M5Apple2 is an Apple ][ emulator for M5Stack microcontroller, based on LinApple (http://linapple.sourceforge.net/).
- Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/)
- Platform IO (vscode extension)
- M5Stack Library
- M5Stack SD-Updater (https://github.com/tobozo/M5Stack-SD-Updater)
- M5Stack OnScreenKeyboard (https://github.com/lovyan03/M5Stack_OnScreenKeyboard)
- MPU6050_tockn (https://github.com/Tockn/MPU6050_tockn)
- Install Visual Studio Code.
- Install PlatformIO IDE for Visual Studio Code. (show https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/ide/vscode.html)
- At "Libraries" tab of "PIO Home" page, install "M5Stack SD-Updater", "M5Stack OnScreenKeyboard", "MPU6050_tockn".
- Clone this git repository to a suitable folder.
git clone https://github.com/EiichiroIto/m5apple2.git
- Click "New Project" at "Home" tab of "PIO Home" page.
- Enter "m5apple2" to the "Name" field.
- Select "M5Stack FIRE" of the "Board" field.
- Select "Arduino" of the "Framework" field.
- Check "Location" box off and open the folder including above repository. (not the repository folder, but the parent folder)
- Click "Finish" button.
- Delete "main.cpp" from "src" folder on a M5STACK workspace of the explorer.
- From "Terminal" menu, select "Run a task", then select "PlatformIO:Build" to build, or "PlatformIO:Upload" to upload.