- Description: aliases to set up/source ROS environment
- Usage:
is for running robot code on your laptoprosjet
is for running robot code on the robot/Jetson
- Description: alias to run robot code (to be executed on the Jetson)
- if you're curious,
alias hwlaunch='roslaunch controller_node 2023_compbot_combined.launch'
- if you're curious,
- Usage:
after you've sourced ROS withrosjet
- Description: the ROS core process/master, this is what coordinates communication between nodes
- Usage:
roscore -p 5802 &
- FRC teams are restricted to network ports
, and the default ROS port is11311
which is out of that range. That's why we use port5802
. - The
at the end runs the process in the background (so you can do other things in your terminal)
- FRC teams are restricted to network ports
- Example:
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ roscore -p 5802 & [1] 50905 ... lots of debug messages ...
- Description: runs a ROS node
- Usage:
rosrun [package] [node]
- This runs the ROS node
in package[package]
- This runs the ROS node
- Example:
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rosrun rviz rviz # runs rviz (which is in a package of the same name), the ROS visualization tool QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-ubuntu' [INFO] [1693006625.121936170]: rviz version 1.14.20 [INFO] [1693006625.122026138]: compiled against Qt version 5.15.3 [INFO] [1693006625.122052834]: compiled against OGRE version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon) [INFO] [1693006625.137169295]: Forcing OpenGl version 0. [INFO] [1693006625.606206014]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [INFO] [1693006625.606308147]: OpenGL device: Mesa Intel(R) Xe Graphics (TGL GT2) [INFO] [1693006625.606338795]: OpenGl version: 4.6 (GLSL 4.6) limited to GLSL 1.4 on Mesa system.
- Description: runs a ROS node
- Usage:
roslaunch [package] [file.launch]
- This runs the launch file
in package[package]
- This runs the launch file
- Example:
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ roslaunch controller_node 2023_sim.launch # run our robot in a simulated field ... logging to /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/18ec89f2-43a0-11ee-a629-6e8188a52783/roslaunch-bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6-51011.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. started roslaunch server SUMMARY ======== ... lots more text ...
Description: topic-related ROS commands
rostopic list
: lists all topics being published torostopic echo [topic]
: prints out all messages being published to[topic]
rostopic info [topic]
: prints out information about a topicrostopic pub [topic] [message type] [message]
: publishes[message]
(of type[message type]
) to[topic]
- Optional argument:
-r [frequency]
publishes the message continuously at[frequency]
- Optional argument:
rostopic hz [topic]
: calculates the publish rate (in Hz) of[topic]
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rostopic list /align/cmd_vel /auto/auto_mode /auto/cmd_vel ... lots more topics ...
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rostopic echo /imu/zeroed_imu header: seq: 24 stamp: secs: 0 nsecs: 690000000 frame_id: "imu" orientation: x: -0.00038022196806286243 y: 0.0001624124748701506 z: 0.9999998834053025 w: -0.0002494851185626063 ... more message data ... --- ... next message ...
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rostopic info /auto/auto_mode Type: behavior_actions/AutoMode Publishers: None Subscribers: * /candle_node (
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rostopic pub /auto/auto_mode behavior_actions/AutoMode "header: seq: 0 stamp: secs: 0 nsecs: 0 frame_id: '' auto_mode: 5" publishing and latching message. Press ctrl-C to terminate
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rostopic hz /imu/zeroed_imu subscribed to [/imu/zeroed_imu] average rate: 35.417 min: 0.000s max: 0.060s std dev: 0.01774s window: 35 average rate: 32.292 min: 0.000s max: 0.060s std dev: 0.01764s window: 63
Description: service-related ROS commands
rosservice list
: lists all services being advertisedrosservice info [service_name]
: prints out information about a servicerosservice call [service_name] [arguments]
: calls the service advertised atservice_name
as the request data
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rosservice list /auto/stop_auto /candle_node/set_leds_green /frcrobot_jetson/swerve_drive_controller/brake /frcrobot_jetson/swerve_drive_controller/change_center_of_rotation /imu/set_imu_zero ... lots more services ...
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rosservice info /imu/set_imu_zero Node: /imu/imu_zero URI: rosrpc:// Type: imu_zero_msgs/ImuZeroAngle Args: angle
ubuntu@bean-ThinkPad-X1-Yoga-Gen-6:~$ rosservice call /imu/set_imu_zero "angle: 0.0" (if the service had a response, it would be shown here)
Description: node-related ROS commands
rosnode list
: lists all topics being published torosnode info [node]
: prints out info about[node]
rosnode kill [node]
: kills a given noderosnode machine [IP]
: prints out all nodes on a given machine IP, if run without IP will print current machine IP
ubuntu@dino-desktop:~$ rosnode list /align_and_place_grid /align_to_grid_closed_loop/align_to_grid_closed_loop_2023 /align_to_grid_closed_loop/x_position_pid /align_to_grid_closed_loop/y_position_pid
ubuntu@dino-desktop:~$ rosnode info /align_and_place_grid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node [/align_and_place_grid] Publications: * /align_and_place_grid/feedback [behavior_actions/AlignAndPlaceGrid2023ActionFeedback] * /align_and_place_grid/result [behavior_actions/AlignAndPlaceGrid2023ActionResult] ... Subscriptions: * /align_and_place_grid/cancel [actionlib_msgs/GoalID] * /align_and_place_grid/goal [behavior_actions/AlignAndPlaceGrid2023ActionGoal] ... Services: * /align_and_place_grid/get_loggers * /align_and_place_grid/set_logger_level contacting node ... Pid: 452 Connections: * topic: /rosout * to: /rosout * direction: outbound (48389 - [11] * transport: TCPROS * topic: /align_to_grid_closed_loop/align_to_grid_closed_loop/goal * to: /align_to_grid_closed_loop/align_to_grid_closed_loop_2023 * direction: outbound (48389 - [10] * transport: TCPROS
ubuntu@dino-desktop:~$ rosnode kill /align_and_place_grid killing /align_and_place_grid killed
ubuntu@dino-desktop:~$ rosnode machine ubuntu@dino-desktop:~$ rosnode machine /align_to_grid_closed_loop/align_to_grid_closed_loop_2023 /align_to_grid_closed_loop/x_position_pid /align_to_grid_closed_loop/y_position_pid ... many more
- Description: a ROS self-test tool, checks for errors
- Usage: