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TeSS can be run using Docker for development and in production.


In order to run TeSS, you need to have the following prerequisites installed.

  • Git
  • Docker and Docker Compose

These prerequisites are out of scope for this document but you can find more information about them at the following links:


This guide is designed to get you up and running with as few commands as possible.

Clone the repository and change directory

git clone && cd TeSS


Create the .env file:

cp env.sample .env

Although this file will work out of the box, it is recommended that you update it with your own values (especially the password!).

Create TeSS configuration files:

cp config/tess.example.yml config/tess.yml
cp config/secrets.example.yml config/secrets.yml

tess.yml is used to configure features and branding of your TeSS instance. secrets.yml is used to hold API keys etc.

Note: If changes are made to these files the containers will need to be restarted.

Install gems and set up the database (migrations + seed data + create admin user)

docker-compose run app bundle install
docker-compose run app bundle exec rake db:setup

Start services

docker-compose up -d

Access TeSS

TeSS is accessible at the following URL:



The full test suite can be run using the following command:

docker-compose run test

To run a specific test, you can override the command being passed:

docker-compose run test rails test test/models/event_test.rb


To force Solr to reindex all documents, you can run the following command:

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake tess:reindex

Additional development commands

Install gems

docker-compose exec app bundle install

Update all Gems

docker-compose exec app bundle update --all

Update specific Gem

docker-compose exec app bundle update <gem>

Rebuild the tess-app image when composing up.

docker-compose up -d --build



Create the .env file:

cp env.sample .env

Important make sure the various credentials are changed! You can set some random values for these fields like so:

sed s/SECRET_KEY_BASE=.*/SECRET_KEY_BASE=`head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32`/ -i .env
sed s/DB_PASSWORD=.*/DB_PASSWORD=`head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16`/ -i .env
sed s/ADMIN_PASSWORD=.*/ADMIN_PASSWORD=`head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16`/ -i .env

Make sure to also set ADMIN_EMAIL and ADMIN_USERNAME (please note admin is not available as a username).

Setup the TeSS configuration files:

cp config/tess.example.yml config/tess.yml
cp config/secrets.example.yml config/secrets.yml

tess.yml is used to configure features and branding of your TeSS instance. secrets.yml is used to hold API keys etc.

The production deployment is configured in the docker-compose-prod.yml file.

Start services:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d

Run initial database setup:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml exec app bundle exec rake db:setup DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1

Other production tasks

Run database migrations:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml exec app bundle exec rake db:migrate

Precompile the assets, necessary if any CSS/JS/images are changed after building the image:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml exec app bundle exec rake assets:clean && bundle exec rake assets:precompile

Reindex Solr:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml exec app bundle exec rake tess:reindex