- Updated to ThreeJS 127
- Improved documentation layout
- Replaced JS minifier "uglify" with ES6 aware "terser"
- Fixed bug where animations bound to boolean states were not initialized properly when model was loaded
- Colored axis in editor-panel
- Fixed multiple false error messages upon first model setup
- Removed unneeded things (ioBroker/ioBroker.repositories#1157 (comment))
- Bump three from 0.125.2 to 0.126.0
- Fixed lighting behaviour (switchable lights)
- Added 3d-axis in edit-mode to ease model positioning
- Updated ThreeJS from r121 to r125
- Improved dependency management
- Added clickable-object behaviour
- Improved switchable lights
- ESLint added
- Multiple improvements & bugfixes
- Reworked logging
- Documentation updated
- Removed docs from NPM
- Added loading-animation for model
- Multiple Bugfixes
- Reordered some menues in VIS editor
- Extended documentation
- Improved animation system
- Multiple Bugfixes
- Initial (beta) release
- Created documentation