Set of instructions to become able to release the ha-jobs project to maven central and/or as snapshot to sonatype
- Requirements
- GPG Key
- Sonatype Account
- SBT-PGP Plugin
- Sonatype Credentials File
- GPG SBT-File
- Preperations
- Snapshot Release
- Final Release
- Sonatype
- To get your project hosted on Sonatype (and Maven Central) here is a good summary
- First of all, if you did not for other projects, you have to generate a GPG Key.
- to check which keys you own private keys for: gpg --list-secret-keys
- generate the key: gpg --gen-key :wq * send the public key to a keyserver: gpg --send-keys ID4711AA (replace ID4711AA with your own key id), if the default server does not work try to specify a server yourself, e.g.: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys ID4711AA (replace ID4711AA with your own key id), if the default
- check if your key has been uploaded/synchronized: gpg --recv-keys ID4711AA (replace ID4711AA with your own key id)
- If you did not own a sonatype account so far, you have to sign up at Sonatype
- First create a jira account
- Request for publishing permissions in the group "de.kaufhof" via jira ticket
- to learn how to use sonatype with your credentials, check this
- if not existing, create ~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt
- edit above file and add
"<your username>",
"<your password>")
- if not existing, create ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/gpg.sbt
- edit above file and add sbt-pgp plugin with
addSbtPlugin("com.jsuereth" % "sbt-pgp" % "1.0.0")
(for sbt version 0.13.5 and above) or withaddSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-pgp" % "0.8.3")
(for older sbt versions)
- Check GitHub for eventually open pull requests which should be mentioned in the release
- If there are open pull requests, check out and test them first, when they are OK you may merge them into the master
- Checkout/Clone the data status you want to release to your local repository
- if you wanna change some code before the release, do so and use
git push
to add them to github before you start with an release - btw. builds from this project are made with travis, you can see an overview here
- to build a regular release just increment the version number in your project build.sbt AND the without adding -SNAPSHOT at the end. If you released a SNAPSHOT with this code stand before do not incremnt the verison number, just remove the -SNAPSHOT ending
- start sbt on your project root
- publish the changes with
very publishSigned
- confirm the publish with the your gpg password when sbt asks you
- for the final release you have to sign in to Sonatype with your credentials
- go to
Staging Repositories
on the left side - search for the kaufhof repo, click on it
- close the repo (the button is at the menu bar above the repo table),
that closing the repo means no further release of this version is possible! - after the repo has been closed, press the release button
- after 10-30 minutes your release should be distributed