Releases: EtalumaSupport/LumaViewPro
LumaViewPro v1.0.0
- Cell count analysis
- Stability fixes
- Improvements to folder selection
- Turn off LEDs at end of protocol execution or autofocus run
LumaViewPro v0.9.9
Windows executable compiled with PyInstaller. Two versions of the same executable presented here:
- with the --onefile option
- without the --onefile option.
The --onefile option in PyInstaller enables the packaging of a Python application and all its dependencies into a single executable file. This simplifies distribution and installation, eliminating the need for end-users to manage multiple files.
However, this comes at the expense of increased startup time. In one instance of testing, the startup time was 6 seconds for the multiple-file version and 28 seconds for the single-file version.
The multiple-file version is attached here as a compressed folder while the single-file version is attached here uncompressed.
LumaViewPro v0.9.8
- Rollover logging (1 MB max file size)
- Anti-backlash functionality
LumaViewPro v0.9.7
+Major firmware communication fixes
+Descriptive file naming
LumaViewPro v0.9.5
+Fixes to Firmware Communication
LumaViewPro v0.9.4
+Turret Label Changes
+Firmware Stability
LumaViewPro v0.9.3
+Autofocus Fixes
+Turret Fixes
+Minor GUI Revisions
LumaViewPro v0.9.2
+Turret Rotation fixes
+Homing fixes
+MacOS crash fixes
LumaViewPro v0.9.1
Conforming to new hardware
Autofocus in protocol is functional
Scroll bar when screen size is small
And more...
Known issue: Must wait for home to complete, move xy, then protocol functions begin to work.
LumaViewPro v0.9.0
early-release version of LVP.