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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev

"Bears and Bandits" 2.1

12 Jun 01:09
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✢ New focus trees and content for:
- Polar Bear Communities
- Free Territory of Adelart
✢ Additions:
- Added Polar Bear racial technologies.
- Added new main menu art and music.
- Added a new loading screen.
- Added update highlights in the main menu.
- Added new military leaders for Maregypt, Les Meridiennes, Vrystaat and New Mareland.
- Added new country leaders for Hyenia, Mozzi, Manedalusia and Les Meridiennes.
- Added portraits for Council of Sailors in Skynavia and Trochanter in Our Town.
- Added generic portraits for harpies and yeti.
- Added equipment icons for Polar Bears and Penguins.
- Added concern icons for numerous countries.
- Added a concern for Saddle Arabian countries.
- Added war exhaustion mechanic for Changeling war with Polar Bears.
- Added a new custom GUI that replaces vanilla capitulation events.
- Added unique responses to various Equestrian news events for Chiropterra.
- Added Grover VI "coronation" event for supremacy Romau.
- Added communist flag for Icepaw.
- Added a new victory point in Equestria.
- Added a generic griffon air chief advisor icon.
- Added ace icons for yeti.
✢ Changes:
- Reworked country selection screen.
- Reworked some flags for Herzland, Greifwald and Abyssinia.
- Reworked news event images for successful Aquileian Revolution and the Abyssinian crisis.
- Reworked portraits for Silverstream in Hippogriffia and Trubach in House Avian.
- Adjusted borders of some states and relocated some victory points in Equestria and Stalliongrad.
- Countries in the Aquileian periphery now use either Aquileian or Herzlander equipment icons and portraits, rather than generic ones.
- Updated leader portrait, flag and color of Macigena.
- Swapped traits of two New Mareland advisors, Quick March and Thunder Boom.
- Replaced some generic advisor and concern icons in River Republic and Firtree Villages.
- "The Jungle is a Weapon" zebra technology now unlocks a unique tactic.
- Feudal Levies in Angriver are now irregular infantry.
- Changelings can no longer establish protectorates while occupying Polar Bears.
- AI Pridea and Vinovia now always go monarchist while AI Rila and Westkeep always go republican.
- Replaced decision to open Aquileian army GUI with a custom button.
- Increased the effects of Wittenland spell decisions.
- Colthaginian mercenaries in Wittenland are now Chargers rather than regular infantry.
- Base year ahead research penalty changed from 2.5 to 2.25.
- Equestrian focuses no longer check for World Tension, and the War Support requirements have been increased.
- Swapped traits of ELF naval concerns.
- If non-aligned Flowena is guaranteed or goes neutral, it will now leave any faction it is in.
- Wittenland can no longer redeem lich Silver Star.
- Adjusted Changeling events about demanding things from Polar Bears.
- Equestria no longer gets war support from a news event about Changeling mobilization.
- If Evi is formed by a communist country, it now has red rather than green color.
- Increased size of Alwani's starting army.
- Klugetown state is now claimed by Abyssinia and Maregypt.
- Skynavia can no longer get cores on countries outside of Griffonia with the exceptions of Nova Griffonia and Griffon Frontier.
- Reduced bonuses from Talarayi's "The Golden City" national spirit.
- Skyfall now has a level 10 naval base.
- Relocated some factories from Petershoof to other states.
- Klugetown now starts with slave economy law.
- Arantiga, Falcor and Talouse now leave the faction they're in if they switch to supremacy or communism.
- Hippogriffia and Macawia now use griffon ace icons.
- Changed Haukland's instant coring to compliance coring.
✢ Fixes:
- Changed the requirements of the "Thermal Signature Detected" award as they weren't working.
- Hopefully fixed issues related to Cadance not becoming leader of liberated Crystal Empire.
- Fixed case-sensitive character GFX definitions.
- Fixed which focus unlocks Gerhard advisor in Yale.
- Fixed republican Romau being able to ally republican Angriver before Bluhm wins the elections.
- Fixed issue where Wittenland spell decisions could be permanently blocked.
- Barrad should no longer get content about the Race for the Bomb.
- Colthaginian concern exclusive to the militarist path is no longer visible by default.
- Fixed a concern icon in Aquileia.
- Colthage focuses about preparing for war with Hippogriffia are bypassed if they already own Zumidian states.
- Fixed Farbrook and Firtrees being able to get 6 research slots.
- Harmonic Tarrin no longer forms a faction if it already is in one.
- Fixed vanilla reunification events appearing for Colthage.
- Fixed Wingbardy not giving Tarrin states to Francistria upon puppeting.
- Fixed event about Abyssinia seizing Wingbardian colony when the civil war begins not triggering.
- Fixed issues with weapon technologies.
- Fixed issue with Wittenland always being communist when puppeted by a republic.
- Increased sickness and wounded chance reductions from some traits to ensure the chance is reduced to 0.
- Fixed Chiropterra being able to steal generals from Equestria without warning.
- Fixed Nova Griffonia's response to Teafeather assassination news event.
- Fixed the allies of the guarantator not guaranteeing Flowena.
- Fixed Black Claw Grover coronation event happening more than once.
- Fixed Skystar in Hippogriffia not losing her royal title upon becoming country leader in the communist path.
- Fixed issues with Hippogriffia's navy without Man the Guns DLC.
- Fixed some cruiser module slots.
- Removed straits in the Great Lakes as they caused various issues.
- Aquileian anti-submarine ships are now actually equipped to fight submarines.
- Improved tooltips for Southeast Equestrian railroad decisions.
- Fixed ace pilot events not being minor events.
- Lunar Empire focuses no longer require ownership of impassable states.
- Fixed Raft's AI allies leaving the faction in Hippogriffia.
- Fixed Hippogriffia being able to get wargoal on Chiropterra when it shouldn't.
- Hippogriffia should no longer get an invitation to their own wargames.
- Fixed bypass on "A Harmonist Sufrit" focus in Hippogriffia.
- Fixed AI path game rules not working for Tobuck.
- Fixed problem with Zarantia defence pact decision.
- Fixed issue with Skyfall plane focus.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 14d6

“Shores of Zebrica”

25 Apr 02:45
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✢ Additions:
- Added state lore for Warzena's capital.
- Added a victory point with a supply hub in Zarantia to make it easier for AI Chiropterra to win.
- Added a generic minotaur portrait and advisor icons.
- Added decision for AI Haukland that helps them invade the Dragon islands.
- Reworked Feather Bangs portrait and advisor icons for Our Town.
- Reworked portrait for Ambrosius in Barrad.
- Added a naval designer for Vanhoover.
- Added some generic Yeti portraits.
- Added a new national spirit icon about Wingbardian influence.
- Added two new career profile awards.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Reworked terrain around Our Town.
- Landlocked countries can now trade with Skyfall if they are neighbours.
- Improved tank icons and added icons for MBT and SHT.
- Colthaginian breakaways now use the same plane icons as Colthage itself.
- Implemented a strait to a small island in Thundaria.
- Fixed no-MtG torpedo cruiser.
- Fixed edge case crash with Kása air advisor focus.
- Zarantia now gets its surrender limit bonus later on.
- Replaced deprecated puppet checks.
- Fixed state highlights for Sombra's reclamation and Viira's land corruption decisions.
- Chiropterra now always fully annexes Tobuck and Zarantia.
- Removed clicking sound from decision category background.
- Fixed missing module icon for Posada.
- Fixed Lake City advisor icons.
- All Saddle Arabian civil war nations now share the same party names.
- Fixed missing DLC check in a Changeling focus.
- Airships now properly show their 2D GFX in designer.
- Fixed issues with Changeling plane GFX.
- Integration occupation law now increases resistance decay.
- Fixed plane designer GFX for various countries.
- Fixed Griffonian Empire tag alias usage in Flowena.
- Fixed wrong event descriptions in Zeshmunazash's Colthage.
- Reworked one of the awards to not require DLC.
- Fixed issues with equipment GFX and unit 3D models changing when they shouldn't.
- Fixed typo in one of the items in Jachs' drawer.
- Implemented missing vanilla reunification events.
- Slightly increased chance of Wingbardy AI doing focuses related to the Abyssinia war.
- Fixed broken focus icon.
- The April Fools main menu art no longer appears as a loading screen.
- Changed (TM) in Nova Griffonia's name to ®.
- Fixed an advisor in Tobuck not checking for DLC.
- Changed the non-aligned leader of Our Town.
- The end of the Storm Kingdom civil war now increases world tension by 5.
- Fixed a Wingbardy general portrait-advisor icon mismatch.
- Fixed ship anti air 2 speed.
- Upon puppeting Francistria, Wingbardy now gives all owned Tarrin states to it.
- Lunar Empire now starts with the same plane and tank designs as Equestria does.
- Crystal Empire now starts with a tank design.
- Fixed Manehattan protectorate's starting borders.
- Free Camel Tribes now get renamed if they annex Boltria.
- Changed Tobuck deadline event.
- Fixed a Haukland ship module error.
- Povner's Vartai no longer gets an event about Grover VI if he is dead.
- Fixed a Wingbardy decision about Saddle Arabia not actually costing any political power.
- Fixed some Pridean generals having both pony and griffon race traits.
- Skyfall now starts with Free Trade law.
- Fixed various character errors.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 508e

“Shores of Zebrica”

05 Apr 21:00
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✢ Additions:
- Added unit icons for Hydra support company.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Fixed persistent crash that happened in January 1010.
- Fixed issues with Feathisia's marriage decision.
- Improved Stalliongrad AI.
- Fixed some April Fools events triggering when they shouldn't.
- Some general traits are now disabled with By Blood Alone.
- Fixed the event to re-establish the Arcturian Order not triggering.
- Made re-establishing the Arcturian Order optional after annexing the Dread League.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 058f

“Shores of Zebrica”

03 Apr 23:17
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✢ Disabled April fools content by default, can be re-enabled via game rule at start.
✢ Changes and fixes:
- Fixed various issues with April Fools content.
- Improved Prywhen AI.
- Fixed Leer's Field Marshal portrait not changing alongside his country leader portrait.
- Fixed some advisor icons.
- Fixed cost and EXP gain of a Sunstriker Clan advisor.
- FNV and PvDA Duke Gerlach can now marry Duchess Gabriela.
- AI Gabriela now always accepts Gerlach's marriage offer.
- Wittenland no longer gets instant cores on Wild-Vodina when gaining the state via event.
- Replaced non-LaR modifiers in LaR traits.
- Director Arclight advisor now has a non-LaR version as well.
- Fixed Centaur racial penalty for aircraft with BBA.
- Fixed issue with Matthias becoming leader in Olenia.
- Removed vanilla Ascari general trait.
- Made artillery officer trait gainable.
- Kása now takes oppressive countries in northern Zebrica into account for modifier calculations.
- Fixed issues with Vasily's wargoal on Equestria.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: ab2a

"The Dawnclaw Heresy"

01 Apr 17:52
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✢ Reprocessed content for:
- Griffonian Empire
- Griffonian Republic
- Equestria (outsourced)
✢ Augmentations:
- Composed new flavour events for Grover V.
- Manufactured additional interactions with the Dread League under special circumstances.
- Formed new unit types.
✢ Mendings and modifications:
- Amended an issue where Grover V always dies.
- Rectified issues with Griffonian Republic's leadership.
- Expunged some early options for the Empire's vassals.
- Revised one of Diellza's ending events.
- Remedy an issue where Dawnclaw can kill Grover VI.
- Burned the heretics.
- Killed the mutants.
- Purged the unclean.

Checksum: 42d4

“Shores of Zebrica”

26 Mar 04:28
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✢ Additions:
- Added new portraits for Oborin in Tobuck and God-Emperor Leer in Angriver.
- Added AI decisions to connect railways in Equus.
- Added advisor icons for River Republic.
- Added generic portraits for polar bears, llamas and harpies.
- Added a unique trait for Con Mane in Equestria.
- Added AI game rule for the secret Hippogriffia path.
- Added new concerns for Watertowns.
- Added new concern icons for Bakara, Chital and Austurland.
- Added a decision for Colthage to core Zinder.
- Added unique focus icons for Chital's viking path.
- Reworked flag for Kimball's Bronzehill.
- Herald of Boreas in Yale can now crown Grover VI as Emperor.
- Added a decision for Hippogriffia to handle having Wingbardy as a puppet.
- Added a light nuclear engine naval module.
- Added placeholder focuses for Free Camel Tribes and Boltrian Kingdom that allow them to fight and core each other.
- Added new deer unit 3D models.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Improved performance.
- Made Eye of the Storm into an urban province.
- Adjusted shapes of various strategic regions and renamed some of them.
- Rebalanced the Storm Kingdom civil war.
- Fixed event about Zalathel's child not triggering in Colthage.
- Sanity checks for Romau's trade league.
- Removed Jaki-Clan's duplicate concern.
- Fixed crash caused by Prywhen CAS.
- Kristallregen experiment in Gryphus now needs the weather tower to be completed.
- Sanity checks for various hillpony focuses.
- Coral Ridge advisor in Hippogriffia now gives war support from casualties.
- Converted Bakaran starting air planes to support By Blood Alone.
- Fixed Colthage losing mercenary division names while still having "Army of Mercenaries" national spirit.
- Hippogriffia's underwater nuclear reactors focus now requires nuclear technology.
- Improved AI for Stalliongrad.
- Fixed issue with army/air/navy chief advisors in Tobuck.
- Fixed issue with Greifenmarschen fighter plane focus.
- Made Changeling AI use scorched earth when losing.
- Tried to prevent Luna being advisor in Solar empire.
- With By Blood Alone, focuses that unlock airframes now also unlock a few techs to customize them.
- Fixed Maud Pie advisor not being in the correct ledger.
- Fixed header positions in the welcome screen.
- Fixed Steeltalon advisor icon.
- Replaced Coral Ridge's advisor portrait.
- Fixed allowed checks for some concerns.
- Made some Aquileian concerns available for puppets.
- Vedina and Sunstriker concerns that are available for Griffonian Republic are now available for National Republican Army as well.
- Fixed various issues with concerns.
- Fixed incorrect costs for various advisors.
- Fixed some Chital advisor icons.
- Switched portrait of an Austurland admiral.
- Fixed ledgers for various theorist and high command advisors.
- River Federation can now get some Bakaran concerns and advisors.
- Changed subideology of Dust Hoover in Vanhoover to Revolutionary Dictatorship.
- Sinister's war focuses now require Stalliongrad to be at peace.
- Sinister's "Simplify Bureaucracy" focus now gives political power.
- Updated No Step Back tank tree to properly match rather recent basegame changes.
- Hippogriffia will now abandon Colthage to its fate in a prolongued civil war.
- Warzena no longer gets generic Tank and Naval Designers.
- Squark Tank Factory can now only be assigned in one slot.
- Reduce Industrial Research from Bob the Builder.
- Reduced Prywhen focus times.
- Prywhen no longer gets instant cores.
- Fixed poverty and illiteracy endgame focuses for Prywhen.
- Implemented research slot checks to Lushi focuses.
- Removed experience gain from Colthage's theorist.
- Fixed wrong terrain in a couple of provinces.
- Tweaked how Wittenland's coring of Wild-Vodina works.
- Make ideology checks for some Bakara advisors visible.
- Coltvan focus tree now works when the country is puppeted.
- Fixed "The Last Charge of the Imazeeb" event not triggering if Zumidia exists.
- Fixed a state for Avian's Haukland puppet.
- Disciples now get same news event responses as Lunar Empire.
- Chiropterra now gets a unique news event response to Summer Sun Celebration.
- Changed Klugetown communist leader portrait.
- Fixed generic ace icons.
- Fixed a Zarantia national spirit icon.
- Fix research bonus from Aquileia/Vinovia's Support Equipment Designer.
- Fixed missing advisor icon for Starry Plough in Las Pegasus and Nova Whirl in River Republic.
- Fixed faction leader scope.
- Implemented a tag alias for Aquileia.
- New Mareland now starts with armored cars.
- Fixed AI plane designs.
- Solar Empire's focus to core Crystal Empire no longer requires impassable states.
- Fixed Playthrough Overview button not appearing in the pause menu.
- Removed an impassable province border in Sunstriker Clan.
- Fixed deprecated tech bonus in River Republic focus.
- Fixed wrong HP bonus for a griffon racial technology.
- Gave Daybreaker faster mobilization speed.
- Fixed availability of a Lushi national spirit.
- Fixed GFX for fuel tank 2.
- Fixed Chiropterran localisation treating Lucent as the country leader of a puppet Zarantia.
- If Nova Whirl is dead, she can no longer flee to Skynavia.
- Implemented empty slots for By Blood Alone planes.
- Attempted to fix Flowena not getting resource rights in Adelart.
- Increased demolition gun hard attack.
- Fixed Feathisian air chief giving naval experience.
- Skynavian general congress now has a trait.
- Fixed advanced CAS airframe icon.
- Duplicate navy decisions don't appear if By Blood Alone is enabled.
- Changed various event pictures in Gerza's Colthage.
- Fixed bypasses for Aquileia's focuses about attacking Herzland.
- Adjusted when Stalliongrad gains ownership or cores of the Griffish Isles.
- Removed civil war buffs for the secret Hippogriffia path.
- Fixed various missing icons.
- Generic leaders for races without generic portraits now use silhouettes.
- Free Camel Tribes and Twizanyika now have placeholder country leaders instead of generic ones.
- Changed color of Evi formable again.
- Fixed Amphibious Modern Tank onmap icon.
- Fixed general portraits for Sen Kinh.
- Fixed advisor icon for Dominik Pinkfeather in Blackrock's Bandits.
- Fixed National Griffonian Republic not being able to remove "The Language Issue" national spirit.
- Caballeron now has description as a Field Marshal too.
- Fixed Baltimare navy chief being high command.
- Swapped trait of a Baltimare advisor so it isn't the same as that of a Stalliongrad advisor which you can get.
- Replaced a Baltimare general portrait.
- Various general traits which reduced chance to be wounded to 0 now do the same to sickness chance.
- Fix formats of Kása communist and fascist flags.
- Research bonuses from Nuclear and Rocket Scientists now match vanilla values.
- Macawia now gets access to Macawian concerns that are available for Kása and Chital.
- Equestrian breakaway countries now get Equestrian equipment templates.
- If Hippogriffia has cored Warzena prior to the Tobuck compromise, it now gets cores on the states Warzena normally gets.
- Miscellaneous character fixes.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 7bf9

“Shores of Zebrica”

21 Feb 04:58
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✢ Additions:
- Reworked portraits for Colette Solide in Westkeep and Ibyz Icepaw in Icepaw.
- Added a silhouette portrait for Diamond Dogs.
- Added alternate ideology flags for Ice Dragon Tribe.
- Added a new non-aligned flag for Hippogriffia.
- Added an event for Chiropterra if the Solar Empire forms.
- Added an event image for generic movie propaganda event.
- Added a generic portrait for harpies.
- Added a new focus icon for River Games focus.
- Added a decision for Wingbardy to give land back to Abyssinia.
- Added alternate ideology flags for Khamrin and Lan Kir.
- Added concern icons for Puerto Caballo.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Fixed a dehumanized focus icon having the wrong size.
- Fixed Princess Cadance's name being unlocalized.
- Changed year of 1005 medium tank chassis to 1009.
- Hopefully fixed Sköldsvärd not getting appropriate commander levels or traits.
- Supremacy Flowena's Vivienne advisor no longer has a non-aligned popularity boosting trait.
- Fixed Novaya Severyana advisors not working.
- Fixed some concern icons for Flowena.
- Fixed Angriver republican post-Griffenheim tree being broken.
- Renamed a Hippogriff advisor and added a general role for them.
- Fixed several issues with plane templates.
- Chiropterra now hates Equestria.
- Ahuizotl can no longer trade with Skyfall.
- Crack Lightning now keeps some of Posada's national spirits if he becomes leader.
- Fixed some crashes from advisors being added.
- Fixed Westkeep not getting Aquileian medals.
- "Empower Archons" focus now bypasses if supremacy Strawberry formed the Griffonian Empire.
- Replaced army spirit icon for Ideological Loyalty.
- Lushi will no longer get the Evi cosmetic tag if they already have the supremacy cosmetic tag.
- Fixed Zebrica generic focus tree not checking for 5 research slots.
- Added back a Buffalo advisor that got lost during character conversion.
- Fixed missing description for a Buffalo general.
- Manehattan Protectorate now starts with Changeling Equipment Templates.
- Fixed bad encoding in an OOB file causing a crash.
- Fixed missing icon for Vesalipolis Queen's Tower state modifier.
- Fixed cost for an advisor in Crystal Empire.
- Fixed several inconsistencies with Crystal Empire and Polar Bear advisor icons.
- Fixed a missing advisor icon in Tarrin.
- Fixed Stalliongrad truck technology icon.
- Prywhen can now get a fifth research slot.
- Fixed King Kloseu advisor not being removed in Brodfeld if he dies.
- Fixed Zumidia's starting air technology.
- Countries can no longer see concerns/designers of other countries at start.
- Fixed some country leader checks.
- Fixed a province in Angriver missing the forest province modifier.
- Fixed conditions for Gryphia's concerns.
- Fixed icon for New California Republic's spy advisor.
- Standardized Chrysalis-Nightmare Moon marriage to use similar checks as Sinister-Sombra marriage.
- Fixed edgecase where Sombra can marry both Sinister and Radiant.
- Swapped some hippogriff advisor icons.
- Cyanolisia and Sicameon advisors now have generic icons.
- Deer spy advisors now use deer operative icons.
- Fixed a Yakyakistan high command advisor giving daily XP gain.
- Fixed Watertowns' Holy Springs national spirit availability for countries that form the River Federation.
- Fixed Sunstriker Clan focuses not having tooltips for unlocking concerns.
- Fixed Puerto Caballo concerns checking for focuses that don't exist for now.
- Fixed missing trait for a Tobuck concern.
- Removed generic concerns from some countries that shouldn't have them.
- Our Town now gets access to some of Stalliongrad's concerns.
- Film propaganda decision now requires electronic-mechanical engineering technology.
- "First Railway" focus in Vedina now requires basic train technology.
- Zumidia now starts with "Legacy of the Storm" national spirit.
- Chiropterra's "Enslave Locals" occupation law is now only available in Northern Zebrica and gives less compliance gain.
- Made various improvements and changes to Prywhen content.
- Made Hippogriffia AI build more dockyards.
- Prevented Stalliongrad from being kicked from Equestria's faction.
- Fixed post-war dissolution of the All Ponies Front.
- Post-war Olenia now joins Equestria's technology sharing group.
- Changeling Lands get some of their military factories converted to civilian ones upon being demilitarized.
- Fixed some unused advisor icons in Gryphia and Nova Griffonia.
- Tweaked some Yakyakistan/Jaki-Clan concerns.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 1343

“Shores of Zebrica”

29 Jan 21:28
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✢ Additions:
- Added 23 new songs.
- Added new main menu art.
- Added many new focus icons for Wingbardy.
- Added decisions to build railways, supply hubs and ports for southeast Equestrian breakaway countries.
- Added a description for Plumage Moonfeather in Hippogriffia.
- Added concern icons for Chital.
- Added new concerns for Sunstriker Clan and Aquileia.
- Added a Changeling puppet flag for Haukland, communist flags for Gargiloya, Maretonia and Macawia and alternate ideology flags for April Fools Equestrian breakaways.
- Added a new general in Aestlonia.
- Added generic portraits for horses.
- Added warning events for countries with no content or outdated content.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Updated advisors to work with 1.12.9, which fixes numerous crashes and issues.
- Changed various impassables around the map.
- Fixed strategic regions not being changed for moved Olenian states.
- Renamed locations in south-eastern Zebrica.
- Reduced suppression values for special forces.
- Generic Equus focus tree can now remove illiteracy and poverty.
- Griffonian Empire puppet decisions are now cheaper.
- Various AI improvements.
- Updated aircraft cannon position.
- Fixed a National Griffonian Republic national spirit not being added.
- Fixed Griffonian Republic character transfer issues.
- Added some bypasses and checks to Equestrian focuses.
- Fixed Baltimare asking for Stalliongrad planes and not getting any.
- Don't give more infra to Castle of Two Sisters than it can have.
- Fixed Hellquill characters not being retired when they die.
- Fixed Watertowns advisor icons.
- Fixed a broken focus shine.
- Setup graphical cultures for country-specific tech icons.
- Updated Rodier's focus and advisor icons to match the new portrait.
- Attempted to fix Warzena getting stuck on "Dear Friends" focus.
- Swapped some focus icons in Francistria.
- Fixed missing advisor icon in April Fools Dread League.
- Fixed issue with Aquileian focus tree when hiding paths is disabled.
- Fixed Winggarden not coring South Aris state.
- Fixed an issue with Changeling air OOB.
- Fixed geographical operation names not working for Yakyakistan, Jaki-Clan and Olenia.
- A shared Crystal Empire/Equestria industrial concern is no longer blocked by Crystal Empire-specific focus checks.
- Adjusted the cost of Wonderbolts advisor in Equestria.
- Increased AI priority for military police.
- Removed state checks from Equus generic tree industrial focuses.
- Hopefully fix Posada in Hippogriffia denouncing herself.
- Expanded changeling namelist.
- Fix SHBB2 module slots.
- Fixed a Vedina advisor icon.
- Fixed "Princesses of Ponies" trait not being removed for democratic Equestria path.
- Setup additional puppets for Trubach's path in Avian.
- Fixed Karthinia using old communist flag.
- Adjusted music weights.
- Barrad evacuation for Wittenland now moves more population and no longer leaves one victory point.
- Fixed Chiropterra decisions when puppeted.
- Hellquill-Lushi now checks for Lushi's leaders instead of ideology.
- Fixed "Rightful Heir" trait not being removed when the Storm Kingdom is formed.
- The "War of the Two Sisters" national spirit is no longer given to southeast Equestrian breakaways as it was instantly removed anyways.
- Communist Crystal Empire and Stalliongrad can no longer unite while the other country is at war.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 2bbd

“Shores of Zebrica”

24 Dec 13:06
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✢ Additions:
- Added a generic zebra spy portrait.
- Added placeholder advisors for Boltria and Central Zebrican Empire.
- Replaced two loading screens with new images.
- Added an expanded fuel tank module.
- Reworked portrait for Rodier in Aquileia.
- Added several news event images for Aquileia, Francistria, Wingbardy and Hippogriffia.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Awards are now available without ironpony mode again.
- Fixed a Hippogriffia decision removing general traits from Colthage instead of Chiropterra.
- Fixed an issue with Hippogriffia's industrial mobilization.
- Renamed some victory points in Karkadannistan, Maretonia and Uusi Hirvimaa.
- Fixed Aquileia not having cruiser armour.
- Fixed Coltva plane template bug.
- Fixed Angriver republican post-unification focuses not appearing when they should.
- Zecora's Rebellion no longer annexes the Austral and Appleloosan Protectorates upon winning.
- Hippogriffia can no longer do war propaganda until they remove isolation.
- Hippogriffia now has opinion penalties with yeti-led countries.
- Nerfed various Hippogriffian decisions and focuses.
- Armored cars now have more breakthrough, initiative and suppression.
- Storm Kingdom civil war leaders now lose the "Rightful Heir" trait after winning.
- Fixed Las Pegasus award not being rewarded.
- Fixed a Warzena focus by adding a bypass condition.
- Fixed a variable check for Zarantian secret path scripted GUI.
- Fixed some national spirit icons for Changelings and Manehattan.
- Fixed Zidon not giving orthodox influence while being an advisor in Coltva.
- Fixed Colthage constitutionalist path plane focus.
- Fixed a province shape in Hindia.
- Hopefully fix Sombra remaining a field marshal even after he is defeated.
- Fixed issues with planes in Winggarden.
- Fixed crash caused by plane focus in Lake City.
- 2 Crystal Empire industrial focuses are now available for Sombra as well.
- Attempted to fix Warzena getting stuck on "Dear Friends" focus.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 94b3

“Shores of Zebrica”

24 Nov 21:59
Choose a tag to compare

✢ Additions:
- Added new concern icons for Chital, Watertowns, Prywhen/Brodfeld, Greneclyf and Buffalo tribe.
- Added new flags for Osqat.
- Added new generic portraits for Aquileia, kirins, changelings, deer, llama, harpies and zebras.
- Added new generals in Nimbusia, Celestial State and Changeling Lands.
- Added new events and decisions for Posada's Hippogriffia.
- Added several new victory points around the map.
- Added a placeholder war event for Qaylids to attack Thundaria.
- Added unique names for the new vanilla propaganda decisions.
- Added descriptions for helicopter technologies for Hippogriffia.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Moved two states from Olenia to Thundaria.
- Yakyakistan now goes harmonic on historical.
- Reworked icons for dragon race.
- Awards are now only available on ironpony.
- Fixed awards that require tag switching.
- Fixed issues with planes that were causing common crashes.
- Fixed various plane and ship technology/module issues.
- Fixed Princess Luna not retiring as general when she should.
- Fixed various advisor icons.
- Fixed name of a Hippogriff technology.
- Fixed Changelings having no starting planes with a specific set of DLC enabled.
- Implemented a workaround to a vanilla change where capitulation does not lead to a peace conference if the losing side is in a faction, even if the faction is not at war with the victor.
- Improved transfer of impassable states between countries.
- Fixed Wittenland getting an event for dropping the first nuke if they used the falling star spell.
- Puppeted Olenia is now only annexed if Changelings are the overlord.
- Adjusted and fixed various military advisor experience modifiers.
- Fixed Rainbow Dash advisor not having visible modifiers.
- Fixed possible crash caused by Sea Lily's roles being removed in Bakara.
- Kirin race technology no longer increases chance of getting female characters.
- Adjusted Spa Islands state population as well as air base and naval base levels.
- Redistributed some population in Olenia, Crystal Empire and Nova Griffonia.
- Fixed Terrafin advisor appearing in the army ledger instead of civilian.
- Fixed issues with Tobuck leader trait and wargoals on Colthage's breakaways.
- Fixed issues with AI getting stuck in border conflicts when using the generic raiding decision.
- Gyzwindids now start with an extra division.
- Fixed Rodier high command role visibility.
- Fixed a crash in Zarantia caused by wrong division template.
- Fixed Balance of Power button sometimes not being visible in the UI.
- Fixed missing AI templates for new plane technologies.
- Posada gets another tech boost for nuclear tech.
- Fixed Hippogriffia getting two industrial mobilisation plans.
- Reduced Brodfeld focus durations.
- Crack Lightning in Hippogriffia now gets assault battalions.
- Fixed Hippogriffia antifa training bug.
- Fixed a missing focus check in "Organize the left" decision category in Hippogriffia.
- Fixed focus prerequisites for a New Mareland focus.
- Some arid regions no longer get snow.
- Posada's Hippogriffa now tracks which projects succeeded or failed.
- Fixed Baragzen's death timer in Tobuck.
- Repositioned state lore button slightly.
- Fixed Ocean Spray's plane advisors.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

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