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The Old Man Glitch - Presentation of a classic Pokémon First Generation bug.

This document should contain everything you need to replay or give the the presentation I gave at Jug User Group Toulouse and DevFest 2018 Toulouse. If it does not, feel free to contact me via twitter: @ftregan.

Glitched Items List

You will need about 45 minutes to give this presentation, provided you don't do any error which may require a bit of preparation. There are fourteen intermediate game state save files in case something goes wrong during the presentation. They have the same name as the corresponding chapters in this documentation.

Appendix A can be printed or kept accessible as a cheatsheet with address and shortcut during presentation.


Thanks to

  • Glitch City Laboratory forums for sharing all that knowledge and beauty about glitches. And specially to ZZAZZ for this post
  • Contributors of the pret github repository for the disassembling, commenting and sharing Pokemon Red (and others) ROM.
  • WapiFlapi for helping choose the proper terms for different involved principles
  • ISSOtm and Sherkel (GBDev discord and Glitch City Laboratories forums) for proofreading and pertinent advices
  • Organizers of Toulouse Java User Group and Toulouse DevFest for undertanding this talk (and a weird previous one) was not out of topic
  • Attendees, for their time and feedback

Setting up everything

This chapter guides you through setting everything to reproduce the demonstration. If you just want the writeup, skip to next chapter.


My screen setup is FullHD (1920 x 1080) with auto-hidden taskbar. This is usefull for the presentation (compatible with most videoprojectors and choosen font size) Having a black empty desktop background is nice (at least the bottom of the right half should be clean)

BGB - GameBoy Emulator

I used BGB emulator, which can be downloaded at It's ment for Windows but runs under Wime.

In the presentation directory, you will find a bgb.ini that you should copy over the default one. It will change some settings:

  • Font size is increased in order to allow audiance to read
  • Color for breakpoints, highlight, and current line are change to look better and for important accessibility reasons
  • Keys are set for AZERTY keyboard, using A and Z for buttons, 1 and 2 for start and select
  • The framerate is set to 120fps, about twice the normal speed
  • The main window is enlarged for FullHD and positionned on right of screen


EpicPen is a tool to highlight things on screen with different colors. It is usefull only if you plan to give the talk. Run it, roll it, and move it to some place on the right side. Be sure to use the highlighter and not the pen.


All addresses are given for the Pokémon Red English version ROM.

Disassembled and commented source code

Though not used during the presentation, you may want to download the code from


  • The gb-programming-manual.pdf document is an unofficial GB Developper doc. Chapter 4 - CPU Instruction Set - lists all instructions and opcodes.
  • The Big HEX list gives correspondance between Hex value, Pokémon type, Items, Characters and more.
  • Glitch City Laboratories Forums' thread about 8F item was my source for reproducing the escalation.

Symlink file

There is a Pokemon Red.sym file in this repository, it must be in the same directory as the ROM file which must be named Pokemon This allows the debugger to display human readable labels. (Either copy the .sym file to where the ROM file is or copy the ROM in this directory.)

Run BGB and Pokémon Red

  • Start BGB, load the initial state provided in the 00 - Title.sna file (Ctrl-L).
  • Bgb should either load the Pokemon ROM file or ask you where it is (else try loading it usingby pressing F12 key).

Initial configuration of the screen

  • Stretch the screen window of BGB so it takes the full height of the screen and have a 1:1 aspect ratio (already done if youuse provided bgb.ini file)
  • Move this window to the right side of the screen (already done if youuse provided bgb.ini file)
  • Open the debugger (Esc key)
  • Move it to the left side
  • Stretch it so it takes full height and the memory view (bottom of the windows) show the hex values but not the text values

Initial state of the emulator

  • Add breakpoints at the following addresses :
    • 1:D163
    • 4:789E
    • 4:78DB
  • Disable the last two breakpoints (they are used to highlight the lines) (use the Debug -> Breakpoints menu)
  • In the memory (hex) view, go to WRA1:D887 (use Ctrl-G) and scroll so it is on first line
  • In the code view, go to 4:7888 and scroll so it is on first line
  • Run the game (F9 key)

Optional : Modify the menu to display speaker's name

You can not directly modify the VRAM (video memory) to change the displayed menu because it is recopyed from a buffer in memory at each VBLANK (that is about 60 times per second, 120 with provided setting of the emulator). You should edit the buffer instead. The buffer will be re-built when you exit the menu, so no trace of the modification will stay in memory and you can start playing directly.

Here are the addresses at which you want to modify the buffer:

Addr Data (hex) Tiles
c3d4 93a7a47f7f7f7f The
c3e8 8eaba37f7f7f7f Old
c3fc 8ca0ad7f7f7f7f Man
c410 86aba8b3a2a77F Glitch
c424 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
c438 85a0a1a8a4ad7f Fabien
c44c 93918486808d7f TREGAN
c460 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
c474 93b6a8b3b3b19c Twittr:
c488 a5b3b1a4a6a0ad ftregan
c49c 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f

The data (hex values) can be generated using the [string to pokemon hex codes.html](string to pokemon hex codes.html) file.

Re run (F9) after modification.

Final setup

Your screen should now look like this (except the Breakpoints windows which should be closed) :

Initial screen setup.


First let's start with a few question :

  • Who here do love Assembly Language ?
  • Who here write Assembly ?
  • Who here love bugs ?
  • Who here write bugs ?

00 - Title

Showing the bug

My name is Fabien. Today we are going to speak about a bug. This bugs is known as The Old Glitch, it resides in first generation of Pokémon on Gameboy.

I was not the one who found the bug, it has been found many years ago by players. Later some clever people played with it, and I will just tell and explain you what they found.

Quit the menu

Pokémon is an RPG game which came out in 1996 in japan, 1998 in Europe. You can move around in the world.

move around while saying this, stop next to the East shore facing east and re-open the menu.

Here my character is named GGGGGGG (we'll see later why), he carries five HM0x items then an X SPECIAL and a DOME FOSSIL (we'll see why also).

Show while saying

Here I am safe because I am in a town, but outside of towns if I walk in Long Grass, in Caves or if I surf in Water I can be attacked by Wild Pokémons. I can fight them using the pokemon I own and try to capture them. Once I've captured them I can use them to fight other Wild Pokémons or against NPC's Pokémons to go further in the game. While fighting, the Pokémons can gain experience, level up, and when learn new attacks. Once I've made enough progress in the game, I can use some of these attacks to do other things than fighting. Here as an example I can use my GYARADOS' SURF attack to go in Water.

do it, move at least one tile east so you are no longer on the shore.

Once I'm in water I can be attacked by Wild Pokémons.

Move south-north until you are attacker, hopefully by a level 30 TENTACOOL

Here I'm rather late in the game so I should be attacked by level 20-30 Pokémons.

Escape the fight, go on the shore and move north-south

The bug I want to show you occurs here.

Wait for an attack, which hopefully will be a Level 3 RATTATA, press a key to open combat menu

Did someone see the bug?

I am in water, but I've been attacked by a RATTATA which abviously is a ground Pokémon and should not be found in Water. Moreover, it is Level three and this place is rather late in the game; I should encounter level 20 to 30 Pokémons, not level 3.

Astonishing, isn't it ? This quiet unimpressiv bug is the starting point of a glitch which is the most famous of the Pokémon game, probably of the GameBoy, and maybe one of the top 10 most famous bugs in videogame history.

The off-by-one error

To understand why this bug is so famous, let's have a look at what happens inside the code. There are two arrays that help determinating which Wild Pokémon you will encounter: One is here at address D887, starting with this 00, the other one is a little further, starting with this 05 at D8A4.

Note: you can use EpicPen to highlight the tables.

The first one is default case, the second one is for Water Pokémons. The first number is the probability of encountering a Wild Pokémon (00 meaning no encounter because we are safe when in town, and 05 meaning 5 chances out of 256 when on Water). Then we have a list of Pokémons that can be encountered going like this: Level of the most probable encounter, followed by type of the Pokémon of the most probable encounter, Level of a bit less probable encounter, and its type, again and again until the ninth one (with 1.2% encounter probability).

Looking at the code, we see at address 789E that we load the address C45D into lh register,

Note : It should be highlited in pale pink.

then load what is at this address into register c, load wGrassTile into a and compare a and c. C45D is the address of this tile on the bottom right quarter of my character, so here it is Water. Since it is Water we'll read the probability of encountering a Wild Pokémon in the second table - the Water one - else we would have used the first one.

We can then generate a random number, compare it with the given probability to determine if we encountered a Wild Pokémon. If we encounter one, we need to determine which one and for this, line 78DB, we read again the type of tile we stand on at address C45C.

Note : you need to scroll down a few lines. It should be highlited in pale pink.

And maybe you saw the problem? We read C45*D* - bottom right quarter of my position - to say 'We are are on Water, we have 5 chances out of 256 to encounter a Wild Pokémon', and now we look at C45*C*, which is bottom left corner, to determine which is the encountered Pokémon. I know this error, I made it already, it called an off-by-one error.

Since bottom left corner of my character does not stand on water, we will use the default table of pokemon to determine the type and level of the encounter, when we used the water table to get the probability of encounter. Hence we encounter a non-Water Pokémon while surfing on a Water Tile in a Zone that has a 00 probability of encountering non-Water Pokémon.

Reuse After Free

Something interesting since we have an off-by-one error, is to study how the data from the table that should not be read are generated.

go left past the GYM house, then up to this position:

Position yourself just above the pond on north of the town

Be carefull not to walk on the pond yet, stay in town.

Both tables of encounters should be highlighted on screen. If not, do it now.

Here we are in a Town, which is a safe zone with zero probability of encountering a Wild Pokemon except in Water. If we walk forward one step North, we will change of Zone and some code will be executed that generates the new table of possible encounters. Ok, watch the value changing...

Move one step north

Everything changed: The probability in D887 went from 00 to 19, and the whole list of possible Pokémon Types and their levels changed. Now if I go back in town, see what happens

Move one step south.

We executed the code that fills the table for the towns. The towns are safe places, there are no possible encounter, so it sets both encounter probabilities to 00. Then since there is no probability of encounter, there is no need to fill the remaining of the encounter table. So anything that was here stays here, it is just garbage.

The Zone on the east contains only water, so for the same reason when enter it, the probability of encountering a non-Water Pokémon is set to 00 and the garbage stay there. But because we have this off by one error, we are actually going to use whatever stays there. This is called a Reuse After Free.

So we hade an off-by-one error, which makes us read the wrong table, and since this table is not reinitialised we now have a Reuse After Free.

01 - The Old Man fighting

What to do when you find a Reuse After Free

So we now have found a RAF. When we have this kind of bad pattern, we want to find something in the game that writes any value here which will later be used as if they were legit Pokémon descriptions. Possibly some values we can control.

There is one place in the code that write to D887: it is when you link two GameBoys to play Player versus Player. It writes the name of the other player here. But that's not interesting to us because once you entered the PvP mode, you can not go back to normal game. You need to reset the GameBoy, which resets all memory.

But there is another piece of code which uses the buffer that stores the PvP opponent's name.

Encounter Old Man

This happens early in the game, in the second town you enter. Let's fly here.

Use the Fly move on Dux to fly to VIRIDIAN CITY.

Viridian City is second town north of the town where you currently are

The is an NPC here, called "Old Man" - hence the name of the glitch : The Old Man Glitch - who will show you how to capture Wild Pokémons.

Go a few tiles left, then about two screens up until you meet the Old Man.

Screen capture of where to find Old Man

Speak to him, answer No to his question.

If you tell him you are not in a hurry, he will show you how to capture them. The game then starts a normal battle, with three main differences:

Press button until the Old Man and Wild Pokemon appear on screen

  • First the picture here is not mine it is the one of the Old Man.
  • Second, the fight is scripted, I can not play.
  • Third, look at this:

Start the fight, and pause (press esc) just after the Old Man has choosed the pokemon, while he is throwing it.

Old Man using Pokéball

Instead of writing GGGGGGG used POKé BALL! it says OLD MAN used POKé BALL!. To do this without changing the code, it copies the name Old Man to where my character name was. But of course later it will need this name again, so it saves it. And where does it save it? In the buffer where it writes the name of the opponent in PvP mode. So if you now look at the D887 address, you will see 86 86 86 86 86 86 86, which is my name (GGGGGGG), followed by a 50, which is the String terminator in Pokémon - Strings are not terminated with a 00 but with a 50 in Pokémon.

Now I can leave the fight, I will be back in Town so the probability of encountering a non-Water Pokémon will be set to 00 but the 86 86 86 86 86 86 50 00 00 remain.

show it.

02 Fighting MissingNo.

I can now leave town, hence enter a new zone and the 86s will be overwritten by correct data. But if I Fly to another town...


The probability is reset to 00 but following garbage remains. Earlier the garbage was made of the list of Pokémons for the last Zone I visited. But now it's made of my name, which is something I can somehow control. There are seventy characters I can choose out of 256 possible values. So if you could choose the Pokémon you would encounter, which one will you choose ?

The audience will probably answer with a legendary Pokémon, maybe Mew or Mewtwo

Mew is not possible, its code is not in the 70 possible characters for the name. Mewtwo is Possible though, its code is 83 so if my name is set to DDDDDDD I can fight it. I can only choose level between 127 and 191, he will heal to full life constantly, but I can fight it. But it's not the one I chose. There is are more interesting Pokémon to fight than a legendary one when you try to escalad a bug.

Use surf to go on the shore and encounter a 'M or a MissingNo.. If you encouter something else, explain the audiance that you have just been unlucky and got one of the last Pokémons of the table and try again. If you encounter a MissingNo., tell them that's this is Pokémon number 86 with level 86 (which is hexadecimal code for 134). If it is M', tell them it is Pokémon number 00 with level either 50 or 00

Fighting a glitched Pokémon

So here is our Pokémon. What happened? The value is not a correct one, so when the code uses it to calculate the address of the name of the Pokémon or the address of the data for the picture, it reaches some weird data.

This starts to be fun: We hade an off-by-one, causing a Reuse After Free, and now we know how to inject weird data to fight a glitched pokemon. But there is more to come ;)

Try to run away, or let your Pokémon die, and go in town.

03 129 X SPECIALs

Once we have reached some random data like we did, we look for funny side effects. Decompressing what the code thinks is the data for the picture of the glitched Pokémon leads not only to a weird picture, but also to overwritting part of the SRAM - messing up with the Hall Of Fame. But there is something more interesting, which is more fun because it leads to more escalation.

In Pokémon we have the Pokédex, which is a list of all the Pokémons types we encountered or captured.

Show it

If we look for our 'M / MissingNo. in the Pokédex...

Scroll down the whole list

We can't find it. This it because in memory, it is not a variable length list where things can be added, it is a fixed size memory area. We calculate the address of the byte corresponding to a given Pokémon Type number, and toggle a bit to indicate that we encountered it. And when we do this calculation with an invalid number (00 or 86) we reach some random place in memory which is outside of the Pokédex area.

In fact it is not random, it is fixed. And where is it? It is just after the Pokédex area in memory, it is...

go back up in menu, show item list

It is in the list of Items we carry. More precisely, in the quantity of the sixth item. So how many do we have now?

Scroll down:

Item list with a glitched number of X SPECIALs

This character here is the third tile after the 9 tile, so it is a (9 + 3 =) 12, and this is a 9. 12 * 10 + 9 = 129. We hade one X SPECIAL (b00000001 in binary). The heighth bit has been toggled, we now have b10000001, which is 129.

So we hade an off-by-one error, leading to a Reuse After Free. We could craft our name to inject invalid values in the reused data, and now we have a buffer overflow allowing us to multiply our sixth Item ! At least something usefull :) We won!

Ok, we won but... You see that the game does not know how to display 129 quantity. This is because in Pokémon you are limited to stacking 99 items. Maybe there is something to do with that.


I can toss items. So let's toss two X SPECIALs.

do it

We now have 127 X SPECIALs, which is b01111111. So we can encounter the glitched Pokémon again, switch the heighth bit again, and have b11111111, which is 255. You don't have to be a security researcher to do that: you can have free X SPECIALs, you want to get the maximum amount of free X SPECIALs.

show it

0 items but 255 XSpecial anyway

Now, let's have a look at how the items are represented in memory

Delete all the highlighting made with EpicPen. In the memory view of the debugger, go to address WRA1:D31E

We have this C9 here that is the value for item TM01, then a 01 which is its quantity. Then a CA for TM02, CB, ... CD, then 44 which is the code for X SPECIALs and we now have FF stacks of it, then 01 DOM FOSSIL (29) and an FF which is a list terminator.

Also there is something else. But please... don't do this in your production code...

If we look before D31E at D31D there is this 07. It is the number of items I have in my Items list. We have both a terminator to tell where the list ends, and a count of the number or items contained in the list. We all know something wrong will happen.

As an example, if I toss the HM01, it will decreased the amount of item, and copy each item in memory two bytes backwards, until it copies the FF terminator. Or, in our case, the glitched FF item number.

So if we continue to toss all the HM0x, we decrease the counter to 02, but instead of copying the FF terminator in place of the last X SPECIAL item, it stops. So the previous X SPECIAL stack stays here and is copied. So we now have plenty of stacks of X SPECIAL.

Multipyed item lines

But there is a problem: since the item counter has been decreased to 02, it displays lot of X SPECIALS stacks, but I can only use the two first ones. The third one is treated as the CANCEL menu and I can't go further.

So we can just toss them all.

Toss all that you can. Use Up key to select max quantity, repeat until pressing button on the first line exits the menu..

Now we have zero items, even if it displays lot of them.

We hade an off-by-one error, we could Reuse After Free a buffer with some data we could control, and now we have desynchronized the size and content of the item list.

Let's go one step further :)

255 Items

After the X SPECIAL, in the beginning of this talk, I hade an item called DOME FOSSIL. This is a quest item: an item I can give to a NPC to advance in the game. I will show you.

Go to south shore, then left, go up to enter the last house, then right to the last door in the corridor, and up to meet the Doctor. Speak to him.

Meeting the Doctor

This doctor can resurect Pokémons from fossils. When I speak to him, the game will iterate through items IDs in my list until it finds either the DOME FOSSIL (code 29) or the end of the list (using the FF terminator, ignororing the 00 length).

Do it.

It finds it, removes it from the inventory and decreases the item count. It was 00 and 00 minus ones is? Not -1, it is FF. Just like two hours before 1am is not -1am it is 11pm. This is called an Underflow.

the value of the item counter is now FF, i.e. 255. Which of course is way more than the real size of the items table. So now if we try to display the Items menu and scroll down past the Cancel menu, it will show things generated from random data. This is called another Buffer Overflow.

Show the Item menu, and scroll down.

Going past the Cancel menu in item list

It may hang the game. This is because we can find values that are invalid item numbers and some of them can, when we calculate the address of the string, lead to badly handled data. The content of the item list is now dependant on other things in the game. Let's fly to a particular place.

35th item is a nugget in celadon

Fly to CELADON CITY (center of map) and walk East a few steps to reach this position:

Place to go in CELADON CITY

When I am in this place, all the data in memory are ok and none makes the game hang when I display the item list. Let's have a look at the 35th item.

Go down 34 times in item list, until you reach GOLD NUGGET X1. Leave the menu and come back to clean display.

Inventory now contains GOLD NUGGET

Here we have this item, one GOLD NUGGET. If I move left one step, see what happens.

Leave menu, walk one step left, come back into menu.

We now have a CARD KEY. If we go left once more, we have a LEAF STONE.

What happens? The overflow makes the game use the coordinates of the player in the map as an item number. Which means that by moving I can change the item I possess.

Warpzone opened

But in pokemon, using the Select button, I can switch items. It means I can also change my coordinates. If I go back to the first item (my 255 X SPECIALs), I can toss 254 of them.

Press Up twice to enter the quantity while tossing them

Now I have only one. I press Select to select it, go down to the 35th item, press select again, and now my coordinates are the one corresponding to "one X SPECIAL".

If I leave the menu, nothing has changed: this is because the tiles for the map have already been loaded. But if I move to load some more data...

Go right, passe the bottom trees, go down until you passe the first sairs, then right.

I can reach this completely unexpected warp zone. Have you seen the Matrix movie ?

The warp zone is a large blank empty space

8F as third item

I now have a large empty space, I can go anywhere I want, so I can get any random item.

Walk right and show various items in your inventory until you start seeing 1F, 2F, 3F... items

There is one very interesting item I can get, it is the 8F item.

Find it and swap it with the Gold Nugget (which is first item, not third, ignore the name of this chapter / game save number 13)

Now we can fly back to any town to reset the coordinates to something valid. And we have this 8F item.

When you use an item in Pokemon, it looks in a table to find the address of the code to execute to handle the use of the item. Now you know how it works: since we can get glitch items with wrong IDs, we will overflow the table and get some random address and execute some random code. The 8F item is funny because it makes us run this code:

Use it, the breakpoint at D163 should stop execution

We are here, at D163. You can see the label, it says wPartyDataStart. That is the address of the list of Pokémons you carry with you. Of course, if you try to run the data for the Pokémons as if where opcode (i.e. instruction codes) for the processor, that won't work. Here I'm stopped on a breakpoint, but if I run...

Run (F9 key)

Crashed game after using item F8

It crashes.

So we hade an off-by-one error, leading to a Reuse After Free, we could craft our player's name to inject data that are reused as Pokémon IDs, play against a glitched Pokémon. That creates a buffer overflow which allows us to get stacks of 255 items, then an underflow that gives us 255 acessible items. This gives us another buffer overflow which allows us to write to our coordinates, go to the warpzone, and from there write many different values in our item list. We can then get the 8F which can be used, executing our list of Pokémons as if it were code, which beautifully crashes the game.

Bootstraped clean

Now we can execute code in a place on which we have some control. Because of course we can choose the Pokémons I carry. Could we craft a list of Pokémons, in the same way we crafted our name to fight against glitched pokemons, that could actually be interpreted as interesting code by the processor?

Imagine we take those Pokemons with us:

  • Go to debugger (F9)
  • Load (Ctrl-L) the 14' - Boostraped clean.sna state
  • In the memory view, go to D163 (click it, then Ctrl-G and enter 1:D163)
  • In the code view, go to D163 (click it, then Ctrl-G and enter 1:D163)
  • Scroll the code view until the breakpoint is the first line
  • Run (F9) again

Debugger ready to explain the crafted payload

The second byte in this buffer is 24, this is because our first Pokémon is a Pidgey. This 24 in D164 translates for the processor into this inc h instruction we have in second line.

Highlight both in blue with EpicPen.

The second and third are PARASECT and ONIX, codes are 2E and 22. 2Eis the ld l, ("load into register l"), hence we have this instruction ld l, 22

Hightlight also.

And then Tentacool and Kanghaskhan, 18 02, which is opcode for jr 02, which jumps two instructions further.


Then we have two FF: these FFs are list fillers / terminator. Because we can have a variable number of Pokémon withs us. These are the opcodes of the two rst 38 instructions.

Higlight using grey color.

And now you know how it is: when we have FF as a terminator, we also have a length at the beginning of the list. It is the 05 at D163.

Highlight in magenta.

After the two FFs, we have the actual data of the Pokémons. The first three bytes are 24 this is again the kind of Pokémon, a PIDGEY, so we have another inc h

Highlight in yellow

Finally the two next numbers are the current health of the first Pokémon. Having it POISONNED and then giving him ANTIDOTE we can stop him at 233 health, which is, on two bytes 00 E9. This gives us a nop and a jp hl.

Highlight everything in yellow

You screen should now look like this:

Highlighted Payload

Run the bootstrap

We do not have much room to inject code, and it is not easy to choose which opcodes we will inject, but we managed to make a small program.

We now can now use item 8F again and see what this code is doing:

Execute each instructions while you explain them (F3)

  • First instruction is useless, it decrements register b which is currently 00 (you can see it on top right of the debugger as the two first numbers of the bc register). It will then underflow to FF. We don't really care, but remember this instruction is in fact the number of Pokémon we carry: we are lucky to be able to create an instruction that just do no arm.
  • Second instruction increments register h. We know that hl contains D163 because it is used by the previous code to jump at the D163 code we are now. hl is D163, so h is D1, we increment it and it is now D2
  • Then we have ld l, 22, which loads 22 into register l. hl was D263, it is now D222
  • Then we jump forward two instructions. This makes us jump over the two FFs. This is nice because FF is opcode for rst 38 which would reset the GameBoy!
  • We have another 24 so we inc h again, now hl is D322
  • Then we execute the nop with opcode 00. nop is a very interesting instruction which does nothing : nop stands for No Operation. Then we continue to the last instruction
  • jp hl. We know that hlvalue is D322, we are sure to jump there.

We now jumped to D322. And if you remember, our item list starts at D31E, so we are now executing the ID of our third item as an opcode. But you remember that, going to the warp zone, we can easily edit the content of the item list. So it is now easyer to write a second, larger program.

We started with a simple off-by-one error, we found a Reuse After Free, injected some data, created a buffer overflow to gain too many items, provocated an underflow to gain a more interesting buffer overflow on the item list, used it to edit the memory, found an item that allows us to execute our Pokémons list, and from there can execute any random code in the item list.

Final demo

From there everything is possible. In this video we can see someone who:

  • executes some code to go through walls with bicycle
  • executes some other code that will write the coordinates of the player as a byte at an address then increment this address (repeating it about 160 times to write a program)
  • trolls the game by visiting a computer he should not mess with not to introduce bug in the game :)
  • executes the code he wrote moving on the bicycle.

I strongly advise you to save the video locally for presentation.

Appendix A - Cheatsheet

Function Key
Load state Ctrl-L
Debugger Esc
Run F9
Step F3
Go to address Ctrl-G
Type Address Content
DATA 1:D163 Party Pokémons
CODE 1:D163 Bootstrap [1]
DATA 1:D887 Wild Pokémon Encounter Table
DATA 1:D8A5 Water Pokémon Encounter Table
CODE 4:7870 TryDoWildeEncounter
CODE 4:789E Reading Tile at C45D [2]
CODE 4:78DB Reading Tile at C45C [2]

[1]: "Breakpoint here" [2]: "Disabled breakpoint here"