The library is a continuous effort to implement LINQ using latest features of TypeScript and JavaScript languages (For ES5 compatible library look at linq-es5 branch). The library is implemented in TypeScript and transpiled into JavaScript. It is distributed as a native node module. Browserified and minified standalone UMD modules are located in ./dist directory and could be used directly in compatible browsers. This library uses latest ECMAScript 2015 language specification and utilizes Iterables: ( [System.iterator] ), JavaScript generators (function*), and for of loops. All relevant methods are implemented with deferred execution so no unnecessary iterations are performed. The code is backwards compatible with linq-es5 and C# implementations.
import * as Enumerable from "linq-es2015";
var count = Enumerable.asEnumerable( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] )
.Where(a => a % 2 == 1)
var iterable = Enumerable.asEnumerable(people)
person => person,
pet => pet.Owner,
(person, petCollection) => {
return {
Owner: person.Name,
Pets: asEnumerable(petCollection)
.Select(pet=> pet.Name)
For live examples please follow links to (Node) or (Browser).
When library is used in TypeScript method names follow original C# convention (Name starts with capital letter). It is done for compatibility reasons so that code could be cut/pasted from C# with just minor reformatting. If used directly in JavaScript names follow camelCase notation.