Currently we provide 3 different upload and video hosting methods to our content creators.You can use our own servers, upload with IPFS, BTFS or Skynet or you can directly upload your videos with 3rd party URL links like Facebook, Youtube, Intagram, Twitch etc. All of these methods are serve different purpose for the needs of our content creators. Also you can combine multiple sources into the same DTube video
This is the method what we reccomend for resillience and anonimity. You can use IPFS, BTFS , and Skynet. This method rUsing peer-to-peer to share your video content is the best way to achieve freedom for your channel, while ensuring anyone can watch from anywhere. equires you to convert your video files to a web compatible format before sharing. To do so, we recommend using HandBrake, as it is free, open-source, and available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Third party video providers is a great way to ensure that your video is watchable at highest qualities. It's never a bad thing to add a third party video source. If you want to share a non-original video on DTube, this is the recommended way, as it will reward the original creator registered on these third party websites. If you create original content, these solutions should not be your first choice as these platforms will most often force you to give them your personal data and/or put ads on top of your videos. Censorship or country restriction can also hurt the availability of your videos.
DTube provides a free video upload service, that encodes your video, creates a sprite, and stores all these files on a decentralized network (BTFS). However, this service has serious limitations: Maximum quality is 480p Videos longer than 20 minutes will not get re-encoded, only stored Videos with low views and older than 6 months might get deleted These limitations may not apply to 3rd party upload endpoints not operated by DTube. Please check with the respective upload endpoint providers regarding the limitations associated with the use of such upload endpoints.