< Documentation Conventions
Actions which requires the main content table to be updated:
- Adding a file
- Moving a file
- Deleting a file
- Updating a file's main header
To update the content table:
You would need to install the dependencies by running:
To rebuild, just run:
yarn generate-toc
When adding a document file for this repo it should follow this structure:
# [<](README.md) ${main_header}
[Back to the top](#--${main_header_lowercased_dashed})
main_header - The main title name for the page.
For example for this page it's: "Documentation Conventions") -
main_header_lowercased_dashed - the same as the "main_header" only all lower caps and separated by dashes instead of spaces.
For example for this page it's: "documentation-conventions") -
table_of_content (Optional) - If needed (page is long) add table of content for the page.
content - The actual content of the page which should only use "native" markdown syntax, without any html tags.