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yarn add use-cannon

Experimental React hooks for cannon. Use this in combination with react-three-fiber.

  • Doesn't block the main thread, runs in a web worker
  • Supports instancing out of the box
  • Least amount of friction you'll ever experience with a physics rig ... 🙈


Cube pushing spheres away:

Heap of cubes:

How it works

  1. Get all the imports that you need.
import { Physics, useBox, ... } from 'use-cannon'
  1. Create a physics world.
<Physics>{/* Physics related objects in here please */}</Physics>
  1. Pick a shape that suits your object best, it could be a box, plane, sphere, etc. Give it a mass, too.
const [ref, api] = useBox(() => ({ mass: 1 }))
  1. Take your object, it could be a mesh, line, gltf, anything, and tie it to the reference you have just received. Et voilà, it will now be affected by gravity and other objects inside the physics world automatically.
<mesh ref={ref} geometry={...} material={...} />
  1. You can interact with it by using the api, which lets you apply positions and rotations.
useFrame(({ clock }) => api.setPosition(Math.sin(clock.getElapsedTime()) * 5, 0, 0))



function Physics({
  step = 1 / 60,
  gravity = [0, -10, 0],
  tolerance = 0.001,
  iterations = 5,
  // Maximum amount of physics objects inside your scene
  // Lower this value to save memory, increase if 1000 isn't enough
  size = 1000,
}: PhysicsProps): JSX.Element

function usePlane(fn: PlaneFn, deps?: any[]): Api
function useBox(fn: BoxFn, deps?: any[]): Api
function useCylinder(fn: CylinderFn, deps?: any[]): Api
function useHeightfield(fn: HeightfieldFn, deps?: any[]): Api
function useParticle(fn: ParticleFn, deps?: any[]): Api
function useSphere(fn: SphereFn, deps?: any[]): Api
function useTrimesh(fn: TrimeshFn, deps?: any[]): Api
function useConvexPolyhedron(fn: ConvexPolyhedronFn, deps?: any[]): Api

Returned api

type Api = [
  React.MutableRefObject<THREE.Object3D | undefined>,
    | {
        setPosition: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => void
        setRotation: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => void
        setPositionAt: (index: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) => void
        setRotationAt: (index: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) => void
    | undefined


type PhysicsProps = {
  children: React.ReactNode
  gravity?: number[]
  tolerance?: number
  step?: number
  iterations?: number
  size?: number

type BodyProps = {
  position?: number[]
  rotation?: number[]
  scale?: number[]
  mass?: number
  velocity?: number[]
  linearDamping?: number
  angularDamping?: number
  allowSleep?: boolean
  sleepSpeedLimit?: number
  sleepTimeLimit?: number
  collisionFilterGroup?: number
  collisionFilterMask?: number
  fixedRotation?: boolean
  isKinematic?: boolean

type PlaneProps = BodyProps & {}
type ParticleProps = BodyProps & {}
type BoxProps = BodyProps & {
  args?: number[] // hafExtents: [x, y, z]
type CylinderProps = BodyProps & {
  args?: [number, number, number, number] // radiusTop, radiusBottom, height, numSegments
type SphereProps = BodyProps & {
  args?: number // radius
type TrimeshProps = BodyProps & {
  args?: [number[][], number[][]] // vertices: [[x, y, z], ...], indices: [[a, b, c], ...]
type ConvexPolyhedronProps = BodyProps & {
    | THREE.Geometry
    // vertices: [[x, y, z], ...], faces: [[a, b, c], ...]
    | [(THREE.Vector3 | number[])[], (THREE.Face3 | number[])[]]
type HeightfieldProps = BodyProps & {
  args?: [
    number[], // data
      minValue?: number
      maxValue?: number
      elementSize?: number

type PlaneFn = (index: number) => PlaneProps
type BoxFn = (index: number) => BoxProps
type CylinderFn = (index: number) => CylinderProps
type HeightfieldFn = (index: number) => HeightfieldProps
type ParticleFn = (index: number) => ParticleProps
type SphereFn = (index: number) => SphereProps
type TrimeshFn = (index: number) => TrimeshProps