For detailed information see the documentation of the authentication methods, Google Auth and Email.
# app/config/config.yml
# Trusted computer feature
enabled: false # If the trusted computer feature should be enabled
cookie_name: trusted_computer # Name of the trusted computer cookie
cookie_lifetime: 5184000 # Lifetime of the trusted computer cookie
cookie_secure: false # Set the 'Secure' (HTTPS Only) flag on the trusted_computer cookie
# Regex pattern of paths you want to exclude from two-factor authentication.
# Useful to exclude Assetic paths or other files from being blocked.
# Example: ^/(css|js|images)/
exclude_pattern: ~
# POST/GET parameter names
auth_code: _auth_code # Name of the parameter containing the authentication code
trusted: _trusted # Name of the parameter containing the trusted flag
# Email authentication config
enabled: true # If email authentication should be enabled, default false
mailer: my_mailer_service # Use alternative service to send the authentication code
sender_email: [email protected] # Sender email address
sender_name: John Doe # Sender name
digits: 4 # Number of digits in authentication code
template: AcmeDemoBundle:Authentication:form.html.twig # Template used to render the authentication form
# Google Authenticator config
enabled: true # If Google Authenticator should be enabled, default false
server_name: Server Name # Server name used in QR code
issuer: Issuer Name # Issuer name used in QR code
template: AcmeDemoBundle:Authentication:form.html.twig # Template used to render the authentication form
# The service which is used to persist data in the user object. By default Doctrine is used. If your entity is
# managed by something else (e.g. an API), you have to implement a custom persister
persister: scheb_two_factor.persister.doctrine
# If your Doctrine user object is managed by a model manager, which is not the default one, you have to
# set this option. Name of entity manager or null, which uses the default one.
model_manager_name: ~
# The security token classes, which trigger two-factor authentication.
# By default the bundle only reacts to Symfony's username+password authentication. If you want to enable
# two-factor authentication for other authentication methods, add their security token classes.
- Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken
# A list of IP addresses, which will not trigger two-factor authentication
The bundle comes with a security voter, which checks if the two-factor-auth is completed, if not it will deny access. This requires a change in the security configuration:
# app/config/security.yml
strategy: unanimous