- 作者:冯沁原
- 网站:www.BitTiger.io
- 原文:github.com/Fabsqrt/BitTigerLab
- 邮箱:[email protected]
(来源: Family fun with deepfakes. Or how I got my wife onto the Tonight Show)
- libavcodec提供了处理编码的能力
- libavformat实现了流协议、容器类型、基本的I/O访问
- libavutil包括哈希、解压缩等多样的功能
- libavfilter提供了链式修改音频和视频的能力
- libavdevice提供了对设备访问的抽象
- libswresample实现了混音等能力
- libswscale实现了颜色和尺度变换的能力
- ffmpeg用来处理多媒体内容
- ffplay是一个极简的播放器
- ffprobe是多媒体内容的分析工具
ffmpeg -i clipname -vf fps=framerate -qscale:v 2 "imagename%04d.jpg"
(来源: Facial landmarks with dlib, OpenCV, and Python)
- 眼睛(左/右)
- 眉毛(左/右)
- 鼻子
- 嘴
- 下巴
(来源: Real-Time Face Pose Estimation )
- 从数据集中找到正样本,并且计算HOG描述
- 从数据集中找到负样本,并且计算HOG描述
- 基于HOG的描述使用分类算法
- 在负样本上在不同的起点和尺度进行分类,并且找到误判的HOG
- 基于上一步的负样本,对模型进行重新的训练
(来源: Machine Learning is Fun! Part 4: Modern Face Recognition with Deep Learning )
(来源: Machine Learning is Fun! Part 4: Modern Face Recognition with Deep Learning )
- 首先在新的图片上基于不同的起点和尺度寻找可行的区间
- 基于非极大抑制的方法来减少冗余和重复的,下图就是一个有冗余和去除冗余的情况,这个方法说白了就是找一个最大概率的矩阵去覆盖掉和它过于重合的矩阵,并且不断重复这个过程
(来源: Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Object Detection)
有了轮廓之后,我们可以找到脸部标记。寻找脸部标记的算法是基于《One Millisecond Face Alignment with an Ensemble of Regression Trees》的论文。简单来说,它利用了已经标记好的训练集来训练一个回归树的组合,从而用来预测。
(来源: One Millisecond Face Alignment with an Ensemble of Regression Trees)
(来源: Facial landmarks with dlib, OpenCV, and Python )
我们的目标是把原始人脸转换为目标人脸,因此我们需要收集原始人脸的图片和目标人脸的图片。如果你选择的是一个名人,那么可以直接用Google image得到你想要的图片。虽然视频中的图片也能用,但是也可以收集一些多样的数据。当然,我用的是我和我老婆的图片,因此直接从我们的Photo中导出即可。当人脸数据生成后,最好仔细检查一下,避免不应该的脸或者其它的东东出现在你的训练集中。
import cv2 # 开源的计算机视觉库
from pathlib import Path # 提供面向对象方式的文件访问
from tqdm import tqdm # 提供进度条显示功能
import os # 提供操作系统相关的访问
import numpy as np # 提供科学计算相关的功能
from lib.cli import DirectoryProcessor, rotate_image # 处理一个目录的文件,然后保存到新的目录中;旋转图片,其实是在utils中
from lib.utils import get_folder # 获得一个folder,不存在则创建
from lib.multithreading import pool_process # 多进程并发计算
from lib.detect_blur import is_blurry # 判断图片是否模糊
from plugins.PluginLoader import PluginLoader # 加载对应的算法
class ExtractTrainingData(DirectoryProcessor): # 从训练集提取头像
def create_parser(self, subparser, command, description):
self.optional_arguments = self.get_optional_arguments()
self.parser = subparser.add_parser(
help="Extract the faces from a pictures.",
epilog="Questions and feedback: \
def get_optional_arguments(): # 提取器的参数
''' Put the arguments in a list so that they are accessible from both argparse and gui '''
argument_list = []
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-D', '--detector'),
"type": str,
"choices": ("hog", "cnn", "all"), #选择hog或者cnn
"default": "hog",
"help": "Detector to use. 'cnn' detects much more angles but will be much more resource intensive and may fail on large files."}) # cnn的能够检测更多的角度,但是需要更多的资源,并且可能在大文件上失效
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-l', '--ref_threshold'),
"type": float,
"dest": "ref_threshold",
"default": 0.6,
"help": "Threshold for positive face recognition"}) # 选择脸的阈值
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-n', '--nfilter'),
"type": str,
"dest": "nfilter",
"nargs": '+',
"default": "nfilter.jpg",
"help": "Reference image for the persons you do not want to process. Should be a front portrait"}) # 想要过滤掉的脸
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-f', '--filter'),
"type": str,
"dest": "filter",
"nargs": '+',
"default": "filter.jpg",
"help": "Reference image for the person you want to process. Should be a front portrait"}) # 想要处理的脸
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-j', '--processes'),
"type": int,
"default": 1,
"help": "Number of processes to use."}) # 使用的进程数
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-s', '--skip-existing'),
"action": 'store_true',
"dest": 'skip_existing',
"default": False,
"help": "Skips frames already extracted."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-dl', '--debug-landmarks'),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "debug_landmarks",
"default": False,
"help": "Draw landmarks for debug."}) # 是否画出脸部标记
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-r', '--rotate-images'),
"type": str,
"dest": "rotate_images",
"default": None,
"help": "If a face isn't found, rotate the images to try to find a face. Can find more faces at the "
"cost of extraction speed. Pass in a single number to use increments of that size up to 360, "
"or pass in a list of numbers to enumerate exactly what angles to check."}) # 旋转脸的角度
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-ae', '--align-eyes'),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "align_eyes",
"default": False,
"help": "Perform extra alignment to ensure left/right eyes lie at the same height"}) # 是否调齐眼睛的高度
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-bt', '--blur-threshold'),
"type": int,
"dest": "blur_thresh",
"default": None,
"help": "Automatically discard images blurrier than the specified threshold. Discarded images are moved into a \"blurry\" sub-folder. Lower values allow more blur"}) // 自动移除模糊的图片
return argument_list
def process(self):
extractor_name = "Align" # 对应的是Extract_Align.py
self.extractor = PluginLoader.get_extractor(extractor_name)()
processes = self.arguments.processes
if processes != 1: # 多进程处理图片
files = list(self.read_directory())
for filename, faces in tqdm(pool_process(self.processFiles, files, processes=processes), total = len(files)):
self.num_faces_detected += 1
self.faces_detected[os.path.basename(filename)] = faces
else: # 单进程处理图片
for filename in tqdm(self.read_directory()):
image = cv2.imread(filename)
self.faces_detected[os.path.basename(filename)] = self.handleImage(image, filename)
except Exception as e:
if self.arguments.verbose:
print('Failed to extract from image: {}. Reason: {}'.format(filename, e))
def processFiles(self, filename): # 处理一个单独的图片的函数
image = cv2.imread(filename)
return filename, self.handleImage(image, filename)
except Exception as e:
if self.arguments.verbose:
print('Failed to extract from image: {}. Reason: {}'.format(filename, e))
return filename, []
def getRotatedImageFaces(self, image, angle): # 得到固定角度旋转后的图片的人脸
rotated_image = rotate_image(image, angle)
faces = self.get_faces(rotated_image, rotation=angle)
rotated_faces = [(idx, face) for idx, face in faces]
return rotated_faces, rotated_image
def imageRotator(self, image): # 得到一系列旋转后的人脸
''' rotates the image through rotation_angles to try to find a face '''
for angle in self.rotation_angles:
rotated_faces, rotated_image = self.getRotatedImageFaces(image, angle)
if len(rotated_faces) > 0:
if self.arguments.verbose:
print('found face(s) by rotating image {} degrees'.format(angle))
return rotated_faces, rotated_image
def handleImage(self, image, filename):
faces = self.get_faces(image)
process_faces = [(idx, face) for idx, face in faces]
# 没有找到人脸,尝试旋转图片
if self.rotation_angles is not None and len(process_faces) == 0:
process_faces, image = self.imageRotator(image)
rvals = []
for idx, face in process_faces:
# 画出人脸的标记
if self.arguments.debug_landmarks:
for (x, y) in face.landmarksAsXY():
cv2.circle(image, (x, y), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1)
resized_image, t_mat = self.extractor.extract(image, face, 256, self.arguments.align_eyes)
output_file = get_folder(self.output_dir) / Path(filename).stem
# 检测图片是否模糊
if self.arguments.blur_thresh is not None:
aligned_landmarks = self.extractor.transform_points(face.landmarksAsXY(), t_mat, 256, 48)
feature_mask = self.extractor.get_feature_mask(aligned_landmarks / 256, 256, 48)
feature_mask = cv2.blur(feature_mask, (10, 10))
isolated_face = cv2.multiply(feature_mask, resized_image.astype(float)).astype(np.uint8)
blurry, focus_measure = is_blurry(isolated_face, self.arguments.blur_thresh)
# print("{} focus measure: {}".format(Path(filename).stem, focus_measure))
# cv2.imshow("Isolated Face", isolated_face)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
# cv2.destroyAllWindows()
if blurry:
print("{}'s focus measure of {} was below the blur threshold, moving to \"blurry\"".format(Path(filename).stem, focus_measure))
output_file = get_folder(Path(self.output_dir) / Path("blurry")) / Path(filename).stem
cv2.imwrite('{}_{}{}'.format(str(output_file), str(idx), Path(filename).suffix), resized_image) # 生成新图片
f = {
"r": face.r,
"x": face.x,
"w": face.w,
"y": face.y,
"h": face.h,
"landmarksXY": face.landmarksAsXY()
return rvals
(来源: Building Autoencoders in Keras )
X' = Decoder(Encoder(Shuffle(X)))
Loss = L1Loss(X'-X)
A' = Decoder_A(Encoder(Shuffle(A)))
Loss_A = L1Loss(A'-A)
B' = Decoder_B(Encoder(Shuffle(B)))
Loss_B = L1Loss(B'-B)
import cv2 # 开源的计算机视觉库
import numpy # 提供科学计算相关的功能
import time # 提供时间相关的功能
import threading # 提供多线程相关的功能
from lib.utils import get_image_paths, get_folder # 得到一个目录下的图片;获得一个folder,不存在则创建
from lib.cli import FullPaths, argparse, os, sys
from plugins.PluginLoader import PluginLoader # 加载对应的算法
tf = None
set_session = None
def import_tensorflow_keras(): # 在需要的时候载入TensorFlow和keras模块
''' Import the TensorFlow and keras set_session modules only when they are required '''
global tf
global set_session
if tf is None or set_session is None:
import tensorflow
import keras.backend.tensorflow_backend # keras依赖底层的tensorflow实现具体的运算
tf = tensorflow
set_session = keras.backend.tensorflow_backend.set_session
class TrainingProcessor(object): # 训练器
arguments = None
def __init__(self, subparser, command, description='default'): # 初始化训练器
self.argument_list = self.get_argument_list()
self.optional_arguments = self.get_optional_arguments()
self.parse_arguments(description, subparser, command)
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def process_arguments(self, arguments):
self.arguments = arguments
print("Model A Directory: {}".format(self.arguments.input_A))
print("Model B Directory: {}".format(self.arguments.input_B))
print("Training data directory: {}".format(self.arguments.model_dir))
def get_argument_list(): # 处理参数
''' Put the arguments in a list so that they are accessible from both argparse and gui '''
argument_list = []
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-A", "--input-A"), # 训练数据A的目录
"action": FullPaths,
"dest": "input_A",
"default": "input_A",
"help": "Input directory. A directory containing training images for face A.\
Defaults to 'input'"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-B", "--input-B"), # 训练数据B的目录
"action": FullPaths,
"dest": "input_B",
"default": "input_B",
"help": "Input directory. A directory containing training images for face B.\
Defaults to 'input'"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-m", "--model-dir"), # 模型数据的目录
"action": FullPaths,
"dest": "model_dir",
"default": "models",
"help": "Model directory. This is where the training data will \
be stored. Defaults to 'model'"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-p", "--preview"), # 是否开启预览
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "preview",
"default": False,
"help": "Show preview output. If not specified, write progress \
to file."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-v", "--verbose"), # 是否给出更详细的信息
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "verbose",
"default": False,
"help": "Show verbose output"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-s", "--save-interval"), # 多少次迭代后保存结果
"type": int,
"dest": "save_interval",
"default": 100,
"help": "Sets the number of iterations before saving the model."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-w", "--write-image"), # 保存训练结果
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "write_image",
"default": False,
"help": "Writes the training result to a file even on preview mode."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-t", "--trainer"), # 选择训练器的类型
"type": str,
"choices": PluginLoader.get_available_models(),
"default": PluginLoader.get_default_model(),
"help": "Select which trainer to use, LowMem for cards < 2gb."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-pl", "--use-perceptual-loss"), # 使用感知损失
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "perceptual_loss",
"default": False,
"help": "Use perceptual loss while training"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-bs", "--batch-size"), # 每一批的大小
"type": int,
"default": 64,
"help": "Batch size, as a power of 2 (64, 128, 256, etc)"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-ag", "--allow-growth"),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "allow_growth",
"default": False,
"help": "Sets allow_growth option of Tensorflow to spare memory on some configs"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-ep", "--epochs"), # 每一个时代的训练次数
"type": int,
"default": 1000000,
"help": "Length of training in epochs."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-g", "--gpus"), # 使用的GPU数量
"type": int,
"default": 1,
"help": "Number of GPUs to use for training"})
# This is a hidden argument to indicate that the GUI is being used, so the preview window
# should be redirected Accordingly
argument_list.append({ "opts": ("-gui", "--gui"), # 是否使用GUI
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "redirect_gui",
"default": False,
"help": argparse.SUPPRESS})
return argument_list
def get_optional_arguments(): # 创建一个存放参数的数组
''' Put the arguments in a list so that they are accessible from both argparse and gui '''
# Override this for custom arguments
argument_list = []
return argument_list
def parse_arguments(self, description, subparser, command):
parser = subparser.add_parser(
help="This command trains the model for the two faces A and B.",
epilog="Questions and feedback: \
for option in self.argument_list:
args = option['opts']
kwargs = {key: option[key] for key in option.keys() if key != 'opts'}
parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
parser = self.add_optional_arguments(parser)
def add_optional_arguments(self, parser):
for option in self.optional_arguments:
args = option['opts']
kwargs = {key: option[key] for key in option.keys() if key != 'opts'}
parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
return parser
def process(self): # 具体的执行
self.stop = False
self.save_now = False
thr = threading.Thread(target=self.processThread, args=(), kwargs={}) # 线程执行
if self.arguments.preview:
print('Using live preview')
while True:
with self.lock:
for name, image in self.preview_buffer.items():
cv2.imshow(name, image)
key = cv2.waitKey(1000)
if key == ord('\n') or key == ord('\r'):
if key == ord('s'):
self.save_now = True
except KeyboardInterrupt:
input() # TODO how to catch a specific key instead of Enter?
# there isnt a good multiplatform solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3523174/raw-input-in-python-without-pressing-enter
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Exit requested! The trainer will complete its current cycle, save the models and quit (it can take up a couple of seconds depending on your training speed). If you want to kill it now, press Ctrl + c")
self.stop = True
thr.join() # waits until thread finishes
def processThread(self):
if self.arguments.allow_growth:
print('Loading data, this may take a while...') # 加载数据
# this is so that you can enter case insensitive values for trainer
trainer = self.arguments.trainer
trainer = "LowMem" if trainer.lower() == "lowmem" else trainer
model = PluginLoader.get_model(trainer)(get_folder(self.arguments.model_dir), self.arguments.gpus) # 读取模型
images_A = get_image_paths(self.arguments.input_A) # 图片A
images_B = get_image_paths(self.arguments.input_B) # 图片B
trainer = PluginLoader.get_trainer(trainer) # 创建训练器
trainer = trainer(model, images_A, images_B, self.arguments.batch_size, self.arguments.perceptual_loss) # 设置训练器参数
print('Starting. Press "Enter" to stop training and save model')
for epoch in range(0, self.arguments.epochs):
save_iteration = epoch % self.arguments.save_interval == 0
trainer.train_one_step(epoch, self.show if (save_iteration or self.save_now) else None) # 进行一步训练
if save_iteration:
if self.stop:
if self.save_now:
self.save_now = False
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Saving model weights has been cancelled!')
except Exception as e:
raise e
def set_tf_allow_growth(self):
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
preview_buffer = {}
def show(self, image, name=''): # 提供预览
if self.arguments.redirect_gui:
scriptpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
img = '.gui_preview.png'
imgfile = os.path.join(scriptpath, img)
cv2.imwrite(imgfile, image)
elif self.arguments.preview:
with self.lock:
self.preview_buffer[name] = image
elif self.arguments.write_image:
cv2.imwrite('_sample_{}.jpg'.format(name), image)
except Exception as e:
print("could not preview sample")
raise e
import time
import numpy
from lib.training_data import TrainingDataGenerator, stack_images
class Trainer():
random_transform_args = { # 初始化参数
'rotation_range': 10,
'zoom_range': 0.05,
'shift_range': 0.05,
'random_flip': 0.4,
def __init__(self, model, fn_A, fn_B, batch_size, *args):
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.model = model
generator = TrainingDataGenerator(self.random_transform_args, 160) # 读取需要的数据
self.images_A = generator.minibatchAB(fn_A, self.batch_size)
self.images_B = generator.minibatchAB(fn_B, self.batch_size)
def train_one_step(self, iter, viewer): # 训练一步
epoch, warped_A, target_A = next(self.images_A)
epoch, warped_B, target_B = next(self.images_B)
loss_A = self.model.autoencoder_A.train_on_batch(warped_A, target_A) # 计算损失
loss_B = self.model.autoencoder_B.train_on_batch(warped_B, target_B)
print("[{0}] [#{1:05d}] loss_A: {2:.5f}, loss_B: {3:.5f}".format(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), iter, loss_A, loss_B),
if viewer is not None:
viewer(self.show_sample(target_A[0:14], target_B[0:14]), "training")
def show_sample(self, test_A, test_B):
figure_A = numpy.stack([
], axis=1)
figure_B = numpy.stack([
], axis=1)
if test_A.shape[0] % 2 == 1:
figure_A = numpy.concatenate ([figure_A, numpy.expand_dims(figure_A[0],0) ])
figure_B = numpy.concatenate ([figure_B, numpy.expand_dims(figure_B[0],0) ])
figure = numpy.concatenate([figure_A, figure_B], axis=0)
w = 4
h = int( figure.shape[0] / w)
figure = figure.reshape((w, h) + figure.shape[1:])
figure = stack_images(figure)
return numpy.clip(figure * 255, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
# AutoEncoder的基础类
import os, shutil
encoderH5 = 'encoder.h5'
decoder_AH5 = 'decoder_A.h5'
decoder_BH5 = 'decoder_B.h5'
class AutoEncoder:
def __init__(self, model_dir, gpus):
self.model_dir = model_dir
self.gpus = gpus
self.encoder = self.Encoder()
self.decoder_A = self.Decoder()
self.decoder_B = self.Decoder()
def load(self, swapped):
(face_A,face_B) = (decoder_AH5, decoder_BH5) if not swapped else (decoder_BH5, decoder_AH5)
try: # 加载权重
self.encoder.load_weights(str(self.model_dir / encoderH5))
self.decoder_A.load_weights(str(self.model_dir / face_A))
self.decoder_B.load_weights(str(self.model_dir / face_B))
print('loaded model weights')
return True
except Exception as e:
print('Failed loading existing training data.')
return False
def save_weights(self): # 存储权重
model_dir = str(self.model_dir)
if os.path.isdir(model_dir + "_bk"):
shutil.rmtree(model_dir + "_bk")
shutil.move(model_dir, model_dir + "_bk")
self.encoder.save_weights(str(self.model_dir / encoderH5))
self.decoder_A.save_weights(str(self.model_dir / decoder_AH5))
self.decoder_B.save_weights(str(self.model_dir / decoder_BH5))
print('saved model weights')
# Based on the original https://www.reddit.com/r/deepfakes/ code sample + contribs
from keras.models import Model as KerasModel
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Flatten, Reshape
from keras.layers.advanced_activations import LeakyReLU
from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv2D
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from .AutoEncoder import AutoEncoder
from lib.PixelShuffler import PixelShuffler
from keras.utils import multi_gpu_model
IMAGE_SHAPE = (64, 64, 3)
class Model(AutoEncoder):
def initModel(self):
optimizer = Adam(lr=5e-5, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.999) # 深入理解Adam的优化
x = Input(shape=IMAGE_SHAPE)
self.autoencoder_A = KerasModel(x, self.decoder_A(self.encoder(x)))
self.autoencoder_B = KerasModel(x, self.decoder_B(self.encoder(x)))
if self.gpus > 1:
self.autoencoder_A = multi_gpu_model( self.autoencoder_A , self.gpus)
self.autoencoder_B = multi_gpu_model( self.autoencoder_B , self.gpus)
self.autoencoder_A.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mean_absolute_error')
self.autoencoder_B.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mean_absolute_error')
def converter(self, swap):
autoencoder = self.autoencoder_B if not swap else self.autoencoder_A
return lambda img: autoencoder.predict(img)
def conv(self, filters):
def block(x):
x = Conv2D(filters, kernel_size=5, strides=2, padding='same')(x)
x = LeakyReLU(0.1)(x)
return x
return block
def upscale(self, filters):
def block(x):
x = Conv2D(filters * 4, kernel_size=3, padding='same')(x)
x = LeakyReLU(0.1)(x) # 使用 LeakyReLU 激活函数
x = PixelShuffler()(x) # 将filter的大小变为原来的1/4,让高和宽变为原来的两倍
return x
return block
def Encoder(self):
input_ = Input(shape=IMAGE_SHAPE)
x = input_
x = self.conv(128)(x)
x = self.conv(256)(x)
x = self.conv(512)(x)
x = self.conv(1024)(x)
x = Dense(ENCODER_DIM)(Flatten()(x))
x = Dense(4 * 4 * 1024)(x)
x = Reshape((4, 4, 1024))(x)
x = self.upscale(512)(x)
return KerasModel(input_, x)
def Decoder(self):
input_ = Input(shape=(8, 8, 512))
x = input_
x = self.upscale(256)(x)
x = self.upscale(128)(x)
x = self.upscale(64)(x)
x = Conv2D(3, kernel_size=5, padding='same', activation='sigmoid')(x)
return KerasModel(input_, x)
(来源: 刷爆朋友圈的视频人物换脸是怎样炼成的?)
import cv2
import re
import os
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
from lib.cli import DirectoryProcessor, FullPaths
from lib.utils import BackgroundGenerator, get_folder, get_image_paths, rotate_image
from plugins.PluginLoader import PluginLoader
class ConvertImage(DirectoryProcessor):
filename = ''
def create_parser(self, subparser, command, description):
self.optional_arguments = self.get_optional_arguments()
self.parser = subparser.add_parser(
help="Convert a source image to a new one with the face swapped.",
epilog="Questions and feedback: \
def get_optional_arguments(): # 设置参数
''' Put the arguments in a list so that they are accessible from both argparse and gui '''
argument_list = []
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-m', '--model-dir'), # 模型的地址
"action": FullPaths,
"dest": "model_dir",
"default": "models",
"help": "Model directory. A directory containing the trained model \
you wish to process. Defaults to 'models'"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-a', '--input-aligned-dir'), # 需要转换的图片
"action": FullPaths,
"dest": "input_aligned_dir",
"default": None,
"help": "Input \"aligned directory\". A directory that should contain the \
aligned faces extracted from the input files. If you delete faces from \
this folder, they'll be skipped during conversion. If no aligned dir is \
specified, all faces will be converted."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-t', '--trainer'), # 选择模型
"type": str,
"choices": PluginLoader.get_available_models(), # case sensitive because this is used to load a plug-in.
"default": PluginLoader.get_default_model(),
"help": "Select the trainer that was used to create the model."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-s', '--swap-model'),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "swap_model",
"default": False,
"help": "Swap the model. Instead of A -> B, swap B -> A."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-c', '--converter'),
"type": str,
"choices": ("Masked", "Adjust"), # case sensitive because this is used to load a plugin.
"default": "Masked",
"help": "Converter to use."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-D', '--detector'), # 脸部检测器
"type": str,
"choices": ("hog", "cnn"), # case sensitive because this is used to load a plugin.
"default": "hog",
"help": "Detector to use. 'cnn' detects much more angles but will be much more resource intensive and may fail on large files."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-fr', '--frame-ranges'),
"nargs": "+",
"type": str,
"help": "frame ranges to apply transfer to e.g. For frames 10 to 50 and 90 to 100 use --frame-ranges 10-50 90-100. \
Files must have the frame-number as the last number in the name!"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-d', '--discard-frames'),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "discard_frames",
"default": False,
"help": "When used with --frame-ranges discards frames that are not processed instead of writing them out unchanged."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-l', '--ref_threshold'),
"type": float,
"dest": "ref_threshold",
"default": 0.6,
"help": "Threshold for positive face recognition"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-n', '--nfilter'), # 删除不想转换的人脸
"type": str,
"dest": "nfilter",
"nargs": '+',
"default": "nfilter.jpg",
"help": "Reference image for the persons you do not want to process. Should be a front portrait"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-f', '--filter'), # 选择你想要的人脸
"type": str,
"dest": "filter",
"nargs": "+",
"default": "filter.jpg",
"help": "Reference images for the person you want to process. Should be a front portrait"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-b', '--blur-size'),
"type": int,
"default": 2,
"help": "Blur size. (Masked converter only)"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-S', '--seamless'),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "seamless_clone",
"default": False,
"help": "Use cv2's seamless clone. (Masked converter only)"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-M', '--mask-type'),
"type": str.lower, #lowercase this, because its just a string later on.
"dest": "mask_type",
"choices": ["rect", "facehull", "facehullandrect"],
"default": "facehullandrect",
"help": "Mask to use to replace faces. (Masked converter only)"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-e', '--erosion-kernel-size'),
"dest": "erosion_kernel_size",
"type": int,
"default": None,
"help": "Erosion kernel size. (Masked converter only). Positive values apply erosion which reduces the edge of the swapped face. Negative values apply dilation which allows the swapped face to cover more space."})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-mh', '--match-histgoram'),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "match_histogram",
"default": False,
"help": "Use histogram matching. (Masked converter only)"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-sh', ),
"type": str.lower,
"dest": "sharpen_image",
"choices": ["bsharpen", "gsharpen"],
"default": None,
"help": "Use Sharpen Image - bsharpen = Box Blur, gsharpen = Gaussian Blur (Masked converter only)"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-sm', '--smooth-mask'),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "smooth_mask",
"default": True,
"help": "Smooth mask (Adjust converter only)"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-aca', '--avg-color-adjust'),
"action": "store_true",
"dest": "avg_color_adjust",
"default": True,
"help": "Average color adjust. (Adjust converter only)"})
argument_list.append({ "opts": ('-g', '--gpus'),
"type": int,
"default": 1,
"help": "Number of GPUs to use for conversion"})
return argument_list
def process(self): # 进行模型的转换和拼接
# Original & LowMem models go with Adjust or Masked converter
# Note: GAN prediction outputs a mask + an image, while other predicts only an image
model_name = self.arguments.trainer
conv_name = self.arguments.converter
self.input_aligned_dir = None
model = PluginLoader.get_model(model_name)(get_folder(self.arguments.model_dir), self.arguments.gpus)
if not model.load(self.arguments.swap_model):
print('Model Not Found! A valid model must be provided to continue!')
input_aligned_dir = Path(self.arguments.input_dir)/Path('aligned')
if self.arguments.input_aligned_dir is not None:
input_aligned_dir = self.arguments.input_aligned_dir
self.input_aligned_dir = [Path(path) for path in get_image_paths(input_aligned_dir)]
if len(self.input_aligned_dir) == 0:
print('Aligned directory is empty, no faces will be converted!')
elif len(self.input_aligned_dir) <= len(self.input_dir)/3:
print('Aligned directory contains an amount of images much less than the input, are you sure this is the right directory?')
print('Aligned directory not found. All faces listed in the alignments file will be converted.')
converter = PluginLoader.get_converter(conv_name)(model.converter(False),
batch = BackgroundGenerator(self.prepare_images(), 1)
# frame ranges stuff...
self.frame_ranges = None
# split out the frame ranges and parse out "min" and "max" values
minmax = {
"min": 0, # never any frames less than 0
"max": float("inf")
if self.arguments.frame_ranges:
self.frame_ranges = [tuple(map(lambda q: minmax[q] if q in minmax.keys() else int(q), v.split("-"))) for v in self.arguments.frame_ranges]
# last number regex. I know regex is hacky, but its reliablyhacky(tm).
self.imageidxre = re.compile(r'(\d+)(?!.*\d)')
for item in batch.iterator():
self.convert(converter, item)
def check_skipframe(self, filename):
idx = int(self.imageidxre.findall(filename)[0])
return not any(map(lambda b: b[0]<=idx<=b[1], self.frame_ranges))
return False
def check_skipface(self, filename, face_idx):
aligned_face_name = '{}_{}{}'.format(Path(filename).stem, face_idx, Path(filename).suffix)
aligned_face_file = Path(self.arguments.input_aligned_dir) / Path(aligned_face_name)
# TODO: Remove this temporary fix for backwards compatibility of filenames
bk_compat_aligned_face_name = '{}{}{}'.format(Path(filename).stem, face_idx, Path(filename).suffix)
bk_compat_aligned_face_file = Path(self.arguments.input_aligned_dir) / Path(bk_compat_aligned_face_name)
return aligned_face_file not in self.input_aligned_dir and bk_compat_aligned_face_file not in self.input_aligned_dir
def convert(self, converter, item):
(filename, image, faces) = item
skip = self.check_skipframe(filename)
if self.arguments.discard_frames and skip:
if not skip: # process frame as normal
for idx, face in faces:
if self.input_aligned_dir is not None and self.check_skipface(filename, idx):
print ('face {} for frame {} was deleted, skipping'.format(idx, os.path.basename(filename)))
# Check for image rotations and rotate before mapping face
if face.r != 0:
height, width = image.shape[:2]
image = rotate_image(image, face.r)
image = converter.patch_image(image, face, 64 if "128" not in self.arguments.trainer else 128)
# TODO: This switch between 64 and 128 is a hack for now. We should have a separate cli option for size
image = rotate_image(image, face.r * -1, rotated_width=width, rotated_height=height)
image = converter.patch_image(image, face, 64 if "128" not in self.arguments.trainer else 128)
# TODO: This switch between 64 and 128 is a hack for now. We should have a separate cli option for size
output_file = get_folder(self.output_dir) / Path(filename).name
cv2.imwrite(str(output_file), image)
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to convert image: {}. Reason: {}'.format(filename, e))
def prepare_images(self):
is_have_alignments = self.have_alignments()
for filename in tqdm(self.read_directory()):
image = cv2.imread(filename)
if is_have_alignments:
if self.have_face(filename):
faces = self.get_faces_alignments(filename, image)
tqdm.write ('no alignment found for {}, skipping'.format(os.path.basename(filename)))
faces = self.get_faces(image)
yield filename, image, faces
(来源: shaoanlu/faceswap-GAN)
(来源: shaoanlu/faceswap-GAN)
ffmpeg -f image2 -i imagename%04d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -crf 15 -pix_fmt yuv420p output_filename.mp4
我们可以在Google Cloud中部署云平台。具体请看视频展示,我在这里展示几个关键步骤:
(来源: How to Create DeepFakes with Google Cloud GPU Services)
(来源: How to Create DeepFakes with Google Cloud GPU Services)
(来源: How to Create DeepFakes with Google Cloud GPU Services)
(来源: How to Create DeepFakes with Google Cloud GPU Services)
最后是我在Google �Cloud上进行Training的一个截图。
| Name | | | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | .github | | | | | | ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md | | 如何提交BUG | | icons | | |GUI使用的图标 | | lib | | | 公用的库 | | | PixelShuffler.py | | 像素洗牌 | | | align_eyes.py | | 按照眼睛水平对齐 | | | detect_blur.py | | 检测照片是否模糊 | | | training_data.py | | 管理训练数据 | | plugins | | | 人脸转换的模型| | | Model_Original | | 原始的模型 | | | PluginLoader.py | | 加载不同的模型 | | scripts | | | 启动的脚本 | | | extract.py | | 提取人脸 | | | train.py | | 训练人脸替换模型 | | | convert.py | | 替换人脸 | | faceswap.py | | | 主程序 | | requirements-gpu-python35-cuda8.txt | | | Python3.5配合Cuda8所需要的基本配置要求 | | USAGE.md | | | 项目使用说明 |
- Dlib:基于C++的机器学习算法库
- OpenCV:计算机视觉算法库
- Keras:在底层机器学习框架之上的高级API架构
- TensorFlow:Google开源的机器学习算法框架
- CUDA:Nvidia提供的针对GPU加速的开发环境
- Google Cloud Platform:Google提供的云计算服务平台
- Virtualenv:创建独立的Python环境
- FFmpeg:多媒体音视频处理开源库
- 深度解密换脸应用Deepfake
- Deepfakes的Github
- Dlib C++ Library
- FakeApp官方网站
- DeepFakes FakeApp Tutorial
- DeepFakes解读
- Facial landmarks with dlib, OpenCV, and Python