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'Calls hooks for `setup_wizard_complete`, sets home page as `desktop` DCNL and clears cache. If wizard breaks, calls `setup_wizard_exception` hook'
'The main function. Instantiates the module and calls process_request. DCNL :return: none'
'Return a guessed dataset by filename'
'If any node is a pending_xref, attempt to resolve it. If it cannot be DCNL resolved, replace it with its children.'
'Prepare to run system tests. DCNL If on Travis during a PR, exit the entire program; there is DCNL no need to run the system tests. DCNL If on Travis during a build for a non-PR merge to master, DCNL decrypts stored keyfile.'
'Test download exit status code when no requirements specified'
'Obtain the OS version from the show version output DCNL Print output to STDOUT'
'Output a string'
'<query> - returns the first bing image search result for <query>'
'Create a fake OptionValueContainer with appropriate defaults for the given `Optionable` type." DCNL :param type optionable_type: An :class:`pants.option.optionable.Optionable` subclass. DCNL :param **options: Keyword args representing option values explicitly set via the command line. DCNL :returns: A fake `OptionValueContainer`, ie: the value returned from `get_options()`.'
'Log likelihood for the probit'
'From github issue #1463'
'Plot of influence in regression. Plots studentized resids vs. leverage. DCNL Parameters DCNL results : results instance DCNL A fitted model. DCNL external : bool DCNL Whether to use externally or internally studentized residuals. It is DCNL recommended to leave external as True. DCNL alpha : float DCNL The alpha value to identify large studentized residuals. Large means DCNL abs(resid_studentized) > t.ppf(1-alpha/2, dof=results.df_resid) DCNL criterion : str {\'DFFITS\', \'Cooks\'} DCNL Which criterion to base the size of the points on. Options are DCNL DFFITS or Cook\'s D. DCNL size : float DCNL The range of `criterion` is mapped to 10**2 - size**2 in points. DCNL plot_alpha : float DCNL The `alpha` of the plotted points. DCNL ax : matplotlib Axes instance DCNL An instance of a matplotlib Axes. DCNL Returns DCNL fig : matplotlib figure DCNL The matplotlib figure that contains the Axes. DCNL Notes DCNL Row labels for the observations in which the leverage, measured by the DCNL diagonal of the hat matrix, is high or the residuals are large, as the DCNL combination of large residuals and a high influence value indicates an DCNL influence point. The value of large residuals can be controlled using the DCNL `alpha` parameter. Large leverage points are identified as DCNL hat_i > 2 * (df_model + 1)/nobs.'
'Send file to result server'
'In the edX wiki, we don\'t show the root_create view. Instead, we DCNL just create the root automatically if it doesn\'t exist.'
'Update an entry of block device mapping. DCNL If not existed, create a new entry'
'Get the list of available instance sizes (flavors).'
'Appends character encoding to the provided format if not already present.'
'Assign a random category to a resource'
'Temporarily set the attr on a particular object to a given value then DCNL revert when finished. DCNL One use of this is to temporarily set the read_deleted flag on a context DCNL object: DCNL with temporary_mutation(context, read_deleted="yes"): DCNL do_something_that_needed_deleted_objects()'
'Returns True if Harvard Annotation Tool is enabled for the course, DCNL False otherwise. DCNL Checks for \'textannotation\', \'imageannotation\', \'videoannotation\' in the list DCNL of advanced modules of the course.'
'Extract labels and seqs from file'
'Sørensen–Dice coefficient for comparing the similarity of two distributions, DCNL usually be used for binary image segmentation i.e. labels are binary. DCNL The coefficient = [0, 1], 1 if totally match. DCNL Parameters DCNL output : tensor DCNL A distribution with shape: [batch_size, ....], (any dimensions). DCNL target : tensor DCNL A distribution with shape: [batch_size, ....], (any dimensions). DCNL epsilon : float DCNL An optional name to attach to this layer. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> outputs = tl.act.pixel_wise_softmax(network.outputs) DCNL >>> dice_loss = 1 - tl.cost.dice_coe(outputs, y_, epsilon=1e-5) DCNL References DCNL - `wiki-dice <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sørensen–Dice_coefficient>`_'
'``create_test_db`` implementation that skips both creation and flushing DCNL The idea is to re-use the perfectly good test DB already created by an DCNL earlier test run, cutting the time spent before any tests run from 5-13s DCNL (depending on your I/O luck) down to 3.'
'Upload a mission from a file.'
'Evaluate an expression; that is, take a string of math and return a float. DCNL -Variables are passed as a dictionary from string to value. They must be DCNL python numbers. DCNL -Unary functions are passed as a dictionary from string to function.'
'Write interactive piechart DCNL data: [fraction:label,...] DCNL trunc_len: truncates labels after this many chars'
'Test whether a path is a mount point. This will catch any DCNL exceptions and translate them into a False return value DCNL Use ismount_raw to have the exceptions raised instead.'
'Get vlm_media instance title number by name or instance id. DCNL @param p_instance: a libvlc instance. DCNL @param psz_name: name of vlm media instance. DCNL @param i_instance: instance id. DCNL @return: title as number or -1 on error. DCNL @bug: will always return 0.'
'Choose the correct Information Element class.'
'Concatenate the given sequences into a list. Ignore None values. DCNL Resolve ``~`` (home dir) and environment variables, and expand globs DCNL that refer to the local filesystem. DCNL .. versionchanged:: 0.4.6 DCNL Can take single strings as well as lists.'
'Return the first IPv4 address in network DCNL Args: DCNL network (str): network in CIDR format DCNL Returns: DCNL str: first IPv4 address'
'Load the train,valid,test data for the dataset `name` and return it in DCNL sparse format. DCNL We suppose the data was created with ift6266h11/pretraitement/to_npy.py DCNL that shuffle the train. So the train should already be shuffled. DCNL name : \'avicenna\', \'harry\', \'rita\', \'sylvester\' or \'ule\' DCNL Which dataset to load DCNL normalize : bool DCNL If True, we normalize the train dataset before returning it DCNL transfer : DCNL If True also return the transfer label DCNL randomize_valid : bool DCNL Do we randomize the order of the valid set? We always use the same DCNL random order If False, return in the same order as downloaded on the DCNL web DCNL randomize_test : bool DCNL Do we randomize the order of the test set? We always use the same DCNL random order If False, return in the same order as downloaded on the DCNL web DCNL Returns DCNL train, valid, test : ndarrays DCNL Datasets returned if transfer = False DCNL train, valid, test, transfer : ndarrays DCNL Datasets returned if transfer = False'
'Get the description of available video subtitles. DCNL @param p_mi: the media player. DCNL @return: list containing description of available video subtitles. It must be freed with L{libvlc_track_description_list_release}().'
'Driver for ``gpu_single_block_sum`` kernel'
'Test to ensure hug\'s contains_one_of validation function works as expected to ensure presence of a field'
'Get and transfer the closest remaining nested ring.'
'@param required: Whether the selection is optional or mandatory DCNL @param realms: Whether the list should be filtered to just those DCNL belonging to a list of realm entities DCNL @param updateable: Whether the list should be filtered to just those DCNL which the user has Write access to DCNL @ToDo: Option to remove Branches DCNL @ToDo: Option to only include Branches'
'Return unique identifier for feed / sensor.'
'Configure Network DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt dell drac.set_network [DRAC IP] [NETMASK] [GATEWAY] DCNL salt dell drac.set_network'
'Pickle object `obj` to file `fname`. DCNL `protocol` defaults to 2 so pickled objects are compatible across DCNL Python 2.x and 3.x.'
'Split the repository-relative filename into a tuple of (branchname, DCNL branch_relative_filename). If you have no branches, this should just DCNL return (None, changed_file).'
'Merge the entries of two trees. DCNL :param path: A path to prepend to all tree entry names. DCNL :param tree1: The first Tree object to iterate, or None. DCNL :param tree2: The second Tree object to iterate, or None. DCNL :return: A list of pairs of TreeEntry objects for each pair of entries in DCNL the trees. If an entry exists in one tree but not the other, the other DCNL entry will have all attributes set to None. If neither entry\'s path is DCNL None, they are guaranteed to match.'
'Tasks to be performed after a new user registers'
'Compute ``f * a`` where ``f`` in ``GF(p)[x]`` and ``a`` in ``GF(p)``. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.galoistools import gf_mul_ground DCNL >>> gf_mul_ground([3, 2, 4], 2, 5, ZZ) DCNL [1, 4, 3]'
'Closes all review requests for the Google Code repository.'
'Verfies the encoding argument by lookup. DCNL (Directive option conversion function.) DCNL Raises ValueError for unknown encodings.'
'Set global configuration options. DCNL Each keyword argument sets one global option.'
'Get a specific item by name out of the results dict. DCNL The format of itemName is a string of dictionary keys separated by colons, DCNL each key being one level deeper into the results dict. For example, DCNL \'key1:key2\' would fetch results[\'key1\'][\'key2\']. DCNL If itemName is not found in results, then None is returned'
'Get all the inner text of a DOM node (recursively).'
'Resolve a ROS name to its global, canonical form. Private ~names DCNL are resolved relative to the node name. DCNL @param name: name to resolve. DCNL @type name: str DCNL @param namespace_: node name to resolve relative to. DCNL @type namespace_: str DCNL @param remappings: Map of resolved remappings. Use None to indicate no remapping. DCNL @return: Resolved name. If name is empty/None, resolve_name DCNL returns parent namespace_. If namespace_ is empty/None, DCNL @rtype: str'
'Parse the content of a wordpress post or page and separate qtranslate languages. DCNL qtranslate tags: <!--:LL-->blabla<!--:-->'
'Get item from value (value[item]). DCNL If the item is not found, return the default. DCNL Handles XML elements, regex matches and anything that has __getitem__.'
'Tries to determine the paragraph type of the document. DCNL block: Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. DCNL single: Each line is a paragraph. DCNL print: Each paragraph starts with a 2+ spaces or a tab DCNL and ends when a new paragraph is reached. DCNL unformatted: most lines have hard line breaks, few/no blank lines or indents DCNL returns block, single, print, unformatted'
'Creates a unique file name based on the specified base name. DCNL @base_name - The base name to use for the unique file name. DCNL @extension - The file extension to use for the unique file name. DCNL Returns a unique file string.'
'Takes an iterator and returns an iterator that returns only the DCNL first occurence of each entry'
'Return a new block, try to preserve dtype if possible. DCNL Parameters DCNL v : `values`, updated in-place (array like) DCNL m : `mask`, applies to both sides (array like) DCNL n : `new values` either scalar or an array like aligned with `values`'
'Helper function to avoid duplicating functionality between DCNL traverse_depth_first and traverse_topologically. DCNL If get_parents is None, do a pre-order traversal. DCNL Else, do a topological traversal. DCNL The topological traversal has a worse time complexity than DCNL pre-order does, as it needs to check whether each node\'s DCNL parents have been visited. DCNL Arguments: DCNL See description in traverse_topologically.'
'Get the quadratic path.'
'Detect Log(Softmax(x)) and replace it with LogSoftmax(x) DCNL Note: only forward pass is affected'
'This function initializes the chroma matrices used in the calculation of the chroma features'
'Annotate corresponding NXM header'
'See :meth:`I18n.gettext`.'
'Modified Weiszfeld step. DCNL This function defines one iteration step in order to approximate the DCNL spatial median (L1 median). It is a form of an iteratively re-weighted DCNL least squares method. DCNL Parameters DCNL X : array, shape = [n_samples, n_features] DCNL Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and DCNL n_features is the number of features. DCNL x_old : array, shape = [n_features] DCNL Current start vector. DCNL Returns DCNL x_new : array, shape = [n_features] DCNL New iteration step. DCNL References DCNL - On Computation of Spatial Median for Robust Data Mining, 2005 DCNL T. Kärkkäinen and S. Äyrämö DCNL http://users.jyu.fi/~samiayr/pdf/ayramo_eurogen05.pdf'
'Translates all translatable elements of the given exception.'
'Generate a random UUID hex string DCNL :return: a random UUID (e.g. \'0b98cf96d90447bda4b46f31aeb1508c\') DCNL :rtype: string'
'Retrieve the current time, this function is mocked out in unit testing.'
'Returns change status of command'
'Send summary to everyone'
'Sets a driver. DCNL :param drivers: Dictionary to store providers. DCNL :param provider: Id of provider to set driver for DCNL :type provider: :class:`libcloud.types.Provider` DCNL :param module: The module which contains the driver DCNL :type module: L DCNL :param klass: The driver class name DCNL :type klass:'
'Return the class name that should be used, given the name DCNL of a table. DCNL The default implementation is:: DCNL return str(tablename) DCNL Alternate implementations can be specified using the DCNL :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.classname_for_table` DCNL parameter. DCNL :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. DCNL :param tablename: string name of the :class:`.Table`. DCNL :param table: the :class:`.Table` object itself. DCNL :return: a string class name. DCNL .. note:: DCNL In Python 2, the string used for the class name **must** be a non-Unicode DCNL object, e.g. a ``str()`` object. The ``.name`` attribute of DCNL :class:`.Table` is typically a Python unicode subclass, so the ``str()`` DCNL function should be applied to this name, after accounting for any non-ASCII DCNL characters.'
'Get vertex given obj vertex line.'
'filter packets by there tcp-state and DCNL returns codes for specific states'
'Pretty-format a memcache.set() request. DCNL Arguments: DCNL request - The memcache.set() request object, e.g., DCNL {\'item\': [{\'Item\': {\'flags\': \'0L\', \'key\': \'memcache_key\' ... DCNL Returns: DCNL The keys of the memcache.get() response as a string. If there are DCNL multiple keys, they are separated by newline characters.'
'Compute the spline for the antiderivative (integral) of a given spline. DCNL Parameters DCNL tck : BSpline instance or a tuple of (t, c, k) DCNL Spline whose antiderivative to compute DCNL n : int, optional DCNL Order of antiderivative to evaluate. Default: 1 DCNL Returns DCNL BSpline instance or a tuple of (t2, c2, k2) DCNL Spline of order k2=k+n representing the antiderivative of the input DCNL spline. DCNL A tuple is returned iff the input argument `tck` is a tuple, otherwise DCNL a BSpline object is constructed and returned. DCNL See Also DCNL splder, splev, spalde DCNL BSpline DCNL Notes DCNL The `splder` function is the inverse operation of this function. DCNL Namely, ``splder(splantider(tck))`` is identical to `tck`, modulo DCNL rounding error. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.13.0 DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splder, splantider, splev DCNL >>> x = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, 70) DCNL >>> y = 1 / np.sqrt(1 - 0.8*np.sin(x)**2) DCNL >>> spl = splrep(x, y) DCNL The derivative is the inverse operation of the antiderivative, DCNL although some floating point error accumulates: DCNL >>> splev(1.7, spl), splev(1.7, splder(splantider(spl))) DCNL (array(2.1565429877197317), array(2.1565429877201865)) DCNL Antiderivative can be used to evaluate definite integrals: DCNL >>> ispl = splantider(spl) DCNL >>> splev(np.pi/2, ispl) - splev(0, ispl) DCNL 2.2572053588768486 DCNL This is indeed an approximation to the complete elliptic integral DCNL :math:`K(m) = \int_0^{\pi/2} [1 - m\sin^2 x]^{-1/2} dx`: DCNL >>> from scipy.special import ellipk DCNL >>> ellipk(0.8) DCNL 2.2572053268208538'
'Print a list of objects'
'Get the sysfs path based on the PCI address of the device. DCNL Assumes a networking device - will not check for the existence of the path.'
'Unpack an AE descriptor to a python object'
'Convert between strings and numbers.'
'Verifies that the specified incron job is absent for the specified user; only DCNL the name is matched when removing a incron job. DCNL name DCNL Unique comment describing the entry DCNL path DCNL The path that should be watched DCNL user DCNL The name of the user who\'s crontab needs to be modified, defaults to DCNL the root user DCNL mask DCNL The mask of events that should be monitored for DCNL cmd DCNL The cmd that should be executed'
'Return a list of all known user names.'
'Get a frame class from the input `frame`, which could be a frame name DCNL string, or frame class.'
'Return the ground trailing coefficient. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dmp_ground_TC DCNL >>> f = ZZ.map([[[1], [2, 3]]]) DCNL >>> dmp_ground_TC(f, 2, ZZ) DCNL 3'
'Generate a chromosome with random information about it.'
'Return an imdb that uses the top k proposals from the selective search DCNL IJCV code.'
'If file_ignore_regex or file_ignore_glob were given in config, DCNL compare the given file path against all of them and return True DCNL on the first match.'
'Generate a warning for an IERSRangeerror DCNL Parameters DCNL ierserr : An `~astropy.utils.iers.IERSRangeError`'
'Mean of a tensor, alongside the specified axis. DCNL # Arguments DCNL x: A tensor or variable. DCNL axis: A list of integer. Axes to compute the mean. DCNL keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. DCNL If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced DCNL by 1 for each entry in `axis`. If `keep_dims` is `True`, DCNL the reduced dimensions are retained with length 1. DCNL # Returns DCNL A tensor with the mean of elements of `x`.'
'Morph an existing source space to a different subject. DCNL .. warning:: This can be used in place of morphing source estimates for DCNL multiple subjects, but there may be consequences in terms DCNL of dipole topology. DCNL Parameters DCNL src_from : instance of SourceSpaces DCNL Surface source spaces to morph. DCNL subject_to : str DCNL The destination subject. DCNL surf : str DCNL The brain surface to use for the new source space. DCNL subject_from : str | None DCNL The "from" subject. For most source spaces this shouldn\'t need DCNL to be provided, since it is stored in the source space itself. DCNL subjects_dir : string, or None DCNL Path to SUBJECTS_DIR if it is not set in the environment. DCNL verbose : bool, str, int, or None DCNL If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose` DCNL and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more). DCNL Returns DCNL src : instance of SourceSpaces DCNL The morphed source spaces. DCNL Notes DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.10.0'
'Generic reader of line files.'
'Get the stack address for a specific ETag from the configuration file.'
'Set up the libcloud functions and check for dimensiondata configurations.'
'Return partial derivative of ``p`` with respect to ``x``. DCNL Parameters DCNL x : :class:`PolyElement` with respect to which ``p`` is differentiated. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.domains import QQ DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.ring_series import rs_diff DCNL >>> R, x, y = ring(\'x, y\', QQ) DCNL >>> p = x + x**2*y**3 DCNL >>> rs_diff(p, x) DCNL 2*x*y**3 + 1'
'Recursive subroutine for building dependency list and python path DCNL :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound` If an error occurs while attempting to load package or dependencies'
'Launch tail on a set of files and merge their output into outstream. DCNL Args: DCNL follow_paths: list; Local paths to launch tail on. DCNL outstream: file; Output stream to write aggregated lines to. DCNL lastlines_dirpath: Local dirpath to record last lines seen in. DCNL waitsecs: int; Timeout for poll_tail_pipes.'
'This returns a list, which contains the value portions for the keys DCNL Ex: data = { \'a\':1, \'b\':2, \'c\':3 } DCNL keys = [\'a\', \'c\'] DCNL returns [1, 3]'
'Checks to see if the given user has access to user a particular API. DCNL Args: DCNL user: The current user email DCNL api_name: The API we\'re checking to see if the user has permission DCNL Returns: DCNL True is capable, False otherwise'
'Wrapper around c_extract that initializes py_name from storage.'
'Internal function.'
'Produce messages'
'Add to threads from the last location from loop.'
'Used to format an error message which differs DCNL slightly in 4 places.'
'train(xs, ys[, update_fn]) -> LogisticRegression DCNL Train a logistic regression classifier on a training set. xs is a DCNL list of observations and ys is a list of the class assignments, DCNL which should be 0 or 1. xs and ys should contain the same number DCNL of elements. update_fn is an optional callback function that DCNL takes as parameters that iteration number and log likelihood.'
'Create a new volume DCNL .. versionadded:: 2015.8.4 DCNL name DCNL name of volume DCNL driver DCNL Driver of the volume DCNL driver_opts DCNL Options for the driver volume DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt myminion dockerng.create_volume my_volume driver=local'
'Register the reporter classes with the linter.'
'Vertical Scharr on an edge should be a vertical line.'
'Returns context_lines before and after lineno from file. DCNL Returns (pre_context_lineno, pre_context, context_line, post_context).'
'Parses the options and stores them in the global options variable.'
'Downloads libxml2, returning the filename where the library was downloaded'
'Enqueues a task for push notification for the given update for the given course if DCNL (1) the feature is enabled and DCNL (2) push_notification is selected for the update'
'Helper function for mocking os.walk() where must test that manipulation DCNL of the returned dirs variable works as expected'
'Get all children of an object recursively as a string.'
'Construct the email using templates and then send it. DCNL `student` is the student\'s email address (a `str`), DCNL `param_dict` is a `dict` with keys DCNL `site_name`: name given to edX instance (a `str`) DCNL `registration_url`: url for registration (a `str`) DCNL `display_name` : display name of a course (a `str`) DCNL `course_id`: id of course (a `str`) DCNL `auto_enroll`: user input option (a `str`) DCNL `course_url`: url of course (a `str`) DCNL `email_address`: email of student (a `str`) DCNL `full_name`: student full name (a `str`) DCNL `message`: type of email to send and template to use (a `str`) DCNL `is_shib_course`: (a `boolean`) DCNL `language` is the language used to render the email. If None the language DCNL of the currently-logged in user (that is, the user sending the email) will DCNL be used. DCNL Returns a boolean indicating whether the email was sent successfully.'
'Given the directory of a profiler client, find the client log path.'
'Execute command in a subshell, return status code.'
'Raises a webob.exc.HTTPConflict instance containing a message DCNL appropriate to return via the API based on the original DCNL InstanceInvalidState exception.'
'returns the ith order statistic DCNL in the array a in linear time DCNL >>> from random import sample DCNL >>> test_cases = [sample(range(20), 10) for i in range(10)] DCNL >>> orders = [randint(0, 9) for i in range(10)] DCNL >>> results = [sorted(test_cases[i])[orders[i]] == random_selection(test_cases[i], 0, len(test_cases[i])-1, orders[i]) for i in range(10)] DCNL >>> print sum(results) DCNL 10'
'Script to deprecate any repositories that are older than n days, and have been empty since creation.'
'This routine produces a list of (source, dest) non-Python (i.e. data) DCNL files which reside in package. Its results can be directly assigned to DCNL ``datas`` in a hook script; see, for example, hook-sphinx.py. The DCNL package parameter must be a string which names the package. DCNL By default, all Python executable files (those ending in .py, .pyc, DCNL and so on) will NOT be collected; setting the include_py_files DCNL argument to True collects these files as well. This is typically used DCNL with Python routines (such as those in pkgutil) that search a given DCNL directory for Python executable files then load them as extensions or DCNL plugins. The optional subdir give a subdirectory relative to package to DCNL search, which is helpful when submodules are imported at run-time from a DCNL directory lacking __init__.py DCNL This function does not work on zipped Python eggs. DCNL This function is used only for hook scripts, but not by the body of DCNL PyInstaller.'
'Return the message `plaintext` encrypted. DCNL The encrypted message will have its salt prepended and will be URL encoded DCNL to make it suitable for use in URLs and Cookies. DCNL NOTE: this function is here for backwards compatibility. Please do not DCNL use it for new code.'
'Parses a standard Swift ACL string into a referrers list and groups list. DCNL See :func:`clean_acl` for documentation of the standard Swift ACL format. DCNL :param acl_string: The standard Swift ACL string to parse. DCNL :returns: A tuple of (referrers, groups) where referrers is a list of DCNL referrer designations (without the leading .r:) and groups is a DCNL list of groups to allow access.'
'Create a process in the same way as popen_sp, but patch the file DCNL descriptors so they can be accessed from Python/gevent DCNL in a non-blocking manner.'
'Evaluate functional transformation ``q**n * f(p/q)`` in ``K[x]``. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ DCNL >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ) DCNL >>> R.dup_transform(x**2 - 2*x + 1, x**2 + 1, x - 1) DCNL x**4 - 2*x**3 + 5*x**2 - 4*x + 4'
'Save a collection item to database DCNL @param Collection collection collection DCNL @param Item item collection item'
'Creates and returns the Serato script'
'REST Controller DCNL @ToDo: Filter out fulfilled Items?'
'Check status of a particular service on a host on it in Nagios. DCNL By default statuses are returned in a numeric format. DCNL Parameters: DCNL hostname DCNL The hostname to check the status of the service in Nagios. DCNL service DCNL The service to check the status of in Nagios. DCNL numeric DCNL Turn to false in order to return status in text format DCNL (\'OK\' instead of 0, \'Warning\' instead of 1 etc) DCNL :return: status: \'OK\', \'Warning\', \'Critical\' or \'Unknown\' DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' nagios_rpc.service_status hostname=webserver.domain.com service=\'HTTP\' DCNL salt \'*\' nagios_rpc.service_status hostname=webserver.domain.com service=\'HTTP\' numeric=False'
'Display the text for this problem'
'This is a backwards compatibility function. Its result is the same as DCNL calling:: DCNL request.current_route_url(*elements, **kw) DCNL See :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.current_route_url` for more DCNL information.'
'Try to clean powershell script (perhaps in the future \'obfuscation\'...). DCNL Comments are deteleted and some strings are replaced in some powershell functions to bypass AV detection'
'Rewrite metadata since llvm3.6 dropped the "metadata" type prefix.'
'Returns an :class:`.ArrowFactory` for the specified :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` DCNL or derived type. DCNL :param type: the type, :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` or derived.'
'Get filesize and metadata for all streams, return dict.'
'Return a (tsig_rdata, mac, ctx) tuple containing the HMAC TSIG rdata DCNL for the input parameters, the HMAC MAC calculated by applying the DCNL TSIG signature algorithm, and the TSIG digest context. DCNL @rtype: (string, string, hmac.HMAC object) DCNL @raises ValueError: I{other_data} is too long DCNL @raises NotImplementedError: I{algorithm} is not supported'
'Return an error response with multiple errors. DCNL `status` is an integer representing an HTTP status code corresponding to an DCNL error response. DCNL `errors` is a list of error dictionaries, each of which must satisfy the DCNL requirements of the JSON API specification. DCNL This function returns a two-tuple whose left element is a dictionary DCNL representing a JSON API response document and whose right element is DCNL simply `status`. DCNL The keys within each error object are described in the `Errors`_ DCNL section of the JSON API specification. DCNL .. _Errors: http://jsonapi.org/format/#errors'
'Computes the indefinite integral of ``f`` in ``x_j`` in ``K[X]``. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys import ring, QQ DCNL >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", QQ) DCNL >>> R.dmp_integrate_in(x + 2*y, 1, 0) DCNL 1/2*x**2 + 2*x*y DCNL >>> R.dmp_integrate_in(x + 2*y, 1, 1) DCNL x*y + y**2'
'Dumps all thread stacks to a file'
'Return the metadata for the books as a JSON dictionary. DCNL Query parameters: ?ids=all&category_urls=true&id_is_uuid=false&device_for_template=None DCNL If category_urls is true the returned dictionary also contains a DCNL mapping of category (field) names to URLs that return the list of books in the DCNL given category. DCNL If id_is_uuid is true then the book_id is assumed to be a book uuid instead.'
'return a rendered network template for the given network_info DCNL :param network_info: DCNL :py:meth:`~nova.network.manager.NetworkManager.get_instance_nw_info` DCNL Note: this code actually depends on the legacy network_info, but will DCNL convert the type itself if necessary.'
'Clean up standarddir arguments before and after each test.'
'Updates the remote repos database. DCNL full : False DCNL Set to ``True`` to force a refresh of the pkg DB from all publishers, DCNL regardless of the last refresh time. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' pkg.refresh_db DCNL salt \'*\' pkg.refresh_db full=True'
'When time zone support is enabled, convert naive datetimes DCNL entered in the current time zone to aware datetimes.'
'A helper for defining boolean options.'
'Load language setting from language config file if it exists, otherwise DCNL try to use the local settings if Spyder provides a translation, or DCNL return the default if no translation provided.'
'Decorate a function without preserving the name of the original function. DCNL Always return a function with the same name.'
'Search the environment for the relative path.'
'Load the China smoking/lung cancer data and return a Dataset class. DCNL Returns DCNL Dataset instance: DCNL See DATASET_PROPOSAL.txt for more information.'
'Returns a generator of flattened nested containers DCNL For example: DCNL >>> from matplotlib.cbook import flatten DCNL >>> l = ((\'John\', [\'Hunter\']), (1, 23), [[([42, (5, 23)], )]]) DCNL >>> print(list(flatten(l))) DCNL [\'John\', \'Hunter\', 1, 23, 42, 5, 23] DCNL By: Composite of Holger Krekel and Luther Blissett DCNL From: https://code.activestate.com/recipes/121294/ DCNL and Recipe 1.12 in cookbook'
'Determine if the line is intersecting loops.'
'Takes the output of compare_expected, and returns a string DCNL description of the differences.'
'View a tax'
'Run some function, and return (RunTimeInSeconds,Result)'
'Converts an HTTP date string to a datetime instance. DCNL Args: DCNL http_date (str): An RFC 1123 date string, e.g.: DCNL "Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT". DCNL obs_date (bool, optional): Support obs-date formats according to DCNL RFC 7231, e.g.: DCNL "Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT" (default ``False``). DCNL Returns: DCNL datetime: A UTC datetime instance corresponding to the given DCNL HTTP date. DCNL Raises: DCNL ValueError: http_date doesn\'t match any of the available time formats'
'Setup the USPS platform.'
'Enable flocker-control service. We need to be able to indicate whether DCNL we want to start the service, when we are deploying a new cluster, DCNL or if we want to restart it, when we are using an existent cluster in DCNL managed mode. DCNL :param bytes distribution: name of the distribution where the flocker DCNL controls currently runs. The supported distros are: DCNL - ubuntu-14.04 DCNL - ubuntu-16.04 DCNL - centos-<centos version> DCNL :param bytes action: action to perform with the flocker control service. DCNL Currently, we support: DCNL -start DCNL -stop DCNL :raises ``DistributionNotSupported`` if the ``distribution`` is not DCNL currently supported DCNL ``UnknownAction`` if the action passed is not a valid one'
'Return a conn object for the passed VM data'
'Returns the autocorrelation of signal s at all lags. Adheres to the DCNL definition r(k) = E{s(n)s*(n-k)} where E{} is the expectation operator.'
'Check if user has access to a course. DCNL Arguments: DCNL user (User): the user whose course access we are checking. DCNL action (string): The action that is being checked. DCNL courselike (CourseDescriptor or CourseOverview): The object DCNL representing the course that the user wants to access. DCNL Valid actions: DCNL \'load\' -- load the courseware, see inside the course DCNL \'load_forum\' -- can load and contribute to the forums (one access level for now) DCNL \'load_mobile\' -- can load from a mobile context DCNL \'enroll\' -- enroll. Checks for enrollment window. DCNL \'see_exists\' -- can see that the course exists. DCNL \'staff\' -- staff access to course. DCNL \'see_in_catalog\' -- user is able to see the course listed in the course catalog. DCNL \'see_about_page\' -- user is able to see the course about page.'
'Add special start token(id) in the beginning of each sequence. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> sentences_ids = [[4,3,5,3,2,2,2,2], [5,3,9,4,9,2,2,3]] DCNL >>> sentences_ids = sequences_add_start_id(sentences_ids, start_id=2) DCNL ... [[2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 5, 3, 9, 4, 9, 2, 2, 3]] DCNL >>> sentences_ids = sequences_add_start_id(sentences_ids, start_id=2, remove_last=True) DCNL ... [[2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2], [2, 5, 3, 9, 4, 9, 2, 2]] DCNL - For Seq2seq DCNL >>> input = [a, b, c] DCNL >>> target = [x, y, z] DCNL >>> decode_seq = [start_id, a, b] <-- sequences_add_start_id(input, start_id, True)'
'Test either if an error is raised when sample is called before DCNL fitting'
'Proxy for either true_div or int_div, depending on types of x, y.'
'Set effective user id.'
'Create a Python list from a native set\'s items.'
'Get the one-line summary out of a module file.'
'Function for deleting Autoscale Groups'
'Get system default Download directory, append mps dir.'
'List all floating IP pools DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0'
'Delete a DynamoDB table. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt myminion boto_dynamodb.delete table_name region=us-east-1'
'Given a Python qualified name, this function yields a 2-tuple of the most DCNL specific qualified name first, followed by the next-most-specific qualified DCNL name, and so on, paired with the remainder of the qualified name. DCNL @param qualName: A Python qualified name. DCNL @type qualName: L{str}'
'Tests special characters are unique.'
'Ensure the SQS queue exists. DCNL name DCNL Name of the SQS queue. DCNL attributes DCNL A dict of key/value SQS attributes. DCNL region DCNL Region to connect to. DCNL key DCNL Secret key to be used. DCNL keyid DCNL Access key to be used. DCNL profile DCNL A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) DCNL that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.'
'Return [a, b, r] for p.match(a + b*sqrt(r)) where, in addition to DCNL matching, sqrt(r) also has then maximal sqrt_depth among addends of p. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt DCNL >>> from sympy.simplify.sqrtdenest import _sqrt_match DCNL >>> _sqrt_match(1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(2)*sqrt(3) + 2*sqrt(1+sqrt(5))) DCNL [1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(6), 2, 1 + sqrt(5)]'
'Event edit'
'Check if a request is a media request.'
'Finds a list of subnets, each identified either by a raw ID, a unique DCNL \'Name\' tag, or a CIDR such as DCNL Note that this function is duplicated in other ec2 modules, and should DCNL potentially be moved into potentially be moved into a shared module_utils'
'Test list data with input mask or mask_value (#3268).'
'Read data from a lush file with uint8 data (scalar). DCNL Note: When you write a scalar from Koray\'s matlab code it always makes DCNL everything 3D. Writing it straight from lush you might be able to get DCNL a true scalar'
'If path is relative, return the given path inside the project data dir, DCNL otherwise return the path unmodified'
'Bind an interface to a zone DCNL .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' firewalld.add_interface zone eth0'
'A dylib name can take one of the following four forms: DCNL Location/Name.SomeVersion_Suffix.dylib DCNL Location/Name.SomeVersion.dylib DCNL Location/Name_Suffix.dylib DCNL Location/Name.dylib DCNL returns None if not found or a mapping equivalent to: DCNL dict( DCNL location=\'Location\', DCNL name=\'Name.SomeVersion_Suffix.dylib\', DCNL shortname=\'Name\', DCNL version=\'SomeVersion\', DCNL suffix=\'Suffix\', DCNL Note that SomeVersion and Suffix are optional and may be None DCNL if not present.'
'Takes as input a Sum instance and returns the difference between the sum DCNL with the upper index incremented by 1 and the original sum. For example, DCNL if S(n) is a sum, then finite_diff_kauers will return S(n + 1) - S(n). DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.series.kauers import finite_diff_kauers DCNL >>> from sympy import Sum DCNL >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, m, n, k DCNL >>> finite_diff_kauers(Sum(k, (k, 1, n))) DCNL n + 1 DCNL >>> finite_diff_kauers(Sum(1/k, (k, 1, n))) DCNL 1/(n + 1) DCNL >>> finite_diff_kauers(Sum((x*y**2), (x, 1, n), (y, 1, m))) DCNL (m + 1)**2*(n + 1) DCNL >>> finite_diff_kauers(Sum((x*y), (x, 1, m), (y, 1, n))) DCNL (m + 1)*(n + 1)'
'Get a list of dictionaries with information about disks on this system. DCNL :param std_mounts_only: Whether the function should return only disks that DCNL have a mount point defined (True) or even devices that doesn\'t DCNL (False). DCNL :param get_all_disks: Whether the function should return only partitioned DCNL disks (False) or return every disk, regardless of being partitioned DCNL or not (True). DCNL :return: List of dictionaries with disk information (see more below). DCNL The \'disk_list\' array returned by get_disk_list() has an entry for each DCNL disk drive we find on the box. Each of these entries is a map with the DCNL following 3 string values: DCNL \'device\' disk device name (i.e. the part after /dev/) DCNL \'mountpt\' disk mount path DCNL \'tunable\' disk name for setting scheduler tunables (/sys/block/sd??) DCNL The last value is an integer that indicates the current mount status DCNL of the drive: DCNL \'mounted\' 0 = not currently mounted DCNL 1 = mounted r/w on the expected path DCNL -1 = mounted readonly or at an unexpected path DCNL When the \'std_mounts_only\' argument is True we don\'t include drives DCNL mounted on \'unusual\' mount points in the result. If a given device is DCNL partitioned, it will return all partitions that exist on it. If it\'s not, DCNL it will return the device itself (ie, if there are /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2, DCNL those will be returned but not /dev/sdb. if there is only a /dev/sdc, that DCNL one will be returned).'
'Checks if AFNI is available'
'The entry point for CodeDeploy high level commands.'
'Resets the state of the random number generator with a seed. DCNL This function resets the state of the global random number generator for DCNL the current device. Be careful that generators for other devices are not DCNL affected. DCNL Args: DCNL seed (None or int): Seed for the random number generator. If ``None``, DCNL it uses :func:`os.urandom` if available or :func:`time.clock` DCNL otherwise. Note that this function does not support seeding by an DCNL integer array.'
'Checks to ensure our PEP_REPO_PATH is setup correctly'
'Display a confirmation prompt.'
'Returns a key whose value in `dictionary` is `element` DCNL or, if none exists, None. DCNL >>> d = {1:2, 3:4} DCNL >>> dictfind(d, 4) DCNL 3 DCNL >>> dictfind(d, 5)'
'The main loop of the program that runs when we\'re not in stdin mode.'
'Remove the root Tk widget from the reactor. DCNL Call this before destroy()ing the root widget.'
'Compute mutual information between two variables. DCNL This is a simple wrapper which selects a proper function to call based on DCNL whether `x` and `y` are discrete or not.'
'Helper for checking bem surface sizes.'
'Given a block, returns the block\'s URL name. DCNL Arguments: DCNL block (XModuleMixin|CourseOverview|BlockStructureBlockData): DCNL Block that is being accessed'
'Creates a `storage` object from dictionary d, raising `KeyError` if DCNL d doesn\'t have all of the keys in `requireds` and using the default DCNL values for keys found in `defaults`. DCNL For example, `storify({\'a\':1, \'c\':3}, b=2, c=0)` will return the equivalent of DCNL `storage({\'a\':1, \'b\':2, \'c\':3})`.'
'Peform a login. This only works if session is currently not logged DCNL in. This will also automatically throttle too quick attempts. DCNL Kwargs: DCNL name (str): Player name DCNL password (str): Plain-text password'
'Butler-Portugal algorithm for tensor canonicalization with dummy indices DCNL dummies DCNL list of lists of dummy indices, DCNL one list for each type of index; DCNL the dummy indices are put in order contravariant, covariant DCNL [d0, -d0, d1, -d1, ...]. DCNL sym DCNL list of the symmetries of the index metric for each type. DCNL possible symmetries of the metrics DCNL * 0 symmetric DCNL * 1 antisymmetric DCNL * None no symmetry DCNL b_S DCNL base of a minimal slot symmetry BSGS. DCNL sgens DCNL generators of the slot symmetry BSGS. DCNL S_transversals DCNL transversals for the slot BSGS. DCNL g DCNL permutation representing the tensor. DCNL Return 0 if the tensor is zero, else return the array form of DCNL the permutation representing the canonical form of the tensor. DCNL A tensor with dummy indices can be represented in a number DCNL of equivalent ways which typically grows exponentially with DCNL the number of indices. To be able to establish if two tensors DCNL with many indices are equal becomes computationally very slow DCNL in absence of an efficient algorithm. DCNL The Butler-Portugal algorithm [3] is an efficient algorithm to DCNL put tensors in canonical form, solving the above problem. DCNL Portugal observed that a tensor can be represented by a permutation, DCNL and that the class of tensors equivalent to it under slot and dummy DCNL symmetries is equivalent to the double coset `D*g*S` DCNL (Note: in this documentation we use the conventions for multiplication DCNL of permutations p, q with (p*q)(i) = p[q[i]] which is opposite DCNL to the one used in the Permutation class) DCNL Using the algorithm by Butler to find a representative of the DCNL double coset one can find a canonical form for the tensor. DCNL To see this correspondence, DCNL let `g` be a permutation in array form; a tensor with indices `ind` DCNL (the indices including both the contravariant and the covariant ones) DCNL can be written as DCNL `t = T(ind[g[0],..., ind[g[n-1]])`, DCNL where `n= len(ind)`; DCNL `g` has size `n + 2`, the last two indices for the sign of the tensor DCNL (trick introduced in [4]). DCNL A slot symmetry transformation `s` is a permutation acting on the slots DCNL `t -> T(ind[(g*s)[0]],..., ind[(g*s)[n-1]])` DCNL A dummy symmetry transformation acts on `ind` DCNL `t -> T(ind[(d*g)[0]],..., ind[(d*g)[n-1]])` DCNL Being interested only in the transformations of the tensor under DCNL these symmetries, one can represent the tensor by `g`, which transforms DCNL as DCNL `g -> d*g*s`, so it belongs to the coset `D*g*S`. DCNL Let us explain the conventions by an example. DCNL Given a tensor `T^{d3 d2 d1}{}_{d1 d2 d3}` with the slot symmetries DCNL `T^{a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5} = -T^{a2 a1 a0 a3 a4 a5}` DCNL `T^{a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5} = -T^{a4 a1 a2 a3 a0 a5}` DCNL and symmetric metric, find the tensor equivalent to it which DCNL is the lowest under the ordering of indices: DCNL lexicographic ordering `d1, d2, d3` then and contravariant index DCNL before covariant index; that is the canonical form of the tensor. DCNL The canonical form is `-T^{d1 d2 d3}{}_{d1 d2 d3}` DCNL obtained using `T^{a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5} = -T^{a2 a1 a0 a3 a4 a5}`. DCNL To convert this problem in the input for this function, DCNL use the following labelling of the index names DCNL (- for covariant for short) `d1, -d1, d2, -d2, d3, -d3` DCNL `T^{d3 d2 d1}{}_{d1 d2 d3}` corresponds to `g = [4, 2, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7]` DCNL where the last two indices are for the sign DCNL `sgens = [Permutation(0, 2)(6, 7), Permutation(0, 4)(6, 7)]` DCNL sgens[0] is the slot symmetry `-(0, 2)` DCNL `T^{a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5} = -T^{a2 a1 a0 a3 a4 a5}` DCNL sgens[1] is the slot symmetry `-(0, 4)` DCNL `T^{a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5} = -T^{a4 a1 a2 a3 a0 a5}` DCNL The dummy symmetry group D is generated by the strong base generators DCNL `[(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5), (0, 1)(2, 3),(2, 3)(4, 5)]` DCNL The dummy symmetry acts from the left DCNL `d = [1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]` exchange `d1 -> -d1` DCNL `T^{d3 d2 d1}{}_{d1 d2 d3} == T^{d3 d2}{}_{d1}{}^{d1}{}_{d2 d3}` DCNL `g=[4, 2, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7] -> [4, 2, 1, 0, 3, 5, 6, 7] = _af_rmul(d, g)` DCNL which differs from `_af_rmul(g, d)`. DCNL The slot symmetry acts from the right DCNL `s = [2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6]` exchanges slots 0 and 2 and changes sign DCNL `T^{d3 d2 d1}{}_{d1 d2 d3} == -T^{d1 d2 d3}{}_{d1 d2 d3}` DCNL `g=[4,2,0,1,3,5,6,7] -> [0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 7, 6] = _af_rmul(g, s)` DCNL Example in which the tensor is zero, same slot symmetries as above: DCNL `T^{d3}{}_{d1,d2}{}^{d1}{}_{d3}{}^{d2}` DCNL `= -T^{d3}{}_{d1,d3}{}^{d1}{}_{d2}{}^{d2}` under slot symmetry `-(2,4)`; DCNL `= T_{d3 d1}{}^{d3}{}^{d1}{}_{d2}{}^{d2}` under slot symmetry `-(0,2)`; DCNL `= T^{d3}{}_{d1 d3}{}^{d1}{}_{d2}{}^{d2}` symmetric metric; DCNL `= 0` since two of these lines have tensors differ only for the sign. DCNL The double coset D*g*S consists of permutations `h = d*g*s` corresponding DCNL to equivalent tensors; if there are two `h` which are the same apart DCNL from the sign, return zero; otherwise DCNL choose as representative the tensor with indices DCNL ordered lexicographically according to `[d1, -d1, d2, -d2, d3, -d3]` DCNL that is `rep = min(D*g*S) = min([d*g*s for d in D for s in S])` DCNL The indices are fixed one by one; first choose the lowest index DCNL for slot 0, then the lowest remaining index for slot 1, etc. DCNL Doing this one obtains a chain of stabilizers DCNL `S -> S_{b0} -> S_{b0,b1} -> ...` and DCNL `D -> D_{p0} -> D_{p0,p1} -> ...` DCNL where `[b0, b1, ...] = range(b)` is a base of the symmetric group; DCNL the strong base `b_S` of S is an ordered sublist of it; DCNL therefore it is sufficient to compute once the DCNL strong base generators of S using the Schreier-Sims algorithm; DCNL the stabilizers of the strong base generators are the DCNL strong base generators of the stabilizer subgroup. DCNL `dbase = [p0, p1, ...]` is not in general in lexicographic order, DCNL so that one must recompute the strong base generators each time; DCNL however this is trivial, there is no need to use the Schreier-Sims DCNL algorithm for D. DCNL The algorithm keeps a TAB of elements `(s_i, d_i, h_i)` DCNL where `h_i = d_i*g*s_i` satisfying `h_i[j] = p_j` for `0 <= j < i` DCNL starting from `s_0 = id, d_0 = id, h_0 = g`. DCNL The equations `h_0[0] = p_0, h_1[1] = p_1,...` are solved in this order, DCNL choosing each time the lowest possible value of p_i DCNL For `j < i` DCNL `d_i*g*s_i*S_{b_0,...,b_{i-1}}*b_j = D_{p_0,...,p_{i-1}}*p_j` DCNL so that for dx in `D_{p_0,...,p_{i-1}}` and sx in DCNL `S_{base[0],...,base[i-1]}` one has `dx*d_i*g*s_i*sx*b_j = p_j` DCNL Search for dx, sx such that this equation holds for `j = i`; DCNL it can be written as `s_i*sx*b_j = J, dx*d_i*g*J = p_j` DCNL `sx*b_j = s_i**-1*J; sx = trace(s_i**-1, S_{b_0,...,b_{i-1}})` DCNL `dx**-1*p_j = d_i*g*J; dx = trace(d_i*g*J, D_{p_0,...,p_{i-1}})` DCNL `s_{i+1} = s_i*trace(s_i**-1*J, S_{b_0,...,b_{i-1}})` DCNL `d_{i+1} = trace(d_i*g*J, D_{p_0,...,p_{i-1}})**-1*d_i` DCNL `h_{i+1}*b_i = d_{i+1}*g*s_{i+1}*b_i = p_i` DCNL `h_n*b_j = p_j` for all j, so that `h_n` is the solution. DCNL Add the found `(s, d, h)` to TAB1. DCNL At the end of the iteration sort TAB1 with respect to the `h`; DCNL if there are two consecutive `h` in TAB1 which differ only for the DCNL sign, the tensor is zero, so return 0; DCNL if there are two consecutive `h` which are equal, keep only one. DCNL Then stabilize the slot generators under `i` and the dummy generators DCNL under `p_i`. DCNL Assign `TAB = TAB1` at the end of the iteration step. DCNL At the end `TAB` contains a unique `(s, d, h)`, since all the slots DCNL of the tensor `h` have been fixed to have the minimum value according DCNL to the symmetries. The algorithm returns `h`. DCNL It is important that the slot BSGS has lexicographic minimal base, DCNL otherwise there is an `i` which does not belong to the slot base DCNL for which `p_i` is fixed by the dummy symmetry only, while `i` DCNL is not invariant from the slot stabilizer, so `p_i` is not in DCNL general the minimal value. DCNL This algorithm differs slightly from the original algorithm [3]: DCNL the canonical form is minimal lexicographically, and DCNL the BSGS has minimal base under lexicographic order. DCNL Equal tensors `h` are eliminated from TAB. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation DCNL >>> from sympy.combinatorics.perm_groups import PermutationGroup DCNL >>> from sympy.combinatorics.tensor_can import double_coset_can_rep, get_transversals DCNL >>> gens = [Permutation(x) for x in [[2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6], [4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, 7, 6]]] DCNL >>> base = [0, 2] DCNL >>> g = Permutation([4, 2, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7]) DCNL >>> transversals = get_transversals(base, gens) DCNL >>> double_coset_can_rep([list(range(6))], [0], base, gens, transversals, g) DCNL [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6] DCNL >>> g = Permutation([4, 1, 3, 0, 5, 2, 6, 7]) DCNL >>> double_coset_can_rep([list(range(6))], [0], base, gens, transversals, g) DCNL 0'
'Setup root logger for Sphinx'
'Task to move built documentation to web servers DCNL :param version_pk: Version id to sync files for DCNL :param hostname: Hostname to sync to DCNL :param html: Sync HTML DCNL :type html: bool DCNL :param localmedia: Sync local media files DCNL :type localmedia: bool DCNL :param search: Sync search files DCNL :type search: bool DCNL :param pdf: Sync PDF files DCNL :type pdf: bool DCNL :param epub: Sync ePub files DCNL :type epub: bool'
'Generates a unique reset password token for the specified user. DCNL :param user: The user to work with'
'Converts a #rrggbb color to the tuple (red, green, blue).'
'Suggest terms starting with given input'
'Assign `assignee_id` to the given role and subscribes the assignee DCNL to future exploration updates. DCNL The caller should ensure that assignee_id corresponds to a valid user in DCNL the system. DCNL Args: DCNL - committer_id: str. The user_id of the user who is performing the action. DCNL - exploration_id: str. The exploration id. DCNL - assignee_id: str. The user_id of the user whose role is being changed. DCNL - new_role: str. The name of the new role: either \'owner\', \'editor\' or DCNL \'viewer\'.'
'Manages the communication between this process and the worker processes. DCNL This function is run in a local thread. DCNL Args: DCNL executor_reference: A weakref.ref to the ProcessPoolExecutor that owns DCNL this thread. Used to determine if the ProcessPoolExecutor has been DCNL garbage collected and that this function can exit. DCNL process: A list of the multiprocessing.Process instances used as DCNL workers. DCNL pending_work_items: A dict mapping work ids to _WorkItems e.g. DCNL {5: <_WorkItem...>, 6: <_WorkItem...>, ...} DCNL work_ids_queue: A queue.Queue of work ids e.g. Queue([5, 6, ...]). DCNL call_queue: A multiprocessing.Queue that will be filled with _CallItems DCNL derived from _WorkItems for processing by the process workers. DCNL result_queue: A multiprocessing.Queue of _ResultItems generated by the DCNL process workers.'
'Benchmark *func* and print out its runtime.'
'A demonstration showing how Trees and Trees can be DCNL used. This demonstration creates a Tree, and loads a DCNL Tree from the Treebank corpus, DCNL and shows the results of calling several of their methods.'
'This optimization makes the folowing changes in the graph: DCNL T.mul(A,T.switch(cond,0,iff),B) --> T.switch(cond,0,T.mul(A,B,iff)) DCNL T.mul(A,T.switch(cond,ift,0),B) --> T.switch(cond,T.mul(A,B,ift),0) DCNL A and B being several (or none) symbolic variables. DCNL This is useful because A and B may not be numerically stable and give DCNL NaN or inf values for cases where the switch returns 0. DCNL With this optimization T.grad(T.switch(...)) has the right behavior. DCNL Examples DCNL x -> f(x) DCNL x -> g(x) DCNL y = T.switch(cond,f(x),g(x)) DCNL **without the optimization DCNL T.grad(y,x) -> grad(f(x),x) * grad(y,f(x)) + grad(g(x),x) * grad(y,g(x)) DCNL **with the optimization DCNL T.grad(y,x) -> switch(cond,grad(f(x),x), 0) + switch(cond,0,grad(g(x),x)) DCNL This will be particularly useful for the lazyif because we skip DCNL an entire part of the graph.'
'Number of due follow-ups'
'removes the string `remove` from the right of `text`'
'Craft a file, display dialog.'
'Recursively move a file or directory to another location. This is DCNL similar to the Unix "mv" command. DCNL If the destination is a directory or a symlink to a directory, the source DCNL is moved inside the directory. The destination path must not already DCNL exist. DCNL If the destination already exists but is not a directory, it may be DCNL overwritten depending on os.rename() semantics. DCNL If the destination is on our current filesystem, then rename() is used. DCNL Otherwise, src is copied to the destination and then removed. DCNL A lot more could be done here... A look at a mv.c shows a lot of DCNL the issues this implementation glosses over.'
'Convert an Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) portion to a URI DCNL portion that is suitable for inclusion in a URL. DCNL This is the algorithm from section 3.1 of RFC 3987. However, since we are DCNL assuming input is either UTF-8 or unicode already, we can simplify things a DCNL little from the full method. DCNL Returns an ASCII string containing the encoded result.'
'Perform the update check, and report to the user. DCNL Arguments: DCNL prerelease(bool): Whether or not to include pre-release versions. DCNL Returns: DCNL A list of arguments to the update command. DCNL >>> from packaging.version import Version DCNL >>> pwnlib.update.current_version = Version("999.0.0") DCNL >>> print perform_check() DCNL None DCNL >>> pwnlib.update.current_version = Version("0.0.0") DCNL >>> perform_check() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS DCNL [\'pip\', \'install\', \'-U\', ...] DCNL >>> def bail(*a): raise Exception() DCNL >>> pypi = pwnlib.update.available_on_pypi DCNL >>> perform_check(prerelease=False) DCNL [\'pip\', \'install\', \'-U\', \'pwntools\'] DCNL >>> perform_check(prerelease=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS DCNL [\'pip\', \'install\', \'-U\', \'pwntools...\']'
'Provided any :term:`resource` and a :term:`request` object, return DCNL the resource object representing the :term:`virtual root` of the DCNL current :term:`request`. Using a virtual root in a DCNL :term:`traversal` -based :app:`Pyramid` application permits DCNL rooting. For example, the resource at the traversal path ``/cms`` will DCNL be found at ``http://example.com/`` instead of rooting it at DCNL ``http://example.com/cms/``. DCNL If the ``resource`` passed in is a context obtained via DCNL :term:`traversal`, and if the ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT`` key is in the DCNL WSGI environment, the value of this key will be treated as a DCNL \'virtual root path\': the :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` DCNL API will be used to find the virtual root resource using this path; DCNL if the resource is found, it will be returned. If the DCNL ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT`` key is not present in the WSGI environment, DCNL the physical :term:`root` of the resource tree will be returned instead. DCNL Virtual roots are not useful at all in applications that use DCNL :term:`URL dispatch`. Contexts obtained via URL dispatch don\'t DCNL really support being virtually rooted (each URL dispatch context DCNL is both its own physical and virtual root). However if this API DCNL is called with a ``resource`` argument which is a context obtained DCNL via URL dispatch, the resource passed in will be returned DCNL unconditionally.'
'.. versionchanged:: 2016.3.0 DCNL Return data now contains just the contents of the rsyncd.conf as a DCNL string, instead of a dictionary as returned from :py:func:`cmd.run_all DCNL <salt.modules.cmdmod.run_all>`. DCNL Returns the contents of the rsync config file DCNL conf_path : /etc/rsyncd.conf DCNL Path to the config file DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' rsync.config'
'The time in integer seconds. Pass scale=1000 to get milliseconds.'
'Returns a list of columns from `column_key` for `table` representing DCNL potentially a compound key. The `column_key` can be a name of a single DCNL column or list of column names.'
'Resolve a service name discovered via DNSServiceBrowse() to a DCNL target host name, port number, and txt record. DCNL Note: Applications should NOT use DNSServiceResolve() solely for DCNL txt record monitoring; use DNSServiceQueryRecord() instead, as it DCNL is more efficient for this task. DCNL Note: When the desired results have been returned, the client MUST DCNL terminate the resolve by closing the returned DNSServiceRef. DCNL Note: DNSServiceResolve() behaves correctly for typical services DCNL that have a single SRV record and a single TXT record. To resolve DCNL non-standard services with multiple SRV or TXT records, DCNL DNSServiceQueryRecord() should be used. DCNL flags: DCNL Currently ignored, reserved for future use. DCNL interfaceIndex: DCNL The interface on which to resolve the service. If this DCNL resolve call is as a result of a currently active DCNL DNSServiceBrowse() operation, then the interfaceIndex should DCNL be the index reported in the browse callback. If this resolve DCNL call is using information previously saved (e.g. in a DCNL preference file) for later use, then use DCNL kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny (0), because the desired service DCNL may now be reachable via a different physical interface. DCNL name: DCNL The name of the service instance to be resolved, as reported DCNL to the DNSServiceBrowse() callback. DCNL regtype: DCNL The type of the service instance to be resolved, as reported DCNL to the DNSServiceBrowse() callback. DCNL domain: DCNL The domain of the service instance to be resolved, as reported DCNL to the DNSServiceBrowse() callback. DCNL callBack: DCNL The function to be called when a result is found, or if the DCNL call asynchronously fails. Its signature should be DCNL callBack(sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, errorCode, fullname, DCNL hosttarget, port, txtRecord). DCNL return value: DCNL A DNSServiceRef instance. The resolve operation will run DCNL indefinitely until the client terminates it by closing the DCNL DNSServiceRef. DCNL Callback Parameters: DCNL sdRef: DCNL The DNSServiceRef returned by DNSServiceResolve(). DCNL flags: DCNL Currently unused, reserved for future use. DCNL interfaceIndex: DCNL The interface on which the service was resolved. DCNL errorCode: DCNL Will be kDNSServiceErr_NoError (0) on success, otherwise will DCNL indicate the failure that occurred. Other parameters are DCNL undefined if an error occurred. DCNL fullname: DCNL The full service domain name, in the form DCNL <servicename>.<protocol>.<domain>. DCNL hosttarget: DCNL The target hostname of the machine providing the service. DCNL port: DCNL The port, in host (not network) byte order, on which DCNL connections are accepted for this service. DCNL txtRecord: DCNL A string containing the service\'s primary txt record, in DCNL standard txt record format.'
'Find and Register a package. DCNL Assumes the core registry setup correctly. DCNL In addition, if the location located by the package is already DCNL in the **core** path, then an entry is registered, but no path. DCNL (no other paths are checked, as the application whose path was used DCNL may later be uninstalled. This should not happen with the core)'
'Return kernel_info information from osquery DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' osquery.kernel_info'
'geometry is string. DCNL atoms is dict of atoms with proper positions. DCNL Example: DCNL correct_answer = vsepr_build_correct_answer(geometry="AX4E0", atoms={"c0": "N", "p0": "H", "p1": "(ep)", "p2": "H", "p3": "H"}) DCNL returns a dictionary composed from input values: DCNL {\'geometry\': geometry, \'atoms\': atoms}'
'Get enabled tax rules from the db for given parameters. DCNL Returned rules are ordered desceding by override group and then DCNL ascending by priority (as required by `_filter_and_group_rules`). DCNL :type taxing_context: shuup.core.taxing.TaxingContext DCNL :type tax_class: shuup.core.models.TaxClass'
'Create a Hilbert matrix of order `n`. DCNL Returns the `n` by `n` array with entries `h[i,j] = 1 / (i + j + 1)`. DCNL Parameters DCNL n : int DCNL The size of the array to create. DCNL Returns DCNL h : (n, n) ndarray DCNL The Hilbert matrix. DCNL See Also DCNL invhilbert : Compute the inverse of a Hilbert matrix. DCNL Notes DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from scipy.linalg import hilbert DCNL >>> hilbert(3) DCNL array([[ 1. , 0.5 , 0.33333333], DCNL [ 0.5 , 0.33333333, 0.25 ], DCNL [ 0.33333333, 0.25 , 0.2 ]])'
'Sum the elements of the iterable, and return the result as a float.'
'Extract selected fields from a file of line-separated JSON tweets and DCNL write to a file in CSV format. DCNL This utility function allows a file of full Tweets to be easily converted DCNL to a CSV file for easier processing of Twitter entities. For example, the DCNL hashtags or media elements of a tweet can be extracted. DCNL It returns one line per entity of a Tweet, e.g. if a tweet has two hashtags DCNL there will be two lines in the output file, one per hashtag DCNL :param tweets_file: the file-like object containing full Tweets DCNL :param str outfile: The path of the text file where results should be written DCNL :param list main_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the main object, usually the tweet. Useful examples: \'id_str\' for the tweetID. See <https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/tweets> for a full list of fields. DCNL e. g.: [\'id_str\'], [\'id\', \'text\', \'favorite_count\', \'retweet_count\'] DCNL If `entity_type` is expressed with hierarchy, then it is the list of fields of the object that corresponds to the key of the entity_type, (e.g., for entity_type=\'user.urls\', the fields in the main_fields list belong to the user object; for entity_type=\'place.bounding_box\', the files in the main_field list belong to the place object of the tweet). DCNL :param list entity_type: The name of the entity: \'hashtags\', \'media\', \'urls\' and \'user_mentions\' for the tweet object. For a user object, this needs to be expressed with a hierarchy: `\'user.urls\'`. For the bounding box of the Tweet location, use `\'place.bounding_box\'`. DCNL :param list entity_fields: The list of fields to be extracted from the entity. E.g. `[\'text\']` (of the Tweet) DCNL :param error: Behaviour for encoding errors, see https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#codec-base-classes DCNL :param gzip_compress: if `True`, ouput files are compressed with gzip'
'Update allocated quota to subprojects or raise if it does not exist. DCNL :raises: cinder.exception.ProjectQuotaNotFound'
'Asynchronously allocates a range of IDs. DCNL Identical to datastore.AllocateIds() except returns an asynchronous object. DCNL Call get_result() on the return value to block on the call and get the DCNL results.'
'Unpacks P.A.C.K.E.R. packed js code.'
'Encode the message\'s payload in quoted-printable. DCNL Also, add an appropriate Content-Transfer-Encoding header.'
'Dump metadata about the parquet object with the given filename. DCNL Dump human-readable metadata to specified `out`. Optionally dump the row group metadata as well.'
'Return a query dictionary based on the settings in the filter. DCNL :param sample_filter: SampleFilter instance DCNL :param require_meter: If true and the filter does not have a meter, DCNL raise an error.'
'Pauses test execution and asks user to input a value. DCNL Value typed by the user, or the possible default value, is returned. DCNL Returning an empty value is fine, but pressing ``Cancel`` fails the keyword. DCNL ``message`` is the instruction shown in the dialog and ``default_value`` is DCNL the possible default value shown in the input field. DCNL If ``hidden`` is given a true value, the value typed by the user is hidden. DCNL ``hidden`` is considered true if it is a non-empty string not equal to DCNL ``false`` or ``no``, case-insensitively. If it is not a string, its truth DCNL value is got directly using same DCNL [http://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#truth-value-testing|rules DCNL as in Python]. DCNL Example: DCNL | ${username} = | Get Value From User | Input user name | default | DCNL | ${password} = | Get Value From User | Input password | hidden=yes | DCNL Possibility to hide the typed in value is new in Robot Framework 2.8.4. DCNL Considering strings ``false`` and ``no`` to be false is new in 2.9.'
'Utility function to check if an IP address is inside a private subnet. DCNL :type ip: ``str`` DCNL :param ip: IP address to check DCNL :return: ``bool`` if the specified IP address is private.'
'Emits certificate event.'
'write intermediate results to checkpoint file DCNL current_key: the identifier of the current denoiser round DCNL ctr: a uniq counter to label the checkpoint DCNL cluster_mapping: an intermediate cluster mapping as dict DCNL ids: the dict of active ids DCNL order: a list of ids, which defines the order of which flowgrams are clustered DCNL bestscores: a dict of'
'Lists a nexusport binding'
'Filter out private items in a user dict. DCNL \'password\', \'tenants\' and \'groups\' are never returned. DCNL :returns: user_ref'
'Exception hook which handles `BdbQuit` exceptions. DCNL All other exceptions are processed using the `excepthook` DCNL parameter.'
'Load current redirect to context.'
'Returns the User model that is active in this project.'
'Removes useless (for database) attributes from the table\'s meta.'
'Bidirectional RNN. DCNL Build a bidirectional recurrent neural network, it requires 2 RNN Cells DCNL to process sequence in forward and backward order. Any RNN Cell can be DCNL used i.e. SimpleRNN, LSTM, GRU... with its own parameters. But the two DCNL cells number of units must match. DCNL Input: DCNL 3-D Tensor Layer [samples, timesteps, input dim]. DCNL Output: DCNL if `return_seq`: 3-D Tensor [samples, timesteps, output dim]. DCNL else: 2-D Tensor Layer [samples, output dim]. DCNL Arguments: DCNL incoming: `Tensor`. The incoming Tensor. DCNL rnncell_fw: `RNNCell`. The RNN Cell to use for foward computation. DCNL rnncell_bw: `RNNCell`. The RNN Cell to use for backward computation. DCNL return_seq: `bool`. If True, returns the full sequence instead of DCNL last sequence output only. DCNL return_states: `bool`. If True, returns a tuple with output and DCNL states: (output, states). DCNL initial_state_fw: `Tensor`. An initial state for the forward RNN. DCNL This must be a tensor of appropriate type and shape [batch_size DCNL x cell.state_size]. DCNL initial_state_bw: `Tensor`. An initial state for the backward RNN. DCNL This must be a tensor of appropriate type and shape [batch_size DCNL x cell.state_size]. DCNL dynamic: `bool`. If True, dynamic computation is performed. It will not DCNL compute RNN steps above the sequence length. Note that because TF DCNL requires to feed sequences of same length, 0 is used as a mask. DCNL So a sequence padded with 0 at the end must be provided. When DCNL computation is performed, it will stop when it meets a step with DCNL a value of 0. DCNL scope: `str`. Define this layer scope (optional). A scope can be DCNL used to share variables between layers. Note that scope will DCNL override name. DCNL name: `str`. A name for this layer (optional).'
'A scenario may own outlines'
'Returns the string with special characters decoded.'
'Create a continuous random variable with a non-central Chi distribution. DCNL The density of the non-central Chi distribution is given by DCNL .. math:: DCNL f(x) := \frac{e^{-(x^2+\lambda^2)/2} x^k\lambda} DCNL {(\lambda x)^{k/2}} I_{k/2-1}(\lambda x) DCNL with `x \geq 0`. Here, `I_\nu (x)` is the DCNL :ref:`modified Bessel function of the first kind <besseli>`. DCNL Parameters DCNL k : A positive Integer, `k > 0`, the number of degrees of freedom DCNL l : Shift parameter DCNL Returns DCNL A RandomSymbol. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.stats import ChiNoncentral, density, E, std DCNL >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify DCNL >>> k = Symbol("k", integer=True) DCNL >>> l = Symbol("l") DCNL >>> z = Symbol("z") DCNL >>> X = ChiNoncentral("x", k, l) DCNL >>> density(X)(z) DCNL l*z**k*(l*z)**(-k/2)*exp(-l**2/2 - z**2/2)*besseli(k/2 - 1, l*z) DCNL References DCNL .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noncentral_chi_distribution'
'Return the attribute name that should be used to refer from one DCNL class to another, for a collection reference. DCNL The default implementation is:: DCNL return referred_cls.__name__.lower() + "_collection" DCNL Alternate implementations DCNL can be specified using the DCNL :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.name_for_collection_relationship` DCNL parameter. DCNL :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. DCNL :param local_cls: the class to be mapped on the local side. DCNL :param referred_cls: the class to be mapped on the referring side. DCNL :param constraint: the :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` that is being DCNL inspected to produce this relationship.'
'Exemplify repr(Rule) (see also str(Rule) and Rule.format("verbose"))'
'Return the EC2 region to use, in this order: DCNL - CLI parameter DCNL - VM parameter DCNL - Cloud profile setting'
'Test that a column of unicode strings is still written as one DCNL byte-per-character in the FITS table (so long as the column can be ASCII DCNL encoded). DCNL Regression test for one of the issues fixed in DCNL https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/4228'
'Testcase for py2exe logic, un-compressed lib'
'Converts a given value to a percentage if specified as "x%", DCNL otherwise converts the given value to an integer.'
'Zip timeseries data while gracefully handling gaps in the data. DCNL Timeseries data is expected to be a sequence of two-tuples (date, values). DCNL Values is expected itself to be a tuple. The width of the values tuples DCNL should be the same across all elements in a timeseries sequence. The result DCNL will be a single sequence in timeseries format. DCNL Gaps in sequences are filled with an appropriate number of zeros based on DCNL the size of the first value-tuple of that sequence.'
'Given an input string, returns an HTML fragment as a string. DCNL The return value is the contents of the <body> element. DCNL Parameters (see `html_parts()` for the remainder): DCNL - `output_encoding`: The desired encoding of the output. If a Unicode DCNL string is desired, use the default value of "unicode" .'
'Return a pen representing the given wavelength'
'defrag(plist) -> plist defragmented as much as possible'
'Validate that \'value\' is a positive integer or None.'
'yield tuples of hex and ASCII display in multiples of 16. Includes a DCNL space after 8 bytes and (None, None) after 16 bytes and at the end.'
'Demonstrate how a transform would work.'
'Helper for getting the text of an element'
'Conditional.get_vae returns its VAE'
'Create a task object'
'Get the evaluated value as an int.'
'Translate an application error to a datastore Error, if possible. DCNL Args: DCNL error: An ApplicationError to translate.'
'Solutions of f(x) congruent 0 mod(p**e). DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.galoistools import csolve_prime DCNL >>> csolve_prime([1, 1, 7], 3, 1) DCNL [1] DCNL >>> csolve_prime([1, 1, 7], 3, 2) DCNL [1, 4, 7] DCNL Solutions [7, 4, 1] (mod 3**2) are generated by ``_raise_mod_power()`` DCNL from solution [1] (mod 3).'
'Get networks for the given VIF and subnet DCNL :param vif: Neutron VIF DCNL :param subnet: Neutron subnet DCNL :param version: IP version as an int, either \'4\' or \'6\' DCNL :param net_num: Network index for generating name of each network DCNL :param link_id: Arbitrary identifier for the link the networks are DCNL attached to'
'Access via the .json representation to avoid work rendering menus, etc'
'Return a boto connection for the service. DCNL .. code-block:: python DCNL conn = __utils__[\'boto.get_connection\'](\'ec2\', profile=\'custom_profile\')'
'yaml: trigger DCNL Trigger non-parametrised builds of other jobs. DCNL :arg str project: name of the job to trigger DCNL :arg str threshold: when to trigger the other job (default \'SUCCESS\'), DCNL alternatives: SUCCESS, UNSTABLE, FAILURE DCNL Example: DCNL .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/publishers/fixtures/trigger_success.yaml DCNL :language: yaml'
'Supress all output from pySerial and gsmmodem'
'Read 64bit float from bti file.'
'Get profile for one tooth of a cylindrical gear.'
'Start a WSGI application. Optional features include a reloader, DCNL multithreading and fork support. DCNL This function has a command-line interface too:: DCNL python -m werkzeug.serving --help DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.5 DCNL `static_files` was added to simplify serving of static files as well DCNL as `passthrough_errors`. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.6 DCNL support for SSL was added. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.8 DCNL Added support for automatically loading a SSL context from certificate DCNL file and private key. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.9 DCNL Added command-line interface. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.10 DCNL Improved the reloader and added support for changing the backend DCNL through the `reloader_type` parameter. See :ref:`reloader` DCNL for more information. DCNL :param hostname: The host for the application. eg: ``\'localhost\'`` DCNL :param port: The port for the server. eg: ``8080`` DCNL :param application: the WSGI application to execute DCNL :param use_reloader: should the server automatically restart the python DCNL process if modules were changed? DCNL :param use_debugger: should the werkzeug debugging system be used? DCNL :param use_evalex: should the exception evaluation feature be enabled? DCNL :param extra_files: a list of files the reloader should watch DCNL additionally to the modules. For example configuration DCNL files. DCNL :param reloader_interval: the interval for the reloader in seconds. DCNL :param reloader_type: the type of reloader to use. The default is DCNL auto detection. Valid values are ``\'stat\'`` and DCNL ``\'watchdog\'``. See :ref:`reloader` for more DCNL information. DCNL :param threaded: should the process handle each request in a separate DCNL thread? DCNL :param processes: if greater than 1 then handle each request in a new process DCNL up to this maximum number of concurrent processes. DCNL :param request_handler: optional parameter that can be used to replace DCNL the default one. You can use this to replace it DCNL with a different DCNL :class:`~BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler` DCNL subclass. DCNL :param static_files: a dict of paths for static files. This works exactly DCNL like :class:`SharedDataMiddleware`, it\'s actually DCNL just wrapping the application in that middleware before DCNL serving. DCNL :param passthrough_errors: set this to `True` to disable the error catching. DCNL This means that the server will die on errors but DCNL it can be useful to hook debuggers in (pdb etc.) DCNL :param ssl_context: an SSL context for the connection. Either an DCNL :class:`ssl.SSLContext`, a tuple in the form DCNL ``(cert_file, pkey_file)``, the string ``\'adhoc\'`` if DCNL the server should automatically create one, or ``None`` DCNL to disable SSL (which is the default).'
'generate summary table of outlier and influence similar to SAS DCNL Parameters DCNL alpha : float DCNL significance level for confidence interval DCNL Returns DCNL st : SimpleTable instance DCNL table with results that can be printed DCNL data : ndarray DCNL calculated measures and statistics for the table DCNL ss2 : list of strings DCNL column_names for table (Note: rows of table are observations)'
'Get the real filter sizes of each layer involved in DCNL convoluation. See Xudong Cao: DCNL https://www.kaggle.com/c/datasciencebowl/forums/t/13166/happy-lantern-festival-report-and-code DCNL This does not yet take into consideration feature pooling, DCNL padding, striding and similar gimmicks.'
'Clear all registered actions. DCNL This method is really only intended to be used by unit tests. We might be DCNL able to remove this hack once we convert to djblets.registries. DCNL Warning: DCNL This will clear **all** actions, even if they were registered in DCNL separate extensions.'
'Takes two datetime objects and returns the time between d and now DCNL as a nicely formatted string, e.g. "10 minutes". If d occurs after now, DCNL then "0 seconds" is returned. If abbreviate is True, it truncates values to, DCNL for example, "10m" or "4m 30s". Alternately it can take a second value DCNL and return the proper count. DCNL Units used are years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. DCNL Microseconds are ignored. Up to two adjacent units will be DCNL displayed. For example, "2 weeks, 3 days" and "1 year, 3 months" are DCNL possible outputs, but "2 weeks, 3 hours" and "1 year, 5 days" are not. DCNL Adapted from the timesince filter in Django: DCNL http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/#timesince'
'Add struct pack/unpack functions'
'Setup federated username. DCNL Function covers all the cases for properly setting user id, a primary DCNL identifier for identity objects. Initial version of the mapping engine DCNL assumed user is identified by ``name`` and his ``id`` is built from the DCNL name. We, however need to be able to accept local rules that identify user DCNL by either id or name/domain. DCNL The following use-cases are covered: DCNL 1) If neither user_name nor user_id is set raise exception.Unauthorized DCNL 2) If user_id is set and user_name not, set user_name equal to user_id DCNL 3) If user_id is not set and user_name is, set user_id as url safe version DCNL of user_name. DCNL :param request: current request object DCNL :param mapped_properties: Properties issued by a RuleProcessor. DCNL :type: dictionary DCNL :raises keystone.exception.Unauthorized: If neither `user_name` nor DCNL `user_id` is set. DCNL :returns: tuple with user identification DCNL :rtype: tuple'
'.. versionchanged:: Nitrogen DCNL The ``expr_form`` argument has been renamed to ``tgt_type``, earlier DCNL releases must use ``expr_form``. DCNL Disable the named worker from the lbn load balancers at the targeted DCNL minions. The worker will get traffic only for current sessions and won\'t DCNL get new ones. DCNL Example: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL disable-before-deploy: DCNL modjk_worker.disable: DCNL - name: {{ grains[\'id\'] }} DCNL - lbn: application DCNL - target: \'roles:balancer\' DCNL - tgt_type: grain'
'This takes an arbitrary object and preps it for jsonifying safely, templating Inf/NaN.'
'Returns the number of comlpeted, running, and failed jobs for a user.'
'Create a filer.models.filemodels.File from an upload (UploadedFile or such). DCNL If the `sha1` parameter is passed and a file with said SHA1 is found, it will be returned instead. DCNL :param request: Request, to figure out the owner for this file DCNL :type request: django.http.request.HttpRequest|None DCNL :param path: Pathname string (see `filer_folder_from_path`) or a Filer Folder. DCNL :type path: basestring|filer.models.Folder DCNL :param upload_data: Upload data DCNL :type upload_data: django.core.files.base.File DCNL :param sha1: SHA1 checksum. If given and a matching `model` with the SHA1 is found, it is returned instead. DCNL :type sha1: basestring DCNL :rtype: filer.models.filemodels.File'
'Fixes document\'s LAST_UPDATED field value. Flask-PyMongo returns DCNL timezone-aware values while stdlib datetime values are timezone-naive. DCNL Comparisons between the two would fail. DCNL If LAST_UPDATE is missing we assume that it has been created outside of the DCNL API context and inject a default value, to allow for proper computing of DCNL Last-Modified header tag. By design all documents return a LAST_UPDATED DCNL (and we don\'t want to break existing clients). DCNL :param document: the document to be processed. DCNL .. versionchanged:: 0.1.0 DCNL Moved to common.py and renamed as public, so it can also be used by edit DCNL methods (via get_document()). DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.0.5'
'Stubs an image update on the registry. DCNL :param stubs: Set of stubout stubs'
'Deletes the flag definitions done by the above DefineFlags().'
'Retrieves all volumes associated with the group_id. DCNL :param context: context to query under DCNL :param group_id: consistency group ID for all volumes being retrieved DCNL :param filters: dictionary of filters; values that are in lists, tuples, DCNL or sets cause an \'IN\' operation, while exact matching DCNL is used for other values, see _process_volume_filters DCNL function for more information DCNL :returns: list of matching volumes'
'Writes the XML content to disk, touching the file only if it has changed. DCNL Visual Studio files have a lot of pre-defined structures. This function makes DCNL it easy to represent these structures as Python data structures, instead of DCNL having to create a lot of function calls. DCNL Each XML element of the content is represented as a list composed of: DCNL 1. The name of the element, a string, DCNL 2. The attributes of the element, a dictionary (optional), and DCNL 3+. The content of the element, if any. Strings are simple text nodes and DCNL lists are child elements. DCNL Example 1: DCNL <test/> DCNL becomes DCNL [\'test\'] DCNL Example 2: DCNL <myelement a=\'value1\' b=\'value2\'> DCNL <childtype>This is</childtype> DCNL <childtype>it!</childtype> DCNL </myelement> DCNL becomes DCNL [\'myelement\', {\'a\':\'value1\', \'b\':\'value2\'}, DCNL [\'childtype\', \'This is\'], DCNL [\'childtype\', \'it!\'], DCNL Args: DCNL content: The structured content to be converted. DCNL encoding: The encoding to report on the first XML line. DCNL pretty: True if we want pretty printing with indents and new lines. DCNL Returns: DCNL The XML content as a string.'
'Add email to the exit survey campaign.'
'Test LDA on empty document (all-zero rows).'
'helper method to compare salt state info with the PagerDuty API json structure, DCNL and determine if we need to update. DCNL returns the dict to pass to the PD API to perform the update, or empty dict if no update.'
'Confirm a previous resize.'
'Applies the linear operator |A.T| to the arguments. DCNL Parameters DCNL lin_op : LinOp DCNL A linear operator. DCNL value : NumPy matrix DCNL A numeric value to apply the operator\'s transpose to. DCNL Returns DCNL NumPy matrix or SciPy sparse matrix. DCNL The result of applying the linear operator.'
'Convert the given html document for the annotation UI DCNL This adds tags, removes scripts and optionally adds a base url'
'Run the given function under the given contextmanager, DCNL simulating the behavior of \'with\' to support older DCNL Python versions. DCNL This is not necessary anymore as we have placed 2.6 DCNL as minimum Python version, however some tests are still using DCNL this structure.'
'Continuation lines indentation. DCNL Continuation lines should align wrapped elements either vertically DCNL using Python\'s implicit line joining inside parentheses, brackets DCNL and braces, or using a hanging indent. DCNL When using a hanging indent these considerations should be applied: DCNL - there should be no arguments on the first line, and DCNL - further indentation should be used to clearly distinguish itself as a DCNL continuation line. DCNL Okay: a = (\n) DCNL E123: a = (\n ) DCNL Okay: a = (\n 42) DCNL E121: a = (\n 42) DCNL E122: a = (\n42) DCNL E123: a = (\n 42\n ) DCNL E124: a = (24,\n 42\n) DCNL E125: if (\n b):\n pass DCNL E126: a = (\n 42) DCNL E127: a = (24,\n 42) DCNL E128: a = (24,\n 42) DCNL E129: if (a or\n b):\n pass DCNL E131: a = (\n 42\n 24)'
'In `prompt_and_delete_repo()`, if the user agrees to delete/reclone the DCNL repo, the repo should be deleted.'
'Return integer part of given number.'
'Uses non-local means to denoise 4D datasets'
'Print predefined zones DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' firewalld.get_zones'
'test : comparison'
'Returns the current size of the terminal as tuple in the form DCNL ``(width, height)`` in columns and rows.'
'Returns an `OrderedDict` of field names to `RelationInfo`.'
'Lists the qos given a tenant_id and qos_id'
'Find destinations for resources files'
'Tell whether an alert entry is a template'
'Adds close action and shortcuts to a widget.'
'Check that memcache is running'
'A decorator indicating abstract methods. DCNL Requires that the metaclass is ABCMeta or derived from it. A DCNL class that has a metaclass derived from ABCMeta cannot be DCNL instantiated unless all of its abstract methods are overridden. DCNL The abstract methods can be called using any of the normal DCNL \'super\' call mechanisms. DCNL Usage: DCNL class C: DCNL __metaclass__ = ABCMeta DCNL @abstractmethod DCNL def my_abstract_method(self, ...):'
'Report any filter which is not allowed by `allowed_filters` DCNL :param where: the where clause, as a dict. DCNL :param resource: the resource being inspected. DCNL .. versionchanged: 0.5 DCNL If the data layer supports a list of allowed operators, take them DCNL into consideration when validating the query string (#388). DCNL Recursively validate the whole query string. DCNL .. versionadded: 0.0.9'
'test the behavior of --editable --uptodate flag in the list command'
'Get total size of file or files in dir (recursive).'
'get the api url for a pull request from the web one. DCNL :param unicode url: the web URL of the pull request. DCNL :return unicode: the API URL of the same pull request.'
'Factory function to create a new identity service client. DCNL The returned client will be either a V3 or V2 client. Check the version DCNL using the :py:attr:`~keystoneclient.v3.client.Client.version` property or DCNL the instance\'s class (with instanceof). DCNL :param tuple version: The required version of the identity API. If DCNL specified the client will be selected such that the DCNL major version is equivalent and an endpoint provides DCNL at least the specified minor version. For example to DCNL specify the 3.1 API use ``(3, 1)``. (optional) DCNL :param bool unstable: Accept endpoints not marked as \'stable\'. (optional) DCNL :param session: A session object to be used for communication. If one is DCNL not provided it will be constructed from the provided DCNL kwargs. (optional) DCNL :type session: keystoneclient.session.Session DCNL :param kwargs: Additional arguments are passed through to the client DCNL that is being created. DCNL :returns: New keystone client object. DCNL :rtype: :py:class:`keystoneclient.v3.client.Client` or DCNL :py:class:`keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client` DCNL :raises keystoneclient.exceptions.DiscoveryFailure: if the server\'s DCNL response is invalid. DCNL :raises keystoneclient.exceptions.VersionNotAvailable: if a suitable client DCNL cannot be found.'
'Nonexistent controller - simply returns None'
'Test that social media plugin ordering works as expected'
'Helper function to parse the backend configuration DCNL that doesn\'t use the URI notation.'
'Run shell commands with `shell_process` and wait.'
'Format a timestamp (string or numeric) into a standardized DCNL xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx (10.5) format. DCNL Note that timestamps using values greater than or equal to November 20th, DCNL 2286 at 17:46 UTC will use 11 digits to represent the number of DCNL seconds. DCNL :param timestamp: unix timestamp DCNL :returns: normalized timestamp as a string'
'send formatted chat message DCNL legacy notice: identical function in kludgy_html_parser DCNL the older function is "overridden" here for compatibility reasons'
'Write a projection operator to a file. DCNL Parameters DCNL fid : file DCNL The file descriptor of the open file. DCNL projs : dict DCNL The projection operator.'
'Drop all temporary tables created by prepare_data().'
'Saves globally the value of SITEURL configuration parameter'
'Returns a list of paths to socket files to monitor.'
'Non-local plugin decorator using local directories for the extra_dirs (job_work and temp).'
'Topological sort of graph\'s vertices. DCNL Parameters DCNL ``graph`` : ``tuple[list, list[tuple[T, T]]`` DCNL A tuple consisting of a list of vertices and a list of edges of DCNL a graph to be sorted topologically. DCNL ``key`` : ``callable[T]`` (optional) DCNL Ordering key for vertices on the same level. By default the natural DCNL (e.g. lexicographic) ordering is used (in this case the base type DCNL must implement ordering relations). DCNL Examples DCNL Consider a graph:: DCNL | 7 |\ | 5 | | 3 | DCNL V V V V | DCNL | 11 | | 8 | | DCNL V \ V V / V V DCNL | 2 | | | 9 | | | 10 | DCNL where vertices are integers. This graph can be encoded using DCNL elementary Python\'s data structures as follows:: DCNL >>> V = [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] DCNL >>> E = [(7, 11), (7, 8), (5, 11), (3, 8), (3, 10), DCNL ... (11, 2), (11, 9), (11, 10), (8, 9)] DCNL To compute a topological sort for graph ``(V, E)`` issue:: DCNL >>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import topological_sort DCNL >>> topological_sort((V, E)) DCNL [3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 2, 9, 10] DCNL If specific tie breaking approach is needed, use ``key`` parameter:: DCNL >>> topological_sort((V, E), key=lambda v: -v) DCNL [7, 5, 11, 3, 10, 8, 9, 2] DCNL Only acyclic graphs can be sorted. If the input graph has a cycle, DCNL then :py:exc:`ValueError` will be raised:: DCNL >>> topological_sort((V, E + [(10, 7)])) DCNL Traceback (most recent call last): DCNL ValueError: cycle detected DCNL .. seealso:: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting'
'Gets transcripts from youtube for youtube_id. DCNL Parses only utf-8 encoded transcripts. DCNL Other encodings are not supported at the moment. DCNL Returns (status, transcripts): bool, dict.'
'Create core properties (common document properties referred to in the DCNL \'Dublin Core\' specification). See appproperties() for other stuff.'
'Attach custom data on request object, and share it with parent DCNL requests during batch.'
'Returns True if the given object is an ``adatetime`` where ``hour``, DCNL ``minute``, ``second`` and ``microsecond`` are all None.'
'Band Stop Objective Function for order minimization. DCNL Returns the non-integer order for an analog band stop filter. DCNL Parameters DCNL wp : scalar DCNL Edge of passband `passb`. DCNL ind : int, {0, 1} DCNL Index specifying which `passb` edge to vary (0 or 1). DCNL passb : ndarray DCNL Two element sequence of fixed passband edges. DCNL stopb : ndarray DCNL Two element sequence of fixed stopband edges. DCNL gstop : float DCNL Amount of attenuation in stopband in dB. DCNL gpass : float DCNL Amount of ripple in the passband in dB. DCNL type : {\'butter\', \'cheby\', \'ellip\'} DCNL Type of filter. DCNL Returns DCNL n : scalar DCNL Filter order (possibly non-integer).'
'Decorator: renders a template for a handler. DCNL The handler can control its behavior like that: DCNL - return a dict of template vars to fill out the template DCNL - return something other than a dict and the view decorator will not DCNL process the template, but return the handler result as is. DCNL This includes returning a HTTPResponse(dict) to get, DCNL for instance, JSON with autojson or other castfilters.'
'Simple test function DCNL Taken from http://www.huyng.com/posts/python-performance-analysis/'
'The subjunctive mood is a classical mood used to express a wish, judgment or opinion. DCNL It is marked by the verb wish/were, or infinitive form of a verb DCNL preceded by an "it is"-statement: DCNL "It is recommended that he bring his own computer."'
'Create multiple locator with 0.7 base, and change it to something else. DCNL See if change was successful. DCNL Should not exception.'
'A context manager which disables field overrides inside the context of a DCNL `with` statement, allowing code to get at the `original` value of a field.'
'Collects and dumps stats from a MySQL server.'
'Concatenate variables along a new axis. DCNL Args: DCNL xs (list of chainer.Variable): Variables to be concatenated. DCNL axis (int): Axis of result along which variables are stacked. DCNL Returns: DCNL ~chainer.Variable: Output variable.'
'Wrapper around utils._execute for fake_network.'
'Locate a file in a path supplied as a part of the file name, DCNL or the user\'s path, or a supplied path. DCNL The function yields full paths (not necessarily absolute paths), DCNL in which the given file name matches an existing file in a directory on the path. DCNL >>> def test_which(expected, *args, **argd): DCNL ... result = list(which_files(*args, **argd)) DCNL ... assert result == expected, \'which_files: %s != %s\' % (result, expected) DCNL ... try: DCNL ... result = [ which(*args, **argd) ] DCNL ... except IOError: DCNL ... result = [] DCNL ... assert result[:1] == expected[:1], \'which: %s != %s\' % (result[:1], expected[:1]) DCNL >>> if windows: cmd = environ[\'COMSPEC\'] DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], \'cmd\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], \'cmd.exe\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], \'cmd\', path=dirname(cmd)) DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], \'cmd\', pathext=\'.exe\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], cmd) DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], cmd, path=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], cmd, pathext=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], cmd[:-4]) DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([cmd], cmd[:-4], path=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([], \'cmd\', path=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([], \'cmd\', pathext=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([], \'<nonexistent>/cmd\') DCNL >>> if windows: test_which([], cmd[:-4], pathext=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if not windows: sh = \'/bin/sh\' DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([sh], \'sh\') DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([sh], \'sh\', path=dirname(sh)) DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([sh], \'sh\', pathext=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([sh], sh) DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([sh], sh, path=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([sh], sh, pathext=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([], \'sh\', mode=W_OK) # not running as root, are you? DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([], \'sh\', path=\'<nonexistent>\') DCNL >>> if not windows: test_which([], \'<nonexistent>/sh\')'
'Return all inline documentation for runner modules DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-run doc.runner'
'Tokenization/string cleaning for a datasets.'
'Return label of variable node.'
'Test if this is an valid android zip.'
'Used as a validator within a wtforms.Form DCNL This implements a conditional DataRequired DCNL Each of the kwargs is a condition that must be met in the form DCNL Otherwise, no validation is done'
'Tests the creation of a file extension'
'Check virt drivers\' modules aren\'t imported by other drivers DCNL Modules under each virt driver\'s directory are DCNL considered private to that virt driver. Other drivers DCNL in Nova must not access those drivers. Any code that DCNL is to be shared should be refactored into a common DCNL module DCNL N311'
'Trim the text to `max_width`, append dots when the text is too long. DCNL Returns (text, width) tuple.'
'Compute labels and inertia using a full distance matrix. DCNL This will overwrite the \'distances\' array in-place. DCNL Parameters DCNL X : numpy array, shape (n_sample, n_features) DCNL Input data. DCNL x_squared_norms : numpy array, shape (n_samples,) DCNL Precomputed squared norms of X. DCNL centers : numpy array, shape (n_clusters, n_features) DCNL Cluster centers which data is assigned to. DCNL distances : numpy array, shape (n_samples,) DCNL Pre-allocated array in which distances are stored. DCNL Returns DCNL labels : numpy array, dtype=np.int, shape (n_samples,) DCNL Indices of clusters that samples are assigned to. DCNL inertia : float DCNL Sum of distances of samples to their closest cluster center.'
'Get aggregate statistics over all compute nodes. DCNL :param context: The security context DCNL :returns: Dictionary containing compute node characteristics summed up DCNL over all the compute nodes, e.g. \'vcpus\', \'free_ram_mb\' etc.'
'Do some necessary and/or useful substitutions for texts to be included in DCNL LaTeX documents.'
'str to list'
'Generate a CSV containing all students\' problem grades within a given DCNL `course_id`.'
'Translate a string ip address to a packed number. DCNL @param ipstr: the ip address to transform DCNL @type ipstr: a string "x.x.x.x" DCNL @return: an int32 number representing the ip address'
'Checks that all of the required keys, and possibly some of the optional DCNL keys, are in the given dict. DCNL Raises: DCNL AssertionError: if the validation fails.'
'Wraps the given array into a DataObject.'
'Create a new image volume cache entry.'
'Check that Astropy gives consistent results with an IDL hor2eq example. DCNL See : http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftp/pro/astro/hor2eq.pro DCNL Test is against these run outputs, run at 2000-01-01T12:00:00: DCNL # NORMAL ATMOSPHERE CASE DCNL IDL> hor2eq, ten(37,54,41), ten(264,55,06), 2451545.0d, ra, dec, /verb, obs=\'kpno\', pres=781.0, temp=273.0 DCNL Latitude = +31 57 48.0 Longitude = *** 36 00.0 DCNL Julian Date = 2451545.000000 DCNL Az, El = 17 39 40.4 +37 54 41 (Observer Coords) DCNL Az, El = 17 39 40.4 +37 53 40 (Apparent Coords) DCNL LMST = +11 15 26.5 DCNL LAST = +11 15 25.7 DCNL Hour Angle = +03 38 30.1 (hh:mm:ss) DCNL Ra, Dec: 07 36 55.6 +15 25 02 (Apparent Coords) DCNL Ra, Dec: 07 36 55.2 +15 25 08 (J2000.0000) DCNL Ra, Dec: 07 36 55.2 +15 25 08 (J2000) DCNL IDL> print, ra, dec DCNL 114.23004 15.418818 DCNL # NO PRESSURE CASE DCNL IDL> hor2eq, ten(37,54,41), ten(264,55,06), 2451545.0d, ra, dec, /verb, obs=\'kpno\', pres=0.0, temp=273.0 DCNL Latitude = +31 57 48.0 Longitude = *** 36 00.0 DCNL Julian Date = 2451545.000000 DCNL Az, El = 17 39 40.4 +37 54 41 (Observer Coords) DCNL Az, El = 17 39 40.4 +37 54 41 (Apparent Coords) DCNL LMST = +11 15 26.5 DCNL LAST = +11 15 25.7 DCNL Hour Angle = +03 38 26.4 (hh:mm:ss) DCNL Ra, Dec: 07 36 59.3 +15 25 31 (Apparent Coords) DCNL Ra, Dec: 07 36 58.9 +15 25 37 (J2000.0000) DCNL Ra, Dec: 07 36 58.9 +15 25 37 (J2000) DCNL IDL> print, ra, dec DCNL 114.24554 15.427022'
'Tests that the format_as methods between Conv2DSpace DCNL and VectorSpace are invertible for the (\'c\', 0, 1, \'b\') DCNL axis format.'
'Send connect to database.'
'Translate the user/group info into uid/gid.'
'Creates a copy of the constraint modified according to func. DCNL Parameters DCNL constr : LinConstraint DCNL The constraint to modify. DCNL func : function DCNL Function to modify the constraint expression. DCNL Returns DCNL LinConstraint DCNL A copy of the constraint with the specified changes.'
'Only load if the postgres module is present and is new enough (has ts funcs)'
'Multiply two linear operators elementwise. DCNL Parameters DCNL lh_op : LinOp DCNL The left-hand operator in the product. DCNL rh_op : LinOp DCNL The right-hand operator in the product. DCNL Returns DCNL LinOp DCNL A linear operator representing the product.'
'list all headers for a given category'
'Map vera classes to HA types.'
'Authenticate against yubico server'
'Main program function for checking mapping file DCNL Checks mapping file for errors, warnings, writes log file, html file, DCNL and corrected mapping file. DCNL mapping_fp: path to metadata mapping file DCNL output_dir: output directory for log, html, corrected mapping file. DCNL has_barcodes: If True, will test for perform barcodes test (presence, DCNL uniqueness, valid IUPAC DNA chars). DCNL char_replace: Character used to replace invalid characters in data DCNL fields. SampleIDs always use periods to be MIENS compliant. DCNL verbose: If True, a message about warnings and/or errors will be printed DCNL to stdout. DCNL variable_len_barcodes: If True, suppresses warnings about barcodes of DCNL varying length. DCNL disable_primer_check: If True, disables tests for valid primer sequences. DCNL added_demultiplex_field: If specified, references a field in the mapping DCNL file to use for demultiplexing. These are to be read from fasta labels DCNL during the actual demultiplexing step. All combinations of barcodes, DCNL primers, and the added_demultiplex_field must be unique.'
'Upload a file to the device. DCNL Arguments: DCNL local_path(str): Path to the local file to push. DCNL remote_path(str): Path or directory to store the file on the device. DCNL Example: DCNL >>> write(\'./filename\', \'contents\') DCNL >>> _=adb.push(\'./filename\', \'/data/local/tmp\') DCNL >>> adb.read(\'/data/local/tmp/filename\') DCNL \'contents\' DCNL >>> adb.push(\'./filename\', \'/does/not/exist\') DCNL Traceback (most recent call last): DCNL PwnlibException: Could not stat \'/does/not/exist\''
'This takes a list of amis and an image name and attempts to return DCNL the latest ami.'
'Return the platform-dependent extension for compiled modules.'
'Sort FQDNs by SLD (and if many, by their subdomains) DCNL :param list FQDNs: list of domain names DCNL :returns: Sorted list of domain names DCNL :rtype: list'
'Serialize an XML object to a Unicode string. DCNL If an outer xmlns is provided using ``xmlns``, then the current element\'s DCNL namespace will not be included if it matches the outer namespace. An DCNL exception is made for elements that have an attached stream, and appear DCNL at the stream root. DCNL :param XML xml: The XML object to serialize. DCNL :param string xmlns: Optional namespace of an element wrapping the XML DCNL object. DCNL :param stream: The XML stream that generated the XML object. DCNL :param string outbuffer: Optional buffer for storing serializations DCNL during recursive calls. DCNL :param bool top_level: Indicates that the element is the outermost DCNL element. DCNL :param set namespaces: Track which namespaces are in active use so DCNL that new ones can be declared when needed. DCNL :type xml: :py:class:`~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` DCNL :type stream: :class:`~sleekxmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream.XMLStream` DCNL :rtype: Unicode string'
'Safely join `directory` and zero or more untrusted `pathnames` DCNL components. DCNL Example usage:: DCNL @app.route(\'/wiki/<path:filename>\') DCNL def wiki_page(filename): DCNL filename = safe_join(app.config[\'WIKI_FOLDER\'], filename) DCNL with open(filename, \'rb\') as fd: DCNL content = fd.read() # Read and process the file content... DCNL :param directory: the trusted base directory. DCNL :param pathnames: the untrusted pathnames relative to that directory. DCNL :raises: :class:`~werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound` if one or more passed DCNL paths fall out of its boundaries.'
'Decode a query string in x-www-form-urlencoded format into a sequence DCNL of two-element tuples. DCNL Unlike urlparse.parse_qsl(..., strict_parsing=True) urldecode will enforce DCNL correct formatting of the query string by validation. If validation fails DCNL a ValueError will be raised. urllib.parse_qsl will only raise errors if DCNL any of name-value pairs omits the equals sign.'
'A context manager that automatically handles KeyError.'
'Deletes a device from Vistara based on DNS name or partial name. By default, DCNL delete_device will only perform the delete if a single host is returned. Set DCNL safety_on=False to delete all matches (up to default API search page size) DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-run vistara.delete_device \'hostname-101.mycompany.com\' DCNL salt-run vistara.delete_device \'hostname-101\' DCNL salt-run vistara.delete_device \'hostname-1\' safety_on=False'
'Write 3 byte integer to file.'
'Build Avro Protocol from data parsed out of JSON string.'
'Reshape `t` by inserting 1 at the dimension `axis`. DCNL Example DCNL >>> tensor = theano.tensor.tensor3() DCNL >>> theano.tensor.shape_padaxis(tensor, axis=0) DCNL DimShuffle{x,0,1,2}.0 DCNL >>> theano.tensor.shape_padaxis(tensor, axis=1) DCNL DimShuffle{0,x,1,2}.0 DCNL >>> theano.tensor.shape_padaxis(tensor, axis=3) DCNL DimShuffle{0,1,2,x}.0 DCNL >>> theano.tensor.shape_padaxis(tensor, axis=-1) DCNL DimShuffle{0,1,2,x}.0 DCNL See Also DCNL shape_padleft DCNL shape_padright DCNL Dimshuffle'
'Performs a pickle dumps on the given object, substituting all references to DCNL a TradingEnvironment or AssetFinder with tokenized representations. DCNL All arguments are passed to pickle.Pickler and are described therein.'
'Remove a cluster on a Postgres server. By default it doesn\'t try DCNL to stop the cluster. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' postgres.cluster_remove \'9.3\' DCNL salt \'*\' postgres.cluster_remove \'9.3\' \'main\' DCNL salt \'*\' postgres.cluster_remove \'9.3\' \'main\' stop=True'
'Return a response in an SMS message'
'Expanding quantile. DCNL Parameters DCNL arg : Series, DataFrame DCNL quantile : float DCNL 0 <= quantile <= 1 DCNL min_periods : int, default None DCNL Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value DCNL (otherwise result is NA). DCNL freq : string or DateOffset object, optional (default None) DCNL Frequency to conform the data to before computing the DCNL statistic. Specified as a frequency string or DateOffset object. DCNL Returns DCNL y : type of input argument DCNL Notes DCNL The `freq` keyword is used to conform time series data to a specified DCNL frequency by resampling the data. This is done with the default parameters DCNL of :meth:`~pandas.Series.resample` (i.e. using the `mean`). DCNL To learn more about the frequency strings, please see `this link DCNL <http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#offset-aliases>`__.'
'A function variable must be a single uppercase character followed by DCNL zero or more digits. DCNL :param expr: str DCNL :return: bool True if expr is of the correct form'
'Returns the current local path for saving data locally DCNL Create folder if not exists'
'This handles the command line input of the runner, usually created by DCNL the evennia launcher'
'If we get TypeError from * (possibly because one is float and the other is Decimal), then promote them both to Decimal.'
'tests to verify that Symbol dictionaries do the right thing in dynamic scenarios'
'Factory function for a manager that subclasses \'superclass\' (which is a DCNL Manager) and adds behavior for generic related objects.'
'Return metadata as a L{MetaInfo} object'
'Set up things for the interpreter to call our function like GNU readline.'
'Write the code to a temporary file.'
'Run PHP\'s composer with a specific action. DCNL If composer has not been installed globally making it available in the DCNL system PATH & making it executable, the ``composer`` and ``php`` parameters DCNL will need to be set to the location of the executables. DCNL action DCNL The action to pass to composer (\'install\', \'update\', \'selfupdate\', etc). DCNL directory DCNL Directory location of the composer.json file. Required except when DCNL action=\'selfupdate\' DCNL composer DCNL Location of the composer.phar file. If not set composer will DCNL just execute "composer" as if it is installed globally. DCNL (i.e. /path/to/composer.phar) DCNL php DCNL Location of the php executable to use with composer. DCNL (i.e. /usr/bin/php) DCNL runas DCNL Which system user to run composer as. DCNL prefer_source DCNL --prefer-source option of composer. DCNL prefer_dist DCNL --prefer-dist option of composer. DCNL no_scripts DCNL --no-scripts option of composer. DCNL no_plugins DCNL --no-plugins option of composer. DCNL optimize DCNL --optimize-autoloader option of composer. Recommended for production. DCNL no_dev DCNL --no-dev option for composer. Recommended for production. DCNL quiet DCNL --quiet option for composer. Whether or not to return output from composer. DCNL composer_home DCNL $COMPOSER_HOME environment variable DCNL extra_flags DCNL None, or a string containing extra flags to pass to composer.'
'Set linestyles and colors for plot_compare_evokeds.'
'Constructs the Schema from the JSON text.'
'returns apps that are not within django.conf.settings.LETTUCE_AVOID_APPS'
'Grow labels while ensuring that they don\'t overlap.'
'Perform t-test for all pairs of distributions. DCNL Computes corrected p-values in addition to uncorrected.'
'Return the number of instances that are set for the given server version. DCNL This is only valid for fixed servers, an error will be raised for DCNL automatically-scheduled servers. Support for automatically-servers may be DCNL supported in the future. DCNL Args: DCNL server: String containing the name of the server to fetch this info for, if DCNL None the server of the current instance will be used. DCNL version: String containing the name of the version to fetch this info for, DCNL if None the version of the current instance will be used. If that version DCNL does not exist in the other server, then an InvalidVersionError is raised. DCNL Raises: DCNL InvalidVersionError on invalid input.'
'Return the raw pillar data that is currently loaded into the minion. DCNL Contrast with :py:func:`items` which calls the master to fetch the most DCNL up-to-date Pillar. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' pillar.raw DCNL With the optional key argument, you can select a subtree of the DCNL pillar raw data.:: DCNL salt \'*\' pillar.raw key=\'roles\''
'Returns a bytestring version of \'s\', encoded as specified in \'encoding\'. DCNL If strings_only is True, don\'t convert (some) non-string-like objects.'
'Forces a value to be rendered as a localized value, DCNL regardless of the value of ``settings.USE_L10N``.'
'Test desktop GL backend for full functionality.'
'SearchDataAdapter(results, format, db) -> headers, 2D array of data.'
'Remove an axes from the current figure. If *ax* DCNL doesn\'t exist, an error will be raised. DCNL ``delaxes()``: delete the current axes'
'Get all volumes belonging to a consistency group.'
'Only for MacOS with atrun enabled'
'Convert an `asyncio.Future` to a `tornado.concurrent.Future`. DCNL .. versionadded:: 4.1'
'Return whether a string has open quotes. DCNL This simply counts whether the number of quote characters of either type in DCNL the string is odd. DCNL Returns DCNL If there is an open quote, the quote character is returned. Else, return DCNL False.'
'Generate a zip file from the selected submissions'
'This is an intermediate function for Frangi and Hessian filters. DCNL Shares the common code for Frangi and Hessian functions. DCNL Parameters DCNL image : (N, M) ndarray DCNL Array with input image data. DCNL scale_range : 2-tuple of floats, optional DCNL The range of sigmas used. DCNL scale_step : float, optional DCNL Step size between sigmas. DCNL beta1 : float, optional DCNL Frangi correction constant that adjusts the filter\'s DCNL sensitivity to deviation from a blob-like structure. DCNL beta2 : float, optional DCNL Frangi correction constant that adjusts the filter\'s DCNL sensitivity to areas of high variance/texture/structure. DCNL Returns DCNL filtered_list : list DCNL List of pre-filtered images.'
'Configure the interface to get its DNS servers from the DHCP server DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' win_dns_client.dns_dhcp <interface>'
'Compute weighted shortest path length and predecessors. DCNL Uses Dijkstra\'s Method to obtain the shortest weighted paths DCNL and return dictionaries of predecessors for each node and DCNL distance for each node from the `source`. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX graph DCNL source : node label DCNL Starting node for path DCNL cutoff : integer or float, optional DCNL Depth to stop the search. Only return paths with length <= cutoff. DCNL weight : string or function DCNL If this is a string, then edge weights will be accessed via the DCNL edge attribute with this key (that is, the weight of the edge DCNL joining `u` to `v` will be ``G.edge[u][v][weight]``). If no DCNL such edge attribute exists, the weight of the edge is assumed to DCNL be one. DCNL If this is a function, the weight of an edge is the value DCNL returned by the function. The function must accept exactly three DCNL positional arguments: the two endpoints of an edge and the DCNL dictionary of edge attributes for that edge. The function must DCNL return a number. DCNL Returns DCNL pred, distance : dictionaries DCNL Returns two dictionaries representing a list of predecessors DCNL of a node and the distance to each node. DCNL Notes DCNL Edge weight attributes must be numerical. DCNL Distances are calculated as sums of weighted edges traversed. DCNL The list of predecessors contains more than one element only when DCNL there are more than one shortest paths to the key node.'
'Return interned JID. DCNL @rtype: L{JID}'
'Retrieve all the available roles. DCNL :param exclude_system: True to exclude system roles. DCNL :type exclude_system: ``bool`` DCNL :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`RoleDB`'
'Get a hash identifying an user. DCNL It\'s a hash of session key, ip and user agent'
'Test max pooling for known result.'
'Test either if an error is raised while a wrong type of NN is given'
'Compute the set of resource columns required to serve DCNL `columns`.'
'Outputs the contents of a given file into the page. DCNL Like a simple "include" tag, the ``ssi`` tag includes the contents DCNL of another file -- which must be specified using an absolute path -- DCNL in the current page:: DCNL {% ssi "/home/html/ljworld.com/includes/right_generic.html" %} DCNL If the optional "parsed" parameter is given, the contents of the included DCNL file are evaluated as template code, with the current context:: DCNL {% ssi "/home/html/ljworld.com/includes/right_generic.html" parsed %}'
'Returns: the canonicalized absolute pathname. The resulting path will have no symbolic link, \'/./\' or \'/../\' components.'
'dfstats main loop'
'This method instantiates and returns a handle to a low-level DCNL base cipher. It will absorb named parameters in the process.'
'Subtensor(SetSubtensor(x, y, idx), idx) -> y'
'Same logic as load_check_directory except it loads one specific check'
'Imports an object based on a string. This is useful if you want to DCNL use import paths as endpoints or something similar. An import path can DCNL be specified either in dotted notation (``xml.sax.saxutils.escape``) DCNL or with a colon as object delimiter (``xml.sax.saxutils:escape``). DCNL If `silent` is True the return value will be `None` if the import fails. DCNL For better debugging we recommend the new :func:`import_module` DCNL function to be used instead. DCNL :param import_name: the dotted name for the object to import. DCNL :param silent: if set to `True` import errors are ignored and DCNL `None` is returned instead. DCNL :return: imported object'
'get session boot info'
'Comapare two english phrases ignoring starting prepositions.'
'Returns the length of the value - useful for lists.'
'Return a EventLoop instance. DCNL A new instance is created for each new HTTP request. We determine DCNL that we\'re in a new request by inspecting os.environ, which is reset DCNL at the start of each request. Also, each thread gets its own loop.'
'return the visibility from a name: public, protected, private or special'
'Extract common elements of base64 keys from an entry in a hosts file. DCNL @return: a 4-tuple of hostname data (L{str}), ssh key type (L{str}), key DCNL (L{Key}), and comment (L{str} or L{None}). The hostname data is simply the DCNL beginning of the line up to the first occurrence of whitespace.'
'Tests that the four possible ways of creating DCNL a numpy RNG give the same results with the same seed'
'Helper function to translate a nucleotide string (PRIVATE). DCNL Arguments: DCNL - sequence - a string DCNL - table - a CodonTable object (NOT a table name or id number) DCNL - stop_symbol - a single character string, what to use for terminators. DCNL - to_stop - boolean, should translation terminate at the first DCNL in frame stop codon? If there is no in-frame stop codon DCNL then translation continues to the end. DCNL - pos_stop - a single character string for a possible stop codon DCNL (e.g. TAN or NNN) DCNL - cds - Boolean, indicates this is a complete CDS. If True, this DCNL checks the sequence starts with a valid alternative start DCNL codon (which will be translated as methionine, M), that the DCNL sequence length is a multiple of three, and that there is a DCNL single in frame stop codon at the end (this will be excluded DCNL from the protein sequence, regardless of the to_stop option). DCNL If these tests fail, an exception is raised. DCNL - gap - Single character string to denote symbol used for gaps. DCNL Defaults to None. DCNL Returns a string. DCNL e.g. DCNL >>> from Bio.Data import CodonTable DCNL >>> table = CodonTable.ambiguous_dna_by_id[1] DCNL >>> _translate_str("AAA", table) DCNL \'K\' DCNL >>> _translate_str("TAR", table) DCNL >>> _translate_str("TAN", table) DCNL \'X\' DCNL >>> _translate_str("TAN", table, pos_stop="@") DCNL >>> _translate_str("TA?", table) DCNL Traceback (most recent call last): DCNL TranslationError: Codon \'TA?\' is invalid DCNL In a change to older versions of Biopython, partial codons are now DCNL always regarded as an error (previously only checked if cds=True) DCNL and will trigger a warning (likely to become an exception in a DCNL future release). DCNL If **cds=True**, the start and stop codons are checked, and the start DCNL codon will be translated at methionine. The sequence must be an DCNL while number of codons. DCNL >>> _translate_str("ATGCCCTAG", table, cds=True) DCNL \'MP\' DCNL >>> _translate_str("AAACCCTAG", table, cds=True) DCNL Traceback (most recent call last): DCNL TranslationError: First codon \'AAA\' is not a start codon DCNL >>> _translate_str("ATGCCCTAGCCCTAG", table, cds=True) DCNL Traceback (most recent call last): DCNL TranslationError: Extra in frame stop codon found.'
'Decorator factory to track time changes.'
'Encode payload using interoperable LZ4 framing. Requires Kafka >= 0.10'
'Set the current rc params. Group is the grouping for the rc, e.g., DCNL for ``lines.linewidth`` the group is ``lines``, for DCNL ``axes.facecolor``, the group is ``axes``, and so on. Group may DCNL also be a list or tuple of group names, e.g., (*xtick*, *ytick*). DCNL *kwargs* is a dictionary attribute name/value pairs, e.g.,:: DCNL rc(\'lines\', linewidth=2, color=\'r\') DCNL sets the current rc params and is equivalent to:: DCNL rcParams[\'lines.linewidth\'] = 2 DCNL rcParams[\'lines.color\'] = \'r\' DCNL The following aliases are available to save typing for interactive DCNL users: DCNL Alias Property DCNL \'lw\' \'linewidth\' DCNL \'ls\' \'linestyle\' DCNL \'c\' \'color\' DCNL \'fc\' \'facecolor\' DCNL \'ec\' \'edgecolor\' DCNL \'mew\' \'markeredgewidth\' DCNL \'aa\' \'antialiased\' DCNL Thus you could abbreviate the above rc command as:: DCNL rc(\'lines\', lw=2, c=\'r\') DCNL Note you can use python\'s kwargs dictionary facility to store DCNL dictionaries of default parameters. e.g., you can customize the DCNL font rc as follows:: DCNL font = {\'family\' : \'monospace\', DCNL \'weight\' : \'bold\', DCNL \'size\' : \'larger\'} DCNL rc(\'font\', **font) # pass in the font dict as kwargs DCNL This enables you to easily switch between several configurations. DCNL Use :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.rcdefaults` to restore the default DCNL rc params after changes.'
'Wrapper function for Series arithmetic operations, to avoid DCNL code duplication.'
'Generate a contribute.json'
'This code looks for any modules or packages in the given DCNL directory, loads them DCNL and then registers a blueprint DCNL - blueprints must be created with the name \'module\' DCNL Implemented directory scan DCNL Bulk of the code taken from: DCNL https://github.com/smartboyathome/ DCNL Cheshire-Engine/blob/master/ScoringServer/utils.py'
'Performs the Bifid cipher encryption on plaintext ``msg``, and DCNL returns the ciphertext. DCNL This is the version of the Bifid cipher that uses an `n \times n` DCNL Polybius square. DCNL INPUT: DCNL ``msg``: plaintext string DCNL ``key``: short string for key; duplicate characters are DCNL ignored and then it is padded with the characters in DCNL ``symbols`` that were not in the short key DCNL ``symbols``: `n \times n` characters defining the alphabet DCNL (default is string.printable) DCNL OUTPUT: DCNL ciphertext (using Bifid5 cipher without spaces) DCNL See Also DCNL decipher_bifid, encipher_bifid5, encipher_bifid6'
'Return the 4x4 matrix to convert view coordinates to display coordinates. DCNL It\'s assumed that the view should take up the entire window and that the DCNL origin of the window is in the upper left corner.'
'Colorize debug message with prefix'
'Projects modified since a revision'
'Search a name in the directories of modules.'
'Determine the disk info for the next device on disk_bus. DCNL Considering the disks already listed in the disk mapping, DCNL determine the next available disk dev that can be assigned DCNL for the disk bus. DCNL Returns the disk_info for the next available disk.'
'Converts arrays to arrays with dimensions >= 2. DCNL If an input array has dimensions less than two, then this function inserts DCNL new axes at the head of dimensions to make it have two dimensions. DCNL Args: DCNL arys (tuple of arrays): Arrays to be converted. All arguments must be DCNL :class:`cupy.ndarray` objects. DCNL Returns: DCNL If there are only one input, then it returns its converted version. DCNL Otherwise, it returns a list of converted arrays. DCNL .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.atleast_2d`'
'Return last day of this month'
'Set an explicit indentation level for a block scalar.'
'Return volumes usage that have been updated after a specified time.'
'Returns a global list of available roles.'
'Run the default discovery and return an instance of DCNL :class:`QtWidgetRegistry`.'
'Reduce a Python function and its globals to picklable components. DCNL If there are cell variables (i.e. references to a closure), their DCNL values will be frozen.'
'replace (str, old, new[, maxsplit]) -> string DCNL Return a copy of string str with all occurrences of substring DCNL old replaced by new. If the optional argument maxsplit is DCNL given, only the first maxsplit occurrences are replaced.'
':param reactor: Reactor to use. DCNL :param list args: The arguments passed to the script. DCNL :param FilePath base_path: The executable being run. DCNL :param FilePath top_level: The top-level of the Flocker repository.'
'Compute the analytic signal, using the Hilbert transform. DCNL The transformation is done along the last axis by default. DCNL Parameters DCNL x : array_like DCNL Signal data. Must be real. DCNL N : int, optional DCNL Number of Fourier components. Default: ``x.shape[axis]`` DCNL axis : int, optional DCNL Axis along which to do the transformation. Default: -1. DCNL Returns DCNL xa : ndarray DCNL Analytic signal of `x`, of each 1-D array along `axis` DCNL See Also DCNL scipy.fftpack.hilbert : Return Hilbert transform of a periodic sequence x. DCNL Notes DCNL The analytic signal ``x_a(t)`` of signal ``x(t)`` is: DCNL .. math:: x_a = F^{-1}(F(x) 2U) = x + i y DCNL where `F` is the Fourier transform, `U` the unit step function, DCNL and `y` the Hilbert transform of `x`. [1]_ DCNL In other words, the negative half of the frequency spectrum is zeroed DCNL out, turning the real-valued signal into a complex signal. The Hilbert DCNL transformed signal can be obtained from ``np.imag(hilbert(x))``, and the DCNL original signal from ``np.real(hilbert(x))``. DCNL Examples DCNL In this example we use the Hilbert transform to determine the amplitude DCNL envelope and instantaneous frequency of an amplitude-modulated signal. DCNL >>> import numpy as np DCNL >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt DCNL >>> from scipy.signal import hilbert, chirp DCNL >>> duration = 1.0 DCNL >>> fs = 400.0 DCNL >>> samples = int(fs*duration) DCNL >>> t = np.arange(samples) / fs DCNL We create a chirp of which the frequency increases from 20 Hz to 100 Hz and DCNL apply an amplitude modulation. DCNL >>> signal = chirp(t, 20.0, t[-1], 100.0) DCNL >>> signal *= (1.0 + 0.5 * np.sin(2.0*np.pi*3.0*t) ) DCNL The amplitude envelope is given by magnitude of the analytic signal. The DCNL instantaneous frequency can be obtained by differentiating the DCNL instantaneous phase in respect to time. The instantaneous phase corresponds DCNL to the phase angle of the analytic signal. DCNL >>> analytic_signal = hilbert(signal) DCNL >>> amplitude_envelope = np.abs(analytic_signal) DCNL >>> instantaneous_phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(analytic_signal)) DCNL >>> instantaneous_frequency = (np.diff(instantaneous_phase) / DCNL ... (2.0*np.pi) * fs) DCNL >>> fig = plt.figure() DCNL >>> ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211) DCNL >>> ax0.plot(t, signal, label=\'signal\') DCNL >>> ax0.plot(t, amplitude_envelope, label=\'envelope\') DCNL >>> ax0.set_xlabel("time in seconds") DCNL >>> ax0.legend() DCNL >>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212) DCNL >>> ax1.plot(t[1:], instantaneous_frequency) DCNL >>> ax1.set_xlabel("time in seconds") DCNL >>> ax1.set_ylim(0.0, 120.0) DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Wikipedia, "Analytic signal". DCNL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytic_signal DCNL .. [2] Leon Cohen, "Time-Frequency Analysis", 1995. Chapter 2. DCNL .. [3] Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer. Discrete-Time Signal DCNL Processing, Third Edition, 2009. Chapter 12. DCNL ISBN 13: 978-1292-02572-8'
'Convert the output of L{pickleStringO} into an appropriate type for the DCNL current python version. This may be called on Python 3 and will convert a DCNL cStringIO into an L{io.StringIO}. DCNL @param val: The content of the file. DCNL @type val: L{bytes} DCNL @param sek: The seek position of the file. DCNL @type sek: L{int} DCNL @return: a file-like object which you can write bytes to. DCNL @rtype: L{cStringIO.OutputType} on Python 2, L{io.StringIO} on Python 3.'
'the django builtin server fails if the HTTP port is not available'
'Convert a value to lowercase.'
'Converts a human readable size to bytes. DCNL :param value: A string such as "10MB". If a suffix is not included, DCNL then the value is assumed to be an integer representing the size DCNL in bytes. DCNL :returns: The converted value in bytes as an integer'
'fab -P (or env.parallel) should honor @runs_once'
'Calculate the percentage of scenario requests have a latency under the DCNL specified time limit. DCNL :param results: Results to extract values from. DCNL :param limit: Request latency limit in seconds.'
'Test jsonreport output with no steps'
'we have a full length slice'
'The second element in a sequence DCNL >>> second(\'ABC\') DCNL \'B\''
'Context manager to collect profile information.'
'Guard against *value* being null or zero. DCNL *exc_tuple* should be a (exception type, arguments...) tuple.'
'Solves separable 1st order differential equations. DCNL This is any differential equation that can be written as `P(y) DCNL \tfrac{dy}{dx} = Q(x)`. The solution can then just be found by DCNL rearranging terms and integrating: `\int P(y) \,dy = \int Q(x) \,dx`. DCNL This hint uses :py:meth:`sympy.simplify.simplify.separatevars` as its back DCNL end, so if a separable equation is not caught by this solver, it is most DCNL likely the fault of that function. DCNL :py:meth:`~sympy.simplify.simplify.separatevars` is DCNL smart enough to do most expansion and factoring necessary to convert a DCNL separable equation `F(x, y)` into the proper form `P(x)\cdot{}Q(y)`. The DCNL general solution is:: DCNL >>> from sympy import Function, dsolve, Eq, pprint DCNL >>> from sympy.abc import x DCNL >>> a, b, c, d, f = map(Function, [\'a\', \'b\', \'c\', \'d\', \'f\']) DCNL >>> genform = Eq(a(x)*b(f(x))*f(x).diff(x), c(x)*d(f(x))) DCNL >>> pprint(genform) DCNL d DCNL a(x)*b(f(x))*--(f(x)) = c(x)*d(f(x)) DCNL dx DCNL >>> pprint(dsolve(genform, f(x), hint=\'separable_Integral\')) DCNL f(x) DCNL | b(y) | c(x) DCNL | ---- dy = C1 + | ---- dx DCNL | d(y) | a(x) DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy import Function, dsolve, Eq DCNL >>> from sympy.abc import x DCNL >>> f = Function(\'f\') DCNL >>> pprint(dsolve(Eq(f(x)*f(x).diff(x) + x, 3*x*f(x)**2), f(x), DCNL ... hint=\'separable\', simplify=False)) DCNL / 2 \ 2 DCNL log\3*f (x) - 1/ x DCNL ---------------- = C1 + -- DCNL 6 2 DCNL References DCNL - M. Tenenbaum & H. Pollard, "Ordinary Differential Equations", DCNL Dover 1963, pp. 52 DCNL # indirect doctest'
'Update topology description from a primary\'s ismaster response. DCNL Pass in a dict of ServerDescriptions, current replica set name, the DCNL ServerDescription we are processing, and the TopologyDescription\'s DCNL max_set_version and max_election_id if any. DCNL Returns (new topology type, new replica_set_name, new max_set_version, DCNL new max_election_id).'
'Given a list of localized language names return a mapping of the names to 3 DCNL letter ISO 639 language codes. If a name is not recognized, it is mapped to DCNL None.'
'Fixture creating a Celery application instance.'
'Compares the actual input with the predicted input and returns results DCNL Parameters: DCNL input: The actual input DCNL prediction: the predicted input DCNL verbosity: If > 0, print debugging messages DCNL sparse: If true, they are in sparse form (list of DCNL active indices) DCNL retval (foundInInput, totalActiveInInput, missingFromInput, DCNL totalActiveInPrediction) DCNL foundInInput: The number of predicted active elements that were DCNL found in the actual input DCNL totalActiveInInput: The total number of active elements in the input. DCNL missingFromInput: The number of predicted active elements that were not DCNL found in the actual input DCNL totalActiveInPrediction: The total number of active elements in the prediction'
'A backend can raise `PermissionDenied` to short-circuit permission checking.'
'lxml *sometimes* represents non-ascii characters as hex entities in DCNL attribute values. I can\'t figure out exactly what circumstances cause it. DCNL It seems to happen when serializing a part of a larger tree. Since we need DCNL serialization to be the same when serializing full and partial trees, we DCNL manually replace all hex entities with their unicode codepoints.'
'Remove HTML entities from a string. DCNL Adapted from http://effbot.org/zone/re-sub.htm#unescape-html'
'Test the show_negative_chains script main function'
'Return the crawleable url according to: DCNL http://code.google.com/web/ajaxcrawling/docs/getting-started.html DCNL >>> escape_ajax("www.example.com/ajax.html#!key=value") DCNL \'www.example.com/ajax.html?_escaped_fragment_=key%3Dvalue\' DCNL >>> escape_ajax("www.example.com/ajax.html?k1=v1&k2=v2#!key=value") DCNL \'www.example.com/ajax.html?k1=v1&k2=v2&_escaped_fragment_=key%3Dvalue\' DCNL >>> escape_ajax("www.example.com/ajax.html?#!key=value") DCNL \'www.example.com/ajax.html?_escaped_fragment_=key%3Dvalue\' DCNL >>> escape_ajax("www.example.com/ajax.html#!") DCNL \'www.example.com/ajax.html?_escaped_fragment_=\' DCNL URLs that are not "AJAX crawlable" (according to Google) returned as-is: DCNL >>> escape_ajax("www.example.com/ajax.html#key=value") DCNL \'www.example.com/ajax.html#key=value\' DCNL >>> escape_ajax("www.example.com/ajax.html#") DCNL \'www.example.com/ajax.html#\' DCNL >>> escape_ajax("www.example.com/ajax.html") DCNL \'www.example.com/ajax.html\''
'Get a verbose, more humanized expression for a given ``lookup_expr``. DCNL Each part in the expression is looked up in the ``FILTERS_VERBOSE_LOOKUPS`` DCNL dictionary. Missing keys will simply default to itself. DCNL ex:: DCNL >>> verbose_lookup_expr(\'year__lt\') DCNL \'year is less than\' DCNL # with `FILTERS_VERBOSE_LOOKUPS = {}` DCNL >>> verbose_lookup_expr(\'year__lt\') DCNL \'year lt\''
'Ensures function performing broker commands completes DCNL despite intermittent connection failures.'
'Read the special tEXt chunk indicating the depth from a PNG file.'
'Detect decorator call chaining and see if the end result is a DCNL static or a classmethod.'
'Resolve the name and return the TXT records. DCNL :param unicode name: Domain name being verified. DCNL :returns: A list of txt records, if empty the name could not be resolved DCNL :rtype: list of unicode'
'Spherical Bessel function of the second kind or its derivative. DCNL Defined as [1]_, DCNL .. math:: y_n(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2z}} Y_{n + 1/2}(z), DCNL where :math:`Y_n` is the Bessel function of the second kind. DCNL Parameters DCNL n : int, array_like DCNL Order of the Bessel function (n >= 0). DCNL z : complex or float, array_like DCNL Argument of the Bessel function. DCNL derivative : bool, optional DCNL If True, the value of the derivative (rather than the function DCNL itself) is returned. DCNL Returns DCNL yn : ndarray DCNL Notes DCNL For real arguments, the function is computed using the ascending DCNL recurrence [2]_. For complex arguments, the definitional relation to DCNL the cylindrical Bessel function of the second kind is used. DCNL The derivative is computed using the relations [3]_, DCNL .. math:: DCNL y_n\' = y_{n-1} - \frac{n + 1}{2} y_n. DCNL y_0\' = -y_1 DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.18.0 DCNL References DCNL .. [1] http://dlmf.nist.gov/10.47.E4 DCNL .. [2] http://dlmf.nist.gov/10.51.E1 DCNL .. [3] http://dlmf.nist.gov/10.51.E2'
'Write translation CSV file. DCNL :param path: File path, usually `[app]/translations`. DCNL :param app_messages: Translatable strings for this app. DCNL :param lang_dict: Full translated dict.'
'Returns a tuple (year, week) where year is the current year of the season DCNL and week is the current week number of games being played. DCNL i.e., (2012, 3). DCNL N.B. This always downloads the schedule XML data.'
'@rtype: str'
'Friendly wrapper around Popen. DCNL Returns stdout output, stderr output and OS status code.'
'Helper function to return a URL pattern for serving static files.'
'Returns ``True`` if the pathname matches any of the given patterns.'
'Get the list of parameters. DCNL Note that tparams must be OrderedDict'
'Deprecated! Moved to cmdmod. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' test.tty tty0 \'This is a test\' DCNL salt \'*\' test.tty pts3 \'This is a test\''
'Given a token, get the token information for it.'
'Fill the main diagonal of the given array of any dimensionality. DCNL For an array `a` with ``a.ndim > 2``, the diagonal is the list of DCNL locations with indices ``a[i, i, ..., i]`` all identical. This function DCNL modifies the input array in-place, it does not return a value. DCNL Args: DCNL a (cupy.ndarray): The array, at least 2-D. DCNL val (scalar): The value to be written on the diagonal. DCNL Its type must be compatible with that of the array a. DCNL wrap (bool): If specified, the diagonal is "wrapped" after N columns. DCNL This affects only tall matrices. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> a = cupy.zeros((3, 3), int) DCNL >>> cupy.fill_diagonal(a, 5) DCNL >>> a DCNL array([[5, 0, 0], DCNL [0, 5, 0], DCNL [0, 0, 5]]) DCNL .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.fill_diagonal`'
'Test either if an error is raised when the target are not binary DCNL type.'
'Creates a constant-filled :class:`cupy.ndarray` object like the given array. DCNL Args: DCNL array (cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray): Base array. DCNL fill_value: Constant value to fill the array by. DCNL stream (cupy.cuda.Stream): CUDA stream. DCNL Returns: DCNL cupy.ndarray: Constant-filled array.'
'Query stored entities and time them. DCNL Returns: DCNL A tuple of two lists. A list of float times to query DCNL all entities, and a list of errors. A zero value signifies DCNL a failure.'
'Associate the given security group with the given instance.'
'Parse arguments and update global settings.'
'Exposes internal helper method without breaking existing bindings/dependencies'
'Make an HTTP request with an HTTP object and arguments. DCNL Args: DCNL http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used to make requests. DCNL uri: string, The URI to be requested. DCNL method: string, The HTTP method to use for the request. Defaults DCNL to \'GET\'. DCNL body: string, The payload / body in HTTP request. By default DCNL there is no payload. DCNL headers: dict, Key-value pairs of request headers. By default DCNL there are no headers. DCNL redirections: int, The number of allowed 203 redirects for DCNL the request. Defaults to 5. DCNL connection_type: httplib.HTTPConnection, a subclass to be used for DCNL establishing connection. If not set, the type DCNL will be determined from the ``uri``. DCNL Returns: DCNL tuple, a pair of a httplib2.Response with the status code and other DCNL headers and the bytes of the content returned.'
'Converts a list into an numpy array'
'Applies sim_otu_table over a range of parameters, writing output to file DCNL table: the input table to simulate samples from DCNL tree: tree related OTUs in input table DCNL simulated_sample_sizes: a list of ints defining how many DCNL output samples should be create per input sample DCNL dissimilarities: a list of floats containing the DCNL dissimilarities to use in simulating tables DCNL output_dir: the directory where all output tables and DCNL mapping files should be written DCNL mapping_f: file handle for metadata mapping file, if DCNL a mapping file should be created with the samples from DCNL each simulated table DCNL output_table_basename: basename for output table files DCNL (default: table) DCNL output_map_basename: basename for output mapping files DCNL (default: map)'
'Simple stateful parser'
'Set the local subnet name DCNL :param str name: The new local subnet name DCNL .. note:: DCNL Spaces are changed to dashes. Other special characters are removed. DCNL :return: True if successful, False if not DCNL :rtype: bool DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL The following will be set as \'Mikes-Mac\' DCNL salt \'*\' system.set_subnet_name "Mike\'s Mac"'
'Test a subset of labels may be requested for SS'
'Get description of brainstorm (bst_phantom_ctf) dataset.'
'use gradient descent to fit a ridge regression DCNL with penalty alpha'
'Find class/function/method specified by its fully qualified name. DCNL Fully qualified can be specified as: DCNL * <module_name>.<class_name> DCNL * <module_name>.<function_name> DCNL * <module_name>.<class_name>.<method_name> (an unbound method will be DCNL returned in this case). DCNL for_name works by doing __import__ for <module_name>, and looks for DCNL <class_name>/<function_name> in module\'s __dict__/attrs. If fully qualified DCNL name doesn\'t contain \'.\', the current module will be used. DCNL Args: DCNL fq_name: fully qualified name of something to find DCNL Returns: DCNL class object. DCNL Raises: DCNL ImportError: when specified module could not be loaded or the class DCNL was not found in the module.'
'Create an LVM volume group DCNL CLI Examples: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt mymachine lvm.vgcreate my_vg /dev/sdb1,/dev/sdb2 DCNL salt mymachine lvm.vgcreate my_vg /dev/sdb1 clustered=y'
'call fn with given args and kwargs. DCNL This is used to represent Apply.__call__'
'Test that SpatialBatchNormalization raises an expected exception.'
'.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 DCNL Create new custom table. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' nftables.new_table filter DCNL IPv6: DCNL salt \'*\' nftables.new_table filter family=ipv6'
'Allows functions to be exponentiated, e.g. ``cos**2(x)``. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import (parse_expr, DCNL ... standard_transformations, function_exponentiation) DCNL >>> transformations = standard_transformations + (function_exponentiation,) DCNL >>> parse_expr(\'sin**4(x)\', transformations=transformations) DCNL sin(x)**4'
'Test Maxwell filter fine calibration.'
'Parse core-site.xml and store in _CORE_SITE_DICT'
'Compute incoming weight vector norms. DCNL Parameters DCNL array : numpy array or Theano expression DCNL Weight or bias. DCNL norm_axes : sequence (list or tuple) DCNL The axes over which to compute the norm. This overrides the DCNL default norm axes defined for the number of dimensions DCNL in `array`. When this is not specified and `array` is a 2D array, DCNL this is set to `(0,)`. If `array` is a 3D, 4D or 5D array, it is DCNL set to a tuple listing all axes but axis 0. The former default is DCNL useful for working with dense layers, the latter is useful for 1D, DCNL 2D and 3D convolutional layers. DCNL Finally, in case `array` is a vector, `norm_axes` is set to an empty DCNL tuple, and this function will simply return the absolute value for DCNL each element. This is useful when the function is applied to all DCNL parameters of the network, including the bias, without distinction. DCNL (Optional) DCNL Returns DCNL norms : 1D array or Theano vector (1D) DCNL 1D array or Theano vector of incoming weight/bias vector norms. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> array = np.random.randn(100, 200) DCNL >>> norms = compute_norms(array) DCNL >>> norms.shape DCNL (200,) DCNL >>> norms = compute_norms(array, norm_axes=(1,)) DCNL >>> norms.shape DCNL (100,)'
'Persons Controller, defined in the model for use from DCNL multiple controllers for unified menus DCNL - used for access to component Tabs, Personal Profile & Imports DCNL - includes components relevant to HRM'
'Stream info from AWS, via describe_stream DCNL Only returns the first "page" of shards (up to 100); use _get_full_stream() for all shards. DCNL CLI example:: DCNL salt myminion boto_kinesis._get_basic_stream my_stream existing_conn'
'*musicpd.org, current playlist section:* DCNL ``addid {URI} [POSITION]`` DCNL Adds a song to the playlist (non-recursive) and returns the song id. DCNL ``URI`` is always a single file or URL. For example:: DCNL addid "foo.mp3" DCNL Id: 999 DCNL OK DCNL *Clarifications:* DCNL - ``addid ""`` should return an error.'
'Choose a sample of rows from a DataFrame. DCNL df: DataFrame DCNL nrows: number of rows DCNL replace: whether to sample with replacement DCNL returns: DataDf'
'Remove all keys from all databases DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' redis.flushall'
'Return common path for all paths in pathlist'
'get the windowview'
'Group items by backend type.'
'Test that angles above 360 degrees can be output as strings, DCNL in repr, str, and to_string. (regression test for #1413)'
'Creates bins of sequence lens DCNL Useful for checking for valid aligned sequences. DCNL input_fasta_fp: input fasta filepath'
'Scan the string s for a JSON string. End is the index of the DCNL character in s after the quote that started the JSON string. DCNL Unescapes all valid JSON string escape sequences and raises ValueError DCNL on attempt to decode an invalid string. If strict is False then literal DCNL control characters are allowed in the string. DCNL Returns a tuple of the decoded string and the index of the character in s DCNL after the end quote.'
'Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal harmonic model DCNL x: input sound, fs: sampling rate, w: analysis window, DCNL N: FFT size (minimum 512), t: threshold in negative dB, DCNL nH: maximum number of harmonics, minf0: minimum f0 frequency in Hz, DCNL maxf0: maximim f0 frequency in Hz, DCNL f0et: error threshold in the f0 detection (ex: 5), DCNL returns y: output array sound'
'Build test cases for some common allocation_units.'
'Create a continuous random variable with a Gamma distribution. DCNL The density of the Gamma distribution is given by DCNL .. math:: DCNL f(x) := \frac{1}{\Gamma(k) \theta^k} x^{k - 1} e^{-\frac{x}{\theta}} DCNL with :math:`x \in [0,1]`. DCNL Parameters DCNL k : Real number, `k > 0`, a shape DCNL theta : Real number, `\theta > 0`, a scale DCNL Returns DCNL A RandomSymbol. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.stats import Gamma, density, cdf, E, variance DCNL >>> from sympy import Symbol, pprint, simplify DCNL >>> k = Symbol("k", positive=True) DCNL >>> theta = Symbol("theta", positive=True) DCNL >>> z = Symbol("z") DCNL >>> X = Gamma("x", k, theta) DCNL >>> D = density(X)(z) DCNL >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) DCNL -z DCNL -k k - 1 theta DCNL theta *z *e DCNL gamma(k) DCNL >>> C = cdf(X, meijerg=True)(z) DCNL >>> pprint(C, use_unicode=False) DCNL / / z \ DCNL | k*lowergamma|k, -----| DCNL | k*lowergamma(k, 0) \ theta/ DCNL <- ------------------ + ---------------------- for z >= 0 DCNL | gamma(k + 1) gamma(k + 1) DCNL \ 0 otherwise DCNL >>> E(X) DCNL theta*gamma(k + 1)/gamma(k) DCNL >>> V = simplify(variance(X)) DCNL >>> pprint(V, use_unicode=False) DCNL 2 DCNL k*theta DCNL References DCNL .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_distribution DCNL .. [2] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GammaDistribution.html'
'Remove the WSGI intercept call for (host, port).'
'Builds a traversal spec that will recurse through all objects .. or at DCNL least I think it does. additions welcome. DCNL See com.vmware.apputils.vim25.ServiceUtil.buildFullTraversal in the java DCNL API. Extended by Sebastian Tello\'s examples from pysphere to reach networks DCNL and datastores.'
'Make a subprocess according to the given command-line string'
'Only works on Windows systems.'
'Add a stream handler to the default logger.'
'Snapshot indices'
'Adds a message with the ``INFO`` level.'
'yaml: string DCNL A string parameter. DCNL :arg str name: the name of the parameter DCNL :arg str default: the default value of the parameter (optional) DCNL :arg str description: a description of the parameter (optional) DCNL Example:: DCNL parameters: DCNL - string: DCNL name: FOO DCNL default: bar DCNL description: "A parameter named FOO, defaults to \'bar\'."'
'Parse a media-range into its component parts. DCNL Carves up a media range and returns a tuple of the (type, subtype, DCNL params) where \'params\' is a dictionary of all the parameters for the media DCNL range. For example, the media range \'application/*;q=0.5\' would get parsed DCNL into: DCNL (\'application\', \'*\', {\'q\', \'0.5\'}) DCNL In addition this function also guarantees that there is a value for \'q\' DCNL in the params dictionary, filling it in with a proper default if DCNL necessary.'
'Tests whether the filename is an image file. If not will try some common DCNL alternatives (e.g. extensions .jpg .tif...)'
'Discrete Fourier transform of a real sequence. DCNL Parameters DCNL x : array_like, real-valued DCNL The data to transform. DCNL n : int, optional DCNL Defines the length of the Fourier transform. If `n` is not specified DCNL (the default) then ``n = x.shape[axis]``. If ``n < x.shape[axis]``, DCNL `x` is truncated, if ``n > x.shape[axis]``, `x` is zero-padded. DCNL axis : int, optional DCNL The axis along which the transform is applied. The default is the DCNL last axis. DCNL overwrite_x : bool, optional DCNL If set to true, the contents of `x` can be overwritten. Default is DCNL False. DCNL Returns DCNL z : real ndarray DCNL The returned real array contains:: DCNL [y(0),Re(y(1)),Im(y(1)),...,Re(y(n/2))] if n is even DCNL [y(0),Re(y(1)),Im(y(1)),...,Re(y(n/2)),Im(y(n/2))] if n is odd DCNL where:: DCNL y(j) = sum[k=0..n-1] x[k] * exp(-sqrt(-1)*j*k*2*pi/n) DCNL j = 0..n-1 DCNL Note that ``y(-j) == y(n-j).conjugate()``. DCNL See Also DCNL fft, irfft, scipy.fftpack.basic DCNL Notes DCNL Within numerical accuracy, ``y == rfft(irfft(y))``. DCNL Both single and double precision routines are implemented. Half precision DCNL inputs will be converted to single precision. Non floating-point inputs DCNL will be converted to double precision. Long-double precision inputs are DCNL not supported. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from scipy.fftpack import fft, rfft DCNL >>> a = [9, -9, 1, 3] DCNL >>> fft(a) DCNL array([ 4. +0.j, 8.+12.j, 16. +0.j, 8.-12.j]) DCNL >>> rfft(a) DCNL array([ 4., 8., 12., 16.])'
'A decorator to require that a user be logged in to access a handler. DCNL To use it, decorate your get() method like this:: DCNL @login_required DCNL def get(self): DCNL user = users.get_current_user(self) DCNL self.response.out.write(\'Hello, \' + user.nickname()) DCNL We will redirect to a login page if the user is not logged in. We always DCNL redirect to the request URI, and Google Accounts only redirects back as DCNL a GET request, so this should not be used for POSTs.'
'Returns None if no writer is found for extension.'
'Returns a dictionary of variable length solution trajectories.'
'String concatenation aggregator for sqlite, sorted by supplied index'
'Shortcuts for generating request headers. DCNL :param keep_alive: DCNL If ``True``, adds \'connection: keep-alive\' header. DCNL :param accept_encoding: DCNL Can be a boolean, list, or string. DCNL ``True`` translates to \'gzip,deflate\'. DCNL List will get joined by comma. DCNL String will be used as provided. DCNL :param user_agent: DCNL String representing the user-agent you want, such as DCNL "python-urllib3/0.6" DCNL :param basic_auth: DCNL Colon-separated username:password string for \'authorization: basic ...\' DCNL auth header. DCNL :param proxy_basic_auth: DCNL Colon-separated username:password string for \'proxy-authorization: basic ...\' DCNL auth header. DCNL Example: :: DCNL >>> make_headers(keep_alive=True, user_agent="Batman/1.0") DCNL {\'connection\': \'keep-alive\', \'user-agent\': \'Batman/1.0\'} DCNL >>> make_headers(accept_encoding=True) DCNL {\'accept-encoding\': \'gzip,deflate\'}'
'Returns an iterator over a series of lists of length size from iterable. DCNL >>> list(group([1,2,3,4], 2)) DCNL [[1, 2], [3, 4]] DCNL >>> list(group([1,2,3,4,5], 2)) DCNL [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]'
'Only show up to logger_settings[\'reveal_sensitive_prefix\'] characters DCNL from a sensitive header. DCNL :param name: Header name DCNL :param value: Header value DCNL :return: Safe header value'
'Like urllib2.quote but handles unicode properly.'
'Delete an ElastiCache subnet group. DCNL CLI example:: DCNL salt myminion boto_elasticache.delete_subnet_group my-subnet-group region=us-east-1'
'Detect if the code is running in the Compute Engine environment. DCNL Returns: DCNL True if running in the GCE environment, False otherwise.'
'Use VM interactively - exit by pressing control-]'
'Given b number of a\'s how big is our dimension? DCNL >>> dimension_mul(2, 5) DCNL 10 DCNL We round up DCNL >>> dimension_mul(9, 3) DCNL 27 DCNL In the case of datashape.var, we resort to var DCNL >>> from datashape import var DCNL >>> dimension_mul(datashape.var, 5) DCNL Var() DCNL >>> dimension_mul(10, datashape.var) DCNL Var()'
'Return a mask of all of the datetimes in ``dts`` that are between DCNL ``start`` and ``end``. DCNL Parameters DCNL dts : pd.DatetimeIndex DCNL The index to mask. DCNL start : time DCNL Mask away times less than the start. DCNL end : time DCNL Mask away times greater than the end. DCNL include_start : bool, optional DCNL Inclusive on ``start``. DCNL include_end : bool, optional DCNL Inclusive on ``end``. DCNL Returns DCNL mask : np.ndarray[bool] DCNL A bool array masking ``dts``. DCNL See Also DCNL :meth:`pandas.DatetimeIndex.indexer_between_time`'
'Minimize over alpha, the function ``f(xk+alpha pk)``. DCNL Parameters DCNL f : callable DCNL Function to be minimized. DCNL xk : array_like DCNL Current point. DCNL pk : array_like DCNL Search direction. DCNL gfk : array_like DCNL Gradient of `f` at point `xk`. DCNL old_fval : float DCNL Value of `f` at point `xk`. DCNL args : tuple, optional DCNL Optional arguments. DCNL c1 : float, optional DCNL Value to control stopping criterion. DCNL alpha0 : scalar, optional DCNL Value of `alpha` at start of the optimization. DCNL Returns DCNL alpha DCNL f_count DCNL f_val_at_alpha DCNL Notes DCNL Uses the interpolation algorithm (Armijo backtracking) as suggested by DCNL Wright and Nocedal in \'Numerical Optimization\', 1999, pg. 56-57'
'Compile the client into a temporary directory, if successful DCNL call install_completed_client to install the new client. DCNL :param project_client: project.client pair e.g. autotest.AfeClient DCNL :param install_client: Boolean, if True install the clients DCNL :return: True if install and compile was successful False if it failed'
'PRIVATE METHOD DCNL Performs the requested replication command and returns a dictionary with DCNL success, errors and data as keys. The data object will contain the JSON DCNL response. DCNL command : str DCNL The replication command to execute. DCNL host : str (None) DCNL The solr host to query. __opts__[\'host\'] is default DCNL core_name: str (None) DCNL The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are DCNL not using cores or if you want to check all cores. DCNL params : list<str> ([]) DCNL Any additional parameters you want to send. Should be a lsit of DCNL strings in name=value format. e.g. [\'name=value\'] DCNL Return: dict<str, obj>:: DCNL {\'success\':boolean, \'data\':dict, \'errors\':list, \'warnings\':list}'
'Return the current configuration value for the given option'
'Make all methods listed in each class\' synchronized attribute synchronized. DCNL The synchronized attribute should be a list of strings, consisting of the DCNL names of methods that must be synchronized. If we are running in threaded DCNL mode these methods will be wrapped with a lock.'
'Set the system module of the kernel is Windows'
'Return the request fingerprint. DCNL The request fingerprint is a hash that uniquely identifies the resource the DCNL request points to. For example, take the following two urls: DCNL http://www.example.com/query?id=111&cat=222 DCNL http://www.example.com/query?cat=222&id=111 DCNL Even though those are two different URLs both point to the same resource DCNL and are equivalent (ie. they should return the same response). DCNL Another example are cookies used to store session ids. Suppose the DCNL following page is only accesible to authenticated users: DCNL http://www.example.com/members/offers.html DCNL Lot of sites use a cookie to store the session id, which adds a random DCNL component to the HTTP Request and thus should be ignored when calculating DCNL the fingerprint. DCNL For this reason, request headers are ignored by default when calculating DCNL the fingeprint. If you want to include specific headers use the DCNL include_headers argument, which is a list of Request headers to include.'
'Parse command-line argument vector. DCNL If options_first: DCNL argv ::= [ long | shorts ]* [ argument ]* [ \'--\' [ argument ]* ] ; DCNL else: DCNL argv ::= [ long | shorts | argument ]* [ \'--\' [ argument ]* ] ;'
'Create a fully-qualified xattr-key by including the intended namespace. DCNL Namespacing differs among OSes[1]: DCNL FreeBSD: user, system DCNL Linux: user, system, trusted, security DCNL MacOS X: not needed DCNL Mac OS X won\'t break if we include a namespace qualifier, so, for DCNL simplicity, we always include it. DCNL [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_file_attributes'
'Top-level function.'
'Test time generalization decoding'
'Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a highpass filter. DCNL Return an analog high-pass filter with cutoff frequency `wo` DCNL from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, DCNL using zeros, poles, and gain (\'zpk\') representation. DCNL Parameters DCNL z : array_like DCNL Zeros of the analog IIR filter transfer function. DCNL p : array_like DCNL Poles of the analog IIR filter transfer function. DCNL k : float DCNL System gain of the analog IIR filter transfer function. DCNL wo : float DCNL Desired cutoff, as angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). DCNL Defaults to no change. DCNL Returns DCNL z : ndarray DCNL Zeros of the transformed high-pass filter transfer function. DCNL p : ndarray DCNL Poles of the transformed high-pass filter transfer function. DCNL k : float DCNL System gain of the transformed high-pass filter. DCNL Notes DCNL This is derived from the s-plane substitution DCNL .. math:: s \rightarrow \frac{\omega_0}{s} DCNL This maintains symmetry of the lowpass and highpass responses on a DCNL logarithmic scale.'
'label: Get the label for the object.'
'Returns all snipMate files we need to look at for \'ft\'.'
'Return the number of keys in the selected database DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' redis.dbsize'
':param edesc: EntityDescriptor instance DCNL :param ident: EntityDescriptor identifier DCNL :param secc: Security context DCNL :return: Tuple with EntityDescriptor instance and Signed XML document'
'Wait for multiple asynchronous futures in parallel. DCNL This function is similar to `multi`, but does not support DCNL `YieldPoints <YieldPoint>`. DCNL .. versionadded:: 4.0 DCNL .. versionchanged:: 4.2 DCNL If multiple ``Futures`` fail, any exceptions after the first (which is DCNL raised) will be logged. Added the ``quiet_exceptions`` DCNL argument to suppress this logging for selected exception types. DCNL .. deprecated:: 4.3 DCNL Use `multi` instead.'
'Serve static files below a given point in the directory structure or DCNL from locations inferred from the staticfiles finders. DCNL To use, put a URL pattern such as:: DCNL (r\'^(?P<path>.*)$\', \'django.contrib.staticfiles.views.serve\') DCNL in your URLconf. DCNL It uses the django.views.static view to serve the found files.'
'yaml: ant DCNL Execute an ant target. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Ant Plugin DCNL <Ant+Plugin>`. DCNL To setup this builder you can either reference the list of targets DCNL or use named parameters. Below is a description of both forms: DCNL *1) Listing targets:* DCNL After the ant directive, simply pass as argument a space separated list DCNL of targets to build. DCNL :Parameter: space separated list of Ant targets DCNL Example to call two Ant targets: DCNL .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/ant001.yaml DCNL :language: yaml DCNL The build file would be whatever the Jenkins Ant Plugin is set to use DCNL per default (i.e build.xml in the workspace root). DCNL *2) Using named parameters:* DCNL :arg str targets: the space separated list of ANT targets. DCNL :arg str buildfile: the path to the ANT build file. DCNL :arg list properties: Passed to ant script using -Dkey=value (optional) DCNL :arg str ant-name: the name of the ant installation, DCNL (default \'default\') (optional) DCNL :arg str java-opts: java options for ant, can have multiples, DCNL must be in quotes (optional) DCNL Example specifying the build file too and several targets: DCNL .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/builders/fixtures/ant002.yaml DCNL :language: yaml'
'Convert x,y coordinates to w,x,y,z Quaternion parameters DCNL Adapted from: DCNL linalg library DCNL Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Renaud Blanch <rndblnch at gmail dot com> DCNL Licence at your convenience: DCNL GPLv3 or higher <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> DCNL BSD new <http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause>'
'Tests the coordinate variables functionality with respect to DCNL reorientation of coordinate systems.'
'Looks for misplaced braces (e.g. at the end of line). DCNL Args: DCNL filename: The name of the current file. DCNL clean_lines: A CleansedLines instance containing the file. DCNL linenum: The number of the line to check. DCNL error: The function to call with any errors found.'
'Calls s6.restart() function DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' s6.full_restart <service name>'
'Validate optional authentication parameters.'
'Convert iterator to an object that can be consumed multiple times. DCNL ``Regen`` takes any iterable, and if the object is an DCNL generator it will cache the evaluated list on first access, DCNL so that the generator can be "consumed" multiple times.'
'round_mode(a) with mode in [half_away_from_zero, half_to_even]'
'Does a function have only n positional arguments? DCNL This function relies on introspection and does not call the function. DCNL Returns None if validity can\'t be determined. DCNL >>> def f(x): DCNL ... return x DCNL >>> is_arity(1, f) DCNL True DCNL >>> def g(x, y=1): DCNL ... return x + y DCNL >>> is_arity(1, g) DCNL False'
'Converts a value that matches \d+ into an integer.'
'Takes a single JSON drive entry (data) and converts it to a list DCNL of Play objects. This includes trying to resolve duplicate play DCNL conflicts by only taking the first instance of a play.'
'If path does not end with /, add it and return.'
'Trigger crash dump in an instance.'
'Set new video subtitle. DCNL @param p_mi: the media player. DCNL @param i_spu: video subtitle track to select (i_id from track description). DCNL @return: 0 on success, -1 if out of range.'
'Evaluate ``f(a)`` in ``GF(p)`` using Horner scheme. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.galoistools import gf_eval DCNL >>> gf_eval([3, 2, 4], 2, 5, ZZ) DCNL 0'
'Returns ``True`` if the specified service is available, otherwise returns DCNL ``False``. DCNL name DCNL the service\'s name DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' runit.available <service name>'
'Still need to test: DCNL Two overlapping sequences. OK to get new segments but check that we can DCNL get correct high order prediction after multiple reps.'
'Lists documents directly under /docs/'
'Find user-specified instrumentation management for a class.'
'Add faces from a polygon which is concave.'
'initialise module'
'Cache projects. DCNL :return func:'
'The aggregated (all locales) kb metrics dashboard.'
'Allows final rewrite of dev_appserver response. DCNL This function receives the unparsed HTTP response from the application DCNL or internal handler, parses out the basic structure and feeds that structure DCNL in to a chain of response rewriters. DCNL It also makes sure the final HTTP headers are properly terminated. DCNL For more about response rewriters, please see documentation for DCNL CreateResponeRewritersChain. DCNL Args: DCNL response_file: File-like object containing the full HTTP response including DCNL the response code, all headers, and the request body. DCNL response_rewriters: A list of response rewriters. If none is provided it DCNL will create a new chain using CreateResponseRewritersChain. DCNL request_headers: Original request headers. DCNL env_dict: Environment dictionary. DCNL Returns: DCNL An AppServerResponse instance configured with the rewritten response.'
'Get extrude output for a cylinder gear.'
'Copy a file into a cache and link it into place. DCNL Use this with caution, otherwise you could end up DCNL copying data twice if the cache is not on the same device DCNL as the destination'
'Retrieve the relevant course_info updates and unpack into the model which the client expects: DCNL [{id : index, date : string, content : html string}]'
'Return True if url returns 200 and is served by Perl.'
'made up example with sin, square'
'Rewrite a base64 string: DCNL - Remove LF and = characters DCNL - Replace slashes by underscores DCNL >>> b64c("abc123456def") DCNL \'abc123456def\' DCNL >>> b64c("\na/=b=c/") DCNL \'a_bc_\' DCNL >>> b64c("a+b+c+123+") DCNL \'a+b+c+123+\''
'Return the common neighbors of two nodes in a graph. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : graph DCNL A NetworkX undirected graph. DCNL u, v : nodes DCNL Nodes in the graph. DCNL Returns DCNL cnbors : iterator DCNL Iterator of common neighbors of u and v in the graph. DCNL Raises DCNL NetworkXError DCNL If u or v is not a node in the graph. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> G = nx.complete_graph(5) DCNL >>> sorted(nx.common_neighbors(G, 0, 1)) DCNL [2, 3, 4]'
'Check if patterns contains a pattern that matches filename. DCNL If patterns is unspecified, this always returns True.'
'Connect to AWS Config DCNL :type aws_access_key_id: string DCNL :param aws_access_key_id: Your AWS Access Key ID DCNL :type aws_secret_access_key: string DCNL :param aws_secret_access_key: Your AWS Secret Access Key DCNL rtype: :class:`boto.kms.layer1.ConfigServiceConnection` DCNL :return: A connection to the AWS Config service'
'Bulk create floating IPs by range (nova-network only).'
'Decode the supplied byte string using the preferred encoding DCNL for the locale (`locale.getpreferredencoding`) or, if the default encoding DCNL is invalid, fall back first on utf-8, then on latin-1 if the message cannot DCNL be decoded with utf-8.'
'Run migrations in \'offline\' mode. DCNL This configures the context with either a URL DCNL or an Engine. DCNL Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the DCNL script output.'
'Task resource factory method'
'Return a list of the conjuncts in the expr s. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.logic.boolalg import conjuncts DCNL >>> from sympy.abc import A, B DCNL >>> conjuncts(A & B) DCNL frozenset({A, B}) DCNL >>> conjuncts(A | B) DCNL frozenset({Or(A, B)})'
'Helps skip integration tests without live credentials. DCNL Phrased in the negative to make it read better with \'skipif\'.'
'The docs links map is in this format: DCNL "doc_path": [ DCNL "file_path", DCNL This transforms it to: DCNL "file_path": [ DCNL "doc_path",'
'Start generating a set of example certificates. DCNL Example certificates are used to verify that certificates have DCNL been configured correctly for the course. DCNL Redirects back to the intructor dashboard once certificate DCNL generation has begun.'
'Start the saltnado!'
'Create a submission file given a configuration dictionary and a DCNL computation function. DCNL Note that it always reload the datasets to ensure valid & test DCNL are not permuted. DCNL Parameters DCNL conf : WRITEME DCNL transform_valid : WRITEME DCNL transform_test : WRITEME DCNL features : WRITEME'
'Return ``s`` where characters have been replaced or deleted. DCNL SYNTAX DCNL translate(s, None, deletechars): DCNL all characters in ``deletechars`` are deleted DCNL translate(s, map [,deletechars]): DCNL all characters in ``deletechars`` (if provided) are deleted DCNL then the replacements defined by map are made; if the keys DCNL of map are strings then the longer ones are handled first. DCNL Multicharacter deletions should have a value of \'\'. DCNL translate(s, oldchars, newchars, deletechars) DCNL all characters in ``deletechars`` are deleted DCNL then each character in ``oldchars`` is replaced with the DCNL corresponding character in ``newchars`` DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.utilities.misc import translate DCNL >>> from sympy.core.compatibility import unichr DCNL >>> abc = \'abc\' DCNL >>> translate(abc, None, \'a\') DCNL \'bc\' DCNL >>> translate(abc, {\'a\': \'x\'}, \'c\') DCNL \'xb\' DCNL >>> translate(abc, {\'abc\': \'x\', \'a\': \'y\'}) DCNL \'x\' DCNL >>> translate(\'abcd\', \'ac\', \'AC\', \'d\') DCNL \'AbC\' DCNL There is no guarantee that a unique answer will be DCNL obtained if keys in a mapping overlap are the same DCNL length and have some identical sequences at the DCNL beginning/end: DCNL >>> translate(abc, {\'ab\': \'x\', \'bc\': \'y\'}) in (\'xc\', \'ay\') DCNL True'
'ServiceLevelAgreement view'
'Takes a string and replace words that match a key in a dictionary with the associated value, DCNL then returns the changed text DCNL :rtype str'
'Returns the angle in degrees represented by a azimuth label int. DCNL Parameters DCNL label: int DCNL Azimuth label.'
'Check for installation with easy_install or pip.'
'Test that activate\'s setting of echo to off does not disrupt later echo calls'
'Factor a square-free ``f`` in ``GF(p)[x]`` for small ``p``. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.galoistools import gf_berlekamp DCNL >>> gf_berlekamp([1, 0, 0, 0, 1], 5, ZZ) DCNL [[1, 0, 2], [1, 0, 3]]'
'Notify status to customer, supplier'
'Convenience function: Assign the return value of this method to a variable DCNL of your ModelAdmin class and put the variable name into list_display. DCNL Example:: DCNL class MyTreeEditor(TreeEditor): DCNL list_display = (\'__str__\', \'active_toggle\') DCNL active_toggle = ajax_editable_boolean(\'active\', _(\'is active\'))'
'Convert a dictionary containing (textual DNS name, base64 secret) pairs DCNL into a binary keyring which has (dns.name.Name, binary secret) pairs. DCNL @rtype: dict'
'This method instantiates and returns a handle to a low-level DCNL base cipher. It will absorb named parameters in the process.'
'Compares two strings in a cryptographically safe way: DCNL Runtime is not affected by length of common prefix.'
'Return a list of minions'
'Get the registered writer names'
'Install packages with pip DCNL Install packages individually or from a pip requirements file. Install DCNL packages globally or to a virtualenv. DCNL pkgs DCNL Comma separated list of packages to install DCNL requirements DCNL Path to requirements DCNL bin_env DCNL Path to pip bin or path to virtualenv. If doing a system install, DCNL and want to use a specific pip bin (pip-2.7, pip-2.6, etc..) just DCNL specify the pip bin you want. DCNL .. note:: DCNL If installing into a virtualenv, just use the path to the DCNL virtualenv (e.g. ``/home/code/path/to/virtualenv/``) DCNL use_wheel DCNL Prefer wheel archives (requires pip>=1.4) DCNL no_use_wheel DCNL Force to not use wheel archives (requires pip>=1.4) DCNL log DCNL Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept DCNL proxy DCNL Specify a proxy in the form ``user:[email protected]:port``. Note DCNL that the ``user:password@`` is optional and required only if you are DCNL behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide DCNL ``[email protected]:port`` then you will be prompted for a password. DCNL timeout DCNL Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds) DCNL editable DCNL install something editable (e.g. DCNL ``git+https://github.com/worldcompany/djangoembed.git#egg=djangoembed``) DCNL find_links DCNL URL to search for packages DCNL index_url DCNL Base URL of Python Package Index DCNL extra_index_url DCNL Extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to ``index_url`` DCNL no_index DCNL Ignore package index DCNL mirrors DCNL Specific mirror URL(s) to query (automatically adds --use-mirrors) DCNL .. warning:: DCNL This option has been deprecated and removed in pip version 7.0.0. DCNL Please use ``index_url`` and/or ``extra_index_url`` instead. DCNL build DCNL Unpack packages into ``build`` dir DCNL target DCNL Install packages into ``target`` dir DCNL download DCNL Download packages into ``download`` instead of installing them DCNL download_cache DCNL Cache downloaded packages in ``download_cache`` dir DCNL source DCNL Check out ``editable`` packages into ``source`` dir DCNL upgrade DCNL Upgrade all packages to the newest available version DCNL force_reinstall DCNL When upgrading, reinstall all packages even if they are already DCNL up-to-date. DCNL ignore_installed DCNL Ignore the installed packages (reinstalling instead) DCNL exists_action DCNL Default action when a path already exists: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, DCNL (b)ackup DCNL no_deps DCNL Ignore package dependencies DCNL no_install DCNL Download and unpack all packages, but don\'t actually install them DCNL no_download DCNL Don\'t download any packages, just install the ones already downloaded DCNL (completes an install run with ``--no-install``) DCNL install_options DCNL Extra arguments to be supplied to the setup.py install command (e.g. DCNL like ``--install-option=\'--install-scripts=/usr/local/bin\'``). Use DCNL multiple --install-option options to pass multiple options to setup.py DCNL install. If you are using an option with a directory path, be sure to DCNL use absolute path. DCNL global_options DCNL Extra global options to be supplied to the setup.py call before the DCNL install command. DCNL user DCNL The user under which to run pip DCNL no_chown DCNL When user is given, do not attempt to copy and chown a requirements DCNL file DCNL cwd DCNL Current working directory to run pip from DCNL pre_releases DCNL Include pre-releases in the available versions DCNL cert DCNL Provide a path to an alternate CA bundle DCNL allow_all_external DCNL Allow the installation of all externally hosted files DCNL allow_external DCNL Allow the installation of externally hosted files (comma separated DCNL list) DCNL allow_unverified DCNL Allow the installation of insecure and unverifiable files (comma DCNL separated list) DCNL process_dependency_links DCNL Enable the processing of dependency links DCNL env_vars DCNL Set environment variables that some builds will depend on. For example, DCNL a Python C-module may have a Makefile that needs INCLUDE_PATH set to DCNL pick up a header file while compiling. This must be in the form of a DCNL dictionary or a mapping. DCNL Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' pip.install django_app env_vars="{\'CUSTOM_PATH\': \'/opt/django_app\'}" DCNL trusted_host DCNL Mark this host as trusted, even though it does not have valid or any DCNL HTTPS. DCNL use_vt DCNL Use VT terminal emulation (see output while installing) DCNL no_cache_dir DCNL Disable the cache. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' pip.install <package name>,<package2 name> DCNL salt \'*\' pip.install requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt DCNL salt \'*\' pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv DCNL salt \'*\' pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin DCNL Complicated CLI example:: DCNL salt \'*\' pip.install markdown,django editable=git+https://github.com/worldcompany/djangoembed.git#egg=djangoembed upgrade=True no_deps=True'
'handler for on_text pyglet events, or call directly to emulate a text DCNL event. DCNL S Mathot 2012: This function only acts when the key that is pressed DCNL corresponds to a non-ASCII text character (Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.). DCNL In that case the symbol that is passed to _onPygletKey() is translated DCNL into a useless \'user_key()\' string. If this happens, _onPygletText takes DCNL over the role of capturing the key. Unfortunately, _onPygletText() DCNL cannot solely handle all input, because it does not respond to spacebar DCNL presses, etc.'
'Uploads a set of photos that will be used in the new user welcome conversation. These DCNL photos are uploaded to the given user account. "upload_request" is in the UPLOAD_EPISODE_REQUEST DCNL format in json_schema.py, except: DCNL 1. Activity, episode, and photo ids are added by this method. DCNL 2. Each photo dict must contain an additional "name" field which gives the start of the DCNL filename of a jpg file in the backend/resources/welcome directory. Three files must DCNL exist there, in this format: <name>_full.jpg, <name>_med.jpg, <name>_tn.jpg.'
'Helper: Get the next or the previous valid date. The idea is to allow DCNL links on month/day views to never be 404s by never providing a date DCNL that\'ll be invalid for the given view. DCNL This is a bit complicated since it handles different intervals of time, DCNL hence the coupling to generic_view. DCNL However in essence the logic comes down to: DCNL * If allow_empty and allow_future are both true, this is easy: just DCNL return the naive result (just the next/previous day/week/month, DCNL reguardless of object existence.) DCNL * If allow_empty is true, allow_future is false, and the naive result DCNL isn\'t in the future, then return it; otherwise return None. DCNL * If allow_empty is false and allow_future is true, return the next DCNL date *that contains a valid object*, even if it\'s in the future. If DCNL there are no next objects, return None. DCNL * If allow_empty is false and allow_future is false, return the next DCNL date that contains a valid object. If that date is in the future, or DCNL if there are no next objects, return None.'
'Generates antichains from a DAG. DCNL An antichain is a subset of a partially ordered set such that any DCNL two elements in the subset are incomparable. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX DiGraph DCNL Graph DCNL Returns DCNL antichain : generator object DCNL Raises DCNL NetworkXNotImplemented DCNL If G is not directed DCNL NetworkXUnfeasible DCNL If G contains a cycle DCNL Notes DCNL This function was originally developed by Peter Jipsen and Franco Saliola DCNL for the SAGE project. It\'s included in NetworkX with permission from the DCNL authors. Original SAGE code at: DCNL https://sage.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/src/combinat/posets/hasse_diagram.py DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Free Lattices, by R. Freese, J. Jezek and J. B. Nation, DCNL AMS, Vol 42, 1995, p. 226.'
'Return the version of MSVC that was used to build Python. DCNL For Python 2.3 and up, the version number is included in DCNL sys.version. For earlier versions, assume the compiler is MSVC 6.'
'更新 local_cache 中缓存的资源, 追加content DCNL 在stream模式中使用'
'daemonize a Unix process. Set paranoid umask by default. DCNL Return 1 in the original process, 2 in the first fork, and None for the DCNL second fork (eg daemon process).'
'Computes a dataset_id from a blockdevice_id. DCNL :param unicode blockdevice_id: The blockdevice_id to get the dataset_id DCNL for. DCNL :returns UUID: The corresponding dataset_id.'
'Converts a string to a valid filename.'
'Method to decrypt streams using a PDF security handler (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) DCNL @param stream: A PDF stream DCNL @return: A tuple (status,statusContent), where statusContent is the decrypted PDF stream in case status = 0 or an error in case status = -1'
'Uploads a separate patch for each file in the diff output. DCNL Returns a list of [patch_key, filename] for each file.'
'Returns the HTML of a css_selector'
'Delete blobs from Blobstore. DCNL Args: DCNL blob_keys: A list of blob keys. DCNL **options: Options for create_rpc().'
'Details about failing check.'
'Install a previously obtained cert in a server.'
'Return the path of a base URL if it contains one. DCNL >>> get_base_path(\'http://some.site\') == \'/\' DCNL True DCNL >>> get_base_path(\'http://some.site/\') == \'/\' DCNL True DCNL >>> get_base_path(\'http://some.site/some/sub-path\') == \'/some/sub-path/\' DCNL True DCNL >>> get_base_path(\'http://some.site/some/sub-path/\') == \'/some/sub-path/\' DCNL True'
'Returns True if the two strings are equal, False otherwise. DCNL The time taken is independent of the number of characters that match.'
'helper to calculate port and bus number from locationID'
'Format sys.version_info to produce the Sphinx version string used to install the chm docs'
'Returns users queryset, containing all subordinate users to given user DCNL including users created by given user and not assigned to any page. DCNL Not assigned users must be returned, because they shouldn\'t get lost, and DCNL user should still have possibility to see them. DCNL Only users created_by given user which are on the same, or lover level are DCNL returned. DCNL If user haves global permissions or is a superuser, then he can see all the DCNL users. DCNL This function is currently used in PagePermissionInlineAdminForm for limit DCNL users in permission combobox. DCNL Example: DCNL A,W level 0 DCNL / user B,GroupE level 1 DCNL Z / C,X D,Y,W level 2 DCNL Rules: W was created by user, Z was created by user, but is not assigned DCNL to any page. DCNL Will return [user, C, X, D, Y, Z]. W was created by user, but is also DCNL assigned to higher level.'
'Returns a dictionary containing a boolean specifying whether NumPy DCNL is up-to-date, along with the version string (empty string if DCNL not installed).'
'Point pair triangulation from DCNL least squares solution.'
'Check if a Portage package is installed.'
'Make function raise KnownFailureTest exception if given condition is true. DCNL If the condition is a callable, it is used at runtime to dynamically DCNL make the decision. This is useful for tests that may require costly DCNL imports, to delay the cost until the test suite is actually executed. DCNL Parameters DCNL fail_condition : bool or callable DCNL Flag to determine whether to mark the decorated test as a known DCNL failure (if True) or not (if False). DCNL msg : str, optional DCNL Message to give on raising a KnownFailureTest exception. DCNL Default is None. DCNL Returns DCNL decorator : function DCNL Decorator, which, when applied to a function, causes SkipTest DCNL to be raised when `skip_condition` is True, and the function DCNL to be called normally otherwise. DCNL Notes DCNL The decorator itself is decorated with the ``nose.tools.make_decorator`` DCNL function in order to transmit function name, and various other metadata.'
'Delete keypair given by its name.'
'Parse RFC 822 dates and times DCNL http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822#section-5 DCNL There are some formatting differences that are accounted for: DCNL 1. Years may be two or four digits. DCNL 2. The month and day can be swapped. DCNL 3. Additional timezone names are supported. DCNL 4. A default time and timezone are assumed if only a date is present.'
'Returns initializer that initializes array with the all-zero array. DCNL Args: DCNL dtype: Data type specifier. DCNL Returns: DCNL numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray: An initialized array.'
'Interpolate unstructured D-dimensional data. DCNL Parameters DCNL points : ndarray of floats, shape (n, D) DCNL Data point coordinates. Can either be an array of DCNL shape (n, D), or a tuple of `ndim` arrays. DCNL values : ndarray of float or complex, shape (n,) DCNL Data values. DCNL xi : ndarray of float, shape (M, D) DCNL Points at which to interpolate data. DCNL method : {\'linear\', \'nearest\', \'cubic\'}, optional DCNL Method of interpolation. One of DCNL ``nearest`` DCNL return the value at the data point closest to DCNL the point of interpolation. See `NearestNDInterpolator` for DCNL more details. DCNL ``linear`` DCNL tesselate the input point set to n-dimensional DCNL simplices, and interpolate linearly on each simplex. See DCNL `LinearNDInterpolator` for more details. DCNL ``cubic`` (1-D) DCNL return the value determined from a cubic DCNL spline. DCNL ``cubic`` (2-D) DCNL return the value determined from a DCNL piecewise cubic, continuously differentiable (C1), and DCNL approximately curvature-minimizing polynomial surface. See DCNL `CloughTocher2DInterpolator` for more details. DCNL fill_value : float, optional DCNL Value used to fill in for requested points outside of the DCNL convex hull of the input points. If not provided, then the DCNL default is ``nan``. This option has no effect for the DCNL \'nearest\' method. DCNL rescale : bool, optional DCNL Rescale points to unit cube before performing interpolation. DCNL This is useful if some of the input dimensions have DCNL incommensurable units and differ by many orders of magnitude. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 DCNL Notes DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.9 DCNL Examples DCNL Suppose we want to interpolate the 2-D function DCNL >>> def func(x, y): DCNL ... return x*(1-x)*np.cos(4*np.pi*x) * np.sin(4*np.pi*y**2)**2 DCNL on a grid in [0, 1]x[0, 1] DCNL >>> grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:1:100j, 0:1:200j] DCNL but we only know its values at 1000 data points: DCNL >>> points = np.random.rand(1000, 2) DCNL >>> values = func(points[:,0], points[:,1]) DCNL This can be done with `griddata` -- below we try out all of the DCNL interpolation methods: DCNL >>> from scipy.interpolate import griddata DCNL >>> grid_z0 = griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method=\'nearest\') DCNL >>> grid_z1 = griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method=\'linear\') DCNL >>> grid_z2 = griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method=\'cubic\') DCNL One can see that the exact result is reproduced by all of the DCNL methods to some degree, but for this smooth function the piecewise DCNL cubic interpolant gives the best results: DCNL >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt DCNL >>> plt.subplot(221) DCNL >>> plt.imshow(func(grid_x, grid_y).T, extent=(0,1,0,1), origin=\'lower\') DCNL >>> plt.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], \'k.\', ms=1) DCNL >>> plt.title(\'Original\') DCNL >>> plt.subplot(222) DCNL >>> plt.imshow(grid_z0.T, extent=(0,1,0,1), origin=\'lower\') DCNL >>> plt.title(\'Nearest\') DCNL >>> plt.subplot(223) DCNL >>> plt.imshow(grid_z1.T, extent=(0,1,0,1), origin=\'lower\') DCNL >>> plt.title(\'Linear\') DCNL >>> plt.subplot(224) DCNL >>> plt.imshow(grid_z2.T, extent=(0,1,0,1), origin=\'lower\') DCNL >>> plt.title(\'Cubic\') DCNL >>> plt.gcf().set_size_inches(6, 6) DCNL >>> plt.show()'
'match(string, trie) -> longest key or None DCNL Find the longest key in the trie that matches the beginning of the DCNL string.'
'Attempt to remove a file, returning whether the file existed at DCNL the time of the call. DCNL str -> bool'
'If \'key\' is present in dict \'kw\', coerce its value to type \'type\_\' if DCNL necessary. If \'flexi_bool\' is True, the string \'0\' is considered false DCNL when coercing to boolean.'
'Test right processing while passing no object as initialization'
'Like string.split(), but keeps empty words as empty words.'
'Test that setting mean_only on a BatchNormalizedMLP works.'
'Wrap a given boto Connection object so that it can retry when DCNL throttled.'
'Test that a table round trips from QTable => Table => QTable'
'Compute the transformation matrix from Galactic spherical to DCNL heliocentric Sgr coordinates.'
'Return a constructor for a decoder for a fixed-width field. DCNL Args: DCNL wire_type: The field\'s wire type. DCNL format: The format string to pass to struct.unpack().'
'return the rows that are being displayed and the total rows in the dataTable'
'Calculate the pagerank vector of a given adjacency matrix (using DCNL the power method). DCNL :param matrix: an adjacency matrix DCNL :param d_factor: the damping factor'
'登录获取 cookie'
'This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application.'
'Determine if a point is inside another loop.'
'Creates a Student Record and returns a Program Enrollment. DCNL :param source_name: Student Applicant.'
'Listify the generator returned by fill_gaps_generator for `memoize`.'
'Use the REST API to search for past tweets by a given user.'
'This op do a view in the forward, but clip the gradient. DCNL This is an elemwise operation. DCNL :param x: the variable we want its gradient inputs clipped DCNL :param lower_bound: The lower bound of the gradient value DCNL :param upper_bound: The upper bound of the gradient value. DCNL :examples: DCNL x = theano.tensor.scalar() DCNL z = theano.tensor.grad(grad_clip(x, -1, 1)**2, x) DCNL z2 = theano.tensor.grad(x**2, x) DCNL f = theano.function([x], outputs = [z, z2]) DCNL print(f(2.0)) # output (1.0, 4.0) DCNL :note: We register an opt in tensor/opt.py that remove the GradClip. DCNL So it have 0 cost in the forward and only do work in the grad.'
'Retrieve a list of TopoJSON tile responses and merge them into one. DCNL get_tiles() retrieves data and performs basic integrity checks.'
'Return the script deployment object'
'Helper for parallelization. DCNL Parameters DCNL refl : array | None DCNL If ch_type is \'eeg\', the magnitude of position vector of the DCNL virtual reference (never used). DCNL lsurf : array DCNL Magnitude of position vector of the surface points. DCNL rlens : list of arrays of length n_coils DCNL Magnitude of position vector. DCNL this_nn : array, shape (n_vertices, 3) DCNL Surface normals. DCNL cosmags : list of array. DCNL Direction of the integration points in the coils. DCNL ws : list of array DCNL Integration weights of the coils. DCNL volume : bool DCNL If True, compute volume integral. DCNL lut : callable DCNL Look-up table for evaluating Legendre polynomials. DCNL n_fact : array DCNL Coefficients in the integration sum. DCNL ch_type : str DCNL \'meg\' or \'eeg\' DCNL idx : array, shape (n_coils x 1) DCNL Index of coil. DCNL Returns DCNL products : array, shape (n_coils, n_coils) DCNL The integration products.'
'Compute ``f**n`` in ``GF(p)[x]/(g)`` using repeated squaring. DCNL Given polynomials ``f`` and ``g`` in ``GF(p)[x]`` and a non-negative DCNL integer ``n``, efficiently computes ``f**n (mod g)`` i.e. the remainder DCNL of ``f**n`` from division by ``g``, using the repeated squaring algorithm. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ DCNL >>> from sympy.polys.galoistools import gf_pow_mod DCNL >>> gf_pow_mod(ZZ.map([3, 2, 4]), 3, ZZ.map([1, 1]), 5, ZZ) DCNL References DCNL 1. [Gathen99]_'
'Given two binary arrays, compute their overlap. The overlap is the number DCNL of bits where x[i] and y[i] are both 1'
'List a specific job given by its jid DCNL ext_source DCNL If provided, specifies which external job cache to use. DCNL display_progress : False DCNL If ``True``, fire progress events. DCNL .. versionadded:: 2015.8.8 DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-run jobs.list_job 20130916125524463507 DCNL salt-run jobs.list_job 20130916125524463507 --out=pprint'
'A helper for defining choice string options.'
'Returns True if any of the installed versions match the specified version, DCNL otherwise returns False'
'List configured exports DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' nfs.list_exports'
'Ensure that the directory is available and permissions are set. DCNL Args: DCNL path (str): The full path to the directory. DCNL owner (str): The owner of the directory. If not passed, it will be the DCNL account that created the directory, likely SYSTEM DCNL grant_perms (dict): A dictionary containing the user/group and the basic DCNL permissions to grant, ie: ``{\'user\': {\'perms\': \'basic_permission\'}}``. DCNL You can also set the ``applies_to`` setting here. The default is DCNL ``this_folder_subfolders_files``. Specify another ``applies_to`` setting DCNL like this: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL {\'user\': {\'perms\': \'full_control\', \'applies_to\': \'this_folder\'}} DCNL To set advanced permissions use a list for the ``perms`` parameter, ie: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL {\'user\': {\'perms\': [\'read_attributes\', \'read_ea\'], \'applies_to\': \'this_folder\'}} DCNL deny_perms (dict): A dictionary containing the user/group and DCNL permissions to deny along with the ``applies_to`` setting. Use the same DCNL format used for the ``grant_perms`` parameter. Remember, deny DCNL permissions supersede grant permissions. DCNL inheritance (bool): If True the object will inherit permissions from the DCNL parent, if False, inheritance will be disabled. Inheritance setting will DCNL not apply to parent directories if they must be created DCNL Returns: DCNL bool: True if successful, otherwise raise an error DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL # To grant the \'Users\' group \'read & execute\' permissions. DCNL salt \'*\' file.mkdir C:\Temp\ Administrators "{\'Users\': {\'perms\': \'read_execute\'}}" DCNL # Locally using salt call DCNL salt-call file.mkdir C:\Temp\ Administrators "{\'Users\': {\'perms\': \'read_execute\', \'applies_to\': \'this_folder_only\'}}" DCNL # Specify advanced attributes with a list DCNL salt \'*\' file.mkdir C:\Temp\ Administrators "{\'jsnuffy\': {\'perms\': [\'read_attributes\', \'read_ea\'], \'applies_to\': \'this_folder_only\'}}"'
'List all subscriptions for a project.'
'Returns the indefinite or definite article for the given word.'
'Handler for notify_url for asynchronous updating billing information. DCNL Logging the information.'
'Convert b to a boolean or raise'
'Different ways of providing the frame.'
'Returns n bytes of strong random data.'
'Only returns true if accessing_obj has_player is true, that is, DCNL this is a player-controlled object. It fails on actual players! DCNL This is a useful lock for traverse-locking Exits to restrain NPC DCNL mobiles from moving outside their areas.'
'Called by __init__ to initialize generator values based on params.'
'Test adding a reference.'
'Return a list of mocked presets.'
'Unittest runner'
'toggle data register D5 bit'
'Checks a file is executable'
'Ensure the state of a particular option/setting in csf. DCNL name DCNL The option name in csf.conf DCNL value DCNL The value it should be set to. DCNL reload DCNL Boolean. If set to true, csf will be reloaded after.'
'Simplest possible application object'
'Attach total of point values to each object of the queryset. DCNL :param queryset: A Django milestones queryset object. DCNL :param as_field: Attach the points as an attribute with this name. DCNL :return: Queryset object with the additional `as_field` field.'
'Create an IIS virtual directory. DCNL .. note: DCNL This function only validates against the virtual directory name, and will return DCNL True even if the virtual directory already exists with a different configuration. DCNL It will not modify the configuration of an existing virtual directory. DCNL :param str name: The virtual directory name. DCNL :param str site: The IIS site name. DCNL :param str sourcepath: The physical path. DCNL :param str app: The IIS application. DCNL Example of usage with only the required arguments: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL site0-foo-vdir: DCNL win_iis.create_vdir: DCNL - name: foo DCNL - site: site0 DCNL - sourcepath: C:\inetpub\vdirs\foo DCNL Example of usage specifying all available arguments: DCNL .. code-block:: yaml DCNL site0-foo-vdir: DCNL win_iis.create_vdir: DCNL - name: foo DCNL - site: site0 DCNL - sourcepath: C:\inetpub\vdirs\foo DCNL - app: v1'
'Extra arguments to use when zipline\'s automated tests run this example.'
'Spawn an emulator instance and run the system tests. DCNL :type package: str DCNL :param package: The package to run system tests against.'
'Test hsl to rgb color function'
'Return a NetworkX Graph or DiGraph from a PyGraphviz graph. DCNL Parameters DCNL A : PyGraphviz AGraph DCNL A graph created with PyGraphviz DCNL create_using : NetworkX graph class instance DCNL The output is created using the given graph class instance DCNL Examples DCNL >>> K5 = nx.complete_graph(5) DCNL >>> A = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(K5) DCNL >>> G = nx.nx_agraph.from_agraph(A) DCNL >>> G = nx.nx_agraph.from_agraph(A) DCNL Notes DCNL The Graph G will have a dictionary G.graph_attr containing DCNL the default graphviz attributes for graphs, nodes and edges. DCNL Default node attributes will be in the dictionary G.node_attr DCNL which is keyed by node. DCNL Edge attributes will be returned as edge data in G. With DCNL edge_attr=False the edge data will be the Graphviz edge weight DCNL attribute or the value 1 if no edge weight attribute is found.'
'Test Filter Tool'
'Toggle the state of <flag> on <partition>. Valid flags are the same as DCNL the set command. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' partition.toggle /dev/sda 1 boot'
'Parses svn+http://blahblah@rev#egg=Foobar into a requirement DCNL (Foobar) and a URL'
'Process the xml element by derivation.'
'Applies a filter on a sequence of objects or looks up an attribute. DCNL This is useful when dealing with lists of objects but you are really DCNL only interested in a certain value of it. DCNL The basic usage is mapping on an attribute. Imagine you have a list DCNL of users but you are only interested in a list of usernames: DCNL .. sourcecode:: jinja DCNL Users on this page: {{ users|map(attribute=\'username\')|join(\', \') }} DCNL Alternatively you can let it invoke a filter by passing the name of the DCNL filter and the arguments afterwards. A good example would be applying a DCNL text conversion filter on a sequence: DCNL .. sourcecode:: jinja DCNL Users on this page: {{ titles|map(\'lower\')|join(\', \') }} DCNL .. versionadded:: 2.7'
'Non-subparser setups should receive a default root key called \'primary\''
'Test that an input file which is completely empty fails in the expected way. DCNL Test that an input file with one line but no newline succeeds.'
'Flood Gauges, RESTful controller'
'Deletes image data from the location of backend store. DCNL :param req: The WSGI/Webob Request object DCNL :param location_data: Location to the image data in a data store DCNL :param id: Opaque image identifier'
'Convert a pd.Timedelta to a number of minutes as an int.'
'.. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0 DCNL On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to DCNL isolate commands which modify installed packages from the DCNL ``salt-minion`` daemon\'s control group. This is done to keep systemd DCNL from killing any apt-get/dpkg commands spawned by Salt when the DCNL ``salt-minion`` service is restarted. (see ``KillMode`` in the DCNL `systemd.kill(5)`_ manpage for more information). If desired, usage of DCNL `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by setting a :mod:`config option DCNL <salt.modules.config.get>` called ``systemd.scope``, with a value of DCNL ``False`` (no quotes). DCNL .. _`systemd-run(1)`: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-run.html DCNL .. _`systemd.kill(5)`: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.kill.html DCNL Remove packages via ``apt-get purge`` along with all configuration files. DCNL name DCNL The name of the package to be deleted. DCNL Multiple Package Options: DCNL pkgs DCNL A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The DCNL ``name`` parameter will be ignored if this option is passed. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 DCNL Returns a dict containing the changes. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' pkg.purge <package name> DCNL salt \'*\' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> DCNL salt \'*\' pkg.purge pkgs=\'["foo", "bar"]\''
'Helper method for defining parse actions that require matching at a specific DCNL column in the input text.'
'Return true if the variable is odd.'
'List the keys available'
'Returns a dictionary indexed by node id1\'s, DCNL in which each value is a dictionary of connected node id2\'s linking to the edge weight. DCNL If directed=True, edges go from id1 to id2, but not the other way. DCNL If stochastic=True, all the weights for the neighbors of a given node sum to 1. DCNL A heuristic function can be given that takes two node id\'s and returns DCNL an additional cost for movement between the two nodes.'
'Return a list of ``(name, level)`` tuples for assigned names DCNL The `level` is `None` for simple assignments and is a list of DCNL numbers for tuple assignments for example in:: DCNL a, (b, c) = x DCNL The levels for for `a` is ``[0]``, for `b` is ``[1, 0]`` and for DCNL `c` is ``[1, 1]``.'
'Return the conditional entropy of X given Y. DCNL Parameters DCNL px : array-like DCNL py : array-like DCNL pxpy : array-like, optional DCNL If pxpy is None, the distributions are assumed to be independent DCNL and conendtropy(px,py) = shannonentropy(px) DCNL logbase : int or np.e DCNL Returns DCNL sum_{kj}log(q_{j}/w_{kj} DCNL where q_{j} = Y[j] DCNL and w_kj = X[k,j]'
'Decorator to create a task class out of any callable. DCNL **Examples** DCNL .. code-block:: python DCNL @task DCNL def refresh_feed(url): DCNL return Feed.objects.get(url=url).refresh() DCNL With setting extra options and using retry. DCNL .. code-block:: python DCNL @task(max_retries=10) DCNL def refresh_feed(url): DCNL try: DCNL return Feed.objects.get(url=url).refresh() DCNL except socket.error, exc: DCNL refresh_feed.retry(exc=exc) DCNL Calling the resulting task: DCNL >>> refresh_feed("http://example.com/rss") # Regular DCNL <Feed: http://example.com/rss> DCNL >>> refresh_feed.delay("http://example.com/rss") # Async DCNL <AsyncResult: 8998d0f4-da0b-4669-ba03-d5ab5ac6ad5d>'
'Check image availability. DCNL This check is needed in case Nova and Glance are deployed DCNL without authentication turned on.'
'Publishes the exploration with publish_exploration() function in DCNL rights_manager.py, as well as updates first_contribution_msec. DCNL It is the responsibility of the caller to check that the exploration is DCNL valid prior to publication.'
'Subsamples the input along the spatial dimensions. DCNL Args: DCNL inputs: A `Tensor` of size [batch, height_in, width_in, channels]. DCNL factor: The subsampling factor. DCNL scope: Optional variable_scope. DCNL Returns: DCNL output: A `Tensor` of size [batch, height_out, width_out, channels] with the DCNL input, either intact (if factor == 1) or subsampled (if factor > 1).'
'Returns an invite form. DCNL Templates: ``groups/group_invite.html`` DCNL Context: DCNL form DCNL GroupInviteForm object'
'Strip a list of files'
'replace each Riemann tensor with an equivalent expression DCNL satisfying the cyclic identity. DCNL This trick is discussed in the reference guide to Cadabra. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.tensor.tensor import TensorIndexType, tensor_indices, tensorhead, riemann_cyclic DCNL >>> Lorentz = TensorIndexType(\'Lorentz\', dummy_fmt=\'L\') DCNL >>> i, j, k, l = tensor_indices(\'i,j,k,l\', Lorentz) DCNL >>> R = tensorhead(\'R\', [Lorentz]*4, [[2, 2]]) DCNL >>> t = R(i,j,k,l)*(R(-i,-j,-k,-l) - 2*R(-i,-k,-j,-l)) DCNL >>> riemann_cyclic(t) DCNL 0'
'Sanitize html_code for safe embed on LMS pages. DCNL Used to sanitize XQueue responses from Matlab.'
'Reads the object from the local cache using pickle. DCNL The local cache is per tex document and the path will extracted DCNL from the tex root DCNL Arguments: DCNL tex_root -- the root of the tex file (for the folder of the cache) DCNL name -- the relative file name to read the object DCNL Returns: DCNL The object at the location with the name'
'Combine regions separated by weight less than threshold. DCNL Given an image\'s labels and its RAG, output new labels by DCNL combining regions whose nodes are separated by a weight less DCNL than the given threshold. DCNL Parameters DCNL labels : ndarray DCNL The array of labels. DCNL rag : RAG DCNL The region adjacency graph. DCNL thresh : float DCNL The threshold. Regions connected by edges with smaller weights are DCNL combined. DCNL in_place : bool DCNL If set, modifies `rag` in place. The function will remove the edges DCNL with weights less that `thresh`. If set to `False` the function DCNL makes a copy of `rag` before proceeding. DCNL Returns DCNL out : ndarray DCNL The new labelled array. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from skimage import data, segmentation DCNL >>> from skimage.future import graph DCNL >>> img = data.astronaut() DCNL >>> labels = segmentation.slic(img) DCNL >>> rag = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels) DCNL >>> new_labels = graph.cut_threshold(labels, rag, 10) DCNL References DCNL .. [1] Alain Tremeau and Philippe Colantoni DCNL "Regions Adjacency Graph Applied To Color Image Segmentation" DCNL http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi='
'Add a leader to the group.'
'Show a contribution box. DCNL Parameters: DCNL addon DCNL text: The begging text at the top of the box. DCNL src: The page where the contribution link is coming from. DCNL show_install: Whether or not to show the install button. DCNL show_help: Show "What\'s this?" link? DCNL contribution_src: The source for the contribution src, DCNL will use src if not provided.'
'Returns the kinetic energy associated with the given velocity DCNL and mass of 1. DCNL Parameters DCNL vel: theano matrix DCNL Symbolic matrix whose rows are velocity vectors. DCNL Returns DCNL return: theano vector DCNL Vector whose i-th entry is the kinetic entry associated with vel[i].'
'Return JSON of location hierarchy suitable for use by S3LocationSelector DCNL \'/eden/gis/ldata/\' + id DCNL n = {id : {\'n\' : name, DCNL \'l\' : level, DCNL \'f\' : parent, DCNL \'b\' : [lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max]'
'Delete an instance type.'
'Converts a url into a made-up module name by doing the following: DCNL * Extract just the path name ignoring querystrings DCNL * Trimming off the initial / DCNL * Trimming off the file extension DCNL * Removes off useless folder prefixes DCNL e.g. http://google.com/js/v1.0/foo/bar/baz.js -> foo/bar/baz'
'Contextmanager that installs the trap app. DCNL The trap means that anything trying to use the current or default app DCNL will raise an exception.'
'Cache of settings.LANGUAGES in an OrderedDict for easy lookups by key.'
'>>> is_clean_uri("ABC!") DCNL True DCNL >>> is_clean_uri(u"ABC!") DCNL True DCNL >>> is_clean_uri("ABC|") DCNL False DCNL >>> is_clean_uri(u"ABC|") DCNL False DCNL >>> is_clean_uri("http://example.com/0") DCNL True DCNL >>> is_clean_uri(u"http://example.com/0") DCNL True'
'Builds C3D model DCNL Returns DCNL dict DCNL A dictionary containing the network layers, where the output layer is at key \'prob\''
'Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either \'public_ips\' (default) DCNL or \'private_ips\'.'
'Returns the Tenancy to use. DCNL Can be "dedicated" or "default". Cannot be present for spot instances.'
'Operation for efficiently calculating the dot product when DCNL one or all operands are sparse. Supported formats are CSC and CSR. DCNL The output of the operation is sparse. DCNL Parameters DCNL x DCNL Sparse matrix. DCNL y DCNL Sparse matrix or 2d tensor variable. DCNL grad_preserves_dense : bool DCNL If True (default), makes the grad of dense inputs dense. DCNL Otherwise the grad is always sparse. DCNL Returns DCNL The dot product `x`.`y` in a sparse format. DCNL Notex DCNL The grad implemented is regular, i.e. not structured.'
'Traverse the options and parse all --map-TYPEs, or call Option.fatal().'
'The user should call these functions: parse_xmlrpc and build_xmlrpc. DCNL :param xml_string: The original XML string that we got from the browser. DCNL :return: A handler that can then be used to access the result information DCNL from: DCNL - handler.fuzzable_parameters DCNL - handler.all_parameters DCNL - handler.get_data_container'
'Get the release number of the distribution. DCNL Example:: DCNL from fabtools.system import distrib_id, distrib_release DCNL if distrib_id() == \'CentOS\' and distrib_release() == \'6.1\': DCNL print(u"CentOS 6.2 has been released. Please upgrade.")'
'Return tha total of memberships of a project (members and unaccepted invitations). DCNL :param project: A project object. DCNL :return: a number.'
'Fit the provided functrion to the x and y values. DCNL The function parameters and the parameters covariance.'
'Make arrays indexable for cross-validation. DCNL Checks consistent length, passes through None, and ensures that everything DCNL can be indexed by converting sparse matrices to csr and converting DCNL non-interable objects to arrays. DCNL Parameters DCNL *iterables : lists, dataframes, arrays, sparse matrices DCNL List of objects to ensure sliceability.'
'Section search DCNL Queries with query ``q`` across all documents and projects. Queries can be DCNL limited to a single project or version by using the ``project`` and DCNL ``version`` GET arguments in your request. DCNL When you search, you will have a ``project`` facet, which includes the DCNL number of matching sections per project. When you search inside a project, DCNL the ``path`` facet will show the number of matching sections per page. DCNL Possible GET args DCNL q **(required)** DCNL The query string **Required** DCNL project DCNL A project slug DCNL version DCNL A version slug DCNL path DCNL A file path slug DCNL Example:: DCNL GET /api/v2/search/section/?q=virtualenv&project=django'
'Remove non release groups from name'
'Filename or file object?'
'Returns the Requests tuple auth for a given url from netrc.'
'Create a temporary file name which should not already exist. Use the DCNL directory of the input file as the base name of the mkstemp() output.'
'Displays text with line numbers.'
'Return the name of the current Linux distribution, as a human-readable DCNL string. DCNL If *pretty* is false, the name is returned without version or codename. DCNL (e.g. "CentOS Linux") DCNL If *pretty* is true, the version and codename are appended. DCNL (e.g. "CentOS Linux 7.1.1503 (Core)") DCNL **Lookup hierarchy:** DCNL The name is obtained from the following sources, in the specified order. DCNL The first available and non-empty value is used: DCNL * If *pretty* is false: DCNL - the value of the "NAME" attribute of the os-release file, DCNL - the value of the "Distributor ID" attribute returned by the lsb_release DCNL command, DCNL - the value of the "<name>" field of the distro release file. DCNL * If *pretty* is true: DCNL - the value of the "PRETTY_NAME" attribute of the os-release file, DCNL - the value of the "Description" attribute returned by the lsb_release DCNL command, DCNL - the value of the "<name>" field of the distro release file, appended DCNL with the value of the pretty version ("<version_id>" and "<codename>" DCNL fields) of the distro release file, if available.'
'Always use logging.Logger class. DCNL The user code may change the loggerClass (e.g. pyinotify), DCNL and will cause exception when format log message.'
'Get this matrix multiplied by the otherColumn.'
'Get the fabmetheus utilities directory path.'
'Simple view to echo back info about uploaded files for tests.'
'Makes a pre-connect version of socket.connect'
'A version of Python\'s urllib.quote_plus() function that can operate on DCNL unicode strings. The url is first UTF-8 encoded before quoting. The DCNL returned string can safely be used as part of an argument to a subsequent DCNL iri_to_uri() call without double-quoting occurring.'
'A helper function to create a mock to replace the use of `open`. It works DCNL for `open` called directly or used as a context manager. DCNL The `mock` argument is the mock object to configure. If `None` (the DCNL default) then a `MagicMock` will be created for you, with the API limited DCNL to methods or attributes available on standard file handles. DCNL `read_data` is a string for the `read` methoddline`, and `readlines` of the DCNL file handle to return. This is an empty string by default.'
'Parse a date string that contains no time information in a manner that DCNL guarantees that the month and year are always correct in all timezones, and DCNL the day is at most one day wrong.'
'From `tableaux` and `bases`, extract non-slack basic variables and DCNL return a tuple of the corresponding, normalized mixed actions. DCNL Parameters DCNL tableaux : tuple(ndarray(float, ndim=2)) DCNL Tuple of two arrays containing the tableaux, of shape (n, m+n+1) DCNL and (m, m+n+1), respectively. DCNL bases : tuple(ndarray(int, ndim=1)) DCNL Tuple of two arrays containing the bases, of shape (n,) and DCNL (m,), respectively. DCNL Returns DCNL tuple(ndarray(float, ndim=1)) DCNL Tuple of mixed actions as given by the non-slack basic variables DCNL in the tableaux.'
'Make jail ``jname`` pkgng aware DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' poudriere.make_pkgng_aware <jail name>'
'This device is having its own devices downloaded'
'Reads a dictionary of the current user\'s tokens from the datastore. DCNL If there is no current user (a user is not signed in to the app) or the user DCNL does not have any tokens, an empty dictionary is returned.'
'Modify an existing monitor. If it does exists, only DCNL the parameters specified will be enforced. DCNL hostname DCNL The host/address of the bigip device DCNL username DCNL The iControl REST username DCNL password DCNL The iControl REST password DCNL monitor_type DCNL The type of monitor to create DCNL name DCNL The name of the monitor to create DCNL kwargs DCNL [ arg=val ] ... DCNL Consult F5 BIGIP user guide for specific options for each monitor type. DCNL Typically, tmsh arg names are used.'
'Read RDB data with inconstent data type (except failure)'
'Get a string describing the arguments for the given object'
'Wrapper for allowing delivery of .reload command via PM'
'Try to format the string C{fmtString} using C{fmtDict} arguments, DCNL swallowing all errors to always return a string.'
'Get the inset loops, which might overlap.'
'Tests whether the algorithm is properly implementing the DCNL correct Blackbox-optimization interface.'
'Build an error dict corresponding to edX API conventions. DCNL Args: DCNL message (string): The string to use for developer and user messages. DCNL The user message will be translated, but for this to work message DCNL must have already been scraped. ugettext_noop is useful for this. DCNL **kwargs: format parameters for message'
'definition : toktype opttype idlist optsemi'
'Get the current clipboard\'s text on Windows. DCNL Requires Mark Hammond\'s pywin32 extensions.'
'Used by DoctestTextfile and DoctestItem to setup fixture information.'
'uniq_stable(elems) -> list DCNL Return from an iterable, a list of all the unique elements in the input, DCNL but maintaining the order in which they first appear. DCNL Note: All elements in the input must be hashable for this routine DCNL to work, as it internally uses a set for efficiency reasons.'
'Migrate all the cohort settings associated with this course from modulestore to mysql. DCNL After that we will never touch modulestore for any cohort related settings.'
'Returns an absolute URL for applications integrated with ApplicationContent DCNL The tag mostly works the same way as Django\'s own {% url %} tag:: DCNL {% load applicationcontent_tags %} DCNL {% app_reverse "mymodel_detail" "myapp.urls" arg1 arg2 %} DCNL or DCNL {% load applicationcontent_tags %} DCNL {% app_reverse "mymodel_detail" "myapp.urls" name1=value1 %} DCNL The first argument is a path to a view. The second argument is the URLconf DCNL under which this app is known to the ApplicationContent. The second DCNL argument may also be a request object if you want to reverse an URL DCNL belonging to the current application content. DCNL Other arguments are space-separated values that will be filled in place of DCNL positional and keyword arguments in the URL. Don\'t mix positional and DCNL keyword arguments. DCNL If you want to store the URL in a variable instead of showing it right away DCNL you can do so too:: DCNL {% app_reverse "mymodel_detail" "myapp.urls" arg1 arg2 as url %}'
'Breaks headers longer than 160 characters (~page length) DCNL when possible (are comma separated)'
'Raise an exception if the container does not exist'
'Convert a replacement pattern from the Java-style `$5` to the Python-style `\5`.'
'convert linkage ped/map to fbat'
'Formats correlation information to be suitable for writing to a file. DCNL Returns a string containing a header and a single line (with a newline at DCNL the end) that has the input correlation information in tab-separated DCNL format, with nonparametric p-value formatted according to the number of DCNL permutations. DCNL If the confidence interval is not valid for this dataset (i.e. the DCNL input CI is (None, None)), the confidence interval will be formatted as DCNL \'N/A\' for both lower and upper endpoints. DCNL Arguments: DCNL corr_coeff - the correlation coefficient (a float) DCNL param_p_val - the parametric p-value (a float) DCNL nonparam_p_val - the nonparametric p-value (a float) DCNL conf_interval - a tuple containing the lower and upper bounds of the DCNL confidence interval DCNL num_permutations - the number of permutations that were used to DCNL calculate the nonparametric p-value. Will be used to format the DCNL correct number of digits for this p-value. If less than 1, the DCNL p-value will be \'N/A\' DCNL header - if provided, this string will be inserted at the beginning of DCNL the returned string. For example, might be useful to add a comment DCNL describing what correlation coefficient was used. This string does DCNL not need to contain a newline at the end'
'Check non-explicit segments can be .mark_done\'d.'
'Return union of a sequence of disjoint dictionaries. DCNL Parameters DCNL dicts : dicts DCNL A set of dictionaries with no keys in common. If the first DCNL dictionary in the sequence is an instance of `OrderedDict`, the DCNL result will be OrderedDict. DCNL \*\*kwargs DCNL Keywords and values to add to the resulting dictionary. DCNL Raises DCNL ValueError DCNL If a key appears twice in the dictionaries or keyword arguments.'
'Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' service.disabled <service name>'
'Universal search function generator using lazy evaluation. DCNL Generate a function that will iterate over all the paths from path_generator using DCNL target_predicate to filter matching paths. Each matching path is then noramlized by target_predicate. DCNL Only the first match is returned. DCNL :param path_generator: all paths to test with target_predicate DCNL :type path_generator: iterator DCNL :param target_predicate: boolean function that tests a given path DCNL :type target_predicate: function DCNL :param target_normalizer: function that transforms a matching path to some noramlized form DCNL :type target_normalizer: function DCNL :param extra_paths: extra paths to pass to the path_generator DCNL :type extra_paths: iterator DCNL :return: the path searching function DCNL :rtype: function'
'.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 DCNL Check all services DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' monit.validate'
'Update transferability status of all cases, to be called either DCNL from scheduler task or manually through custom controller. DCNL @param site_id: the site to check for transferability of cases'
'@ToDo: Display the Progress of a Project'
'Just like \'imp.find_module()\', but with package support'
'Builds a hierarchical layout object from the fields list to be rendered DCNL by `standard.html` DCNL :param doc: Document to be rendered. DCNL :param meta: Document meta object (doctype). DCNL :param format_data: Fields sequence and properties defined by Print Format Builder.'
'Creates an RPC object for use with the urlfetch API. DCNL Args: DCNL deadline: Optional deadline in seconds for the operation; the default DCNL is a system-specific deadline (typically 5 seconds). DCNL callback: Optional callable to invoke on completion. DCNL Returns: DCNL An apiproxy_stub_map.UserRPC object specialized for this service.'
'Attempt to set AWS access key ID from script, else core-site, else None'
'Adds utility methods to a model to obtain related DCNL model instances via a cache.'
'Turn all nested sequences to tuples in given sequence.'
'Sniff packets and print them calling pkt.show(), a bit like text wireshark'
'.. todo:: DCNL WRITEME properly DCNL Creates a Conv2D with random kernels, where the randomly initialized DCNL values are sparse'
'Helper method for constructing grammars of expressions made up of DCNL operators working in a precedence hierarchy. Operators may be unary or DCNL binary, left- or right-associative. Parse actions can also be attached DCNL to operator expressions. DCNL Parameters: DCNL - baseExpr - expression representing the most basic element for the nested DCNL - opList - list of tuples, one for each operator precedence level in the DCNL expression grammar; each tuple is of the form DCNL (opExpr, numTerms, rightLeftAssoc, parseAction), where: DCNL - opExpr is the pyparsing expression for the operator; DCNL may also be a string, which will be converted to a Literal; DCNL if numTerms is 3, opExpr is a tuple of two expressions, for the DCNL two operators separating the 3 terms DCNL - numTerms is the number of terms for this operator (must DCNL be 1, 2, or 3) DCNL - rightLeftAssoc is the indicator whether the operator is DCNL right or left associative, using the pyparsing-defined DCNL constants C{opAssoc.RIGHT} and C{opAssoc.LEFT}. DCNL - parseAction is the parse action to be associated with DCNL expressions matching this operator expression (the DCNL parse action tuple member may be omitted) DCNL - lpar - expression for matching left-parentheses (default=Suppress(\'(\')) DCNL - rpar - expression for matching right-parentheses (default=Suppress(\')\'))'
'Get the date/time the account was created DCNL :param str name: the username of the account DCNL :return: the date/time the account was created (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) DCNL :rtype: str DCNL :raises: CommandExecutionError on user not found or any other unknown error DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' shadow.get_account_created admin'
'IP Lookup tool'
'RESTful CRUD controller'
'Always return \'false\' if the operating system does not support symlinks. DCNL @param path: a path string. DCNL @type path: L{str} DCNL @return: false'
'generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable, e:int) DCNL Generate an RSA key of length \'bits\', public exponent \'e\'(which must be DCNL odd), using \'randfunc\' to get random data and \'progress_func\', DCNL if present, to display the progress of the key generation.'
'Filters the contents of the block through variable filters. DCNL Filters can also be piped through each other, and they can have DCNL arguments -- just like in variable syntax. DCNL Sample usage:: DCNL {% filter force_escape|lower %} DCNL This text will be HTML-escaped, and will appear in lowercase. DCNL {% endfilter %} DCNL Note that the ``escape`` and ``safe`` filters are not acceptable arguments. DCNL Instead, use the ``autoescape`` tag to manage autoescaping for blocks of DCNL template code.'
'Reformat text, taking the width into account. DCNL `to_row` is included. DCNL (Vi \'gq\' operator.)'
'Given data x, construct the knot vector w/ not-a-knot BC. DCNL cf de Boor, XIII(12).'
'uses GoogleAppEngine (GAE) DCNL fetch(url, payload=None, method=GET, headers={}, allow_truncated=False) DCNL Response DCNL content DCNL The body content of the response. DCNL content_was_truncated DCNL True if the allow_truncated parameter to fetch() was True and DCNL the response exceeded the maximum response size. In this case, DCNL the content attribute contains the truncated response. DCNL status_code DCNL The HTTP status code. DCNL headers DCNL The HTTP response headers, as a mapping of names to values. DCNL Exceptions DCNL exception InvalidURLError() DCNL The URL of the request was not a valid URL, or it used an DCNL unsupported method. Only http and https URLs are supported. DCNL exception DownloadError() DCNL There was an error retrieving the data. DCNL This exception is not raised if the server returns an HTTP DCNL error code: In that case, the response data comes back intact, DCNL including the error code. DCNL exception ResponseTooLargeError() DCNL The response data exceeded the maximum allowed size, and the DCNL allow_truncated parameter passed to fetch() was False.'
'Return true if \'source\' exists and is more recently modified than DCNL \'target\', or if \'source\' exists and \'target\' doesn\'t. Return false if DCNL both exist and \'target\' is the same age or younger than \'source\'. DCNL Raise DistutilsFileError if \'source\' does not exist.'
'This method will restore an asset which got soft deleted and put back in the original course'
'Convert "dict" to a canonical JSON string. Sort keys so that output DCNL ordering is always the same.'
'Works like :func:`url_decode` but decodes a stream. The behavior DCNL of stream and limit follows functions like DCNL :func:`~werkzeug.wsgi.make_line_iter`. The generator of pairs is DCNL directly fed to the `cls` so you can consume the data while it\'s DCNL parsed. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.8 DCNL :param stream: a stream with the encoded querystring DCNL :param charset: the charset of the query string. If set to `None` DCNL no unicode decoding will take place. DCNL :param decode_keys: Used on Python 2.x to control whether keys should DCNL be forced to be unicode objects. If set to `True`, DCNL keys will be unicode in all cases. Otherwise, they DCNL remain `str` if they fit into ASCII. DCNL :param include_empty: Set to `False` if you don\'t want empty values to DCNL appear in the dict. DCNL :param errors: the decoding error behavior. DCNL :param separator: the pair separator to be used, defaults to ``&`` DCNL :param cls: an optional dict class to use. If this is not specified DCNL or `None` the default :class:`MultiDict` is used. DCNL :param limit: the content length of the URL data. Not necessary if DCNL a limited stream is provided. DCNL :param return_iterator: if set to `True` the `cls` argument is ignored DCNL and an iterator over all decoded pairs is DCNL returned'
'Deletes the specified subnet DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' neutron.delete_subnet subnet-name DCNL salt \'*\' neutron.delete_subnet subnet-name profile=openstack1 DCNL :param subnet: ID or name of subnet to delete DCNL :param profile: Profile to build on (Optional) DCNL :return: True(Succeed) or False'
'Returns the PID of a container DCNL name DCNL Container name DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt myminion nspawn.pid arch1'
'Returns used LUN IDs with count as a dictionary.'
'If ``original`` doesn\'t already store ``matchee`` then return a new DCNL one that has it stored.'
'Run the command configured'
'Required attributes for a column can be set.'
'Monkeypatch the original version from distutils. DCNL It\'s supposed to match the behavior of Distribution.get_command_obj() DCNL This fixes issues with \'pip install -e\' and \'./setup.py test\' not DCNL respecting the setup.cfg configuration directives for the build_ext DCNL command.'
'Return a digital filter from an analog one using a bilinear transform. DCNL Transform a set of poles and zeros from the analog s-plane to the digital DCNL z-plane using Tustin\'s method, which substitutes ``(z-1) / (z+1)`` for DCNL ``s``, maintaining the shape of the frequency response. DCNL Parameters DCNL z : array_like DCNL Zeros of the analog IIR filter transfer function. DCNL p : array_like DCNL Poles of the analog IIR filter transfer function. DCNL k : float DCNL System gain of the analog IIR filter transfer function. DCNL fs : float DCNL Sample rate, as ordinary frequency (e.g. hertz). No prewarping is DCNL done in this function. DCNL Returns DCNL z : ndarray DCNL Zeros of the transformed digital filter transfer function. DCNL p : ndarray DCNL Poles of the transformed digital filter transfer function. DCNL k : float DCNL System gain of the transformed digital filter.'
'Configures the App Engine SDK imports on py.test startup.'
'Extract release date and year from database row'
'Find the position just after the matching endchar. DCNL Args: DCNL line: a CleansedLines line. DCNL startpos: start searching at this position. DCNL depth: nesting level at startpos. DCNL startchar: expression opening character. DCNL endchar: expression closing character. DCNL Returns: DCNL On finding matching endchar: (index just after matching endchar, 0) DCNL Otherwise: (-1, new depth at end of this line)'
'Returns the url for the login view, expanding the view name to a url if DCNL needed. DCNL :param login_view: The name of the login view or a URL for the login view. DCNL :type login_view: str'
'Part of an evolutionary algorithm applying only the variation part DCNL (crossover, mutation **or** reproduction). The modified individuals have DCNL their fitness invalidated. The individuals are cloned so returned DCNL population is independent of the input population. DCNL :param population: A list of individuals to vary. DCNL :param toolbox: A :class:`~deap.base.Toolbox` that contains the evolution DCNL operators. DCNL :param lambda\_: The number of children to produce DCNL :param cxpb: The probability of mating two individuals. DCNL :param mutpb: The probability of mutating an individual. DCNL :returns: The final population DCNL :returns: A class:`~deap.tools.Logbook` with the statistics of the DCNL evolution DCNL The variation goes as follow. On each of the *lambda_* iteration, it DCNL selects one of the three operations; crossover, mutation or reproduction. DCNL In the case of a crossover, two individuals are selected at random from DCNL the parental population :math:`P_\mathrm{p}`, those individuals are cloned DCNL using the :meth:`toolbox.clone` method and then mated using the DCNL :meth:`toolbox.mate` method. Only the first child is appended to the DCNL offspring population :math:`P_\mathrm{o}`, the second child is discarded. DCNL In the case of a mutation, one individual is selected at random from DCNL :math:`P_\mathrm{p}`, it is cloned and then mutated using using the DCNL :meth:`toolbox.mutate` method. The resulting mutant is appended to DCNL :math:`P_\mathrm{o}`. In the case of a reproduction, one individual is DCNL selected at random from :math:`P_\mathrm{p}`, cloned and appended to DCNL :math:`P_\mathrm{o}`. DCNL This variation is named *Or* beceause an offspring will never result from DCNL both operations crossover and mutation. The sum of both probabilities DCNL shall be in :math:`[0, 1]`, the reproduction probability is DCNL 1 - *cxpb* - *mutpb*.'
'Escape a single value of a URL string or a query parameter. If it is a list DCNL or tuple, turn it into a comma-separated string first.'
'Factory for making validators for API calls, since API calls come DCNL in two flavors: responsive and unresponsive. The machinary DCNL associated with both is similar, and the error handling identical, DCNL so this function abstracts away the kw validation and creation of DCNL a Json-y responder object.'
'Link error here on x64'
'Parse RFC 822 dates and times, with one minor DCNL difference: years may be 4DIGIT or 2DIGIT. DCNL http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822#section-5'
'Given instance properties that define exactly one instance, create AMI and return AMI-id. DCNL CLI Examples: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt myminion boto_ec2.create_instance ami_name instance_name=myinstance DCNL salt myminion boto_ec2.create_instance another_ami_name tags=\'{"mytag": "value"}\' description=\'this is my ami\''
'Calculates the sentence level CHRF (Character n-gram F-score) described in DCNL - Maja Popovic. 2015. CHRF: Character n-gram F-score for Automatic MT Evaluation. DCNL In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Machine Translation. DCNL http://www.statmt.org/wmt15/pdf/WMT49.pdf DCNL - Maja Popovic. 2016. CHRF Deconstructed: β Parameters and n-gram Weights. DCNL In Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Machine Translation. DCNL http://www.statmt.org/wmt16/pdf/W16-2341.pdf DCNL Unlike multi-reference BLEU, CHRF only supports a single reference. DCNL An example from the original BLEU paper DCNL http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P02-1040.pdf DCNL >>> ref1 = str(\'It is a guide to action that ensures that the military \' DCNL ... \'will forever heed Party commands\').split() DCNL >>> hyp1 = str(\'It is a guide to action which ensures that the military \' DCNL ... \'always obeys the commands of the party\').split() DCNL >>> hyp2 = str(\'It is to insure the troops forever hearing the activity \' DCNL ... \'guidebook that party direct\').split() DCNL >>> sentence_chrf(ref1, hyp1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS DCNL 0.6768... DCNL >>> sentence_chrf(ref1, hyp2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS DCNL 0.4201... DCNL The infamous "the the the ... " example DCNL >>> ref = \'the cat is on the mat\'.split() DCNL >>> hyp = \'the the the the the the the\'.split() DCNL >>> sentence_chrf(ref, hyp) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS DCNL 0.2530... DCNL An example to show that this function allows users to use strings instead of DCNL tokens, i.e. list(str) as inputs. DCNL >>> ref1 = str(\'It is a guide to action that ensures that the military \' DCNL ... \'will forever heed Party commands\') DCNL >>> hyp1 = str(\'It is a guide to action which ensures that the military \' DCNL ... \'always obeys the commands of the party\') DCNL >>> sentence_chrf(ref1, hyp1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS DCNL 0.6768... DCNL >>> type(ref1) == type(hyp1) == str DCNL True DCNL >>> sentence_chrf(ref1.split(), hyp1.split()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS DCNL 0.6768... DCNL To skip the unigrams and only use 2- to 3-grams: DCNL >>> sentence_chrf(ref1, hyp1, min_len=2, max_len=3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS DCNL 0.7018... DCNL :param references: reference sentence DCNL :type references: list(str) / str DCNL :param hypothesis: a hypothesis sentence DCNL :type hypothesis: list(str) / str DCNL :param min_len: The minimum order of n-gram this function should extract. DCNL :type min_len: int DCNL :param max_len: The maximum order of n-gram this function should extract. DCNL :type max_len: int DCNL :param beta: the parameter to assign more importance to recall over precision DCNL :type beta: float DCNL :return: the sentence level CHRF score. DCNL :rtype: float'
'Check if printing should work in the given Qt version.'
'run a script file'
'Add a cohort to a course. Raises ValueError if a cohort of the same name already DCNL exists.'
'.. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 DCNL Delete a specific affinity group associated with the account DCNL CLI Examples: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt-cloud -f delete_affinity_group my-azure name=my_affinity_group'
'Helper that denests the square root of three or more surds. DCNL It returns the denested expression; if it cannot be denested it DCNL throws SqrtdenestStopIteration DCNL Algorithm: expr.base is in the extension Q_m = Q(sqrt(r_1),..,sqrt(r_k)); DCNL split expr.base = a + b*sqrt(r_k), where `a` and `b` are on DCNL Q_(m-1) = Q(sqrt(r_1),..,sqrt(r_(k-1))); then a**2 - b**2*r_k is DCNL on Q_(m-1); denest sqrt(a**2 - b**2*r_k) and so on. DCNL See [1], section 6. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy import sqrt DCNL >>> from sympy.simplify.sqrtdenest import _sqrtdenest_rec DCNL >>> _sqrtdenest_rec(sqrt(-72*sqrt(2) + 158*sqrt(5) + 498)) DCNL -sqrt(10) + sqrt(2) + 9 + 9*sqrt(5) DCNL >>> w=-6*sqrt(55)-6*sqrt(35)-2*sqrt(22)-2*sqrt(14)+2*sqrt(77)+6*sqrt(10)+65 DCNL >>> _sqrtdenest_rec(sqrt(w)) DCNL -sqrt(11) - sqrt(7) + sqrt(2) + 3*sqrt(5)'
'When a user\'s username is changed, we must reindex the questions DCNL they participated in.'
'Detect spectral peak locations DCNL mX: magnitude spectrum, t: threshold DCNL returns ploc: peak locations'
'Deduce the encoding of a source file from magic comment. DCNL It does this in the same way as the `Python interpreter`__ DCNL .. __: http://docs.python.org/ref/encodings.html DCNL The ``fp`` argument should be a seekable file object. DCNL (From Jeff Dairiki)'
'Take CTRL+C into account (SIGINT).'
'Create a temporary directory DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' temp.dir DCNL salt \'*\' temp.dir prefix=\'mytemp-\' parent=\'/var/run/\''
'Figure out the name of a directory to back up the given dir to DCNL (adding .bak, .bak2, etc)'
'Generate a cyclic pattern DCNL Args: DCNL - size: size of generated pattern (Int) DCNL - start: the start offset of the generated pattern (Int) DCNL - charset_type: charset type DCNL 0: basic (0-9A-za-z) DCNL 1: extended (default) DCNL 2: maximum (almost printable chars) DCNL Returns: DCNL - pattern text (byte string) (str in Python 2; bytes in Python 3)'
'Plots a line. DCNL Args: DCNL xs: sequence of x values DCNL ys: sequence of y values DCNL options: keyword args passed to pyplot.bar'
'Serialize ``obj`` as a JSON formatted stream to ``fp`` (a DCNL ``.write()``-supporting file-like object). DCNL If *skipkeys* is true then ``dict`` keys that are not basic types DCNL (``str``, ``unicode``, ``int``, ``long``, ``float``, ``bool``, ``None``) DCNL will be skipped instead of raising a ``TypeError``. DCNL If *ensure_ascii* is false, then the some chunks written to ``fp`` DCNL may be ``unicode`` instances, subject to normal Python ``str`` to DCNL ``unicode`` coercion rules. Unless ``fp.write()`` explicitly DCNL understands ``unicode`` (as in ``codecs.getwriter()``) this is likely DCNL to cause an error. DCNL If *check_circular* is false, then the circular reference check DCNL for container types will be skipped and a circular reference will DCNL result in an ``OverflowError`` (or worse). DCNL If *allow_nan* is false, then it will be a ``ValueError`` to DCNL serialize out of range ``float`` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``) DCNL in strict compliance of the original JSON specification, instead of using DCNL the JavaScript equivalents (``NaN``, ``Infinity``, ``-Infinity``). See DCNL *ignore_nan* for ECMA-262 compliant behavior. DCNL If *indent* is a string, then JSON array elements and object members DCNL will be pretty-printed with a newline followed by that string repeated DCNL for each level of nesting. ``None`` (the default) selects the most compact DCNL representation without any newlines. For backwards compatibility with DCNL versions of simplejson earlier than 2.1.0, an integer is also accepted DCNL and is converted to a string with that many spaces. DCNL If specified, *separators* should be an DCNL ``(item_separator, key_separator)`` tuple. The default is ``(\', \', \': \')`` DCNL if *indent* is ``None`` and ``(\',\', \': \')`` otherwise. To get the most DCNL compact JSON representation, you should specify ``(\',\', \':\')`` to eliminate DCNL whitespace. DCNL *encoding* is the character encoding for str instances, default is UTF-8. DCNL *default(obj)* is a function that should return a serializable version DCNL of obj or raise ``TypeError``. The default simply raises ``TypeError``. DCNL If *use_decimal* is true (default: ``True``) then decimal.Decimal DCNL will be natively serialized to JSON with full precision. DCNL If *namedtuple_as_object* is true (default: ``True``), DCNL :class:`tuple` subclasses with ``_asdict()`` methods will be encoded DCNL as JSON objects. DCNL If *tuple_as_array* is true (default: ``True``), DCNL :class:`tuple` (and subclasses) will be encoded as JSON arrays. DCNL If *iterable_as_array* is true (default: ``False``), DCNL any object not in the above table that implements ``__iter__()`` DCNL will be encoded as a JSON array. DCNL If *bigint_as_string* is true (default: ``False``), ints 2**53 and higher DCNL or lower than -2**53 will be encoded as strings. This is to avoid the DCNL rounding that happens in Javascript otherwise. Note that this is still a DCNL lossy operation that will not round-trip correctly and should be used DCNL sparingly. DCNL If *int_as_string_bitcount* is a positive number (n), then int of size DCNL greater than or equal to 2**n or lower than or equal to -2**n will be DCNL encoded as strings. DCNL If specified, *item_sort_key* is a callable used to sort the items in DCNL each dictionary. This is useful if you want to sort items other than DCNL in alphabetical order by key. This option takes precedence over DCNL *sort_keys*. DCNL If *sort_keys* is true (default: ``False``), the output of dictionaries DCNL will be sorted by item. DCNL If *for_json* is true (default: ``False``), objects with a ``for_json()`` DCNL method will use the return value of that method for encoding as JSON DCNL instead of the object. DCNL If *ignore_nan* is true (default: ``False``), then out of range DCNL :class:`float` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``) will be serialized as DCNL ``null`` in compliance with the ECMA-262 specification. If true, this will DCNL override *allow_nan*. DCNL To use a custom ``JSONEncoder`` subclass (e.g. one that overrides the DCNL ``.default()`` method to serialize additional types), specify it with DCNL the ``cls`` kwarg. NOTE: You should use *default* or *for_json* instead DCNL of subclassing whenever possible.'
'Custom slugify (percent encoded).'
'Returns a list of e-mail addresses parsed from the string.'
'Record usage of a ratelimit for the specified time slice. DCNL The total usage (including this one) of the ratelimit is returned or DCNL RatelimitError is raised if something went wrong during the process.'
'Set up the Bbox sensor.'
'Watch/unwatch a forum (based on \'watch\' POST param).'
'Checks to see whether overrides are disabled in the current context. DCNL Returns a boolean value. See `disable_overrides`.'
'Robust estimation of homography H from point DCNL correspondences using RANSAC (ransac.py from DCNL http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/RANSAC). DCNL input: fp,tp (3*n arrays) points in hom. coordinates.'
'make limited length string in form: DCNL "the string is very lo...(and 15 more)"'
'Test mouse and key events'
'Initialize and return the `Native` subsystem.'
'Run supervised learning (random forests here) DCNL predictor_fp: path to otu table DCNL response_fp: path to metadata table DCNL response_name: Column header for gradient variable in metadata table DCNL ntree: Number of trees in forest DCNL errortype: method for estimating generalization error DCNL output_dir: output directory DCNL verbose: print verbose output DCNL output_dir: directory where output should be written (default \'.\') DCNL HALT_EXEC: halt just before running the formatdb command and'
'Regression test for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/4612 DCNL This one uses WCS.wcs.compare and some slightly different values'
'Attempt to synthesize a controller base on existing controllers. DCNL This is useful to create a controller when a user specifies a path to DCNL an entry in the BROWSER environment variable -- we can copy a general DCNL controller to operate using a specific installation of the desired DCNL browser in this way. DCNL If we can\'t create a controller in this way, or if there is no DCNL executable for the requested browser, return [None, None].'
'Adds a timeout to an existing deferred. If the timeout expires before the DCNL deferred expires, then the deferred is cancelled. DCNL :param IReactorTime reactor: The reactor implementation to schedule the DCNL timeout. DCNL :param Deferred deferred: The deferred to cancel at a later point in time. DCNL :param float timeout_sec: The number of seconds to wait before the deferred DCNL should time out. DCNL :param Exception reason: An exception used to create a Failure with which DCNL to fire the Deferred if the timeout is encountered. If not given, DCNL ``deferred`` retains its original failure behavior. DCNL :return: The updated deferred.'
'Convert JSON row data to row with appropriate types. DCNL :type row: dict DCNL :param row: A JSON response row to be converted. DCNL :type schema: tuple DCNL :param schema: A tuple of DCNL :class:`~google.cloud.bigquery.schema.SchemaField`. DCNL :rtype: tuple DCNL :returns: A tuple of data converted to native types.'
'Return a (ci)tree for the given CIX content. DCNL Raises pyexpat.ExpatError if the CIX content could not be parsed.'
'Return an icon name for the issue status. DCNL Args: DCNL status (unicode): DCNL The stored issue status for the comment. DCNL Returns: DCNL unicode: The icon name for the issue status.'
'Test a sequence generator with integer outputs. DCNL Such sequence generators can be used to e.g. model language.'
'Strip trailing component `trailing` from `content` if it exists. DCNL Used when generating names from view classes.'
'>> exit_if_empty DCNL Exit the script currently running, if there are no deferred messages DCNL on the current page.'
'Return the list of objects that exactly match the given DCNL name_filter.'
'Generates sequences of xs and ps for a Pareto CDF. DCNL xmin: parameter DCNL alpha: parameter DCNL low: float DCNL high: float DCNL n: number of points to render DCNL returns: numpy arrays (xs, ps)'
'Abort if python-apt is not installed'
'Updates the cached list of loaders from a zipfile. The loader_lock MUST DCNL be held when calling this function. DCNL :param z: DCNL The zipfile.ZipFile object to list the files in'
'Given a context (ids) in list format and the vocabulary, DCNL Returns a list of words to represent the context. DCNL Parameters DCNL data : a list of integer DCNL the context in list format DCNL id_to_word : a dictionary DCNL mapping id to unique word. DCNL Returns DCNL A list of string or byte to represent the context. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> see words_to_word_ids'
'Computes the O\'Brien transform on input data (any number of arrays). DCNL Used to test for homogeneity of variance prior to running one-way stats. DCNL Each array in ``*args`` is one level of a factor. DCNL If `f_oneway` is run on the transformed data and found significant, DCNL the variances are unequal. From Maxwell and Delaney [1]_, p.112. DCNL Parameters DCNL args : tuple of array_like DCNL Any number of arrays. DCNL Returns DCNL obrientransform : ndarray DCNL Transformed data for use in an ANOVA. The first dimension DCNL of the result corresponds to the sequence of transformed DCNL arrays. If the arrays given are all 1-D of the same length, DCNL the return value is a 2-D array; otherwise it is a 1-D array DCNL of type object, with each element being an ndarray. DCNL References DCNL .. [1] S. E. Maxwell and H. D. Delaney, "Designing Experiments and DCNL Analyzing Data: A Model Comparison Perspective", Wadsworth, 1990. DCNL Examples DCNL We\'ll test the following data sets for differences in their variance. DCNL >>> x = [10, 11, 13, 9, 7, 12, 12, 9, 10] DCNL >>> y = [13, 21, 5, 10, 8, 14, 10, 12, 7, 15] DCNL Apply the O\'Brien transform to the data. DCNL >>> from scipy.stats import obrientransform DCNL >>> tx, ty = obrientransform(x, y) DCNL Use `scipy.stats.f_oneway` to apply a one-way ANOVA test to the DCNL transformed data. DCNL >>> from scipy.stats import f_oneway DCNL >>> F, p = f_oneway(tx, ty) DCNL >>> p DCNL 0.1314139477040335 DCNL If we require that ``p < 0.05`` for significance, we cannot conclude DCNL that the variances are different.'
'Test installing a package using pip install --target'
'var occurs in subtree owned by x?'
'Returns dictionary of predecessors for the path from source to all nodes in G. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX graph DCNL source : node label DCNL Starting node for path DCNL target : node label, optional DCNL Ending node for path. If provided only predecessors between DCNL source and target are returned DCNL cutoff : integer, optional DCNL Depth to stop the search. Only paths of length <= cutoff are returned. DCNL Returns DCNL pred : dictionary DCNL Dictionary, keyed by node, of predecessors in the shortest path. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> G = nx.path_graph(4) DCNL >>> list(G) DCNL [0, 1, 2, 3] DCNL >>> nx.predecessor(G, 0) DCNL {0: [], 1: [0], 2: [1], 3: [2]}'
'Return a public key fingerprint based on its base64-encoded representation DCNL The fingerprint string is formatted according to RFC 4716 (ch.4), that is, DCNL in the form "xx:xx:...:xx" DCNL If the key is invalid (incorrect base64 string), return None'
'Get response for when transport=cli. This is kind of a hack and mainly DCNL needed because these modules were originally written for NX-API. And DCNL not every command supports "| json" when using cli/ssh.'
'Return hash information from osquery DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' osquery.hash'
'Load the strikes data and return a Dataset class instance. DCNL Returns DCNL Dataset instance: DCNL See DATASET_PROPOSAL.txt for more information.'
'URL decode a single string with the given decoding and decode DCNL a "+" to whitespace. DCNL Per default encoding errors are ignored. If you want a different behavior DCNL you can set `errors` to ``\'replace\'`` or ``\'strict\'``. In strict mode a DCNL `HTTPUnicodeError` is raised. DCNL :param s: the string to unquote. DCNL :param charset: the charset to be used. DCNL :param errors: the error handling for the charset decoding.'
'Create an L{IWorker} that does nothing but defer work, to be performed DCNL later. DCNL @return: a worker that will enqueue work to perform later, and a callable DCNL that will perform one element of that work. DCNL @rtype: 2-L{tuple} of (L{IWorker}, L{callable})'
'Return `True` if the connected client node is the elected master node in DCNL the Elasticsearch cluster, otherwise return `False`. DCNL :arg client: An :class:`elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` client object DCNL :rtype: bool'
'With no arguments, return a dictionary of all configuration DCNL variables relevant for the current platform. Generally this includes DCNL everything needed to build extensions and install both pure modules and DCNL extensions. On Unix, this means every variable defined in Python\'s DCNL installed Makefile; on Windows and Mac OS it\'s a much smaller set. DCNL With arguments, return a list of values that result from looking up DCNL each argument in the configuration variable dictionary.'
'remove from todo'
'Create an IIS application pool. DCNL .. note: DCNL This function only validates against the application pool name, and will return DCNL True even if the application pool already exists with a different configuration. DCNL It will not modify the configuration of an existing application pool. DCNL :param str name: The name of the IIS application pool. DCNL :return: A boolean representing whether all changes succeeded. DCNL :rtype: bool DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' win_iis.create_apppool name=\'MyTestPool\''
'DEPRECATED: Print list of available baremetal nodes.'
'Bounded minimization for scalar functions. DCNL Parameters DCNL func : callable f(x,*args) DCNL Objective function to be minimized (must accept and return scalars). DCNL x1, x2 : float or array scalar DCNL The optimization bounds. DCNL args : tuple, optional DCNL Extra arguments passed to function. DCNL xtol : float, optional DCNL The convergence tolerance. DCNL maxfun : int, optional DCNL Maximum number of function evaluations allowed. DCNL full_output : bool, optional DCNL If True, return optional outputs. DCNL disp : int, optional DCNL If non-zero, print messages. DCNL 0 : no message printing. DCNL 1 : non-convergence notification messages only. DCNL 2 : print a message on convergence too. DCNL 3 : print iteration results. DCNL Returns DCNL xopt : ndarray DCNL Parameters (over given interval) which minimize the DCNL objective function. DCNL fval : number DCNL The function value at the minimum point. DCNL ierr : int DCNL An error flag (0 if converged, 1 if maximum number of DCNL function calls reached). DCNL numfunc : int DCNL The number of function calls made. DCNL See also DCNL minimize_scalar: Interface to minimization algorithms for scalar DCNL univariate functions. See the \'Bounded\' `method` in particular. DCNL Notes DCNL Finds a local minimizer of the scalar function `func` in the DCNL interval x1 < xopt < x2 using Brent\'s method. (See `brent` DCNL for auto-bracketing).'
'Returns the value of the primary key field of the specified `instance` DCNL of a SQLAlchemy model. DCNL This essentially a convenience function for:: DCNL getattr(instance, primary_key_for(instance)) DCNL If `as_string` is ``True``, try to coerce the return value to a string.'
'Produce a ``BETWEEN`` predicate clause. DCNL E.g.:: DCNL from sqlalchemy import between DCNL stmt = select([users_table]).where(between(users_table.c.id, 5, 7)) DCNL Would produce SQL resembling:: DCNL SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE id BETWEEN :id_1 AND :id_2 DCNL The :func:`.between` function is a standalone version of the DCNL :meth:`.ColumnElement.between` method available on all DCNL SQL expressions, as in:: DCNL stmt = select([users_table]).where(users_table.c.id.between(5, 7)) DCNL All arguments passed to :func:`.between`, including the left side DCNL column expression, are coerced from Python scalar values if a DCNL the value is not a :class:`.ColumnElement` subclass. For example, DCNL three fixed values can be compared as in:: DCNL print(between(5, 3, 7)) DCNL Which would produce:: DCNL :param_1 BETWEEN :param_2 AND :param_3 DCNL :param expr: a column expression, typically a :class:`.ColumnElement` DCNL instance or alternatively a Python scalar expression to be coerced DCNL into a column expression, serving as the left side of the ``BETWEEN`` DCNL expression. DCNL :param lower_bound: a column or Python scalar expression serving as the lower DCNL bound of the right side of the ``BETWEEN`` expression. DCNL :param upper_bound: a column or Python scalar expression serving as the DCNL upper bound of the right side of the ``BETWEEN`` expression. DCNL .. seealso:: DCNL :meth:`.ColumnElement.between`'
'Return the common appdata path, using ctypes DCNL From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/626796/ how-do-i-find-the-windows-common-application-data-folder-using-python'
'Fetch and return all Launch Configuration with details. DCNL CLI example:: DCNL salt myminion boto_asg.get_all_launch_configurations'
'Ensure default cluster info path is never overwritten DCNL by launching successive clusters'
'lettuce.STEP_REGISTRY.load(step, func) should raise an error if step is not a regex'
'Some distros have a specific location for config files'
'Convenience function to apply parametric rectify to a given layer\'s output. DCNL Will set the layer\'s nonlinearity to identity if there is one and will DCNL apply the parametric rectifier instead. DCNL Parameters DCNL layer: a :class:`Layer` instance DCNL The `Layer` instance to apply the parametric rectifier layer to; DCNL note that it will be irreversibly modified as specified above DCNL **kwargs DCNL Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the DCNL :class:`ParametericRectifierLayer` DCNL Examples DCNL Note that this function modifies an existing layer, like this: DCNL >>> from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, DenseLayer, prelu DCNL >>> layer = InputLayer((32, 100)) DCNL >>> layer = DenseLayer(layer, num_units=200) DCNL >>> layer = prelu(layer) DCNL In particular, :func:`prelu` can *not* be passed as a nonlinearity.'
'Runs test method multiple times in the following order: DCNL debug cached string_if_invalid DCNL False False DCNL False True DCNL False False INVALID DCNL False True INVALID DCNL True False DCNL True True'
'Returns a list of standard base directories on this platform.'
'Return a percentile range from an array of values.'
'Return second-order sections from zeros, poles, and gain of a system DCNL Parameters DCNL z : array_like DCNL Zeros of the transfer function. DCNL p : array_like DCNL Poles of the transfer function. DCNL k : float DCNL System gain. DCNL pairing : {\'nearest\', \'keep_odd\'}, optional DCNL The method to use to combine pairs of poles and zeros into sections. DCNL See Notes below. DCNL Returns DCNL sos : ndarray DCNL Array of second-order filter coefficients, with shape DCNL ``(n_sections, 6)``. See `sosfilt` for the SOS filter format DCNL specification. DCNL See Also DCNL sosfilt DCNL Notes DCNL The algorithm used to convert ZPK to SOS format is designed to DCNL minimize errors due to numerical precision issues. The pairing DCNL algorithm attempts to minimize the peak gain of each biquadratic DCNL section. This is done by pairing poles with the nearest zeros, starting DCNL with the poles closest to the unit circle. DCNL *Algorithms* DCNL The current algorithms are designed specifically for use with digital DCNL filters. (The output coefficents are not correct for analog filters.) DCNL The steps in the ``pairing=\'nearest\'`` and ``pairing=\'keep_odd\'`` DCNL algorithms are mostly shared. The ``nearest`` algorithm attempts to DCNL minimize the peak gain, while ``\'keep_odd\'`` minimizes peak gain under DCNL the constraint that odd-order systems should retain one section DCNL as first order. The algorithm steps and are as follows: DCNL As a pre-processing step, add poles or zeros to the origin as DCNL necessary to obtain the same number of poles and zeros for pairing. DCNL If ``pairing == \'nearest\'`` and there are an odd number of poles, DCNL add an additional pole and a zero at the origin. DCNL The following steps are then iterated over until no more poles or DCNL zeros remain: DCNL 1. Take the (next remaining) pole (complex or real) closest to the DCNL unit circle to begin a new filter section. DCNL 2. If the pole is real and there are no other remaining real poles [#]_, DCNL add the closest real zero to the section and leave it as a first DCNL order section. Note that after this step we are guaranteed to be DCNL left with an even number of real poles, complex poles, real zeros, DCNL and complex zeros for subsequent pairing iterations. DCNL 3. Else: DCNL 1. If the pole is complex and the zero is the only remaining real DCNL zero*, then pair the pole with the *next* closest zero DCNL (guaranteed to be complex). This is necessary to ensure that DCNL there will be a real zero remaining to eventually create a DCNL first-order section (thus keeping the odd order). DCNL 2. Else pair the pole with the closest remaining zero (complex or DCNL real). DCNL 3. Proceed to complete the second-order section by adding another DCNL pole and zero to the current pole and zero in the section: DCNL 1. If the current pole and zero are both complex, add their DCNL conjugates. DCNL 2. Else if the pole is complex and the zero is real, add the DCNL conjugate pole and the next closest real zero. DCNL 3. Else if the pole is real and the zero is complex, add the DCNL conjugate zero and the real pole closest to those zeros. DCNL 4. Else (we must have a real pole and real zero) add the next DCNL real pole closest to the unit circle, and then add the real DCNL zero closest to that pole. DCNL .. [#] This conditional can only be met for specific odd-order inputs DCNL with the ``pairing == \'keep_odd\'`` method. DCNL .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 DCNL Examples DCNL Design a 6th order low-pass elliptic digital filter for a system with a DCNL sampling rate of 8000 Hz that has a pass-band corner frequency of DCNL 1000 Hz. The ripple in the pass-band should not exceed 0.087 dB, and DCNL the attenuation in the stop-band should be at least 90 dB. DCNL In the following call to `signal.ellip`, we could use ``output=\'sos\'``, DCNL but for this example, we\'ll use ``output=\'zpk\'``, and then convert to SOS DCNL format with `zpk2sos`: DCNL >>> from scipy import signal DCNL >>> z, p, k = signal.ellip(6, 0.087, 90, 1000/(0.5*8000), output=\'zpk\') DCNL Now convert to SOS format. DCNL >>> sos = signal.zpk2sos(z, p, k) DCNL The coefficients of the numerators of the sections: DCNL >>> sos[:, :3] DCNL array([[ 0.0014154 , 0.00248707, 0.0014154 ], DCNL [ 1. , 0.72965193, 1. ], DCNL [ 1. , 0.17594966, 1. ]]) DCNL The symmetry in the coefficients occurs because all the zeros are on the DCNL unit circle. DCNL The coefficients of the denominators of the sections: DCNL >>> sos[:, 3:] DCNL array([[ 1. , -1.32543251, 0.46989499], DCNL [ 1. , -1.26117915, 0.6262586 ], DCNL [ 1. , -1.25707217, 0.86199667]]) DCNL The next example shows the effect of the `pairing` option. We have a DCNL system with three poles and three zeros, so the SOS array will have DCNL shape (2, 6). The means there is, in effect, an extra pole and an extra DCNL zero at the origin in the SOS representation. DCNL >>> z1 = np.array([-1, -0.5-0.5j, -0.5+0.5j]) DCNL >>> p1 = np.array([0.75, 0.8+0.1j, 0.8-0.1j]) DCNL With ``pairing=\'nearest\'`` (the default), we obtain DCNL >>> signal.zpk2sos(z1, p1, 1) DCNL array([[ 1. , 1. , 0.5 , 1. , -0.75, 0. ], DCNL [ 1. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -1.6 , 0.65]]) DCNL The first section has the zeros {-0.5-0.05j, -0.5+0.5j} and the poles DCNL {0, 0.75}, and the second section has the zeros {-1, 0} and poles DCNL {0.8+0.1j, 0.8-0.1j}. Note that the extra pole and zero at the origin DCNL have been assigned to different sections. DCNL With ``pairing=\'keep_odd\'``, we obtain: DCNL >>> signal.zpk2sos(z1, p1, 1, pairing=\'keep_odd\') DCNL array([[ 1. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -0.75, 0. ], DCNL [ 1. , 1. , 0.5 , 1. , -1.6 , 0.65]]) DCNL The extra pole and zero at the origin are in the same section. DCNL The first section is, in effect, a first-order section.'
'Test that the base redirect to function works as expected'
'Return the load data that marks a specified jid'
'Parse feature files and return list of Feature model objects. DCNL Handles: DCNL * feature file names, ala "alice.feature" DCNL * feature file locations, ala: "alice.feature:10" DCNL :param feature_files: List of feature file names to parse. DCNL :param language: Default language to use. DCNL :return: List of feature objects.'
'Lists the creds for given a cred_id and tenant_id'
'Find all CCX derived from this course, and send course published event for them.'
'Compute the inverse Hankel transform of `F` defined as DCNL .. math:: f(r) = \int_{0}^\infty F_\nu(k) J_\nu(k r) k \mathrm{d} k. DCNL If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this DCNL function returns an unevaluated :class:`InverseHankelTransform` object. DCNL For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of DCNL :func:`sympy.integrals.transforms.IntegralTransform.doit`. DCNL Note that for this transform, by default ``noconds=True``. DCNL >>> from sympy import hankel_transform, inverse_hankel_transform, gamma DCNL >>> from sympy import gamma, exp, sinh, cosh DCNL >>> from sympy.abc import r, k, m, nu, a DCNL >>> ht = hankel_transform(1/r**m, r, k, nu) DCNL >>> ht DCNL 2*2**(-m)*k**(m - 2)*gamma(-m/2 + nu/2 + 1)/gamma(m/2 + nu/2) DCNL >>> inverse_hankel_transform(ht, k, r, nu) DCNL r**(-m) DCNL >>> ht = hankel_transform(exp(-a*r), r, k, 0) DCNL >>> ht DCNL a/(k**3*(a**2/k**2 + 1)**(3/2)) DCNL >>> inverse_hankel_transform(ht, k, r, 0) DCNL exp(-a*r) DCNL See Also DCNL fourier_transform, inverse_fourier_transform DCNL sine_transform, inverse_sine_transform DCNL cosine_transform, inverse_cosine_transform DCNL hankel_transform DCNL mellin_transform, laplace_transform'
'return true if *obj* is iterable'
'Normalizes the input array so that it sums to 1. DCNL Parameters DCNL a : array DCNL Non-normalized input data. DCNL axis : int DCNL Dimension along which normalization is performed. DCNL Notes DCNL Modifies the input **inplace**.'
'Return the Krackhardt Kite Social Network. DCNL A 10 actor social network introduced by David Krackhardt DCNL to illustrate: degree, betweenness, centrality, closeness, etc. DCNL The traditional labeling is: DCNL Andre=1, Beverley=2, Carol=3, Diane=4, DCNL Ed=5, Fernando=6, Garth=7, Heather=8, Ike=9, Jane=10.'
'Save the load to the specified jid'
'Returns True if user_id_or_name is effective user (id/name).'
'_match_abbrev(s : string, wordmap : {string : Option}) -> string DCNL Return the string key in \'wordmap\' for which \'s\' is an unambiguous DCNL abbreviation. If \'s\' is found to be ambiguous or doesn\'t match any of DCNL \'words\', raise BadOptionError.'
'Function to decide which key function to use. DCNL Defaults to ``default_key_func``.'
'Handle merging of nodes of a region boundary region adjacency graph. DCNL This function computes the `"weight"` and the count `"count"` DCNL attributes of the edge between `n` and the node formed after DCNL merging `src` and `dst`. DCNL Parameters DCNL graph : RAG DCNL The graph under consideration. DCNL src, dst : int DCNL The vertices in `graph` to be merged. DCNL n : int DCNL A neighbor of `src` or `dst` or both. DCNL Returns DCNL data : dict DCNL A dictionary with the "weight" and "count" attributes to be DCNL assigned for the merged node.'
'call str or unicode depending on current mode'
'Mark the specified HTML file as the titlepage of the EPUB. DCNL :param move_to_start: If True the HTML file is moved to the start of the spine'
'Install a trace hook which writes incredibly detailed logs DCNL about what code is being executed to stdout.'
'Computes the determinant of a batch of square matrices. DCNL Args: DCNL a (Variable): Input array to compute the determinant for. DCNL The first dimension should iterate over each matrix and be DCNL of the batchsize. DCNL Returns: DCNL ~chainer.Variable: vector of determinants for every matrix DCNL in the batch.'
'Add CSRF to dictionary and wrap in a RequestContext (needed for context processor!).'
'Returns a suitable Content-Range header: DCNL >>> print(_get_content_range(None, 1, 4)) DCNL bytes 0-0/4 DCNL >>> print(_get_content_range(1, 3, 4)) DCNL bytes 1-2/4 DCNL >>> print(_get_content_range(None, None, 4)) DCNL bytes 0-3/4'
'Sets the main_css. The css_file must be of the form file.css'
'Determine if a point in the point table is in the loop.'
'Get the linear fitting data.'
'Test IO for evoked data (fif + gz) with integer and str args.'
'Defines the conversion between Jy/beam and "brightness temperature", DCNL :math:`T_B`, in Kelvins. The brightness temperature is a unit very DCNL commonly used in radio astronomy. See, e.g., "Tools of Radio Astronomy" DCNL (Wilson 2009) eqn 8.16 and eqn 8.19 (these pages are available on `google DCNL books DCNL <http://books.google.com/books?id=9KHw6R8rQEMC&pg=PA179&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false>`__). DCNL :math:`T_B \equiv S_\nu / \left(2 k \nu^2 / c^2 \right)` DCNL However, the beam area is essential for this computation: the brightness DCNL temperature is inversely proportional to the beam area DCNL Parameters DCNL beam_area : Beam Area equivalent DCNL Beam area in angular units, i.e. steradian equivalent DCNL disp : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with spectral units DCNL The observed `spectral` equivalent `~astropy.units.Unit` (e.g., DCNL frequency or wavelength) DCNL Examples DCNL Arecibo C-band beam:: DCNL >>> import numpy as np DCNL >>> from astropy import units as u DCNL >>> beam_sigma = 50*u.arcsec DCNL >>> beam_area = 2*np.pi*(beam_sigma)**2 DCNL >>> freq = 5*u.GHz DCNL >>> equiv = u.brightness_temperature(beam_area, freq) DCNL >>> u.Jy.to(u.K, equivalencies=equiv) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP DCNL 3.526294429423223 DCNL >>> (1*u.Jy).to(u.K, equivalencies=equiv) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP DCNL <Quantity 3.526294429423223 K> DCNL VLA synthetic beam:: DCNL >>> bmaj = 15*u.arcsec DCNL >>> bmin = 15*u.arcsec DCNL >>> fwhm_to_sigma = 1./(8*np.log(2))**0.5 DCNL >>> beam_area = 2.*np.pi*(bmaj*bmin*fwhm_to_sigma**2) DCNL >>> freq = 5*u.GHz DCNL >>> equiv = u.brightness_temperature(beam_area, freq) DCNL >>> u.Jy.to(u.K, equivalencies=equiv) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP DCNL 217.2658703625732'
'Helper to convert a data type into a string.'
'Gets the (yaml, assets) from the contents of an exploration data dir. DCNL Args: DCNL dir_path: a full path to the exploration root directory. DCNL Returns: DCNL a 2-tuple, the first element of which is a yaml string, and the second DCNL element of which is a list of (filepath, content) 2-tuples. The filepath DCNL does not include the assets/ prefix. DCNL Raises: DCNL Exception: if the following condition doesn\'t hold: "There is exactly one DCNL file not in assets/, and this file has a .yaml suffix".'
'Fit a single dipole to the given whitened, projected data.'
'Copy a snapshot'
'Check that scenario tests have service tags DCNL T104: Scenario tests require a services decorator'
'Return true if the object is a class. DCNL Class objects provide these attributes: DCNL __doc__ documentation string DCNL __module__ name of module in which this class was defined'
'Listen in to see when videos become available.'
'Generates (name, contents) pairs for the given jar. DCNL Each generated tuple consists of the relative name within the jar of an entry, DCNL for example \'java/lang/Object.class\', and a str that is the corresponding DCNL contents. DCNL Args: DCNL jar_path: a str that is the path to the jar. DCNL Yields: DCNL A (name, contents) pair.'
'Produces a ColorAttr specification for coloring groups of data based on columns. DCNL Args: DCNL columns (str or list(str), optional): a column or list of columns for coloring DCNL palette (list(str), optional): a list of colors to use for assigning to unique DCNL values in `columns`. DCNL **kwargs: any keyword, arg supported by :class:`AttrSpec` DCNL Returns: DCNL a `ColorAttr` object'
'Import module, temporarily including modules in the current directory. DCNL Modules located in the current directory has DCNL precedence over modules located in `sys.path`.'
'Display the administration dashboard. DCNL This is the entry point to the admin site, containing news updates and DCNL useful administration tasks.'
'Serialize a sequence of Python objects into a YAML stream. DCNL If stream is None, return the produced string instead.'
'Returns the current/latest learned path. DCNL Checks if given paths are from same source/peer and then compares their DCNL version number to determine which path is received later. If paths are from DCNL different source/peer return None.'
'Create node positions for G using Graphviz. DCNL Parameters DCNL G : NetworkX graph DCNL A graph created with NetworkX DCNL prog : string DCNL Name of Graphviz layout program DCNL root : string, optional DCNL Root node for twopi layout DCNL args : string, optional DCNL Extra arguments to Graphviz layout program DCNL Returns : dictionary DCNL Dictionary of x,y, positions keyed by node. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> G = nx.petersen_graph() DCNL >>> pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(G) DCNL >>> pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(G, prog=\'dot\') DCNL Notes DCNL This is a wrapper for pygraphviz_layout.'
'Returns the message level tags.'
'Prints rows in the given table. DCNL Will print 25 rows at most for brevity as tables can contain large amounts DCNL of rows. DCNL If no project is specified, then the currently active project is used.'
'Return the first item of a sequence.'
'Display the feed dialog.'
'<user> - flirts with <user>'
'Parse a URL into 5 components: DCNL <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>?<query>#<fragment> DCNL Return a 5-tuple: (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment). DCNL Note that we don\'t break the components up in smaller bits DCNL (e.g. netloc is a single string) and we don\'t expand % escapes.'
'Callback that yields multiple actions for each group in the match.'
'Given a policy name describe its properties. DCNL Returns a dictionary of interesting properties. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt myminion boto_iot.describe_policy mypolicy'
'Take Autoscaler params and generate GCE-compatible policy. DCNL :param as_params: Dictionary in Ansible-playbook format DCNL containing policy arguments. DCNL :type as_params: ``dict`` DCNL :return: GCE-compatible policy dictionary DCNL :rtype: ``dict``'
'atom ::= \'(\' expr \')\' | \'[\' expr \']\' | \'options\' DCNL | long | shorts | argument | command ;'
'HTML generation test only used when called from the command line: DCNL python ./highstate.py DCNL Typical options for generating the report file: DCNL highstate: DCNL report_format: yaml DCNL report_delivery: file DCNL file_output: \'/srv/salt/_returners/test.rpt\''
'Convert binary string to binary numbers. DCNL If classic_mode is true (default value), reverse bits. DCNL >>> str2bin("\x03\xFF") DCNL \'00000011 11111111\' DCNL >>> str2bin("\x03\xFF", False) DCNL \'11000000 11111111\''
'Add tasks for creating a dataset by reading textfiles'
'Log a message with severity \'DEBUG\' on the root logger.'
'A strategy that yields floats greater than zero.'
'Wrapper for inserting an int64 FeatureList into a SequenceExample proto.'
'Returns a string identifying the Python implementation. DCNL Currently, the following implementations are identified: DCNL \'CPython\' (C implementation of Python), DCNL \'IronPython\' (.NET implementation of Python), DCNL \'Jython\' (Java implementation of Python), DCNL \'PyPy\' (Python implementation of Python).'
'Create a `Sort` from a single string criterion. DCNL `model_cls` is the `Model` being queried. `part` is a single string DCNL ending in ``+`` or ``-`` indicating the sort.'
'Add a resource DCNL zone : string DCNL name of zone DCNL resource_type : string DCNL type of resource DCNL **kwargs : string|int|... DCNL resource properties DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' zonecfg.add_resource tallgeese rctl name=zone.max-locked-memory value=\'(priv=privileged,limit=33554432,action=deny)\''
'bits_str(s, endian = \'big\', zero = \'0\', one = \'1\') -> str DCNL A wrapper around :func:`bits`, which converts the output into a string. DCNL Examples: DCNL >>> bits_str(511) DCNL \'0000000111111111\' DCNL >>> bits_str("bits_str", endian = "little") DCNL \'0100011010010110001011101100111011111010110011100010111001001110\''
'Creates a GRR VFS temp file. DCNL This function is analogous to CreateGRRTempFile but returns an open VFS handle DCNL to the newly created file. Arguments are the same as for CreateGRRTempFile: DCNL Args: DCNL directory: string representing absolute directory where file should be DCNL written. If None, use \'tmp\' under the directory we\'re running DCNL from. DCNL filename: The name of the file to use. Note that setting both filename and DCNL directory name is not allowed. DCNL lifetime: time in seconds before we should delete this tempfile. DCNL mode: The mode to open the file. DCNL suffix: optional suffix to use for the temp file DCNL Returns: DCNL An open file handle to the new file and the corresponding pathspec.'
'return new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive and show for pylab'
'Display the course\'s about page. DCNL Assumes the course_id is in a valid format.'
'Check if the given IP address is a private address DCNL .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 DCNL .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.0 DCNL IPv6 support DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' network.is_private'
'Compute Hessenberg form of a matrix. DCNL The Hessenberg decomposition is:: DCNL A = Q H Q^H DCNL where `Q` is unitary/orthogonal and `H` has only zero elements below DCNL the first sub-diagonal. DCNL Parameters DCNL a : (M, M) array_like DCNL Matrix to bring into Hessenberg form. DCNL calc_q : bool, optional DCNL Whether to compute the transformation matrix. Default is False. DCNL overwrite_a : bool, optional DCNL Whether to overwrite `a`; may improve performance. DCNL Default is False. DCNL check_finite : bool, optional DCNL Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers. DCNL Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems DCNL (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs. DCNL Returns DCNL H : (M, M) ndarray DCNL Hessenberg form of `a`. DCNL Q : (M, M) ndarray DCNL Unitary/orthogonal similarity transformation matrix ``A = Q H Q^H``. DCNL Only returned if ``calc_q=True``.'
'Raises ValueError is is_cuda_ndarray(obj) evaluates False'
'Get rotationMatrix.'
'colapse outer dimensions into one and preserve inner dimension DCNL this allows for easy cpu convolution in numpy DCNL Arguments: DCNL dim (tuple): dimensions list in a tuple DCNL pad (int): how many pixel paddings'
'Adds \'prefix\' to the beginning of selected lines in \'text\'. DCNL If \'predicate\' is provided, \'prefix\' will only be added to the lines DCNL where \'predicate(line)\' is True. If \'predicate\' is not provided, DCNL it will default to adding \'prefix\' to all non-empty lines that do not DCNL consist solely of whitespace characters.'
'Return the first value DCNL Parameters DCNL obj: dict-like object'
'Returns whether or not a URL represents an SSH connection.'
'(INTERNAL) New instance from ctypes.'
'Convert between lengths (to be interpreted as lengths in the focal plane) DCNL and angular units with a specified ``platescale``. DCNL Parameters DCNL platescale : `~astropy.units.Quantity` DCNL The pixel scale either in units of distance/pixel or distance/angle.'
'View that checks the hash in a password reset link and presents a DCNL form for entering a new password.'
'Return a list of random items for structure \'t\' with format DCNL \'fmtchar\'.'
'Format track for output to MPD client. DCNL :param track: the track DCNL :type track: :class:`mopidy.models.Track` or :class:`mopidy.models.TlTrack` DCNL :param position: track\'s position in playlist DCNL :type position: integer DCNL :param stream_title: the current streams title DCNL :type position: string DCNL :rtype: list of two-tuples'
'Read and return settings from a file.'
'Finds fist parent of element of the given type DCNL @param object element: etree element DCNL @param string the tag parent to search for DCNL @return object element: the found parent or None when not found'
'Write commit logs. DCNL :param repo: Path to repository DCNL :param paths: Optional set of specific paths to print entries for DCNL :param outstream: Stream to write log output to DCNL :param reverse: Reverse order in which entries are printed DCNL :param name_status: Print name status DCNL :param max_entries: Optional maximum number of entries to display'
'Get the handle for a particular rule DCNL This function accepts a rule in a standard nftables command format, DCNL starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new DCNL method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we DCNL already have a parser that can handle it. DCNL CLI Example: DCNL .. code-block:: bash DCNL salt \'*\' nftables.get_rule_handle filter input \ DCNL rule=\'input tcp dport 22 log accept\' DCNL IPv6: DCNL salt \'*\' nftables.get_rule_handle filter input \ DCNL rule=\'input tcp dport 22 log accept\' \ DCNL family=ipv6'
'Takes a list of domain objects and returns a corresponding list DCNL of their names.'
'Checks if file exists. Returns {} if something fails.'
'helper method for present. ensure that cloudwatch_alarms are set'
'Stream n JSON messages'
'Returns a list of partial velocities with respect to the provided DCNL generalized speeds in the given reference frame for each of the supplied DCNL velocity vectors. DCNL The output is a list of lists. The outer list has a number of elements DCNL equal to the number of supplied velocity vectors. The inner lists are, for DCNL each velocity vector, the partial derivatives of that velocity vector with DCNL respect to the generalized speeds supplied. DCNL Parameters DCNL vel_vecs : iterable DCNL An iterable of velocity vectors (angular or linear). DCNL gen_speeds : iterable DCNL An iterable of generalized speeds. DCNL frame : ReferenceFrame DCNL The reference frame that the partial derivatives are going to be taken DCNL in. DCNL Examples DCNL >>> from sympy.physics.vector import Point, ReferenceFrame DCNL >>> from sympy.physics.vector import dynamicsymbols DCNL >>> from sympy.physics.vector import partial_velocity DCNL >>> u = dynamicsymbols(\'u\') DCNL >>> N = ReferenceFrame(\'N\') DCNL >>> P = Point(\'P\') DCNL >>> P.set_vel(N, u * N.x) DCNL >>> vel_vecs = [P.vel(N)] DCNL >>> gen_speeds = [u] DCNL >>> partial_velocity(vel_vecs, gen_speeds, N) DCNL [[N.x]]'
'Return whether a string is in ascii.'
'Run a Python file, parse the docstrings of all the classes DCNL and functions it declares, and return them. DCNL Parameters DCNL filename : str DCNL Filename of the module to run. DCNL global_dict : dict, optional DCNL Globals dictionary to pass along to `execfile()`. DCNL Returns DCNL all_errors : list DCNL Each entry of the list is a tuple, of length 2 or 3, with DCNL format either DCNL (func_or_class_name, docstring_error_description) DCNL or DCNL (class_name, method_name, docstring_error_description)'