nothing for if statements
no nesting (e.g. nested loops)
doesn't get data from multiple assignment like: a=b=3
doesn't get data from function calls that's part of a larger expression:
a=do_stuff() --> OK
a=do_stuff()+3 --> NOT OK
still gets value data, but doesn't get do_stuff data, even if it's one of the functions to get stuff from
doesn't consider nested functions
won't get the values of an attribute
a=some_object.some_attribute+8 --> {'a':a}, but NOTHING for some_object.some_attribute
which is kind of fine, it just won't sub that in
kind of minor but... say boop() has not outputs
a = boop() --> a is just None
BUT after insertion:
[a, OPTIONAL_OUTPUT] = boop() --> error cause None can't be expanded
so basically you can't assign an output to something that didn't return anything to the added output parameter