: 791 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5083,8 +5088,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1077 - - uid: 1084 + - 838 + - uid: 792 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5092,10 +5097,10 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1077 + - 838 - proto: ShuttleGunPerforator entities: - - uid: 1081 + - uid: 793 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5103,8 +5108,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 - - uid: 1082 + - 837 + - uid: 794 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5112,189 +5117,189 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 1076 + - 837 - proto: ShuttleWindow entities: - - uid: 33 + - uid: 795 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 34 + - uid: 796 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 184 + - uid: 797 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 185 + - uid: 798 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 186 + - uid: 799 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 187 + - uid: 800 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 188 + - uid: 801 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 189 + - uid: 802 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 190 + - uid: 803 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 236 + - uid: 804 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 237 + - uid: 805 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 238 + - uid: 806 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 239 + - uid: 807 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 240 + - uid: 808 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 241 + - uid: 809 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 242 + - uid: 810 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 243 + - uid: 811 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 244 + - uid: 812 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 245 + - uid: 813 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 246 + - uid: 814 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 247 + - uid: 815 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 250 + - uid: 816 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 251 + - uid: 817 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 252 + - uid: 818 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 253 + - uid: 819 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 316 + - uid: 820 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 318 + - uid: 821 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 320 + - uid: 822 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 374 + - uid: 823 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 375 + - uid: 824 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 376 + - uid: 825 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 377 + - uid: 826 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5302,56 +5307,56 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ShuttleWindowDiagonal entities: - - uid: 248 + - uid: 827 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 249 + - uid: 828 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 254 + - uid: 829 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 255 + - uid: 830 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 256 + - uid: 831 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 257 + - uid: 832 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 370 + - uid: 833 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 371 + - uid: 834 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 372 + - uid: 835 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 373 + - uid: 836 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5359,29 +5364,29 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: SignalButtonDirectional entities: - - uid: 1076 + - uid: 837 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 1081: + 793: - Pressed: Toggle - 1082: + 794: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1077 + - uid: 838 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 1083: + 791: - Pressed: Trigger - 1084: + 792: - Pressed: Trigger - - uid: 1078 + - uid: 839 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5389,17 +5394,17 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 1067: + 70: - Pressed: Toggle - 1066: + 69: - Pressed: Toggle - 1064: + 67: - Pressed: Toggle - 1065: + 68: - Pressed: Toggle - 1063: + 66: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1079 + - uid: 840 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5407,15 +5412,15 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 1068: + 71: - Pressed: Toggle - 1069: + 72: - Pressed: Toggle - 1070: + 73: - Pressed: Toggle - 1071: + 74: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1080 + - uid: 841 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5423,15 +5428,15 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 1072: + 75: - Pressed: Toggle - 1073: + 76: - Pressed: Toggle - 1074: + 77: - Pressed: Toggle - 1075: + 78: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1098 + - uid: 842 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5439,13 +5444,13 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 1105: + 790: - Pressed: Toggle - 1104: + 789: - Pressed: Toggle - 1103: + 788: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1101 + - uid: 843 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5453,25 +5458,25 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 1099: + 79: - Pressed: Toggle - 1100: + 80: - Pressed: Toggle - proto: Sink entities: - - uid: 277 + - uid: 844 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 279 + - uid: 845 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,14.5 parent: 1 - proto: SinkStemlessWater entities: - - uid: 321 + - uid: 846 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5479,24 +5484,24 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: StasisBed entities: - - uid: 331 + - uid: 847 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,0.5 parent: 1 - proto: SubstationBasic entities: - - uid: 378 + - uid: 848 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - proto: SuitStorageBase entities: - - uid: 641 + - uid: 367 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,8.5 + pos: 10.5,19.5 parent: 1 - type: ContainerContainer containers: @@ -5504,23 +5509,19 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 642 - - 643 - - 644 - - 645 - - 646 - - 647 - - 648 - - 649 - - 650 - - 651 - - 652 - - 653 - - 654 - - 655 - - 656 - - 657 - - uid: 658 + - 379 + - 369 + - 375 + - 376 + - 380 + - 378 + - 374 + - 372 + - 370 + - 373 + - 368 + - 371 + - uid: 381 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,8.5 @@ -5531,15 +5532,15 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 659 - - 660 - - 661 - - 662 - - 663 - - uid: 724 + - 385 + - 386 + - 382 + - 383 + - 384 + - uid: 414 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,19.5 + pos: 4.5,8.5 parent: 1 - type: ContainerContainer containers: @@ -5547,43 +5548,47 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 725 - - 726 - - 727 - - 728 - - 730 - - 731 - - 732 - - 733 - - 734 - - 735 - - 736 - - 737 + - 423 + - 424 + - 415 + - 425 + - 416 + - 426 + - 417 + - 427 + - 428 + - 429 + - 430 + - 418 + - 419 + - 420 + - 421 + - 422 - proto: Table entities: - - uid: 322 + - uid: 849 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 323 + - uid: 850 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 324 + - uid: 851 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 1 - proto: TableCounterMetal entities: - - uid: 356 + - uid: 852 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 616 + - uid: 853 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5591,24 +5596,24 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: TableFancyGreen entities: - - uid: 738 + - uid: 854 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 739 + - uid: 855 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,22.5 parent: 1 - proto: TableGlass entities: - - uid: 342 + - uid: 856 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1157 + - uid: 857 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5616,295 +5621,295 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: Thruster entities: - - uid: 822 + - uid: 858 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 835 + - uid: 859 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 990 + - uid: 860 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 996 + - uid: 861 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -2.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1002 + - uid: 862 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -3.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1003 + - uid: 863 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1004 + - uid: 864 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1005 + - uid: 865 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1006 + - uid: 866 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1007 + - uid: 867 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1008 + - uid: 868 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1009 + - uid: 869 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1010 + - uid: 870 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1011 + - uid: 871 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1012 + - uid: 872 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1013 + - uid: 873 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1014 + - uid: 874 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1015 + - uid: 875 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1016 + - uid: 876 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 11.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1017 + - uid: 877 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1018 + - uid: 878 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1019 + - uid: 879 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1020 + - uid: 880 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1021 + - uid: 881 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1022 + - uid: 882 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1023 + - uid: 883 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 16.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1024 + - uid: 884 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1025 + - uid: 885 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1026 + - uid: 886 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1027 + - uid: 887 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1028 + - uid: 888 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1029 + - uid: 889 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1030 + - uid: 890 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1031 + - uid: 891 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1032 + - uid: 892 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1034 + - uid: 893 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1035 + - uid: 894 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1036 + - uid: 895 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1037 + - uid: 896 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1038 + - uid: 897 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1039 + - uid: 898 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1040 + - uid: 899 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1041 + - uid: 900 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1042 + - uid: 901 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1043 + - uid: 902 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1044 + - uid: 903 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1045 + - uid: 904 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1046 + - uid: 905 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1047 + - uid: 906 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - proto: ToiletEmpty entities: - - uid: 289 + - uid: 907 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 290 + - uid: 908 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5912,7 +5917,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: UraniumWindoorSecureCentralCommandLocked entities: - - uid: 614 + - uid: 909 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5920,14 +5925,14 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineChefvend entities: - - uid: 347 + - uid: 910 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,9.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineCoffee entities: - - uid: 1155 + - uid: 911 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5935,14 +5940,14 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineDrGibb entities: - - uid: 1158 + - uid: 912 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,23.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineEngivend entities: - - uid: 410 + - uid: 913 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5950,35 +5955,35 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineMedical entities: - - uid: 337 + - uid: 914 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,2.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSec entities: - - uid: 338 + - uid: 915 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,8.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSeeds entities: - - uid: 317 + - uid: 916 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,14.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked entities: - - uid: 328 + - uid: 917 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,14.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSnackOrange entities: - - uid: 1159 + - uid: 918 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5986,7 +5991,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineYouTool entities: - - uid: 411 + - uid: 919 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5994,1323 +5999,1323 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: WallShuttle entities: - - uid: 3 + - uid: 920 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 4 + - uid: 921 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 5 + - uid: 922 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 6 + - uid: 923 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 7 + - uid: 924 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 8 + - uid: 925 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 9 + - uid: 926 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 10 + - uid: 927 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 11 + - uid: 928 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 12 + - uid: 929 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 13 + - uid: 930 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 14 + - uid: 931 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 15 + - uid: 932 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 16 + - uid: 933 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 17 + - uid: 934 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 18 + - uid: 935 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 19 + - uid: 936 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 20 + - uid: 937 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 21 + - uid: 938 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 22 + - uid: 939 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 23 + - uid: 940 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 24 + - uid: 941 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 25 + - uid: 942 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 26 + - uid: 943 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 27 + - uid: 944 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 28 + - uid: 945 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 29 + - uid: 946 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 30 + - uid: 947 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 31 + - uid: 948 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 32 + - uid: 949 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 35 + - uid: 950 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 36 + - uid: 951 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 37 + - uid: 952 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 38 + - uid: 953 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 39 + - uid: 954 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 40 + - uid: 955 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 41 + - uid: 956 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 42 + - uid: 957 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 44 + - uid: 958 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 46 + - uid: 959 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 47 + - uid: 960 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 48 + - uid: 961 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 49 + - uid: 962 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 50 + - uid: 963 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 51 + - uid: 964 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 52 + - uid: 965 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 53 + - uid: 966 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 54 + - uid: 967 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 55 + - uid: 968 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 56 + - uid: 969 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 57 + - uid: 970 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 58 + - uid: 971 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 59 + - uid: 972 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 60 + - uid: 973 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 61 + - uid: 974 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 62 + - uid: 975 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 63 + - uid: 976 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 64 + - uid: 977 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 65 + - uid: 978 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 66 + - uid: 979 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 67 + - uid: 980 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 68 + - uid: 981 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 69 + - uid: 982 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 70 + - uid: 983 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 71 + - uid: 984 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 72 + - uid: 985 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 73 + - uid: 986 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 74 + - uid: 987 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 75 + - uid: 988 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 76 + - uid: 989 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 77 + - uid: 990 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 80 + - uid: 991 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 81 + - uid: 992 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 82 + - uid: 993 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 83 + - uid: 994 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 84 + - uid: 995 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 85 + - uid: 996 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 86 + - uid: 997 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 87 + - uid: 998 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 88 + - uid: 999 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 89 + - uid: 1000 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 90 + - uid: 1001 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 91 + - uid: 1002 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 92 + - uid: 1003 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 93 + - uid: 1004 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 94 + - uid: 1005 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 95 + - uid: 1006 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 96 + - uid: 1007 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 97 + - uid: 1008 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 98 + - uid: 1009 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 99 + - uid: 1010 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 100 + - uid: 1011 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 101 + - uid: 1012 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 11.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 102 + - uid: 1013 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 103 + - uid: 1014 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 104 + - uid: 1015 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 106 + - uid: 1016 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 107 + - uid: 1017 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 108 + - uid: 1018 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 110 + - uid: 1019 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 111 + - uid: 1020 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 112 + - uid: 1021 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 113 + - uid: 1022 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 114 + - uid: 1023 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 115 + - uid: 1024 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 116 + - uid: 1025 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 117 + - uid: 1026 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 118 + - uid: 1027 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 119 + - uid: 1028 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 120 + - uid: 1029 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 121 + - uid: 1030 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 122 + - uid: 1031 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 123 + - uid: 1032 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 124 + - uid: 1033 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 125 + - uid: 1034 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 126 + - uid: 1035 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 127 + - uid: 1036 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 128 + - uid: 1037 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 129 + - uid: 1038 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 130 + - uid: 1039 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 131 + - uid: 1040 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 132 + - uid: 1041 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 133 + - uid: 1042 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 134 + - uid: 1043 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 135 + - uid: 1044 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 136 + - uid: 1045 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 137 + - uid: 1046 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 138 + - uid: 1047 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 139 + - uid: 1048 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 140 + - uid: 1049 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 141 + - uid: 1050 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 142 + - uid: 1051 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 143 + - uid: 1052 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 144 + - uid: 1053 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 145 + - uid: 1054 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 146 + - uid: 1055 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 147 + - uid: 1056 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 148 + - uid: 1057 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 149 + - uid: 1058 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 150 + - uid: 1059 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 151 + - uid: 1060 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 152 + - uid: 1061 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 154 + - uid: 1062 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 155 + - uid: 1063 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 156 + - uid: 1064 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 157 + - uid: 1065 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 158 + - uid: 1066 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 159 + - uid: 1067 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 160 + - uid: 1068 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 161 + - uid: 1069 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 162 + - uid: 1070 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 163 + - uid: 1071 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 164 + - uid: 1072 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 165 + - uid: 1073 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 166 + - uid: 1074 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 167 + - uid: 1075 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 176 + - uid: 1076 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 177 + - uid: 1077 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 178 + - uid: 1078 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 179 + - uid: 1079 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 180 + - uid: 1080 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 181 + - uid: 1081 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 182 + - uid: 1082 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 183 + - uid: 1083 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 193 + - uid: 1084 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 194 + - uid: 1085 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 195 + - uid: 1086 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 196 + - uid: 1087 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 197 + - uid: 1088 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 198 + - uid: 1089 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 199 + - uid: 1090 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 200 + - uid: 1091 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 201 + - uid: 1092 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 202 + - uid: 1093 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 203 + - uid: 1094 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 204 + - uid: 1095 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 205 + - uid: 1096 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 206 + - uid: 1097 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 207 + - uid: 1098 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 208 + - uid: 1099 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 209 + - uid: 1100 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 210 + - uid: 1101 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 211 + - uid: 1102 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 212 + - uid: 1103 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 213 + - uid: 1104 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 214 + - uid: 1105 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 215 + - uid: 1106 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 216 + - uid: 1107 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 217 + - uid: 1108 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 218 + - uid: 1109 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 219 + - uid: 1110 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 220 + - uid: 1111 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 221 + - uid: 1112 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 222 + - uid: 1113 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 223 + - uid: 1114 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 224 + - uid: 1115 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 225 + - uid: 1116 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 226 + - uid: 1117 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 227 + - uid: 1118 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 228 + - uid: 1119 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 229 + - uid: 1120 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 230 + - uid: 1121 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 231 + - uid: 1122 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 232 + - uid: 1123 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 233 + - uid: 1124 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 234 + - uid: 1125 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 235 + - uid: 1126 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 258 + - uid: 1127 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 259 + - uid: 1128 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 260 + - uid: 1129 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 274 + - uid: 1130 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 275 + - uid: 1131 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 276 + - uid: 1132 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 278 + - uid: 1133 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 280 + - uid: 1134 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 281 + - uid: 1135 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 282 + - uid: 1136 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 283 + - uid: 1137 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 284 + - uid: 1138 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 285 + - uid: 1139 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 286 + - uid: 1140 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 291 + - uid: 1141 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 292 + - uid: 1142 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 293 + - uid: 1143 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 294 + - uid: 1144 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 332 + - uid: 1145 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 358 + - uid: 1146 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 366 + - uid: 1147 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 367 + - uid: 1148 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 368 + - uid: 1149 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 369 + - uid: 1150 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 743 + - uid: 1151 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 989 + - uid: 1152 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -7318,35 +7323,35 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: WallShuttleDiagonal entities: - - uid: 43 + - uid: 1153 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 45 + - uid: 1154 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 78 + - uid: 1155 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 79 + - uid: 1156 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 105 + - uid: 1157 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 109 + - uid: 1158 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -7354,28 +7359,28 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: WeaponAdvancedLaser entities: - - uid: 666 + - uid: 706 components: - type: Transform - parent: 664 + parent: 705 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 667 + - uid: 707 components: - type: Transform - parent: 664 + parent: 705 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 668 + - uid: 708 components: - type: Transform - parent: 664 + parent: 705 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7383,28 +7388,28 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponGunLaserCarbineAutomatic entities: - - uid: 665 + - uid: 709 components: - type: Transform - parent: 664 + parent: 705 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 670 + - uid: 710 components: - type: Transform - parent: 664 + parent: 705 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 672 + - uid: 711 components: - type: Transform - parent: 664 + parent: 705 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7412,19 +7417,19 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponLaserCannon entities: - - uid: 669 + - uid: 712 components: - type: Transform - parent: 664 + parent: 705 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 671 + - uid: 713 components: - type: Transform - parent: 664 + parent: 705 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7432,28 +7437,28 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponPistolUniversal entities: - - uid: 618 + - uid: 104 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 619 + - uid: 105 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 625 + - uid: 106 components: - type: Transform - parent: 617 + parent: 97 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7461,10 +7466,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponPulsePistol entities: - - uid: 730 + - uid: 380 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7472,16 +7477,16 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponRifleJackdaw entities: - - uid: 728 + - uid: 376 components: - type: Transform - parent: 724 + parent: 367 - type: ContainerContainer containers: gun_magazine: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True - ent: 729 + ent: 377 gun_chamber: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True @@ -7493,46 +7498,46 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponRifleLecter entities: - - uid: 628 + - uid: 92 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 629 + - uid: 93 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 630 + - uid: 94 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 631 + - uid: 95 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 632 + - uid: 96 components: - type: Transform - parent: 627 + parent: 83 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7540,7 +7545,7 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: Windoor entities: - - uid: 357 + - uid: 1159 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad From 7c8ce75ecc6400c04569cdcd5118db18e567afbc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JessieProudmore Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 10:45:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 03/38] Update ntnfscarab.yml --- Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml | 2198 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 1116 insertions(+), 1082 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml b/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml index 66f193d5ad4..11f4747f2c3 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml @@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 839 + - 838 - uid: 67 components: - type: Transform @@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 839 + - 838 - uid: 68 components: - type: Transform @@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 839 + - 838 - uid: 69 components: - type: Transform @@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 839 + - 838 - uid: 70 components: - type: Transform @@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 839 + - 838 - uid: 71 components: - type: Transform @@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 840 + - 839 - uid: 72 components: - type: Transform @@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 840 + - 839 - uid: 73 components: - type: Transform @@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 840 + - 839 - uid: 74 components: - type: Transform @@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 840 + - 839 - uid: 75 components: - type: Transform @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 841 + - 840 - uid: 76 components: - type: Transform @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 841 + - 840 - uid: 77 components: - type: Transform @@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 841 + - 840 - uid: 78 components: - type: Transform @@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 841 + - 840 - uid: 79 components: - type: Transform @@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 843 + - 842 - uid: 80 components: - type: Transform @@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 843 + - 842 - proto: BluespaceBeaker entities: - uid: 81 @@ -1380,915 +1380,910 @@ entities: - uid: 182 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,15.5 + pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 183 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,16.5 + pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 184 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,16.5 + pos: 5.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 185 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,16.5 + pos: 5.5,15.5 parent: 1 - uid: 186 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,15.5 + pos: 5.5,14.5 parent: 1 - uid: 187 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,14.5 + pos: 5.5,13.5 parent: 1 - uid: 188 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,13.5 + pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - uid: 189 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,12.5 + pos: 5.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 190 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,11.5 + pos: 5.5,10.5 parent: 1 - uid: 191 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,10.5 + pos: 4.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 192 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,11.5 + pos: 3.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 193 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,11.5 + pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 194 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,11.5 + pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 195 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,11.5 + pos: 5.5,17.5 parent: 1 - uid: 196 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,17.5 + pos: 5.5,18.5 parent: 1 - uid: 197 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,18.5 + pos: 5.5,19.5 parent: 1 - uid: 198 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,19.5 + pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1 - uid: 199 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,20.5 + pos: 4.5,20.5 parent: 1 - uid: 200 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,20.5 + pos: 3.5,20.5 parent: 1 - uid: 201 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,20.5 + pos: 2.5,20.5 parent: 1 - uid: 202 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,20.5 + pos: 1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - uid: 203 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,20.5 + pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - uid: 204 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,22.5 + pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 - uid: 205 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,22.5 + pos: 8.5,22.5 parent: 1 - uid: 206 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,22.5 + pos: 8.5,21.5 parent: 1 - uid: 207 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,21.5 + pos: 8.5,20.5 parent: 1 - uid: 208 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,20.5 + pos: 9.5,20.5 parent: 1 - uid: 209 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,20.5 + pos: 10.5,20.5 parent: 1 - uid: 210 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,20.5 + pos: 10.5,21.5 parent: 1 - uid: 211 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,21.5 + pos: 6.5,23.5 parent: 1 - uid: 212 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,23.5 + pos: 6.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 213 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,24.5 + pos: 6.5,25.5 parent: 1 - uid: 214 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,25.5 + pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 1 - uid: 215 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,26.5 + pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 216 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,24.5 + pos: 8.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 217 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,24.5 + pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 218 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,24.5 + pos: 10.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 219 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,24.5 + pos: 11.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 220 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,24.5 + pos: 12.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 221 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,24.5 + pos: 12.5,25.5 parent: 1 - uid: 222 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,25.5 + pos: 12.5,26.5 parent: 1 - uid: 223 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,26.5 + pos: 12.5,27.5 parent: 1 - uid: 224 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,27.5 + pos: 5.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 225 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,24.5 + pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 226 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,24.5 + pos: 3.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 227 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,24.5 + pos: 2.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 228 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,24.5 + pos: 1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 229 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,24.5 + pos: 0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - uid: 230 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,24.5 + pos: 0.5,25.5 parent: 1 - uid: 231 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,25.5 + pos: 0.5,26.5 parent: 1 - uid: 232 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,26.5 + pos: 0.5,27.5 parent: 1 - uid: 233 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,27.5 + pos: 1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - uid: 234 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,26.5 + pos: 11.5,26.5 parent: 1 - uid: 235 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,26.5 + pos: 4.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 236 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,16.5 + pos: 3.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 237 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,16.5 + pos: 2.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 238 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,16.5 + pos: 1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 239 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,16.5 + pos: 0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 240 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,16.5 + pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 241 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,16.5 + pos: -1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 242 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,16.5 + pos: -2.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 243 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,16.5 + pos: 8.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 244 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,16.5 + pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 245 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,16.5 + pos: 10.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 246 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,16.5 + pos: 11.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 247 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,16.5 + pos: 12.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 248 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,16.5 + pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 249 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,16.5 + pos: 14.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 250 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,16.5 + pos: 15.5,16.5 parent: 1 - uid: 251 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,16.5 + pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 1 - uid: 252 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,5.5 + pos: 10.5,5.5 parent: 1 - uid: 253 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,5.5 + pos: 11.5,5.5 parent: 1 - uid: 254 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,5.5 + pos: 12.5,5.5 parent: 1 - uid: 255 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,5.5 + pos: 13.5,5.5 parent: 1 - uid: 256 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,5.5 + pos: 14.5,5.5 parent: 1 - uid: 257 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,5.5 + pos: 15.5,3.5 parent: 1 - uid: 258 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,3.5 + pos: 15.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 259 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,4.5 + pos: 16.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 260 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,4.5 + pos: 14.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 261 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,4.5 + pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 262 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,4.5 + pos: 2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 263 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,4.5 + pos: 1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 264 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,4.5 + pos: 0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 265 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,4.5 + pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 266 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,4.5 + pos: -1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 267 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,4.5 + pos: -2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 268 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,4.5 + pos: -3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 269 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,4.5 + pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 1 - uid: 270 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,2.5 + pos: 12.5,4.5 parent: 1 - uid: 271 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,4.5 + pos: 12.5,3.5 parent: 1 - uid: 272 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,3.5 + pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1 - uid: 273 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,2.5 + pos: 12.5,1.5 parent: 1 - uid: 274 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,1.5 + pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 1 - uid: 275 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,1.5 + pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 276 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,11.5 + pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 277 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,11.5 + pos: 0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - uid: 278 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,10.5 + pos: 0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - uid: 279 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,9.5 + pos: 0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - uid: 280 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,8.5 + pos: 0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - uid: 281 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,12.5 + pos: 11.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 282 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,11.5 + pos: 12.5,11.5 parent: 1 - uid: 283 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,11.5 + pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 1 - uid: 284 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,12.5 + pos: 12.5,10.5 parent: 1 - uid: 285 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,10.5 + pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 1 - uid: 286 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,9.5 + pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 1 - uid: 287 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,8.5 + pos: -1.5,3.5 parent: 1 - uid: 288 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,3.5 + pos: -1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - uid: 289 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,2.5 + pos: -0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - uid: 290 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,1.5 + pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - uid: 291 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-6.5 + pos: 2.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - uid: 292 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-6.5 + pos: 2.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - uid: 293 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-7.5 + pos: 3.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - uid: 294 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-7.5 + pos: 4.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - uid: 295 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-7.5 + pos: 10.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - uid: 296 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-7.5 - parent: 1 - - uid: 297 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 298 + - uid: 297 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 299 + - uid: 298 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 300 + - uid: 299 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 301 + - uid: 300 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 302 + - uid: 301 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 303 + - uid: 302 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 304 + - uid: 303 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 305 + - uid: 304 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 306 + - uid: 305 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 307 + - uid: 306 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 308 + - uid: 307 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 309 + - uid: 308 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 310 + - uid: 309 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 311 + - uid: 310 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1160 + - uid: 1159 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - proto: CableHV entities: - - uid: 312 + - uid: 311 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 313 + - uid: 312 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 314 + - uid: 313 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 315 + - uid: 314 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 316 + - uid: 315 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 317 + - uid: 316 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 318 + - uid: 317 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 319 + - uid: 318 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 320 + - uid: 319 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 321 + - uid: 320 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 322 + - uid: 321 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 323 + - uid: 322 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 324 + - uid: 323 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 325 + - uid: 324 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: CableMV entities: - - uid: 326 + - uid: 325 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 327 + - uid: 326 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 328 + - uid: 327 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 329 + - uid: 328 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 330 + - uid: 329 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 331 + - uid: 330 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 332 + - uid: 331 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 333 + - uid: 332 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 334 + - uid: 333 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 335 + - uid: 334 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 336 + - uid: 335 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 337 + - uid: 336 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 338 + - uid: 337 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 339 + - uid: 338 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 340 + - uid: 339 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 341 + - uid: 340 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 342 + - uid: 341 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 343 + - uid: 342 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 344 + - uid: 343 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 345 + - uid: 344 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 346 + - uid: 345 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 347 + - uid: 346 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 348 + - uid: 347 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 349 + - uid: 348 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 350 + - uid: 349 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 351 + - uid: 350 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 352 + - uid: 351 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 353 + - uid: 352 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 354 + - uid: 353 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 355 + - uid: 354 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 356 + - uid: 355 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 357 + - uid: 356 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 358 + - uid: 357 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 359 + - uid: 358 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 360 + - uid: 359 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 361 + - uid: 360 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - proto: ChairPilotSeat entities: - - uid: 362 + - uid: 361 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2296,21 +2291,21 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: chem_master entities: - - uid: 363 + - uid: 362 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: ChemDispenser entities: - - uid: 364 + - uid: 363 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: ChemistryHotplate entities: - - uid: 365 + - uid: 364 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-0.5 @@ -2322,17 +2317,17 @@ entities: isPlaceable: False - proto: ClothingEyesGlassesChemical entities: - - uid: 366 + - uid: 365 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.7270064,-0.59045506 parent: 1 - proto: ClothingHeadHatCentcomcap entities: - - uid: 368 + - uid: 367 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2340,10 +2335,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingHeadsetAltCentCom entities: - - uid: 369 + - uid: 368 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2351,10 +2346,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingHeadsetCentCom entities: - - uid: 370 + - uid: 369 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2362,10 +2357,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingLongcoatCC entities: - - uid: 371 + - uid: 370 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2373,10 +2368,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingNeckCloakCentcom entities: - - uid: 372 + - uid: 371 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2384,10 +2379,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTCentcomm entities: - - uid: 373 + - uid: 372 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2395,10 +2390,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTEngineer entities: - - uid: 382 + - uid: 381 components: - type: Transform - parent: 381 + parent: 380 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2406,10 +2401,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTLeader entities: - - uid: 383 + - uid: 382 components: - type: Transform - parent: 381 + parent: 380 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2417,10 +2412,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTMedical entities: - - uid: 384 + - uid: 383 components: - type: Transform - parent: 381 + parent: 380 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2428,19 +2423,19 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTSecurity entities: - - uid: 385 + - uid: 384 components: - type: Transform - parent: 381 + parent: 380 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 386 + - uid: 385 components: - type: Transform - parent: 381 + parent: 380 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2448,7 +2443,7 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: ComfyChair entities: - - uid: 387 + - uid: 386 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2456,14 +2451,14 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring entities: - - uid: 388 + - uid: 387 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,27.5 parent: 1 - proto: ComputerCriminalRecords entities: - - uid: 389 + - uid: 388 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2471,7 +2466,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ComputerIFFSyndicate entities: - - uid: 390 + - uid: 389 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2479,14 +2474,14 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ComputerShuttle entities: - - uid: 391 + - uid: 390 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 1 - proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor entities: - - uid: 392 + - uid: 391 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,27.5 @@ -2519,7 +2514,7 @@ entities: ent: null - proto: CrateEmergencyExplosive entities: - - uid: 393 + - uid: 392 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,25.5 @@ -2530,68 +2525,68 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: + - 399 - 400 + - 393 - 401 - 394 - - 402 - 395 - 396 - 397 - 398 - - 399 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEControl entities: - - uid: 403 + - uid: 402 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEJar entities: - - uid: 404 + - uid: 403 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 405 + - uid: 404 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding entities: - - uid: 406 + - uid: 405 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - proto: CryoPod entities: - - uid: 407 + - uid: 406 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,1.5 parent: 1 - proto: CryoxadoneBeakerSmall entities: - - uid: 408 + - uid: 407 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.2407064,2.4430451 parent: 1 - proto: CurtainsBlue entities: - - uid: 409 + - uid: 408 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 410 + - uid: 409 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2599,96 +2594,96 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: CurtainsCyan entities: - - uid: 411 + - uid: 410 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 412 + - uid: 411 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 413 + - uid: 412 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -330.18518 + secondsUntilStateChange: -1174.803 state: Opening - proto: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTankFilled entities: - - uid: 415 + - uid: 414 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 416 + - uid: 415 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 417 + - uid: 416 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 418 + - uid: 417 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 419 + - uid: 418 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 420 + - uid: 419 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 421 + - uid: 420 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 422 + - uid: 421 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -2696,39 +2691,39 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: Dresser entities: - - uid: 431 + - uid: 430 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 432 + - uid: 431 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 433 + - uid: 432 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 434 + - uid: 433 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 435 + - uid: 434 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 436 + - uid: 435 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,19.5 parent: 1 - proto: FaxMachineCentcom entities: - - uid: 437 + - uid: 436 components: - type: MetaData name: N.T.N.F long range fax machine @@ -2739,14 +2734,14 @@ entities: name: NTNF - proto: GasFilterFlipped entities: - - uid: 438 + - uid: 437 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,0.5 parent: 1 - proto: GasMinerNitrogen entities: - - uid: 439 + - uid: 438 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2754,7 +2749,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasMinerOxygen entities: - - uid: 440 + - uid: 439 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2762,7 +2757,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasMixer entities: - - uid: 441 + - uid: 440 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -2773,25 +2768,25 @@ entities: inletOneConcentration: 0.21 - proto: GasPassiveVent entities: - - uid: 442 + - uid: 441 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 443 + - uid: 442 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 444 + - uid: 443 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 445 + - uid: 444 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2799,112 +2794,112 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasPipeBend entities: - - uid: 446 + - uid: 445 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 447 + - uid: 446 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 448 + - uid: 447 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 449 + - uid: 448 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 450 + - uid: 449 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 451 + - uid: 450 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 452 + - uid: 451 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 453 + - uid: 452 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 454 + - uid: 453 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 455 + - uid: 454 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 456 + - uid: 455 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 457 + - uid: 456 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 458 + - uid: 457 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 459 + - uid: 458 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 460 + - uid: 459 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 461 + - uid: 460 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 462 + - uid: 461 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 463 + - uid: 462 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 464 + - uid: 463 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -2912,730 +2907,730 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasPipeFourway entities: - - uid: 465 + - uid: 464 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 466 + - uid: 465 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 467 + - uid: 466 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,16.5 parent: 1 - proto: GasPipeStraight entities: - - uid: 468 + - uid: 467 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 469 + - uid: 468 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 470 + - uid: 469 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 471 + - uid: 470 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 472 + - uid: 471 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 473 + - uid: 472 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 474 + - uid: 473 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 475 + - uid: 474 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 476 + - uid: 475 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 477 + - uid: 476 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 478 + - uid: 477 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 479 + - uid: 478 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 480 + - uid: 479 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 481 + - uid: 480 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 482 + - uid: 481 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 483 + - uid: 482 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 484 + - uid: 483 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 485 + - uid: 484 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 486 + - uid: 485 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 487 + - uid: 486 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 488 + - uid: 487 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 489 + - uid: 488 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 490 + - uid: 489 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 491 + - uid: 490 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 492 + - uid: 491 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 493 + - uid: 492 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 494 + - uid: 493 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 495 + - uid: 494 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 496 + - uid: 495 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 497 + - uid: 496 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 498 + - uid: 497 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 499 + - uid: 498 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 500 + - uid: 499 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 501 + - uid: 500 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 502 + - uid: 501 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 503 + - uid: 502 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 504 + - uid: 503 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 505 + - uid: 504 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 506 + - uid: 505 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 507 + - uid: 506 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 508 + - uid: 507 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 509 + - uid: 508 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 510 + - uid: 509 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 511 + - uid: 510 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 512 + - uid: 511 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 513 + - uid: 512 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 514 + - uid: 513 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 515 + - uid: 514 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 516 + - uid: 515 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 517 + - uid: 516 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 518 + - uid: 517 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 519 + - uid: 518 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 520 + - uid: 519 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 521 + - uid: 520 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 522 + - uid: 521 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 523 + - uid: 522 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 524 + - uid: 523 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 525 + - uid: 524 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 526 + - uid: 525 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 527 + - uid: 526 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 528 + - uid: 527 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 529 + - uid: 528 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 530 + - uid: 529 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 531 + - uid: 530 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 532 + - uid: 531 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 533 + - uid: 532 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 534 + - uid: 533 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 535 + - uid: 534 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 536 + - uid: 535 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 537 + - uid: 536 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 538 + - uid: 537 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 539 + - uid: 538 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 540 + - uid: 539 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 541 + - uid: 540 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 542 + - uid: 541 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 543 + - uid: 542 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 544 + - uid: 543 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 545 + - uid: 544 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 546 + - uid: 545 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 547 + - uid: 546 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 548 + - uid: 547 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 549 + - uid: 548 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 550 + - uid: 549 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 551 + - uid: 550 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 552 + - uid: 551 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 553 + - uid: 552 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 554 + - uid: 553 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 555 + - uid: 554 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 556 + - uid: 555 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 557 + - uid: 556 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 558 + - uid: 557 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 559 + - uid: 558 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 560 + - uid: 559 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 561 + - uid: 560 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 562 + - uid: 561 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 563 + - uid: 562 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 564 + - uid: 563 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 565 + - uid: 564 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 566 + - uid: 565 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 567 + - uid: 566 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 568 + - uid: 567 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 569 + - uid: 568 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 570 + - uid: 569 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 571 + - uid: 570 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 572 + - uid: 571 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 573 + - uid: 572 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 574 + - uid: 573 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 575 + - uid: 574 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 576 + - uid: 575 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 577 + - uid: 576 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 578 + - uid: 577 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 579 + - uid: 578 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 580 + - uid: 579 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 581 + - uid: 580 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 582 + - uid: 581 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 583 + - uid: 582 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 584 + - uid: 583 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 585 + - uid: 584 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 586 + - uid: 585 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 587 + - uid: 586 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 588 + - uid: 587 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 589 + - uid: 588 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 590 + - uid: 589 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 591 + - uid: 590 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3643,152 +3638,152 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasPipeTJunction entities: - - uid: 592 + - uid: 591 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 593 + - uid: 592 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 594 + - uid: 593 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 595 + - uid: 594 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 596 + - uid: 595 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 597 + - uid: 596 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 598 + - uid: 597 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 599 + - uid: 598 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 600 + - uid: 599 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 601 + - uid: 600 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 602 + - uid: 601 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 603 + - uid: 602 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 604 + - uid: 603 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 605 + - uid: 604 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 606 + - uid: 605 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 607 + - uid: 606 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 608 + - uid: 607 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 609 + - uid: 608 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 610 + - uid: 609 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 611 + - uid: 610 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 612 + - uid: 611 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 613 + - uid: 612 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 614 + - uid: 613 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 615 + - uid: 614 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 616 + - uid: 615 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 617 + - uid: 616 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3796,32 +3791,32 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasPort entities: - - uid: 618 + - uid: 617 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 619 + - uid: 618 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - proto: GasPressurePump entities: - - uid: 620 + - uid: 619 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 621 + - uid: 620 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 622 + - uid: 621 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3829,125 +3824,125 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer entities: - - uid: 623 + - uid: 622 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,1.5 parent: 1 - proto: GasVentPump entities: - - uid: 624 + - uid: 623 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 625 + - uid: 624 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 626 + - uid: 625 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 627 + - uid: 626 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 628 + - uid: 627 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 629 + - uid: 628 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 630 + - uid: 629 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 631 + - uid: 630 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 632 + - uid: 631 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 633 + - uid: 632 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 634 + - uid: 633 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 635 + - uid: 634 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 636 + - uid: 635 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 637 + - uid: 636 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 638 + - uid: 637 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 639 + - uid: 638 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 640 + - uid: 639 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 641 + - uid: 640 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 642 + - uid: 641 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 643 + - uid: 642 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 644 + - uid: 643 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -3955,46 +3950,46 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GasVentScrubber entities: - - uid: 645 + - uid: 644 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 646 + - uid: 645 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 647 + - uid: 646 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 648 + - uid: 647 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 649 + - uid: 648 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 650 + - uid: 649 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 651 + - uid: 650 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 652 + - uid: 651 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -4002,235 +3997,235 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GeneratorBasic15kW entities: - - uid: 653 + - uid: 652 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 654 + - uid: 653 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 655 + - uid: 654 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 656 + - uid: 655 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 657 + - uid: 656 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: GeneratorWallmountAPU entities: - - uid: 658 + - uid: 657 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 659 + - uid: 658 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 660 + - uid: 659 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - proto: GravityGeneratorMini entities: - - uid: 661 + - uid: 660 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - proto: Grille entities: - - uid: 662 + - uid: 661 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 663 + - uid: 662 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 664 + - uid: 663 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 665 + - uid: 664 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 666 + - uid: 665 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 667 + - uid: 666 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 668 + - uid: 667 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 669 + - uid: 668 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 670 + - uid: 669 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 671 + - uid: 670 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 672 + - uid: 671 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 673 + - uid: 672 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 674 + - uid: 673 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 675 + - uid: 674 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 676 + - uid: 675 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 677 + - uid: 676 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 678 + - uid: 677 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 679 + - uid: 678 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 680 + - uid: 679 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 681 + - uid: 680 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 682 + - uid: 681 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 683 + - uid: 682 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 684 + - uid: 683 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 685 + - uid: 684 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 686 + - uid: 685 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 687 + - uid: 686 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 688 + - uid: 687 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 689 + - uid: 688 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 690 + - uid: 689 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 691 + - uid: 690 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 692 + - uid: 691 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 693 + - uid: 692 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 694 + - uid: 693 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -4238,56 +4233,56 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: GrilleDiagonal entities: - - uid: 695 + - uid: 694 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 696 + - uid: 695 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 697 + - uid: 696 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 698 + - uid: 697 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 699 + - uid: 698 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 700 + - uid: 699 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 701 + - uid: 700 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 702 + - uid: 701 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 703 + - uid: 702 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 704 + - uid: 703 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4323,7 +4318,7 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null - - uid: 705 + - uid: 704 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,7.5 @@ -4334,39 +4329,39 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 709 + - 708 + - 705 - 706 - 707 - - 708 + - 711 + - 709 - 712 - 710 - - 713 - - 711 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null - proto: Gyroscope entities: - - uid: 714 + - uid: 713 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 715 + - uid: 714 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 716 + - uid: 715 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 717 + - uid: 716 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4374,90 +4369,90 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: hydroponicsTray entities: - - uid: 718 + - uid: 717 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 719 + - uid: 718 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 720 + - uid: 719 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,13.5 parent: 1 - proto: JetpackVoidFilled entities: - - uid: 423 + - uid: 422 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 424 + - uid: 423 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 425 + - uid: 424 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 426 + - uid: 425 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 427 + - uid: 426 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 428 + - uid: 427 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 429 + - uid: 428 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 430 + - uid: 429 components: - type: Transform - parent: 414 + parent: 413 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4465,24 +4460,24 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: KitchenKnife entities: - - uid: 721 + - uid: 720 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.624599,8.560317 parent: 1 - proto: KitchenMicrowave entities: - - uid: 722 + - uid: 721 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 1 - proto: MagazineBoxCaselessRifleBig entities: - - uid: 374 + - uid: 373 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4530,74 +4525,74 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: MagazineCaselessRifle10x24 entities: - - uid: 375 + - uid: 374 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 377 + - uid: 376 components: - type: Transform - parent: 376 + parent: 375 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - proto: MagazineGrenadeBlast entities: - - uid: 394 + - uid: 393 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 395 + - uid: 394 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 396 + - uid: 395 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 397 + - uid: 396 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 398 + - uid: 397 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 399 + - uid: 398 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4605,28 +4600,28 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: MagazineGrenadeEMP entities: - - uid: 400 + - uid: 399 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 401 + - uid: 400 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 402 + - uid: 401 components: - type: Transform - parent: 393 + parent: 392 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4634,38 +4629,38 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: MedicalBed entities: - - uid: 723 + - uid: 722 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - proto: MedkitAdvancedFilled entities: - - uid: 724 + - uid: 723 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.176877,2.7621942 parent: 1 - - uid: 725 + - uid: 724 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.3258133,2.7621942 parent: 1 - - uid: 726 + - uid: 725 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.3683662,2.7621942 parent: 1 - proto: OxygenCanister entities: - - uid: 727 + - uid: 726 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - proto: PaperBin20 entities: - - uid: 728 + - uid: 727 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -4673,19 +4668,19 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: PowerCageHigh entities: - - uid: 729 + - uid: 728 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.71673393,26.761541 parent: 1 - - uid: 730 + - uid: 729 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.7535,26.688011 parent: 1 - - uid: 731 + - uid: 730 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4693,7 +4688,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: PowerCageRecharger entities: - - uid: 732 + - uid: 731 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4703,10 +4698,10 @@ entities: enabled: False - proto: PowerCellMicroreactor entities: - - uid: 378 + - uid: 377 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -4714,226 +4709,226 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: Poweredlight entities: - - uid: 733 + - uid: 732 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 734 + - uid: 733 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 735 + - uid: 734 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 736 + - uid: 735 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 737 + - uid: 736 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 738 + - uid: 737 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 11.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 739 + - uid: 738 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 740 + - uid: 739 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 741 + - uid: 740 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 742 + - uid: 741 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 743 + - uid: 742 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 744 + - uid: 743 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 745 + - uid: 744 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 746 + - uid: 745 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 747 + - uid: 746 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 748 + - uid: 747 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 749 + - uid: 748 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 750 + - uid: 749 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 751 + - uid: 750 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 752 + - uid: 751 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 753 + - uid: 752 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 754 + - uid: 753 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 755 + - uid: 754 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 756 + - uid: 755 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 757 + - uid: 756 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 758 + - uid: 757 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 759 + - uid: 758 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 760 + - uid: 759 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 761 + - uid: 760 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 762 + - uid: 761 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 763 + - uid: 762 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 764 + - uid: 763 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 765 + - uid: 764 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 766 + - uid: 765 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 767 + - uid: 766 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 768 + - uid: 767 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 769 + - uid: 768 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 770 + - uid: 769 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 771 + - uid: 770 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,17.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 772 + - uid: 771 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4941,42 +4936,42 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: PoweredSmallLight entities: - - uid: 773 + - uid: 772 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 774 + - uid: 773 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 775 + - uid: 774 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 776 + - uid: 775 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 777 + - uid: 776 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 778 + - uid: 777 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 779 + - uid: 778 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -4984,18 +4979,18 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: Rack entities: - - uid: 780 + - uid: 779 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 781 + - uid: 780 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 782 + - uid: 781 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5003,7 +4998,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ReinforcedUraniumWindow entities: - - uid: 783 + - uid: 782 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5011,17 +5006,17 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: RollingPin entities: - - uid: 784 + - uid: 783 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.477535,8.63385 parent: 1 - proto: Screwdriver entities: - - uid: 379 + - uid: 378 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -5029,14 +5024,14 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: SeedExtractor entities: - - uid: 785 + - uid: 784 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,10.5 parent: 1 - proto: Shower entities: - - uid: 786 + - uid: 785 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5044,7 +5039,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: Fixtures fixtures: {} - - uid: 787 + - uid: 786 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5054,33 +5049,33 @@ entities: fixtures: {} - proto: ShuttersNormal entities: - - uid: 788 + - uid: 787 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 842 - - uid: 789 + - 841 + - uid: 788 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 842 - - uid: 790 + - 841 + - uid: 789 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 842 + - 841 - proto: ShuttleGunDuster entities: - - uid: 791 + - uid: 790 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5088,8 +5083,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 838 - - uid: 792 + - 837 + - uid: 791 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5097,10 +5092,10 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 838 + - 837 - proto: ShuttleGunPerforator entities: - - uid: 793 + - uid: 792 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5108,8 +5103,8 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 837 - - uid: 794 + - 836 + - uid: 793 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5117,189 +5112,189 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSink links: - - 837 + - 836 - proto: ShuttleWindow entities: - - uid: 795 + - uid: 794 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 796 + - uid: 795 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 797 + - uid: 796 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 798 + - uid: 797 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 799 + - uid: 798 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 800 + - uid: 799 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 801 + - uid: 800 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 802 + - uid: 801 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 803 + - uid: 802 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 804 + - uid: 803 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 805 + - uid: 804 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 806 + - uid: 805 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 807 + - uid: 806 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 808 + - uid: 807 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 809 + - uid: 808 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 810 + - uid: 809 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 811 + - uid: 810 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 812 + - uid: 811 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 813 + - uid: 812 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 814 + - uid: 813 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 815 + - uid: 814 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 816 + - uid: 815 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 817 + - uid: 816 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 818 + - uid: 817 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 819 + - uid: 818 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,27.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 820 + - uid: 819 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 821 + - uid: 820 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 822 + - uid: 821 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 823 + - uid: 822 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 824 + - uid: 823 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 825 + - uid: 824 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 826 + - uid: 825 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5307,56 +5302,56 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: ShuttleWindowDiagonal entities: - - uid: 827 + - uid: 826 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 828 + - uid: 827 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 829 + - uid: 828 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 830 + - uid: 829 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 831 + - uid: 830 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 832 + - uid: 831 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,28.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 833 + - uid: 832 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 834 + - uid: 833 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 835 + - uid: 834 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 836 + - uid: 835 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5364,29 +5359,29 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: SignalButtonDirectional entities: - - uid: 837 + - uid: 836 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 793: + 792: - Pressed: Toggle - 794: + 793: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 838 + - uid: 837 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,27.5 parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 791: + 790: - Pressed: Trigger - 792: + 791: - Pressed: Trigger - - uid: 839 + - uid: 838 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5404,7 +5399,7 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 66: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 840 + - uid: 839 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5420,7 +5415,7 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 74: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 841 + - uid: 840 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5436,7 +5431,7 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 78: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 842 + - uid: 841 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5444,13 +5439,13 @@ entities: parent: 1 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 790: - - Pressed: Toggle 789: - Pressed: Toggle 788: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 843 + 787: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 842 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad @@ -5464,19 +5459,19 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle - proto: Sink entities: - - uid: 844 + - uid: 843 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 845 + - uid: 844 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,14.5 parent: 1 - proto: SinkStemlessWater entities: - - uid: 846 + - uid: 845 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5484,21 +5479,21 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: StasisBed entities: - - uid: 847 + - uid: 846 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,0.5 parent: 1 - proto: SubstationBasic entities: - - uid: 848 + - uid: 847 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1 - proto: SuitStorageBase entities: - - uid: 367 + - uid: 366 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,19.5 @@ -5509,19 +5504,19 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 379 - - 369 - - 375 - - 376 - - 380 - 378 + - 368 - 374 - - 372 - - 370 + - 375 + - 379 + - 377 - 373 - - 368 - 371 - - uid: 381 + - 369 + - 372 + - 367 + - 370 + - uid: 380 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,8.5 @@ -5532,12 +5527,12 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: + - 384 - 385 - - 386 + - 381 - 382 - 383 - - 384 - - uid: 414 + - uid: 413 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,8.5 @@ -5548,47 +5543,47 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: + - 422 - 423 + - 414 - 424 - 415 - 425 - 416 - 426 - - 417 - 427 - 428 - 429 - - 430 + - 417 - 418 - 419 - 420 - 421 - - 422 - proto: Table entities: - - uid: 849 + - uid: 848 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 850 + - uid: 849 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 851 + - uid: 850 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 1 - proto: TableCounterMetal entities: - - uid: 852 + - uid: 851 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 853 + - uid: 852 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5596,24 +5591,24 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: TableFancyGreen entities: - - uid: 854 + - uid: 853 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 855 + - uid: 854 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,22.5 parent: 1 - proto: TableGlass entities: - - uid: 856 + - uid: 855 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 857 + - uid: 856 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5621,303 +5616,310 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: Thruster entities: - - uid: 858 + - uid: 857 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 859 + - uid: 858 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 860 + - uid: 859 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 861 + - uid: 860 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -2.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 862 + - uid: 861 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -3.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 863 + - uid: 862 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 864 + - uid: 863 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 865 + - uid: 864 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 866 + - uid: 865 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 867 + - uid: 866 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 868 + - uid: 867 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 869 + - uid: 868 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 870 + - uid: 869 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 871 + - uid: 870 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 872 + - uid: 871 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 873 + - uid: 872 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 874 + - uid: 873 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 875 + - uid: 874 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 876 + - uid: 875 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 11.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 877 + - uid: 876 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 878 + - uid: 877 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 879 + - uid: 878 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 880 + - uid: 879 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 881 + - uid: 880 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 14.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 882 + - uid: 881 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 15.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 883 + - uid: 882 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 16.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 884 + - uid: 883 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 885 + - uid: 884 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 886 + - uid: 885 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 887 + - uid: 886 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 888 + - uid: 887 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 889 + - uid: 888 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 890 + - uid: 889 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 891 + - uid: 890 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 892 + - uid: 891 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 893 + - uid: 892 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 894 + - uid: 893 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 895 + - uid: 894 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 896 + - uid: 895 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 897 + - uid: 896 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 898 + - uid: 897 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 899 + - uid: 898 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 900 + - uid: 899 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 901 + - uid: 900 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 902 + - uid: 901 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 903 + - uid: 902 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 904 + - uid: 903 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 905 + - uid: 904 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 906 + - uid: 905 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - proto: ToiletEmpty entities: - - uid: 907 + - uid: 906 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 908 + - uid: 907 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,12.5 parent: 1 +- proto: TurboItemRecharger + entities: + - uid: 1160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 1 - proto: UraniumWindoorSecureCentralCommandLocked entities: - - uid: 909 + - uid: 908 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5925,14 +5927,14 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineChefvend entities: - - uid: 910 + - uid: 909 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,9.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineCoffee entities: - - uid: 911 + - uid: 910 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5940,14 +5942,14 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineDrGibb entities: - - uid: 912 + - uid: 911 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,23.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineEngivend entities: - - uid: 913 + - uid: 912 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5955,35 +5957,35 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineMedical entities: - - uid: 914 + - uid: 913 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,2.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSec entities: - - uid: 915 + - uid: 914 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,8.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSeeds entities: - - uid: 916 + - uid: 915 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,14.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked entities: - - uid: 917 + - uid: 916 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,14.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSnackOrange entities: - - uid: 918 + - uid: 917 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5991,7 +5993,7 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineYouTool entities: - - uid: 919 + - uid: 918 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -5999,1323 +6001,1323 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: WallShuttle entities: - - uid: 920 + - uid: 919 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 921 + - uid: 920 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 922 + - uid: 921 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 923 + - uid: 922 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 924 + - uid: 923 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 925 + - uid: 924 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 926 + - uid: 925 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 927 + - uid: 926 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 928 + - uid: 927 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 929 + - uid: 928 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 930 + - uid: 929 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 931 + - uid: 930 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 932 + - uid: 931 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 933 + - uid: 932 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 934 + - uid: 933 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 935 + - uid: 934 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 936 + - uid: 935 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 937 + - uid: 936 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 938 + - uid: 937 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 939 + - uid: 938 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 940 + - uid: 939 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 941 + - uid: 940 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 942 + - uid: 941 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 943 + - uid: 942 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 944 + - uid: 943 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 945 + - uid: 944 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 946 + - uid: 945 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 947 + - uid: 946 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 948 + - uid: 947 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 949 + - uid: 948 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 950 + - uid: 949 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 951 + - uid: 950 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 952 + - uid: 951 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 953 + - uid: 952 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 954 + - uid: 953 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 955 + - uid: 954 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 956 + - uid: 955 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 957 + - uid: 956 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 958 + - uid: 957 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 959 + - uid: 958 components: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 960 + - uid: 959 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 961 + - uid: 960 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 962 + - uid: 961 components: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 963 + - uid: 962 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 964 + - uid: 963 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 965 + - uid: 964 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 966 + - uid: 965 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 967 + - uid: 966 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 968 + - uid: 967 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 969 + - uid: 968 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 970 + - uid: 969 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 971 + - uid: 970 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 972 + - uid: 971 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 973 + - uid: 972 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 974 + - uid: 973 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 975 + - uid: 974 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 976 + - uid: 975 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 977 + - uid: 976 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 978 + - uid: 977 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 979 + - uid: 978 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 980 + - uid: 979 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 981 + - uid: 980 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 982 + - uid: 981 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 983 + - uid: 982 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 984 + - uid: 983 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 985 + - uid: 984 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 986 + - uid: 985 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 987 + - uid: 986 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 988 + - uid: 987 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 989 + - uid: 988 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 990 + - uid: 989 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 991 + - uid: 990 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 992 + - uid: 991 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 993 + - uid: 992 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 994 + - uid: 993 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 995 + - uid: 994 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 996 + - uid: 995 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 997 + - uid: 996 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 998 + - uid: 997 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 999 + - uid: 998 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1000 + - uid: 999 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 3.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1001 + - uid: 1000 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1002 + - uid: 1001 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1003 + - uid: 1002 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1004 + - uid: 1003 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1005 + - uid: 1004 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 7.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1006 + - uid: 1005 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1007 + - uid: 1006 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1008 + - uid: 1007 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1009 + - uid: 1008 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1010 + - uid: 1009 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1011 + - uid: 1010 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 10.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1012 + - uid: 1011 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 11.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1013 + - uid: 1012 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,-6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1014 + - uid: 1013 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1015 + - uid: 1014 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1016 + - uid: 1015 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1017 + - uid: 1016 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1018 + - uid: 1017 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1019 + - uid: 1018 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1020 + - uid: 1019 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1021 + - uid: 1020 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1022 + - uid: 1021 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1023 + - uid: 1022 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1024 + - uid: 1023 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1025 + - uid: 1024 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1026 + - uid: 1025 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1027 + - uid: 1026 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1028 + - uid: 1027 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1029 + - uid: 1028 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1030 + - uid: 1029 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1031 + - uid: 1030 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1032 + - uid: 1031 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1033 + - uid: 1032 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1034 + - uid: 1033 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,20.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1035 + - uid: 1034 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1036 + - uid: 1035 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1037 + - uid: 1036 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1038 + - uid: 1037 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1039 + - uid: 1038 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1040 + - uid: 1039 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1041 + - uid: 1040 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1042 + - uid: 1041 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1043 + - uid: 1042 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1044 + - uid: 1043 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,8.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1045 + - uid: 1044 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1046 + - uid: 1045 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1047 + - uid: 1046 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1048 + - uid: 1047 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1049 + - uid: 1048 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1050 + - uid: 1049 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1051 + - uid: 1050 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1052 + - uid: 1051 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-0.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1053 + - uid: 1052 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1054 + - uid: 1053 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1055 + - uid: 1054 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1056 + - uid: 1055 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1057 + - uid: 1056 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1058 + - uid: 1057 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1059 + - uid: 1058 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1060 + - uid: 1059 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1061 + - uid: 1060 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1062 + - uid: 1061 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1063 + - uid: 1062 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1064 + - uid: 1063 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1065 + - uid: 1064 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1066 + - uid: 1065 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1067 + - uid: 1066 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1068 + - uid: 1067 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1069 + - uid: 1068 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1070 + - uid: 1069 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1071 + - uid: 1070 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1072 + - uid: 1071 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1073 + - uid: 1072 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1074 + - uid: 1073 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1075 + - uid: 1074 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1076 + - uid: 1075 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1077 + - uid: 1076 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1078 + - uid: 1077 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1079 + - uid: 1078 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1080 + - uid: 1079 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,22.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1081 + - uid: 1080 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1082 + - uid: 1081 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,23.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1083 + - uid: 1082 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,21.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1084 + - uid: 1083 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1085 + - uid: 1084 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1086 + - uid: 1085 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1087 + - uid: 1086 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1088 + - uid: 1087 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1089 + - uid: 1088 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1090 + - uid: 1089 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1091 + - uid: 1090 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1092 + - uid: 1091 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1093 + - uid: 1092 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1094 + - uid: 1093 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1095 + - uid: 1094 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1096 + - uid: 1095 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 3.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1097 + - uid: 1096 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1098 + - uid: 1097 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,9.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1099 + - uid: 1098 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 0.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1100 + - uid: 1099 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1101 + - uid: 1100 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1102 + - uid: 1101 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1103 + - uid: 1102 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1104 + - uid: 1103 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1105 + - uid: 1104 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1106 + - uid: 1105 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1107 + - uid: 1106 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1108 + - uid: 1107 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1109 + - uid: 1108 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1110 + - uid: 1109 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1111 + - uid: 1110 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1112 + - uid: 1111 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1113 + - uid: 1112 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1114 + - uid: 1113 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1115 + - uid: 1114 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1116 + - uid: 1115 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1117 + - uid: 1116 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1118 + - uid: 1117 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1119 + - uid: 1118 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1120 + - uid: 1119 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,6.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1121 + - uid: 1120 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1122 + - uid: 1121 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1123 + - uid: 1122 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,19.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1124 + - uid: 1123 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 14.5,18.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1125 + - uid: 1124 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1126 + - uid: 1125 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -1.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1127 + - uid: 1126 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1128 + - uid: 1127 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 8.5,26.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1129 + - uid: 1128 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1130 + - uid: 1129 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1131 + - uid: 1130 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-1.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1132 + - uid: 1131 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,7.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1133 + - uid: 1132 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,10.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1134 + - uid: 1133 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,12.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1135 + - uid: 1134 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1136 + - uid: 1135 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1137 + - uid: 1136 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1138 + - uid: 1137 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1139 + - uid: 1138 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1140 + - uid: 1139 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,14.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1141 + - uid: 1140 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1142 + - uid: 1141 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,13.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1143 + - uid: 1142 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1144 + - uid: 1143 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1145 + - uid: 1144 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,3.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1146 + - uid: 1145 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,25.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1147 + - uid: 1146 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1148 + - uid: 1147 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1149 + - uid: 1148 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1150 + - uid: 1149 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-5.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1151 + - uid: 1150 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,15.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1152 + - uid: 1151 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad @@ -7323,64 +7325,96 @@ entities: parent: 1 - proto: WallShuttleDiagonal entities: - - uid: 1153 + - uid: 1152 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1154 + - uid: 1153 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,24.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1155 + - uid: 1154 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -0.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1156 + - uid: 1155 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -0.5,-2.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1157 + - uid: 1156 components: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-4.5 parent: 1 - - uid: 1158 + - uid: 1157 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,-2.5 parent: 1 +- proto: WallWeaponCapacitorRecharger + entities: + - uid: 1161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,3.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 1162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,25.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 1163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 1164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,6.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 1165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,18.5 + parent: 1 + - uid: 1166 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,18.5 + parent: 1 - proto: WeaponAdvancedLaser entities: - - uid: 706 + - uid: 705 components: - type: Transform - parent: 705 + parent: 704 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 707 + - uid: 706 components: - type: Transform - parent: 705 + parent: 704 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 708 + - uid: 707 components: - type: Transform - parent: 705 + parent: 704 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7388,28 +7422,28 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponGunLaserCarbineAutomatic entities: - - uid: 709 + - uid: 708 components: - type: Transform - parent: 705 + parent: 704 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 710 + - uid: 709 components: - type: Transform - parent: 705 + parent: 704 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 711 + - uid: 710 components: - type: Transform - parent: 705 + parent: 704 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7417,19 +7451,19 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponLaserCannon entities: - - uid: 712 + - uid: 711 components: - type: Transform - parent: 705 + parent: 704 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 canCollide: False - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 713 + - uid: 712 components: - type: Transform - parent: 705 + parent: 704 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7466,10 +7500,10 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponPulsePistol entities: - - uid: 380 + - uid: 379 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: Physics angularDamping: 0 linearDamping: 0 @@ -7477,16 +7511,16 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: WeaponRifleJackdaw entities: - - uid: 376 + - uid: 375 components: - type: Transform - parent: 367 + parent: 366 - type: ContainerContainer containers: gun_magazine: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True - ent: 377 + ent: 376 gun_chamber: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True @@ -7545,7 +7579,7 @@ entities: - type: InsideEntityStorage - proto: Windoor entities: - - uid: 1159 + - uid: 1158 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad From 4bbb3e07e2ba20a2753804d7912dd0f2ea9ad1e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JessieProudmore Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 10:59:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 04/38] Update ntnfscarab.yml --- Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml b/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml index 11f4747f2c3..d856689fc49 100644 --- a/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml +++ b/Resources/Maps/Floof/NTNFships/ntnfscarab.yml @@ -2613,7 +2613,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1 - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -1174.803 + secondsUntilStateChange: -2010.5782 state: Opening - proto: DoubleEmergencyOxygenTankFilled entities: @@ -5962,19 +5962,19 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,2.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineSec +- proto: VendingMachineNutri entities: - - uid: 914 + - uid: 915 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,8.5 + pos: 10.5,14.5 parent: 1 -- proto: VendingMachineSeeds +- proto: VendingMachineSec entities: - - uid: 915 + - uid: 914 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,14.5 + pos: 1.5,8.5 parent: 1 - proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked entities: From 4015bb1fa2e04afe801ce4062a9086d6ff7048cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FoxxoTrystan <> Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 01:39:14 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 05/38] Update CODEOWNERS --- .github/CODEOWNERS | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS index b997a1cacb2..3655d448e5d 100644 --- a/.github/CODEOWNERS +++ b/.github/CODEOWNERS @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # Floofstation CODEOWNERS -* @Fansana @Memeji @FoxxoTrystan @fenndragon +* @Fansana @Memeji @FoxxoTrystan From e17c10ad9b6c852ea86d26fcbdc5c511b06e6aea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FoxxoTrystan <> Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 01:52:13 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 06/38] Update changelog.yml --- .github/workflows/changelog.yml | 2 -- 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/changelog.yml b/.github/workflows/changelog.yml index c2642494a64..990e294e0e6 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/changelog.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/changelog.yml @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ concurrency: commit_action on: pull_request_target: types: [closed] - branches: - - stable env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} From 44055833caa28dc2bb65f6cda6c5b7313eab1be6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SleepyScarecrow <> Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 12:50:48 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 07/38] Changed Dark Oasis Recipe was asked to change the cocoa powder value down, so i have --- Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml index 718fb5dcb2d..43e10dd7d5e 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Recipes/Reactions/drinks.yml @@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ id: DarkOasis reactants: CocoaPowder: - amount: 3 + amount: 1 Sugar: amount: 1 Tequila: amount: 1 products: - DarkOasis: 5 + DarkOasis: 3 - type: reaction id: DeadMansDraught From 85d7ece9cc96c7bcf342cfdd5b3e20d635b34e5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 06:51:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 08/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#341) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 8d1fc7d44fc..d2bf55b31de 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1344,3 +1344,10 @@ Entries: id: 180 time: '2024-11-01T20:32:06.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: SleepyScarecrow + changes: + - type: Tweak + message: Tweaked Dark Oasis Recipe + id: 181 + time: '2024-11-11T06:50:56.0000000+00:00' + url: From 6c86f08f02c5f2865ed17ab2f44f7c8e68a2ad1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 08:14:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 09/38] update changelog --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index d2bf55b31de..9f7eefd15c5 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1344,10 +1344,74 @@ Entries: id: 180 time: '2024-11-01T20:32:06.0000000+00:00' url: -- author: SleepyScarecrow +- author: FoxxoTrystan + changes: + - type: Fix + message: Fix the call the shuttle button. + id: 181 + time: '2024-11-09T15:55:29.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: VividPups + changes: + - type: Add + message: New Combat Boots! + id: 182 + time: '2024-11-08T00:42:08.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: Memeji changes: + - type: Add + message: 18 plants - type: Tweak - message: Tweaked Dark Oasis Recipe + message: Added plant mutations to existing plants. + id: 183 + time: '2024-11-07T22:30:55.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: VividPups + changes: + - type: Add + message: New way for Syndies to deal with those pesky psionic + id: 184 + time: '2024-11-07T04:47:49.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: fenndragon + changes: + - type: Add + message: 'inventory, body, and grabbing setups for NT xenos ' + id: 185 + time: '2024-11-07T01:18:41.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: FoxxoTrystan + changes: + - type: Tweak + message: >- + LPO no longer has the CC Stamp and they have a new communication + console. + id: 186 + time: '2024-11-06T13:15:11.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: KyuPolaris + changes: + - type: Fix + message: >- + Prescription Lenses re-added to prescription MedHUDs and prescription + SecHUDs. + id: 187 + time: '2024-11-05T23:03:37.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: Fansana + changes: + - type: Fix + message: >- + fix Voltage drink, now required VodkaRedBool instead of vodka and energy + drink + id: 188 + time: '2024-11-05T00:33:06.0000000+00:00' + url: +- author: SleepyScarecrow + changes: + - type: Tweak + message: Tweaked Dark Oasis Recipe id: 181 time: '2024-11-11T06:50:56.0000000+00:00' url: From 0eb402115969aefa433f5374ef51e7b72970de3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Memeji Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:52:50 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 10/38] Initial commit. changed some stuff about the bionics --- Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml | 12 +++++++++++- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml index 2c6df2b3743..14706510b22 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml @@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterSpeciesRequirement species: - Human # Entirely arbitrary, I've decided I want a trait unique to humans. Since they don't normally get anything exciting. @@ -403,6 +404,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterSpeciesRequirement inverted: true species: @@ -426,10 +428,11 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof components: - type: Prying speedModifier: 1 - pryPowered: true + pryPowered: false # Floof - type: trait id: PlateletFactories @@ -440,6 +443,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterSpeciesRequirement inverted: true species: @@ -469,6 +473,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterSpeciesRequirement species: - Human @@ -487,6 +492,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterTraitRequirement inverted: true traits: @@ -509,6 +515,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterDepartmentRequirement departments: - Security @@ -533,6 +540,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterTraitRequirement traits: - CyberEyes @@ -558,6 +566,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterTraitRequirement traits: - CyberEyes @@ -581,6 +590,7 @@ inverted: true jobs: - Prisoner # Bionics should be "Confiscated" from long term prisoners. + - Gladiator # Floof - !type:CharacterDepartmentRequirement departments: - Security From 818c643f78556e345a6715939d6247a67835df75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Memeji Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:54:27 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 11/38] Cheaper arm --- Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml index 14706510b22..91081938672 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ - type: trait id: BionicArm category: Physical - points: -8 + points: -6 # Floof - since you can't get free JoL anymore requirements: - !type:CharacterJobRequirement inverted: true From 9745ad3cae28dd4adcee93354c52447bedfa7243 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Memeji Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 17:20:19 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 12/38] Initial commit --- .../Consumable/Smokeables/Cigarettes/cigarette.yml | 8 +++++--- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Smokeables/Cigarettes/cigarette.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Smokeables/Cigarettes/cigarette.yml index 18ea198697e..6476c0e4816 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Smokeables/Cigarettes/cigarette.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Smokeables/Cigarettes/cigarette.yml @@ -77,9 +77,11 @@ smokable: maxVol: 40 reagents: - - ReagentId: Nicotine - Quantity: 10 - - ReagentId: Omnizine + - ReagentId: Iron # Floof - Herbals aren't nicotine + Quantity: 5 + - ReagentId: Omnizine # Floof - Herbals aren't nicotine + Quantity: 5 + - ReagentId: Dylovene # Floof - Herbals aren't nicotine Quantity: 5 - type: entity From 5bee86f3bf7a3ccd27bf8bad458340c7c81b740a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:34:53 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 13/38] no more munching on uranium --- .../Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml | 3 --- 1 file changed, 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml index ae6770d631d..5fec307625d 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml @@ -216,9 +216,6 @@ suffix: Full components: - type: Material - - type: Food - transferAmount: 10 - - type: BadFood - type: PhysicalComposition materialComposition: Uranium: 100 From 624c05ccb52bf510a3e8be10aa27d1c8cac04dad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:29:14 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 14/38] fix block game --- Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs | 4 ++-- Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs | 3 --- Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs | 1 + 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs index cd22f1f6d31..943fb75525c 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.Ui.cs @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ private void InputTick(float frameTime) /// The message to broadcase to all players/spectators. private void SendMessage(BoundUserInterfaceMessage message) { - _uiSystem.ServerSendUiMessage(_entityManager.GetEntity(message.Entity), BlockGameUiKey.Key, message); + _uiSystem.ServerSendUiMessage(_owner, BlockGameUiKey.Key, message); } /// @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ private void SendMessage(BoundUserInterfaceMessage message) /// The target recipient. private void SendMessage(BoundUserInterfaceMessage message, EntityUid actor) { - _uiSystem.ServerSendUiMessage(_entityManager.GetEntity(message.Entity), BlockGameUiKey.Key, message, actor); + _uiSystem.ServerSendUiMessage(_owner, BlockGameUiKey.Key, message, actor); } /// diff --git a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs index a6707af408e..82063b6443f 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ using Robust.Server.GameObjects; using Robust.Shared.Random; using System.Linq; -using Content.Shared.Mood; namespace Content.Server.Arcade.BlockGame; @@ -83,8 +82,6 @@ private void InvokeGameover() { _highScorePlacement = _arcadeSystem.RegisterHighScore(meta.EntityName, Points); SendHighscoreUpdate(); - var ev = new MoodEffectEvent("ArcadePlay"); - _entityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(meta.Owner, ev); } SendMessage(new BlockGameMessages.BlockGameGameOverScreenMessage(Points, _highScorePlacement?.LocalPlacement, _highScorePlacement?.GlobalPlacement)); } diff --git a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs index 561cad8d7ee..b0bf3895092 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using Content.Server.Advertise; using Content.Server.Advertise.Components; using Content.Shared.Arcade; +using Content.Shared.Power; using Robust.Server.GameObjects; using Robust.Shared.Player; From 891b153e21cce0da7b9965fe97f6be14dc9dbd27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana <> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:41:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 15/38] Update BlockGame.cs --- Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs index 82063b6443f..4743f29513a 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs @@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ private void InvokeGameover() SendHighscoreUpdate(); } SendMessage(new BlockGameMessages.BlockGameGameOverScreenMessage(Points, _highScorePlacement?.LocalPlacement, _highScorePlacement?.GlobalPlacement)); + var ev = new MoodEffectEvent("ArcadePlay"); + _entityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(meta.Owner, ev); } /// From 7b9baf3447ddda0cad9313a9b5ace7147dd32a91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana <> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:41:56 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 16/38] Update BlockGame.cs --- Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs index 4743f29513a..6a3d78a055b 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs @@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ private void InvokeGameover() { _highScorePlacement = _arcadeSystem.RegisterHighScore(meta.EntityName, Points); SendHighscoreUpdate(); + var ev = new MoodEffectEvent("ArcadePlay"); + _entityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(meta.Owner, ev); } SendMessage(new BlockGameMessages.BlockGameGameOverScreenMessage(Points, _highScorePlacement?.LocalPlacement, _highScorePlacement?.GlobalPlacement)); - var ev = new MoodEffectEvent("ArcadePlay"); - _entityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(meta.Owner, ev); } /// From 2512428a028bcc4403c3710500233d8dede79649 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana <> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:42:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 17/38] Update BlockGame.cs --- Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs index 6a3d78a055b..a6707af408e 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGame.cs @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ using Robust.Server.GameObjects; using Robust.Shared.Random; using System.Linq; +using Content.Shared.Mood; namespace Content.Server.Arcade.BlockGame; From 2669a89065b58167215381981231c09385c5922b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana <> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:43:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 18/38] Update BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs --- Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs index b0bf3895092..561cad8d7ee 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Arcade/BlockGame/BlockGameArcadeSystem.cs @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ using Content.Server.Advertise; using Content.Server.Advertise.Components; using Content.Shared.Arcade; -using Content.Shared.Power; using Robust.Server.GameObjects; using Robust.Shared.Player; From 9e5e7c15c2f13bc816974080445d0473ef031449 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 22:20:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 19/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#348) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 11 +++++++++-- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 9f7eefd15c5..2794a33fbfb 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1410,8 +1410,15 @@ Entries: url: - author: SleepyScarecrow changes: - - type: Tweak - message: Tweaked Dark Oasis Recipe + - type: Tweak + message: Tweaked Dark Oasis Recipe id: 181 time: '2024-11-11T06:50:56.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Fansana + changes: + - type: Fix + message: Fixed block game UI! + id: 189 + time: '2024-11-13T22:20:32.0000000+00:00' + url: From c59ca5ddd0fefa828458e5d267ba80affce47455 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: fenndragon Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:27:17 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 20/38] Update and rename Adolescent_dragon.yml to Drake.yml --- .../Entities/Mobs/NPCs/{Adolescent_dragon.yml => Drake.yml} | 5 +++-- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) rename Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/{Adolescent_dragon.yml => Drake.yml} (97%) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/Adolescent_dragon.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/Drake.yml similarity index 97% rename from Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/Adolescent_dragon.yml rename to Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/Drake.yml index 895b43726f9..850a8a2f064 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/Adolescent_dragon.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/Drake.yml @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ - SimpleSpaceMobBase - FlyingMobBase id: MobDragonPet - name: adolescent space dragon - description: A younger Space dragon with a friendly demeanor. + name: Space Drake + description: A smaller breed of space dragon with a friendly demeanor. components: - type: Body prototype: Animal @@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ - TauCetiBasic understands: - TauCetiBasic + - type: LeashAnchor - type: entity categories: [ HideSpawnMenu ] From 5b1f886e84c4644b17c37e24b90ac678b7e18fe4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 23:40:34 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 21/38] reduce the votable gamemodes --- Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml index 6225d05a363..66b6283eae5 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/game_presets.yml @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ alias: - survival name: survival-title - showInVote: true # secret # DeltaV - Me when the survival. Used for periapsis. + showInVote: false # secret # DeltaV - Me when the survival. Used for periapsis. description: survival-description rules: - RampingStationEventScheduler @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ id: SurvivalHellshift alias: - hellshift - showInVote: true + showInVote: false name: hellshift-title description: hellshift-description rules: @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - type: gamePreset id: SurvivalIrregular alias: [irregular] - showInVote: true + showInVote: false name: irregular-title description: irregular-description rules: @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ - extended - shittersafari name: extended-title - showInVote: true #2boring2vote # DeltaV - I'd like to disagree, used for periapsis. + showInVote: false #2boring2vote # DeltaV - I'd like to disagree, used for periapsis. description: extended-description rules: - BasicStationEventScheduler @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ - traitor name: traitor-title description: traitor-description - showInVote: true + showInVote: false rules: - Traitor - SubGamemodesRule From 6694ad8dc86f496a552ee9450c59611219374580 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sleepyyapril Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 22:00:54 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 22/38] Auto voting system for first-time player join as well as return to lobby. --- Content.Server/AutoVote/AutoVoteSystem.cs | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Content.Server/AutoVote/AutoVoteSystem.cs diff --git a/Content.Server/AutoVote/AutoVoteSystem.cs b/Content.Server/AutoVote/AutoVoteSystem.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..77ba406a302 --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server/AutoVote/AutoVoteSystem.cs @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +using Robust.Shared.Configuration; +using Content.Server.Voting.Managers; +using Content.Shared.GameTicking; +using Content.Shared.Voting; +using Content.Shared.CCVar; +using Robust.Server.Player; +using Content.Server.GameTicking; + +namespace Content.Server.AutoVote; + +public sealed class AutoVoteSystem : EntitySystem +{ + [Dependency] private readonly IConfigurationManager _cfg = default!; + [Dependency] public readonly IVoteManager _voteManager = default!; + [Dependency] public readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!; + + public bool _shouldVoteNextJoin = false; + + public override void Initialize() + { + base.Initialize(); + + SubscribeLocalEvent(OnReturnedToLobby); + SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPlayerJoinedLobby); + } + + public void OnReturnedToLobby(RoundRestartCleanupEvent ev) + { + CallAutovote(); + } + + public void OnPlayerJoinedLobby(PlayerJoinedLobbyEvent ev) + { + if (_shouldVoteNextJoin) + { + CallAutovote(); + _shouldVoteNextJoin = false; + } + } + + private void CallAutovote() + { + if (!_cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.AutoVoteEnabled)) + return; + + if (_playerManager.PlayerCount == 0) + { + _shouldVoteNextJoin = true; + return; + } + + if (_cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.MapAutoVoteEnabled)) + _voteManager.CreateStandardVote(null, StandardVoteType.Preset); + if (_cfg.GetCVar(CCVars.PresetAutoVoteEnabled)) + _voteManager.CreateStandardVote(null, StandardVoteType.Map); + } +} From eb800c6a12bcec07e56cb32da0059dd9f456a279 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sleepyyapril Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 03:15:47 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 23/38] CVars --- Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs index 93a1ffc7d17..7ef691f3364 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs @@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ public static readonly CVarDef /// Allow Ethereal Ent to PassThrough Walls/Objects while in Ethereal. /// public static readonly CVarDef EtherealPassThrough = - CVarDef.Create("ic.EtherealPassThrough", true, CVar.SERVER); + CVarDef.Create("ic.EtherealPassThrough", false, CVar.SERVER); /* * Salvage @@ -2062,13 +2062,13 @@ public static readonly CVarDef */ /// - /// Time that players have to wait before rules can be accepted. + /// Time that players have to wait before rules can be accepted. /// public static readonly CVarDef RulesWaitTime = - CVarDef.Create("rules.time", 60f, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED); + CVarDef.Create("rules.time", 10f, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED); /// - /// Don't show rules to localhost/loopback interface. + /// Don't show rules to localhost/loopback interface. /// public static readonly CVarDef RulesExemptLocal = CVarDef.Create("rules.exempt_local", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); @@ -2640,5 +2640,33 @@ public static readonly CVarDef CVarDef.Create("ghost.allow_same_character", false, CVar.SERVERONLY); #endregion + + /// + /// Set to true to disable parallel processing in the pow3r solver. + /// + public static readonly CVarDef DebugPow3rDisableParallel = + CVarDef.Create("debug.pow3r_disable_parallel", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); + + /* + * AUTOVOTE SYSTEM + */ + + /// + /// Enables the automatic voting system. + /// + public static readonly CVarDef AutoVoteEnabled = + CVarDef.Create("vote.autovote_enabled", false, CVar.SERVERONLY); + + /// + /// Automatically make map votes on return to lobby? Requires auto voting to be enabled. + /// + public static readonly CVarDef MapAutoVoteEnabled = + CVarDef.Create("vote.map_autovote_enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); + + /// + /// Automatically make preset votes on return to lobby? Requires auto voting to be enabled. + /// + public static readonly CVarDef PresetAutoVoteEnabled = + CVarDef.Create("vote.preset_autovote_enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); } } From 3a5a27b7bfd8b313d49f5a5fd2061004317c6a90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Memeji Dankiri <> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:07:35 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 24/38] Update physical.yml change to -3 --- Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml index 91081938672..a314700add8 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Traits/physical.yml @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ - type: trait id: BionicArm category: Physical - points: -6 # Floof - since you can't get free JoL anymore + points: -3 # Floof - since you can't get free JoL anymore requirements: - !type:CharacterJobRequirement inverted: true From 2dd15f00be9fd1fa26db5bdb0b0f5206cc31f0bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: fenndragon Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 16:18:35 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 25/38] Update DragonSystem.cs --- Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs | 7 +------ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs index 79e5c0a2a9c..3bc9195a30b 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Dragon/DragonSystem.cs @@ -93,12 +93,7 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime) comp.RiftAccumulator += frameTime; - // Delete it, naughty dragon! - if (comp.RiftAccumulator >= comp.RiftMaxAccumulator) - { - Roar(uid, comp); - QueueDel(uid); - } + } } From e889d49f94e4683fea43195d0c0781abae04ac80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sleepyyapril <> Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 22:46:45 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 26/38] remove unused cvars --- Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs | 10 ++-------- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs index 7ef691f3364..657726cea4e 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs @@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ public static readonly CVarDef /// Allow Ethereal Ent to PassThrough Walls/Objects while in Ethereal. /// public static readonly CVarDef EtherealPassThrough = - CVarDef.Create("ic.EtherealPassThrough", false, CVar.SERVER); + CVarDef.Create("ic.EtherealPassThrough", true, CVar.SERVER); /* * Salvage @@ -2065,7 +2065,7 @@ public static readonly CVarDef /// Time that players have to wait before rules can be accepted. /// public static readonly CVarDef RulesWaitTime = - CVarDef.Create("rules.time", 10f, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED); + CVarDef.Create("rules.time", 60f, CVar.SERVER | CVar.REPLICATED); /// /// Don't show rules to localhost/loopback interface. @@ -2641,12 +2641,6 @@ public static readonly CVarDef #endregion - /// - /// Set to true to disable parallel processing in the pow3r solver. - /// - public static readonly CVarDef DebugPow3rDisableParallel = - CVarDef.Create("debug.pow3r_disable_parallel", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); - /* * AUTOVOTE SYSTEM */ From e01bf4adebc4d9d704b03ed4cb6a67d04228dcbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: fenndragon Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 16:28:42 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 27/38] Update ghost-role-component.ftl --- Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl index cbc7923fb0e..e3c2c409333 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ ghost-role-information-ifrit-name = Ifrit ghost-role-information-ifrit-description = Listen to your owner. Don't tank damage. Punch people hard. ghost-role-information-space-dragon-name = Space dragon -ghost-role-information-space-dragon-description = Call in 3 carp rifts and take over this quadrant! You have only 5 minutes in between each rift before you will disappear. +ghost-role-information-space-dragon-description = create 3 carp rifts and protect your nest! ghost-role-information-space-dragon-dungeon-description = Defend the expedition dungeon with your fishy comrades! ghost-role-information-cluwne-name = Cluwne From 3cd7160f4d8db00db47598f4345e8e80f9832289 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:30:14 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 28/38] cvar enabled by default --- Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs index 657726cea4e..4228762bf5b 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs @@ -2649,7 +2649,7 @@ public static readonly CVarDef /// Enables the automatic voting system. /// public static readonly CVarDef AutoVoteEnabled = - CVarDef.Create("vote.autovote_enabled", false, CVar.SERVERONLY); + CVarDef.Create("vote.autovote_enabled", true, CVar.SERVERONLY); // Floof enabled by default /// /// Automatically make map votes on return to lobby? Requires auto voting to be enabled. From 80a921211b18e7761c82d4498c8e1cc5ea5ecde9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: fenndragon Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 16:36:46 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 29/38] Update cargo_fun.yml --- Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml index 6876470cbdc..52cbdf2084b 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml @@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ sprite: Structures/Storage/Crates/xeno.rsi state: icon product: CrateNTxenos - cost: 100000 + cost: 99999 category: cargoproduct-category-name-fun group: market From 5ee3319fe53dabf55af6efe7998ad7d5d8e0f12f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fansana Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:57:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 30/38] fix power flickers --- Content.Server/Power/Pow3r/BatteryRampPegSolver.cs | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Power/Pow3r/BatteryRampPegSolver.cs b/Content.Server/Power/Pow3r/BatteryRampPegSolver.cs index 5d52bde3777..d8f46e6966f 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Power/Pow3r/BatteryRampPegSolver.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Power/Pow3r/BatteryRampPegSolver.cs @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public void Tick(float frameTime, PowerState state, IParallelManager parallel) // suppliers + discharger) Then decide based on total layer size whether its worth parallelizing that // layer? _networkJob.Networks = group; - parallel.ProcessNow(_networkJob, group.Count); + parallel.ProcessSerialNow(_networkJob, group.Count); } ClearBatteries(state); From e181535b968e3b9fb894727237338ac6659ef9f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 09:55:38 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 31/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#353) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 2794a33fbfb..5cb41fbaa79 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1422,3 +1422,10 @@ Entries: id: 189 time: '2024-11-13T22:20:32.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: fenndragon + changes: + - type: Tweak + message: Tweaked Price + id: 190 + time: '2024-11-14T09:55:10.0000000+00:00' + url: From 6decd702e0fee2cf10cf95f406db4dcacbb53e73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 09:56:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 32/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#343) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 5cb41fbaa79..74e81622615 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1429,3 +1429,12 @@ Entries: id: 190 time: '2024-11-14T09:55:10.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Memeji + changes: + - type: Fix + message: Gladiators can no longer have bionics. + - type: Tweak + message: Bionic arm cannot opened powered doors. Cost reduced to 6 instead of 8. + id: 191 + time: '2024-11-14T09:55:48.0000000+00:00' + url: From 20d89fd35229d7728bebaeda50bac336d9870d4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 10:00:48 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 33/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#350) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 74e81622615..60cde136232 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1438,3 +1438,10 @@ Entries: id: 191 time: '2024-11-14T09:55:48.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Fansana + changes: + - type: Tweak + message: Tweaked game mode votes + id: 192 + time: '2024-11-14T09:57:52.0000000+00:00' + url: From c062bae108deb49d1557d525dc7dcbdbe1ba7b59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:02:58 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 34/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#352) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 60cde136232..8b4eaeef442 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1445,3 +1445,10 @@ Entries: id: 192 time: '2024-11-14T09:57:52.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: fenndragon + changes: + - type: Remove + message: Removed timer from dragon gameplay + id: 193 + time: '2024-11-14T18:02:17.0000000+00:00' + url: From 94abc4888ed017c6eb753f7034dff259546e9151 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:04:16 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 35/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#354) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 8b4eaeef442..754a98d7ae4 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1452,3 +1452,10 @@ Entries: id: 193 time: '2024-11-14T18:02:17.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Fansana + changes: + - type: Fix + message: Fixed the power flickers! + id: 194 + time: '2024-11-14T18:03:44.0000000+00:00' + url: From 0e8e0c10a0c0c5002f8a88de5213f5c2cd4c02ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:07:55 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 36/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#349) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 754a98d7ae4..1745ff4ec30 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1459,3 +1459,12 @@ Entries: id: 194 time: '2024-11-14T18:03:44.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: fenndragon + changes: + - type: Add + message: Added Leash anchor to Space drakes + - type: Tweak + message: 'Tweaked the name of Space drakes ' + id: 195 + time: '2024-11-14T18:05:25.0000000+00:00' + url: From ec8db19c85783b0c723e57b38cd90159a6f22bea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 18:13:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 37/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#344) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 1745ff4ec30..07cb0f352fe 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1468,3 +1468,10 @@ Entries: id: 195 time: '2024-11-14T18:05:25.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Memeji + changes: + - type: Tweak + message: Removed nicotine from Interdynes and replaced it with iron and dylovene. + id: 196 + time: '2024-11-14T18:06:38.0000000+00:00' + url: From e183e332ca66e621c3b92eae011fee73a359dccc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: FloofStation Changelogs <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 23:20:50 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 38/38] Automatic Changelog Update (#351) --- Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml index 07cb0f352fe..8105e549ca3 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Floof.yml @@ -1475,3 +1475,10 @@ Entries: id: 196 time: '2024-11-14T18:06:38.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Fansana + changes: + - type: Add + message: Added auto vote system + id: 197 + time: '2024-11-14T23:20:24.0000000+00:00' + url: