In the folder images you can find a couple of images. For these images, we show here exemplary how we calculated the accuracy for the different computer vision models.
Typically, for a given image, the models return species as a prediction, including the probability that the species depicted on the image actually matches the prediction. Thereby, it differs by model how many predictions are returned. To determine the accuracy of the models, we decided to calculate the Top-1 and Top-5 accuracy. If the first prediction of a model is correct, it is a Top-1 prediction and if one of the first five predictions of a model is correct, it is within the Top-5 predictions. The calculation of the Top-5 accuracies can be interesting to decide if the model is helpful to show citizens 5 predictions from which they can indicate the observed one. Thus, the percentage given by the Top-1 or Top-5 accuracy indicates for how many of the images contained in the test dataset the prediction was correct or within the Top-5, respectively.
The rank indicates which of the first five predictions by the model was correct. If 'n/a' is entered as a value in the tables below, no prediction was returned by the model or, with respect to the rank, no correct prediction among the first 5 predictions was returned by the respective model.
The correct prediction is written in bold. The accuracies calculated with the examples in the table are: Top-1 accuracy: 33.33 % (1 out of 3 correct in the first prediction), Top-5 accuracy: 66.67 % (2 out of 3 correct in the first five predictions). The species depicted in the last example is Lithobates catesbeianus.
The correct prediction is written in bold. The accuracies calculated with the examples in the table are: Top-1 accuracy: 66.67 % (2 out of 3 correct in the first prediction), Top-5 accuracy: 66.67 % (2 out of 3 correct in the first five predictions). The species depicted in the last example is Lithobates catesbeianus. For the predictions by iNaturalist no propability was delivered.
The correct prediction is written in bold. The accuracies calculated with the examples in the table are: Top-1 accuracy: 100 % (3 out of 3 correct in the first prediction), Top-5 accuracy: 100 % (3 out of 3 correct in the first five predictions).
The correct prediction is written in bold. The accuracies calculated with the examples in the table are: Top-1 accuracy: 66.67 % (2 out of 3 correct in the first prediction), Top-5 accuracy: 66.67 % (2 out of 3 correct in the first five predictions). The species depicted in the last example is Lithobates catesbeianus.
The correct prediction is written in bold. The accuracies calculated with the examples in the table are: Top-1 accuracy: 100 % (3 out of 3 correct in the first prediction), Top-5 accuracy: 100 % (3 out of 3 correct in the first five predictions).
The correct prediction is written in bold. The accuracies calculated with the examples in the table are: Top-1 accuracy: 100 % (3 out of 3 correct in the first prediction), Top-5 accuracy: 100 % (3 out of 3 correct in the first five predictions).