The below instructions are based on those for software carpentry and the UW Software Development for Data Scientists course. Software carpentry in particular is a great resource if you run into any trouble.
The bash shell provides a programming environment that is often used to manipulate files, install programs, and basic data analysis. The git version control system (along with the github website) are widely used for sharing codes and collaborative development of software. Bash and git are part of Linux and Mac OSX. Windows users should install gitbash. (See
If you do not already have Python 3 installed on your computer (or even if you do, but don't use Conda), we recommend installing miniconda. Installation instructions for your OS can be found at After you have installed conda, run the following to install Jupyter lab:
- Update conda’s listing of packages for your system:
conda update conda
- Install Jupyter lab and its requirements:
conda install jupyterlab
Create an account at A basic account is free and allows you to have unlimited public and private repositories.
A text editor like Notepad++ or Atom are great tools for data science and hacking.