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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 4 revisions

The config file

It is called Config.yaml by default, and it is the one mandatory file in a Kitto application. Think of it as the main entry point. Normally the config file mentions a HomeView from which the entire application is served. The config file contains settings regarding database connections, language and localization, user authentication, access control and so on.

List of first-level config nodes (click on node names for details):

Name Type Description
AppTitle String Application title
Databases Subnode Database connections
Auth Subnode User authentication settings
AccessControl Subnode Access control (user privileges) settings
HomeTinyView String/Subnode Specifies the view to display at application startup for device up to 5" (or after login if user authentication is enabled)
HomeSmallView String/Subnode Specifies the view to display at application startup for device 6" to 10" (or after login if user authentication is enabled)
HomeView String/Subnode Specifies the view to display at application startup for device > 10" (or after login if user authentication is enabled)
Ext Subnode ExtPascal- and ExtJS-related settings
Log Subnode Logging-related settings
FastCGI Subnode Settings such as the TCP port to use and the session timeout
LanguageId String Default user interface language (such as en)
Charset String Default charset (normally utf-8)
FOPEnginePath String Default FOP Engine Path
JavaScriptLibraries List Optional libreries to include
UserFormats Subnode Default user settings (such es date and time format)
Email Subnode Default email settings

A Config.yaml example from HelloKitto:

AppTitle: My First Kitto Application

  Main: ADO
      ConnectionString: >
        Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=sa;Password=xxx;
        Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Data Source=%COMPUTERNAME%

  Other: DBX
      DriverName: DevartSQLServer
      HostName: %COMPUTERNAME%
      DataBase: MyDatabase
      User_Name: sa
      Password: xxx
      GetDriverFunc: getSQLDriverSQLServer
      LibraryName: dbexpsda40.dll
      VendorLib: sqloledb.dll
Auth: DB
  IsClearPassword: True
  IsPassepartoutEnabled: True
  PassepartoutPassword: hfjry%%tebd!qywha$£nò
    UserName: administrator
    Password: hfjry%%tebd!qywha$£nò

AccessControl: Null
# Home is also the default.
HomeView: Home

  Theme: gray
  URL: /ext

# Default: en
LanguageId: it
Charset: utf-8

  # 1 = Minimal, 5 = Debug.
  Level: 5
    # Set this to false to disable this logger without deleting its configuration.
    IsEnabled: True
    FileName: %APP_PATH%log.txt
  IsEnabled: False

  TCPPort: 2202
  SessionTimeout: 720

FOPEnginePath: %FOP1_1%

JavaScriptLibraries: jquery-2.1.3.min jSignature.min
# signature

  Date: dd/mm/yyyy
  Time: hh:nn

      UserName: [email protected]
      Password: userpassword
      Port: 465
      UseTLS: True
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