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This document proposes new opcodes to be added to the elements network along with the taproot upgrade. The new tapscript OP_SUCCESS opcodes allow introducing new opcodes more cleanly than through OP_NOP. In this document, we propose modifying the following OP_SUCCESS to have the additional semantics. We use opcodes serially OP_SUCCESS196, 197... in order to avoid conflict with bitcoin potentially using OP_SUCESSSx(assuming bitcoin uses those serially based on availability). The initial version of this document had additional opcodes(OP_FOR, multi-byte opcodes) has since been updated to this current version in favor of application complexity.

Resource Limits

Changes in Taproot(Including Standardness Policy Changes)

Taproot already increases a lot of resource limitations from segwitv0, so there is no additional need to alter any of those. In particular, from BIP 342

  • Script size limit: the maximum script size of 10000 bytes does not apply. Their size is only implicitly bounded by the block weight limit.
  • Non-push opcodes limit: The maximum non-push opcodes limit of 201 per script does not apply.
  • Sigops limit: The sigops in tapscripts do not count towards the block-wide limit of 80000 (weighted). Instead, there is a per-script sigops budget. The budget equals 50 + the total serialized size in bytes of the transaction input's witness (including the CompactSize prefix). Executing a signature opcode (OP_CHECKSIG, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, or OP_CHECKSIGADD) with a non-empty signature decrements the budget by 50. If that brings the budget below zero, the script fails immediately.
  • Stack + altstack element count limit: The existing limit of 1000 elements in the stack and altstack together after every executed opcode remains. It is extended to also apply to the size of the initial stack.
  • Stack element size limit: The existing limit of maximum 520 bytes per stack element remains, during the stack machine operations. There is an additional policy rule limiting the initial push size to 80 bytes.

New Opcodes for additional functionality:

  1. Streaming Opcodes for streaming hashes: There is an existing limitation of MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE(520 bytes) because of which we cannot operate hash functions like OP_SHA256 on messages more than 520 bytes. This allows hashing on more than 520 bytes while still preserving the existing security against resource exhaustion attacks. The proposal for this by Russell O'Connor can be found in the description here.

    1. Define OP_SUCCESS196 as OP_SHA256INITIALIZE which pops a bytestring and push SHA256 context creating by adding the bytestring to the initial SHA256 context.
    2. Define OP_SUCCESS197 as OP_SHA256UPDATE which first pops a bytestring followed by another pop for SHA256 context and pushes an updated context by adding the bytestring to the data stream being hashed.
    3. Define OP_SUCCESS198 as OP_SHA256FINALIZE which first pops a pops a bytestring followed by another pop for SHA256 context and finally pushes a SHA256 hash value after adding the bytestring and completing the padding.
  2. Transaction Introspection codes: Transaction introspection is already possible in elements script by use of OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY, however the current solutions are really expensive in applications like covenants. Therefore, we are not adding any new functionality by supporting introspection, only making it easier to use. The warning still remains the same as with covenants, if the user is inspecting data from parts of the transaction that are not signed, the script can cause unexpected behavior. For opcodes that inspect data that is not committed in sighash, introspection is safe because any changes to the witness data would cause wtxid to change and it would revalidate the tx again. For pegin inputs, the asset/value/script information will be one from the parent chain.

    • Transaction input introspection opcodes:
      1. Define OP_SUCCESS199 as OP_INSPECTINPUTOUTPOINT: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the outpoint as a tuple. First push the txid(32) of the prev_out, followed by a 4 byte push of vout followed by a push for the outpoint_flag(1) as defined in Modified BIP-341 SigMsg for Elements.
      2. Define OP_SUCCESS200 as OP_INSPECTINPUTASSET: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the nAsset onto the stack as two elements. The first push the assetID(32), followed by the prefix(1)
      3. Define OP_SUCCESS201 as OP_INSPECTINPUTVALUE: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the nValue as a tuple, value(8 byte LE, 32) followed by prefix(1),
      4. Define OP_SUCCESS202 as OP_INSPECTINPUTSCRIPTPUBKEY: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the following depending the type of scriptPubkey:
        • If the scriptPubKey is not a native segwit program, push a single sha256 hash of the scriptPubKey on stack top. Next, push a CScriptNum(-1) to indicate a non-native segwit scriptPubKey.
        • If the scriptPubKey is a native segwit program, push the witness program(2-40) followed by a push for segwit version(0-1).
      5. Define OP_SUCCESS203 as OP_INSPECTINPUTSEQUENCE: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the nSequence(4) as little-endian number.
      6. Define OP_SUCCESS204 as OP_INSPECTINPUTISSUANCE: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the assetIssuance information if the asset has issuance, otherwise push an empty vector. Asset Issuance information is pushed as follows
        • Push nInflationKeys as tuple, value(8 byte LE, 32) followed by push for prefix(1). In case nInflationKeys is null, push a 8 byte LE 0 followed by a push for explicit prefix(1).
        • Push nAmount as a tuple, value(8 byte LE, 32) followed by a push for prefix(1). In case nAmount is null, push a 8 byte LE 0 followed by a push for explicit prefix(1).
        • Push 32 byte assetEntropy
        • Push 32 byte assetBlindingNonce
    • Define OP_SUCCESS205 as OP_PUSHCURRENTINPUTINDEX that pushes the current input index as CScriptNum. This can be used in conjunction with input introspection opcodes for inspecting current input.
    • Output introspection opcodes:
      1. Define OP_SUCCESS206 as OP_INSPECTOUTPUTASSET: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the nAsset as a tuple, first push the assetID(32), followed by the prefix(1)
      2. Define OP_SUCCESS207 as OP_INSPECTOUTPUTVALUE: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the nValue as a tuple, value(8 byte LE, 32) followed by prefix
      3. Define OP_SUCCESS208 as OP_INSPECTOUTPUTNONCE: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the nNonce(33) onto the stack. If the nonce is null, push an empty vector onto the stack.
      4. Define OP_SUCCESS209 as OP_INSPECTOUTPUTSCRIPTPUBKEY: Pop a CScriptNum input index idx and push the scriptPubkey onto the stack.
        • If the scriptPubKey is not a native segwit program, push a single sha256 hash of the scriptPubKey on stack top. Next, push a CScriptNum(-1) to indicate a non-native segwit scriptPubKey.
        • If the scriptPubKey is a native segwit program, push the witness program(2-40) followed by a push for segwit version(0-1).
    • Transaction introspection opcodes:
      1. Define OP_SUCCESS210 as OP_INSPECTVERSION: Push the nVersion(4) as little-endian.
      2. Define OP_SUCCESS211 as OP_INSPECTLOCKTIME: Push the nLockTime(4) as little-endian.
      3. Define OP_SUCCESS212 as OP_INSPECTNUMINPUTS: Push the number of inputs as CScriptNum
      4. Define OP_SUCCESS213 as OP_INSPECTNUMOUTPUTS: Push the number of outputs as CScriptNum
      5. Define OP_SUCCESS214 as OP_TXWEIGHT: Push the transaction weight (8) as little-endian
  3. Signed 64-bit arithmetic opcodes: Current operations on CScriptNum as limited to 4 bytes and are difficult to compose because of minimality rules. having a fixed width little operations with 8 byte signed operations helps doing calculations on amounts which are encoded as 8 byte little endian.

    • When dealing with overflows, we explicitly return the success bit as a CScriptNum at the top of the stack and the result being the second element from the top. If the operation overflows, first the operands are pushed onto the stack followed by success bit. [a_second a_top] overflows, the stack state after the operation is [a_second a_top 0] and if the operation does not overflow, the stack state is [res 1].
    • This gives the user flexibility to deal if they script to have overflows using OP_IF\OP_ELSE or OP_VERIFY the success bit if they expect that operation would never fail. When defining the opcodes which can fail, we only define the success path, and assume the overflow behavior as stated above.
    1. Define OP_SUCCESS215 as OP_ADD64: pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). Push a + b onto the stack. Push 1 CScriptNum if there is no overflow. Overflow behavior defined above.
    2. Define OP_SUCCESS216 as OP_SUB64: pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). Push a - b onto the stack. Push 1 CScriptNum if there is no overflow. Overflow behavior defined above.
    3. Define OP_SUCCESS217 as OP_MUL64: pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). Push a*b onto the stack. Push 1 CScriptNum if there is no overflow. Overflow behavior defined above.
    4. Define OP_SUCCESS218 as OP_DIV64: pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). First push remainder a%b(must be non-negative and less than |b|) onto the stack followed by quotient(a//b) onto the stack. If b==0 or a = -2<sup>63</sup> && b = -1, treat as overflow as defined above. Push 1 CScriptNum if there is no overflow.
    5. Define OP_SUCCESS219 as OP_NEG64: pop the first number(8 byte LE) as a and pushes -a on the stack top. If the number is -2<sup>63</sup>(int64_min) treat as overflow, otherwise push CScriptNum 1 to indicate no overflow.
    6. Define OP_SUCCESS220 as OP_LESSTHAN64(cannot fail!): pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). Push a < b.
    7. Define OP_SUCCESS221 as OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL64(cannot fail!): pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). Push a <= b.
    8. Define OP_SUCCESS222 as OP_GREATERTHAN64(cannot fail!): pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). Push a > b.
    9. Define OP_SUCCESS223 as OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL64(cannot fail!): pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). Push a >= b.
    10. Support for binary operations is already available via OP_AND, OP_OR, OP_INVERT and OP_XOR
  4. Conversion opcodes: Methods for conversion from CScriptNum to 8-byte LE, 4-byte LE.

    1. Define OP_SUCCESS224 as OP_SCIPTNUMTOLE64: pop the stack as minimal CSciptNum, push 8 byte signed LE corresponding to that number.
    2. Define OP_SUCCESS225 as OP_LE64TOSCIPTNUM: pop the stack as a 8 byte signed LE. Convert to CScriptNum and push it, abort on fail.
    3. Define OP_SUCCESS226 as OP_LE32TOLE64: pop the stack as a 4 byte unsigned LE. Push the corresponding 8 byte signed LE number. Cannot fail, useful for operating of version, locktime, sequence, number of inputs, number of outputs, weight etc.
  5. Crypto: In order to allow more complex operations on elements, we introduce the following new crypto-operators. Each opcode counts as 50 towards the sigops budget.

    1. Define OP_SUCCESS227 as OP_ECMULSCALARVERIFYwhich pops three elements from stack as described below: 1) a 32 byte big endian, unsigned scalar k. 2) Compressed EC point P, and 3) compressed EC point Q. Abort if P, Q is invalid or k is not 32 bytes and outside of secp256k1 curve order. Abort if Q != k*P.
    2. Define OP_SUCCESS228 as OP_TWEAKVERIFY with the following semantics: Pop the three elements as: 1) 32 byte X-only internal key P, 2) a 32 byte big endian, unsigned scalar k, and 3) 33 byte compressed point Q. Abort if P, Q is invalid or k is not 32 bytes and outside of secp256k1 curve order. Abort if Q != P + k*G where G is the generator for secp256k1.
  6. Changes to existing Opcodes:

    • Add OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK and OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY to follow the semantics from bip340 when witness program is v1. In more detail, the opcodes pops three elements stack 1) 32 byte pk Xonly public key 2) Variable length message msg and 3) 64 byte Schnorr signature sig. Let res = BIP340_verify(pk, msg, sig) where BIP340_verify is defined for elements here. If opcode is OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY, abort if the verification fails.
    • If the opcode is OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK, push 0 if an empty sig is provided and push 1 if the verification succeeds. Abort if provided with a non-empty signature that fails the verification. Both OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK and OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY count as 50 towards the sigops budget.
    • Abort if the pubkey is empty, but allow success for non-empty non-32byte keys for future extension of tagged keys.

General tips, suggestions and quirks for using Taproot opcodes

  • In order to inspect the current input, OP_PUSHCURRENTINPUTINDEX can be used in combination with OP_INSPECTINPUTXX to obtain information about input being spent on stack
  • The input nNonce field is not consistently stored in elements UTXO database. Therefore, it is not covered in sighash or wtxid and hence introspecting it is not possible.
  • Conversion opcodes can be used be used to convert ScriptNums/LE32 nums to LE64 for operations.