Here is a list of OpenWhisk community resources, which includes more samples, complete OpenWhisk applications, articles, tutorials, podcasts and much more.
To get started with OpenWhisk, try the following JavaScript code example.
* Hello world as an OpenWhisk action.
function main(params) {
var name = || 'World';
return {payload: 'Hello, ' + name + '!'};
To use this example, follow these steps:
Save the code to a file. For example, hello.js.
From the OpenWhisk CLI command line, create the action by entering this command:
$ wsk action create hello hello.js
Then, invoke the action by entering the following commands.
$ wsk action invoke hello --blocking --result
This command outputs:
{ "payload": "Hello, World!" }
$ wsk action invoke hello --blocking --result --param name Fred
This command outputs:
{ "payload": "Hello, Fred!" }
You can also use the event-driven capabilities in OpenWhisk to invoke this action in response to events. Follow the alarm service example to configure an event source to invoke the hello
action every time a periodic event is generated.
If you prefer learning while doing, consider using this OpenWhisk Workshop.