Releases: EnvyWare/EnvyBattleTower
Performance Improvement
Updates to Pixelmon 9.1.5
Fixes the pokepaste reading happening on the server thread when battles were being started
Full Changelog: 1.0.8...1.0.9
More bug fixies
Fixes held items not being returned after battles
Adds feedback to the reset cooldown command
Fixes the bug where player's last attempts were not saved if disconnecting mid attempt
Full Changelog: 1.0.7...1.0.8
Fixes lots of bugs
Fixes leaderboards not loading correctly
Allow access to reload command from console
Adds %remaining% support to cooldown elements
Adds/battletower resetcooldown <player>
command (com.envyful.battle.tower.command.resetcooldown
Full Changelog: 1.0.6...1.0.7
Fixes default leaderboard UI
Fixes default leaderboard UI config so that it shows up when pressing the leaderboard button (default config refresh may be necessary)
Allows NPCs to dynamax
Allows NPCs to mega evolve
Adds config toggle for spectating the battles
Adds error log if the PokePaste URL fails to read
Full Changelog: 1.0.5...1.0.6
Fixes NPC giving out random money
Removes NPC win message
Removes NPC loss message
Stops NPCs giving out random amounts of money per loss
Fixes cooldown being broken in the UI
Full Changelog: 1.0.4...1.0.5
Fixes crash from invalid config
Fixes a crash from invalid world name in the config
Adds error logs
Adds error logs for when config breaks and prevent the crashes from such values
Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3
Adds return teleport position
Adds return teleport position as a global setting in config.yml
Changed the win commands to use randomness (if wanted)
Changed the loss commands to use randomness (if wanted)
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2
Fixes battling not starting
Fixes battling not starting
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1
First release
Adds a functional battle tower to the game, with a leaderboard, and scaling difficulties.
MySQL is required.
This is a "pre-release" version, so testing is required. Cannot advise pushing straight to production. More updates will come.
EnvyBattleTower Command
Usage: /battletower
Description: opens the battle tower UI
Permission: com.envyful.battle.tower.command
- battletower
- ebattletower
- bt
Reload Command
Usage: /bt reload
Description: Reloads configs
Permission: com.envyful.battle.tower.command.reload
Full Changelog: