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UFW Rules setup ##############

Ansible playbook rule for setting up UFW. With support for IPv4/IPv6 forwarding.


Testing on Ubuntu 16.04


  • default.yml Explanation:
ufw_kernel_modules:  	       #Set iptables kernel modules
ufw_policy:  		       #Set default policy to deny/allow

ufw_forwarding: []             #IPv4 forwarding rules
  - comment:                   #Comment                  ; Not yet used.
    incomming_dev:             #Incomming interface
    incomming_network:         #Incomming network/subnet
    outgoing_dev:              #Outgoing interface
    outgoing_network:          #Outgoing network/subnet
    masquerading:              #Enable masquerading (boolean)
    conntrack_state:           #Incomming traffic ctstat setting
    reroute: []                #Reroute outgoing IP of host (Useful for internal subnets)
      - comment:               #Comment                  ; Not yet used.
        routed_ip:             #Reroute IP
        source_ip:             #Source is internal ip where is routed out
    forwards: []               #Port forwarding
      - comment:               #Comment                  ; Not yet used.
        protocols: []          #Protocol. TCP/UDP as array
        allowed_sources: []    #Allowed IPs   (TODO)
        incomming_ip:          #Orignal destiantion ip
        incomming_port:        #Orignal destiantion port
        destination_ip:        #Outgoing IP addresss
        destination_port:      #Outgoing Port addresss

ufw.forwarding6: []            #IPv4 forwarding rules
  - comment:                   #Comment                  ; Not yet used.
    incomming_dev:             #Incomming interface
    incomming_network:         #Incomming network/subnet
    outgoing_dev:              #Outgoing interface
    outgoing_network:          #Outgoing network/subnet
    conntrack_state:           #Incomming traffic ctstat setting
    masquerading:              #Enable masquerading (boolean)
    forwards: []               #Port forwarding
      - comment:               #Comment                  ; Not yet used.
        incomming_ip:          #Orignal destiantion ip   ; Only used when masquerading is enabled
        incomming_port:        #Orignal destiantion port ; Only used when masquerading is enabled
        protocols: []          #Protocol
        destination_ip:        #Outgoing IP addresss     
        destination_port:      #Outgoing Port addresss   

Custom rules

If you want to add custom rules to you machine(s) just use UFW module of ansible:

Example playbook

Simple example with custom ufw rules

- name: Setup UFW 
  hosts: all
    - ufw

- name: Custom UFW rules
  hosts: all
    - name: Allow OpenSSH on port 22
      ufw: rule=allow name=OpenSSH
    - name: Allow HTTP 
      ufw: rule=allow port=80 proto=tcp 
    - name: Allow HTTPS 
      ufw: rule=allow port=https proto=tcp 
    - name: Allow port 8443 from 1 host 
      ufw: rule=allow interface="{{ item.incomming_dev }}" direction=in proto=tcp src="2001:db8:1337:beef:cafe::1" to_port=8443
        - "{{ ufw.forwarding6 }}"




Egbert Verhage [email protected]