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'pivot to the labels shape'
'Create COW image DCNL Creates a COW image with the given backing file DCNL :param backing_file: Existing image on which to base the COW image DCNL :param path: Desired location of the COW image'
'Reload the configuration from environment variables, if necessary.'
'Encodes a plaintext into popular Morse Code with letters DCNL separated by `sep` and words by a double `sep`. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.crypto.crypto import encode_morse DCNL >>> msg = \'ATTACK RIGHT FLANK\' DCNL >>> encode_morse(msg)'
'If a booleanField has choices defined, the value argument passed to DCNL BooleanColumn.render() is the rendered value, not a bool.'
'constant_expression : conditional_expression'
'Find the indices of the n smallest values of a numpy array. DCNL Note: Fails silently with NaN.'
'Take what\'s in hashes.pkl and hashes.invalid, combine them, write the DCNL result back to hashes.pkl, and clear out hashes.invalid. DCNL :param suffix_dir: absolute path to partition dir containing hashes.pkl DCNL and hashes.invalid DCNL :returns: the hashes, or None if there\'s no hashes.pkl.'
'获取一个cookie - BAIDUID. DCNL 这里, 我们访问百度首页, 返回的response header里面有我们需要的cookie'
'Return a filter to check if a CG has volumes. DCNL When attached_or_with_snapshots parameter is given a True value only DCNL attached volumes or those with snapshots will be considered.'
'Return True if the url belongs to the given spider'
'Low-level implementation of fn(-n, x)'
'Operation to perform when proj boxes clicked.'
'.. todo:: DCNL WRITEME DCNL Parameters DCNL output : WRITEME DCNL output matrix in topological order DCNL (batch, height, width, channels) DCNL coord : WRITEME DCNL perform average pooling starting at coordinate (coord,coord) DCNL width : WRITEME DCNL width of "square ring" to average pool DCNL dense_input : WRITEME DCNL dense design matrix to convert (batchsize, dims) DCNL start_idx : WRITEME DCNL column index where to start writing the output'
'Negate real number *val*, with proper handling of zeros.'
'Return a list of [m, (p, (M, sm(p + m), psm(p + m)))...] DCNL where: DCNL 1. p**M is the base-p divisor of n DCNL 2. sm(p + m) is the smoothness of p + m (m = -1 by default) DCNL 3. psm(p + m) is the power smoothness of p + m DCNL The list is sorted according to smoothness (default) or by power smoothness DCNL if power=1. DCNL The smoothness of the numbers to the left (m = -1) or right (m = 1) of a DCNL factor govern the results that are obtained from the p +/- 1 type factoring DCNL methods. DCNL >>> from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import smoothness_p, factorint DCNL >>> smoothness_p(10431, m=1) DCNL (1, [(3, (2, 2, 4)), (19, (1, 5, 5)), (61, (1, 31, 31))]) DCNL >>> smoothness_p(10431) DCNL (-1, [(3, (2, 2, 2)), (19, (1, 3, 9)), (61, (1, 5, 5))]) DCNL >>> smoothness_p(10431, power=1) DCNL (-1, [(3, (2, 2, 2)), (61, (1, 5, 5)), (19, (1, 3, 9))]) DCNL If visual=True then an annotated string will be returned: DCNL >>> print(smoothness_p(21477639576571, visual=1)) DCNL p**i=4410317**1 has p-1 B=1787, B-pow=1787 DCNL p**i=4869863**1 has p-1 B=2434931, B-pow=2434931 DCNL This string can also be generated directly from a factorization dictionary DCNL and vice versa: DCNL >>> factorint(17*9) DCNL {3: 2, 17: 1} DCNL >>> smoothness_p(_) DCNL \'p**i=3**2 has p-1 B=2, B-pow=2\np**i=17**1 has p-1 B=2, B-pow=16\' DCNL >>> smoothness_p(_) DCNL {3: 2, 17: 1} DCNL The table of the output logic is: DCNL | Visual DCNL Input True False other DCNL dict str tuple str DCNL str str tuple dict DCNL tuple str tuple str DCNL n str tuple tuple DCNL mul str tuple tuple DCNL See Also DCNL factorint, smoothness'
'Downloads zlib, returning the filename where the library was downloaded'
'Creates a directed graph D from an undirected graph G to compute flow DCNL based node connectivity. DCNL For an undirected graph G having `n` nodes and `m` edges we derive a DCNL directed graph D with `2n` nodes and `2m+n` arcs by replacing each DCNL original node `v` with two nodes `vA`, `vB` linked by an (internal) DCNL arc in D. Then for each edge (`u`, `v`) in G we add two arcs (`uB`, `vA`) DCNL and (`vB`, `uA`) in D. Finally we set the attribute capacity = 1 for each DCNL arc in D [1]_. DCNL For a directed graph having `n` nodes and `m` arcs we derive a DCNL directed graph D with `2n` nodes and `m+n` arcs by replacing each DCNL original node `v` with two nodes `vA`, `vB` linked by an (internal) DCNL arc (`vA`, `vB`) in D. Then for each arc (`u`, `v`) in G we add one DCNL arc (`uB`, `vA`) in D. Finally we set the attribute capacity = 1 for DCNL each arc in D. DCNL A dictionary with a mapping between nodes in the original graph and the DCNL auxiliary digraph is stored as a graph attribute: H.graph[\'mapping\']. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Kammer, Frank and Hanjo Taubig. Graph Connectivity. in Brandes and DCNL Erlebach, \'Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations\', Lecture DCNL Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3418, Springer-Verlag, 2005. DCNL http://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/thi/personen/kammer/Graph_Connectivity.pdf'
'Get information about available memory. DCNL Returns a dict of items in /proc/meminfo'
'Get the Telegram notification service.'
'Creates the URL for handlers that use course_keys as URL parameters.'
'Mask an array for values outside of given limits. DCNL This is primarily a utility function. DCNL Parameters DCNL a : array DCNL limits : (float or None, float or None) DCNL A tuple consisting of the (lower limit, upper limit). Values in the DCNL input array less than the lower limit or greater than the upper limit DCNL will be masked out. None implies no limit. DCNL inclusive : (bool, bool) DCNL A tuple consisting of the (lower flag, upper flag). These flags DCNL determine whether values exactly equal to lower or upper are allowed. DCNL Returns DCNL A MaskedArray. DCNL Raises DCNL A ValueError if there are no values within the given limits.'
'This function handles (Proxy-)Authorization: Digest values'
'Get path from prefix and xml element.'
'check a named value DCNL return a dictionary containing (name, value) associations'
'Returns True if all connections support transactions. This is messy DCNL because 2.4 doesn\'t support any or all.'
'Add project-specific information to test-run environment: DCNL * behave.version DCNL NOTE: autouse: Fixture is automatically used when test-module is imported.'
'Escapes characters that are special to the the sql LIKE expression. DCNL In particular, for both postgres and sqlite this means \'%\' and \'_\'.'
'identity function if arxiv id has no version, otherwise strips it.'
'将 embed_real_url_to_embedded_url() 编码后的url转换为原来的带有参数的url DCNL `cdn_redirect_encode_query_str_into_url`设置依赖于本函数, 详细说明请看配置文件中这个参数的部分 DCNL eg: https://cdn.domain.com/a.php_zm24_.cT1zb21ldGhpbmc=._zm24_.css DCNL ---> https://foo.com/a.php?q=something (assume it returns an css) (base64 only) DCNL eg2: https://cdn.domain.com/a/b/_zm24_.bG92ZT1saXZl._zm24_.jpg DCNL ---> https://foo.com/a/b/?love=live (assume it returns an jpg) (base64 only) DCNL eg3: https://cdn.domain.com/a/b/_zm24z_.[some long long base64 encoded string]._zm24_.jpg DCNL ---> https://foo.com/a/b/?love=live[and a long long query string] (assume it returns an jpg) (gzip + base64) DCNL eg4:https://cdn.domain.com/a (no change) DCNL ---> (no query string): https://foo.com/a (assume it returns an png) (no change) DCNL :param embedded_url: 可能被编码的URL DCNL :return: 如果传入的是编码后的URL, 则返回解码后的URL, 否则返回None DCNL :type embedded_url: str DCNL :rtype: Union[str, None]'
'Load the filenames and data from the 20 newsgroups dataset. DCNL Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <20newsgroups>`. DCNL Parameters DCNL subset : \'train\' or \'test\', \'all\', optional DCNL Select the dataset to load: \'train\' for the training set, \'test\' DCNL for the test set, \'all\' for both, with shuffled ordering. DCNL data_home : optional, default: None DCNL Specify a download and cache folder for the datasets. If None, DCNL all scikit-learn data is stored in \'~/scikit_learn_data\' subfolders. DCNL categories : None or collection of string or unicode DCNL If None (default), load all the categories. DCNL If not None, list of category names to load (other categories DCNL ignored). DCNL shuffle : bool, optional DCNL Whether or not to shuffle the data: might be important for models that DCNL make the assumption that the samples are independent and identically DCNL distributed (i.i.d.), such as stochastic gradient descent. DCNL random_state : numpy random number generator or seed integer DCNL Used to shuffle the dataset. DCNL download_if_missing : optional, True by default DCNL If False, raise an IOError if the data is not locally available DCNL instead of trying to download the data from the source site. DCNL remove : tuple DCNL May contain any subset of (\'headers\', \'footers\', \'quotes\'). Each of DCNL these are kinds of text that will be detected and removed from the DCNL newsgroup posts, preventing classifiers from overfitting on DCNL metadata. DCNL \'headers\' removes newsgroup headers, \'footers\' removes blocks at the DCNL ends of posts that look like signatures, and \'quotes\' removes lines DCNL that appear to be quoting another post. DCNL \'headers\' follows an exact standard; the other filters are not always DCNL correct.'
'Return the start and end offsets of function body'
'Simplified controller to select a project and open the DCNL list of open tasks for it'
'Get hostname from cache node DCNL CLI example:: DCNL salt myminion boto_elasticache.get_node_host myelasticache'
'Set up the libcloud functions and check for Rackspace configuration.'
'Convert an IntEnum member to a numeric value. DCNL If it\'s not an IntEnum member return the value itself.'
'Returns a Winsorized version of the input array. DCNL The (limits[0])th lowest values are set to the (limits[0])th percentile, DCNL and the (limits[1])th highest values are set to the (1 - limits[1])th DCNL percentile. DCNL Masked values are skipped. DCNL Parameters DCNL a : sequence DCNL Input array. DCNL limits : {None, tuple of float}, optional DCNL Tuple of the percentages to cut on each side of the array, with respect DCNL to the number of unmasked data, as floats between 0. and 1. DCNL Noting n the number of unmasked data before trimming, the DCNL (n*limits[0])th smallest data and the (n*limits[1])th largest data are DCNL masked, and the total number of unmasked data after trimming DCNL is n*(1.-sum(limits)) The value of one limit can be set to None to DCNL indicate an open interval. DCNL inclusive : {(True, True) tuple}, optional DCNL Tuple indicating whether the number of data being masked on each side DCNL should be rounded (True) or truncated (False). DCNL inplace : {False, True}, optional DCNL Whether to winsorize in place (True) or to use a copy (False) DCNL axis : {None, int}, optional DCNL Axis along which to trim. If None, the whole array is trimmed, but its DCNL shape is maintained. DCNL Notes DCNL This function is applied to reduce the effect of possibly spurious outliers DCNL by limiting the extreme values.'
'Add auth if the url doesn\'t currently have it. DCNL By default, does not replace auth if it already exists. Setting ``force`` to ``True`` DCNL overrides this behavior. DCNL Examples: DCNL >>> maybe_add_auth("https://www.conda.io", "user:passwd") DCNL \'https://user:[email protected]\''
'Return a fixed frequency datetime index, with day (calendar) as the default DCNL frequency DCNL Parameters DCNL start : string or datetime-like, default None DCNL Left bound for generating dates DCNL end : string or datetime-like, default None DCNL Right bound for generating dates DCNL periods : integer or None, default None DCNL If None, must specify start and end DCNL freq : string or DateOffset, default \'D\' (calendar daily) DCNL Frequency strings can have multiples, e.g. \'5H\' DCNL tz : string or None DCNL Time zone name for returning localized DatetimeIndex, for example DCNL Asia/Hong_Kong DCNL normalize : bool, default False DCNL Normalize start/end dates to midnight before generating date range DCNL name : str, default None DCNL Name of the resulting index DCNL closed : string or None, default None DCNL Make the interval closed with respect to the given frequency to DCNL the \'left\', \'right\', or both sides (None) DCNL Notes DCNL 2 of start, end, or periods must be specified DCNL To learn more about the frequency strings, please see `this link DCNL <http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#offset-aliases>`__. DCNL Returns DCNL rng : DatetimeIndex'
'external_declaration : declaration'
'Re-cache the given instance in the idmapper cache.'
'Capitalizes the first character of the value'
'Separate top-level function and class definitions with two blank lines. DCNL Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank line. DCNL Extra blank lines may be used (sparingly) to separate groups of related DCNL functions. Blank lines may be omitted between a bunch of related DCNL one-liners (e.g. a set of dummy implementations). DCNL Use blank lines in functions, sparingly, to indicate logical sections.'
'Setup the Host objects and return the update function.'
'Returns True if the linkage passed is monotonic. DCNL The linkage is monotonic if for every cluster :math:`s` and :math:`t` DCNL joined, the distance between them is no less than the distance DCNL between any previously joined clusters. DCNL Parameters DCNL Z : ndarray DCNL The linkage matrix to check for monotonicity. DCNL Returns DCNL b : bool DCNL A boolean indicating whether the linkage is monotonic.'
':param trigger_type: TriggerType db object. DCNL :type trigger_type: :class:`TriggerTypeDB`'
'Returns the leading coeffcient of ``f``.'
'Byte-compile one file. DCNL Arguments (only fullname is required): DCNL fullname: the file to byte-compile DCNL ddir: if given, the directory name compiled in to the DCNL byte-code file. DCNL force: if 1, force compilation, even if timestamps are up-to-date DCNL quiet: if 1, be quiet during compilation'
'Human Resources Controller, defined in the model for use from DCNL multiple controllers for unified menus DCNL - used for Summary & Profile views, Imports and S3AddPersonWidget2'
'Add corners to the loops.'
'Validate a dictionary, list, or graph object as \'obj_type\'. DCNL This will not alter the \'obj\' referenced in the call signature. It will DCNL raise an error if the \'obj\' reference could not be instantiated as a DCNL valid \'obj_type\' graph object.'
'Wait for a file to be written on disk with some content.'
'Return an ASCII-only JSON representation of a Python string'
'Load a file that was dumped to a zip file. DCNL :param f: The file handle to the zip file to load the object from. DCNL :type f: file DCNL :param persistent_load: The persistent loading function to use for DCNL unpickling. This must be compatible with the `persisten_id` function DCNL used when pickling. DCNL :type persistent_load: callable, optional DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.8'
'theano shared variable given input and output dimension'
'Iterates over edges in a beam search. DCNL The beam search is a generalized breadth-first search in which only DCNL the "best" *w* neighbors of the current node are enqueued, where *w* DCNL is the beam width and "best" is an application-specific DCNL heuristic. In general, a beam search with a small beam width might DCNL not visit each node in the graph. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX graph DCNL source : node DCNL Starting node for the breadth-first search; this function DCNL iterates over only those edges in the component reachable from DCNL this node. DCNL value : function DCNL A function that takes a node of the graph as input and returns a DCNL real number indicating how "good" it is. A higher value means it DCNL is more likely to be visited sooner during the search. When DCNL visiting a new node, only the `width` neighbors with the highest DCNL `value` are enqueued (in decreasing order of `value`). DCNL width : int (default = None) DCNL The beam width for the search. This is the number of neighbors DCNL (ordered by `value`) to enqueue when visiting each new node. DCNL Yields DCNL edge DCNL Edges in the beam search starting from `source`, given as a pair DCNL of nodes. DCNL Examples DCNL To give nodes with, for example, a higher centrality precedence DCNL during the search, set the `value` function to return the centrality DCNL value of the node:: DCNL >>> G = nx.karate_club_graph() DCNL >>> centrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(G) DCNL >>> source = 0 DCNL >>> width = 5 DCNL >>> for u, v in nx.bfs_beam_edges(G, source, centrality.get, width): DCNL ... print((u, v)) # doctest: +SKIP'
'Return a driver function that can advance a repeated of values. DCNL .. code-block:: none DCNL seq = [0, 1, 2, 3] DCNL # repeat(seq) => [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, ...] DCNL Args: DCNL sequence (seq) : a sequence of values for the driver to bounce'
'Calls both `dump` and `add_to_dump` to serialze several objects. DCNL This function is used to serialize several at the same time, using DCNL persistent ID. Its main advantage is that it can be used with DCNL `secure_dump`. DCNL Parameters DCNL object_ : object DCNL The object to pickle. If None, only the parameters passed to the DCNL `parameters` argument will be saved. DCNL file_ : file DCNL The destination for saving. DCNL parameters : list, optional DCNL Shared variables whose internal numpy arrays should be saved DCNL separately in the `_parameters` field of the tar file. DCNL to_add : dict of objects DCNL A {\'name\': object} dictionnary of additional objects to save in DCNL the tar archive. Its keys will be used as name in the tar file. DCNL use_cpickle : bool DCNL Use cPickle instead of pickle. Setting it to true will disable the DCNL warning message if you try to pickle objects from the main module, DCNL so be sure that there is no warning before turning this flag DCNL on. Default: False. DCNL protocol : int, optional DCNL The pickling protocol to use. Unlike Python\'s built-in pickle, the DCNL default is set to `2` instead of 0 for Python 2. The Python 3 DCNL default (level 3) is maintained. DCNL \*\*kwargs DCNL Keyword arguments to be passed to `pickle.Pickler`.'
'Create a file with the specified name and write \'contents\' (a DCNL sequence of strings without line terminators) to it.'
'Builds a lambda function representing a predicate on a tree node DCNL which returns true if the node is located at a specific tree DCNL position.'
'Returns a WSGI filter app for use with paste.deploy.'
'Return a boolean array for a brush with the given shape and style. DCNL If \'offset\' and \'box\' are given, then the brush is offset into the world DCNL and only the part of the world contained in box is returned as an array'
'Return list-copy of categories section that\'s ordered DCNL by user\'s ordering including Default-category'
'Tower a gcode linear move text.'
'Service add'
'Find the n largest elements in a dataset. DCNL Equivalent to: sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=True)[:n]'
'Return a report on all actively running jobs from a job id centric DCNL perspective DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-run jobs.active'
'yaml: openshift-deploy-canceller DCNL This action is intended to provide cleanup for any OpenShift deployments DCNL left running when the Job completes; this step will allow you to perform DCNL the equivalent of a oc deploy --cancel for the provided deployment config. DCNL Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`OpenShift DCNL Pipeline Plugin <OpenShift+Pipeline+Plugin>`. DCNL :arg str api-url: this would be the value you specify if you leverage the DCNL --server option on the OpenShift `oc` command. DCNL (default \'\https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local\') DCNL :arg str dep-cfg: The value here should be whatever was the output DCNL form `oc project` when you created the BuildConfig you want to run a DCNL Build on (default frontend) DCNL :arg str namespace: If you run `oc get bc` for the project listed in DCNL "namespace", that is the value you want to put here. (default \'test\') DCNL :arg str auth-token: The value here is what you supply with the --token DCNL option when invoking the OpenShift `oc` command. (default \'\') DCNL :arg bool verbose: This flag is the toggle for DCNL turning on or off detailed logging in this plug-in. (default false) DCNL Full Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: DCNL ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/openshift-deploy-canceller001.yaml DCNL :language: yaml DCNL Minimal Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: DCNL ../../tests/publishers/fixtures/openshift-deploy-canceller002.yaml DCNL :language: yaml'
'seek forward 1000 units at a time'
'Removes all values of arg from the given string.'
'Format URL suitable for \'Source\' stage'
'Escape values special to javascript in strings. DCNL With this we should be able to use something like: DCNL elem.evaluateJavaScript("this.value=\'{}\'".format(string_escape(...))) DCNL And all values should work.'
'.. todo:: DCNL WRITEME DCNL Parameters DCNL path : str DCNL a filepath DCNL suffix : str DCNL Returns DCNL l : list DCNL A list of all files ending in `suffix` contained within `path`. DCNL (If `path` is a file rather than a directory, it is considered DCNL to "contain" itself)'
'Iterate over the trees in a CDAO file handle. DCNL :returns: generator of Bio.Phylo.CDAO.Tree objects.'
'Creates a query object that will inject changes into results. DCNL Args: DCNL query: The datastore_query.Query to augment DCNL updated_entities: A list of entity_pb.EntityProto\'s that have been updated DCNL and should take priority over any values returned by query. DCNL deleted_keys: A list of entity_pb.Reference\'s for entities that have been DCNL deleted and should be removed from query results. DCNL Returns: DCNL A datastore_query.AugmentedQuery if in memory filtering is required, DCNL query otherwise.'
'Return a short, 7-bit-safe representation of a hash. DCNL If you pass a sha256, this results in the hash algorithm that the Wheel DCNL format (PEP 427) uses, except here it\'s intended to be run across the DCNL downloaded archive before unpacking.'
'Computes cos of x element-wise. DCNL # Arguments DCNL x: input tensor. DCNL # Returns DCNL A tensor.'
'Get average radius from radiusComplex.'
'>>> [f() for f in test_lambda(3)] DCNL [0, 1, 2]'
'Decorator that converts a function into a filter:: DCNL @simplefilter DCNL def lowercase(lexer, stream, options): DCNL for ttype, value in stream: DCNL yield ttype, value.lower()'
'Return data to a remote carbon server using the text metric protocol DCNL Each metric will look like:: DCNL [module].[function].[minion_id].[metric path [...]].[metric name]'
'Helper function that takes a list of byte strings and decodes each item DCNL according to the __salt_system_encoding__ value. Returns a list of strings.'
'Purge an organization. DCNL .. warning:: Purging an organization cannot be undone! DCNL Purging an organization completely removes the organization from the CKAN DCNL database, whereas deleting an organization simply marks the organization as DCNL deleted (it will no longer show up in the frontend, but is still in the DCNL db). DCNL Datasets owned by the organization will remain, just not in an DCNL organization any more. DCNL You must be authorized to purge the organization. DCNL :param id: the name or id of the organization to be purged DCNL :type id: string'
'Returns all tests based on its job idx'
'The mod_aggregate function which looks up all rules in the available DCNL low chunks and merges them into a single rules ref in the present low data'
'get symbology for a \'character\''
'Clear out divisions where required components are not present DCNL In left, right, or inner joins we exclude portions of the dataset if one DCNL side or the other is not present. We can achieve this at the partition DCNL level as well DCNL >>> divisions = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] DCNL >>> parts = [((\'a\', 0), None), DCNL ... ((\'a\', 1), (\'b\', 0)), DCNL ... ((\'a\', 2), (\'b\', 1)), DCNL ... (None, (\'b\', 2))] DCNL >>> divisions2, parts2 = require(divisions, parts, required=[0]) DCNL >>> divisions2 DCNL (1, 3, 5, 7) DCNL >>> parts2 # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE DCNL (((\'a\', 0), None), DCNL ((\'a\', 1), (\'b\', 0)), DCNL ((\'a\', 2), (\'b\', 1))) DCNL >>> divisions2, parts2 = require(divisions, parts, required=[1]) DCNL >>> divisions2 DCNL (3, 5, 7, 9) DCNL >>> parts2 # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE DCNL (((\'a\', 1), (\'b\', 0)), DCNL ((\'a\', 2), (\'b\', 1)), DCNL (None, (\'b\', 2))) DCNL >>> divisions2, parts2 = require(divisions, parts, required=[0, 1]) DCNL >>> divisions2 DCNL (3, 5, 7) DCNL >>> parts2 # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE DCNL (((\'a\', 1), (\'b\', 0)), DCNL ((\'a\', 2), (\'b\', 1)))'
'Separates users into ones with permissions and ones without given a list. DCNL :param node: Node to separate based on permissions DCNL :param user_ids: List of ids, will also take and return User instances DCNL :return: list of subbed, list of removed user ids'
'Return the hash of a downloaded file.'
'*musicpd.org, music database section:* DCNL ``rescan [URI]`` DCNL Same as ``update``, but also rescans unmodified files.'
'Tests that when we record a sequence of events, then DCNL repeat it exactly, the Record class: DCNL 1) Records it correctly DCNL 2) Does not raise any errors'
'yaml: docker-custom-build-env DCNL Allows the definition of a build environment for a job using a Docker DCNL container. DCNL Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`CloudBees Docker Custom Build DCNL Environment Plugin<CloudBees+Docker+Custom+Build+Environment+Plugin>`. DCNL :arg str image-type: Docker image type. Valid values and their DCNL additional attributes described in the image_types_ table DCNL :arg str docker-tool: The name of the docker installation to use DCNL (default \'Default\') DCNL :arg str host: URI to the docker host you are using DCNL :arg str credentials-id: Argument to specify the ID of credentials to use DCNL for docker host (optional) DCNL :arg str registry-credentials-id: Argument to specify the ID of DCNL credentials to use for docker registry (optional) DCNL :arg list volumes: Volumes to bind mound from slave host into container DCNL :volume: * **host-path** (`str`) Path on host DCNL * **path** (`str`) Path inside container DCNL :arg bool verbose: Log docker commands executed by plugin on build log DCNL (default false) DCNL :arg bool privileged: Run in privileged mode (default false) DCNL :arg bool force-pull: Force pull (default false) DCNL :arg str group: The user to run build has to be the same as the Jenkins DCNL slave user so files created in workspace have adequate owner and DCNL permission set DCNL :arg str command: Container start command (default \'/bin/cat\') DCNL :arg str net: Network bridge (default \'bridge\') DCNL .. _image_types: DCNL Image Type Description DCNL dockerfile Build docker image from a Dockerfile in project DCNL workspace. With this option, project can define the DCNL build environment as a Dockerfile stored in SCM with DCNL project source code DCNL :context-path: (str) Path to docker context DCNL (default \'.\') DCNL :dockerfile: (str) Use an alternate Dockerfile to DCNL build the container hosting this build DCNL (default \'Dockerfile\') DCNL pull Pull specified docker image from Docker repository DCNL :image: (str) Image id/tag DCNL Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: DCNL /../../tests/wrappers/fixtures/docker-custom-build-env001.yaml DCNL :language: yaml'
'Converts a time in seconds since the epoch to usec since the epoch. DCNL Args: DCNL t: Time in seconds since the unix epoch DCNL Returns: DCNL An integer containing the number of usec since the unix epoch.'
'Returns True if the given user cert (password is the cert contents) DCNL was issued by the CA and if cert\'s Common Name is equal to username. DCNL Returns False otherwise. DCNL ``username``: we need it to run the auth function from CLI/API; DCNL it should be in master config auth/acl DCNL ``password``: contents of user certificate (pem-encoded user public key); DCNL why "password"? For CLI, it\'s the only available name DCNL Configure the CA cert in the master config file: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL external_auth: DCNL pki: DCNL ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/ca_certs/trusted-ca.crt DCNL your_user:'
'Maps ItemsIterator via given function.'
'Shorthand helper function for comparing SHA1s. If rev_type == \'sha1\' then DCNL the comparison will be done using str.startwith() to allow short SHA1s to DCNL compare successfully. DCNL NOTE: This means that rev2 must be the short rev.'
'Check to see if a virtual server exists DCNL CLI Examples: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-run f5.check_virtualserver load_balancer virtual_server'
'Return CPU frequency. DCNL On Windows per-cpu frequency is not supported.'
'Add a permission to a user. DCNL Creates the permission if it doesn\'t exist.'
'yaml: git DCNL This plugin will configure the Jenkins Git plugin to DCNL push merge results, tags, and/or branches to DCNL remote repositories after the job completes. DCNL Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Git Plugin <Git+Plugin>`. DCNL :arg bool push-merge: push merges back to the origin specified in the DCNL pre-build merge options (default false) DCNL :arg bool push-only-if-success: Only push to remotes if the build succeeds DCNL - otherwise, nothing will be pushed. DCNL (default true) DCNL :arg bool force-push: Add force option to git push (default false) DCNL :arg list tags: tags to push at the completion of the build DCNL :tag: * **remote** (`str`) remote repo name to push to DCNL (default \'origin\') DCNL * **name** (`str`) name of tag to push DCNL * **message** (`str`) message content of the tag DCNL * **create-tag** (`bool`) whether or not to create the tag DCNL after the build, if this is False then the tag needs to DCNL exist locally (default false) DCNL * **update-tag** (`bool`) whether to overwrite a remote tag DCNL or not (default false) DCNL :arg list branches: branches to push at the completion of the build DCNL :branch: * **remote** (`str`) remote repo name to push to DCNL (default \'origin\') DCNL * **name** (`str`) name of remote branch to push to DCNL :arg list notes: notes to push at the completion of the build DCNL :note: * **remote** (`str`) remote repo name to push to DCNL (default \'origin\') DCNL * **message** (`str`) content of the note DCNL * **namespace** (`str`) namespace of the note DCNL (default master) DCNL * **replace-note** (`bool`) whether to overwrite a note or not DCNL (default false) DCNL Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/publishers/fixtures/git001.yaml DCNL :language: yaml'
'Function decorator to wrap a function that sets a namespace item. DCNL In particular if we modify a global namespace and want to restore the value DCNL after we have finished, use this function. DCNL This is decorator version of the context manager from DCNL http://stackoverflow.com/a/6811921. We use a decorator since Python 2.4 DCNL doesn\'t have context managers. DCNL :param namespace: namespace to modify, e.g. sys DCNL :type namespace: object DCNL :param name: attribute in the namespace, e.g. dont_write_bytecode DCNL :type name: str DCNL :return: New function decorator that wraps the attribute modification DCNL :rtype: function'
'Helper for converting an object to a dictionary only if it is not DCNL dictionary already or an indexable object nor a simple type'
'Performs a random spatial shift of a Numpy image tensor. DCNL # Arguments DCNL x: Input tensor. Must be 3D. DCNL wrg: Width shift range, as a float fraction of the width. DCNL hrg: Height shift range, as a float fraction of the height. DCNL row_axis: Index of axis for rows in the input tensor. DCNL col_axis: Index of axis for columns in the input tensor. DCNL channel_axis: Index of axis for channels in the input tensor. DCNL fill_mode: Points outside the boundaries of the input DCNL are filled according to the given mode DCNL (one of `{\'constant\', \'nearest\', \'reflect\', \'wrap\'}`). DCNL cval: Value used for points outside the boundaries DCNL of the input if `mode=\'constant\'`. DCNL # Returns DCNL Shifted Numpy image tensor.'
'Called from the Tool Shed to generate the current list of supported repository types.'
'Return a dictionary for the current database position'
'Maps the e-series volume to host with initiator.'
'Warn if dependencies aren\'t met.'
'Create an email on the remote backend. Generic providers expect DCNL us to create a copy of the message in the sent folder.'
'Polygamma function n. DCNL This is the nth derivative of the digamma (psi) function. DCNL Parameters DCNL n : array_like of int DCNL The order of the derivative of `psi`. DCNL x : array_like DCNL Where to evaluate the polygamma function. DCNL Returns DCNL polygamma : ndarray DCNL The result. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from scipy import special DCNL >>> x = [2, 3, 25.5] DCNL >>> special.polygamma(1, x) DCNL array([ 0.64493407, 0.39493407, 0.03999467]) DCNL >>> special.polygamma(0, x) == special.psi(x) DCNL array([ True, True, True], dtype=bool)'
'Parse an XML string using minidom safely.'
'construct array with independent columns DCNL x is either iterable (list, tuple) or instance of ndarray or a subclass of it. DCNL If x is an ndarray, then each column is assumed to represent a variable with DCNL observations in rows.'
'Presents the user with N input widgets and returns the results'
'Start a server instance. This method blocks until the server terminates. DCNL :param app: WSGI application or target string supported by DCNL :func:`load_app`. (default: :func:`default_app`) DCNL :param server: Server adapter to use. See :data:`server_names` keys DCNL for valid names or pass a :class:`ServerAdapter` subclass. DCNL (default: `wsgiref`) DCNL :param host: Server address to bind to. Pass ```` to listens on DCNL all interfaces including the external one. (default: DCNL :param port: Server port to bind to. Values below 1024 require root DCNL privileges. (default: 8080) DCNL :param reloader: Start auto-reloading server? (default: False) DCNL :param interval: Auto-reloader interval in seconds (default: 1) DCNL :param quiet: Suppress output to stdout and stderr? (default: False) DCNL :param options: Options passed to the server adapter.'
'Checks if a jedi object (e.g. `Statement`) sits inside a try/catch and DCNL doesn\'t count as an error (if equal to `exception`). DCNL Also checks `hasattr` for AttributeErrors and uses the `payload` to compare DCNL it. DCNL Returns True if the exception was catched.'
'Test problem Dent. Two-objective problem with a "dent". *individual* has DCNL two attributes that take values in [-1.5, 1.5]. DCNL From: Schuetze, O., Laumanns, M., Tantar, E., Coello Coello, C.A., & Talbi, E.-G. (2010). DCNL Computing gap free Pareto front approximations with stochastic search algorithms. DCNL Evolutionary Computation, 18(1), 65--96. doi:10.1162/evco.2010.18.1.18103 DCNL Note that in that paper Dent source is stated as: DCNL K. Witting and M. Hessel von Molo. Private communication, 2006.'
'Return hours as days.'
'Ensure retries are processed for most errors.'
'Factory of L{SimpleFactoryCopy}, getting a created instance given the DCNL C{id} found in C{state}.'
'makes a new git repo if it does not already exist'
'Given a message, will send that message over SES or SMTP, depending upon how the app is configured.'
'Load the Spector dataset and returns a Dataset class instance. DCNL Returns DCNL Dataset instance: DCNL See DATASET_PROPOSAL.txt for more information.'
'Given a location, schedule the deletion of an image location and DCNL update location status to db. DCNL :param context: The request context DCNL :param image_id: The image identifier DCNL :param location: The image location entry'
'Decorator for views that tries getting the page from the cache and DCNL populates the cache if the page isn\'t in the cache yet. DCNL The cache is keyed by the URL and some data from the headers. DCNL Additionally there is the key prefix that is used to distinguish different DCNL cache areas in a multi-site setup. You could use the DCNL sites.get_current().domain, for example, as that is unique across a Django DCNL project. DCNL Additionally, all headers from the response\'s Vary header will be taken DCNL into account on caching -- just like the middleware does.'
'Mute warnings that are like ``WARNING: nonlocal image URI found: https://img. ...`` DCNL Solution was found by googling, copied it from SO: DCNL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12772927/specifying-an-online-image-in-sphinx-restructuredtext-format'
'Convert 32-bit integer to dotted IPv4 address.'
'Sets up masquerading for the current user within the current request. The request\'s user is DCNL updated to have a \'masquerade_settings\' attribute with the dict of all masqueraded settings if DCNL called from within a request context. The function then returns a pair (CourseMasquerade, User) DCNL with the masquerade settings for the specified course key or None if there isn\'t one, and the DCNL user we are masquerading as or request.user if masquerading as a specific user is not active. DCNL If the reset_masquerade_data flag is set, the field data stored in the session will be cleared.'
'Initialize the widgets subsystem. DCNL This will listen for events in order to manage the widget caches.'
'Guesses the client address from the environment variables DCNL First tries \'http_x_forwarded_for\', secondly \'remote_addr\' DCNL if all fails, assume \'\' or \'::1\' (running locally)'
'Test if the attribute given is an internal python attribute. For DCNL example this function returns `True` for the `func_code` attribute of DCNL python objects. This is useful if the environment method DCNL :meth:`~SandboxedEnvironment.is_safe_attribute` is overridden. DCNL >>> from jinja2.sandbox import is_internal_attribute DCNL >>> is_internal_attribute(str, "mro") DCNL True DCNL >>> is_internal_attribute(str, "upper") DCNL False'
'Compute shortest paths between all nodes. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX graph DCNL cutoff : integer, optional DCNL Depth at which to stop the search. Only paths of length at most DCNL `cutoff` are returned. DCNL Returns DCNL lengths : dictionary DCNL Dictionary, keyed by source and target, of shortest paths. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> G = nx.path_graph(5) DCNL >>> path = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path(G) DCNL >>> print(path[0][4]) DCNL [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] DCNL See Also DCNL floyd_warshall()'
'In Python 2 this is not supported and always returns None.'
'Section information for the certificates panel. DCNL The certificates panel allows global staff to generate DCNL example certificates and enable self-generated certificates DCNL for a course. DCNL Arguments: DCNL course (Course) DCNL Returns: DCNL dict'
'Receives the input given by the user from create_payload.py DCNL and create_payloads.py'
'Unpack the tar or zip file at the specified path to the directory DCNL specified by to_path.'
'Take a path to a field like "mezzanine.pages.models.Page.feature_image" DCNL and return a model key, which is a tuple of the form (\'pages\', \'page\'), DCNL and a field name, e.g. "feature_image".'
'Simulates three possible behaviours for VM drivers or compute drivers when DCNL enabling or disabling a host. DCNL \'enabled\' means new instances can go to this host DCNL \'disabled\' means they can\'t'
'Add a secgroup to nova (nova secgroup-create) DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' nova.secgroup_create mygroup \'This is my security group\''
'Collect tests and return them. DCNL :param fname: The tests will be written to fname in xunit format DCNL :param selector: Tests are filtered based on selector DCNL :return: A test suite as returned by xunitparser with all the tests available DCNL in the w3af framework source code, without any selectors.'
'api method to create an entrance exam. DCNL First clean out any old entrance exams.'
'Autenticate the given request (in place) using the HTTP basic access DCNL authentication mechanism (RFC 2617) and the given username and password'
'Made me fall in love with Python'
'Add a new service group DCNL If no service type is specified, HTTP will be used. DCNL Most common service types: HTTP, SSL, and SSL_BRIDGE DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' netscaler.servicegroup_add \'serviceGroupName\' DCNL salt \'*\' netscaler.servicegroup_add \'serviceGroupName\' \'serviceGroupType\''
'Find if a string superficially looks like an IPv4 address. DCNL AWS documentation plays it fast and loose with this; in other DCNL regions, it seems like even non-valid IPv4 addresses (in DCNL particular, ones that possess decimal numbers out of range for DCNL IPv4) are rejected.'
'Parses an HTTP date into a datetime object. DCNL >>> parsehttpdate(\'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:01:01 GMT\') DCNL datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)'
'Method to detect if CSP Policies are specified for Script, DCNL to allow use of the javascript "eval()" function. DCNL :param response: A HTTPResponse object. DCNL :return: True if CSP Policies are specified for Script to allow DCNL use of the javascript "eval()" function, False otherwise.'
'The price of a single op in micropennies.'
'Tries to find an element with given XPATH with an explicit timeout. DCNL context: a behave context DCNL id_str: A string with the XPATH (no leading #) DCNL kwargs: can optionally pass "wait_time", which will be the max wait time in DCNL seconds. Default is defined by behave_helpers.py DCNL Returns the element if found or raises TimeoutException'
'Subscribe to incoming ZigBee frames.'
'Sets the currently-active dashboard and/or panel on the request.'
'A function to connect to a bigip device and create a profile. DCNL A function to connect to a bigip device and create a profile. DCNL hostname DCNL The host/address of the bigip device DCNL username DCNL The iControl REST username DCNL password DCNL The iControl REST password DCNL profile_type DCNL The type of profile to create DCNL name DCNL The name of the profile to create DCNL kwargs DCNL ``[ arg=val ] ... [arg=key1:val1,key2:val2] ...`` DCNL Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each monitor type. DCNL Typically, tmsh arg names are used. DCNL Creating Complex Args DCNL Profiles can get pretty complicated in terms of the amount of possible DCNL config options. Use the following shorthand to create complex arguments such DCNL as lists, dictionaries, and lists of dictionaries. An option is also DCNL provided to pass raw json as well. DCNL lists ``[i,i,i]``: DCNL ``param=\'item1,item2,item3\'`` DCNL Dictionary ``[k:v,k:v,k,v]``: DCNL ``param=\'key-1:val-1,key-2:val2,key-3:va-3\'`` DCNL List of Dictionaries ``[k:v,k:v|k:v,k:v|k:v,k:v]``: DCNL ``param=\'key-1:val-1,key-2:val-2|key-1:val-1,key-2:val-2|key-1:val-1,key-2:val-2\'`` DCNL JSON: ``\'j{ ... }j\'``: DCNL ``cert-key-chain=\'j{ "default": { "cert": "default.crt", "chain": "default.crt", "key": "default.key" } }j\'`` DCNL Escaping Delimiters: DCNL Use ``\,`` or ``\:`` or ``\|`` to escape characters which shouldn\'t DCNL be treated as delimiters i.e. ``ciphers=\'DEFAULT\:!SSLv3\'`` DCNL CLI Examples:: DCNL salt \'*\' bigip.modify_profile bigip admin admin http my-http-profile defaultsFrom=\'/Common/http\' DCNL salt \'*\' bigip.modify_profile bigip admin admin http my-http-profile defaultsFrom=\'/Common/http\' \ DCNL enforcement=maxHeaderCount:3200,maxRequests:10 DCNL salt \'*\' bigip.modify_profile bigip admin admin client-ssl my-client-ssl-1 retainCertificate=false \ DCNL ciphers=\'DEFAULT\:!SSLv3\' DCNL cert_key_chain=\'j{ "default": { "cert": "default.crt", "chain": "default.crt", "key": "default.key" } }j\''
'Validates that this string does not contain any possible characters DCNL that are indicative of a security breach. DCNL Args: DCNL string: The string to validate DCNL Returns: DCNL True if the string is valid, False otherwise'
'Returns a figure comparing the outputs of different methods. DCNL Parameters DCNL image : (N, M) ndarray DCNL Input image. DCNL methods : dict, optional DCNL Names and associated functions. DCNL Functions must take and return an image. DCNL figsize : tuple, optional DCNL Figure size (in inches). DCNL num_cols : int, optional DCNL Number of columns. DCNL verbose : bool, optional DCNL Print function name for each method. DCNL Returns DCNL fig, ax : tuple DCNL Matplotlib figure and axes.'
'size(N:long) : int DCNL Returns the size of the number N in bits.'
'Creates an absolute media path URL. DCNL Constructed using the API root URI and service path from the discovery DCNL document and the relative path for the API method. DCNL Args: DCNL root_desc: Dictionary; the entire original deserialized discovery document. DCNL path_url: String; the relative URL for the API method. Relative to the API DCNL root, which is specified in the discovery document. DCNL Returns: DCNL String; the absolute URI for media upload for the API method.'
'Ensure that the json input format works as intended'
'This function converts the WAV files stored in a folder to WAV using a different sampling freq and number of channels. DCNL ARGUMENTS: DCNL - dirName: the path of the folder where the WAVs are stored DCNL - Fs: the sampling rate of the generated WAV files DCNL - nC: the number of channesl of the generated WAV files'
'Parse lines into json objects'
'Read a Ed25519 signature file created with OpenBSD signify. DCNL http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/signify.1'
'Escapes the given string with ``[c]`` pattern. Examples: DCNL >>> from coalib.parsing.Globbing import glob_escape DCNL >>> glob_escape(\'test (1)\') DCNL \'test [(]1[)]\' DCNL >>> glob_escape(\'test folder?\') DCNL \'test folder[?]\' DCNL >>> glob_escape(\'test*folder\') DCNL \'test[*]folder\' DCNL :param input_string: String that is to be escaped with ``[ ]``. DCNL :return: Escaped string in which all the special glob characters DCNL ``()[]|?*`` are escaped.'
'Return information about a process. (can be an pid or a Process object) DCNL If process is None, will return the information about the current process.'
'Deletes a blob from the bucket.'
'View for toggling watch mode for a node.'
'Returns a string formatted from n strings, centered within n columns.'
'Load a template tag library module. DCNL Verifies that the library contains a \'register\' attribute, and DCNL returns that attribute as the representation of the library'
'P-value correction with False Discovery Rate (FDR). DCNL Correction for multiple comparison using FDR. DCNL This covers Benjamini/Hochberg for independent or positively correlated and DCNL Benjamini/Yekutieli for general or negatively correlated tests. DCNL Parameters DCNL pvals : array_like DCNL set of p-values of the individual tests. DCNL alpha : float DCNL error rate DCNL method : \'indep\' | \'negcorr\' DCNL If \'indep\' it implements Benjamini/Hochberg for independent or if DCNL \'negcorr\' it corresponds to Benjamini/Yekutieli. DCNL Returns DCNL reject : array, bool DCNL True if a hypothesis is rejected, False if not DCNL pval_corrected : array DCNL pvalues adjusted for multiple hypothesis testing to limit FDR DCNL Notes DCNL Reference: DCNL Genovese CR, Lazar NA, Nichols T. DCNL Thresholding of statistical maps in functional neuroimaging using the false DCNL discovery rate. Neuroimage. 2002 Apr;15(4):870-8.'
'namespace_scope : \'*\' DCNL | IDENTIFIER'
'Calculate the rayleigh range from the waist of a gaussian beam. DCNL See Also DCNL rayleigh2waist, BeamParameter DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.physics.optics import waist2rayleigh DCNL >>> from sympy import symbols DCNL >>> w, wavelen = symbols(\'w wavelen\') DCNL >>> waist2rayleigh(w, wavelen) DCNL pi*w**2/wavelen'
'Counts the number of sprintf parameters in a string.'
'Retrieves the BatchJob with the given id. DCNL Args: DCNL client: an instantiated AdWordsClient used to retrieve the BatchJob. DCNL batch_job_id: a long identifying the BatchJob to be retrieved. DCNL Returns: DCNL The BatchJob associated with the given id.'
'Creates the URL for the given handler. DCNL The optional key_name and key_value are passed in as kwargs to the handler.'
'Are we in the thread responsible for I/O requests (the event loop)?'
'Scan a postfix cleanup log line and extract interesting data DCNL It is assumed that every log of postfix/cleanup indicates an email that was successfulfy received by Postfix.'
'It\'s possible to not use names, but another function result or an array DCNL index and then get the call signature of it.'
'Fuse getitem with lower operation DCNL Parameters DCNL dsk: dict DCNL dask graph DCNL func: function DCNL A function in a task to merge DCNL place: int DCNL Location in task to insert the getitem key DCNL Examples DCNL >>> def load(store, partition, columns): DCNL ... pass DCNL >>> dsk = {\'x\': (load, \'store\', \'part\', [\'a\', \'b\']), DCNL ... \'y\': (getitem, \'x\', \'a\')} DCNL >>> dsk2 = fuse_getitem(dsk, load, 3) # columns in arg place 3 DCNL >>> cull(dsk2, \'y\')[0] DCNL {\'y\': (<function load at ...>, \'store\', \'part\', \'a\')}'
'Find what actions need to be taken to deal with changes in dataset DCNL manifestations between current state and desired state of the cluster. DCNL XXX The logic here assumes the mountpoints have not changed, DCNL and will act unexpectedly if that is the case. See DCNL https://clusterhq.atlassian.net/browse/FLOC-351 for more details. DCNL XXX The logic here assumes volumes are never added or removed to DCNL existing applications, merely moved across nodes. As a result test DCNL coverage for those situations is not implemented. See DCNL https://clusterhq.atlassian.net/browse/FLOC-352 for more details. DCNL :param UUID uuid: The uuid of the node for which to find changes. DCNL :param Deployment current_state: The old state of the cluster on which the DCNL changes are based. DCNL :param Deployment desired_state: The new state of the cluster towards which DCNL the changes are working. DCNL :return DatasetChanges: Changes to datasets that will be needed in DCNL order to match desired configuration.'
'Test that all the fields are present'
'Generate a sample from the intermediate distribution defined at inverse DCNL temperature \'beta\', starting from state \'nsamples\'. See file docstring for DCNL equation of p_k(h1). DCNL Parameters DCNL W_list : array-like object of theano shared variables DCNL Weight matrices of the DBM. Its first element is ignored, since in the DCNL Pylearn2 framework a visible layer does not have a weight matrix. DCNL b_list : array-like object of theano shared variables DCNL Biases of the DBM DCNL nsamples : array-like object of theano shared variables DCNL Negative samples corresponding to the previous states DCNL beta : theano.tensor.scalar DCNL Inverse temperature parameter DCNL marginalize_odd : boolean DCNL Whether to marginalize odd layers DCNL theano_rng : theano RandomStreams DCNL Random number generator DCNL Returns DCNL new_nsamples : array-like object of symbolic matrices DCNL new_nsamples[i] contains new samples for i-th layer.'
'roundrobin(\'ABC\', \'D\', \'EF\') --> A D E B F C'
'Return true if the pipeline exists and the definition matches. DCNL name DCNL The name of the pipeline. DCNL expected_pipeline_objects DCNL Pipeline objects that must match the definition. DCNL expected_parameter_objects DCNL Parameter objects that must match the definition. DCNL expected_parameter_values DCNL Parameter values that must match the definition. DCNL region DCNL Region to connect to. DCNL key DCNL Secret key to be used. DCNL keyid DCNL Access key to be used. DCNL profile DCNL A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) DCNL that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.'
'Add given tenant to the flavor access list.'
'Parse the incoming string. DCNL Args: DCNL string (str): The incoming string to parse. DCNL strip (bool, optional): Whether to strip function calls rather than DCNL execute them. DCNL Kwargs: DCNL session (Session): This is sent to this function by Evennia when triggering DCNL it. It is passed to the inlinefunc. DCNL kwargs (any): All other kwargs are also passed on to the inlinefunc.'
'Outputs a debugging message'
'update in tabSingles'
'expression : \'-\' expression %prec UMINUS'
'Given a string in snake case, convert to CamelCase DCNL Ex: DCNL date_created -> DateCreated'
'The normal state (outside content blocks {})'
'Return true if the object is a traceback. DCNL Traceback objects provide these attributes: DCNL tb_frame frame object at this level DCNL tb_lasti index of last attempted instruction in bytecode DCNL tb_lineno current line number in Python source code DCNL tb_next next inner traceback object (called by this level)'
'Compare two lists of ndarrays DCNL s, t: lists of numpy.ndarrays'
'Given a dict of mappings where the values are lists of DCNL OwnershipPeriod objects, returns a dict with the same structure with DCNL new OwnershipPeriod objects adjusted so that the periods have no DCNL gaps. DCNL Orders the periods chronologically, and pushes forward the end date DCNL of each period to match the start date of the following period. The DCNL end date of the last period pushed forward to the max Timestamp.'
'Expands a {key a+b+c} syntax into <span class="key">a</span> + ... DCNL More explicitly, it takes a regex matching {key ctrl+alt+del} and returns: DCNL <span class="key">ctrl</span> + <span class="key">alt</span> + DCNL <span class="key">del</span>'
'Closes review requests as submitted automatically after a push.'
'Return a dict describing specific group_type.'
'Prepares logging for the program'
'Return a dictionary representation of mixing matrix. DCNL Parameters DCNL xy : list or container of two-tuples DCNL Pairs of (x,y) items. DCNL attribute : string DCNL Node attribute key DCNL normalized : bool (default=False) DCNL Return counts if False or probabilities if True. DCNL Returns DCNL d: dictionary DCNL Counts or Joint probability of occurrence of values in xy.'
'Move tasks by matching from a ``task_name: queue`` mapping. DCNL ``queue`` is the queue to move the task to. DCNL Example: DCNL >>> move_by_taskmap({ DCNL ... \'tasks.add\': Queue(\'name\'), DCNL ... \'tasks.mul\': Queue(\'name\'),'
'Generate C pre-processor options (-D, -U, -I) as used by at least DCNL two types of compilers: the typical Unix compiler and Visual C++. DCNL \'macros\' is the usual thing, a list of 1- or 2-tuples, where (name,) DCNL means undefine (-U) macro \'name\', and (name,value) means define (-D) DCNL macro \'name\' to \'value\'. \'include_dirs\' is just a list of directory DCNL names to be added to the header file search path (-I). Returns a list DCNL of command-line options suitable for either Unix compilers or Visual DCNL C++.'
'Take a string like 08:00:00 and convert it to a unix timestamp.'
'Generate db client for sharejs db'
'Object type comparisons should always use isinstance(). DCNL Do not compare types directly. DCNL Okay: if isinstance(obj, int): DCNL E721: if type(obj) is type(1): DCNL When checking if an object is a string, keep in mind that it might be a DCNL unicode string too! In Python 2.3, str and unicode have a common base DCNL class, basestring, so you can do: DCNL Okay: if isinstance(obj, basestring): DCNL Okay: if type(a1) is type(b1):'
'Hook up two OVS bridges. DCNL The result is two patch ports, each end connected to a bridge. DCNL The two patch port names will start with \'patch-\', followed by identical DCNL four characters. For example patch-xyzw-fedora, and patch-xyzw-ubuntu, DCNL where fedora and ubuntu are random strings. DCNL :param source: Instance of OVSBridge DCNL :param destination: Instance of OVSBridge'
'Test variable length colorbar extensions.'
'Sends a vpn negotiation packet and returns the server session. DCNL Returns False on a failure. Basic packet structure is below. DCNL Client packet (14 bytes):: DCNL 0 1 8 9 13 DCNL |x| cli_id |?????| DCNL x = packet identifier 0x38 DCNL cli_id = 64 bit identifier DCNL ? = unknown, probably flags/padding DCNL Server packet (26 bytes):: DCNL 0 1 8 9 13 14 21 2225 DCNL |x| srv_id |?????| cli_id |????| DCNL x = packet identifier 0x40 DCNL cli_id = 64 bit identifier DCNL ? = unknown, probably flags/padding DCNL bit 9 was 1 and the rest were 0 in testing'
'Search documentation and append to current buffer.'
'Formats a datetime object for use in HTTP headers.'
'CM SERVICE REQUEST Section 9.2.9'
'Return the ring status in a structured way. DCNL Returns: DCNL A list of nodes represented by dictionaries.'
'Skill Types Controller'
'Check if the container is running.'
'For convenience a get-like method for taking the int() of a string. DCNL :param int_str: the string to convert to integer DCNL :param default: an optional value to return if ValueError is raised. DCNL :return: the int() of «int_str» or «default» on exception.'
'Return *True* if *c* can be converted to *RGB*'
'Get split words for evaluators.'
'Shape of expression DCNL >>> symbol(\'s\', \'3 * 5 * int32\').shape DCNL (3, 5) DCNL Works on anything discoverable DCNL >>> shape([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) DCNL (2, 2)'
'Turn a (column) prediction into 1-hot encoded samples.'
'Parse results from systemd style commands. DCNL :param command: command. DCNL :type command: str. DCNL :return: different from the command. DCNL command is status: return true if service is running. DCNL command is is_enabled: return true if service is enalbled. DCNL command is list: return a dict from service name to status. DCNL command is others: return true if operate success.'
'Helper to get the FreeSurfer LUT.'
'Default 404 handler, which looks for the requested URL in the redirects DCNL table, redirects if found, and displays 404 page if not redirected. DCNL Templates: `404.html` DCNL Context: DCNL request_path DCNL The path of the requested URL (e.g., \'/app/pages/bad_page/\')'
'Test that the installer is shown (this currently needs a wheel install)'
'Given linear recurrence operator `\operatorname{L}` of order DCNL `k` with polynomial coefficients and inhomogeneous equation DCNL `\operatorname{L} y = f`, where `f` is a polynomial, we seek for DCNL all polynomial solutions over field `K` of characteristic zero. DCNL The algorithm performs two basic steps: DCNL (1) Compute degree `N` of the general polynomial solution. DCNL (2) Find all polynomials of degree `N` or less DCNL of `\operatorname{L} y = f`. DCNL There are two methods for computing the polynomial solutions. DCNL If the degree bound is relatively small, i.e. it\'s smaller than DCNL or equal to the order of the recurrence, then naive method of DCNL undetermined coefficients is being used. This gives system DCNL of algebraic equations with `N+1` unknowns. DCNL In the other case, the algorithm performs transformation of the DCNL initial equation to an equivalent one, for which the system of DCNL algebraic equations has only `r` indeterminates. This method is DCNL quite sophisticated (in comparison with the naive one) and was DCNL invented together by Abramov, Bronstein and Petkovsek. DCNL It is possible to generalize the algorithm implemented here to DCNL the case of linear q-difference and differential equations. DCNL Lets say that we would like to compute `m`-th Bernoulli polynomial DCNL up to a constant. For this we can use `b(n+1) - b(n) = m n^{m-1}` DCNL recurrence, which has solution `b(n) = B_m + C`. For example: DCNL >>> from sympy import Symbol, rsolve_poly DCNL >>> n = Symbol(\'n\', integer=True) DCNL >>> rsolve_poly([-1, 1], 4*n**3, n) DCNL C0 + n**4 - 2*n**3 + n**2 DCNL References DCNL .. [1] S. A. Abramov, M. Bronstein and M. Petkovsek, On polynomial DCNL solutions of linear operator equations, in: T. Levelt, ed., DCNL Proc. ISSAC \'95, ACM Press, New York, 1995, 290-296. DCNL .. [2] M. Petkovsek, Hypergeometric solutions of linear recurrences DCNL with polynomial coefficients, J. Symbolic Computation, DCNL 14 (1992), 243-264. DCNL .. [3] M. Petkovsek, H. S. Wilf, D. Zeilberger, A = B, 1996.'
'Encode a string as base64 using the "legacy" Python interface. DCNL Among other possible differences, the "legacy" encoder includes DCNL a newline (\'\n\') character after every 76 characters and always DCNL at the end of the encoded string. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' hashutil.base64_encodestring \'get salted\''
'map command'
'Get whether or not the keyboard should be disabled when the X Serve enclosure DCNL lock is engaged. DCNL :return: True if disable keyboard on lock is on, False if off DCNL :rtype: bool DCNL CLI Example: DCNL ..code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' system.get_disable_keyboard_on_lock'
'Return a single course identified by `course_key`. DCNL The course must be visible to the user identified by `username` and the DCNL logged-in user should have permission to view courses available to that DCNL user. DCNL Arguments: DCNL request (HTTPRequest): DCNL Used to identify the logged-in user and to instantiate the course DCNL module to retrieve the course about description DCNL username (string): DCNL The name of the user `requesting_user would like to be identified as. DCNL course_key (CourseKey): Identifies the course of interest DCNL Return value: DCNL `CourseOverview` object representing the requested course'
'Extend linecache.checkcache to preserve the <pyshell#...> entries DCNL Rather than repeating the linecache code, patch it to save the DCNL <pyshell#...> entries, call the original linecache.checkcache() DCNL (which destroys them), and then restore the saved entries. DCNL orig_checkcache is bound at definition time to the original DCNL method, allowing it to be patched.'
'Given an instance of a python spatial_pooler return an instance of the CPP DCNL spatial_pooler with identical parameters.'
'Pop one or more or all items from the queue return them.'
'Add hook to bind CLI arguments to ResourceManager calls. DCNL The `do_foo` calls in shell.py will receive CLI args and then in turn pass DCNL them through to the ResourceManager. Before passing through the args, the DCNL hooks registered here will be called, giving us a chance to add extra DCNL kwargs (taken from the command-line) to what\'s passed to the DCNL ResourceManager.'
'Regression test for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/3753'
'Returns a list of matching locations'
'Ping the server, returns False on connection errors DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' redis.ping'
'ResourceTypeAssociation resource factory method'
'Handle irc cli'
'%(prog)s queue-image <IMAGE_ID> [options] DCNL Queues an image for caching'
'Only load if the Zenoss execution module is available.'
'Returns a short, mostly hexadecimal hash of a numpy ndarray'
'Assert `text` starts with `substring`.'
'Return local minimum of an image. DCNL Parameters DCNL image : 2-D array (uint8, uint16) DCNL Input image. DCNL selem : 2-D array DCNL The neighborhood expressed as a 2-D array of 1\'s and 0\'s. DCNL out : 2-D array (same dtype as input) DCNL If None, a new array is allocated. DCNL mask : ndarray DCNL Mask array that defines (>0) area of the image included in the local DCNL neighborhood. If None, the complete image is used (default). DCNL shift_x, shift_y : int DCNL Offset added to the structuring element center point. Shift is bounded DCNL to the structuring element sizes (center must be inside the given DCNL structuring element). DCNL Returns DCNL out : 2-D array (same dtype as input image) DCNL Output image. DCNL See also DCNL skimage.morphology.erosion DCNL Notes DCNL The lower algorithm complexity makes `skimage.filters.rank.minimum` more DCNL efficient for larger images and structuring elements. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from skimage import data DCNL >>> from skimage.morphology import disk DCNL >>> from skimage.filters.rank import minimum DCNL >>> img = data.camera() DCNL >>> out = minimum(img, disk(5))'
'Compute the entropy of a byte at a given offset'
'Default dataList item renderer for Skills on the HRM Profile DCNL @param list_id: the HTML ID of the list DCNL @param item_id: the HTML ID of the item DCNL @param resource: the S3Resource to render DCNL @param rfields: the S3ResourceFields to render DCNL @param record: the record as dict'
'Provide access to stub objects useful for testing.'
'Return the display-safe contents of a repository file for display in a browser.'
'Read the checksum. DCNL Returns the checksum (as hex) or None.'
'Add enabled libraries to the path. DCNL Args: DCNL libraries: A repeated Config.Library containing the libraries to enable. DCNL Returns: DCNL A list of paths containing the enabled libraries.'
'Create a new webhook Channel. DCNL Args: DCNL url: str, URL to post notifications to. DCNL token: str, An arbitrary string associated with the channel that DCNL is delivered to the target address with each notification delivered DCNL over this channel. DCNL expiration: datetime.datetime, A time in the future when the channel DCNL should expire. Can also be None if the subscription should use the DCNL default expiration. Note that different services may have different DCNL limits on how long a subscription lasts. Check the response from the DCNL watch() method to see the value the service has set for an expiration DCNL time. DCNL params: dict, Extra parameters to pass on channel creation. Currently DCNL not used for webhook channels.'
'Get the current package directory. DCNL Prints the package directory out so callers can consume it.'
'Load a collection from file system DCNL @param Collection collection collection DCNL @param bool topological'
'Get the virtual server rules DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' lvs.get_rules'
'RESTful CRUD controller'
'Quantizes waveform amplitudes.'
'Takes a Location and returns a SON object that will query for that location by subfields DCNL rather than subdoc. DCNL Fields in location that are None are ignored in the query. DCNL If `wildcard` is True, then a None in a location is treated as a wildcard DCNL query. Otherwise, it is searched for literally'
'Convert a dictionary to a list of dictionaries, where each element has DCNL a key value pair {\'id\': key}. This makes it easy to override pillar values DCNL while still satisfying the boto api.'
'List profiles for user DCNL user : string DCNL username DCNL default_hidden : boolean DCNL hide default profiles DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' rbac.profile_get leo DCNL salt \'*\' rbac.profile_get leo default_hidden=False'
'List all available locations'
'Finds the dimensions of a sliced expression. DCNL Args: DCNL key: The key used to index/slice. DCNL shape: The shape (row, col) of the expression. DCNL Returns: DCNL The dimensions of the expression as (rows, cols).'
'Similar to str % foo, but passes all arguments through conditional_websafe, DCNL and calls \'unsafe\' on the result. This function should be used instead DCNL of str.format or % interpolation to build up small HTML fragments. DCNL Example: DCNL format_html("Are you %s? %s", name, unsafe(checkbox_html))'
'Change the full name of the user DCNL :param str name: DCNL user name for which to change the full name DCNL :param str fullname: DCNL the new value for the full name DCNL :return: DCNL True if successful. False is unsuccessful. DCNL :rtype: bool DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' user.chfullname user \'First Last\''
'This method takes one or a list of id_or_symbol(s) as argument(s), to DCNL update the current subscription set of the instruments. It takes DCNL effect on the next bar event. DCNL :param id_or_symbols: one or a list of id_or_symbol(s). DCNL :type id_or_symbols: str or an iterable of strings'
'Find all objects related to ``objs`` that should also be deleted. ``objs`` DCNL must be a homogenous iterable of objects (e.g. a QuerySet). DCNL Returns a nested list of strings suitable for display in the DCNL template with the ``unordered_list`` filter.'
'Interpolate bad EEG channels. DCNL Operates in place. DCNL Parameters DCNL inst : mne.io.Raw, mne.Epochs or mne.Evoked DCNL The data to interpolate. Must be preloaded.'
'Load the beacon modules DCNL :param dict opts: The Salt options dictionary DCNL :param dict functions: A dictionary of minion modules, with module names as DCNL keys and funcs as values.'
'Finds a VPC that matches a specific id or cidr + tags DCNL module : AnsibleModule object DCNL vpc_conn: authenticated VPCConnection connection object DCNL Returns: DCNL A VPC object that matches either an ID or CIDR and one or more tag values'
'Function to decorate tests that should be called as root. DCNL Raises a nose SkipTest exception if the user doesn\'t have root permissions.'
'Modify database using ``ALTER DATABASE %(dbname)s CHARACTER SET %(charset)s DCNL COLLATE %(collation)s;`` query. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' mysql.alter_db testdb charset=\'latin1\''
'Return message ids of translateable strings in JS source.'
':param ava: A dictionary with attributes and values DCNL :param acs: List of tuples (Attribute Converter name, DCNL Attribute Converter instance) DCNL :param required: A list of saml.Attributes DCNL :param optional: A list of saml.Attributes DCNL :return: Dictionary of expected/wanted attributes and values'
'Deletes a server certificate. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 DCNL name (string) DCNL The name for the server certificate. Do not include the path in this value. DCNL region (string) DCNL The name of the region to connect to. DCNL key (string) DCNL The key to be used in order to connect DCNL keyid (string) DCNL The keyid to be used in order to connect DCNL profile (string) DCNL The profile that contains a dict of region, key, keyid'
'Get seconds since epoch (UTC). DCNL Per `section 3.3`_ of the OAuth 1 RFC 5849 spec. DCNL Per `section 3.2.1`_ of the MAC Access Authentication spec. DCNL .. _`section 3.2.1`: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-01#section-3.2.1 DCNL .. _`section 3.3`: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-3.3'
'Tricomi initial guesses DCNL Computes an initial approximation to the square of the `k`-th DCNL (positive) root :math:`x_k` of the Hermite polynomial :math:`H_n` DCNL of order :math:`n`. The formula is the one from lemma 3.1 in the DCNL original paper. The guesses are accurate except in the region DCNL near :math:`\sqrt{2n + 1}`. DCNL Parameters DCNL n : int DCNL Quadrature order DCNL k : ndarray of type int DCNL Index of roots to compute DCNL Returns DCNL xksq : ndarray DCNL Square of the approximate roots DCNL See Also DCNL initial_nodes DCNL roots_hermite_asy'
'Makes sure that whenever scale is zero, we handle it correctly. DCNL This happens in most scalers when we have constant features.'
'Convert incs list to string DCNL [\'thirdparty\', \'include\'] -> -I thirdparty -I include'
'Returns the pid for prior dnsmasq instance for a bridge/device. DCNL Returns None if no pid file exists. DCNL If machine has rebooted pid might be incorrect (caller should check).'
'Generate unsigned int from components of IP address DCNL returns: w << 24 | x << 16 | y << 8 | z'
'Simply create a figure with the default settings'
'From the result of a L{Deferred} returned by L{IResolver.lookupAddress}, DCNL return the payload of the first record in the answer section.'
'Return an absolute URL matching the given view with its parameters. DCNL This is a way to define links that aren\'t tied to a particular URL DCNL configuration:: DCNL {% url "url_name" arg1 arg2 %} DCNL or DCNL {% url "url_name" name1=value1 name2=value2 %} DCNL The first argument is a django.conf.urls.url() name. Other arguments are DCNL space-separated values that will be filled in place of positional and DCNL keyword arguments in the URL. Don\'t mix positional and keyword arguments. DCNL All arguments for the URL must be present. DCNL For example, if you have a view ``app_name.views.client_details`` taking DCNL the client\'s id and the corresponding line in a URLconf looks like this:: DCNL url(\'^client/(\d+)/$\', views.client_details, name=\'client-detail-view\') DCNL and this app\'s URLconf is included into the project\'s URLconf under some DCNL path:: DCNL url(\'^clients/\', include(\'app_name.urls\')) DCNL then in a template you can create a link for a certain client like this:: DCNL {% url "client-detail-view" client.id %} DCNL The URL will look like ``/clients/client/123/``. DCNL The first argument may also be the name of a template variable that will be DCNL evaluated to obtain the view name or the URL name, e.g.:: DCNL {% with url_name="client-detail-view" %} DCNL {% url url_name client.id %} DCNL {% endwith %}'
'Constructs a class instance containing the specified information DCNL :param klass: The class DCNL :param spec: Information to be placed in the instance (a dictionary) DCNL :return: The instance'
'Returns a tuple (T1,T2) of unique operators.'
'Makes sure if duplicate basenames are not specified in the source list. DCNL Arguments: DCNL spec: The target dictionary containing the properties of the target. DCNL version: The VisualStudioVersion object.'
'Setup the InfluxDB component.'
'Calculates the nth moment about the mean for a sample. DCNL A moment is a specific quantitative measure of the shape of a set of points. DCNL It is often used to calculate coefficients of skewness and kurtosis due DCNL to its close relationship with them. DCNL Parameters DCNL a : array_like DCNL data DCNL moment : int or array_like of ints, optional DCNL order of central moment that is returned. Default is 1. DCNL axis : int or None, optional DCNL Axis along which the central moment is computed. Default is 0. DCNL If None, compute over the whole array `a`. DCNL nan_policy : {\'propagate\', \'raise\', \'omit\'}, optional DCNL Defines how to handle when input contains nan. \'propagate\' returns nan, DCNL \'raise\' throws an error, \'omit\' performs the calculations ignoring nan DCNL values. Default is \'propagate\'. DCNL Returns DCNL n-th central moment : ndarray or float DCNL The appropriate moment along the given axis or over all values if axis DCNL is None. The denominator for the moment calculation is the number of DCNL observations, no degrees of freedom correction is done. DCNL See also DCNL kurtosis, skew, describe DCNL Notes DCNL The k-th central moment of a data sample is: DCNL .. math:: DCNL m_k = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n (x_i - \bar{x})^k DCNL Where n is the number of samples and x-bar is the mean. This function uses DCNL exponentiation by squares [1]_ for efficiency. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/03/21/efficient-integer-exponentiation-algorithms'
'Create a single VM from a data dict'
'Get information about available memory'
'Helper method to determine which parameters to ignore for actions DCNL :returns: A list of the parameter names that does not need to be DCNL included in a resource\'s method call for documentation purposes.'
'If attribute is nominal, returns a list of the values'
'Computes Dp. DCNL Given the derivation D with D = d/dx and p is a polynomial in t over DCNL K(x), return Dp. DCNL If coefficientD is True, it computes the derivation kD DCNL (kappaD), which is defined as kD(sum(ai*Xi**i, (i, 0, n))) == DCNL sum(Dai*Xi**i, (i, 1, n)) (Definition 3.2.2, page 80). X in this case is DCNL T[-1], so coefficientD computes the derivative just with respect to T[:-1], DCNL with T[-1] treated as a constant. DCNL If basic=True, the returns a Basic expression. Elements of D can still be DCNL instances of Poly.'
'Jinja2 keeps internal caches for environments and lexers. These are DCNL used so that Jinja2 doesn\'t have to recreate environments and lexers all DCNL the time. Normally you don\'t have to care about that but if you are DCNL messuring memory consumption you may want to clean the caches.'
'Return information about a single issue in a named repository. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 DCNL issue_number DCNL The number of the issue to retrieve. DCNL repo_name DCNL The name of the repository from which to get the issue. This argument is DCNL required, either passed via the CLI, or defined in the configured DCNL profile. A ``repo_name`` passed as a CLI argument will override the DCNL repo_name defined in the configured profile, if provided. DCNL profile DCNL The name of the profile configuration to use. Defaults to ``github``. DCNL output DCNL The amount of data returned by each issue. Defaults to ``min``. Change DCNL to ``full`` to see all issue output. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt myminion github.get_issue 514 DCNL salt myminion github.get_issue 514 repo_name=salt'
'Return a new graph that contains the edges that exist in G but not in H. DCNL The node sets of H and G must be the same. DCNL Parameters DCNL G,H : graph DCNL A NetworkX graph. G and H must have the same node sets. DCNL Returns DCNL D : A new graph with the same type as G. DCNL Notes DCNL Attributes from the graph, nodes, and edges are not copied to the new DCNL graph. If you want a new graph of the difference of G and H with DCNL with the attributes (including edge data) from G use remove_nodes_from() DCNL as follows: DCNL >>> G = nx.path_graph(3) DCNL >>> H = nx.path_graph(5) DCNL >>> R = G.copy() DCNL >>> R.remove_nodes_from(n for n in G if n in H)'
':return: True if the syntax of the URI section of HTTP is valid; else DCNL raise an exception.'
'This returns the course info module for a given section_key. DCNL Valid keys: DCNL - handouts DCNL - guest_handouts DCNL - updates DCNL - guest_updates'
'Force release a collection of hosts from user DCNL This will remove all ACLs from the hosts DCNL :param hosts_to_release: strings or idents for hosts to release DCNL :type hosts_to_release: list DCNL :param username: login of the user reserving hosts DCNL :type username: str'
'multi-threading vs async-io vs regular'
'Deletes a user preference on behalf of a requesting user. DCNL Note: DCNL It is up to the caller of this method to enforce the contract that this method is only called DCNL with the user who made the request. DCNL Arguments: DCNL requesting_user (User): The user requesting to delete the preference. Only the user with username DCNL \'username\' has permissions to delete their own preference. DCNL preference_key (str): The key for the user preference. DCNL username (str): Optional username specifying which account should be updated. If not specified, DCNL `requesting_user.username` is assumed. DCNL Returns: DCNL True if the preference was deleted, False if the user did not have a preference with the supplied key. DCNL Raises: DCNL UserNotFound: no user with username `username` exists (or `requesting_user.username` if DCNL `username` is not specified) DCNL UserNotAuthorized: the requesting_user does not have access to change the account DCNL associated with `username` DCNL PreferenceUpdateError: the operation failed when performing the update. DCNL UserAPIInternalError: the operation failed due to an unexpected error.'
'.. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 DCNL Delete a specific disk associated with the account DCNL CLI Examples: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-cloud -f delete_disk my-azure name=my_disk DCNL salt-cloud -f delete_disk my-azure name=my_disk delete_vhd=True'
'A background job that fails.'
'basestring -> basestring DCNL Create a tag name in the XRD 2.0 XML namespace suitable for using DCNL with ElementTree'
'Create a file system on the specified device DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' extfs.mkfs /dev/sda1 fs_type=ext4 opts=\'acl,noexec\' DCNL Valid options are: DCNL * **block_size**: 1024, 2048 or 4096 DCNL * **check**: check for bad blocks DCNL * **direct**: use direct IO DCNL * **ext_opts**: extended file system options (comma-separated) DCNL * **fragment_size**: size of fragments DCNL * **force**: setting force to True will cause mke2fs to specify the -F DCNL option twice (it is already set once); this is truly dangerous DCNL * **blocks_per_group**: number of blocks in a block group DCNL * **number_of_groups**: ext4 option for a virtual block group DCNL * **bytes_per_inode**: set the bytes/inode ratio DCNL * **inode_size**: size of the inode DCNL * **journal**: set to True to create a journal (default on ext3/4) DCNL * **journal_opts**: options for the fs journal (comma separated) DCNL * **blocks_file**: read bad blocks from file DCNL * **label**: label to apply to the file system DCNL * **reserved**: percentage of blocks reserved for super-user DCNL * **last_dir**: last mounted directory DCNL * **test**: set to True to not actually create the file system (mke2fs -n) DCNL * **number_of_inodes**: override default number of inodes DCNL * **creator_os**: override "creator operating system" field DCNL * **opts**: mount options (comma separated) DCNL * **revision**: set the filesystem revision (default 1) DCNL * **super**: write superblock and group descriptors only DCNL * **fs_type**: set the filesystem type (REQUIRED) DCNL * **usage_type**: how the filesystem is going to be used DCNL * **uuid**: set the UUID for the file system DCNL See the ``mke2fs(8)`` manpage for a more complete description of these DCNL options.'
'Enqueue the event'
'Returns the maximum of an array along an axis ignoring NaN. DCNL When there is a slice whose elements are all NaN, a :class:`RuntimeWarning` DCNL is raised and NaN is returned. DCNL Args: DCNL a (cupy.ndarray): Array to take the maximum. DCNL axis (int): Along which axis to take the maximum. The flattened array DCNL is used by default. DCNL out (cupy.ndarray): Output array. DCNL keepdims (bool): If ``True``, the axis is remained as an axis of DCNL size one. DCNL Returns: DCNL cupy.ndarray: The maximum of ``a``, along the axis if specified. DCNL .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.nanmax`'
'The first time this is called, determine what kind of pager to use.'
'Get the old default'
'Takes a list of paths and tries to "intelligently" shorten them all. The DCNL aim is to make it clear to the user where the paths differ, as that is DCNL likely what they care about. Note that this operates on a list of paths DCNL not on individual paths. DCNL If the path ends in an actual file name, it will be trimmed off.'
'convert dnslib.DNSRecord to iplist'
'Install the latest version of `setuptools`_. DCNL import fabtools DCNL fabtools.python_setuptools.install_setuptools()'
'Scheduled task to collect error snapshots from files and push into Error Snapshot table'
'eventlet.tpool.Proxy doesn\'t work with old-style class in __str__() DCNL or __repr__() calls. See bug #962840 for details. DCNL We perform a monkey patch to replace those two instance methods.'
'Attempt to safely reconnect when an error is hit that resembles the DCNL bouncer disconnecting the client due to a timeout/etc.'
'Returns the excel cell name for a row and column (zero-indexed) DCNL >>> _getExcelCellName(0,0) DCNL \'A1\' DCNL >>> _getExcelCellName(2,1) DCNL \'C2\''
'Transforms /some/path/foo.png into (\'/some/path\', \'foo.png\', \'png\').'
'Issue a warning. DCNL If msg is a string, :class:`.exc.SAWarning` is used as DCNL the category.'
'Return 0 if A and B have nothing in common DCNL return 1 if A and B are actually the same path DCNL return 2 if B is a subfolder of A'
'Generator in client side should extend this generator DCNL Parameters DCNL port : int DCNL hwm : int, optional DCNL The `ZeroMQ high-water mark (HWM) DCNL <http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#High-Water-Marks>`_ on the DCNL sending socket. Increasing this increases the buffer, which can be DCNL useful if your data preprocessing times are very random. However, DCNL it will increase memory usage. There is no easy way to tell how DCNL many batches will actually be queued with a particular HWM. DCNL Defaults to 10. Be sure to set the corresponding HWM on the DCNL receiving end as well.'
'Multiply ``f`` by a constant value in ``K[X]``. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ DCNL >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ) DCNL >>> R.dmp_mul_ground(2*x + 2*y, ZZ(3)) DCNL 6*x + 6*y'
'Given a dictionary that represents a "long" IMDb title, DCNL return a string. DCNL If canonical is None (default), the title is returned in the stored style. DCNL If canonical is True, the title is converted to canonical style. DCNL If canonical is False, the title is converted to normal format. DCNL lang can be used to specify the language of the title. DCNL If ptdf is true, the plain text data files format is used.'
'Returns a bounded semaphore object'
'Validate the error logging behavior of ``_sync_command_error_squashed``.'
'Return the feature structure that is obtained by replacing each DCNL variable bound by ``bindings`` with its binding. If a variable is DCNL aliased to a bound variable, then it will be replaced by that DCNL variable\'s value. If a variable is aliased to an unbound DCNL variable, then it will be replaced by that variable. DCNL :type bindings: dict(Variable -> any) DCNL :param bindings: A dictionary mapping from variables to values.'
'Given a model params dictionary, create a CLA Model. Automatically enables DCNL inference for kw_energy_consumption. DCNL :param modelParams: Model params dict DCNL :return: OPF Model object'
'Make a collection of scenarios for testing PIDLockFile instances.'
'Get bevel path.'
'The code checking for ``from __future__ import absolute_import`` shouldn\'t DCNL assume that all imports have non-``None`` namespaces.'
'Make request to backend storage node. DCNL (i.e. \'Account\', \'Container\', \'Object\') DCNL :param node: a node dict from a ring DCNL :param part: an integer, the partion number DCNL :param method: a string, the HTTP method (e.g. \'PUT\', \'DELETE\', etc) DCNL :param path: a string, the request path DCNL :param headers: a dict, header name => value DCNL :param stype: a string, describing the type of service DCNL :returns: an HTTPResponse object'
'Compile the model.'
'The main function runs the BloggerExample application with the provided DCNL username and password values. Authentication credentials are required. DCNL NOTE: It is recommended that you run this sample using a test account.'
'If args is a list of a single INTEGER or NUMBER token, DCNL retur its value clipped to the 0..1 range DCNL Otherwise, return None.'
'Compute a univariate kernel density estimate using statsmodels.'
'Displaying a version of an existing Image according to the predefined VERSIONS settings (see filebrowser settings). DCNL {% version fileobject version_suffix %} DCNL Use {% version fileobject \'medium\' %} in order to DCNL display the medium-size version of an image. DCNL version_suffix can be a string or a variable. if version_suffix is a string, use quotes. DCNL Return a context variable \'var_name\' with the FileObject DCNL {% version fileobject version_suffix as var_name %} DCNL Use {% version fileobject \'medium\' as version_medium %} in order to DCNL retrieve the medium version of an image stored in a variable version_medium. DCNL version_suffix can be a string or a variable. If version_suffix is a string, use quotes.'
'metaWeblog.newPost(blog_id, username, password, post, publish) DCNL => post_id'
'returns True if player collders with base or pipes.'
'Load pickled object from `fname`'
'Only works on Windows systems'
'Write the supplied string with the given write function like DCNL ``write(s)``, but use a writer for the locale\'s preferred encoding in case DCNL of a UnicodeEncodeError. Failing that attempt to write with \'utf-8\' or DCNL \'latin-1\'.'
'Check the filesystem for existing files'
'Test the fit and sample routine with classifier a object'
':param class_: pass extra class(es) to add to the ``<a>`` tag DCNL :param icon: name of ckan icon to use within the link DCNL :param condition: if ``False`` then no link is returned'
'List all available roles DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' rbac.role_list'
'yaml: claim-build DCNL Claim build failures DCNL Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Claim Plugin <Claim+plugin>`. DCNL Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/publishers/fixtures/claim-build001.yaml DCNL :language: yaml'
'If the user has a non-English locale set, returns a <script> tag pointing DCNL to the relevant locale JavaScript file'
'Internal helper for raising DocumentTooLarge.'
'Create translation model and initialize or load parameters in session.'
'Setup the dovado platform for sensors.'
'Create a default credential resolver. DCNL This creates a pre-configured credential resolver DCNL that includes the default lookup chain for DCNL credentials.'
'Opens an editor with some text in it.'
'Test that the distribution looks right.'
'Encode dictionary for python 2'
'.. math:: x\' = x (c F_2 - b F_3), \enspace y\' = y (a F_3 - c F_1), \enspace z\' = z (b F_1 - a F_2) DCNL where `F_n = F_n (x, y, z, t)` and are arbitrary functions. DCNL First Integral: DCNL .. math:: \left|x\right|^{a} \left|y\right|^{b} \left|z\right|^{c} = C_1 DCNL where `C` is an arbitrary constant. If the function `F_n` is independent of `t`, DCNL then, by eliminating `t` and `z` from the first two equations of the system, one DCNL arrives at a first-order equation. DCNL References DCNL -http://eqworld.ipmnet.ru/en/solutions/sysode/sode0406.pdf'
'Returns a list of dictionaries with the folders contained at the given path DCNL Give the empty string as the path to list the contents of the root path DCNL under Unix this means "/", on Windows this will be a list of drive letters)'
'Used for ensuring that Percona XtraDB Cluster is installed DCNL and not a common MySQL-Server'
'Test picking BIO channels.'
'Return a list of (argument name, default value) tuples. If the argument DCNL does not have a default value, omit it in the tuple. Arguments such as DCNL *args and **kwargs are also included.'
'An opening tag, like <a>'
'Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring DCNL replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring DCNL that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string. DCNL If the optional third argument ``count`` is given, only the first DCNL ``count`` occurrences are replaced: DCNL .. sourcecode:: jinja DCNL {{ "Hello World"|replace("Hello", "Goodbye") }} DCNL -> Goodbye World DCNL {{ "aaaaargh"|replace("a", "d\'oh, ", 2) }} DCNL -> d\'oh, d\'oh, aaargh'
'Decode the value.'
'Place an order by specified number of lots. Order type is also passed DCNL in as parameters if needed. If style is omitted, it fires a market DCNL order by default. DCNL :param id_or_ins: the instrument to be ordered DCNL :type id_or_ins: str or Instrument DCNL :param float amount: Number of lots to order. Positive means buy, DCNL negative means sell. DCNL :param style: Order type and default is `MarketOrder()`. The DCNL available order types are: `MarketOrder()` and DCNL `LimitOrder(limit_price)` DCNL :return: A unique order id. DCNL :rtype: int'
'Test to ensure hug provides basic_auth handler works as expected'
'Build a flow dictionary from a residual network.'
'Detach the specified policy from the specified principal (certificate or other DCNL credential.) DCNL Returns {detached: true} if the policy was detached DCNL {detached: False} if the policy was not detached. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt myminion boto_iot.detach_principal_policy mypolicy mycognitoID'
'Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise DCNL .. versionadded:: 2015.5.6 DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' daemontools.disabled <service name>'
'Use config values to set up a function enabling status retrieval.'
'Compatibility function to provide inspect.getfullargspec in Python 2 DCNL This should be rewritten using a backport of Python 3 signature DCNL once we drop support for Python 2.6. We went for a simpler DCNL approach at the time of writing because signature uses OrderedDict DCNL which is not available in Python 2.6.'
'Create a new group. DCNL You must be authorized to create groups. DCNL Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value DCNL of the ``type`` parameter, see the DCNL :py:class:`~ckan.plugins.interfaces.IGroupForm` plugin interface. DCNL :param name: the name of the group, a string between 2 and 100 characters DCNL long, containing only lowercase alphanumeric characters, ``-`` and DCNL :type name: string DCNL :param id: the id of the group (optional) DCNL :type id: string DCNL :param title: the title of the group (optional) DCNL :type title: string DCNL :param description: the description of the group (optional) DCNL :type description: string DCNL :param image_url: the URL to an image to be displayed on the group\'s page DCNL (optional) DCNL :type image_url: string DCNL :param type: the type of the group (optional), DCNL :py:class:`~ckan.plugins.interfaces.IGroupForm` plugins DCNL associate themselves with different group types and provide custom DCNL group handling behaviour for these types DCNL Cannot be \'organization\' DCNL :type type: string DCNL :param state: the current state of the group, e.g. ``\'active\'`` or DCNL ``\'deleted\'``, only active groups show up in search results and DCNL other lists of groups, this parameter will be ignored if you are not DCNL authorized to change the state of the group (optional, default: DCNL ``\'active\'``) DCNL :type state: string DCNL :param approval_status: (optional) DCNL :type approval_status: string DCNL :param extras: the group\'s extras (optional), extras are arbitrary DCNL (key: value) metadata items that can be added to groups, each extra DCNL dictionary should have keys ``\'key\'`` (a string), ``\'value\'`` (a DCNL string), and optionally ``\'deleted\'`` DCNL :type extras: list of dataset extra dictionaries DCNL :param packages: the datasets (packages) that belong to the group, a list DCNL of dictionaries each with keys ``\'name\'`` (string, the id or name of DCNL the dataset) and optionally ``\'title\'`` (string, the title of the DCNL dataset) DCNL :type packages: list of dictionaries DCNL :param groups: the groups that belong to the group, a list of dictionaries DCNL each with key ``\'name\'`` (string, the id or name of the group) and DCNL optionally ``\'capacity\'`` (string, the capacity in which the group is DCNL a member of the group) DCNL :type groups: list of dictionaries DCNL :param users: the users that belong to the group, a list of dictionaries DCNL each with key ``\'name\'`` (string, the id or name of the user) and DCNL optionally ``\'capacity\'`` (string, the capacity in which the user is DCNL a member of the group) DCNL :type users: list of dictionaries DCNL :returns: the newly created group (unless \'return_id_only\' is set to True DCNL in the context, in which case just the group id will DCNL be returned) DCNL :rtype: dictionary'
'Given a Guid obj, recursively search for the metadata of its referent (a file obj) DCNL in the waterbutler response. If found, create a new addon FileNode with that metadata DCNL and return the new file.'
'Generates a gantt chart in html showing the workflow execution based on a callback log file. DCNL This script was intended to be used with the MultiprocPlugin. DCNL The following code shows how to set up the workflow in order to generate the log file: DCNL Parameters DCNL logfile : string DCNL filepath to the callback log file to plot the gantt chart of DCNL cores : integer DCNL the number of cores given to the workflow via the \'n_procs\' DCNL plugin arg DCNL minute_scale : integer (optional); default=10 DCNL the scale, in minutes, at which to plot line markers for the DCNL gantt chart; for example, minute_scale=10 means there are lines DCNL drawn at every 10 minute interval from start to finish DCNL space_between_minutes : integer (optional); default=50 DCNL scale factor in pixel spacing between minute line markers DCNL colors : list (optional) DCNL a list of colors to choose from when coloring the nodes in the DCNL gantt chart DCNL Returns DCNL None DCNL the function does not return any value but writes out an html DCNL file in the same directory as the callback log path passed in DCNL Usage DCNL # import logging DCNL # import logging.handlers DCNL # from nipype.pipeline.plugins.callback_log import log_nodes_cb DCNL # log_filename = \'callback.log\' DCNL # logger = logging.getLogger(\'callback\') DCNL # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) DCNL # handler = logging.FileHandler(log_filename) DCNL # logger.addHandler(handler) DCNL # #create workflow DCNL # workflow = ... DCNL # workflow.run(plugin=\'MultiProc\', DCNL # plugin_args={\'n_procs\':8, \'memory\':12, \'status_callback\': log_nodes_cb}) DCNL # generate_gantt_chart(\'callback.log\', 8)'
'A function to get page_faults per second from the system'
'Returns a dictionary containing all emojis with their DCNL name and filename. If the folder doesn\'t exist it returns a empty DCNL dictionary.'
'A decorator to mark abstract base classes derived from |HasProps|.'
'Mock jingo_minify.helpers.is_external: don\'t break on missing files. DCNL When testing, we don\'t want nor need the bundled/minified css files, so DCNL pretend that all the css files are external. DCNL Mocking this will prevent amo.helpers.inline_css to believe it should DCNL bundle the css.'
'Assert JSON response has the expected status_code, body, and headers. DCNL Asserts that the response\'s content-type is application/json. DCNL body_cmp is a callable that takes the JSON-decoded response body and DCNL expected body and returns a boolean stating whether the comparison DCNL succeeds. DCNL body_cmp(json.loads(response.data.decode(\'utf-8\')), body)'
'Waits for a Volume to reach a given status.'
'Produce a ``BETWEEN`` predicate clause. DCNL E.g.:: DCNL from sqlalchemy import between DCNL stmt = select([users_table]).where(between(users_table.c.id, 5, 7)) DCNL Would produce SQL resembling:: DCNL SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE id BETWEEN :id_1 AND :id_2 DCNL The :func:`.between` function is a standalone version of the DCNL :meth:`.ColumnElement.between` method available on all DCNL SQL expressions, as in:: DCNL stmt = select([users_table]).where(users_table.c.id.between(5, 7)) DCNL All arguments passed to :func:`.between`, including the left side DCNL column expression, are coerced from Python scalar values if a DCNL the value is not a :class:`.ColumnElement` subclass. For example, DCNL three fixed values can be compared as in:: DCNL print(between(5, 3, 7)) DCNL Which would produce:: DCNL :param_1 BETWEEN :param_2 AND :param_3 DCNL :param expr: a column expression, typically a :class:`.ColumnElement` DCNL instance or alternatively a Python scalar expression to be coerced DCNL into a column expression, serving as the left side of the ``BETWEEN`` DCNL expression. DCNL :param lower_bound: a column or Python scalar expression serving as the DCNL lower bound of the right side of the ``BETWEEN`` expression. DCNL :param upper_bound: a column or Python scalar expression serving as the DCNL upper bound of the right side of the ``BETWEEN`` expression. DCNL :param symmetric: if True, will render " BETWEEN SYMMETRIC ". Note DCNL that not all databases support this syntax. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.9.5 DCNL .. seealso:: DCNL :meth:`.ColumnElement.between`'
'Create a new figure manager instance'
'Return a new, unique abstract namespace path to be listened on.'
'For historic DocumentSpamAttempt, set to REVIEW_UNAVAILABLE.'
'Compute expression against data sources. DCNL Parameters DCNL expr : Expr DCNL The blaze expression to compute. DCNL d : any DCNL The data source to compute expression on. DCNL return_type : {\'native\', \'core\', type}, optional DCNL Type to return data as. Defaults to \'native\' but will be changed DCNL to \'core\' in version 0.11. \'core\' forces the computation into a core DCNL type. \'native\' returns the result as is from the respective backend\'s DCNL ``post_compute``. If a type is passed, it will odo the result into the DCNL type before returning. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> t = symbol(\'t\', \'var * {name: string, balance: int}\') DCNL >>> deadbeats = t[t[\'balance\'] < 0][\'name\'] DCNL >>> data = [[\'Alice\', 100], [\'Bob\', -50], [\'Charlie\', -20]] DCNL >>> list(compute(deadbeats, {t: data})) DCNL [\'Bob\', \'Charlie\']'
'Replace string or full line matches in switch\'s running config DCNL If full_match is set to True, then the whole line will need to be matched DCNL as part of the old value. DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' nxos.cmd replace \'TESTSTRINGHERE\' \'NEWTESTSTRINGHERE\''
'Read epochs from a fif file. DCNL Parameters DCNL fname : str DCNL The name of the file, which should end with -epo.fif or -epo.fif.gz. DCNL proj : bool | \'delayed\' DCNL Apply SSP projection vectors. If proj is \'delayed\' and reject is not DCNL None the single epochs will be projected before the rejection DCNL decision, but used in unprojected state if they are kept. DCNL This way deciding which projection vectors are good can be postponed DCNL to the evoked stage without resulting in lower epoch counts and DCNL without producing results different from early SSP application DCNL given comparable parameters. Note that in this case baselining, DCNL detrending and temporal decimation will be postponed. DCNL If proj is False no projections will be applied which is the DCNL recommended value if SSPs are not used for cleaning the data. DCNL preload : bool DCNL If True, read all epochs from disk immediately. If False, epochs will DCNL be read on demand. DCNL verbose : bool, str, int, or None DCNL If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose` DCNL and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more). DCNL Returns DCNL epochs : instance of Epochs DCNL The epochs'
'Appends a new resource to a datasets list of resources. DCNL :param package_id: id of package that the resource should be added to. DCNL :type package_id: string DCNL :param url: url of resource DCNL :type url: string DCNL :param revision_id: (optional) DCNL :type revision_id: string DCNL :param description: (optional) DCNL :type description: string DCNL :param format: (optional) DCNL :type format: string DCNL :param hash: (optional) DCNL :type hash: string DCNL :param name: (optional) DCNL :type name: string DCNL :param resource_type: (optional) DCNL :type resource_type: string DCNL :param mimetype: (optional) DCNL :type mimetype: string DCNL :param mimetype_inner: (optional) DCNL :type mimetype_inner: string DCNL :param cache_url: (optional) DCNL :type cache_url: string DCNL :param size: (optional) DCNL :type size: int DCNL :param created: (optional) DCNL :type created: iso date string DCNL :param last_modified: (optional) DCNL :type last_modified: iso date string DCNL :param cache_last_updated: (optional) DCNL :type cache_last_updated: iso date string DCNL :param upload: (optional) DCNL :type upload: FieldStorage (optional) needs multipart/form-data DCNL :returns: the newly created resource DCNL :rtype: dictionary'
'Returns a list of cycles which form a basis for cycles of G. DCNL A basis for cycles of a network is a minimal collection of DCNL cycles such that any cycle in the network can be written DCNL as a sum of cycles in the basis. Here summation of cycles DCNL is defined as "exclusive or" of the edges. Cycle bases are DCNL useful, e.g. when deriving equations for electric circuits DCNL using Kirchhoff\'s Laws. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX Graph DCNL root : node, optional DCNL Specify starting node for basis. DCNL Returns DCNL A list of cycle lists. Each cycle list is a list of nodes DCNL which forms a cycle (loop) in G. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> G=nx.Graph() DCNL >>> nx.add_cycle(G, [0, 1, 2, 3]) DCNL >>> nx.add_cycle(G, [0, 3, 4, 5]) DCNL >>> print(nx.cycle_basis(G,0)) DCNL [[3, 4, 5, 0], [1, 2, 3, 0]] DCNL Notes DCNL This is adapted from algorithm CACM 491 [1]_. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Paton, K. An algorithm for finding a fundamental set of DCNL cycles of a graph. Comm. ACM 12, 9 (Sept 1969), 514-518. DCNL See Also DCNL simple_cycles'
'Compute an encryption key to encrypt/decrypt the PDF file DCNL @param password: The password entered by the user DCNL @param dictOwnerPass: The owner password from the standard security handler dictionary DCNL @param dictUserPass: The user password from the standard security handler dictionary DCNL @param dictOE: The owner encrypted string from the standard security handler dictionary DCNL @param dictUE:The user encrypted string from the standard security handler dictionary DCNL @param fileID: The /ID element in the trailer dictionary of the PDF file DCNL @param pElement: The /P element of the Encryption dictionary DCNL @param dictKeyLength: The length of the key DCNL @param revision: The algorithm revision DCNL @param encryptMetadata: A boolean extracted from the standard security handler dictionary to specify if it\'s necessary to encrypt the document metadata or not DCNL @param passwordType: It specifies the given password type. It can be \'USER\', \'OWNER\' or None. DCNL @return: A tuple (status,statusContent), where statusContent is the encryption key in case status = 0 or an error message in case status = -1'
'Issues an HTTP redirect to the given relative URI. DCNL This won\'t stop code execution unless **abort** is True. A common DCNL practice is to return when calling this method:: DCNL return redirect(\'/some-path\') DCNL :param uri: DCNL A relative or absolute URI (e.g., ``\'../flowers.html\'``). DCNL :param permanent: DCNL If True, uses a 301 redirect instead of a 302 redirect. DCNL :param abort: DCNL If True, raises an exception to perform the redirect. DCNL :param code: DCNL The redirect status code. Supported codes are 301, 302, 303, 305, DCNL and 307. 300 is not supported because it\'s not a real redirect DCNL and 304 because it\'s the answer for a request with defined DCNL ``If-Modified-Since`` headers. DCNL :param body: DCNL Response body, if any. DCNL :param request: DCNL Optional request object. If not set, uses :func:`get_request`. DCNL :param response: DCNL Optional response object. If not set, a new response is created. DCNL :returns: DCNL A :class:`Response` instance.'
'Parses and validates the --descriptionFromFile option and executes the DCNL request DCNL Parameters: DCNL filename: File from which we\'ll extract description JSON DCNL outDir: where to place generated experiment files DCNL usageStr: program usage string DCNL hsVersion: which version of hypersearch permutations file to generate, can DCNL be \'v1\' or \'v2\' DCNL claDescriptionTemplateFile: Filename containing the template description DCNL retval: nothing'
'Returns the SQL code that creates the test view'
'Check whether provided logical volume exists.'
'Return the contents of the user\'s crontab DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cron.raw_cron root'
'Creates a logger for the given application. This logger works DCNL similar to a regular Python logger but changes the effective logging DCNL level based on the application\'s debug flag. Furthermore this DCNL function also removes all attached handlers in case there was a DCNL logger with the log name before.'
'Parse the passed relators.'
'recursive function to find most recent valid timestamp in the future'
'get pull request info by number'
'Check if the given regular expression matches the last part of the DCNL shebang if one exists. DCNL >>> from pygments.util import shebang_matches DCNL >>> shebang_matches(\'#!/usr/bin/env python\', r\'python(2\.\d)?\') DCNL True DCNL >>> shebang_matches(\'#!/usr/bin/python2.4\', r\'python(2\.\d)?\') DCNL True DCNL >>> shebang_matches(\'#!/usr/bin/python-ruby\', r\'python(2\.\d)?\') DCNL False DCNL >>> shebang_matches(\'#!/usr/bin/python/ruby\', r\'python(2\.\d)?\') DCNL False DCNL >>> shebang_matches(\'#!/usr/bin/startsomethingwith python\', DCNL ... r\'python(2\.\d)?\') DCNL True DCNL It also checks for common windows executable file extensions:: DCNL >>> shebang_matches(\'#!C:\Python2.4\Python.exe\', r\'python(2\.\d)?\') DCNL True DCNL Parameters (``\'-f\'`` or ``\'--foo\'`` are ignored so ``\'perl\'`` does DCNL the same as ``\'perl -e\'``) DCNL Note that this method automatically searches the whole string (eg: DCNL the regular expression is wrapped in ``\'^$\'``)'
'>>> for_in_empty()'
'theano equality'
'Prints usage information and exits with a status code. DCNL Args: DCNL code: Status code to pass to sys.exit() after displaying usage information.'
'This is called when the proxy-minion is exiting to make sure the DCNL connection to the device is closed cleanly.'
'Remove sensitive data (credentials) from the Mistral config. DCNL :param config_path: Full absolute path to the mistral config inside /tmp. DCNL :type config_path: ``str``'
'Checks if there are keys missing in a given config dict, and if so, updates the config file accordingly. DCNL This essentially automatically ports jrnl installations if new config parameters are introduced in later DCNL versions.'
'Helper function that recursively returns an information for a klass, to be DCNL used in get_cached_row. It exists just to compute this information only DCNL once for entire queryset. Otherwise it would be computed for each row, which DCNL leads to poor perfomance on large querysets. DCNL Arguments: DCNL * klass - the class to retrieve (and instantiate) DCNL * max_depth - the maximum depth to which a select_related() DCNL relationship should be explored. DCNL * cur_depth - the current depth in the select_related() tree. DCNL Used in recursive calls to determin if we should dig deeper. DCNL * requested - A dictionary describing the select_related() tree DCNL that is to be retrieved. keys are field names; values are DCNL dictionaries describing the keys on that related object that DCNL are themselves to be select_related(). DCNL * only_load - if the query has had only() or defer() applied, DCNL this is the list of field names that will be returned. If None, DCNL the full field list for `klass` can be assumed. DCNL * from_parent - the parent model used to get to this model DCNL Note that when travelling from parent to child, we will only load child DCNL fields which aren\'t in the parent.'
'and the last wrapper method. keeping things simple.'
'reorder unifrac result DCNL unifrac res is distmtx,sample_names. sample names not in unifrac\'s DCNL sample names (not in tree, all zeros in otu table(?)) will be included, DCNL with a user warning.'
'RESTful Controller for Organisation (Referral Agencies)'
'Download transcripts from Youtube and save them to assets. DCNL Args: DCNL youtube_id: str, actual youtube_id of the video. DCNL video_descriptor: video descriptor instance. DCNL We save transcripts for 1.0 speed, as for other speed conversion is done on front-end. DCNL Returns: DCNL None, if transcripts were successfully downloaded and saved. DCNL Raises: DCNL GetTranscriptsFromYouTubeException, if fails.'
'Loops through the addresses, collapsing concurrent netblocks. DCNL Example: DCNL ip1 = IPv4Network\'\') DCNL ip2 = IPv4Network\'\') DCNL ip3 = IPv4Network\'\') DCNL ip4 = IPv4Network\'\') DCNL ip5 = IPv4Network\'\') DCNL ip6 = IPv4Network\'\') DCNL _collapse_address_list_recursive([ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, ip5, ip6]) -> DCNL [IPv4Network(\'\'), IPv4Network(\'\')] DCNL This shouldn\'t be called directly; it is called via DCNL collapse_address_list([]). DCNL Args: DCNL addresses: A list of IPv4Network\'s or IPv6Network\'s DCNL Returns: DCNL A list of IPv4Network\'s or IPv6Network\'s depending on what we were DCNL passed.'
'Registers CommandHandlers for interacting with Stackdriver.'
'Splits the given text at newline. DCNL >>> splitline(\'foo\nbar\') DCNL (\'foo\n\', \'bar\') DCNL >>> splitline(\'foo\') DCNL (\'foo\', \'\') DCNL >>> splitline(\'\')'
'set the default colormap to prism and apply to current image if any. DCNL See help(colormaps) for more information'
'Helper function to run machinectl'
'Return the optimal histogram bin width using Scott\'s rule DCNL Scott\'s rule is a normal reference rule: it minimizes the integrated DCNL mean squared error in the bin approximation under the assumption that the DCNL data is approximately Gaussian. DCNL Parameters DCNL data : array-like, ndim=1 DCNL observed (one-dimensional) data DCNL return_bins : bool (optional) DCNL if True, then return the bin edges DCNL Returns DCNL width : float DCNL optimal bin width using Scott\'s rule DCNL bins : ndarray DCNL bin edges: returned if ``return_bins`` is True DCNL Notes DCNL The optimal bin width is DCNL .. math:: DCNL \Delta_b = \frac{3.5\sigma}{n^{1/3}} DCNL where :math:`\sigma` is the standard deviation of the data, and DCNL :math:`n` is the number of data points [1]_. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Scott, David W. (1979). "On optimal and data-based histograms". DCNL Biometricka 66 (3): 605-610 DCNL See Also DCNL knuth_bin_width DCNL freedman_bin_width DCNL bayesian_blocks DCNL histogram'
'Escape and quote an attribute value. DCNL Escape &, <, and > in a string of data, then quote it for use as DCNL an attribute value. The " character will be escaped as well, if DCNL necessary. DCNL You can escape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as DCNL the optional entities parameter. The keys and values must all be DCNL strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value.'
'Default function to generate keys. DCNL Constructs the key used by all other methods. By default it prepends DCNL the `key_prefix\'. KEY_FUNCTION can be used to specify an alternate DCNL function with custom key making behavior.'
'Calculate new host NUMA usage from an instance\'s NUMA usage. DCNL Until the RPC version is bumped to 5.x, both host and instance DCNL representations may be provided in a variety of formats. Extract DCNL both host and instance numa topologies from provided DCNL representations, and use the latter to update the NUMA usage DCNL information of the former. DCNL :param host: nova.objects.ComputeNode instance, or a db object or DCNL dict DCNL :param instance: nova.objects.Instance instance, or a db object or DCNL dict DCNL :param free: if True the returned topology will have its usage DCNL decreased instead DCNL :param never_serialize_result: if True result will always be an DCNL instance of objects.NUMATopology DCNL :returns: a objects.NUMATopology instance if never_serialize_result DCNL was True, else numa_usage in the format it was on the DCNL host'
'*musicpd.org, playback section:* DCNL ``pause {PAUSE}`` DCNL Toggles pause/resumes playing, ``PAUSE`` is 0 or 1. DCNL *MPDroid:* DCNL - Calls ``pause`` without any arguments to toogle pause.'
'Send a private message. DCNL :arg to: a list of Users to send the message to DCNL :arg sender: the User who is sending the message DCNL :arg text: the message text'
'Use W3C validator service: https://bitbucket.org/nmb10/py_w3c/ . DCNL :param filename: the filename to validate'
'Return the path to the appropriate hosts file'
'Collect all bears from bear directories that have a matching kind DCNL matching the given globs. DCNL :param bear_dirs: Directory name or list of such that can contain DCNL bears. DCNL :param bear_globs: Globs of bears to collect. DCNL :param kinds: List of bear kinds to be collected. DCNL :param log_printer: log_printer to handle logging. DCNL :param warn_if_unused_glob: True if warning message should be shown if a DCNL glob didn\'t give any bears. DCNL :return: Tuple of list of matching bear classes based on DCNL kind. The lists are in the same order as kinds.'
'Format the password and salt for saving DCNL :arg password: the plaintext password to save DCNL :arg salt: the salt to use when encrypting a password DCNL :arg encrypt: Whether the user requests that this password is encrypted. DCNL Note that the password is saved in clear. Encrypt just tells us if we DCNL must save the salt value for idempotence. Defaults to True. DCNL :returns: a text string containing the formatted information DCNL .. warning:: Passwords are saved in clear. This is because the playbooks DCNL expect to get cleartext passwords from this lookup.'
'Make list of ComputeNodeStats.'
'metric_init(params) this is called by gmond to initialise the metrics'
'Return axis, which arc is nearest to point.'
'Get all available regions for the Amazon Elastic MapReduce service. DCNL :rtype: list DCNL :return: A list of :class:`boto.regioninfo.RegionInfo`'
'Test whether a numpy.ndarray contains any `np.nan` values. DCNL Parameters DCNL arr : np.ndarray or output of any Theano op DCNL node : None or an Apply instance. DCNL If arr is the output of a Theano op, the node associated to it. DCNL var : The Theano symbolic variable. DCNL Returns DCNL contains_nan : bool DCNL `True` if the array contains any `np.nan` values, `False` otherwise. DCNL Notes DCNL Tests for the presence of `np.nan`\'s using `np.isnan(np.min(ndarray))`. DCNL This approach is faster and more memory efficient than the obvious DCNL alternative, calling `np.any(np.isnan(ndarray))`, which requires the DCNL construction of a boolean array with the same shape as the input array.'
'Remove html tags from text'
'Run the Bokeh tests under the bokeh python directory using pytest. DCNL Does not run tests from bokehjs or examples. DCNL Args: DCNL args(list, optional): command line arguments accepted by py.test DCNL e.g. args=[\'-s\', \'-k charts\'] prevents capture of standard out DCNL and only runs tests that match charts. For more py.test options DCNL see http://pytest.org/latest/usage.html#usage. DCNL Returns: DCNL int: pytest exitcode'
'Wait for the specified port to become free (drop requests).'
'Get the ServiceResultParser using the auto-detect init command. DCNL :return: ServiceResultParser fro the current init command. DCNL :rtype: _ServiceResultParser'
'Update qos specs. DCNL :param specs: dictionary that contains key/value pairs for updating DCNL existing specs. DCNL e.g. {\'consumer\': \'front-end\', DCNL \'total_iops_sec\': 500, DCNL \'total_bytes_sec\': 512000,}'
'Organizes multiple extensions that are separated with commas or passed by DCNL using --extension/-e multiple times. Note that the .py extension is ignored DCNL here because of the way non-*.py files are handled in make_messages() (they DCNL are copied to file.ext.py files to trick xgettext to parse them as Python DCNL files). DCNL For example: running \'django-admin makemessages -e js,txt -e xhtml -a\' DCNL would result in an extension list: [\'.js\', \'.txt\', \'.xhtml\'] DCNL >>> handle_extensions([\'.html\', \'html,js,py,py,py,.py\', \'py,.py\']) DCNL set([\'.html\', \'.js\']) DCNL >>> handle_extensions([\'.html, txt,.tpl\']) DCNL set([\'.html\', \'.tpl\', \'.txt\'])'
'DTLZ7 multiobjective function. It returns a tuple of *obj* values. The DCNL individual must have at least *obj* elements. DCNL From: K. Deb, L. Thiele, M. Laumanns and E. Zitzler. Scalable Multi-Objective DCNL Optimization Test Problems. CEC 2002, p. 825-830, IEEE Press, 2002.'
'Simple function to offset spines away from axes. DCNL Use this immediately after creating figure and axes objects. DCNL Offsetting spines after plotting or manipulating the axes DCNL objects may result in loss of labels, ticks, and formatting. DCNL Parameters DCNL offset : int, optional DCNL Absolute distance, in points, spines should be moved away DCNL from the axes (negative values move spines inward). DCNL fig : matplotlib figure, optional DCNL Figure to despine all axes of, default uses current figure. DCNL ax : matplotlib axes, optional DCNL Specific axes object to despine DCNL Returns DCNL None'
'Compute connectivity from distances in a source space and time instants. DCNL Parameters DCNL src : instance of SourceSpaces DCNL The source space must have distances between vertices computed, such DCNL that src[\'dist\'] exists and is useful. This can be obtained using MNE DCNL with a call to mne_add_patch_info with the --dist option. DCNL n_times : int DCNL Number of time points DCNL dist : float DCNL Maximal geodesic distance (in m) between vertices in the DCNL source space to consider neighbors. DCNL verbose : bool, str, int, or None DCNL If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose` DCNL and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more). DCNL Returns DCNL connectivity : sparse COO matrix DCNL The connectivity matrix describing the spatio-temporal DCNL graph structure. If N is the number of vertices in the DCNL source space, the N first nodes in the graph are the DCNL vertices are time 1, the nodes from 2 to 2N are the vertices DCNL during time 2, etc.'
'Get all rules for a given instance.'
'Get console font properties depending on OS and user options'
'Try to save a store with a non-existent lang code'
'Returns True for any of "1", "true", or "True". Returns False otherwise.'
'Returns a dictionary to be used for calling ``djangoCall.configure()``, which itself extends the DCNL Angular API to the client, offering him to call remote methods.'
'Remove generated files.'
'Print the modifications to an item and return a bool indicating DCNL whether any changes were made. DCNL `mods` is a dictionary of fields and values to update on the object; DCNL `dels` is a sequence of fields to delete.'
'Roughly equivalent to [func(input[labels == i]) for i in index]. DCNL Sequentially applies an arbitrary function (that works on array_like input) DCNL to subsets of an n-D image array specified by `labels` and `index`. DCNL The option exists to provide the function with positional parameters as the DCNL second argument. DCNL Parameters DCNL input : array_like DCNL Data from which to select `labels` to process. DCNL labels : array_like or None DCNL Labels to objects in `input`. DCNL If not None, array must be same shape as `input`. DCNL If None, `func` is applied to raveled `input`. DCNL index : int, sequence of ints or None DCNL Subset of `labels` to which to apply `func`. DCNL If a scalar, a single value is returned. DCNL If None, `func` is applied to all non-zero values of `labels`. DCNL func : callable DCNL Python function to apply to `labels` from `input`. DCNL out_dtype : dtype DCNL Dtype to use for `result`. DCNL default : int, float or None DCNL Default return value when a element of `index` does not exist DCNL in `labels`. DCNL pass_positions : bool, optional DCNL If True, pass linear indices to `func` as a second argument. DCNL Default is False. DCNL Returns DCNL result : ndarray DCNL Result of applying `func` to each of `labels` to `input` in `index`. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> a = np.array([[1, 2, 0, 0], DCNL ... [5, 3, 0, 4], DCNL ... [0, 0, 0, 7], DCNL ... [9, 3, 0, 0]]) DCNL >>> from scipy import ndimage DCNL >>> lbl, nlbl = ndimage.label(a) DCNL >>> lbls = np.arange(1, nlbl+1) DCNL >>> ndimage.labeled_comprehension(a, lbl, lbls, np.mean, float, 0) DCNL array([ 2.75, 5.5 , 6. ]) DCNL Falling back to `default`: DCNL >>> lbls = np.arange(1, nlbl+2) DCNL >>> ndimage.labeled_comprehension(a, lbl, lbls, np.mean, float, -1) DCNL array([ 2.75, 5.5 , 6. , -1. ]) DCNL Passing positions: DCNL >>> def fn(val, pos): DCNL ... print("fn says: %s : %s" % (val, pos)) DCNL ... return (val.sum()) if (pos.sum() % 2 == 0) else (-val.sum()) DCNL >>> ndimage.labeled_comprehension(a, lbl, lbls, fn, float, 0, True) DCNL fn says: [1 2 5 3] : [0 1 4 5] DCNL fn says: [4 7] : [ 7 11] DCNL fn says: [9 3] : [12 13] DCNL array([ 11., 11., -12., 0.])'
'Returns the ed2k hash of a given file.'
'Destroy the backup or raise if it does not exist.'
'Find the desired resource object method container from the service. DCNL Args: DCNL service: [stub] Google API stub object. DCNL resource: [string] \'.\' delimited resource name in service API.'
'_list_designs(user, querydict, page_size, prefix, is_trashed) -> (page, filter_param) DCNL A helper to gather the designs page. It understands all the GET params in DCNL ``list_designs``, by reading keys from the ``querydict`` with the given ``prefix``.'
'Resolve a package name from a line containing the hold expression. If the DCNL regex is not matched, None is returned. DCNL yum ==> 2:vim-enhanced-7.4.629-5.el6.* DCNL dnf ==> vim-enhanced-2:7.4.827-1.fc22.*'
'Make box plots from DataFrameGroupBy data. DCNL Parameters DCNL grouped : Grouped DataFrame DCNL subplots : DCNL * ``False`` - no subplots will be used DCNL * ``True`` - create a subplot for each group DCNL column : column name or list of names, or vector DCNL Can be any valid input to groupby DCNL fontsize : int or string DCNL rot : label rotation angle DCNL grid : Setting this to True will show the grid DCNL ax : Matplotlib axis object, default None DCNL figsize : A tuple (width, height) in inches DCNL layout : tuple (optional) DCNL (rows, columns) for the layout of the plot DCNL kwds : other plotting keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib boxplot DCNL function DCNL Returns DCNL dict of key/value = group key/DataFrame.boxplot return value DCNL or DataFrame.boxplot return value in case subplots=figures=False DCNL Examples DCNL >>> import pandas DCNL >>> import numpy as np DCNL >>> import itertools DCNL >>> tuples = [t for t in itertools.product(range(1000), range(4))] DCNL >>> index = pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=[\'lvl0\', \'lvl1\']) DCNL >>> data = np.random.randn(len(index),4) DCNL >>> df = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=list(\'ABCD\'), index=index) DCNL >>> grouped = df.groupby(level=\'lvl1\') DCNL >>> boxplot_frame_groupby(grouped) DCNL >>> grouped = df.unstack(level=\'lvl1\').groupby(level=0, axis=1) DCNL >>> boxplot_frame_groupby(grouped, subplots=False)'
'delete favorite and put favorite_info object in response. DCNL method is idempotent, if favorite does not exist, just return favorite_info.'
'Sets the user to be the task user, then unsets it.'
'Add new Ordered Product'
'Views the graph G using the specified layout algorithm. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX graph DCNL The machine to draw. DCNL edgelabel : str, callable, None DCNL If a string, then it specifes the edge attribute to be displayed DCNL on the edge labels. If a callable, then it is called for each DCNL edge and it should return the string to be displayed on the edges. DCNL The function signature of `edgelabel` should be edgelabel(data), DCNL where `data` is the edge attribute dictionary. DCNL prog : string DCNL Name of Graphviz layout program. DCNL args : str DCNL Additional arguments to pass to the Graphviz layout program. DCNL suffix : str DCNL If `filename` is None, we save to a temporary file. The value of DCNL `suffix` will appear at the tail end of the temporary filename. DCNL path : str, None DCNL The filename used to save the image. If None, save to a temporary DCNL file. File formats are the same as those from pygraphviz.agraph.draw. DCNL Returns DCNL path : str DCNL The filename of the generated image. DCNL A : PyGraphviz graph DCNL The PyGraphviz graph instance used to generate the image. DCNL Notes DCNL If this function is called in succession too quickly, sometimes the DCNL image is not displayed. So you might consider time.sleep(.5) between DCNL calls if you experience problems.'
'Parse a document from a string, returning the resulting DCNL Document node.'
'Extract the block of code at the top of the given list of lines.'
'Convert a value that may be a list or a (possibly comma-separated) DCNL string into a list. The exception: None is returned as None, not [None]. DCNL >>> tolist(["one", "two"]) DCNL [\'one\', \'two\'] DCNL >>> tolist("hello") DCNL [\'hello\'] DCNL >>> tolist("separate,values, with, commas, spaces , are ,ok") DCNL [\'separate\', \'values\', \'with\', \'commas\', \'spaces\', \'are\', \'ok\']'
'Delete a worker (no soft delete).'
'Get the output volume (range 0 to 100) DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' desktop.get_output_volume'
'When you re-float something it would be preferable to have it use the previous float size'
'Generate chunks from a sequence. DCNL Parameters DCNL sequence : iterable DCNL Any iterable object DCNL size : int DCNL The chunksize to be returned'
'Insert a simple entry into the list of warnings filters (at the front). DCNL A simple filter matches all modules and messages. DCNL \'action\' -- one of "error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module", DCNL or "once" DCNL \'category\' -- a class that the warning must be a subclass of DCNL \'lineno\' -- an integer line number, 0 matches all warnings DCNL \'append\' -- if true, append to the list of filters'
'Check that tempest.lib should not import local tempest code DCNL T112'
'Modify an existing job in the schedule DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' schedule.modify job1 function=\'test.ping\' seconds=3600'
'Upgrade kernel.'
'Returns a delayed response'
'Returns a boolean indicating whether unit_1 is larger than unit_2. DCNL E.g: DCNL >>> is_larger(\'KB\', \'B\') DCNL True DCNL >>> is_larger(\'min\', \'day\') DCNL False'
'Checks if requirement can be imported. DCNL :rtype: bool DCNL :returns: ``True`` iff requirement can be imported'
'Return the representative h satisfying h[gj] == p_i DCNL If there is not such a representative return None'
'Launch DHCP server DCNL Defaults to serving to DCNL network Subnet to allocate addresses from DCNL first First\'th address in subnet to use (256 is x.x.1.0 in a /16) DCNL last Last\'th address in subnet to use DCNL count Alternate way to specify last address to use DCNL ip IP to use for DHCP server DCNL router Router IP to tell clients. Defaults to \'ip\'. \'None\' will DCNL stop the server from telling clients anything DCNL dns DNS IP to tell clients. Defaults to \'router\'. \'None\' will DCNL stop the server from telling clients anything.'
'getparser() -> parser, unmarshaller DCNL Create an instance of the fastest available parser, and attach it DCNL to an unmarshalling object. Return both objects.'
'Split the raw load into list of headers and body string'
'Convert integer into BSON timestamp.'
'Execute the passed command and return the output as a string DCNL Note that ``env`` represents the environment variables for the command, and DCNL should be formatted as a dict, or a YAML string which resolves to a dict. DCNL :param str cmd: The command to run. ex: ``ls -lart /home`` DCNL :param str cwd: The current working directory to execute the command in. DCNL Defaults to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas``. DCNL :param str stdin: A string of standard input can be specified for the DCNL command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in cases DCNL where sensitive information must be read from standard input.: DCNL :param str runas: User to run script as. If running on a Windows minion you DCNL must also pass a password DCNL :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This DCNL parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 DCNL :param str shell: Shell to execute under. Defaults to the system default DCNL shell. DCNL :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional DCNL arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or redirection DCNL :param bool bg: If True, run command in background and do not await or deliver it\'s results DCNL :param list env: A list of environment variables to be set prior to DCNL execution. DCNL Example: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL salt://scripts/foo.sh: DCNL cmd.script: DCNL - env: DCNL - BATCH: \'yes\' DCNL .. warning:: DCNL The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that **yes**, DCNL **no**, **on**, **off**, **true**, and **false** are all loaded as DCNL boolean ``True`` and ``False`` values, and must be enclosed in DCNL quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML DCNL idiosyncrasies can be found :ref:`here <yaml-idiosyncrasies>`. DCNL Variables as values are not evaluated. So $PATH in the following DCNL example is a literal \'$PATH\': DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL salt://scripts/bar.sh: DCNL cmd.script: DCNL - env: "PATH=/some/path:$PATH" DCNL One can still use the existing $PATH by using a bit of Jinja: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL {% set current_path = salt[\'environ.get\'](\'PATH\', \'/bin:/usr/bin\') %} DCNL mycommand: DCNL cmd.run: DCNL - name: ls -l / DCNL - env: DCNL - PATH: {{ [current_path, \'/my/special/bin\']|join(\':\') }} DCNL :param bool clean_env: Attempt to clean out all other shell environment DCNL variables and set only those provided in the \'env\' argument to this DCNL function. DCNL :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating DCNL engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, mako, DCNL and wempy are supported DCNL :param bool rstrip: Strip all whitespace off the end of output before it is DCNL returned. DCNL :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. DCNL :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from DCNL the command is logged. Note that the command being run will still be logged DCNL (loglevel: DEBUG) regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. DCNL :param int timeout: A timeout in seconds for the executed process to return. DCNL :param bool use_vt: Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output DCNL more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental. DCNL :param bool encoded_cmd: Specify if the supplied command is encoded. DCNL Only applies to shell \'powershell\'. DCNL .. warning:: DCNL This function does not process commands through a shell DCNL unless the python_shell flag is set to True. This means that any DCNL shell-specific functionality such as \'echo\' or the use of pipes, DCNL redirection or &&, should either be migrated to cmd.shell or DCNL have the python_shell=True flag set here. DCNL The use of python_shell=True means that the shell will accept _any_ input DCNL including potentially malicious commands such as \'good_command;rm -rf /\'. DCNL Be absolutely certain that you have sanitized your input prior to using DCNL python_shell=True DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run "ls -l | awk \'/foo/{print \\$2}\'" DCNL The template arg can be set to \'jinja\' or another supported template DCNL engine to render the command arguments before execution. DCNL For example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk \'/foo/{print \\$2}\'" DCNL Specify an alternate shell with the shell parameter: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run "Get-ChildItem C:\\ " shell=\'powershell\' DCNL A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using DCNL the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive DCNL information must be read from standard input.: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run "grep f" stdin=\'one\\ntwo\\nthree\\nfour\\nfive\\n\' DCNL If an equal sign (``=``) appears in an argument to a Salt command it is DCNL interpreted as a keyword argument in the format ``key=val``. That DCNL processing can be bypassed in order to pass an equal sign through to the DCNL remote shell command by manually specifying the kwarg: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run cmd=\'sed -e s/=/:/g\''
'Returns a rendered snippet for a embedded resource preview. DCNL Depending on the type, different previews are loaded. DCNL This could be an img tag where the image is loaded directly or an iframe DCNL that embeds a web page or a recline preview.'
'Return keybinding'
'Add the service user.'
'Returns the currently active time zone as a tzinfo instance.'
'Get all available lighting devices.'
'yaml: saltstack DCNL Send a message to Salt API. Requires the :jenkins-wiki:`saltstack plugin DCNL <saltstack-plugin>`. DCNL :arg str servername: Salt master server name (required) DCNL :arg str authtype: Authentication type (\'pam\' or \'ldap\', default \'pam\') DCNL :arg str credentials: Credentials ID for which to authenticate to Salt DCNL master (required) DCNL :arg str target: Target minions (default \'\') DCNL :arg str targettype: Target type (\'glob\', \'pcre\', \'list\', \'grain\', DCNL \'pillar\', \'nodegroup\', \'range\', or \'compound\', default \'glob\') DCNL :arg str function: Function to execute (default \'\') DCNL :arg str arguments: Salt function arguments (default \'\') DCNL :arg str kwarguments: Salt keyword arguments (default \'\') DCNL :arg bool saveoutput: Save Salt return data into environment variable DCNL (default false) DCNL :arg str clientinterface: Client interface type (\'local\', \'local-batch\', DCNL or \'runner\', default \'local\') DCNL :arg bool wait: Wait for completion of command (default false) DCNL :arg str polltime: Number of seconds to wait before polling job completion DCNL status (default \'\') DCNL :arg str batchsize: Salt batch size, absolute value or %-age (default 100%) DCNL :arg str mods: Mods to runner (default \'\') DCNL :arg bool setpillardata: Set Pillar data (default false) DCNL :arg str pillarkey: Pillar key (default \'\') DCNL :arg str pillarvalue: Pillar value (default \'\') DCNL Minimal Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/saltstack-minimal.yaml DCNL :language: yaml DCNL Full Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/saltstack-full.yaml DCNL :language: yaml'
'Return the compile contract code. DCNL Args: DCNL filepath (str): The path to the contract source code. DCNL libraries (dict): A dictionary mapping library name to it\'s address. DCNL combined (str): The argument for solc\'s --combined-json. DCNL optimize (bool): Enable/disables compiler optimization. DCNL Returns: DCNL dict: A mapping from the contract name to it\'s binary.'
'>>> test_try_finally_regression(True) DCNL (123,) DCNL >>> test_try_finally_regression(False) DCNL Traceback (most recent call last): DCNL UnboundLocalError: local variable \'a\' referenced before assignment'
'Send notification with order invoice link after purchase'
'Scales image down to shape. Preserves proportions of image, introduces DCNL black letterboxing if necessary. DCNL Parameters DCNL image : WRITEME DCNL shape : WRITEME DCNL Returns DCNL WRITEME'
'Return threshold value based on minimum method. DCNL The histogram of the input `image` is computed and smoothed until there are DCNL only two maxima. Then the minimum in between is the threshold value. DCNL Parameters DCNL image : (M, N) ndarray DCNL Input image. DCNL nbins : int, optional DCNL Number of bins used to calculate histogram. This value is ignored for DCNL integer arrays. DCNL bias : {\'min\', \'mid\', \'max\'}, optional DCNL \'min\', \'mid\', \'max\' return lowest, middle, or highest pixel value DCNL with minimum histogram value. DCNL max_iter: int, optional DCNL Maximum number of iterations to smooth the histogram. DCNL Returns DCNL threshold : float DCNL Upper threshold value. All pixels with an intensity higher than DCNL this value are assumed to be foreground. DCNL Raises DCNL RuntimeError DCNL If unable to find two local maxima in the histogram or if the DCNL smoothing takes more than 1e4 iterations. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Prewitt, JMS & Mendelsohn, ML (1966), "The analysis of cell images", DCNL Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 128: 1035-1053 DCNL DOI:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1965.tb11715.x DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from skimage.data import camera DCNL >>> image = camera() DCNL >>> thresh = threshold_minimum(image) DCNL >>> binary = image > thresh'
'Return the pluralization suffix for "count" item(s). For example: DCNL \'item\' + Pluralize(1) = \'item\' DCNL \'item\' + Pluralize(2) = \'items\' DCNL \'activit\' + Pluralize(1, \'y\', \'ies\') = \'activity\' DCNL \'activit\' + Pluralize(0, \'y\', \'ies\') = \'activities\''
'Default index page'
'Get the IP addresses of the slave nodes. Fails silently because it DCNL makes testing easier and if things are broken they will fail before this DCNL function is called.'
'This is Algorithm 2.2. DCNL Parameters DCNL A : ndarray or other linear operator DCNL A linear operator that can produce matrix products. DCNL AT : ndarray or other linear operator DCNL The transpose of A. DCNL t : int, optional DCNL A positive parameter controlling the tradeoff between DCNL accuracy versus time and memory usage. DCNL Returns DCNL g : sequence DCNL A non-negative decreasing vector DCNL such that g[j] is a lower bound for the 1-norm DCNL of the column of A of jth largest 1-norm. DCNL The first entry of this vector is therefore a lower bound DCNL on the 1-norm of the linear operator A. DCNL This sequence has length t. DCNL ind : sequence DCNL The ith entry of ind is the index of the column A whose 1-norm DCNL is given by g[i]. DCNL This sequence of indices has length t, and its entries are DCNL chosen from range(n), possibly with repetition, DCNL where n is the order of the operator A. DCNL Notes DCNL This algorithm is mainly for testing. DCNL It uses the \'ind\' array in a way that is similar to DCNL its usage in algorithm 2.4. This algorithm 2.2 may be easier to test, DCNL so it gives a chance of uncovering bugs related to indexing DCNL which could have propagated less noticeably to algorithm 2.4.'
'Test user API key to use for functional tests. If set, this should drive DCNL API based testing - if not set master API key should be used to create a new DCNL user and API key for tests.'
'Pads each sequence to the same length: DCNL the length of the longest sequence. DCNL If maxlen is provided, any sequence longer DCNL than maxlen is truncated to maxlen. DCNL Truncation happens off either the beginning (default) or DCNL the end of the sequence. DCNL Supports post-padding and pre-padding (default). DCNL Parameters DCNL sequences : list of lists where each element is a sequence DCNL maxlen : int, maximum length DCNL dtype : type to cast the resulting sequence. DCNL padding : \'pre\' or \'post\', pad either before or after each sequence. DCNL truncating : \'pre\' or \'post\', remove values from sequences larger than DCNL maxlen either in the beginning or in the end of the sequence DCNL value : float, value to pad the sequences to the desired value. DCNL Returns DCNL x : numpy array with dimensions (number_of_sequences, maxlen) DCNL Examples DCNL >>> sequences = [[1,1,1,1,1],[2,2,2],[3,3]] DCNL >>> sequences = pad_sequences(sequences, maxlen=None, dtype=\'int32\', DCNL ... padding=\'post\', truncating=\'pre\', value=0.) DCNL ... [[1 1 1 1 1] DCNL ... [2 2 2 0 0] DCNL ... [3 3 0 0 0]]'
'Takes a lexed set of tokens, and removes whitespace when there is DCNL a directive on a line by itself: DCNL >>> tokens = lex(\'{{if x}}\nx\n{{endif}}\ny\', trim_whitespace=False) DCNL >>> tokens DCNL [(\'if x\', (1, 3)), \'\nx\n\', (\'endif\', (3, 3)), \'\ny\'] DCNL >>> trim_lex(tokens) DCNL [(\'if x\', (1, 3)), \'x\n\', (\'endif\', (3, 3)), \'y\']'
'Construct a `Float64Overwrite` with the correct DCNL start and end date based on the asof date of the delta, DCNL the dense_dates, and the dense_dates. DCNL Parameters DCNL asof : datetime DCNL The asof date of the delta. DCNL dense_dates : pd.DatetimeIndex DCNL The dates requested by the loader. DCNL sparse_dates : pd.DatetimeIndex DCNL The dates that appeared in the dataset. DCNL asset_idx : tuple of int DCNL The index of the asset in the block. If this is a tuple, then this DCNL is treated as the first and last index to use. DCNL value : np.float64 DCNL The value to overwrite with. DCNL Returns DCNL overwrite : Float64Overwrite DCNL The overwrite that will apply the new value to the data. DCNL Notes DCNL This is forward-filling all dense dates that are between the asof_date date DCNL and the next sparse date after the asof_date. DCNL For example: DCNL let ``asof = pd.Timestamp(\'2014-01-02\')``, DCNL ``dense_dates = pd.date_range(\'2014-01-01\', \'2014-01-05\')`` DCNL ``sparse_dates = pd.to_datetime([\'2014-01\', \'2014-02\', \'2014-04\'])`` DCNL Then the overwrite will apply to indexes: 1, 2, 3, 4'
'Create an item via pcs command DCNL (mainly for use with the pcs state module) DCNL item DCNL config, property, resource, constraint etc. DCNL item_id DCNL id of the item DCNL item_type DCNL item type DCNL create DCNL create command (create or set f.e., default: create) DCNL extra_args DCNL additional options for the pcs command DCNL cibfile DCNL use cibfile instead of the live CIB'
'Shorten the length of a quantum circuit. DCNL random_reduce looks for circuit identities in circuit, randomly chooses DCNL one to remove, and returns a shorter yet equivalent circuit. If no DCNL identities are found, the same circuit is returned. DCNL Parameters DCNL circuit : Gate tuple of Mul DCNL A tuple of Gates representing a quantum circuit DCNL gate_ids : list, GateIdentity DCNL List of gate identities to find in circuit DCNL seed : int or list DCNL seed used for _randrange; to override the random selection, provide a DCNL list of integers: the elements of gate_ids will be tested in the order DCNL given by the list'
'Update the fields on the user model and connects it to the facebook account'
'Get the path separator for the current operating system. The path DCNL separator is used to separate elements of a path string, such as DCNL "PATH" or "CLASSPATH". (It\'s a ":" on Unix-like systems and a ";" DCNL on Windows.) DCNL :rtype: str DCNL :return: the path separator'
'Writes the contents of a file to a user\'s crontab DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cron.write_cron_file root /tmp/new_cron DCNL .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.9 DCNL .. note:: DCNL Some OS\' do not support specifying user via the `crontab` command i.e. (Solaris, AIX)'
'Load a image and return the channel of the image DCNL :param image_path: DCNL :return: the channel of the image'
'Checks whether translation files provide a translation for some technical DCNL message ID to store partial date formats. If it doesn\'t contain one, the DCNL formats provided in the settings will be used.'
'NOOP string -> string coercion'
'Generate an icinga2 certificate and key on the client. DCNL name DCNL The domain name for which this certificate and key will be generated'
'Verify that the path to the device is a mount point and mounted. This DCNL allows us to fast fail on drives that have been unmounted because of DCNL issues, and also prevents us for accidentally filling up the root DCNL partition. DCNL :param root: base path where the devices are mounted DCNL :param drive: drive name to be checked DCNL :returns: True if it is a valid mounted device, False otherwise'
'Return a list of sysctl parameters for this minion DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' sysctl.show'
'Find a noncovered zero and prime it. If there is no starred zero DCNL in the row containing this primed zero, Go to Step 5. Otherwise, DCNL cover this row and uncover the column containing the starred DCNL zero. Continue in this manner until there are no uncovered zeros DCNL left. Save the smallest uncovered value and Go to Step 6.'
'Invoked by configuring a [hook] entry in .hg/hgrc.'
'Returns True if the passed in function is a coroutine'
'Take a *fileobj* correponding to the given path and returns an iterator DCNL that yield chunks of bytes, or, if *path* doesn\'t correspond to a DCNL compressed file type, *fileobj* itself.'
'Retrive the file name and line number immediately after where this function DCNL is called. DCNL @return: the file name and line number DCNL @rtype: 2-L{tuple} of L{str}, L{int}'
'Convert to cygwin path if we are using cygwin.'
'Load werkzeug.'
'Get a signature object for the passed callable.'
'Set the value of the setting for the SMTP virtual server. DCNL .. note:: DCNL The setting names are case-sensitive. DCNL :param str settings: A dictionary of the setting names and their values. DCNL :param str server: The SMTP server name. DCNL :return: A boolean representing whether all changes succeeded. DCNL :rtype: bool DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' win_smtp_server.set_server_setting settings="{\'MaxRecipients\': \'500\'}"'
'Returns the IP version of a network (IPv4 or IPv6). Raises DCNL AddrFormatError if invalid network.'
'Update global state when a task has been accepted.'
'This method is similar to the builtin `unicode`, except DCNL that it may try multiple encodings to find one that works DCNL for decoding `value`, and defaults to \'utf-8\' first. DCNL :param: value: the value to convert DCNL :param: hint_encoding: an optional encoding that was detecte DCNL upstream and should be tried first to decode ``value``. DCNL :param str errors: optional `errors` flag to pass to the unicode DCNL built-in to indicate how illegal character values should be DCNL treated when converting a string: \'strict\', \'ignore\' or \'replace\' DCNL (see ``unicode()`` constructor). DCNL Passing anything other than \'strict\' means that the first DCNL encoding tried will be used, even if it\'s not the correct DCNL one to use, so be careful! Ignored if value is not a string/unicode. DCNL :raise: UnicodeError if value cannot be coerced to unicode DCNL :return: unicode string representing the given value'
'Generates and saves random secret key'
'Declare a module-level attribute as being deprecated. DCNL @type version: L{incremental.Version} DCNL @param version: Version that the attribute was deprecated in DCNL @type message: C{str} DCNL @param message: Deprecation message DCNL @type moduleName: C{str} DCNL @param moduleName: Fully-qualified Python name of the module containing DCNL the deprecated attribute; if called from the same module as the DCNL attributes are being deprecated in, using the C{__name__} global can DCNL be helpful DCNL @type name: C{str} DCNL @param name: Attribute name to deprecate'
'Builds a lambda function representing a predicate on a tree node DCNL from the disjunction of several other such lambda functions.'
'Return a list of TypelibSpec objects, one for each registered library.'
'find sample size to get desired confidence interval length DCNL Parameters DCNL proportion : float in (0, 1) DCNL proportion or quantile DCNL half_length : float in (0, 1) DCNL desired half length of the confidence interval DCNL alpha : float in (0, 1) DCNL significance level, default 0.05, DCNL coverage of the two-sided interval is (approximately) ``1 - alpha`` DCNL method : string in [\'normal\'] DCNL method to use for confidence interval, DCNL currently only normal approximation DCNL Returns DCNL n : float DCNL sample size to get the desired half length of the confidence interval DCNL Notes DCNL this is mainly to store the formula. DCNL possible application: number of replications in bootstrap samples'
'Github issue #6025 pointed to incorrect ListedColormap._resample; DCNL here we test the method for LinearSegmentedColormap as well.'
'Account view'
'Check if caught exception represents EINTR error. DCNL :param exc: exception; must be one of classes in _SELECT_ERRORS'
'Get a pointer to the underlying function for a ctypes function as an DCNL integer.'
'Determine if a pywintypes.error is telling us that the given process is DCNL \'not a valid win32 application\', i.e. not a PE format executable. DCNL @param pywinerr: a pywintypes.error instance raised by CreateProcess DCNL @return: a boolean'
'Generate Meta information for export'
'Compares lists of arrays pairwise with ``assert_array_equal``. DCNL Args: DCNL x(array_like): Array of the actual objects. DCNL y(array_like): Array of the desired, expected objects. DCNL err_msg(str): The error message to be printed in case of failure. DCNL verbose(bool): If ``True``, the conflicting values DCNL are appended to the error message. DCNL Each element of ``x`` and ``y`` must be either :class:`numpy.ndarray` DCNL or :class:`cupy.ndarray`. ``x`` and ``y`` must have same length. DCNL Otherwise, this function raises ``AssertionError``. DCNL It compares elements of ``x`` and ``y`` pairwise DCNL with :func:`assert_array_equal` and raises error if at least one DCNL pair is not equal. DCNL .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.testing.assert_array_equal`'
'http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.numerics.complex(VS.100).aspx DCNL This should be tested minimally here, and hit comprehensively from number DCNL tests. Basically any "complex" test should pass against a Complex.'
'Creates the output filename. DCNL Args: DCNL dataset_dir: The dataset directory where the dataset is stored. DCNL split_name: The name of the train/test split. DCNL Returns: DCNL An absolute file path.'
'Sends a reset password token to the user.'
'.. warning:: DCNL This function is **deprecated** and will be removed in version 0.1.0! DCNL Use the :meth:`.Authomatic.request_elements` method instead.'
'Lambda for an expresion DCNL >>> t = symbol(\'t\', \'{x: int, y: int, z: int, when: datetime}\') DCNL >>> f = lambdify([t], t.x + t.y) DCNL >>> f((1, 10, 100, \'\')) DCNL 11 DCNL >>> f = lambdify([t.x, t.y, t.z, t.when], t.x + cos(t.y)) DCNL >>> f(1, 0, 100, \'\') DCNL 2.0'
'Reports for long function bodies. DCNL For an overview why this is done, see: DCNL http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml#Write_Short_Functions DCNL Uses a simplistic algorithm assuming other style guidelines DCNL (especially spacing) are followed. DCNL Only checks unindented functions, so class members are unchecked. DCNL Trivial bodies are unchecked, so constructors with huge initializer lists DCNL may be missed. DCNL Blank/comment lines are not counted so as to avoid encouraging the removal DCNL of vertical space and comments just to get through a lint check. DCNL NOLINT *on the last line of a function* disables this check. DCNL Args: DCNL filename: The name of the current file. DCNL clean_lines: A CleansedLines instance containing the file. DCNL linenum: The number of the line to check. DCNL function_state: Current function name and lines in body so far. DCNL error: The function to call with any errors found.'
'Gives the display value for a given path, making it relative to cwd DCNL if possible.'
'Run nagios plugin and return all the data execution with cmd.run_all'
'Handle the "where should I go next?" part of comment views. DCNL The next value could be a kwarg to the function (``default``), or a DCNL ``?next=...`` GET arg, or the URL of a given view (``default_view``). See DCNL the view modules for examples. DCNL Returns an ``HttpResponseRedirect``.'
'Given integers x and M, M > 0, such that x/M is small in absolute DCNL value, compute an integer approximation to M*exp(x/M). For 0 <= DCNL x/M <= 2.4, the absolute error in the result is bounded by 60 (and DCNL is usually much smaller).'
'A factory for generating contact commands'
'Wraps a function so that it swallows exceptions.'
'Return a quoted (shell-escaped) version of the value which can be used as one token in a shell DCNL command line. DCNL :param value: Value to quote. DCNL :type value: ``str`` DCNL :rtype: ``str``'
'unpack(data, word_size = None, endianness = None, sign = None) -> int list DCNL Splits `data` into groups of ``word_size//8`` bytes and calls :func:`unpack` on each group. Returns a list of the results. DCNL `word_size` must be a multiple of `8` or the string "all". In the latter case a singleton list will always be returned. DCNL Args DCNL number (int): String to convert DCNL word_size (int): Word size of the converted integers or the string "all". DCNL endianness (str): Endianness of the converted integer ("little"/"big") DCNL sign (str): Signedness of the converted integer (False/True) DCNL kwargs: Anything that can be passed to context.local DCNL Returns: DCNL The unpacked numbers. DCNL Examples: DCNL >>> map(hex, unpack_many(\'\xaa\x55\xcc\x33\', 16, endian=\'little\', sign=False)) DCNL [\'0x55aa\', \'0x33cc\'] DCNL >>> map(hex, unpack_many(\'\xaa\x55\xcc\x33\', 16, endian=\'big\', sign=False)) DCNL [\'0xaa55\', \'0xcc33\'] DCNL >>> map(hex, unpack_many(\'\xaa\x55\xcc\x33\', 16, endian=\'big\', sign=True)) DCNL [\'-0x55ab\', \'-0x33cd\'] DCNL >>> map(hex, unpack_many(\'\xff\x02\x03\', \'all\', endian=\'little\', sign=True)) DCNL [\'0x302ff\'] DCNL >>> map(hex, unpack_many(\'\xff\x02\x03\', \'all\', endian=\'big\', sign=True)) DCNL [\'-0xfdfd\']'
'Proximity operator for l21 norm. DCNL L2 over columns and L1 over rows => groups contain n_orient rows. DCNL It can eventually take into account the negative frequencies DCNL when a complex value is passed and is_stft=True. DCNL Example DCNL >>> Y = np.tile(np.array([0, 4, 3, 0, 0], dtype=np.float), (2, 1)) DCNL >>> Y = np.r_[Y, np.zeros_like(Y)] DCNL >>> print(Y) DCNL [[ 0. 4. 3. 0. 0.] DCNL [ 0. 4. 3. 0. 0.] DCNL [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] DCNL [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]] DCNL >>> Yp, active_set = prox_l21(Y, 2, 2) DCNL >>> print(Yp) DCNL [[ 0. 2.86862915 2.15147186 0. 0. ] DCNL [ 0. 2.86862915 2.15147186 0. 0. ]] DCNL >>> print(active_set) DCNL [ True True False False]'
'Krippendorff\'s interval distance metric DCNL >>> from nltk.metrics import interval_distance DCNL >>> interval_distance(1,10) DCNL 81 DCNL Krippendorff 1980, Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology'
'Given a utf8 message string, create an Exception object.'
'Return a decorator that marks a property as deprecated. To deprecate a DCNL regular callable or class, see L{deprecated}. DCNL @type version: L{incremental.Version} DCNL @param version: The version in which the callable will be marked as DCNL having been deprecated. The decorated function will be annotated DCNL with this version, having it set as its C{deprecatedVersion} DCNL attribute. DCNL @param version: the version that the callable was deprecated in. DCNL @type version: L{incremental.Version} DCNL @param replacement: what should be used in place of the callable. DCNL Either pass in a string, which will be inserted into the warning DCNL message, or a callable, which will be expanded to its full import DCNL path. DCNL @type replacement: C{str} or callable DCNL @return: A new property with deprecated setter and getter. DCNL @rtype: C{property} DCNL @since: 16.1.0'
'Constructs and returns the api entrypoint flow. DCNL This flow will do the following: DCNL 1. Inject keys & values for dependent tasks. DCNL 2. Extracts and validates the input keys & values. DCNL 3. Reserves the quota (reverts quota on any failures). DCNL 4. Creates the database entry. DCNL 5. Commits the quota. DCNL 6. Casts to volume manager or scheduler for further processing.'
'This method ensures all models are completely loaded DCNL FeinCMS requires Django to be completely initialized before proceeding, DCNL because of the extension mechanism and the dynamically created content DCNL types. DCNL For more informations, have a look at issue #23 on github: DCNL http://github.com/feincms/feincms/issues#issue/23'
'Set the stubs in mapping in the db api.'
'Close the postgres connection.'
'>>> deleted(False) DCNL >>> deleted(True) DCNL Traceback (most recent call last): DCNL UnboundLocalError: local variable \'a\' referenced before assignment'
'Execute a single command and check the returns'
'Decode length 8 barcode (16 bits)'
'Generate lowering listing to ``path`` or (if None) to stdout.'
'Return MAC address corresponding to a given IP address'
'Function used to render Rekall \'_EPROCESS\' objects.'
'Custom decorator to restrict non-login access to views DCNL sets g.user to the successfully authenticated user DCNL Allows JWT token based access and Basic auth access DCNL Falls back to active session if both are not present'
'Tests editor filters are correctly constructed.'
'Changes into gitdname and builds the docs using BUILDENV virtualenv'
'Returns the global instance of a subsystem, for use in tests. DCNL :API: public DCNL :param type subsystem_type: The subclass of :class:`pants.subsystem.subsystem.Subsystem` DCNL to create. DCNL :param options: dict of scope -> (dict of option name -> value). DCNL The scopes may be that of the global instance of the subsystem (i.e., DCNL subsystem_type.options_scope) and/or the scopes of instances of the DCNL subsystems it transitively depends on.'
'Check that the surfaces are complete and non-intersecting.'
'Determine whether a PID file is stale. DCNL Return ``True`` (“stale”) if the contents of the PID file are DCNL valid but do not match the PID of a currently-running process; DCNL otherwise return ``False``.'
'Helper function that looks up syslog_config keys available from DCNL ``vsphere.get_syslog_config``.'
'Trims history table to 1 month of history from today'
'Create a comment. DCNL Arguments: DCNL request: The django request object used for build_absolute_uri and DCNL determining the requesting user. DCNL comment_data: The data for the created comment. DCNL Returns: DCNL The created comment; see discussion_api.views.CommentViewSet for more DCNL detail.'
'<query> -- Searches for users on SoundCloud.'
'Implement the ``EMSA-PSS-ENCODE`` function, as defined DCNL in PKCS#1 v2.1 (RFC3447, 9.1.1). DCNL The original ``EMSA-PSS-ENCODE`` actually accepts the message ``M`` as input, DCNL and hash it internally. Here, we expect that the message has already DCNL been hashed instead. DCNL :Parameters: DCNL mhash : hash object DCNL The hash object that holds the digest of the message being signed. DCNL emBits : int DCNL Maximum length of the final encoding, in bits. DCNL randFunc : callable DCNL An RNG function that accepts as only parameter an int, and returns DCNL a string of random bytes, to be used as salt. DCNL mgf : callable DCNL A mask generation function that accepts two parameters: a string to DCNL use as seed, and the lenth of the mask to generate, in bytes. DCNL sLen : int DCNL Length of the salt, in bytes. DCNL :Return: An ``emLen`` byte long string that encodes the hash DCNL (with ``emLen = \ceil(emBits/8)``). DCNL :Raise ValueError: DCNL When digest or salt length are too big.'
'Dynamic Imaging of Coherent Sources (DICS). DCNL Calculate the DICS spatial filter based on a given cross-spectral DCNL density object and return estimates of source activity based on given data. DCNL Parameters DCNL data : array or list / iterable DCNL Sensor space data. If data.ndim == 2 a single observation is assumed DCNL and a single stc is returned. If data.ndim == 3 or if data is DCNL a list / iterable, a list of stc\'s is returned. DCNL info : dict DCNL Measurement info. DCNL tmin : float DCNL Time of first sample. DCNL forward : dict DCNL Forward operator. DCNL noise_csd : instance of CrossSpectralDensity DCNL The noise cross-spectral density. DCNL data_csd : instance of CrossSpectralDensity DCNL The data cross-spectral density. DCNL reg : float DCNL The regularization for the cross-spectral density. DCNL label : Label | None DCNL Restricts the solution to a given label. DCNL picks : array-like of int | None DCNL Indices (in info) of data channels. If None, MEG and EEG data channels DCNL (without bad channels) will be used. DCNL pick_ori : None | \'normal\' DCNL If \'normal\', rather than pooling the orientations by taking the norm, DCNL only the radial component is kept. DCNL verbose : bool, str, int, or None DCNL If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose` DCNL and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more). DCNL Returns DCNL stc : SourceEstimate | VolSourceEstimate DCNL Source time courses'
'Calculates a Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient and the p-value DCNL to test for non-correlation. DCNL The Spearman correlation is a nonparametric measure of the monotonicity DCNL of the relationship between two datasets. Unlike the Pearson correlation, DCNL the Spearman correlation does not assume that both datasets are normally DCNL distributed. Like other correlation coefficients, this one varies DCNL between -1 and +1 with 0 implying no correlation. Correlations of -1 or DCNL +1 imply an exact monotonic relationship. Positive correlations imply that DCNL as x increases, so does y. Negative correlations imply that as x DCNL increases, y decreases. DCNL The p-value roughly indicates the probability of an uncorrelated system DCNL producing datasets that have a Spearman correlation at least as extreme DCNL as the one computed from these datasets. The p-values are not entirely DCNL reliable but are probably reasonable for datasets larger than 500 or so. DCNL Parameters DCNL a, b : 1D or 2D array_like, b is optional DCNL One or two 1-D or 2-D arrays containing multiple variables and DCNL observations. When these are 1-D, each represents a vector of DCNL observations of a single variable. For the behavior in the 2-D case, DCNL see under ``axis``, below. DCNL Both arrays need to have the same length in the ``axis`` dimension. DCNL axis : int or None, optional DCNL If axis=0 (default), then each column represents a variable, with DCNL observations in the rows. If axis=1, the relationship is transposed: DCNL each row represents a variable, while the columns contain observations. DCNL If axis=None, then both arrays will be raveled. DCNL nan_policy : {\'propagate\', \'raise\', \'omit\'}, optional DCNL Defines how to handle when input contains nan. \'propagate\' returns nan, DCNL \'raise\' throws an error, \'omit\' performs the calculations ignoring nan DCNL values. Default is \'propagate\'. DCNL Returns DCNL correlation : float or ndarray (2-D square) DCNL Spearman correlation matrix or correlation coefficient (if only 2 DCNL variables are given as parameters. Correlation matrix is square with DCNL length equal to total number of variables (columns or rows) in a and b DCNL combined. DCNL pvalue : float DCNL The two-sided p-value for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is DCNL that two sets of data are uncorrelated, has same dimension as rho. DCNL Notes DCNL Changes in scipy 0.8.0: rewrite to add tie-handling, and axis. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Zwillinger, D. and Kokoska, S. (2000). CRC Standard DCNL Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae. Chapman & Hall: New DCNL York. 2000. DCNL Section 14.7 DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from scipy import stats DCNL >>> stats.spearmanr([1,2,3,4,5], [5,6,7,8,7]) DCNL (0.82078268166812329, 0.088587005313543798) DCNL >>> np.random.seed(1234321) DCNL >>> x2n = np.random.randn(100, 2) DCNL >>> y2n = np.random.randn(100, 2) DCNL >>> stats.spearmanr(x2n) DCNL (0.059969996999699973, 0.55338590803773591) DCNL >>> stats.spearmanr(x2n[:,0], x2n[:,1]) DCNL (0.059969996999699973, 0.55338590803773591) DCNL >>> rho, pval = stats.spearmanr(x2n, y2n) DCNL >>> rho DCNL array([[ 1. , 0.05997 , 0.18569457, 0.06258626], DCNL [ 0.05997 , 1. , 0.110003 , 0.02534653], DCNL [ 0.18569457, 0.110003 , 1. , 0.03488749], DCNL [ 0.06258626, 0.02534653, 0.03488749, 1. ]]) DCNL >>> pval DCNL array([[ 0. , 0.55338591, 0.06435364, 0.53617935], DCNL [ 0.55338591, 0. , 0.27592895, 0.80234077], DCNL [ 0.06435364, 0.27592895, 0. , 0.73039992], DCNL [ 0.53617935, 0.80234077, 0.73039992, 0. ]]) DCNL >>> rho, pval = stats.spearmanr(x2n.T, y2n.T, axis=1) DCNL >>> rho DCNL array([[ 1. , 0.05997 , 0.18569457, 0.06258626], DCNL [ 0.05997 , 1. , 0.110003 , 0.02534653], DCNL [ 0.18569457, 0.110003 , 1. , 0.03488749], DCNL [ 0.06258626, 0.02534653, 0.03488749, 1. ]]) DCNL >>> stats.spearmanr(x2n, y2n, axis=None) DCNL (0.10816770419260482, 0.1273562188027364) DCNL >>> stats.spearmanr(x2n.ravel(), y2n.ravel()) DCNL (0.10816770419260482, 0.1273562188027364) DCNL >>> xint = np.random.randint(10, size=(100, 2)) DCNL >>> stats.spearmanr(xint) DCNL (0.052760927029710199, 0.60213045837062351)'
'Gets the default gs bucket name for the app. DCNL Args: DCNL deadline: Optional deadline in seconds for the operation; the default DCNL is a system-specific deadline (typically 5 seconds). DCNL Returns: DCNL Default bucket name for the app.'
'Makes a generator send the event \'event\' every time it yields. DCNL This decorator is supposed to decorate a generator, but any function DCNL returning an iterable should work. DCNL Each yielded value is passed to plugins using the \'info\' parameter of DCNL \'send\'.'
'Load a single AppInfo object where one and only one is expected. DCNL Validates that the the values in the AppInfo match the validators defined DCNL in this file. (in particular, in AppInfoExternal.ATTRIBUTES) DCNL Args: DCNL app_info: A file-like object or string. If it is a string, parse it as DCNL a configuration file. If it is a file-like object, read in data and DCNL parse. DCNL Returns: DCNL An instance of AppInfoExternal as loaded from a YAML file. DCNL Raises: DCNL ValueError: if a specified service is not valid. DCNL EmptyConfigurationFile: when there are no documents in YAML file. DCNL MultipleConfigurationFile: when there is more than one document in YAML DCNL file. DCNL DuplicateBackend: if backend is found more than once in \'backends\'. DCNL yaml_errors.EventError: if the app.yaml fails validation. DCNL appinfo_errors.MultipleProjectNames: if the app.yaml has both \'application\' DCNL and \'project\'.'
'Deprecated, just use an IDTokenizer directly, with a LowercaseFilter if DCNL desired.'
'Copies Document to a document_pb.Document protocol buffer.'
'Return (z,p,k) for analog prototype of Nth-order Butterworth filter. DCNL The filter will have an angular (e.g. rad/s) cutoff frequency of 1. DCNL See Also DCNL butter : Filter design function using this prototype'
'Extract integer limit from request or fail'
'Validate snapshot name and convert to snapshot ID DCNL :param str name: DCNL Name/ID of VM whose snapshot name is being validated DCNL :param str snap_name: DCNL Name/ID of snapshot DCNL :param bool strict: DCNL Raise an exception if multiple snapshot IDs are found DCNL :param str runas: DCNL The user that the prlctl command will be run as'
'Return the font encoded in the MOBI FONT record represented by data. DCNL The return value in a dict with fields raw_data, font_data, err, ext, DCNL headers. DCNL :param extent: The number of obfuscated bytes. So far I have only DCNL encountered files with 1040 obfuscated bytes. If you encounter an DCNL obfuscated record for which this function fails, try different extent DCNL values (easily automated). DCNL raw_data is the raw data in the font record DCNL font_data is the decoded font_data or None if an error occurred DCNL err is not None if some error occurred DCNL ext is the font type (ttf for TrueType, dat for unknown and failed if an DCNL error occurred) DCNL headers is the list of decoded headers from the font record or None if DCNL decoding failed'
'Create lxml-version.h'
'This is the entry point to changing subscription properties. This DCNL is a bulk endpoint: requestors always provide a subscription_data DCNL list containing dictionaries for each stream of interest. DCNL Requests are of the form: DCNL [{"stream": "devel", "property": "in_home_view", "value": False}, DCNL {"stream": "devel", "property": "color", "value": "#c2c2c2"}]'
'Process options passed either via arglist or via command line args.'
'Virtual field for project_time - returns the date of the Monday DCNL (=first day of the week) of this entry, used for project time report. DCNL Requires "date" to be in the additional report_fields DCNL @param row: the Row'
'Provides the unix timestamp when the given process started. DCNL :param int pid: process id of the process to be queried DCNL :returns: **float** for the unix timestamp when the process began, **None** DCNL if it can\'t be determined'
'initialise module'
'foreach sample in stat1_sams, return average dist to all state2_sams DCNL doesn\'t include distance to self in average, but usually state2 doesn\'t DCNL overlap with state1, so it dist to self doesn\'t apply DCNL returns a list of length = len(state1_samids)'
'Project edit page'
'Gets the search rank of a given collection. DCNL Args: DCNL collection_id: str. ID of the collection whose rank is to be retrieved. DCNL Returns: DCNL int. An integer determining the document\'s rank in search. DCNL Featured collections get a ranking bump, and so do collections that DCNL have been more recently updated.'
'Plugin registration.'
'Return an absolute path.'
'Returns a list of dictionaries with the folders contained at the given path DCNL Give the empty string as the path to list the contents of the root path DCNL under Unix this means "/", on Windows this will be a list of drive letters)'
'Returns the /48 6to4 prefix associated with provided IPv4 address DCNL On error, None is returned. No check is performed on public/private DCNL status of the address'
'Returns mean of non-None elements of the list'
'Recursively copy a directory tree. DCNL The destination directory must not already exist. DCNL If exception(s) occur, an Error is raised with a list of reasons. DCNL If the optional symlinks flag is true, symbolic links in the DCNL source tree result in symbolic links in the destination tree; if DCNL it is false, the contents of the files pointed to by symbolic DCNL links are copied. If the file pointed by the symlink doesn\'t DCNL exist, an exception will be added in the list of errors raised in DCNL an Error exception at the end of the copy process. DCNL You can set the optional ignore_dangling_symlinks flag to true if you DCNL want to silence this exception. Notice that this has no effect on DCNL platforms that don\'t support os.symlink. DCNL The optional ignore argument is a callable. If given, it DCNL is called with the `src` parameter, which is the directory DCNL being visited by copytree(), and `names` which is the list of DCNL `src` contents, as returned by os.listdir(): DCNL callable(src, names) -> ignored_names DCNL Since copytree() is called recursively, the callable will be DCNL called once for each directory that is copied. It returns a DCNL list of names relative to the `src` directory that should DCNL not be copied. DCNL The optional copy_function argument is a callable that will be used DCNL to copy each file. It will be called with the source path and the DCNL destination path as arguments. By default, copy2() is used, but any DCNL function that supports the same signature (like copy()) can be used.'
'Test reconstruction with image and mask of zeros'
'Redirect to the same URL but with a slash appended. The behavior DCNL of this function is undefined if the path ends with a slash already. DCNL :param environ: the WSGI environment for the request that triggers DCNL the redirect. DCNL :param code: the status code for the redirect.'
'Returns the selected language catalog as a javascript library. DCNL Receives the list of packages to check for translations in the DCNL packages parameter either from an infodict or as a +-delimited DCNL string from the request. Default is \'django.conf\'. DCNL Additionally you can override the gettext domain for this view, DCNL but usually you don\'t want to do that, as JavaScript messages DCNL go to the djangojs domain. But this might be needed if you DCNL deliver your JavaScript source from Django templates.'
'Serialize a representation tree into a YAML stream. DCNL If stream is None, return the produced string instead.'
'Helper method to group list of dict to dict with all possible values'
'Print a log message to stderr.'
'Bind a Blaze expression to resources. DCNL Parameters DCNL expr : bz.Expr DCNL The expression to which we want to bind resources. DCNL resources : dict[bz.Symbol -> any] DCNL Mapping from the loadable terms of ``expr`` to actual data resources. DCNL Returns DCNL bound_expr : bz.Expr DCNL ``expr`` with bound resources.'
'Get the most recent version\'s changelog as Markdown.'
'Horizontal Sobel on an edge should be a horizontal line.'
'Return the type with the \'other\' byte order. Simple types like DCNL c_int and so on already have __ctype_be__ and __ctype_le__ DCNL attributes which contain the types, for more complicated types DCNL only arrays are supported.'
'Return a Numpy array view over the data pointed to by *ptr* with the DCNL given *shape*, in Fortran order. If *dtype* is given, it is used as the DCNL array\'s dtype, otherwise the array\'s dtype is inferred from *ptr*\'s type.'
'*musicpd.org, mounts and neighbors section:* DCNL ``listmounts`` DCNL Queries a list of all mounts. By default, this contains just the DCNL configured music_directory. Example:: DCNL listmounts DCNL mount: DCNL storage: /home/foo/music DCNL mount: foo DCNL storage: nfs:// DCNL OK DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.19 DCNL New in MPD protocol version 0.19'
'Calculate C-score between v1 and v2 according to Stone and Roberts 1990. DCNL Parameters DCNL v1 : array-like DCNL List or array of numeric values to be tested. DCNL v2 : array-like DCNL List or array of numeric values to be tested. DCNL Returns DCNL cscore : float DCNL C-score between v1 and v2 DCNL Notes DCNL This function calculates the C-score between equal length vectors v1 and v2 DCNL according to the formulation given in [1]_. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Stone and Roberts. 1990, Oecologia 85:74-79'
'Compute induced power and phase lock. DCNL Computation can optionaly be restricted in a label. DCNL Parameters DCNL epochs : instance of Epochs DCNL The epochs. DCNL inverse_operator : instance of InverseOperator DCNL The inverse operator. DCNL frequencies : array DCNL Array of frequencies of interest. DCNL label : Label DCNL Restricts the source estimates to a given label. DCNL lambda2 : float DCNL The regularization parameter of the minimum norm. DCNL method : "MNE" | "dSPM" | "sLORETA" DCNL Use mininum norm, dSPM or sLORETA. DCNL nave : int DCNL The number of averages used to scale the noise covariance matrix. DCNL n_cycles : float | array of float DCNL Number of cycles. Fixed number or one per frequency. DCNL decim : int DCNL Temporal decimation factor. DCNL use_fft : bool DCNL Do convolutions in time or frequency domain with FFT. DCNL pick_ori : None | "normal" DCNL If "normal", rather than pooling the orientations by taking the norm, DCNL only the radial component is kept. This is only implemented DCNL when working with loose orientations. DCNL baseline : None (default) or tuple of length 2 DCNL The time interval to apply baseline correction. DCNL If None do not apply it. If baseline is (a, b) DCNL the interval is between "a (s)" and "b (s)". DCNL If a is None the beginning of the data is used DCNL and if b is None then b is set to the end of the interval. DCNL If baseline is equal ot (None, None) all the time DCNL interval is used. DCNL baseline_mode : None | \'logratio\' | \'zscore\' DCNL Do baseline correction with ratio (power is divided by mean DCNL power during baseline) or zscore (power is divided by standard DCNL deviation of power during baseline after subtracting the mean, DCNL power = [power - mean(power_baseline)] / std(power_baseline)). DCNL pca : bool DCNL If True, the true dimension of data is estimated before running DCNL the time-frequency transforms. It reduces the computation times DCNL e.g. with a dataset that was maxfiltered (true dim is 64). DCNL n_jobs : int DCNL Number of jobs to run in parallel. DCNL zero_mean : bool DCNL Make sure the wavelets are zero mean. DCNL prepared : bool DCNL If True, do not call `prepare_inverse_operator`. DCNL verbose : bool, str, int, or None DCNL If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose` DCNL and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more).'
'Read the metadata.kfx file that is found in the sdr book folder for KFX files'
'Compute gradient of the least-squares cost function.'
'Retrieves information for the given security group. Either a name or a DCNL secgroup_id must be supplied. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 DCNL name DCNL The name of the security group for which to gather information. Can be DCNL used instead of ``secgroup_id``. DCNL secgroup_id DCNL The ID of the security group for which to gather information. Can be DCNL used instead of ``name``. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-cloud -f secgroup_info opennebula name=my-secgroup DCNL salt-cloud --function secgroup_info opennebula secgroup_id=5'
'Produce complex-valued eigenvectors from LAPACK DGGEV real-valued output'
'Flip a given percentage or number of bits from a string'
'Check if the given module is loaded. Skip the test if not.'
'Computes the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) assuming that the DCNL observations come from a Gaussian distribution. DCNL In this case, BIC is given as DCNL .. math:: DCNL \mathrm{BIC} = n\ln\left(\dfrac{\mathrm{SSR}}{n}\right) + k\ln(n) DCNL in which :math:`n` is the sample size, :math:`k` is the number of free DCNL parameters and :math:`\mathrm{SSR}` stands for the sum of squared residuals DCNL between model and data. DCNL This is applicable, for instance, when the parameters of a model are DCNL estimated using the least squares statistic. See [1]_ and [2]_. DCNL Parameters DCNL ssr : float DCNL Sum of squared residuals (SSR) between model and data. DCNL n_params : int DCNL Number of free parameters of the model, i.e., dimension of the DCNL parameter space. DCNL n_samples : int DCNL Number of observations. DCNL Returns DCNL bic : float DCNL Examples DCNL Consider the simple 1-D fitting example presented in the Astropy DCNL modeling webpage [3]_. There, two models (Box and Gaussian) were fitted to DCNL a source flux using the least squares statistic. However, the fittings DCNL themselves do not tell much about which model better represents this DCNL hypothetical source. Therefore, we are going to apply to BIC in order to DCNL decide in favor of a model. DCNL >>> import numpy as np DCNL >>> from astropy.modeling import models, fitting DCNL >>> from astropy.stats.info_theory import bayesian_info_criterion_lsq DCNL >>> # Generate fake data DCNL >>> np.random.seed(0) DCNL >>> x = np.linspace(-5., 5., 200) DCNL >>> y = 3 * np.exp(-0.5 * (x - 1.3)**2 / 0.8**2) DCNL >>> y += np.random.normal(0., 0.2, x.shape) DCNL >>> # Fit the data using a Box model DCNL >>> t_init = models.Trapezoid1D(amplitude=1., x_0=0., width=1., slope=0.5) DCNL >>> fit_t = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() DCNL >>> t = fit_t(t_init, x, y) DCNL >>> # Fit the data using a Gaussian DCNL >>> g_init = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=1., mean=0, stddev=1.) DCNL >>> fit_g = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() DCNL >>> g = fit_g(g_init, x, y) DCNL >>> # Compute the mean squared errors DCNL >>> ssr_t = np.sum((t(x) - y)*(t(x) - y)) DCNL >>> ssr_g = np.sum((g(x) - y)*(g(x) - y)) DCNL >>> # Compute the bics DCNL >>> bic_t = bayesian_info_criterion_lsq(ssr_t, 4, x.shape[0]) DCNL >>> bic_g = bayesian_info_criterion_lsq(ssr_g, 3, x.shape[0]) DCNL >>> bic_t - bic_g # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP DCNL 30.644474706065466 DCNL Hence, there is a very strong evidence that the Gaussian model has a DCNL significantly better representation of the data than the Box model. This DCNL is, obviously, expected since the true model is Gaussian. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Wikipedia. Bayesian Information Criterion. DCNL <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_information_criterion> DCNL .. [2] Origin Lab. Comparing Two Fitting Functions. DCNL <http://www.originlab.com/doc/Origin-Help/PostFit-CompareFitFunc> DCNL .. [3] Astropy Models and Fitting DCNL <http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/modeling>'
'Sort a list of app,modellist pairs into a single list of models. DCNL The single list of models is sorted so that any model with a natural key DCNL is serialized before a normal model, and any model with a natural key DCNL dependency has it\'s dependencies serialized first.'
'Get a signature key. See: DCNL http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-v4-examples.html#signature-v4-examples-python'
'Introspect the parameters dict and return a new dict with masked secret DCNL parameters. DCNL :param parameters: Parameters to process. DCNL :type parameters: ``dict`` DCNL :param secret_parameters: List of parameter names which are secret. DCNL :type secret_parameters: ``list``'
'Release bogus EIP'
'Validates that \'value\' is an integer or string.'
'Returns html with inline css if the css file path exists DCNL else returns html with out the inline css.'
'Gets the track distance calculated by all loaded plugins. DCNL Returns a Distance object.'
'Provides the user a process is running under. DCNL :param int pid: process id of the process to be queried DCNL :returns: **str** with the username a process is running under, **None** if DCNL it can\'t be determined'
'Test conversion of vertices to MNI coordinates'
'Return the configured database password.'
'Return a token for the backend of annotations. DCNL It uses the course id to retrieve a variable that contains the secret DCNL token found in inheritance.py. It also contains information of when DCNL the token was issued. This will be stored with the user along with DCNL the id for identification purposes in the backend.'
'Test preloading and modifying data.'
'Read content into a string from a file.'
'Parse the \'229\' response for an EPSV request. DCNL Raises error_proto if it does not contain \'(|||port|)\' DCNL Return (\'host.addr.as.numbers\', port#) tuple.'
'.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 DCNL Set a key in etcd by direct path. Optionally, create a directory DCNL or set a TTL on the key. Returns None on failure. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt myminion etcd.set /path/to/key value DCNL salt myminion etcd.set /path/to/key value profile=my_etcd_config DCNL salt myminion etcd.set /path/to/dir \'\' directory=True DCNL salt myminion etcd.set /path/to/key value ttl=5'
'Adds new comment.'
'Get float lists by paths.'
'Append current experiment state to trace file.'
'Attempts to find metadata for a single track. Returns a DCNL `(candidates, recommendation)` pair where `candidates` is a list of DCNL TrackMatch objects. `search_artist` and `search_title` may be used DCNL to override the current metadata for the purposes of the MusicBrainz DCNL title; likewise `search_id`.'
'A complex command line interface.'
'Display the carve dialog.'
'Return a SQLAlchemy engine.'
'Returns a new dictionary with keys and values swapped. DCNL >>> dictreverse({1: 2, 3: 4}) DCNL {2: 1, 4: 3}'
'Compute the squared loss for regression. DCNL Parameters DCNL y_true : array-like or label indicator matrix DCNL Ground truth (correct) values. DCNL y_pred : array-like or label indicator matrix DCNL Predicted values, as returned by a regression estimator. DCNL Returns DCNL loss : float DCNL The degree to which the samples are correctly predicted.'
'Returns a decoder for a group field.'
'Helper function that returns a list of PhysicalNics and their information.'
'Get the evaluate_fundamentals directory path.'
'data -> unmarshalled data, method name DCNL Convert an XML-RPC packet to unmarshalled data plus a method DCNL name (None if not present). DCNL If the XML-RPC packet represents a fault condition, this function DCNL raises a Fault exception.'
'Compute a (probably) unique name for code for caching. DCNL This now expects code to be unicode.'
'Transform an IRI to a URI by escaping unicode.'
'Creates a string out of an array of bits DCNL :param bits: A bit array DCNL example:: DCNL bits = [False, True, False, True] DCNL result = pack_bitstring(bits)'
'A clone of the python os.walk function with some checks for recursive DCNL symlinks. Unlike os.walk this follows symlinks by default.'
'Returns the non proxied module for a namespace'
'Generate name of and cython code for a fused type. DCNL Parameters DCNL typecodes : str DCNL Valid inputs to CY_TYPES (i.e. f, d, g, ...).'
'Time a single Cone Search using `astropy.utils.timer.timefunc` DCNL with a single try and a verbose timer. DCNL Parameters DCNL args, kwargs : see :func:`conesearch` DCNL Returns DCNL t : float DCNL Run time in seconds. DCNL obj : `astropy.io.votable.tree.Table` DCNL First table from first successful VO service request.'
'Raise TypeError if x is a str containing non-utf8 bytes or if x is DCNL an iterable which contains such a str.'
'Test __setitem__.'
'.. versionadded: 2016.3.0 DCNL Execute the passed command in the background and return it\'s PID DCNL Note that ``env`` represents the environment variables for the command, and DCNL should be formatted as a dict, or a YAML string which resolves to a dict. DCNL :param str cmd: The command to run. ex: \'ls -lart /home\' DCNL :param str cwd: The current working directory to execute the command in. DCNL Defaults to the home directory of the user specified by ``runas``. DCNL :param str output_loglevel: Control the loglevel at which the output from DCNL the command is logged. Note that the command being run will still be logged DCNL (loglevel: DEBUG) regardless, unless ``quiet`` is used for this value. DCNL :param str runas: User to run script as. If running on a Windows minion you DCNL must also pass a password DCNL :param str password: Windows only. Required when specifying ``runas``. This DCNL parameter will be ignored on non-Windows platforms. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 DCNL :param str shell: Shell to execute under. Defaults to the system default DCNL shell. DCNL :param bool python_shell: If False, let python handle the positional DCNL arguments. Set to True to use shell features, such as pipes or redirection DCNL :param list env: A list of environment variables to be set prior to DCNL execution. DCNL Example: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL salt://scripts/foo.sh: DCNL cmd.script: DCNL - env: DCNL - BATCH: \'yes\' DCNL .. warning:: DCNL The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that **yes**, DCNL **no**, **on**, **off**, **true**, and **false** are all loaded as DCNL boolean ``True`` and ``False`` values, and must be enclosed in DCNL quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML DCNL idiosyncrasies can be found :ref:`here <yaml-idiosyncrasies>`. DCNL Variables as values are not evaluated. So $PATH in the following DCNL example is a literal \'$PATH\': DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL salt://scripts/bar.sh: DCNL cmd.script: DCNL - env: "PATH=/some/path:$PATH" DCNL One can still use the existing $PATH by using a bit of Jinja: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL {% set current_path = salt[\'environ.get\'](\'PATH\', \'/bin:/usr/bin\') %} DCNL mycommand: DCNL cmd.run: DCNL - name: ls -l / DCNL - env: DCNL - PATH: {{ [current_path, \'/my/special/bin\']|join(\':\') }} DCNL :param bool clean_env: Attempt to clean out all other shell environment DCNL variables and set only those provided in the \'env\' argument to this DCNL function. DCNL :param str template: If this setting is applied then the named templating DCNL engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, mako, DCNL and wempy are supported DCNL :param str umask: The umask (in octal) to use when running the command. DCNL :param int timeout: A timeout in seconds for the executed process to return. DCNL .. warning:: DCNL This function does not process commands through a shell DCNL unless the python_shell flag is set to True. This means that any DCNL shell-specific functionality such as \'echo\' or the use of pipes, DCNL redirection or &&, should either be migrated to cmd.shell or DCNL have the python_shell=True flag set here. DCNL The use of python_shell=True means that the shell will accept _any_ input DCNL including potentially malicious commands such as \'good_command;rm -rf /\'. DCNL Be absolutely certain that you have sanitized your input prior to using DCNL python_shell=True DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run_bg "fstrim-all" DCNL The template arg can be set to \'jinja\' or another supported template DCNL engine to render the command arguments before execution. DCNL For example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run_bg template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk \'/foo/{print \\$2}\'" DCNL Specify an alternate shell with the shell parameter: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run_bg "Get-ChildItem C:\\ " shell=\'powershell\' DCNL If an equal sign (``=``) appears in an argument to a Salt command it is DCNL interpreted as a keyword argument in the format ``key=val``. That DCNL processing can be bypassed in order to pass an equal sign through to the DCNL remote shell command by manually specifying the kwarg: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' cmd.run_bg cmd=\'ls -lR / | sed -e s/=/:/g > /tmp/dontwait\''
'Decorator to easily mock a CKAN action in the context of a test function DCNL It adds a mock object for the provided action as a parameter to the test DCNL function. The mock is discarded at the end of the function, even if there DCNL is an exception raised. DCNL Note that this mocks the action both when it\'s called directly via DCNL ``ckan.logic.get_action`` and via ``ckan.plugins.toolkit.get_action``. DCNL Usage:: DCNL @mock_action(\'user_list\') DCNL def test_mock_user_list(self, mock_user_list): DCNL mock_user_list.return_value = \'hi\' DCNL # user_list is mocked DCNL eq_(helpers.call_action(\'user_list\', {}), \'hi\') DCNL assert mock_user_list.called DCNL :param action_name: the name of the action to be mocked, DCNL e.g. ``package_create`` DCNL :type action_name: string'
'Creates a Postgres schema. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' postgres.schema_create dbname name owner=\'owner\' \ DCNL user=\'user\' \ DCNL db_user=\'user\' db_password=\'password\' DCNL db_host=\'hostname\' db_port=\'port\''
'Checks if a string is a valid format for being a connection identifier. DCNL Currently, this is just an alias to :func:`~stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_circuit_id`. DCNL :returns: **True** if the string could be a connection id, **False** otherwise'
'Join a list into a string using the delimeter. DCNL This is just a wrapper for string.join. DCNL Args: DCNL delimeter: The delimiter to use when joining the string. DCNL Returns: DCNL Method which joins the list into a string with the delimeter.'
'Return a set of objects representing the elliptic curves supported in the DCNL OpenSSL build in use. DCNL The curve objects have a :py:class:`unicode` ``name`` attribute by which DCNL they identify themselves. DCNL The curve objects are useful as values for the argument accepted by DCNL :py:meth:`Context.set_tmp_ecdh` to specify which elliptical curve should be DCNL used for ECDHE key exchange.'
'Upload a file-like object to S3. DCNL The file-like object must be in binary mode. DCNL This is a managed transfer which will perform a multipart upload in DCNL multiple threads if necessary. DCNL Usage:: DCNL import boto3 DCNL s3 = boto3.client(\'s3\') DCNL with open(\'filename\', \'rb\') as data: DCNL s3.upload_fileobj(data, \'mybucket\', \'mykey\') DCNL :type Fileobj: a file-like object DCNL :param Fileobj: A file-like object to upload. At a minimum, it must DCNL implement the `read` method, and must return bytes. DCNL :type Bucket: str DCNL :param Bucket: The name of the bucket to upload to. DCNL :type Key: str DCNL :param Key: The name of the key to upload to. DCNL :type ExtraArgs: dict DCNL :param ExtraArgs: Extra arguments that may be passed to the DCNL client operation. DCNL :type Callback: method DCNL :param Callback: A method which takes a number of bytes transferred to DCNL be periodically called during the upload. DCNL :type Config: boto3.s3.transfer.TransferConfig DCNL :param Config: The transfer configuration to be used when performing the DCNL upload.'
'Reset the CUDA subsystem for the current thread. DCNL In the main thread: DCNL This removes all CUDA contexts. Only use this at shutdown or for DCNL cleaning up between tests. DCNL In non-main threads: DCNL This clear the CUDA context stack only.'
'Escape some chars that can\'t be present in a XML value.'
'Paste Deploy interface for :class:`CGIApplication` DCNL This object acts as a proxy to a CGI application. You pass in the DCNL script path (``script``), an optional path to search for the DCNL script (if the name isn\'t absolute) (``path``). If you don\'t give DCNL a path, then ``$PATH`` will be used.'
'Return the name of the package that owns the file. Multiple file paths can DCNL be passed. If a single path is passed, a string will be returned, DCNL and if multiple paths are passed, a dictionary of file/package name DCNL pairs will be returned. DCNL If the file is not owned by a package, or is not present on the minion, DCNL then an empty string will be returned for that path. DCNL CLI Examples: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl DCNL salt \'*\' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'
'yaml: locks DCNL Control parallel execution of jobs. DCNL Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Locks and Latches Plugin DCNL <Locks+and+Latches+plugin>`. DCNL :arg: list of locks to use DCNL Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/wrappers/fixtures/locks002.yaml DCNL :language: yaml'
':param match: A match object such that \'&\'+match.group(1)\';\' is the entity. DCNL :param exceptions: A list of entities to not convert (Each entry is the name of the entity, for e.g. \'apos\' or \'#1234\' DCNL :param encoding: The encoding to use to decode numeric entities between 128 and 256. DCNL If None, the Unicode UCS encoding is used. A common encoding is cp1252. DCNL :param result_exceptions: A mapping of characters to entities. If the result DCNL is in result_exceptions, result_exception[result] is returned instead. DCNL Convenient way to specify exception for things like < or > that can be DCNL specified by various actual entities.'
'Limit e(x) for x-> oo'
'Login callback which invokes the remote "foo" method on the perspective DCNL which the server returned.'
'Get a set of dates as a list based on a start, end and delta, delta DCNL can be something that can be added to ``datetime.datetime`` DCNL or a cron expression as a ``str`` DCNL :param start_date: anchor date to start the series from DCNL :type start_date: datetime.datetime DCNL :param end_date: right boundary for the date range DCNL :type end_date: datetime.datetime DCNL :param num: alternatively to end_date, you can specify the number of DCNL number of entries you want in the range. This number can be negative, DCNL output will always be sorted regardless DCNL :type num: int DCNL >>> date_range(datetime(2016, 1, 1), datetime(2016, 1, 3), delta=timedelta(1)) DCNL [datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 2, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 3, 0, 0)] DCNL >>> date_range(datetime(2016, 1, 1), datetime(2016, 1, 3), delta=\'0 0 * * *\') DCNL [datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 2, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 3, 0, 0)] DCNL >>> date_range(datetime(2016, 1, 1), datetime(2016, 3, 3), delta="0 0 0 * *") DCNL [datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 1, 0, 0)]'
'Sets the default interface that will called apon to both de/serialise XML DCNL entities. This means providing both C{tostring} and C{fromstring} functions. DCNL For testing purposes, will return the previous value for this (if any).'
'Create the required tables for pull queues. DCNL Args: DCNL cluster: A cassandra-driver cluster. DCNL session: A cassandra-driver session.'
'Find occurrences.'
'return True if the prefix is under root and root is not writeable'
'locate Table objects within the given expression.'
'additive_expression : multiplicative_expression'
'Skip `n` bytes'
'Locate an object by name or dotted path, importing as necessary.'
'Get a Series of benchmark returns from Yahoo. DCNL Returns a Series with returns from (start_date, end_date]. DCNL start_date is **not** included because we need the close from day N - 1 to DCNL compute the returns for day N.'
'Chebyshev type II digital and analog filter design. DCNL Design an Nth-order digital or analog Chebyshev type II filter and DCNL return the filter coefficients. DCNL Parameters DCNL N : int DCNL The order of the filter. DCNL rs : float DCNL The minimum attenuation required in the stop band. DCNL Specified in decibels, as a positive number. DCNL Wn : array_like DCNL A scalar or length-2 sequence giving the critical frequencies. DCNL For Type II filters, this is the point in the transition band at which DCNL the gain first reaches -`rs`. DCNL For digital filters, `Wn` is normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the DCNL Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`Wn` is thus in DCNL half-cycles / sample.) DCNL For analog filters, `Wn` is an angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). DCNL btype : {\'lowpass\', \'highpass\', \'bandpass\', \'bandstop\'}, optional DCNL The type of filter. Default is \'lowpass\'. DCNL analog : bool, optional DCNL When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is DCNL returned. DCNL output : {\'ba\', \'zpk\', \'sos\'}, optional DCNL Type of output: numerator/denominator (\'ba\'), pole-zero (\'zpk\'), or DCNL second-order sections (\'sos\'). Default is \'ba\'. DCNL Returns DCNL b, a : ndarray, ndarray DCNL Numerator (`b`) and denominator (`a`) polynomials of the IIR filter. DCNL Only returned if ``output=\'ba\'``. DCNL z, p, k : ndarray, ndarray, float DCNL Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer DCNL function. Only returned if ``output=\'zpk\'``. DCNL sos : ndarray DCNL Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. DCNL Only returned if ``output==\'sos\'``. DCNL See Also DCNL cheb2ord, cheb2ap DCNL Notes DCNL The Chebyshev type II filter maximizes the rate of cutoff between the DCNL frequency response\'s passband and stopband, at the expense of ripple in DCNL the stopband and increased ringing in the step response. DCNL Type II filters do not roll off as fast as Type I (`cheby1`). DCNL The ``\'sos\'`` output parameter was added in 0.16.0. DCNL Examples DCNL Plot the filter\'s frequency response, showing the critical points: DCNL >>> from scipy import signal DCNL >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt DCNL >>> b, a = signal.cheby2(4, 40, 100, \'low\', analog=True) DCNL >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) DCNL >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) DCNL >>> plt.title(\'Chebyshev Type II frequency response (rs=40)\') DCNL >>> plt.xlabel(\'Frequency [radians / second]\') DCNL >>> plt.ylabel(\'Amplitude [dB]\') DCNL >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) DCNL >>> plt.grid(which=\'both\', axis=\'both\') DCNL >>> plt.axvline(100, color=\'green\') # cutoff frequency DCNL >>> plt.axhline(-40, color=\'green\') # rs DCNL >>> plt.show()'
'Pick the libvirt primary backend driver name DCNL If the hypervisor supports multiple backend drivers we have to tell libvirt DCNL which one should be used. DCNL Xen supports the following drivers: "tap", "tap2", "phy", "file", or DCNL "qemu", being "qemu" the preferred one. Qemu only supports "qemu". DCNL :param is_block_dev: DCNL :returns: driver_name or None'
'Model a failure of the explicit segment under concurrency.'
'Similar to Python\'s built in `dictionary[key] = value`, DCNL but takes a list of nested keys instead of a single key. DCNL set_value({\'a\': 1}, [], {\'b\': 2}) -> {\'a\': 1, \'b\': 2} DCNL set_value({\'a\': 1}, [\'x\'], 2) -> {\'a\': 1, \'x\': 2} DCNL set_value({\'a\': 1}, [\'x\', \'y\'], 2) -> {\'a\': 1, \'x\': {\'y\': 2}}'
'Create a new instance type. In order to pass in extra specs, DCNL the values dict should contain a \'extra_specs\' key/value pair: DCNL {\'extra_specs\' : {\'k1\': \'v1\', \'k2\': \'v2\', ...}}'
'Test sensitivity map computation.'
'Helper function to redirect stderr to stdout and log the command DCNL used along with the output. Will raise subprocess.CalledProcessError if DCNL command doesn\'t return 0, and returns the command\'s output.'
'Remove search options that are not valid for non-admin API/context.'
'Sets the value for the date the password was last changed to days since the DCNL epoch (January 1, 1970). See man chage. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' shadow.set_date username 0'
'Try to guess what\'s the os vendor.'
'Left-aligns the value in a field of a given width DCNL Argument: field size'
'Return image inside a QLabel object'
'Convert path relative to :confval:`local/media_dir` to local track DCNL URI.'
'Try to flatten the given node list into a single string. DCNL :param environment: Jinja2 environment DCNL :type environment: jinja2.environment.Environment DCNL :param node_list: List of nodes DCNL :type node_list: list[jinja2.nodes.Node] DCNL :return: String of content DCNL :rtype: str DCNL :raise Unflattenable: Raised when the node list can\'t be flattened into DCNL a constant'
'Creates a Subsystem instance for test. DCNL :API: public DCNL :param type subsystem_type: The subclass of :class:`pants.subsystem.subsystem.Subsystem` DCNL to create. DCNL :param string scope: An optional scope to create the subsystem in; defaults to global. DCNL :param **options: Keyword args representing option values explicitly set via the command line.'
'count(s, sub[, start[,end]]) -> int DCNL Return the number of occurrences of substring sub in string DCNL s[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are DCNL interpreted as in slice notation.'
'Delete a saved playlist by name - or purge working playlist if *all.'
'.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 DCNL Verify the set exists. DCNL name DCNL A user-defined set name. DCNL set_type DCNL The type for the set. DCNL family DCNL Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6'
'Add contributors to a node.'
'Return first available controller from list, if any'
'Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network - creates VXLAN tunnel between endpoints. DCNL Args: DCNL br: A string - bridge name. DCNL port: A string - port name. DCNL id: An integer - unsigned 64-bit number, tunnel\'s key. DCNL remote: A string - remote endpoint\'s IP address. DCNL dst_port: An integer - port to use when creating tunnelport in the switch. DCNL Returns: DCNL True on success, else False. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' openvswitch.port_create_vxlan br0 vx1 5001 8472'
'Starts the connection pool for all configured redis servers'
'Hack `some_class` to log all method calls into `fname` file. DCNL If `prefix` format is not set, each log entry is prefixed with: DCNL --[ asked / called / defined ] -- DCNL asked - name of `some_class` DCNL called - name of class for which a method is called DCNL defined - name of class where method is defined DCNL Must be used carefully, because it monkeypatches __getattribute__ call. DCNL Example: log_methods_calls(\'log.log\', ShellBaseWidget)'
'octopart <keyword> -- Search for any part on the Octopart database.'
'Reads in a template file for monit and fills it with the DCNL correct configuration. The caller is responsible for deleting DCNL the created file. DCNL Args: DCNL watch: A string which identifies this process with monit DCNL start_cmd: The start command to start the process DCNL stop_cmd: The stop command to kill the process DCNL ports: A list of ports that are being watched DCNL env_vars: The environment variables used when starting the process DCNL max_memory: An int that names the maximum amount of memory that this process DCNL is allowed to use (in megabytes) before monit should restart it. DCNL syslog_server: The IP of the remote syslog server to use. DCNL host: The private IP of a server that runs the appengine role; used for DCNL reliably detecting a running app server process. DCNL Returns: DCNL The name of the created configuration file. DCNL Raises: DCNL TypeError with bad argument types'
'Save a list of PK as a list of sample categories for a shop'
'Change the base URL (scheme://host[:port][/path]). DCNL For running a CP server behind Apache, lighttpd, or other HTTP server. DCNL If you want the new request.base to include path info (not just the host), DCNL you must explicitly set base to the full base path, and ALSO set \'local\' DCNL to \'\', so that the X-Forwarded-Host request header (which never includes DCNL path info) does not override it. Regardless, the value for \'base\' MUST DCNL NOT end in a slash. DCNL cherrypy.request.remote.ip (the IP address of the client) will be DCNL rewritten if the header specified by the \'remote\' arg is valid. DCNL By default, \'remote\' is set to \'X-Forwarded-For\'. If you do not DCNL want to rewrite remote.ip, set the \'remote\' arg to an empty string.'
'strips \'remove\' from \'text\' at \'direction\' end'
'Set the attribute dictionary to the arguments.'
'Expands links to dimensions. `metadata` should be a list of strings or DCNL dictionaries (might be mixed). Returns a list of dictionaries with at DCNL least one key `name`. Other keys are: `hierarchies`, DCNL `default_hierarchy_name`, `nonadditive`, `cardinality`, `template`'
'Return a list of child comments for the given parent, storing all DCNL comments in a dict in the context when first called, using parents DCNL as keys for retrieval on subsequent recursive calls from the DCNL comments template.'
'Make a list out of an argument. DCNL Values from `distutils` argument parsing are always single strings; DCNL values from `optparse` parsing may be lists of strings that may need DCNL to be further split. DCNL No matter the input, this function returns a flat list of whitespace-trimmed DCNL strings, with `None` values filtered out. DCNL >>> listify_value("foo bar") DCNL [\'foo\', \'bar\'] DCNL >>> listify_value(["foo bar"]) DCNL [\'foo\', \'bar\'] DCNL >>> listify_value([["foo"], "bar"]) DCNL [\'foo\', \'bar\'] DCNL >>> listify_value([["foo"], ["bar", None, "foo"]]) DCNL [\'foo\', \'bar\', \'foo\'] DCNL >>> listify_value("foo, bar, quux", ",") DCNL [\'foo\', \'bar\', \'quux\'] DCNL :param arg: A string or a list of strings DCNL :param split: The argument to pass to `str.split()`. DCNL :return:'
'Retry to execute function, ignoring EINTR error (interruptions)'
'Paginate a MODM query. DCNL :param StoredObject model: Model to query. DCNL :param Q query: Optional query object. DCNL :param int increment: Page size DCNL :param bool each: If True, each record is yielded. If False, pages DCNL are yielded.'
'Cressie-Read power divergence statistic and goodness of fit test. DCNL This function tests the null hypothesis that the categorical data DCNL has the given frequencies, using the Cressie-Read power divergence DCNL statistic. DCNL Parameters DCNL f_obs : array_like DCNL Observed frequencies in each category. DCNL f_exp : array_like, optional DCNL Expected frequencies in each category. By default the categories are DCNL assumed to be equally likely. DCNL ddof : int, optional DCNL "Delta degrees of freedom": adjustment to the degrees of freedom DCNL for the p-value. The p-value is computed using a chi-squared DCNL distribution with ``k - 1 - ddof`` degrees of freedom, where `k` DCNL is the number of observed frequencies. The default value of `ddof` DCNL is 0. DCNL axis : int or None, optional DCNL The axis of the broadcast result of `f_obs` and `f_exp` along which to DCNL apply the test. If axis is None, all values in `f_obs` are treated DCNL as a single data set. Default is 0. DCNL lambda_ : float or str, optional DCNL `lambda_` gives the power in the Cressie-Read power divergence DCNL statistic. The default is 1. For convenience, `lambda_` may be DCNL assigned one of the following strings, in which case the DCNL corresponding numerical value is used:: DCNL String Value Description DCNL "pearson" 1 Pearson\'s chi-squared statistic. DCNL In this case, the function is DCNL equivalent to `stats.chisquare`. DCNL "log-likelihood" 0 Log-likelihood ratio. Also known as DCNL the G-test [3]_. DCNL "freeman-tukey" -1/2 Freeman-Tukey statistic. DCNL "mod-log-likelihood" -1 Modified log-likelihood ratio. DCNL "neyman" -2 Neyman\'s statistic. DCNL "cressie-read" 2/3 The power recommended in [5]_. DCNL Returns DCNL statistic : float or ndarray DCNL The Cressie-Read power divergence test statistic. The value is DCNL a float if `axis` is None or if` `f_obs` and `f_exp` are 1-D. DCNL pvalue : float or ndarray DCNL The p-value of the test. The value is a float if `ddof` and the DCNL return value `stat` are scalars. DCNL See Also DCNL chisquare DCNL Notes DCNL This test is invalid when the observed or expected frequencies in each DCNL category are too small. A typical rule is that all of the observed DCNL and expected frequencies should be at least 5. DCNL When `lambda_` is less than zero, the formula for the statistic involves DCNL dividing by `f_obs`, so a warning or error may be generated if any value DCNL in `f_obs` is 0. DCNL Similarly, a warning or error may be generated if any value in `f_exp` is DCNL zero when `lambda_` >= 0. DCNL The default degrees of freedom, k-1, are for the case when no parameters DCNL of the distribution are estimated. If p parameters are estimated by DCNL efficient maximum likelihood then the correct degrees of freedom are DCNL k-1-p. If the parameters are estimated in a different way, then the DCNL dof can be between k-1-p and k-1. However, it is also possible that DCNL the asymptotic distribution is not a chisquare, in which case this DCNL test is not appropriate. DCNL This function handles masked arrays. If an element of `f_obs` or `f_exp` DCNL is masked, then data at that position is ignored, and does not count DCNL towards the size of the data set. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.13.0 DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Lowry, Richard. "Concepts and Applications of Inferential DCNL Statistics". Chapter 8. http://faculty.vassar.edu/lowry/ch8pt1.html DCNL .. [2] "Chi-squared test", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi-squared_test DCNL .. [3] "G-test", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-test DCNL .. [4] Sokal, R. R. and Rohlf, F. J. "Biometry: the principles and DCNL practice of statistics in biological research", New York: Freeman DCNL (1981) DCNL .. [5] Cressie, N. and Read, T. R. C., "Multinomial Goodness-of-Fit DCNL Tests", J. Royal Stat. Soc. Series B, Vol. 46, No. 3 (1984), DCNL pp. 440-464. DCNL Examples DCNL (See `chisquare` for more examples.) DCNL When just `f_obs` is given, it is assumed that the expected frequencies DCNL are uniform and given by the mean of the observed frequencies. Here we DCNL perform a G-test (i.e. use the log-likelihood ratio statistic): DCNL >>> from scipy.stats import power_divergence DCNL >>> power_divergence([16, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12], lambda_=\'log-likelihood\') DCNL (2.006573162632538, 0.84823476779463769) DCNL The expected frequencies can be given with the `f_exp` argument: DCNL >>> power_divergence([16, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12], DCNL ... f_exp=[16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 8], DCNL ... lambda_=\'log-likelihood\') DCNL (3.3281031458963746, 0.6495419288047497) DCNL When `f_obs` is 2-D, by default the test is applied to each column. DCNL >>> obs = np.array([[16, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12], [32, 24, 16, 28, 20, 24]]).T DCNL >>> obs.shape DCNL (6, 2) DCNL >>> power_divergence(obs, lambda_="log-likelihood") DCNL (array([ 2.00657316, 6.77634498]), array([ 0.84823477, 0.23781225])) DCNL By setting ``axis=None``, the test is applied to all data in the array, DCNL which is equivalent to applying the test to the flattened array. DCNL >>> power_divergence(obs, axis=None) DCNL (23.31034482758621, 0.015975692534127565) DCNL >>> power_divergence(obs.ravel()) DCNL (23.31034482758621, 0.015975692534127565) DCNL `ddof` is the change to make to the default degrees of freedom. DCNL >>> power_divergence([16, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12], ddof=1) DCNL (2.0, 0.73575888234288467) DCNL The calculation of the p-values is done by broadcasting the DCNL test statistic with `ddof`. DCNL >>> power_divergence([16, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12], ddof=[0,1,2]) DCNL (2.0, array([ 0.84914504, 0.73575888, 0.5724067 ])) DCNL `f_obs` and `f_exp` are also broadcast. In the following, `f_obs` has DCNL shape (6,) and `f_exp` has shape (2, 6), so the result of broadcasting DCNL `f_obs` and `f_exp` has shape (2, 6). To compute the desired chi-squared DCNL statistics, we must use ``axis=1``: DCNL >>> power_divergence([16, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12], DCNL ... f_exp=[[16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 8], DCNL ... [8, 20, 20, 16, 12, 12]], DCNL ... axis=1) DCNL (array([ 3.5 , 9.25]), array([ 0.62338763, 0.09949846]))'
'Return the VERSION as a string, e.g. for VERSION == (0, 10, 7), DCNL return \'0.10.7\'.'
'Turns a sequence iterator or list into a dictionary. DCNL - sequences - An iterator that returns SeqRecord objects, DCNL or simply a list of SeqRecord objects. DCNL - key_function - Optional callback function which when given a DCNL SeqRecord should return a unique key for the dictionary. DCNL e.g. key_function = lambda rec : rec.name DCNL or, key_function = lambda rec : rec.description.split()[0] DCNL If key_function is omitted then record.id is used, on the assumption DCNL that the records objects returned are SeqRecords with a unique id. DCNL If there are duplicate keys, an error is raised. DCNL Example usage, defaulting to using the record.id as key: DCNL >>> from Bio import SeqIO DCNL >>> filename = "GenBank/cor6_6.gb" DCNL >>> format = "genbank" DCNL >>> id_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(filename, format)) DCNL >>> print(sorted(id_dict)) DCNL [\'AF297471.1\', \'AJ237582.1\', \'L31939.1\', \'M81224.1\', \'X55053.1\', \'X62281.1\'] DCNL >>> print(id_dict["L31939.1"].description) DCNL Brassica rapa (clone bif72) kin mRNA, complete cds DCNL A more complex example, using the key_function argument in order to DCNL use a sequence checksum as the dictionary key: DCNL >>> from Bio import SeqIO DCNL >>> from Bio.SeqUtils.CheckSum import seguid DCNL >>> filename = "GenBank/cor6_6.gb" DCNL >>> format = "genbank" DCNL >>> seguid_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(filename, format), DCNL ... key_function = lambda rec : seguid(rec.seq)) DCNL >>> for key, record in sorted(seguid_dict.items()): DCNL ... print("%s %s" % (key, record.id)) DCNL /wQvmrl87QWcm9llO4/efg23Vgg AJ237582.1 DCNL BUg6YxXSKWEcFFH0L08JzaLGhQs L31939.1 DCNL SabZaA4V2eLE9/2Fm5FnyYy07J4 X55053.1 DCNL TtWsXo45S3ZclIBy4X/WJc39+CY M81224.1 DCNL l7gjJFE6W/S1jJn5+1ASrUKW/FA X62281.1 DCNL uVEYeAQSV5EDQOnFoeMmVea+Oow AF297471.1 DCNL This approach is not suitable for very large sets of sequences, as all DCNL the SeqRecord objects are held in memory. Instead, consider using the DCNL Bio.SeqIO.index() function (if it supports your particular file format).'
'Given an Accept-Language header, return the best-matching language.'
'Certificates Controller'
'Return a formatted diff between current files and original in a package. DCNL NOTE: this function includes all files (configuration and not), but does DCNL not work on binary content. DCNL :param path: Full path to the installed file DCNL :return: Difference string or raises and exception if examined file is binary. DCNL CLI example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' pkg.diff /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/sudoers'
'Decodes the object input and returns a tuple (output DCNL object, length consumed). DCNL input must be an object which provides the bf_getreadbuf DCNL buffer slot. Python strings, buffer objects and memory DCNL mapped files are examples of objects providing this slot. DCNL errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to DCNL \'strict\' handling which is the only currently supported DCNL error handling for this codec.'
'Teardown; part of Gmond interface'
'Search Scan by MD5 Route'
'Initializes local config object'
'Return a shell-escaped version of the string *s*. DCNL Backported from Python 3.3 standard library module shlex.'
'Return a Normalization class that can be used for displaying images DCNL with Matplotlib. DCNL This function enables only a subset of image stretching functions DCNL available in `~astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.ImageNormalize`. DCNL This function is used by the DCNL ``astropy.visualization.scripts.fits2bitmap`` script. DCNL Parameters DCNL data : `~numpy.ndarray` DCNL The image array. DCNL stretch : {\'linear\', \'sqrt\', \'power\', log\', \'asinh\'}, optional DCNL The stretch function to apply to the image. The default is DCNL \'linear\'. DCNL power : float, optional DCNL The power index for ``stretch=\'power\'``. The default is 1.0. DCNL asinh_a : float, optional DCNL For ``stretch=\'asinh\'``, the value where the asinh curve DCNL transitions from linear to logarithmic behavior, expressed as a DCNL fraction of the normalized image. Must be in the range between DCNL 0 and 1. The default is 0.1. DCNL min_cut : float, optional DCNL The pixel value of the minimum cut level. Data values less than DCNL ``min_cut`` will set to ``min_cut`` before stretching the image. DCNL The default is the image minimum. ``min_cut`` overrides DCNL ``min_percent``. DCNL max_cut : float, optional DCNL The pixel value of the maximum cut level. Data values greater DCNL than ``min_cut`` will set to ``min_cut`` before stretching the DCNL image. The default is the image maximum. ``max_cut`` overrides DCNL ``max_percent``. DCNL min_percent : float, optional DCNL The percentile value used to determine the pixel value of DCNL minimum cut level. The default is 0.0. ``min_percent`` DCNL overrides ``percent``. DCNL max_percent : float, optional DCNL The percentile value used to determine the pixel value of DCNL maximum cut level. The default is 100.0. ``max_percent`` DCNL overrides ``percent``. DCNL percent : float, optional DCNL The percentage of the image values used to determine the pixel DCNL values of the minimum and maximum cut levels. The lower cut DCNL level will set at the ``(100 - percent) / 2`` percentile, while DCNL the upper cut level will be set at the ``(100 + percent) / 2`` DCNL percentile. The default is 100.0. ``percent`` is ignored if DCNL either ``min_percent`` or ``max_percent`` is input. DCNL clip : bool, optional DCNL If `True` (default), data values outside the [0:1] range are DCNL clipped to the [0:1] range. DCNL Returns DCNL result : `ImageNormalize` instance DCNL An `ImageNormalize` instance that can be used for displaying DCNL images with Matplotlib.'
'Returns dict of evaluated role permissions like `{"read": True, "write":False}` DCNL If user permissions are applicable, it adds a dict of user permissions like DCNL // user permissions will apply on these rights DCNL "apply_user_permissions": {"read": 1, "write": 1}, DCNL // doctypes that will be applicable for each right DCNL "user_permission_doctypes": { DCNL "read": [ DCNL // AND between "DocType 1" and "DocType 2" DCNL ["DocType 1", "DocType 2"], DCNL // OR DCNL ["DocType 3"] DCNL "if_owner": {"read": 1, "write": 1}'
'Input the predicted results, targets results and DCNL the number of class, return the confusion matrix, F1-score of each class, DCNL accuracy and macro F1-score. DCNL Parameters DCNL y_test : numpy.array or list DCNL target results DCNL y_predict : numpy.array or list DCNL predicted results DCNL n_classes : int DCNL number of classes DCNL Examples DCNL >>> c_mat, f1, acc, f1_macro = evaluation(y_test, y_predict, n_classes)'
'Returns a list of automatically handled fields for a resource. DCNL :param resource: the resource currently being accessed by the client. DCNL .. versionchanged: 0.5 DCNL ETAG is now a preserved meta data (#369). DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.4'
'Automatically find/download setuptools and make it available on sys.path DCNL `version` should be a valid setuptools version number that is available DCNL as an egg for download under the `download_base` URL (which should end with DCNL a \'/\'). `to_dir` is the directory where setuptools will be downloaded, if DCNL it is not already available. DCNL If an older version of setuptools is installed, this will print a message DCNL to ``sys.stderr`` and raise SystemExit in an attempt to abort the calling DCNL script.'
'The gateway to the Distutils: do everything your setup script needs DCNL to do, in a highly flexible and user-driven way. Briefly: create a DCNL Distribution instance; find and parse config files; parse the command DCNL line; run each Distutils command found there, customized by the options DCNL supplied to \'setup()\' (as keyword arguments), in config files, and on DCNL the command line. DCNL The Distribution instance might be an instance of a class supplied via DCNL the \'distclass\' keyword argument to \'setup\'; if no such class is DCNL supplied, then the Distribution class (in dist.py) is instantiated. DCNL All other arguments to \'setup\' (except for \'cmdclass\') are used to set DCNL attributes of the Distribution instance. DCNL The \'cmdclass\' argument, if supplied, is a dictionary mapping command DCNL names to command classes. Each command encountered on the command line DCNL will be turned into a command class, which is in turn instantiated; any DCNL class found in \'cmdclass\' is used in place of the default, which is DCNL (for command \'foo_bar\') class \'foo_bar\' in module DCNL \'distutils.command.foo_bar\'. The command class must provide a DCNL \'user_options\' attribute which is a list of option specifiers for DCNL \'distutils.fancy_getopt\'. Any command-line options between the current DCNL and the next command are used to set attributes of the current command DCNL object. DCNL When the entire command-line has been successfully parsed, calls the DCNL \'run()\' method on each command object in turn. This method will be DCNL driven entirely by the Distribution object (which each command object DCNL has a reference to, thanks to its constructor), and the DCNL command-specific options that became attributes of each command DCNL object.'
'Returns the message storage on the request if it exists, otherwise returns DCNL user.message_set.all() as the old auth context processor did.'
'Only load if the mfs commands are installed'
'Documents a collection\'s batch action DCNL :param section: The section to write to DCNL :param resource_name: The name of the resource DCNL :param action_name: The name of collection action. Currently only DCNL can be all, filter, limit, or page_size DCNL :param event_emitter: The event emitter to use to emit events DCNL :param batch_action_model: The model of the batch action DCNL :param collection_model: The model of the collection DCNL :param service_model: The model of the service DCNL :param include_signature: Whether or not to include the signature. DCNL It is useful for generating docstrings.'
'Given the tuple representation of a tagged token, return the DCNL corresponding string representation. This representation is DCNL formed by concatenating the token\'s word string, followed by the DCNL separator, followed by the token\'s tag. (If the tag is None, DCNL then just return the bare word string.) DCNL >>> from nltk.tag.util import tuple2str DCNL >>> tagged_token = (\'fly\', \'NN\') DCNL >>> tuple2str(tagged_token) DCNL \'fly/NN\' DCNL :type tagged_token: tuple(str, str) DCNL :param tagged_token: The tuple representation of a tagged token. DCNL :type sep: str DCNL :param sep: The separator string used to separate word strings DCNL from tags.'
'Compare two strings and return true if they\'re the same notwithstanding any whitespace or case.'
'Return a synthetic user ID from an email address. DCNL Note that this is not the same user ID found in the production system. DCNL Args: DCNL email: An email address. DCNL Returns: DCNL A string userid derived from the email address.'
'Returns internal cache object from globally installed ``CachedSession``'
'Sets an instance of :class:`AuthStore` in the app registry. DCNL :param store: DCNL An instance of :class:`AuthStore`. DCNL :param key: DCNL The key used to retrieve the instance from the registry. A default DCNL is used if it is not set. DCNL :param request: DCNL A :class:`webapp2.WSGIApplication` instance used to retrieve the DCNL instance. The active app is used if it is not set.'
'Returns server information for use in the API. DCNL This is used for the root resource and for the deprecated server DCNL info resource.'
'策略: 空头限价平仓且下一根bar成交 DCNL 买入点:[相关bar的最低点减去OFFSET] DCNL 当天卖出点:sell1'
'Reshapes the variable x by keeping DCNL the first outdim-1 dimension size(s) of x the same, DCNL and making the last dimension size of x equal to DCNL the multiplication of its remaining dimension size(s). DCNL Parameters DCNL x : theano.tensor.var.TensorVariable DCNL the variable that should be reshaped. DCNL outdim : int DCNL the number of dimensions of the returned variable DCNL Returns DCNL theano.tensor.var.TensorVariable DCNL the flattend variable with dimensionality of outdim'
'Yield possible egg or source distribution objects based on a filename'
'Internal parser function for L{_parseServer} to convert the string DCNL arguments for a TCP(IPv4) stream endpoint into the structured arguments. DCNL @param factory: the protocol factory being parsed, or L{None}. (This was a DCNL leftover argument from when this code was in C{strports}, and is now DCNL mostly None and unused.) DCNL @type factory: L{IProtocolFactory} or L{None} DCNL @param port: the integer port number to bind DCNL @type port: C{str} DCNL @param interface: the interface IP to listen on DCNL @param backlog: the length of the listen queue DCNL @type backlog: C{str} DCNL @return: a 2-tuple of (args, kwargs), describing the parameters to DCNL L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP} (or, modulo argument 2, the factory, arguments DCNL to L{TCP4ServerEndpoint}.'
'Show the details of an existing snapshot. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-cloud -f show_snapshot gce name=mysnapshot'
'Returns the changes applied by a `jid` DCNL jid DCNL The job id to lookup DCNL config DCNL Configuration name. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' snapper.diff_jid jid=20160607130930720112'
'Checks whether maximum volumes attached to a host have been reached.'
'Discover static file configuration of the xstatic modules. DCNL For each entry in the XSTATIC_MODULES list we determine the entry DCNL point files (which may come from the xstatic MAIN var) and then DCNL determine where in the Django static tree the xstatic package\'s contents DCNL should be placed. DCNL For jquery.bootstrap.wizard.js the module name is None the static file is DCNL actually a 3rd-party file but resides in the Horizon source tree and not DCNL an xstatic package. DCNL The xstatic.pkg.jquery_ui package had its contents moved by packagers so DCNL it must be handled as a special case.'
'Return a new dictionary that is built from copying select keys from d'
'Generates an unambiguous representation for instance and ordered dict.'
'Ensure a team is absent. DCNL Example: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL ensure team test is present in github: DCNL github.team_absent: DCNL - name: \'test\' DCNL The following parameters are required: DCNL name DCNL This is the name of the team in the organization. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0'
'Count objects tracked by the garbage collector with a given class name. DCNL Example: DCNL >>> count(\'dict\') DCNL 42 DCNL >>> count(\'MyClass\', get_leaking_objects()) DCNL 3 DCNL >>> count(\'mymodule.MyClass\') DCNL 2 DCNL Note that the GC does not track simple objects like int or str. DCNL .. versionchanged:: 1.7 DCNL New parameter: ``objects``. DCNL .. versionchanged:: 1.8 DCNL Accepts fully-qualified type names (i.e. \'package.module.ClassName\') DCNL as well as short type names (i.e. \'ClassName\').'
'Split out the symbol: sid mappings from the raw data. DCNL Parameters DCNL df : pd.DataFrame DCNL The dataframe with multiple rows for each symbol: sid pair. DCNL Returns DCNL asset_info : pd.DataFrame DCNL The asset info with one row per asset. DCNL symbol_mappings : pd.DataFrame DCNL The dataframe of just symbol: sid mappings. The index will be DCNL the sid, then there will be three columns: symbol, start_date, and DCNL end_date.'
'Take the value passed, and merge the current `setting` over it. Once DCNL complete, take the value and set the cache `key` and destination.settings DCNL `setting` to that value, using the `ttl` for set_cache(). DCNL :param destination: DCNL An object that has a `.settings` attribute that is a dict DCNL :param setting: DCNL The dict key to use when pushing the value into the settings dict DCNL :param key_prefix: DCNL The string to prefix to `setting` to make the cache key DCNL :param value: DCNL The value to set DCNL :param ttl: DCNL The cache ttl to use'
'If generic==True then returns empty __build_platform__ string'
'Publish messages to a topic.'
'Simulates a HEAD request to a WSGI application. DCNL Equivalent to:: DCNL simulate_request(app, \'HEAD\', path, **kwargs) DCNL Args: DCNL app (callable): The WSGI application to call DCNL path (str): The URL path to request DCNL Keyword Args: DCNL params (dict): A dictionary of query string parameters, DCNL where each key is a parameter name, and each value is DCNL either a ``str`` or something that can be converted DCNL into a ``str``, or a list of such values. If a ``list``, DCNL the value will be converted to a comma-delimited string DCNL of values (e.g., \'thing=1,2,3\'). DCNL params_csv (bool): Set to ``False`` to encode list values DCNL in query string params by specifying multiple instances DCNL of the parameter (e.g., \'thing=1&thing=2&thing=3\'). DCNL Otherwise, parameters will be encoded as comma-separated DCNL values (e.g., \'thing=1,2,3\'). Defaults to ``True``. DCNL query_string (str): A raw query string to include in the DCNL request (default: ``None``). If specified, overrides DCNL `params`. DCNL headers (dict): Additional headers to include in the request DCNL (default: ``None``)'
'Extract all least squares problems in this file for benchmarking. DCNL Returns DCNL OrderedDict, str -> LSQBenchmarkProblem DCNL The key is a problem name. DCNL The value is an instance of LSQBenchmarkProblem.'
'Ensure cons gets compiled correctly'
'Remove file or directory.'
'Test whether an object is a valid domain operator.'
'* The service isn\'t disabled with a timeout of 0 DCNL * The document isn\'t empty DCNL * The request has *not* asked for raw source DCNL (eg. ?raw) DCNL * The request has *not* asked for no macro evaluation DCNL (eg. ?nomacros) DCNL * The request *has* asked for macro evaluation DCNL (eg. ?raw¯os)'
'If a row does not have enough columns, the FastCsv reader should add empty DCNL fields while the FastBasic reader should raise an error.'
'Find setting by name.'
'Expands given arrays. DCNL Args: DCNL a (cupy.ndarray): Array to be expanded. DCNL axis (int): Position where new axis is to be inserted. DCNL Returns: DCNL cupy.ndarray: The number of dimensions is one greater than that of DCNL the input array. DCNL .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.expand_dims`'
'Deletes a gluster volume DCNL target DCNL Volume to delete DCNL stop DCNL Stop volume before delete if it is started, True by default'
'>>> x = simple_seq("abc") DCNL >>> list(x) DCNL [\'a\', \'b\', \'c\']'
'Returns a tree representation of "node" as a string. DCNL It uses print_node() together with pprint_nodes() on node.args recursively. DCNL See also: print_tree()'
'Pause until sigint'
'Runs a function inside a datastore transaction. DCNL Runs the user-provided function inside transaction, with a specified DCNL number of retries. DCNL Args: DCNL retries: number of retries (not counting the initial try) DCNL function: a function to be run inside the transaction on all remaining DCNL arguments DCNL *args: positional arguments for function. DCNL **kwargs: keyword arguments for function. DCNL Returns: DCNL the function\'s return value, if any DCNL Raises: DCNL TransactionFailedError, if the transaction could not be committed.'
'This is an auxaliary function that calculates \'nonce\' value. It is used DCNL to handle sessions.'
'ask the user if they would like to perform the action DCNL Parameters: DCNL question - the question you would like to ask the user to confirm. DCNL error_response - the message to display if an invalid option is given.'
'Output structured text format. Note, this will whack any existing DCNL \'structured\' format of the text.'
'(Force)Installs packages from files, but does DCNL not update installed.lst files. DCNL caveat: not as tested as everything else. DCNL :param packages_to_install: list of files to install DCNL :raises: IOErrors'
'Restores a Config ZIP file back in place DCNL :param archive: ZIP filename DCNL :param targetDir: Directory to restore to DCNL :return: True on success, False on failure'
'Given a module name and an object expected to be contained within, DCNL return said object.'
'Hierarchical Bayes (Gamma-MAP) sparse source localization method. DCNL Models each source time course using a zero-mean Gaussian prior with an DCNL unknown variance (gamma) parameter. During estimation, most gammas are DCNL driven to zero, resulting in a sparse source estimate, as in DCNL [1]_ and [2]_. DCNL For fixed-orientation forward operators, a separate gamma is used for each DCNL source time course, while for free-orientation forward operators, the same DCNL gamma is used for the three source time courses at each source space point DCNL (separate gammas can be used in this case by using xyz_same_gamma=False). DCNL Parameters DCNL evoked : instance of Evoked DCNL Evoked data to invert. DCNL forward : dict DCNL Forward operator. DCNL noise_cov : instance of Covariance DCNL Noise covariance to compute whitener. DCNL alpha : float DCNL Regularization parameter (noise variance). DCNL loose : float in [0, 1] DCNL Value that weights the source variances of the dipole components DCNL that are parallel (tangential) to the cortical surface. If loose DCNL is 0 or None then the solution is computed with fixed orientation. DCNL If loose is 1, it corresponds to free orientations. DCNL depth: None | float in [0, 1] DCNL Depth weighting coefficients. If None, no depth weighting is performed. DCNL xyz_same_gamma : bool DCNL Use same gamma for xyz current components at each source space point. DCNL Recommended for free-orientation forward solutions. DCNL maxit : int DCNL Maximum number of iterations. DCNL tol : float DCNL Tolerance parameter for convergence. DCNL update_mode : int DCNL Update mode, 1: MacKay update (default), 2: Modified MacKay update. DCNL gammas : array, shape=(n_sources,) DCNL Initial values for posterior variances (gammas). If None, a DCNL variance of 1.0 is used. DCNL pca : bool DCNL If True the rank of the data is reduced to the true dimension. DCNL return_residual : bool DCNL If True, the residual is returned as an Evoked instance. DCNL verbose : bool, str, int, or None DCNL If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose` DCNL and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more). DCNL Returns DCNL stc : instance of SourceEstimate DCNL Source time courses. DCNL residual : instance of Evoked DCNL The residual a.k.a. data not explained by the sources. DCNL Only returned if return_residual is True. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Wipf et al. Analysis of Empirical Bayesian Methods for DCNL Neuroelectromagnetic Source Localization, Advances in Neural DCNL Information Process. Systems (2007) DCNL .. [2] Wipf et al. A unified Bayesian framework for MEG/EEG source DCNL imaging, NeuroImage, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 947-66, Mar. 2009.'
'To set the name of the device. DCNL Usage: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'device_name\' junos.set_hostname hostname=salt-device DCNL Options: DCNL * hostname: The name to be set. DCNL * commit_change: Whether to commit the changes.(default=True)'
'A decorator to perform a lock-*-unlock cycle. DCNL When applied to a method, this decorator will automatically wrap DCNL calls to the method in a backing file lock and before the call DCNL followed by a backing file unlock.'
'create and initialize a astroid Function node'
'Mako filter that escapes text for use in a JavaScript string. DCNL If None is provided, returns an empty string. DCNL Usage: DCNL Used as follows in a Mako template inside a <SCRIPT> tag:: DCNL var my_string_for_js = "${my_string_for_js | n, js_escaped_string}" DCNL The surrounding quotes for the string must be included. DCNL Use the "n" Mako filter above. It is possible that the default filter DCNL may include html escaping in the future, and this ensures proper DCNL escaping. DCNL Mako\'s default filter decode.utf8 is applied here since this default DCNL filter is skipped in the Mako template with "n". DCNL Arguments: DCNL string_for_js (string): Text to be properly escaped for use in a DCNL JavaScript string. DCNL Returns: DCNL (string) Text properly escaped for use in a JavaScript string as DCNL unicode. Returns empty string if argument is None.'
'Reset the locale field for all translations on existing Extensions. This DCNL is done to fix bug 1215094: some translations were created with the wrong DCNL language - the one from the request, instead of the one from the DCNL default_language field.'
'Listen on a port corresponding to a description DCNL @type description: C{str} DCNL @type factory: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocolFactory} DCNL @type default: C{str} or C{None} DCNL @rtype: C{twisted.internet.interfaces.IListeningPort} DCNL @return: the port corresponding to a description of a reliable DCNL virtual circuit server. DCNL See the documentation of the C{parse} function for description DCNL of the semantics of the arguments.'
'Test the fit sample routine'
'Check if files in core/storage have changed and returns them. DCNL Args: DCNL current_release: The current release version DCNL Returns: DCNL (list): The changed files (if any)'
'Provides our --help usage information. DCNL :returns: **str** with our usage information'
'Return the nested list of Christoffel symbols for the given metric. DCNL This returns the Christoffel symbol of second kind that represents the DCNL Levi-Civita connection for the given metric. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.diffgeom.rn import R2 DCNL >>> from sympy.diffgeom import metric_to_Christoffel_2nd, TensorProduct DCNL >>> TP = TensorProduct DCNL >>> metric_to_Christoffel_2nd(TP(R2.dx, R2.dx) + TP(R2.dy, R2.dy)) DCNL [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]] DCNL >>> metric_to_Christoffel_2nd(R2.x*TP(R2.dx, R2.dx) + TP(R2.dy, R2.dy)) DCNL [[[1/(2*x), 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]'
'Helper function for :func:`sqf_list` and :func:`factor_list`.'
'Accept the line regardless of where the cursor is.'
'Compute Logistic loss for classification. DCNL Parameters DCNL y_true : array-like or label indicator matrix DCNL Ground truth (correct) labels. DCNL y_prob : array-like of float, shape = (n_samples, n_classes) DCNL Predicted probabilities, as returned by a classifier\'s DCNL predict_proba method. DCNL Returns DCNL loss : float DCNL The degree to which the samples are correctly predicted.'
'Initialize MQTT Server.'
'Returns a ZIP archive of the exploration.'
'N-dimensional convolution function. DCNL This is an implementation of N-dimensional convolution which is generalized DCNL two-dimensional convolution in ConvNets. It takes three variables: the DCNL input ``x``, the filter weight ``W`` and the bias vector ``b``. DCNL Notation: here is a notation for dimensionalities. DCNL - :math:`N` is the number of spatial dimensions. DCNL - :math:`n` is the batch size. DCNL - :math:`c_I` and :math:`c_O` are the number of the input and output DCNL channels, respectively. DCNL - :math:`d_1, d_2, ..., d_N` are the size of each axis of the input\'s DCNL spatial dimensions, respectively. DCNL - :math:`k_1, k_2, ..., k_N` are the size of each axis of the filters, DCNL respectively. DCNL Args: DCNL x (~chainer.Variable): Input variable of shape DCNL :math:`(n, c_I, d_1, d_2, ..., d_N)`. DCNL W (~chainer.Variable): Weight variable of shape DCNL :math:`(c_O, c_I, k_1, k_2, ..., k_N)`. DCNL b (~chainer.Variable): One-dimensional bias variable with length DCNL :math:`c_O` (optional). DCNL stride (int or tuple of ints): Stride of filter applications DCNL :math:`(s_1, s_2, ..., s_N)`. ``stride=s`` is equivalent to DCNL ``(s, s, ..., s)``. DCNL pad (int or tuple of ints): Spatial padding width for input arrays DCNL :math:`(p_1, p_2, ..., p_N)`. ``pad=p`` is equivalent to DCNL ``(p, p, ..., p)``. DCNL use_cudnn (bool): If ``True``, then this function uses cuDNN if DCNL available. See below for the excact conditions. DCNL cover_all (bool): If ``True``, all spatial locations are convoluted DCNL into some output pixels. It may make the output size larger. DCNL `cover_all` needs to be ``False`` if you want to use cuDNN. DCNL Returns: DCNL ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. DCNL This function uses cuDNN implementation for its forward and backward DCNL computation if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied: DCNL - ``cuda.cudnn_enabled`` is ``True`` DCNL - ``use_cudnn`` is ``True`` DCNL - The number of spatial dimensions is more than one. DCNL - ``cover_all`` is ``False`` DCNL - The input\'s ``dtype`` is equal to the filter weight\'s. DCNL - The ``dtype`` is FP32, FP64 or FP16(cuDNN version is equal to or greater DCNL than v3) DCNL .. seealso:: :class:`~chainer.links.ConvolutionND`, :func:`convolution_2d`'
'Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.'
'Select the span in Select mode.'
'.. todo:: DCNL WRITEME'
'Try to apply the pattern to all of the string, returning DCNL a match object, or None if no match was found.'
'Helper to create an initialized Variable with weight decay. DCNL Note that the Variable is initialized with a truncated normal distribution. DCNL A weight decay is added only if one is specified. DCNL Args: DCNL name: name of the variable DCNL shape: list of ints DCNL stddev: standard deviation of a truncated Gaussian DCNL wd: add L2Loss weight decay multiplied by this float. If None, weight DCNL decay is not added for this Variable. DCNL Returns: DCNL Variable Tensor'
'NAPTR lookup. DCNL @type name: C{str} DCNL @param name: DNS name to resolve. DCNL @type timeout: Sequence of C{int} DCNL @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query. DCNL When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed. DCNL @rtype: C{Deferred}'
'Checks if a database exists in InfluxDB. DCNL name DCNL Name of the database to check. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' influxdb.db_exists <name>'
'Auxiliary digraph for computing flow based edge connectivity DCNL If the input graph is undirected, we replace each edge (`u`,`v`) with DCNL two reciprocal arcs (`u`, `v`) and (`v`, `u`) and then we set the attribute DCNL \'capacity\' for each arc to 1. If the input graph is directed we simply DCNL add the \'capacity\' attribute. Part of algorithm 1 in [1]_ . DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian. Connectivity Algorithms. (this is a DCNL chapter, look for the reference of the book). DCNL http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse835/Papers/Graph_connectivity_revised.pdf'
'Builds a dependency graph that shows relationships between roles and playbooks. DCNL An edge [A, B], where A and B are roles, signifies that A depends on B. An edge DCNL [C, D], where C is a playbook and D is a role, signifies that C uses D. DCNL Input: DCNL git_dir: A path to the top-most directory in the local git repository tool is to be run in. DCNL roles_dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which Ansible roles reside. DCNL aws_play_dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which AWS Ansible playbooks reside. DCNL docker_play_dirs: A list of relative paths to directories in which Docker Ansible playbooks reside.'
'Update a state using the Zoneminder API.'
'A helper for returning a unittest TestCase for testing'
'Return an HTML page, containing a pretty error response. DCNL status should be an int or a str. DCNL kwargs will be interpolated into the page template.'
'Converts markdown files into their respective html files'
'Write a chunk to file and update the progress bar'
'Get the value of FEATURES variable in the make.conf DCNL Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is DCNL not in the make.conf DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' makeconf.get_features'
'Plot topomap multi cbar.'
'Generates a flat, rectangular-shaped structuring element. DCNL Every pixel in the rectangle generated for a given width and given height DCNL belongs to the neighborhood. DCNL Parameters DCNL width : int DCNL The width of the rectangle. DCNL height : int DCNL The height of the rectangle. DCNL Other Parameters DCNL dtype : data-type DCNL The data type of the structuring element. DCNL Returns DCNL selem : ndarray DCNL A structuring element consisting only of ones, i.e. every DCNL pixel belongs to the neighborhood.'
'Tokenize a document and add an annotation attribute to each token'
'Checks if the first item of an array-like object is also array-like DCNL If so, we have a MultiIndex and returns True. Else returns False.'
'Attach to the pub socket and grab messages'
'Convert a column letter into a column number (e.g. B -> 2) DCNL Excel only supports 1-3 letter column names from A -> ZZZ, so we DCNL restrict our column names to 1-3 characters, each in the range A-Z. DCNL .. note:: DCNL Fast mode is faster but does not check that all letters are capitals between A and Z'
'Run a command and return merged stdout and stderr'
'Return a polynomial of degree ``n`` with coefficients in ``[a, b]``. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_random DCNL >>> dup_random(3, -10, 10, ZZ) #doctest: +SKIP DCNL [-2, -8, 9, -4]'
'Reconstruct interpolation matrix from ID. DCNL The interpolation matrix can be reconstructed from the ID indices and DCNL coefficients `idx` and `proj`, respectively, as:: DCNL P = numpy.hstack([numpy.eye(proj.shape[0]), proj])[:,numpy.argsort(idx)] DCNL The original matrix can then be reconstructed from its skeleton matrix `B` DCNL via:: DCNL numpy.dot(B, P) DCNL See also :func:`reconstruct_matrix_from_id` and DCNL :func:`reconstruct_skel_matrix`. DCNL .. This function automatically detects the matrix data type and calls the DCNL appropriate backend. For details, see :func:`backend.idd_reconint` and DCNL :func:`backend.idz_reconint`. DCNL Parameters DCNL idx : :class:`numpy.ndarray` DCNL Column index array. DCNL proj : :class:`numpy.ndarray` DCNL Interpolation coefficients. DCNL Returns DCNL :class:`numpy.ndarray` DCNL Interpolation matrix.'
'Checks that no 4 byte unicode characters are allowed DCNL in dicts\' keys/values and string\'s parameters'
'Return True if the device with the given IP addresses and MAC address DCNL exists in the namespace.'
'Module homepage for non-Admin users when no CMS content found'
'Determine the outer indices of expression ``expr`` DCNL By *outer* we mean indices that are not summation indices. Returns a set DCNL and a dict. The set contains outer indices and the dict contains DCNL information about index symmetries. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.tensor.index_methods import get_indices DCNL >>> from sympy import symbols DCNL >>> from sympy.tensor import IndexedBase, Idx DCNL >>> x, y, A = map(IndexedBase, [\'x\', \'y\', \'A\']) DCNL >>> i, j, a, z = symbols(\'i j a z\', integer=True) DCNL The indices of the total expression is determined, Repeated indices imply a DCNL summation, for instance the trace of a matrix A: DCNL >>> get_indices(A[i, i]) DCNL (set(), {}) DCNL In the case of many terms, the terms are required to have identical DCNL outer indices. Else an IndexConformanceException is raised. DCNL >>> get_indices(x[i] + A[i, j]*y[j]) DCNL ({i}, {}) DCNL :Exceptions: DCNL An IndexConformanceException means that the terms ar not compatible, e.g. DCNL >>> get_indices(x[i] + y[j]) #doctest: +SKIP DCNL IndexConformanceException: Indices are not consistent: x(i) + y(j) DCNL .. warning:: DCNL The concept of *outer* indices applies recursively, starting on the deepest DCNL level. This implies that dummies inside parenthesis are assumed to be DCNL summed first, so that the following expression is handled gracefully: DCNL >>> get_indices((x[i] + A[i, j]*y[j])*x[j]) DCNL ({i, j}, {}) DCNL This is correct and may appear convenient, but you need to be careful DCNL with this as SymPy will happily .expand() the product, if requested. The DCNL resulting expression would mix the outer ``j`` with the dummies inside DCNL the parenthesis, which makes it a different expression. To be on the DCNL safe side, it is best to avoid such ambiguities by using unique indices DCNL for all contractions that should be held separate.'
'Writes the XML content to disk, touching the file only if it has changed. DCNL Args: DCNL content: The structured content to be written. DCNL path: Location of the file. DCNL encoding: The encoding to report on the first line of the XML file. DCNL pretty: True if we want pretty printing with indents and new lines.'
'Convert an Ansible dict of filters to list of dicts that boto3 can use DCNL Args: DCNL filters_dict (dict): Dict of AWS filters. DCNL Basic Usage: DCNL >>> filters = {\'some-aws-id\', \'i-01234567\'} DCNL >>> ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list(filters) DCNL \'some-aws-id\': \'i-01234567\' DCNL Returns: DCNL List: List of AWS filters and their values DCNL \'Name\': \'some-aws-id\', DCNL \'Values\': [ DCNL \'i-01234567\','
'Helper to hide axis frame for topomaps.'
'Authenticate and enroll certificate. DCNL This method finds the relevant lineage, figures out what to do with it, DCNL then performs that action. Includes calls to hooks, various reports, DCNL checks, and requests for user input. DCNL :returns: Tuple of (str action, cert_or_None) as per _find_lineage_for_domains_and_certname DCNL action can be: "newcert" | "renew" | "reinstall"'
'Renyi\'s generalized entropy DCNL Parameters DCNL px : array-like DCNL Discrete probability distribution of random variable X. Note that DCNL px is assumed to be a proper probability distribution. DCNL logbase : int or np.e, optional DCNL Default is 2 (bits) DCNL alpha : float or inf DCNL The order of the entropy. The default is 1, which in the limit DCNL is just Shannon\'s entropy. 2 is Renyi (Collision) entropy. If DCNL the string "inf" or numpy.inf is specified the min-entropy is returned. DCNL measure : str, optional DCNL The type of entropy measure desired. \'R\' returns Renyi entropy DCNL measure. \'T\' returns the Tsallis entropy measure. DCNL Returns DCNL 1/(1-alpha)*log(sum(px**alpha)) DCNL In the limit as alpha -> 1, Shannon\'s entropy is returned. DCNL In the limit as alpha -> inf, min-entropy is returned.'
'Check that creating model sets with components whose _n_models are DCNL different raise a value error'
'Generate websettings'
'.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 DCNL Check for the existence of a chain in the table DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' nftables.check_chain filter input DCNL IPv6: DCNL salt \'*\' nftables.check_chain filter input family=ipv6'
'Parses a PEP 3101 format string, returning a tuple of DCNL (keys, num_args, manual_pos_arg), DCNL where keys is the set of mapping keys in the format string, num_args DCNL is the number of arguments required by the format string and DCNL manual_pos_arg is the number of arguments passed with the position.'
'Returns a `500 Internal Server` error.'
'Returns |params.flavor| if it\'s set, the system\'s default flavor else.'
'chisquare test of proportions for pairs of k samples compared to control DCNL Performs a chisquare test for proportions for pairwise comparisons with a DCNL control (Dunnet\'s test). The control is assumed to be the first element DCNL of ``count`` and ``nobs``. The alternative is two-sided, larger or DCNL smaller. DCNL Parameters DCNL count : integer or array_like DCNL the number of successes in nobs trials. DCNL nobs : integer DCNL the number of trials or observations. DCNL prop : float, optional DCNL The probability of success under the null hypothesis, DCNL `0 <= prop <= 1`. The default value is `prop = 0.5` DCNL multitest_method : string DCNL This chooses the method for the multiple testing p-value correction, DCNL that is used as default in the results. DCNL It can be any method that is available in ``multipletesting``. DCNL The default is Holm-Sidak \'hs\'. DCNL alternative : string in [\'two-sided\', \'smaller\', \'larger\'] DCNL alternative hypothesis, which can be two-sided or either one of the DCNL one-sided tests. DCNL Returns DCNL result : AllPairsResults instance DCNL The returned results instance has several statistics, such as p-values, DCNL attached, and additional methods for using a non-default DCNL ``multitest_method``. DCNL Notes DCNL Yates continuity correction is not available. DCNL ``value`` and ``alternative`` options are not yet implemented.'
'Get all available regions for the AWS Cloudtrail service. DCNL :rtype: list DCNL :return: A list of :class:`boto.regioninfo.RegionInfo`'
'UpSample 2D. DCNL Input: DCNL 4-D Tensor [batch, height, width, in_channels]. DCNL Output: DCNL 4-D Tensor [batch, pooled height, pooled width, in_channels]. DCNL Arguments: DCNL incoming: `Tensor`. Incoming 4-D Layer to upsample. DCNL kernel_size: \'int` or `list of int`. Upsampling kernel size. DCNL name: A name for this layer (optional). Default: \'UpSample2D\'. DCNL Attributes: DCNL scope: `Scope`. This layer scope.'
'Returns a list of directories in the <path> with a given <filename>, excluding DCNL <excludeDirs>'
'docstring for plot_test'
'Returns stdout and stderr output for a console test.'
'<feed> -- Gets the first three items from the RSS/ATOM feed <feed>.'
'list asset group'
'A "plain" keyfile is a file containing only the key. DCNL Any other file (JPEG, MP3, ...) can also be used as keyfile.'
'Create an ElastiCache subnet group DCNL CLI example to create an ElastiCache subnet group:: DCNL salt myminion boto_elasticache.create_subnet_group my-subnet-group "group description" subnet_ids=\'[subnet-12345678, subnet-87654321]\' region=us-east-1'
'Upgrade all packages, skip obsoletes if ``obsoletes=0`` in ``yum.conf``. DCNL Exclude *kernel* upgrades by default.'
'Returns the system default locale for a given category, based on DCNL environment variables. DCNL >>> for name in [\'LANGUAGE\', \'LC_ALL\', \'LC_CTYPE\']: DCNL ... os.environ[name] = \'\' DCNL >>> os.environ[\'LANG\'] = \'fr_FR.UTF-8\' DCNL >>> default_locale(\'LC_MESSAGES\') DCNL \'fr_FR\' DCNL The "C" or "POSIX" pseudo-locales are treated as aliases for the DCNL "en_US_POSIX" locale: DCNL >>> os.environ[\'LC_MESSAGES\'] = \'POSIX\' DCNL >>> default_locale(\'LC_MESSAGES\') DCNL \'en_US_POSIX\' DCNL The following fallbacks to the variable are always considered: DCNL - ``LANGUAGE`` DCNL - ``LC_ALL`` DCNL - ``LC_CTYPE`` DCNL - ``LANG`` DCNL :param category: one of the ``LC_XXX`` environment variable names DCNL :param aliases: a dictionary of aliases for locale identifiers'
'Returns the number of students that opened each subsection/sequential of the course DCNL `course_id` the course ID for the course interested in DCNL Outputs a dict mapping the \'module_id\' to the number of students that have opened that subsection/sequential.'
'Lex ``code`` with ``lexer`` and format it with the formatter ``formatter``. DCNL If ``outfile`` is given and a valid file object (an object DCNL with a ``write`` method), the result will be written to it, otherwise DCNL it is returned as a string.'
'Write relationships for the worksheet to xml.'
'Check that the ecliptic transformations for heliocentric and barycentric DCNL at least more or less make sense'
'Plot an image along with its histogram and cumulative histogram.'
'Convenience function for overriding default configuration. DCNL file_path : <string> the full path to a file containing valid DCNL JSON for configuration overrides'
'Update a user preference for the given username. DCNL Note: DCNL It is up to the caller of this method to enforce the contract that this method is only called DCNL with the user who made the request. DCNL Arguments: DCNL requesting_user (User): The user requesting to modify account information. Only the user with username DCNL \'username\' has permissions to modify account information. DCNL preference_key (str): The key for the user preference. DCNL preference_value (str): The value to be stored. Non-string values will be converted to strings. DCNL username (str): Optional username specifying which account should be updated. If not specified, DCNL `requesting_user.username` is assumed. DCNL Raises: DCNL UserNotFound: no user with username `username` exists (or `requesting_user.username` if DCNL `username` is not specified) DCNL UserNotAuthorized: the requesting_user does not have access to change the account DCNL associated with `username` DCNL PreferenceValidationError: the update was not attempted because validation errors were found DCNL PreferenceUpdateError: the operation failed when performing the update. DCNL UserAPIInternalError: the operation failed due to an unexpected error.'
'Takes a node from the tree and searchs for any previously processed DCNL duplicates. DCNL If not a duplicate, returns a stage based from that node. DCNL If a duplicate, the node is replaced with an alias to the dup stage. DCNL In both cases the tree is removed below this node (and the alias remains).'
'Given a string mapping values for true, false and (optionally) None, DCNL returns one of those strings according to the value: DCNL Value Argument Outputs DCNL ``True`` ``"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``yeah`` DCNL ``False`` ``"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``no`` DCNL ``None`` ``"yeah,no,maybe"`` ``maybe`` DCNL ``None`` ``"yeah,no"`` ``"no"`` (converts None to False DCNL if no mapping for None is given.'
'Get the resource pool.'
'Returns a simple verification callback that simply verifies that the users and password match that provided'
'If auth fails, raise 401 with a basic authentication header. DCNL realm: a string containing the authentication realm. DCNL users: a dict of the form: {username: password} or a callable returning a dict. DCNL encrypt: callable used to encrypt the password returned from the user-agent. DCNL if None it defaults to a md5 encryption.'
'Replace a GET parameter in an URL'
'Does `node` contain a sub node of type `cls`'
'Return the libvlc version in hex or 0 if unavailable.'
'Module homepage for non-Admin users when no CMS content found'
'Render an OpenID authentication request.'
'Get a stream URI from a playlist URI, ``uri``. DCNL Unwraps nested playlists until something that\'s not a playlist is found or DCNL the ``timeout`` is reached.'
'Read channel info struct tag.'
'Request permission to download a resource.'
'Called when the editor loads contents'
'Parse the redirections and build a transitively closed map out of it'
'Quick check to see if a file looks like it may be a tool file. DCNL Whether true in a strict sense or not, lets say the intention and DCNL purpose of this procedure is to serve as a filter - all valid tools must DCNL "looks_like_a_tool" but not everything that looks like a tool is actually DCNL a valid tool. DCNL invalid_names may be supplied in the context of the tool shed to quickly DCNL rule common tool shed XML files.'
'Generates a prototype for binary construction (HEX, WKB) GEOS routines.'
'Show the title or URL information for the given URL, or the last URL seen DCNL in this channel.'
'Finds the changes between two playlists. DCNL Returns a tuple of (deletions, additions, staying). DCNL Deletions and additions are both Counters of (sid, eid) tuples; DCNL staying is a set of (sid, eid) tuples. DCNL :param old: the original playlist. DCNL :param modified: the modified playlist.'
'Given VPC properties, find and return matching VPC ids.'
'Returns True if the sequence is a threshold degree seqeunce. DCNL Uses the property that a threshold graph must be constructed by DCNL adding either dominating or isolated nodes. Thus, it can be DCNL deconstructed iteratively by removing a node of degree zero or a DCNL node that connects to the remaining nodes. If this deconstruction DCNL failes then the sequence is not a threshold sequence.'
'Inception model from http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.00567. DCNL "Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision" DCNL Christian Szegedy, Vincent Vanhoucke, Sergey Ioffe, Jonathon Shlens, DCNL Zbigniew Wojna. DCNL With the default arguments this method constructs the exact model defined in DCNL the paper. However, one can experiment with variations of the inception_v3 DCNL network by changing arguments dropout_keep_prob, min_depth and DCNL depth_multiplier. DCNL The default image size used to train this network is 299x299. DCNL Args: DCNL inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels]. DCNL num_classes: number of predicted classes. DCNL is_training: whether is training or not. DCNL dropout_keep_prob: the percentage of activation values that are retained. DCNL min_depth: Minimum depth value (number of channels) for all convolution ops. DCNL Enforced when depth_multiplier < 1, and not an active constraint when DCNL depth_multiplier >= 1. DCNL depth_multiplier: Float multiplier for the depth (number of channels) DCNL for all convolution ops. The value must be greater than zero. Typical DCNL usage will be to set this value in (0, 1) to reduce the number of DCNL parameters or computation cost of the model. DCNL prediction_fn: a function to get predictions out of logits. DCNL spatial_squeeze: if True, logits is of shape is [B, C], if false logits is DCNL of shape [B, 1, 1, C], where B is batch_size and C is number of classes. DCNL reuse: whether or not the network and its variables should be reused. To be DCNL able to reuse \'scope\' must be given. DCNL scope: Optional variable_scope. DCNL Returns: DCNL logits: the pre-softmax activations, a tensor of size DCNL [batch_size, num_classes] DCNL end_points: a dictionary from components of the network to the corresponding DCNL activation. DCNL Raises: DCNL ValueError: if \'depth_multiplier\' is less than or equal to zero.'
'CM SERVICE ACCEPT Section 9.2.5'
'return our appropriate resampler when grouping as well'
'Refreshes the data sources schemas.'
'Validates the given file for use as the settings file for BGPSpeaker DCNL and loads the configuration from the given file as a module instance.'
'Given two paths (B is longer than A), find the part in B not in A'
'Match static urls in quotes that don\'t end in \'?raw\'. DCNL To anyone contemplating making this more complicated: DCNL http://xkcd.com/1171/'
'Checks if the named user and group are present on the minion'
'Recursively delete a directory tree. DCNL This code is taken from the Python 2.4 version of \'shutil\', because DCNL the 2.3 version doesn\'t really work right.'
'Helper function for local debugging.'
'Frame the given message with our wire protocol'
'Replace secrets data by a new one'
'Return the indices of all values that are equal to the maximum: no breaking ties.'
'Courses Controller'
'Friedman Chi-Square is a non-parametric, one-way within-subjects ANOVA. DCNL This function calculates the Friedman Chi-square test for repeated measures DCNL and returns the result, along with the associated probability value. DCNL Each input is considered a given group. Ideally, the number of treatments DCNL among each group should be equal. If this is not the case, only the first DCNL n treatments are taken into account, where n is the number of treatments DCNL of the smallest group. DCNL If a group has some missing values, the corresponding treatments are masked DCNL in the other groups. DCNL The test statistic is corrected for ties. DCNL Masked values in one group are propagated to the other groups. DCNL Returns DCNL statistic : float DCNL the test statistic. DCNL pvalue : float DCNL the associated p-value.'
'Returns list of all catalogs created on this API key DCNL Args: DCNL Kwargs: DCNL results (int): An integer number of results to return DCNL start (int): An integer starting value for the result set DCNL Returns: DCNL A list of catalog objects DCNL Example: DCNL >>> catalog.list_catalogs() DCNL [<catalog - test_artist_catalog>, <catalog - test_song_catalog>, <catalog - my_songs>]'
'Accepts HJSON as a string or as a file object and runs it through the HJSON DCNL parser. DCNL :rtype: A Python data structure'
'Show the Cassandra version. DCNL :param contact_points: The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs. DCNL :type contact_points: str | list[str] DCNL :param cql_user: The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on. DCNL :type cql_user: str DCNL :param cql_pass: The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on. DCNL :type cql_pass: str DCNL :param port: The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None. DCNL :type port: int DCNL :return: The version for this Cassandra cluster. DCNL :rtype: str DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'minion1\' cassandra_cql.version DCNL salt \'minion1\' cassandra_cql.version contact_points=minion1'
'get tick data from tushare and resample to certain period data DCNL selected by input: period'
'Check __init__.'
'A factory that makes an appropriate Routine from an expression. DCNL Parameters DCNL name : string DCNL The name of this routine in the generated code. DCNL expr : expression or list/tuple of expressions DCNL A SymPy expression that the Routine instance will represent. If DCNL given a list or tuple of expressions, the routine will be DCNL considered to have multiple return values and/or output arguments. DCNL argument_sequence : list or tuple, optional DCNL List arguments for the routine in a preferred order. If omitted, DCNL the results are language dependent, for example, alphabetical order DCNL or in the same order as the given expressions. DCNL global_vars : iterable, optional DCNL Sequence of global variables used by the routine. Variables DCNL listed here will not show up as function arguments. DCNL language : string, optional DCNL Specify a target language. The Routine itself should be DCNL language-agnostic but the precise way one is created, error DCNL checking, etc depend on the language. [default: "F95"]. DCNL A decision about whether to use output arguments or return values is made DCNL depending on both the language and the particular mathematical expressions. DCNL For an expression of type Equality, the left hand side is typically made DCNL into an OutputArgument (or perhaps an InOutArgument if appropriate). DCNL Otherwise, typically, the calculated expression is made a return values of DCNL the routine. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.utilities.codegen import make_routine DCNL >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, f, g DCNL >>> from sympy import Eq DCNL >>> r = make_routine(\'test\', [Eq(f, 2*x), Eq(g, x + y)]) DCNL >>> [arg.result_var for arg in r.results] DCNL >>> [arg.name for arg in r.arguments] DCNL [x, y, f, g] DCNL >>> [arg.name for arg in r.result_variables] DCNL [f, g] DCNL >>> r.local_vars DCNL set() DCNL Another more complicated example with a mixture of specified and DCNL automatically-assigned names. Also has Matrix output. DCNL >>> from sympy import Matrix DCNL >>> r = make_routine(\'fcn\', [x*y, Eq(f, 1), Eq(g, x + g), Matrix([[x, 2]])]) DCNL >>> [arg.result_var for arg in r.results] # doctest: +SKIP DCNL [result_5397460570204848505] DCNL >>> [arg.expr for arg in r.results] DCNL [x*y] DCNL >>> [arg.name for arg in r.arguments] # doctest: +SKIP DCNL [x, y, f, g, out_8598435338387848786] DCNL We can examine the various arguments more closely: DCNL >>> from sympy.utilities.codegen import (InputArgument, OutputArgument, DCNL ... InOutArgument) DCNL >>> [a.name for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, InputArgument)] DCNL [x, y] DCNL >>> [a.name for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, OutputArgument)] # doctest: +SKIP DCNL [f, out_8598435338387848786] DCNL >>> [a.expr for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, OutputArgument)] DCNL [1, Matrix([[x, 2]])] DCNL >>> [a.name for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, InOutArgument)] DCNL [g] DCNL >>> [a.expr for a in r.arguments if isinstance(a, InOutArgument)] DCNL [g + x]'
'creates a temporary folder, return it and delete it afterwards. DCNL This allows to do something like this in tests: DCNL >>> with temporary_folder() as d: DCNL # do whatever you want'
'Determine the date string for the newest timestamp to filter by.'
'Fetches a single page from the list of all feedback messages that have DCNL been posted to any exploration on the site. DCNL Args: DCNL page_size: int. The number of feedback messages to display per page. DCNL Defaults to feconf.FEEDBACK_TAB_PAGE_SIZE. DCNL urlsafe_start_cursor: str or None. The cursor which represents the DCNL current position to begin the fetch from. If None, the fetch is DCNL started from the beginning of the list of all messages. DCNL Returns: DCNL tuple of (messages, new_urlsafe_start_cursor, more), where DCNL messages: list of FeedbackMessage. Contains all the messages we DCNL want. DCNL new_urlsafe_start_cursor: str. The new cursor. DCNL more: bool. Whether there are more messages available to fetch after DCNL this batch.'
'Find footnotes in the given document, move them to the end of the body, and DCNL generate links to them. DCNL A footnote is any node with a C{class} attribute set to C{footnote}. DCNL Footnote links are generated as superscript. Footnotes are collected in a DCNL C{ol} node at the end of the document. DCNL @type document: A DOM Node or Document DCNL @param document: The input document which contains all of the content to be DCNL presented. DCNL @return: C{None}'
'Main Entry'
'Removes a group from the Postgres server. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' postgres.group_remove \'groupname\''
'Calculates the standard error of the mean (or standard error of DCNL measurement) of the values in the input array. DCNL Parameters DCNL a : array_like DCNL An array containing the values for which the standard error is DCNL returned. DCNL axis : int or None, optional DCNL Axis along which to operate. Default is 0. If None, compute over DCNL the whole array `a`. DCNL ddof : int, optional DCNL Delta degrees-of-freedom. How many degrees of freedom to adjust DCNL for bias in limited samples relative to the population estimate DCNL of variance. Defaults to 1. DCNL nan_policy : {\'propagate\', \'raise\', \'omit\'}, optional DCNL Defines how to handle when input contains nan. \'propagate\' returns nan, DCNL \'raise\' throws an error, \'omit\' performs the calculations ignoring nan DCNL values. Default is \'propagate\'. DCNL Returns DCNL s : ndarray or float DCNL The standard error of the mean in the sample(s), along the input axis. DCNL Notes DCNL The default value for `ddof` is different to the default (0) used by other DCNL ddof containing routines, such as np.std and np.nanstd. DCNL Examples DCNL Find standard error along the first axis: DCNL >>> from scipy import stats DCNL >>> a = np.arange(20).reshape(5,4) DCNL >>> stats.sem(a) DCNL array([ 2.8284, 2.8284, 2.8284, 2.8284]) DCNL Find standard error across the whole array, using n degrees of freedom: DCNL >>> stats.sem(a, axis=None, ddof=0) DCNL 1.2893796958227628'
'Open "path" for writing, creating any parent directories as needed.'
'Construct a list of optional data volumes from the cloud profile'
'Returns the encoded bytes of tokens and notifications DCNL tokens a list of tokens or a string of only one token DCNL notifications a list of notifications or a dictionary of only one'
'Upgrading from setuptools 0.6 to 0.7+ is supported'
'Calls fname_presuffix for a list of files.'
'Display the CCX Coach Dashboard.'
'Show the user progress for a long request DCNL :param percent: Percent progress DCNL :param title: Title DCNL :param doctype: Optional, for DocType DCNL :param name: Optional, for Document name'
'Returns the URL string from a URL value that is either a string or DCNL urllib2.Request.. DCNL @param url: URL DCNL @type url: basestring or urllib2.Request DCNL @return: URL string DCNL @rtype: basestring'
'Removes elastic beanstalk components'
'Poll polling backend. DCNL @param fd: File descriptor DCNL @type fd: int DCNL @param readable: Whether to wait for readability DCNL @type readable: bool DCNL @param writable: Whether to wait for writability DCNL @type writable: bool DCNL @param timeout: Deadline timeout (expiration time, in seconds) DCNL @type timeout: float DCNL @return True on success, False on timeout'
'Function to execute multiple use_gb_ram functions in parallel'
'Test MEGSIM URL handling'
'Return the correct pillar driver based on the file_client option'
'Only work on Mac OS and Windows'
'Similar logic to load_check_directory for JMX checks'
'Parses property specifications. Returns sequence of 2-tuples, each DCNL containing a managed object type and a list of properties applicable DCNL to that type DCNL :type propspec: collections.Sequence DCNL :rtype: collections.Sequence'
'Lowers case, removes punctuation and collapses whitespace.'
'create index for books_fs.book_detail'
'Removes the layer from GeoServer'
'Convert a valuation string into a valuation. DCNL :param s: a valuation string DCNL :type s: str DCNL :param encoding: the encoding of the input string, if it is binary DCNL :type encoding: str DCNL :return: a ``nltk.sem`` valuation DCNL :rtype: Valuation'
'Converts an SELinux file context from a dict to a string.'
'Add an element to the pixel list.'
'Provides the binary value for an IPv4 or IPv6 address. DCNL :returns: **str** with the binary representation of this address DCNL :raises: **ValueError** if address is neither an IPv4 nor IPv6 address'
'Returns ``True`` if interface is enabled, otherwise ``False`` DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt -G \'os_family:Windows\' ip.is_enabled \'Local Area Connection #2\''
'Return data in adjacency format that is suitable for JSON serialization DCNL and use in Javascript documents. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX graph DCNL attrs : dict DCNL A dictionary that contains two keys \'id\' and \'key\'. The corresponding DCNL values provide the attribute names for storing NetworkX-internal graph DCNL data. The values should be unique. Default value: DCNL :samp:`dict(id=\'id\', key=\'key\')`. DCNL If some user-defined graph data use these attribute names as data keys, DCNL they may be silently dropped. DCNL Returns DCNL data : dict DCNL A dictionary with adjacency formatted data. DCNL Raises DCNL NetworkXError DCNL If values in attrs are not unique. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from networkx.readwrite import json_graph DCNL >>> G = nx.Graph([(1,2)]) DCNL >>> data = json_graph.adjacency_data(G) DCNL To serialize with json DCNL >>> import json DCNL >>> s = json.dumps(data) DCNL Notes DCNL Graph, node, and link attributes will be written when using this format DCNL but attribute keys must be strings if you want to serialize the resulting DCNL data with JSON. DCNL The default value of attrs will be changed in a future release of NetworkX. DCNL See Also DCNL adjacency_graph, node_link_data, tree_data'
'Delete network with key network_id. DCNL This method assumes that the network is not associated with any project'
'Return the changes'
'Dummy method for raising errors when trying to modify frozen graphs'
'Queue for reviewing abuse reports for apps.'
'Replacement for cinder.volume.api.API.get_manageable_volumes.'
'Decorator that checks the CuPy result is less than NumPy result. DCNL Args: DCNL err_msg(str): The error message to be printed in case of failure. DCNL verbose(bool): If ``True``, the conflicting values are DCNL appended to the error message. DCNL name(str): Argument name whose value is either DCNL ``numpy`` or ``cupy`` module. DCNL type_check(bool): If ``True``, consistency of dtype is also checked. DCNL accept_error(bool, Exception or tuple of Exception): Sepcify DCNL acceptable errors. When both NumPy test and CuPy test raises the DCNL same type of errors, and the type of the errors is specified with DCNL this argument, the errors are ignored and not raised. DCNL If it is ``True`` all error types are acceptable. DCNL If it is ``False`` no error is acceptable. DCNL Decorated test fixture is required to return the smaller array DCNL when ``xp`` is ``cupy`` than the one when ``xp`` is ``numpy``. DCNL .. seealso:: :func:`cupy.testing.assert_array_less`'
'verify user\'s access cookie. return True for access granted, False for denied DCNL See option `enable_custom_access_cookie_generate_and_verify` DCNL :param zmirror_verify_cookie: cookie string DCNL :param flask_request: the flask request object DCNL :type zmirror_verify_cookie: str DCNL :return: bool'
'RELEASE Section'
'Print an error message followed by an indented exception backtrace DCNL (This function is intended to be called within except: blocks)'
'Parameters DCNL Density : float, optional DCNL Float in (0, 1) that gives the percentage of non-missing numbers in DCNL the DataFrame. DCNL random_state : {np.random.RandomState, int}, optional DCNL Random number generator or random seed. DCNL See makeCustomDataframe for descriptions of the rest of the parameters.'
'Return \'full\' or None depending on the file/addon status.'
'postreleaser.middle hook to update the setup.py with the new version. See DCNL prereleaser_middle for more details.'
'Cause the calling greenlet to wait until the event loop is idle. DCNL Idle is defined as having no other events of the same or higher DCNL *priority* pending. That is, as long as sockets, timeouts or even DCNL signals of the same or higher priority are being processed, the loop DCNL is not idle. DCNL .. seealso:: :func:`sleep`'
'Inject Subreddits by name into the index'
'Documents a non-data driven method DCNL :param section: The section to write the documentation to. DCNL :param method_name: The name of the method DCNL :param method: The handle to the method being documented'
'Returns a RNG object. DCNL Parameters DCNL rng_or_seed : RNG object or integer or list of integers DCNL A random number generator or a valid seed. DCNL default_seed : integer or list of integers DCNL Seed used if rng_or_seed is None DCNL which_method : string or list of strings DCNL One or more methods that must be defined by the RNG object. DCNL If one or more specified methods are not defined by it, a DCNL new one will be constructed with the given constructor. DCNL constructor : function or class DCNL Must return a RNG object. DCNL constructor is called with rng_or_seed, default_seed or 42 DCNL as argument. DCNL Notes DCNL The RNG object is generated using the first of these cases that produces a DCNL valid result and doesn\'t use an argument with the value of None: DCNL 1) rng_or_seed itself DCNL 2) constructor(rng_or_seed) DCNL 3) constructor(default_seed) DCNL 4) constructor(42)'
'Invert a dictionary into a dictionary of sets. DCNL >>> invert({\'a\': 1, \'b\': 2, \'c\': 1}) # doctest: +SKIP DCNL {1: {\'a\', \'c\'}, 2: {\'b\'}}'
'Iterate through each choice of an alternative. Splits pattern on \'|\'s if DCNL they are not bracketed. DCNL :param pattern: String of choices separated by \'|\'s DCNL :return: Iterator that yields parts of string separated by DCNL non-bracketed \'|\'s'
'Sadly copied from taggit to work around the issue of not being DCNL able to use the TaggedItemBase class that has tag field already DCNL defined.'
'Configure Babel for internationality.'
'Convert an extension mode to the corresponding integer code.'
'Return the Structure representation of the given *nditerty* (an DCNL instance of types.NumpyNdIterType).'
'Returns "identity" versions of the JavaScript i18n functions -- i.e., DCNL versions that don\'t actually do anything.'
'Given``path``, return a tuple representing that path which can be DCNL used to traverse a resource tree. ``path`` is assumed to be an DCNL already-URL-decoded ``str`` type as if it had come to us from an upstream DCNL WSGI server as the ``PATH_INFO`` environ variable. DCNL The ``path`` is first decoded to from its WSGI representation to Unicode; DCNL it is decoded differently depending on platform: DCNL - On Python 2, ``path`` is decoded to Unicode from bytes using the UTF-8 DCNL decoding directly; a :exc:`pyramid.exc.URLDecodeError` is raised if a the DCNL URL cannot be decoded. DCNL - On Python 3, as per the PEP 3333 spec, ``path`` is first encoded to DCNL bytes using the Latin-1 encoding; the resulting set of bytes is DCNL subsequently decoded to text using the UTF-8 encoding; a DCNL :exc:`pyramid.exc.URLDecodeError` is raised if a the URL cannot be DCNL decoded. DCNL The ``path`` is split on slashes, creating a list of segments. If a DCNL segment name is empty or if it is ``.``, it is ignored. If a segment DCNL name is ``..``, the previous segment is deleted, and the ``..`` is DCNL ignored. DCNL Examples: DCNL ``/foo/bar/baz`` DCNL (u\'foo\', u\'bar\', u\'baz\') DCNL ``foo/bar/baz`` DCNL (u\'foo\', u\'bar\', u\'baz\') DCNL ``/foo/bar/baz/`` DCNL (u\'foo\', u\'bar\', u\'baz\') DCNL ``/foo//bar//baz/`` DCNL (u\'foo\', u\'bar\', u\'baz\') DCNL ``/foo/bar/baz/..`` DCNL (u\'foo\', u\'bar\') DCNL ``/my%20archives/hello`` DCNL (u\'my archives\', u\'hello\') DCNL ``/archives/La%20Pe%C3%B1a`` DCNL (u\'archives\', u\'<unprintable unicode>\') DCNL .. note:: DCNL This function does not generate the same type of tuples that DCNL :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple` does. In particular, the DCNL leading empty string is not present in the tuple it returns, unlike tuples DCNL returned by :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple`. As a result, DCNL tuples generated by ``traversal_path`` are not resolveable by the DCNL :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` API. ``traversal_path`` is a DCNL function mostly used by the internals of :app:`Pyramid` and by people DCNL writing their own traversal machinery, as opposed to users writing DCNL applications in :app:`Pyramid`.'
'Test either if an error is raised while passing a wrong NN object'
'Add a new snapshot.'
'Attempt to retrieve the named value from grains, if the named value is not DCNL available return the passed default. The default return is an empty string. DCNL The value can also represent a value in a nested dict using a ":" delimiter DCNL for the dict. This means that if a dict in grains looks like this:: DCNL {\'pkg\': {\'apache\': \'httpd\'}} DCNL To retrieve the value associated with the apache key in the pkg dict this DCNL key can be passed:: DCNL pkg:apache DCNL :param delimiter: DCNL Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict DCNL .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 DCNL :param ordered: DCNL Outputs an ordered dict if applicable (default: True) DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' grains.get pkg:apache'
'Serves a Pythonic breakfast'
'Ignores everything between ``{% comment %}`` and ``{% endcomment %}``.'
'Parse data from string. DCNL :param data: Data to parse. DCNL example: DCNL data: DCNL cpu 324 345 34 5 345 DCNL cpu0 34 11 34 34 33 DCNL start of line DCNL params 0 1 2 3 4 DCNL :param param: Position of parameter after linestart marker. DCNL :param linestart: String to which start line with parameters. DCNL :param sep: Separator between parameters regular expression.'
'Gets the version of the SDK by parsing the VERSION file. DCNL Returns: DCNL A Yaml object or None if the VERSION file does not exist.'
'Configure logging for StarCluster *application* code DCNL By default StarCluster\'s logger has no formatters and a NullHandler so that DCNL other developers using StarCluster as a library can configure logging as DCNL they see fit. This method is used in StarCluster\'s application code (i.e. DCNL the \'starcluster\' command) to toggle StarCluster\'s application specific DCNL formatters/handlers DCNL use_syslog - enable logging all messages to syslog. currently only works if DCNL /dev/log exists on the system (standard for most Linux distros)'
'return a valid color arg'
'Formats all dictionary error messages for both single and bulk requests'
'Run the main command-line interface for beets. Includes top-level DCNL exception handlers that print friendly error messages.'
'Create a zip file from all the files under \'base_dir\'. The output DCNL zip file will be named \'base_dir\' + ".zip". Uses either the "zipfile" DCNL Python module (if available) or the InfoZIP "zip" utility (if installed DCNL and found on the default search path). If neither tool is available, DCNL raises DistutilsExecError. Returns the name of the output zip file.'
'wrap the algo, to stop execution after it has used all its allocated time'
'Opens the pickled hash dictionary, adds an entry, and dumps it back.'
'Perform some transformation on the html, so that roleIDs can DCNL be easily retrieved.'
'Perform a join of the left and right numpy structured array on specified keys. DCNL Parameters DCNL left : structured array DCNL Left side table in the join DCNL right : structured array DCNL Right side table in the join DCNL keys : str or list of str DCNL Name(s) of column(s) used to match rows of left and right tables. DCNL Default is to use all columns which are common to both tables. DCNL join_type : str DCNL Join type (\'inner\' | \'outer\' | \'left\' | \'right\'), default is \'inner\' DCNL uniq_col_name : str or None DCNL String generate a unique output column name in case of a conflict. DCNL The default is \'{col_name}_{table_name}\'. DCNL table_names : list of str or None DCNL Two-element list of table names used when generating unique output DCNL column names. The default is [\'1\', \'2\']. DCNL col_name_map : empty dict or None DCNL If passed as a dict then it will be updated in-place with the DCNL mapping of output to input column names.'
'Also work for GpuAdvancedIncSubtensor1.'
'Scan a path for videos and subtitles DCNL :param string entry: path DCNL :param int max_depth: maximum folder depth DCNL :param function scan_filter: filter function that takes a path as argument and returns a boolean indicating whether it has to be filtered out (``True``) or not (``False``) DCNL :param int depth: starting depth DCNL :return: found videos and subtitles DCNL :rtype: list of (:class:`Video`, [:class:`~subliminal.subtitles.Subtitle`])'
'ResNet-101 model of [1]. See resnet_v2() for arg and return description.'
'Callback for `make_option` for `ogrinspect` keywords that require DCNL a string list. If the string is \'True\'/\'true\' then the option DCNL value will be a boolean instead.'
'Returns true if current or passed language is the primary language for this DCNL site. (The primary language is defined as the first language in DCNL settings.LANGUAGES.)'
'Constructs a FilterPredicate from the given name, op and values. DCNL Args: DCNL name: A non-empty string, the name of the property to filter. DCNL op: One of PropertyFilter._OPERATORS.keys(), the operator to use. DCNL values: A supported value, the value to compare against. DCNL Returns: DCNL if values is a list, a CompositeFilter that uses AND to combine all DCNL values, otherwise a PropertyFilter for the single value. DCNL Raises: DCNL datastore_errors.BadPropertyError: if the property name is invalid. DCNL datastore_errors.BadValueError: if the property did not validate correctly DCNL or the value was an empty list. DCNL Other exception types (like OverflowError): if the property value does not DCNL meet type-specific criteria.'
'Return the effective request-host, as defined by RFC 2965.'
'Enable all the firewall profiles (Windows only)'
'Step that always fails, mostly needed in examples.'
'Deploy an application into the webapp path for a Tomcat installation.'
'Returns position after keyword if found else None DCNL Note: skips white space'
'Resolve a dotted name to a global object.'
'Assemble output string for optimal arg sandbox scripts. DCNL - unique_kmers: number of uniqe k-mers DCNL - fp_rate: desired false positive rate'
'Compute the monic GCD of two univariate polynomials in DCNL `\mathbb{Z}_p[z]/(\check m_{\alpha}(z))[x]` with the Euclidean DCNL Algorithm. DCNL In general, `\check m_{\alpha}(z)` is not irreducible, so it is possible DCNL that some leading coefficient is not invertible modulo DCNL `\check m_{\alpha}(z)`. In that case ``None`` is returned. DCNL Parameters DCNL f, g : PolyElement DCNL polynomials in `\mathbb Z[x, z]` DCNL minpoly : PolyElement DCNL polynomial in `\mathbb Z[z]`, not necessarily irreducible DCNL p : Integer DCNL prime number, modulus of `\mathbb Z_p` DCNL Returns DCNL h : PolyElement DCNL GCD of `f` and `g` in `\mathbb Z[z, x]` or ``None``, coefficients DCNL are in `\left[ -\frac{p-1} 2, \frac{p-1} 2 \right]`'
'Logs fatal errors to a log file if WSGI_LOG env var is defined'
'Handle drawing epochs axes.'
'Call this function before sections of code that depend on the cuda_convnet module. DCNL It will raise a RuntimeError if the GPU is not available. DCNL feature_name: The name of the feature the user should be told is unavailable.'
'Install one or more packages. DCNL If *update* is ``True``, the package definitions will be updated DCNL first, using :py:func:`~fabtools.opkg.update_index`. DCNL Extra *options* may be passed to ``opkg`` if necessary. DCNL Example:: DCNL import fabtools DCNL # Update index, then install a single package DCNL fabtools.opkg.install(\'build-essential\', update=True) DCNL # Install multiple packages DCNL fabtools.opkg.install([ DCNL \'mc\', DCNL \'htop\','
'Return the configured tokens (keystone token-get) DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' keystone.token_get c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082'
'Adds (or updates) the "Vary" header in the given HttpResponse object. DCNL newheaders is a list of header names that should be in "Vary". Existing DCNL headers in "Vary" aren\'t removed.'
'Flip the image vertically. DCNL Args: DCNL image_data: str, source image data. DCNL output_encoding: a value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES. DCNL quality: A value between 1 and 100 to specify the quality of the DCNL encoding. This value is only used for JPEG quality control. DCNL correct_orientation: one of ORIENTATION_CORRECTION_TYPE, to indicate if DCNL orientation correction should be performed during the transformation. DCNL rpc: An Optional UserRPC object DCNL transparent_substition_rgb: When transparent pixels are not support in the DCNL destination image format then transparent pixels will be substituted DCNL for the specified color, which must be 32 bit rgb format. DCNL Raises: DCNL Error when something went wrong with the call. See Image.ExecuteTransforms DCNL for more details.'
'After User.save is called we check to see if it was a created user. If so, DCNL we check if the User object wants account creation. If all passes we DCNL create an Account object. DCNL We only run on user creation to avoid having to check for existence on DCNL each call to User.save.'
'Compare a .pyc with a source code file.'
'Given some plot_options as part of a plot call, decide on final options. DCNL Precedence: DCNL 1 - Start with DEFAULT_PLOT_OPTIONS DCNL 2 - Update each key with ~/.plotly/.config options (tls.get_config) DCNL 3 - Update each key with session plot options (set by py.sign_in) DCNL 4 - Update each key with plot, iplot call signature options'
'Parse the ``TDIM`` value into a tuple (may return an empty tuple if DCNL the value ``TDIM`` value is empty or invalid).'
'Note this function is only used for API uploads.'
'List the packages which have been removed between the two package objects'
'Return the specified workspace name DCNL :param str workspace: DCNL Specifies which workspace to show. If unspecified, may be set by the DCNL ``list_workspaces`` lister if used, otherwise falls back to DCNL currently focused workspace. DCNL :param bool strip: DCNL Specifies whether workspace numbers (in the ``1: name`` format) should DCNL be stripped from workspace names before being displayed. Defaults to false. DCNL Highlight groups used: ``workspace`` or ``w_visible``, ``workspace`` or ``w_focused``, ``workspace`` or ``w_urgent``.'
'Writes feed contents info provided file object'
'Return the ith prime greater than n. DCNL i must be an integer. DCNL Notes DCNL Potential primes are located at 6*j +/- 1. This DCNL property is used during searching. DCNL >>> from sympy import nextprime DCNL >>> [(i, nextprime(i)) for i in range(10, 15)] DCNL [(10, 11), (11, 13), (12, 13), (13, 17), (14, 17)] DCNL >>> nextprime(2, ith=2) # the 2nd prime after 2 DCNL 5 DCNL See Also DCNL prevprime : Return the largest prime smaller than n DCNL primerange : Generate all primes in a given range'
'Handles file IO, calls main demultiplexing function DCNL mapping_file: filepath to metadata mapping file. DCNL fasta_files: list of fasta filepaths DCNL qual_files: list of qual filepaths DCNL output_dir: output directory to write all output files. DCNL keep_barcode: If True, will not remove barcode from output files. DCNL barcode_type: Specified barcode, can be golay_12, hamming_8, DCNL variable_length, or an integer specifying length. DCNL max_bc_errors: Number of changes allowed for error correcting barcodes, DCNL for generic barcodes, specifies the number of mismatches allowed. DCNL start_index: Specifies the first number used to enumerate output sequences. DCNL write_unassigned_reads: If True, will write sequences that could not be DCNL demultiplexed into a separate output file. DCNL disable_bc_correction: Only tests for exact matches to barcodes. DCNL added_demultiplex_field: Uses data supplied in metadata mapping field DCNL and demultiplexes according to data in fasta labels. DCNL save_barcode_frequencies: Saves the frequencies of barcode sequences in DCNL a separate output file.'
'if no password is specified on the command line, prompt for it'
'Make an IPNetwork object from port and network. DCNL Function returns IPNetwork object containing fixed IP address from port DCNL dictionary with prefixlen from network object. DCNL :param port: Port dictionary returned by Neutron API DCNL :param network: IPNetwork object in which the port\'s IP will be assigned.'
'Convert text to printable Unicode string. For byte string (type \'str\'), DCNL use charset ISO-8859-1 for the conversion to Unicode DCNL >>> makeUnicode(u\'abc\0d\') DCNL u\'abc\\0d\' DCNL >>> makeUnicode(\'a\xe9\') DCNL u\'a\xe9\''
'Check if current number of sessions of a server for a specific haproxy backend DCNL is over a defined threshold. DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL beacons: DCNL haproxy: DCNL - www-backend: DCNL threshold: 45 DCNL servers: DCNL - web1 DCNL - web2 DCNL - interval: 120'
'Opens a file or URL In the default application.'
'Make multiple attempts to log into a remote host (guest) until one succeeds DCNL or timeout expires. DCNL :param timeout: Total time duration to wait for a successful login DCNL :param internal_timeout: The maximal time duration (in seconds) to wait for DCNL each step of the login procedure (e.g. the "Are you sure" prompt DCNL or the password prompt) DCNL :interface: The interface the neighbours attach to (only use when using ipv6 DCNL linklocal address.) DCNL :see:: remote_login() DCNL :raise: Whatever remote_login() raises DCNL :return: A ShellSession object.'
'draw result DataFrame'
'Get the mail notification service.'
'Generic function to find package_data for `pkg` under `root`.'