From 61d26a8a93684cc88ce21abc193fda00e86149b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gabriel Ebner <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 15:39:10 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Remove FStar.Ghost.Pull

 ulib/.hints/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti.hints |  1 -
 ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Cantor.fst       |  2 +-
 ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Universes.fst    |  4 +--
 ulib/FStar.Functions.fst                | 14 +++++------
 ulib/FStar.Functions.fsti               | 30 +++++++++++-----------
 ulib/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti              | 33 -------------------------
 6 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ulib/.hints/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti.hints
 delete mode 100644 ulib/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti

diff --git a/ulib/.hints/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti.hints b/ulib/.hints/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti.hints
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e84f430d5..00000000000
--- a/ulib/.hints/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti.hints
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-[ "ˆ\\=O?uÞ\u000eÚ!ªk}\u000b", [] ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Cantor.fst b/ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Cantor.fst
index 4f2ee440157..349cd6ee246 100644
--- a/ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Cantor.fst
+++ b/ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Cantor.fst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ let no_surj_powerset (a : Type) (f : a -> powerset a) : Lemma (~(is_surj f)) =
 let no_inj_powerset (a : Type) (f : powerset a -> a) : Lemma (~(is_inj f)) =
   let aux () : Lemma (requires is_inj f) (ensures False) =
-    let g : a -> powerset a = inverse_of_inj f (fun _ -> false) in
+    let g : a -> GTot (powerset a) = inverse_of_inj f (fun _ -> false) in
     no_surj_powerset a g
   Classical.move_requires aux ()
diff --git a/ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Universes.fst b/ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Universes.fst
index 146820b0387..5eb0e8bafa1 100644
--- a/ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Universes.fst
+++ b/ulib/FStar.Cardinality.Universes.fst
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ open FStar.Cardinality.Cantor
 (* This type is an injection of all powersets of Type u (i.e. Type u -> bool
 functions) into Type (u+1) *)
-type type_powerset : (Type u#a -> bool) -> Type u#(max (a+1) b) =
-  | Mk : f:(Type u#a -> bool) -> type_powerset f
+type type_powerset : (Type u#a -> GTot bool) -> Type u#(max (a+1) b) =
+  | Mk : f:(Type u#a -> GTot bool) -> type_powerset f
 let aux_inj_type_powerset (f1 f2 : powerset (Type u#a))
   : Lemma (requires type_powerset u#a u#b f1 == type_powerset u#a u#b f2)
diff --git a/ulib/FStar.Functions.fst b/ulib/FStar.Functions.fst
index 4c4ab58e3e5..7410ff4326b 100644
--- a/ulib/FStar.Functions.fst
+++ b/ulib/FStar.Functions.fst
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 module FStar.Functions
-let inj_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c)
+let inj_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (g : b -> GTot c)
   : Lemma (requires is_inj f /\ is_inj g)
           (ensures is_inj (fun x -> g (f x)))
   = ()
-let surj_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c)
+let surj_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (g : b -> GTot c)
   : Lemma (requires is_surj f /\ is_surj g)
           (ensures is_surj (fun x -> g (f x)))
   = ()
-let bij_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c) :
+let bij_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (g : b -> GTot c) :
  Lemma (requires is_bij f /\ is_bij g)
        (ensures is_bij (fun x -> g (f x)))
 = ()
-let lem_surj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b) (y : b)
+let lem_surj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (y : b)
   : Lemma (requires is_surj f) (ensures in_image f y)
   = ()
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ let inverse_of_bij #a #b f =
     assert (g0 (f x) == x)
   Classical.forall_intro aux;
-  Ghost.Pull.pull g0
+  g0
 let inverse_of_inj #a #b f def =
   (* f is a bijection into its image, obtain its inverse *)
-  let f' : a -> image_of f = fun x -> f x in
+  let f' : a -> GTot (image_of f) = fun x -> f x in
   let g_partial = inverse_of_bij #a #(image_of f) f' in
   (* extend the inverse to the full domain b *)
   let g : b -> GTot a =
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ let inverse_of_inj #a #b f def =
       then g_partial y
       else def
-  Ghost.Pull.pull g
+  g
diff --git a/ulib/FStar.Functions.fsti b/ulib/FStar.Functions.fsti
index ff92a23fe47..9982dc4ddf5 100644
--- a/ulib/FStar.Functions.fsti
+++ b/ulib/FStar.Functions.fsti
@@ -3,51 +3,51 @@ module FStar.Functions
 (* This module contains basic definitions and lemmas
 about functions and sets. *)
-let is_inj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b) : prop =
+let is_inj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b) : prop =
   forall (x1 x2 : a). f x1 == f x2 ==> x1 == x2
-let is_surj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b) : prop =
+let is_surj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b) : prop =
   forall (y:b). exists (x:a). f x == y
-let is_bij (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b) : prop =
+let is_bij (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b) : prop =
   is_inj f /\ is_surj f
-let in_image (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b) (y : b) : prop =
+let in_image (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (y : b) : prop =
   exists (x:a). f x == y
-let image_of (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b) : Type =
+let image_of (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b) : Type =
   y:b{in_image f y}
 (* g inverses f *)
-let is_inverse_of (#a #b : _) (g : b -> a) (f : a -> b)  =
+let is_inverse_of (#a #b : _) (g : b -> GTot a) (f : a -> GTot b)  =
   forall (x:a). g (f x) == x
-let powerset (a:Type u#aa) : Type u#aa = a -> bool
+let powerset (a:Type u#aa) : Type u#aa = a -> GTot bool
-val inj_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c)
+val inj_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (g : b -> GTot c)
   : Lemma (requires is_inj f /\ is_inj g)
           (ensures is_inj (fun x -> g (f x)))
-val surj_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c)
+val surj_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (g : b -> GTot c)
   : Lemma (requires is_surj f /\ is_surj g)
           (ensures is_surj (fun x -> g (f x)))
-val bij_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c) :
+val bij_comp (#a #b #c : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (g : b -> GTot c) :
  Lemma (requires is_bij f /\ is_bij g)
        (ensures is_bij (fun x -> g (f x)))
-val lem_surj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b) (y : b)
+val lem_surj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b) (y : b)
   : Lemma (requires is_surj f) (ensures in_image f y)
 (* An bijection has a perfect inverse. *)
-val inverse_of_bij (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b)
-  : Ghost (b -> a)
+val inverse_of_bij (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b)
+  : Ghost (b -> GTot a)
           (requires is_bij f)
           (ensures fun g -> is_bij g /\ g `is_inverse_of` f /\ f `is_inverse_of` g)
 (* An injective function has an inverse (as long as the domain is non-empty),
 and this inverse is surjective. *)
-val inverse_of_inj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> b{is_inj f}) (def : a)
-  : Ghost (b -> a)
+val inverse_of_inj (#a #b : _) (f : a -> GTot b{is_inj f}) (def : a)
+  : Ghost (b -> GTot a)
           (requires is_inj f)
           (ensures fun g -> is_surj g /\ g `is_inverse_of` f)
diff --git a/ulib/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti b/ulib/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti
deleted file mode 100644
index 12c27879e95..00000000000
--- a/ulib/FStar.Ghost.Pull.fsti
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-module FStar.Ghost.Pull
-   [pull] is an axiom.
-   It type states that for any ghost function ``f``, we can exhibit a
-   total function ``g`` that is pointwise equal to ``f``. However, it
-   may not be possible, in general, to compute ``g`` in a way that
-   enables it to be compiled by F*. So, ``pull f`` itself has ghost
-   effect, indicating that applications of ``pull`` cannot be used in
-   compilable code.
-   Alternatively, one can think of `pull` as saying that the GTot
-   effect is idempotent and non-dependent, meaning that if evaluating
-   `f` on an argument `v:a`, exhibits an effect `GTot` and returns a
-   result; then the effect does not depend on `v` and it can be
-   subsumed to exhibiting the effect first and then computing `f v`
-   purely.
-   In other words, it "pulls" the effect out of `f`.
-   pull is useful to mimic a kind of Tot/GTot effect polymorphism. 
-   E.g.,  if you have `f: a -> GTot b` and a `l:list a`
-          you can do (pull f) l : GTot (list b)
- *)
-val pull (#a:Type) (#b:a -> Type) (f: (x:a -> GTot (b x)))
-  : GTot (x:a -> b x)
-val pull_equiv (#a:Type) (#b:a -> Type) (f: (x:a -> GTot (b x))) (x:a)
-  : Lemma (ensures pull f x == f x)
-          [SMTPat (pull f x)]

From 77f5528904df4be6c5d4253737f187d75ada4e0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gabriel Ebner <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 16:02:14 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] snap

 ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ | 9 +++------
 ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/             | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index 83ef61cc385..bca8bdc5e0f 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
 open Prims
 type 'dummyV0 type_powerset =
-  | Mk of (unit -> Prims.bool) 
-let (uu___is_Mk : (unit -> Prims.bool) -> unit type_powerset -> Prims.bool) =
-  fun uu___ -> fun projectee -> true
-let (__proj__Mk__item__f :
-  (unit -> Prims.bool) -> unit type_powerset -> unit -> Prims.bool) =
-  fun uu___ -> fun projectee -> match projectee with | Mk f -> f
\ No newline at end of file
+  | Mk of unit 
+let (uu___is_Mk : unit -> unit type_powerset -> Prims.bool) =
+  fun uu___ -> fun projectee -> true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
index eb068c194ea..24561405f25 100644
--- a/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
+++ b/ocaml/fstar-lib/generated/
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ type ('a, 'b, 'f) is_bij = unit
 type ('a, 'b, 'f, 'y) in_image = unit
 type ('a, 'b, 'f) image_of = 'b
 type ('a, 'b, 'g, 'f) is_inverse_of = unit
-type 'a powerset = 'a -> Prims.bool
\ No newline at end of file
+type 'a powerset = unit
\ No newline at end of file