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base repository: FameThemes/onepress
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v2.0.5
Choose a base ref
head repository: FameThemes/onepress
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
Choose a head ref
Showing with 79,736 additions and 16,905 deletions.
  1. +7 −7 404.php
  2. +245 −181 Gruntfile.js
  3. +4 −4 archive.php
  4. +202 −25 assets/css/admin.css
  5. +688 −1,117 assets/css/bootstrap.css
  6. +1 −1 assets/css/bootstrap.min.css
  7. +42 −2 assets/css/customizer.css
  8. +0 −778 assets/css/editor-style.css
  9. +8,003 −0 assets/fontawesome-v6/css/all.css
  10. +9 −0 assets/fontawesome-v6/css/all.min.css
  11. +26 −0 assets/fontawesome-v6/css/v4-font-face.css
  12. +6 −0 assets/fontawesome-v6/css/v4-font-face.min.css
  13. +2,194 −0 assets/fontawesome-v6/css/v4-shims.css
  14. +6 −0 assets/fontawesome-v6/css/v4-shims.min.css
  15. +22 −0 assets/fontawesome-v6/css/v5-font-face.css
  16. +6 −0 assets/fontawesome-v6/css/v5-font-face.min.css
  17. BIN assets/fontawesome-v6/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
  18. BIN assets/fontawesome-v6/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2
  19. BIN assets/fontawesome-v6/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf
  20. BIN assets/fontawesome-v6/webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff2
  21. BIN assets/fontawesome-v6/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf
  22. BIN assets/fontawesome-v6/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2
  23. BIN assets/fontawesome-v6/webfonts/fa-v4compatibility.ttf
  24. BIN assets/fontawesome-v6/webfonts/fa-v4compatibility.woff2
  25. +13 −3 assets/js/customizer-liveview.js
  26. +789 −744 assets/js/customizer.js
  27. +782 −0 assets/js/jarallax.js
  28. +251 −0 assets/js/jquery.bully.js
  29. +411 −311 assets/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
  30. +4 −3 assets/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.min.js
  31. +295 −122 assets/js/owl.carousel.js
  32. +5 −5 assets/js/owl.carousel.min.js
  33. +449 −0 assets/js/parallax.js
  34. +80 −9 assets/js/plugins.js
  35. +2,542 −0 assets/js/theme-all.js
  36. +1 −0 assets/js/theme-all.min.js
  37. +1,021 −865 assets/js/theme.js
  38. +154 −0 assets/sass/_bully.scss
  39. +486 −410 assets/sass/_contents.scss
  40. +15 −7 assets/sass/_document.scss
  41. +10 −0 assets/sass/_elements.scss
  42. +1,342 −1,252 assets/sass/_external_plugins.scss
  43. +260 −0 assets/sass/_gutenberg.scss
  44. +62 −48 assets/sass/_layout.scss
  45. +1,235 −1,146 assets/sass/_sections.scss
  46. +805 −651 assets/sass/_structure.scss
  47. +5 −3 assets/sass/_variables.scss
  48. +11 −3 assets/sass/_widgets.scss
  49. +5 −0 assets/sass/editor.scss
  50. +90 −83 assets/sass/style.scss
  51. +572 −359
  52. +33 −30 comments.php
  53. +1,068 −0 editor-style.css
  54. +40 −38 footer.php
  55. +519 −294 functions.php
  56. +11 −7 header.php
  57. +4 −4 home.php
  58. +123 −0 inc/admin/class-editor.php
  59. +929 −0 inc/admin/dashboard.php
  60. +186 −0 inc/class-config.php
  61. +397 −0 inc/class-sections-navigation.php
  62. +53 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-blog-posts.php
  63. +60 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-colors.php
  64. +392 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-footer.php
  65. +85 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-global.php
  66. +387 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-header.php
  67. +25 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-navigation.php
  68. +158 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-page.php
  69. +15 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-sections-navigation.php
  70. +81 −0 inc/customize-configs/options-single.php
  71. +51 −0 inc/customize-configs/options.php
  72. +199 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-about.php
  73. +257 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-contact.php
  74. +158 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-counter.php
  75. +213 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-features.php
  76. +371 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-gallery.php
  77. +588 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-hero.php
  78. +303 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-news.php
  79. +238 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-services.php
  80. +169 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-team.php
  81. +42 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-upsell.php
  82. +103 −0 inc/customize-configs/section-videolightbox.php
  83. +74 −0 inc/customize-configs/site-identity.php
  84. +50 −0 inc/customize-controls/control-category.php
  85. +82 −0 inc/customize-controls/control-color-alpha.php
  86. +15 −0 inc/customize-controls/control-custom-textarea.php
  87. +36 −0 inc/customize-controls/control-editor.php
  88. +34 −0 inc/customize-controls/control-misc.php
  89. +52 −0 inc/customize-controls/control-pages.php
  90. +373 −0 inc/customize-controls/control-repeater.php
  91. +6 −0 inc/customize-controls/control-theme-support.php
  92. +69 −0 inc/customize-controls/section-plus.php
  93. +42 −690 inc/customizer-controls.php
  94. +388 −333 inc/customizer-selective-refresh.php
  95. +175 −3,625 inc/customizer.php
  96. +0 −771 inc/dashboard.php
  97. +372 −214 inc/extras.php
  98. +2 −0 inc/list-icon-v6.php
  99. +167 −166 inc/metabox.php
  100. +221 −186 inc/sanitize.php
  101. +1,770 −1,487 inc/template-tags.php
  102. +4 −4 index.php
  103. +43,811 −0 package-lock.json
  104. +52 −28 package.json
  105. +4 −4 page.php
  106. +0 −45 readme.txt
  107. +4 −4 search.php
  108. +119 −119 section-parts/section-about.php
  109. +126 −90 section-parts/section-contact.php
  110. +89 −85 section-parts/section-counter.php
  111. +9 −8 section-parts/section-features.php
  112. +2 −3 section-parts/section-gallery.php
  113. +73 −55 section-parts/section-hero.php
  114. +125 −76 section-parts/section-news.php
  115. +119 −112 section-parts/section-services.php
  116. +4 −4 section-parts/section-team.php
  117. +21 −18 section-parts/section-videolightbox.php
  118. +1 −1 sidebar.php
  119. +4 −4 single.php
  120. +665 −184 style.css
  121. +11 −3 template-frontpage.php
  122. +4 −4 template-fullwidth-stretched.php
  123. +4 −4 template-fullwidth.php
  124. +4 −5 template-left-sidebar.php
  125. +66 −16 template-parts/content-list.php
  126. +2 −2 template-parts/content-none.php
  127. +3 −3 template-parts/content-page.php
  128. +3 −3 template-parts/content-search.php
  129. +8 −8 template-parts/content-single.php
  130. +51 −22 template-parts/content.php
  131. +5 −7 woocommerce.php
  132. +1 −0 wpml-config.xml
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions 404.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
) );
</div><!-- .widget -->
<?php endif; ?>

@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@

<?php the_widget( 'WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud' ); ?>

</div><!-- .page-content -->
</section><!-- .error-404 -->

</main><!-- #main -->
</div><!-- #primary -->

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

</div><!--#content-inside -->
</div><!-- #content -->

<?php get_footer(); ?>