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perrygeo edited this page Jun 7, 2012 · 11 revisions

Quick sketch of layer manager app


class RadioGroupLayer(object):
    tilelayers = ManyToMany(TileLayer)

class TileLayer(object):
    name = CharField... # layer name
    order = FloatField... # higher number = on top
    description = TextField...
    tile_url = TextField... # use ${x}, ${y}, ${z} for url template
    theme = ForeignKey
    tags = TextField... # for search, etc

class Theme(object):
    name = CharField...
    blurb = TextField...


Return a json structure describing the layout of the data

 {'theme': 'Fishing',
  'layers': [
     {'name': 'Layer1', 'url': '${z}/${y}/${x}'},   
     {'name': 'Layer2', ...}


###(either client/knockout or server/django)

Represent the json as a collapsable/searchable accordion view


  • Should probably be madrona.layermanager as it could be useful in other 2D maps?
  • Single-theme? or Tags or multiple nested themes?
  • How do UTFGrids fit into this?
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