Link | Description | Added by | Other resources |
---|---|---|---| | WDD/Women Driven Development. They host hackathons where 75-85% of attendees are cis women, trans women and non-binary people. | @charlielafosse | | | LNUG/London Node User Group. A friendly monthly meetup for people using Node.js for fun or profit. | @charlielafosse | | | Codebar. Hosts regular meetups and workshops aiming to encourage underrepresented people into tech. | @charlielafosse | | | CSS London. A quarterly CSS/Design meetup. I've personally met one of the co-organisers (Oliver Turner), and he seems awesome - one of our employment partners... | @charlielafosse | | | JS Monthly. As it says on the tin! V popular | @charlielafosse | | | London Javascript Community. Another v popular one. | @charlielafosse | | | Journocoders. Format: a 2 hour tutorial on a web technology used in journalism. Previous topics include D3.js, Python GGPlot, and other data visualisation libraries. There are drinks and snacks but no proper'food'. | @bobbysebolao | | | LLHS Ladies of London Hacking Society. A cybersecurity meetup for women. Format: a 2 hour virtual lab, usually a capture the flag exercise.There is almost always food. | @dubhcait |
Name | Start Date | End Date | Location | Link |
PastNet Hackathon | 11/5/19 | 11/5/19 | London | Link |
Heritage Science Hackathon | 18/5/19 | 19/5/2019 | London | Link |
Finastra Hackathon | 17/5/19 | 19/5/19 | London | Link |
AngelHack | TBC (June) | TBC (June) | London | Link |
HackXLR8 | 12/6/19 | 13/6/19 | London | Link |
NHS HackDay | 15/6/19 | 16/6/19 | London | Link |
Online Courts Hackathon | 1/7/19 | 2/7/19 | London | Link |
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