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497 lines (411 loc) · 21.4 KB

Estimated Annual Agricultural Pesticide Use for USA48 2000 to 2019

Tom Hengl (EnvirometriX) and Colby Brungard (New Mexico State University)

Annual Agricultural Pesticide Use

Annual agricultural pesticide use in USA is documented by USGS with data publicly available as csv files. These show the pesticide use per county estimated from various records, mainly the census data (Baker and Stone 2015). Falcone, Murphy, and Sprague (2018) have produced several of layers quantifying atmospheric deposition, agricultural production, livestock, urbanization, irrigation, land use, nutrients from fertilizer, dams/reservoirs, and pesticide use for USA. Maps of pesticides use are already available at 1-km i.e.  a total of 505 rasters posted (101 compounds x 5 years), however covering only 2013 to 2017.

In this notebook we look at how to rasterize these data (from tabular to gridded) and how to analyze trends in the pesticide use over the last 20 years (2000–2019). This process is referred to as spatial dis-aggregation or spatial downscaling. One example of spatial downscaling of is e.g. downscaling of livestock counts from census data and then using Machine Learning and appropriate covariates (Li, Hou, and Huang 2021).

The output GeoTIFFs we produced at 250-m spatial resolution are available for download from Zenodo. Some code shown is over-computational and hence it is shown only for illustration purposes / it should be run on a coarser resolution e.g. 1-km or for a subset of states.

Disclaimer: this code and data is under construction and USGS makes is clearly available that there are some limitations to this data:

  • These estimates are made by using projected county crop acres from the previous Census of Agriculture and are expected to be revised upon availability of updated crop acreages in the following Census of Agriculture.
  • The files do not include pesticide use estimates for California. Data for California are obtained from the online Department of Pesticide Regulation-Pesticide Use Reporting (DPR-PUR) database and are typically not available at the time the preliminary pesticide use estimates are generated for the rest of the U.S.

so please have in mind these limitations when using these maps for further modeling.

To visualize the pesticide-use data we can first load it using (long-table with cca 7M records):

pp = readRDS("./data/EPest.county.estimates.rds")
'data.frame':   7007280 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ COMPOUND        : chr  "2,4-D" "2,4-D" "2,4-D" "2,4-D" ...
 $ YEAR            : num  2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 ...
 $ STATE_FIPS_CODE : chr  "01" "01" "01" "01" ...
 $ COUNTY_FIPS_CODE: chr  "001" "003" "005" "007" ...
 $ EPEST_LOW_KG    : num  1159.9 10183.1 1233.4 70.3 5664.9 ...
 $ EPEST_HIGH_KG   : num  2199.1 10681.3 1635.8 70.5 5705.7 ...
 $ ID              : chr  "01_001" "01_003" "01_005" "01_007" ...

The metadata provided by the USGS shows the following:

  • COMPOUND = Common name for the pesticide compound active ingredient (a total of 451);
  • EPEST_LOW_KG = Estimated pesticide use (low estimate), in kilograms (kg). Zero values (0) indicate use was less than 0.01 kg;
  • EPEST_HIGH_KG = Estimated pesticide use (high estimate), in kilograms (kg). Zero values (0) indicate use was less than 0.01 kg;

COUNTY_FIPS_CODE is the county code and YEAR is the year for which the pesticide use is reported. The metadata further mentions the following two documents that contain more technical detail:

  • Baker, N.T., and Stone, W.W., 2015, Estimated annual agricultural pesticide use for counties of the conterminous United States, 2008–12: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 907, 9 p., accessed July 12, 2015, at
  • Thelin, G.P., and Stone, W.W., 2013, Estimation of annual agricultural pesticide use for counties of the conterminous United States, 1992–2009: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013–5009, 54 p., accessed July 12, 2015, at

The RDS file above was produced by importing and binding annual csv files:

epst.lst = list(sapply(2000:2012, function(i){paste0("./pesticides/EPest.county.estimates.", i, ".txt")}), 
                sapply(2018:2019, function(i){paste0("./pesticides/EPest_county_estimates_", i, ".txt")}))
pp = plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(epst.lst, vroom::vroom))
pp$ID = paste0(pp$STATE_FIPS_CODE, "_", pp$COUNTY_FIPS_CODE)
saveRDS.gz(pp, "./data/EPest.county.estimates.rds")

Next, we can quickly visualize trends in some key pesticides over the years. For this we use the openair package:

df = pp[pp$COMPOUND %in% sel.pp,]
openair::scatterPlot(df, y="EPEST_HIGH_KG", x="YEAR", 
                     method="hexbin", col="increment", type="COMPOUND", #log.y=TRUE, 
                     ylab="EPEST_HIGH_KG", xlab="Year")

To focus on a specific county e.g. Livingston county in the Illinois state, we can run:

## Livingston county
df$date = ymd(paste0(df$YEAR, "/06", "/15"))
df[df$ID=="17_105",] %>% ggplot( aes(x = date, y = EPEST_HIGH_KG, color = COMPOUND, group = COMPOUND)) +
geom_line() + geom_point() +   theme_test()

From the four most frequent compounds, all seem to have a constant or an increase in use, but especially the Glyphosate seem to be increasingly used from 2006/2007/2008. Note these numbers only shows total pesticides use per county. Because each county is different size, and because percentage of agricultural land within each county differs, we really want to estimate the pesticide use in kg/km-square (or pounds/mile-square, where 1 kg/km2 = 5.71 pounds/mile2). In other words, we wish to produce a map such as this:

Dissagregated Glyposate use (high) for year 2019 using cropland map. Polygons show county borders. Darker colors indicate higher pesticide use.

To do this, we need to try to estimate area / percent of agricultural land for each year for USA48. We then have to dissagregate the pesticide use per compound, estimate the cropland area and then subset pixels to cropland mask.

Agricultural land maps

Exact distribution of crop acres are not available in the tabular data, but we can estimate it from the USGS’s National Land Cover Database (NLCD) which is available at high spatial resolution for years 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021. To estimate the percent of agricultural land, we need to assign to each NLCD class what is the percentage of the class having agricultural / cropland. This is an example of how we can simply assign percentages:

rcl = read.csv("./data/NLC_legend.csv")
rcl[,c("General_class", "Class_Value", "Croplands")]
        General_class Class_Value Croplands
1               Water          11         0
2               Water          12         0
3           Developed          21        50
4           Developed          22        25
5           Developed          23         0
6           Developed          24         0
7              Barren          31         0
8              Forest          41         0
9              Forest          42         0
10             Forest          43         0
11          Shrubland          51         0
12          Shrubland          52         0
13         Herbaceous          71         0
14         Herbaceous          72         0
15         Herbaceous          73         0
16         Herbaceous          74         0
17 Planted/Cultivated          81        80
18 Planted/Cultivated          82       100
19           Wetlands          90         0
20           Wetlands          95         0

Using the terra package function classify we can convert values from NLCD to cropland fractions, then resample all 0 to 100% percentages to a coarser resolution of 250-m:

in.dir = "/mnt/projects/USA48/landcover/landcover_yearly/"
#nlcd.r = terra::rast(paste0(in.dir, "nlcd_2001_land_cover_l48_20210604.tif"))
rcl = read.csv("./pesticides/NLC_legend.csv")
y = parallel::mclapply(nlcd.lst, function(i){
                     "nlcd_", i, "_land_cover_l48_20210604.tif")), 
                     rcl[,c("Class_Value", "Croplands")], 
                     filename=paste0("./pesticides/croplands_", i, "_30m.tif"), 
                     gdal=c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "TFW=YES","of=COG"), datatype='INT1U')}, 
## resample to 250m
crp.lst = paste0("./pesticides/croplands_", nlcd.lst, "_30m.tif")
y = parallel::mclapply(crp.lst, function(i){system(paste0('gdalwarp ', i, ' ', gsub("30m", "250m", i), ' 
          -tr 250 250 -te -2540000 119000 2441000 3258000 -r average 
          -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -ot Byte -overwrite'))}, 

This will produce cropland percentage maps at 250~m based on the NLCD and projected in the same system EPSG:5070. Note that we miss some many years to match the county data, which we can interpolate (between the years) using e.g.:

system(' -A ./pesticides/croplands_2001_250m.tif -B ./pesticides/croplands_2004_250m.tif 
   --outfile=./pesticides/croplands_2003_250m.tif --co COMPRESS=DEFLATE 
   --calc="(A+B)/2" --quiet --overwrite')

Pesticide use density maps

Finally, we have all gridded layers and pesticide use data that we can integrate and produce maps of pesticide use density (kg/km-square). This can be done in few steps using the terra package:

  1. Subset the table pp containing all records of pesticides use to a single compound.
  2. Import the cropland mask and calculate cropland area (in km2) per county (about 2000 counties in total).
  3. Rasterize the density of pesticide use and mask out to croplands only.
  4. Save as a GeoTIFF and put in the file name compund, type, year and spatial resolution.

We can break this into steps and put in a single function that will produce a GeoTIFF as an output:

## function to rasterize polygons using agricultural land mask
rast_poly = function(count, pp, compound="GLYPHOSATE", type=c("HIGH","LOW"), year=2000, out.file){
    out.file = paste0("./data/", compound, "_EPEST.", type, ".KG.KM2_", year, "_250m.tif")
    mask = terra::rast(paste0("./data/croplands_", year, "_250m.tif"))
    m = mask > 20
    NAflag(m) = 0
    ## number of pixels within each county with land
    area = terra::extract(m, count, fun=function(x){length(na.omit(x))})
    area$LAND.AREA = area[,2] * 250^2 / 1e6 ## square-km
    area$ID = count$ID
    ## subset to compound of interest:
    x <- pp[pp$YEAR==year & pp$COMPOUND==compound,]
    ## add cropland area per county:
    x$LAND.AREA = plyr::join(x["ID"], area)$LAND.AREA
    for(t in 1:length(type)){
        ## pesticide use density in kg/km2
        x[,paste0("EPEST_", type[t], "_KG.KM2")] = x[,paste0("EPEST_", type[t], "_KG")] / x$LAND.AREA
        count.x = terra::merge(count, x, by="ID")
        out <- terra::rasterize(count.x, m, field=paste0("EPEST_", type[t], "_KG.KM2"))
        out.f <- terra::mask(out, m)
        writeRaster(out.f, out.file[t], overwrite=TRUE, wopt=list(gdal=c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE"), datatype='INT1U'))

where function terra::extract will overlay the county polygon map with cropland mask and estimate number of non-NA pixels per county; function terra::merge will copy the values of pesticide use density (kg/km2) to a new polygon; function terra::rasterize will convert the polygon map to gridded map using the computed field; terra::mask will subset pixels to only the cropland mask, and writeRaster will write the GeoTIFF.

It is important to emphasize that, even though the spatial resolution of maps is 250-m, these maps still only show pesticide use per county / cropland mask. To actually downscale pesticide use to better match reality, one would probably need to use more detailed information on crop-types (e.g. from the CropScape project) and similar.

Finally, we can run this code in parallel to speed up computing (it takes about 20 minutes to rasterize four compounds), but if you switch to a coarser resolution e.g. 1-km you can significantly speed up processing:

for(k in sel.pp){
  y = parallel::mclapply(2000:2019, function(i){rast_poly(count, pp, compound=k, year=i)}, mc.cores=10) 

The selected pesticides are among the most commonly used in USA (Fernandez-Cornejo et al. 2014), but if needed all pesticides can be rasterized using the same function explained above.

Example of the produced output of the rasterization you can see above. Note that all produced GeoTIFFs described in this computational notebook are available from Zenodo at

After we have produced a time series of pesticides use for USA48 we can visualize and explore it using QGIS. We recommend using for this the animation functionality. The visualization shown below is produced as follows:

  1. Load all time series data into QGIS. Group into a single group sorted based on the year.
  2. Specify begin end times for each layer e.g. 2000-01-01 to 2000-12-31 (now layers have temporal reference).
  3. Run animation tool by selecting the Temporal Control Panel (Clock icon) from Map Navigation Toolbar.

This will produce the following animation showing dis-aggregated Glyposate use (high) from 2000 to 2019:

Dissagregated Glyposate use (high) animation from 2000 to 2019.

Do changes in pesticide use have effect on primary productivity?

Use of pesticides has proven quite controversial. Comont et al. (2019) and Landau et al. (2023) have found out that weed species are quickly adapting to the pesticides such as glyphosate, hence they most likely do not help fighting weed that much any more. At least new more diverse weed management systems are needed.

In the last step we can check if increase in pesticide use for glyphosate is trully beneficial
to e.g. increasing primary productivity. We can use for the this the FAPAR (Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation) trend data (beta coefficient) set explained in detail in Hackländer et al. (2024) and matching exactly the 250-m resolution. The positive values in the FAPAR trend map (2000-2021) indicate increase in FAPAR and negative decrease. FAPAR is the direct measure of effective photosynthesis and hence it is a direct estimator of the primary productivity.

First, we estimate the average change in the glyphosate use across 2000 to 2019 using the diff function:

g = terra::rast(paste0("./pesticides/GLYPHOSATE_EPEST.HIGH.KG.KM2_", 2000:2019, "_250m.tif"))
dif = diff(g, lag=1, filename="./pesticides/diff.GLYPHOSATE_EPEST.HIGH.KG.KM2_250m.tif", 
           wopt=list(gdal=c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE"), datatype='INT2S'), overwrite=TRUE)
## convert to bands:
x = parallel::mclapply(1:19, function(i){system(paste0('gdal_translate -b ', i, ' ./pesticides/diff.GLYPHOSATE_EPEST.HIGH.KG.KM2_250m.tif ./pesticides/diff.GLYPHOSATE_EPEST.HIGH.KG.KM2_250m_', i, '.tif -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -a_nodata -32768'))}, mc.cores=19)
## derive mean difference (from 19 images):
dg = terra::rast(paste0("./pesticides/diff.GLYPHOSATE_EPEST.HIGH.KG.KM2_250m_", 1:19, ".tif"))
dg.m = terra::mean(dg, na.rm=TRUE, filename="./pesticides/diff.GLYPHOSATE_EPEST.HIGH.KG.KM2_2000.2019_250m.tif", 
            wopt=list(gdal=c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE"), datatype='INT2S'))

We can plot the relationship between the average annual change in glyphosate use vs the change in FAPAR for 2000 to 2021, which we first need to aggregate per county:

fapar = terra::rast("./pesticides/fapar_essd.lstm.p95.beta_250m.tif")
fapar.b = terra::extract(fapar, count, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
trend = terra::rast("./pesticides/diff.GLYPHOSATE_EPEST.HIGH.KG.KM2_2000.2019_250m.tif")
trend.b = terra::extract(trend, count, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
trend.b$FAPAR = fapar.b$fapar_essd.lstm.p95.beta_250m/1000
openair::scatterPlot(trend.b, y="mean", x="FAPAR", 
                     method="hexbin", col="increment",
                     ylab="Cumulative change GLYPHOSATE", 
                     xlab="Cumulative FAPAR trend")

which shows that: yes, using more pesticides seems to have some smaller positive effect on FAPAR, however, the overall correlation is much smaller than what we would expect: the counties that have high pesticide use, in average do not have higher increase in FAPAR. These are preliminary tests and more in-depth analysis would be needed, also considering all the data limitations listed above.

Relationship between cumulative trend in FAPAR vs cumulative trend in pesticide use across 2000 to 2019.

So in summary, using the terra package is highly efficient to doing various raster calculations and for converting polygons to grids (many functions run in C++ and can be run in parallel). In combination with GDAL, QGIS and other tools, one can quickly overlay spatial layers and explore possible relationships and trends. QGIS provides functionality to interactively visualize temporal changes. More detailed datasets such as the CropScape (crop types mapped at 30-m for 2000 to 2023) can be used to further downscale these pesticide use maps.

Recommended citation:


To cite these data please use:

  author       = {Hengl, T., Brungard, C.},
  title        = {Estimated Annual Agricultural Pesticide Use for USA48 2000 to 2019 (gridded maps at 250-m resolution)},
  year         = {2024},
  publisher    = {EnvirometriX},
  address      = {Doorwerth, the Netherlands},
  version      = {v0.1},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.10903369},
  url          = {}

Cited references

Baker, Nancy T, and Wesley W Stone. 2015. “Estimated Annual Agricultural Pesticide Use for Counties of the Conterminous United States, 2008-12.” U.s. Geological Survey Data Series. US Geological Survey.

Comont, David, Helen Hicks, Laura Crook, Richard Hull, Elise Cocciantelli, Jarrod Hadfield, Dylan Childs, Robert Freckleton, and Paul Neve. 2019. “Evolutionary Epidemiology Predicts the Emergence of Glyphosate Resistance in a Major Agricultural Weed.” New Phytologist 223 (3): 1584–94.

Falcone, James A, Jennifer C Murphy, and Lori A Sprague. 2018. “Regional Patterns of Anthropogenic Influences on Streams and Rivers in the Conterminous United States, from the Early 1970s to 2012.” Journal of Land Use Science 13 (6): 585–614.

Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge, Richard F Nehring, Craig Osteen, Seth Wechsler, Andrew Martin, and Alex Vialou. 2014. Pesticide Use in US Agriculture: 21 Selected Crops, 1960-2008. USDA-ERS Economic Information Bulletin 124. United States Department of Agriculture.

Hackländer, Julia, Leandro Parente, Yu-Feng Ho, Tomislav Hengl, Rolf Simoes, Davide Consoli, Murat Şahin, et al. 2024. “Land Potential Assessment and Trend-Analysis Using 2000–2021 FAPAR Monthly Time-Series at 250 m Spatial Resolution.” PeerJ 12: e16972.

Landau, Christopher, Kevin Bradley, Erin Burns, Michael Flessner, Karla Gage, Aaron Hager, Joseph Ikley, et al. 2023. “The Silver Bullet That Wasn’t: Rapid Agronomic Weed Adaptations to Glyphosate in North America.” PNAS Nexus 2 (12): pgad338.

Li, Xianghua, Jinliang Hou, and Chunlin Huang. 2021. “High-Resolution Gridded Livestock Projection for Western China Based on Machine Learning.” Remote Sensing 13 (24).