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Perform valve isolation trace

Run a filtered trace to locate operable features that will isolate an area from the flow of network resources.

Image of a utility network with an isolation trace applied to it

Use case

Determine the set of operable features required to stop a network's resource, effectively isolating an area of the network. For example, you can choose to return only accessible and operable valves: ones that are not paved over or rusted shut.

How to use the sample

Tap on one or more features to use as filter barriers or create and set the configuration's filter barriers by selecting a category. Check or uncheck 'Include Isolated Features'. Tap 'Trace' to run a subnetwork-based isolation trace. Tap 'Reset' to clear filter barriers.

How it works

  1. Create a MapView and subscribe to its GeoViewTapped event.

  2. Create and load a ServiceGeodatabase with a feature service URL and get tables by their layer IDs.

  3. Create a Map that contains FeatureLayer(s) created from the ServiceGeodatabase's tables.

  4. Create and load a UtilityNetwork with the same feature service URL and this Map.

  5. Create UtilityTraceParameters with UtilityTraceType.Isolation and a starting location from a given asset type and global ID.

  6. Get a default UtilityTraceConfiguration from a given tier in a domain network to set UtilityTraceParameters.TraceConfiguration.

  7. Add a GraphicsOverlay with a Graphic that represents this starting location; and another GraphicsOverlay for filter barriers.

  8. Populate the choice list for the 'Filter Barrier: Category exists' from UtilityNetworkDefinition.Categories.

  9. When the MapView is tapped, identify which features are at the tap location and add a Graphic that represents a filter barrier.

  10. Create a UtilityElement for the identified feature and add this UtilityElement to a collection of filter barriers.

    • If the element is a junction with more than one terminal, display a terminal picker. Then set the junction's Terminal property with the selected terminal.
    • If an edge, set its FractionAlongLine property using GeometryEngine.FractionAlong.
  11. If 'Trace' is tapped without filter barriers:

    • Create a new UtilityCategoryComparison with the selected category and UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator.Exists.
    • Create a new UtilityTraceFilter with this condition as Barriers to set Filter and update IncludeIsolatedFeatures properties of the default configuration from step 5.
    • Run a UtilityNetwork.TraceAsync.

    If 'Trace' is tapped with filter barriers:

    • Update IncludeIsolatedFeatures property of the default configuration from step 5.
    • Run a UtilityNetwork.TraceAsync.
  12. For every FeatureLayer in the map, select the features returned with GetFeaturesForElementsAsync from the elements matching their NetworkSource.FeatureTable with the layer's FeatureTable.

Relevant API

  • FractionAlong
  • ServiceGeodatabase
  • UtilityCategory
  • UtilityCategoryComparison
  • UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator
  • UtilityDomainNetwork
  • UtilityElement
  • UtilityElementTraceResult
  • UtilityNetwork
  • UtilityNetworkDefinition
  • UtilityTerminal
  • UtilityTier
  • UtilityTraceFilter
  • UtilityTraceParameters
  • UtilityTraceResult
  • UtilityTraceType

About the data

The Naperville gas network feature service contains a utility network used to run the isolation trace shown in this sample. Authentication is required and handled within the sample code.

Additional information

Using utility network on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 requires an ArcGIS Enterprise member account licensed with the Utility Network user type extension. Please refer to the utility network services documentation.


category comparison, condition barriers, filter barriers, isolated features, network analysis, subnetwork trace, trace configuration, trace filter, utility network