From 02e06d779e257e0c9f6ef3e9845509f67791c4fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Scott Mitchell Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 15:17:14 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] DYN-903: Dynamo Dictionary Updates for 2.0 (#1) * Updated xml and json data for Dynamo 2.0 * moved old xml and json files * removed unnecessary diffs * revert IMAGE_FALSE_AVP_TRUE to true. * added Revit nodes to 2.0 update * Revert to previously migrated Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation * Removed AVP --- | 3 - public/css/AVP.min.css | 213 - public/data/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation.json | 8676 +-- public/data/Revit_Library.xml | 53413 ++++++++++------ .../old/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation_1.json | 12268 ++++ .../Revit_Library_1.xml} | 39851 ++++++------ public/index.html | 10 - public/js/avp/AVP.min.js | 360 - src/components/ExampleFile.js | 37 +- src/constants/index.js | 1 - src/util/avp.js | 458 - src/util/interop.js | 21 +- 12 files changed, 70030 insertions(+), 45281 deletions(-) delete mode 100755 public/css/AVP.min.css create mode 100644 public/data/old/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation_1.json rename public/data/{Dynamo_Library.xml => old/Revit_Library_1.xml} (61%) delete mode 100755 public/js/avp/AVP.min.js delete mode 100644 src/constants/index.js delete mode 100644 src/util/avp.js diff --git a/ b/ index cdb0c183..567b0c64 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ Live version here: ## Run in Development Mode - In root directory, type ```npm run start``` into the command line. -#### Toggle AVP / Example images. -- In `src/config/index.js`, change `IMAGE_FALSE_AVP_TRUE` to `true` for AVP sample (experimental) and `false` for Dynamo example images (default). - ## Deploy to Autodesk - confirm that `homepage` in `package.json` is set to ``. The developer may change this address depending on the staging environment. diff --git a/public/css/AVP.min.css b/public/css/AVP.min.css deleted file mode 100755 index de53c04b..00000000 --- a/public/css/AVP.min.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,213 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * Bootstrap v3.3.7 ( - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - *//*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | */.label,sub,sup{vertical-align:baseline}.collapsing,.nav .nav-divider,svg:not(:root){overflow:hidden}.btn-group>.btn-group,.btn-toolbar .btn,.btn-toolbar .btn-group,.btn-toolbar .input-group,.col-xs-1,.col-xs-10,.col-xs-11,.col-xs-12,.col-xs-2,.col-xs-3,.col-xs-4,.col-xs-5,.col-xs-6,.col-xs-7,.col-xs-8,.col-xs-9,.dropdown-menu{float:left}.btn,.ui-button{-moz-user-select:none}.fa,.glyphicon{-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}.disabled-item,.form-control-feedback,.ui-checkboxradio-disabled,.ui-state-disabled,.workspace-name,a.btn.disabled,fieldset[disabled] a.btn{pointer-events:none}html{font-family:sans-serif;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,menu,nav,section,summary{display:block}audio,canvas,progress,video{display:inline-block;vertical-align:baseline}audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden],template{display:none}a{background-color:transparent}a:active,a:hover{outline:0}b,optgroup,strong{font-weight:700}dfn{font-style:italic}h1{margin:.67em 0}mark{color:#000;background:#ff0}sub,sup{position:relative;font-size:75%;line-height:0}sup{top:-.5em}sub{bottom:-.25em}img{border:0;vertical-align:middle}hr{height:0;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box}*,:after,:before,input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box}pre,textarea{overflow:auto}code,kbd,pre,samp{font-size:1em}button,input,optgroup,select,textarea{margin:0;font:inherit;color:inherit}.glyphicon,address{font-style:normal}button{overflow:visible}button,select{text-transform:none}button,html input[type=button],input[type=reset],input[type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button;cursor:pointer}button[disabled],html input[disabled]{cursor:default}button::-moz-focus-inner,input::-moz-focus-inner{padding:0;border:0}input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]{box-sizing:border-box;padding:0}input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{height:auto}input[type=search]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,input[type=search]::-webkit-search-decoration{-webkit-appearance:none}table{border-spacing:0;border-collapse:collapse}td,th{padding:0}/*! 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a/public/data/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation.json b/public/data/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation.json index 93d5b25e..c5623905 100644 --- a/public/data/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation.json +++ b/public/data/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation.json @@ -1,4340 +1,4340 @@ [{ - "Name": "ByKeysValues", - "imageFile": ["ByKeysValues"], - "dynFile": ["ByKeysValues"], - "folderPath": "Dictionary/Create", - "inDepth": "ByKeysValues will return a dictionary given the keys (strings) to lookup by and the values to return. The number of entries in the dictionary will be whatever input is shorter." - }, { - "Name": "Components", - "imageFile": ["Components"], - "dynFile": ["Components"], - "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", - "inDepth": "Components is essentially the reverse of ByKeysValues. Given a dictionary, this node will return the components that comprise the dictionary." - }, { - "Name": "RemoveKeys", - "imageFile": ["RemoveKeys"], - "dynFile": ["RemoveKeys"], - "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", - "inDepth": "" - }, { - "Name": "SetValueAtKeys", - "imageFile": ["SetValueAtKeys"], - "dynFile": ["SetValueAtKeys"], - "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", - "inDepth": "Produce a new Dictionary with a list of keys set to the new values, possibly overwriting existing key-value pairs. These two lists are expected to be of the same length. If not, the shorter of the two bounds the number of insertions." - }, { - "Name": "ValueAtKey", - "imageFile": ["ValueAtKey"], - "dynFile": ["ValueAtKey"], - "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", - "inDepth": "ValueAtKey will return the value from the given dictionary by the given key (string)." - }, { - "Name": "Count", - "imageFile": ["Count"], - "dynFile": ["Count"], - "folderPath": "Dictionary/Query", - "inDepth": "Count will return the count of key/value pairs in the dictionary." - }, { - "Name": "Keys", - "imageFile": ["Keys"], - "dynFile": ["Keys"], - "folderPath": "Dictionary/Query", - "inDepth": "Keys will return the keys stored in the given dictionary." - }, { - "Name": "Values", - "imageFile": ["Values"], - "dynFile": ["Values"], - "folderPath": "Dictionary/Query", - "inDepth": "Values will return the values stored in the given dictionary." - }, { - "Name": "Add", - "imageFile": ["Add"], - "dynFile": ["Add"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", - "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." - }, { - "Name": "ByARGB", - "imageFile": ["ByARGB"], - "dynFile": ["ByARGB"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", - "inDepth": "ByARGB will create a color using input Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue values. The input values are in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we use 4 number sliders set to the range 0 to 255 to control the input values of a ByARGB node. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color." - }, { - "Name": "Color Palette", - "imageFile": ["Color Palette"], - "dynFile": ["Color Palette"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", - "inDepth": "" - }, { - "Name": "Divide", - "imageFile": ["Divide"], - "dynFile": ["Divide"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", - "inDepth": "Divide will divide the individual channels of a color by an input number, and return the resulting color. Note that the resulting values must be less than 255. In the example below, we create a color using ByARGB nodes. We then use a Divide node to divide the color by a number controlled with a number slider. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color." - }, { - "Name": "Multiply", - "imageFile": ["Multiply"], - "dynFile": ["Multiply"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", - "inDepth": "Multiply will multiply the individual channels of a color by an input number, and return the resulting color. Note that the resulting values must be less than 255. In the example below, we create a color using ByARGB nodes. We then use a Multiply node to multiply the color by a number controlled with a number slider. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color." - }, { - "Name": "Brightness", - "imageFile": ["Brightness"], - "dynFile": ["Brightness"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Action", - "inDepth": "Brightness will return the brightness value of an input color in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The brightness value of the resulting color is found by using a Brightness node." - }, { - "Name": "Components", - "imageFile": ["Components"], - "dynFile": ["Components"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Action", - "inDepth": "Components will return the Days, Hours, Minutes, etc of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 5:16:21 returns 0 Days, 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, 21 Seconds, and 0 Milliseconds." - }, { - "Name": "Hue", - "imageFile": ["Hue"], - "dynFile": ["Hue"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Action", - "inDepth": "Hue will return the hue value of an input color. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The hue value of the resulting color is found by using a Hue node." - }, { - "Name": "Saturation", - "imageFile": ["Saturation"], - "dynFile": ["Saturation"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Action", - "inDepth": "Saturation will return the saturation value of an input color in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The saturation value of the resulting color is found by using a Saturation node." - }, { - "Name": "Alpha", - "imageFile": ["Alpha"], - "dynFile": ["Alpha"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Query", - "inDepth": "Alpha will return the alpha value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The alpha value of the resulting color is found by using an Alpha node." - }, { - "Name": "Blue", - "imageFile": ["Blue"], - "dynFile": ["Blue"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Query", - "inDepth": "Blue will return the blue value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The blue value of the resulting color is found by using a Blue node." - }, { - "Name": "Green", - "imageFile": ["Green"], - "dynFile": ["Green"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Query", - "inDepth": "Green will return the green value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The green value of the resulting color is found by using a Green node." - }, { - "Name": "Red", - "imageFile": ["Red"], - "dynFile": ["Red"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color/Query", - "inDepth": "Red will return the red value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The red value of the resulting color is found by using a Red node." - }, { - "Name": "ByColorsAndParameters", - "imageFile": ["ByColorsAndParameters"], - "dynFile": ["ByColorsAndParameters"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color Range/Create", - "inDepth": "ByColorsAndParameters creates an 2D color range from a list of input colors and a corresponding list of specified UV parameters in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we use a code block to create three different colors (in this case simply green, red, and blue) and to combine them into a list. We use a separate code block to create three UV parameters, one for each color. These two lists are used as inputs to a ByColorsAndParameters node. We use a subsequent GetColorAtParameter node, along with a Display.ByGeometryColor node to visualize the 2D color range across a set of cubes." - }, { - "Name": "Color Range", - "imageFile": ["Color Range"], - "dynFile": ["Color Range"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color Range/Create", - "inDepth": "Color Range will create a gradient between a set of input colors, and allow colors from that gradient to be selected by a list of input values. The first input, colors, is a list of colors to use in the gradient. The second inut, indices, will determine the relative location of the input colors in the gradient. This list should correspond to the list of colors, each value being in the range 0 to 1. The exact value is not important, only the relative position of the values. The color corresponding to the lowest value will be on the left of the gradient, and the color corresponding to the highest value will be on the right side of the gradient. The final values input allows the user to select points along the gradient in the range 0 to 1 to output. In the example below, we first create two colors: red and green. The order of these colors in the gradient is determined by a list that we create with a code block. A third code block is used to create a range of numbers between 0 and 1 that will determine the output colors from the gradient. A set of cubes is generated along the x-axis, and these cubes are finally colored according the gradient by using a Display.ByGeometryColor node." - }, { - "Name": "GetColorAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["GetColorAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["GetColorAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Display/Color Range/Action", - "inDepth": "GetColorAtParameter takes an input 2D color range, and returns a list of colors at specified UV parameters in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we first create a 2D Color Range using a ByColorsAndParameters node with a list of colors and list of parameters to set the range. A code block is used to generate a range of numbers between 0 and 1, which is used as the u and v inputs in a UV.ByCoordinates node. The lacing of this node is set to cross product. A set of cubes is created in a similar manner, which a Point.ByCoordinates node with cross product lacing used to created an array of cubes. We then use a Display.ByGeometryColor node with the array of cubes and the list of colors obtained from the GetColorAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "Watch", - "imageFile": ["Watch"], - "dynFile": ["Watch"], - "folderPath": "Display/Watch/Action", - "inDepth": "Watch will display the output of a node in list format. In the example below, the contents of an Excel file are returned as a list and displayed in a Watch node. Watch is useful for understanding the list structures, geometry types, etc that different nodes return." - }, { - "Name": "Watch 3D", - "imageFile": ["Watch 3D"], - "dynFile": ["Watch 3D"], - "folderPath": "Display/Watch/Action", - "inDepth": "Watch 3D will preview the geometry output of a node in a new workspace window. In the example below, a Solid is previewed in the Watch3D node while its PolySurface bounding box is previewed in the workspace." - }, { - "Name": "Watch Image", - "imageFile": ["Watch Image"], - "dynFile": ["Watch Image"], - "folderPath": "Display/Watch/Action", - "inDepth": "Watch Image will preview a bitmap. In the example below, a bitmap used as a height field is previewed in a Watch Image node. This allows us to compare the resulting geometry with the original image." - }, { - "Name": "ByCorners", - "imageFile": ["ByCorners"], - "dynFile": ["ByCorners"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Create", - "inDepth": "Cuboid By Corners creates a cuboid where the two input points are used as the opposite corners of the cuboid. In the example file, two points are randomly generated and used to create a cuboid." - }, { - "Name": "ByGeometry", - "imageFile": ["ByGeometry"], - "dynFile": ["ByGeometry"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Create", - "inDepth": "ByGeometry brings each input geometry into Revit as an individual Import Instance element. An Import Instance is identified as an Import Symbol in Revit." - }, { - "Name": "Contains", - "imageFile": ["Contains"], - "dynFile": ["Contains"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", - "inDepth": "Bounding Box Contains tests if a specified Point is inside of a Bounding Box. Because the Point in this example is at (5,5,5), and our Origin Sphere’s Radius is larger than 5, the Contains node will return True." - }, { - "Name": "Intersection", - "imageFile": ["Intersection"], - "dynFile": ["Intersection"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", - "inDepth": "Bounding Box Intersection solves for the Intersection for two Bounding Boxes and returns the overlapping Bounding Box. This example uses two cones to demonstrate the use of this node. In order to visualize the Box we are converting it to a Cuboid." - }, { - "Name": "Intersects", - "imageFile": ["Intersects"], - "dynFile": ["Intersects"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", - "inDepth": "Bounding Box Intersects tests two bounding boxes for overlap. If the boxes intersect, the node will return True, otherwise it will return False. This example tests for an intersection between the Bounding Boxes of two input Cones." - }, { - "Name": "IsEmpty", - "imageFile": ["IsEmpty"], - "dynFile": ["IsEmpty"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", - "inDepth": "IsEmpty will return a boolean value based on whether the Bounding Box is empty or not." - }, { - "Name": "ToCuboid", - "imageFile": ["ToCuboid"], - "dynFile": ["ToCuboid"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", - "inDepth": "Bounding Box ToCuboid creates a Cuboid geometry from a Bounding Box. In order to visualize the relationship of the input Sphere to the Cuboid in the example, we are extracting its edge curves." - }, { - "Name": "ToPolySurface", - "imageFile": ["ToPolySurface"], - "dynFile": ["ToPolySurface"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", - "inDepth": "ToPolySurface will return a bounding box as a PolySurface. In the example below, the bounding box of several unioned spheres is returned as a PolySurface. The resulting PolySurface is displayed with a color and transparency to show the original geometry inside." - }, { - "Name": "MaxPoint", - "imageFile": ["MaxPoint"], - "dynFile": ["MaxPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Query", - "inDepth": "Bounding Box MaxPoint returns the point that has the largest X, Y and Z values. This example shows a Bounding Box MaxPoint of a Sphere." - }, { - "Name": "MinPoint", - "imageFile": ["MinPoint"], - "dynFile": ["MinPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Query", - "inDepth": "Bounding Box MinPoint returns the point that has the smallest X, Y and Z values. This example shows a Bounding Box MinPoint of a Sphere." - }, { - "Name": "ByCylindricalCoordinates", - "imageFile": ["ByCylindricalCoordinates"], - "dynFile": ["ByCylindricalCoordinates"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "The Point By Cylindrical Coordinates node creates a point located within a cylindrical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of angles and elevations to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius." - }, { - "Name": "ByMatrix", - "imageFile": ["ByMatrix"], - "dynFile": ["ByMatrix"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByMatrix..." - }, { - "Name": "ByOrigin (origin)", - "imageFile": ["ByOrigin (origin)"], - "dynFile": ["ByOrigin (origin)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "ByOrigin (origin) will return a new CoordinateSystem with it's origin at the input Point. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with its origin at (4,4,0)." - }, { - "Name": "ByOrigin (x, y, z)", - "imageFile": ["ByOrigin (x, y, z)"], - "dynFile": ["ByOrigin (x, y, z)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "ByOrigin (x, y, z) will return a new CoordinateSystem with the X, Y, and Z values of its origin as the node's inputs. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with it's origin at (4,2,1) from inputs 4, 2, and 1 into X, Y, and Z respectively." - }, { - "Name": "ByOrigin (x, y)", - "imageFile": ["ByOrigin (x, y)"], - "dynFile": ["ByOrigin (x, y)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "ByOrigin (x, y) will return a new CoordinateSystem with the X and Y values of its origin as inputs. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with it's origin at (4,2,0) from inputs 4 and 2 into X and Y respectively." - }, { - "Name": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)", - "imageFile": ["ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)"], - "dynFile": ["ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis) will return a new CoordinateSystem at an input origin point with input X and Y axes. In the example below, the CoordinateSystem is placed at an origin with new vectors for the X and Y axes. The result is a CoordinateSystem rotated relative to the original CoordinateSystem." - }, { - "Name": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)", - "imageFile": ["ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)"], - "dynFile": ["ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)..." - }, { - "Name": "ByPlane", - "imageFile": ["ByPlane"], - "dynFile": ["ByPlane"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "Sketch planes are used in the creation of 2D and 3D geometry in Revit." - }, { - "Name": "BySphericalCoordinates", - "imageFile": ["BySphericalCoordinates"], - "dynFile": ["BySphericalCoordinates"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "The Point By Spherical Coordinates node creates a point located within a spherical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of phi and theta angles to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius. The location of the sphere is set to a Coordinate System with the origin (1, 5, 1)." - }, { - "Name": "Identity", - "imageFile": ["Identity"], - "dynFile": ["Identity"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", - "inDepth": "Identity will return what is passed in. In the example below, the Identity node is used to preview each piece of geometry created inside a Code Block." - }, { - "Name": "Inverse", - "imageFile": ["Inverse"], - "dynFile": ["Inverse"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Inverse will return an inverted CoordinateSystem from the input. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem at (1,2,0) is inverted into a CoordinateSystem at (-1,-2,0). The geometry drawn on the CoordinateSystems will be opposite the WCS origin from each other." - }, { - "Name": "IsEqualTo", - "imageFile": ["IsEqualTo"], - "dynFile": ["IsEqualTo"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "IsEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether the values of the input CoordinateSystems are equal to each other. In the example below, two CoordinateSystems with identical, positive and negative origin positions are passed through IsEqualTo, returning a false boolean value. However, inverting the positive CoordinateSystem returns a true boolean value from IsEqualTo because it's origin point X and Y values are now negative." - }, { - "Name": "Mirror", - "imageFile": ["Mirror"], - "dynFile": ["Mirror"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry Mirror reflects a Geometry across a defined Plane. In this example, we are Mirroring a Cone across the Y-Axis." - }, { - "Name": "PostMultiplyBy", - "imageFile": ["PostMultiplyBy"], - "dynFile": ["PostMultiplyBy"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "PostMultiplyBy will return a new CoordinateSystem from multiplying it by a CoordinateSystem and other (argument) CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is returned that is translated and rotated relative to the CS it was multiplied by and it's argument. Switching the coordinatesystem and other inputs will produce a different result as one is applied after the other." - }, { - "Name": "PreMultiplyBy", - "imageFile": ["PreMultiplyBy"], - "dynFile": ["PreMultiplyBy"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "PreMultiplyBy will return a new CoordinateSystem from multiplying it by an other (argument) CoordinateSystem and a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is returned that is translated and rotated relative to the CoordinateSystem it was multiplied by and it's argument. This node is similar to the PostMultiplyBy node with the only difference being that the other input is applied before the coordinatesystem input." - }, { - "Name": "Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)", - "imageFile": ["Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)"], - "dynFile": ["Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Rotates a coordinate system around an origin and an axis by a specified degree." - }, { - "Name": "Rotate (plane, degrees)", - "imageFile": ["Rotate (plane, degrees)"], - "dynFile": ["Rotate (plane, degrees)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Rotates a coordinate system on a plane by a specified degree." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale the coordinate system non-uniformly around the origin on a given plane." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (amount)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (amount)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (amount)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale the coordinate system uniformly around the origin." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (basePoint, from, to)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (basePoint, from, to)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (basePoint, from, to)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "" - }, { - "Name": "Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale the coordinate system non-uniformly around the origin." - }, { - "Name": "Scale1D", - "imageFile": ["Scale1D"], - "dynFile": ["Scale1D"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry Scale1D Scales a Geometry in one direction from a Base Point and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the Cone Start Point. The original Cone Edges are drawn as a visual reference." - }, { - "Name": "Scale2D", - "imageFile": ["Scale2D"], - "dynFile": ["Scale2D"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry Scale2D Scales a Geometry in two directions from a Base Plane and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the YZ-Plane." - }, { - "Name": "ScaleFactor", - "imageFile": ["ScaleFactor"], - "dynFile": ["ScaleFactor"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "ScaleFactor will return a Vector consisting of the X, Y, and Z scale factors of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a scaled CoordinateSystem returns a Vector with X, Y, and Z values of 4.4 and a length of 7.621." - }, { - "Name": "Transform (cs)", - "imageFile": ["Transform (cs)"], - "dynFile": ["Transform (cs)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Transform the object by the input CoordinateSystem matrix." - }, { - "Name": "Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)", - "imageFile": ["Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)"], - "dynFile": ["Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Transforms this Coordinate System from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem." - }, { - "Name": "Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)", - "imageFile": ["Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)"], - "dynFile": ["Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Translates any given Coordinate System by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively." - }, { - "Name": "Translate (direction, distance)", - "imageFile": ["Translate (direction, distance)"], - "dynFile": ["Translate (direction, distance)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Translates any CoordinateSystem type by the given distance in the given direction." - }, { - "Name": "Translate (direction)", - "imageFile": ["Translate (direction)"], - "dynFile": ["Translate (direction)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", - "inDepth": "Translate the object in the direction and magnitude of input Vector." - }, { - "Name": "Determinant", - "imageFile": ["Determinant"], - "dynFile": ["Determinant"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "Obtain the Determinant of this CoordinateSystem." - }, { - "Name": "IsScaledOrtho", - "imageFile": ["IsScaledOrtho"], - "dynFile": ["IsScaledOrtho"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "Tests if the scaling orthogonal, i.e. does it have a shear component." - }, { - "Name": "IsSingular", - "imageFile": ["IsSingular"], - "dynFile": ["IsSingular"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "Determine whether it is possible to get the Inverse of this CoordinateSystem." - }, { - "Name": "IsUniscaledOrtho", - "imageFile": ["IsUniscaledOrtho"], - "dynFile": ["IsUniscaledOrtho"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "Tests if the scaling orthogonal and are all the vectors normalized." - }, { - "Name": "Origin", - "imageFile": ["Origin"], - "dynFile": ["Origin"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "Origin will return a Point at the Origin of the WorldCoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Circle by centerpoint and radius is created using a Point at the WCS Origin." - }, { - "Name": "XAxis", - "imageFile": ["XAxis"], - "dynFile": ["XAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "XAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem X axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS X axis." - }, { - "Name": "XScaleFactor", - "imageFile": ["XScaleFactor"], - "dynFile": ["XScaleFactor"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "XScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the X Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an X scale factor of 2.3." - }, { - "Name": "XYPlane", - "imageFile": ["XYPlane"], - "dynFile": ["XYPlane"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "XYPlane returns a plane in Dynamo from a reference point in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "YAxis", - "imageFile": ["YAxis"], - "dynFile": ["YAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "YAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Y axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Y axis." - }, { - "Name": "YScaleFactor", - "imageFile": ["YScaleFactor"], - "dynFile": ["YScaleFactor"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "YScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the Y Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an Y scale factor of 2.3." - }, { - "Name": "YZPlane", - "imageFile": ["YZPlane"], - "dynFile": ["YZPlane"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "YZPlane returns a plane in Dynamo from a reference point in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "ZAxis", - "imageFile": ["ZAxis"], - "dynFile": ["ZAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "ZAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Z axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Z axis." - }, { - "Name": "ZScaleFactor", - "imageFile": ["ZScaleFactor"], - "dynFile": ["ZScaleFactor"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "ZScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the Z Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an Z scale factor of 2.3." - }, { - "Name": "ZXPlane", - "imageFile": ["ZXPlane"], - "dynFile": ["ZXPlane"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", - "inDepth": "ZXPlane will return a plane on the Z and X axes of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a plane is placed on the ZX axes of a rotated CoordinateSystem." - }, { - "Name": "AdjacentFaces", - "imageFile": ["AdjacentFaces"], - "dynFile": ["AdjacentFaces"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Edge/Query", - "inDepth": "AdjacentFaces will return the Faces adjacent to an input Vertex. In the example below, a Vertex on a Cuboid will return a List of three Faces. Adjusting the Index Selector slider will change the input Vertex and return different sets of adjacent Faces. The Faces are represented as Surfaces." - }, { - "Name": "CurveGeometry", - "imageFile": ["CurveGeometry"], - "dynFile": ["CurveGeometry"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Edge/Query", - "inDepth": "CurveGeometry will return an Edge as a Curve. In the example below, an identified Edge is represented as a Curve." - }, { - "Name": "EndVertex", - "imageFile": ["EndVertex"], - "dynFile": ["EndVertex"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Edge/Query", - "inDepth": "EndVertex will return the Vertex at the end of an Edge. In the example below, an end Vertex is represented as a Point." - }, { - "Name": "StartVertex", - "imageFile": ["StartVertex"], - "dynFile": ["StartVertex"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Edge/Query", - "inDepth": "StartVertex will return the Vertex at the start of an Edge. In the example below, a start Vertex is represented as a Point." - }, { - "Name": "SurfaceGeometry", - "imageFile": ["SurfaceGeometry"], - "dynFile": ["SurfaceGeometry"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Face/Action", - "inDepth": "SurfaceGeometry will return a Face as a Surface. In the example below, a Face is identified on the Solid and returned as a Surface." - }, { - "Name": "Edges", - "imageFile": ["Edges"], - "dynFile": ["Edges"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Face/Query", - "inDepth": "Edges will return a List of Edges from an input geometry. In the example below, a Cuboid returns a List of 12 Edges." - }, { - "Name": "Vertices", - "imageFile": ["Vertices"], - "dynFile": ["Vertices"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Face/Query", - "inDepth": "Vertices will return a List of Vertex locations for an input geometry. In the example below, the a Cuboid returns a list of 8 Vertex locations." - }, { - "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." - }, { - "Name": "ByLineAndPoint", - "imageFile": ["ByLineAndPoint"], - "dynFile": ["ByLineAndPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane by Line and Point creates a plane using the input Point as the origin, and passing through the input line. The point must not lie on the axis of the line. In the example, we create a line by first using a set of random points and then creating a line with ByBestFitThroughPoints. An origin point is created with a code block providing the x,y, and z coordinates for a Point.ByCoordinates component. We then use the line and point as inputs to create a Plane by Line and Point." - }, { - "Name": "ByOriginNormal", - "imageFile": ["ByOriginNormal"], - "dynFile": ["ByOriginNormal"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane by Origin Normal creates a plane using the input point as the origin, and perpendicular to the input Normal vector. In the example below, we use a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates of a Point By Coordinates. We then use that point as the Origin, and use a world Y-Axis as the normal vector for a Plane by Origin Normal." - }, { - "Name": "ByOriginNormalXAxis", - "imageFile": ["ByOriginNormalXAxis"], - "dynFile": ["ByOriginNormalXAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane by Origin Normal XAxis is similar to Plane By Origin Normal, but this allows us to also input a direction for the XAxis to control the orientation of the plane. If the input xAxis vector is not in the plane defined by the origin and normal inputs, it is first projected onto the plane to determine the Plane XAxis. In the example below, we use world YAxis as the normal vector, and use two code blocks to define the origin point and input xAxis." - }, { - "Name": "ByOriginXAxisYAxis", - "imageFile": ["ByOriginXAxisYAxis"], - "dynFile": ["ByOriginXAxisYAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane by Origin XAxis YAxis uses an origin point and two vectors to define a plane. The Normal vector of the plane is created by taking the cross product of the X and Y axis vectors. In the example below, we use world YAxis as the xAxis, and use two code blocks to define the origin point and input xAxis. " - }, { - "Name": "ByThreePoints", - "imageFile": ["ByThreePoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByThreePoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane by Three Points will create a plane that passes through the three input points. The points must not be co-linear. In the example below, we use three code blocks to define the three initial points, then use ByThreePoints to create a plane." - }, { - "Name": "XY", - "imageFile": ["XY"], - "dynFile": ["XY"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane XY creates a plane in the world XY directions. The normal of this plane is the world Z-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the XY plane is highlighted." - }, { - "Name": "XZ", - "imageFile": ["XZ"], - "dynFile": ["XZ"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane XZ creates a plane in the world XZ directions. The normal of this plane is the world Y-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the XZ plane is highlighted." - }, { - "Name": "YZ", - "imageFile": ["YZ"], - "dynFile": ["YZ"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane YZ creates a plane in the world YZ directions. The normal of this plane is the world X-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the YZ plane is highlighted." - }, { - "Name": "Offset", - "imageFile": ["Offset"], - "dynFile": ["Offset"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Action", - "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." - }, { - "Name": "ToCoordinateSystem", - "imageFile": ["ToCoordinateSystem"], - "dynFile": ["ToCoordinateSystem"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Action", - "inDepth": "Plane To Coordinate System will return a Coordinate System based on the input plane, using the plane's origin, XAxis and YAxis. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then use ToCoordinateSystem to convert the Plane to a Coordinate System " - }, { - "Name": "Normal", - "imageFile": ["Normal"], - "dynFile": ["Normal"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Query", - "inDepth": "Plane Normal will find the normal vector of an input plane. This is also equal to taking the cross product of the plane XAxis and YAxis. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then find the normal vector of this plane." - }, { - "Name": "Origin", - "imageFile": ["Origin"], - "dynFile": ["Origin"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Query", - "inDepth": "Origin will return a Point at the Origin of the WorldCoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Circle by centerpoint and radius is created using a Point at the WCS Origin." - }, { - "Name": "XAxis", - "imageFile": ["XAxis"], - "dynFile": ["XAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Query", - "inDepth": "XAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem X axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS X axis." - }, { - "Name": "YAxis", - "imageFile": ["YAxis"], - "dynFile": ["YAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Query", - "inDepth": "YAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Y axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Y axis." - }, { - "Name": "Edges", - "imageFile": ["Edges"], - "dynFile": ["Edges"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Topology/Query", - "inDepth": "Edges will return a List of Edges from an input geometry. In the example below, a Cuboid returns a List of 12 Edges." - }, { - "Name": "Faces", - "imageFile": ["Faces"], - "dynFile": ["Faces"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Topology/Query", - "inDepth": "Faces will return all the faces of a Revit element as surfaces in Dynamo." - }, { - "Name": "Vertices", - "imageFile": ["Vertices"], - "dynFile": ["Vertices"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Topology/Query", - "inDepth": "Vertices will return a List of Vertex locations for an input geometry. In the example below, the a Cuboid returns a list of 8 Vertex locations." - }, { - "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)", - "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z)"], - "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", - "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z) will return a Vector from X, Y, and Z coordinates. The input coordinate location defines the Vector's position and length. In the example below, a Vector is returned from a coordinate location of (1,0,1) and is represented as a Line." - }, { - "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)", - "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)"], - "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", - "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized) will return a Vector from coordinate values and a normalize boolean toggle. In the example below, a Vector is returned with a length of 2.83 that can be normalized to 1. The Vector is represented as a Line to show length change when toggling normalize." - }, { - "Name": "ByTwoPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByTwoPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByTwoPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", - "inDepth": "ByTwoPoints will return a Vector defined by two Point locations. In the example below, a Vector created by two Points is represented by a Line. The Vector's length is 3, equal to the distance between Points." - }, { - "Name": "XAxis", - "imageFile": ["XAxis"], - "dynFile": ["XAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", - "inDepth": "XAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem X axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS X axis." - }, { - "Name": "YAxis", - "imageFile": ["YAxis"], - "dynFile": ["YAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", - "inDepth": "YAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Y axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Y axis." - }, { - "Name": "ZAxis", - "imageFile": ["ZAxis"], - "dynFile": ["ZAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", - "inDepth": "ZAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Z axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Z axis." - }, { - "Name": "Add", - "imageFile": ["Add"], - "dynFile": ["Add"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." - }, { - "Name": "AngleAboutAxis", - "imageFile": ["AngleAboutAxis"], - "dynFile": ["AngleAboutAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "AngleAboutAxis will return the angle measurement between two Vectors in degrees from 0 to 360 and about an axis of rotation. In the example below, the angle between two Vectors is measured about the Z axis. Adjust Z Elevation and Rotation Degrees sliders to see how they affect the resulting angle measurement. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "AngleWithVector", - "imageFile": ["AngleWithVector"], - "dynFile": ["AngleWithVector"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "AngleWithVector will return the angle measurement between two Vectors in degrees from 0 to 180. In the example below, an angle measurement is returned for two Vectors. Adjust Z Elevation and Rotation Degrees sliders to see how they affect the resulting angle measurement. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "AsPoint", - "imageFile": ["AsPoint"], - "dynFile": ["AsPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "AsPoint will return a Point at the coordinate values of a Vector. In the example below, a Point is returned from the Vector.ByCoordinates node at (10,5,6)." - }, { - "Name": "Cross", - "imageFile": ["Cross"], - "dynFile": ["Cross"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Cross will return the cross product of two Vectors. In the example below, the cross product of two Vectors results in a new Vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "Dot", - "imageFile": ["Dot"], - "dynFile": ["Dot"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Dot will return the dot product of two Vectors as a double. In the example below, Vectors of (10,5,6) and (1,10,1) return a dot product of 66." - }, { - "Name": "IsAlmostEqualTo", - "imageFile": ["IsAlmostEqualTo"], - "dynFile": ["IsAlmostEqualTo"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "IsAlmostEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether a Vector has the same values as another. In the example below, a true value is returned when comparing a Vector on the WCS Z axis to a Vector with coordinates of (0,0,1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the Vector's coordinate values making it unequal. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "IsParallel", - "imageFile": ["IsParallel"], - "dynFile": ["IsParallel"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "IsParallel will return a boolean value based on whether a Vector is parallel to another Vector. In the example below, two Vectors represented as Lines are compared. Adjust the slider to rotate one Vector in and out of parallel with the other." - }, { - "Name": "Normalized", - "imageFile": ["Normalized"], - "dynFile": ["Normalized"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Normalized will return a normalized Vector. The Vector returned will have a length of 1 regardless of its original length. In the example below, a Vector of length ~1.4142 is normalized to a length of 1." - }, { - "Name": "Reverse", - "imageFile": ["Reverse"], - "dynFile": ["Reverse"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Reverse will return a new Vector pointing in the opposite direction from its input. In the example below, a Vector of (1,0,1) will return a Vector of (-1,0,-1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different reversed vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "Rotate (plane, degrees)", - "imageFile": ["Rotate (plane, degrees)"], - "dynFile": ["Rotate (plane, degrees)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Rotates a vector around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree." - }, { - "Name": "Rotate (axis, degrees)", - "imageFile": ["Rotate (axis, degrees)"], - "dynFile": ["Rotate (axis, degrees)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Rotates a vector around the axis and normal by a specified degree." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale Vector non-uniformly around the origin." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (scale_factor)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (scale_factor)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (scale_factor)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale Vector uniformly around the origin." - }, { - "Name": "Subtract", - "imageFile": ["Subtract"], - "dynFile": ["Subtract"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Subtract will return a Vector that is the difference of two other Vectors. In the example below, the difference of the a Vector with coordinates (1,0,1) and WCS Z axis results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,0). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different subtracted vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "Transform", - "imageFile": ["Transform"], - "dynFile": ["Transform"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", - "inDepth": "Transform will return a new Vector based on an input CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Vector is transformed from the WorldCoordinateSystem to a new CoordinateSystem defined by spherical coordinates. Try adjusting the sliders to move the new Vector into a different position. Both Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "Length", - "imageFile": ["Length"], - "dynFile": ["Length"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Query", - "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." - }, { - "Name": "X", - "imageFile": ["X"], - "dynFile": ["X"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Query", - "inDepth": "X returns a double representing a reference point's X coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "Y", - "imageFile": ["Y"], - "dynFile": ["Y"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Query", - "inDepth": "Y returns a double representing a reference point's Y coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "Z", - "imageFile": ["Z"], - "dynFile": ["Z"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Query", - "inDepth": "Z returns a double representing a reference point's Z coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "AdjacentEdges", - "imageFile": ["AdjacentEdges"], - "dynFile": ["AdjacentEdges"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vertex/Query", - "inDepth": "AdjacentEdges will return the Edges that emanate from a Vertex. In the example below, the Edges emanating from a Vertex on a Cube are represented as Lines. Adjust the Edges slider to return different sets of adjacent Edges." - }, { - "Name": "AdjacentFaces", - "imageFile": ["AdjacentFaces"], - "dynFile": ["AdjacentFaces"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vertex/Query", - "inDepth": "AdjacentFaces will return the Faces adjacent to an input Vertex. In the example below, a Vertex on a Cuboid will return a List of three Faces. Adjusting the Index Selector slider will change the input Vertex and return different sets of adjacent Faces. The Faces are represented as Surfaces." - }, { - "Name": "PointGeometry", - "imageFile": ["PointGeometry"], - "dynFile": ["PointGeometry"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vertex/Query", - "inDepth": "PointGeometry will return Vertex locations as Points. In the example below, the Vertices of a Cube are returned and represented as Points." - }, { - "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." - }, { - "Name": "ByCenterPointRadiusAngle", - "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointRadiusAngle"], - "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointRadiusAngle"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", - "inDepth": "Arc ByCenterPointRadiusAngle draws an arc relative to its center and normal direction. By entering the start and end angle, you are essentially drawing a portion of a circle. In this example, a random point is generated on the XY plane and an arc is constructed around it. " - }, { - "Name": "ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint", - "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint"], - "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", - "inDepth": "Arc ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint draws a best-fit arc around a specified Center. The arc will always begin at the Start Point and end at the closest point possible to the given End Point. This example demonstrates this property by randomly feeding the node three random points for the center, start and end point." - }, { - "Name": "ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle", - "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle"], - "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", - "inDepth": "The Arc ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle creates an arc around a Center Point with a given Sweep Angle. The Start Point tells Dynamo where to begin drawing the arc. This example draws an arc around a randomly generated point." - }, { - "Name": "ByFillet", - "imageFile": ["ByFillet"], - "dynFile": ["ByFillet"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", - "inDepth": "Arc ByFillet draws a portion of a tangential circle along two input curves. In this example, two intersecting lines are drawn and then filleted at a controlled radius." - }, { - "Name": "ByFilletTangentToCurve", - "imageFile": ["ByFilletTangentToCurve"], - "dynFile": ["ByFilletTangentToCurve"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", - "inDepth": "Arc ByFilletTangentToCurve draws the best fit arc that is tangent to three input curves. In this example, we are using two input lines as reference curves and a circle for the arc to be tangent to." - }, { - "Name": "ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent", - "imageFile": ["ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent"], - "dynFile": ["ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", - "inDepth": "Arc ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent draws an arc from two specified points and any given start vector. This example draws an arc from two random points that is always tangent to the X-Axis." - }, { - "Name": "ByThreePoints", - "imageFile": ["ByThreePoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByThreePoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane by Three Points will create a plane that passes through the three input points. The points must not be co-linear. In the example below, we use three code blocks to define the three initial points, then use ByThreePoints to create a plane." - }, { - "Name": "ByStartEndAndTangencies", - "imageFile": ["ByStartEndAndTangencies"], - "dynFile": ["ByStartEndAndTangencies"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Action", - "inDepth": "The Arc ByStartEndAndTangencies Action creates a compound arc using two Input Points and their corresponding Vectors. In this example, two points are connected by a compound arc that is always tangent to the Y-Axis at its Start and End Points." - }, { - "Name": "CenterPoint", - "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Query", - "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "Radius", - "imageFile": ["Radius"], - "dynFile": ["Radius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Query", - "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "StartAngle", - "imageFile": ["StartAngle"], - "dynFile": ["StartAngle"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Query", - "inDepth": "Start Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise starting from the plane X-axis. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Start Angle to extract the angle of the beginning pont of the ellipse." - }, { - "Name": "SweepAngle", - "imageFile": ["SweepAngle"], - "dynFile": ["SweepAngle"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Query", - "inDepth": "Sweep Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise on the ellipse plane, starting from the start angle. The end angle of the ellipse would be equal to the start angle plus the sweep angle. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Sweep Angle to extract arc length of the ellipse arc." - }, { - "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." - }, { - "Name": "ByCenterPointRadius", - "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointRadius"], - "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointRadius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", - "inDepth": "Sphere by Center Point Radius will create a sphere centered at the input point, and with an input radius. In the example below, we use a code block to specify the coordinates of a Point created by coordinates, and we use a number slider to determine the radius of the sphere." - }, { - "Name": "ByCenterPointRadiusNormal", - "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointRadiusNormal"], - "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointRadiusNormal"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", - "inDepth": "Circle By Center Point Radius Normal creates a circle at a point with a controllable radius and normal. In this example, we create a vector from the Origin Point to the Point By Coordinates to control the direction of the circle." - }, { - "Name": "ByPlaneRadius", - "imageFile": ["ByPlaneRadius"], - "dynFile": ["ByPlaneRadius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", - "inDepth": "Circle By Plane Radius is a condensed node to create any type of circle. In this example, we use the YZ plane to determine the circle direction, and a Number slider to dynamically control the circle’s radius." - }, { - "Name": "ByThreePoints", - "imageFile": ["ByThreePoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByThreePoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane by Three Points will create a plane that passes through the three input points. The points must not be co-linear. In the example below, we use three code blocks to define the three initial points, then use ByThreePoints to create a plane." - }, { - "Name": "CenterPoint", - "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Query", - "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "Radius", - "imageFile": ["Radius"], - "dynFile": ["Radius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Query", - "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "ByBlendBetweenCurves", - "imageFile": ["ByBlendBetweenCurves"], - "dynFile": ["ByBlendBetweenCurves"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Create", - "inDepth": "Curve by Blend Between Curves will create a new curve that connects two input curves. The two 'endOrStart' inputs determine whether to connect the end or start points of each curve. The created curve will match the curvature of the original curves at the connection points. In the example below, we start with one arc and one line. We blend between the start of the arch and the end of the line to connect the two curves. Two boolean toggle nodes let us control which ends of the two curves to blend between." - }, { - "Name": "ByIsoCurveOnSurface", - "imageFile": ["ByIsoCurveOnSurface"], - "dynFile": ["ByIsoCurveOnSurface"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Create", - "inDepth": "Curve by IsoCurve on Surface will create a curve that is the isocurve on a surface by specifying the U or V direction, and specifying the parameter in the opposite direction at which to create the curve. The 'direction' input determines which direction of isocurve to create. A value of one corresponds to the u-direction, while a value of zero corresponds to the v-direction. In the example below, we first create grid of points, and translate them in the Z-direction by a random amount. These points are used to create surface by using a NurbsSurface.ByPoints node. This surface is used as the baseSurface of a ByIsoCurveOnSurface node. A number slider set to a range of 0 to 1 and a step of 1 is used to control whether we extract the isocurve in the u or in the v direction. A second number slider is used to determine the parameter at which the isocurve is extracted." - }, { - "Name": "ByParameterLineOnSurface", - "imageFile": ["ByParameterLineOnSurface"], - "dynFile": ["ByParameterLineOnSurface"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Create", - "inDepth": "Curve by Parameter Line On Surface will create a line along a surface between two input UV coordinates. n the example below, we first create grid of points, and translate them in the Z-direction by a random amount. These points are used to create surface by using a NurbsSurface.ByPoints node. This surface is used as the baseSurface of a ByParameterLineOnSurface node. A set of number sliders are used to adjust the U and V inputs of two UV.ByCoordinates nodes, which are then used to determing the start and end point of the line on the surface." - }, { - "Name": "ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments", - "imageFile": ["ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments"], - "dynFile": ["ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Approximate with Arc and Line Segments takes a curve as input, and returns a list of straight line and arc curves that approximate the original curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input for an ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments node." - }, { - "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Coordinate System at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns a coordinate system. The x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the Coordinate System are determined by the Normal direction, U direction, and V direction, respectively. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to create a Coordinate System with a CoordnateSystemAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength", - "imageFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength"], - "dynFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Coordinate System At Segment Length will return a coordinate system aligned with the input curve at the specified curve length, measured from the start point of the curve. The resulting coordinate system will have its x-axis in the direction of the normal of the curve and the y-axis in the direction of the tangent of the curve at the specified length. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the segment length input for a CoordinateSystemAtParameter node. If the specified length is longer than the length of the curve, this node will return a Coordinate System at the end point of the curve." - }, { - "Name": "EndParameter", - "imageFile": ["EndParameter"], - "dynFile": ["EndParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "End Parameter will return a number that represents the end of the domain in which the input curve can be evaluated. In most cases the end parameter will be one. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input to an EndParameter node. " - }, { - "Name": "Extend", - "imageFile": ["Extend"], - "dynFile": ["Extend"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extend will extend a input curve by a given input distance. The pickSide input takes the start or end point of the curve as input, and determines which end of the curve to extend. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We use the query node Curve.EndPoint to find the end point of the curve, to use as the 'pickSide' input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." - }, { - "Name": "ExtendEnd", - "imageFile": ["ExtendEnd"], - "dynFile": ["ExtendEnd"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extend End will extend a input curve by a given input distance, starting from the end point of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." - }, { - "Name": "ExtendStart", - "imageFile": ["ExtendStart"], - "dynFile": ["ExtendStart"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extend Start will extend a input curve by a given input distance, starting from the start point of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." - }, { - "Name": "Extrude (direction, distance)", - "imageFile": ["Extrude (direction, distance)"], - "dynFile": ["Extrude (direction, distance)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance." - }, { - "Name": "Extrude (distance)", - "imageFile": ["Extrude (distance)"], - "dynFile": ["Extrude (distance)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the normal direction, by the specified distance" - }, { - "Name": "Extrude (direction)", - "imageFile": ["Extrude (direction)"], - "dynFile": ["Extrude (direction)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector." - }, { - "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (direction, distance)", - "imageFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (direction, distance)"], - "dynFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (direction, distance)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance. Curve must be closed." - }, { - "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (distance)", - "imageFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (distance)"], - "dynFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (distance)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the Normal direction by the specified distance. Curve must be closed." - }, { - "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (direction)", - "imageFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (direction)"], - "dynFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (direction)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector. Curve must be closed." - }, { - "Name": "HorizontalFrameAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["HorizontalFrameAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["HorizontalFrameAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Horizontal Frame At Parameter will return a coordinate system aligned with the input curve at the specified parameter. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. The resulting coordinate system will have its z-axis in the world Z direction, and the y-axis in the direction of the tangent of the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a HorizontalFrameAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "Join", - "imageFile": ["Join"], - "dynFile": ["Join"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Join this curve and the input curve into a new PolyCurve, maintaining the original curves exactly." - }, { - "Name": "NormalAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["NormalAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["NormalAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Normal At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the Normal vector of the surface at the input UV position on the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a Sweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to determine the Normal with a NormalAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "Offset", - "imageFile": ["Offset"], - "dynFile": ["Offset"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." - }, { - "Name": "ParameterAtChordLength", - "imageFile": ["ParameterAtChordLength"], - "dynFile": ["ParameterAtChordLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Parameter At Chord Length will return the parameter of a point that is a given chord length from an initial specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the straight-line chord distance to find a parameter at. A second number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the initial point along the curve from which the chord distance will be measured. Finally, a boolean toggle is used to determine which direction to measure the chord distance from." - }, { - "Name": "ParameterAtPoint", - "imageFile": ["ParameterAtPoint"], - "dynFile": ["ParameterAtPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Parameter at Point will return the parameter value of a specified point along a curve. If the input point is not on the curve, Parameter At Point will return the parameter of the point on the curve closes to the input point. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. An extra single point is created with a Code Block to specify the x and y coordinates. The ParameterAtPoint node returns the parameter along the curve at the point that is closest to the input point." - }, { - "Name": "ParameterAtSegmentLength", - "imageFile": ["ParameterAtSegmentLength"], - "dynFile": ["ParameterAtSegmentLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Parameter At Segment Length will return the parameter of a point that is a given length along the curve from the start point. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the segment length to find a parameter at. If the input segment length is longer than the curve, this node will return the parameter value of the end point of the curve." - }, { - "Name": "Patch", - "imageFile": ["Patch"], - "dynFile": ["Patch"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Patch will attempt to create a surface using an input curve as the boundary. The input curve must be closed. In the example below, we first use a Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates node to create a set of points at set intervals in a circle, but with random elevations and radii. We then use a NurbsCurve.ByPoints node to create a closed curve based on these points. A Patch node is cused to create a surface from the boundary closed curve. Note that because the points were created with random radii and elevations, not all arrangements result in a curve that is able to be patched." - }, { - "Name": "PlaneAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["PlaneAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["PlaneAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Plane At Parameter will return a plane aligned with a curve at a specified parameter. The normal vector of the resulting plane will correspond to the tangent of the curve. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a PlaneAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "PlaneAtSegmentLength", - "imageFile": ["PlaneAtSegmentLength"], - "dynFile": ["PlaneAtSegmentLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Plane At Segment Length will return a plane aligned with a curve at a point that is a specified distance along the curve, measured from the start point. If the input length is greater than the total length of the curve, this node will use the end point of the curve. The normal vector of the resulting plane will correspond to the tangent of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the parameter input for a PlaneAtSegmentLength node." - }, { - "Name": "PointAtChordLength", - "imageFile": ["PointAtChordLength"], - "dynFile": ["PointAtChordLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Point At Chord Length will return the point that is a given chord length from an initial specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the straight-line chord distance to find a point at. A second number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the initial point along the curve from which the chord distance will be measured. Finally, a boolean toggle is used to determine which direction to measure the chord distance from." - }, { - "Name": "PointAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["PointAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["PointAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Point At Parameter will return the point on a surface specified by U and V parameters. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use two number sliders to control the U and V values of the parameter for a PointAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "PointAtSegmentLength", - "imageFile": ["PointAtSegmentLength"], - "dynFile": ["PointAtSegmentLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Point At Segment Length will return the point on a curve at a given length along the curve, measured from the start point of the curve. If the input length is greater than the length of the curve, the node will return the end point of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. A number slider is and used as the input length to a Point At Segment Length node. " - }, { - "Name": "PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint", - "imageFile": ["PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint"], - "dynFile": ["PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Points At Chord Length From Point will return a list of points along a curve, measured sequentially according to an input chord length starting from a specified point along the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A PointAtParameter node is used with a number slider set to the range 0 to 1 to determine the initial point along the curve for a PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint node. Finally, a second number slider is used to adjust the straight-line chord length to use." - }, { - "Name": "PointsAtEqualChordLength", - "imageFile": ["PointsAtEqualChordLength"], - "dynFile": ["PointsAtEqualChordLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Points At Equal Chord Length will return a list of points along an input curve by dividing the curve into equal straight-line chord lengths. The number of divisions to use is input as an integer, and will result in that number of points divided equally in the interior of the curve. This node will not include the end points of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. An integer slider is used for the divisions input in a PointsAtEqualChordLength node." - }, { - "Name": "PointsAtEqualSegmentLength", - "imageFile": ["PointsAtEqualSegmentLength"], - "dynFile": ["PointsAtEqualSegmentLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Points At Equal Segment Length will return a list of points along an input curve by dividing the curve into equal length segments. The number of divisions to use is input as an integer, and will result in that number of points divided equally in the interior of the curve. This node will not include the end points of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. An integer slider is used for the divisions input in a PointsAtEqualSegmentLength node." - }, { - "Name": "PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint", - "imageFile": ["PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint"], - "dynFile": ["PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Points At Segment Length From Point will return a list of points along a curve, measured sequentially according to an input segment length starting from a specified point along the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A PointAtParameter node is used with a number slider set to the range 0 to 1 to determine the initial point along the curve for a PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint node. Finally, a second number slider is used to adjust the curve segment length to use" - }, { - "Name": "Project", - "imageFile": ["Project"], - "dynFile": ["Project"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Project will project a point along a given vector direction onto a specified geometry. The projection is only attempted in the positve direction of the vector. If the vector does not intersect the given geometry, it will return null. In the example below, we create a point using a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates. We use a sphere as the geometry to project onto, and the world XAxis as the projection Direction. The output is a point on the surface of the sphere that is projected from the original point." - }, { - "Name": "PullOntoPlane", - "imageFile": ["PullOntoPlane"], - "dynFile": ["PullOntoPlane"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Pull Onto Plane will create a new curve by projecting an input curve onto an input plane, using the normal of the plane as the direction of projection. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We use the world XY plane as the plane to project onto in a PullOntoPlane node. The result is a planar curve on the XY plane." - }, { - "Name": "PullOntoSurface", - "imageFile": ["PullOntoSurface"], - "dynFile": ["PullOntoSurface"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Pull Onto Surface will create a new curve by projecting an input curve onto an input surface, using the normal vectors of the surface as the directions of projection. In the example below, we first create surface by using a Surface.BySweep node that uses curves generated according to a sine curve. This surface is used as the base surface to pull onto in a PullOntoSurface node. For the curve, we create a circle by using a Code Block to specify the coordinates of the center point, and a number slider to control the radius of the circle. The result is a projection of the cirle onto the surface. " - }, { - "Name": "Reverse", - "imageFile": ["Reverse"], - "dynFile": ["Reverse"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Reverse will return a new Vector pointing in the opposite direction from its input. In the example below, a Vector of (1,0,1) will return a Vector of (-1,0,-1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different reversed vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "SegmentLengthAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["SegmentLengthAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["SegmentLengthAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Segment Length At Parameter will return the length of a curve between the start point and the input parameter, where zero is the parameter at the beginning of the curve, and one is the parameter at the end of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. A number slider set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter input in a SegmentLengthAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "SegmentLengthBetweenParameters", - "imageFile": ["SegmentLengthBetweenParameters"], - "dynFile": ["SegmentLengthBetweenParameters"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Segment Length Between Parameters will return the length of a curve between the input start parameter and the input end parameter, where a value of zero is the parameter at the beginning of the curve and a value of one is the parameter at the end of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. Two number sliders set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter inputs in a SegmentLengthBetweenParameters node." - }, { - "Name": "Simplify", - "imageFile": ["Simplify"], - "dynFile": ["Simplify"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Returns a new Curve approximated with the supplied tolerance." - }, { - "Name": "SplitByParameter", - "imageFile": ["SplitByParameter"], - "dynFile": ["SplitByParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Split the Curve into pieces given the supplide parameters." - }, { - "Name": "SplitByPoints", - "imageFile": ["SplitByPoints"], - "dynFile": ["SplitByPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Split By Points will split an input curve at specified points, and will return a list of resulting segments. If the specified points are not on the curve, this node will find the points along the curve that are closest to the input points and split the curve at those resulting points. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. The same set of points is used as the list of points in a SplitByPoints node. The result is a list of curve segments between the generated points." - }, { - "Name": "StartParameter", - "imageFile": ["StartParameter"], - "dynFile": ["StartParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Start Parameter will return a number that represents the start of the domain in which the input curve can be evaluated. In most cases the start parameter will be zero. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input to an StartParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "SweepAsSolid", - "imageFile": ["SweepAsSolid"], - "dynFile": ["SweepAsSolid"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Sweep As Solid will create a solid by sweeping an input closed profile curve along a specified path. In the example below, we use a rectangle as the base profile curve. The path is created by using a cosine function with a sequence of angles to vary the x-coordinates of a set of points. The points are used as the input to a NurbsCurve.ByPoints node. We then create a solid by sweeping the rectangle along the created cosine curve." - }, { - "Name": "SweepAsSurface", - "imageFile": ["SweepAsSurface"], - "dynFile": ["SweepAsSurface"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "SweepAsSurface will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we create a curve to sweep by useing a Code Block to create three points of an Arc.ByThreePoints node. A path curve is created a simple line along the x-axis. SweepAsSurface moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." - }, { - "Name": "TangentAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["TangentAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["TangentAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Tangent At Parameter will return a vector aligned with the tangent direction at the specified parameter of a curve. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TangentAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "ToNurbsCurve", - "imageFile": ["ToNurbsCurve"], - "dynFile": ["ToNurbsCurve"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "To Nurbs Curve takes a curve as input, and returns a Nurbs curve that approximates the input curve. In the example below, we create an arc by using a Code Block to define three points and using an Arc.ByThreePoints node. This arc is converted to a Nurbs Curve by using a ToNurbsCurve node. Note that the default degree of the resulting Nurbs Curve is 3." - }, { - "Name": "TrimByEndParameter", - "imageFile": ["TrimByEndParameter"], - "dynFile": ["TrimByEndParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Trim By End Parameter will remove the end of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TrimByEndParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "TrimByParameter", - "imageFile": ["TrimByParameter"], - "dynFile": ["TrimByParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Trim By Parameter will remove the start and end of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameters, and will return the resulting middle section of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. Two number sliders set to the range 0 to 1 are used to control the start and end parameter inputs for a TrimByParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "TrimByStartParameter", - "imageFile": ["TrimByStartParameter"], - "dynFile": ["TrimByStartParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Trim By Start Parameter will remove the beginning of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TrimByStartParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "TrimInteriorByParameter", - "imageFile": ["TrimInteriorByParameter"], - "dynFile": ["TrimInteriorByParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Trim Interior By Parameter will remove the interior portion of a given curve, based on the two input parameters. This node will output the two remaining exterior parts of the curve as a list of two curves. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. Two number sliders set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter inputs in a TrimInteriorByParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters)", - "imageFile": ["TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters)"], - "dynFile": ["TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments." - }, { - "Name": "TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters, discardEvenSegments)", - "imageFile": ["TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters, discardEvenSegments)"], - "dynFile": ["TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters, discardEvenSegments)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", - "inDepth": "Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the even segments." - }, { - "Name": "EndPoint", - "imageFile": ["EndPoint"], - "dynFile": ["EndPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", - "inDepth": "End Point will return the end point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the end point of this curve by using an EndPoint node." - }, { - "Name": "IsClosed", - "imageFile": ["IsClosed"], - "dynFile": ["IsClosed"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", - "inDepth": "Is Closed will return a boolean value that corresponds to whether the input curve is closed or not. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can then test whether this curve is closed by using a IsClosed node. " - }, { - "Name": "IsPlanar", - "imageFile": ["IsPlanar"], - "dynFile": ["IsPlanar"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", - "inDepth": "Is Planar will return a boolean value that corresponds to whether the input curve is planar or not. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can then test whether this curve is planar by using a IsPlanar node." - }, { - "Name": "Length", - "imageFile": ["Length"], - "dynFile": ["Length"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", - "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." - }, { - "Name": "Normal", - "imageFile": ["Normal"], - "dynFile": ["Normal"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", - "inDepth": "Plane Normal will find the normal vector of an input plane. This is also equal to taking the cross product of the plane XAxis and YAxis. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then find the normal vector of this plane." - }, { - "Name": "StartPoint", - "imageFile": ["StartPoint"], - "dynFile": ["StartPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", - "inDepth": "Start Point will return the start point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the start point of this curve by using a StartPoint node." - }, { - "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemRadii", - "imageFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemRadii"], - "dynFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemRadii"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Create", - "inDepth": "Ellipse by Coordinate System Radii takes a coordinate system as an input, then creates an ellipse using the inputted radii. The input xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius correspond to the X and Y directions of the input Coordinate System (not the World X and Y directions). In the example file, we generate two random values to create a Coordinate System, then use that Coordinate System with two number sliders for the x and y radii." - }, { - "Name": "ByOriginRadii", - "imageFile": ["ByOriginRadii"], - "dynFile": ["ByOriginRadii"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Create", - "inDepth": "Ellipse by Origin Radii creates an ellipse centered on the input Origin point, and has an x and y radius from the input xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius. This ellipse will be aligned with the World XY plane. In the example below, we generate two random numbers to create an origin point, then use two number sliders for the x and y axis radii." - }, { - "Name": "ByOriginVectors", - "imageFile": ["ByOriginVectors"], - "dynFile": ["ByOriginVectors"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Create", - "inDepth": "Ellipse by Origin Vectors creates an ellipse centered on the input origin points. In this case, the XAxisRadius and YAxisRadius require vectors as inputs. The two vectors must be orthogonal (at right angles) to each other. The two vectors will determine the plane of the ellipse. They need not be in the world X and Y directions. In the example, we first create an origin point by generating two random numbers. We then use a unit X and unit Y vector, which are then scaled by number sliders." - }, { - "Name": "ByPlaneRadii", - "imageFile": ["ByPlaneRadii"], - "dynFile": ["ByPlaneRadii"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Create", - "inDepth": "Ellipse by Plane Radii creates an ellipse centered at the input plane. The xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius take numbers as inputs, and correspond to the X and Y diretions of the input plane, which may be different from world X and Y directions. In the example below, we use a YZ plane as the input, then use two number sliders for the xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius. Because we used a YZ plane, the input xAxisRadius will correspond to the world Y direction, while the yAxisRadius will correspond to the world Z direction." - }, { - "Name": "ByPlaneRadiiAngles", - "imageFile": ["ByPlaneRadiiAngles"], - "dynFile": ["ByPlaneRadiiAngles"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Create", - "inDepth": "Ellipse Arc by Plane Radii Angles creates a portion of an ellipse. The input xRadius and yRadius give the radii of the ellipse along the X and Y directions of the input plane (which may be different than world X and Y). The startAngle input defines the beginning point of the arc along the ellipse in degrees, starting counter-clockwise from the plane X-axis, and continuing for a total arc length of the sweepAngle input. In the example below, we use the XY plane, and a series of number sliders to control the other input parameters." - }, { - "Name": "CenterPoint", - "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", - "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "MajorAxis", - "imageFile": ["MajorAxis"], - "dynFile": ["MajorAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", - "inDepth": "Major Axis will return the longer of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the larger of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the major axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Major Axis to extract the major axis of the ellipse." - }, { - "Name": "MinorAxis", - "imageFile": ["MinorAxis"], - "dynFile": ["MinorAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", - "inDepth": "Minor Axis will return the shorter of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the shorter of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the minor axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Minor Axis to extract the minor axis of the ellipse." - }, { - "Name": "Plane", - "imageFile": ["Plane"], - "dynFile": ["Plane"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", - "inDepth": "Sketch planes are used in the creation of 2D and 3D geometry in Revit." - }, { - "Name": "StartAngle", - "imageFile": ["StartAngle"], - "dynFile": ["StartAngle"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", - "inDepth": "Start Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise starting from the plane X-axis. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Start Angle to extract the angle of the beginning pont of the ellipse." - }, { - "Name": "SweepAngle", - "imageFile": ["SweepAngle"], - "dynFile": ["SweepAngle"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", - "inDepth": "Sweep Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise on the ellipse plane, starting from the start angle. The end angle of the ellipse would be equal to the start angle plus the sweep angle. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Sweep Angle to extract arc length of the ellipse arc." - }, { - "Name": "CenterPoint", - "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Query", - "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "MajorAxis", - "imageFile": ["MajorAxis"], - "dynFile": ["MajorAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Query", - "inDepth": "Major Axis will return the longer of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the larger of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the major axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Major Axis to extract the major axis of the ellipse." - }, { - "Name": "MinorAxis", - "imageFile": ["MinorAxis"], - "dynFile": ["MinorAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Query", - "inDepth": "Minor Axis will return the shorter of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the shorter of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the minor axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Minor Axis to extract the minor axis of the ellipse." - }, { - "Name": "ByAxis", - "imageFile": ["ByAxis"], - "dynFile": ["ByAxis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Create", - "inDepth": "Helix By Axis creates a helix. The axis of the helix is defined by the input axis point and the axis direction. The helix will be created counter-clockwise around the axis, starting from the start point and continuing for an angular length of the Angle Turns input, in degrees. The Pitch input determines the distance of the helix per each 360 degrees in the direction of the axis. In the example below, we start the helix at the point (3,5) and use the Y-axis to define the helix axis. The start point of the helix is controlled by three number sliders. The pitch and angleTurns use two more number sliders. Note that the angleTurns is in degrees." - }, { - "Name": "Angle", - "imageFile": ["Angle"], - "dynFile": ["Angle"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", - "inDepth": "Angle will find the total angular length of a helix in degrees, where one complete turn is equal to 360. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Angle to find the total angle of the helix." - }, { - "Name": "AxisDirection", - "imageFile": ["AxisDirection"], - "dynFile": ["AxisDirection"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", - "inDepth": "Axis Direction will return the direction of the central axis of a helix as a vector. Together with the Axis Point, this defines the central axis. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Axis Direction to find the direction of the helix axis." - }, { - "Name": "AxisPoint", - "imageFile": ["AxisPoint"], - "dynFile": ["AxisPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", - "inDepth": "Axis Point will return the base point of the helix axis. Together with the Axis Direction, this defines the central axis of a helix. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Axis Point to find the initial point of the helix axis." - }, { - "Name": "Pitch", - "imageFile": ["Pitch"], - "dynFile": ["Pitch"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", - "inDepth": "Pitch will return the linear distance along the axis direction that a helix spans in one complete turn (360 degrees). In the example below, we create a helix using Helix by Axis, then use Pitch to find the pitch of the helix." - }, { - "Name": "Radius", - "imageFile": ["Radius"], - "dynFile": ["Radius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", - "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Create", - "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." - }, { - "Name": "ByStartPointDirectionLength", - "imageFile": ["ByStartPointDirectionLength"], - "dynFile": ["ByStartPointDirectionLength"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Create", - "inDepth": "Line by Start Point Direction Length creates a line beginning at the startPoint input, and with a length and direction according to the input direction vector and length. In the example below, we use a code block specify the x,y, and z coordinates of a point. We then use a number slider to control the length of the line." - }, { - "Name": "ByStartPointEndPoint", - "imageFile": ["ByStartPointEndPoint"], - "dynFile": ["ByStartPointEndPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Create", - "inDepth": "Reference planes can be created in both Revit projects and families. The reference plane in Revit does not dynamically change with its Dynamo inputs." - }, { - "Name": "ByTangency", - "imageFile": ["ByTangency"], - "dynFile": ["ByTangency"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Create", - "inDepth": "Line By Tangency creates a line tangent to an input curve, and with a length of 1 unit. The parameter input specifies the position along the curve to evaluate, with a parameter of zero being the beginning of the curve, and a value of 1 being the end of the curve. In the example, we use a Code Block to generate two lists corresponding to X and Y locations of a series of points. The points are used to draw a Nurbs Curve. We then use a number slider between 0 and 1 as an input parameter to create a line tangent to the curve." - }, { - "Name": "Direction", - "imageFile": ["Direction"], - "dynFile": ["Direction"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Query", - "inDepth": "Direction will return a vector that points in the same direction as a line. The magnitude of the vector is equal to the length of the original line. In the example below, we generate a set of random points, and then us ByBestFitThroughPoints to create a line. We use Direction to find the vector direction of the created line." - }, { - "Name": "ByControlPoints (points, degree)", - "imageFile": ["ByControlPoints (points, degree)"], - "dynFile": ["ByControlPoints (points, degree)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of control points to draw the Nurbs Curve and also allows us to control the degree of the curve. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions." - }, { - "Name": "ByControlPoints (points, degree, closeCurve)", - "imageFile": ["ByControlPoints (points, degree, closeCurve)"], - "dynFile": ["ByControlPoints (points, degree, closeCurve)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of control points to draw the Nurbs Curve and also allows us to control the degree of the curve. We also have the option to close the curve back to the first point in the list. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions." - }, { - "Name": "ByControlPoints (points)", - "imageFile": ["ByControlPoints (points)"], - "dynFile": ["ByControlPoints (points)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of points to use as control points and outputs a Nurbs Curve. This example uses a Code Block to generate two lists corresponding to X and Y locations of a series of points. The points are used to draw the Nurbs Curve." - }, { - "Name": "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots", - "imageFile": ["ByControlPointsWeightsKnots"], - "dynFile": ["ByControlPointsWeightsKnots"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByControlPointsWeightsKnots..." - }, { - "Name": "ByPoints (points)", - "imageFile": ["ByPoints (points)"], - "dynFile": ["ByPoints (points)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through. This example generates six random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions. " - }, { - "Name": "ByPoints (points, closeCurve)", - "imageFile": ["ByPoints (points, closeCurve)"], - "dynFile": ["ByPoints (points, closeCurve)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through and also allows us to close the curve. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions, closing the curve back to the first point in the list." - }, { - "Name": "ByPoints (points, degree)", - "imageFile": ["ByPoints (points, degree)"], - "dynFile": ["ByPoints (points, degree)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through, and also allows us to change the degree of the curve. This example generates six random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions. " - }, { - "Name": "ByPointsTangents", - "imageFile": ["ByPointsTangents"], - "dynFile": ["ByPointsTangents"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Returns a BSplineCurve through the points, with tangent directions." - }, { - "Name": "ControlPoints", - "imageFile": ["ControlPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ControlPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "ControlPoints will return the ControlPoints of a NurbsSurface as Points in a List of Lists. In the example below, the ControlPoints are returned from a NurbsSurface created from a Patch." - }, { - "Name": "Knots", - "imageFile": ["Knots"], - "dynFile": ["Knots"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "Knots will return the knots of a NURBS curve as a list of numbers. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use Knots to then get a list of the knots for this curve." - }, { - "Name": "Weights", - "imageFile": ["Weights"], - "dynFile": ["Weights"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "Weights will return the Weights of a NurbsSurface as doubles in a List of Lists. In the example below, a NurbsSurface returns a list of Weights with a value of 1." - }, { - "Name": "Degree", - "imageFile": ["Degree"], - "dynFile": ["Degree"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Query", - "inDepth": "Degree will return the degree of a NURBS curve. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use Degree to then get the degree of the curve. Since we created the curve without specifying the degree, it used a default degree of three. (A polygonal curve of straight lines has a degree of one, while the most common degree for non-straight-segmented curves is 3)" - }, { - "Name": "IsPeriodic", - "imageFile": ["IsPeriodic"], - "dynFile": ["IsPeriodic"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Query", - "inDepth": "IsPeriodic returns a boolean value of true if the curve is periodic, and false if the curve is not periodic. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use IsPeriodic to determine whether or not the curve is periodic." - }, { - "Name": "IsRational", - "imageFile": ["IsRational"], - "dynFile": ["IsRational"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Query", - "inDepth": "IsRational will return a boolean value based on whether a NurbsSurface is rational. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created by approximating a Surface returns a false value." - }, { - "Name": "ByJoinedCurves", - "imageFile": ["ByJoinedCurves"], - "dynFile": ["ByJoinedCurves"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Polycurve By Joined Curves creates joined curves from a set of curves with matching vertices. In this example, a RegularPolygon is exploded into a curve list and is then rejoined into a Polycurve." - }, { - "Name": "ByPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." - }, { - "Name": "ByThickeningCurve", - "imageFile": ["ByThickeningCurve"], - "dynFile": ["ByThickeningCurve"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Create", - "inDepth": "Polycurve By Thickening Curve is a node that constructs a closed, offset polygon from a single curve. In this node, we can specify the curve being thickened, the overall thickness, and the normal direction of the offset. This example shows how a randomly generated Nurbs Curve is offset perpendicular to its start and end point vector. " - }, { - "Name": "BasePlane", - "imageFile": ["BasePlane"], - "dynFile": ["BasePlane"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "Base Plane will return the plane of a planar polycurve. If the curve is not planar, it will give an error. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCurve By Points to create a PolyCurve. Because we only used x and y coordinates, the generated polycurve is planar in the world XY plane. " - }, { - "Name": "CloseWithLine", - "imageFile": ["CloseWithLine"], - "dynFile": ["CloseWithLine"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "Close With Line adds a straght line between the start and end point of an open PolyCurve. It returns a new polycurve that includes the added line. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCuve By Points with the connectLastToFirst input set to false to create an open PolyCurve. Inputting this PolyCurve into Close With Line creates a new closed polycurve (and in this case would be equivalent to using a 'true' input for the connectLastToFirst option in PolyCurve By Points)" - }, { - "Name": "CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs", - "imageFile": ["CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs"], - "dynFile": ["CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs will return a line and tangent arcs to close an open PolyCurve. In the example below, a PolyCurve with two segments is closed with a line and arcs. The arcs are defined by whether they are at the start or end of the new line, and their radii can be controlled independently." - }, { - "Name": "CurveAtIndex", - "imageFile": ["CurveAtIndex"], - "dynFile": ["CurveAtIndex"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "Curve At Index will return the curve segment at the input index of a given polycurve. If the number of curves in the polycurve is less than the give index, CurveAtIndex will return null. The endOrStart input accepts a boolean value of true or false. If true, CurveAtIndex will begin counting at the first segment of the PolyCurve. If false, it will count backwards from the last segment. In the example below, we generate a set of random points, and then use PolyCurve By Points to create an open PolyCurve. We can then use CurveAtIndex to extract specfic segments from the PolyCurve." - }, { - "Name": "Curves", - "imageFile": ["Curves"], - "dynFile": ["Curves"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "A revision cloud's curves are returned as geometry in Dynamo." - }, { - "Name": "ExtendWithArc", - "imageFile": ["ExtendWithArc"], - "dynFile": ["ExtendWithArc"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "Extend With Arc will add a circular arc to the beginning or end of an input PolyCurve, and returns a single combined PolyCurve. The radius input will determin the radius of the circle, while the length input determines the distance along the circle for the arc. The total length must be less than or equal to length of a complete circle with the given radius. The generated arc will be tangent to the end of the input PolyCurve. A boolean input for endOrStart controls which end of the PolyCurve the arc will be created. A value of 'true' will result in the arc created at the end of the PolyCurve, while 'false' will create the arc at the beginning of the PolyCurve. In the example below, we first use a set of random points and PolyCurve By Points to generate a PolyCurve. We then use two number sliders and a boolean toggle to set the parametrs for ExtendWithArc." - }, { - "Name": "ExtendWithEllipse", - "imageFile": ["ExtendWithEllipse"], - "dynFile": ["ExtendWithEllipse"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "ExtendWithEllipse will return an extension of a PolyCurve as a portion of an ellipse. In the example below, a PolyCurve with a single segment is extended into an ellipse. The extension is controlled by two radii, it's length, its end parameter, and whether the start or end of the PolyCurve is being extended." - }, { - "Name": "Fillet", - "imageFile": ["Fillet"], - "dynFile": ["Fillet"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new solid with rounded edges. The edges input specifies which edges to fillet, while the offset input determines the radius of the fillet. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the radius for each fillet." - }, { - "Name": "Offset", - "imageFile": ["Offset"], - "dynFile": ["Offset"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", - "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." - }, { - "Name": "NumberOfCurves", - "imageFile": ["NumberOfCurves"], - "dynFile": ["NumberOfCurves"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Query", - "inDepth": "Number Of Curves returns the number of curve segments that make up a given PolyCurve. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCurve By Points to create a PolyCurve. If connectLastToFirst is left as 'false', then the number of curves will be one less than the number of points. Otherwise, if we create a closed PolyCurve, the number of curves will be equal to the number of initial points." - }, { - "Name": "ByPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Create", - "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." - }, { - "Name": "RegularPolygon", - "imageFile": ["RegularPolygon"], - "dynFile": ["RegularPolygon"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Create", - "inDepth": "Polygon Regular Polygon is a simple component that will inscribe a regular polygon of any number of sides into a circle. In this example, we create the reference circle from a random Best Fit Through Points and draw a six-sided polygon inside the circle." - }, { - "Name": "Center", - "imageFile": ["Center"], - "dynFile": ["Center"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Action", - "inDepth": "Polygon Center finds the center of a given polygon by taking the average value of the corners. For concave polygons, it's possible that the center may actually lie outside the polygon. In the example below, we first generate a list of random angles and radii to use as inputs to Point By Cylindrical Coordinates. By sorting the angles first, we ensure that the resulting polygon will be connected in order of increasing angle, and therefore will not be self-intersecting. We can then use Center to take the average of the points and find the polygon center." - }, { - "Name": "ContainmentTest", - "imageFile": ["ContainmentTest"], - "dynFile": ["ContainmentTest"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Action", - "inDepth": "Containment Test returns a boolean value depending on whether a given point is contained inside a given polygon. The polygon must be planar and non-self-intersecting in order for this to work. In the example below, we create a polygon using a series of points created By Cylindrical Coordinates. Leaving the elevation constant, and sorting the angles ensures a planar and non-self-intersecting polygon. We then create a point to test, and use ContainmentTest to see if the point is inside or outside the polygon." - }, { - "Name": "Corners", - "imageFile": ["Corners"], - "dynFile": ["Corners"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Action", - "inDepth": "Corners will return a list of points that are the corners of the given polygon. In the example below, we first generate a set of random points sorted by angle to use with Polygon By Points. We can get the points back out as a list by using Corners." - }, { - "Name": "SelfIntersections", - "imageFile": ["SelfIntersections"], - "dynFile": ["SelfIntersections"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Action", - "inDepth": "Self Intersections will return a list of all points where a polygon intersects itself. In the example below, we first generate a list of random unsorted angles and radii to use with Points By Cylindrical Coordinates. Because we kept the elevation constant, and did not sort the angles of these points, a polygon created with Polygon By Points will be planar and is likely to be self-intersecting. We can then find the intersection points using Self Intersections" - }, { - "Name": "PlaneDeviation", - "imageFile": ["PlaneDeviation"], - "dynFile": ["PlaneDeviation"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Query", - "inDepth": "Plane Deviation will first calculate the best fit plane through the points of a given polygon. It then averages the distance of each point to that plane to find the average deviation of the points of a polygon from the best fit plane. In the example below, we generate a list of random angles, elevations, and radii, and then use Points By Cylindrical Coordinates to create a set of non-planar points to use for Polygon By Points. Inputting this polygon into PlaneDeviation, we can find the average deviation of the points from a best-fit-plane." - }, { - "Name": "Points", - "imageFile": ["Points"], - "dynFile": ["Points"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Query", - "inDepth": "The points of an underlying mesh are useful for querying elevation or location data. Point sets can be manipulated in Dynamo and fed back into Dynamo as a new topography." - }, { - "Name": "ByCornerPoints (points)", - "imageFile": ["ByCornerPoints (points)"], - "dynFile": ["ByCornerPoints (points)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", - "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Corner Points node takes a list of four input points and creates a rectangle from them. The input points must reflect a rectangle form. In this example, two Number Sliders are used to create the Points By Coordinates at the rectangle’s vertices. A similar but distinct Rectangle ByCornerPoints node uses four separate inputs for eacher point rather than as a single list. Both nodes are shown in this example." - }, { - "Name": "ByCornerPoints (p1, p2, p3, p4)", - "imageFile": ["ByCornerPoints (p1, p2, p3, p4)"], - "dynFile": ["ByCornerPoints (p1, p2, p3, p4)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", - "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Corner Points node takes four input points and creates a rectangle from them. The input points must reflect a rectangle form. In this example, two Number Sliders are used to create the Points By Coordinates at the rectangle’s vertices. A similar but distinct Rectangle ByCornerPoints node uses a list of points as the input rather than each input separately. Both nodes are shown in this example." - }, { - "Name": "ByWidthLength (plane, width, length)", - "imageFile": ["ByWidthLength (plane, width, length)"], - "dynFile": ["ByWidthLength (plane, width, length)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", - "inDepth": "Create a Rectangle centered at the origin of the input plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). In the example, we use the world YZ plane as the input plane. The width specifies the plane X Axis length, which in this case corresponds to the world Y axis, and the length specifies the plane Y Axis length which is this case corresponds to the world Z Axis." - }, { - "Name": "ByWidthLength (width, length)", - "imageFile": ["ByWidthLength (width, length)"], - "dynFile": ["ByWidthLength (width, length)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", - "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Width Length node creates a rectangle on the Z-base plane with a specified length and width dimension. The center of the rectangle will be located at the grid origin. In this example, we use two Number Sliders to drive the shape of the rectangle. " - }, { - "Name": "ByWidthLength (cs, width, length)", - "imageFile": ["ByWidthLength (cs, width, length)"], - "dynFile": ["ByWidthLength (cs, width, length)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", - "inDepth": "Create a Rectangle centered at the input origin in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length)." - }, { - "Name": "Height", - "imageFile": ["Height"], - "dynFile": ["Height"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Query", - "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." - }, { - "Name": "Width", - "imageFile": ["Width"], - "dynFile": ["Width"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Query", - "inDepth": "Width returns the horizontal dimension of a rectangular curtain panel as a double." - }, { - "Name": "ByIndices (a, b, c)", - "imageFile": ["ByIndices (a, b, c)"], - "dynFile": ["ByIndices (a, b, c)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Create", - "inDepth": "ByIndices (a, b, c) (a, b, c) will return an IndexGroup of three Indices. In the example below, three indices are defined for a three-sided Mesh created with Mesh.ByPointsFacesIndices." - }, { - "Name": "ByIndices (a, b, c, d)", - "imageFile": ["ByIndices (a, b, c, d)"], - "dynFile": ["ByIndices (a, b, c, d)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Create", - "inDepth": "ByIndices (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d) will return an IndexGroup of four Indices. In the example below, four indices are defined for a four-sided Mesh created with Mesh.ByPointsFacesIndices." - }, { - "Name": "A", - "imageFile": ["A"], - "dynFile": ["A"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", - "inDepth": "A will return the value of Index A. In the example below, the Index value of A is returned as 0 in a three-sided Mesh." - }, { - "Name": "B", - "imageFile": ["B"], - "dynFile": ["B"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", - "inDepth": "B will return the value of Index B. In the example below, the Index value of B is returned as 1 in a three-sided Mesh." - }, { - "Name": "C", - "imageFile": ["C"], - "dynFile": ["C"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", - "inDepth": "C will return the value of Index C. In the example below, the Index value of C is returned as 2 in a three-sided Mesh." - }, { - "Name": "Count", - "imageFile": ["Count"], - "dynFile": ["Count"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", - "inDepth": "Count will return an integer that represents the number of Indices in an IndexGroup. In the example below, Index counts are returned for Mesh faces with three and four edges." - }, { - "Name": "D", - "imageFile": ["D"], - "dynFile": ["D"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", - "inDepth": "D will return the value of Index D. In the example below, the Index value of D is returned as 3 in a four-sided Mesh." - }, { - "Name": "ByPointsFaceIndices", - "imageFile": ["ByPointsFaceIndices"], - "dynFile": ["ByPointsFaceIndices"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/Mesh/Create", - "inDepth": "ByPointsFaceIndices will return a Mesh based on input vertices as Points and input indices. In the example below, a four-sided Mesh is created with four Points and an IndexGroup of four indices." - }, { - "Name": "FaceIndices", - "imageFile": ["FaceIndices"], - "dynFile": ["FaceIndices"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/Mesh/Query", - "inDepth": "FaceIndices will return the IndexGroup of a mesh face in counterclockwise order. In the example below, the an Indexgroup is returned for a four-sided mesh face." - }, { - "Name": "VertexNormals", - "imageFile": ["VertexNormals"], - "dynFile": ["VertexNormals"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/Mesh/Query", - "inDepth": "VertexNormals will return Vectors that represent the normal of each Vertex. In the example below, the normal of each Vertex is returned as a line to represent its direction." - }, { - "Name": "VertexPositions", - "imageFile": ["VertexPositions"], - "dynFile": ["VertexPositions"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/Mesh/Query", - "inDepth": "VertexPositions will return a Mesh face's Vertex positions as Points. In the example below, the Vertex positions of a four-sided Mesh face are returned as Points." - }, { - "Name": "ClosestPointTo", - "imageFile": ["ClosestPointTo"], - "dynFile": ["ClosestPointTo"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry ClosestPointTo finds the closest point from one geometry to another, adding a 3D Point to the document. This example finds the closest point on one Sphere to another." - }, { - "Name": "DeserializeFromSAB", - "imageFile": ["DeserializeFromSAB"], - "dynFile": ["DeserializeFromSAB"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "DeserializeFromSAB will return geometry from SAB format data. In the example below, SAB data is read from a file and deserialized into a skewed cylinder." - }, { - "Name": "DistanceTo", - "imageFile": ["DistanceTo"], - "dynFile": ["DistanceTo"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry DistanceTo returns the distance between two geometries. This example finds the distance between two Spheres." - }, { - "Name": "DoesIntersect", - "imageFile": ["DoesIntersect"], - "dynFile": ["DoesIntersect"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry DoesIntersect tests two geometries for an intersection. If the objects intersect, the Node will return True. This example tests for an intersection of two Sphere geometries." - }, { - "Name": "Explode", - "imageFile": ["Explode"], - "dynFile": ["Explode"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "The Geometry Explode Node breaks a geometry down into smaller components. For example, a Polysurface can be Exploded into several Surfaces and a Polycurve into curves. In this example, we are extracting a single Surface from a complex Intersection of three Spheres." - }, { - "Name": "ExportToSAT", - "imageFile": ["ExportToSAT"], - "dynFile": ["ExportToSAT"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "ExportToSAT will export the specified geomety to the given SAT file path." - }, { - "Name": "ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath)", - "imageFile": ["ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath)"], - "dynFile": ["ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry ExportToSAT exports Geometry from Dynamo to a SAT file type. In this example, we are exporting a Polysurface from the Intersection of three Spheres." - }, { - "Name": "FromSolidDef", - "imageFile": ["FromSolidDef"], - "dynFile": ["FromSolidDef"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Imports a JSON string and returns an array of imported geometries." - }, { - "Name": "ImportFromSAT (file)", - "imageFile": ["ImportFromSAT (file)"], - "dynFile": ["ImportFromSAT (file)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry ImportFromSAT imports Geometry to Dynamo from a SAT file type. This node takes a file as input, and also accepts a string with a valid file path. For the example below, we previously exported geometry to a SAT file (see ExportToSAT). The file name we chose was example.sat and it was exported to a folder on the users desktop. In the example, we show two different nodes used to import geometry from a SAT file. One has a filePath as the input type, and the other has a 'file' as the input type. The filePath is created using a FilePath node, which can select a file by clicking the Browse button. In the second example, we specify the file path manually by using a string element." - }, { - "Name": "ImportFromSAT (filePath)", - "imageFile": ["ImportFromSAT (filePath)"], - "dynFile": ["ImportFromSAT (filePath)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry ImportFromSAT imports Geometry to Dynamo from a SAT file type. This node takes a filePath as input, and also accepts a string with a valid file path. For the example below, we previously exported geometry to a SAT file (see ExportToSAT). The file name we chose was example.sat and it was exported to a folder on the users desktop. In the example, we show two different nodes used to import geometry from a SAT file. One has a filePath as the input type, and the other has a 'file' as the input type. The filePath is created using a FilePath node, which can select a file by clicking the Browse button. In the second example, we specify the file path manually by using a string element." - }, { - "Name": "Intersect", - "imageFile": ["Intersect"], - "dynFile": ["Intersect"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry Intersect finds the Intersection Geometry that two Geometry objects share. In this example, the Intersection of two Spheres returns a Polysurface, otherwise known as a Solid Intersection." - }, { - "Name": "IntersectAll", - "imageFile": ["IntersectAll"], - "dynFile": ["IntersectAll"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry IntersectAll finds the Intersection Geometry that any number of Geometry objects share. In this example, the Intersection of three Spheres returns a Polysurface, otherwise known as a Solid Intersection." - }, { - "Name": "IsAlmostEqualTo", - "imageFile": ["IsAlmostEqualTo"], - "dynFile": ["IsAlmostEqualTo"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "IsAlmostEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether a Vector has the same values as another. In the example below, a true value is returned when comparing a Vector on the WCS Z axis to a Vector with coordinates of (0,0,1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the Vector's coordinate values making it unequal. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "Mirror", - "imageFile": ["Mirror"], - "dynFile": ["Mirror"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry Mirror reflects a Geometry across a defined Plane. In this example, we are Mirroring a Cone across the Y-Axis." - }, { - "Name": "Rotate (basePlane, degrees)", - "imageFile": ["Rotate (basePlane, degrees)"], - "dynFile": ["Rotate (basePlane, degrees)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Rotates an object around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree." - }, { - "Name": "Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)", - "imageFile": ["Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)"], - "dynFile": ["Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale non-uniformly around the origin." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (amount)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (amount)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (amount)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale uniformly around the origin." - }, { - "Name": "Scale (basePoint, from, to)", - "imageFile": ["Scale (basePoint, from, to)"], - "dynFile": ["Scale (basePoint, from, to)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale uniformly around a given point, using two pick points as scalars." - }, { - "Name": "Scale1D", - "imageFile": ["Scale1D"], - "dynFile": ["Scale1D"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry Scale1D Scales a Geometry in one direction from a Base Point and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the Cone Start Point. The original Cone Edges are drawn as a visual reference." - }, { - "Name": "Scale2D", - "imageFile": ["Scale2D"], - "dynFile": ["Scale2D"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry Scale2D Scales a Geometry in two directions from a Base Plane and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the YZ-Plane." - }, { - "Name": "SerializeAsSAB", - "imageFile": ["SerializeAsSAB"], - "dynFile": ["SerializeAsSAB"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data." - }, { - "Name": "Split", - "imageFile": ["Split"], - "dynFile": ["Split"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "The Geometry Split Node functions similarly to the Geometry Trim Node. It inputs a Tool – any type of Geometry that you will be trimming another Geometry with – and a Geometry, and returns all of the fragments of Geometry. In this example, a Cone is Split with a similar Cone. Although all fragments are returned by the Geometry Split Node, one is previewed in the example file." - }, { - "Name": "ToSolidDef", - "imageFile": ["ToSolidDef"], - "dynFile": ["ToSolidDef"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Convert geometry to Solid Def json." - }, { - "Name": "Transform (cs)", - "imageFile": ["Transform (cs)"], - "dynFile": ["Transform (cs)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Transforms geometry by the given CoordinateSystem's transform." - }, { - "Name": "Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)", - "imageFile": ["Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)"], - "dynFile": ["Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Transforms this geometry from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem." - }, { - "Name": "Translate (direction, distance)", - "imageFile": ["Translate (direction, distance)"], - "dynFile": ["Translate (direction, distance)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Translates any geometry type by the given distance in the given direction." - }, { - "Name": "Translate (direction)", - "imageFile": ["Translate (direction)"], - "dynFile": ["Translate (direction)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Translate geometry in the given direction by the vector length." - }, { - "Name": "Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)", - "imageFile": ["Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)"], - "dynFile": ["Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Translates any given geometry by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively." - }, { - "Name": "Trim", - "imageFile": ["Trim"], - "dynFile": ["Trim"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", - "inDepth": "Geometry Trim functions similarly to the Geometry Split Node in that it inputs a Tool – any type of Geometry that you will be trimming another Geometry with – and a Geometry, but returns only a single fragment of the Geometry. The Geometry that is Picked is selected by a reference Point closest to the fragment. In this example, one Cone is Trimmed by another, with its lower portion Picked." - }, { - "Name": "BoundingBox", - "imageFile": ["BoundingBox"], - "dynFile": ["BoundingBox"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Query", - "inDepth": "BoundingBox will create a bounding box in Dynamo around a Revit element." - }, { - "Name": "ContextCoordinateSystem", - "imageFile": ["ContextCoordinateSystem"], - "dynFile": ["ContextCoordinateSystem"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Query", - "inDepth": "ContextCoordinateSystem will return the CoordinateSystem that was used in creating a piece of geometry. In the example below, a Solid created at centerPoint (3,0,0) returns a CoordinateSystem located at the origin." - }, { - "Name": "ByGeometryColor", - "imageFile": ["ByGeometryColor"], - "dynFile": ["ByGeometryColor"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry Color/Create", - "inDepth": "ByGeometryColor will display a piece of geometry with an input color. In the example below, a circle is displayed with an RGB color of 227, 136, 200 and an Alpha value of 200. Unless it is turned off, the preview of the original geometry will cover up the new colored one." - }, { - "Name": "BySurfaceColors", - "imageFile": ["BySurfaceColors"], - "dynFile": ["BySurfaceColors"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry Color/Create", - "inDepth": "BySurfaceColors will display the input geometry with a gradient of colors. In the example below, a circle is displayed with a gradient of two RGB colors. Unless it is turned off, the preview of the original geometry will cover up the new colored one." - }, { - "Name": "ByCartesianCoordinates", - "imageFile": ["ByCartesianCoordinates"], - "dynFile": ["ByCartesianCoordinates"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", - "inDepth": "Point By Cartesian Coordinates gives us the ability to set the X, Y and Z values of a point’s location. In this example, we are setting multiple Code Block Ranges controlled by sliders to drive the three-dimensional array of points." - }, { - "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)", - "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z)"], - "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", - "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z) will return a Vector from X, Y, and Z coordinates. The input coordinate location defines the Vector's position and length. In the example below, a Vector is returned from a coordinate location of (1,0,1) and is represented as a Line." - }, { - "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y)", - "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y)"], - "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", - "inDepth": "The Point By Coordinates (XY) calls for two number inputs and generates a point on the Dynamo base plane. In the first example, we are using two sliders to dynamically control the point’s X and Y location on the Z-plane. In the second, we are using two Number Sliders and a Code Block Range to determine the maximum extents of the grid and the spacing between points. By changing the Points By Coordinates lacing to Cross-Reference, we can create multi-dimensional set of points along the X and Y axis." - }, { - "Name": "ByCylindricalCoordinates", - "imageFile": ["ByCylindricalCoordinates"], - "dynFile": ["ByCylindricalCoordinates"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", - "inDepth": "The Point By Cylindrical Coordinates node creates a point located within a cylindrical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of angles and elevations to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius." - }, { - "Name": "BySphericalCoordinates", - "imageFile": ["BySphericalCoordinates"], - "dynFile": ["BySphericalCoordinates"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", - "inDepth": "The Point By Spherical Coordinates node creates a point located within a spherical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of phi and theta angles to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius. The location of the sphere is set to a Coordinate System with the origin (1, 5, 1)." - }, { - "Name": "Origin", - "imageFile": ["Origin"], - "dynFile": ["Origin"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", - "inDepth": "Origin will return a Point at the Origin of the WorldCoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Circle by centerpoint and radius is created using a Point at the WCS Origin." - }, { - "Name": "Add", - "imageFile": ["Add"], - "dynFile": ["Add"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", - "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." - }, { - "Name": "AsVector", - "imageFile": ["AsVector"], - "dynFile": ["AsVector"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", - "inDepth": "Point as Vector takes an input point and returns a vector with x,y, and z components equal to the cartesian coordinates of the point. This can also be thought of as creating a vector by two points, where the first point is the world origin and the second point is the input point. In the example below, we use PointBySphericalCoordinates to generate a point, then use AsVector to get a vector which we can control using spherical coordinates." - }, { - "Name": "Project", - "imageFile": ["Project"], - "dynFile": ["Project"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", - "inDepth": "Project will project a point along a given vector direction onto a specified geometry. The projection is only attempted in the positve direction of the vector. If the vector does not intersect the given geometry, it will return null. In the example below, we create a point using a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates. We use a sphere as the geometry to project onto, and the world XAxis as the projection Direction. The output is a point on the surface of the sphere that is projected from the original point." - }, { - "Name": "PruneDuplicates", - "imageFile": ["PruneDuplicates"], - "dynFile": ["PruneDuplicates"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", - "inDepth": "Prune Duplicates takes a list of points as an input, and will return a list with duplicate points removed. The tolerance input is used to determine how close two points need to be to be considered duplicates. If two points are closer than the tolerance, the first one in the list will be kept, and the other point removed. In the example, we generate a set of random points. We then use Prune Duplicates with a tolerance of one to remove any points that are closer than one unit to another point." - }, { - "Name": "Subtract", - "imageFile": ["Subtract"], - "dynFile": ["Subtract"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", - "inDepth": "Subtract will return a Vector that is the difference of two other Vectors. In the example below, the difference of the a Vector with coordinates (1,0,1) and WCS Z axis results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,0). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different subtracted vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "X", - "imageFile": ["X"], - "dynFile": ["X"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Query", - "inDepth": "X returns a double representing a reference point's X coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "Y", - "imageFile": ["Y"], - "dynFile": ["Y"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Query", - "inDepth": "Y returns a double representing a reference point's Y coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "Z", - "imageFile": ["Z"], - "dynFile": ["Z"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Query", - "inDepth": "Z returns a double representing a reference point's Z coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "ByCoordinates", - "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates"], - "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/UV/Create", - "inDepth": "Reference points are created in the Revit conceptual design environment." - }, { - "Name": "U", - "imageFile": ["U"], - "dynFile": ["U"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/UV/Query", - "inDepth": "U will return the U value of a UV coordinate. In the example below, the U value of a Point location on the NurbsSurface is returned. The UV parameter is returned from the Surface.UVParamterAtPoint node." - }, { - "Name": "V", - "imageFile": ["V"], - "dynFile": ["V"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/UV/Query", - "inDepth": "V will return the V value of a UV coordinate. In the example below, the V value of a Point location on the NurbsSurface is returned. The UV parameter is returned from the Surface.UVParamterAtPoint node." - }, { - "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii", - "imageFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii"], - "dynFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Create", - "inDepth": "Cone ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii creates a truncated Cone geometry from two Radii, the starting Origin, and a Height value. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with three Number Sliders." - }, { - "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius", - "imageFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius"], - "dynFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Create", - "inDepth": "Cone ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius creates a Cone geometry from a Radius, the Cone Origin, and a Height value. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with two Number Sliders." - }, { - "Name": "ByPointsRadii", - "imageFile": ["ByPointsRadii"], - "dynFile": ["ByPointsRadii"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Create", - "inDepth": "Cone ByPointsRadii creates a truncated Cone geometry from a Start Point, End Point, and two Radius values. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with three Number Sliders controlling its Height and Radius sizes." - }, { - "Name": "ByPointsRadius", - "imageFile": ["ByPointsRadius"], - "dynFile": ["ByPointsRadius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Create", - "inDepth": "ByPointsRadius will return a Cylinder from a start Point, end Point, and radius value. In the example below, adjusting the number sliders will change the point positions as well as the Cylinder's radius." - }, { - "Name": "EndPoint", - "imageFile": ["EndPoint"], - "dynFile": ["EndPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", - "inDepth": "End Point will return the end point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the end point of this curve by using an EndPoint node." - }, { - "Name": "EndRadius", - "imageFile": ["EndRadius"], - "dynFile": ["EndRadius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", - "inDepth": "End Radius will find the radius of the top circle of a truncated cone. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the End Radius back from the cone." - }, { - "Name": "Height", - "imageFile": ["Height"], - "dynFile": ["Height"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", - "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." - }, { - "Name": "RadiusRatio", - "imageFile": ["RadiusRatio"], - "dynFile": ["RadiusRatio"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", - "inDepth": "Radius Ratio will find the ratio between the top and bottom radii of the cone. This is equivalent to taking the top radius and dividing it by the bottom radius. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the Radius Ratio from the cone." - }, { - "Name": "StartPoint", - "imageFile": ["StartPoint"], - "dynFile": ["StartPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", - "inDepth": "Start Point will return the start point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the start point of this curve by using a StartPoint node." - }, { - "Name": "StartRadius", - "imageFile": ["StartRadius"], - "dynFile": ["StartRadius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", - "inDepth": "Start Radius will find the radius of the base circle of a cone. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the Start Radius back from the cone." - }, { - "Name": "ByCorners", - "imageFile": ["ByCorners"], - "dynFile": ["ByCorners"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Create", - "inDepth": "Cuboid By Corners creates a cuboid where the two input points are used as the opposite corners of the cuboid. In the example file, two points are randomly generated and used to create a cuboid." - }, { - "Name": "ByLengths (origin, width, length, height)", - "imageFile": ["ByLengths (origin, width, length, height)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLengths (origin, width, length, height)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Create", - "inDepth": "This Cuboid By Lengths allows the user to input an origin point for the center of the cuboid, as well as the length, width and height of the cuboid. In the example file, we use three number sliders to input the length, width, and height, and generate a random point to use as the origin." - }, { - "Name": "ByLengths (width, length, height)", - "imageFile": ["ByLengths (width, length, height)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLengths (width, length, height)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Create", - "inDepth": "Cuboid By Lengths creates a cuboid with the input width, legth, and height, and is centered at the origin. In the example, we use three number sliders to input the length, width and height." - }, { - "Name": "ByLengths (cs, width, length, height)", - "imageFile": ["ByLengths (cs, width, length, height)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLengths (cs, width, length, height)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Create", - "inDepth": "This Cuboid By Lengths allows the user to input a Coordinate System. The cuboid will be created at the origin of the input Coordinate System, with the length, width, and heigh oriented according to the Coordinate System. In the example, we use three number sliders to input the length, width, and heigh, and generate random coordinates to use to create a Coordinate System." - }, { - "Name": "Height", - "imageFile": ["Height"], - "dynFile": ["Height"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Query", - "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." - }, { - "Name": "Length", - "imageFile": ["Length"], - "dynFile": ["Length"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Query", - "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." - }, { - "Name": "Width", - "imageFile": ["Width"], - "dynFile": ["Width"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Query", - "inDepth": "Width returns the horizontal dimension of a rectangular curtain panel as a double." - }, { - "Name": "ByPointsRadius", - "imageFile": ["ByPointsRadius"], - "dynFile": ["ByPointsRadius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Create", - "inDepth": "ByPointsRadius will return a Cylinder from a start Point, end Point, and radius value. In the example below, adjusting the number sliders will change the point positions as well as the Cylinder's radius." - }, { - "Name": "ByRadiusHeight", - "imageFile": ["ByRadiusHeight"], - "dynFile": ["ByRadiusHeight"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Create", - "inDepth": "ByRadiusHeight will return a Cylinder based on a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem from an origin point and a YAxis vector is used to create Cylinder that appears rotated." - }, { - "Name": "Axis", - "imageFile": ["Axis"], - "dynFile": ["Axis"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Query", - "inDepth": "The Axis of the given cylinder." - }, { - "Name": "Height", - "imageFile": ["Height"], - "dynFile": ["Height"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Query", - "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." - }, { - "Name": "Radius", - "imageFile": ["Radius"], - "dynFile": ["Radius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Query", - "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "ByJoinedSurfaces", - "imageFile": ["ByJoinedSurfaces"], - "dynFile": ["ByJoinedSurfaces"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", - "inDepth": "Solid by Joined Surfaces takes a list of surfaces as an input and will return a single solid defined by the surfaces. The surfaces must define a closed surface. In the example below, we start with a circle as a base geometry. The circle is patched to create a surface, and that surface is translated in the z-direction. We then extrude the circle to produce the sides. List.Create is used to make a list consisting of the base, side, and top surfaces, and then we use ByJoinedSurfaces to turn the list into a single closed solid." - }, { - "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", - "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface ByLoft with cross sections takes a list of curves as an input. It will produce a surface by lofting between the list of curves in order. In the example below we create two curves, a line and a sine curve. We use List.Create to combine these two curves into a list, which we use as an input for Surface ByLoft. The result is a surface that is lofted between a sine curve on one side, and a line on the other." - }, { - "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)", - "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Loft with cross sections and guide curves takes a list of cross sections to loft between, and a separate list of guide curves to determine the profile of the loft. In the example below, we use two straight lines as the input cross sections. For the guide curves, we create one sine curve and one straight line. A number slider controls the distance between the sine curve and the straight line. The resulting loft interpolates between the sine curve and the straight line." - }, { - "Name": "ByRevolve", - "imageFile": ["ByRevolve"], - "dynFile": ["ByRevolve"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Revolve creates a surface by rotating a given profile curve around an axis. The axis is defined by an axisOrigin point, and an axisDirection vector. The start angle determines where to begin the surface, measured in degrees, and the sweepAngle determines how far around the axis to continue the surface. In the example below, we use a curve generated with a cosine function as the profile curve, and two number sliders to control the startAngle and sweepAngle. The axisOrigin and axisDirection are left at the default values of the world origin and world z-axis for this example" - }, { - "Name": "BySweep", - "imageFile": ["BySweep"], - "dynFile": ["BySweep"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we use a sine curve in the y-direction as the profile curve. We rotate this curve by -90 degrees around the world z-axis to use as a path curve. Surface BySweep moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." - }, { - "Name": "BySweep2Rails", - "imageFile": ["BySweep2Rails"], - "dynFile": ["BySweep2Rails"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep 2 Rails takes an input curve and uses two guide curves to sweep the profile curve along. In the example below, we use a half-circle as the input profile. We create two diverging lines to use as the rail curves for a BySweep2Rails node. The result is a surface with a half-circle profile that grows as the arc moves along the diverging lines." - }, { - "Name": "ByUnion", - "imageFile": ["ByUnion"], - "dynFile": ["ByUnion"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", - "inDepth": "Solid by Union will create a single new solid out of the union of a list of closed solids. The union is the combination of both solids, and the new solid will include all of the volume of the original solids. In the example below, we use a set of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere. We also use a default cuboid. We use a List.Create node to put both the cube and the sphere into a single list, which we use as the input for Solid ByUnion node." - }, { - "Name": "Centroid", - "imageFile": ["Centroid"], - "dynFile": ["Centroid"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", - "inDepth": "Centroid will return a point that is at the centroid of a solid. The centroid can be thought of as the center of mass of an solid object. Note that it is possible for the center of mass to exist outside the actual solid. In the example below, we use a set of circles to create a Solid ByLoft, and input the resulting solid into a Centroid node." - }, { - "Name": "Chamfer", - "imageFile": ["Chamfer"], - "dynFile": ["Chamfer"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", - "inDepth": "Chamfer will return a new solid with chamfered edges. The edges input specifies which edges to chamfer, while the offset input determines the extent of the chamfer. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the offset distance for the chamfer." - }, { - "Name": "Difference", - "imageFile": ["Difference"], - "dynFile": ["Difference"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", - "inDepth": "Difference will create a new solid by subtracting one solid from another. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to subtract from, while the 'tool' input is the solid that will be subtracted. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to subtract from. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere, which we use as the tool. If the sphere is intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting part of the sphere subtracted from it." - }, { - "Name": "DifferenceAll", - "imageFile": ["DifferenceAll"], - "dynFile": ["DifferenceAll"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", - "inDepth": "Difference All will create a new solid by subtracting a list of solids from one single solid. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to subtract from, while the 'tools' input is the list of solids that will be subtracted. The solids in this list will be unioned together to create a single solid, which is then subtracted from the 'solid' input. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to subtract from. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere. By using a sequence of numbers as the z-coordinate, we create a list of several spheres. If the spheres are intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting parts of the spheres subtracted from it." - }, { - "Name": "Fillet", - "imageFile": ["Fillet"], - "dynFile": ["Fillet"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", - "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new solid with rounded edges. The edges input specifies which edges to fillet, while the offset input determines the radius of the fillet. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the radius for each fillet." - }, { - "Name": "ProjectInputOnto", - "imageFile": ["ProjectInputOnto"], - "dynFile": ["ProjectInputOnto"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", - "inDepth": "Project Input Onto will project an input geometry onto a given surface along a given direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. This is the surface we will project onto. We make a circle at the origin to use as the geometry to project, and simply use the world Z-direction as the direction vector for projection. The result is a circle projected onto the surface." - }, { - "Name": "ThinShell", - "imageFile": ["ThinShell"], - "dynFile": ["ThinShell"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", - "inDepth": "Thin Shell will create a new solid by offsetting the surfaces that make up the input solid. This can also be thought of as thickening the surfaces of the input solid. In the example below, we use a chamfered cube as our input solid. We have two number sliders to control the inner and outer thicknesses of the shell faces." - }, { - "Name": "Union", - "imageFile": ["Union"], - "dynFile": ["Union"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", - "inDepth": "Union will create a new solid by adding one solid to another. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to add to, while the 'tool' input is the solid that will be added. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to add to. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere, which we use as the tool. If the sphere is intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting part of the sphere added to it." - }, { - "Name": "Area", - "imageFile": ["Area"], - "dynFile": ["Area"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Query", - "inDepth": "Room area is returned as a double." - }, { - "Name": "Volume", - "imageFile": ["Volume"], - "dynFile": ["Volume"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Query", - "inDepth": "Volume will return the volume of a given solid. In the example below, we start with a cube, and then chamfer the edges to produce a new solid. We can use Volume to find the new volume of this solid." - }, { - "Name": "ByBestFit", - "imageFile": ["ByBestFit"], - "dynFile": ["ByBestFit"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Create", - "inDepth": "Sphere by Best Fit will create a sphere based on a list of points as input. The sphere will be created to minimize the average distance from the list of points to the surface of the sphere. In the example below, we generate a set of random numbers to use as x,y, and z coordinates for a list of points. The number of points is controlled by an integer slider. The list of points is used as the input for a Sphere ByBestFit node." - }, { - "Name": "ByCenterPointRadius", - "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointRadius"], - "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointRadius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Create", - "inDepth": "Sphere by Center Point Radius will create a sphere centered at the input point, and with an input radius. In the example below, we use a code block to specify the coordinates of a Point created by coordinates, and we use a number slider to determine the radius of the sphere." - }, { - "Name": "ByFourPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByFourPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByFourPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Create", - "inDepth": "ByFourPoints will return a Sphere from four input Points on the Surface. In the example below, two Spheres are created from a collection of six Points. Adjusting the X Position and Y Position sliders will change the size of each Sphere relative to the other. It is important to note that not any collection of four points will make a Sphere. It has to be possible for all Points to be on the Sphere's surface." - }, { - "Name": "CenterPoint", - "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Query", - "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "Radius", - "imageFile": ["Radius"], - "dynFile": ["Radius"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Query", - "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." - }, { - "Name": "ByControlPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByControlPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByControlPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", - "inDepth": "Nurbs Surface By Control Points takes in a two dimensional array of control vertices and outputs a Nurbs Surface. This node also gives us the ability to calibrate the degree in the U and V directions. In this example, a 10 by 10 grid of points is created with a Code Block Range. The grid is then scaled in the Z-direction at random, modulating the output surface from the By Control Points node. " - }, { - "Name": "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots", - "imageFile": ["ByControlPointsWeightsKnots"], - "dynFile": ["ByControlPointsWeightsKnots"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", - "inDepth": "Creates a NurbsSurface with specified control vertices, knots, weights, and U V degrees. There are several restrictions on the data which, if broken, will cause the function to fail and will throw an exception. Degree: Both u- and v- degree should be >= 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: Both knot vectors should be non-decreasing sequences. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows surfaces with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data." - }, { - "Name": "ByPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", - "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." - }, { - "Name": "ByPointsTangents", - "imageFile": ["ByPointsTangents"], - "dynFile": ["ByPointsTangents"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", - "inDepth": "Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction." - }, { - "Name": "ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives", - "imageFile": ["ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives"], - "dynFile": ["ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", - "inDepth": "Creates a NurbsSurface satisfying a collection of different surface characteristics. This is the most advanced surface fitting method. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. The corner derivatives should be second order (dP/dUdV) and should be supplied in this order [ lowU, lowV ], [ highU, lowV ], [ lowU, highV ], [ highU, highV ]." - }, { - "Name": "ControlPoints", - "imageFile": ["ControlPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ControlPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Action", - "inDepth": "ControlPoints will return the ControlPoints of a NurbsSurface as Points in a List of Lists. In the example below, the ControlPoints are returned from a NurbsSurface created from a Patch." - }, { - "Name": "UKnots", - "imageFile": ["UKnots"], - "dynFile": ["UKnots"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Action", - "inDepth": "UKnots will return the Surface Knots in the U direction of a NurbsSurface. In the example below, the UKnots of the NurbsSurface are returned as a list of doubles." - }, { - "Name": "VKnots", - "imageFile": ["VKnots"], - "dynFile": ["VKnots"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Action", - "inDepth": "VKnots will return the Surface Knots in the V direction of a NurbsSurface. In the example below, the VKnots of the NurbsSurface are returned as a list of doubles." - }, { - "Name": "Weights", - "imageFile": ["Weights"], - "dynFile": ["Weights"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Action", - "inDepth": "Weights will return the Weights of a NurbsSurface as doubles in a List of Lists. In the example below, a NurbsSurface returns a list of Weights with a value of 1." - }, { - "Name": "DegreeU", - "imageFile": ["DegreeU"], - "dynFile": ["DegreeU"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", - "inDepth": "DegreeU will return the degree of a NurbsSurface in the U direction. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created with Points and specified U/V degrees has a degree of 2 in the U direction. Adjusting the number sliders will change the U and V degree values." - }, { - "Name": "DegreeV", - "imageFile": ["DegreeV"], - "dynFile": ["DegreeV"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", - "inDepth": "DegreeV will return the degree of a NurbsSurface in the V direction. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created with Points and specified U/V degrees has a degree of 2 in the V direction. Adjusting the number sliders will change the U and V degree values." - }, { - "Name": "IsPeriodicInU", - "imageFile": ["IsPeriodicInU"], - "dynFile": ["IsPeriodicInU"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", - "inDepth": "Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the U direction." - }, { - "Name": "IsPeriodicInV", - "imageFile": ["IsPeriodicInV"], - "dynFile": ["IsPeriodicInV"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", - "inDepth": "Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the V direction." - }, { - "Name": "IsRational", - "imageFile": ["IsRational"], - "dynFile": ["IsRational"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", - "inDepth": "IsRational will return a boolean value based on whether a NurbsSurface is rational. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created by approximating a Surface returns a false value." - }, { - "Name": "NumControlPointsU", - "imageFile": ["NumControlPointsU"], - "dynFile": ["NumControlPointsU"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", - "inDepth": "NumControlPointsU will count the control points in the U direction of a NurbsSurface and return an integer. In the example below, the NurbsSurface returns an integer of 22 for its U control points. The control points are returned as Points using NurbsSurface.ControlPoints." - }, { - "Name": "NumControlPointsV", - "imageFile": ["NumControlPointsV"], - "dynFile": ["NumControlPointsV"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", - "inDepth": "NumControlPointsV will count the control points in the V direction of a NurbsSurface and return an integer. In the example below, the NurbsSurface returns an integer of 12 for its V control points. The control points are returned as Points using NurbsSurface.ControlPoints." - }, { - "Name": "ByJoinedSurfaces", - "imageFile": ["ByJoinedSurfaces"], - "dynFile": ["ByJoinedSurfaces"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", - "inDepth": "Solid by Joined Surfaces takes a list of surfaces as an input and will return a single solid defined by the surfaces. The surfaces must define a closed surface. In the example below, we start with a circle as a base geometry. The circle is patched to create a surface, and that surface is translated in the z-direction. We then extrude the circle to produce the sides. List.Create is used to make a list consisting of the base, side, and top surfaces, and then we use ByJoinedSurfaces to turn the list into a single closed solid." - }, { - "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)", - "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", - "inDepth": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve) will return a new PolySurface by lofting between curves in a list and guide Curve. In the example below, a new PolySurface is returned by lofting between two Circles. The returned PolySurface is distorted by adjusting the arc of the guideCurve input." - }, { - "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", - "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface ByLoft with cross sections takes a list of curves as an input. It will produce a surface by lofting between the list of curves in order. In the example below we create two curves, a line and a sine curve. We use List.Create to combine these two curves into a list, which we use as an input for Surface ByLoft. The result is a surface that is lofted between a sine curve on one side, and a line on the other." - }, { - "Name": "ByLoftGuides", - "imageFile": ["ByLoftGuides"], - "dynFile": ["ByLoftGuides"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", - "inDepth": "ByLoftGuides will return a PolySurface by lofting through a list of PolyCurves (crossSections). In the example below, a PolySurface is created by lofting through three arcs and an arc guideCurve. The arcs give the loft its cross section, and the guideCurve gives the loft a rail to follow." - }, { - "Name": "BySolid", - "imageFile": ["BySolid"], - "dynFile": ["BySolid"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", - "inDepth": "BySolid will return a PolySurface from a Solid. In the example below, a Solid is returned as a PolySurface for it to be an acceptable input to Display.BySurfaceColors." - }, { - "Name": "BySweep", - "imageFile": ["BySweep"], - "dynFile": ["BySweep"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we use a sine curve in the y-direction as the profile curve. We rotate this curve by -90 degrees around the world z-axis to use as a path curve. Surface BySweep moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." - }, { - "Name": "Chamfer", - "imageFile": ["Chamfer"], - "dynFile": ["Chamfer"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "Chamfer will return a new solid with chamfered edges. The edges input specifies which edges to chamfer, while the offset input determines the extent of the chamfer. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the offset distance for the chamfer." - }, { - "Name": "EdgeCount", - "imageFile": ["EdgeCount"], - "dynFile": ["EdgeCount"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "EdgeCount will return the number of Edges on a PolySurface. In the example below, an extruded hexagon has an Edge count of 18. The edges are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "ExtractSolids", - "imageFile": ["ExtractSolids"], - "dynFile": ["ExtractSolids"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "ExtractSolids will return a Solid from a collection of PolySurfaces. In the example below, a Solid is returned from a collection of three surfaces that form a cylinder. Since the node takes a single PolySurface as an input, the three surfaces must be joined together before returning a Solid." - }, { - "Name": "Fillet", - "imageFile": ["Fillet"], - "dynFile": ["Fillet"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new solid with rounded edges. The edges input specifies which edges to fillet, while the offset input determines the radius of the fillet. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the radius for each fillet." - }, { - "Name": "LocateSurfacesByLine", - "imageFile": ["LocateSurfacesByLine"], - "dynFile": ["LocateSurfacesByLine"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "LocateSurfacesByLine will return all Surface(s) that a Line intersects. In the example below, a line is found to pass through an extruded hexagon at two places and returns two Surfaces. " - }, { - "Name": "LocateSurfacesByPoint", - "imageFile": ["LocateSurfacesByPoint"], - "dynFile": ["LocateSurfacesByPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "LocateSurfacesByPoint will return the first Surface intersected in the forward direction as defined by a Vector. In the example below, the Surface returned is intersected by a Vector originating at the Point. The Vector is represented as a Line." - }, { - "Name": "SurfaceCount", - "imageFile": ["SurfaceCount"], - "dynFile": ["SurfaceCount"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "SurfaceCount will return the number of Surfaces in a PolySurface as an integer. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns a count of 8. The node takes a single PolySurface as an input, so a collection of Surfaces will need to be joined before counting." - }, { - "Name": "Surfaces", - "imageFile": ["Surfaces"], - "dynFile": ["Surfaces"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "Surfaces will return the Surfaces that make up a PolySurface. In the example below, a extruded hexagon will return eight individual Surfaces." - }, { - "Name": "UnconnectedBoundaries", - "imageFile": ["UnconnectedBoundaries"], - "dynFile": ["UnconnectedBoundaries"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "UnconnectedBoundaries will return PolyCurves that represent open boundaries. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns it's top and bottom boundaries as PolyCurves since they are unconnected." - }, { - "Name": "VertexCount", - "imageFile": ["VertexCount"], - "dynFile": ["VertexCount"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", - "inDepth": "VertexCount will return the number of Vertices of a PolySurface as an integer. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns a Vertice count of 12. The Vertices are represented as Points." - }, { - "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", - "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface ByLoft with cross sections takes a list of curves as an input. It will produce a surface by lofting between the list of curves in order. In the example below we create two curves, a line and a sine curve. We use List.Create to combine these two curves into a list, which we use as an input for Surface ByLoft. The result is a surface that is lofted between a sine curve on one side, and a line on the other." - }, { - "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)", - "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)"], - "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Loft with cross sections and guide curves takes a list of cross sections to loft between, and a separate list of guide curves to determine the profile of the loft. In the example below, we use two straight lines as the input cross sections. For the guide curves, we create one sine curve and one straight line. A number slider controls the distance between the sine curve and the straight line. The resulting loft interpolates between the sine curve and the straight line." - }, { - "Name": "ByPatch", - "imageFile": ["ByPatch"], - "dynFile": ["ByPatch"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Patch will create a surface by filling in the interior of a closed curve. In the example below, we first create a closed Nurbs Curve by using a series of points created with cylindrical coordines. A number slider controls the number of points to create, while a boolean toggle node controls whether the Nurbs Curve is closed on not. We use the Nurbs Curve as the input to a Surface ByPatch node, creating a surface on the inside of the closed curve." - }, { - "Name": "ByPerimeterPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByPerimeterPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByPerimeterPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Perimeter Points takes a list of points that defines the perimeter of a closed polygon, and creates a surface inside the resulting polygon. In the example below we create a series of points using cylindrical coordinates. The points are created at regular intervals around a cylinder with randomized inputs for the radius and elevation. The resulting list of points is used as the input for a Surface ByPerimeterPoints node." - }, { - "Name": "ByRevolve", - "imageFile": ["ByRevolve"], - "dynFile": ["ByRevolve"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Revolve creates a surface by rotating a given profile curve around an axis. The axis is defined by an axisOrigin point, and an axisDirection vector. The start angle determines where to begin the surface, measured in degrees, and the sweepAngle determines how far around the axis to continue the surface. In the example below, we use a curve generated with a cosine function as the profile curve, and two number sliders to control the startAngle and sweepAngle. The axisOrigin and axisDirection are left at the default values of the world origin and world z-axis for this example" - }, { - "Name": "ByRuledLoft", - "imageFile": ["ByRuledLoft"], - "dynFile": ["ByRuledLoft"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Ruled Loft takes an ordered list of curves as an input and lofts a straigth-line ruled surface between the curves. Compared to ByLoft, ByRuledLoft can be slightly faster, but the resulting surface is less smooth. In the example below, we start with a line along the X-axis. We translate this line into a series of lines that follow a sine curve in the y-direction. Using this resulting list of lines as the input for a Surface ByRuledLoft results in a surface with straight-line segments between the input curves." - }, { - "Name": "BySweep", - "imageFile": ["BySweep"], - "dynFile": ["BySweep"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we use a sine curve in the y-direction as the profile curve. We rotate this curve by -90 degrees around the world z-axis to use as a path curve. Surface BySweep moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." - }, { - "Name": "BySweep2Rails", - "imageFile": ["BySweep2Rails"], - "dynFile": ["BySweep2Rails"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", - "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep 2 Rails takes an input curve and uses two guide curves to sweep the profile curve along. In the example below, we use a half-circle as the input profile. We create two diverging lines to use as the rail curves for a BySweep2Rails node. The result is a surface with a half-circle profile that grows as the arc moves along the diverging lines." - }, { - "Name": "ApproximateWithTolerance", - "imageFile": ["ApproximateWithTolerance"], - "dynFile": ["ApproximateWithTolerance"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Approximate with Tolerance will create a Nurbs Surface that approximates an input surface. The tolerance input determines how accurately the result will match the original surface. In the example below, we create a surface using a ByPatch node with a close Nurbs Curve as an input. Note that when we use this surface as the input for a ApproximateWithTolerance node, the result is an untrimmed Nurbs Surface with four sides." - }, { - "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Coordinate System at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns a coordinate system. The x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the Coordinate System are determined by the Normal direction, U direction, and V direction, respectively. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to create a Coordinate System with a CoordnateSystemAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "CurvatureAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["CurvatureAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["CurvatureAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Curvature At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns a coordinate system based on the normal, U direction, and V direction at the UV position on the surface. The Normal vector determines the z-axis, while the U and V directions determine the direction of the X and Y axes. The length of the axes are determined by the U and V curvature. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to create a Coordinate System with a CurvatureAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "DerivativesAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["DerivativesAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["DerivativesAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Derivatives At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the U and V derivaties of the surface at the input UV position on the surface. The derivatives are returned as a list of two vectors, with the first vector being the U derivative and the second vector being the V derivative. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to determine the derivatives with a DerivativesAtParameter node. " - }, { - "Name": "FlipNormalDirection", - "imageFile": ["FlipNormalDirection"], - "dynFile": ["FlipNormalDirection"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Flip Normal Direction will flip the direction of the normal vectors of a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. The Normal direction of this surface points up in the positive z-direction. By usinging a FlipNormalDirection node, we create a new surface with the same geometry, but with the normals pointing down in the negative z-direction." - }, { - "Name": "GaussianCurvatureAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["GaussianCurvatureAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["GaussianCurvatureAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Gaussian Curvature At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvature of the surface at the input UV position of the surface. The Gaussian Curvature is calculated as the product of the two principal curvatures (in the U and V directions). In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the gaussian curvature with a GaussianCurvatureAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "GetIsoline", - "imageFile": ["GetIsoline"], - "dynFile": ["GetIsoline"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Get Isoline will return the isoline of a surface at an input U or V parameter. The input isoDirection is used to determine whether the U direction or V direction is used. An isoDirection of 0 corresponds to the U direction, while an isoDirection of 1 corresponds to the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders. The first slider controls the U or V direction of the isolines, while the second determines the parameter to find the isoline of." - }, { - "Name": "Join", - "imageFile": ["Join"], - "dynFile": ["Join"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Combines this Surface and input Surface into a PolySurface." - }, { - "Name": "NormalAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["NormalAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["NormalAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Normal At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the Normal vector of the surface at the input UV position on the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a Sweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to determine the Normal with a NormalAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "NormalAtPoint", - "imageFile": ["NormalAtPoint"], - "dynFile": ["NormalAtPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Normal At Point finds the Normal vector of the surface at the input point on a surface. If the input point is not on the surface, this node will find the point on the surface that is nearest to the input point. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a Code Block to specify a point to find the normal at. The point is not on the surface, so the node uses the closest point on the surface as the position to find the normal at." - }, { - "Name": "Offset", - "imageFile": ["Offset"], - "dynFile": ["Offset"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." - }, { - "Name": "PerimeterCurves", - "imageFile": ["PerimeterCurves"], - "dynFile": ["PerimeterCurves"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Perimeter Curves will return the edge curves of an open surface as a list of curves. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then extract the perimeter edges by using a PerimeterCurves node. " - }, { - "Name": "PointAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["PointAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["PointAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Point At Parameter will return the point on a surface specified by U and V parameters. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use two number sliders to control the U and V values of the parameter for a PointAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Principal Curvatures at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvatures in the U and V directions. This node returns a list of two numbers, with the first being the curvature in the U direction and the second being the curvature in the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the curvatures using a PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter", - "imageFile": ["PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter"], - "dynFile": ["PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Principal Directions at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvatures in the U and V directions. This node returns a list of two vectors, with the first being the direction vector in the U direction and the second being the direction vector in the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the directions using a PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter node." - }, { - "Name": "ProjectInputOnto", - "imageFile": ["ProjectInputOnto"], - "dynFile": ["ProjectInputOnto"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Project Input Onto will project an input geometry onto a given surface along a given direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. This is the surface we will project onto. We make a circle at the origin to use as the geometry to project, and simply use the world Z-direction as the direction vector for projection. The result is a circle projected onto the surface." - }, { - "Name": "SubtractFrom", - "imageFile": ["SubtractFrom"], - "dynFile": ["SubtractFrom"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Subtract From will create a new surface by subtracting the input trimming geometry from they input surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a series of number slider to contrel the length, width, and height of a cuboid. By using a SubtractFrom node, we can trim the surface by subracting out the area that intersects with the cuboid." - }, { - "Name": "TangentAtUParameter", - "imageFile": ["TangentAtUParameter"], - "dynFile": ["TangentAtUParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Tangent at U Parameter will return the tangent vector in the U direction at a specified UV position on a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the U tangent vector." - }, { - "Name": "TangentAtVParameter", - "imageFile": ["TangentAtVParameter"], - "dynFile": ["TangentAtVParameter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Tangent at U Parameter will return the tangent vector in the V direction at a specified UV position on a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the V tangent vector." - }, { - "Name": "Thicken (thickness, both_sides)", - "imageFile": ["Thicken (thickness, both_sides)"], - "dynFile": ["Thicken (thickness, both_sides)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals. If both_sides parameter is true, surface is thickened on both sides." - }, { - "Name": "Thicken (thickness)", - "imageFile": ["Thicken (thickness)"], - "dynFile": ["Thicken (thickness)"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals on both sides of the Surface." - }, { - "Name": "ToNurbsSurface", - "imageFile": ["ToNurbsSurface"], - "dynFile": ["ToNurbsSurface"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "Surface To Nurbs Surface takes a surface as input and returns a Nurbs Surface that approximates the input surface. In the example below, we create a surface using a ByPatch node with a close Nurbs Curve as an input. Note that when we use this surface as the input for a ToNurbsSurface node, the result is an untrimmed Nurbs Surface with four sides." - }, { - "Name": "TrimWithEdgeLoops", - "imageFile": ["TrimWithEdgeLoops"], - "dynFile": ["TrimWithEdgeLoops"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "TrimWithEdgeLoops will return a new Surface trimmed from an input Surface. In the example below, two loops are trimmed out of a Surface, returning two new Surfaces highlighted in blue. The number slider will adjust the shape of the new Surfaces. The loops input will take a single PolyCurve or a list of them." - }, { - "Name": "UVParameterAtPoint", - "imageFile": ["UVParameterAtPoint"], - "dynFile": ["UVParameterAtPoint"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", - "inDepth": "UV Parameter At Point finds the UV position of the surface at the input point on a surface. If the input point is not on the surface, this node will find the point on the surface that is nearest to the input point. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a Code Block to specify a point to find the UN parameter at. The point is not on the surface, so the node uses the closest point on the surface as the position to find the UV parameter of." - }, { - "Name": "Area", - "imageFile": ["Area"], - "dynFile": ["Area"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", - "inDepth": "Room area is returned as a double." - }, { - "Name": "Closed", - "imageFile": ["Closed"], - "dynFile": ["Closed"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", - "inDepth": "Closed will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's U or V directions. In the example below, two extruded Surfaces are tested, and the extruded circle returns true. By adjusting the number slider, the extruded arc will close into a circle and also return true." - }, { - "Name": "ClosedInU", - "imageFile": ["ClosedInU"], - "dynFile": ["ClosedInU"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", - "inDepth": "ClosedInU will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's U direction. In the example below, an extruded circle that is closed in one direction returns false for being closed in U." - }, { - "Name": "ClosedInV", - "imageFile": ["ClosedInV"], - "dynFile": ["ClosedInV"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", - "inDepth": "ClosedInV will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's V direction. In the example below, an extruded circle that is closed in one direction returns true for being closed in V" - }, { - "Name": "Perimeter", - "imageFile": ["Perimeter"], - "dynFile": ["Perimeter"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", - "inDepth": "Perimeter will return the length of a Surface's perimeter as a double. In the example below, a complex NurbsSurface's perimeter returns a value of 36.432." - }, { - "Name": "ByPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/ConvexHull/Action", - "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." - }, { - "Name": "ByParametersOnSurface", - "imageFile": ["ByParametersOnSurface"], - "dynFile": ["ByParametersOnSurface"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Delaunay/Action", - "inDepth": "ByParametersOnSurface will return a Voronoi representation of a surface's UV as a list of curves. In the example below, a Voronoi representation is created on a surface using a UV system of 50 random values. In order for the Voronoi to stop at the edges of the surface, the returned curves must be intersected with the surface." - }, { - "Name": "ByPoints", - "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], - "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Delaunay/Action", - "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." - }, { - "Name": "ByParametersOnSurface", - "imageFile": ["ByParametersOnSurface"], - "dynFile": ["ByParametersOnSurface"], - "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Voronoi/Action", - "inDepth": "ByParametersOnSurface will return a Voronoi representation of a surface's UV as a list of curves. In the example below, a Voronoi representation is created on a surface using a UV system of 50 random values. In order for the Voronoi to stop at the edges of the surface, the returned curves must be intersected with the surface." - }, { - "Name": "ExportCSV", - "imageFile": ["ExportCSV"], - "dynFile": ["ExportCSV"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Data/Action", - "inDepth": "Write a list of lists into a file using a comma-separated values format. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns." - }, { - "Name": "ExportExcel", - "imageFile": ["ExportExcel"], - "dynFile": ["ExportExcel"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Data/Action", - "inDepth": "Write data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is written by row with sublists to be written in successive rows. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in the data list at [0,0] will be written to cell A1. Null values and empty lists are written to Excel as empty cells. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed." - }, { - "Name": "ImportCSV", - "imageFile": ["ImportCSV"], - "dynFile": ["ImportCSV"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Data/Action", - "inDepth": "Imports data from a CSV (comma separated values) file, put the items into a list and transpose it if needed." - }, { - "Name": "ImportExcel", - "imageFile": ["ImportExcel"], - "dynFile": ["ImportExcel"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Data/Action", - "inDepth": "Read data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is read by row and returned in a series of lists by row. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in cell A1 will appear in the data list at [0,0]. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed." - }, { - "Name": "AppendText", - "imageFile": ["AppendText"], - "dynFile": ["AppendText"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Append the text content to a file specified by the path." - }, { - "Name": "ChangePathExtension", - "imageFile": ["ChangePathExtension"], - "dynFile": ["ChangePathExtension"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Changes the extension of a file path." - }, { - "Name": "CombinePath", - "imageFile": ["CombinePath"], - "dynFile": ["CombinePath"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Combines multiple strings into a single file path." - }, { - "Name": "CopyDirectory", - "imageFile": ["CopyDirectory"], - "dynFile": ["CopyDirectory"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Copies a directory to a destination location." - }, { - "Name": "CopyFile", - "imageFile": ["CopyFile"], - "dynFile": ["CopyFile"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Copies a file, given the file, destination path and overwrite choice." - }, { - "Name": "DeleteDirectory", - "imageFile": ["DeleteDirectory"], - "dynFile": ["DeleteDirectory"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Deletes a directory. Recursive option allows for the node to dig down into subdirectories." - }, { - "Name": "DeleteFile", - "imageFile": ["DeleteFile"], - "dynFile": ["DeleteFile"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Deletes the specified file." - }, { - "Name": "DirectoryExists", - "imageFile": ["DirectoryExists"], - "dynFile": ["DirectoryExists"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Determines if a directory exists at the given path." - }, { - "Name": "Directory From Path", - "imageFile": ["Directory From Path"], - "dynFile": ["Directory From Path"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Creates a directory object from a path." - }, { - "Name": "DirectoryName", - "imageFile": ["DirectoryName"], - "dynFile": ["DirectoryName"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Directory Name will return the director of a file or director path. In the example below, we use a DirectorPath node to extract the directory from a file path. In addition to FileName and Extension, this allows us to break apart a file path into separate components." - }, { - "Name": "Directory Path", - "imageFile": ["Directory Path"], - "dynFile": ["Directory Path"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Directory Path allows the user to select a directory from their computer. To set the directory path, click the 'Browse...' button on the Directory Path node, then navigate to the desired directory. If this node is added to a previously saved .dyn file, this node will default to the directory of the .dyn file." - }, { - "Name": "FileExists", - "imageFile": ["FileExists"], - "dynFile": ["FileExists"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Determines if a file exists at the given path." - }, { - "Name": "FileExtension", - "imageFile": ["FileExtension"], - "dynFile": ["FileExtension"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Returns the extension from a file path." - }, { - "Name": "File From Path", - "imageFile": ["File From Path"], - "dynFile": ["File From Path"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Creates a file object from a path." - }, { - "Name": "FileHasExtension", - "imageFile": ["FileHasExtension"], - "dynFile": ["FileHasExtension"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Determines whether or not a file path contains an extension." - }, { - "Name": "FileName", - "imageFile": ["FileName"], - "dynFile": ["FileName"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "File Name will return the file name from an input file path. A boolean input provides to option to return the file name with or without the extension. In addition to DirectoryName and Extension, this allows us to break apart a file path into separate components." - }, { - "Name": "File Path", - "imageFile": ["File Path"], - "dynFile": ["File Path"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "File Path allows the user to select a file from their computer. To set the file path, click the 'Browse...' button on the File Path node, then navigate to the desired file." - }, { - "Name": "GetDirectoryContents", - "imageFile": ["GetDirectoryContents"], - "dynFile": ["GetDirectoryContents"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "GetDirectoryContents will retrieve the contents of a directory and subdirectories if that option is selected." - }, { - "Name": "MoveDirectory", - "imageFile": ["MoveDirectory"], - "dynFile": ["MoveDirectory"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Moves a directory to a new location." - }, { - "Name": "MoveFile", - "imageFile": ["MoveFile"], - "dynFile": ["MoveFile"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Moves a specified file to a new location." - }, { - "Name": "ReadText (file)", - "imageFile": ["ReadText (file)"], - "dynFile": ["ReadText (file)"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "Reads a text file and returns the contents as a string." - }, { - "Name": "WriteText", - "imageFile": ["WriteText"], - "dynFile": ["WriteText"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", - "inDepth": "WriteText will write a string to a specified file. If the file does not exists, this node will create the file. To create newlines in the output file, we can use the escape character '\\r\\n'. In the example below, we have a list of strings that we want to write as three separate lines in a text file. We join the list into a single string using '\\r\\n' as the separator. We then use a WriteText node to write this to a text file." - }, { - "Name": "Dimensions", - "imageFile": ["Dimensions"], - "dynFile": ["Dimensions"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", - "inDepth": "Dimensions will return the width and height of an input image in pixels. In the example below, we first use a File Path node and a File.FromPath to create a file object that points to an image. Image.ReadFromFile is then used to create an image object based on the file. A Dimensions node shows us that this image has a width and height of 270 pixels." - }, { - "Name": "FromPixels (colors)", - "imageFile": ["FromPixels (colors)"], - "dynFile": ["FromPixels (colors)"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", - "inDepth": "From Pixels will create an image object from an input two-dimensional array of colors. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from 0 to 255. A Color.ByARGB node is used to create colors from this range, and the lacing of this node is set to Cross Product to create a two-dimensional array. We then use an Image.FromPixels node to create an image. A Watch Image node can be used to preview the image created." - }, { - "Name": "FromPixels (colors, width, height)", - "imageFile": ["FromPixels (colors, width, height)"], - "dynFile": ["FromPixels (colors, width, height)"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", - "inDepth": "From Pixels with width and height will create an image from an input flat list of colors, where each color will become one pixel. The width multiplied by the height should equal the total number of colors. In the example below, we first create a list of colors using a ByARGB node. A code block creates a range of values from 0 to 255, which when connected to the r and g inputs produces a series of colors from black to yellow. We create a image with a width of 8. A Count node and Division node are used to determine the height of the image. A Watch Image node can be used to preview the image created." - }, { - "Name": "Pixels", - "imageFile": ["Pixels"], - "dynFile": ["Pixels"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", - "inDepth": "Pixels will return a list of colors from an input image as a two-dimensional array. The Pixels node has two additional inputs to specify the number of x and y samples to use to extract pixels from. In the example below, we read an image using a ReadFromFile node. This image is then input into a Pixels node to extract the pixel colors." - }, { - "Name": "ReadFromFile", - "imageFile": ["ReadFromFile"], - "dynFile": ["ReadFromFile"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", - "inDepth": "Read From File takes a file as input. The file should be a text file that has data separated by commas. The different lines in the file correspond to the outer list, while the individual values in each line correspond to the inner lists. In the example below, we first use a File Path node and a File.FromPath node to create a file object that points to a text file. Then we use a ReadFromFile node to create a list from the CSV file." - }, { - "Name": "WriteToFile", - "imageFile": ["WriteToFile"], - "dynFile": ["WriteToFile"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", - "inDepth": "WriteToFile will return a List of Lists that is written to an Excel file. The sheet name, start row, and start column of where to write the data can be defined as inputs as well as whether existing data will be overwritten. In the example below, a List of Lists containing a number sequence is written to sampleexcel.xlsx starting at row 0 (or 1 in Excel) and column 1 (or B in Excel). The Excel file now has nine new columns with data in two existing rows. Screenshots of sampleexcel.xlsx before and after writing are overlaid to show the data in Excel's format." - }, { - "Name": "Web Request", - "imageFile": ["Web Request"], - "dynFile": ["Web Request"], - "folderPath": "ImportExport/Web/Action", - "inDepth": "Web Request will return the content of a webpage from an input URL as a string. In the example below, a web request is made to and its HTML content is returned." - }, { - "Name": "Boolean", - "imageFile": ["Boolean"], - "dynFile": ["Boolean"], - "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", - "inDepth": "The Boolean node allows the user to toggle between two boolean values 'true' or 'false' by selecting the appropriate radio button. " - }, { - "Name": "Input", - "imageFile": ["Input"], - "dynFile": ["Input"], - "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", - "inDepth": "Input will create an input port for a custom node. The syntax for an input node is input_name : datatype = default_value(optional) and an optional custom comment. In the example below, x and y inputs are created with double data type, default values of 2 and 10, and a custom comment. It is important to note that this node is only available while creating a custom node." - }, { - "Name": "Integer Slider", - "imageFile": ["Integer Slider"], - "dynFile": ["Integer Slider"], - "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", - "inDepth": "An Integer Slider works in the same way as a Number Slider but only outputs integers. The Integer Slider in the example definition allows us to control the list length, ensuring that we always have whole-number of list outputs. " - }, { - "Name": "Number", - "imageFile": ["Number"], - "dynFile": ["Number"], - "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", - "inDepth": "Room numbers are returned as strings." - }, { - "Name": "Number Slider", - "imageFile": ["Number Slider"], - "dynFile": ["Number Slider"], - "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", - "inDepth": "The Number Slider is a customizable, tactile node that allows us to interface with the data driving our Dynamo definitions. Here, the number slider is paired with a code block to create a dynamic list sequence with a variable step size." - }, { - "Name": "Output", - "imageFile": ["Output"], - "dynFile": ["Output"], - "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", - "inDepth": "Output will create an output port for a custom node. The syntax for an output node is simply its name, along with an optional custom comment. In the example below, an output named Percentage is created with a custom comment. It is important to note that this node is only available while creating a custom node." - }, { - "Name": "String", - "imageFile": ["String"], - "dynFile": ["String"], - "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", - "inDepth": "The String node allows a user to enter a string value. A string can also be created with a Code Block by surrounding the string in quotes. In the example below, we use a String node and a Code Block to create the strings 'Hello' and 'World'. A String.Join node is used to combine the two strings together. A second String node is used with a blank space to act as the separator, resulting in the output string 'Hello World'." - }, { - "Name": "AddTimeSpan", - "imageFile": ["AddTimeSpan"], - "dynFile": ["AddTimeSpan"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "AddTimeSpan will return a new dateTime with a timeSpan added to it. In the example below, one day and eight hours is added to the dateTime for Now, returning a date that is one day and eight hours ahead." - }, { - "Name": "ByDate", - "imageFile": ["ByDate"], - "dynFile": ["ByDate"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "ByDate will return a dateTime from year, month, and day inputs. In the example below, a new dateTime of August 08, 2006 is created from those respective inputs." - }, { - "Name": "ByDateAndTime", - "imageFile": ["ByDateAndTime"], - "dynFile": ["ByDateAndTime"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "ByDateAndTime will return a dateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond inputs. In the example below, a new dateTime of August 08, 2006 4:24PM is created from those respective inputs." - }, { - "Name": "Components", - "imageFile": ["Components"], - "dynFile": ["Components"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "Components will return the Days, Hours, Minutes, etc of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 5:16:21 returns 0 Days, 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, 21 Seconds, and 0 Milliseconds." - }, { - "Name": "Date", - "imageFile": ["Date"], - "dynFile": ["Date"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "Date will return only the date (year, month, day) from a dateTime. In the example below, only the date, August 08 2006, is extracted from a dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM." - }, { - "Name": "Date Time", - "imageFile": ["Date Time"], - "dynFile": ["Date Time"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "DateTime will create a datetime object with the specified input month, day, year, and time. The format must be in the form: 'January 01, 1900 12:00 AM' The month must be capitalized and written out in full. The day must be two digits, the year must be four digits." - }, { - "Name": "DayOfWeek", - "imageFile": ["DayOfWeek"], - "dynFile": ["DayOfWeek"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "DayOfWeek will return only the day from a dateTime. In the example below, only the day, Tuesday, is extracted from a dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM." - }, { - "Name": "DayOfYear", - "imageFile": ["DayOfYear"], - "dynFile": ["DayOfYear"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "DayOfYear will return the day of the year from a dateTime as a number. In the example below, the dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM, is day 220 of the year." - }, { - "Name": "DaysInMonth", - "imageFile": ["DaysInMonth"], - "dynFile": ["DaysInMonth"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "DaysInMonth will return the number of days in a month of a certain year. In the example below, August 2006 returns 31 days." - }, { - "Name": "Format", - "imageFile": ["Format"], - "dynFile": ["Format"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "Return a specified date and time as a string, in the specified format. Utilizes format strings, for a description search for MSDN datetime format." - }, { - "Name": "FromString", - "imageFile": ["FromString"], - "dynFile": ["FromString"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "FromString will return a TimeSpan from a String. In the example below, a String \"5:6:21\" will return a TimeSpan of 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, and 21 Seconds." - }, { - "Name": "IsDaylightSavingsTime", - "imageFile": ["IsDaylightSavingsTime"], - "dynFile": ["IsDaylightSavingsTime"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "IsDaylightSavingsTime will return a boolean value based on whether the dateTime falls within Daylight Saving Time. In the example below, a dateTime of November 14, 2016 12:36PM returns false." - }, { - "Name": "IsLeapYear", - "imageFile": ["IsLeapYear"], - "dynFile": ["IsLeapYear"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "IsLeapYear will return a boolean value based on whether a dateTime falls within a Leap Year. In the example below, a dateTime of 2016 returns true!" - }, { - "Name": "SubtractTimeSpan", - "imageFile": ["SubtractTimeSpan"], - "dynFile": ["SubtractTimeSpan"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "SubtractTimeSpan will return a new dateTime by subtracting a timeSpan from a dateTime. In the example below, a timeSpan of one day and eight hours is subtracted from a dateTime of Now, returning November 13, 2016 4:40AM." - }, { - "Name": "TimeOfDay", - "imageFile": ["TimeOfDay"], - "dynFile": ["TimeOfDay"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", - "inDepth": "TimeOfDay will return the time past midnight of a dateTime. In the example below, a dateTime of Now returns 12:40:32 or roughly 12:40PM." - }, { - "Name": "MaxValue", - "imageFile": ["MaxValue"], - "dynFile": ["MaxValue"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Query", - "inDepth": "MaxValue will return the maximum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." - }, { - "Name": "MinValue", - "imageFile": ["MinValue"], - "dynFile": ["MinValue"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Query", - "inDepth": "MinValue will return the minimum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." - }, { - "Name": "Now", - "imageFile": ["Now"], - "dynFile": ["Now"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Query", - "inDepth": "Now will return the current system date and time. The example file below showed Now as returning November 14, 2016 12:48PM when it was created." - }, { - "Name": "Today", - "imageFile": ["Today"], - "dynFile": ["Today"], - "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Query", - "inDepth": "Today will return the current date. The example file below showed Today as returning November 14, 2016 12:00AM when it was created." - }, { - "Name": "ByLatitudeAndLongitude", - "imageFile": ["ByLatitudeAndLongitude"], - "dynFile": ["ByLatitudeAndLongitude"], - "folderPath": "Input/Location/Create", - "inDepth": "ByLatitudeAndLongitude will return a Location from input latitude and longitude values (doubles) and a input name (string). In the example below, a Location is created from latitude 45.5231, longitude -122.679565, and a name: Portland." - }, { - "Name": "Latitude", - "imageFile": ["Latitude"], - "dynFile": ["Latitude"], - "folderPath": "Input/Location/Query", - "inDepth": "Latitude will return the latitude value from a Location. In the example below, a latitude of 45.5231 is returned from input Location." - }, { - "Name": "Longitude", - "imageFile": ["Longitude"], - "dynFile": ["Longitude"], - "folderPath": "Input/Location/Query", - "inDepth": "Longitude will return the longitude value from a Location. In the example below, a longitude of -122.679565 is returned from the input Location." - }, { - "Name": "Name", - "imageFile": ["Name"], - "dynFile": ["Name"], - "folderPath": "Input/Location/Query", - "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Name..." - }, { - "Name": "Identity", - "imageFile": ["Identity"], - "dynFile": ["Identity"], - "folderPath": "Input/Object/Action", - "inDepth": "Identity will return what is passed in. In the example below, the Identity node is used to preview each piece of geometry created inside a Code Block." - }, { - "Name": "IsNull", - "imageFile": ["IsNull"], - "dynFile": ["IsNull"], - "folderPath": "Input/Object/Action", - "inDepth": "IsNull will return a boolean value based on whether an object is null. In the example below, a grid of circles is drawn with varying radii based on the Red level in a bitmap. Where there is no Red value, no circle is drawn and returns a null in the list of circles. Passing this list through IsNull returns a list of boolean values, with true representing every location of a null value. This list of booleans can be used with List.FilterByBoolMask to return a list without nulls." - }, { - "Name": "Type", - "imageFile": ["Type"], - "dynFile": ["Type"], - "folderPath": "Input/Object/Action", - "inDepth": "Type returns a structural element's family type as well as its parent family." - }, { - "Name": "Add", - "imageFile": ["Add"], - "dynFile": ["Add"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." - }, { - "Name": "ByDateDifference", - "imageFile": ["ByDateDifference"], - "dynFile": ["ByDateDifference"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "ByDateDifference will return the difference of two DateTimes as a new TimeSpan. In the example below, the difference between Now and November 14, 2000 11:57AM was returned as 5844 Days, and roughly 4 Seconds." - }, { - "Name": "Components", - "imageFile": ["Components"], - "dynFile": ["Components"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "Components will return the Days, Hours, Minutes, etc of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 5:16:21 returns 0 Days, 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, 21 Seconds, and 0 Milliseconds." - }, { - "Name": "Create", - "imageFile": ["Create"], - "dynFile": ["Create"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "Create will return a new TimeSpan based on days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. In the example below, we create the TimeSpan 2.03:30:00, or 2 Days, 3 Hours, and 30 Minutes." - }, { - "Name": "FromString", - "imageFile": ["FromString"], - "dynFile": ["FromString"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "FromString will return a TimeSpan from a String. In the example below, a String \"5:6:21\" will return a TimeSpan of 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, and 21 Seconds." - }, { - "Name": "Negate", - "imageFile": ["Negate"], - "dynFile": ["Negate"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "Negate will return the negative of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 2 Days, 3 Hours, and 30 minutes is made negative (-2.03:30:00)." - }, { - "Name": "Scale", - "imageFile": ["Scale"], - "dynFile": ["Scale"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "Scale will return a new TimeSpan scaled by a factor. In the example below, a TimeSpan (2.03:30:00) is scaled by a factor of 2 (4.07:00:00)." - }, { - "Name": "Subtract", - "imageFile": ["Subtract"], - "dynFile": ["Subtract"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "Subtract will return a Vector that is the difference of two other Vectors. In the example below, the difference of the a Vector with coordinates (1,0,1) and WCS Z axis results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,0). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different subtracted vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "TotalDays", - "imageFile": ["TotalDays"], - "dynFile": ["TotalDays"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "TotalDays will return the number of days in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of days returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is ~2.1458333." - }, { - "Name": "TotalHours", - "imageFile": ["TotalHours"], - "dynFile": ["TotalHours"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "TotalHours will return the number of hours in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of hours returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 51.5." - }, { - "Name": "TotalMilliseconds", - "imageFile": ["TotalMilliseconds"], - "dynFile": ["TotalMilliseconds"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "TotalMilliseconds will return the number of milliseconds in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of milliseconds returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 185400000." - }, { - "Name": "TotalMinutes", - "imageFile": ["TotalMinutes"], - "dynFile": ["TotalMinutes"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "TotalMinutes will return the number of minutes in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of minutes returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 3090." - }, { - "Name": "TotalSeconds", - "imageFile": ["TotalSeconds"], - "dynFile": ["TotalSeconds"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", - "inDepth": "TotalSeconds will return the number of seconds in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of seconds returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 185400." - }, { - "Name": "MaxValue", - "imageFile": ["MaxValue"], - "dynFile": ["MaxValue"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Query", - "inDepth": "MaxValue will return the maximum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." - }, { - "Name": "MinValue", - "imageFile": ["MinValue"], - "dynFile": ["MinValue"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Query", - "inDepth": "MinValue will return the minimum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." - }, { - "Name": "Zero", - "imageFile": ["Zero"], - "dynFile": ["Zero"], - "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Query", - "inDepth": "Zero will return a new TimeSpan with no elapsed time. In the example below, a TimeSpan of Zero is displayed as 00:00:00." - }, { - "Name": "List Create", - "imageFile": ["List Create"], - "dynFile": ["List Create"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Create", - "inDepth": "Create a multi-dimension list from input lists." - }, { - "Name": "Range", - "imageFile": ["Range"], - "dynFile": ["Range"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Create", - "inDepth": "Range will produce a list of numbers between the specified Start and End inputs. The numbers will increase from the Start input according to the Step. In the example below, we start with 1 and end with 25. By using a step of 2 the result is odd numbers between 1 and 25." - }, { - "Name": "Sequence", - "imageFile": ["Sequence"], - "dynFile": ["Sequence"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Create", - "inDepth": "Sequence will produce a list of numbers. The list begins at the Start input, and then increments by the Step input. The Amount input determines the number of items in the list. In the example, we create a list of 25 numbers, starting at 1 and incrementing by 2." - }, { - "Name": "Combinations", - "imageFile": ["Combinations"], - "dynFile": ["Combinations"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "Combinations will return a nested list that includes all possible combinations of the items in the input list with a given length. For combinations, the order of the elements does not matter, so the output list {0,1} is considered the same combination as {1,0}. If 'replace' is set to true, the items will be replaced back into the original list, allowing for elements to be used repeatedly in a combination. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from 0 to 5, stepping by one. We use Combinations with an input length of 3 to generate all the different ways to combine 3 of those numbers. A boolean toggle allows to select whether numbers are replaced or not." - }, { - "Name": "Cycle", - "imageFile": ["Cycle"], - "dynFile": ["Cycle"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "Cycle will take an input list and return a new list comprised of the input list repeated according the input 'amount'. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then use a Cycle node with an input amount of 3. The result is a list with 18 elements, consisting of 3 cycles of the original list." - }, { - "Name": "Join", - "imageFile": ["Join"], - "dynFile": ["Join"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "Concatenates all given lists into a single list." - }, { - "Name": "OfRepeatedItem", - "imageFile": ["OfRepeatedItem"], - "dynFile": ["OfRepeatedItem"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "Of Repeated Item will create a list by repeated a given item a certain number of times specified by the 'amount' input. In the example below, we create a list consisting of the number 4 repeated ten times." - }, { - "Name": "Permutations", - "imageFile": ["Permutations"], - "dynFile": ["Permutations"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "Permutations will create a nested list consisting of all permutations of a specified length from a given input list. In the example below, we use a code block to create a range of numbers from 0 to 5, stepping by one. We then use a Permutation node with an length input of 3 to generate all permutations of three elements from the range {0,1,2,3,4,5}." - }, { - "Name": "Empty", - "imageFile": ["Empty"], - "dynFile": ["Empty"], - "folderPath": "List/Generate/Query", - "inDepth": "Empty will return an empty list. In the example, a list is created with several integers and an empty list." - }, { - "Name": "AllFalse", - "imageFile": ["AllFalse"], - "dynFile": ["AllFalse"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "AllFalse only returns true if every item in a list is false." - }, { - "Name": "AllIndicesOf", - "imageFile": ["AllIndicesOf"], - "dynFile": ["AllIndicesOf"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Given an item, returns the zero-based indices of all its occurrences in the list. If the item cannot be found, an empty list is returned." - }, { - "Name": "AllTrue", - "imageFile": ["AllTrue"], - "dynFile": ["AllTrue"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "AllTrue only returns true if every item in a list is false." - }, { - "Name": "Contains", - "imageFile": ["Contains"], - "dynFile": ["Contains"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Bounding Box Contains tests if a specified Point is inside of a Bounding Box. Because the Point in this example is at (5,5,5), and our Origin Sphere’s Radius is larger than 5, the Contains node will return True." - }, { - "Name": "Count", - "imageFile": ["Count"], - "dynFile": ["Count"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Count will return an integer that represents the number of Indices in an IndexGroup. In the example below, Index counts are returned for Mesh faces with three and four edges." - }, { - "Name": "CountFalse", - "imageFile": ["CountFalse"], - "dynFile": ["CountFalse"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "CountFalse returns the amount of false (boolean) values in the input list or lists." - }, { - "Name": "CountTrue", - "imageFile": ["CountTrue"], - "dynFile": ["CountTrue"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "CountTrue returns the amount of true (boolean) values in the input list or lists." - }, { - "Name": "DiagonalLeft", - "imageFile": ["DiagonalLeft"], - "dynFile": ["DiagonalLeft"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "DiagonalLeft will return a new list of lists of elements along each diagonal in the list matrix from top right to the lower left. In the example below, a list created by DiagonalLeft is compared to it's source list." - }, { - "Name": "DiagonalRight", - "imageFile": ["DiagonalRight"], - "dynFile": ["DiagonalRight"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "DiagonalRight will return a new list of lists of values along each diagonal in the list matrix from lower right to the top left. In the example below, a list created by DiagonalRight is compared to it's source list." - }, { - "Name": "Equals", - "imageFile": ["Equals"], - "dynFile": ["Equals"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Equals will return a boolean value that is true if ObjectA is equal to ObjectB. In the example below, the radii (doubles) of two circles are compared. Adjusting the sliders can change the circles' radii, making them equal or unequal." - }, { - "Name": "FirstIndexOf", - "imageFile": ["FirstIndexOf"], - "dynFile": ["FirstIndexOf"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "First Index Of will search through a given list and return the index of the first instance of the input item to search for. In the example below, we first generate list of ten random numbers between 0 and 4. By using a FirstIndexOf node, we can search for a specific item, and get the index of the first time that item is found in the last." - }, { - "Name": "FirstItem", - "imageFile": ["FirstItem"], - "dynFile": ["FirstItem"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "First Item simply returns the first item of an input list. In the example below, we generate a list of ten random numbers between zero and five. We then use FirstItem node to return the first item of the list. " - }, { - "Name": "GetItemAtIndex", - "imageFile": ["GetItemAtIndex"], - "dynFile": ["GetItemAtIndex"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Get Item At Index takes an input list, and an integer and returns the item from the list found at the input index. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to 5, stepping by one. We can then extract a single element at a specified index by using a GetItemAtIndex node." - }, { - "Name": "IndexOf", - "imageFile": ["IndexOf"], - "dynFile": ["IndexOf"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "IndexOf will search a given string for a second input string. If the second string is found, this node will return the index of the first character of the first occurrence of the string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World', and search for the character 'o', This letter occurs twice in the string, but only the index of the first occurrence is returned by the IndexOf node." - }, { - "Name": "IsEmpty", - "imageFile": ["IsEmpty"], - "dynFile": ["IsEmpty"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "IsEmpty will return a boolean value based on whether the Bounding Box is empty or not." - }, { - "Name": "IsHomogeneous", - "imageFile": ["IsHomogeneous"], - "dynFile": ["IsHomogeneous"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "IsHomogeneous will return a boolean value based on whether the elements in a list are all of the same type. In the example below, a simple list of numbers is compared to the same list with a string inserted. The original list is homogeneous (numbers) and the new list is not homogeneous (numbers and a string)." - }, { - "Name": "IsRectangular", - "imageFile": ["IsRectangular"], - "dynFile": ["IsRectangular"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "IsRectangular returns a boolean value based on whether a curtain panel is rectangular or not. Certain CurtainPanel query nodes, such as Height and Width, require that a curtain panel is rectangular." - }, { - "Name": "IsUniformDepth", - "imageFile": ["IsUniformDepth"], - "dynFile": ["IsUniformDepth"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "IsUniformDepth will return a boolean value based on whether the list's depth is consistent (the number of lists inside each list). In the example below, two lists are compared (one of uniform depth and one not) to show the difference. The non-uniform list contains two lists, one of which has two more inside of that. The lists at [0] and [1] are not equal in depth." - }, { - "Name": "LastItem", - "imageFile": ["LastItem"], - "dynFile": ["LastItem"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Last Item simply returns the last item of an input list. In the example below, we generate a list of ten random numbers between zero and five. We then use LastItem node to return the last item of the list. " - }, { - "Name": "MaximumItem", - "imageFile": ["MaximumItem"], - "dynFile": ["MaximumItem"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Maximum Item will search through a list of values and return the item with the maximum value. In the example below we generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 49. We then use a MaximumItem node to find the largest item in the list." - }, { - "Name": "MinimumItem", - "imageFile": ["MinimumItem"], - "dynFile": ["MinimumItem"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Minimum Item will search through a list of values and return the item with the minimum value. In the example below we generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 49. We then use a MinimumItem node to find the smallest item in the list." - }, { - "Name": "Rank", - "imageFile": ["Rank"], - "dynFile": ["Rank"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Counts how many levels are in a list" - }, { - "Name": "SetDifference", - "imageFile": ["SetDifference"], - "dynFile": ["SetDifference"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "SetDifference will return a new list based on the objects that one list contains and another does not. In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is compared to a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. Odd numbers below 10 are returned because they are contained in List1, but not in List2." - }, { - "Name": "SetIntersection", - "imageFile": ["SetIntersection"], - "dynFile": ["SetIntersection"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "SetIntersection will return a new list based on the objects that both lists both contain. In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is compared to a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. Even numbers below 10 are returned because they are contained in List1 and List2." - }, { - "Name": "SetUnion", - "imageFile": ["SetUnion"], - "dynFile": ["SetUnion"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "SetUnion will return a new list by combining the objects of two lists using an equality comparer (eliminate duplicate values). In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is combined with a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. The resulting list counts contains all elements from List1 and List2 with duplicates (0, 2, 4, etc) eliminated." - }, { - "Name": "TrueForAll", - "imageFile": ["TrueForAll"], - "dynFile": ["TrueForAll"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Checks to see if the condition (in the predicate input) is true for ALL of the items in the list. You need to connect a node to the predicate input that returns a boolean." - }, { - "Name": "TrueForAny", - "imageFile": ["TrueForAny"], - "dynFile": ["TrueForAny"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Checks to see if the condition (in the predicate input) is true for ANY of the items in the list. You need to connect a node to the predicate input that returns a boolean." - }, { - "Name": "UniqueItems", - "imageFile": ["UniqueItems"], - "dynFile": ["UniqueItems"], - "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Unique Item will remove all duplicate items from a input list. In the example below, we use Random List to first generate a list of random numbers between 0 and 1. We then multiply by 10 and use a Floor operation to get a list of random integers between 0 and 9, with many of them repeated multiple times. After using Unique Item, we are left with a list in which each integer only occurs once. The order of the output list will be according to the first found instance of an item. " - }, { - "Name": "CartesianProduct", - "imageFile": ["CartesianProduct"], - "dynFile": ["CartesianProduct"], - "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", - "inDepth": "Applies a combinator to each pair in the cartesian product of two sequences." - }, { - "Name": "Combine", - "imageFile": ["Combine"], - "dynFile": ["Combine"], - "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", - "inDepth": "Combine will join multiple inputs together into a single string. In the example below, we use a Director Path to select a director. We specify a file name by using a Code Block. We then use a Combine node to join the director path and file name together into a file path." - }, { - "Name": "LaceLongest", - "imageFile": ["LaceLongest"], - "dynFile": ["LaceLongest"], - "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", - "inDepth": "Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a longest lacing of the input lists. All lists have their last element repeated to match the length of the longest input." - }, { - "Name": "LaceShortest", - "imageFile": ["LaceShortest"], - "dynFile": ["LaceShortest"], - "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", - "inDepth": "Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a shortest lacing of the input lists. All lists are truncated to the length of the shortest input." - }, { - "Name": "Map", - "imageFile": ["Map"], - "dynFile": ["Map"], - "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", - "inDepth": "Map will return the position of a number in a range as a double. In the example below, a value of 4 is mapped to a range of 2 to 6. Since 4 is halfway between 2 and 6, a value of 0.5 is returned." - }, { - "Name": "AddItemToEnd", - "imageFile": ["AddItemToEnd"], - "dynFile": ["AddItemToEnd"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Add Item to End will insert a specified item at the end of a given list. Note that if a list object is used as the item to add, the entire list is added as a single object, producing a list within a list. To combine two lists together into a single flat list, see List.Join. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then add a new item, the number 20, to the end of that list using AddItemToEnd." - }, { - "Name": "AddItemToFront", - "imageFile": ["AddItemToFront"], - "dynFile": ["AddItemToFront"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Add Item to Front will insert a specified item at the beginning of a given list. The new item will have index 0, while the original items will all be shifted by an index of 1. Note that if a list object is used as the item to add, the entire list is added as a single object, producing a list within a list. To combine two lists together into a single flat list, see List.Join. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then add a new item, the number 20, to the front of that list using AddItemToFront." - }, { - "Name": "Chop", - "imageFile": ["Chop"], - "dynFile": ["Chop"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Chop will split a given list into smaller lists according to a list of input integer lengths. It returns a nested list with the first list containing a number of elements equal to the first number of the list input into 'lengths', the second list containing a number of elements equal to the second number of the list input into 'lengths' and so on. Chop will repeat the last number in the 'lengths' input until all elements from the input list are chopped. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers between 0 and 5, stepping by one. This list has 6 elements in it. We use a second code block to create a list of lengths to chop the first list into." - }, { - "Name": "Clean", - "imageFile": ["Clean"], - "dynFile": ["Clean"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Clean will return a list without nulls and empty lists. In the example below, a list is cleaned of two null values, returning only the integers. The preserveIndices input can be toggled by a boolean value to keep the indices that once contained nulls." - }, { - "Name": "Deconstruct", - "imageFile": ["Deconstruct"], - "dynFile": ["Deconstruct"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Deconstruct will take an input list and separate the first item in the list from the remainder. This node has two outputs. The first output is the first item of the original list. The second output is a list with the remaining elements from the original list. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then use a Deconstruct node to separate the first item from the remainder. The result is the item '0' as one output, and a list of the range from 1 to 5 as a second output." - }, { - "Name": "DropEveryNthItem", - "imageFile": ["DropEveryNthItem"], - "dynFile": ["DropEveryNthItem"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Drop Every Nth Item will remove items from the input list at intervals of the input 'n' value. The starting point of the interval can be changed with the 'offset' input. For example, putting 3 into 'n' and leaving the 'offset' as the default of zero will removie items with indices 2, 5, 8, etc. Changing the offset to 1 would instead remove items with indices 0, 3, 6, etc. Notice that the offset 'wraps' through the entire list. To keep selected items instead of removing, see 'TakeEveryNthItem'. In the example below, we first generate a list of numbers using Range, and then remove every other number by using 2 as the input for 'n'." - }, { - "Name": "DropItems", - "imageFile": ["DropItems"], - "dynFile": ["DropItems"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Drop Items will remove the input 'amount' number of items from the list. If the 'amount' is positive, the numbers will be removed from the beginning of the list. If the 'amount' is negative, the items will be removed from the end of the list. In the example below, we first create a list using Range, then drop the first item in the list by using Drop Item with an 'amount' of 1." - }, { - "Name": "Filter", - "imageFile": ["Filter"], - "dynFile": ["Filter"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Filters a sequence by a given condition such that for an arbitrary element x, condition(x) = True or False." - }, { - "Name": "FilterByBoolMask", - "imageFile": ["FilterByBoolMask"], - "dynFile": ["FilterByBoolMask"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Filter By Bool Mask takes two lists as inputs. The first list will be split into two separate lists according to a corresponding list of boolean (True or False) values. Items from the 'list' input that correspond to a True in the 'mask' input will go to the output labelled 'in', while those items that correspond to a 'False' value will go the 'out' output. In the example below, we use a modulus operator (%) and an equality operator (==) to test each item in the list for divisibility by three. The result after FilterByBoolMask is two lists, the first containing the items that are divisible by 3, and the second containing items that are not divisible by 3. " - }, { - "Name": "Flatten", - "imageFile": ["Flatten"], - "dynFile": ["Flatten"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Flatten will take a nested list and flatten levels of the list by combining the first levels into a single level. The 'amt' input determines how many levels to flatten. Flatten starts from the first branch. In the example below, we first generate a range of numbers from 1 to 5, stepping by one. This creates a list of 5 elements. We use this list as the input for the lengths of a cuboid, producing a list of 5 cuboids. By exploding the cuboids, we get a list of 6 faces for each cuboid. We now have 5 lists of 6 faces, for a total of 30 elements. We go one step further by finding the edges of each face. The result is 5 lists of 6 lists of 4 edges, or a total of 120 elements. By using a Flatten node, we take the first level, the initial 5 different lists, and combine that into a single list. The resulting output is 30 lists of 4 edges. " - }, { - "Name": "Insert", - "imageFile": ["Insert"], - "dynFile": ["Insert"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Insert will insert a given string into a base string at a specified index. In the example below, we start with the base string 'Hello World'. We use a second string 'Hi!' as the string to insert. An integery slider is used to control the index at which the second string will be inserted into the base string." - }, { - "Name": "Reduce", - "imageFile": ["Reduce"], - "dynFile": ["Reduce"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result." - }, { - "Name": "RemoveIfNot", - "imageFile": ["RemoveIfNot"], - "dynFile": ["RemoveIfNot"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "RemoveIfNot will return a list with everything removed except a specified type. In the example below, a list is returned with one Line and the Point elements removed." - }, { - "Name": "RemoveItemAtIndex", - "imageFile": ["RemoveItemAtIndex"], - "dynFile": ["RemoveItemAtIndex"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Remove Item At Index will take an input list of items, and create a new list by removing the items at specified indices. In the example below we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. We then remove the item with index 3." - }, { - "Name": "ReplaceByCondition", - "imageFile": ["ReplaceByCondition"], - "dynFile": ["ReplaceByCondition"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Replace By Condition will take a given list and evaluate each item with a given condition. If the condition evaluates to 'true', the corresponding item will be replaced in the output list with the item specified in the replaceWith input. In the example below, we use a Formula node and enter the formula x%2==0, which finds the remainder of a given item after dividing by 2, and then checks to see if that remainder is equal to zero. This formula will return 'true' for even integers. Note that the input x is left blank. Using this formula as the condition in a ReplaceByCondition node results in an output list where each even number is replaced by the specified item, in this case the integer 10." - }, { - "Name": "ReplaceItemAtIndex", - "imageFile": ["ReplaceItemAtIndex"], - "dynFile": ["ReplaceItemAtIndex"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Replace Item At Index will take an input list, a list of indices at which to replace items, and a new item to replace with. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. We then use a ReplaceItemAtIndex node to replace the item at index 3 with a new item, in this case the integer 10." - }, { - "Name": "RestOfItems", - "imageFile": ["RestOfItems"], - "dynFile": ["RestOfItems"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Rest Of Items will remove the first element from a list and return the remaining elements in a new list. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. After using a RestOfItems node, the output list is a range of numbers from one to five. The first element from the original list has been removed." - }, { - "Name": "Scan", - "imageFile": ["Scan"], - "dynFile": ["Scan"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result, produces a list of successive reduced values." - }, { - "Name": "Slice", - "imageFile": ["Slice"], - "dynFile": ["Slice"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Slice will return a sublist from an input last. The start input specifies which index the output list will start with. The end input specifies when to stop taking elements from the input. This end index is not included in the output list. In the example below, using a start index of 2 and an end input of 5 results in a new list consisting of the items with indices 2,3, and 4 from the orginal list." - }, { - "Name": "Sublists", - "imageFile": ["Sublists"], - "dynFile": ["Sublists"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Sublists will take a input list and return a series of sublists based on the input range and offset. The range determines which elements of the input list to put into the first sublist. The offset is applied to the range, and the new range will determine the second sublist. This process repeats, increasing the range by the given offset until the resulting sublist is empty. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to nine. The range 0 to 5 is used as the sublist range, and we use an offset of 2. In the output of nested sublists, the first list contains the elements with indicies in the range 0..5, the second list contains the elements with indicies 2..7. As this is repeated, the subsequent sublists get shorter as the end of the range becomes larger than the length of the initial list." - }, { - "Name": "TakeEveryNthItem", - "imageFile": ["TakeEveryNthItem"], - "dynFile": ["TakeEveryNthItem"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Drop Every Nth Item will produce a new list keeping items from the input list at intervals of the input 'n' value. The starting point of the interval can be changed with the 'offset' input. For example, putting 3 into 'n' and leaving the 'offset' as the default of zero will keep items with indices 2, 5, 8, etc. Changing the offset to 1 would instead keep items with indices 0, 3, 6, etc. Notice that the offset 'wraps' through the entire list. To remove selected items instead of keeping them, see 'DropEveryNthItem'. In the example below, we first generate a list of numbers using Range, and then keep every other number by using 2 as the input for 'n'." - }, { - "Name": "TakeItems", - "imageFile": ["TakeItems"], - "dynFile": ["TakeItems"], - "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Take Items will return a new list with the input number of elements taking from the beginning of the input list. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to nine. We use an integer slider to specify the amount of elements to take from the original list. With an input of 4, the output list will be the first 4 elemenst from the original list." - }, { - "Name": "GroupByFunction", - "imageFile": ["GroupByFunction"], - "dynFile": ["GroupByFunction"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "GroupByFunction will return a new list grouped by a function. In the example below, two different lists are grouped using List.GetItemAtIndex as the function. This function creates groups (a new list) from each top level index." - }, { - "Name": "GroupByKey", - "imageFile": ["GroupByKey"], - "dynFile": ["GroupByKey"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Group By Key takes an input list of items to group, and a list of keys to determine how the first list is grouped. The list of keys should have the same number of elements as the input list. Items in the original list that correspond to matching keys will be grouped together in an output list. In the example below, we use a range of numbers between 0 and 9 as the input list. We also generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 4 to use as the keys. GroupByKey outputs a nested list of elements, grouped according to the corresponding key. It also outputs a list of the unique keys." - }, { - "Name": "MaximumItemByKey", - "imageFile": ["MaximumItemByKey"], - "dynFile": ["MaximumItemByKey"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "MaximumItemByKey will return the largest item in a list based on a key. In the example below, a series of three circles with increasing radii are compared using radius as the key. The circle at (5,0,0) is returned as it has the largest radius." - }, { - "Name": "MinimumItemByKey", - "imageFile": ["MinimumItemByKey"], - "dynFile": ["MinimumItemByKey"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "MinimumItemByKey will return the smallest item in a list based on a key. In the example below, a series of three circles with increasing radii are compared using radius as the key. The circle at the origin is returned as it has the smallest radius." - }, { - "Name": "NormalizeDepth", - "imageFile": ["NormalizeDepth"], - "dynFile": ["NormalizeDepth"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Returns multidimensional list according the rank given." - }, { - "Name": "Reorder", - "imageFile": ["Reorder"], - "dynFile": ["Reorder"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Reorder will return a new list based on a different order of the original list's indices. In the example below, a new list is created by manually changing the index order." - }, { - "Name": "Reverse", - "imageFile": ["Reverse"], - "dynFile": ["Reverse"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Reverse will return a new Vector pointing in the opposite direction from its input. In the example below, a Vector of (1,0,1) will return a Vector of (-1,0,-1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different reversed vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." - }, { - "Name": "ShiftIndices", - "imageFile": ["ShiftIndices"], - "dynFile": ["ShiftIndices"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Shift Indices will shift the position of the items in a list by the 'amount' input. A positive amount will shift the numbers up, while a negative amount will shift the indices backwards. The items wrap around, causing items at the back of the list to wrap to the beginning. In the example we first generate a list with Range, then shift the indices forward by 3." - }, { - "Name": "Shuffle", - "imageFile": ["Shuffle"], - "dynFile": ["Shuffle"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Shuffle will take an input list and randomize the order of the items. In the example, we first generate a list using Range, and then use Shuffle to produce a randomized list." - }, { - "Name": "Sort", - "imageFile": ["Sort"], - "dynFile": ["Sort"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Sort will sort a list of items according to the built-in ordering for the data type. For example, a list of numbers will be sorted into numerical order from least to greatest, while a list of strings will be sorted alphabetically. In the example below, we use Random List to first generate a list of random numbers between 0 and 1. We then multiply by 10 and use a Floor operation to get a list of random integers between 0 and 9. Sort then creates a sorted list from least to greatest." - }, { - "Name": "SortByFunction", - "imageFile": ["SortByFunction"], - "dynFile": ["SortByFunction"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "SortByFunction will return a list sorted by a function. In the example below, a line is drawn through a list of randomly placed points that have been sorted with different functions. The first curve through an unsorted list is non-directional. Sorting the list using the X or Y component of each point results in directional lines progressing across X or Y." - }, { - "Name": "SortByKey", - "imageFile": ["SortByKey"], - "dynFile": ["SortByKey"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Sort By Key takes an input list to sort, and a list of corresponding sortable keys. Sort By Key will sort the list of keys in ascending order, and will rearrange the input list to correspond to the new order of the sorted keys. This node outputs both the rearranged list, and the sorted list of keys. In the example below, we use a range from zero to nine as our input list. For the list of keys, we generate a list of 10 random numbers between zero and four. The list of keys is sorted numerically, while the range from 0 to 9 is rearranged according to the order of the corresponding elements from the list of keys." - }, { - "Name": "SortIndexByValue", - "imageFile": ["SortIndexByValue"], - "dynFile": ["SortIndexByValue"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Sorts a list by the items and return their indices." - }, { - "Name": "Transpose", - "imageFile": ["Transpose"], - "dynFile": ["Transpose"], - "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", - "inDepth": "Transpose will take a list a lists and swap the rows and columns. For example, a list that contains 5 sub-lists of 10 items each would be transposed to 10 lists of 5 items each. In the example, we generate two Random Lists, and then use List.Create to combine them. The result is two lists with 3 and 4 items. Transpose switches this to 4 lists of 2 items each. Notice that since one of the original lists was longer than the other, Transpose inserted a null value for the unpaired item." - }, { - "Name": "Abs (number)", - "imageFile": ["Abs (number)"], - "dynFile": ["Abs (number)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Abs will return the absolute value of an input value. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to an Abs node." - }, { - "Name": "Abs (integer)", - "imageFile": ["Abs (integer)"], - "dynFile": ["Abs (integer)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Abs will return the absolute value of an input value. In the example below, we use an integer slider to control the input to an Abs node." - }, { - "Name": "Acos", - "imageFile": ["Acos"], - "dynFile": ["Acos"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Acos will return the inverse cosine, also known as the ArcCosine, of an input number between -1 and 1. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider set to the range -1 to 1 to control the input to an Acos node." - }, { - "Name": "Asin", - "imageFile": ["Asin"], - "dynFile": ["Asin"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Asin will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcSine, of an input number between -1 and 1. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider set to the range -1 to 1 to control the input to an Asin node." - }, { - "Name": "Atan", - "imageFile": ["Atan"], - "dynFile": ["Atan"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Atan will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcTangent, of an input number. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to an Atan node." - }, { - "Name": "Atan2", - "imageFile": ["Atan2"], - "dynFile": ["Atan2"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Atan2 will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcTangen, of the ratio of an input numerator and denomnator. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use two number sliders to control the inputs to an Atan2 node." - }, { - "Name": "Average", - "imageFile": ["Average"], - "dynFile": ["Average"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Average will return the average (arithmetic mean) of a list of numbers. In the example below, we first use three number sliders to create three numbers to find the average of. We then use a List.Create node combine these three numbers into a list that we can then use as the input for an Average node." - }, { - "Name": "Ceiling", - "imageFile": ["Ceiling"], - "dynFile": ["Ceiling"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Ceiling will find the nearest integer that greater than an input number. This can also be thought of as rounding up to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Ceiling node." - }, { - "Name": "Cos", - "imageFile": ["Cos"], - "dynFile": ["Cos"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Cos will return the cosine of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Cos node." - }, { - "Name": "Cosh", - "imageFile": ["Cosh"], - "dynFile": ["Cosh"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Cosh will return the hyperbolic cosine of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Cosh node." - }, { - "Name": "DivRem", - "imageFile": ["DivRem"], - "dynFile": ["DivRem"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "DivRem will return the remainder of an input number after dividing by a given divisor. This is also known as Modulus, and is equivalent to the operator '%'. In the example below, we use two number sliders to set the dividend and divisor for a DivRem node." - }, { - "Name": "EvaluateFormula", - "imageFile": ["EvaluateFormula"], - "dynFile": ["EvaluateFormula"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Evaluates an NCalc formula with given parameter mappings." - }, { - "Name": "Exp", - "imageFile": ["Exp"], - "dynFile": ["Exp"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Exp is the exponential function with a base of 'e'. The input number is applied as an exponent to the constant 'e'. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input number to an Exp node. " - }, { - "Name": "Factorial", - "imageFile": ["Factorial"], - "dynFile": ["Factorial"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Factorial will return the factorial of an input positive integer. If a decimal value is input, factorial will first round the input to the nearest integer. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to a Factorial node." - }, { - "Name": "Floor", - "imageFile": ["Floor"], - "dynFile": ["Floor"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Floor will find the nearest integer that less than an input number. This can also be thought of as rounding down to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Floo node." - }, { - "Name": "Formula", - "imageFile": ["Formula"], - "dynFile": ["Formula"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Evaluates mathematical formulas. Uses NCalc:" - }, { - "Name": "Log (number, logBase)", - "imageFile": ["Log (number, logBase)"], - "dynFile": ["Log (number, logBase)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Log with logBase allows the use to specify the base to use for a logarithm with the logBase input. In the example below, we use two number sliders, one to control the input number to find the logarithm of and a second number slider to set the base of the logarithm." - }, { - "Name": "Log (number)", - "imageFile": ["Log (number)"], - "dynFile": ["Log (number)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Log will return the natural log (base e) of an input number. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Log node." - }, { - "Name": "Log10", - "imageFile": ["Log10"], - "dynFile": ["Log10"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Log10 will return the log base 10 of an input number. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Log10 node." - }, { - "Name": "Map", - "imageFile": ["Map"], - "dynFile": ["Map"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Map will return the position of a number in a range as a double. In the example below, a value of 4 is mapped to a range of 2 to 6. Since 4 is halfway between 2 and 6, a value of 0.5 is returned." - }, { - "Name": "MapTo", - "imageFile": ["MapTo"], - "dynFile": ["MapTo"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "MapTo will get the position of a number in a range (similar to the Map node), then map that position to a target range. A number in the target range is returned based on the position value. In the example below, the number 3 returns a position of 0.5 between a range of 2 and 4. That position value of 0.5 in a target range of 20 to 100 returns the number 60." - }, { - "Name": "Max (int1, int2)", - "imageFile": ["Max (int1, int2)"], - "dynFile": ["Max (int1, int2)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Max will return the greater of two input integers. In the example below, we use two integer sliders to control the inputs to a Max node." - }, { - "Name": "Max (value1, value2)", - "imageFile": ["Max (value1, value2)"], - "dynFile": ["Max (value1, value2)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Max will return the greater of two input number. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a Max node." - }, { - "Name": "Min (int1, int2)", - "imageFile": ["Min (int1, int2)"], - "dynFile": ["Min (int1, int2)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Min will return the lesser of two input integers. In the example below, we use two integer sliders to control the inputs to a Min node." - }, { - "Name": "Min (value1, value2)", - "imageFile": ["Min (value1, value2)"], - "dynFile": ["Min (value1, value2)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Min will return the lesser of two input number. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a Min node." - }, { - "Name": "Pow", - "imageFile": ["Pow"], - "dynFile": ["Pow"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Pow will return the result of an input number raised to an input power. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the two inputs to a Pow node." - }, { - "Name": "Rand", - "imageFile": ["Rand"], - "dynFile": ["Rand"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Rand will generate a random number in the range 0 to 1. Each instance of Rand will produce a different random number, but the number for a specific instance will remain constant." - }, { - "Name": "Random (value1, value2)", - "imageFile": ["Random (value1, value2)"], - "dynFile": ["Random (value1, value2)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Random with two value inputs allows the user to control the range of the generated random number. It will produce a random number between the two input values. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the two inputs into a Random node." - }, { - "Name": "Random (seed)", - "imageFile": ["Random (seed)"], - "dynFile": ["Random (seed)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Random with a given seed allows the user to input a seed number to produce a pseudo-random number. Every Rand node with the same seed number will produce the same pseudo-random number. In the example below, we use an integer slider as the input seed into a Rand node." - }, { - "Name": "RandomList", - "imageFile": ["RandomList"], - "dynFile": ["RandomList"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "RandomList will generate a list of random numbers in the range 0 to 1. The amount of random to generate is controlled by a number slider." - }, { - "Name": "RemapRange", - "imageFile": ["RemapRange"], - "dynFile": ["RemapRange"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "RemapRange will take a list of numbers and produce a linear scaling of those numbers into a new specified range. The minimum value of the original list is mapped to the newMin input, while the maximum value of the orginila list is mapped to the newMax input. The remaining numbers are scaled to maintain the distribution ratio. In the example below, we use a RandomList node to generate a list of numbers to remap. We use two number sliders to control the new minimum and maximum values of the resulting list." - }, { - "Name": "Round (number, digits)", - "imageFile": ["Round (number, digits)"], - "dynFile": ["Round (number, digits)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Round with digits allows the user to select the number of decimal places to round the input number to. An input of zero will round to the nearest whole number. Values less than zero are not permitted. In the example below, we use a Rand node to generate a random number. An integer slider is used to control the 'digits' input in a Round node." - }, { - "Name": "Round (number)", - "imageFile": ["Round (number)"], - "dynFile": ["Round (number)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Round will round the input number to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Round node." - }, { - "Name": "Sign (number)", - "imageFile": ["Sign (number)"], - "dynFile": ["Sign (number)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Sign will return 1, 0, or -1 depending on whether the input number is greater than, equal to, or less than zero. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Sign node." - }, { - "Name": "Sign (integer)", - "imageFile": ["Sign (integer)"], - "dynFile": ["Sign (integer)"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Sign will return 1, 0, or -1 depending on whether the input number is greater than, equal to, or less than zero. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Sign node." - }, { - "Name": "Sin", - "imageFile": ["Sin"], - "dynFile": ["Sin"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Sin will return the sine of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Sin node." - }, { - "Name": "Sinh", - "imageFile": ["Sinh"], - "dynFile": ["Sinh"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Sinh will return the hyperbolic sine of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Sinh node." - }, { - "Name": "Sqrt", - "imageFile": ["Sqrt"], - "dynFile": ["Sqrt"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Sqrt will return the square root of an input number. Sqrt will only accept positive numbers. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to a Sqrt node." - }, { - "Name": "Sum", - "imageFile": ["Sum"], - "dynFile": ["Sum"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Sum will find the sum of the values of an input list. In the example below, we use three number sliders to create three numbers. We then use a List.Create node to combine them into a list that can be used as the input to a Sum node." - }, { - "Name": "Tan", - "imageFile": ["Tan"], - "dynFile": ["Tan"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Tan will return the tangent of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Tan node." - }, { - "Name": "Tanh", - "imageFile": ["Tanh"], - "dynFile": ["Tanh"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", - "inDepth": "Tanh will return the hyperbolic tangent of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Tanh node." - }, { - "Name": "E", - "imageFile": ["E"], - "dynFile": ["E"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Query", - "inDepth": "E will return the constant e = 2.71828..." - }, { - "Name": "GoldenRatio", - "imageFile": ["GoldenRatio"], - "dynFile": ["GoldenRatio"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Query", - "inDepth": "GoldenRatio will return the golden ratio constant, also known as 'phi', equal to 1.61803... " - }, { - "Name": "PI", - "imageFile": ["PI"], - "dynFile": ["PI"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Query", - "inDepth": "Pi will return the constant pi = 3.14159265..." - }, { - "Name": "PiTimes2", - "imageFile": ["PiTimes2"], - "dynFile": ["PiTimes2"], - "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Query", - "inDepth": "PiTimes2 will return the constant pi multiplied by 2 = 6.28318..." - }, { - "Name": "And", - "imageFile": ["And"], - "dynFile": ["And"], - "folderPath": "Math/Logic/Action", - "inDepth": "And will take a variable number of boolean inputs. You can increase or decrease the number of inputs by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the And node. Each input must be a single boolean value. And will return 'true' if all of the inputs are true, otherwise it will return 'false'. In the example below, we have three boolean toggles used as inputs for an And node. When all three are set to 'true', And will return 'true'." - }, { - "Name": "Or", - "imageFile": ["Or"], - "dynFile": ["Or"], - "folderPath": "Math/Logic/Action", - "inDepth": "Or will take a variable number of boolean inputs. You can increase or decrease the number of inputs by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the Or node. Each input must be a single boolean value. Or will return 'true' if at least one of the inputs are true, otherwise if all inputs are 'false', it will return 'false'. In the example below, we have three boolean toggles used as inputs for an Or node. When all three are set to 'false', Or will return 'false'." - }, { - "Name": "Xor", - "imageFile": ["Xor"], - "dynFile": ["Xor"], - "folderPath": "Math/Logic/Action", - "inDepth": "Xor will accept two boolean values, or two lists of boolean values and determines whether the values are the same or different. Xor compares two values and returns 'true' if exactly one of the inputs is 'true'. If both values are 'true' or if both values are 'false', Xor will return 'false'. In the example below, we start with two lists of boolean values. Together, these lists represent the four possible combinations of true and false values. Notice that unlike And and Or nodes, Xor only allows two values." - }, { - "Name": "!=", - "imageFile": ["!="], - "dynFile": ["!="], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "!= is the Not Equal To operator. It takes two input values and returns true if the two values are not equal to each other and returns false if the two values are equal. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a != operator." - }, { - "Name": "%", - "imageFile": ["%"], - "dynFile": ["%"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "% is the Modulo operator. It returns the remainder of the x input after being divided by the y input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a % operator." - }, { - "Name": "&&", - "imageFile": ["&&"], - "dynFile": ["&&"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "&& is the And operator. It takes two boolean values as input and returns true if both values are true. If one or both values are false, it will return false. In the example below, we use two boolean toggle nodes to control the inputs to the && operator." - }, { - "Name": "*", - "imageFile": ["*"], - "dynFile": ["*"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "* is the multiplication operator. It will return the product of the two input numbers. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the * operator." - }, { - "Name": "+", - "imageFile": ["+"], - "dynFile": ["+"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "+ is the addition operator. It will return the sum ofy the two input numbers. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the + operator." - }, { - "Name": "-", - "imageFile": ["-"], - "dynFile": ["-"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "- is the subtraction operator. It will return the result of the y input subtracted from the x input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the - operator." - }, { - "Name": "/", - "imageFile": ["/"], - "dynFile": ["/"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "/ is the division operator. It will return the result of the x input divided by the y input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the / operator." - }, { - "Name": "<", - "imageFile": ["<"], - "dynFile": ["<"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "< is the Less Than operator. If the x input is less than the y input, it will return true. If x is greater than y, or if the two value are equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the < operator." - }, { - "Name": "<=", - "imageFile": ["<="], - "dynFile": ["<="], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "<= is the Less Than Or Equal To operator. If the x input is less than the y input, or if the two values are equal, it will return true. If x is greater than y, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the <= operator." - }, { - "Name": "==", - "imageFile": ["=="], - "dynFile": ["=="], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "== is the Equal To operator. If the x input is equal to the y input, it will return true. If the two values are not equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the == operator." - }, { - "Name": ">", - "imageFile": [">"], - "dynFile": [">"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "> is the Greater Than operator. If the x input is greater than the y input, it will return true. If x is less than y, or if the two value are equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the > operator." - }, { - "Name": ">=", - "imageFile": [">="], - "dynFile": [">="], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": ">= is the Greater Than Or Equal To operator. If the x input is greater than the y input, or if the two values are equal, it will return true. If x is less than y, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the >= operator." - }, { - "Name": "Not", - "imageFile": ["Not"], - "dynFile": ["Not"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "Not (also written as exclamation point) will return the opposite of an input boolean value. In the example below, we use a boolean toggle node as the input to a Not operator." - }, { - "Name": "||", - "imageFile": ["||"], - "dynFile": ["||"], - "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", - "inDepth": "|| is the Or operator. It takes two boolean values as input and returns true if one or both values are true. If both values are false, it will return false. In the example below, we use two boolean toggle nodes to control the inputs to the || operator." - }, { - "Name": "Convert Between Units", - "imageFile": ["Convert Between Units"], - "dynFile": ["Convert Between Units"], - "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", - "inDepth": "Convert Between Units will return a converted value based on input and output units. In the example below, 4 meters is converted to feet returning a value of ~13.1234." - }, { - "Name": "DegreesToRadians", - "imageFile": ["DegreesToRadians"], - "dynFile": ["DegreesToRadians"], - "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", - "inDepth": "DegreesToRadians will convert an input angle from degrees to radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a DegreesToRadians node." - }, { - "Name": "Number From Feet and Inches", - "imageFile": ["Number From Feet and Inches"], - "dynFile": ["Number From Feet and Inches"], - "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", - "inDepth": "Number From Feet and Inches will return a double from feet and inches inputs. In the example below, 2ft 1in returns a double of 2.08333" - }, { - "Name": "RadiansToDegrees", - "imageFile": ["RadiansToDegrees"], - "dynFile": ["RadiansToDegrees"], - "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", - "inDepth": "RadiansToDegrees will convert an input angle from radians to degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input angle to a RadiansToDegrees node." - }, { - "Name": "Unit Types", - "imageFile": ["Unit Types"], - "dynFile": ["Unit Types"], - "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", - "inDepth": "Select a unit of measurement." - }, { - "Name": "If", - "imageFile": ["If"], - "dynFile": ["If"], - "folderPath": "Script/Control Flow/Action", - "inDepth": "If acts as a conditional control node. The 'test' input takes a boolean value, while the 'true' and 'false' inputs can accept any data type. If the test value is 'true', the node will return the item from the 'true' input, if test is 'false', the node will return the item from the 'false' input. In the example below, we first generate a list of random numbers between zero and 99. The number of items in the list is controlled by an integer slider. We use a code block with the formula 'x%a==0' to test for divisibility by a second number, determined by a second number slider. This generates a list of boolean values corresponding to whether the items in the random list are divisible by the number determined by the second integer slider. This list of boolean values is used as the 'test' input for an If node. We use a default Sphere as the 'true' input, and a default Cuboid as the 'false' input. The result from the If node is a list of either spheres or cuboids. Finally, we use a Translate node to spread the list of geometries apart.\n\nIF replicates on all nodes AS THOUGH SET TO SHORTEST. You can see the reason for this in the attached examples, especially when looking at what the results are when LONGEST is applied to a formula node and the \"short\" branch of the conditional is passes through. These changes were also made to allow predictable behavior when using single boolean inputs or a list of booleans." - }, { - "Name": "LoopWhile", - "imageFile": ["LoopWhile"], - "dynFile": ["LoopWhile"], - "folderPath": "Script/Control Flow/Action", - "inDepth": "LoopWhile will return the result of a looped function until the constraints are met. In the example below, a simple loop is created to add 10, starting with 1, until the result is larger than 100. loopWhile accepts variables for its init input and functions for the continueWhile and loopBody inputs. continueWhile defines the constraints of the loop, which in this example is a < function and an argument of 100. loopBody defines what the loop does, which in this example is an + function with an argument of 10." - }, { - "Name": "Pause", - "imageFile": ["Pause"], - "dynFile": ["Pause"], - "folderPath": "Script/Control Flow/Action", - "inDepth": "Pause will return the result of a node after pausing the thread for a specified amount of time. In the example below, a circle is extruded into a surface 5 seconds after the thread is run. To use the time delay, the program should be run in Manual." - }, { - "Name": "ScopeIf", - "imageFile": ["ScopeIf"], - "dynFile": ["ScopeIf"], - "folderPath": "Script/Control Flow/Action", - "inDepth": "ScopeIf will return the input of either the True or False input depending on what boolean value is toggled in the test input. In the example file below, a large and small list of numbers is plugged into the true and false inputs. By sending the result of ScopeIfThrough a point creation node, we can toggle between two different sizes of point grids." - }, { - "Name": "Code Block", - "imageFile": ["Code Block"], - "dynFile": ["Code Block"], - "folderPath": "Script/Editor/Action", - "inDepth": "The Code Block is universal and can be useful in all definitions. With this node, we can fully customize the Dynamo functionality and experience by coding directly into the graph. In this example, we see a range of possible uses including Numbers, Strings, Booleans for item based code, and Ranges and Sequences for creating lists of values." - }, { - "Name": "Python Script", - "imageFile": ["Python Script"], - "dynFile": ["Python Script"], - "folderPath": "Script/Editor/Action", - "inDepth": "Python Script will return the result of the node's inputs passed through an embedded IronPython script. In the example below, a cube created from Cuboid.ByCorners is arrayed and translated by a Python script that loops through both X and Y. Double clicking the node will bring up an editor for the script." - }, { - "Name": "Python Script From String", - "imageFile": ["Python Script From String"], - "dynFile": ["Python Script From String"], - "folderPath": "Script/Editor/Action", - "inDepth": "Python Script From String will return the result of the node's inputs passed through a string Python script. In the example below, a Python script is retrieved from a text file and converted into a string. A cube created from Cuboid.ByCorners is arrayed and translated by the Python script by looping through both X and Y." - }, { - "Name": "Function Apply", - "imageFile": ["Function Apply"], - "dynFile": ["Function Apply"], - "folderPath": "Script/Evaluate/Action", - "inDepth": "Function.Apply will return the result of a function with supplied arguments. In the example below, arguments of a point and vector are applied to a translate function returning a translated point." - }, { - "Name": "Function Compose", - "imageFile": ["Function Compose"], - "dynFile": ["Function Compose"], - "folderPath": "Script/Evaluate/Action", - "inDepth": "Function.Compose will return a single function from multiple functions. In the example below, the modulus and divide functions are composed into a single function to apply to a list." - }, { - "Name": "Concat", - "imageFile": ["Concat"], - "dynFile": ["Concat"], - "folderPath": "String/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "Concat will concatenate multiple strings together into a single string. The number of input strings can be changed by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the Concat node. In the example below, we start with two separate strings 'Hello' and 'World'. They are concatenated together to 'HelloWorld' using the Concat node." - }, { - "Name": "Join", - "imageFile": ["Join"], - "dynFile": ["Join"], - "folderPath": "String/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "Join will concatenate a series of strings together into a single string using a specified separator string between them. In the example below, we use an underscore character as the separator. We create three strings to concatenate together. The number of string inputs this node will accept can be changed by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the node." - }, { - "Name": "String from Array", - "imageFile": ["String from Array"], - "dynFile": ["String from Array"], - "folderPath": "String/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "Convert an array to a string representation." - }, { - "Name": "String from Object", - "imageFile": ["String from Object"], - "dynFile": ["String from Object"], - "folderPath": "String/Generate/Action", - "inDepth": "String representation of input object." - }, { - "Name": "AllIndicesOf", - "imageFile": ["AllIndicesOf"], - "dynFile": ["AllIndicesOf"], - "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Returns all the 0 based indices of the character in the string." - }, { - "Name": "Contains", - "imageFile": ["Contains"], - "dynFile": ["Contains"], - "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Bounding Box Contains tests if a specified Point is inside of a Bounding Box. Because the Point in this example is at (5,5,5), and our Origin Sphere’s Radius is larger than 5, the Contains node will return True." - }, { - "Name": "CountOccurrences", - "imageFile": ["CountOccurrences"], - "dynFile": ["CountOccurrences"], - "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Count Occurrences will search a given string for a second input string, and will return the number of times that second string is found within the first string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we using the string 'Hello World' and search for the string 'L'. Because ignoreCase is set to true, the CountOccurrences finds the given string three times within 'Hello World'." - }, { - "Name": "EndsWith", - "imageFile": ["EndsWith"], - "dynFile": ["EndsWith"], - "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Ends With will return a boolean value based on whether a given string ends with a second input string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the original string, and use a second string 'orld' as the string to search for. Because 'Hello World' ends in the string 'orld', the EndsWith node returns true." - }, { - "Name": "IndexOf", - "imageFile": ["IndexOf"], - "dynFile": ["IndexOf"], - "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "IndexOf will search a given string for a second input string. If the second string is found, this node will return the index of the first character of the first occurrence of the string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World', and search for the character 'o', This letter occurs twice in the string, but only the index of the first occurrence is returned by the IndexOf node." - }, { - "Name": "LastIndexOf", - "imageFile": ["LastIndexOf"], - "dynFile": ["LastIndexOf"], - "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Last Index Of will search a given string for a second input string. If the second string is found, this node will return the index of the last occurrence. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World', and search for the string 'o'. This string is found twice within the base string, and the index of the final occurrence of the string is returned." - }, { - "Name": "Length", - "imageFile": ["Length"], - "dynFile": ["Length"], - "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." - }, { - "Name": "StartsWith", - "imageFile": ["StartsWith"], - "dynFile": ["StartsWith"], - "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", - "inDepth": "Starts With will return a boolean value based on whether a given string starts with a second input string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the original string, and use a second string 'h' as the string to search for. Because 'Hello World' starts with the string 'h' and ignoreCase is set to true, the StartsWith node returns true." - }, { - "Name": "Center", - "imageFile": ["Center"], - "dynFile": ["Center"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Polygon Center finds the center of a given polygon by taking the average value of the corners. For concave polygons, it's possible that the center may actually lie outside the polygon. In the example below, we first generate a list of random angles and radii to use as inputs to Point By Cylindrical Coordinates. By sorting the angles first, we ensure that the resulting polygon will be connected in order of increasing angle, and therefore will not be self-intersecting. We can then use Center to take the average of the points and find the polygon center." - }, { - "Name": "ChangeCase", - "imageFile": ["ChangeCase"], - "dynFile": ["ChangeCase"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Change Case takes a string and a boolean value as input. If the boolean input is 'true', it will change the input string to upper case. If the boolean input is false, it will change the input string to lower case. In the example below, we use an example string 'Hello World' as the input string, and a boolean toggle to specify whether to change the string to all upper case or all lower case letters." - }, { - "Name": "Insert", - "imageFile": ["Insert"], - "dynFile": ["Insert"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Insert will insert a given string into a base string at a specified index. In the example below, we start with the base string 'Hello World'. We use a second string 'Hi!' as the string to insert. An integery slider is used to control the index at which the second string will be inserted into the base string." - }, { - "Name": "PadLeft", - "imageFile": ["PadLeft"], - "dynFile": ["PadLeft"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "PadLeft will increase the width of an input string according to the newWidth input by adding the padChars input on the left side of the original string. If the original string is longer than the newWidth input, this node will return the original string unchanged. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the input string. A string with an underscore character is used as the padding character, while an integer slider is used to control the new width of the string." - }, { - "Name": "PadRight", - "imageFile": ["PadRight"], - "dynFile": ["PadRight"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "PadRight will increase the width of an input string according to the newWidth input by adding the padChars input on the right side of the original string. If the original string is longer than the newWidth input, this node will return the original string unchanged. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the input string. A string with an underscore character is used as the padding character, while an integer slider is used to control the new width of the string." - }, { - "Name": "Remove", - "imageFile": ["Remove"], - "dynFile": ["Remove"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Remove takes a string as input, and will remove characters from that string starting at the 'startIndex' input. The number of characters to be removed is specified by the 'count' index. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. Two integer sliders are used to control the startIndex and count of the characters to be removed by a Remove node." - }, { - "Name": "Replace", - "imageFile": ["Replace"], - "dynFile": ["Replace"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Replace will search a given string for a second input string. If that string is found, it will be replaced by a third input string. This node is case sensitive. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. The string 'o' is used as the string to search for, and a third string 'Hi!' is input as the string to replace with. Because the letter 'o' occurs twice within the original string, it is replaced in both occurrence with the string 'Hi!'." - }, { - "Name": "Split", - "imageFile": ["Split"], - "dynFile": ["Split"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "The Geometry Split Node functions similarly to the Geometry Trim Node. It inputs a Tool – any type of Geometry that you will be trimming another Geometry with – and a Geometry, and returns all of the fragments of Geometry. In this example, a Cone is Split with a similar Cone. Although all fragments are returned by the Geometry Split Node, one is previewed in the example file." - }, { - "Name": "Substring", - "imageFile": ["Substring"], - "dynFile": ["Substring"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "Substring takes an input string and returns a sub string based on the start index and length inputs. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. Two integer sliders are used to control where to start the substring and how many characters to take." - }, { - "Name": "ToLower", - "imageFile": ["ToLower"], - "dynFile": ["ToLower"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "To Lower will convert an input string to lower case letters. In the example below we start with the string 'Hello World'. By using a ToLower node, we change this string to 'hello world'." - }, { - "Name": "ToNumber", - "imageFile": ["ToNumber"], - "dynFile": ["ToNumber"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "To Number will convert an input string to a number data type. This node requires a string that has the format of a number. In the example below, we can see that the string 'Hello World' cannot be converted to a number, while the string '5.2' can be converted to number 5.2 " - }, { - "Name": "ToUpper", - "imageFile": ["ToUpper"], - "dynFile": ["ToUpper"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "To Upper will convert an input string to upper case letters. In the example below we start with the string 'Hello World'. By using a ToUpper node, we change this string to 'HELLO WORLD'." - }, { - "Name": "TrimLeadingWhitespace", - "imageFile": ["TrimLeadingWhitespace"], - "dynFile": ["TrimLeadingWhitespace"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "TrimLeadingWhitespace will remove the whitespace at the beginning of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrimLeadingWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the beginning of the string." - }, { - "Name": "TrimTrailingWhitespace", - "imageFile": ["TrimTrailingWhitespace"], - "dynFile": ["TrimTrailingWhitespace"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "TrimTrailingWhitespace will remove the whitespace at the end of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World ', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrimTrailingWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the end of the string." - }, { - "Name": "TrimWhitespace", - "imageFile": ["TrimWhitespace"], - "dynFile": ["TrimWhitespace"], - "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", - "inDepth": "TrimWhitespace will remove all the whitespace of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World ', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrigWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the beginning and end of the string, as well as the space between 'Hello' and 'World'." - } + "Name": "ByKeysValues", + "imageFile": ["ByKeysValues"], + "dynFile": ["ByKeysValues"], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Create", + "inDepth": "ByKeysValues will return a dictionary given the keys (strings) to lookup by and the values to return. The number of entries in the dictionary will be whatever input is shorter." +}, { + "Name": "Components", + "imageFile": ["Components"], + "dynFile": ["Components"], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", + "inDepth": "Components is essentially the reverse of ByKeysValues. Given a dictionary, this node will return the components that comprise the dictionary." +}, { + "Name": "RemoveKeys", + "imageFile": ["RemoveKeys"], + "dynFile": ["RemoveKeys"], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", + "inDepth": "" +}, { + "Name": "SetValueAtKeys", + "imageFile": ["SetValueAtKeys"], + "dynFile": ["SetValueAtKeys"], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", + "inDepth": "Produce a new Dictionary with a list of keys set to the new values, possibly overwriting existing key-value pairs. These two lists are expected to be of the same length. If not, the shorter of the two bounds the number of insertions." +}, { + "Name": "ValueAtKey", + "imageFile": ["ValueAtKey"], + "dynFile": ["ValueAtKey"], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", + "inDepth": "ValueAtKey will return the value from the given dictionary by the given key (string)." +}, { + "Name": "Count", + "imageFile": ["Count"], + "dynFile": ["Count"], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Query", + "inDepth": "Count will return the count of key/value pairs in the dictionary." +}, { + "Name": "Keys", + "imageFile": ["Keys"], + "dynFile": ["Keys"], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Query", + "inDepth": "Keys will return the keys stored in the given dictionary." +}, { + "Name": "Values", + "imageFile": ["Values"], + "dynFile": ["Values"], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Query", + "inDepth": "Values will return the values stored in the given dictionary." +}, { + "Name": "Add", + "imageFile": ["Add"], + "dynFile": ["Add"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." +}, { + "Name": "ByARGB", + "imageFile": ["ByARGB"], + "dynFile": ["ByARGB"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "ByARGB will create a color using input Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue values. The input values are in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we use 4 number sliders set to the range 0 to 255 to control the input values of a ByARGB node. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color." +}, { + "Name": "Color Palette", + "imageFile": ["Color Palette"], + "dynFile": ["Color Palette"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "" +}, { + "Name": "Divide", + "imageFile": ["Divide"], + "dynFile": ["Divide"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "Divide will divide the individual channels of a color by an input number, and return the resulting color. Note that the resulting values must be less than 255. In the example below, we create a color using ByARGB nodes. We then use a Divide node to divide the color by a number controlled with a number slider. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color." +}, { + "Name": "Multiply", + "imageFile": ["Multiply"], + "dynFile": ["Multiply"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "Multiply will multiply the individual channels of a color by an input number, and return the resulting color. Note that the resulting values must be less than 255. In the example below, we create a color using ByARGB nodes. We then use a Multiply node to multiply the color by a number controlled with a number slider. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color." +}, { + "Name": "Brightness", + "imageFile": ["Brightness"], + "dynFile": ["Brightness"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Action", + "inDepth": "Brightness will return the brightness value of an input color in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The brightness value of the resulting color is found by using a Brightness node." +}, { + "Name": "Components", + "imageFile": ["Components"], + "dynFile": ["Components"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Action", + "inDepth": "Components will return the Days, Hours, Minutes, etc of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 5:16:21 returns 0 Days, 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, 21 Seconds, and 0 Milliseconds." +}, { + "Name": "Hue", + "imageFile": ["Hue"], + "dynFile": ["Hue"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Action", + "inDepth": "Hue will return the hue value of an input color. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The hue value of the resulting color is found by using a Hue node." +}, { + "Name": "Saturation", + "imageFile": ["Saturation"], + "dynFile": ["Saturation"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Action", + "inDepth": "Saturation will return the saturation value of an input color in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The saturation value of the resulting color is found by using a Saturation node." +}, { + "Name": "Alpha", + "imageFile": ["Alpha"], + "dynFile": ["Alpha"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Query", + "inDepth": "Alpha will return the alpha value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The alpha value of the resulting color is found by using an Alpha node." +}, { + "Name": "Blue", + "imageFile": ["Blue"], + "dynFile": ["Blue"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Query", + "inDepth": "Blue will return the blue value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The blue value of the resulting color is found by using a Blue node." +}, { + "Name": "Green", + "imageFile": ["Green"], + "dynFile": ["Green"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Query", + "inDepth": "Green will return the green value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The green value of the resulting color is found by using a Green node." +}, { + "Name": "Red", + "imageFile": ["Red"], + "dynFile": ["Red"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color/Query", + "inDepth": "Red will return the red value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The red value of the resulting color is found by using a Red node." +}, { + "Name": "ByColorsAndParameters", + "imageFile": ["ByColorsAndParameters"], + "dynFile": ["ByColorsAndParameters"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color Range/Create", + "inDepth": "ByColorsAndParameters creates an 2D color range from a list of input colors and a corresponding list of specified UV parameters in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we use a code block to create three different colors (in this case simply green, red, and blue) and to combine them into a list. We use a separate code block to create three UV parameters, one for each color. These two lists are used as inputs to a ByColorsAndParameters node. We use a subsequent GetColorAtParameter node, along with a Display.ByGeometryColor node to visualize the 2D color range across a set of cubes." +}, { + "Name": "Color Range", + "imageFile": ["Color Range"], + "dynFile": ["Color Range"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color Range/Create", + "inDepth": "Color Range will create a gradient between a set of input colors, and allow colors from that gradient to be selected by a list of input values. The first input, colors, is a list of colors to use in the gradient. The second inut, indices, will determine the relative location of the input colors in the gradient. This list should correspond to the list of colors, each value being in the range 0 to 1. The exact value is not important, only the relative position of the values. The color corresponding to the lowest value will be on the left of the gradient, and the color corresponding to the highest value will be on the right side of the gradient. The final values input allows the user to select points along the gradient in the range 0 to 1 to output. In the example below, we first create two colors: red and green. The order of these colors in the gradient is determined by a list that we create with a code block. A third code block is used to create a range of numbers between 0 and 1 that will determine the output colors from the gradient. A set of cubes is generated along the x-axis, and these cubes are finally colored according the gradient by using a Display.ByGeometryColor node." +}, { + "Name": "GetColorAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["GetColorAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["GetColorAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Display/Color Range/Action", + "inDepth": "GetColorAtParameter takes an input 2D color range, and returns a list of colors at specified UV parameters in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we first create a 2D Color Range using a ByColorsAndParameters node with a list of colors and list of parameters to set the range. A code block is used to generate a range of numbers between 0 and 1, which is used as the u and v inputs in a UV.ByCoordinates node. The lacing of this node is set to cross product. A set of cubes is created in a similar manner, which a Point.ByCoordinates node with cross product lacing used to created an array of cubes. We then use a Display.ByGeometryColor node with the array of cubes and the list of colors obtained from the GetColorAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "Watch", + "imageFile": ["Watch"], + "dynFile": ["Watch"], + "folderPath": "Display/Watch/Action", + "inDepth": "Watch will display the output of a node in list format. In the example below, the contents of an Excel file are returned as a list and displayed in a Watch node. Watch is useful for understanding the list structures, geometry types, etc that different nodes return." +}, { + "Name": "Watch 3D", + "imageFile": ["Watch 3D"], + "dynFile": ["Watch 3D"], + "folderPath": "Display/Watch/Action", + "inDepth": "Watch 3D will preview the geometry output of a node in a new workspace window. In the example below, a Solid is previewed in the Watch3D node while its PolySurface bounding box is previewed in the workspace." +}, { + "Name": "Watch Image", + "imageFile": ["Watch Image"], + "dynFile": ["Watch Image"], + "folderPath": "Display/Watch/Action", + "inDepth": "Watch Image will preview a bitmap. In the example below, a bitmap used as a height field is previewed in a Watch Image node. This allows us to compare the resulting geometry with the original image." +}, { + "Name": "ByCorners", + "imageFile": ["ByCorners"], + "dynFile": ["ByCorners"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Create", + "inDepth": "Cuboid By Corners creates a cuboid where the two input points are used as the opposite corners of the cuboid. In the example file, two points are randomly generated and used to create a cuboid." +}, { + "Name": "ByGeometry", + "imageFile": ["ByGeometry"], + "dynFile": ["ByGeometry"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Create", + "inDepth": "ByGeometry brings each input geometry into Revit as an individual Import Instance element. An Import Instance is identified as an Import Symbol in Revit." +}, { + "Name": "Contains", + "imageFile": ["Contains"], + "dynFile": ["Contains"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box Contains tests if a specified Point is inside of a Bounding Box. Because the Point in this example is at (5,5,5), and our Origin Sphere’s Radius is larger than 5, the Contains node will return True." +}, { + "Name": "Intersection", + "imageFile": ["Intersection"], + "dynFile": ["Intersection"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box Intersection solves for the Intersection for two Bounding Boxes and returns the overlapping Bounding Box. This example uses two cones to demonstrate the use of this node. In order to visualize the Box we are converting it to a Cuboid." +}, { + "Name": "Intersects", + "imageFile": ["Intersects"], + "dynFile": ["Intersects"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box Intersects tests two bounding boxes for overlap. If the boxes intersect, the node will return True, otherwise it will return False. This example tests for an intersection between the Bounding Boxes of two input Cones." +}, { + "Name": "IsEmpty", + "imageFile": ["IsEmpty"], + "dynFile": ["IsEmpty"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "IsEmpty will return a boolean value based on whether the Bounding Box is empty or not." +}, { + "Name": "ToCuboid", + "imageFile": ["ToCuboid"], + "dynFile": ["ToCuboid"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box ToCuboid creates a Cuboid geometry from a Bounding Box. In order to visualize the relationship of the input Sphere to the Cuboid in the example, we are extracting its edge curves." +}, { + "Name": "ToPolySurface", + "imageFile": ["ToPolySurface"], + "dynFile": ["ToPolySurface"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "ToPolySurface will return a bounding box as a PolySurface. In the example below, the bounding box of several unioned spheres is returned as a PolySurface. The resulting PolySurface is displayed with a color and transparency to show the original geometry inside." +}, { + "Name": "MaxPoint", + "imageFile": ["MaxPoint"], + "dynFile": ["MaxPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Query", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box MaxPoint returns the point that has the largest X, Y and Z values. This example shows a Bounding Box MaxPoint of a Sphere." +}, { + "Name": "MinPoint", + "imageFile": ["MinPoint"], + "dynFile": ["MinPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/BoundingBox/Query", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box MinPoint returns the point that has the smallest X, Y and Z values. This example shows a Bounding Box MinPoint of a Sphere." +}, { + "Name": "ByCylindricalCoordinates", + "imageFile": ["ByCylindricalCoordinates"], + "dynFile": ["ByCylindricalCoordinates"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "The Point By Cylindrical Coordinates node creates a point located within a cylindrical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of angles and elevations to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius." +}, { + "Name": "ByMatrix", + "imageFile": ["ByMatrix"], + "dynFile": ["ByMatrix"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByMatrix..." +}, { + "Name": "ByOrigin (origin)", + "imageFile": ["ByOrigin (origin)"], + "dynFile": ["ByOrigin (origin)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOrigin (origin) will return a new CoordinateSystem with it's origin at the input Point. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with its origin at (4,4,0)." +}, { + "Name": "ByOrigin (x, y, z)", + "imageFile": ["ByOrigin (x, y, z)"], + "dynFile": ["ByOrigin (x, y, z)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOrigin (x, y, z) will return a new CoordinateSystem with the X, Y, and Z values of its origin as the node's inputs. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with it's origin at (4,2,1) from inputs 4, 2, and 1 into X, Y, and Z respectively." +}, { + "Name": "ByOrigin (x, y)", + "imageFile": ["ByOrigin (x, y)"], + "dynFile": ["ByOrigin (x, y)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOrigin (x, y) will return a new CoordinateSystem with the X and Y values of its origin as inputs. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with it's origin at (4,2,0) from inputs 4 and 2 into X and Y respectively." +}, { + "Name": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)", + "imageFile": ["ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)"], + "dynFile": ["ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis) will return a new CoordinateSystem at an input origin point with input X and Y axes. In the example below, the CoordinateSystem is placed at an origin with new vectors for the X and Y axes. The result is a CoordinateSystem rotated relative to the original CoordinateSystem." +}, { + "Name": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)", + "imageFile": ["ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)"], + "dynFile": ["ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)..." +}, { + "Name": "ByPlane", + "imageFile": ["ByPlane"], + "dynFile": ["ByPlane"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Sketch planes are used in the creation of 2D and 3D geometry in Revit." +}, { + "Name": "BySphericalCoordinates", + "imageFile": ["BySphericalCoordinates"], + "dynFile": ["BySphericalCoordinates"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "The Point By Spherical Coordinates node creates a point located within a spherical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of phi and theta angles to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius. The location of the sphere is set to a Coordinate System with the origin (1, 5, 1)." +}, { + "Name": "Identity", + "imageFile": ["Identity"], + "dynFile": ["Identity"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Identity will return what is passed in. In the example below, the Identity node is used to preview each piece of geometry created inside a Code Block." +}, { + "Name": "Inverse", + "imageFile": ["Inverse"], + "dynFile": ["Inverse"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Inverse will return an inverted CoordinateSystem from the input. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem at (1,2,0) is inverted into a CoordinateSystem at (-1,-2,0). The geometry drawn on the CoordinateSystems will be opposite the WCS origin from each other." +}, { + "Name": "IsEqualTo", + "imageFile": ["IsEqualTo"], + "dynFile": ["IsEqualTo"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "IsEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether the values of the input CoordinateSystems are equal to each other. In the example below, two CoordinateSystems with identical, positive and negative origin positions are passed through IsEqualTo, returning a false boolean value. However, inverting the positive CoordinateSystem returns a true boolean value from IsEqualTo because it's origin point X and Y values are now negative." +}, { + "Name": "Mirror", + "imageFile": ["Mirror"], + "dynFile": ["Mirror"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Mirror reflects a Geometry across a defined Plane. In this example, we are Mirroring a Cone across the Y-Axis." +}, { + "Name": "PostMultiplyBy", + "imageFile": ["PostMultiplyBy"], + "dynFile": ["PostMultiplyBy"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "PostMultiplyBy will return a new CoordinateSystem from multiplying it by a CoordinateSystem and other (argument) CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is returned that is translated and rotated relative to the CS it was multiplied by and it's argument. Switching the coordinatesystem and other inputs will produce a different result as one is applied after the other." +}, { + "Name": "PreMultiplyBy", + "imageFile": ["PreMultiplyBy"], + "dynFile": ["PreMultiplyBy"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "PreMultiplyBy will return a new CoordinateSystem from multiplying it by an other (argument) CoordinateSystem and a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is returned that is translated and rotated relative to the CoordinateSystem it was multiplied by and it's argument. This node is similar to the PostMultiplyBy node with the only difference being that the other input is applied before the coordinatesystem input." +}, { + "Name": "Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)", + "imageFile": ["Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)"], + "dynFile": ["Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotates a coordinate system around an origin and an axis by a specified degree." +}, { + "Name": "Rotate (plane, degrees)", + "imageFile": ["Rotate (plane, degrees)"], + "dynFile": ["Rotate (plane, degrees)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotates a coordinate system on a plane by a specified degree." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale the coordinate system non-uniformly around the origin on a given plane." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (amount)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (amount)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (amount)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale the coordinate system uniformly around the origin." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (basePoint, from, to)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (basePoint, from, to)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (basePoint, from, to)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "" +}, { + "Name": "Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale the coordinate system non-uniformly around the origin." +}, { + "Name": "Scale1D", + "imageFile": ["Scale1D"], + "dynFile": ["Scale1D"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Scale1D Scales a Geometry in one direction from a Base Point and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the Cone Start Point. The original Cone Edges are drawn as a visual reference." +}, { + "Name": "Scale2D", + "imageFile": ["Scale2D"], + "dynFile": ["Scale2D"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Scale2D Scales a Geometry in two directions from a Base Plane and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the YZ-Plane." +}, { + "Name": "ScaleFactor", + "imageFile": ["ScaleFactor"], + "dynFile": ["ScaleFactor"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "ScaleFactor will return a Vector consisting of the X, Y, and Z scale factors of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a scaled CoordinateSystem returns a Vector with X, Y, and Z values of 4.4 and a length of 7.621." +}, { + "Name": "Transform (cs)", + "imageFile": ["Transform (cs)"], + "dynFile": ["Transform (cs)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Transform the object by the input CoordinateSystem matrix." +}, { + "Name": "Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)", + "imageFile": ["Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)"], + "dynFile": ["Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Transforms this Coordinate System from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem." +}, { + "Name": "Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)", + "imageFile": ["Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)"], + "dynFile": ["Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Translates any given Coordinate System by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively." +}, { + "Name": "Translate (direction, distance)", + "imageFile": ["Translate (direction, distance)"], + "dynFile": ["Translate (direction, distance)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Translates any CoordinateSystem type by the given distance in the given direction." +}, { + "Name": "Translate (direction)", + "imageFile": ["Translate (direction)"], + "dynFile": ["Translate (direction)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Translate the object in the direction and magnitude of input Vector." +}, { + "Name": "Determinant", + "imageFile": ["Determinant"], + "dynFile": ["Determinant"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Obtain the Determinant of this CoordinateSystem." +}, { + "Name": "IsScaledOrtho", + "imageFile": ["IsScaledOrtho"], + "dynFile": ["IsScaledOrtho"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Tests if the scaling orthogonal, i.e. does it have a shear component." +}, { + "Name": "IsSingular", + "imageFile": ["IsSingular"], + "dynFile": ["IsSingular"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Determine whether it is possible to get the Inverse of this CoordinateSystem." +}, { + "Name": "IsUniscaledOrtho", + "imageFile": ["IsUniscaledOrtho"], + "dynFile": ["IsUniscaledOrtho"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Tests if the scaling orthogonal and are all the vectors normalized." +}, { + "Name": "Origin", + "imageFile": ["Origin"], + "dynFile": ["Origin"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Origin will return a Point at the Origin of the WorldCoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Circle by centerpoint and radius is created using a Point at the WCS Origin." +}, { + "Name": "XAxis", + "imageFile": ["XAxis"], + "dynFile": ["XAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "XAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem X axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS X axis." +}, { + "Name": "XScaleFactor", + "imageFile": ["XScaleFactor"], + "dynFile": ["XScaleFactor"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "XScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the X Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an X scale factor of 2.3." +}, { + "Name": "XYPlane", + "imageFile": ["XYPlane"], + "dynFile": ["XYPlane"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "XYPlane returns a plane in Dynamo from a reference point in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "YAxis", + "imageFile": ["YAxis"], + "dynFile": ["YAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "YAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Y axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Y axis." +}, { + "Name": "YScaleFactor", + "imageFile": ["YScaleFactor"], + "dynFile": ["YScaleFactor"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "YScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the Y Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an Y scale factor of 2.3." +}, { + "Name": "YZPlane", + "imageFile": ["YZPlane"], + "dynFile": ["YZPlane"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "YZPlane returns a plane in Dynamo from a reference point in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "ZAxis", + "imageFile": ["ZAxis"], + "dynFile": ["ZAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "ZAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Z axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Z axis." +}, { + "Name": "ZScaleFactor", + "imageFile": ["ZScaleFactor"], + "dynFile": ["ZScaleFactor"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "ZScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the Z Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an Z scale factor of 2.3." +}, { + "Name": "ZXPlane", + "imageFile": ["ZXPlane"], + "dynFile": ["ZXPlane"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "ZXPlane will return a plane on the Z and X axes of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a plane is placed on the ZX axes of a rotated CoordinateSystem." +}, { + "Name": "AdjacentFaces", + "imageFile": ["AdjacentFaces"], + "dynFile": ["AdjacentFaces"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Edge/Query", + "inDepth": "AdjacentFaces will return the Faces adjacent to an input Vertex. In the example below, a Vertex on a Cuboid will return a List of three Faces. Adjusting the Index Selector slider will change the input Vertex and return different sets of adjacent Faces. The Faces are represented as Surfaces." +}, { + "Name": "CurveGeometry", + "imageFile": ["CurveGeometry"], + "dynFile": ["CurveGeometry"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Edge/Query", + "inDepth": "CurveGeometry will return an Edge as a Curve. In the example below, an identified Edge is represented as a Curve." +}, { + "Name": "EndVertex", + "imageFile": ["EndVertex"], + "dynFile": ["EndVertex"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Edge/Query", + "inDepth": "EndVertex will return the Vertex at the end of an Edge. In the example below, an end Vertex is represented as a Point." +}, { + "Name": "StartVertex", + "imageFile": ["StartVertex"], + "dynFile": ["StartVertex"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Edge/Query", + "inDepth": "StartVertex will return the Vertex at the start of an Edge. In the example below, a start Vertex is represented as a Point." +}, { + "Name": "SurfaceGeometry", + "imageFile": ["SurfaceGeometry"], + "dynFile": ["SurfaceGeometry"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Face/Action", + "inDepth": "SurfaceGeometry will return a Face as a Surface. In the example below, a Face is identified on the Solid and returned as a Surface." +}, { + "Name": "Edges", + "imageFile": ["Edges"], + "dynFile": ["Edges"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Face/Query", + "inDepth": "Edges will return a List of Edges from an input geometry. In the example below, a Cuboid returns a List of 12 Edges." +}, { + "Name": "Vertices", + "imageFile": ["Vertices"], + "dynFile": ["Vertices"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Face/Query", + "inDepth": "Vertices will return a List of Vertex locations for an input geometry. In the example below, the a Cuboid returns a list of 8 Vertex locations." +}, { + "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." +}, { + "Name": "ByLineAndPoint", + "imageFile": ["ByLineAndPoint"], + "dynFile": ["ByLineAndPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Line and Point creates a plane using the input Point as the origin, and passing through the input line. The point must not lie on the axis of the line. In the example, we create a line by first using a set of random points and then creating a line with ByBestFitThroughPoints. An origin point is created with a code block providing the x,y, and z coordinates for a Point.ByCoordinates component. We then use the line and point as inputs to create a Plane by Line and Point." +}, { + "Name": "ByOriginNormal", + "imageFile": ["ByOriginNormal"], + "dynFile": ["ByOriginNormal"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Origin Normal creates a plane using the input point as the origin, and perpendicular to the input Normal vector. In the example below, we use a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates of a Point By Coordinates. We then use that point as the Origin, and use a world Y-Axis as the normal vector for a Plane by Origin Normal." +}, { + "Name": "ByOriginNormalXAxis", + "imageFile": ["ByOriginNormalXAxis"], + "dynFile": ["ByOriginNormalXAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Origin Normal XAxis is similar to Plane By Origin Normal, but this allows us to also input a direction for the XAxis to control the orientation of the plane. If the input xAxis vector is not in the plane defined by the origin and normal inputs, it is first projected onto the plane to determine the Plane XAxis. In the example below, we use world YAxis as the normal vector, and use two code blocks to define the origin point and input xAxis." +}, { + "Name": "ByOriginXAxisYAxis", + "imageFile": ["ByOriginXAxisYAxis"], + "dynFile": ["ByOriginXAxisYAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Origin XAxis YAxis uses an origin point and two vectors to define a plane. The Normal vector of the plane is created by taking the cross product of the X and Y axis vectors. In the example below, we use world YAxis as the xAxis, and use two code blocks to define the origin point and input xAxis. " +}, { + "Name": "ByThreePoints", + "imageFile": ["ByThreePoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByThreePoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Three Points will create a plane that passes through the three input points. The points must not be co-linear. In the example below, we use three code blocks to define the three initial points, then use ByThreePoints to create a plane." +}, { + "Name": "XY", + "imageFile": ["XY"], + "dynFile": ["XY"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane XY creates a plane in the world XY directions. The normal of this plane is the world Z-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the XY plane is highlighted." +}, { + "Name": "XZ", + "imageFile": ["XZ"], + "dynFile": ["XZ"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane XZ creates a plane in the world XZ directions. The normal of this plane is the world Y-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the XZ plane is highlighted." +}, { + "Name": "YZ", + "imageFile": ["YZ"], + "dynFile": ["YZ"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane YZ creates a plane in the world YZ directions. The normal of this plane is the world X-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the YZ plane is highlighted." +}, { + "Name": "Offset", + "imageFile": ["Offset"], + "dynFile": ["Offset"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Action", + "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." +}, { + "Name": "ToCoordinateSystem", + "imageFile": ["ToCoordinateSystem"], + "dynFile": ["ToCoordinateSystem"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Action", + "inDepth": "Plane To Coordinate System will return a Coordinate System based on the input plane, using the plane's origin, XAxis and YAxis. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then use ToCoordinateSystem to convert the Plane to a Coordinate System " +}, { + "Name": "Normal", + "imageFile": ["Normal"], + "dynFile": ["Normal"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane Normal will find the normal vector of an input plane. This is also equal to taking the cross product of the plane XAxis and YAxis. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then find the normal vector of this plane." +}, { + "Name": "Origin", + "imageFile": ["Origin"], + "dynFile": ["Origin"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Query", + "inDepth": "Origin will return a Point at the Origin of the WorldCoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Circle by centerpoint and radius is created using a Point at the WCS Origin." +}, { + "Name": "XAxis", + "imageFile": ["XAxis"], + "dynFile": ["XAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Query", + "inDepth": "XAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem X axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS X axis." +}, { + "Name": "YAxis", + "imageFile": ["YAxis"], + "dynFile": ["YAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Plane/Query", + "inDepth": "YAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Y axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Y axis." +}, { + "Name": "Edges", + "imageFile": ["Edges"], + "dynFile": ["Edges"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Topology/Query", + "inDepth": "Edges will return a List of Edges from an input geometry. In the example below, a Cuboid returns a List of 12 Edges." +}, { + "Name": "Faces", + "imageFile": ["Faces"], + "dynFile": ["Faces"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Topology/Query", + "inDepth": "Faces will return all the faces of a Revit element as surfaces in Dynamo." +}, { + "Name": "Vertices", + "imageFile": ["Vertices"], + "dynFile": ["Vertices"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Topology/Query", + "inDepth": "Vertices will return a List of Vertex locations for an input geometry. In the example below, the a Cuboid returns a list of 8 Vertex locations." +}, { + "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)", + "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z)"], + "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z) will return a Vector from X, Y, and Z coordinates. The input coordinate location defines the Vector's position and length. In the example below, a Vector is returned from a coordinate location of (1,0,1) and is represented as a Line." +}, { + "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)", + "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)"], + "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized) will return a Vector from coordinate values and a normalize boolean toggle. In the example below, a Vector is returned with a length of 2.83 that can be normalized to 1. The Vector is represented as a Line to show length change when toggling normalize." +}, { + "Name": "ByTwoPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByTwoPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByTwoPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "ByTwoPoints will return a Vector defined by two Point locations. In the example below, a Vector created by two Points is represented by a Line. The Vector's length is 3, equal to the distance between Points." +}, { + "Name": "XAxis", + "imageFile": ["XAxis"], + "dynFile": ["XAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "XAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem X axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS X axis." +}, { + "Name": "YAxis", + "imageFile": ["YAxis"], + "dynFile": ["YAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "YAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Y axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Y axis." +}, { + "Name": "ZAxis", + "imageFile": ["ZAxis"], + "dynFile": ["ZAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "ZAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Z axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Z axis." +}, { + "Name": "Add", + "imageFile": ["Add"], + "dynFile": ["Add"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." +}, { + "Name": "AngleAboutAxis", + "imageFile": ["AngleAboutAxis"], + "dynFile": ["AngleAboutAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "AngleAboutAxis will return the angle measurement between two Vectors in degrees from 0 to 360 and about an axis of rotation. In the example below, the angle between two Vectors is measured about the Z axis. Adjust Z Elevation and Rotation Degrees sliders to see how they affect the resulting angle measurement. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "AngleWithVector", + "imageFile": ["AngleWithVector"], + "dynFile": ["AngleWithVector"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "AngleWithVector will return the angle measurement between two Vectors in degrees from 0 to 180. In the example below, an angle measurement is returned for two Vectors. Adjust Z Elevation and Rotation Degrees sliders to see how they affect the resulting angle measurement. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "AsPoint", + "imageFile": ["AsPoint"], + "dynFile": ["AsPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "AsPoint will return a Point at the coordinate values of a Vector. In the example below, a Point is returned from the Vector.ByCoordinates node at (10,5,6)." +}, { + "Name": "Cross", + "imageFile": ["Cross"], + "dynFile": ["Cross"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Cross will return the cross product of two Vectors. In the example below, the cross product of two Vectors results in a new Vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "Dot", + "imageFile": ["Dot"], + "dynFile": ["Dot"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Dot will return the dot product of two Vectors as a double. In the example below, Vectors of (10,5,6) and (1,10,1) return a dot product of 66." +}, { + "Name": "IsAlmostEqualTo", + "imageFile": ["IsAlmostEqualTo"], + "dynFile": ["IsAlmostEqualTo"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "IsAlmostEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether a Vector has the same values as another. In the example below, a true value is returned when comparing a Vector on the WCS Z axis to a Vector with coordinates of (0,0,1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the Vector's coordinate values making it unequal. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "IsParallel", + "imageFile": ["IsParallel"], + "dynFile": ["IsParallel"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "IsParallel will return a boolean value based on whether a Vector is parallel to another Vector. In the example below, two Vectors represented as Lines are compared. Adjust the slider to rotate one Vector in and out of parallel with the other." +}, { + "Name": "Normalized", + "imageFile": ["Normalized"], + "dynFile": ["Normalized"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Normalized will return a normalized Vector. The Vector returned will have a length of 1 regardless of its original length. In the example below, a Vector of length ~1.4142 is normalized to a length of 1." +}, { + "Name": "Reverse", + "imageFile": ["Reverse"], + "dynFile": ["Reverse"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Reverse will return a new Vector pointing in the opposite direction from its input. In the example below, a Vector of (1,0,1) will return a Vector of (-1,0,-1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different reversed vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "Rotate (plane, degrees)", + "imageFile": ["Rotate (plane, degrees)"], + "dynFile": ["Rotate (plane, degrees)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotates a vector around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree." +}, { + "Name": "Rotate (axis, degrees)", + "imageFile": ["Rotate (axis, degrees)"], + "dynFile": ["Rotate (axis, degrees)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotates a vector around the axis and normal by a specified degree." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale Vector non-uniformly around the origin." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (scale_factor)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (scale_factor)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (scale_factor)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale Vector uniformly around the origin." +}, { + "Name": "Subtract", + "imageFile": ["Subtract"], + "dynFile": ["Subtract"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Subtract will return a Vector that is the difference of two other Vectors. In the example below, the difference of the a Vector with coordinates (1,0,1) and WCS Z axis results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,0). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different subtracted vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "Transform", + "imageFile": ["Transform"], + "dynFile": ["Transform"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Transform will return a new Vector based on an input CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Vector is transformed from the WorldCoordinateSystem to a new CoordinateSystem defined by spherical coordinates. Try adjusting the sliders to move the new Vector into a different position. Both Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": ["Length"], + "dynFile": ["Length"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Query", + "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." +}, { + "Name": "X", + "imageFile": ["X"], + "dynFile": ["X"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Query", + "inDepth": "X returns a double representing a reference point's X coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "Y", + "imageFile": ["Y"], + "dynFile": ["Y"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Query", + "inDepth": "Y returns a double representing a reference point's Y coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "Z", + "imageFile": ["Z"], + "dynFile": ["Z"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vector/Query", + "inDepth": "Z returns a double representing a reference point's Z coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "AdjacentEdges", + "imageFile": ["AdjacentEdges"], + "dynFile": ["AdjacentEdges"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vertex/Query", + "inDepth": "AdjacentEdges will return the Edges that emanate from a Vertex. In the example below, the Edges emanating from a Vertex on a Cube are represented as Lines. Adjust the Edges slider to return different sets of adjacent Edges." +}, { + "Name": "AdjacentFaces", + "imageFile": ["AdjacentFaces"], + "dynFile": ["AdjacentFaces"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vertex/Query", + "inDepth": "AdjacentFaces will return the Faces adjacent to an input Vertex. In the example below, a Vertex on a Cuboid will return a List of three Faces. Adjusting the Index Selector slider will change the input Vertex and return different sets of adjacent Faces. The Faces are represented as Surfaces." +}, { + "Name": "PointGeometry", + "imageFile": ["PointGeometry"], + "dynFile": ["PointGeometry"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Abstract/Vertex/Query", + "inDepth": "PointGeometry will return Vertex locations as Points. In the example below, the Vertices of a Cube are returned and represented as Points." +}, { + "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." +}, { + "Name": "ByCenterPointRadiusAngle", + "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointRadiusAngle"], + "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointRadiusAngle"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByCenterPointRadiusAngle draws an arc relative to its center and normal direction. By entering the start and end angle, you are essentially drawing a portion of a circle. In this example, a random point is generated on the XY plane and an arc is constructed around it. " +}, { + "Name": "ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint", + "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint"], + "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint draws a best-fit arc around a specified Center. The arc will always begin at the Start Point and end at the closest point possible to the given End Point. This example demonstrates this property by randomly feeding the node three random points for the center, start and end point." +}, { + "Name": "ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle", + "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle"], + "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "The Arc ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle creates an arc around a Center Point with a given Sweep Angle. The Start Point tells Dynamo where to begin drawing the arc. This example draws an arc around a randomly generated point." +}, { + "Name": "ByFillet", + "imageFile": ["ByFillet"], + "dynFile": ["ByFillet"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByFillet draws a portion of a tangential circle along two input curves. In this example, two intersecting lines are drawn and then filleted at a controlled radius." +}, { + "Name": "ByFilletTangentToCurve", + "imageFile": ["ByFilletTangentToCurve"], + "dynFile": ["ByFilletTangentToCurve"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByFilletTangentToCurve draws the best fit arc that is tangent to three input curves. In this example, we are using two input lines as reference curves and a circle for the arc to be tangent to." +}, { + "Name": "ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent", + "imageFile": ["ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent"], + "dynFile": ["ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent draws an arc from two specified points and any given start vector. This example draws an arc from two random points that is always tangent to the X-Axis." +}, { + "Name": "ByThreePoints", + "imageFile": ["ByThreePoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByThreePoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Three Points will create a plane that passes through the three input points. The points must not be co-linear. In the example below, we use three code blocks to define the three initial points, then use ByThreePoints to create a plane." +}, { + "Name": "ByStartEndAndTangencies", + "imageFile": ["ByStartEndAndTangencies"], + "dynFile": ["ByStartEndAndTangencies"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Action", + "inDepth": "The Arc ByStartEndAndTangencies Action creates a compound arc using two Input Points and their corresponding Vectors. In this example, two points are connected by a compound arc that is always tangent to the Y-Axis at its Start and End Points." +}, { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": ["Radius"], + "dynFile": ["Radius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "StartAngle", + "imageFile": ["StartAngle"], + "dynFile": ["StartAngle"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise starting from the plane X-axis. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Start Angle to extract the angle of the beginning pont of the ellipse." +}, { + "Name": "SweepAngle", + "imageFile": ["SweepAngle"], + "dynFile": ["SweepAngle"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Arc/Query", + "inDepth": "Sweep Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise on the ellipse plane, starting from the start angle. The end angle of the ellipse would be equal to the start angle plus the sweep angle. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Sweep Angle to extract arc length of the ellipse arc." +}, { + "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." +}, { + "Name": "ByCenterPointRadius", + "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointRadius"], + "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointRadius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Sphere by Center Point Radius will create a sphere centered at the input point, and with an input radius. In the example below, we use a code block to specify the coordinates of a Point created by coordinates, and we use a number slider to determine the radius of the sphere." +}, { + "Name": "ByCenterPointRadiusNormal", + "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointRadiusNormal"], + "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointRadiusNormal"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Circle By Center Point Radius Normal creates a circle at a point with a controllable radius and normal. In this example, we create a vector from the Origin Point to the Point By Coordinates to control the direction of the circle." +}, { + "Name": "ByPlaneRadius", + "imageFile": ["ByPlaneRadius"], + "dynFile": ["ByPlaneRadius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Circle By Plane Radius is a condensed node to create any type of circle. In this example, we use the YZ plane to determine the circle direction, and a Number slider to dynamically control the circle’s radius." +}, { + "Name": "ByThreePoints", + "imageFile": ["ByThreePoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByThreePoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Three Points will create a plane that passes through the three input points. The points must not be co-linear. In the example below, we use three code blocks to define the three initial points, then use ByThreePoints to create a plane." +}, { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": ["Radius"], + "dynFile": ["Radius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Circle/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "ByBlendBetweenCurves", + "imageFile": ["ByBlendBetweenCurves"], + "dynFile": ["ByBlendBetweenCurves"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Create", + "inDepth": "Curve by Blend Between Curves will create a new curve that connects two input curves. The two 'endOrStart' inputs determine whether to connect the end or start points of each curve. The created curve will match the curvature of the original curves at the connection points. In the example below, we start with one arc and one line. We blend between the start of the arch and the end of the line to connect the two curves. Two boolean toggle nodes let us control which ends of the two curves to blend between." +}, { + "Name": "ByIsoCurveOnSurface", + "imageFile": ["ByIsoCurveOnSurface"], + "dynFile": ["ByIsoCurveOnSurface"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Create", + "inDepth": "Curve by IsoCurve on Surface will create a curve that is the isocurve on a surface by specifying the U or V direction, and specifying the parameter in the opposite direction at which to create the curve. The 'direction' input determines which direction of isocurve to create. A value of one corresponds to the u-direction, while a value of zero corresponds to the v-direction. In the example below, we first create grid of points, and translate them in the Z-direction by a random amount. These points are used to create surface by using a NurbsSurface.ByPoints node. This surface is used as the baseSurface of a ByIsoCurveOnSurface node. A number slider set to a range of 0 to 1 and a step of 1 is used to control whether we extract the isocurve in the u or in the v direction. A second number slider is used to determine the parameter at which the isocurve is extracted." +}, { + "Name": "ByParameterLineOnSurface", + "imageFile": ["ByParameterLineOnSurface"], + "dynFile": ["ByParameterLineOnSurface"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Create", + "inDepth": "Curve by Parameter Line On Surface will create a line along a surface between two input UV coordinates. n the example below, we first create grid of points, and translate them in the Z-direction by a random amount. These points are used to create surface by using a NurbsSurface.ByPoints node. This surface is used as the baseSurface of a ByParameterLineOnSurface node. A set of number sliders are used to adjust the U and V inputs of two UV.ByCoordinates nodes, which are then used to determing the start and end point of the line on the surface." +}, { + "Name": "ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments", + "imageFile": ["ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments"], + "dynFile": ["ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Approximate with Arc and Line Segments takes a curve as input, and returns a list of straight line and arc curves that approximate the original curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input for an ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments node." +}, { + "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Coordinate System at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns a coordinate system. The x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the Coordinate System are determined by the Normal direction, U direction, and V direction, respectively. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to create a Coordinate System with a CoordnateSystemAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength", + "imageFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength"], + "dynFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Coordinate System At Segment Length will return a coordinate system aligned with the input curve at the specified curve length, measured from the start point of the curve. The resulting coordinate system will have its x-axis in the direction of the normal of the curve and the y-axis in the direction of the tangent of the curve at the specified length. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the segment length input for a CoordinateSystemAtParameter node. If the specified length is longer than the length of the curve, this node will return a Coordinate System at the end point of the curve." +}, { + "Name": "EndParameter", + "imageFile": ["EndParameter"], + "dynFile": ["EndParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "End Parameter will return a number that represents the end of the domain in which the input curve can be evaluated. In most cases the end parameter will be one. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input to an EndParameter node. " +}, { + "Name": "Extend", + "imageFile": ["Extend"], + "dynFile": ["Extend"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extend will extend a input curve by a given input distance. The pickSide input takes the start or end point of the curve as input, and determines which end of the curve to extend. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We use the query node Curve.EndPoint to find the end point of the curve, to use as the 'pickSide' input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." +}, { + "Name": "ExtendEnd", + "imageFile": ["ExtendEnd"], + "dynFile": ["ExtendEnd"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extend End will extend a input curve by a given input distance, starting from the end point of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." +}, { + "Name": "ExtendStart", + "imageFile": ["ExtendStart"], + "dynFile": ["ExtendStart"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extend Start will extend a input curve by a given input distance, starting from the start point of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." +}, { + "Name": "Extrude (direction, distance)", + "imageFile": ["Extrude (direction, distance)"], + "dynFile": ["Extrude (direction, distance)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance." +}, { + "Name": "Extrude (distance)", + "imageFile": ["Extrude (distance)"], + "dynFile": ["Extrude (distance)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the normal direction, by the specified distance" +}, { + "Name": "Extrude (direction)", + "imageFile": ["Extrude (direction)"], + "dynFile": ["Extrude (direction)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector." +}, { + "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (direction, distance)", + "imageFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (direction, distance)"], + "dynFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (direction, distance)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance. Curve must be closed." +}, { + "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (distance)", + "imageFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (distance)"], + "dynFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (distance)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the Normal direction by the specified distance. Curve must be closed." +}, { + "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (direction)", + "imageFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (direction)"], + "dynFile": ["ExtrudeAsSolid (direction)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector. Curve must be closed." +}, { + "Name": "HorizontalFrameAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["HorizontalFrameAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["HorizontalFrameAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Horizontal Frame At Parameter will return a coordinate system aligned with the input curve at the specified parameter. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. The resulting coordinate system will have its z-axis in the world Z direction, and the y-axis in the direction of the tangent of the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a HorizontalFrameAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "Join", + "imageFile": ["Join"], + "dynFile": ["Join"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Join this curve and the input curve into a new PolyCurve, maintaining the original curves exactly." +}, { + "Name": "NormalAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["NormalAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["NormalAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Normal At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the Normal vector of the surface at the input UV position on the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a Sweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to determine the Normal with a NormalAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "Offset", + "imageFile": ["Offset"], + "dynFile": ["Offset"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." +}, { + "Name": "ParameterAtChordLength", + "imageFile": ["ParameterAtChordLength"], + "dynFile": ["ParameterAtChordLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Parameter At Chord Length will return the parameter of a point that is a given chord length from an initial specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the straight-line chord distance to find a parameter at. A second number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the initial point along the curve from which the chord distance will be measured. Finally, a boolean toggle is used to determine which direction to measure the chord distance from." +}, { + "Name": "ParameterAtPoint", + "imageFile": ["ParameterAtPoint"], + "dynFile": ["ParameterAtPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Parameter at Point will return the parameter value of a specified point along a curve. If the input point is not on the curve, Parameter At Point will return the parameter of the point on the curve closes to the input point. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. An extra single point is created with a Code Block to specify the x and y coordinates. The ParameterAtPoint node returns the parameter along the curve at the point that is closest to the input point." +}, { + "Name": "ParameterAtSegmentLength", + "imageFile": ["ParameterAtSegmentLength"], + "dynFile": ["ParameterAtSegmentLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Parameter At Segment Length will return the parameter of a point that is a given length along the curve from the start point. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the segment length to find a parameter at. If the input segment length is longer than the curve, this node will return the parameter value of the end point of the curve." +}, { + "Name": "Patch", + "imageFile": ["Patch"], + "dynFile": ["Patch"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Patch will attempt to create a surface using an input curve as the boundary. The input curve must be closed. In the example below, we first use a Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates node to create a set of points at set intervals in a circle, but with random elevations and radii. We then use a NurbsCurve.ByPoints node to create a closed curve based on these points. A Patch node is cused to create a surface from the boundary closed curve. Note that because the points were created with random radii and elevations, not all arrangements result in a curve that is able to be patched." +}, { + "Name": "PlaneAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["PlaneAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["PlaneAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Plane At Parameter will return a plane aligned with a curve at a specified parameter. The normal vector of the resulting plane will correspond to the tangent of the curve. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a PlaneAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "PlaneAtSegmentLength", + "imageFile": ["PlaneAtSegmentLength"], + "dynFile": ["PlaneAtSegmentLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Plane At Segment Length will return a plane aligned with a curve at a point that is a specified distance along the curve, measured from the start point. If the input length is greater than the total length of the curve, this node will use the end point of the curve. The normal vector of the resulting plane will correspond to the tangent of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the parameter input for a PlaneAtSegmentLength node." +}, { + "Name": "PointAtChordLength", + "imageFile": ["PointAtChordLength"], + "dynFile": ["PointAtChordLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Point At Chord Length will return the point that is a given chord length from an initial specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the straight-line chord distance to find a point at. A second number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the initial point along the curve from which the chord distance will be measured. Finally, a boolean toggle is used to determine which direction to measure the chord distance from." +}, { + "Name": "PointAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["PointAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["PointAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Point At Parameter will return the point on a surface specified by U and V parameters. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use two number sliders to control the U and V values of the parameter for a PointAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "PointAtSegmentLength", + "imageFile": ["PointAtSegmentLength"], + "dynFile": ["PointAtSegmentLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Point At Segment Length will return the point on a curve at a given length along the curve, measured from the start point of the curve. If the input length is greater than the length of the curve, the node will return the end point of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. A number slider is and used as the input length to a Point At Segment Length node. " +}, { + "Name": "PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint", + "imageFile": ["PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint"], + "dynFile": ["PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Points At Chord Length From Point will return a list of points along a curve, measured sequentially according to an input chord length starting from a specified point along the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A PointAtParameter node is used with a number slider set to the range 0 to 1 to determine the initial point along the curve for a PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint node. Finally, a second number slider is used to adjust the straight-line chord length to use." +}, { + "Name": "PointsAtEqualChordLength", + "imageFile": ["PointsAtEqualChordLength"], + "dynFile": ["PointsAtEqualChordLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Points At Equal Chord Length will return a list of points along an input curve by dividing the curve into equal straight-line chord lengths. The number of divisions to use is input as an integer, and will result in that number of points divided equally in the interior of the curve. This node will not include the end points of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. An integer slider is used for the divisions input in a PointsAtEqualChordLength node." +}, { + "Name": "PointsAtEqualSegmentLength", + "imageFile": ["PointsAtEqualSegmentLength"], + "dynFile": ["PointsAtEqualSegmentLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Points At Equal Segment Length will return a list of points along an input curve by dividing the curve into equal length segments. The number of divisions to use is input as an integer, and will result in that number of points divided equally in the interior of the curve. This node will not include the end points of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. An integer slider is used for the divisions input in a PointsAtEqualSegmentLength node." +}, { + "Name": "PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint", + "imageFile": ["PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint"], + "dynFile": ["PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Points At Segment Length From Point will return a list of points along a curve, measured sequentially according to an input segment length starting from a specified point along the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A PointAtParameter node is used with a number slider set to the range 0 to 1 to determine the initial point along the curve for a PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint node. Finally, a second number slider is used to adjust the curve segment length to use" +}, { + "Name": "Project", + "imageFile": ["Project"], + "dynFile": ["Project"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Project will project a point along a given vector direction onto a specified geometry. The projection is only attempted in the positve direction of the vector. If the vector does not intersect the given geometry, it will return null. In the example below, we create a point using a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates. We use a sphere as the geometry to project onto, and the world XAxis as the projection Direction. The output is a point on the surface of the sphere that is projected from the original point." +}, { + "Name": "PullOntoPlane", + "imageFile": ["PullOntoPlane"], + "dynFile": ["PullOntoPlane"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Pull Onto Plane will create a new curve by projecting an input curve onto an input plane, using the normal of the plane as the direction of projection. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We use the world XY plane as the plane to project onto in a PullOntoPlane node. The result is a planar curve on the XY plane." +}, { + "Name": "PullOntoSurface", + "imageFile": ["PullOntoSurface"], + "dynFile": ["PullOntoSurface"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Pull Onto Surface will create a new curve by projecting an input curve onto an input surface, using the normal vectors of the surface as the directions of projection. In the example below, we first create surface by using a Surface.BySweep node that uses curves generated according to a sine curve. This surface is used as the base surface to pull onto in a PullOntoSurface node. For the curve, we create a circle by using a Code Block to specify the coordinates of the center point, and a number slider to control the radius of the circle. The result is a projection of the cirle onto the surface. " +}, { + "Name": "Reverse", + "imageFile": ["Reverse"], + "dynFile": ["Reverse"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Reverse will return a new Vector pointing in the opposite direction from its input. In the example below, a Vector of (1,0,1) will return a Vector of (-1,0,-1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different reversed vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "SegmentLengthAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["SegmentLengthAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["SegmentLengthAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Segment Length At Parameter will return the length of a curve between the start point and the input parameter, where zero is the parameter at the beginning of the curve, and one is the parameter at the end of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. A number slider set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter input in a SegmentLengthAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "SegmentLengthBetweenParameters", + "imageFile": ["SegmentLengthBetweenParameters"], + "dynFile": ["SegmentLengthBetweenParameters"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Segment Length Between Parameters will return the length of a curve between the input start parameter and the input end parameter, where a value of zero is the parameter at the beginning of the curve and a value of one is the parameter at the end of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. Two number sliders set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter inputs in a SegmentLengthBetweenParameters node." +}, { + "Name": "Simplify", + "imageFile": ["Simplify"], + "dynFile": ["Simplify"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Returns a new Curve approximated with the supplied tolerance." +}, { + "Name": "SplitByParameter", + "imageFile": ["SplitByParameter"], + "dynFile": ["SplitByParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Split the Curve into pieces given the supplide parameters." +}, { + "Name": "SplitByPoints", + "imageFile": ["SplitByPoints"], + "dynFile": ["SplitByPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Split By Points will split an input curve at specified points, and will return a list of resulting segments. If the specified points are not on the curve, this node will find the points along the curve that are closest to the input points and split the curve at those resulting points. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. The same set of points is used as the list of points in a SplitByPoints node. The result is a list of curve segments between the generated points." +}, { + "Name": "StartParameter", + "imageFile": ["StartParameter"], + "dynFile": ["StartParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Start Parameter will return a number that represents the start of the domain in which the input curve can be evaluated. In most cases the start parameter will be zero. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input to an StartParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "SweepAsSolid", + "imageFile": ["SweepAsSolid"], + "dynFile": ["SweepAsSolid"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Sweep As Solid will create a solid by sweeping an input closed profile curve along a specified path. In the example below, we use a rectangle as the base profile curve. The path is created by using a cosine function with a sequence of angles to vary the x-coordinates of a set of points. The points are used as the input to a NurbsCurve.ByPoints node. We then create a solid by sweeping the rectangle along the created cosine curve." +}, { + "Name": "SweepAsSurface", + "imageFile": ["SweepAsSurface"], + "dynFile": ["SweepAsSurface"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "SweepAsSurface will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we create a curve to sweep by useing a Code Block to create three points of an Arc.ByThreePoints node. A path curve is created a simple line along the x-axis. SweepAsSurface moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." +}, { + "Name": "TangentAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["TangentAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["TangentAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Tangent At Parameter will return a vector aligned with the tangent direction at the specified parameter of a curve. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TangentAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "ToNurbsCurve", + "imageFile": ["ToNurbsCurve"], + "dynFile": ["ToNurbsCurve"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "To Nurbs Curve takes a curve as input, and returns a Nurbs curve that approximates the input curve. In the example below, we create an arc by using a Code Block to define three points and using an Arc.ByThreePoints node. This arc is converted to a Nurbs Curve by using a ToNurbsCurve node. Note that the default degree of the resulting Nurbs Curve is 3." +}, { + "Name": "TrimByEndParameter", + "imageFile": ["TrimByEndParameter"], + "dynFile": ["TrimByEndParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim By End Parameter will remove the end of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TrimByEndParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "TrimByParameter", + "imageFile": ["TrimByParameter"], + "dynFile": ["TrimByParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim By Parameter will remove the start and end of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameters, and will return the resulting middle section of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. Two number sliders set to the range 0 to 1 are used to control the start and end parameter inputs for a TrimByParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "TrimByStartParameter", + "imageFile": ["TrimByStartParameter"], + "dynFile": ["TrimByStartParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim By Start Parameter will remove the beginning of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TrimByStartParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "TrimInteriorByParameter", + "imageFile": ["TrimInteriorByParameter"], + "dynFile": ["TrimInteriorByParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim Interior By Parameter will remove the interior portion of a given curve, based on the two input parameters. This node will output the two remaining exterior parts of the curve as a list of two curves. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. Two number sliders set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter inputs in a TrimInteriorByParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters)", + "imageFile": ["TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters)"], + "dynFile": ["TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments." +}, { + "Name": "TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters, discardEvenSegments)", + "imageFile": ["TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters, discardEvenSegments)"], + "dynFile": ["TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters, discardEvenSegments)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the even segments." +}, { + "Name": "EndPoint", + "imageFile": ["EndPoint"], + "dynFile": ["EndPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "End Point will return the end point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the end point of this curve by using an EndPoint node." +}, { + "Name": "IsClosed", + "imageFile": ["IsClosed"], + "dynFile": ["IsClosed"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Is Closed will return a boolean value that corresponds to whether the input curve is closed or not. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can then test whether this curve is closed by using a IsClosed node. " +}, { + "Name": "IsPlanar", + "imageFile": ["IsPlanar"], + "dynFile": ["IsPlanar"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Is Planar will return a boolean value that corresponds to whether the input curve is planar or not. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can then test whether this curve is planar by using a IsPlanar node." +}, { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": ["Length"], + "dynFile": ["Length"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." +}, { + "Name": "Normal", + "imageFile": ["Normal"], + "dynFile": ["Normal"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane Normal will find the normal vector of an input plane. This is also equal to taking the cross product of the plane XAxis and YAxis. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then find the normal vector of this plane." +}, { + "Name": "StartPoint", + "imageFile": ["StartPoint"], + "dynFile": ["StartPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Point will return the start point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the start point of this curve by using a StartPoint node." +}, { + "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemRadii", + "imageFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemRadii"], + "dynFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemRadii"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse by Coordinate System Radii takes a coordinate system as an input, then creates an ellipse using the inputted radii. The input xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius correspond to the X and Y directions of the input Coordinate System (not the World X and Y directions). In the example file, we generate two random values to create a Coordinate System, then use that Coordinate System with two number sliders for the x and y radii." +}, { + "Name": "ByOriginRadii", + "imageFile": ["ByOriginRadii"], + "dynFile": ["ByOriginRadii"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse by Origin Radii creates an ellipse centered on the input Origin point, and has an x and y radius from the input xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius. This ellipse will be aligned with the World XY plane. In the example below, we generate two random numbers to create an origin point, then use two number sliders for the x and y axis radii." +}, { + "Name": "ByOriginVectors", + "imageFile": ["ByOriginVectors"], + "dynFile": ["ByOriginVectors"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse by Origin Vectors creates an ellipse centered on the input origin points. In this case, the XAxisRadius and YAxisRadius require vectors as inputs. The two vectors must be orthogonal (at right angles) to each other. The two vectors will determine the plane of the ellipse. They need not be in the world X and Y directions. In the example, we first create an origin point by generating two random numbers. We then use a unit X and unit Y vector, which are then scaled by number sliders." +}, { + "Name": "ByPlaneRadii", + "imageFile": ["ByPlaneRadii"], + "dynFile": ["ByPlaneRadii"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse by Plane Radii creates an ellipse centered at the input plane. The xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius take numbers as inputs, and correspond to the X and Y diretions of the input plane, which may be different from world X and Y directions. In the example below, we use a YZ plane as the input, then use two number sliders for the xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius. Because we used a YZ plane, the input xAxisRadius will correspond to the world Y direction, while the yAxisRadius will correspond to the world Z direction." +}, { + "Name": "ByPlaneRadiiAngles", + "imageFile": ["ByPlaneRadiiAngles"], + "dynFile": ["ByPlaneRadiiAngles"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse Arc by Plane Radii Angles creates a portion of an ellipse. The input xRadius and yRadius give the radii of the ellipse along the X and Y directions of the input plane (which may be different than world X and Y). The startAngle input defines the beginning point of the arc along the ellipse in degrees, starting counter-clockwise from the plane X-axis, and continuing for a total arc length of the sweepAngle input. In the example below, we use the XY plane, and a series of number sliders to control the other input parameters." +}, { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "MajorAxis", + "imageFile": ["MajorAxis"], + "dynFile": ["MajorAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Major Axis will return the longer of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the larger of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the major axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Major Axis to extract the major axis of the ellipse." +}, { + "Name": "MinorAxis", + "imageFile": ["MinorAxis"], + "dynFile": ["MinorAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Minor Axis will return the shorter of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the shorter of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the minor axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Minor Axis to extract the minor axis of the ellipse." +}, { + "Name": "Plane", + "imageFile": ["Plane"], + "dynFile": ["Plane"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Sketch planes are used in the creation of 2D and 3D geometry in Revit." +}, { + "Name": "StartAngle", + "imageFile": ["StartAngle"], + "dynFile": ["StartAngle"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise starting from the plane X-axis. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Start Angle to extract the angle of the beginning pont of the ellipse." +}, { + "Name": "SweepAngle", + "imageFile": ["SweepAngle"], + "dynFile": ["SweepAngle"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Sweep Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise on the ellipse plane, starting from the start angle. The end angle of the ellipse would be equal to the start angle plus the sweep angle. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Sweep Angle to extract arc length of the ellipse arc." +}, { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "MajorAxis", + "imageFile": ["MajorAxis"], + "dynFile": ["MajorAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Query", + "inDepth": "Major Axis will return the longer of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the larger of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the major axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Major Axis to extract the major axis of the ellipse." +}, { + "Name": "MinorAxis", + "imageFile": ["MinorAxis"], + "dynFile": ["MinorAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Ellipse/Query", + "inDepth": "Minor Axis will return the shorter of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the shorter of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the minor axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Minor Axis to extract the minor axis of the ellipse." +}, { + "Name": "ByAxis", + "imageFile": ["ByAxis"], + "dynFile": ["ByAxis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Create", + "inDepth": "Helix By Axis creates a helix. The axis of the helix is defined by the input axis point and the axis direction. The helix will be created counter-clockwise around the axis, starting from the start point and continuing for an angular length of the Angle Turns input, in degrees. The Pitch input determines the distance of the helix per each 360 degrees in the direction of the axis. In the example below, we start the helix at the point (3,5) and use the Y-axis to define the helix axis. The start point of the helix is controlled by three number sliders. The pitch and angleTurns use two more number sliders. Note that the angleTurns is in degrees." +}, { + "Name": "Angle", + "imageFile": ["Angle"], + "dynFile": ["Angle"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Angle will find the total angular length of a helix in degrees, where one complete turn is equal to 360. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Angle to find the total angle of the helix." +}, { + "Name": "AxisDirection", + "imageFile": ["AxisDirection"], + "dynFile": ["AxisDirection"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Axis Direction will return the direction of the central axis of a helix as a vector. Together with the Axis Point, this defines the central axis. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Axis Direction to find the direction of the helix axis." +}, { + "Name": "AxisPoint", + "imageFile": ["AxisPoint"], + "dynFile": ["AxisPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Axis Point will return the base point of the helix axis. Together with the Axis Direction, this defines the central axis of a helix. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Axis Point to find the initial point of the helix axis." +}, { + "Name": "Pitch", + "imageFile": ["Pitch"], + "dynFile": ["Pitch"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Pitch will return the linear distance along the axis direction that a helix spans in one complete turn (360 degrees). In the example below, we create a helix using Helix by Axis, then use Pitch to find the pitch of the helix." +}, { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": ["Radius"], + "dynFile": ["Radius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByBestFitThroughPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." +}, { + "Name": "ByStartPointDirectionLength", + "imageFile": ["ByStartPointDirectionLength"], + "dynFile": ["ByStartPointDirectionLength"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Create", + "inDepth": "Line by Start Point Direction Length creates a line beginning at the startPoint input, and with a length and direction according to the input direction vector and length. In the example below, we use a code block specify the x,y, and z coordinates of a point. We then use a number slider to control the length of the line." +}, { + "Name": "ByStartPointEndPoint", + "imageFile": ["ByStartPointEndPoint"], + "dynFile": ["ByStartPointEndPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Create", + "inDepth": "Reference planes can be created in both Revit projects and families. The reference plane in Revit does not dynamically change with its Dynamo inputs." +}, { + "Name": "ByTangency", + "imageFile": ["ByTangency"], + "dynFile": ["ByTangency"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Create", + "inDepth": "Line By Tangency creates a line tangent to an input curve, and with a length of 1 unit. The parameter input specifies the position along the curve to evaluate, with a parameter of zero being the beginning of the curve, and a value of 1 being the end of the curve. In the example, we use a Code Block to generate two lists corresponding to X and Y locations of a series of points. The points are used to draw a Nurbs Curve. We then use a number slider between 0 and 1 as an input parameter to create a line tangent to the curve." +}, { + "Name": "Direction", + "imageFile": ["Direction"], + "dynFile": ["Direction"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Line/Query", + "inDepth": "Direction will return a vector that points in the same direction as a line. The magnitude of the vector is equal to the length of the original line. In the example below, we generate a set of random points, and then us ByBestFitThroughPoints to create a line. We use Direction to find the vector direction of the created line." +}, { + "Name": "ByControlPoints (points, degree)", + "imageFile": ["ByControlPoints (points, degree)"], + "dynFile": ["ByControlPoints (points, degree)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of control points to draw the Nurbs Curve and also allows us to control the degree of the curve. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions." +}, { + "Name": "ByControlPoints (points, degree, closeCurve)", + "imageFile": ["ByControlPoints (points, degree, closeCurve)"], + "dynFile": ["ByControlPoints (points, degree, closeCurve)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of control points to draw the Nurbs Curve and also allows us to control the degree of the curve. We also have the option to close the curve back to the first point in the list. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions." +}, { + "Name": "ByControlPoints (points)", + "imageFile": ["ByControlPoints (points)"], + "dynFile": ["ByControlPoints (points)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of points to use as control points and outputs a Nurbs Curve. This example uses a Code Block to generate two lists corresponding to X and Y locations of a series of points. The points are used to draw the Nurbs Curve." +}, { + "Name": "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots", + "imageFile": ["ByControlPointsWeightsKnots"], + "dynFile": ["ByControlPointsWeightsKnots"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByControlPointsWeightsKnots..." +}, { + "Name": "ByPoints (points)", + "imageFile": ["ByPoints (points)"], + "dynFile": ["ByPoints (points)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through. This example generates six random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions. " +}, { + "Name": "ByPoints (points, closeCurve)", + "imageFile": ["ByPoints (points, closeCurve)"], + "dynFile": ["ByPoints (points, closeCurve)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through and also allows us to close the curve. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions, closing the curve back to the first point in the list." +}, { + "Name": "ByPoints (points, degree)", + "imageFile": ["ByPoints (points, degree)"], + "dynFile": ["ByPoints (points, degree)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through, and also allows us to change the degree of the curve. This example generates six random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions. " +}, { + "Name": "ByPointsTangents", + "imageFile": ["ByPointsTangents"], + "dynFile": ["ByPointsTangents"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Returns a BSplineCurve through the points, with tangent directions." +}, { + "Name": "ControlPoints", + "imageFile": ["ControlPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ControlPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "ControlPoints will return the ControlPoints of a NurbsSurface as Points in a List of Lists. In the example below, the ControlPoints are returned from a NurbsSurface created from a Patch." +}, { + "Name": "Knots", + "imageFile": ["Knots"], + "dynFile": ["Knots"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Knots will return the knots of a NURBS curve as a list of numbers. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use Knots to then get a list of the knots for this curve." +}, { + "Name": "Weights", + "imageFile": ["Weights"], + "dynFile": ["Weights"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Weights will return the Weights of a NurbsSurface as doubles in a List of Lists. In the example below, a NurbsSurface returns a list of Weights with a value of 1." +}, { + "Name": "Degree", + "imageFile": ["Degree"], + "dynFile": ["Degree"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "Degree will return the degree of a NURBS curve. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use Degree to then get the degree of the curve. Since we created the curve without specifying the degree, it used a default degree of three. (A polygonal curve of straight lines has a degree of one, while the most common degree for non-straight-segmented curves is 3)" +}, { + "Name": "IsPeriodic", + "imageFile": ["IsPeriodic"], + "dynFile": ["IsPeriodic"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "IsPeriodic returns a boolean value of true if the curve is periodic, and false if the curve is not periodic. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use IsPeriodic to determine whether or not the curve is periodic." +}, { + "Name": "IsRational", + "imageFile": ["IsRational"], + "dynFile": ["IsRational"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/NurbsCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "IsRational will return a boolean value based on whether a NurbsSurface is rational. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created by approximating a Surface returns a false value." +}, { + "Name": "ByJoinedCurves", + "imageFile": ["ByJoinedCurves"], + "dynFile": ["ByJoinedCurves"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Polycurve By Joined Curves creates joined curves from a set of curves with matching vertices. In this example, a RegularPolygon is exploded into a curve list and is then rejoined into a Polycurve." +}, { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." +}, { + "Name": "ByThickeningCurve", + "imageFile": ["ByThickeningCurve"], + "dynFile": ["ByThickeningCurve"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Polycurve By Thickening Curve is a node that constructs a closed, offset polygon from a single curve. In this node, we can specify the curve being thickened, the overall thickness, and the normal direction of the offset. This example shows how a randomly generated Nurbs Curve is offset perpendicular to its start and end point vector. " +}, { + "Name": "BasePlane", + "imageFile": ["BasePlane"], + "dynFile": ["BasePlane"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Base Plane will return the plane of a planar polycurve. If the curve is not planar, it will give an error. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCurve By Points to create a PolyCurve. Because we only used x and y coordinates, the generated polycurve is planar in the world XY plane. " +}, { + "Name": "CloseWithLine", + "imageFile": ["CloseWithLine"], + "dynFile": ["CloseWithLine"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Close With Line adds a straght line between the start and end point of an open PolyCurve. It returns a new polycurve that includes the added line. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCuve By Points with the connectLastToFirst input set to false to create an open PolyCurve. Inputting this PolyCurve into Close With Line creates a new closed polycurve (and in this case would be equivalent to using a 'true' input for the connectLastToFirst option in PolyCurve By Points)" +}, { + "Name": "CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs", + "imageFile": ["CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs"], + "dynFile": ["CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs will return a line and tangent arcs to close an open PolyCurve. In the example below, a PolyCurve with two segments is closed with a line and arcs. The arcs are defined by whether they are at the start or end of the new line, and their radii can be controlled independently." +}, { + "Name": "CurveAtIndex", + "imageFile": ["CurveAtIndex"], + "dynFile": ["CurveAtIndex"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Curve At Index will return the curve segment at the input index of a given polycurve. If the number of curves in the polycurve is less than the give index, CurveAtIndex will return null. The endOrStart input accepts a boolean value of true or false. If true, CurveAtIndex will begin counting at the first segment of the PolyCurve. If false, it will count backwards from the last segment. In the example below, we generate a set of random points, and then use PolyCurve By Points to create an open PolyCurve. We can then use CurveAtIndex to extract specfic segments from the PolyCurve." +}, { + "Name": "Curves", + "imageFile": ["Curves"], + "dynFile": ["Curves"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "A revision cloud's curves are returned as geometry in Dynamo." +}, { + "Name": "ExtendWithArc", + "imageFile": ["ExtendWithArc"], + "dynFile": ["ExtendWithArc"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extend With Arc will add a circular arc to the beginning or end of an input PolyCurve, and returns a single combined PolyCurve. The radius input will determin the radius of the circle, while the length input determines the distance along the circle for the arc. The total length must be less than or equal to length of a complete circle with the given radius. The generated arc will be tangent to the end of the input PolyCurve. A boolean input for endOrStart controls which end of the PolyCurve the arc will be created. A value of 'true' will result in the arc created at the end of the PolyCurve, while 'false' will create the arc at the beginning of the PolyCurve. In the example below, we first use a set of random points and PolyCurve By Points to generate a PolyCurve. We then use two number sliders and a boolean toggle to set the parametrs for ExtendWithArc." +}, { + "Name": "ExtendWithEllipse", + "imageFile": ["ExtendWithEllipse"], + "dynFile": ["ExtendWithEllipse"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "ExtendWithEllipse will return an extension of a PolyCurve as a portion of an ellipse. In the example below, a PolyCurve with a single segment is extended into an ellipse. The extension is controlled by two radii, it's length, its end parameter, and whether the start or end of the PolyCurve is being extended." +}, { + "Name": "Fillet", + "imageFile": ["Fillet"], + "dynFile": ["Fillet"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new solid with rounded edges. The edges input specifies which edges to fillet, while the offset input determines the radius of the fillet. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the radius for each fillet." +}, { + "Name": "Offset", + "imageFile": ["Offset"], + "dynFile": ["Offset"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." +}, { + "Name": "NumberOfCurves", + "imageFile": ["NumberOfCurves"], + "dynFile": ["NumberOfCurves"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/PolyCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "Number Of Curves returns the number of curve segments that make up a given PolyCurve. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCurve By Points to create a PolyCurve. If connectLastToFirst is left as 'false', then the number of curves will be one less than the number of points. Otherwise, if we create a closed PolyCurve, the number of curves will be equal to the number of initial points." +}, { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." +}, { + "Name": "RegularPolygon", + "imageFile": ["RegularPolygon"], + "dynFile": ["RegularPolygon"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Create", + "inDepth": "Polygon Regular Polygon is a simple component that will inscribe a regular polygon of any number of sides into a circle. In this example, we create the reference circle from a random Best Fit Through Points and draw a six-sided polygon inside the circle." +}, { + "Name": "Center", + "imageFile": ["Center"], + "dynFile": ["Center"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Action", + "inDepth": "Polygon Center finds the center of a given polygon by taking the average value of the corners. For concave polygons, it's possible that the center may actually lie outside the polygon. In the example below, we first generate a list of random angles and radii to use as inputs to Point By Cylindrical Coordinates. By sorting the angles first, we ensure that the resulting polygon will be connected in order of increasing angle, and therefore will not be self-intersecting. We can then use Center to take the average of the points and find the polygon center." +}, { + "Name": "ContainmentTest", + "imageFile": ["ContainmentTest"], + "dynFile": ["ContainmentTest"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Action", + "inDepth": "Containment Test returns a boolean value depending on whether a given point is contained inside a given polygon. The polygon must be planar and non-self-intersecting in order for this to work. In the example below, we create a polygon using a series of points created By Cylindrical Coordinates. Leaving the elevation constant, and sorting the angles ensures a planar and non-self-intersecting polygon. We then create a point to test, and use ContainmentTest to see if the point is inside or outside the polygon." +}, { + "Name": "Corners", + "imageFile": ["Corners"], + "dynFile": ["Corners"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Action", + "inDepth": "Corners will return a list of points that are the corners of the given polygon. In the example below, we first generate a set of random points sorted by angle to use with Polygon By Points. We can get the points back out as a list by using Corners." +}, { + "Name": "SelfIntersections", + "imageFile": ["SelfIntersections"], + "dynFile": ["SelfIntersections"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Action", + "inDepth": "Self Intersections will return a list of all points where a polygon intersects itself. In the example below, we first generate a list of random unsorted angles and radii to use with Points By Cylindrical Coordinates. Because we kept the elevation constant, and did not sort the angles of these points, a polygon created with Polygon By Points will be planar and is likely to be self-intersecting. We can then find the intersection points using Self Intersections" +}, { + "Name": "PlaneDeviation", + "imageFile": ["PlaneDeviation"], + "dynFile": ["PlaneDeviation"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane Deviation will first calculate the best fit plane through the points of a given polygon. It then averages the distance of each point to that plane to find the average deviation of the points of a polygon from the best fit plane. In the example below, we generate a list of random angles, elevations, and radii, and then use Points By Cylindrical Coordinates to create a set of non-planar points to use for Polygon By Points. Inputting this polygon into PlaneDeviation, we can find the average deviation of the points from a best-fit-plane." +}, { + "Name": "Points", + "imageFile": ["Points"], + "dynFile": ["Points"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Polygon/Query", + "inDepth": "The points of an underlying mesh are useful for querying elevation or location data. Point sets can be manipulated in Dynamo and fed back into Dynamo as a new topography." +}, { + "Name": "ByCornerPoints (points)", + "imageFile": ["ByCornerPoints (points)"], + "dynFile": ["ByCornerPoints (points)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Corner Points node takes a list of four input points and creates a rectangle from them. The input points must reflect a rectangle form. In this example, two Number Sliders are used to create the Points By Coordinates at the rectangle’s vertices. A similar but distinct Rectangle ByCornerPoints node uses four separate inputs for eacher point rather than as a single list. Both nodes are shown in this example." +}, { + "Name": "ByCornerPoints (p1, p2, p3, p4)", + "imageFile": ["ByCornerPoints (p1, p2, p3, p4)"], + "dynFile": ["ByCornerPoints (p1, p2, p3, p4)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Corner Points node takes four input points and creates a rectangle from them. The input points must reflect a rectangle form. In this example, two Number Sliders are used to create the Points By Coordinates at the rectangle’s vertices. A similar but distinct Rectangle ByCornerPoints node uses a list of points as the input rather than each input separately. Both nodes are shown in this example." +}, { + "Name": "ByWidthLength (plane, width, length)", + "imageFile": ["ByWidthLength (plane, width, length)"], + "dynFile": ["ByWidthLength (plane, width, length)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "Create a Rectangle centered at the origin of the input plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). In the example, we use the world YZ plane as the input plane. The width specifies the plane X Axis length, which in this case corresponds to the world Y axis, and the length specifies the plane Y Axis length which is this case corresponds to the world Z Axis." +}, { + "Name": "ByWidthLength (width, length)", + "imageFile": ["ByWidthLength (width, length)"], + "dynFile": ["ByWidthLength (width, length)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Width Length node creates a rectangle on the Z-base plane with a specified length and width dimension. The center of the rectangle will be located at the grid origin. In this example, we use two Number Sliders to drive the shape of the rectangle. " +}, { + "Name": "ByWidthLength (cs, width, length)", + "imageFile": ["ByWidthLength (cs, width, length)"], + "dynFile": ["ByWidthLength (cs, width, length)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "Create a Rectangle centered at the input origin in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length)." +}, { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": ["Height"], + "dynFile": ["Height"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Query", + "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." +}, { + "Name": "Width", + "imageFile": ["Width"], + "dynFile": ["Width"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curves/Rectangle/Query", + "inDepth": "Width returns the horizontal dimension of a rectangular curtain panel as a double." +}, { + "Name": "ByIndices (a, b, c)", + "imageFile": ["ByIndices (a, b, c)"], + "dynFile": ["ByIndices (a, b, c)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Create", + "inDepth": "ByIndices (a, b, c) (a, b, c) will return an IndexGroup of three Indices. In the example below, three indices are defined for a three-sided Mesh created with Mesh.ByPointsFacesIndices." +}, { + "Name": "ByIndices (a, b, c, d)", + "imageFile": ["ByIndices (a, b, c, d)"], + "dynFile": ["ByIndices (a, b, c, d)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Create", + "inDepth": "ByIndices (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d) will return an IndexGroup of four Indices. In the example below, four indices are defined for a four-sided Mesh created with Mesh.ByPointsFacesIndices." +}, { + "Name": "A", + "imageFile": ["A"], + "dynFile": ["A"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "A will return the value of Index A. In the example below, the Index value of A is returned as 0 in a three-sided Mesh." +}, { + "Name": "B", + "imageFile": ["B"], + "dynFile": ["B"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "B will return the value of Index B. In the example below, the Index value of B is returned as 1 in a three-sided Mesh." +}, { + "Name": "C", + "imageFile": ["C"], + "dynFile": ["C"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "C will return the value of Index C. In the example below, the Index value of C is returned as 2 in a three-sided Mesh." +}, { + "Name": "Count", + "imageFile": ["Count"], + "dynFile": ["Count"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "Count will return an integer that represents the number of Indices in an IndexGroup. In the example below, Index counts are returned for Mesh faces with three and four edges." +}, { + "Name": "D", + "imageFile": ["D"], + "dynFile": ["D"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "D will return the value of Index D. In the example below, the Index value of D is returned as 3 in a four-sided Mesh." +}, { + "Name": "ByPointsFaceIndices", + "imageFile": ["ByPointsFaceIndices"], + "dynFile": ["ByPointsFaceIndices"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/Mesh/Create", + "inDepth": "ByPointsFaceIndices will return a Mesh based on input vertices as Points and input indices. In the example below, a four-sided Mesh is created with four Points and an IndexGroup of four indices." +}, { + "Name": "FaceIndices", + "imageFile": ["FaceIndices"], + "dynFile": ["FaceIndices"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/Mesh/Query", + "inDepth": "FaceIndices will return the IndexGroup of a mesh face in counterclockwise order. In the example below, the an Indexgroup is returned for a four-sided mesh face." +}, { + "Name": "VertexNormals", + "imageFile": ["VertexNormals"], + "dynFile": ["VertexNormals"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/Mesh/Query", + "inDepth": "VertexNormals will return Vectors that represent the normal of each Vertex. In the example below, the normal of each Vertex is returned as a line to represent its direction." +}, { + "Name": "VertexPositions", + "imageFile": ["VertexPositions"], + "dynFile": ["VertexPositions"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Meshes/Mesh/Query", + "inDepth": "VertexPositions will return a Mesh face's Vertex positions as Points. In the example below, the Vertex positions of a four-sided Mesh face are returned as Points." +}, { + "Name": "ClosestPointTo", + "imageFile": ["ClosestPointTo"], + "dynFile": ["ClosestPointTo"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ClosestPointTo finds the closest point from one geometry to another, adding a 3D Point to the document. This example finds the closest point on one Sphere to another." +}, { + "Name": "DeserializeFromSAB", + "imageFile": ["DeserializeFromSAB"], + "dynFile": ["DeserializeFromSAB"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "DeserializeFromSAB will return geometry from SAB format data. In the example below, SAB data is read from a file and deserialized into a skewed cylinder." +}, { + "Name": "DistanceTo", + "imageFile": ["DistanceTo"], + "dynFile": ["DistanceTo"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry DistanceTo returns the distance between two geometries. This example finds the distance between two Spheres." +}, { + "Name": "DoesIntersect", + "imageFile": ["DoesIntersect"], + "dynFile": ["DoesIntersect"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry DoesIntersect tests two geometries for an intersection. If the objects intersect, the Node will return True. This example tests for an intersection of two Sphere geometries." +}, { + "Name": "Explode", + "imageFile": ["Explode"], + "dynFile": ["Explode"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "The Geometry Explode Node breaks a geometry down into smaller components. For example, a Polysurface can be Exploded into several Surfaces and a Polycurve into curves. In this example, we are extracting a single Surface from a complex Intersection of three Spheres." +}, { + "Name": "ExportToSAT", + "imageFile": ["ExportToSAT"], + "dynFile": ["ExportToSAT"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "ExportToSAT will export the specified geomety to the given SAT file path." +}, { + "Name": "ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath)", + "imageFile": ["ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath)"], + "dynFile": ["ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ExportToSAT exports Geometry from Dynamo to a SAT file type. In this example, we are exporting a Polysurface from the Intersection of three Spheres." +}, { + "Name": "FromSolidDef", + "imageFile": ["FromSolidDef"], + "dynFile": ["FromSolidDef"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Imports a JSON string and returns an array of imported geometries." +}, { + "Name": "ImportFromSAT (file)", + "imageFile": ["ImportFromSAT (file)"], + "dynFile": ["ImportFromSAT (file)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ImportFromSAT imports Geometry to Dynamo from a SAT file type. This node takes a file as input, and also accepts a string with a valid file path. For the example below, we previously exported geometry to a SAT file (see ExportToSAT). The file name we chose was example.sat and it was exported to a folder on the users desktop. In the example, we show two different nodes used to import geometry from a SAT file. One has a filePath as the input type, and the other has a 'file' as the input type. The filePath is created using a FilePath node, which can select a file by clicking the Browse button. In the second example, we specify the file path manually by using a string element." +}, { + "Name": "ImportFromSAT (filePath)", + "imageFile": ["ImportFromSAT (filePath)"], + "dynFile": ["ImportFromSAT (filePath)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ImportFromSAT imports Geometry to Dynamo from a SAT file type. This node takes a filePath as input, and also accepts a string with a valid file path. For the example below, we previously exported geometry to a SAT file (see ExportToSAT). The file name we chose was example.sat and it was exported to a folder on the users desktop. In the example, we show two different nodes used to import geometry from a SAT file. One has a filePath as the input type, and the other has a 'file' as the input type. The filePath is created using a FilePath node, which can select a file by clicking the Browse button. In the second example, we specify the file path manually by using a string element." +}, { + "Name": "Intersect", + "imageFile": ["Intersect"], + "dynFile": ["Intersect"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Intersect finds the Intersection Geometry that two Geometry objects share. In this example, the Intersection of two Spheres returns a Polysurface, otherwise known as a Solid Intersection." +}, { + "Name": "IntersectAll", + "imageFile": ["IntersectAll"], + "dynFile": ["IntersectAll"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry IntersectAll finds the Intersection Geometry that any number of Geometry objects share. In this example, the Intersection of three Spheres returns a Polysurface, otherwise known as a Solid Intersection." +}, { + "Name": "IsAlmostEqualTo", + "imageFile": ["IsAlmostEqualTo"], + "dynFile": ["IsAlmostEqualTo"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "IsAlmostEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether a Vector has the same values as another. In the example below, a true value is returned when comparing a Vector on the WCS Z axis to a Vector with coordinates of (0,0,1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the Vector's coordinate values making it unequal. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "Mirror", + "imageFile": ["Mirror"], + "dynFile": ["Mirror"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Mirror reflects a Geometry across a defined Plane. In this example, we are Mirroring a Cone across the Y-Axis." +}, { + "Name": "Rotate (basePlane, degrees)", + "imageFile": ["Rotate (basePlane, degrees)"], + "dynFile": ["Rotate (basePlane, degrees)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotates an object around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree." +}, { + "Name": "Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)", + "imageFile": ["Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)"], + "dynFile": ["Rotate (origin, axis, degrees)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale non-uniformly around the origin." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (amount)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (amount)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (amount)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale uniformly around the origin." +}, { + "Name": "Scale (basePoint, from, to)", + "imageFile": ["Scale (basePoint, from, to)"], + "dynFile": ["Scale (basePoint, from, to)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale uniformly around a given point, using two pick points as scalars." +}, { + "Name": "Scale1D", + "imageFile": ["Scale1D"], + "dynFile": ["Scale1D"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Scale1D Scales a Geometry in one direction from a Base Point and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the Cone Start Point. The original Cone Edges are drawn as a visual reference." +}, { + "Name": "Scale2D", + "imageFile": ["Scale2D"], + "dynFile": ["Scale2D"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Scale2D Scales a Geometry in two directions from a Base Plane and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the YZ-Plane." +}, { + "Name": "SerializeAsSAB", + "imageFile": ["SerializeAsSAB"], + "dynFile": ["SerializeAsSAB"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data." +}, { + "Name": "Split", + "imageFile": ["Split"], + "dynFile": ["Split"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "The Geometry Split Node functions similarly to the Geometry Trim Node. It inputs a Tool – any type of Geometry that you will be trimming another Geometry with – and a Geometry, and returns all of the fragments of Geometry. In this example, a Cone is Split with a similar Cone. Although all fragments are returned by the Geometry Split Node, one is previewed in the example file." +}, { + "Name": "ToSolidDef", + "imageFile": ["ToSolidDef"], + "dynFile": ["ToSolidDef"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Convert geometry to Solid Def json." +}, { + "Name": "Transform (cs)", + "imageFile": ["Transform (cs)"], + "dynFile": ["Transform (cs)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Transforms geometry by the given CoordinateSystem's transform." +}, { + "Name": "Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)", + "imageFile": ["Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)"], + "dynFile": ["Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Transforms this geometry from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem." +}, { + "Name": "Translate (direction, distance)", + "imageFile": ["Translate (direction, distance)"], + "dynFile": ["Translate (direction, distance)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Translates any geometry type by the given distance in the given direction." +}, { + "Name": "Translate (direction)", + "imageFile": ["Translate (direction)"], + "dynFile": ["Translate (direction)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Translate geometry in the given direction by the vector length." +}, { + "Name": "Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)", + "imageFile": ["Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)"], + "dynFile": ["Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Translates any given geometry by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively." +}, { + "Name": "Trim", + "imageFile": ["Trim"], + "dynFile": ["Trim"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Trim functions similarly to the Geometry Split Node in that it inputs a Tool – any type of Geometry that you will be trimming another Geometry with – and a Geometry, but returns only a single fragment of the Geometry. The Geometry that is Picked is selected by a reference Point closest to the fragment. In this example, one Cone is Trimmed by another, with its lower portion Picked." +}, { + "Name": "BoundingBox", + "imageFile": ["BoundingBox"], + "dynFile": ["BoundingBox"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Query", + "inDepth": "BoundingBox will create a bounding box in Dynamo around a Revit element." +}, { + "Name": "ContextCoordinateSystem", + "imageFile": ["ContextCoordinateSystem"], + "dynFile": ["ContextCoordinateSystem"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry/Query", + "inDepth": "ContextCoordinateSystem will return the CoordinateSystem that was used in creating a piece of geometry. In the example below, a Solid created at centerPoint (3,0,0) returns a CoordinateSystem located at the origin." +}, { + "Name": "ByGeometryColor", + "imageFile": ["ByGeometryColor"], + "dynFile": ["ByGeometryColor"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry Color/Create", + "inDepth": "ByGeometryColor will display a piece of geometry with an input color. In the example below, a circle is displayed with an RGB color of 227, 136, 200 and an Alpha value of 200. Unless it is turned off, the preview of the original geometry will cover up the new colored one." +}, { + "Name": "BySurfaceColors", + "imageFile": ["BySurfaceColors"], + "dynFile": ["BySurfaceColors"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Modifiers/Geometry Color/Create", + "inDepth": "BySurfaceColors will display the input geometry with a gradient of colors. In the example below, a circle is displayed with a gradient of two RGB colors. Unless it is turned off, the preview of the original geometry will cover up the new colored one." +}, { + "Name": "ByCartesianCoordinates", + "imageFile": ["ByCartesianCoordinates"], + "dynFile": ["ByCartesianCoordinates"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "Point By Cartesian Coordinates gives us the ability to set the X, Y and Z values of a point’s location. In this example, we are setting multiple Code Block Ranges controlled by sliders to drive the three-dimensional array of points." +}, { + "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)", + "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z)"], + "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y, z)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z) will return a Vector from X, Y, and Z coordinates. The input coordinate location defines the Vector's position and length. In the example below, a Vector is returned from a coordinate location of (1,0,1) and is represented as a Line." +}, { + "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y)", + "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y)"], + "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates (x, y)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "The Point By Coordinates (XY) calls for two number inputs and generates a point on the Dynamo base plane. In the first example, we are using two sliders to dynamically control the point’s X and Y location on the Z-plane. In the second, we are using two Number Sliders and a Code Block Range to determine the maximum extents of the grid and the spacing between points. By changing the Points By Coordinates lacing to Cross-Reference, we can create multi-dimensional set of points along the X and Y axis." +}, { + "Name": "ByCylindricalCoordinates", + "imageFile": ["ByCylindricalCoordinates"], + "dynFile": ["ByCylindricalCoordinates"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "The Point By Cylindrical Coordinates node creates a point located within a cylindrical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of angles and elevations to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius." +}, { + "Name": "BySphericalCoordinates", + "imageFile": ["BySphericalCoordinates"], + "dynFile": ["BySphericalCoordinates"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "The Point By Spherical Coordinates node creates a point located within a spherical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of phi and theta angles to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius. The location of the sphere is set to a Coordinate System with the origin (1, 5, 1)." +}, { + "Name": "Origin", + "imageFile": ["Origin"], + "dynFile": ["Origin"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "Origin will return a Point at the Origin of the WorldCoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Circle by centerpoint and radius is created using a Point at the WCS Origin." +}, { + "Name": "Add", + "imageFile": ["Add"], + "dynFile": ["Add"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." +}, { + "Name": "AsVector", + "imageFile": ["AsVector"], + "dynFile": ["AsVector"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Point as Vector takes an input point and returns a vector with x,y, and z components equal to the cartesian coordinates of the point. This can also be thought of as creating a vector by two points, where the first point is the world origin and the second point is the input point. In the example below, we use PointBySphericalCoordinates to generate a point, then use AsVector to get a vector which we can control using spherical coordinates." +}, { + "Name": "Project", + "imageFile": ["Project"], + "dynFile": ["Project"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Project will project a point along a given vector direction onto a specified geometry. The projection is only attempted in the positve direction of the vector. If the vector does not intersect the given geometry, it will return null. In the example below, we create a point using a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates. We use a sphere as the geometry to project onto, and the world XAxis as the projection Direction. The output is a point on the surface of the sphere that is projected from the original point." +}, { + "Name": "PruneDuplicates", + "imageFile": ["PruneDuplicates"], + "dynFile": ["PruneDuplicates"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Prune Duplicates takes a list of points as an input, and will return a list with duplicate points removed. The tolerance input is used to determine how close two points need to be to be considered duplicates. If two points are closer than the tolerance, the first one in the list will be kept, and the other point removed. In the example, we generate a set of random points. We then use Prune Duplicates with a tolerance of one to remove any points that are closer than one unit to another point." +}, { + "Name": "Subtract", + "imageFile": ["Subtract"], + "dynFile": ["Subtract"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Subtract will return a Vector that is the difference of two other Vectors. In the example below, the difference of the a Vector with coordinates (1,0,1) and WCS Z axis results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,0). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different subtracted vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "X", + "imageFile": ["X"], + "dynFile": ["X"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Query", + "inDepth": "X returns a double representing a reference point's X coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "Y", + "imageFile": ["Y"], + "dynFile": ["Y"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Query", + "inDepth": "Y returns a double representing a reference point's Y coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "Z", + "imageFile": ["Z"], + "dynFile": ["Z"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/Point/Query", + "inDepth": "Z returns a double representing a reference point's Z coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "ByCoordinates", + "imageFile": ["ByCoordinates"], + "dynFile": ["ByCoordinates"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/UV/Create", + "inDepth": "Reference points are created in the Revit conceptual design environment." +}, { + "Name": "U", + "imageFile": ["U"], + "dynFile": ["U"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/UV/Query", + "inDepth": "U will return the U value of a UV coordinate. In the example below, the U value of a Point location on the NurbsSurface is returned. The UV parameter is returned from the Surface.UVParamterAtPoint node." +}, { + "Name": "V", + "imageFile": ["V"], + "dynFile": ["V"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Points/UV/Query", + "inDepth": "V will return the V value of a UV coordinate. In the example below, the V value of a Point location on the NurbsSurface is returned. The UV parameter is returned from the Surface.UVParamterAtPoint node." +}, { + "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii", + "imageFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii"], + "dynFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Create", + "inDepth": "Cone ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii creates a truncated Cone geometry from two Radii, the starting Origin, and a Height value. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with three Number Sliders." +}, { + "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius", + "imageFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius"], + "dynFile": ["ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Create", + "inDepth": "Cone ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius creates a Cone geometry from a Radius, the Cone Origin, and a Height value. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with two Number Sliders." +}, { + "Name": "ByPointsRadii", + "imageFile": ["ByPointsRadii"], + "dynFile": ["ByPointsRadii"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Create", + "inDepth": "Cone ByPointsRadii creates a truncated Cone geometry from a Start Point, End Point, and two Radius values. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with three Number Sliders controlling its Height and Radius sizes." +}, { + "Name": "ByPointsRadius", + "imageFile": ["ByPointsRadius"], + "dynFile": ["ByPointsRadius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Create", + "inDepth": "ByPointsRadius will return a Cylinder from a start Point, end Point, and radius value. In the example below, adjusting the number sliders will change the point positions as well as the Cylinder's radius." +}, { + "Name": "EndPoint", + "imageFile": ["EndPoint"], + "dynFile": ["EndPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "End Point will return the end point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the end point of this curve by using an EndPoint node." +}, { + "Name": "EndRadius", + "imageFile": ["EndRadius"], + "dynFile": ["EndRadius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "End Radius will find the radius of the top circle of a truncated cone. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the End Radius back from the cone." +}, { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": ["Height"], + "dynFile": ["Height"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." +}, { + "Name": "RadiusRatio", + "imageFile": ["RadiusRatio"], + "dynFile": ["RadiusRatio"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius Ratio will find the ratio between the top and bottom radii of the cone. This is equivalent to taking the top radius and dividing it by the bottom radius. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the Radius Ratio from the cone." +}, { + "Name": "StartPoint", + "imageFile": ["StartPoint"], + "dynFile": ["StartPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Point will return the start point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the start point of this curve by using a StartPoint node." +}, { + "Name": "StartRadius", + "imageFile": ["StartRadius"], + "dynFile": ["StartRadius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Radius will find the radius of the base circle of a cone. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the Start Radius back from the cone." +}, { + "Name": "ByCorners", + "imageFile": ["ByCorners"], + "dynFile": ["ByCorners"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Create", + "inDepth": "Cuboid By Corners creates a cuboid where the two input points are used as the opposite corners of the cuboid. In the example file, two points are randomly generated and used to create a cuboid." +}, { + "Name": "ByLengths (origin, width, length, height)", + "imageFile": ["ByLengths (origin, width, length, height)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLengths (origin, width, length, height)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Create", + "inDepth": "This Cuboid By Lengths allows the user to input an origin point for the center of the cuboid, as well as the length, width and height of the cuboid. In the example file, we use three number sliders to input the length, width, and height, and generate a random point to use as the origin." +}, { + "Name": "ByLengths (width, length, height)", + "imageFile": ["ByLengths (width, length, height)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLengths (width, length, height)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Create", + "inDepth": "Cuboid By Lengths creates a cuboid with the input width, legth, and height, and is centered at the origin. In the example, we use three number sliders to input the length, width and height." +}, { + "Name": "ByLengths (cs, width, length, height)", + "imageFile": ["ByLengths (cs, width, length, height)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLengths (cs, width, length, height)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Create", + "inDepth": "This Cuboid By Lengths allows the user to input a Coordinate System. The cuboid will be created at the origin of the input Coordinate System, with the length, width, and heigh oriented according to the Coordinate System. In the example, we use three number sliders to input the length, width, and heigh, and generate random coordinates to use to create a Coordinate System." +}, { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": ["Height"], + "dynFile": ["Height"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Query", + "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." +}, { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": ["Length"], + "dynFile": ["Length"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Query", + "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." +}, { + "Name": "Width", + "imageFile": ["Width"], + "dynFile": ["Width"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cuboid/Query", + "inDepth": "Width returns the horizontal dimension of a rectangular curtain panel as a double." +}, { + "Name": "ByPointsRadius", + "imageFile": ["ByPointsRadius"], + "dynFile": ["ByPointsRadius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Create", + "inDepth": "ByPointsRadius will return a Cylinder from a start Point, end Point, and radius value. In the example below, adjusting the number sliders will change the point positions as well as the Cylinder's radius." +}, { + "Name": "ByRadiusHeight", + "imageFile": ["ByRadiusHeight"], + "dynFile": ["ByRadiusHeight"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Create", + "inDepth": "ByRadiusHeight will return a Cylinder based on a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem from an origin point and a YAxis vector is used to create Cylinder that appears rotated." +}, { + "Name": "Axis", + "imageFile": ["Axis"], + "dynFile": ["Axis"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Query", + "inDepth": "The Axis of the given cylinder." +}, { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": ["Height"], + "dynFile": ["Height"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Query", + "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." +}, { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": ["Radius"], + "dynFile": ["Radius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Cylinder/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "ByJoinedSurfaces", + "imageFile": ["ByJoinedSurfaces"], + "dynFile": ["ByJoinedSurfaces"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Solid by Joined Surfaces takes a list of surfaces as an input and will return a single solid defined by the surfaces. The surfaces must define a closed surface. In the example below, we start with a circle as a base geometry. The circle is patched to create a surface, and that surface is translated in the z-direction. We then extrude the circle to produce the sides. List.Create is used to make a list consisting of the base, side, and top surfaces, and then we use ByJoinedSurfaces to turn the list into a single closed solid." +}, { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", + "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface ByLoft with cross sections takes a list of curves as an input. It will produce a surface by lofting between the list of curves in order. In the example below we create two curves, a line and a sine curve. We use List.Create to combine these two curves into a list, which we use as an input for Surface ByLoft. The result is a surface that is lofted between a sine curve on one side, and a line on the other." +}, { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)", + "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Loft with cross sections and guide curves takes a list of cross sections to loft between, and a separate list of guide curves to determine the profile of the loft. In the example below, we use two straight lines as the input cross sections. For the guide curves, we create one sine curve and one straight line. A number slider controls the distance between the sine curve and the straight line. The resulting loft interpolates between the sine curve and the straight line." +}, { + "Name": "ByRevolve", + "imageFile": ["ByRevolve"], + "dynFile": ["ByRevolve"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Revolve creates a surface by rotating a given profile curve around an axis. The axis is defined by an axisOrigin point, and an axisDirection vector. The start angle determines where to begin the surface, measured in degrees, and the sweepAngle determines how far around the axis to continue the surface. In the example below, we use a curve generated with a cosine function as the profile curve, and two number sliders to control the startAngle and sweepAngle. The axisOrigin and axisDirection are left at the default values of the world origin and world z-axis for this example" +}, { + "Name": "BySweep", + "imageFile": ["BySweep"], + "dynFile": ["BySweep"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we use a sine curve in the y-direction as the profile curve. We rotate this curve by -90 degrees around the world z-axis to use as a path curve. Surface BySweep moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." +}, { + "Name": "BySweep2Rails", + "imageFile": ["BySweep2Rails"], + "dynFile": ["BySweep2Rails"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep 2 Rails takes an input curve and uses two guide curves to sweep the profile curve along. In the example below, we use a half-circle as the input profile. We create two diverging lines to use as the rail curves for a BySweep2Rails node. The result is a surface with a half-circle profile that grows as the arc moves along the diverging lines." +}, { + "Name": "ByUnion", + "imageFile": ["ByUnion"], + "dynFile": ["ByUnion"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Solid by Union will create a single new solid out of the union of a list of closed solids. The union is the combination of both solids, and the new solid will include all of the volume of the original solids. In the example below, we use a set of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere. We also use a default cuboid. We use a List.Create node to put both the cube and the sphere into a single list, which we use as the input for Solid ByUnion node." +}, { + "Name": "Centroid", + "imageFile": ["Centroid"], + "dynFile": ["Centroid"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Centroid will return a point that is at the centroid of a solid. The centroid can be thought of as the center of mass of an solid object. Note that it is possible for the center of mass to exist outside the actual solid. In the example below, we use a set of circles to create a Solid ByLoft, and input the resulting solid into a Centroid node." +}, { + "Name": "Chamfer", + "imageFile": ["Chamfer"], + "dynFile": ["Chamfer"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Chamfer will return a new solid with chamfered edges. The edges input specifies which edges to chamfer, while the offset input determines the extent of the chamfer. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the offset distance for the chamfer." +}, { + "Name": "Difference", + "imageFile": ["Difference"], + "dynFile": ["Difference"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Difference will create a new solid by subtracting one solid from another. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to subtract from, while the 'tool' input is the solid that will be subtracted. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to subtract from. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere, which we use as the tool. If the sphere is intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting part of the sphere subtracted from it." +}, { + "Name": "DifferenceAll", + "imageFile": ["DifferenceAll"], + "dynFile": ["DifferenceAll"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Difference All will create a new solid by subtracting a list of solids from one single solid. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to subtract from, while the 'tools' input is the list of solids that will be subtracted. The solids in this list will be unioned together to create a single solid, which is then subtracted from the 'solid' input. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to subtract from. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere. By using a sequence of numbers as the z-coordinate, we create a list of several spheres. If the spheres are intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting parts of the spheres subtracted from it." +}, { + "Name": "Fillet", + "imageFile": ["Fillet"], + "dynFile": ["Fillet"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new solid with rounded edges. The edges input specifies which edges to fillet, while the offset input determines the radius of the fillet. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the radius for each fillet." +}, { + "Name": "ProjectInputOnto", + "imageFile": ["ProjectInputOnto"], + "dynFile": ["ProjectInputOnto"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Project Input Onto will project an input geometry onto a given surface along a given direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. This is the surface we will project onto. We make a circle at the origin to use as the geometry to project, and simply use the world Z-direction as the direction vector for projection. The result is a circle projected onto the surface." +}, { + "Name": "ThinShell", + "imageFile": ["ThinShell"], + "dynFile": ["ThinShell"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Thin Shell will create a new solid by offsetting the surfaces that make up the input solid. This can also be thought of as thickening the surfaces of the input solid. In the example below, we use a chamfered cube as our input solid. We have two number sliders to control the inner and outer thicknesses of the shell faces." +}, { + "Name": "Union", + "imageFile": ["Union"], + "dynFile": ["Union"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Union will create a new solid by adding one solid to another. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to add to, while the 'tool' input is the solid that will be added. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to add to. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere, which we use as the tool. If the sphere is intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting part of the sphere added to it." +}, { + "Name": "Area", + "imageFile": ["Area"], + "dynFile": ["Area"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Query", + "inDepth": "Room area is returned as a double." +}, { + "Name": "Volume", + "imageFile": ["Volume"], + "dynFile": ["Volume"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Solid/Query", + "inDepth": "Volume will return the volume of a given solid. In the example below, we start with a cube, and then chamfer the edges to produce a new solid. We can use Volume to find the new volume of this solid." +}, { + "Name": "ByBestFit", + "imageFile": ["ByBestFit"], + "dynFile": ["ByBestFit"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Create", + "inDepth": "Sphere by Best Fit will create a sphere based on a list of points as input. The sphere will be created to minimize the average distance from the list of points to the surface of the sphere. In the example below, we generate a set of random numbers to use as x,y, and z coordinates for a list of points. The number of points is controlled by an integer slider. The list of points is used as the input for a Sphere ByBestFit node." +}, { + "Name": "ByCenterPointRadius", + "imageFile": ["ByCenterPointRadius"], + "dynFile": ["ByCenterPointRadius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Create", + "inDepth": "Sphere by Center Point Radius will create a sphere centered at the input point, and with an input radius. In the example below, we use a code block to specify the coordinates of a Point created by coordinates, and we use a number slider to determine the radius of the sphere." +}, { + "Name": "ByFourPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByFourPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByFourPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Create", + "inDepth": "ByFourPoints will return a Sphere from four input Points on the Surface. In the example below, two Spheres are created from a collection of six Points. Adjusting the X Position and Y Position sliders will change the size of each Sphere relative to the other. It is important to note that not any collection of four points will make a Sphere. It has to be possible for all Points to be on the Sphere's surface." +}, { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "dynFile": ["CenterPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": ["Radius"], + "dynFile": ["Radius"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solids/Sphere/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." +}, { + "Name": "ByControlPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByControlPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByControlPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Surface By Control Points takes in a two dimensional array of control vertices and outputs a Nurbs Surface. This node also gives us the ability to calibrate the degree in the U and V directions. In this example, a 10 by 10 grid of points is created with a Code Block Range. The grid is then scaled in the Z-direction at random, modulating the output surface from the By Control Points node. " +}, { + "Name": "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots", + "imageFile": ["ByControlPointsWeightsKnots"], + "dynFile": ["ByControlPointsWeightsKnots"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Creates a NurbsSurface with specified control vertices, knots, weights, and U V degrees. There are several restrictions on the data which, if broken, will cause the function to fail and will throw an exception. Degree: Both u- and v- degree should be >= 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: Both knot vectors should be non-decreasing sequences. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows surfaces with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data." +}, { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." +}, { + "Name": "ByPointsTangents", + "imageFile": ["ByPointsTangents"], + "dynFile": ["ByPointsTangents"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction." +}, { + "Name": "ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives", + "imageFile": ["ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives"], + "dynFile": ["ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Creates a NurbsSurface satisfying a collection of different surface characteristics. This is the most advanced surface fitting method. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. The corner derivatives should be second order (dP/dUdV) and should be supplied in this order [ lowU, lowV ], [ highU, lowV ], [ lowU, highV ], [ highU, highV ]." +}, { + "Name": "ControlPoints", + "imageFile": ["ControlPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ControlPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Action", + "inDepth": "ControlPoints will return the ControlPoints of a NurbsSurface as Points in a List of Lists. In the example below, the ControlPoints are returned from a NurbsSurface created from a Patch." +}, { + "Name": "UKnots", + "imageFile": ["UKnots"], + "dynFile": ["UKnots"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Action", + "inDepth": "UKnots will return the Surface Knots in the U direction of a NurbsSurface. In the example below, the UKnots of the NurbsSurface are returned as a list of doubles." +}, { + "Name": "VKnots", + "imageFile": ["VKnots"], + "dynFile": ["VKnots"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Action", + "inDepth": "VKnots will return the Surface Knots in the V direction of a NurbsSurface. In the example below, the VKnots of the NurbsSurface are returned as a list of doubles." +}, { + "Name": "Weights", + "imageFile": ["Weights"], + "dynFile": ["Weights"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Action", + "inDepth": "Weights will return the Weights of a NurbsSurface as doubles in a List of Lists. In the example below, a NurbsSurface returns a list of Weights with a value of 1." +}, { + "Name": "DegreeU", + "imageFile": ["DegreeU"], + "dynFile": ["DegreeU"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "DegreeU will return the degree of a NurbsSurface in the U direction. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created with Points and specified U/V degrees has a degree of 2 in the U direction. Adjusting the number sliders will change the U and V degree values." +}, { + "Name": "DegreeV", + "imageFile": ["DegreeV"], + "dynFile": ["DegreeV"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "DegreeV will return the degree of a NurbsSurface in the V direction. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created with Points and specified U/V degrees has a degree of 2 in the V direction. Adjusting the number sliders will change the U and V degree values." +}, { + "Name": "IsPeriodicInU", + "imageFile": ["IsPeriodicInU"], + "dynFile": ["IsPeriodicInU"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the U direction." +}, { + "Name": "IsPeriodicInV", + "imageFile": ["IsPeriodicInV"], + "dynFile": ["IsPeriodicInV"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the V direction." +}, { + "Name": "IsRational", + "imageFile": ["IsRational"], + "dynFile": ["IsRational"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "IsRational will return a boolean value based on whether a NurbsSurface is rational. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created by approximating a Surface returns a false value." +}, { + "Name": "NumControlPointsU", + "imageFile": ["NumControlPointsU"], + "dynFile": ["NumControlPointsU"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "NumControlPointsU will count the control points in the U direction of a NurbsSurface and return an integer. In the example below, the NurbsSurface returns an integer of 22 for its U control points. The control points are returned as Points using NurbsSurface.ControlPoints." +}, { + "Name": "NumControlPointsV", + "imageFile": ["NumControlPointsV"], + "dynFile": ["NumControlPointsV"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "NumControlPointsV will count the control points in the V direction of a NurbsSurface and return an integer. In the example below, the NurbsSurface returns an integer of 12 for its V control points. The control points are returned as Points using NurbsSurface.ControlPoints." +}, { + "Name": "ByJoinedSurfaces", + "imageFile": ["ByJoinedSurfaces"], + "dynFile": ["ByJoinedSurfaces"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Solid by Joined Surfaces takes a list of surfaces as an input and will return a single solid defined by the surfaces. The surfaces must define a closed surface. In the example below, we start with a circle as a base geometry. The circle is patched to create a surface, and that surface is translated in the z-direction. We then extrude the circle to produce the sides. List.Create is used to make a list consisting of the base, side, and top surfaces, and then we use ByJoinedSurfaces to turn the list into a single closed solid." +}, { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)", + "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve) will return a new PolySurface by lofting between curves in a list and guide Curve. In the example below, a new PolySurface is returned by lofting between two Circles. The returned PolySurface is distorted by adjusting the arc of the guideCurve input." +}, { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", + "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface ByLoft with cross sections takes a list of curves as an input. It will produce a surface by lofting between the list of curves in order. In the example below we create two curves, a line and a sine curve. We use List.Create to combine these two curves into a list, which we use as an input for Surface ByLoft. The result is a surface that is lofted between a sine curve on one side, and a line on the other." +}, { + "Name": "ByLoftGuides", + "imageFile": ["ByLoftGuides"], + "dynFile": ["ByLoftGuides"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLoftGuides will return a PolySurface by lofting through a list of PolyCurves (crossSections). In the example below, a PolySurface is created by lofting through three arcs and an arc guideCurve. The arcs give the loft its cross section, and the guideCurve gives the loft a rail to follow." +}, { + "Name": "BySolid", + "imageFile": ["BySolid"], + "dynFile": ["BySolid"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "BySolid will return a PolySurface from a Solid. In the example below, a Solid is returned as a PolySurface for it to be an acceptable input to Display.BySurfaceColors." +}, { + "Name": "BySweep", + "imageFile": ["BySweep"], + "dynFile": ["BySweep"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we use a sine curve in the y-direction as the profile curve. We rotate this curve by -90 degrees around the world z-axis to use as a path curve. Surface BySweep moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." +}, { + "Name": "Chamfer", + "imageFile": ["Chamfer"], + "dynFile": ["Chamfer"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "Chamfer will return a new solid with chamfered edges. The edges input specifies which edges to chamfer, while the offset input determines the extent of the chamfer. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the offset distance for the chamfer." +}, { + "Name": "EdgeCount", + "imageFile": ["EdgeCount"], + "dynFile": ["EdgeCount"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "EdgeCount will return the number of Edges on a PolySurface. In the example below, an extruded hexagon has an Edge count of 18. The edges are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "ExtractSolids", + "imageFile": ["ExtractSolids"], + "dynFile": ["ExtractSolids"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "ExtractSolids will return a Solid from a collection of PolySurfaces. In the example below, a Solid is returned from a collection of three surfaces that form a cylinder. Since the node takes a single PolySurface as an input, the three surfaces must be joined together before returning a Solid." +}, { + "Name": "Fillet", + "imageFile": ["Fillet"], + "dynFile": ["Fillet"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new solid with rounded edges. The edges input specifies which edges to fillet, while the offset input determines the radius of the fillet. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the radius for each fillet." +}, { + "Name": "LocateSurfacesByLine", + "imageFile": ["LocateSurfacesByLine"], + "dynFile": ["LocateSurfacesByLine"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "LocateSurfacesByLine will return all Surface(s) that a Line intersects. In the example below, a line is found to pass through an extruded hexagon at two places and returns two Surfaces. " +}, { + "Name": "LocateSurfacesByPoint", + "imageFile": ["LocateSurfacesByPoint"], + "dynFile": ["LocateSurfacesByPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "LocateSurfacesByPoint will return the first Surface intersected in the forward direction as defined by a Vector. In the example below, the Surface returned is intersected by a Vector originating at the Point. The Vector is represented as a Line." +}, { + "Name": "SurfaceCount", + "imageFile": ["SurfaceCount"], + "dynFile": ["SurfaceCount"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "SurfaceCount will return the number of Surfaces in a PolySurface as an integer. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns a count of 8. The node takes a single PolySurface as an input, so a collection of Surfaces will need to be joined before counting." +}, { + "Name": "Surfaces", + "imageFile": ["Surfaces"], + "dynFile": ["Surfaces"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "Surfaces will return the Surfaces that make up a PolySurface. In the example below, a extruded hexagon will return eight individual Surfaces." +}, { + "Name": "UnconnectedBoundaries", + "imageFile": ["UnconnectedBoundaries"], + "dynFile": ["UnconnectedBoundaries"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "UnconnectedBoundaries will return PolyCurves that represent open boundaries. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns it's top and bottom boundaries as PolyCurves since they are unconnected." +}, { + "Name": "VertexCount", + "imageFile": ["VertexCount"], + "dynFile": ["VertexCount"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "VertexCount will return the number of Vertices of a PolySurface as an integer. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns a Vertice count of 12. The Vertices are represented as Points." +}, { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", + "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface ByLoft with cross sections takes a list of curves as an input. It will produce a surface by lofting between the list of curves in order. In the example below we create two curves, a line and a sine curve. We use List.Create to combine these two curves into a list, which we use as an input for Surface ByLoft. The result is a surface that is lofted between a sine curve on one side, and a line on the other." +}, { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)", + "imageFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)"], + "dynFile": ["ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Loft with cross sections and guide curves takes a list of cross sections to loft between, and a separate list of guide curves to determine the profile of the loft. In the example below, we use two straight lines as the input cross sections. For the guide curves, we create one sine curve and one straight line. A number slider controls the distance between the sine curve and the straight line. The resulting loft interpolates between the sine curve and the straight line." +}, { + "Name": "ByPatch", + "imageFile": ["ByPatch"], + "dynFile": ["ByPatch"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Patch will create a surface by filling in the interior of a closed curve. In the example below, we first create a closed Nurbs Curve by using a series of points created with cylindrical coordines. A number slider controls the number of points to create, while a boolean toggle node controls whether the Nurbs Curve is closed on not. We use the Nurbs Curve as the input to a Surface ByPatch node, creating a surface on the inside of the closed curve." +}, { + "Name": "ByPerimeterPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByPerimeterPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByPerimeterPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Perimeter Points takes a list of points that defines the perimeter of a closed polygon, and creates a surface inside the resulting polygon. In the example below we create a series of points using cylindrical coordinates. The points are created at regular intervals around a cylinder with randomized inputs for the radius and elevation. The resulting list of points is used as the input for a Surface ByPerimeterPoints node." +}, { + "Name": "ByRevolve", + "imageFile": ["ByRevolve"], + "dynFile": ["ByRevolve"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Revolve creates a surface by rotating a given profile curve around an axis. The axis is defined by an axisOrigin point, and an axisDirection vector. The start angle determines where to begin the surface, measured in degrees, and the sweepAngle determines how far around the axis to continue the surface. In the example below, we use a curve generated with a cosine function as the profile curve, and two number sliders to control the startAngle and sweepAngle. The axisOrigin and axisDirection are left at the default values of the world origin and world z-axis for this example" +}, { + "Name": "ByRuledLoft", + "imageFile": ["ByRuledLoft"], + "dynFile": ["ByRuledLoft"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Ruled Loft takes an ordered list of curves as an input and lofts a straigth-line ruled surface between the curves. Compared to ByLoft, ByRuledLoft can be slightly faster, but the resulting surface is less smooth. In the example below, we start with a line along the X-axis. We translate this line into a series of lines that follow a sine curve in the y-direction. Using this resulting list of lines as the input for a Surface ByRuledLoft results in a surface with straight-line segments between the input curves." +}, { + "Name": "BySweep", + "imageFile": ["BySweep"], + "dynFile": ["BySweep"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we use a sine curve in the y-direction as the profile curve. We rotate this curve by -90 degrees around the world z-axis to use as a path curve. Surface BySweep moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." +}, { + "Name": "BySweep2Rails", + "imageFile": ["BySweep2Rails"], + "dynFile": ["BySweep2Rails"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep 2 Rails takes an input curve and uses two guide curves to sweep the profile curve along. In the example below, we use a half-circle as the input profile. We create two diverging lines to use as the rail curves for a BySweep2Rails node. The result is a surface with a half-circle profile that grows as the arc moves along the diverging lines." +}, { + "Name": "ApproximateWithTolerance", + "imageFile": ["ApproximateWithTolerance"], + "dynFile": ["ApproximateWithTolerance"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Approximate with Tolerance will create a Nurbs Surface that approximates an input surface. The tolerance input determines how accurately the result will match the original surface. In the example below, we create a surface using a ByPatch node with a close Nurbs Curve as an input. Note that when we use this surface as the input for a ApproximateWithTolerance node, the result is an untrimmed Nurbs Surface with four sides." +}, { + "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["CoordinateSystemAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Coordinate System at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns a coordinate system. The x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the Coordinate System are determined by the Normal direction, U direction, and V direction, respectively. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to create a Coordinate System with a CoordnateSystemAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "CurvatureAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["CurvatureAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["CurvatureAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Curvature At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns a coordinate system based on the normal, U direction, and V direction at the UV position on the surface. The Normal vector determines the z-axis, while the U and V directions determine the direction of the X and Y axes. The length of the axes are determined by the U and V curvature. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to create a Coordinate System with a CurvatureAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "DerivativesAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["DerivativesAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["DerivativesAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Derivatives At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the U and V derivaties of the surface at the input UV position on the surface. The derivatives are returned as a list of two vectors, with the first vector being the U derivative and the second vector being the V derivative. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to determine the derivatives with a DerivativesAtParameter node. " +}, { + "Name": "FlipNormalDirection", + "imageFile": ["FlipNormalDirection"], + "dynFile": ["FlipNormalDirection"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Flip Normal Direction will flip the direction of the normal vectors of a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. The Normal direction of this surface points up in the positive z-direction. By usinging a FlipNormalDirection node, we create a new surface with the same geometry, but with the normals pointing down in the negative z-direction." +}, { + "Name": "GaussianCurvatureAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["GaussianCurvatureAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["GaussianCurvatureAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Gaussian Curvature At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvature of the surface at the input UV position of the surface. The Gaussian Curvature is calculated as the product of the two principal curvatures (in the U and V directions). In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the gaussian curvature with a GaussianCurvatureAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "GetIsoline", + "imageFile": ["GetIsoline"], + "dynFile": ["GetIsoline"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Get Isoline will return the isoline of a surface at an input U or V parameter. The input isoDirection is used to determine whether the U direction or V direction is used. An isoDirection of 0 corresponds to the U direction, while an isoDirection of 1 corresponds to the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders. The first slider controls the U or V direction of the isolines, while the second determines the parameter to find the isoline of." +}, { + "Name": "Join", + "imageFile": ["Join"], + "dynFile": ["Join"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Combines this Surface and input Surface into a PolySurface." +}, { + "Name": "NormalAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["NormalAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["NormalAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Normal At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the Normal vector of the surface at the input UV position on the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a Sweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to determine the Normal with a NormalAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "NormalAtPoint", + "imageFile": ["NormalAtPoint"], + "dynFile": ["NormalAtPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Normal At Point finds the Normal vector of the surface at the input point on a surface. If the input point is not on the surface, this node will find the point on the surface that is nearest to the input point. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a Code Block to specify a point to find the normal at. The point is not on the surface, so the node uses the closest point on the surface as the position to find the normal at." +}, { + "Name": "Offset", + "imageFile": ["Offset"], + "dynFile": ["Offset"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." +}, { + "Name": "PerimeterCurves", + "imageFile": ["PerimeterCurves"], + "dynFile": ["PerimeterCurves"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Perimeter Curves will return the edge curves of an open surface as a list of curves. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then extract the perimeter edges by using a PerimeterCurves node. " +}, { + "Name": "PointAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["PointAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["PointAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Point At Parameter will return the point on a surface specified by U and V parameters. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use two number sliders to control the U and V values of the parameter for a PointAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Principal Curvatures at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvatures in the U and V directions. This node returns a list of two numbers, with the first being the curvature in the U direction and the second being the curvature in the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the curvatures using a PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter", + "imageFile": ["PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter"], + "dynFile": ["PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Principal Directions at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvatures in the U and V directions. This node returns a list of two vectors, with the first being the direction vector in the U direction and the second being the direction vector in the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the directions using a PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter node." +}, { + "Name": "ProjectInputOnto", + "imageFile": ["ProjectInputOnto"], + "dynFile": ["ProjectInputOnto"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Project Input Onto will project an input geometry onto a given surface along a given direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. This is the surface we will project onto. We make a circle at the origin to use as the geometry to project, and simply use the world Z-direction as the direction vector for projection. The result is a circle projected onto the surface." +}, { + "Name": "SubtractFrom", + "imageFile": ["SubtractFrom"], + "dynFile": ["SubtractFrom"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Subtract From will create a new surface by subtracting the input trimming geometry from they input surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a series of number slider to contrel the length, width, and height of a cuboid. By using a SubtractFrom node, we can trim the surface by subracting out the area that intersects with the cuboid." +}, { + "Name": "TangentAtUParameter", + "imageFile": ["TangentAtUParameter"], + "dynFile": ["TangentAtUParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Tangent at U Parameter will return the tangent vector in the U direction at a specified UV position on a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the U tangent vector." +}, { + "Name": "TangentAtVParameter", + "imageFile": ["TangentAtVParameter"], + "dynFile": ["TangentAtVParameter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Tangent at U Parameter will return the tangent vector in the V direction at a specified UV position on a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the V tangent vector." +}, { + "Name": "Thicken (thickness, both_sides)", + "imageFile": ["Thicken (thickness, both_sides)"], + "dynFile": ["Thicken (thickness, both_sides)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals. If both_sides parameter is true, surface is thickened on both sides." +}, { + "Name": "Thicken (thickness)", + "imageFile": ["Thicken (thickness)"], + "dynFile": ["Thicken (thickness)"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals on both sides of the Surface." +}, { + "Name": "ToNurbsSurface", + "imageFile": ["ToNurbsSurface"], + "dynFile": ["ToNurbsSurface"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Surface To Nurbs Surface takes a surface as input and returns a Nurbs Surface that approximates the input surface. In the example below, we create a surface using a ByPatch node with a close Nurbs Curve as an input. Note that when we use this surface as the input for a ToNurbsSurface node, the result is an untrimmed Nurbs Surface with four sides." +}, { + "Name": "TrimWithEdgeLoops", + "imageFile": ["TrimWithEdgeLoops"], + "dynFile": ["TrimWithEdgeLoops"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "TrimWithEdgeLoops will return a new Surface trimmed from an input Surface. In the example below, two loops are trimmed out of a Surface, returning two new Surfaces highlighted in blue. The number slider will adjust the shape of the new Surfaces. The loops input will take a single PolyCurve or a list of them." +}, { + "Name": "UVParameterAtPoint", + "imageFile": ["UVParameterAtPoint"], + "dynFile": ["UVParameterAtPoint"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "UV Parameter At Point finds the UV position of the surface at the input point on a surface. If the input point is not on the surface, this node will find the point on the surface that is nearest to the input point. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a Code Block to specify a point to find the UN parameter at. The point is not on the surface, so the node uses the closest point on the surface as the position to find the UV parameter of." +}, { + "Name": "Area", + "imageFile": ["Area"], + "dynFile": ["Area"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "Room area is returned as a double." +}, { + "Name": "Closed", + "imageFile": ["Closed"], + "dynFile": ["Closed"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "Closed will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's U or V directions. In the example below, two extruded Surfaces are tested, and the extruded circle returns true. By adjusting the number slider, the extruded arc will close into a circle and also return true." +}, { + "Name": "ClosedInU", + "imageFile": ["ClosedInU"], + "dynFile": ["ClosedInU"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "ClosedInU will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's U direction. In the example below, an extruded circle that is closed in one direction returns false for being closed in U." +}, { + "Name": "ClosedInV", + "imageFile": ["ClosedInV"], + "dynFile": ["ClosedInV"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "ClosedInV will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's V direction. In the example below, an extruded circle that is closed in one direction returns true for being closed in V" +}, { + "Name": "Perimeter", + "imageFile": ["Perimeter"], + "dynFile": ["Perimeter"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surfaces/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "Perimeter will return the length of a Surface's perimeter as a double. In the example below, a complex NurbsSurface's perimeter returns a value of 36.432." +}, { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/ConvexHull/Action", + "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." +}, { + "Name": "ByParametersOnSurface", + "imageFile": ["ByParametersOnSurface"], + "dynFile": ["ByParametersOnSurface"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Delaunay/Action", + "inDepth": "ByParametersOnSurface will return a Voronoi representation of a surface's UV as a list of curves. In the example below, a Voronoi representation is created on a surface using a UV system of 50 random values. In order for the Voronoi to stop at the edges of the surface, the returned curves must be intersected with the surface." +}, { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": ["ByPoints"], + "dynFile": ["ByPoints"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Delaunay/Action", + "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." +}, { + "Name": "ByParametersOnSurface", + "imageFile": ["ByParametersOnSurface"], + "dynFile": ["ByParametersOnSurface"], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Voronoi/Action", + "inDepth": "ByParametersOnSurface will return a Voronoi representation of a surface's UV as a list of curves. In the example below, a Voronoi representation is created on a surface using a UV system of 50 random values. In order for the Voronoi to stop at the edges of the surface, the returned curves must be intersected with the surface." +}, { + "Name": "ExportCSV", + "imageFile": ["ExportCSV"], + "dynFile": ["ExportCSV"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Data/Action", + "inDepth": "Write a list of lists into a file using a comma-separated values format. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns." +}, { + "Name": "ExportExcel", + "imageFile": ["ExportExcel"], + "dynFile": ["ExportExcel"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Data/Action", + "inDepth": "Write data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is written by row with sublists to be written in successive rows. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in the data list at [0,0] will be written to cell A1. Null values and empty lists are written to Excel as empty cells. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed." +}, { + "Name": "ImportCSV", + "imageFile": ["ImportCSV"], + "dynFile": ["ImportCSV"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Data/Action", + "inDepth": "Imports data from a CSV (comma separated values) file, put the items into a list and transpose it if needed." +}, { + "Name": "ImportExcel", + "imageFile": ["ImportExcel"], + "dynFile": ["ImportExcel"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Data/Action", + "inDepth": "Read data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is read by row and returned in a series of lists by row. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in cell A1 will appear in the data list at [0,0]. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed." +}, { + "Name": "AppendText", + "imageFile": ["AppendText"], + "dynFile": ["AppendText"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Append the text content to a file specified by the path." +}, { + "Name": "ChangePathExtension", + "imageFile": ["ChangePathExtension"], + "dynFile": ["ChangePathExtension"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Changes the extension of a file path." +}, { + "Name": "CombinePath", + "imageFile": ["CombinePath"], + "dynFile": ["CombinePath"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Combines multiple strings into a single file path." +}, { + "Name": "CopyDirectory", + "imageFile": ["CopyDirectory"], + "dynFile": ["CopyDirectory"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Copies a directory to a destination location." +}, { + "Name": "CopyFile", + "imageFile": ["CopyFile"], + "dynFile": ["CopyFile"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Copies a file, given the file, destination path and overwrite choice." +}, { + "Name": "DeleteDirectory", + "imageFile": ["DeleteDirectory"], + "dynFile": ["DeleteDirectory"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Deletes a directory. Recursive option allows for the node to dig down into subdirectories." +}, { + "Name": "DeleteFile", + "imageFile": ["DeleteFile"], + "dynFile": ["DeleteFile"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Deletes the specified file." +}, { + "Name": "DirectoryExists", + "imageFile": ["DirectoryExists"], + "dynFile": ["DirectoryExists"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Determines if a directory exists at the given path." +}, { + "Name": "Directory From Path", + "imageFile": ["Directory From Path"], + "dynFile": ["Directory From Path"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Creates a directory object from a path." +}, { + "Name": "DirectoryName", + "imageFile": ["DirectoryName"], + "dynFile": ["DirectoryName"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Directory Name will return the director of a file or director path. In the example below, we use a DirectorPath node to extract the directory from a file path. In addition to FileName and Extension, this allows us to break apart a file path into separate components." +}, { + "Name": "Directory Path", + "imageFile": ["Directory Path"], + "dynFile": ["Directory Path"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Directory Path allows the user to select a directory from their computer. To set the directory path, click the 'Browse...' button on the Directory Path node, then navigate to the desired directory. If this node is added to a previously saved .dyn file, this node will default to the directory of the .dyn file." +}, { + "Name": "FileExists", + "imageFile": ["FileExists"], + "dynFile": ["FileExists"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Determines if a file exists at the given path." +}, { + "Name": "FileExtension", + "imageFile": ["FileExtension"], + "dynFile": ["FileExtension"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Returns the extension from a file path." +}, { + "Name": "File From Path", + "imageFile": ["File From Path"], + "dynFile": ["File From Path"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Creates a file object from a path." +}, { + "Name": "FileHasExtension", + "imageFile": ["FileHasExtension"], + "dynFile": ["FileHasExtension"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Determines whether or not a file path contains an extension." +}, { + "Name": "FileName", + "imageFile": ["FileName"], + "dynFile": ["FileName"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "File Name will return the file name from an input file path. A boolean input provides to option to return the file name with or without the extension. In addition to DirectoryName and Extension, this allows us to break apart a file path into separate components." +}, { + "Name": "File Path", + "imageFile": ["File Path"], + "dynFile": ["File Path"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "File Path allows the user to select a file from their computer. To set the file path, click the 'Browse...' button on the File Path node, then navigate to the desired file." +}, { + "Name": "GetDirectoryContents", + "imageFile": ["GetDirectoryContents"], + "dynFile": ["GetDirectoryContents"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "GetDirectoryContents will retrieve the contents of a directory and subdirectories if that option is selected." +}, { + "Name": "MoveDirectory", + "imageFile": ["MoveDirectory"], + "dynFile": ["MoveDirectory"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Moves a directory to a new location." +}, { + "Name": "MoveFile", + "imageFile": ["MoveFile"], + "dynFile": ["MoveFile"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Moves a specified file to a new location." +}, { + "Name": "ReadText (file)", + "imageFile": ["ReadText (file)"], + "dynFile": ["ReadText (file)"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "Reads a text file and returns the contents as a string." +}, { + "Name": "WriteText", + "imageFile": ["WriteText"], + "dynFile": ["WriteText"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/File System/Action", + "inDepth": "WriteText will write a string to a specified file. If the file does not exists, this node will create the file. To create newlines in the output file, we can use the escape character '\\r\\n'. In the example below, we have a list of strings that we want to write as three separate lines in a text file. We join the list into a single string using '\\r\\n' as the separator. We then use a WriteText node to write this to a text file." +}, { + "Name": "Dimensions", + "imageFile": ["Dimensions"], + "dynFile": ["Dimensions"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "Dimensions will return the width and height of an input image in pixels. In the example below, we first use a File Path node and a File.FromPath to create a file object that points to an image. Image.ReadFromFile is then used to create an image object based on the file. A Dimensions node shows us that this image has a width and height of 270 pixels." +}, { + "Name": "FromPixels (colors)", + "imageFile": ["FromPixels (colors)"], + "dynFile": ["FromPixels (colors)"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "From Pixels will create an image object from an input two-dimensional array of colors. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from 0 to 255. A Color.ByARGB node is used to create colors from this range, and the lacing of this node is set to Cross Product to create a two-dimensional array. We then use an Image.FromPixels node to create an image. A Watch Image node can be used to preview the image created." +}, { + "Name": "FromPixels (colors, width, height)", + "imageFile": ["FromPixels (colors, width, height)"], + "dynFile": ["FromPixels (colors, width, height)"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "From Pixels with width and height will create an image from an input flat list of colors, where each color will become one pixel. The width multiplied by the height should equal the total number of colors. In the example below, we first create a list of colors using a ByARGB node. A code block creates a range of values from 0 to 255, which when connected to the r and g inputs produces a series of colors from black to yellow. We create a image with a width of 8. A Count node and Division node are used to determine the height of the image. A Watch Image node can be used to preview the image created." +}, { + "Name": "Pixels", + "imageFile": ["Pixels"], + "dynFile": ["Pixels"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "Pixels will return a list of colors from an input image as a two-dimensional array. The Pixels node has two additional inputs to specify the number of x and y samples to use to extract pixels from. In the example below, we read an image using a ReadFromFile node. This image is then input into a Pixels node to extract the pixel colors." +}, { + "Name": "ReadFromFile", + "imageFile": ["ReadFromFile"], + "dynFile": ["ReadFromFile"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "Read From File takes a file as input. The file should be a text file that has data separated by commas. The different lines in the file correspond to the outer list, while the individual values in each line correspond to the inner lists. In the example below, we first use a File Path node and a File.FromPath node to create a file object that points to a text file. Then we use a ReadFromFile node to create a list from the CSV file." +}, { + "Name": "WriteToFile", + "imageFile": ["WriteToFile"], + "dynFile": ["WriteToFile"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "WriteToFile will return a List of Lists that is written to an Excel file. The sheet name, start row, and start column of where to write the data can be defined as inputs as well as whether existing data will be overwritten. In the example below, a List of Lists containing a number sequence is written to sampleexcel.xlsx starting at row 0 (or 1 in Excel) and column 1 (or B in Excel). The Excel file now has nine new columns with data in two existing rows. Screenshots of sampleexcel.xlsx before and after writing are overlaid to show the data in Excel's format." +}, { + "Name": "Web Request", + "imageFile": ["Web Request"], + "dynFile": ["Web Request"], + "folderPath": "ImportExport/Web/Action", + "inDepth": "Web Request will return the content of a webpage from an input URL as a string. In the example below, a web request is made to and its HTML content is returned." +}, { + "Name": "Boolean", + "imageFile": ["Boolean"], + "dynFile": ["Boolean"], + "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", + "inDepth": "The Boolean node allows the user to toggle between two boolean values 'true' or 'false' by selecting the appropriate radio button. " +}, { + "Name": "Input", + "imageFile": ["Input"], + "dynFile": ["Input"], + "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", + "inDepth": "Input will create an input port for a custom node. The syntax for an input node is input_name : datatype = default_value(optional) and an optional custom comment. In the example below, x and y inputs are created with double data type, default values of 2 and 10, and a custom comment. It is important to note that this node is only available while creating a custom node." +}, { + "Name": "Integer Slider", + "imageFile": ["Integer Slider"], + "dynFile": ["Integer Slider"], + "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", + "inDepth": "An Integer Slider works in the same way as a Number Slider but only outputs integers. The Integer Slider in the example definition allows us to control the list length, ensuring that we always have whole-number of list outputs. " +}, { + "Name": "Number", + "imageFile": ["Number"], + "dynFile": ["Number"], + "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", + "inDepth": "Room numbers are returned as strings." +}, { + "Name": "Number Slider", + "imageFile": ["Number Slider"], + "dynFile": ["Number Slider"], + "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", + "inDepth": "The Number Slider is a customizable, tactile node that allows us to interface with the data driving our Dynamo definitions. Here, the number slider is paired with a code block to create a dynamic list sequence with a variable step size." +}, { + "Name": "Output", + "imageFile": ["Output"], + "dynFile": ["Output"], + "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", + "inDepth": "Output will create an output port for a custom node. The syntax for an output node is simply its name, along with an optional custom comment. In the example below, an output named Percentage is created with a custom comment. It is important to note that this node is only available while creating a custom node." +}, { + "Name": "String", + "imageFile": ["String"], + "dynFile": ["String"], + "folderPath": "Input/Basic/Action", + "inDepth": "The String node allows a user to enter a string value. A string can also be created with a Code Block by surrounding the string in quotes. In the example below, we use a String node and a Code Block to create the strings 'Hello' and 'World'. A String.Join node is used to combine the two strings together. A second String node is used with a blank space to act as the separator, resulting in the output string 'Hello World'." +}, { + "Name": "AddTimeSpan", + "imageFile": ["AddTimeSpan"], + "dynFile": ["AddTimeSpan"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "AddTimeSpan will return a new dateTime with a timeSpan added to it. In the example below, one day and eight hours is added to the dateTime for Now, returning a date that is one day and eight hours ahead." +}, { + "Name": "ByDate", + "imageFile": ["ByDate"], + "dynFile": ["ByDate"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "ByDate will return a dateTime from year, month, and day inputs. In the example below, a new dateTime of August 08, 2006 is created from those respective inputs." +}, { + "Name": "ByDateAndTime", + "imageFile": ["ByDateAndTime"], + "dynFile": ["ByDateAndTime"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "ByDateAndTime will return a dateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond inputs. In the example below, a new dateTime of August 08, 2006 4:24PM is created from those respective inputs." +}, { + "Name": "Components", + "imageFile": ["Components"], + "dynFile": ["Components"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "Components will return the Days, Hours, Minutes, etc of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 5:16:21 returns 0 Days, 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, 21 Seconds, and 0 Milliseconds." +}, { + "Name": "Date", + "imageFile": ["Date"], + "dynFile": ["Date"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "Date will return only the date (year, month, day) from a dateTime. In the example below, only the date, August 08 2006, is extracted from a dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM." +}, { + "Name": "Date Time", + "imageFile": ["Date Time"], + "dynFile": ["Date Time"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "DateTime will create a datetime object with the specified input month, day, year, and time. The format must be in the form: 'January 01, 1900 12:00 AM' The month must be capitalized and written out in full. The day must be two digits, the year must be four digits." +}, { + "Name": "DayOfWeek", + "imageFile": ["DayOfWeek"], + "dynFile": ["DayOfWeek"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "DayOfWeek will return only the day from a dateTime. In the example below, only the day, Tuesday, is extracted from a dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM." +}, { + "Name": "DayOfYear", + "imageFile": ["DayOfYear"], + "dynFile": ["DayOfYear"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "DayOfYear will return the day of the year from a dateTime as a number. In the example below, the dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM, is day 220 of the year." +}, { + "Name": "DaysInMonth", + "imageFile": ["DaysInMonth"], + "dynFile": ["DaysInMonth"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "DaysInMonth will return the number of days in a month of a certain year. In the example below, August 2006 returns 31 days." +}, { + "Name": "Format", + "imageFile": ["Format"], + "dynFile": ["Format"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "Return a specified date and time as a string, in the specified format. Utilizes format strings, for a description search for MSDN datetime format." +}, { + "Name": "FromString", + "imageFile": ["FromString"], + "dynFile": ["FromString"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "FromString will return a TimeSpan from a String. In the example below, a String \"5:6:21\" will return a TimeSpan of 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, and 21 Seconds." +}, { + "Name": "IsDaylightSavingsTime", + "imageFile": ["IsDaylightSavingsTime"], + "dynFile": ["IsDaylightSavingsTime"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "IsDaylightSavingsTime will return a boolean value based on whether the dateTime falls within Daylight Saving Time. In the example below, a dateTime of November 14, 2016 12:36PM returns false." +}, { + "Name": "IsLeapYear", + "imageFile": ["IsLeapYear"], + "dynFile": ["IsLeapYear"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "IsLeapYear will return a boolean value based on whether a dateTime falls within a Leap Year. In the example below, a dateTime of 2016 returns true!" +}, { + "Name": "SubtractTimeSpan", + "imageFile": ["SubtractTimeSpan"], + "dynFile": ["SubtractTimeSpan"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "SubtractTimeSpan will return a new dateTime by subtracting a timeSpan from a dateTime. In the example below, a timeSpan of one day and eight hours is subtracted from a dateTime of Now, returning November 13, 2016 4:40AM." +}, { + "Name": "TimeOfDay", + "imageFile": ["TimeOfDay"], + "dynFile": ["TimeOfDay"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "TimeOfDay will return the time past midnight of a dateTime. In the example below, a dateTime of Now returns 12:40:32 or roughly 12:40PM." +}, { + "Name": "MaxValue", + "imageFile": ["MaxValue"], + "dynFile": ["MaxValue"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "MaxValue will return the maximum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." +}, { + "Name": "MinValue", + "imageFile": ["MinValue"], + "dynFile": ["MinValue"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "MinValue will return the minimum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." +}, { + "Name": "Now", + "imageFile": ["Now"], + "dynFile": ["Now"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "Now will return the current system date and time. The example file below showed Now as returning November 14, 2016 12:48PM when it was created." +}, { + "Name": "Today", + "imageFile": ["Today"], + "dynFile": ["Today"], + "folderPath": "Input/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "Today will return the current date. The example file below showed Today as returning November 14, 2016 12:00AM when it was created." +}, { + "Name": "ByLatitudeAndLongitude", + "imageFile": ["ByLatitudeAndLongitude"], + "dynFile": ["ByLatitudeAndLongitude"], + "folderPath": "Input/Location/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLatitudeAndLongitude will return a Location from input latitude and longitude values (doubles) and a input name (string). In the example below, a Location is created from latitude 45.5231, longitude -122.679565, and a name: Portland." +}, { + "Name": "Latitude", + "imageFile": ["Latitude"], + "dynFile": ["Latitude"], + "folderPath": "Input/Location/Query", + "inDepth": "Latitude will return the latitude value from a Location. In the example below, a latitude of 45.5231 is returned from input Location." +}, { + "Name": "Longitude", + "imageFile": ["Longitude"], + "dynFile": ["Longitude"], + "folderPath": "Input/Location/Query", + "inDepth": "Longitude will return the longitude value from a Location. In the example below, a longitude of -122.679565 is returned from the input Location." +}, { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": ["Name"], + "dynFile": ["Name"], + "folderPath": "Input/Location/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Name..." +}, { + "Name": "Identity", + "imageFile": ["Identity"], + "dynFile": ["Identity"], + "folderPath": "Input/Object/Action", + "inDepth": "Identity will return what is passed in. In the example below, the Identity node is used to preview each piece of geometry created inside a Code Block." +}, { + "Name": "IsNull", + "imageFile": ["IsNull"], + "dynFile": ["IsNull"], + "folderPath": "Input/Object/Action", + "inDepth": "IsNull will return a boolean value based on whether an object is null. In the example below, a grid of circles is drawn with varying radii based on the Red level in a bitmap. Where there is no Red value, no circle is drawn and returns a null in the list of circles. Passing this list through IsNull returns a list of boolean values, with true representing every location of a null value. This list of booleans can be used with List.FilterByBoolMask to return a list without nulls." +}, { + "Name": "Type", + "imageFile": ["Type"], + "dynFile": ["Type"], + "folderPath": "Input/Object/Action", + "inDepth": "Type returns a structural element's family type as well as its parent family." +}, { + "Name": "Add", + "imageFile": ["Add"], + "dynFile": ["Add"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." +}, { + "Name": "ByDateDifference", + "imageFile": ["ByDateDifference"], + "dynFile": ["ByDateDifference"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "ByDateDifference will return the difference of two DateTimes as a new TimeSpan. In the example below, the difference between Now and November 14, 2000 11:57AM was returned as 5844 Days, and roughly 4 Seconds." +}, { + "Name": "Components", + "imageFile": ["Components"], + "dynFile": ["Components"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Components will return the Days, Hours, Minutes, etc of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 5:16:21 returns 0 Days, 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, 21 Seconds, and 0 Milliseconds." +}, { + "Name": "Create", + "imageFile": ["Create"], + "dynFile": ["Create"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Create will return a new TimeSpan based on days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. In the example below, we create the TimeSpan 2.03:30:00, or 2 Days, 3 Hours, and 30 Minutes." +}, { + "Name": "FromString", + "imageFile": ["FromString"], + "dynFile": ["FromString"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "FromString will return a TimeSpan from a String. In the example below, a String \"5:6:21\" will return a TimeSpan of 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, and 21 Seconds." +}, { + "Name": "Negate", + "imageFile": ["Negate"], + "dynFile": ["Negate"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Negate will return the negative of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 2 Days, 3 Hours, and 30 minutes is made negative (-2.03:30:00)." +}, { + "Name": "Scale", + "imageFile": ["Scale"], + "dynFile": ["Scale"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale will return a new TimeSpan scaled by a factor. In the example below, a TimeSpan (2.03:30:00) is scaled by a factor of 2 (4.07:00:00)." +}, { + "Name": "Subtract", + "imageFile": ["Subtract"], + "dynFile": ["Subtract"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Subtract will return a Vector that is the difference of two other Vectors. In the example below, the difference of the a Vector with coordinates (1,0,1) and WCS Z axis results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,0). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different subtracted vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "TotalDays", + "imageFile": ["TotalDays"], + "dynFile": ["TotalDays"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalDays will return the number of days in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of days returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is ~2.1458333." +}, { + "Name": "TotalHours", + "imageFile": ["TotalHours"], + "dynFile": ["TotalHours"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalHours will return the number of hours in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of hours returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 51.5." +}, { + "Name": "TotalMilliseconds", + "imageFile": ["TotalMilliseconds"], + "dynFile": ["TotalMilliseconds"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalMilliseconds will return the number of milliseconds in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of milliseconds returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 185400000." +}, { + "Name": "TotalMinutes", + "imageFile": ["TotalMinutes"], + "dynFile": ["TotalMinutes"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalMinutes will return the number of minutes in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of minutes returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 3090." +}, { + "Name": "TotalSeconds", + "imageFile": ["TotalSeconds"], + "dynFile": ["TotalSeconds"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalSeconds will return the number of seconds in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of seconds returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 185400." +}, { + "Name": "MaxValue", + "imageFile": ["MaxValue"], + "dynFile": ["MaxValue"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Query", + "inDepth": "MaxValue will return the maximum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." +}, { + "Name": "MinValue", + "imageFile": ["MinValue"], + "dynFile": ["MinValue"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Query", + "inDepth": "MinValue will return the minimum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." +}, { + "Name": "Zero", + "imageFile": ["Zero"], + "dynFile": ["Zero"], + "folderPath": "Input/TimeSpan/Query", + "inDepth": "Zero will return a new TimeSpan with no elapsed time. In the example below, a TimeSpan of Zero is displayed as 00:00:00." +}, { + "Name": "List Create", + "imageFile": ["List Create"], + "dynFile": ["List Create"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Create", + "inDepth": "Create a multi-dimension list from input lists." +}, { + "Name": "Range", + "imageFile": ["Range"], + "dynFile": ["Range"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Create", + "inDepth": "Range will produce a list of numbers between the specified Start and End inputs. The numbers will increase from the Start input according to the Step. In the example below, we start with 1 and end with 25. By using a step of 2 the result is odd numbers between 1 and 25." +}, { + "Name": "Sequence", + "imageFile": ["Sequence"], + "dynFile": ["Sequence"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Create", + "inDepth": "Sequence will produce a list of numbers. The list begins at the Start input, and then increments by the Step input. The Amount input determines the number of items in the list. In the example, we create a list of 25 numbers, starting at 1 and incrementing by 2." +}, { + "Name": "Combinations", + "imageFile": ["Combinations"], + "dynFile": ["Combinations"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "Combinations will return a nested list that includes all possible combinations of the items in the input list with a given length. For combinations, the order of the elements does not matter, so the output list {0,1} is considered the same combination as {1,0}. If 'replace' is set to true, the items will be replaced back into the original list, allowing for elements to be used repeatedly in a combination. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from 0 to 5, stepping by one. We use Combinations with an input length of 3 to generate all the different ways to combine 3 of those numbers. A boolean toggle allows to select whether numbers are replaced or not." +}, { + "Name": "Cycle", + "imageFile": ["Cycle"], + "dynFile": ["Cycle"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "Cycle will take an input list and return a new list comprised of the input list repeated according the input 'amount'. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then use a Cycle node with an input amount of 3. The result is a list with 18 elements, consisting of 3 cycles of the original list." +}, { + "Name": "Join", + "imageFile": ["Join"], + "dynFile": ["Join"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "Concatenates all given lists into a single list." +}, { + "Name": "OfRepeatedItem", + "imageFile": ["OfRepeatedItem"], + "dynFile": ["OfRepeatedItem"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "Of Repeated Item will create a list by repeated a given item a certain number of times specified by the 'amount' input. In the example below, we create a list consisting of the number 4 repeated ten times." +}, { + "Name": "Permutations", + "imageFile": ["Permutations"], + "dynFile": ["Permutations"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "Permutations will create a nested list consisting of all permutations of a specified length from a given input list. In the example below, we use a code block to create a range of numbers from 0 to 5, stepping by one. We then use a Permutation node with an length input of 3 to generate all permutations of three elements from the range {0,1,2,3,4,5}." +}, { + "Name": "Empty", + "imageFile": ["Empty"], + "dynFile": ["Empty"], + "folderPath": "List/Generate/Query", + "inDepth": "Empty will return an empty list. In the example, a list is created with several integers and an empty list." +}, { + "Name": "AllFalse", + "imageFile": ["AllFalse"], + "dynFile": ["AllFalse"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "AllFalse only returns true if every item in a list is false." +}, { + "Name": "AllIndicesOf", + "imageFile": ["AllIndicesOf"], + "dynFile": ["AllIndicesOf"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Given an item, returns the zero-based indices of all its occurrences in the list. If the item cannot be found, an empty list is returned." +}, { + "Name": "AllTrue", + "imageFile": ["AllTrue"], + "dynFile": ["AllTrue"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "AllTrue only returns true if every item in a list is false." +}, { + "Name": "Contains", + "imageFile": ["Contains"], + "dynFile": ["Contains"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box Contains tests if a specified Point is inside of a Bounding Box. Because the Point in this example is at (5,5,5), and our Origin Sphere’s Radius is larger than 5, the Contains node will return True." +}, { + "Name": "Count", + "imageFile": ["Count"], + "dynFile": ["Count"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Count will return an integer that represents the number of Indices in an IndexGroup. In the example below, Index counts are returned for Mesh faces with three and four edges." +}, { + "Name": "CountFalse", + "imageFile": ["CountFalse"], + "dynFile": ["CountFalse"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "CountFalse returns the amount of false (boolean) values in the input list or lists." +}, { + "Name": "CountTrue", + "imageFile": ["CountTrue"], + "dynFile": ["CountTrue"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "CountTrue returns the amount of true (boolean) values in the input list or lists." +}, { + "Name": "DiagonalLeft", + "imageFile": ["DiagonalLeft"], + "dynFile": ["DiagonalLeft"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "DiagonalLeft will return a new list of lists of elements along each diagonal in the list matrix from top right to the lower left. In the example below, a list created by DiagonalLeft is compared to it's source list." +}, { + "Name": "DiagonalRight", + "imageFile": ["DiagonalRight"], + "dynFile": ["DiagonalRight"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "DiagonalRight will return a new list of lists of values along each diagonal in the list matrix from lower right to the top left. In the example below, a list created by DiagonalRight is compared to it's source list." +}, { + "Name": "Equals", + "imageFile": ["Equals"], + "dynFile": ["Equals"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Equals will return a boolean value that is true if ObjectA is equal to ObjectB. In the example below, the radii (doubles) of two circles are compared. Adjusting the sliders can change the circles' radii, making them equal or unequal." +}, { + "Name": "FirstIndexOf", + "imageFile": ["FirstIndexOf"], + "dynFile": ["FirstIndexOf"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "First Index Of will search through a given list and return the index of the first instance of the input item to search for. In the example below, we first generate list of ten random numbers between 0 and 4. By using a FirstIndexOf node, we can search for a specific item, and get the index of the first time that item is found in the last." +}, { + "Name": "FirstItem", + "imageFile": ["FirstItem"], + "dynFile": ["FirstItem"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "First Item simply returns the first item of an input list. In the example below, we generate a list of ten random numbers between zero and five. We then use FirstItem node to return the first item of the list. " +}, { + "Name": "GetItemAtIndex", + "imageFile": ["GetItemAtIndex"], + "dynFile": ["GetItemAtIndex"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Get Item At Index takes an input list, and an integer and returns the item from the list found at the input index. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to 5, stepping by one. We can then extract a single element at a specified index by using a GetItemAtIndex node." +}, { + "Name": "IndexOf", + "imageFile": ["IndexOf"], + "dynFile": ["IndexOf"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "IndexOf will search a given string for a second input string. If the second string is found, this node will return the index of the first character of the first occurrence of the string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World', and search for the character 'o', This letter occurs twice in the string, but only the index of the first occurrence is returned by the IndexOf node." +}, { + "Name": "IsEmpty", + "imageFile": ["IsEmpty"], + "dynFile": ["IsEmpty"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "IsEmpty will return a boolean value based on whether the Bounding Box is empty or not." +}, { + "Name": "IsHomogeneous", + "imageFile": ["IsHomogeneous"], + "dynFile": ["IsHomogeneous"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "IsHomogeneous will return a boolean value based on whether the elements in a list are all of the same type. In the example below, a simple list of numbers is compared to the same list with a string inserted. The original list is homogeneous (numbers) and the new list is not homogeneous (numbers and a string)." +}, { + "Name": "IsRectangular", + "imageFile": ["IsRectangular"], + "dynFile": ["IsRectangular"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "IsRectangular returns a boolean value based on whether a curtain panel is rectangular or not. Certain CurtainPanel query nodes, such as Height and Width, require that a curtain panel is rectangular." +}, { + "Name": "IsUniformDepth", + "imageFile": ["IsUniformDepth"], + "dynFile": ["IsUniformDepth"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "IsUniformDepth will return a boolean value based on whether the list's depth is consistent (the number of lists inside each list). In the example below, two lists are compared (one of uniform depth and one not) to show the difference. The non-uniform list contains two lists, one of which has two more inside of that. The lists at [0] and [1] are not equal in depth." +}, { + "Name": "LastItem", + "imageFile": ["LastItem"], + "dynFile": ["LastItem"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Last Item simply returns the last item of an input list. In the example below, we generate a list of ten random numbers between zero and five. We then use LastItem node to return the last item of the list. " +}, { + "Name": "MaximumItem", + "imageFile": ["MaximumItem"], + "dynFile": ["MaximumItem"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Maximum Item will search through a list of values and return the item with the maximum value. In the example below we generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 49. We then use a MaximumItem node to find the largest item in the list." +}, { + "Name": "MinimumItem", + "imageFile": ["MinimumItem"], + "dynFile": ["MinimumItem"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Minimum Item will search through a list of values and return the item with the minimum value. In the example below we generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 49. We then use a MinimumItem node to find the smallest item in the list." +}, { + "Name": "Rank", + "imageFile": ["Rank"], + "dynFile": ["Rank"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Counts how many levels are in a list" +}, { + "Name": "SetDifference", + "imageFile": ["SetDifference"], + "dynFile": ["SetDifference"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "SetDifference will return a new list based on the objects that one list contains and another does not. In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is compared to a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. Odd numbers below 10 are returned because they are contained in List1, but not in List2." +}, { + "Name": "SetIntersection", + "imageFile": ["SetIntersection"], + "dynFile": ["SetIntersection"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "SetIntersection will return a new list based on the objects that both lists both contain. In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is compared to a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. Even numbers below 10 are returned because they are contained in List1 and List2." +}, { + "Name": "SetUnion", + "imageFile": ["SetUnion"], + "dynFile": ["SetUnion"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "SetUnion will return a new list by combining the objects of two lists using an equality comparer (eliminate duplicate values). In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is combined with a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. The resulting list counts contains all elements from List1 and List2 with duplicates (0, 2, 4, etc) eliminated." +}, { + "Name": "TrueForAll", + "imageFile": ["TrueForAll"], + "dynFile": ["TrueForAll"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Checks to see if the condition (in the predicate input) is true for ALL of the items in the list. You need to connect a node to the predicate input that returns a boolean." +}, { + "Name": "TrueForAny", + "imageFile": ["TrueForAny"], + "dynFile": ["TrueForAny"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Checks to see if the condition (in the predicate input) is true for ANY of the items in the list. You need to connect a node to the predicate input that returns a boolean." +}, { + "Name": "UniqueItems", + "imageFile": ["UniqueItems"], + "dynFile": ["UniqueItems"], + "folderPath": "List/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Unique Item will remove all duplicate items from a input list. In the example below, we use Random List to first generate a list of random numbers between 0 and 1. We then multiply by 10 and use a Floor operation to get a list of random integers between 0 and 9, with many of them repeated multiple times. After using Unique Item, we are left with a list in which each integer only occurs once. The order of the output list will be according to the first found instance of an item. " +}, { + "Name": "CartesianProduct", + "imageFile": ["CartesianProduct"], + "dynFile": ["CartesianProduct"], + "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", + "inDepth": "Applies a combinator to each pair in the cartesian product of two sequences." +}, { + "Name": "Combine", + "imageFile": ["Combine"], + "dynFile": ["Combine"], + "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", + "inDepth": "Combine will join multiple inputs together into a single string. In the example below, we use a Director Path to select a director. We specify a file name by using a Code Block. We then use a Combine node to join the director path and file name together into a file path." +}, { + "Name": "LaceLongest", + "imageFile": ["LaceLongest"], + "dynFile": ["LaceLongest"], + "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", + "inDepth": "Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a longest lacing of the input lists. All lists have their last element repeated to match the length of the longest input." +}, { + "Name": "LaceShortest", + "imageFile": ["LaceShortest"], + "dynFile": ["LaceShortest"], + "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", + "inDepth": "Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a shortest lacing of the input lists. All lists are truncated to the length of the shortest input." +}, { + "Name": "Map", + "imageFile": ["Map"], + "dynFile": ["Map"], + "folderPath": "List/Match/Action", + "inDepth": "Map will return the position of a number in a range as a double. In the example below, a value of 4 is mapped to a range of 2 to 6. Since 4 is halfway between 2 and 6, a value of 0.5 is returned." +}, { + "Name": "AddItemToEnd", + "imageFile": ["AddItemToEnd"], + "dynFile": ["AddItemToEnd"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Add Item to End will insert a specified item at the end of a given list. Note that if a list object is used as the item to add, the entire list is added as a single object, producing a list within a list. To combine two lists together into a single flat list, see List.Join. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then add a new item, the number 20, to the end of that list using AddItemToEnd." +}, { + "Name": "AddItemToFront", + "imageFile": ["AddItemToFront"], + "dynFile": ["AddItemToFront"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Add Item to Front will insert a specified item at the beginning of a given list. The new item will have index 0, while the original items will all be shifted by an index of 1. Note that if a list object is used as the item to add, the entire list is added as a single object, producing a list within a list. To combine two lists together into a single flat list, see List.Join. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then add a new item, the number 20, to the front of that list using AddItemToFront." +}, { + "Name": "Chop", + "imageFile": ["Chop"], + "dynFile": ["Chop"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Chop will split a given list into smaller lists according to a list of input integer lengths. It returns a nested list with the first list containing a number of elements equal to the first number of the list input into 'lengths', the second list containing a number of elements equal to the second number of the list input into 'lengths' and so on. Chop will repeat the last number in the 'lengths' input until all elements from the input list are chopped. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers between 0 and 5, stepping by one. This list has 6 elements in it. We use a second code block to create a list of lengths to chop the first list into." +}, { + "Name": "Clean", + "imageFile": ["Clean"], + "dynFile": ["Clean"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Clean will return a list without nulls and empty lists. In the example below, a list is cleaned of two null values, returning only the integers. The preserveIndices input can be toggled by a boolean value to keep the indices that once contained nulls." +}, { + "Name": "Deconstruct", + "imageFile": ["Deconstruct"], + "dynFile": ["Deconstruct"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Deconstruct will take an input list and separate the first item in the list from the remainder. This node has two outputs. The first output is the first item of the original list. The second output is a list with the remaining elements from the original list. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then use a Deconstruct node to separate the first item from the remainder. The result is the item '0' as one output, and a list of the range from 1 to 5 as a second output." +}, { + "Name": "DropEveryNthItem", + "imageFile": ["DropEveryNthItem"], + "dynFile": ["DropEveryNthItem"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Drop Every Nth Item will remove items from the input list at intervals of the input 'n' value. The starting point of the interval can be changed with the 'offset' input. For example, putting 3 into 'n' and leaving the 'offset' as the default of zero will removie items with indices 2, 5, 8, etc. Changing the offset to 1 would instead remove items with indices 0, 3, 6, etc. Notice that the offset 'wraps' through the entire list. To keep selected items instead of removing, see 'TakeEveryNthItem'. In the example below, we first generate a list of numbers using Range, and then remove every other number by using 2 as the input for 'n'." +}, { + "Name": "DropItems", + "imageFile": ["DropItems"], + "dynFile": ["DropItems"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Drop Items will remove the input 'amount' number of items from the list. If the 'amount' is positive, the numbers will be removed from the beginning of the list. If the 'amount' is negative, the items will be removed from the end of the list. In the example below, we first create a list using Range, then drop the first item in the list by using Drop Item with an 'amount' of 1." +}, { + "Name": "Filter", + "imageFile": ["Filter"], + "dynFile": ["Filter"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Filters a sequence by a given condition such that for an arbitrary element x, condition(x) = True or False." +}, { + "Name": "FilterByBoolMask", + "imageFile": ["FilterByBoolMask"], + "dynFile": ["FilterByBoolMask"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Filter By Bool Mask takes two lists as inputs. The first list will be split into two separate lists according to a corresponding list of boolean (True or False) values. Items from the 'list' input that correspond to a True in the 'mask' input will go to the output labelled 'in', while those items that correspond to a 'False' value will go the 'out' output. In the example below, we use a modulus operator (%) and an equality operator (==) to test each item in the list for divisibility by three. The result after FilterByBoolMask is two lists, the first containing the items that are divisible by 3, and the second containing items that are not divisible by 3. " +}, { + "Name": "Flatten", + "imageFile": ["Flatten"], + "dynFile": ["Flatten"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Flatten will take a nested list and flatten levels of the list by combining the first levels into a single level. The 'amt' input determines how many levels to flatten. Flatten starts from the first branch. In the example below, we first generate a range of numbers from 1 to 5, stepping by one. This creates a list of 5 elements. We use this list as the input for the lengths of a cuboid, producing a list of 5 cuboids. By exploding the cuboids, we get a list of 6 faces for each cuboid. We now have 5 lists of 6 faces, for a total of 30 elements. We go one step further by finding the edges of each face. The result is 5 lists of 6 lists of 4 edges, or a total of 120 elements. By using a Flatten node, we take the first level, the initial 5 different lists, and combine that into a single list. The resulting output is 30 lists of 4 edges. " +}, { + "Name": "Insert", + "imageFile": ["Insert"], + "dynFile": ["Insert"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Insert will insert a given string into a base string at a specified index. In the example below, we start with the base string 'Hello World'. We use a second string 'Hi!' as the string to insert. An integery slider is used to control the index at which the second string will be inserted into the base string." +}, { + "Name": "Reduce", + "imageFile": ["Reduce"], + "dynFile": ["Reduce"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result." +}, { + "Name": "RemoveIfNot", + "imageFile": ["RemoveIfNot"], + "dynFile": ["RemoveIfNot"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "RemoveIfNot will return a list with everything removed except a specified type. In the example below, a list is returned with one Line and the Point elements removed." +}, { + "Name": "RemoveItemAtIndex", + "imageFile": ["RemoveItemAtIndex"], + "dynFile": ["RemoveItemAtIndex"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Remove Item At Index will take an input list of items, and create a new list by removing the items at specified indices. In the example below we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. We then remove the item with index 3." +}, { + "Name": "ReplaceByCondition", + "imageFile": ["ReplaceByCondition"], + "dynFile": ["ReplaceByCondition"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Replace By Condition will take a given list and evaluate each item with a given condition. If the condition evaluates to 'true', the corresponding item will be replaced in the output list with the item specified in the replaceWith input. In the example below, we use a Formula node and enter the formula x%2==0, which finds the remainder of a given item after dividing by 2, and then checks to see if that remainder is equal to zero. This formula will return 'true' for even integers. Note that the input x is left blank. Using this formula as the condition in a ReplaceByCondition node results in an output list where each even number is replaced by the specified item, in this case the integer 10." +}, { + "Name": "ReplaceItemAtIndex", + "imageFile": ["ReplaceItemAtIndex"], + "dynFile": ["ReplaceItemAtIndex"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Replace Item At Index will take an input list, a list of indices at which to replace items, and a new item to replace with. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. We then use a ReplaceItemAtIndex node to replace the item at index 3 with a new item, in this case the integer 10." +}, { + "Name": "RestOfItems", + "imageFile": ["RestOfItems"], + "dynFile": ["RestOfItems"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Rest Of Items will remove the first element from a list and return the remaining elements in a new list. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. After using a RestOfItems node, the output list is a range of numbers from one to five. The first element from the original list has been removed." +}, { + "Name": "Scan", + "imageFile": ["Scan"], + "dynFile": ["Scan"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result, produces a list of successive reduced values." +}, { + "Name": "Slice", + "imageFile": ["Slice"], + "dynFile": ["Slice"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Slice will return a sublist from an input last. The start input specifies which index the output list will start with. The end input specifies when to stop taking elements from the input. This end index is not included in the output list. In the example below, using a start index of 2 and an end input of 5 results in a new list consisting of the items with indices 2,3, and 4 from the orginal list." +}, { + "Name": "Sublists", + "imageFile": ["Sublists"], + "dynFile": ["Sublists"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Sublists will take a input list and return a series of sublists based on the input range and offset. The range determines which elements of the input list to put into the first sublist. The offset is applied to the range, and the new range will determine the second sublist. This process repeats, increasing the range by the given offset until the resulting sublist is empty. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to nine. The range 0 to 5 is used as the sublist range, and we use an offset of 2. In the output of nested sublists, the first list contains the elements with indicies in the range 0..5, the second list contains the elements with indicies 2..7. As this is repeated, the subsequent sublists get shorter as the end of the range becomes larger than the length of the initial list." +}, { + "Name": "TakeEveryNthItem", + "imageFile": ["TakeEveryNthItem"], + "dynFile": ["TakeEveryNthItem"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Drop Every Nth Item will produce a new list keeping items from the input list at intervals of the input 'n' value. The starting point of the interval can be changed with the 'offset' input. For example, putting 3 into 'n' and leaving the 'offset' as the default of zero will keep items with indices 2, 5, 8, etc. Changing the offset to 1 would instead keep items with indices 0, 3, 6, etc. Notice that the offset 'wraps' through the entire list. To remove selected items instead of keeping them, see 'DropEveryNthItem'. In the example below, we first generate a list of numbers using Range, and then keep every other number by using 2 as the input for 'n'." +}, { + "Name": "TakeItems", + "imageFile": ["TakeItems"], + "dynFile": ["TakeItems"], + "folderPath": "List/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Take Items will return a new list with the input number of elements taking from the beginning of the input list. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to nine. We use an integer slider to specify the amount of elements to take from the original list. With an input of 4, the output list will be the first 4 elemenst from the original list." +}, { + "Name": "GroupByFunction", + "imageFile": ["GroupByFunction"], + "dynFile": ["GroupByFunction"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "GroupByFunction will return a new list grouped by a function. In the example below, two different lists are grouped using List.GetItemAtIndex as the function. This function creates groups (a new list) from each top level index." +}, { + "Name": "GroupByKey", + "imageFile": ["GroupByKey"], + "dynFile": ["GroupByKey"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Group By Key takes an input list of items to group, and a list of keys to determine how the first list is grouped. The list of keys should have the same number of elements as the input list. Items in the original list that correspond to matching keys will be grouped together in an output list. In the example below, we use a range of numbers between 0 and 9 as the input list. We also generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 4 to use as the keys. GroupByKey outputs a nested list of elements, grouped according to the corresponding key. It also outputs a list of the unique keys." +}, { + "Name": "MaximumItemByKey", + "imageFile": ["MaximumItemByKey"], + "dynFile": ["MaximumItemByKey"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "MaximumItemByKey will return the largest item in a list based on a key. In the example below, a series of three circles with increasing radii are compared using radius as the key. The circle at (5,0,0) is returned as it has the largest radius." +}, { + "Name": "MinimumItemByKey", + "imageFile": ["MinimumItemByKey"], + "dynFile": ["MinimumItemByKey"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "MinimumItemByKey will return the smallest item in a list based on a key. In the example below, a series of three circles with increasing radii are compared using radius as the key. The circle at the origin is returned as it has the smallest radius." +}, { + "Name": "NormalizeDepth", + "imageFile": ["NormalizeDepth"], + "dynFile": ["NormalizeDepth"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Returns multidimensional list according the rank given." +}, { + "Name": "Reorder", + "imageFile": ["Reorder"], + "dynFile": ["Reorder"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Reorder will return a new list based on a different order of the original list's indices. In the example below, a new list is created by manually changing the index order." +}, { + "Name": "Reverse", + "imageFile": ["Reverse"], + "dynFile": ["Reverse"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Reverse will return a new Vector pointing in the opposite direction from its input. In the example below, a Vector of (1,0,1) will return a Vector of (-1,0,-1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different reversed vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." +}, { + "Name": "ShiftIndices", + "imageFile": ["ShiftIndices"], + "dynFile": ["ShiftIndices"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Shift Indices will shift the position of the items in a list by the 'amount' input. A positive amount will shift the numbers up, while a negative amount will shift the indices backwards. The items wrap around, causing items at the back of the list to wrap to the beginning. In the example we first generate a list with Range, then shift the indices forward by 3." +}, { + "Name": "Shuffle", + "imageFile": ["Shuffle"], + "dynFile": ["Shuffle"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Shuffle will take an input list and randomize the order of the items. In the example, we first generate a list using Range, and then use Shuffle to produce a randomized list." +}, { + "Name": "Sort", + "imageFile": ["Sort"], + "dynFile": ["Sort"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Sort will sort a list of items according to the built-in ordering for the data type. For example, a list of numbers will be sorted into numerical order from least to greatest, while a list of strings will be sorted alphabetically. In the example below, we use Random List to first generate a list of random numbers between 0 and 1. We then multiply by 10 and use a Floor operation to get a list of random integers between 0 and 9. Sort then creates a sorted list from least to greatest." +}, { + "Name": "SortByFunction", + "imageFile": ["SortByFunction"], + "dynFile": ["SortByFunction"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "SortByFunction will return a list sorted by a function. In the example below, a line is drawn through a list of randomly placed points that have been sorted with different functions. The first curve through an unsorted list is non-directional. Sorting the list using the X or Y component of each point results in directional lines progressing across X or Y." +}, { + "Name": "SortByKey", + "imageFile": ["SortByKey"], + "dynFile": ["SortByKey"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Sort By Key takes an input list to sort, and a list of corresponding sortable keys. Sort By Key will sort the list of keys in ascending order, and will rearrange the input list to correspond to the new order of the sorted keys. This node outputs both the rearranged list, and the sorted list of keys. In the example below, we use a range from zero to nine as our input list. For the list of keys, we generate a list of 10 random numbers between zero and four. The list of keys is sorted numerically, while the range from 0 to 9 is rearranged according to the order of the corresponding elements from the list of keys." +}, { + "Name": "SortIndexByValue", + "imageFile": ["SortIndexByValue"], + "dynFile": ["SortIndexByValue"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Sorts a list by the items and return their indices." +}, { + "Name": "Transpose", + "imageFile": ["Transpose"], + "dynFile": ["Transpose"], + "folderPath": "List/Organize/Action", + "inDepth": "Transpose will take a list a lists and swap the rows and columns. For example, a list that contains 5 sub-lists of 10 items each would be transposed to 10 lists of 5 items each. In the example, we generate two Random Lists, and then use List.Create to combine them. The result is two lists with 3 and 4 items. Transpose switches this to 4 lists of 2 items each. Notice that since one of the original lists was longer than the other, Transpose inserted a null value for the unpaired item." +}, { + "Name": "Abs (number)", + "imageFile": ["Abs (number)"], + "dynFile": ["Abs (number)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Abs will return the absolute value of an input value. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to an Abs node." +}, { + "Name": "Abs (integer)", + "imageFile": ["Abs (integer)"], + "dynFile": ["Abs (integer)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Abs will return the absolute value of an input value. In the example below, we use an integer slider to control the input to an Abs node." +}, { + "Name": "Acos", + "imageFile": ["Acos"], + "dynFile": ["Acos"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Acos will return the inverse cosine, also known as the ArcCosine, of an input number between -1 and 1. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider set to the range -1 to 1 to control the input to an Acos node." +}, { + "Name": "Asin", + "imageFile": ["Asin"], + "dynFile": ["Asin"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Asin will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcSine, of an input number between -1 and 1. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider set to the range -1 to 1 to control the input to an Asin node." +}, { + "Name": "Atan", + "imageFile": ["Atan"], + "dynFile": ["Atan"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Atan will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcTangent, of an input number. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to an Atan node." +}, { + "Name": "Atan2", + "imageFile": ["Atan2"], + "dynFile": ["Atan2"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Atan2 will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcTangen, of the ratio of an input numerator and denomnator. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use two number sliders to control the inputs to an Atan2 node." +}, { + "Name": "Average", + "imageFile": ["Average"], + "dynFile": ["Average"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Average will return the average (arithmetic mean) of a list of numbers. In the example below, we first use three number sliders to create three numbers to find the average of. We then use a List.Create node combine these three numbers into a list that we can then use as the input for an Average node." +}, { + "Name": "Ceiling", + "imageFile": ["Ceiling"], + "dynFile": ["Ceiling"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Ceiling will find the nearest integer that greater than an input number. This can also be thought of as rounding up to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Ceiling node." +}, { + "Name": "Cos", + "imageFile": ["Cos"], + "dynFile": ["Cos"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Cos will return the cosine of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Cos node." +}, { + "Name": "Cosh", + "imageFile": ["Cosh"], + "dynFile": ["Cosh"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Cosh will return the hyperbolic cosine of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Cosh node." +}, { + "Name": "DivRem", + "imageFile": ["DivRem"], + "dynFile": ["DivRem"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "DivRem will return the remainder of an input number after dividing by a given divisor. This is also known as Modulus, and is equivalent to the operator '%'. In the example below, we use two number sliders to set the dividend and divisor for a DivRem node." +}, { + "Name": "EvaluateFormula", + "imageFile": ["EvaluateFormula"], + "dynFile": ["EvaluateFormula"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Evaluates an NCalc formula with given parameter mappings." +}, { + "Name": "Exp", + "imageFile": ["Exp"], + "dynFile": ["Exp"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Exp is the exponential function with a base of 'e'. The input number is applied as an exponent to the constant 'e'. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input number to an Exp node. " +}, { + "Name": "Factorial", + "imageFile": ["Factorial"], + "dynFile": ["Factorial"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Factorial will return the factorial of an input positive integer. If a decimal value is input, factorial will first round the input to the nearest integer. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to a Factorial node." +}, { + "Name": "Floor", + "imageFile": ["Floor"], + "dynFile": ["Floor"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Floor will find the nearest integer that less than an input number. This can also be thought of as rounding down to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Floo node." +}, { + "Name": "Formula", + "imageFile": ["Formula"], + "dynFile": ["Formula"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Evaluates mathematical formulas. Uses NCalc:" +}, { + "Name": "Log (number, logBase)", + "imageFile": ["Log (number, logBase)"], + "dynFile": ["Log (number, logBase)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Log with logBase allows the use to specify the base to use for a logarithm with the logBase input. In the example below, we use two number sliders, one to control the input number to find the logarithm of and a second number slider to set the base of the logarithm." +}, { + "Name": "Log (number)", + "imageFile": ["Log (number)"], + "dynFile": ["Log (number)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Log will return the natural log (base e) of an input number. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Log node." +}, { + "Name": "Log10", + "imageFile": ["Log10"], + "dynFile": ["Log10"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Log10 will return the log base 10 of an input number. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Log10 node." +}, { + "Name": "Map", + "imageFile": ["Map"], + "dynFile": ["Map"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Map will return the position of a number in a range as a double. In the example below, a value of 4 is mapped to a range of 2 to 6. Since 4 is halfway between 2 and 6, a value of 0.5 is returned." +}, { + "Name": "MapTo", + "imageFile": ["MapTo"], + "dynFile": ["MapTo"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "MapTo will get the position of a number in a range (similar to the Map node), then map that position to a target range. A number in the target range is returned based on the position value. In the example below, the number 3 returns a position of 0.5 between a range of 2 and 4. That position value of 0.5 in a target range of 20 to 100 returns the number 60." +}, { + "Name": "Max (int1, int2)", + "imageFile": ["Max (int1, int2)"], + "dynFile": ["Max (int1, int2)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Max will return the greater of two input integers. In the example below, we use two integer sliders to control the inputs to a Max node." +}, { + "Name": "Max (value1, value2)", + "imageFile": ["Max (value1, value2)"], + "dynFile": ["Max (value1, value2)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Max will return the greater of two input number. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a Max node." +}, { + "Name": "Min (int1, int2)", + "imageFile": ["Min (int1, int2)"], + "dynFile": ["Min (int1, int2)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Min will return the lesser of two input integers. In the example below, we use two integer sliders to control the inputs to a Min node." +}, { + "Name": "Min (value1, value2)", + "imageFile": ["Min (value1, value2)"], + "dynFile": ["Min (value1, value2)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Min will return the lesser of two input number. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a Min node." +}, { + "Name": "Pow", + "imageFile": ["Pow"], + "dynFile": ["Pow"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Pow will return the result of an input number raised to an input power. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the two inputs to a Pow node." +}, { + "Name": "Rand", + "imageFile": ["Rand"], + "dynFile": ["Rand"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Rand will generate a random number in the range 0 to 1. Each instance of Rand will produce a different random number, but the number for a specific instance will remain constant." +}, { + "Name": "Random (value1, value2)", + "imageFile": ["Random (value1, value2)"], + "dynFile": ["Random (value1, value2)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Random with two value inputs allows the user to control the range of the generated random number. It will produce a random number between the two input values. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the two inputs into a Random node." +}, { + "Name": "Random (seed)", + "imageFile": ["Random (seed)"], + "dynFile": ["Random (seed)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Random with a given seed allows the user to input a seed number to produce a pseudo-random number. Every Rand node with the same seed number will produce the same pseudo-random number. In the example below, we use an integer slider as the input seed into a Rand node." +}, { + "Name": "RandomList", + "imageFile": ["RandomList"], + "dynFile": ["RandomList"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "RandomList will generate a list of random numbers in the range 0 to 1. The amount of random to generate is controlled by a number slider." +}, { + "Name": "RemapRange", + "imageFile": ["RemapRange"], + "dynFile": ["RemapRange"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "RemapRange will take a list of numbers and produce a linear scaling of those numbers into a new specified range. The minimum value of the original list is mapped to the newMin input, while the maximum value of the orginila list is mapped to the newMax input. The remaining numbers are scaled to maintain the distribution ratio. In the example below, we use a RandomList node to generate a list of numbers to remap. We use two number sliders to control the new minimum and maximum values of the resulting list." +}, { + "Name": "Round (number, digits)", + "imageFile": ["Round (number, digits)"], + "dynFile": ["Round (number, digits)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Round with digits allows the user to select the number of decimal places to round the input number to. An input of zero will round to the nearest whole number. Values less than zero are not permitted. In the example below, we use a Rand node to generate a random number. An integer slider is used to control the 'digits' input in a Round node." +}, { + "Name": "Round (number)", + "imageFile": ["Round (number)"], + "dynFile": ["Round (number)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Round will round the input number to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Round node." +}, { + "Name": "Sign (number)", + "imageFile": ["Sign (number)"], + "dynFile": ["Sign (number)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Sign will return 1, 0, or -1 depending on whether the input number is greater than, equal to, or less than zero. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Sign node." +}, { + "Name": "Sign (integer)", + "imageFile": ["Sign (integer)"], + "dynFile": ["Sign (integer)"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Sign will return 1, 0, or -1 depending on whether the input number is greater than, equal to, or less than zero. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Sign node." +}, { + "Name": "Sin", + "imageFile": ["Sin"], + "dynFile": ["Sin"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Sin will return the sine of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Sin node." +}, { + "Name": "Sinh", + "imageFile": ["Sinh"], + "dynFile": ["Sinh"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Sinh will return the hyperbolic sine of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Sinh node." +}, { + "Name": "Sqrt", + "imageFile": ["Sqrt"], + "dynFile": ["Sqrt"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Sqrt will return the square root of an input number. Sqrt will only accept positive numbers. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to a Sqrt node." +}, { + "Name": "Sum", + "imageFile": ["Sum"], + "dynFile": ["Sum"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Sum will find the sum of the values of an input list. In the example below, we use three number sliders to create three numbers. We then use a List.Create node to combine them into a list that can be used as the input to a Sum node." +}, { + "Name": "Tan", + "imageFile": ["Tan"], + "dynFile": ["Tan"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Tan will return the tangent of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Tan node." +}, { + "Name": "Tanh", + "imageFile": ["Tanh"], + "dynFile": ["Tanh"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Action", + "inDepth": "Tanh will return the hyperbolic tangent of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Tanh node." +}, { + "Name": "E", + "imageFile": ["E"], + "dynFile": ["E"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Query", + "inDepth": "E will return the constant e = 2.71828..." +}, { + "Name": "GoldenRatio", + "imageFile": ["GoldenRatio"], + "dynFile": ["GoldenRatio"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Query", + "inDepth": "GoldenRatio will return the golden ratio constant, also known as 'phi', equal to 1.61803... " +}, { + "Name": "PI", + "imageFile": ["PI"], + "dynFile": ["PI"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Query", + "inDepth": "Pi will return the constant pi = 3.14159265..." +}, { + "Name": "PiTimes2", + "imageFile": ["PiTimes2"], + "dynFile": ["PiTimes2"], + "folderPath": "Math/Functions/Query", + "inDepth": "PiTimes2 will return the constant pi multiplied by 2 = 6.28318..." +}, { + "Name": "And", + "imageFile": ["And"], + "dynFile": ["And"], + "folderPath": "Math/Logic/Action", + "inDepth": "And will take a variable number of boolean inputs. You can increase or decrease the number of inputs by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the And node. Each input must be a single boolean value. And will return 'true' if all of the inputs are true, otherwise it will return 'false'. In the example below, we have three boolean toggles used as inputs for an And node. When all three are set to 'true', And will return 'true'." +}, { + "Name": "Or", + "imageFile": ["Or"], + "dynFile": ["Or"], + "folderPath": "Math/Logic/Action", + "inDepth": "Or will take a variable number of boolean inputs. You can increase or decrease the number of inputs by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the Or node. Each input must be a single boolean value. Or will return 'true' if at least one of the inputs are true, otherwise if all inputs are 'false', it will return 'false'. In the example below, we have three boolean toggles used as inputs for an Or node. When all three are set to 'false', Or will return 'false'." +}, { + "Name": "Xor", + "imageFile": ["Xor"], + "dynFile": ["Xor"], + "folderPath": "Math/Logic/Action", + "inDepth": "Xor will accept two boolean values, or two lists of boolean values and determines whether the values are the same or different. Xor compares two values and returns 'true' if exactly one of the inputs is 'true'. If both values are 'true' or if both values are 'false', Xor will return 'false'. In the example below, we start with two lists of boolean values. Together, these lists represent the four possible combinations of true and false values. Notice that unlike And and Or nodes, Xor only allows two values." +}, { + "Name": "!=", + "imageFile": ["!="], + "dynFile": ["!="], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "!= is the Not Equal To operator. It takes two input values and returns true if the two values are not equal to each other and returns false if the two values are equal. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a != operator." +}, { + "Name": "%", + "imageFile": ["%"], + "dynFile": ["%"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "% is the Modulo operator. It returns the remainder of the x input after being divided by the y input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a % operator." +}, { + "Name": "&&", + "imageFile": ["&&"], + "dynFile": ["&&"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "&& is the And operator. It takes two boolean values as input and returns true if both values are true. If one or both values are false, it will return false. In the example below, we use two boolean toggle nodes to control the inputs to the && operator." +}, { + "Name": "*", + "imageFile": ["*"], + "dynFile": ["*"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "* is the multiplication operator. It will return the product of the two input numbers. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the * operator." +}, { + "Name": "+", + "imageFile": ["+"], + "dynFile": ["+"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "+ is the addition operator. It will return the sum ofy the two input numbers. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the + operator." +}, { + "Name": "-", + "imageFile": ["-"], + "dynFile": ["-"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "- is the subtraction operator. It will return the result of the y input subtracted from the x input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the - operator." +}, { + "Name": "/", + "imageFile": ["/"], + "dynFile": ["/"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "/ is the division operator. It will return the result of the x input divided by the y input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the / operator." +}, { + "Name": "<", + "imageFile": ["<"], + "dynFile": ["<"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "< is the Less Than operator. If the x input is less than the y input, it will return true. If x is greater than y, or if the two value are equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the < operator." +}, { + "Name": "<=", + "imageFile": ["<="], + "dynFile": ["<="], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "<= is the Less Than Or Equal To operator. If the x input is less than the y input, or if the two values are equal, it will return true. If x is greater than y, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the <= operator." +}, { + "Name": "==", + "imageFile": ["=="], + "dynFile": ["=="], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "== is the Equal To operator. If the x input is equal to the y input, it will return true. If the two values are not equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the == operator." +}, { + "Name": ">", + "imageFile": [">"], + "dynFile": [">"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "> is the Greater Than operator. If the x input is greater than the y input, it will return true. If x is less than y, or if the two value are equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the > operator." +}, { + "Name": ">=", + "imageFile": [">="], + "dynFile": [">="], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": ">= is the Greater Than Or Equal To operator. If the x input is greater than the y input, or if the two values are equal, it will return true. If x is less than y, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the >= operator." +}, { + "Name": "Not", + "imageFile": ["Not"], + "dynFile": ["Not"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "Not (also written as exclamation point) will return the opposite of an input boolean value. In the example below, we use a boolean toggle node as the input to a Not operator." +}, { + "Name": "||", + "imageFile": ["||"], + "dynFile": ["||"], + "folderPath": "Math/Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "|| is the Or operator. It takes two boolean values as input and returns true if one or both values are true. If both values are false, it will return false. In the example below, we use two boolean toggle nodes to control the inputs to the || operator." +}, { + "Name": "Convert Between Units", + "imageFile": ["Convert Between Units"], + "dynFile": ["Convert Between Units"], + "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", + "inDepth": "Convert Between Units will return a converted value based on input and output units. In the example below, 4 meters is converted to feet returning a value of ~13.1234." +}, { + "Name": "DegreesToRadians", + "imageFile": ["DegreesToRadians"], + "dynFile": ["DegreesToRadians"], + "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", + "inDepth": "DegreesToRadians will convert an input angle from degrees to radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a DegreesToRadians node." +}, { + "Name": "Number From Feet and Inches", + "imageFile": ["Number From Feet and Inches"], + "dynFile": ["Number From Feet and Inches"], + "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", + "inDepth": "Number From Feet and Inches will return a double from feet and inches inputs. In the example below, 2ft 1in returns a double of 2.08333" +}, { + "Name": "RadiansToDegrees", + "imageFile": ["RadiansToDegrees"], + "dynFile": ["RadiansToDegrees"], + "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", + "inDepth": "RadiansToDegrees will convert an input angle from radians to degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input angle to a RadiansToDegrees node." +}, { + "Name": "Unit Types", + "imageFile": ["Unit Types"], + "dynFile": ["Unit Types"], + "folderPath": "Math/Units/Action", + "inDepth": "Select a unit of measurement." +}, { + "Name": "If", + "imageFile": ["If"], + "dynFile": ["If"], + "folderPath": "Script/Control Flow/Action", + "inDepth": "If acts as a conditional control node. The 'test' input takes a boolean value, while the 'true' and 'false' inputs can accept any data type. If the test value is 'true', the node will return the item from the 'true' input, if test is 'false', the node will return the item from the 'false' input. In the example below, we first generate a list of random numbers between zero and 99. The number of items in the list is controlled by an integer slider. We use a code block with the formula 'x%a==0' to test for divisibility by a second number, determined by a second number slider. This generates a list of boolean values corresponding to whether the items in the random list are divisible by the number determined by the second integer slider. This list of boolean values is used as the 'test' input for an If node. We use a default Sphere as the 'true' input, and a default Cuboid as the 'false' input. The result from the If node is a list of either spheres or cuboids. Finally, we use a Translate node to spread the list of geometries apart.\n\nIF replicates on all nodes AS THOUGH SET TO SHORTEST. You can see the reason for this in the attached examples, especially when looking at what the results are when LONGEST is applied to a formula node and the \"short\" branch of the conditional is passes through. These changes were also made to allow predictable behavior when using single boolean inputs or a list of booleans." +}, { + "Name": "LoopWhile", + "imageFile": ["LoopWhile"], + "dynFile": ["LoopWhile"], + "folderPath": "Script/Control Flow/Action", + "inDepth": "LoopWhile will return the result of a looped function until the constraints are met. In the example below, a simple loop is created to add 10, starting with 1, until the result is larger than 100. loopWhile accepts variables for its init input and functions for the continueWhile and loopBody inputs. continueWhile defines the constraints of the loop, which in this example is a < function and an argument of 100. loopBody defines what the loop does, which in this example is an + function with an argument of 10." +}, { + "Name": "Pause", + "imageFile": ["Pause"], + "dynFile": ["Pause"], + "folderPath": "Script/Control Flow/Action", + "inDepth": "Pause will return the result of a node after pausing the thread for a specified amount of time. In the example below, a circle is extruded into a surface 5 seconds after the thread is run. To use the time delay, the program should be run in Manual." +}, { + "Name": "ScopeIf", + "imageFile": ["ScopeIf"], + "dynFile": ["ScopeIf"], + "folderPath": "Script/Control Flow/Action", + "inDepth": "ScopeIf will return the input of either the True or False input depending on what boolean value is toggled in the test input. In the example file below, a large and small list of numbers is plugged into the true and false inputs. By sending the result of ScopeIfThrough a point creation node, we can toggle between two different sizes of point grids." +}, { + "Name": "Code Block", + "imageFile": ["Code Block"], + "dynFile": ["Code Block"], + "folderPath": "Script/Editor/Action", + "inDepth": "The Code Block is universal and can be useful in all definitions. With this node, we can fully customize the Dynamo functionality and experience by coding directly into the graph. In this example, we see a range of possible uses including Numbers, Strings, Booleans for item based code, and Ranges and Sequences for creating lists of values." +}, { + "Name": "Python Script", + "imageFile": ["Python Script"], + "dynFile": ["Python Script"], + "folderPath": "Script/Editor/Action", + "inDepth": "Python Script will return the result of the node's inputs passed through an embedded IronPython script. In the example below, a cube created from Cuboid.ByCorners is arrayed and translated by a Python script that loops through both X and Y. Double clicking the node will bring up an editor for the script." +}, { + "Name": "Python Script From String", + "imageFile": ["Python Script From String"], + "dynFile": ["Python Script From String"], + "folderPath": "Script/Editor/Action", + "inDepth": "Python Script From String will return the result of the node's inputs passed through a string Python script. In the example below, a Python script is retrieved from a text file and converted into a string. A cube created from Cuboid.ByCorners is arrayed and translated by the Python script by looping through both X and Y." +}, { + "Name": "Function Apply", + "imageFile": ["Function Apply"], + "dynFile": ["Function Apply"], + "folderPath": "Script/Evaluate/Action", + "inDepth": "Function.Apply will return the result of a function with supplied arguments. In the example below, arguments of a point and vector are applied to a translate function returning a translated point." +}, { + "Name": "Function Compose", + "imageFile": ["Function Compose"], + "dynFile": ["Function Compose"], + "folderPath": "Script/Evaluate/Action", + "inDepth": "Function.Compose will return a single function from multiple functions. In the example below, the modulus and divide functions are composed into a single function to apply to a list." +}, { + "Name": "Concat", + "imageFile": ["Concat"], + "dynFile": ["Concat"], + "folderPath": "String/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "Concat will concatenate multiple strings together into a single string. The number of input strings can be changed by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the Concat node. In the example below, we start with two separate strings 'Hello' and 'World'. They are concatenated together to 'HelloWorld' using the Concat node." +}, { + "Name": "Join", + "imageFile": ["Join"], + "dynFile": ["Join"], + "folderPath": "String/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "Join will concatenate a series of strings together into a single string using a specified separator string between them. In the example below, we use an underscore character as the separator. We create three strings to concatenate together. The number of string inputs this node will accept can be changed by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the node." +}, { + "Name": "String from Array", + "imageFile": ["String from Array"], + "dynFile": ["String from Array"], + "folderPath": "String/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "Convert an array to a string representation." +}, { + "Name": "String from Object", + "imageFile": ["String from Object"], + "dynFile": ["String from Object"], + "folderPath": "String/Generate/Action", + "inDepth": "String representation of input object." +}, { + "Name": "AllIndicesOf", + "imageFile": ["AllIndicesOf"], + "dynFile": ["AllIndicesOf"], + "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Returns all the 0 based indices of the character in the string." +}, { + "Name": "Contains", + "imageFile": ["Contains"], + "dynFile": ["Contains"], + "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box Contains tests if a specified Point is inside of a Bounding Box. Because the Point in this example is at (5,5,5), and our Origin Sphere’s Radius is larger than 5, the Contains node will return True." +}, { + "Name": "CountOccurrences", + "imageFile": ["CountOccurrences"], + "dynFile": ["CountOccurrences"], + "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Count Occurrences will search a given string for a second input string, and will return the number of times that second string is found within the first string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we using the string 'Hello World' and search for the string 'L'. Because ignoreCase is set to true, the CountOccurrences finds the given string three times within 'Hello World'." +}, { + "Name": "EndsWith", + "imageFile": ["EndsWith"], + "dynFile": ["EndsWith"], + "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Ends With will return a boolean value based on whether a given string ends with a second input string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the original string, and use a second string 'orld' as the string to search for. Because 'Hello World' ends in the string 'orld', the EndsWith node returns true." +}, { + "Name": "IndexOf", + "imageFile": ["IndexOf"], + "dynFile": ["IndexOf"], + "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "IndexOf will search a given string for a second input string. If the second string is found, this node will return the index of the first character of the first occurrence of the string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World', and search for the character 'o', This letter occurs twice in the string, but only the index of the first occurrence is returned by the IndexOf node." +}, { + "Name": "LastIndexOf", + "imageFile": ["LastIndexOf"], + "dynFile": ["LastIndexOf"], + "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Last Index Of will search a given string for a second input string. If the second string is found, this node will return the index of the last occurrence. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World', and search for the string 'o'. This string is found twice within the base string, and the index of the final occurrence of the string is returned." +}, { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": ["Length"], + "dynFile": ["Length"], + "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." +}, { + "Name": "StartsWith", + "imageFile": ["StartsWith"], + "dynFile": ["StartsWith"], + "folderPath": "String/Inspect/Action", + "inDepth": "Starts With will return a boolean value based on whether a given string starts with a second input string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the original string, and use a second string 'h' as the string to search for. Because 'Hello World' starts with the string 'h' and ignoreCase is set to true, the StartsWith node returns true." +}, { + "Name": "Center", + "imageFile": ["Center"], + "dynFile": ["Center"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Polygon Center finds the center of a given polygon by taking the average value of the corners. For concave polygons, it's possible that the center may actually lie outside the polygon. In the example below, we first generate a list of random angles and radii to use as inputs to Point By Cylindrical Coordinates. By sorting the angles first, we ensure that the resulting polygon will be connected in order of increasing angle, and therefore will not be self-intersecting. We can then use Center to take the average of the points and find the polygon center." +}, { + "Name": "ChangeCase", + "imageFile": ["ChangeCase"], + "dynFile": ["ChangeCase"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Change Case takes a string and a boolean value as input. If the boolean input is 'true', it will change the input string to upper case. If the boolean input is false, it will change the input string to lower case. In the example below, we use an example string 'Hello World' as the input string, and a boolean toggle to specify whether to change the string to all upper case or all lower case letters." +}, { + "Name": "Insert", + "imageFile": ["Insert"], + "dynFile": ["Insert"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Insert will insert a given string into a base string at a specified index. In the example below, we start with the base string 'Hello World'. We use a second string 'Hi!' as the string to insert. An integery slider is used to control the index at which the second string will be inserted into the base string." +}, { + "Name": "PadLeft", + "imageFile": ["PadLeft"], + "dynFile": ["PadLeft"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "PadLeft will increase the width of an input string according to the newWidth input by adding the padChars input on the left side of the original string. If the original string is longer than the newWidth input, this node will return the original string unchanged. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the input string. A string with an underscore character is used as the padding character, while an integer slider is used to control the new width of the string." +}, { + "Name": "PadRight", + "imageFile": ["PadRight"], + "dynFile": ["PadRight"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "PadRight will increase the width of an input string according to the newWidth input by adding the padChars input on the right side of the original string. If the original string is longer than the newWidth input, this node will return the original string unchanged. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the input string. A string with an underscore character is used as the padding character, while an integer slider is used to control the new width of the string." +}, { + "Name": "Remove", + "imageFile": ["Remove"], + "dynFile": ["Remove"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Remove takes a string as input, and will remove characters from that string starting at the 'startIndex' input. The number of characters to be removed is specified by the 'count' index. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. Two integer sliders are used to control the startIndex and count of the characters to be removed by a Remove node." +}, { + "Name": "Replace", + "imageFile": ["Replace"], + "dynFile": ["Replace"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Replace will search a given string for a second input string. If that string is found, it will be replaced by a third input string. This node is case sensitive. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. The string 'o' is used as the string to search for, and a third string 'Hi!' is input as the string to replace with. Because the letter 'o' occurs twice within the original string, it is replaced in both occurrence with the string 'Hi!'." +}, { + "Name": "Split", + "imageFile": ["Split"], + "dynFile": ["Split"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "The Geometry Split Node functions similarly to the Geometry Trim Node. It inputs a Tool – any type of Geometry that you will be trimming another Geometry with – and a Geometry, and returns all of the fragments of Geometry. In this example, a Cone is Split with a similar Cone. Although all fragments are returned by the Geometry Split Node, one is previewed in the example file." +}, { + "Name": "Substring", + "imageFile": ["Substring"], + "dynFile": ["Substring"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "Substring takes an input string and returns a sub string based on the start index and length inputs. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. Two integer sliders are used to control where to start the substring and how many characters to take." +}, { + "Name": "ToLower", + "imageFile": ["ToLower"], + "dynFile": ["ToLower"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "To Lower will convert an input string to lower case letters. In the example below we start with the string 'Hello World'. By using a ToLower node, we change this string to 'hello world'." +}, { + "Name": "ToNumber", + "imageFile": ["ToNumber"], + "dynFile": ["ToNumber"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "To Number will convert an input string to a number data type. This node requires a string that has the format of a number. In the example below, we can see that the string 'Hello World' cannot be converted to a number, while the string '5.2' can be converted to number 5.2 " +}, { + "Name": "ToUpper", + "imageFile": ["ToUpper"], + "dynFile": ["ToUpper"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "To Upper will convert an input string to upper case letters. In the example below we start with the string 'Hello World'. By using a ToUpper node, we change this string to 'HELLO WORLD'." +}, { + "Name": "TrimLeadingWhitespace", + "imageFile": ["TrimLeadingWhitespace"], + "dynFile": ["TrimLeadingWhitespace"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "TrimLeadingWhitespace will remove the whitespace at the beginning of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrimLeadingWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the beginning of the string." +}, { + "Name": "TrimTrailingWhitespace", + "imageFile": ["TrimTrailingWhitespace"], + "dynFile": ["TrimTrailingWhitespace"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "TrimTrailingWhitespace will remove the whitespace at the end of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World ', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrimTrailingWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the end of the string." +}, { + "Name": "TrimWhitespace", + "imageFile": ["TrimWhitespace"], + "dynFile": ["TrimWhitespace"], + "folderPath": "String/Modify/Action", + "inDepth": "TrimWhitespace will remove all the whitespace of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World ', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrigWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the beginning and end of the string, as well as the space between 'Hello' and 'World'." +} ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/data/Revit_Library.xml b/public/data/Revit_Library.xml index 056ecfc0..5beabe7d 100644 --- a/public/data/Revit_Library.xml +++ b/public/data/Revit_Library.xml @@ -1,18305 +1,35108 @@ - - - - - Core.Input - Code Block - Action - Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly - Dynamo.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel,Code Block,codeblock - Not found - Not found - - - Core.Input - Input - Action - A function parameter, use with custom nodes. - -You can specify the type and default value for parameter. E.g., - -input : var[]..[] -value : bool = false - Dynamo.Nodes.Symbol,Input,variable,argument,parameter - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.Input - Output - Action - A function output, use with custom nodes - Dynamo.Nodes.Output,Output - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.Input - Date Time - Action - Create a DateTime object from a formatted date and time string. Date and time must be of the format "April 12, 1977 12:00 PM" - DSCoreNodesUI.DateTime,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DateTime,Date Time - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DateTime.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DateTime.Large.png - - - Core.Input - String - Action - Creates a string. - Dynamo.Nodes.StringInput,Dynamo.Nodes.dynStringInput,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.StringInput,String - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Number - Action - Creates a number. - Dynamo.Nodes.DoubleInput,Dynamo.Nodes.dynDoubleInput,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DoubleInput,Number - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Number Slider - Action - A slider that produces numeric values. - DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DoubleSlider,Number Slider,double,number,float,integer,slider,numberslider - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Large.png - - - Core.Input - File Path - Action - Allows you to select a file on the system to get its filename - DSCore.File.Filename,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.Filename,File Path,filepath - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Directory Path - Action - Allows you to select a directory on the system to get its path - DSCore.File.Directory,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.Directory,Directory Path,directorypath,filepath - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Directory.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Directory.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Boolean - Action - Selection between a true and false. - DSCoreNodesUI.BoolSelector,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.BoolSelector,Dynamo.Nodes.BoolSelector,Boolean,true,truth,false - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Integer Slider - Action - A slider that produces integer values. - DSCoreNodesUI.Input.IntegerSlider,Integer Slider,integerslider - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.IntegerSlider.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.IntegerSlider.Large.png - - - - - Core.Units - Convert Between Units - Action - Convert between units of measure. - DSCoreNodesUI.DynamoConvert,Convert Between Units,Convert,Units,Length,Area,Volume,convertbetweenunits - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.DynamoConvert.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.DynamoConvert.Large.png - - - Core.Units - Number From Feet and Inches - Action - Enter a length. - Number From Feet and Inches,Imperial,Metric,Length,Project,units - - - - src\Resources\UnitsUI\SmallIcons\UnitsUI.LengthFromString.Small.png - src\Resources\UnitsUI\LargeIcons\UnitsUI.LengthFromString.Large.png - - - Core.Units - Unit Types - Action - Select a unit of measurement. - Unit Types,units,unittypes - - - - src\Resources\UnitsUI\SmallIcons\UnitsUI.UnitTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\UnitsUI\LargeIcons\UnitsUI.UnitTypes.Large.png - - - - - Core.Color - Color Range - Create - Get a color given a color range. - DSCoreNodesUI.ColorRange,Color Range,colorrange - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.ColorRange.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.ColorRange.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Red - Query - Find the red component of a color, 0 to 255. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Red.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Red.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Green - Query - Find the green component of a color, 0 to 255. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Green.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Green.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Blue - Query - Find the blue component of a color, 0 to 255. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Blue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Blue.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Alpha - Query - Find the alpha component of a color, 0 to 255. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Alpha.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Alpha.Large.png - - - Core.Color - ByARGB - Create - Construct a color by alpha, red, green, and blue components. - color - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.ByARGB.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.ByARGB.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Brightness - Action - Returns the brightness value for this color. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Brightness.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Brightness.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Saturation - Action - Returns the saturation value for this color. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Saturation.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Saturation.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Hue - Action - Returns the hue value for this color. - hues - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Hue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Hue.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Components - Action - Lists the components for the color in the order: alpha, red, green, blue. - alpha,red,green,blue - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Components.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Components.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Add - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Add.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Add.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Multiply - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Multiply.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Multiply.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Divide - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Divide.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Divide.Large.png - - - - - Core.List - List.Create - Create - Makes a new list out of the given inputs - DSCoreNodesUI.CreateList,List.Create,entwine,listcreate,newlist,makelist,list - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.CreateList.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.CreateList.Large.png - - - Core.List - Range - Create - Creates a sequence of numbers or letters in the specified range. - DSCoreNodesUI.Range,Range,numberrange,numbersequence - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Range.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Range.Large.png - - - Core.List - Sequence - Create - Creates a sequence of numbers. - DSCoreNodesUI.Sequence,Sequence,numbersequence - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Sequence.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Sequence.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Map - Action - Applies a function over all elements of a list, generating a new list from the results. - DSCore.Map,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Map,List.Map,function,applied,over list,do to each - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Map.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Map.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Combine - Action - Applies a combinator to each element in two sequences - DSCore.Combine,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Combine,List.Combine,map multiple,apply over lists,multiple inputs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Combine.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Combine.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.LaceShortest - Action - Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a shortest lacing of the input lists. All lists are truncated to the length of the shortest input. - DSCore.LaceShortest,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.LaceShortest,List.LaceShortest,mix,trim end - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceShortest.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceShortest.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.LaceLongest - Action - Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a longest lacing of the input lists. All lists have their last element repeated to match the length of the longest input. - DSCore.LaceLongest,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.LaceLongest,List.LaceLongest,repeat last - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceLongest.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceLongest.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.CartesianProduct - Action - Applies a combinator to each pair in the cartesian product of two sequences - DSCore.CartesianProduct,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct,List.CartesianProduct,cross product,crossreference,cross ref - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Reduce - Action - Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result. - DSCore.Reduce,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Reduce,List.Reduce,accumulate,aggregate,fold - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Reduce.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Reduce.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Scan - Action - Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result, produces a list of successive reduced values. - DSCore.ScanList,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ScanList,List.Scan,intermediate,maps,folds - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ScanList.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ScanList.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Filter - Action - Filters a sequence by a given condition such that for an arbitrary element "x," condition(x) = True or False. - DSCore.Filter,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Filter,List.Filter,screen,dispatch - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Filter.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Filter.Large.png - - - Core.List - ReplaceByCondition - Action - Replaces an object with a given substitute if the original object satisfies a given condition. - DSCore.Replace,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Replace,ReplaceByCondition,predicate,override,replace if, - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Replace.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Replace.Large.png - - - Core.List - Empty - Query - An Empty List. - empty list,emptylist,[] - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Empty.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Empty.Large.png - - - Core.List - UniqueItems - Action - Creates a new list containing all unique items in the given list. - removes,duplicates,remove duplicates,cull duplicates,distinct,listcontains - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.UniqueItems.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.UniqueItems.Large.png - - - Core.List - ContainsItem - Action - Determines if the given list contains the given item. - item,search,in,listcontains - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ContainsItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ContainsItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - Reverse - Action - Creates a new list containing the items of the given list but in reverse order. - flip,listcontains - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Reverse.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Reverse.Large.png - - - Core.List - Sublists - Action - Build sublists from a list using DesignScript range syntax. - sublists,build sublists,subset - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Sublists.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Sublists.Large.png - - - Core.List - Sort - Action - Sorts a list using the built-in natural ordering. - sort,order,sorted - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Sort.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Sort.Large.png - - - Core.List - MinimumItem - Action - Returns the minimum value from a list. - least,smallest,find min - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.MinimumItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.MinimumItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - MaximumItem - Action - Returns the maximum value from a list. - greatest,largest,biggest,find max - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.MaximumItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.MaximumItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - FilterByBoolMask - Action - Filters a sequence by looking up corresponding indices in a separate list of booleans. - filter,in,out,mask,dispatch,bool filter,boolfilter - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask.Large.png - - - Core.List - Deconstruct - Action - Given a list, produces the first item in the list, and a new list containing all items except the first. - first,rest,list split,listcontains - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Deconstruct.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Deconstruct.Large.png - - - Core.List - SortByKey - Action - Sort list based on its keys - sort;key - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Large.png - - - Core.List - GroupByKey - Action - Group items into sub-lists based on their like key values - list;group;groupbykey; - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.GroupByKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.GroupByKey.Large.png - - - Core.List - AddItemToFront - Action - Adds an item to the beginning of a list. - insert,add,item,front,start,begin - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToFront.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToFront.Large.png - - - Core.List - AddItemToEnd - Action - Adds an item to the end of a list. - insert,add,item,end - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd.Large.png - - - Core.List - TakeItems - Action - Fetches an amount of items from the start of the list. - get,sub,sublist,extract - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.TakeItems.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.TakeItems.Large.png - - - Core.List - DropItems - Action - Removes an amount of items from the start of the list. If the amount is a negative value, items are removed from the end of the list. - drop,remove,shorten - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DropItems.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DropItems.Large.png - - - Core.List - ShiftIndices - Action - Shifts indices in the list to the right by the given amount. - shift,offset - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ShiftIndices.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ShiftIndices.Large.png - - - Core.List - GetItemAtIndex - Action - Returns an item from the given list that's located at the specified index. - get,item,index,fetch,at,getfrom,get from,extract - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.GetItemAtIndex.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.GetItemAtIndex.Large.png - - - Core.List - ReplaceItemAtIndex - Action - Replace an item from the given list that's located at the specified index. - replace,switch - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ReplaceItemAtIndex.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ReplaceItemAtIndex.Large.png - - - Core.List - Slice - Action - Returns a single sub-list from the given list, based on starting index, ending index, and a step amount. - list,sub,sublist,subrange,get sublist - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Slice.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Slice.Large.png - - - Core.List - RemoveItemAtIndex - Action - Removes an item from the given list at the specified index. - index,indices,cull,remove,item - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.RemoveItemAtIndex.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.RemoveItemAtIndex.Large.png - - - Core.List - DropEveryNthItem - Action - Removes items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset. - nth,remove,cull,every - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DropEveryNthItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DropEveryNthItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - TakeEveryNthItem - Action - Fetches items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset. - fetch,take,every,nth - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.TakeEveryNthItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.TakeEveryNthItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - IsEmpty - Action - Determines if the given list is empty. - test,is,empty,null,count - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.IsEmpty.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.IsEmpty.Large.png - - - Core.List - Count - Action - Returns the number of items stored in the given list. - listlength,list length,count,size,sizeof - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Count.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Count.Large.png - - - Core.List - Join - Action - Concatenates all given lists into a single list. - join lists,merge,concatenate - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Join.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Join.Large.png - - - Core.List - FirstItem - Action - Returns the first item in a list. - get,fetch,first,item,start - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FirstItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FirstItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - RestOfItems - Action - Removes the first item from the given list. - get,fetch,rest,end,rest of list - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.RestOfItems.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.RestOfItems.Large.png - - - Core.List - Chop - Action - Chop a list into a set of consecutive sublists with the specified lengths. List division begins at the top of the list. - sublists,build sublists,slices,partitions,cut,listcontains,chop - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Chop.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Chop.Large.png - - - Core.List - DiagonalRight - Action - List elements along each diagonal in the matrix from the top left to the lower right. - diagonal,right,matrix,get diagonals,diagonal sublists - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalRight.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalRight.Large.png - - - Core.List - DiagonalLeft - Action - List elements along each diagonal in the matrix from the top right to the lower left. - diagonal,left,matrix,get diagonals,diagonal sublists - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalLeft.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalLeft.Large.png - - - Core.List - Transpose - Action - Swaps rows and columns in a list of lists. If there are some rows that are shorter than others, null values are inserted as place holders in the resultant array such that it is always rectangular. - transpose,flip matrix,matrix,swap,rows,columns - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Transpose.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Transpose.Large.png - - - Core.List - Clean - Action - Cleans data of nulls and empty lists from a given list of arbitrary dimension - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Clean.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Clean.Large.png - - - Core.List - OfRepeatedItem - Action - Creates a list containing the given item the given number of times. - repeat,repeated,duplicate,list of item,fill list,copies,listcontains - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - Cycle - Action - Creates a new list by concatenining copies of a given list. - repeat,repeated,duplicate,repeated list,concat list - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Cycle.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Cycle.Large.png - - - Core.List - LastItem - Action - Retrieves the last item in a list. - get,fetch,last,item,end of list - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.LastItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.LastItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - Shuffle - Action - Shuffles a list, randomizing the order of its items. - random,randomize,shuffle,jitter,randomness - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Shuffle.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Shuffle.Large.png - - - Core.List - Permutations - Action - Produces all permutations of the given length of a given list. - permutation,permutations - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Permutations.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Permutations.Large.png - - - Core.List - Combinations - Action - Produces all combinations of the given length of a given list. - combo - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Combinations.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Combinations.Large.png - - - Core.List - FirstIndexOf - Action - Given an item, returns the zero-based index of its first occurrence in the list. If the item cannot be found in the list, -1 is returned. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FirstIndexOf.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FirstIndexOf.Large.png - - - Core.List - AllIndicesOf - Action - Given an item, returns the zero-based indices of all its occurrences in the list. If the item cannot be found, an empty list is returned. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AllIndicesOf.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AllIndicesOf.Large.png - - - Core.List - Flatten - Action - Flattens a nested list of lists by a certain amount. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Flatten.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Flatten.Large.png - - - - - Core.Scripting - Formula - Action - Evaluates mathematical formulas. Uses NCalc: - DSCoreNodesUI.Formula,Formula - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Formula.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Formula.Large.png - - - Core.Scripting - Python Script - Action - Runs an embedded IronPython script. - Python Script - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.Scripting - Python Script From String - Action - Runs a IronPython script from a string. - Python Script From String - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Core.View - Watch - Action - Visualize the output of node. - Dynamo.Nodes.Watch,DSCoreNodesUI.Watch,Watch,print,output,disply,panel,inspect,debug - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Watch.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Watch.Large.png - - - Core.View - Watch Image - Action - Previews an image - Dynamo.Nodes.WatchImageCore,DSCoreNodesUI.WatchImageCore,Watch Image,image,inspect image,pixels,display,panel,watchimage - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Large.png - - - Core.View - Watch 3D - Action - Shows a dynamic preview of geometry. - Dynamo.Nodes.dyn3DPreview,Dynamo.Nodes.3DPreview,Dynamo.Nodes.Watch3D,DynamoWatch3D.Watch3D,Watch 3D - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Core.String - String from Object - Action - Convert an object to a string representation. - DSCoreNodesUI.StringNodes.FromObject,DSCoreNodesUI.FromObject,String from Object,string.fromobject,tostring,2string,number2string,numbertostring - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromObject.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromObject.Large.png - - - Core.String - String from Array - Action - Convert an array to a string representation. - DSCoreNodesUI.StringNodes.FromArray,DSCoreNodesUI.FromArray,String from Array,string.fromarray,tostring,2string,list2string,listtostring,array2string,arraytostring - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromArray.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromArray.Large.png - - - Core.String - ToNumber - Action - Converts a string to an integer or a double. - 2number,str2number,strtonumber,string2number,stringtonumber,int,double,cast - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToNumber.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToNumber.Large.png - - - Core.String - Concat - Action - Concatenates multiple strings into a single string. - concatenate,join,combine strings - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Concat.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Concat.Large.png - - - Core.String - Length - Action - Returns the number of characters contained in the given string. - count,size,characters,chars,length,sizeof - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Length.Large.png - - - Core.String - Split - Action - Divides a single string into a list of strings, with divisions determined by the given separater strings. - divide,separaters,delimiter,cut,csv,comma - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Split.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Split.Large.png - - - Core.String - Join - Action - Concatenates multiple strings into a single string, inserting the given separator between each joined string. - join,separator,build csv,concat,construct - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Join.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Join.Large.png - - - Core.String - ToUpper - Action - Converts the given string to all uppercase characters. - 2uppercase,to uppercase,touppercase,uppercase - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToUpper.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToUpper.Large.png - - - Core.String - ToLower - Action - Converts the given string to all lowercase characters. - 2lowercase,to lowercase,tolowercase,lowercase - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToLower.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToLower.Large.png - - - Core.String - ChangeCase - Action - Converts the given string to all uppercase characters or all lowercase characters based on a boolean parameter. - 2lowercase,to lowercase,tolowercase,lowercase,2uppercase,to uppercase,touppercase,uppercase - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ChangeCase.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ChangeCase.Large.png - - - Core.String - Substring - Action - Retrieves a substring from the given string. The substring starts at the given character position and has the given length. - subset,get string,part,smaller string - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Substring.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Substring.Large.png - - - Core.String - Contains - Action - Determines if the given string contains the given substring. - test,within,in,is in,part of - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Contains.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Contains.Large.png - - - Core.String - CountOccurrences - Action - Counts the number of non-overlapping occurrences of a substring inside a given string. - count,substring,count occurrences,numberof,search,find,within - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.CountOccurrences.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.CountOccurrences.Large.png - - - Core.String - Replace - Action - Replaces all occurrances of text in a string with other text. - replace,overwrite,override,find and replace - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Replace.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Replace.Large.png - - - Core.String - EndsWith - Action - Determines if the given string ends with the given substring. - test,does end,last,str end,terminated - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.EndsWith.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.EndsWith.Large.png - - - Core.String - StartsWith - Action - Determines if the given string starts with the given substring. - test,beginswith,start,string start,front - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.StartsWith.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.StartsWith.Large.png - - - Core.String - TrimWhitespace - Action - Removes all whitespace from the start and end of the given string. - trimstring,cleanstring,whitespace,blanks,spaces,string trim - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimWhitespace.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimWhitespace.Large.png - - - Core.String - TrimLeadingWhitespace - Action - Removes all whitespace from the start of the given string. - trim string,clean string,trim leading whitespaces,string trim - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimLeadingWhitespace.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimLeadingWhitespace.Large.png - - - Core.String - TrimTrailingWhitespace - Action - Removes all whitespace from the end of the given string. - trim string,clean string,trim trailing whitespaces,string trim - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimTrailingWhitespace.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimTrailingWhitespace.Large.png - - - Core.String - IndexOf - Action - Finds the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a sub-string inside a string. Returns -1 if no index could be found. - index of,find susbstring,where,search - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.IndexOf.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.IndexOf.Large.png - - - Core.String - AllIndicesOf - Action - No description available - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.String - LastIndexOf - Action - Finds the zero-based index of the last occurrence of a sub-string inside a string. Returns -1 if no index could be found. - last index of,find susbstring,where,search - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.LastIndexOf.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.LastIndexOf.Large.png - - - Core.String - PadLeft - Action - Right-aligns the characters in the given string by padding them with spaces on the left, for a specified total length. - pad left,right align,right-align,pad,string space,whitespace - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.PadLeft.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.PadLeft.Large.png - - - Core.String - PadRight - Action - Left-aligns the characters in the given string by padding them with spaces on the right, for a specified total length. - pad right,left align,left-align,pad string space,whitespace - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.PadRight.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.PadRight.Large.png - - - Core.String - Center - Action - Increases the width of a string by encasing the original characters with spaces on either side. - center align,center-align,centered,whitespace,expand string,surround - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Center.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Center.Large.png - - - Core.String - Insert - Action - Inserts a string into another string at a given index. - insertstring,insert string - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Insert.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Insert.Large.png - - - Core.String - Remove - Action - Removes characters from a string. - delete,rem,shorten - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Remove.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Remove.Large.png - - - - - Core.Web - Web Request - Action - Make a web request given a url. - DSCoreNodesUI.WebRequest,Web Request - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WebRequest.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WebRequest.Large.png - - - - - Core.Logic - And - Action - Boolean AND: Returns true only if both of the inputs are true. If either is false, returns false. - DSCore.Logic.And,DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.And,And - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.And.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.And.Large.png - - - Core.Logic - Or - Action - Boolean OR: Returns true if either of the inputs are true. If neither are true, returns false. - DSCore.Logic.Or,DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.Or,Or - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.Or.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.Or.Large.png - - - Core.Logic - If - Action - Conditional statement - DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.If,If - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.If.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.If.Large.png - - - Core.Logic - ScopeIf - Action - Scoped If statement - DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.ScopedIf,ScopeIf - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.ScopedIf.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.ScopedIf.Large.png - - - Core.Logic - Xor - Action - Boolean XOR: Returns true if and only if exactly one of the inputs is true. - xor,exclusive,or - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Logic.Xor.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Logic.Xor.Large.png - - - - - Core.Evaluate - Function.Apply - Action - Applies a function to arguments. - DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction,Function.Apply - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction.Large.png - - - Core.Evaluate - Function.Compose - Action - Compose multiple functions. - DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions,Function.Compose - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions.Large.png - - - - - - Core.File.FilePath - Combine - Action - Combines multiple strings into a single file path. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Combine.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Combine.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - Extension - Action - Returns the extension from a file path. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Extension.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Extension.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - ChangeExtension - Action - Changes the extension of a file path. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.ChangeExtension.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.ChangeExtension.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - DirectoryName - Action - Returns the directory name of a file path. - directorypath - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.DirectoryName.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.DirectoryName.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - FileName - Action - Returns the file name of a file path. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.FileName.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.FileName.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - HasExtension - Action - Determines whether or not a file path contains an extension. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.HasExtension.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.HasExtension.Large.png - - - - - Core.File.File - ReadText - Action - Reads a text file and returns the contents as a string. - read file,text,file - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.ReadText.var.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.ReadText.var.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - Move - Action - Moves a specified file to a new location - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Move.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Move.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - Delete - Action - Deletes the specified file. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Delete.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Delete.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - Copy - Action - Copies a file. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Copy.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Copy.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - Exists - Action - Determines if a file exists at the given path. - filepath - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Exists.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Exists.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - WriteText - Action - Write the text content to a file specified by the path - write file,text,file,filepath - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.WriteText.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.WriteText.Large.png - - - - - Core.File.Directory - Move - Action - Moves a directory to a new location. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Move.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Move.Large.png - - - Core.File.Directory - Copy - Action - Copies a directory to a destination location. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Copy.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Copy.Large.png - - - Core.File.Directory - Delete - Action - Deletes a directory. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Delete.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Delete.Large.png - - - Core.File.Directory - Contents - Action - Returns all of the contents of a given directory. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Contents.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Contents.Large.png - - - Core.File.Directory - Exists - Action - Determines if a directory exists at the given path. - directorypath - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Exists.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Exists.Large.png - - - - - Core.File.Image - ReadFromFile - Action - Loads the file as a bitmap. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.ReadFromFile.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.ReadFromFile.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - Pixels - Action - Reads an image file and returns the color values at the specified grid locations. - read,image,bitmap,png,jpg,jpeg - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Pixels.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Pixels.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - FromPixels - Action - Constructs an image from a 2d list of pixels. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color2.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color2.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - FromPixels - Action - Constructs an image from a flat list of pixels, a width, and a height. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color1-int-int.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color1-int-int.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - Dimensions - Action - Returns the width and height of an image. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Dimensions.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Dimensions.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - WriteToFile - Action - Write the image to a path, given the specified file name. - write image,image,file,filepath - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.WriteToFile.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.WriteToFile.Large.png - - - - - Core.File.CSV - WriteToFile - Action - Write a list of lists into a file using a comma-separated values format. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns. - write,text,file - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.WriteToFile.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.WriteToFile.Large.png - - - Core.File.CSV - ReadFromFile - Action - Reads a text file containing comma-separated values into a two dimensional list. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.ReadFromFile.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.ReadFromFile.Large.png - - - - Core.File - File.FromPath - Action - Creates a file object from a path. - DSCore.File.FileObject,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.FileObject,File.FromPath,filepath - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject.Large.png - - - Core.File - Directory.FromPath - Action - Creates a directory object from a path - DSCore.File.DirectoryObject,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DirectoryObject,Directory.FromPath,directorypath,filepath - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DirectoryObject.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DirectoryObject.Large.png - - - - - Core.ColorRange2D - ByColorsAndParameters - Create - Create a ColorRange2D by supplying lists of colors and UVs. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.ByColorsAndParameters.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.ByColorsAndParameters.Large.png - - - Core.ColorRange2D - GetColorAtParameter - Action - Returns the color in this color range at the specified parameter. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.GetColorAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.GetColorAtParameter.Large.png - - - - - Core.DateTime - MinValue - Query - The earliest date and time that can be represented. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MinValue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MinValue.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - MaxValue - Query - The latest date and time that can be represented. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MaxValue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MaxValue.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Now - Query - The current system date and time. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Now.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Now.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Today - Query - The current system date, with time set at midnight. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Today.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Today.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Format - Action - Return a specified date and time as a string, in the specified format. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.DateTime - ByDate - Action - Creates a new DateTime at an exact date. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDate.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDate.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - ByDateAndTime - Action - Creates a new DateTime at an exact date and time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - SubtractTimeSpan - Action - Subtracts a TimeSpan from a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.SubtractTimeSpan.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.SubtractTimeSpan.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - AddTimeSpan - Action - Adds a TimeSpan to a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.AddTimeSpan.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.AddTimeSpan.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - DaysInMonth - Action - Calculates how many days are in the given month of the given year. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DaysInMonth.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DaysInMonth.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - IsDaylightSavingsTime - Action - Determines if it is Daylight Savings Time at the given DateTime. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingsTime.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingsTime.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - IsLeapYear - Action - Determines if the given year is a leap year. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsLeapYear.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsLeapYear.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - FromString - Action - Attempts to parse a DateTime from a string. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.FromString.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.FromString.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Date - Action - Extracts only the date from a DateTime. Time components are set to 0. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Date.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Date.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Components - Action - Extracts the individual components of a DateTime. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Components.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Components.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - DayOfWeek - Action - Returns the Day of the Week from a given DateTime. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfWeek.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfWeek.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - DayOfYear - Action - Returns the day of the year (0-366) - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfYear.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfYear.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - TimeOfDay - Action - Yields a new TimeSpan representing the amount of time passed since midnight of the given DateTime. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.TimeOfDay.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.TimeOfDay.Large.png - - - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Sunday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Sunday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Sunday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Monday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Monday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Monday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Tuesday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Tuesday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Tuesday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Wednesday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Wednesday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Wednesday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Thursday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Thursday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Thursday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Friday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Friday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Friday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Saturday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Saturday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Saturday.Large.png - - - - - Core.TimeSpan - ByDateDifference - Action - Yields a new TimeSpan calculated from the time difference between two DateTimes. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.ByDateDifference.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.ByDateDifference.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Zero - Query - A TimeSpan representing an elapsed time of Zero. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Zero.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Zero.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - MaxValue - Query - The largest TimeSpan that can be represented. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MaxValue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MaxValue.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - MinValue - Query - The smallest TimeSpan that can be represented. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MinValue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MinValue.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Create - Action - Creates a new TimeSpan from a span of time. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Create.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Create.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Scale - Action - Multiplies a TimeSpan by a scaling factor. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Scale.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Scale.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Negate - Action - Negates a TimeSpan. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Negate.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Negate.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Add - Action - Adds two TimeSpans. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Add.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Add.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Subtract - Action - Subtracts two TimeSpans. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Subtract.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Subtract.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - FromString - Action - Attempts to parse a TimeSpan from a string. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.FromString.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.FromString.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Components - Action - Extracts the individual components of a TimeSpan. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Components.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Components.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalDays - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of days. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalDays.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalDays.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalHours - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of hours. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalHours.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalHours.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalMinutes - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of minutes. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalSeconds - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of seconds. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalMilliseconds - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of milliseconds. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.Large.png - - - - - Core.Formula - Evaluate - Action - Evaluates an NCalc formula with given parameter mappings. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Formula.Evaluate.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Formula.Evaluate.Large.png - - - - - Core.Math - Random - Action - Generates a random double in the range of [0, 1). - random,seed - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Random - Action - Produce a random number in the range [lower_number, higher_number). - random,numberrange - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - RandomList - Action - Produces a list containing the given amount of random doubles in the range of [0, 1). - random,listcontains - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Large.png - - - Core.Math - PiTimes2 - Query - Pi Constant Multiplied by 2 - 2pi,2*pi,twopi,two*pi - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.PiTimes2.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.PiTimes2.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Average - Action - Averages a list of numbers. - avg,mean - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Average.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Average.Large.png - - - Core.Math - RemapRange - Action - Adjusts the range of a list of numbers while preserving the distribution ratio. - remap range - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RemapRange.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RemapRange.Large.png - - - Core.Math - PI - Query - The mathematical constant Pi, 3.14159... - 3.141592653589793 - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.PI.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.PI.Large.png - - - Core.Math - E - Query - The mathematical constant e, 2.71828... - exp,2.718281828459045 - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.E.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.E.Large.png - - - Core.Math - GoldenRatio - Query - The golden ratio, (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.61803... - golden,ratio,divine,phi,tau,1.61803398875 - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.GoldenRatio.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.GoldenRatio.Large.png - - - Core.Math - RadiansToDegrees - Action - Converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees. - radians,degrees,angle - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RadiansToDegrees.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RadiansToDegrees.Large.png - - - Core.Math - DegreesToRadians - Action - Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians. - degrees,radians,angle - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.DegreesToRadians.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.DegreesToRadians.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Abs - Action - Finds the absolute value of a number. - absolute value,magnitude - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Abs.double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Abs.double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Abs - Action - Finds the absolute value of a number. - absolute value,magnitude - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Acos - Action - Finds the inverse cosine, the angle whose cosine is the given ratio. - acosine,arccosine - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Acos.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Acos.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Asin - Action - Finds the inverse sine, the angle whose sine is the given ratio. - asine,arcsin - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Asin.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Asin.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Atan - Action - Finds the inverse tangent, the angle whose tangent is the given ratio. - atangent,arctangent - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Atan2 - Action - Finds the inverse tangent of quotient of two numbers. Returns the angle whose tangent is the ratio: numerator/denominator. - atangent,arctangent - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Ceiling - Action - Returns the first integer greater than the number - ceiling,round - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Ceiling.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Ceiling.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Cos - Action - Finds the cosine of an angle. - cosine - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cos.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cos.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Cosh - Action - Finds the hyperbolic cosine of an angle (radians). - hyperbolic cosine - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Large.png - - - Core.Math - DivRem - Action - Finds the remainder of dividend/divisor. - remainder - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.DivRem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.DivRem.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Exp - Action - Returns the exponential of the number, the constant e raised to the value number. - exponential - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Floor - Action - Returns the first integer smaller than the number. - round - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Floor.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Floor.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Log - Action - Finds the natural logarithm of a number in the range (0, ∞). - natural,logarithm,ln - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Log - Action - Finds the logarithm of a number with the specified base. - logarithm,ld,lg - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double-double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Log10 - Action - Finds the base-10 logarithm of a number. - logarithm - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Max - Action - Returns the greater of two numbers. - maximum,greater,larger - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Max.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Max.double-double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Max - Action - Returns the greater of two numbers. - maximum,greater,larger - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Min - Action - Returns the lesser of two numbers. - minimum,lesser,smaller - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Min.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Min.double-double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Min - Action - Returns the lesser of two numbers. - minimum,lesser,smaller - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Pow - Action - Raises a number to the specified power. - ^,power,raise,exponent - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Pow.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Pow.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Rand - Action - Produce a random number in the range [0, 1). - random,numberrange - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Rand.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Rand.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Round - Action - Rounds a number to the closest integral value. Note that this method returns a double-precision floating-point number instead of an integral type. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Round - Action - Rounds a number to a specified number of fractional digits. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double-int.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double-int.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sign - Action - Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sign.double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sign.double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sign - Action - Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Sin - Action - Finds the sine of an angle. - sine - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sin.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sin.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sinh - Action - Finds the hyperbolic sine of an angle (radians). - hyperbolic - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sqrt - Action - Finds the positive square root of a number in the range [0, ∞). - square,root,radical - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sqrt.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sqrt.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Tan - Action - Finds the tangent of an angle. - tangent - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tan.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tan.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Tanh - Action - Finds the hyperbolic tangent of an angle (radians). - hyperbolic,tanh - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sum - Action - Find the sum of a series of numbers - mass addition,massadd - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sum.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sum.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Factorial - Action - Finds the factorial result of a positive integer. - ! - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Factorial.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Factorial.Large.png - - - - - Core.Object - IsNull - Action - Determines the if the given object is null. - is null - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.IsNull.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.IsNull.Large.png - - - Core.Object - Identity - Action - Returns what is passed in, doing nothing. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.Identity.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.Identity.Large.png - - - Core.Object - Type - Action - Returns the type of object represented as string. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.Type.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.Type.Large.png - - - - - Core.Thread - Pause - Action - Pauses the current evaluation thread for a given amount of time. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Thread.Pause.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Thread.Pause.Large.png - - - - - Core.Location - Name - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Name.Large.png - - - Core.Location - Latitude - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Latitude.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Latitude.Large.png - - - Core.Location - Longitude - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Longitude.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Longitude.Large.png - - - Core.Location - ByLatitudeAndLongitude - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.ByLatitudeAndLongitude.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.ByLatitudeAndLongitude.Large.png - - - - - - - Geometry.Geometry - ExportToSAT - Action - Exports the specified geometry to the given SAT file path. - ExportToSAT,Export,SAT - - - - - - - - src\Resources\GeometryUI\SmallIcons\GeometryUI.ExportWithUnits.Small.png - src\Resources\GeometryUI\LargeIcons\GeometryUI.ExportWithUnits.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Translate - Action - Translates any given geometry by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively. - move,by amount - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Translate - Action - Translate geometry in the given direction by the vector length - move,along vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Translate - Action - Translates any geometry type by the given distance in the given direction. - move,along vector,distance - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Transform - Action - Transforms geometry by the given CoordinateSystem's transform - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Transform - Action - Transforms this geometry from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem. - from,to - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Rotate - Action - Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree - around,axis,degrees - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Rotate - Action - Rotates an object around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree - around,normal,degrees - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Mirror - Action - Mirror the object across the input Plane - reflect,flip over - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Mirror.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Mirror.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale - Action - Scale uniformly around the origin - resize,size - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale - Action - Scale non-uniformly around the origin - resize,size,scalenu,scaleNU - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale - Action - Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane - resize,size,scalenu,scaleNU - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale - Action - Scale uniformly around a given point, using two pick points as scalars - resize,from,to,size - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale1D - Action - Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0. - resize,size,from,to,scale1d,1d,lines - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale1D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale1D.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale2D - Action - Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors - resize,size,from,to,scale2d,2d - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale2D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale2D.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - DistanceTo - Action - Obtain the distance from this Geometry to another - between,length,from,to - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DistanceTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DistanceTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ClosestPointTo - Action - Obtain the closest Point on this Geometry to the other - NearestPoint,GetClosestPoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ClosestPointTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ClosestPointTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - DoesIntersect - Action - Determine if another Geometry object intersects with this one - intersects?,check intersection,test intersection - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DoesIntersect.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DoesIntersect.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Intersect - Action - Get the intersection Geometry for this object and another - get overlap - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Intersect.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Intersect.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - IntersectAll - Action - Get the intersection of Geometry for this object and a collection of other Geometries. Finds common geometry of all participants. - get overlap,multi intersect,intersect many - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IntersectAll.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IntersectAll.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Split - Action - Split this Geometry using another Geometry as a cutting "tool" - cut - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Split.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Split.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Trim - Action - Removes elements of the entity closest to the pick point - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Explode - Action - Separates compound or non-separated elements into their component parts. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Explode.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Explode.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - IsAlmostEqualTo - Action - Check if the two objects have the same representational geometry or numerical values - approximate,near,close - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - BoundingBox - Query - Get the BoundingBox containing the given piece of Geometry - bounds - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.BoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.BoundingBox.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ImportFromSAT - Action - Imports a SAT file and returns an array of imported geometries - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.var.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.var.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ImportFromSAT - Action - Imports a SAT file and returns an array of imported geometries - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.string.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.string.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ExportToSAT - Action - Exports the specified geometry to the given SAT file path - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ExportToSAT.Geometry1-string.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ExportToSAT.Geometry1-string.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - SerializeAsSAB - Action - Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB..Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB..Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - SerializeAsSAB - Action - Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB.Geometry1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB.Geometry1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - DeserializeFromSAB - Action - Deserializes the specified Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format data and returns a list of geometry - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DeserializeFromSAB.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DeserializeFromSAB.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ContextCoordinateSystem - Query - Get the context/reference coordinate system that was used to create this geometry. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ContextCoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ContextCoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Arc - ByThreePoints - Create - Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference. - arc,arcs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByCenterPointRadiusAngle - Create - Create an arc by providing it's center point, radius, angle sweep, and normal vector - arc,center,arcs - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle - Create - Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, sweep point, and normal - arc,center,arcs - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint - Create - Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, and end point - arc,center,arcs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByFillet - Create - Create an arc by filleting twp curves with given radius - arc,fillet,round,smooth,arcs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFillet.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFillet.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByFilletTangentToCurve - Create - Create an arc by filleting two curves tangent to given curve at internal point - arc,fillet,round,smooth - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFilletTangentToCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFilletTangentToCurve.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByBestFitThroughPoints - Create - best fit arc through points - arc,approximate,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByStartEndAndTangencies - Action - Create an arc or tangent bi arc by start and end points and tangencies at start and end - arc,tangent - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartEndAndTangencies.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartEndAndTangencies.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent - Create - Create an Arc from start Point to end Point with start tangent to Vector - arc,tangent,arcs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - CenterPoint - Query - The center point of the arc - midpoint,arcs,arc - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - Radius - Query - The radius of the arc - arc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.Radius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - StartAngle - Query - The start angle in degrees - arc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.StartAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.StartAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - SweepAngle - Query - The total sweep angle in degrees - arc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.SweepAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.SweepAngle.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Curve - ByParameterLineOnSurface - Create - Create a curve by line of surface in uv space - isocurve,curvebyuv,lines,uvs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ByBlendBetweenCurves - Create - Create a curve that blends between two curves - blend,make continuous,connect - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByBlendBetweenCurves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByBlendBetweenCurves.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ByIsoCurveOnSurface - Create - Create a curve by isoline of surface - isocurve,curvebydir,lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Length - Query - The total arc length of the curve - distance - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - IsPlanar - Query - Determine whether a Curve is planar or not - flat,liesinplane - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsPlanar.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsPlanar.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - IsClosed - Query - Determine if the Curve is closed or not - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsClosed.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsClosed.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - StartPoint - Query - Get the start Point along the Curve - begin,curvestart,startpt - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - EndPoint - Query - Get the end Point along the Curve - end,curveend,endpt - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Normal - Query - The normal to the plane where the curve is contained. Only valid for planar curves. - perpendicular - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Normal.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Normal.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointAtParameter - Action - Get a Point on the Curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() - pointoncurve,curvepoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TangentAtParameter - Action - Get a Vector tangent to the curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() - tangentoncurve,curvetan - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TangentAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TangentAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - NormalAtParameter - Action - Get a Vector perpendicular to the curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() - normaloncurve,curvenorm - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.NormalAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.NormalAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - CoordinateSystemAtParameter - Action - Get a CoordinateSystem with origin at the point at the given parameter. The XAxis is aligned with the curve normal, the YAxis is aligned with the curve tangent at this point, and the ZAxis is aligned with the up-vector or binormal at this point - coordoncurve,curvecoord,derivatives - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - HorizontalFrameAtParameter - Action - Get a CoordinateSystem with origin at the point at the given parameter - frame,axisaligned,aa,coordcurve,framecurve,curveframe,coordoncurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.HorizontalFrameAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.HorizontalFrameAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PlaneAtParameter - Action - Returns a Plane whose normal aligns with the tangent of the Curve. Parameters are adjusted such that 0 is always the start Point and 1 is always the end Point. - planeoncurve,planecurve,tangentplane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointAtSegmentLength - Action - Get a Point at a particular arc length along the curve - pointoncurve,curvepoint,pointalongcurve,distanceoncurve,distancepoint,distpoint,arclength - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointsAtEqualSegmentLength - Action - Returns points spaced equally along the curve length based on the input number of divisions - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointsAtEqualChordLength - Action - Returns points spaced along curve at equal chord length based on the input number of divisions - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualChordLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualChordLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointAtChordLength - Action - Get the point at a particular chord length of the curve from given parameter location. - measure from,measure to,parameteratdist - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtChordLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtChordLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint - Action - Returns points spaced equally along the curve at given segment length and starting from the given point - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint - Action - Returns points spaced on the curve at given chord length starting from the given point - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength - Action - Returns a CoordinateSystem at specified distance from Curve start Point. Y Axis lies tangent to the Curve, X Axis is the curvature. - coordoncurve,curvecoord,derivatives - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PlaneAtSegmentLength - Action - Returns a Plane at the specified distance along the Curve from the start Point. The normal of the Plane aligns with the tangent of the Curve. - planeoncurve,planecurve,tangentplane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SegmentLengthAtParameter - Action - Get the arc length along the Curve at the particular parameter. - lengthatparameter,dist along,lengthatpoint,arclength - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ParameterAtSegmentLength - Action - Get the parameter at a particular arc length along the curve. - parameteratlen,param along,paramatlen,arclength - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ParameterAtChordLength - Action - Get the parameter at a particular chord length along the curve from given location. - measure from,measure to,parameteratdist - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtChordLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtChordLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - StartParameter - Action - Get the start of the domain in which the curve can be evaluated - start domain,curvestart - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - EndParameter - Action - Get the end of the domain in which the curve can be evaluated - end domain,curveend - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SegmentLengthBetweenParameters - Action - Get the arc length between two parameter points on the curve - measure,distance,arclength - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthBetweenParameters.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthBetweenParameters.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ParameterAtPoint - Action - Get the parameter at a particular point along the Curve - projectpoint,closestparam,curveparam - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Reverse - Action - Reverse the direction of the curve - flip - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Reverse.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Reverse.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Offset - Action - Offset a Curve by a specified amount. Curve must be planar, and, if a BSplineCurve/NurbsCurve, must have degree > 1. - thicken,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Offset.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Offset.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PullOntoPlane - Action - Create a curve by pulling onto plane - projectcurve,toplane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PullOntoSurface - Action - Pull this Curve onto the input Surface, in the direction of the Surface normals. - projectcurve,tosurf - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimByStartParameter - Action - Removes the start of the Curve at the specified parameter - rem,remstart,removestart,trimcurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByStartParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByStartParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimByEndParameter - Action - Removes the end of the Curve at the specified parameter - rem,remend,removeend,trimcurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByEndParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByEndParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimByParameter - Action - Removes the beginning and end of the Curve at the specified parameters. - rem,remend,remstart,remove,trimcurve,removeends - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimInteriorByParameter - Action - Removes the interior portion of a Curve at the specified parameters - rem,removemiddle,middle,remmiddle,cutout,trimcurve - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimInteriorByParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimInteriorByParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimSegmentsByParameter - Action - Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments - rem,removeparts,remparts,cutout,trimcurv,interior,odd - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimSegmentsByParameter - Action - Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments - rem,removeparts,remparts,cutout,trimcurv,interior,odd - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SplitByParameter - Action - Split a Curve into two pieces at the given parameter - cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SplitByParameter - Action - Split a Curve into two pieces at the given parameter - cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SplitByPoints - Action - Split a Curve into multiple pieces at the given points - cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut,cut multiple,splitmultiple - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Join - Action - Join this curve and the input curve into a new PolyCurve, maintaining the original curves exactly. - convertcurve,curve2polycurve,joincurve,concat - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Join.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Join.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Extrude - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the normal Vector direction - pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Extrude - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector - pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Extrude - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance - pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtrudeAsSolid - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the Normal direction by the specified distance. Curve must be closed. - profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtrudeAsSolid - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector. Curve must be closed. - profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtrudeAsSolid - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance. Curve must be closed. - profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Extend - Action - Extend a Curve by a given distance at a particular end determined by a pick Point. The picked side will be extended. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. - makelonger,stretch,extendside - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extend.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extend.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtendStart - Action - Extend a Curve by a given distance on its start side. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. - makelonger,stretch - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendStart.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendStart.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtendEnd - Action - Extend a Curve by a given distance on its end. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. - makelonger,stretch - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendEnd.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendEnd.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments - Action - Approximate a Curve with a collection of Arcs and Lines - rationalizecurve,fitarcs,fitlines,arcs,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ToNurbsCurve - Action - Converts the Curve to a NurbsCurve approximation - curve2spline,convertcurve,tospline,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ToNurbsCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ToNurbsCurve.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Patch - Action - Patch a closed Curve - fill,profiletosurf,loop,loop2surf,edgesurf - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Patch.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Patch.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Project - Action - Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Project.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Project.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SweepAsSurface - Action - Sweeps this Curve along the path Curve, creating a Surface - sweep1,curve2surf - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SweepAsSolid - Action - Sweeps this closed Curve along the path Curve, creating a Solid - sweep1,curve2solid,loop2solid,profile2solid,curvetosolid,looptosolid,profiletosolid - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSolid.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSolid.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Simplify - Action - Returns a new Curve approximated with the supplied tolerance - fitcurve,reducecurve,simplecurve,approximate - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Simplify.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Simplify.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - ByGeometry - Create - Create an axis-aligned BoundingBox around input Geometry. - bounding,bound - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByGeometry.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - ByCorners - Create - Creates the an axis-aligned BoundingBox spanning between the minimum Point and the maximum Point. - bounding,bound,bymaxmin,max,min,bypoints - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByCorners.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByCorners.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - MinPoint - Query - The minimum point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MinPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MinPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - MaxPoint - Query - The maximum point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MaxPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MaxPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - Intersection - Action - Get the intersection of two BoundingBoxes - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersection.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersection.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - Intersects - Action - Determine whether two BoundingBoxes intersect - get overlap - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersects.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersects.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - IsEmpty - Action - Determine if the BoundingBox is empty - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.IsEmpty.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.IsEmpty.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - Contains - Action - Determine if a point is inside of the BoundingBox - point inside,testpoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Contains.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Contains.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - ToCuboid - Action - Get the BoundingBox as a Solid Cuboid - converttosolid,bb2cube,bb2cub,bounding tosolid,cubes - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToCuboid.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToCuboid.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - ToPolySurface - Action - Get the BoundingBox as a collection of Surfaces - converttosurfaces,convert2surfaces,bbtosrfs,bounding to surfaces,bound to poly,convert2poly - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToPolySurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToPolySurface.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Identity - Create - Creates a CoordinateSystem as the World Coordinate System: origin at 0, 0, 0; x axis at 1, 0, 0; y axis at 0, 1, 0; z axis at 0, 0, 1 - zero,wcs - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Identity.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Identity.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByMatrix - Create - Deprecated -- DO NOT USE - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByMatrix.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByMatrix.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOrigin - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X and Y locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. Z defaults to 0. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOrigin - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X, Y, and Z locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. - translate - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOrigin - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at input Point, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. - bypoint - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.Point.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.Point.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByPlane - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem with origin equal to input Plane origin, and X and Y axes lying in the Plane, aligned with Plane X and Y axes. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOriginVectors - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis. Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOriginVectors - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis, with Z axis ignored completely. Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem. - byxy,coord by2axis - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector-Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector-Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByCylindricalCoordinates - Create - Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified cylindrical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - BySphericalCoordinates - Create - Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified spherical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.BySphericalCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.BySphericalCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - IsSingular - Query - Determine whether it is possible to get the Inverse of this CoordinateSystem - inverse,testinverse - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsSingular.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsSingular.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - IsScaledOrtho - Query - Tests if the scaling orthogonal, i.e. does it have a shear component. - uniform - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsScaledOrtho.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsScaledOrtho.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - IsUniscaledOrtho - Query - Tests if the scaling orthogonal and are all the vectors normalized. - uniform,normal,samelength - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsUniscaledOrtho.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsUniscaledOrtho.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Determinant - Query - Obtain the Determinant of this CoordinateSystem - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Determinant.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Determinant.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Origin - Query - Creates a Point representing the CoordinateSystem origin. - position,center - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Origin.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Origin.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - XAxis - Query - Returns X Axis of CoordinateSystem. - left,right - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - YAxis - Query - Returns Y Axis of CoordinateSystem. - forward,back - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ZAxis - Query - Returns Z Axis of CoordinateSystem. - up,down - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - XScaleFactor - Query - Returns the X Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the X Axis vector. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XScaleFactor.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XScaleFactor.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - YScaleFactor - Query - Returns the Y Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Y Axis vector. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YScaleFactor.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YScaleFactor.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ZScaleFactor - Query - Returns the Z Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Z Axis vector. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZScaleFactor.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZScaleFactor.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - XYPlane - Query - Returns the Plane the X and Y axes lie in, with root at the origin. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XYPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XYPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - YZPlane - Query - Returns the Plane the Y and Z axes lie in, with root at the origin. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YZPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YZPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ZXPlane - Query - Returns the Plane the Z and X axes lie in, with root at the origin. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZXPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZXPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Inverse - Action - Get the inverse of this CoordinateSystem - applying this CoordinateSystem to a piece of Geometry reverses the original. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Inverse.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Inverse.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Mirror - Action - Mirror the object across the input Plane - reflect,flip over - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Mirror.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Mirror.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - PostMultiplyBy - Action - Apply the argument CoordinateSystem after this one - Result = this * other - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PostMultiplyBy.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PostMultiplyBy.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - PreMultiplyBy - Action - Apply the argument CoordinateSystem before this one - Result = other * this - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PreMultiplyBy.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PreMultiplyBy.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ScaleFactor - Action - Returns a Vector containing the X, Y, and Z scale factors - get size,scalecomponents,scalevector - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ScaleFactor.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ScaleFactor.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - IsEqualTo - Action - Determine if two CoordinateSystems are equal - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsEqualTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsEqualTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Translate - Action - Translates any given CoordinateSystem by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively. - move,by amount - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Translate - Action - Translate the object in the direction and magnitude of input Vector. - move,along vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Translate - Action - Translates any CoordinateSystem type by the given distance in the given direction. - move,along vector,distance - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Transform - Action - Transform the object by the input CoordinateSystem matrix. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Transform - Action - Transforms this CoordinateSystem from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Rotate - Action - Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree - around,axis,degrees - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Rotate - Action - /// - around,normal,degrees - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale - Action - Scale uniformly around the origin - resize,size - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale - Action - Scale non-uniformly around the origin - resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale - Action - Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane - resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale - Action - Scale uniformly around a given point, using - resize,from,to,size - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale1D - Action - Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0. - resize,size,from,to,scale1d,1d,lines - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale1D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale1D.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale2D - Action - Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors - resize,size,from,to,scale2d,2d - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale2D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale2D.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Vector - ByCoordinates - Create - Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates - vector,xyz,vector3 - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - ByCoordinates - Create - Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates and normalize the Vector - normalize,vector3 - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - ByTwoPoints - Create - Form a Vector by two end points. The result is a vector from the start to the end point. - vector2 - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByTwoPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByTwoPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - XAxis - Create - Get the canonical X axis Vector (1,0,0) - x,basis,right - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.XAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.XAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - YAxis - Create - Get the canonical Y axis Vector (0,1,0) - y,basis,forward - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.YAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.YAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - ZAxis - Create - Get the canonical Z axis Vector (0,0,1) - z,basis,up - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - X - Query - Get the X component of a Vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.X.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.X.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Y - Query - Get the Y component of a Vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Y.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Y.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Z - Query - Get the Z component of a Vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Z.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Z.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Length - Query - Get the length of the vector - otherwise known as the Euclidean norm - magnitude - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Length.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - AsPoint - Action - Get the Point with the same X, Y, and Z component - convertopoint,vector2point - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AsPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AsPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Reverse - Action - Get the reverse of the vector. Essentially this negates the X, Y, and Z components of the Vector. - backwards,vectorflip - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Reverse.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Reverse.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Add - Action - Add a vector - sum,sumvectors - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Add.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Add.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Subtract - Action - Subtract a vector - substact,diff vectors,between - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Subtract.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Subtract.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Cross - Action - Form the cross product of two vectors - perpendicular - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Cross.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Cross.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Dot - Action - Form the dot product of two vectors - project,projectvector,vectorproject,onto - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Dot.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Dot.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Normalized - Action - Get the normalized version of a vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Normalized.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Normalized.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - IsParallel - Action - Determine whether two vectors are parallel or not - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsParallel.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsParallel.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - IsAlmostEqualTo - Action - Determine whether two vectors ae almost equal - vector approximate,near,same - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsAlmostEqualTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsAlmostEqualTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Transform - Action - Transform this Vector by input CoordinateSystem matrix. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Transform.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Transform.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Rotate - Action - Rotates a Vector around an axis by a specified number of degrees - around,axis,degrees - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Rotate - Action - Rotates a vector around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree - around,normal,degrees - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Scale - Action - Scale Vector uniformly around the origin - resize,size - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Scale - Action - Scale Vector non-uniformly around the origin - resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - AngleWithVector - Action - Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 180] degrees. - rotation angle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleWithVector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleWithVector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - AngleAboutAxis - Action - Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 360] degrees. It uses axis of rotation to determine the direction of the angle. - rotation angle - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleAboutAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleAboutAxis.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Point - ByCoordinates - Create - Form a Point in the XY plane given two 2 cartesian coordinates. The Z component is 0. - xy,position - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - ByCoordinates - Create - Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates - point,xyz,position - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Origin - Create - Get the Origin point (0,0,0) - zero,origin - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Origin.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Origin.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - ByCartesianCoordinates - Create - Form a Point in the given coordinate system with 3 cartesian coordinates - point,xyz,localposition - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCartesianCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCartesianCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - ByCylindricalCoordinates - Create - Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in cylindrical coordinates. - point,localposition - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - BySphericalCoordinates - Create - Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in spherical coordinates. - point,localposition - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.BySphericalCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.BySphericalCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - PruneDuplicates - Action - Prune points to exclude duplicates within tolerance of included points - unique,duplicates,remove duplicates,distinct,near - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.PruneDuplicates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.PruneDuplicates.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - X - Query - Get the X component of a Point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.X.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.X.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Y - Query - Get the Y component of a Point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Y.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Y.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Z - Query - Get the Z component of a Point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Z.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Z.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - AsVector - Action - Get the Vector with the same X, Y, and Z component - convertovector,point2vector - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.AsVector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.AsVector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Add - Action - Add a vector to a point. The same as Translate(Vector). - movepoint,move,move along - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Add.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Add.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Subtract - Action - Subtract a vector from a point. The same as Translate(-Vector). - movepoint,move,move along - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Subtract.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Subtract.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Project - Action - Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Project.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Project.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Plane - ByOriginNormal - Create - Create a Plane centered at root Point, with input normal Vector. - plane,tonormal - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByOriginNormalXAxis - Create - Create an "oriented" Plane, positioned at Point origin with Vector normal, but with a specific X axis orientation. This has no impact to splitting, intersect, project, etc oporations, it only specifies the orientation of the input CoordinateSystem. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormalXAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormalXAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByOriginXAxisYAxis - Create - The X and Y axis lie in the plane. The Z axis is the cross product of the two Vectors. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByBestFitThroughPoints - Create - Fits a Plane to the input Points; basically a 3D scatterplot fit. - fit,bestfit - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByLineAndPoint - Create - Create the Plane containing the input Line and external Point. Point cannot lie on the Line or in the Line axis. - lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByLineAndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByLineAndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByThreePoints - Create - Create a the Plane containing the three input Points. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByThreePoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByThreePoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - XY - Create - Creates a plane in the world XY - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XY.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XY.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - XZ - Create - Creates a plane in the world XZ plane - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XZ.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XZ.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - YZ - Create - Creates a plane in the world YZ - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YZ.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YZ.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - Origin - Query - Returns the origin of the Plane. - position,planecenter - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Origin.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Origin.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - Normal - Query - Returns the normal direction of the Plane. - perpendicular - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Normal.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Normal.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - XAxis - Query - The X basis of the Plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - YAxis - Query - The Y basis of the Plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ToCoordinateSystem - Action - Produces a new CoordinateSystem representing this plane. It is based on the origin, and X and Y axis basis. - converttoCS,convert2cs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ToCoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ToCoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - Offset - Action - Create a new Plane offset by this Plane in the normal direction by the specified distance. - alongnormal,moveplane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Offset.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Offset.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Surface - ByLoft - Create - Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves. - loft - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByLoft - Create - Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves. - loft - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByRuledLoft - Create - Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Lines. This is slightly faster and produces a less smooth result than Surface.ByLoft. - ruledsurface,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRuledLoft.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRuledLoft.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - BySweep - Create - Create a Surface by sweeping a cross section Curve along a path. - sweep,rail,guide,sweep1 - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByPerimeterPoints - Create - Create a Polygon Surface connecting input Points in a closed Polygon and patching it. - patch,surfacebypolygon - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - BySweep2Rails - Create - Sweep the cross section curve along a path guided by a two rails - sweep2,guides - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByRevolve - Create - Create a Surface by sweeping the profile Curve around the axis ray formed by origin Point in the direction of the axis Vector, starting at start_angle in degrees, sweeping sweep_angle in degrees. - lathe - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRevolve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRevolve.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByPatch - Create - Create a Surface by filling in the interior of a closed boundary defined by input Curves. - edgesrf,edgesurface,patch,fill - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Area - Query - Returns the total surface area. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Perimeter - Query - Returns the sum of all edges of the Surface. - circumference - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Perimeter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Perimeter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ClosedInU - Query - Returns true if the Surface is closed in U direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInU.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInU.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ClosedInV - Query - Returns true if the Surface is closed in V direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInV.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInV.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Closed - Query - Returns true if the Surface is closed in U or V directions - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Closed.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Closed.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - SubtractFrom - Action - Subtract the input tools from this Surface. - difference,trim,removefrom,cut - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.SubtractFrom.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.SubtractFrom.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - UVParameterAtPoint - Action - Return the UV parameter pair at the input Point. This is the inverse of Point at parameter. - evaluateatpoint,surfaceatpoint,uvatpoint,uvs - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.UVParameterAtPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.UVParameterAtPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - TrimWithEdgeLoops - Action - Trim the surface with a collection of loops within the surface - trim multiple,removeloops,cutloops - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TrimWithEdgeLoops.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TrimWithEdgeLoops.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - NormalAtPoint - Action - Return the surface normal at the input Point on the Surface. - perpendicular - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ToNurbsSurface - Action - Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ToNurbsSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ToNurbsSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ApproximateWithTolerance - Action - Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface within a specified tolerance. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances. - tonurbs - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ApproximateWithTolerance.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ApproximateWithTolerance.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Thicken - Action - Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals on both sides of the Surface. - offset,tosolid - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Thicken - Action - Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals. If both_sides parameter is true, surface is thickened on both sides. - offset,bothsides,tosolid - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Offset - Action - Offset Surface in direction of Surface normal by specified distance. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Offset.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Offset.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - CurvatureAtParameter - Action - The returned coordination system use xAxis, yAxis and zAxis to represent the uDir, vDir and normal. The length of xAxis, yAxis represents the curvatures. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CurvatureAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CurvatureAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - CoordinateSystemAtParameter - Action - Return a CoordinateSystem aligned with principal curvature directions. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - TangentAtUParameter - Action - Return the U tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtUParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtUParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - TangentAtVParameter - Action - Return the V tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtVParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtVParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - NormalAtParameter - Action - Return the normal Vector at specified U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - DerivativesAtParameter - Action - Return the derivatives at input U and V coordinates. - tangent,normal - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.DerivativesAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.DerivativesAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - GaussianCurvatureAtParameter - Action - Returns the Gaussian curvature at U and V parameters. - developable - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GaussianCurvatureAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GaussianCurvatureAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter - Action - Returns the principal curvatures at the U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter - Action - Returns principal direction vectors at U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - PointAtParameter - Action - Return the Point at specified U and V parameters. - surfacepoint - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - PerimeterCurves - Action - Return all the boundary Curves of the Surface. - edges - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PerimeterCurves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PerimeterCurves.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - GetIsoline - Action - Create a parameter line curve on the given surface. Create a Curve that represents a u or v parameter line on the Surface. A parameter line runs in the direction of increasing u or v parameter at a constant opposite u or v parameter. The resulting Curve will match the Surface parameterisation and its range will be bounded by the Surface parameter range. The type of Curve returned will depend on the Surface type. - lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GetIsoline.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GetIsoline.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - FlipNormalDirection - Action - Returns a new Surface with the Normal flipped. Leaves this surface unchanged. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.FlipNormalDirection.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.FlipNormalDirection.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Join - Action - Combines this Surface and input Surface into a PolySurface - topolysurface - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Join.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Join.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ProjectInputOnto - Action - Projects the input Geometry onto this Surface in the input Vector direction - projecttosurface,projectonto - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ProjectInputOnto.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ProjectInputOnto.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.UV - ByCoordinates - Create - Create a UV from two doubles. - surfaceparam,parameters,uv,uvs - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.ByCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.ByCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.UV - U - Query - Get the U component of a UV - uv,uvs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.U.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.U.Large.png - - - Geometry.UV - V - Query - Get the V component of a V - uv,uvs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.V.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.V.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ByJoinedCurves - Create - Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity - segments,joincurves - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ByPoints - Create - Make PolyCurve by connecting points. Set the 'connectLastToFirst' input to true to close the PolyCurve. - segments,joincurves,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ByThickeningCurve - Create - Make PolyCurve by thickening a curve. - offset - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurve.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - NumberOfCurves - Query - Number of curves of the polycurve - curvecount,subcurvecount,numbersubcurves - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.NumberOfCurves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.NumberOfCurves.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - Curves - Action - Returns curves of the polycurve - subcurves,polycurvesplit - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - CurveAtIndex - Action - Returns curve of the polycurve by index - subcurveatindex,getsubcurve,getcurvebyindex - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CurveAtIndex.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CurveAtIndex.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - BasePlane - Action - Returns plane of planar polycurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.BasePlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.BasePlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ExtendWithEllipse - Action - Extends polycurve by tangent ellipse - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithEllipse.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithEllipse.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ExtendWithArc - Action - Extends polycurve by tangent arc - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithArc.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithArc.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - CloseWithLine - Action - Close polycurve by line connecting start and end points - lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLine.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLine.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs - Action - Close polycurve by tangent chain of arc, line, and arc - lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - Offset - Action - Offset polycurve in its plane. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Offset.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Offset.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - Fillet - Action - Fillet polycurve in its plane. - round,smooth,radius - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Fillet.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Fillet.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Solid - ByJoinedSurfaces - Create - Create a solid by specifying it's component faces as Surfaces. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByJoinedSurfaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByJoinedSurfaces.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ByLoft - Create - Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ByLoft - Create - Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - BySweep - Create - Sweep a closed Curve along a path. - Brep,brep,sweep1 - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - BySweep2Rails - Create - Sweep a closed profile Curve along two rail Curves. - Brep,brep,sweep2,guides,sweepprofile - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep2Rails.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep2Rails.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ByRevolve - Create - Create a Surface of revolution, sweeping the profile Curve around the axis Ray formed by the origin and the axis Vector, from the start angle in degrees to the sweep angle in degrees. - Brep,brep,lathe,revolveprofile - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRevolve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRevolve.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ByUnion - Create - Union a collection of solids into one solid - Brep,brep,boolean,addition - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Area - Query - Returns the surface area -- sum of all the areas of all faces - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Area.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Area.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Volume - Query - The total volume of the Solid - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Centroid - Action - The centroid of the Solid - average,center - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Centroid.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Centroid.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Union - Action - The boolean union of this Solid and another. - addition,merge,combine - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Union.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Union.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Difference - Action - The boolean difference of this Solid with another - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Difference.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Difference.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - DifferenceAll - Action - The boolean difference of this Solid and the union of input Solids - subtract,differencemany,diffall,diff multi - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.DifferenceAll.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.DifferenceAll.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ThinShell - Action - Obtain a solid Shell from the Faces of this Solid - extract shell,offset and extract - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ProjectInputOnto - Action - Projects the input Geometry onto this Solid, in the direction of the input Vector - projectonto,projectonsolid,projecttosolid - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ProjectInputOnto.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ProjectInputOnto.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Fillet - Action - Fillets a Solid along input Edges with a given radius. - round,smooth,smoothedge,roundedges - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Fillet.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Fillet.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Chamfer - Action - Chamfers a Solid along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner. - bevel,flattenedges - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Chamfer.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Chamfer.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByControlPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. - nurbscurve,spline,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByControlPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. - nurbscurve,spline,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByControlPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. - nurbscurve,spline,lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByControlPointsWeightsKnots - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by from control vertices, weights, and knots. FROM ASM DOCS: Degree: Should be greater than 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: The knot vector should be a non-decreasing sequence. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows curves with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. knot array: the array size must be num_control_points + degree + 1 - explicit,nurbscurve,spline,degree,spline byarray,lines - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. - fit,approximate,spline,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. - fit,approximate,spline,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. - fit,approximate,spline,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-int.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-int.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByPointsTangents - Create - Returns a BSplineCurve through the points, with tangent directions. - spline by tangent,tangents,lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPointsTangents.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPointsTangents.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - Degree - Query - The degree of the curve - smoothness,interpolation,continuity - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Degree.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Degree.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - IsPeriodic - Query - Whether the NurbsCurve is periodic or not - isclosed - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsPeriodic.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsPeriodic.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - IsRational - Query - Whether the NurbsCurve is rational or not. This defines whether any of the weights are not 1.0. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsRational.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsRational.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ControlPoints - Action - Get the control points of the NurbsCurve. These are the points that the curve interpolates. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ControlPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ControlPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - Knots - Action - The knots of the Curve. These, along with the Degree, define the domain of the Curve where a particular control vertex acts. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Knots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Knots.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - Weights - Action - The weights of the control vertices of the curve. These define the magnitude of influence of the control vertices. - ptweight - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Weights.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Weights.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Cuboid - ByLengths - Create - Create a Cuboid centered at WCS origin, with width, length, and height. - box,cube,cubes - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - ByLengths - Create - Create a Cuboid centered at input Point, with specified width, length, and height. - box,cube,cubebysize,bycenter,cubes - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.Point-double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.Point-double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - ByLengths - Create - Create a Cuboid centered and oriented to input CoordinateSystem, with specified width, length, and height. - box,cube,cubebysize,bycoord,cubes - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.CoordinateSystem-double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.CoordinateSystem-double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - ByCorners - Create - Create an Cuboid spanning from low Point to high Point. - box,cube,byminmax,by corners,by points,cubes - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByCorners.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByCorners.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - Length - Query - Returns length distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Length.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - Width - Query - Returns width distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Width.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Width.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - Height - Query - Returns height distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Height.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Height.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ByLoft - Create - Makes PolySurface by Loft through Curves. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ByLoft - Create - Makes PolySurface by Loft through Curves. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ByLoftGuides - Create - Makes PolySurface by Loft through PolyCurves. - loftbyrails,loft rails,guides - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoftGuides.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoftGuides.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ByJoinedSurfaces - Create - Make Polysurface by joining surfaces. - joinsurfaces,joinsrf - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - BySolid - Create - Make Polysurface by surfaces of Solid. - solid2poly,solidtopoly,convertsolid - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySolid.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySolid.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - BySweep - Create - Make Polysurface by sweeping curves along rail. - sweep,rail,guide,sweep1 - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - BySweep - Create - Make Polysurface by sweeping a curve along rail. - sweep,rail,guide,sweep1,sweepprofile,profile - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - Surfaces - Action - Return new Surfaces representing the underlying Surfaces. - subsurfaces,getsurfaces,explode - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Surfaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Surfaces.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - LocateSurfacesByPoint - Action - Locate Surfaces by point. Takes first intersection in forward direction. Returns one surface if hit surface interior, two if hit edge interior, and many if hit vertex - surfacesatpoint,findsurfaces,extractsurfaces - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - LocateSurfacesByLine - Action - Locate Surfaces by Line. Takes all surfaces hit by line. - surfacesonline,findsurfaces,extractsurfaces,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByLine.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByLine.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - UnconnectedBoundaries - Action - Compute 2d cell boundaries which are not connected to other Surfaces - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.UnconnectedBoundaries.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.UnconnectedBoundaries.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ExtractSolids - Action - Extract Solids from Polysurface defined by subset of surfaces - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ExtractSolids.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ExtractSolids.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - SurfaceCount - Action - number of surfaces of Polysurface - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.SurfaceCount.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.SurfaceCount.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - EdgeCount - Action - number of edges of Polysurface - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.EdgeCount.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.EdgeCount.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - VertexCount - Action - number of vertices of Polysurface - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.VertexCount.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.VertexCount.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - Fillet - Action - Fillets a PolySurface along input Edges with a given radius. - round,smooth,smoothedge,roundedges - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Fillet.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Fillet.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - Chamfer - Action - Chamfers a PolySurface along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner. - bevel,flattenedges - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Chamfer.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Chamfer.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Circle - ByCenterPointRadius - Create - Creates a Circle with input center Point and radius in the world XY plane, with world Z as normal. - circle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - ByCenterPointRadiusNormal - Create - Creates a Circle with specified center Point, radius, and normal direction. - circle,alignedcircle - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - ByPlaneRadius - Create - Create a Circle centered at the input Plane origin (root), lying in the input Plane, with given radius. - circle,alignedcircle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByPlaneRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByPlaneRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - ByThreePoints - Create - Create a Circle passing through three input Points. - circle - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByThreePoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByThreePoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - ByBestFitThroughPoints - Create - Best fit Circle through Points - circle,approximate - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - CenterPoint - Query - The center of the circle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - Radius - Query - The radius of the circle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.Radius.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Edge - CurveGeometry - Query - The underlying Curve making up the Edge - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.CurveGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.CurveGeometry.Large.png - - - Geometry.Edge - AdjacentFaces - Query - The Faces adjacent to this Edge - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.AdjacentFaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.AdjacentFaces.Large.png - - - Geometry.Edge - StartVertex - Query - The Vertex at which this Edge starts - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.StartVertex.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.StartVertex.Large.png - - - Geometry.Edge - EndVertex - Query - The Vertex at which this Edge ends - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.EndVertex.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.EndVertex.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Vertex - PointGeometry - Query - The Point where this Vertex is located - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.PointGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.PointGeometry.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vertex - AdjacentEdges - Query - The Edges emanating from this Vertex - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentEdges.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentEdges.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vertex - AdjacentFaces - Query - The Faces adjacent to this Vertex - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentFaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentFaces.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Cone - ByPointsRadius - Create - Create a Cone with given base radius at start Point, extending to a apex at end Point. - cone,cones - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - ByPointsRadii - Create - Create a Cone with axis from start Point to end Point, with given radiuses at start and end. This object does not have an apex, and can be thought of as a trimmed Cone. - trimmed cone,cone,cones - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius - Create - Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular base in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii - Create - Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular bases in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane. - cone,cone by height,cones - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - StartPoint - Query - The start point - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - EndPoint - Query - The end point - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - RadiusRatio - Query - Ratio between the top and bottom radius - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.RadiusRatio.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.RadiusRatio.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - StartRadius - Query - The radius at the base - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - EndRadius - Query - The radius at the bottom - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - Height - Query - The total height - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.Height.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.Height.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Topology - Vertices - Query - The Vertices of the Topology - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Vertices.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Vertices.Large.png - - - Geometry.Topology - Edges - Query - The Edges of the Topology - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Edges.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Edges.Large.png - - - Geometry.Topology - Faces - Query - The Faces of the Topology - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Faces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Faces.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Face - Edges - Query - All of the Edges around this Face in counterclockwise order - faces - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Edges.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Edges.Large.png - - - Geometry.Face - Vertices - Query - All of the Vertices around this Face in counterclockwise order - faces - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Vertices.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Vertices.Large.png - - - Geometry.Face - SurfaceGeometry - Action - The underlying Surface making up the Face - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.SurfaceGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.SurfaceGeometry.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Cylinder - ByRadiusHeight - Create - Construct a Solid Cylinder defined by a parent CoordinateSystem, the radius, and the height of the cylinder - cylinder,tube - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cylinder - ByPointsRadius - Create - Construct a Solid Cylinder given the bottom and top center point of the Cylinder. - cylinder,tube,by center points - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByPointsRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByPointsRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cylinder - Radius - Query - The radius of the Cylinder - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Radius.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Ellipse - ByOriginRadii - Create - Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, aligned with WCS XY Plane, with specified X and Y axis radii. - ellipse - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - ByOriginVectors - Create - Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, with two specified axes. Axes should be be at 90 degrees to each other. - ellipsebylengths,ellipsebyvectors - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginVectors.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginVectors.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - ByCoordinateSystemRadii - Create - Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input CoordinateSystem, with a x_radius radius in the CS X direction, and y_radius radius in the CS Y direction. - ellipse,aligned ellipse,ellipsebylengths - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByCoordinateSystemRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByCoordinateSystemRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - ByPlaneRadii - Create - Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input Plane, with a x_radius radius in the Plane X axis direction, and y_radius radius in the Plane Y axis direction. - ellipse,aligned ellipse,ellipsebylengths - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByPlaneRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByPlaneRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - CenterPoint - Query - The center of the Ellipse - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - MajorAxis - Query - The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MajorAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MajorAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - MinorAxis - Query - The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MinorAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MinorAxis.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - ByPlaneRadiiAngles - Create - Create an EllipseArc in a plane with the given the radii along the X and Y axes and the angles to sweep through - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - CenterPoint - Query - The center of the Ellipse - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - MajorAxis - Query - The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - MinorAxis - Query - The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - StartAngle - Query - The start angle in degrees - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - SweepAngle - Query - The total sweep angle in degrees - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - Plane - Query - The plane in which the ellipse lies - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Helix - ByAxis - Create - Create a Helix. The helix always rotates clockwise about the supplied axis direction. If viewing along the axis direction, the viewer will see the point turning clockwise around the axis as it moves along the curve in the direction of increasing parameter. Pitch is Distance the helix moves in the axis direction per turn. This can be positive or negative. - helix,screw,corkscrew,thread - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.ByAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.ByAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - Angle - Query - The angle in degrees through which the Helix turns over its length - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Angle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Angle.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - Pitch - Query - The pitch of the helix - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Pitch.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Pitch.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - Radius - Query - The radius of the arc - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Radius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - AxisDirection - Query - The direction of the axis of the Helix - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisDirection.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisDirection.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - AxisPoint - Query - The base point of the Helix axis - origin,helixstart - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisPoint.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - ByIndices - Create - Create an IndexGroup storing four indices - quad,polygon,mesh,meshes - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\ - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - ByIndices - Create - Create an IndexGroup storing four indices - quad,polygon,mesh,meshes - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\ - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - Count - Query - Either 3 or 4, depending if it represents a triangle or a quad - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.Count.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.Count.Large.png - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - A - Query - The first index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.A.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.A.Large.png - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - B - Query - The second index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.B.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.B.Large.png - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - C - Query - The third index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.C.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.C.Large.png - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - D - Query - The fourth index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.D.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Line - ByStartPointEndPoint - Create - Creates a straight Line between two input Points. - line,linebypoints,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Line - ByBestFitThroughPoints - Create - Creates a Line best approximating a scatter plot of Points. - line,approximate,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Line - ByTangency - Create - Create a Line tangent to the input Curve, positioned at the parameter Point of the input Curve. - tangentline,tangentto,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByTangency.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByTangency.Large.png - - - Geometry.Line - ByStartPointDirectionLength - Create - Create a straight Line starting at start Point, extending in Vector direction by specified length. - linebyvector,lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Line - Direction - Query - The direction of the Curve - lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.Direction.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.Direction.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Mesh - ByPointsFaceIndices - Create - Create a mesh from a collection of Points and a collection of IndexGroups referencing the Point collection - mesh,meshes - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.ByPointsFaceIndices.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.ByPointsFaceIndices.Large.png - - - Geometry.Mesh - FaceIndices - Query - The vertex indices that make up each face in a counterclockwise fashion - mesh,meshes - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.FaceIndices.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.FaceIndices.Large.png - - - Geometry.Mesh - VertexNormals - Query - The normal vector at this vertex - mesh,meshes - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexNormals.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexNormals.Large.png - - - Geometry.Mesh - VertexPositions - Query - The positions of the vertices - mesh,meshes - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexPositions.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexPositions.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByPoints - Create - Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. - fit,topoints - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByPointsTangents - Create - Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. - fit,topoints,totangents - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangents.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangents.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives - Create - Creates a NurbsSurface satisfying a collection of different surface characteristics. This is the most advanced surface fitting method. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. The corner derivatives should be second order (dP/dUdV) and should be supplied in this order [ lowU, lowV ], [ highU, lowV ], [ lowU, highV ], [ highU, highV ]. - fit,topoints,totangents,fit corners,complex fit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByControlPoints - Create - Create a NurbsSurface by using explicit control Points, with specified U and V degrees. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByControlPointsWeightsKnots - Create - Creates a NurbsSurface with specified control vertices, knots, weights, and U V degrees. There are several restrictions on the data which, if broken, will cause the function to fail and will throw an exception. Degree: Both u- and v- degree should be >= 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: Both knot vectors should be non-decreasing sequences. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows surfaces with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. - lines - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - DegreeU - Query - Surface degree in the U direction. - surface smoothness,continuity - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeU.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeU.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - DegreeV - Query - Surface degree in the V direction. - surface smoothness,continuity - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeV.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeV.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - NumControlPointsU - Query - Number of control Points in the U direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsU.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsU.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - NumControlPointsV - Query - Number of control Points in the V direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsV.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsV.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - IsPeriodicInU - Query - Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the U direction. - closedinU - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInU.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInU.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - IsPeriodicInV - Query - Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the V direction. - closedinV - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInV.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInV.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - IsRational - Query - Returns true if the Surface is rational. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsRational.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsRational.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ControlPoints - Action - Returns NurbsSurface control points (poles). - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ControlPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ControlPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - Weights - Action - Returns NurbsSurface control point weights. - ptweights - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.Weights.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.Weights.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - UKnots - Action - Surface knots in U direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.UKnots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.UKnots.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - VKnots - Action - Surface knots in V direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.VKnots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.VKnots.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Polygon - ByPoints - Create - Construct a Polygon Curve by connecting Points. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ByPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - RegularPolygon - Create - Construct an inscribed Polygon Curve within a circle. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - Points - Query - Returns all the segment start / end points. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Points.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Points.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - PlaneDeviation - Query - Returns maximum deviation from average plane of polygon. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.PlaneDeviation.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.PlaneDeviation.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - Corners - Action - Returns corners of polygon - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Corners.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Corners.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - Center - Action - Returns average point of corners of polygon - centroid - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Center.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Center.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - SelfIntersections - Action - Returns self intersections between sides of the polygon. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.SelfIntersections.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.SelfIntersections.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - ContainmentTest - Action - Checks if point is inside planar polygon without self intersections. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ContainmentTest.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ContainmentTest.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByCornerPoints - Create - Create a Rectangle by four corner Points. - rectbypointarray - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByCornerPoints - Create - Create a Rectangle by four corner Points. - rectbypoints - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point-Point-Point-Point.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point-Point-Point-Point.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByWidthLength - Create - Create a Rectangle centered at the WCS origin in the WCS XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). - rectbylengths - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByWidthLength - Create - Create a Rectangle centered at input Plane root, with input width (Plane X axis length), and length (Plane Y axis length). - rectangle,rectbylengths - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.Plane-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.Plane-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByWidthLength - Create - Create a Rectangle centered at the input origin in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). - rectbylengths - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.CoordinateSystem-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.CoordinateSystem-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - Width - Query - The width of the Rectangle - rectX,rectx - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Width.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Width.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - Height - Query - The height of the Rectangle - rectY,recty - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Height.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Height.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Sphere - ByCenterPointRadius - Create - Create a Solid Sphere cetered at the input Point, with given radius. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Sphere - ByFourPoints - Create - Create a Solid Sphere containing four input Points on the surface. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByFourPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByFourPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Sphere - ByBestFit - Create - Fit a Sphere as close as possible to the input Points. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByBestFit.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByBestFit.Large.png - - - Geometry.Sphere - CenterPoint - Query - Return the center Point of the Sphere. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Sphere - Radius - Query - Return the radius of the Sphere. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.Radius.Large.png - - - - - - Geometry.Tessellation.ConvexHull - ByPoints - Action - Creates a convex hull of a set of points. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Geometry.Tessellation.Delaunay - ByParametersOnSurface - Action - Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a surface with a given set of UV parameters. - uvs - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Geometry.Tessellation.Delaunay - ByPoints - Action - Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Geometry.Tessellation.Voronoi - ByParametersOnSurface - Action - Creates a Voronoi tessellation of a surface with a given set of UV parameters. - uvs - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - - Revit.Selection - Select Model Element - Action - Select a model element from the document. - Select Model Element - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Face - Action - Select a face. - Select Face - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSFaceSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSFaceSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Edge - Action - Select an edge. - Select Edge - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSEdgeSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSEdgeSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Point on Face - Action - Select a point on a face. - Select Point on Face - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSPointOnElementSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSPointOnElementSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select UV on Face - Action - Select a UV on a face. - Select UV on Face - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSUvOnElementSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSUvOnElementSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Divided Surface Families - Action - Select a divided surface and get its family instances. - Select Divided Surface Families - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSDividedSurfaceFamiliesSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSDividedSurfaceFamiliesSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Model Elements - Action - Select multiple elements from the Revit document. - Select Model Elements - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementsSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementsSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Faces - Action - Select multiple faces from the Revit document. - Select Faces - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectFaces.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectFaces.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Edges - Action - Select multiple edges. - Select Edges - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Selection - All Elements of Family Type - Action - Get all elements of the specified family type from the model. - All Elements of Family Type - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfFamilyType.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfFamilyType.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - All Elements of Type - Action - All elements in the active document of a given type. - All Elements of Type - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfType.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfType.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - All Elements of Category - Action - Get all elements of the specified category from the model. - All Elements of Category - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfCategory.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfCategory.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - All Elements at Level - Action - Get all the elements at the specified Level from the model. - All Elements at Level - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsAtLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsAtLevel.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Family Types - Action - All family types available in the document. - Family Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Get Family Parameter - Action - Given a Family Instance or Type allows the user to select a parameter as a string. - Get Family Parameter - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyInstanceParameters.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyInstanceParameters.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Floor Types - Action - All floor types available in the document. - Floor Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FloorTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FloorTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Wall Types - Action - All wall types available in the document. - Wall Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Categories - Action - All built-in categories. - Categories - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Categories.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Categories.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Levels - Action - Select a level in the active document - Levels - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Levels.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Levels.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Structural Framing Types - Action - Select a structural framing type in the active document - Structural Framing Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralFramingTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralFramingTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Structural Column Types - Action - Select a structural column type in the active document - Structural Column Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralColumnTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralColumnTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Element Types - Action - All element subtypes. - Element Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Views - Action - All views available in the current document. - Views - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Views.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Views.Large.png - - - - - Revit.View - All Elements In Active View - Action - Get all the elements which are visible in the active view. - All Elements In Active View - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsInView.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsInView.Large.png - - - Revit.View - SunSettings.Current - Action - Returns the SunSettings of the current View. - SunSettings.Current - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SunSettings.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SunSettings.Large.png - - - - - - Revit.Elements.Phase - Select Phase - Action - Select an existing Revit Phase from the active document. - Select Phase - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Select Revision - Action - Select an existing Revit Revision from the active document. - Select Revision - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Select Revision Numbering - Action - Select an way to number the revisions. - Select Revision Numbering - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Select Revision Number Type - Action - Select a revision number type. - Select Revision Number Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Select Revision Visibility - Action - Select the revision visilibity type. - Select Revision Visibility - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - ByName - Create - Construct a new Revit Revision by Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - RevisionDate - Query - Get Revision Date - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - SetRevisionDate - Action - Set Revision Date - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - IssuedTo - Query - Get IssuedTo - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - SetIssuedTo - Action - Set IssuedTo - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - IssuedBy - Query - Get IssuedBy - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - SetIssuedBy - Action - Set IssuedBy - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Issued - Query - Get Issued - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - SetIssued - Action - Set Issued - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - Select Filled Region Type - Action - Select an existing Filled Region Type from the active document. - Select Filled Region Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - ByName - Create - Select a FilledRegionType from the current document by name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - Name - Query - Get Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - Color - Query - Get Color - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - FillPatternId - Query - Get FillPatternId - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Select Parameter Type - Action - Select a parameter type. - Select Parameter Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Select BuiltIn Parameter Group - Action - Select a built-in parameter group. - Select BuiltIn Parameter Group - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Name - Query - The name of the parameter. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Value - Query - Get the value of the parameter - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - HasValue - Query - Check if the Parameter has a value - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - IsReadOnly - Query - Check if the Parameter is read only - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - IsShared - Query - Check if the Parameter is shared - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Group - Query - Get the parameter's group - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - ParameterType - Query - Get the parameter type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Id - Query - Get the parameter's element Id - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - UnitType - Query - Get the parameter's unit type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - ParameterByName - Create - Get Element's Parameter by Name - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - SetValue - Action - Set the value of the parameter - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - StorageType - Query - Get Parameter Storage Type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - SharedParameterFile - Action - Gets the path to the shared parameter file of this document - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - CreateSharedParameterForAllCategories - Action - Create a new Shared Parameter in the current Revit document for all applicable categories - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - CreateSharedParameter - Action - Create a new Shared Parameter in the current Revit document for all applicable categories - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - CreateProjectParameterForAllCategories - Action - Create a new Project Parameter in this current Revit document for all applicable categories - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - CreateProjectParameter - Action - Create a new Project Parameter in this current Revit document for all applicable categories - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.DirectShape - Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option - Action - Select a Direct Shape Room Bounding Option. - Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DirectShape - ByGeometry - Create - Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material. The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed. - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\Base64\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\Base64\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByGeometry.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DirectShape - ByMesh - Create - Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material. The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed. - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\Base64\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByMesh.Small.png - src\Resources\Base64\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByMesh.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Text - Select Horizontal Text Alignment - Action - Select the horizontal text alignment style. - Select Horizontal Text Alignment - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Text - Select Vertical Text Alignment - Action - Select the vertical text alignment style. - Select Vertical Text Alignment - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Wall - Wall Location - Action - Wall locations. - Wall Location - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Wall - ByCurveAndHeight - Create - Create a Revit Wall from a guiding Curve, height, Level, and WallType - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndHeight.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndHeight.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Wall - ByCurveAndLevels - Create - Create a Revit Wall from a guiding Curve, start Level, end Level, and WallType - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndLevels.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndLevels.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Wall - ByFace - Action - Creates a Wall following the geometry of a surface. Walls by Faces cannot be updated, any geometry change will create a new wall and delete the old one. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement - Fill Patterns - Action - All available fill patterns. - Fill Patterns - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement - Fill Pattern Targets - Action - The type of the fill pattern. - Fill Pattern Targets - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement - GetByName - Create - Fill Pattern Element by Name and Target Type. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement - Line Patterns - Action - All available line patterns. - Line Patterns - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement - GetByName - Create - Line Pattern Element by name. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Performance Adviser Rules - Action - All Performance Adviser rules. - Performance Adviser Rules - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Name - Query - The name of the rule. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Description - Query - The description of the rule. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Enabled - Query - A boolean indicating if the rule is activated. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - RuleId - Query - The id of the rule. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Execute - Action - Execute Rules - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - ById - Create - Create Performance Adviser Rule by Id - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.DividedPath - Spacing Rule Layout - Action - A spacing rule layout for calculating divided paths. - Spacing Rule Layout - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SpacingRuleLayouts.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SpacingRuleLayouts.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedPath - Points - Query - All points along the DividedPath. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.Points.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.Points.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedPath - ByCurveAndDivisions - Create - Creates a Revit divided path on the given curve with specified amount of division - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurveAndDivisions.Curve-int.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurveAndDivisions.Curve-int.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedPath - ByCurvesAndDivisions - Create - Creates a Revit divided path on the given collection of curves with specified amount of division - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurvesAndDivisions.Curve1-int.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurvesAndDivisions.Curve1-int.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Parameters - Query - Obtain all of the Parameters from an Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Parameters.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Parameters.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Name - Query - Get the Name of the Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - BoundingBox - Query - Get an Axis-aligned BoundingBox of the Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.BoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.BoundingBox.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Id - Query - Get the Element Id for this element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Id.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Id.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - UniqueId - Query - Get the Element Unique Id for this element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.UniqueId.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.UniqueId.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - GetCategory - Query - Get Element Category - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - ElementType - Query - Returns the FamilyType for this Element. Returns null if the Element cannot have a FamilyType assigned. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - ToString - Action - A basic implementation of ToString for Elements - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ToString.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ToString.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - GetParameterValueByName - Action - Get the value of one of the element's parameters. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetParameterValueByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetParameterValueByName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - OverrideColorInView - Action - Override the element's color in the active view. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideColorInView.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideColorInView.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - OverrideInView - Action - Override Elements Graphics Settings in Active View. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - SetParameterByName - Action - Set one of the element's parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetParameterByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetParameterByName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Geometry - Action - Get all of the Geometry associated with this object - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Geometry.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Geometry.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Solids - Query - The Solids in this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Solids.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Solids.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Curves - Query - The Curves in this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Curves.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Curves.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Faces - Query - The Faces in this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Faces.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Faces.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - ElementCurveReferences - Query - The ElementCurveReference's in this Element. Useful for downstream Element creation. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementCurveReferences.Small.png - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - ElementFaceReferences - Query - The ElementFaceReference's in this Element. Useful for downstream Element creation. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementFaceReferences.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementFaceReferences.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - SetLocation - Action - Update an existing element's location - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - GetLocation - Action - Get an exsiting element's location - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - MoveByVector - Action - Move Revit Element by Vector - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - GetMaterials - Action - Get Material Names from a Revit Element - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Category - Name - Query - The name of the Category. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Category - Id - Query - The Id of the category. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Id.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Id.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Category - ByName - Create - Gets a Revit category by the built-in category name. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Material - ByName - Create - Select a material from the current document by the name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ByName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Name - Query - Get Material Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Shininess - Query - Get Shininess - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Smoothness - Query - Get Smoothness - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Transparency - Query - Get Transparency - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - SurfacePatternColor - Query - Get SurfacePatternColor - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - MaterialClass - Query - Get Material Class - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - MaterialCategory - Query - Get Material category - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - CutPatternColor - Query - Get cut pattern color - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Color - Query - Get color - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - CutPatternId - Query - Get cut pattern id - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - AppearanceParameters - Query - Get all apperance parameters - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - ThermalParameters - Query - Get all thermal parameters - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - StructuralParameters - Query - Get all structural parameters - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Coordinates - ProjectRotation - Action - Get Project Rotation - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Coordinates - BasePoint - Action - Get Project Base Point - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Coordinates - SurveyPoint - Action - Get Survey Point - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - Boundaries - Query - Gets curtain panel boundaries - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Boundaries.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Boundaries.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - HasPlane - Query - Checks if the specific curtain panel is planar - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.HasPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.HasPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - PanelPlane - Query - Gets a plane of the given curtain panel, if it is planar - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.PanelPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.PanelPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - Length - Query - Gets the length of the specific curtain panel boundaries - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Length.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - IsRectangular - Query - Checks whether the specific curtain panel is rectangular. Returns true if the curtain panel is rectangular. Otherwise returns false - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.IsRectangular.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.IsRectangular.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - Width - Query - Gets the width of the specific curtain panel, if it's rectangular - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Width.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Width.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - Height - Query - Gets the height of the specific curtain panel, if it's rectangular - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Height.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Height.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - ByElement - Action - get all panels of curtain wall, system or slope glazing roof - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.ByElement.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.ByElement.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - SupportingMullions - Action - Gets Mullions hosting the specified curtain panel - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.SupportingMullions.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.SupportingMullions.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - AsFamilyInstance - Action - Gets family instance from curtain Panel - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.AsFamilyInstance.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.AsFamilyInstance.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - Name - Query - Get the name of this Family Type - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - Family - Query - Get the parent family of this FamilyType - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Family.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Family.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - ByFamilyAndName - Create - Select a FamilyType given its parent Family and the FamilyType's name. - symbol - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyAndName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyAndName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - ByFamilyNameAndTypeName - Create - Select a FamilyType give it's family name and type name. - symbol - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyNameAndTypeName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyNameAndTypeName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - ByName - Create - Select a FamilyType given it's name. This method will return the first FamilyType it finds if there are two or more FamilyTypes with the same name. - symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - ByGeometry - Create - Create new Family Type from a solid geometry. This method exports the geometry to SAT and imports it into a new family document. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - VoidByGeometry - Create - Create a Void Family Type from a solid geometry. This method exports the solid to SAT and imports it into a new family document. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Mullion - LocationCurve - Query - Gets curve geometry from the specified Mullion Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.LocationCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.LocationCurve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Mullion - ByElement - Action - get all mullions of curtain wall, system or slope glazing roof - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.ByElement.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.ByElement.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Mullion - SupportedPanels - Action - Returns curtain panels supported by the specified Mullion Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.SupportedPanels.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.SupportedPanels.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Mullion - AsFamilyInstance - Action - Returns FamilyInstance object as represented by the specified mullion - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - Type - Query - Gets family type of the specific family instance - symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Type.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Type.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - Location - Query - Gets the location of the specific family instance - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Location.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Location.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - FacingOrientation - Query - Gets the FacingOrientation of the family instance - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByPoint - Create - Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) and its coordinates in world space - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPoint.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByFace - Create - Place a Revit family instance of the given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) on a surface derived from a backing Revit face as reference and a line as reference for its position. Note: The FamilyPlacementType must be CurveBased and the input surface must be created from a Revit Face - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByFace - Create - Place a Revit family instance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) on a surface derived from a backing Revit face as reference, a reference direction and a point location where to place the family. Note: The FamilyType should be workplane based and the input surface must be created from a Revit Face. The reference direction defines the rotation of the instance on the reference, and thus cannot be perpendicular to the face. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByCoordinates - Create - Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) and its coordinates in world space - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByCoordinates.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByPointAndLevel - Create - Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API), it's coordinates in world space, and the Level - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByFamilyType - Action - Obtain a collection of FamilyInstances from the Revit Document and use them in the Dynamo graph - byfamilysymbol,ByFamilySymbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - GetHost - Query - Gets the host of this fmaily instance (if any). Eg. returns the wall of a window or door family instance. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - GetFamily - Query - Gets the family of this family instance - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - GetType - Query - Gets the family type of this family instance - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - SetRotation - Action - Set the Euler angle of the family instance around its local Z-axis. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.SetRotation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.SetRotation.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - ByElements - Create - Construct a Revit Dimension from at least two elements - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - Value - Query - Get Dimension Value - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - Prefix - Query - Get Prefix - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - SetPrefix - Action - Set Prefix - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - Suffix - Query - Get Suffix - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - SetSuffix - Action - Set Suffix - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - ValueOverride - Query - Get Value override - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - SetValueOverride - Action - Set Value override - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.DetailCurve - ByCurve - Create - Construct a Revit DetailCurve element from a curve - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DetailCurve - Curve - Query - Get Geometry Curve - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DetailCurve - SetCurve - Action - Set Geometry Curve - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurveElement - ElementCurveReference - Query - Obtain the reference curve for this ModelCurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.ElementCurveReference.Small.png - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurveElement - Curve - Query - Obtain the geometry curve for this geometry curve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.Curve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.Curve.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.DimensionType - FromExisting - Create - Creates new Dimension Type by duplicating an existing. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DimensionType - StyleType - Query - Returns Dimension Style for a givent type. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints - ByReferencePoints - Create - Construct a Revit CurveByPoints Element (a CurveElement) from a collection of ReferencePoint's - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints.ByReferencePoints.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints.ByReferencePoints.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - X - Query - Gets 'X' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.X.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.X.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - Y - Query - Gets 'Y' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Y.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Y.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - Z - Query - Gets 'Z' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Z.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Z.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - Point - Query - Gets point geometry from the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Point.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Point.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - XYPlane - Query - Gets XY plane of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XYPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XYPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - YZPlane - Query - Gets YZ plane of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.YZPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.YZPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - XZPlane - Query - Gets XZ plane of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XZPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XZPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByCoordinates - Create - Create a Reference Point by x, y, and z coordinates. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByCoordinates.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByPoint - Create - Create a Reference Point from a point. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByPointVectorDistance - Create - Create a Reference Point Element offset from a point along a vector - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPointVectorDistance.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPointVectorDistance.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByLengthOnCurveReference - Create - Create a Reference Point at a particular length along a curve - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByLengthOnCurveReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByLengthOnCurveReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByParameterOnCurveReference - Create - Create a Reference Point at a parameter on an Curve. This introduces a persistent relationship between Elements in the Revit document. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParameterOnCurveReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParameterOnCurveReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByParametersOnFaceReference - Create - Create a Reference Point by UV coordinates on a Face. This introduces a persistent relationship between Elements in the Revit document. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParametersOnFaceReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParametersOnFaceReference.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegion - ByCurves - Create - Construct a Revit FilledRegion element by Curves - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.RoofType - Name - Query - The name of the RoofType - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.RoofType - ByName - Create - Select a RoofType from the document given - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - ByOutlineTypeAndLevel - Create - Create a Revit Roof given it's curve outline and Level - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel - Create - Extrude Roof by Outline, Referenceplane - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - Points - Query - Get Slab Shape Points - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - AddPoint - Action - Add Point to Slab Shape - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - MovePoint - Action - Move existing point by offset - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Level - Elevation - Query - The elevation of the level above ground level - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Elevation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Elevation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ProjectElevation - Query - Elevation relative to the Project origin - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ProjectElevation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ProjectElevation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - Name - Query - The name of the level - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ByElevationAndName - Create - Create a Revit Level given it's elevation and name in the project - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevationAndName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevationAndName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ByElevation - Create - Create a Revit Level given it's elevation. The name will be whatever Revit gives it. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ByLevelAndOffset - Create - Create a Revit Level given it's length offset from an existing level - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelAndOffset.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelAndOffset.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ByLevelOffsetAndName - Create - Create a Revit Level given a distance offset from an existing level and a name for the new level - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelOffsetAndName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelOffsetAndName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane - Plane - Query - Get the internal Geometric Plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.Plane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.Plane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane - ElementPlaneReference - Query - Get a reference to this plane for downstream Elements requiring it - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ElementPlaneReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ElementPlaneReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane - ByLine - Create - Form a ReferencePlane from a line in the Active view. The cut vector is the Z Axis. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByLine.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByLine.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane - ByStartPointEndPoint - Create - Form a Refernece plane from two end points in the Active view. The cut vector is the Z Axis. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType - Name - Query - The name of the CurtainSystemType - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType - ByName - Create - Select a CurtainSystemType from the document given - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem - ByFace - Create - Create Curtain System from face references - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem - AddCurtainGrid - Action - Add Curtain Grid - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem - RemoveCurtainGrid - Action - Remove Curtain Grid - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem - CurtainSystemType - Query - Get CurtainSystemType - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - FindByName - Create - Find Global Parameter by Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - Name - Query - Get Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - Value - Query - Get Global Parameter Value - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - SetValue - Action - Set Global Parameter Value - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - SetValueToElementId - Action - Set Global Parameter Value to an Element ID from Integer - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - ParameterGroup - Query - Get Parameter Group - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - Visible - Query - Get Parameter Visibility - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - ParameterType - Query - Get Parameter Type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - ByName - Create - Create a new Global Parameter by Name and Type - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Room - ByLocation - Create - Create a Revit Room Element - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Name - Query - Get room name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Number - Query - Get room number - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Area - Query - Get room area - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Height - Query - Get room height - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - CenterBoundary - Query - Centerline boundary - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - CoreBoundary - Query - Core boundary - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - FinishBoundary - Query - Finish boundary - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - CoreCenterBoundary - Query - Core center boundary - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Location - Query - Get Room Location - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - IsInsideRoom - Action - Check if a point is inside of a room - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - SetName - Action - Set name - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - SetNumber - Action - Set number - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud - ByCurve - Create - Construct a Revit RevisionCloud element by curves - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud - Revision - Query - Get Revision cloud's revision - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud - Curves - Query - Get Revision cloud's curves - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.FailureMessage - Description - Query - The description of the message. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FailureMessage - FailingElements - Query - The Failing Elements of the message. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FailureMessage - Severity - Query - Get the failure severity. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - SunDirection - Query - Calculates the direction of the sun. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.SunDirection.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.SunDirection.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - Altitude - Query - Extracts the Altitude. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Altitude.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Altitude.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - Azimuth - Query - Extracts the Azimuth. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Azimuth.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Azimuth.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - StartDateTime - Query - Gets the Start Date and Time of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.StartDateTime.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.StartDateTime.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - EndDateTime - Query - Gets the End Date and Time of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.EndDateTime.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.EndDateTime.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - CurrentDateTime - Query - Gets the Date and Time for the current frame of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.CurrentDateTime.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.CurrentDateTime.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - ByElement - Create - Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element - tagelement,annotate,documentation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - ByElementAndLocation - Create - Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element at a specified location point - tagelement,annotate,documentation,taglocation - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - ByElementAndOffset - Create - Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element at an offset location from the element's view extents - tagelement,annotate,documentation,tagoffset,movetag - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - TagText - Query - Get Tag's Text - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - TaggedElement - Query - Get Tagged Element - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - ByLocation - Create - Construct a new Revit TextNote by Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - Text - Query - Get Text - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - SetText - Action - Set Text - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - SetKeepRotatedTextReadable - Action - Set Keep Rotated Text Readable - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - SetHorizontalAlignment - Action - Set Horizontal Text Alignment - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - HorizontalAlignment - Query - Get Horizontal Alignment - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - VerticalAlignment - Query - Get Vertical Alignment - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - Height - Query - Get Height - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - Typename - Query - Get Typename - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.TextNoteType - ByName - Create - Select a ModelTextType from the current document by name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNoteType - Default - Create - Return a default TextNoteType - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.FloorType - Name - Query - The name of the FloorType - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FloorType - ByName - Create - Select a FloorType from the document given - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ImportInstance - Path - Query - Gets file path of the sat file that represents the geometry of the specified ImportInstance Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.Path.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.Path.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ImportInstance - BySATFile - Create - Import Geometry from a SAT file. The SAT file is assumed to be in Feet. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.BySATFile.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.BySATFile.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ImportInstance - ByGeometries - Create - Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. This variant is much faster than ImportInstance.ByGeometry as it uses a batch method. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ImportInstance - ByGeometry - Create - Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometry.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ModelText - Text - Query - The Text of the ModelText Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Text.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Text.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ModelText - Depth - Query - The Depth of the ModelText Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Depth.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Depth.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ModelText - Position - Query - The Position of the ModelText Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Position.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Position.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ModelText - ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition - Create - Create a ModelText Element in the Family Document by providing the text, SketchPlane Element host, coordinates (within the plane of the SketchPlane), the depth of the text, and the text type name - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.SketchPlane - ElementPlaneReference - Query - Get an element plane reference from a specified sketch plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ElementPlaneReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ElementPlaneReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SketchPlane - Plane - Query - Gets the plane geometry of the specified sketch plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.Plane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.Plane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SketchPlane - ByPlane - Create - Make a Revit SketchPlane given a plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ByPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ByPlane.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ModelTextType - ByName - Create - Select a ModelTextType from the current document by name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelTextType.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelTextType.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - Beam - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Beam.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Beam.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - Brace - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Brace.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Brace.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - Column - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Column.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Column.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - Footing - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Footing.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Footing.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - NonStructural - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.NonStructural.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.NonStructural.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Topography - Points - Query - The set of points from which this TopographySurface is constructed. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Points.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Points.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Topography - Mesh - Query - Get the underlying triangular Mesh from the Topography - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Mesh.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Mesh.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Topography - ByPoints - Create - Create a topography surface from a list of points. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.ByPoints.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Form - ByLoftCrossSections - Create - Creates a Form by lofting a list of curves - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve1-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve1-bool.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Form - ByLoftCrossSections - Create - Creates a Form by lofting a nested list of curves - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve2-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve2-bool.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.WallType - Name - Query - Gets the name of the specified wall type - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.WallType - ByName - Create - Select a walltype from the current document by name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Family - Types - Query - Obtain the FamilyTypes from this Family - symbols,symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Types.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Types.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Family - Name - Query - The name of this family - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Family - ByName - Create - Obtain a Family from the current document given it's name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - Type - Query - No description available - symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Type.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Type.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - Locations - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Locations.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Locations.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - ByParametersOnFace - Create - Create an adaptive component by uv points on a face. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\Base64\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnFace.Small.png - src\Resources\Base64\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnFace.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - ByParametersOnCurveReference - Create - Create an adaptive component referencing the parameters on a Curve reference - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\Base64\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnCurveReference.Small.png - src\Resources\Base64\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnCurveReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - ByPoints - Action - Create a list of adaptive components from two-dimensional array of points - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - UDivisions - Query - Number of divisions in U direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.UDivisions.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.UDivisions.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - VDivisions - Query - Number of divisions in V direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.VDivisions.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.VDivisions.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - Rotation - Query - Rotation of the grid lines with respect to the UV parameterization of the face - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.Rotation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.Rotation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - ByFaceAndUVDivisions - Create - Create a Revit DividedSurface on a face given the face and number of divisions in u and v directon - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceAndUVDivisions.Surface-int-int.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceAndUVDivisions.Surface-int-int.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation - Create - Create a Revit DividedSurface on a face given the face and number of divisions in u and v directon and the rotation of the grid lines with respect to the natural UV parameterization of the face - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation.Surface-int-int-double.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation.Surface-int-int-double.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ModelCurve - ByCurve - Create - Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ModelCurve - ReferenceCurveByCurve - Create - Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - ByOutlineTypeAndLevel - Create - Create a Revit Floor given it's curve outline and Level - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Curve1-FloorType-Level.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Curve1-FloorType-Level.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - ByOutlineTypeAndLevel - Create - Create a Revit Floor given it's curve outline and Level - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.PolyCurve-FloorType-Level.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.PolyCurve-FloorType-Level.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - Points - Query - Get Slab Shape Points - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - AddPoint - Action - Add Point to Slab Shape - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - MovePoint - Action - Move an existing point in the slab shape editor by an offset. Behaves as moving a point manually in the slab shape editor. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - Curve - Query - Get the underlying Curve geometry from this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.Curve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.Curve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - ElementCurveReference - Query - Get a Reference to the underlying Curve Geometry of this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ElementCurveReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ElementCurveReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - ByLine - Create - Create a Revit Grid Element in a Project along a Line. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByLine.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByLine.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - ByStartPointEndPoint - Create - Create a Revit Grid Element in a project between two end points - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - ByArc - Create - Create a Revit Grid Element in a project along an Arc - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByArc.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByArc.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - Location - Query - Gets curve geometry from location of the specified structural element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Location.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Location.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - Type - Query - Gets family type from the specified structural element - symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Type.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Type.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - BeamByCurve - Create - Create a beam. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - BraceByCurve - Create - Create a brace. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - ColumnByCurve - Create - Create a column. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Filter.RuleType - Select Rule Type - Action - Filter Types for Revit Filters - Select Rule Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings - Detail Level - Action - View Detail Level - Detail Level - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings - ByProperties - Create - Create a OverrideGraphicSettings Element. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Filter.FilterRule - ByRuleType - Create - Create a new Filter Rule - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Filter.ParameterFilterElement - ByRules - Create - Create a Revit Parameter Filter Element - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Schedule Type - Action - Select a Schedule Type. - Schedule Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Export Column Headers - Action - How to export column headers. Default is MultipleRows. - Export Column Headers - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Export Text Qualifier - Action - How to qualify text fields. Default is DoubleQuote. - Export Text Qualifier - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Schedule Filter Type - Action - A View Schedule Filter Type. - Schedule Filter Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - CreateSchedule - Create - Create Schedule by Category, Type and Name. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - RemoveFields - Action - Remove Schedule Field from Schedule View. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - AddFields - Action - Add Field (Column) to Schedule View. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Export - Action - Export View Schedule to CSV, TSV etc. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - AddFilters - Action - Add Schedule Filters to Schedule View. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - ClearAllFilters - Action - Clear all Schedule Filters from Schedule View. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - ScheduleFilters - Query - Schedule Filters. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Fields - Query - Schedule Fields. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - SchedulableFields - Query - Schedulable Fields. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Views.View3D - CreateUniqueViewName - Action - Determines whether a view with the provided name already exists. If a view exists with the provided name, and new view is created with a unique name. Otherwise, the original view name is returned. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View3D.CreateUniqueViewName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View3D.CreateUniqueViewName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.View - ExportAsImage - Action - Export the view as an image to the given path - defaults to png, but you can override the file type but supplying a path with the appropriate extension - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.ExportAsImage.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.ExportAsImage.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.View - AddFilter - Action - Add Filter to View. Filter will be added even if View has a View Template applied, which normally would prevent user from adding Filters without first disabling or modifying the View Template. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - Filters - Query - Get View Filters - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - SetFilterOverrides - Action - Set Filter overrides. If View doesn't have specified Filter, it will be first added to the View and then its settings will be overriden. This behavior will persist even if View has a View Template applied which normally would prevent user from adding Filters without first disabling or modifying the View Template. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - FilterOverrides - Action - Get Filter overrides - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - IsViewTemplate - Action - Checks if View is a View Template. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - SetCategoryOverrides - Action - Set Category Overrides. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - SetScale - Action - Set View Scale - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Views.AxonometricView - ByEyePointAndTarget - Create - Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an eye position and a target position. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.AxonometricView - ByEyePointTargetAndElement - Create - Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an Eye position and target position and Element - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.AxonometricView - ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox - Create - Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an Eye position and target position and Bounding Box - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.CeilingPlanView - ByLevel - Create - Create a Revit Floor Plan at a given Level - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.CeilingPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.CeilingPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.StructuralPlanView - ByLevel - Create - Create a Structural Plan View at the given Level. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.StructuralPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.StructuralPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.PerspectiveView - ByEyePointAndTarget - Create - Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position, a target position, and either an Element or BoundingBox. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.PerspectiveView - ByEyePointTargetAndElement - Create - Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position and target position and Element - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.PerspectiveView - ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox - Create - Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position and target position and Bounding Box - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.DraftingView - ByName - Create - Create a Revit DraftingView given it's name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.DraftingView.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.DraftingView.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.FloorPlanView - ByLevel - Create - Create a Revit Floor Plan at a given Level - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.FloorPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.FloorPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - SheetName - Query - Get the SheetName of the Sheet - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetName.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - SheetNumber - Query - Get the SheetNumber of the Sheet - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetNumber.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetNumber.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - Views - Query - Get the Views on a Sheet - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.Views.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.Views.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews - Create - Create a Revit Sheet by the sheet name, number, a title block FamilyType, and a collection of views. This method will automatically pack the views onto the sheet. - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView - Create - Create a Revit Sheet by the sheet name, number, a title block FamilyType, and a collection of views. This method will automatically pack the view onto the sheet. - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.SectionView - ByBoundingBox - Create - Create a Revit ViewSection by a bounding box - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByBoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByBoundingBox.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.SectionView - ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint - Create - Creates a Revit ViewSection by a specified corrdinate system, minPoint and maxPoint - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Transaction.Transaction - Start - Action - Start a transaction if neccesssary, returning whatever was passed in. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.Start.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.Start.Large.png - - - Revit.Transaction.Transaction - End - Action - Ends the current Dynamo transaction, returning whatever was passed in. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.End.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.End.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Schedules.SchedulableField - Name - Query - Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions - ByProperties - Create - Creates View Schedule Export Options element. - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleField - Name - Query - Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter - ByFieldTypeAndValue - Create - Creates Schedule Filter by Schedule Field, Filter Type and value. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter - FilterType - Query - Filter Type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter - FiledId - Query - Related Schedule Field Id - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter - Value - Query - Value assigned to Schedule Filter - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - Revit.References.RayBounce - ByOriginDirection - Action - Returns positions and elements hit by ray bounce from the specified origin point and direction - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.References.RayBounce.ByOriginDirection.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.References.RayBounce.ByOriginDirection.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Application.Document - ActiveView - Query - Get the active view for the document - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.ActiveView.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.ActiveView.Large.png - - - Revit.Application.Document - IsFamilyDocument - Query - Is the Document a Family? - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.IsFamilyDocument.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.IsFamilyDocument.Large.png - - - Revit.Application.Document - FilePath - Query - The full path of the Document. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.FilePath.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.FilePath.Large.png - - - Revit.Application.Document - Current - Query - Get the current document - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Current.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Current.Large.png - - - Revit.Application.Document - Location - Query - Extracts Latitude and Longitude from Revit - Latitude,Longitude - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Location.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Location.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Analysis.FaceAnalysisDisplay - ByViewFacePointsAndValues - Create - Show a colored Face Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewFacePointsAndValues.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewFacePointsAndValues.Large.png - - - Revit.Analysis.FaceAnalysisDisplay - ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData - Create - Show a colored Face Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Analysis.PointAnalysisDisplay - ByViewPointsAndValues - Create - Show a colored Point Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndValues.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndValues.Large.png - - - Revit.Analysis.PointAnalysisDisplay - ByViewAndPointAnalysisData - Create - Show a colored Point Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Analysis.VectorAnalysisDisplay - ByViewPointsAndVectorValues - Create - Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndVectorValues.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndVectorValues.Large.png - - - Revit.Analysis.VectorAnalysisDisplay - ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData - Create - Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData.Large.png - - - - - - - - - Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment - BySkyModelLocationDate - Create - Describe the characteristics of the environment in which the rendering should take place - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment.BySkyModelLocationDate.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment.BySkyModelLocationDate.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob - ByViewNameWidthHeight - Create - Set the parameters of a render job to be run in the cloud. \n\nUse this node with CloudRender to submit the job. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob.ByViewNameWidthHeight.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob.ByViewNameWidthHeight.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Render.DateTime - ByDateInformation - Create - Make a DateTime object from month, day, year, hour, minute, second - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.DateTime.ByDateInformation.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.DateTime.ByDateInformation.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Render.SkyModel - ByTypeConstants - Create - Create a SkyModel for Rendering - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModel.ByTypeConstants.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModel.ByTypeConstants.Large.png - - - - Analyze.Render - Do Cloud Render - Action - Submit a cloud rendering or daylighting job to A360's Cloud Rendering service. This requires cloud credits! - Do Cloud Render - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRender.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRender.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Upload Cloud Render Data - Action - Upload Render Data for use with A360 render service. \n\nUse this node with Cloud Render to submit the job. - Upload Cloud Render Data - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.UploadRenderData.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.UploadRenderData.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Export Cloud Render Data - Action - ExportDocumentRenderData - Export Cloud Render Data - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.ExportDocumentRenderData.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.ExportDocumentRenderData.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Select RenderQuality - Action - Set the quality of the rendering - Select RenderQuality - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderQualityDropDown.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderQualityDropDown.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Select RenderType - Action - Set the type of rendering - Select RenderType - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderTypeDropDown.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderTypeDropDown.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Select SkyModelType - Action - Set the quality of the rendering - Select SkyModelType - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModelTypeDropDown.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModelTypeDropDown.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Label - ByPointAndString - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Analyze.AnalysisExtensions - IsAlmostEqualTo - Action - No description available - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob - ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary - Create - Set the parameters of a daylighting analysis job to be run in the cloud. \n\nDirect the output of this node with Cloud Render to submit the job. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob.ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob.ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Parse - Create - Open and parse an SDF daylighting data file - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Parse.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Parse.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - XResolution - Query - The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the x direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.XResolution.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.XResolution.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - YResolution - Query - The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the y direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.YResolution.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.YResolution.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Resolution - Query - The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the form [x,y] - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Resolution.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Resolution.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - IlluminanceValues - Action - Read Foreground Illuminance from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.IlluminanceValues.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.IlluminanceValues.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Colors - Action - ColorData from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Colors.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Colors.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Normals - Action - PositionData from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Normals.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Normals.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Points - Action - PositionData from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Points.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Points.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - ToImage - Action - Extract an image from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.ToImage.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.ToImage.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - R - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.R.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.R.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - G - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.G.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.G.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - B - Query - Construct an Illuminance data point. Illuminance is the integrated total visible light energy arriving per unit area on a surface from all directions. The data is three colored illuminance value (RGB). Each color is measured in Lux. Lux is a derived unit equal to lumens per square meter. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.B.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.B.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - ByRGB - Create - Construct an Illuminance data point. Illuminance is the integrated total visible light energy arriving per unit area on a surface from all directions. The data is three colored illuminance value (RGB). Each color is measured in Lux. Lux is a derived unit equal to lumens per square meter. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ByRGB.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ByRGB.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - ToSRGB - Action - Transform an RGB Illuminance value to the sRGB standard computed as (0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B). The unit of the returned value is in lux (lumens/m^2)." - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToSRGB.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToSRGB.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - ToFootCandles - Action - Transform a single illuminance value in lux to foot-candles - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToFootCandles.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToFootCandles.Large.png - - - - - Analyze - SiteLocation - Action - Returns the current Revit site location. - SiteLocation - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SiteLocation.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SiteLocation.Large.png - - - - - BuiltIn - Count - Action - Returns number of items in the specified list - count,length,len - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Count.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Count.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Rank - Action - Returns the deepest depth of the list - rank,depth,nesting,ranks - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Rank.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Rank.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Flatten - Action - Returns the flattened 1D list of the multi-dimensional input list. If the input is a single value, returns that value. - flatten,completely - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Flatten.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Flatten.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SetIntersection - Action - Produces the set intersection of two sequences - intersection,overlap - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetIntersection.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetIntersection.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SetUnion - Action - Produces the set union of two sequences by using the default equality comparer - union - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetUnion.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetUnion.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SetDifference - Action - Returns objects that are included in List1 but excluded in List2 - difference - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetDifference.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetDifference.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - CountTrue - Action - Returns the number of true values in the list - count,true - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\CountTrue.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\CountTrue.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - CountFalse - Action - Returns the number of false values in the list - count,false - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\CountFalse.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\CountFalse.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - AllFalse - Action - Checks if all elements in the specified list are false - all,false,isfalse - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\AllFalse.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\AllFalse.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - AllTrue - Action - Checks if all elements in the specified list are true - all,true,istrue - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\AllTrue.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\AllTrue.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - IsHomogeneous - Action - Checks if all the elements in the specified list are of the same type - homogeneous,same,allequal - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsHomogeneous.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsHomogeneous.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - RemoveIfNot - Action - Removes the members of the list which are not members of the specified type - remove,not,ofType,filtertype - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\RemoveIfNot.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\RemoveIfNot.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Equals - Action - Determines whether two object instances are equal - equals - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Equals.var-var.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Equals.var-var.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Contains - Action - Checks if the specified element is present in the specified list - contains,in - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - BuiltIn - IndexOf - Action - Returns the index of the member in the list - indexof,index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IndexOf.varN-varN.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IndexOf.varN-varN.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Insert - Action - Inserts an element into a list at specified index - insert - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Insert.varN-var-int.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Insert.varN-var-int.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Insert - Action - Inserts an element into a list at specified index - insert - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Insert.varN-varN-int.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Insert.varN-varN-int.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SortIndexByValue - Action - Sorts a specified list by values of its members in ascending order - sort,index,value - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SortIndexByValue - Action - Sorts a specified list by the values of its members in either ascending or descending order - sort,index,value - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1-bool.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Reorder - Action - Reorders the list using the specified indices - reorder - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Reorder.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Reorder.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - IsUniformDepth - Action - Checks if the list has a uniform depth - depth,jagged - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsUniformDepth.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsUniformDepth.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - IsRectangular - Action - Checks if each of rows in multidimensional list has the same number of elements - rectangular - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsRectangular.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsRectangular.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - NormalizeDepth - Action - Returns a list with uniform depth as specified by the input depth - depth,normalize - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - NormalizeDepth - Action - Returns multidimentional list according the rank given - depth,normalize - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN-var.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN-var.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Map - Action - Maps a value into an input range - map,scale,remap - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Map.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Map.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - MapTo - Action - Maps a vlaue from one range to another range - mapto,remap,scale - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MapTo.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MapTo.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - ImportFromCSV - Action - Imports data from a text file containing comma separated values into two-dimensional list - csv,import,read - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ImportFromCSV.string.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ImportFromCSV.string.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - ImportFromCSV - Action - Imports data from a text file containing comma separated values into two-dimensional list and also transpose the output list if specified - csv,import,read - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ImportFromCSV.string-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ImportFromCSV.string-bool.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - GetKeys - Action - Gets all keys from the specified key-value pair list - keys - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GetKeys.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GetKeys.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - GetValues - Action - Gets all values stored in the specified key-value pair list and for a simple list it returns all elements in the list - values - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GetValues.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GetValues.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - RemoveKey - Action - Returns true if the specified key is removed from list, otherwise returns false - remove,key - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\RemoveKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\RemoveKey.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - ContainsKey - Action - Checks if the specified key is present in the specified key-value pair list - contain,key - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ContainsKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ContainsKey.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - MinimumItemByKey - Action - No description available - min,item,key - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MinimumItemByKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MinimumItemByKey.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - MaximumItemByKey - Action - No description available - max,item,key - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MaximumItemByKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MaximumItemByKey.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SortByFunction - Action - Use a function to determine how list items should be sorted - sort,order - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortByFunction.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortByFunction.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - GroupByFunction - Action - Use a function to determine how list items should be grouped - group,function - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GroupByFunction.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GroupByFunction.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - TrueForAll - Action - No description available - true,all - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\TrueForAll.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\TrueForAll.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - TrueForAny - Action - No description available - true,any - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\TrueForAny.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\TrueForAny.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - LoopWhile - Action - No description available - loop,while,repeat - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\LoopWhile.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\LoopWhile.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - NewtonRootFind1DNoDeriv - Action - No description available - newton,noderiv,numeric - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NewtonRootFind1DNoDeriv.Small.png - Not found - - - BuiltIn - NewtonRootFind1DWithDeriv - Action - No description available - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NewtonRootFind1DWithDeriv.Small.png - Not found - - - - - Operators - + - Action - Adds x to y. - add,plus,addition,+ - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\add.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\add.Large.png - - - Operators - - - Action - x subtract y. - sub,subtract,difference,- - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\sub.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\sub.Large.png - - - Operators - * - Action - Multiplies x by y. - mul,multiply,product,times,*,x - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\mul.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\mul.Large.png - - - Operators - / - Action - Divides x by y. - div,divide,product - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\div.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\div.Large.png - - - Operators - == - Action - Equal x to y? - eq,equal,= - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\eq.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\eq.Large.png - - - Operators - >= - Action - x greater or equals y? - greater,equal - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ge.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ge.Large.png - - - Operators - > - Action - x greater y? - greater - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\gt.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\gt.Large.png - - - Operators - % - Action - Is x divisible by y? - mod,modulo,remainder - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\mod.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\mod.Large.png - - - Operators - <= - Action - x less or equals y? - less,equal - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\le.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\le.Large.png - - - Operators - < - Action - x less y? - less - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\lt.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\lt.Large.png - - - Operators - && - Action - x and y? - and - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\and.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\and.Large.png - - - Operators - || - Action - x || y? - or - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\or.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\or.Large.png - - - Operators - != - Action - x doesn't equal y. - equal - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\nq.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\nq.Large.png - - - Operators - Not - Action - !x - not - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Not.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Not.Large.png - - - - - - Office.Excel - ReadFromFile - Action - Read data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is read by row and returned in a series of lists by row. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in cell A1 will appear in the data list at [0,0]. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed. - office,excel,spreadsheet,ifequalreturnindex - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Office.Excel - WriteToFile - Action - Write data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is written by row with sublists to be written in successive rows. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in the data list at [0,0] will be written to cell A1. Null values and empty lists are written to Excel as empty cells. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed. - office,excel,spreadsheet - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - - Display.Display.Display - ByGeometryColor - Create - Display geometry using a color. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\Display\SmallIcons\Display.Display.ByGeometryColor.Small.png - src\Resources\Display\LargeIcons\Display.Display.ByGeometryColor.Large.png - - - Display.Display.Display - BySurfaceColors - Create - Display color values on a surface. The colors provided are converted internally to an image texture which is mapped to the surface. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\Display\SmallIcons\Display.Display.BySurfaceColors.Small.png - src\Resources\Display\LargeIcons\Display.Display.BySurfaceColors.Large.png - - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + AllFalse + + + Action + + + Determines if all items in the given list is a boolean and has a false value. + + + allfalse,allfalse,dscorenodes.dscore.list.allfalse + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AllFalse.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AllFalse.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + AllTrue + + + Action + + + Determines if all items in the given list is a boolean and has a true value. + + + alltrue,alltrue,dscorenodes.dscore.list.alltrue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AllTrue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AllTrue.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + SetIntersection + + + Action + + + Returns a new list that includes objects that are present in both List1 and List2. + + + setintersection,setintersection,dscorenodes.dscore.list.setintersection + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SetIntersection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SetIntersection.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + SetUnion + + + Action + + + Returns a new list that includes objects that are present in either List1 or List2. + + + setunion,setunion,dscorenodes.dscore.list.setunion + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SetUnion.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SetUnion.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + SetDifference + + + Action + + + Returns a new list that includes objects in List1 but excludes objects in List2. + + + setdifference,setdifference,dscorenodes.dscore.list.setdifference + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SetDifference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SetDifference.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + Contains + + + Action + + + Determines if the given list contains the given item. This function searches through the sublists contained in it. + + + contains,contains,dscorenodes.dscore.list.contains + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Contains.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Contains.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + Rank + + + Action + + + Returns the deepest depth of the list + + + rank,rank,builtin.list.rank + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.Rank.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.Rank.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + IsHomogeneous + + + Action + + + Check if the items in the list are of the same type. + + + ishomogeneous,ishomogeneous,dscorenodes.dscore.list.ishomogeneous + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.IsHomogeneous.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.IsHomogeneous.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + IsUniformDepth + + + Action + + + Check if the items in the list have the same depth. + + + isuniformdepth,isuniformdepth,dscorenodes.dscore.list.isuniformdepth + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.IsUniformDepth.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.IsUniformDepth.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + IsRectangular + + + Action + + + Check if the number of items in all rows of the list are the same. + + + isrectangular,isrectangular,dscorenodes.dscore.list.isrectangular + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.IsRectangular.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.IsRectangular.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + TrueForAll + + + Action + + + Returns true if all items in the list evaluate to true with the given predicate. + + + trueforall,trueforall,builtin.list.trueforall + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.TrueForAll.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.TrueForAll.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + TrueForAny + + + Action + + + Returns true if one or more items in the list evaluate to true with the given predicate. + + + trueforany,trueforany,builtin.list.trueforany + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.TrueForAny.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.TrueForAny.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + IsEmpty + + + Action + + + Determines if the given list is empty. + + + isempty,isempty,dscorenodes.dscore.list.isempty + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.IsEmpty.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.IsEmpty.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + IndexOf + + + Action + + + Returns the index of the element in the given list. + + + indexof,indexof,dscorenodes.dscore.list.indexof + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.IndexOf.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.IndexOf.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + FirstIndexOf + + + Action + + + Given an item, returns the zero-based index of its first occurrence in the list. If the item cannot be found in the list, -1 is returned. + + + firstindexof,firstindexof,dscorenodes.dscore.list.firstindexof + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FirstIndexOf.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FirstIndexOf.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + Equals + + + Action + + + Determines whether two object instances are equal. + + + equals,equals,builtin.list.equals + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.Equals.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.Equals.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + CountTrue + + + Action + + + Returns the number of true boolean values in the given list. + + + counttrue,counttrue,dscorenodes.dscore.list.counttrue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.CountTrue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.CountTrue.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + CountFalse + + + Action + + + Returns the number of false boolean values in the given list. + + + countfalse,countfalse,dscorenodes.dscore.list.countfalse + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.CountFalse.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.CountFalse.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + MinimumItem + + + Action + + + Returns the minimum value from a list. + + + minimumitem,minimumitem,dscorenodes.dscore.list.minimumitem + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.MinimumItem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.MinimumItem.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + MaximumItem + + + Action + + + Returns the maximum value from a list. + + + maximumitem,maximumitem,dscorenodes.dscore.list.maximumitem + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.MaximumItem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.MaximumItem.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + DiagonalRight + + + Action + + + List elements along each diagonal in the matrix from the top left to the lower right. + + + diagonalright,diagonalright,dscorenodes.dscore.list.diagonalright + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalRight.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalRight.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + DiagonalLeft + + + Action + + + List elements along each diagonal in the matrix from the top right to the lower left. + + + diagonalleft,diagonalleft,dscorenodes.dscore.list.diagonalleft + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalLeft.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalLeft.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + FirstItem + + + Action + + + Returns the first item in a list. + + + firstitem,firstitem,dscorenodes.dscore.list.firstitem + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FirstItem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FirstItem.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + GetItemAtIndex + + + Action + + + Returns an item from the given list that's located at the specified index. + + + getitematindex,getitematindex,dscorenodes.dscore.list.getitematindex + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.GetItemAtIndex.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.GetItemAtIndex.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + LastItem + + + Action + + + Retrieves the last item in a list. + + + lastitem,lastitem,dscorenodes.dscore.list.lastitem + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.LastItem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.LastItem.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + AllIndicesOf + + + Action + + + Given an item, returns the zero-based indices of all its occurrences in the list. If the item cannot be found, an empty list is returned. + + + allindicesof,allindicesof,dscorenodes.dscore.list.allindicesof + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AllIndicesOf.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AllIndicesOf.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + Count + + + Action + + + Returns the number of items stored in the given list. + + + count,count,dscorenodes.dscore.list.count + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Count.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Count.Large.png + + + + + List.Inspect + + + CountFalse + + + Action + + + Returns the number of false boolean values in the given list. + + + countfalse,countfalse,dscorenodes.dscore.list.countfalse + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.CountFalse.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.CountFalse.Large.png + + + + + List.Inspect + + + CountTrue + + + Action + + + Returns the number of true boolean values in the given list. + + + counttrue,counttrue,dscorenodes.dscore.list.counttrue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.CountTrue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.CountTrue.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Inspect + + + UniqueItems + + + Action + + + Creates a new list containing all unique items in the given list. + + + uniqueitems,uniqueitems,dscorenodes.dscore.list.uniqueitems + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.UniqueItems.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.UniqueItems.Large.png + + + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + RemoveIfNot + + + Action + + + Removes the members of the list which are not members of the specified type. + + + removeifnot,removeifnot,builtin.list.removeifnot + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.RemoveIfNot.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.RemoveIfNot.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Reduce + + + Action + + + Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result. + + + reduce,reduce,core.list.list.reduce + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Reduce.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Reduce.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Scan + + + Action + + + Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result, produces a list of successive reduced values. + + + scan,scan,core.list.list.scan + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ScanList.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ScanList.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + RemoveItemAtIndex + + + Action + + + Removes an item from the given list at the specified index. + + + removeitematindex,removeitematindex,dscorenodes.dscore.list.removeitematindex + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.RemoveItemAtIndex.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.RemoveItemAtIndex.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + RestOfItems + + + Action + + + Removes the first item from the given list. + + + restofitems,restofitems,dscorenodes.dscore.list.restofitems + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.RestOfItems.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.RestOfItems.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Flatten + + + Action + + + Flattens a nested list of lists by a certain amount. + + + flatten,flatten,dscorenodes.dscore.list.flatten + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Flatten.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Flatten.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Deconstruct + + + Action + + + Given a list, produces the first item in the list, and a new list containing all items except the first. + + + deconstruct,deconstruct,dscorenodes.dscore.list.deconstruct + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Deconstruct.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Deconstruct.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Sublists + + + Action + + + Build sublists from a list using DesignScript range syntax. + + + sublists,sublists,dscorenodes.dscore.list.sublists + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Sublists.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Sublists.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Chop + + + Action + + + Chop a list into a set of consecutive sublists with the specified lengths. List division begins at the top of the list. + + + chop,chop,dscorenodes.dscore.list.chop + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Chop.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Chop.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Slice + + + Action + + + Returns a single sub-list from the given list, based on starting index, ending index, and a step amount. + + + slice,slice,dscorenodes.dscore.list.slice + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Slice.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Slice.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + TakeItems + + + Action + + + Fetches an amount of items from the start of the list. + + + takeitems,takeitems,dscorenodes.dscore.list.takeitems + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.TakeItems.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.TakeItems.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Clean + + + Action + + + Cleans data of nulls and empty lists from a given list of arbitrary dimension + + + clean,clean,dscorenodes.dscore.list.clean + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Clean.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Clean.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + DropEveryNthItem + + + Action + + + Removes items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset. + + + dropeverynthitem,dropeverynthitem,dscorenodes.dscore.list.dropeverynthitem + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DropEveryNthItem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DropEveryNthItem.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + DropItems + + + Action + + + Removes an amount of items from the start of the list. If the amount is a negative value, items are removed from the end of the list. + + + dropitems,dropitems,dscorenodes.dscore.list.dropitems + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DropItems.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DropItems.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Filter + + + Action + + + Filters a sequence by a given condition such that for an arbitrary element "x," condition(x) = True or False. + + + filter,filter,core.list.list.filter + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Filter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Filter.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + FilterByBoolMask + + + Action + + + Filters a sequence by looking up corresponding indices in a separate list of booleans. + + + filterbyboolmask,filterbyboolmask,dscorenodes.dscore.list.filterbyboolmask + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + TakeEveryNthItem + + + Action + + + Fetches items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset. + + + takeeverynthitem,takeeverynthitem,dscorenodes.dscore.list.takeeverynthitem + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.TakeEveryNthItem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.TakeEveryNthItem.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + ReplaceByCondition + + + Action + + + Replaces an object with a given substitute if the original object satisfies a given condition. + + + replacebycondition,replacebycondition,core.list.replacebycondition + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Replace.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Replace.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + ReplaceItemAtIndex + + + Action + + + Replace an item from the given list that's located at the specified index. + + + replaceitematindex,replaceitematindex,dscorenodes.dscore.list.replaceitematindex + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ReplaceItemAtIndex.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ReplaceItemAtIndex.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + Insert + + + Action + + + Inserts an element into a list at specified index. + + + insert,insert,dscorenodes.dscore.list.insert + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Insert.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Insert.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + AddItemToEnd + + + Action + + + Adds an item to the end of a list. + + + additemtoend,additemtoend,dscorenodes.dscore.list.additemtoend + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Modify + + + AddItemToFront + + + Action + + + Adds an item to the beginning of a list. + + + additemtofront,additemtofront,dscorenodes.dscore.list.additemtofront + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToFront.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToFront.Large.png + + + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + GroupByKey + + + Action + + + Group items into sub-lists based on their like key values + + + groupbykey,groupbykey,dscorenodes.dscore.list.groupbykey + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.GroupByKey.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.GroupByKey.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + GroupByFunction + + + Action + + + Use a function to determine how list items should be grouped. + + + groupbyfunction,groupbyfunction,builtin.list.groupbyfunction + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.GroupByFunction.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.GroupByFunction.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + MaximumItemByKey + + + Action + + + Returns the items from the list that generate the maximum values for the function supplied as the key projector + + + maximumitembykey,maximumitembykey,builtin.list.maximumitembykey + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.MaximumItemByKey.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.MaximumItemByKey.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + MinimumItemByKey + + + Action + + + Returns the items from the list that generate the minimum values for the function supplied as the key projector + + + minimumitembykey,minimumitembykey,builtin.list.minimumitembykey + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.MinimumItemByKey.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.MinimumItemByKey.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + NormalizeDepth + + + Action + + + Returns multidimensional list according the rank given. + + + normalizedepth,normalizedepth,dscorenodes.dscore.list.normalizedepth + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.NormalizeDepth.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.NormalizeDepth.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + Reverse + + + Action + + + Creates a new list containing the items of the given list but in reverse order. + + + reverse,reverse,dscorenodes.dscore.list.reverse + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Reverse.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Reverse.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + Reorder + + + Action + + + Reorders the input list based on the given list of indices. + + + reorder,reorder,dscorenodes.dscore.list.reorder + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Reorder.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Reorder.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + SortByFunction + + + Action + + + Use a function to determine how list items should be sorted. + + + sortbyfunction,sortbyfunction,builtin.list.sortbyfunction + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\List.SortByFunction.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\List.SortByFunction.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + SortByKey + + + Action + + + Sort list based on its keys + + + sortbykey,sortbykey,dscorenodes.dscore.list.sortbykey + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + SortIndexByValue + + + Action + + + Sorts a list by the items and return their indices. + + + sortindexbyvalue,sortindexbyvalue,dscorenodes.dscore.list.sortindexbyvalue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SortIndexByValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SortIndexByValue.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + ShiftIndices + + + Action + + + Shifts indices in the list to the right by the given amount. + + + shiftindices,shiftindices,dscorenodes.dscore.list.shiftindices + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ShiftIndices.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ShiftIndices.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + Shuffle + + + Action + + + Shuffles a list, randomizing the order of its items. + + + shuffle,shuffle,dscorenodes.dscore.list.shuffle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Shuffle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Shuffle.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + Sort + + + Action + + + Sorts a list by the items and return their indices. + + + sort,sort,dscorenodes.dscore.list.sort + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Sort.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Sort.Large.png + + + + + List.Organize + + + SortByKey + + + Action + + + Sort list based on its keys + + + sortbykey,sortbykey,dscorenodes.dscore.list.sortbykey + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Large.png + + + + + List.Organize + + + SortIndexByValue + + + Action + + + Sorts a list by the items and return their indices. + + + sortindexbyvalue,sortindexbyvalue,dscorenodes.dscore.list.sortindexbyvalue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SortIndexByValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SortIndexByValue.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Organize + + + Transpose + + + Action + + + Swaps rows and columns in a list of lists. If there are some rows that are shorter than others, null values are inserted as place holders in the resultant array such that it is always rectangular. + + + transpose,transpose,dscorenodes.dscore.list.transpose + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Transpose.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Transpose.Large.png + + + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + List Create + + + Create + + + Makes a new list out of the given inputs + + + list create,listcreate,core.list.listcreate + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.CreateList.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.CreateList.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + Join + + + Action + + + Concatenates all given lists into a single list. + + + join,join,dscorenodes.dscore.list.join + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Join.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Join.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + Range + + + Create + + + Creates a sequence of numbers or letters in the specified range. + + + range,range,core.list.range + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Range.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Range.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + Sequence + + + Create + + + Creates a sequence of numbers. + + + sequence,sequence,core.list.sequence + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Sequence.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Sequence.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + Combinations + + + Action + + + Produces all combinations of the given length of a given list. + + + combinations,combinations,dscorenodes.dscore.list.combinations + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Combinations.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Combinations.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + Permutations + + + Action + + + Produces all permutations of the given length of a given list. + + + permutations,permutations,dscorenodes.dscore.list.permutations + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Permutations.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Permutations.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + Empty + + + Query + + + Returns an Empty List. + + + empty,empty,dscorenodes.dscore.list.empty + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Empty.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Empty.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + OfRepeatedItem + + + Action + + + Creates a list containing the given item the given number of times. + + + ofrepeateditem,ofrepeateditem,dscorenodes.dscore.list.ofrepeateditem + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Generate + + + Cycle + + + Action + + + Creates a new list by concatenining copies of a given list. + + + cycle,cycle,dscorenodes.dscore.list.cycle + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Cycle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Cycle.Large.png + + + + + + + + + List.Match + + + LaceShortest + + + Action + + + Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a shortest lacing of the input lists. All lists are truncated to the length of the shortest input. + + + laceshortest,laceshortest,core.list.list.laceshortest + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceShortest.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceShortest.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Match + + + LaceLongest + + + Action + + + Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a longest lacing of the input lists. All lists have their last element repeated to match the length of the longest input. + + + lacelongest,lacelongest,core.list.list.lacelongest + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceLongest.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceLongest.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Match + + + CartesianProduct + + + Action + + + Applies a combinator to each pair in the cartesian product of two sequences + + + cartesianproduct,cartesianproduct,core.list.list.cartesianproduct + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Match + + + Map + + + Action + + + Applies a function over all elements of a list, generating a new list from the results. + + + map,map, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Map.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Map.Large.png + + + + + + + List.Match + + + Combine + + + Action + + + Applies a combinator to each element in two sequences + + + combine,combine,core.list.list.combine + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Combine.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Combine.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + Dictionary + + + ByKeysValues + + + Create + + + Produces a Dictionary with the supplied keys and values. The number of entries is the shorter of keys or values. + + + bykeysvalues,bykeysvalues,designscriptbuiltin.designscript.builtin.dictionary.bykeysvalues + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\SmallIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.ByKeysValues.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\LargeIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.ByKeysValues.Large.png + + + + + + + Dictionary + + + Components + + + Action + + + Produces the components of a Dictionary. The reverse of Dictionary.ByKeysValues. + + + components,components,designscriptbuiltin.designscript.builtin.dictionary.components + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\SmallIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.Components.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\LargeIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.Components.Large.png + + + + + + + Dictionary + + + RemoveKeys + + + Action + + + Produce a new Dictionary with the given keys removed. + + + removekeys,removekeys,designscriptbuiltin.designscript.builtin.dictionary.removekeys + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\SmallIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.RemoveKeys.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\LargeIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.RemoveKeys.Large.png + + + + + + + Dictionary + + + SetValueAtKeys + + + Action + + + Produce a new Dictionary with a list of keys set to the new values, possibly overwriting existing key-value pairs. These two lists are expected to be of the same length. If not, the shorter of the two bounds the number of insertions. + + + setvalueatkeys,setvalueatkeys,designscriptbuiltin.designscript.builtin.dictionary.setvalueatkeys + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\SmallIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.SetValueAtKeys.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\LargeIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.SetValueAtKeys.Large.png + + + + + + + Dictionary + + + ValueAtKey + + + Action + + + Obtain the value at a specified key + + + valueatkey,valueatkey,designscriptbuiltin.designscript.builtin.dictionary.valueatkey + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\SmallIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.ValueAtKey.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\LargeIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.ValueAtKey.Large.png + + + + + + + Dictionary + + + Count + + + Query + + + The number of key value pairs in a Dictionary. + + + count,count,designscriptbuiltin.designscript.builtin.dictionary.count + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\SmallIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.Count.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\LargeIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.Count.Large.png + + + + + + + Dictionary + + + Keys + + + Query + + + Produces the keys in a Dictionary. + + + keys,keys,designscriptbuiltin.designscript.builtin.dictionary.keys + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\SmallIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.Keys.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\LargeIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.Keys.Large.png + + + + + + + Dictionary + + + Values + + + Query + + + Produces the values in a Dictionary. + + + values,values,designscriptbuiltin.designscript.builtin.dictionary.values + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\SmallIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.Values.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DesignScriptBuiltin\LargeIcons\DesignScript.Builtin.Dictionary.Values.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + Date Time + + + Action + + + Create a DateTime object from a formatted date and time string. Date and time must be of the format "April 12, 1977 12:00 PM" + + + date time,datetime,core.input.datetime + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DateTime.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DateTime.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + MinValue + + + Query + + + The earliest date and time that can be represented. + + + minvalue,minvalue,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.minvalue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MinValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MinValue.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + MaxValue + + + Query + + + The latest date and time that can be represented. + + + maxvalue,maxvalue,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.maxvalue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MaxValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MaxValue.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + Now + + + Query + + + The current system date and time. + + + now,now, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Now.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Now.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + Today + + + Query + + + The current system date, with time set at midnight. + + + today,today, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Today.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Today.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + ByDate + + + Action + + + Creates a new DateTime at an exact date. + + + bydate,bydate,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.bydate + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDate.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDate.Large.png + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + ByDateAndTime + + + Action + + + Creates a new DateTime at an exact date and time. + + + bydateandtime,bydateandtime,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.bydateandtime + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + ByDateAndTime + + + Action + + + Creates a new DateTime at an exact date and time. + + + bydateandtime,bydateandtime,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.bydateandtime + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + SubtractTimeSpan + + + Action + + + Subtracts a TimeSpan from a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime. + + + subtracttimespan,subtracttimespan,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.subtracttimespan + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.SubtractTimeSpan.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.SubtractTimeSpan.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + AddTimeSpan + + + Action + + + Adds a TimeSpan to a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime. + + + addtimespan,addtimespan,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.addtimespan + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.AddTimeSpan.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.AddTimeSpan.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + DaysInMonth + + + Action + + + Calculates how many days are in the given month of the given year. + + + daysinmonth,daysinmonth,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.daysinmonth + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DaysInMonth.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DaysInMonth.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + IsDaylightSavingsTime + + + Action + + + Determines if it is Daylight Savings Time at the given DateTime. + + + isdaylightsavingstime,isdaylightsavingstime,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.isdaylightsavingstime + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingsTime.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingsTime.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + IsLeapYear + + + Action + + + Determines if the given year is a leap year. + + + isleapyear,isleapyear,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.isleapyear + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsLeapYear.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsLeapYear.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + FromString + + + Action + + + Attempts to parse a DateTime from a string. + + + fromstring,fromstring,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.fromstring + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.FromString.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.FromString.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + Date + + + Action + + + Extracts only the date from a DateTime. Time components are set to 0. + + + date,date, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Date.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Date.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + Components + + + Action + + + Extracts the individual components of a DateTime. + + + components,components,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.components + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Components.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Components.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + DayOfWeek + + + Action + + + Returns the Day of the Week from a given DateTime. + + + dayofweek,dayofweek,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.dayofweek + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfWeek.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfWeek.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + DayOfYear + + + Action + + + Returns the day of the year (0-366) + + + dayofyear,dayofyear,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.dayofyear + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfYear.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfYear.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + TimeOfDay + + + Action + + + Yields a new TimeSpan representing the amount of time passed since midnight of the given DateTime. + + + timeofday,timeofday,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.timeofday + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.TimeOfDay.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.TimeOfDay.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.DateTime + + + Format + + + Action + + + Return a specified date and time as a string, in the specified format. + + + format,format,dscorenodes.dscore.datetime.format + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Format.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Format.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Input.Location + + + Name + + + Query + + + No description available + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Location + + + Latitude + + + Query + + + No description available + + + latitude,latitude,dynamounits.dynamounits.location.latitude + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Latitude.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Latitude.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Location + + + Longitude + + + Query + + + No description available + + + longitude,longitude,dynamounits.dynamounits.location.longitude + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Longitude.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Longitude.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Location + + + ByLatitudeAndLongitude + + + Create + + + No description available + + + bylatitudeandlongitude,bylatitudeandlongitude,dynamounits.dynamounits.location.bylatitudeandlongitude + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.ByLatitudeAndLongitude.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.ByLatitudeAndLongitude.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Input.Basic + + + Boolean + + + Action + + + Selection between a true and false. + + + boolean,boolean,core.input.boolean + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Basic + + + Integer Slider + + + Action + + + A slider that produces integer values. + + + integer slider,integerslider,core.input.integerslider + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.IntegerSlider.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.IntegerSlider.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Basic + + + Number Slider + + + Action + + + A slider that produces numeric values. + + + number slider,numberslider,core.input.numberslider + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Basic + + + String + + + Action + + + Creates a string. + + + string,string,core.input.string + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Basic + + + Number + + + Action + + + Creates a number. + + + number,number,core.input.number + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput.Large.png + + + + + Input.Basic + + + Number Slider + + + Action + + + A slider that produces numeric values. + + + number slider,numberslider,core.input.numberslider + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Basic + + + Input + + + Action + + + A function parameter, use with custom nodes. + + You can specify the type and default value for parameter. E.g., + + input : var[]..[] + value : bool = false + + + input,input,core.input.input + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CustomNodes.Symbol.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CustomNodes.Symbol.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Basic + + + Output + + + Action + + + A function output, use with custom nodes + + + output,output,core.input.output + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CustomNodes.Output.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CustomNodes.Output.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + ByDateDifference + + + Action + + + Yields a new TimeSpan calculated from the time difference between two DateTimes. + + + bydatedifference,bydatedifference,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.bydatedifference + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.ByDateDifference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.ByDateDifference.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + Zero + + + Query + + + A TimeSpan representing an elapsed time of Zero. + + + zero,zero, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Zero.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Zero.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + MaxValue + + + Query + + + The largest TimeSpan that can be represented. + + + maxvalue,maxvalue,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.maxvalue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MaxValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MaxValue.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + MinValue + + + Query + + + The smallest TimeSpan that can be represented. + + + minvalue,minvalue,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.minvalue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MinValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MinValue.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + Create + + + Action + + + Creates a new TimeSpan from a span of time. + + + create,create,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.create + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Create.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Create.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + Scale + + + Action + + + Multiplies a TimeSpan by a scaling factor. + + + scale,scale,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.scale + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Scale.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Scale.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + Negate + + + Action + + + Negates a TimeSpan. + + + negate,negate,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.negate + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Negate.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Negate.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + Add + + + Action + + + Adds two TimeSpans. + + + add,add,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.add + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Add.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Add.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + Subtract + + + Action + + + Subtracts two TimeSpans. + + + subtract,subtract,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.subtract + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Subtract.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Subtract.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + FromString + + + Action + + + Attempts to parse a TimeSpan from a string. + + + fromstring,fromstring,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.fromstring + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.FromString.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.FromString.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + Components + + + Action + + + Extracts the individual components of a TimeSpan. + + + components,components,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.components + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Components.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Components.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + TotalDays + + + Action + + + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of days. + + + totaldays,totaldays,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.totaldays + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalDays.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalDays.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + TotalHours + + + Action + + + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of hours. + + + totalhours,totalhours,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.totalhours + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalHours.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalHours.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + TotalMinutes + + + Action + + + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of minutes. + + + totalminutes,totalminutes,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.totalminutes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + TotalSeconds + + + Action + + + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of seconds. + + + totalseconds,totalseconds,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.totalseconds + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.TimeSpan + + + TotalMilliseconds + + + Action + + + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of milliseconds. + + + totalmilliseconds,totalmilliseconds,dscorenodes.dscore.timespan.totalmilliseconds + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Input.Object + + + IsNull + + + Action + + + Determines the if the given object is null. + + + isnull,isnull,dscorenodes.dscore.object.isnull + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.IsNull.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.IsNull.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Object + + + Identity + + + Action + + + Returns what is passed in, doing nothing. + + + identity,identity,dscorenodes.dscore.object.identity + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.Identity.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.Identity.Large.png + + + + + + + Input.Object + + + Type + + + Action + + + Returns the type of object represented as string. + + + type,type,dscorenodes.dscore.object.type + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.Type.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.Type.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Random (value1, value2) + + + Action + + + Produce a random number in the range [lower_number, higher_number). + + + random,random,dscorenodes.dscore.math.random + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Random (seed) + + + Action + + + Generates a random double in the range of [0, 1). + + + random,random,dscorenodes.dscore.math.random + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + + + Math.Functions + + + RandomList + + + Action + + + Produces a list containing the given amount of random doubles in the range of [0, 1). + + + randomlist,randomlist,dscorenodes.dscore.math.randomlist + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + RandomList + + + Action + + + Produces a list containing the given amount of random doubles in the range of [0, 1). + + + randomlist,randomlist,dscorenodes.dscore.math.randomlist + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + PiTimes2 + + + Query + + + Pi Constant Multiplied by 2 + + + pitimes2,pitimes2,dscorenodes.dscore.math.pitimes2 + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.PiTimes2.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.PiTimes2.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Average + + + Action + + + Averages a list of numbers. + + + average,average,dscorenodes.dscore.math.average + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Average.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Average.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + RemapRange + + + Action + + + Adjusts the range of a list of numbers while preserving the distribution ratio. + + + remaprange,remaprange,dscorenodes.dscore.math.remaprange + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RemapRange.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RemapRange.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + PI + + + Query + + + The mathematical constant Pi, 3.14159... + + + pi,pi,dscorenodes.dscore.math.pi + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.PI.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.PI.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + EvaluateFormula + + + Action + + + Evaluates an NCalc formula with given parameter mappings. + + + evaluateformula,evaluateformula,dscorenodes.dscore.math.evaluateformula + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.EvaluateFormula.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.EvaluateFormula.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Exp + + + Action + + + Returns the exponential of the number, the constant e raised to the value number. + + + exp,exp,dscorenodes.dscore.math.exp + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + E + + + Query + + + The mathematical constant e, 2.71828... + + + e,e,dscorenodes.dscore.math.e + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.E.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.E.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + GoldenRatio + + + Query + + + The golden ratio, (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.61803... + + + goldenratio,goldenratio,dscorenodes.dscore.math.goldenratio + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.GoldenRatio.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.GoldenRatio.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Abs (number) + + + Action + + + Finds the absolute value of a number. + + + abs,abs,dscorenodes.dscore.math.abs + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Abs.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Abs.double.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Abs (integer) + + + Action + + + Finds the absolute value of a number. + + + abs,abs,dscorenodes.dscore.math.abs + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Acos + + + Action + + + Finds the inverse cosine, the angle whose cosine is the given ratio. + + + acos,acos,dscorenodes.dscore.math.acos + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Acos.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Acos.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Asin + + + Action + + + Finds the inverse sine, the angle whose sine is the given ratio. + + + asin,asin,dscorenodes.dscore.math.asin + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Asin.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Asin.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Atan + + + Action + + + Finds the inverse tangent, the angle whose tangent is the given ratio. + + + atan,atan,dscorenodes.dscore.math.atan + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Atan2 + + + Action + + + Finds the inverse tangent of quotient of two numbers. Returns the angle whose tangent is the ratio: numerator/denominator. + + + atan2,atan2,dscorenodes.dscore.math.atan2 + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Atan2 + + + Action + + + Finds the inverse tangent of quotient of two numbers. Returns the angle whose tangent is the ratio: numerator/denominator. + + + atan2,atan2,dscorenodes.dscore.math.atan2 + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Ceiling + + + Action + + + Returns the first integer greater than the number + + + ceiling,ceiling,dscorenodes.dscore.math.ceiling + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Ceiling.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Ceiling.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Cos + + + Action + + + Finds the cosine of an angle. + + + cos,cos,dscorenodes.dscore.math.cos + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cos.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cos.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Cosh + + + Action + + + Finds the hyperbolic cosine of an angle (radians). + + + cosh,cosh,dscorenodes.dscore.math.cosh + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Cosh + + + Action + + + Finds the hyperbolic cosine of an angle (radians). + + + cosh,cosh,dscorenodes.dscore.math.cosh + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + DivRem + + + Action + + + Finds the remainder of dividend/divisor. + + + divrem,divrem,dscorenodes.dscore.math.divrem + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.DivRem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.DivRem.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Exp + + + Action + + + Returns the exponential of the number, the constant e raised to the value number. + + + exp,exp,dscorenodes.dscore.math.exp + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Floor + + + Action + + + Returns the first integer smaller than the number. + + + floor,floor,dscorenodes.dscore.math.floor + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Floor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Floor.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Log (number, logBase) + + + Action + + + Finds the logarithm of a number with the specified base. + + + log,log,dscorenodes.dscore.math.log + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double-double.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Log (number) + + + Action + + + Finds the natural logarithm of a number in the range (0, ∞). + + + log,log,dscorenodes.dscore.math.log + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Log10 + + + Action + + + Finds the base-10 logarithm of a number. + + + log10,log10,dscorenodes.dscore.math.log10 + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Log10 + + + Action + + + Finds the base-10 logarithm of a number. + + + log10,log10,dscorenodes.dscore.math.log10 + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Max (value1, value2) + + + Action + + + Returns the greater of two numbers. + + + max,max,dscorenodes.dscore.math.max + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Max.double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Max.double-double.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Max (int1, int2) + + + Action + + + Returns the greater of two numbers. + + + max,max,dscorenodes.dscore.math.max + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Min (value1, value2) + + + Action + + + Returns the lesser of two numbers. + + + min,min,dscorenodes.dscore.math.min + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Min.double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Min.double-double.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Min (int1, int2) + + + Action + + + Returns the lesser of two numbers. + + + min,min,dscorenodes.dscore.math.min + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Pow + + + Action + + + Raises a number to the specified power. + + + pow,pow,dscorenodes.dscore.math.pow + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Pow.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Pow.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Rand + + + Action + + + Produce a random number in the range [0, 1). + + + rand,rand,dscorenodes.dscore.math.rand + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Rand.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Rand.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Random (value1, value2) + + + Action + + + Produce a random number in the range [lower_number, higher_number). + + + random,random,dscorenodes.dscore.math.random + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Random (seed) + + + Action + + + Generates a random double in the range of [0, 1). + + + random,random,dscorenodes.dscore.math.random + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + + + Math.Functions + + + RandomList + + + Action + + + Produces a list containing the given amount of random doubles in the range of [0, 1). + + + randomlist,randomlist,dscorenodes.dscore.math.randomlist + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Round (number, digits) + + + Action + + + Rounds a number to a specified number of fractional digits. + + + round,round,dscorenodes.dscore.math.round + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double-int.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double-int.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Round (number) + + + Action + + + Rounds a number to the closest integral value. Note that this method returns a double-precision floating-point number instead of an integral type. + + + round,round,dscorenodes.dscore.math.round + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Sign (integer) + + + Action + + + Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1. + + + sign,sign,dscorenodes.dscore.math.sign + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Sign (number) + + + Action + + + Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1. + + + sign,sign,dscorenodes.dscore.math.sign + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sign.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sign.double.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Sin + + + Action + + + Finds the sine of an angle. + + + sin,sin,dscorenodes.dscore.math.sin + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sin.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sin.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Sinh + + + Action + + + Finds the hyperbolic sine of an angle (radians). + + + sinh,sinh,dscorenodes.dscore.math.sinh + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Sinh + + + Action + + + Finds the hyperbolic sine of an angle (radians). + + + sinh,sinh,dscorenodes.dscore.math.sinh + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Sqrt + + + Action + + + Finds the positive square root of a number in the range [0, ∞). + + + sqrt,sqrt,dscorenodes.dscore.math.sqrt + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sqrt.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sqrt.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Tan + + + Action + + + Finds the tangent of an angle. + + + tan,tan,dscorenodes.dscore.math.tan + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tan.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tan.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Tanh + + + Action + + + Finds the hyperbolic tangent of an angle (radians). + + + tanh,tanh,dscorenodes.dscore.math.tanh + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Tanh + + + Action + + + Finds the hyperbolic tangent of an angle (radians). + + + tanh,tanh,dscorenodes.dscore.math.tanh + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Sum + + + Action + + + Find the sum of a series of numbers + + + sum,sum,dscorenodes.dscore.math.sum + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sum.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sum.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Factorial + + + Action + + + Finds the factorial result of a positive integer. + + + factorial,factorial,dscorenodes.dscore.math.factorial + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Factorial.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Factorial.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Map + + + Action + + + Maps the input value to a number between 0 and 1 based on the input range. + + + map,map, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Map.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Map.Large.png + + + + + Math.Functions + + + MapTo + + + Action + + + Maps the input value to a number between targetRangeMin and targetRangeMax. + + + mapto,mapto,dscorenodes.dscore.math.mapto + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.MapTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.MapTo.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + MapTo + + + Action + + + Maps the input value to a number between targetRangeMin and targetRangeMax. + + + mapto,mapto,dscorenodes.dscore.math.mapto + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.MapTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.MapTo.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + Formula + + + Action + + + Evaluates mathematical formulas. Uses NCalc: + + + formula,formula,core.scripting.formula + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Formula.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Formula.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Functions + + + EvaluateFormula + + + Action + + + Evaluates an NCalc formula with given parameter mappings. + + + evaluateformula,evaluateformula,dscorenodes.dscore.math.evaluateformula + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.EvaluateFormula.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.EvaluateFormula.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Math.Units + + + Convert Between Units + + + Action + + + Convert between units of measure. + + + convert between units,convertbetweenunits,core.units.convertbetweenunits + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.DynamoConvert.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.DynamoConvert.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Units + + + Number From Feet and Inches + + + Action + + + Enter a length. + + + number from feet and inches,numberfromfeetandinches,core.units.numberfromfeetandinches + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\UnitsUI\SmallIcons\UnitsUI.LengthFromString.Small.png + + + src\Resources\UnitsUI\LargeIcons\UnitsUI.LengthFromString.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Units + + + Unit Types + + + Action + + + Select a unit of measurement. + + + unit types,unittypes,core.units.unittypes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\UnitsUI\SmallIcons\UnitsUI.UnitTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\UnitsUI\LargeIcons\UnitsUI.UnitTypes.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Units + + + RadiansToDegrees + + + Action + + + Converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees. + + + radianstodegrees,radianstodegrees,dscorenodes.dscore.math.radianstodegrees + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RadiansToDegrees.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RadiansToDegrees.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Units + + + DegreesToRadians + + + Action + + + Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians. + + + degreestoradians,degreestoradians,dscorenodes.dscore.math.degreestoradians + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.DegreesToRadians.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.DegreesToRadians.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + + + + + Action + + + Adds x to y. + + + +,+,operators.+ + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\add.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\add.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + - + + + Action + + + x subtract y. + + + -,-,operators.- + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\sub.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\sub.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + * + + + Action + + + Multiplies x by y. + + + *,*,operators.* + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\mul.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\mul.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + / + + + Action + + + Divides x by y. + + + /,/,operators./ + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\div.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\div.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + == + + + Action + + + Equal x to y? + + + ==,==,operators.== + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\eq.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\eq.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + >= + + + Action + + + x greater or equals y? + + + >=,>=,operators.>= + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\ge.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\ge.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + > + + + Action + + + x greater y? + + + >,>,operators.> + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\gt.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\gt.Large.png + + + + + Math.Operators + + + >= + + + Action + + + x greater or equals y? + + + >=,>=,operators.>= + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\ge.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\ge.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + % + + + Action + + + Finds the remainder of x/y + + + %,%,operators.% + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\mod.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\mod.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + <= + + + Action + + + x less or equals y? + + + <=,<=,operators.<= + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\le.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\le.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + < + + + Action + + + x less y? + + + <,<,operators.< + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\lt.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\lt.Large.png + + + + + Math.Operators + + + <= + + + Action + + + x less or equals y? + + + <=,<=,operators.<= + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\le.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\le.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + && + + + Action + + + x and y? + + + &&,&&,operators.&& + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\and.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\and.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + || + + + Action + + + x || y? + + + ||,||,operators.|| + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\or.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\or.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + != + + + Action + + + x doesn't equal y. + + + !=,!=,operators.!= + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\nq.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\nq.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Operators + + + Not + + + Action + + + !x + + + not,not,operators.not + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Operators\SmallIcons\Not.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Operators\LargeIcons\Not.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Math.Logic + + + And + + + Action + + + Boolean AND: Returns true only if both of the inputs are true. If either is false, returns false. + + + and,and,core.math.and + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.And.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.And.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Logic + + + Or + + + Action + + + Boolean OR: Returns true if either of the inputs are true. If neither are true, returns false. + + + or,or,core.math.or + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.Or.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.Or.Large.png + + + + + + + Math.Logic + + + Xor + + + Action + + + Boolean XOR: Returns true if and only if exactly one of the inputs is true. + + + xor,xor,dscorenodes.dscore.math.xor + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Xor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Xor.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + + Script.Evaluate + + + Function Apply + + + Action + + + Applies a function to arguments. + + + function apply,functionapply,core.evaluate.functionapply + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction.Large.png + + + + + + + Script.Evaluate + + + Function Compose + + + Action + + + Compose multiple functions. + + + function compose,functioncompose,core.evaluate.functioncompose + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Script.Control Flow + + + LoopWhile + + + Action + + + Constructs a while loop node given an initial value, a condition and a loop body. + + + loopwhile,loopwhile,builtin.loopwhile + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\SmallIcons\LoopWhile.Small.png + + + src\Resources\BuiltIn\LargeIcons\LoopWhile.Large.png + + + + + + + Script.Control Flow + + + ScopeIf + + + Action + + + Scoped If statement + + + scopeif,scopeif,core.logic.scopeif + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.ScopedIf.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.ScopedIf.Large.png + + + + + + + Script.Control Flow + + + If + + + Action + + + Conditional statement + + + if,if,core.logic.if + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.If.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.If.Large.png + + + + + + + Script.Control Flow + + + Pause + + + Action + + + Pauses the current evaluation thread for a given amount of time. + + + pause,pause,dscorenodes.dscore.thread.pause + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Thread.Pause.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Thread.Pause.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Script.Editor + + + Python Script + + + Action + + + Runs an embedded IronPython script. + + + python script,pythonscript,core.scripting.pythonscript + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\PythonNodeModels\SmallIcons\PythonNodeModels.PythonNode.Small.png + + + src\Resources\PythonNodeModels\LargeIcons\PythonNodeModels.PythonNode.Large.png + + + + + Script.Editor + + + Python Script From String + + + Action + + + Runs a IronPython script from a string. + + + python script from string,pythonscriptfromstring,core.scripting.pythonscriptfromstring + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\PythonNodeModels\SmallIcons\PythonNodeModels.PythonStringNode.Small.png + + + src\Resources\PythonNodeModels\LargeIcons\PythonNodeModels.PythonStringNode.Large.png + + + + + + + Script.Editor + + + Python Script From String + + + Action + + + Runs a IronPython script from a string. + + + python script from string,pythonscriptfromstring,core.scripting.pythonscriptfromstring + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\PythonNodeModels\SmallIcons\PythonNodeModels.PythonStringNode.Small.png + + + src\Resources\PythonNodeModels\LargeIcons\PythonNodeModels.PythonStringNode.Large.png + + + + + + + Script.Editor + + + Code Block + + + Action + + + Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly + + + code block,codeblock,core.input.codeblock + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Graph.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Red + + + Query + + + Find the red component of a color, 0 to 255. + + + red,red, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Red.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Red.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Green + + + Query + + + Find the green component of a color, 0 to 255. + + + green,green, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Green.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Green.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Blue + + + Query + + + Find the blue component of a color, 0 to 255. + + + blue,blue, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Blue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Blue.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Alpha + + + Query + + + Find the alpha component of a color, 0 to 255. + + + alpha,alpha,dscorenodes.dscore.color.alpha + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Alpha.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Alpha.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + ByARGB + + + Create + + + Construct a color by alpha, red, green, and blue components. + + + byargb,byargb,dscorenodes.dscore.color.byargb + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.ByARGB.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.ByARGB.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Brightness + + + Action + + + Returns the brightness value for this color. + + + brightness,brightness,dscorenodes.dscore.color.brightness + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Brightness.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Brightness.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Saturation + + + Action + + + Returns the saturation value for this color. + + + saturation,saturation,dscorenodes.dscore.color.saturation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Saturation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Saturation.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Hue + + + Action + + + Returns the hue value for this color. + + + hue,hue,dscorenodes.dscore.color.hue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Hue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Hue.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Components + + + Action + + + Lists the components for the color in the order: alpha, red, green, blue. + + + components,components,dscorenodes.dscore.color.components + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Components.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Components.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Add + + + Create + + + Construct a Color by combining two input Colors. + + + add,add,dscorenodes.dscore.color.add + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Add.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Add.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Multiply + + + Create + + + Multiply an input color with a number multiplier to produce a darker color. Input color must have an alpha less than 255. + + + multiply,multiply,dscorenodes.dscore.color.multiply + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Multiply.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Multiply.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Divide + + + Create + + + Divide an input color with a number divider to produce a brighter color and remove color tint + + + divide,divide,dscorenodes.dscore.color.divide + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Divide.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Divide.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color + + + Color Palette + + + Create + + + Select a Color from the palette + + + color palette,colorpalette,core.color.colorpalette + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.ColorPalette.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.ColorPalette.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Display.Color Range + + + Color Range + + + Create + + + Get a color given a color range. + + + color range,colorrange,core.color.colorrange + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.ColorRange.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.ColorRange.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color Range + + + ByColorsAndParameters + + + Create + + + Create a ColorRange by supplying lists of colors and UVs. + + + bycolorsandparameters,bycolorsandparameters,dscorenodes.dscore.colorrange.bycolorsandparameters + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.ColorRange.ByColorsAndParameters.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.ColorRange.ByColorsAndParameters.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Color Range + + + GetColorAtParameter + + + Action + + + Returns the color in this color range at the specified parameter. + + + getcoloratparameter,getcoloratparameter,dscorenodes.dscore.colorrange.getcoloratparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.ColorRange.GetColorAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.ColorRange.GetColorAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Display.Watch + + + Watch + + + Action + + + Visualize the output of node. + + + watch,watch, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Watch.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Watch.Large.png + + + + + Display.Watch + + + Watch 3D + + + Action + + + Shows a dynamic preview of geometry. + + + watch 3d,watch3d,core.view.watch3d + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Watch3DNodeModels\SmallIcons\Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Watch3DNodeModels\LargeIcons\Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D.Large.png + + + + + Display.Watch + + + Watch Image + + + Action + + + Previews an image + + + watch image,watchimage,core.view.watchimage + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Watch + + + Watch Image + + + Action + + + Previews an image + + + watch image,watchimage,core.view.watchimage + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Large.png + + + + + + + Display.Watch + + + Watch 3D + + + Action + + + Shows a dynamic preview of geometry. + + + watch 3d,watch3d,core.view.watch3d + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Watch3DNodeModels\SmallIcons\Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Watch3DNodeModels\LargeIcons\Watch3DNodeModels.Watch3D.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + File Path + + + Action + + + Allows you to select a file on the system to get its filename + + + file path,filepath,core.input.filepath + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + Directory Path + + + Action + + + Allows you to select a directory on the system to get its path + + + directory path,directorypath,core.input.directorypath + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Directory.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Directory.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + File From Path + + + Action + + + Creates a file object from a path. + + + file from path,filefrompath,core.file.filefrompath + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + Directory From Path + + + Action + + + Creates a directory object from a path + + + directory from path,directoryfrompath,core.file.directoryfrompath + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DirectoryObject.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DirectoryObject.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + CombinePath + + + Action + + + Combines multiple strings into a single file path. + + + combinepath,combinepath, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.CombinePath.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.CombinePath.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + FileExtension + + + Action + + + Returns the extension from a file path. + + + fileextension,fileextension, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.FileExtension.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.FileExtension.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + ChangePathExtension + + + Action + + + Changes the extension of a file path. + + + changepathextension,changepathextension, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.ChangePathExtension.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.ChangePathExtension.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + DirectoryName + + + Action + + + Returns the directory name of a file path. + + + directoryname,directoryname, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.DirectoryName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.DirectoryName.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + FileName + + + Action + + + Returns the file name of a file path. + + + filename,filename, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.FileName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.FileName.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + FileHasExtension + + + Action + + + Determines whether or not a file path contains an extension. + + + filehasextension,filehasextension, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.FileHasExtension.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.FileHasExtension.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + ReadText (file) + + + Action + + + Reads a text file and returns the contents as a string. + + + readtext,readtext, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.ReadText.var.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.ReadText.var.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + MoveFile + + + Action + + + Moves a specified file to a new location + + + movefile,movefile, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.MoveFile.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.MoveFile.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + DeleteFile + + + Action + + + Deletes the specified file. + + + deletefile,deletefile, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.DeleteFile.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.DeleteFile.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + CopyFile + + + Action + + + Copies a file. + + + copyfile,copyfile, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.CopyFile.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.CopyFile.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + FileExists + + + Action + + + Determines if a file exists at the given path. + + + fileexists,fileexists, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.FileExists.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.FileExists.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + WriteText + + + Action + + + Write the text content to a file specified by the path + + + writetext,writetext, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.WriteText.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.WriteText.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + AppendText + + + Action + + + Append the text content to a file specified by the path + + + appendtext,appendtext, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.AppendText.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.AppendText.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + MoveDirectory + + + Action + + + Moves a directory to a new location. + + + movedirectory,movedirectory, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.MoveDirectory.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.MoveDirectory.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + CopyDirectory + + + Action + + + Copies a directory to a destination location. + + + copydirectory,copydirectory, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.CopyDirectory.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.CopyDirectory.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + DeleteDirectory + + + Action + + + Deletes a directory. + + + deletedirectory,deletedirectory, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + GetDirectoryContents + + + Action + + + No description available + + + getdirectorycontents,getdirectorycontents, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.GetDirectoryContents.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.GetDirectoryContents.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.File System + + + DirectoryExists + + + Action + + + Determines if a directory exists at the given path. + + + directoryexists,directoryexists, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.DirectoryExists.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FileSystem.DirectoryExists.Large.png + + + + + + + + + ImportExport.Image + + + ReadFromFile + + + Action + + + Loads the file as a bitmap. + + + readfromfile,readfromfile, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.ReadFromFile.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.ReadFromFile.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.Image + + + Pixels + + + Action + + + Reads an image file and returns the color values at the specified grid locations. + + + pixels,pixels, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Pixels.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Pixels.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.Image + + + FromPixels (colors, width, height) + + + Action + + + Constructs an image from a flat list of pixels, a width, and a height. + + + frompixels,frompixels, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color1-int-int.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color1-int-int.Large.png + + + + + ImportExport.Image + + + FromPixels (colors) + + + Action + + + Constructs an image from a 2d list of pixels. + + + frompixels,frompixels, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color2.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color2.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.Image + + + Dimensions + + + Action + + + Returns the width and height of an image. + + + dimensions,dimensions, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Dimensions.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Dimensions.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.Image + + + WriteToFile + + + Action + + + Write the image to a path, given the specified file name. + + + writetofile,writetofile, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.WriteToFile.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.WriteToFile.Large.png + + + + + + + + + ImportExport.Data + + + ImportExcel + + + Action + + + Read data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is read by row and returned in a series of lists by row. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in cell A1 will appear in the data list at [0,0]. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed. + + + importexcel,importexcel, + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSOffice\SmallIcons\DSOffice.Data.ImportExcel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSOffice\LargeIcons\DSOffice.Data.ImportExcel.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.Data + + + ExportExcel + + + Action + + + Write data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is written by row with sublists to be written in successive rows. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in the data list at [0,0] will be written to cell A1. Null values and empty lists are written to Excel as empty cells. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed. + + + exportexcel,exportexcel, + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSOffice\SmallIcons\DSOffice.Data.ExportExcel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSOffice\LargeIcons\DSOffice.Data.ExportExcel.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.Data + + + ImportCSV + + + Action + + + Imports data from a CSV (comma separated values) file, put the items into a list and transpose it if needed. + + + importcsv,importcsv, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSOffice\SmallIcons\DSOffice.Data.ImportCSV.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSOffice\LargeIcons\DSOffice.Data.ImportCSV.Large.png + + + + + + + ImportExport.Data + + + ExportCSV + + + Action + + + Write a list of lists into a file using a comma-separated values format. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns. + + + exportcsv,exportcsv, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSOffice\SmallIcons\DSOffice.Data.ExportCSV.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSOffice\LargeIcons\DSOffice.Data.ExportCSV.Large.png + + + + + + + + + ImportExport.Web + + + Web Request + + + Action + + + Make a web request given a url. + + + web request,webrequest,core.web.webrequest + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WebRequest.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WebRequest.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + + String.Inspect + + + Contains + + + Action + + + Determines if the given string contains the given substring. + + + contains,contains,dscorenodes.dscore.string.contains + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Contains.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Contains.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Inspect + + + CountOccurrences + + + Action + + + Counts the number of non-overlapping occurrences of a substring inside a given string. + + + countoccurrences,countoccurrences,dscorenodes.dscore.string.countoccurrences + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.CountOccurrences.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.CountOccurrences.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Inspect + + + Length + + + Action + + + Returns the number of characters contained in the given string. + + + length,length,dscorenodes.dscore.string.length + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Length.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Length.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Inspect + + + IndexOf + + + Action + + + Finds the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a sub-string inside a string. Returns -1 if no index could be found. + + + indexof,indexof,dscorenodes.dscore.string.indexof + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.IndexOf.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.IndexOf.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Inspect + + + AllIndicesOf + + + Action + + + No description available + + + allindicesof,allindicesof,dscorenodes.dscore.string.allindicesof + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.AllIndicesOf.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.AllIndicesOf.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Inspect + + + LastIndexOf + + + Action + + + Finds the zero-based index of the last occurrence of a sub-string inside a string. Returns -1 if no index could be found. + + + lastindexof,lastindexof,dscorenodes.dscore.string.lastindexof + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.LastIndexOf.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.LastIndexOf.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Inspect + + + EndsWith + + + Action + + + Determines if the given string ends with the given substring. + + + endswith,endswith,dscorenodes.dscore.string.endswith + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.EndsWith.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.EndsWith.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Inspect + + + StartsWith + + + Action + + + Determines if the given string starts with the given substring. + + + startswith,startswith,dscorenodes.dscore.string.startswith + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.StartsWith.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.StartsWith.Large.png + + + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + TrimWhitespace + + + Action + + + Removes all whitespace from the start and end of the given string. + + + trimwhitespace,trimwhitespace,dscorenodes.dscore.string.trimwhitespace + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimWhitespace.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimWhitespace.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + TrimLeadingWhitespace + + + Action + + + Removes all whitespace from the start of the given string. + + + trimleadingwhitespace,trimleadingwhitespace,dscorenodes.dscore.string.trimleadingwhitespace + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimLeadingWhitespace.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimLeadingWhitespace.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + TrimTrailingWhitespace + + + Action + + + Removes all whitespace from the end of the given string. + + + trimtrailingwhitespace,trimtrailingwhitespace,dscorenodes.dscore.string.trimtrailingwhitespace + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimTrailingWhitespace.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimTrailingWhitespace.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + Replace + + + Action + + + Replaces all occurrances of text in a string with other text. + + + replace,replace,dscorenodes.dscore.string.replace + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Replace.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Replace.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + PadLeft + + + Action + + + Right-aligns the characters in the given string by padding them with spaces on the left, for a specified total length. + + + padleft,padleft,dscorenodes.dscore.string.padleft + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.PadLeft.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.PadLeft.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + PadRight + + + Action + + + Left-aligns the characters in the given string by padding them with spaces on the right, for a specified total length. + + + padright,padright,dscorenodes.dscore.string.padright + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.PadRight.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.PadRight.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + Center + + + Action + + + Increases the width of a string by encasing the original characters with spaces on either side. + + + center,center, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Center.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Center.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + Insert + + + Action + + + Inserts a string into another string at a given index. + + + insert,insert,dscorenodes.dscore.string.insert + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Insert.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Insert.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + Remove + + + Action + + + Removes characters from a string. + + + remove,remove,dscorenodes.dscore.string.remove + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Remove.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Remove.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + Substring + + + Action + + + Retrieves a substring from the given string. The substring starts at the given character position and has the given length. + + + substring,substring,dscorenodes.dscore.string.substring + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Substring.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Substring.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + Split + + + Action + + + Divides a single string into a list of strings, with divisions determined by the given separater strings. + + + split,split,dscorenodes.dscore.string.split + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Split.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Split.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + ToUpper + + + Action + + + Converts the given string to all uppercase characters. + + + toupper,toupper,dscorenodes.dscore.string.toupper + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToUpper.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToUpper.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + ToLower + + + Action + + + Converts the given string to all lowercase characters. + + + tolower,tolower,dscorenodes.dscore.string.tolower + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToLower.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToLower.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + ToNumber + + + Action + + + Converts a string to an integer or a double. + + + tonumber,tonumber,dscorenodes.dscore.string.tonumber + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToNumber.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToNumber.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Modify + + + ChangeCase + + + Action + + + Converts the given string to all uppercase characters or all lowercase characters based on a boolean parameter. + + + changecase,changecase,dscorenodes.dscore.string.changecase + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ChangeCase.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ChangeCase.Large.png + + + + + + + + + String.Generate + + + String from Object + + + Action + + + Convert an object to a string representation. + + + string from object,stringfromobject,core.string.stringfromobject + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromObject.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromObject.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Generate + + + String from Array + + + Action + + + Convert an array to a string representation. + + + string from array,stringfromarray,core.string.stringfromarray + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromArray.Small.png + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromArray.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Generate + + + Concat + + + Action + + + Concatenates multiple strings into a single string. + + + concat,concat,dscorenodes.dscore.string.concat + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Concat.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Concat.Large.png + + + + + + + String.Generate + + + Join + + + Action + + + Concatenates multiple strings into a single string, inserting the given separator between each joined string. + + + join,join,dscorenodes.dscore.string.join + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Join.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Join.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + ByCorners + + + Create + + + Creates the an axis-aligned BoundingBox spanning between the minimum Point and the maximum Point. + + + bycorners,bycorners,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.bycorners + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByCorners.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByCorners.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + ByGeometry + + + Create + + + Create an axis-aligned BoundingBox around input Geometry. + + + bygeometry,bygeometry,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.bygeometry + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByGeometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + Contains + + + Action + + + Determine if a point is inside of the BoundingBox + + + contains,contains,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.contains + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Contains.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Contains.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + Intersection + + + Action + + + Get the intersection of two BoundingBoxes + + + intersection,intersection,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.intersection + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersection.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + Intersects + + + Action + + + Determine whether two BoundingBoxes intersect + + + intersects,intersects,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.intersects + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersects.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersects.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + IsEmpty + + + Action + + + Determine if the BoundingBox is empty + + + isempty,isempty,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.isempty + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.IsEmpty.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.IsEmpty.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + ToCuboid + + + Action + + + Get the BoundingBox as a Solid Cuboid + + + tocuboid,tocuboid,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.tocuboid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToCuboid.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToCuboid.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + ToPolySurface + + + Action + + + Get the BoundingBox as a collection of Surfaces + + + topolysurface,topolysurface,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.topolysurface + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToPolySurface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToPolySurface.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + MaxPoint + + + Query + + + The maximum point + + + maxpoint,maxpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.maxpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MaxPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MaxPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.BoundingBox + + + MinPoint + + + Query + + + The minimum point + + + minpoint,minpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.boundingbox.minpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MinPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MinPoint.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ByCylindricalCoordinates + + + Create + + + Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified cylindrical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system + + + bycylindricalcoordinates,bycylindricalcoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.bycylindricalcoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ByMatrix + + + Create + + + Deprecated -- DO NOT USE + + + bymatrix,bymatrix,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.bymatrix + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByMatrix.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByMatrix.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ByOrigin (origin) + + + Create + + + Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at input Point, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. + + + byorigin,byorigin,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.byorigin + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.Point.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.Point.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ByOrigin (x, y) + + + Create + + + Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X and Y locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. Z defaults to 0. + + + byorigin,byorigin,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.byorigin + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ByOrigin (x, y, z) + + + Create + + + Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X, Y, and Z locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. + + + byorigin,byorigin,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.byorigin + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis) + + + Create + + + Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis. Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem. + + + byoriginvectors,byoriginvectors,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.byoriginvectors + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis) + + + Create + + + Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis, with Z axis ignored completely. Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem. + + + byoriginvectors,byoriginvectors,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.byoriginvectors + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector-Vector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector-Vector.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ByPlane + + + Create + + + Create a CoordinateSystem with origin equal to input Plane origin, and X and Y axes lying in the Plane, aligned with Plane X and Y axes. + + + byplane,byplane,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.byplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByPlane.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + BySphericalCoordinates + + + Create + + + Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified spherical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system + + + bysphericalcoordinates,bysphericalcoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.bysphericalcoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.BySphericalCoordinates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.BySphericalCoordinates.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Identity + + + Create + + + Creates a CoordinateSystem as the World Coordinate System: origin at 0, 0, 0; x axis at 1, 0, 0; y axis at 0, 1, 0; z axis at 0, 0, 1 + + + identity,identity,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.identity + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Identity.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Identity.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Inverse + + + Action + + + Get the inverse of this CoordinateSystem - applying this CoordinateSystem to a piece of Geometry reverses the original. + + + inverse,inverse,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.inverse + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Inverse.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Inverse.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + IsEqualTo + + + Action + + + Determine if two CoordinateSystems are equal + + + isequalto,isequalto,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.isequalto + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsEqualTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsEqualTo.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Mirror + + + Action + + + Mirror the object across the input Plane + + + mirror,mirror,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.mirror + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Mirror.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Mirror.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + PostMultiplyBy + + + Action + + + Apply the argument CoordinateSystem after this one - Result = this * other + + + postmultiplyby,postmultiplyby,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.postmultiplyby + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PostMultiplyBy.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PostMultiplyBy.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + PreMultiplyBy + + + Action + + + Apply the argument CoordinateSystem before this one - Result = other * this + + + premultiplyby,premultiplyby,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.premultiplyby + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PreMultiplyBy.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PreMultiplyBy.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Rotate (origin, axis, degrees) + + + Action + + + Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree + + + rotate,rotate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.rotate + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Rotate (plane, degrees) + + + Action + + + /// + + + rotate,rotate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.rotate + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount) + + + Action + + + Scale non-uniformly around the origin + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.scale + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Scale (basePoint, from, to) + + + Action + + + Scale uniformly around a given point, using + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.scale + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount) + + + Action + + + Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.scale + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Scale (amount) + + + Action + + + Scale uniformly around the origin + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.scale + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Scale1D + + + Action + + + Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0. + + + scale1d,scale1d,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.scale1d + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale1D.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale1D.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Scale2D + + + Action + + + Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors + + + scale2d,scale2d,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.scale2d + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale2D.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale2D.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ScaleFactor + + + Action + + + Returns a Vector containing the X, Y, and Z scale factors + + + scalefactor,scalefactor,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.scalefactor + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ScaleFactor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ScaleFactor.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem) + + + Action + + + Transforms this CoordinateSystem from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem. + + + transform,transform,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.transform + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Transform (cs) + + + Action + + + Transform the object by the input CoordinateSystem matrix. + + + transform,transform,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.transform + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation) + + + Action + + + Translates any given CoordinateSystem by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively. + + + translate,translate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.translate + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Translate (direction, distance) + + + Action + + + Translates any CoordinateSystem type by the given distance in the given direction. + + + translate,translate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.translate + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Translate (direction) + + + Action + + + Translate the object in the direction and magnitude of input Vector. + + + translate,translate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.translate + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Determinant + + + Query + + + Obtain the Determinant of this CoordinateSystem + + + determinant,determinant,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.determinant + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Determinant.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Determinant.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + IsScaledOrtho + + + Query + + + Tests if the scaling orthogonal, i.e. does it have a shear component. + + + isscaledortho,isscaledortho,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.isscaledortho + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsScaledOrtho.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsScaledOrtho.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + IsSingular + + + Query + + + Determine whether it is possible to get the Inverse of this CoordinateSystem + + + issingular,issingular,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.issingular + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsSingular.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsSingular.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + IsUniscaledOrtho + + + Query + + + Tests if the scaling orthogonal and are all the vectors normalized. + + + isuniscaledortho,isuniscaledortho,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.isuniscaledortho + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsUniscaledOrtho.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsUniscaledOrtho.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + Origin + + + Query + + + Creates a Point representing the CoordinateSystem origin. + + + origin,origin,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.origin + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Origin.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Origin.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + XAxis + + + Query + + + Returns X Axis of CoordinateSystem. + + + xaxis,xaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.xaxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + XScaleFactor + + + Query + + + Returns the X Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the X Axis vector. + + + xscalefactor,xscalefactor,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.xscalefactor + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XScaleFactor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XScaleFactor.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + XYPlane + + + Query + + + Returns the Plane the X and Y axes lie in, with root at the origin. + + + xyplane,xyplane,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.xyplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XYPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XYPlane.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + YAxis + + + Query + + + Returns Y Axis of CoordinateSystem. + + + yaxis,yaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.yaxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + YScaleFactor + + + Query + + + Returns the Y Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Y Axis vector. + + + yscalefactor,yscalefactor,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.yscalefactor + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YScaleFactor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YScaleFactor.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + YZPlane + + + Query + + + Returns the Plane the Y and Z axes lie in, with root at the origin. + + + yzplane,yzplane,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.yzplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YZPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YZPlane.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ZAxis + + + Query + + + Returns Z Axis of CoordinateSystem. + + + zaxis,zaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.zaxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ZScaleFactor + + + Query + + + Returns the Z Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Z Axis vector. + + + zscalefactor,zscalefactor,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.zscalefactor + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZScaleFactor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZScaleFactor.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.CoordinateSystem + + + ZXPlane + + + Query + + + Returns the Plane the Z and X axes lie in, with root at the origin. + + + zxplane,zxplane,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.coordinatesystem.zxplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZXPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZXPlane.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + ByCoordinates (x, y, z) + + + Create + + + Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates + + + bycoordinates,bycoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.bycoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized) + + + Create + + + Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates and normalize the Vector + + + bycoordinates,bycoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.bycoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double-bool.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double-bool.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + ByTwoPoints + + + Create + + + Form a Vector by two end points. The result is a vector from the start to the end point. + + + bytwopoints,bytwopoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.bytwopoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByTwoPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByTwoPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + XAxis + + + Create + + + Get the canonical X axis Vector (1,0,0) + + + xaxis,xaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.xaxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.XAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.XAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + YAxis + + + Create + + + Get the canonical Y axis Vector (0,1,0) + + + yaxis,yaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.yaxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.YAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.YAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + ZAxis + + + Create + + + Get the canonical Z axis Vector (0,0,1) + + + zaxis,zaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.zaxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Add + + + Action + + + Add a vector + + + add,add,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.add + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Add.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Add.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + AngleAboutAxis + + + Action + + + Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 360] degrees. It uses axis of rotation to determine the direction of the angle. + + + angleaboutaxis,angleaboutaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.angleaboutaxis + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleAboutAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleAboutAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + AngleWithVector + + + Action + + + Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 180] degrees. + + + anglewithvector,anglewithvector,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.anglewithvector + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleWithVector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleWithVector.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + AsPoint + + + Action + + + Get the Point with the same X, Y, and Z component + + + aspoint,aspoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.aspoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AsPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AsPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Cross + + + Action + + + Form the cross product of two vectors + + + cross,cross,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.cross + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Cross.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Cross.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Dot + + + Action + + + Form the dot product of two vectors + + + dot,dot, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Dot.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Dot.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + IsAlmostEqualTo + + + Action + + + Determine whether two vectors ae almost equal + + + isalmostequalto,isalmostequalto,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.isalmostequalto + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsAlmostEqualTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsAlmostEqualTo.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + IsParallel + + + Action + + + Determine whether two vectors are parallel or not + + + isparallel,isparallel,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.isparallel + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsParallel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsParallel.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Normalized + + + Action + + + Get the normalized version of a vector + + + normalized,normalized,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.normalized + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Normalized.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Normalized.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Reverse + + + Action + + + Get the reverse of the vector. Essentially this negates the X, Y, and Z components of the Vector. + + + reverse,reverse,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.reverse + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Reverse.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Reverse.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Rotate (plane, degrees) + + + Action + + + Rotates a vector around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree + + + rotate,rotate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.rotate + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Rotate (axis, degrees) + + + Action + + + Rotates a Vector around an axis by a specified number of degrees + + + rotate,rotate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.rotate + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Vector-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Vector-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Scale (scale_factor) + + + Action + + + Scale Vector uniformly around the origin + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.scale + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Scale (xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor) + + + Action + + + Scale Vector non-uniformly around the origin + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.scale + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Subtract + + + Action + + + Subtract a vector + + + subtract,subtract,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.subtract + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Subtract.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Subtract.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Transform + + + Action + + + Transform this Vector by input CoordinateSystem matrix. + + + transform,transform,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.transform + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Transform.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Transform.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Length + + + Query + + + Get the length of the vector - otherwise known as the Euclidean norm + + + length,length,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.length + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Length.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Length.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + X + + + Query + + + Get the X component of a Vector + + + x,x,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.x + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.X.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.X.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Y + + + Query + + + Get the Y component of a Vector + + + y,y,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.y + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Y.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Y.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vector + + + Z + + + Query + + + Get the Z component of a Vector + + + z,z,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vector.z + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Z.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Z.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Edge + + + AdjacentFaces + + + Query + + + The Faces adjacent to this Edge + + + adjacentfaces,adjacentfaces,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.edge.adjacentfaces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.AdjacentFaces.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.AdjacentFaces.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Edge + + + CurveGeometry + + + Query + + + The underlying Curve making up the Edge + + + curvegeometry,curvegeometry,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.edge.curvegeometry + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.CurveGeometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.CurveGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Edge + + + EndVertex + + + Query + + + The Vertex at which this Edge ends + + + endvertex,endvertex,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.edge.endvertex + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.EndVertex.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.EndVertex.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Edge + + + StartVertex + + + Query + + + The Vertex at which this Edge starts + + + startvertex,startvertex,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.edge.startvertex + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.StartVertex.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.StartVertex.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Face + + + SurfaceGeometry + + + Action + + + The underlying Surface making up the Face + + + surfacegeometry,surfacegeometry,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.face.surfacegeometry + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.SurfaceGeometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.SurfaceGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Face + + + Edges + + + Query + + + All of the Edges around this Face in counterclockwise order + + + edges,edges,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.face.edges + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Edges.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Edges.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Face + + + Vertices + + + Query + + + All of the Vertices around this Face in counterclockwise order + + + vertices,vertices,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.face.vertices + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Vertices.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Vertices.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + ByBestFitThroughPoints + + + Create + + + Fits a Plane to the input Points; basically a 3D scatterplot fit. + + + bybestfitthroughpoints,bybestfitthroughpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.bybestfitthroughpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + ByLineAndPoint + + + Create + + + Create the Plane containing the input Line and external Point. Point cannot lie on the Line or in the Line axis. + + + bylineandpoint,bylineandpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.bylineandpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByLineAndPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByLineAndPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + ByOriginNormal + + + Create + + + Create a Plane centered at root Point, with input normal Vector. + + + byoriginnormal,byoriginnormal,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.byoriginnormal + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + ByOriginNormalXAxis + + + Create + + + Create an "oriented" Plane, positioned at Point origin with Vector normal, but with a specific X axis orientation. This has no impact to splitting, intersect, project, etc oporations, it only specifies the orientation of the input CoordinateSystem. + + + byoriginnormalxaxis,byoriginnormalxaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.byoriginnormalxaxis + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormalXAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormalXAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + ByOriginXAxisYAxis + + + Create + + + The X and Y axis lie in the plane. The Z axis is the cross product of the two Vectors. + + + byoriginxaxisyaxis,byoriginxaxisyaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.byoriginxaxisyaxis + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + ByThreePoints + + + Create + + + Create a the Plane containing the three input Points. + + + bythreepoints,bythreepoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.bythreepoints + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByThreePoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByThreePoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + XY + + + Create + + + Creates a plane in the world XY + + + xy,xy,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.xy + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XY.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XY.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + XZ + + + Create + + + Creates a plane in the world XZ plane + + + xz,xz,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.xz + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XZ.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XZ.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + YZ + + + Create + + + Creates a plane in the world YZ + + + yz,yz,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.yz + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YZ.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YZ.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + Offset + + + Action + + + Create a new Plane offset by this Plane in the normal direction by the specified distance. + + + offset,offset,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.offset + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Offset.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Offset.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + ToCoordinateSystem + + + Action + + + Produces a new CoordinateSystem representing this plane. It is based on the origin, and X and Y axis basis. + + + tocoordinatesystem,tocoordinatesystem,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.tocoordinatesystem + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ToCoordinateSystem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ToCoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + Normal + + + Query + + + Returns the normal direction of the Plane. + + + normal,normal,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.normal + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Normal.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Normal.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + Origin + + + Query + + + Returns the origin of the Plane. + + + origin,origin,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.origin + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Origin.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Origin.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + XAxis + + + Query + + + The X basis of the Plane + + + xaxis,xaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.xaxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Plane + + + YAxis + + + Query + + + The Y basis of the Plane + + + yaxis,yaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.plane.yaxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YAxis.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vertex + + + AdjacentEdges + + + Query + + + The Edges emanating from this Vertex + + + adjacentedges,adjacentedges,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vertex.adjacentedges + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentEdges.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentEdges.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vertex + + + AdjacentFaces + + + Query + + + The Faces adjacent to this Vertex + + + adjacentfaces,adjacentfaces,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vertex.adjacentfaces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentFaces.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentFaces.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Vertex + + + PointGeometry + + + Query + + + The Point where this Vertex is located + + + pointgeometry,pointgeometry,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.vertex.pointgeometry + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.PointGeometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.PointGeometry.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Topology + + + Edges + + + Query + + + The Edges of the Topology + + + edges,edges,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.topology.edges + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Edges.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Edges.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Topology + + + Faces + + + Query + + + The Faces of the Topology + + + faces,faces,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.topology.faces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Faces.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Faces.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Abstract.Topology + + + Vertices + + + Query + + + The Vertices of the Topology + + + vertices,vertices,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.topology.vertices + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Vertices.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Vertices.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + ByCartesianCoordinates + + + Create + + + Form a Point in the given coordinate system with 3 cartesian coordinates + + + bycartesiancoordinates,bycartesiancoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.bycartesiancoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCartesianCoordinates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCartesianCoordinates.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + ByCoordinates (x, y, z) + + + Create + + + Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates + + + bycoordinates,bycoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.bycoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + ByCoordinates (x, y) + + + Create + + + Form a Point in the XY plane given two 2 cartesian coordinates. The Z component is 0. + + + bycoordinates,bycoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.bycoordinates + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + ByCylindricalCoordinates + + + Create + + + Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in cylindrical coordinates. + + + bycylindricalcoordinates,bycylindricalcoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.bycylindricalcoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + BySphericalCoordinates + + + Create + + + Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in spherical coordinates. + + + bysphericalcoordinates,bysphericalcoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.bysphericalcoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.BySphericalCoordinates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.BySphericalCoordinates.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + Origin + + + Create + + + Get the Origin point (0,0,0) + + + origin,origin,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.origin + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Origin.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Origin.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + Add + + + Action + + + Add a vector to a point. The same as Translate(Vector). + + + add,add,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.add + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Add.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Add.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + AsVector + + + Action + + + Get the Vector with the same X, Y, and Z component + + + asvector,asvector,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.asvector + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.AsVector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.AsVector.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + Project + + + Action + + + Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector + + + project,project,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.project + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Project.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Project.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + PruneDuplicates + + + Action + + + Prune points to exclude duplicates within tolerance of included points + + + pruneduplicates,pruneduplicates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.pruneduplicates + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.PruneDuplicates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.PruneDuplicates.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + Subtract + + + Action + + + Subtract a vector from a point. The same as Translate(-Vector). + + + subtract,subtract,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.subtract + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Subtract.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Subtract.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + X + + + Query + + + Get the X component of a Point + + + x,x,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.x + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.X.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.X.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + Y + + + Query + + + Get the Y component of a Point + + + y,y,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.y + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Y.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Y.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.Point + + + Z + + + Query + + + Get the Z component of a Point + + + z,z,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.point.z + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Z.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Z.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Points.UV + + + ByCoordinates + + + Create + + + Create a UV from two doubles. + + + bycoordinates,bycoordinates,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.uv.bycoordinates + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.ByCoordinates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.ByCoordinates.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.UV + + + U + + + Query + + + Get the U component of a UV + + + u,u,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.uv.u + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.U.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.U.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Points.UV + + + V + + + Query + + + Get the V component of a V + + + v,v,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.uv.v + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.V.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.V.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByBestFitThroughPoints + + + Create + + + Create an arc that best approximates a collection of points + + + bybestfitthroughpoints,bybestfitthroughpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.bybestfitthroughpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByCenterPointRadiusAngle + + + Create + + + Create an arc by providing it's center point, radius, angle sweep, and normal vector + + + bycenterpointradiusangle,bycenterpointradiusangle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.bycenterpointradiusangle + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint + + + Create + + + Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, and end point + + + bycenterpointstartpointendpoint,bycenterpointstartpointendpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.bycenterpointstartpointendpoint + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle + + + Create + + + Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, sweep point, and normal + + + bycenterpointstartpointsweepangle,bycenterpointstartpointsweepangle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.bycenterpointstartpointsweepangle + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByFillet + + + Create + + + Create an arc by filleting two curves with given radius + + + byfillet,byfillet,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.byfillet + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFillet.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFillet.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByFilletTangentToCurve + + + Create + + + Create an arc by filleting two curves tangent to given curve at internal point + + + byfillettangenttocurve,byfillettangenttocurve,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.byfillettangenttocurve + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFilletTangentToCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFilletTangentToCurve.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent + + + Create + + + Create an Arc from start Point to end Point with start tangent to Vector + + + bystartpointendpointstarttangent,bystartpointendpointstarttangent,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.bystartpointendpointstarttangent + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByThreePoints + + + Create + + + Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference. + + + bythreepoints,bythreepoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.bythreepoints + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + ByStartEndAndTangencies + + + Action + + + Create an arc or tangent bi arc by start and end points and tangencies at start and end + + + bystartendandtangencies,bystartendandtangencies,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.bystartendandtangencies + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartEndAndTangencies.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartEndAndTangencies.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + CenterPoint + + + Query + + + The center point of the arc + + + centerpoint,centerpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.centerpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.CenterPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + Radius + + + Query + + + The radius of the arc + + + radius,radius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.radius + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.Radius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.Radius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + StartAngle + + + Query + + + The start angle in degrees + + + startangle,startangle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.startangle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.StartAngle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.StartAngle.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Arc + + + SweepAngle + + + Query + + + The total sweep angle in degrees + + + sweepangle,sweepangle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.arc.sweepangle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.SweepAngle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.SweepAngle.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Circle + + + ByBestFitThroughPoints + + + Create + + + Best fit Circle through Points + + + bybestfitthroughpoints,bybestfitthroughpoints, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Circle + + + ByCenterPointRadius + + + Create + + + Creates a Circle with input center Point and radius in the world XY plane, with world Z as normal. + + + bycenterpointradius,bycenterpointradius, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Circle + + + ByCenterPointRadiusNormal + + + Create + + + Creates a Circle with specified center Point, radius, and normal direction. + + + bycenterpointradiusnormal,bycenterpointradiusnormal, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Circle + + + ByPlaneRadius + + + Create + + + Create a Circle centered at the input Plane origin (root), lying in the input Plane, with given radius. + + + byplaneradius,byplaneradius, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByPlaneRadius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByPlaneRadius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Circle + + + ByThreePoints + + + Create + + + Create a Circle passing through three input Points. + + + bythreepoints,bythreepoints, + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByThreePoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByThreePoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Circle + + + CenterPoint + + + Query + + + The center of the circle + + + centerpoint,centerpoint, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.CenterPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Circle + + + Radius + + + Query + + + The radius of the circle + + + radius,radius, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.Radius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.Radius.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ByBlendBetweenCurves + + + Create + + + Create a curve that blends between two curves + + + byblendbetweencurves,byblendbetweencurves,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.byblendbetweencurves + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByBlendBetweenCurves.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByBlendBetweenCurves.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ByIsoCurveOnSurface + + + Create + + + Create a curve by isoline of surface + + + byisocurveonsurface,byisocurveonsurface,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.byisocurveonsurface + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ByParameterLineOnSurface + + + Create + + + Create a curve by line of surface in uv space + + + byparameterlineonsurface,byparameterlineonsurface,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.byparameterlineonsurface + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments + + + Action + + + Approximate a Curve with a collection of Arcs and Lines + + + approximatewitharcandlinesegments,approximatewitharcandlinesegments,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.approximatewitharcandlinesegments + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + CoordinateSystemAtParameter + + + Action + + + Get a CoordinateSystem with origin at the point at the given parameter. The XAxis is aligned with the curve normal, the YAxis is aligned with the curve tangent at this point, and the ZAxis is aligned with the up-vector or binormal at this point + + + coordinatesystematparameter,coordinatesystematparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.coordinatesystematparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength + + + Action + + + Returns a CoordinateSystem at specified distance from Curve start Point. Y Axis lies tangent to the Curve, X Axis is the curvature. + + + coordinatesystematsegmentlength,coordinatesystematsegmentlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.coordinatesystematsegmentlength + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + EndParameter + + + Action + + + Get the end of the domain in which the curve can be evaluated + + + endparameter,endparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.endparameter + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Extend + + + Action + + + Extend a Curve by a given distance at a particular end determined by a pick Point. The picked side will be extended. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. + + + extend,extend,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extend + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extend.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extend.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ExtendEnd + + + Action + + + Extend a Curve by a given distance on its end. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. + + + extendend,extendend,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extendend + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendEnd.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendEnd.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ExtendStart + + + Action + + + Extend a Curve by a given distance on its start side. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. + + + extendstart,extendstart,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extendstart + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendStart.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendStart.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Extrude (direction) + + + Action + + + Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector + + + extrude,extrude,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extrude + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Extrude (direction, distance) + + + Action + + + Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance + + + extrude,extrude,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extrude + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Extrude (distance) + + + Action + + + Extrudes a Curve in the normal Vector direction + + + extrude,extrude,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extrude + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ExtrudeAsSolid (direction) + + + Action + + + Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector. Curve must be closed. + + + extrudeassolid,extrudeassolid,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extrudeassolid + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ExtrudeAsSolid (direction, distance) + + + Action + + + Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance. Curve must be closed. + + + extrudeassolid,extrudeassolid,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extrudeassolid + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ExtrudeAsSolid (distance) + + + Action + + + Extrudes a Curve in the Normal direction by the specified distance. Curve must be closed. + + + extrudeassolid,extrudeassolid,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.extrudeassolid + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + HorizontalFrameAtParameter + + + Action + + + Get a CoordinateSystem with origin at the point at the given parameter + + + horizontalframeatparameter,horizontalframeatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.horizontalframeatparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.HorizontalFrameAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.HorizontalFrameAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Join + + + Action + + + Join this curve and the input curve into a new PolyCurve, maintaining the original curves exactly. + + + join,join,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.join + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Join.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Join.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + NormalAtParameter + + + Action + + + Get a Vector perpendicular to the curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() + + + normalatparameter,normalatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.normalatparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.NormalAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.NormalAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Offset + + + Action + + + Offset a Curve by a specified amount. Curve must be planar, and, if a BSplineCurve/NurbsCurve, must have degree > 1. + + + offset,offset,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.offset + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Offset.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Offset.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ParameterAtChordLength + + + Action + + + Get the parameter at a particular chord length along the curve from given location. + + + parameteratchordlength,parameteratchordlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.parameteratchordlength + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtChordLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtChordLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ParameterAtPoint + + + Action + + + Get the parameter at a particular point along the Curve + + + parameteratpoint,parameteratpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.parameteratpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ParameterAtSegmentLength + + + Action + + + Get the parameter at a particular arc length along the curve. + + + parameteratsegmentlength,parameteratsegmentlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.parameteratsegmentlength + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtSegmentLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtSegmentLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Patch + + + Action + + + Patch a closed Curve + + + patch,patch,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.patch + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Patch.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Patch.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PlaneAtParameter + + + Action + + + Returns a Plane whose normal aligns with the tangent of the Curve. Parameters are adjusted such that 0 is always the start Point and 1 is always the end Point. + + + planeatparameter,planeatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.planeatparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PlaneAtSegmentLength + + + Action + + + Returns a Plane at the specified distance along the Curve from the start Point. The normal of the Plane aligns with the tangent of the Curve. + + + planeatsegmentlength,planeatsegmentlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.planeatsegmentlength + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtSegmentLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtSegmentLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PointAtChordLength + + + Action + + + Get the point at a particular chord length of the curve from given parameter location. + + + pointatchordlength,pointatchordlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pointatchordlength + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtChordLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtChordLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PointAtParameter + + + Action + + + Get a Point on the Curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() + + + pointatparameter,pointatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pointatparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PointAtSegmentLength + + + Action + + + Get a Point at a particular arc length along the curve + + + pointatsegmentlength,pointatsegmentlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pointatsegmentlength + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtSegmentLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtSegmentLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint + + + Action + + + Returns points spaced on the curve at given chord length starting from the given point + + + pointsatchordlengthfrompoint,pointsatchordlengthfrompoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pointsatchordlengthfrompoint + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PointsAtEqualChordLength + + + Action + + + Returns points spaced along curve at equal chord length based on the input number of divisions + + + pointsatequalchordlength,pointsatequalchordlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pointsatequalchordlength + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualChordLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualChordLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PointsAtEqualSegmentLength + + + Action + + + Returns points spaced equally along the curve length based on the input number of divisions + + + pointsatequalsegmentlength,pointsatequalsegmentlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pointsatequalsegmentlength + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualSegmentLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualSegmentLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint + + + Action + + + Returns points spaced equally along the curve at given segment length and starting from the given point + + + pointsatsegmentlengthfrompoint,pointsatsegmentlengthfrompoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pointsatsegmentlengthfrompoint + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Project + + + Action + + + Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector + + + project,project,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.project + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Project.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Project.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PullOntoPlane + + + Action + + + Create a curve by pulling onto plane + + + pullontoplane,pullontoplane,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pullontoplane + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoPlane.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + PullOntoSurface + + + Action + + + Pull this Curve onto the input Surface, in the direction of the Surface normals. + + + pullontosurface,pullontosurface,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.pullontosurface + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoSurface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoSurface.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Reverse + + + Action + + + Reverse the direction of the curve + + + reverse,reverse,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.reverse + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Reverse.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Reverse.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + SegmentLengthAtParameter + + + Action + + + Get the arc length along the Curve at the particular parameter. + + + segmentlengthatparameter,segmentlengthatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.segmentlengthatparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + SegmentLengthBetweenParameters + + + Action + + + Get the arc length between two parameter points on the curve + + + segmentlengthbetweenparameters,segmentlengthbetweenparameters,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.segmentlengthbetweenparameters + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthBetweenParameters.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthBetweenParameters.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Simplify + + + Action + + + Returns a new Curve approximated with the supplied tolerance + + + simplify,simplify,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.simplify + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Simplify.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Simplify.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + SplitByParameter + + + Action + + + Split a Curve into two pieces at the given parameter + + + splitbyparameter,splitbyparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.splitbyparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + SplitByPoints + + + Action + + + Split a Curve into multiple pieces at the given points + + + splitbypoints,splitbypoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.splitbypoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + StartParameter + + + Action + + + Get the start of the domain in which the curve can be evaluated + + + startparameter,startparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.startparameter + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + SweepAsSolid + + + Action + + + Sweeps this closed Curve along the path Curve, creating a Solid + + + sweepassolid,sweepassolid,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.sweepassolid + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSolid.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSolid.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + SweepAsSurface + + + Action + + + Sweeps this Curve along the path Curve, creating a Surface + + + sweepassurface,sweepassurface,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.sweepassurface + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSurface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSurface.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + TangentAtParameter + + + Action + + + Get a Vector tangent to the curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() + + + tangentatparameter,tangentatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.tangentatparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TangentAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TangentAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + ToNurbsCurve + + + Action + + + Converts the Curve to a NurbsCurve approximation + + + tonurbscurve,tonurbscurve,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.tonurbscurve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ToNurbsCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ToNurbsCurve.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + TrimByEndParameter + + + Action + + + Removes the end of the Curve at the specified parameter + + + trimbyendparameter,trimbyendparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.trimbyendparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByEndParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByEndParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + TrimByParameter + + + Action + + + Removes the beginning and end of the Curve at the specified parameters. + + + trimbyparameter,trimbyparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.trimbyparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + TrimByStartParameter + + + Action + + + Removes the start of the Curve at the specified parameter + + + trimbystartparameter,trimbystartparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.trimbystartparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByStartParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByStartParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + TrimInteriorByParameter + + + Action + + + Removes the interior portion of a Curve at the specified parameters + + + triminteriorbyparameter,triminteriorbyparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.triminteriorbyparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimInteriorByParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimInteriorByParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters, discardEvenSegments) + + + Action + + + Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments + + + trimsegmentsbyparameter,trimsegmentsbyparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.trimsegmentsbyparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1-bool.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1-bool.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + TrimSegmentsByParameter (parameters) + + + Action + + + Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments + + + trimsegmentsbyparameter,trimsegmentsbyparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.trimsegmentsbyparameter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + EndPoint + + + Query + + + Get the end Point along the Curve + + + endpoint,endpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.endpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + IsClosed + + + Query + + + Determine if the Curve is closed or not + + + isclosed,isclosed,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.isclosed + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsClosed.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsClosed.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + IsPlanar + + + Query + + + Determine whether a Curve is planar or not + + + isplanar,isplanar,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.isplanar + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsPlanar.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsPlanar.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Length + + + Query + + + The total arc length of the curve + + + length,length,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.length + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + Normal + + + Query + + + The normal to the plane where the curve is contained. Only valid for planar curves. + + + normal,normal,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.normal + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Normal.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Normal.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Curve + + + StartPoint + + + Query + + + Get the start Point along the Curve + + + startpoint,startpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.curve.startpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartPoint.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Ellipse + + + ByCoordinateSystemRadii + + + Create + + + Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input CoordinateSystem, with a x_radius radius in the CS X direction, and y_radius radius in the CS Y direction. + + + bycoordinatesystemradii,bycoordinatesystemradii,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipse.bycoordinatesystemradii + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByCoordinateSystemRadii.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByCoordinateSystemRadii.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Ellipse + + + ByOriginRadii + + + Create + + + Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, aligned with WCS XY Plane, with specified X and Y axis radii. + + + byoriginradii,byoriginradii,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipse.byoriginradii + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginRadii.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginRadii.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Ellipse + + + ByOriginVectors + + + Create + + + Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, with two specified axes. Axes should be be at 90 degrees to each other. + + + byoriginvectors,byoriginvectors,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipse.byoriginvectors + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginVectors.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginVectors.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Ellipse + + + ByPlaneRadii + + + Create + + + Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input Plane, with a x_radius radius in the Plane X axis direction, and y_radius radius in the Plane Y axis direction. + + + byplaneradii,byplaneradii,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipse.byplaneradii + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByPlaneRadii.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByPlaneRadii.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + ByPlaneRadiiAngles + + + Create + + + Create an EllipseArc in a plane with the given the radii along the X and Y axes and the angles to sweep through + + + byplaneradiiangles,byplaneradiiangles,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.byplaneradiiangles + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + CenterPoint + + + Query + + + The center of the Ellipse + + + centerpoint,centerpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.centerpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + MajorAxis + + + Query + + + The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. + + + majoraxis,majoraxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.majoraxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + MinorAxis + + + Query + + + The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. + + + minoraxis,minoraxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.minoraxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + Plane + + + Query + + + The plane in which the ellipse lies + + + plane,plane,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.plane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + StartAngle + + + Query + + + The start angle in degrees + + + startangle,startangle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.startangle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + SweepAngle + + + Query + + + The total sweep angle in degrees + + + sweepangle,sweepangle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.sweepangle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Ellipse + + + CenterPoint + + + Query + + + The center of the Ellipse + + + centerpoint,centerpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipse.centerpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.CenterPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Ellipse + + + MajorAxis + + + Query + + + The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. + + + majoraxis,majoraxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipse.majoraxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MajorAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MajorAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Ellipse + + + MinorAxis + + + Query + + + The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. + + + minoraxis,minoraxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipse.minoraxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MinorAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MinorAxis.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + ByPlaneRadiiAngles + + + Create + + + Create an EllipseArc in a plane with the given the radii along the X and Y axes and the angles to sweep through + + + byplaneradiiangles,byplaneradiiangles,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.byplaneradiiangles + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + CenterPoint + + + Query + + + The center of the Ellipse + + + centerpoint,centerpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.centerpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + MajorAxis + + + Query + + + The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. + + + majoraxis,majoraxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.majoraxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + MinorAxis + + + Query + + + The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. + + + minoraxis,minoraxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.minoraxis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + Plane + + + Query + + + The plane in which the ellipse lies + + + plane,plane,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.plane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + StartAngle + + + Query + + + The start angle in degrees + + + startangle,startangle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.startangle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.EllipseArc + + + SweepAngle + + + Query + + + The total sweep angle in degrees + + + sweepangle,sweepangle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.ellipsearc.sweepangle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Helix + + + ByAxis + + + Create + + + Create a Helix. The helix always rotates clockwise about the supplied axis direction. If viewing along the axis direction, the viewer will see the point turning clockwise around the axis as it moves along the curve in the direction of increasing parameter. Pitch is Distance the helix moves in the axis direction per turn. This can be positive or negative. + + + byaxis,byaxis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.helix.byaxis + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.ByAxis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.ByAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Helix + + + Angle + + + Query + + + The angle in degrees through which the Helix turns over its length + + + angle,angle,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.helix.angle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Angle.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Angle.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Helix + + + AxisDirection + + + Query + + + The direction of the axis of the Helix + + + axisdirection,axisdirection,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.helix.axisdirection + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisDirection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisDirection.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Helix + + + AxisPoint + + + Query + + + The base point of the Helix axis + + + axispoint,axispoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.helix.axispoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Helix + + + Pitch + + + Query + + + The pitch of the helix + + + pitch,pitch,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.helix.pitch + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Pitch.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Pitch.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Helix + + + Radius + + + Query + + + The radius of the arc + + + radius,radius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.helix.radius + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Radius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Radius.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Line + + + ByBestFitThroughPoints + + + Create + + + Creates a Line best approximating a scatter plot of Points. + + + bybestfitthroughpoints,bybestfitthroughpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.line.bybestfitthroughpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Line + + + ByStartPointDirectionLength + + + Create + + + Create a straight Line starting at start Point, extending in Vector direction by specified length. + + + bystartpointdirectionlength,bystartpointdirectionlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.line.bystartpointdirectionlength + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Line + + + ByStartPointEndPoint + + + Create + + + Creates a straight Line between two input Points. + + + bystartpointendpoint,bystartpointendpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.line.bystartpointendpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Line + + + ByTangency + + + Create + + + Create a Line tangent to the input Curve, positioned at the parameter Point of the input Curve. + + + bytangency,bytangency,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.line.bytangency + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByTangency.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByTangency.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Line + + + Direction + + + Query + + + The direction of the Curve + + + direction,direction,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.line.direction + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.Direction.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.Direction.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ByControlPoints (points) + + + Create + + + Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. + + + bycontrolpoints,bycontrolpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.bycontrolpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ByControlPoints (points, degree) + + + Create + + + Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. + + + bycontrolpoints,bycontrolpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.bycontrolpoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ByControlPoints (points, degree, closeCurve) + + + Create + + + Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. + + + bycontrolpoints,bycontrolpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.bycontrolpoints + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int-bool.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int-bool.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ByControlPointsWeightsKnots + + + Create + + + Create a BSplineCurve by from control vertices, weights, and knots. FROM ASM DOCS: Degree: Should be greater than 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: The knot vector should be a non-decreasing sequence. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows curves with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. knot array: the array size must be num_control_points + degree + 1 + + + bycontrolpointsweightsknots,bycontrolpointsweightsknots,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.bycontrolpointsweightsknots + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ByPoints (points, closeCurve) + + + Create + + + Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. + + + bypoints,bypoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.bypoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-bool.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-bool.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ByPoints (points, degree) + + + Create + + + Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. + + + bypoints,bypoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.bypoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-int.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-int.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ByPoints (points) + + + Create + + + Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. + + + bypoints,bypoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.bypoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ByPointsTangents + + + Create + + + Returns a BSplineCurve through the points, with tangent directions. + + + bypointstangents,bypointstangents,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.bypointstangents + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPointsTangents.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPointsTangents.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + ControlPoints + + + Action + + + Get the control points of the NurbsCurve. These are the points that the curve interpolates. + + + controlpoints,controlpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.controlpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ControlPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ControlPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + Knots + + + Action + + + The knots of the Curve. These, along with the Degree, define the domain of the Curve where a particular control vertex acts. + + + knots,knots,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.knots + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Knots.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Knots.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + Weights + + + Action + + + The weights of the control vertices of the curve. These define the magnitude of influence of the control vertices. + + + weights,weights,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.weights + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Weights.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Weights.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + Degree + + + Query + + + The degree of the curve + + + degree,degree, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Degree.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Degree.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + IsPeriodic + + + Query + + + Whether the NurbsCurve is periodic or not + + + isperiodic,isperiodic,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.isperiodic + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsPeriodic.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsPeriodic.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.NurbsCurve + + + IsRational + + + Query + + + Whether the NurbsCurve is rational or not. This defines whether any of the weights are not 1.0. + + + isrational,isrational,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbscurve.isrational + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsRational.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsRational.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + ByJoinedCurves + + + Create + + + Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity. Choose a preferred join tolerance between 1e-6 and 1e-3 units. + + + byjoinedcurves,byjoinedcurves,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.byjoinedcurves + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + ByPoints + + + Create + + + Make PolyCurve by connecting points. Set the 'connectLastToFirst' input to true to close the PolyCurve. + + + bypoints,bypoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.bypoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + ByThickeningCurve + + + Create + + + Make PolyCurve by thickening a curve. + + + bythickeningcurve,bythickeningcurve,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.bythickeningcurve + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurve.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + BasePlane + + + Action + + + Returns plane of planar polycurve + + + baseplane,baseplane,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.baseplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.BasePlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.BasePlane.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + CloseWithLine + + + Action + + + Close polycurve by line connecting start and end points + + + closewithline,closewithline,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.closewithline + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLine.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLine.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs + + + Action + + + Close polycurve by tangent chain of arc, line, and arc + + + closewithlineandtangentarcs,closewithlineandtangentarcs,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.closewithlineandtangentarcs + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + CurveAtIndex + + + Action + + + Returns curve of the polycurve by index + + + curveatindex,curveatindex,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.curveatindex + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CurveAtIndex.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CurveAtIndex.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + Curves + + + Action + + + Returns curves of the polycurve + + + curves,curves,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.curves + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + ExtendWithArc + + + Action + + + Extends polycurve by tangent arc + + + extendwitharc,extendwitharc,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.extendwitharc + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithArc.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithArc.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + ExtendWithEllipse + + + Action + + + Extends polycurve by tangent ellipse + + + extendwithellipse,extendwithellipse,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.extendwithellipse + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithEllipse.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithEllipse.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + Fillet + + + Action + + + Fillet polycurve in its plane. + + + fillet,fillet,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.fillet + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Fillet.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Fillet.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + Offset + + + Action + + + Offset polycurve in its plane. + + + offset,offset,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.offset + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Offset.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Offset.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.PolyCurve + + + NumberOfCurves + + + Query + + + Number of curves of the polycurve + + + numberofcurves,numberofcurves,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polycurve.numberofcurves + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.NumberOfCurves.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.NumberOfCurves.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Polygon + + + ByPoints + + + Create + + + Construct a Polygon Curve by connecting Points. + + + bypoints,bypoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polygon.bypoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ByPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Polygon + + + RegularPolygon + + + Create + + + Construct an inscribed Polygon Curve within a circle. + + + regularpolygon,regularpolygon,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polygon.regularpolygon + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Polygon + + + Center + + + Action + + + Returns average point of corners of polygon + + + center,center, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Center.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Center.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Polygon + + + ContainmentTest + + + Action + + + Checks if point is inside planar polygon without self intersections. + + + containmenttest,containmenttest,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polygon.containmenttest + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ContainmentTest.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ContainmentTest.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Polygon + + + Corners + + + Action + + + Returns corners of polygon + + + corners,corners,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polygon.corners + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Corners.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Corners.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Polygon + + + SelfIntersections + + + Action + + + Returns self intersections between sides of the polygon. + + + selfintersections,selfintersections,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polygon.selfintersections + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.SelfIntersections.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.SelfIntersections.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Polygon + + + PlaneDeviation + + + Query + + + Returns maximum deviation from average plane of polygon. + + + planedeviation,planedeviation,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polygon.planedeviation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.PlaneDeviation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.PlaneDeviation.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Polygon + + + Points + + + Query + + + Returns all the segment start / end points. + + + points,points,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polygon.points + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Points.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Points.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Rectangle + + + ByCornerPoints (p1, p2, p3, p4) + + + Create + + + Create a Rectangle by four corner Points. + + + bycornerpoints,bycornerpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.rectangle.bycornerpoints + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point-Point-Point-Point.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point-Point-Point-Point.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Rectangle + + + ByCornerPoints (points) + + + Create + + + Create a Rectangle by four corner Points. + + + bycornerpoints,bycornerpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.rectangle.bycornerpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Rectangle + + + ByWidthLength (width, length) + + + Create + + + Create a Rectangle centered at the WCS origin in the WCS XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). + + + bywidthlength,bywidthlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.rectangle.bywidthlength + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Rectangle + + + ByWidthLength (cs, width, length) + + + Create + + + Create a Rectangle centered at the input origin in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). + + + bywidthlength,bywidthlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.rectangle.bywidthlength + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.CoordinateSystem-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.CoordinateSystem-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Rectangle + + + ByWidthLength (plane, width, length) + + + Create + + + Create a Rectangle centered at input Plane root, with input width (Plane X axis length), and length (Plane Y axis length). + + + bywidthlength,bywidthlength,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.rectangle.bywidthlength + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.Plane-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.Plane-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Rectangle + + + Height + + + Query + + + The height of the Rectangle + + + height,height,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.rectangle.height + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Height.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Height.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curves.Rectangle + + + Width + + + Query + + + The width of the Rectangle + + + width,width,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.rectangle.width + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Width.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Width.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + ByControlPoints + + + Create + + + Create a NurbsSurface by using explicit control Points, with specified U and V degrees. + + + bycontrolpoints,bycontrolpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.bycontrolpoints + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + ByControlPointsWeightsKnots + + + Create + + + Creates a NurbsSurface with specified control vertices, knots, weights, and U V degrees. There are several restrictions on the data which, if broken, will cause the function to fail and will throw an exception. Degree: Both u- and v- degree should be >= 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: Both knot vectors should be non-decreasing sequences. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows surfaces with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. + + + bycontrolpointsweightsknots,bycontrolpointsweightsknots,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.bycontrolpointsweightsknots + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + ByPoints + + + Create + + + Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. + + + bypoints,bypoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.bypoints + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + ByPointsTangents + + + Create + + + Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. + + + bypointstangents,bypointstangents,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.bypointstangents + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangents.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangents.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives + + + Create + + + Creates a NurbsSurface satisfying a collection of different surface characteristics. This is the most advanced surface fitting method. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. The corner derivatives should be second order (dP/dUdV) and should be supplied in this order [ lowU, lowV ], [ highU, lowV ], [ lowU, highV ], [ highU, highV ]. + + + bypointstangentsknotsderivatives,bypointstangentsknotsderivatives,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.bypointstangentsknotsderivatives + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + ControlPoints + + + Action + + + Returns NurbsSurface control points (poles). + + + controlpoints,controlpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.controlpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ControlPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ControlPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + UKnots + + + Action + + + Surface knots in U direction. + + + uknots,uknots,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.uknots + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.UKnots.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.UKnots.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + VKnots + + + Action + + + Surface knots in V direction. + + + vknots,vknots,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.vknots + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.VKnots.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.VKnots.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + Weights + + + Action + + + Returns NurbsSurface control point weights. + + + weights,weights,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.weights + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.Weights.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.Weights.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + DegreeU + + + Query + + + Surface degree in the U direction. + + + degreeu,degreeu,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.degreeu + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeU.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeU.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + DegreeV + + + Query + + + Surface degree in the V direction. + + + degreev,degreev,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.degreev + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeV.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeV.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + IsPeriodicInU + + + Query + + + Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the U direction. + + + isperiodicinu,isperiodicinu,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.isperiodicinu + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInU.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInU.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + IsPeriodicInV + + + Query + + + Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the V direction. + + + isperiodicinv,isperiodicinv,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.isperiodicinv + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInV.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInV.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + IsRational + + + Query + + + Returns true if the Surface is rational. + + + isrational,isrational,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.isrational + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsRational.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsRational.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + NumControlPointsU + + + Query + + + Number of control Points in the U direction. + + + numcontrolpointsu,numcontrolpointsu,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.numcontrolpointsu + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsU.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsU.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.NurbsSurface + + + NumControlPointsV + + + Query + + + Number of control Points in the V direction. + + + numcontrolpointsv,numcontrolpointsv,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.nurbssurface.numcontrolpointsv + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsV.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsV.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + ByJoinedSurfaces + + + Create + + + Make Polysurface by joining surfaces. + + + byjoinedsurfaces,byjoinedsurfaces,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.byjoinedsurfaces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + ByLoft (crossSections) + + + Create + + + Makes PolySurface by Loft through Curves. + + + byloft,byloft,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.byloft + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve) + + + Create + + + Makes PolySurface by Loft through Curves. + + + byloft,byloft,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.byloft + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + ByLoftGuides + + + Create + + + Makes PolySurface by Loft through PolyCurves. + + + byloftguides,byloftguides,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.byloftguides + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoftGuides.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoftGuides.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + BySolid + + + Create + + + Make Polysurface by surfaces of Solid. + + + bysolid,bysolid,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.bysolid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySolid.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySolid.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + BySweep + + + Create + + + Make Polysurface by sweeping curves along rail. + + + bysweep,bysweep,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.bysweep + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + Chamfer + + + Action + + + Chamfers a PolySurface along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner. + + + chamfer,chamfer,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.chamfer + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Chamfer.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Chamfer.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + EdgeCount + + + Action + + + number of edges of Polysurface + + + edgecount,edgecount,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.edgecount + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.EdgeCount.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.EdgeCount.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + ExtractSolids + + + Action + + + Extract Solids from Polysurface defined by subset of surfaces + + + extractsolids,extractsolids,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.extractsolids + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ExtractSolids.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ExtractSolids.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + Fillet + + + Action + + + Fillets a PolySurface along input Edges with a given radius. + + + fillet,fillet,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.fillet + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Fillet.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Fillet.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + LocateSurfacesByLine + + + Action + + + Locate Surfaces by Line. Takes all surfaces hit by line. + + + locatesurfacesbyline,locatesurfacesbyline,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.locatesurfacesbyline + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByLine.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByLine.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + LocateSurfacesByPoint + + + Action + + + Locate Surfaces by point. Takes first intersection in forward direction. Returns one surface if hit surface interior, two if hit edge interior, and many if hit vertex + + + locatesurfacesbypoint,locatesurfacesbypoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.locatesurfacesbypoint + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + SurfaceCount + + + Action + + + number of surfaces of Polysurface + + + surfacecount,surfacecount,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.surfacecount + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.SurfaceCount.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.SurfaceCount.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + Surfaces + + + Action + + + Return new Surfaces representing the underlying Surfaces. + + + surfaces,surfaces,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.surfaces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Surfaces.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Surfaces.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + UnconnectedBoundaries + + + Action + + + Compute 2d cell boundaries which are not connected to other Surfaces + + + unconnectedboundaries,unconnectedboundaries,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.unconnectedboundaries + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.UnconnectedBoundaries.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.UnconnectedBoundaries.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.PolySurface + + + VertexCount + + + Action + + + number of vertices of Polysurface + + + vertexcount,vertexcount,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.polysurface.vertexcount + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.VertexCount.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.VertexCount.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves) + + + Create + + + Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves. + + + byloft,byloft,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.byloft + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ByLoft (crossSections) + + + Create + + + Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves. + + + byloft,byloft,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.byloft + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ByPatch + + + Create + + + Create a Surface by filling in the interior of a closed boundary defined by input Curves. + + + bypatch,bypatch,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.bypatch + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ByPerimeterPoints + + + Create + + + Create a Polygon Surface connecting input Points in a closed Polygon and patching it. + + + byperimeterpoints,byperimeterpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.byperimeterpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ByRevolve + + + Create + + + Create a Surface by sweeping the profile Curve around the axis ray formed by origin Point in the direction of the axis Vector, starting at start_angle in degrees, sweeping sweep_angle in degrees. + + + byrevolve,byrevolve,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.byrevolve + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRevolve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRevolve.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ByRuledLoft + + + Create + + + Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Lines. This is slightly faster and produces a less smooth result than Surface.ByLoft. + + + byruledloft,byruledloft,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.byruledloft + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRuledLoft.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRuledLoft.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + BySweep + + + Create + + + Create a Surface by sweeping a cross section Curve along a path. + + + bysweep,bysweep,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.bysweep + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + BySweep2Rails + + + Create + + + Sweep the cross section curve along a path guided by a two rails + + + bysweep2rails,bysweep2rails,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.bysweep2rails + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ApproximateWithTolerance + + + Action + + + Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface within a specified tolerance. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances. + + + approximatewithtolerance,approximatewithtolerance,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.approximatewithtolerance + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ApproximateWithTolerance.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ApproximateWithTolerance.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + CoordinateSystemAtParameter + + + Action + + + Return a CoordinateSystem aligned with principal curvature directions. + + + coordinatesystematparameter,coordinatesystematparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.coordinatesystematparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + CurvatureAtParameter + + + Action + + + The returned coordination system use xAxis, yAxis and zAxis to represent the uDir, vDir and normal. The length of xAxis, yAxis represents the curvatures. + + + curvatureatparameter,curvatureatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.curvatureatparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CurvatureAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CurvatureAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + DerivativesAtParameter + + + Action + + + Return the derivatives at input U and V coordinates. + + + derivativesatparameter,derivativesatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.derivativesatparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.DerivativesAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.DerivativesAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + FlipNormalDirection + + + Action + + + Returns a new Surface with the Normal flipped. Leaves this surface unchanged. + + + flipnormaldirection,flipnormaldirection,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.flipnormaldirection + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.FlipNormalDirection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.FlipNormalDirection.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + GaussianCurvatureAtParameter + + + Action + + + Returns the Gaussian curvature at U and V parameters. + + + gaussiancurvatureatparameter,gaussiancurvatureatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.gaussiancurvatureatparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GaussianCurvatureAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GaussianCurvatureAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + GetIsoline + + + Action + + + Create a parameter line curve on the given surface. Create a Curve that represents a u or v parameter line on the Surface. A parameter line runs in the direction of increasing u or v parameter at a constant opposite u or v parameter. The resulting Curve will match the Surface parameterisation and its range will be bounded by the Surface parameter range. The type of Curve returned will depend on the Surface type. + + + getisoline,getisoline,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.getisoline + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GetIsoline.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GetIsoline.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + Join + + + Action + + + Combines this Surface and input Surface into a PolySurface + + + join,join,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.join + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Join.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Join.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + NormalAtParameter + + + Action + + + Return the normal Vector at specified U and V parameters. + + + normalatparameter,normalatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.normalatparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + NormalAtPoint + + + Action + + + Return the surface normal at the input Point on the Surface. + + + normalatpoint,normalatpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.normalatpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + Offset + + + Action + + + Offset Surface in direction of Surface normal by specified distance. + + + offset,offset,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.offset + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Offset.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Offset.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + PerimeterCurves + + + Action + + + Return all the boundary Curves of the Surface. + + + perimetercurves,perimetercurves,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.perimetercurves + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PerimeterCurves.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PerimeterCurves.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + PointAtParameter + + + Action + + + Return the Point at specified U and V parameters. + + + pointatparameter,pointatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.pointatparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter + + + Action + + + Returns the principal curvatures at the U and V parameters. + + + principalcurvaturesatparameter,principalcurvaturesatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.principalcurvaturesatparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter + + + Action + + + Returns principal direction vectors at U and V parameters. + + + principaldirectionsatparameter,principaldirectionsatparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.principaldirectionsatparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ProjectInputOnto + + + Action + + + Projects the input Geometry onto this Surface in the input Vector direction + + + projectinputonto,projectinputonto,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.projectinputonto + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ProjectInputOnto.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ProjectInputOnto.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + SubtractFrom + + + Action + + + Subtract the input tools from this Surface. + + + subtractfrom,subtractfrom,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.subtractfrom + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.SubtractFrom.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.SubtractFrom.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + TangentAtUParameter + + + Action + + + Return the U tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters. + + + tangentatuparameter,tangentatuparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.tangentatuparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtUParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtUParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + TangentAtVParameter + + + Action + + + Return the V tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters. + + + tangentatvparameter,tangentatvparameter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.tangentatvparameter + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtVParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtVParameter.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + Thicken (thickness) + + + Action + + + Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals on both sides of the Surface. + + + thicken,thicken,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.thicken + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + Thicken (thickness, both_sides) + + + Action + + + Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals. If both_sides parameter is true, surface is thickened on both sides. + + + thicken,thicken,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.thicken + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double-bool.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double-bool.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ToNurbsSurface + + + Action + + + Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances. + + + tonurbssurface,tonurbssurface,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.tonurbssurface + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ToNurbsSurface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ToNurbsSurface.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + TrimWithEdgeLoops + + + Action + + + Trim the surface with a collection of loops within the surface + + + trimwithedgeloops,trimwithedgeloops,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.trimwithedgeloops + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TrimWithEdgeLoops.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TrimWithEdgeLoops.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + UVParameterAtPoint + + + Action + + + Return the UV parameter pair at the input Point. This is the inverse of Point at parameter. + + + uvparameteratpoint,uvparameteratpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.uvparameteratpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.UVParameterAtPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.UVParameterAtPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + Area + + + Query + + + Returns the total surface area. + + + area,area,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.area + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + Closed + + + Query + + + Returns true if the Surface is closed in U or V directions + + + closed,closed,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.closed + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Closed.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Closed.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ClosedInU + + + Query + + + Returns true if the Surface is closed in U direction. + + + closedinu,closedinu,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.closedinu + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInU.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInU.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + ClosedInV + + + Query + + + Returns true if the Surface is closed in V direction + + + closedinv,closedinv,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.closedinv + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInV.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInV.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surfaces.Surface + + + Perimeter + + + Query + + + Returns the sum of all edges of the Surface. + + + perimeter,perimeter,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.surface.perimeter + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Perimeter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Perimeter.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii + + + Create + + + Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular bases in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane. + + + bycoordinatesystemheightradii,bycoordinatesystemheightradii,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.bycoordinatesystemheightradii + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius + + + Create + + + Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular base in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane. + + + bycoordinatesystemheightradius,bycoordinatesystemheightradius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.bycoordinatesystemheightradius + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + ByPointsRadii + + + Create + + + Create a Cone with axis from start Point to end Point, with given radiuses at start and end. This object does not have an apex, and can be thought of as a trimmed Cone. + + + bypointsradii,bypointsradii,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.bypointsradii + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadii.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadii.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + ByPointsRadius + + + Create + + + Create a Cone with given base radius at start Point, extending to a apex at end Point. + + + bypointsradius,bypointsradius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.bypointsradius + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + EndPoint + + + Query + + + The end point + + + endpoint,endpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.endpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + EndRadius + + + Query + + + The radius at the bottom + + + endradius,endradius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.endradius + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndRadius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndRadius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + Height + + + Query + + + The total height + + + height,height,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.height + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.Height.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.Height.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + RadiusRatio + + + Query + + + Ratio between the top and bottom radius + + + radiusratio,radiusratio,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.radiusratio + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.RadiusRatio.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.RadiusRatio.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + StartPoint + + + Query + + + The start point + + + startpoint,startpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.startpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cone + + + StartRadius + + + Query + + + The radius at the base + + + startradius,startradius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cone.startradius + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartRadius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartRadius.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cuboid + + + ByCorners + + + Create + + + Create an Cuboid spanning from low Point to high Point. + + + bycorners,bycorners,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cuboid.bycorners + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByCorners.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByCorners.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cuboid + + + ByLengths (cs, width, length, height) + + + Create + + + Create a Cuboid centered and oriented to input CoordinateSystem, with specified width, length, and height. + + + bylengths,bylengths,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cuboid.bylengths + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.CoordinateSystem-double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.CoordinateSystem-double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cuboid + + + ByLengths (width, length, height) + + + Create + + + Create a Cuboid centered at WCS origin, with width, length, and height. + + + bylengths,bylengths,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cuboid.bylengths + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cuboid + + + ByLengths (origin, width, length, height) + + + Create + + + Create a Cuboid centered at input Point, with specified width, length, and height. + + + bylengths,bylengths,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cuboid.bylengths + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.Point-double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.Point-double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cuboid + + + Height + + + Query + + + Returns height distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. + + + height,height,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cuboid.height + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Height.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Height.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cuboid + + + Length + + + Query + + + Returns length distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. + + + length,length,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cuboid.length + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Length.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Length.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cuboid + + + Width + + + Query + + + Returns width distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. + + + width,width,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cuboid.width + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Width.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Width.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cylinder + + + ByPointsRadius + + + Create + + + Construct a Solid Cylinder given the bottom and top center point of the Cylinder. + + + bypointsradius,bypointsradius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cylinder.bypointsradius + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByPointsRadius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByPointsRadius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cylinder + + + ByRadiusHeight + + + Create + + + Construct a Solid Cylinder defined by a parent CoordinateSystem, the radius, and the height of the cylinder + + + byradiusheight,byradiusheight,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cylinder.byradiusheight + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cylinder + + + Axis + + + Query + + + Axis of the cylinder + + + axis,axis,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cylinder.axis + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Axis.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Axis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cylinder + + + Height + + + Query + + + The total height + + + height,height,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cylinder.height + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Height.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Height.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Cylinder + + + Radius + + + Query + + + The radius of the Cylinder + + + radius,radius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.cylinder.radius + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Radius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Radius.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + ByJoinedSurfaces + + + Create + + + Create a solid by specifying it's component faces as Surfaces. + + + byjoinedsurfaces,byjoinedsurfaces,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.byjoinedsurfaces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByJoinedSurfaces.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByJoinedSurfaces.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves) + + + Create + + + Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves. + + + byloft,byloft,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.byloft + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + ByLoft (crossSections) + + + Create + + + Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves. + + + byloft,byloft,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.byloft + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + ByRevolve + + + Create + + + Create a Surface of revolution, sweeping the profile Curve around the axis Ray formed by the origin and the axis Vector, from the start angle in degrees to the sweep angle in degrees. + + + byrevolve,byrevolve,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.byrevolve + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRevolve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRevolve.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + BySweep + + + Create + + + Sweep a closed Curve along a path. + + + bysweep,bysweep,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.bysweep + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + BySweep2Rails + + + Create + + + Sweep a closed profile Curve along two rail Curves. + + + bysweep2rails,bysweep2rails,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.bysweep2rails + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep2Rails.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep2Rails.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + ByUnion + + + Create + + + Union a collection of solids into one solid + + + byunion,byunion,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.byunion + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + Centroid + + + Action + + + The centroid of the Solid + + + centroid,centroid,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.centroid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Centroid.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Centroid.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + Chamfer + + + Action + + + Chamfers a Solid along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner. + + + chamfer,chamfer,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.chamfer + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Chamfer.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Chamfer.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + Difference + + + Action + + + The boolean difference of this Solid with another + + + difference,difference,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.difference + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Difference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Difference.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + DifferenceAll + + + Action + + + The boolean difference of this Solid and the union of input Solids + + + differenceall,differenceall,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.differenceall + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.DifferenceAll.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.DifferenceAll.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + Fillet + + + Action + + + Fillets a Solid along input Edges with a given radius. + + + fillet,fillet,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.fillet + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Fillet.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Fillet.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + ProjectInputOnto + + + Action + + + Projects the input Geometry onto this Solid, in the direction of the input Vector + + + projectinputonto,projectinputonto,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.projectinputonto + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ProjectInputOnto.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ProjectInputOnto.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + ThinShell + + + Action + + + Obtain a solid Shell from the Faces of this Solid + + + thinshell,thinshell,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.thinshell + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + Union + + + Action + + + The boolean union of this Solid and another. + + + union,union,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.union + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Union.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Union.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + Area + + + Query + + + Returns the surface area -- sum of all the areas of all faces + + + area,area,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.area + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Area.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Area.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Solid + + + Volume + + + Query + + + The total volume of the Solid + + + volume,volume,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.solid.volume + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Sphere + + + ByBestFit + + + Create + + + Fit a Sphere as close as possible to the input Points. + + + bybestfit,bybestfit,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.sphere.bybestfit + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByBestFit.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByBestFit.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Sphere + + + ByCenterPointRadius + + + Create + + + Create a Solid Sphere cetered at the input Point, with given radius. + + + bycenterpointradius,bycenterpointradius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.sphere.bycenterpointradius + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Sphere + + + ByFourPoints + + + Create + + + Create a Solid Sphere containing four input Points on the surface. + + + byfourpoints,byfourpoints,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.sphere.byfourpoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByFourPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByFourPoints.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Sphere + + + CenterPoint + + + Query + + + Return the center Point of the Sphere. + + + centerpoint,centerpoint,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.sphere.centerpoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.CenterPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solids.Sphere + + + Radius + + + Query + + + Return the radius of the Sphere. + + + radius,radius,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.sphere.radius + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.Radius.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.Radius.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.IndexGroup + + + ByIndices (a, b, c, d) + + + Create + + + Create an IndexGroup storing four indices + + + byindices,byindices,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.indexgroup.byindices + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\ + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\ + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.IndexGroup + + + ByIndices (a, b, c) + + + Create + + + Create an IndexGroup storing four indices + + + byindices,byindices,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.indexgroup.byindices + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\ + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\ + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.IndexGroup + + + A + + + Query + + + The first index + + + a,a,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.indexgroup.a + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.A.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.A.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.IndexGroup + + + B + + + Query + + + The second index + + + b,b,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.indexgroup.b + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.B.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.B.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.IndexGroup + + + C + + + Query + + + The third index + + + c,c,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.indexgroup.c + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.C.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.C.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.IndexGroup + + + Count + + + Query + + + Either 3 or 4, depending if it represents a triangle or a quad + + + count,count,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.indexgroup.count + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.Count.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.Count.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.IndexGroup + + + D + + + Query + + + The fourth index + + + d,d,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.indexgroup.d + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.D.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.D.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.Mesh + + + ByPointsFaceIndices + + + Create + + + Create a mesh from a collection of Points and a collection of IndexGroups referencing the Point collection + + + bypointsfaceindices,bypointsfaceindices,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.mesh.bypointsfaceindices + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.ByPointsFaceIndices.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.ByPointsFaceIndices.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.Mesh + + + FaceIndices + + + Query + + + The vertex indices that make up each face in a counterclockwise fashion + + + faceindices,faceindices,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.mesh.faceindices + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.FaceIndices.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.FaceIndices.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.Mesh + + + VertexNormals + + + Query + + + The normal vector at this vertex + + + vertexnormals,vertexnormals,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.mesh.vertexnormals + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexNormals.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexNormals.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Meshes.Mesh + + + VertexPositions + + + Query + + + The positions of the vertices + + + vertexpositions,vertexpositions,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.mesh.vertexpositions + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexPositions.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexPositions.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + ClosestPointTo + + + Action + + + Obtain the closest Point on this Geometry to the other + + + closestpointto,closestpointto,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.closestpointto + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ClosestPointTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ClosestPointTo.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + DeserializeFromSAB + + + Action + + + Deserializes the specified Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format data and returns a list of geometry + + + deserializefromsab,deserializefromsab,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.deserializefromsab + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DeserializeFromSAB.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DeserializeFromSAB.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + DistanceTo + + + Action + + + Obtain the distance from this Geometry to another + + + distanceto,distanceto,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.distanceto + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DistanceTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DistanceTo.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + DoesIntersect + + + Action + + + Determine if another Geometry object intersects with this one + + + doesintersect,doesintersect,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.doesintersect + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DoesIntersect.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DoesIntersect.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Explode + + + Action + + + Separates compound or non-separated elements into their component parts. + + + explode,explode,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.explode + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Explode.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Explode.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath) + + + Action + + + Exports the specified geometry to the given SAT file path + + + exporttosat,exporttosat,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.exporttosat + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ExportToSAT.Geometry1-string.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ExportToSAT.Geometry1-string.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + FromSolidDef + + + Action + + + Imports a JSON string and returns an array of imported geometries + + + fromsoliddef,fromsoliddef,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.fromsoliddef + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.FromSolidDef.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.FromSolidDef.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + ImportFromSAT (filePath) + + + Action + + + Imports a SAT file and returns an array of imported geometries + + + importfromsat,importfromsat,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.importfromsat + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.string.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.string.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + ImportFromSAT (file) + + + Action + + + Imports a SAT file and returns an array of imported geometries + + + importfromsat,importfromsat,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.importfromsat + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.var.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.var.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Intersect + + + Action + + + Get the intersection Geometry for this object and another + + + intersect,intersect,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.intersect + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Intersect.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Intersect.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + IntersectAll + + + Action + + + Get the intersection of Geometry for this object and a collection of other Geometries. Finds common geometry of all participants. + + + intersectall,intersectall,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.intersectall + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IntersectAll.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IntersectAll.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + IsAlmostEqualTo + + + Action + + + Check if the two objects have the same representational geometry or numerical values + + + isalmostequalto,isalmostequalto,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.isalmostequalto + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Mirror + + + Action + + + Mirror the object across the input Plane + + + mirror,mirror,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.mirror + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Mirror.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Mirror.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Rotate (origin, axis, degrees) + + + Action + + + Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree + + + rotate,rotate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.rotate + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Rotate (basePlane, degrees) + + + Action + + + Rotates an object around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree + + + rotate,rotate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.rotate + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Scale (basePoint, from, to) + + + Action + + + Scale uniformly around a given point, using two pick points as scalars + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.scale + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Scale (plane, xamount, yamount, zamount) + + + Action + + + Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.scale + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Scale (amount) + + + Action + + + Scale uniformly around the origin + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.scale + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Scale (xamount, yamount, zamount) + + + Action + + + Scale non-uniformly around the origin + + + scale,scale,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.scale + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Scale1D + + + Action + + + Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0. + + + scale1d,scale1d,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.scale1d + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale1D.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale1D.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Scale2D + + + Action + + + Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors + + + scale2d,scale2d,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.scale2d + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale2D.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale2D.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + SerializeAsSAB + + + Action + + + Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data + + + serializeassab,serializeassab,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.serializeassab + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Split + + + Action + + + Split this Geometry using another Geometry as a cutting "tool" + + + split,split,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.split + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Split.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Split.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + ToSolidDef + + + Action + + + Convert geometry to Solid Def json + + + tosoliddef,tosoliddef,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.tosoliddef + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ToSolidDef.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ToSolidDef.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Transform (cs) + + + Action + + + Transforms geometry by the given CoordinateSystem's transform + + + transform,transform,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.transform + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Transform (fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem) + + + Action + + + Transforms this geometry from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem. + + + transform,transform,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.transform + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Translate (xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation) + + + Action + + + Translates any given geometry by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively. + + + translate,translate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.translate + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.double-double-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.double-double-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Translate (direction, distance) + + + Action + + + Translates any geometry type by the given distance in the given direction. + + + translate,translate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.translate + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector-double.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Translate (direction) + + + Action + + + Translate geometry in the given direction by the vector length + + + translate,translate,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.translate + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + Trim + + + Action + + + Removes elements of the entity closest to the pick point + + + trim,trim,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.trim + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + BoundingBox + + + Query + + + Get the BoundingBox containing the given piece of Geometry + + + boundingbox,boundingbox,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.boundingbox + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.BoundingBox.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.BoundingBox.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + ContextCoordinateSystem + + + Query + + + Get the context/reference coordinate system that was used to create this geometry. + + + contextcoordinatesystem,contextcoordinatesystem,protogeometry.autodesk.designscript.geometry.geometry.contextcoordinatesystem + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ContextCoordinateSystem.Small.png + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ContextCoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry + + + ExportToSAT + + + Action + + + Exports the specified geometry to the given SAT file path. + + + exporttosat,exporttosat,geometry.geometry.exporttosat + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\GeometryUI\SmallIcons\GeometryUI.ExportWithUnits.Small.png + + + src\Resources\GeometryUI\LargeIcons\GeometryUI.ExportWithUnits.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry Color + + + ByGeometryColor + + + Create + + + Display geometry using a color. + + + bygeometrycolor,bygeometrycolor,geometrycolor.modifiers.geometrycolor.bygeometrycolor + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\GeometryColor\SmallIcons\Modifiers.GeometryColor.ByGeometryColor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\GeometryColor\LargeIcons\Modifiers.GeometryColor.ByGeometryColor.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Modifiers.Geometry Color + + + BySurfaceColors + + + Create + + + Display color values on a surface. The colors provided are converted internally to an image texture which is mapped to the surface. + + + bysurfacecolors,bysurfacecolors,geometrycolor.modifiers.geometrycolor.bysurfacecolors + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\GeometryColor\SmallIcons\Modifiers.GeometryColor.BySurfaceColors.Small.png + + + src\Resources\GeometryColor\LargeIcons\Modifiers.GeometryColor.BySurfaceColors.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + Geometry.Tessellation.ConvexHull + + + ByPoints + + + Action + + + Creates a convex hull of a set of points. + + + bypoints,bypoints,tessellation.tessellation.convexhull.bypoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Tessellation\SmallIcons\Tessellation.ConvexHull.ByPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Tessellation\LargeIcons\Tessellation.ConvexHull.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Tessellation.Delaunay + + + ByParametersOnSurface + + + Action + + + Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a surface with a given set of UV parameters. + + + byparametersonsurface,byparametersonsurface,tessellation.tessellation.delaunay.byparametersonsurface + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Tessellation\SmallIcons\Tessellation.Delaunay.ByParametersOnSurface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Tessellation\LargeIcons\Tessellation.Delaunay.ByParametersOnSurface.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Tessellation.Delaunay + + + ByPoints + + + Action + + + Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points. + + + bypoints,bypoints,tessellation.tessellation.delaunay.bypoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Tessellation\SmallIcons\Tessellation.Delaunay.ByPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Tessellation\LargeIcons\Tessellation.Delaunay.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Tessellation.Voronoi + + + ByParametersOnSurface + + + Action + + + Creates a Voronoi tessellation of a surface with a given set of UV parameters. + + + byparametersonsurface,byparametersonsurface,tessellation.tessellation.voronoi.byparametersonsurface + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Tessellation\SmallIcons\Tessellation.Voronoi.ByParametersOnSurface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Tessellation\LargeIcons\Tessellation.Voronoi.ByParametersOnSurface.Large.png + + + + + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.FaceAnalysisDisplay + + + ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData + + + Create + + + Show a colored Face Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + byviewandfaceanalysisdata,byviewandfaceanalysisdata,revitnodes.revit.analysisdisplay.faceanalysisdisplay.byviewandfaceanalysisdata + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.FaceAnalysisDisplay + + + ByViewFacePointsAndValues + + + Create + + + Show a colored Face Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + byviewfacepointsandvalues,byviewfacepointsandvalues,revitnodes.revit.analysisdisplay.faceanalysisdisplay.byviewfacepointsandvalues + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewFacePointsAndValues.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewFacePointsAndValues.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.IStructuredDataOfPointAndDouble + + + ValueLocations + + + Query + + + No description available + + + valuelocations,valuelocations,analysis.analysis.istructureddataofpointanddouble.valuelocations + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Analysis\SmallIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfPointAndDouble.ValueLocations.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Analysis\LargeIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfPointAndDouble.ValueLocations.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.IStructuredDataOfPointAndDouble + + + Values + + + Query + + + No description available + + + values,values,analysis.analysis.istructureddataofpointanddouble.values + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Analysis\SmallIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfPointAndDouble.Values.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Analysis\LargeIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfPointAndDouble.Values.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.IStructuredDataOfPointAndVector + + + ValueLocations + + + Query + + + No description available + + + valuelocations,valuelocations,analysis.analysis.istructureddataofpointandvector.valuelocations + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Analysis\SmallIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfPointAndVector.ValueLocations.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Analysis\LargeIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfPointAndVector.ValueLocations.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.IStructuredDataOfPointAndVector + + + Values + + + Query + + + No description available + + + values,values,analysis.analysis.istructureddataofpointandvector.values + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Analysis\SmallIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfPointAndVector.Values.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Analysis\LargeIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfPointAndVector.Values.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.IStructuredDataOfUVAndDouble + + + ValueLocations + + + Query + + + No description available + + + valuelocations,valuelocations,analysis.analysis.istructureddataofuvanddouble.valuelocations + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Analysis\SmallIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfUVAndDouble.ValueLocations.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Analysis\LargeIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfUVAndDouble.ValueLocations.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.IStructuredDataOfUVAndDouble + + + Values + + + Query + + + No description available + + + values,values,analysis.analysis.istructureddataofuvanddouble.values + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Analysis\SmallIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfUVAndDouble.Values.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Analysis\LargeIcons\Analysis.IStructuredDataOfUVAndDouble.Values.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.ISurfaceDataOfUVAndDouble + + + Surface + + + Query + + + No description available + + + surface,surface,analysis.analysis.isurfacedataofuvanddouble.surface + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Analysis\SmallIcons\Analysis.ISurfaceDataOfUVAndDouble.Surface.Small.png + + + src\Resources\Analysis\LargeIcons\Analysis.ISurfaceDataOfUVAndDouble.Surface.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.PointAnalysisDisplay + + + ByViewAndPointAnalysisData + + + Create + + + Show a colored Point Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + byviewandpointanalysisdata,byviewandpointanalysisdata,revitnodes.revit.analysisdisplay.pointanalysisdisplay.byviewandpointanalysisdata + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.PointAnalysisDisplay + + + ByViewPointsAndValues + + + Create + + + Show a colored Point Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + byviewpointsandvalues,byviewpointsandvalues,revitnodes.revit.analysisdisplay.pointanalysisdisplay.byviewpointsandvalues + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndValues.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndValues.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.Render + + + Do Cloud Render + + + Action + + + Submit a cloud rendering or daylighting job to A360's Cloud Rendering service. This requires cloud credits! + + + do cloud render,docloudrender,analyze.render.docloudrender + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRender.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRender.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.Render + + + Export Cloud Render Data + + + Action + + + ExportDocumentRenderData + + + export cloud render data,exportcloudrenderdata,analyze.render.exportcloudrenderdata + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.ExportDocumentRenderData.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.ExportDocumentRenderData.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.Render + + + Select RenderQuality + + + Action + + + Set the quality of the rendering + + + select renderquality,selectrenderquality,analyze.render.selectrenderquality + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderQualityDropDown.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderQualityDropDown.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.Render + + + Select RenderType + + + Action + + + Set the type of rendering + + + select rendertype,selectrendertype,analyze.render.selectrendertype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderTypeDropDown.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderTypeDropDown.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.Render + + + Select SkyModelType + + + Action + + + Set the quality of the rendering + + + select skymodeltype,selectskymodeltype,analyze.render.selectskymodeltype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModelTypeDropDown.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModelTypeDropDown.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.Render + + + Upload Cloud Render Data + + + Action + + + Upload Render Data for use with A360 render service. \n\nUse this node with Cloud Render to submit the job. + + + upload cloud render data,uploadcloudrenderdata,analyze.render.uploadcloudrenderdata + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.UploadRenderData.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.UploadRenderData.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.SiteLocation + + + SiteLocation + + + Action + + + Returns the current Revit site location. + + + sitelocation,sitelocation,analyze.sitelocation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SiteLocation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SiteLocation.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analyze.VectorAnalysisDisplay + + + ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData + + + Create + + + Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + byviewandvectoranalysisdata,byviewandvectoranalysisdata,revitnodes.revit.analysisdisplay.vectoranalysisdisplay.byviewandvectoranalysisdata + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analyze.VectorAnalysisDisplay + + + ByViewPointsAndVectorValues + + + Create + + + Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + byviewpointsandvectorvalues,byviewpointsandvectorvalues,revitnodes.revit.analysisdisplay.vectoranalysisdisplay.byviewpointsandvectorvalues + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndVectorValues.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndVectorValues.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Revit.Application.Document + + + ActiveView + + + Query + + + Get the active view for the document + + + activeview,activeview,revitnodes.revit.application.document.activeview + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.ActiveView.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.ActiveView.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Application.Document + + + Current + + + Query + + + Get the current document + + + current,current,revitnodes.revit.application.document.current + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Current.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Current.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Application.Document + + + FilePath + + + Query + + + The full path of the Document. + + + filepath,filepath,revitnodes.revit.application.document.filepath + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.FilePath.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.FilePath.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Application.Document + + + IsFamilyDocument + + + Query + + + Is the Document a Family? + + + isfamilydocument,isfamilydocument,revitnodes.revit.application.document.isfamilydocument + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.IsFamilyDocument.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.IsFamilyDocument.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Application.Document + + + Location + + + Query + + + Extracts Latitude and Longitude from Revit + + + location,location,revitnodes.revit.application.document.location + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Location.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Location.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + + + ByParametersOnCurveReference (parameters, curve, familyType) + + + Create + + + Create an adaptive component referencing the parameters on a Curve reference + + + byparametersoncurvereference,byparametersoncurvereference,revitnodes.revit.elements.adaptivecomponent.byparametersoncurvereference + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnCurveReference.double1-Curve-FamilyType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnCurveReference.double1-Curve-FamilyType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + + + ByParametersOnFace (uvs, surface, familyType) + + + Create + + + Create an adaptive component by uv points on a face. + + + byparametersonface,byparametersonface,revitnodes.revit.elements.adaptivecomponent.byparametersonface + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnFace.UV1-Surface-FamilyType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnFace.UV1-Surface-FamilyType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + + + ByPoints + + + Action + + + Create a list of adaptive components from two-dimensional array of points + + + bypoints,bypoints,revitnodes.revit.elements.adaptivecomponent.bypoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + + + Locations + + + Query + + + No description available + + + locations,locations,revitnodes.revit.elements.adaptivecomponent.locations + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Locations.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Locations.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + + + Type + + + Query + + + No description available + + + type,type,revitnodes.revit.elements.adaptivecomponent.type + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Type.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Type.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Category + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Gets a Revit category by the built-in category name. + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.category.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Category + + + Id + + + Query + + + The Id of the category. + + + id,id, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Id.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Id.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Category + + + Name + + + Query + + + The name of the Category. + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Coordinates + + + BasePoint + + + Action + + + Get Project Base Point + + + basepoint,basepoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.coordinates.basepoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Coordinates.BasePoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Coordinates.BasePoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Coordinates + + + ProjectRotation + + + Action + + + Get Project Rotation + + + projectrotation,projectrotation,revitnodes.revit.elements.coordinates.projectrotation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Coordinates.ProjectRotation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Coordinates.ProjectRotation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Coordinates + + + SurveyPoint + + + Action + + + Get Survey Point + + + surveypoint,surveypoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.coordinates.surveypoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Coordinates.SurveyPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Coordinates.SurveyPoint.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + AsFamilyInstance + + + Action + + + Gets family instance from curtain Panel + + + asfamilyinstance,asfamilyinstance,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.asfamilyinstance + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.AsFamilyInstance.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.AsFamilyInstance.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + ByElement + + + Action + + + get all panels of curtain wall, system or slope glazing roof + + + byelement,byelement,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.byelement + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.ByElement.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.ByElement.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + SupportingMullions + + + Action + + + Gets Mullions hosting the specified curtain panel + + + supportingmullions,supportingmullions,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.supportingmullions + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.SupportingMullions.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.SupportingMullions.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + Boundaries + + + Query + + + Gets curtain panel boundaries + + + boundaries,boundaries,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.boundaries + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Boundaries.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Boundaries.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + HasPlane + + + Query + + + Checks if the specific curtain panel is planar + + + hasplane,hasplane,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.hasplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.HasPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.HasPlane.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + Height + + + Query + + + Gets the height of the specific curtain panel, if it's rectangular + + + height,height,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.height + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Height.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Height.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + IsRectangular + + + Query + + + Checks whether the specific curtain panel is rectangular. Returns true if the curtain panel is rectangular. Otherwise returns false + + + isrectangular,isrectangular,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.isrectangular + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.IsRectangular.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.IsRectangular.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + Length + + + Query + + + Gets the length of the specific curtain panel boundaries + + + length,length,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.length + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Length.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Length.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + PanelPlane + + + Query + + + Gets a plane of the given curtain panel, if it is planar + + + panelplane,panelplane,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.panelplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.PanelPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.PanelPlane.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + + + Width + + + Query + + + Gets the width of the specific curtain panel, if it's rectangular + + + width,width,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainpanel.width + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Width.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Width.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem + + + ByFace + + + Create + + + Create Curtain System from face references + + + byface,byface,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainsystem.byface + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem.ByFace.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem.ByFace.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem + + + AddCurtainGrid + + + Action + + + Add Curtain Grid + + + addcurtaingrid,addcurtaingrid,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainsystem.addcurtaingrid + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem.AddCurtainGrid.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem.AddCurtainGrid.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem + + + RemoveCurtainGrid + + + Action + + + Remove Curtain Grid + + + removecurtaingrid,removecurtaingrid,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainsystem.removecurtaingrid + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem.RemoveCurtainGrid.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem.RemoveCurtainGrid.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem + + + CurtainSystemType + + + Query + + + Get CurtainSystemType + + + curtainsystemtype,curtainsystemtype,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainsystem.curtainsystemtype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem.CurtainSystemType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem.CurtainSystemType.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a CurtainSystemType from the document given + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.curtainsystemtype.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType + + + Name + + + Query + + + The name of the CurtainSystemType + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints + + + ByReferencePoints + + + Create + + + Construct a Revit CurveByPoints Element (a CurveElement) from a collection of ReferencePoint's + + + byreferencepoints,byreferencepoints,revitnodes.revit.elements.curvebypoints.byreferencepoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints.ByReferencePoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints.ByReferencePoints.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurveElement + + + Curve + + + Query + + + Obtain the geometry curve for this geometry curve + + + curve,curve,revitnodes.revit.elements.curveelement.curve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.Curve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.Curve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurveElement + + + ElementCurveReference + + + Query + + + Obtain the reference curve for this ModelCurve + + + elementcurvereference,elementcurvereference,revitnodes.revit.elements.curveelement.elementcurvereference + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.ElementCurveReference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.ElementCurveReference.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.DetailCurve + + + ByCurve + + + Create + + + Construct a Revit DetailCurve element from a curve + + + bycurve,bycurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.detailcurve.bycurve + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DetailCurve.ByCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DetailCurve.ByCurve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DetailCurve + + + SetCurve + + + Action + + + Set Geometry Curve + + + setcurve,setcurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.detailcurve.setcurve + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DetailCurve.SetCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DetailCurve.SetCurve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DetailCurve + + + Curve + + + Query + + + Get Geometry Curve + + + curve,curve,revitnodes.revit.elements.detailcurve.curve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DetailCurve.Curve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DetailCurve.Curve.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + + + ByElements + + + Create + + + Construct a Revit Dimension from at least two elements + + + byelements,byelements,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimension.byelements + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.ByElements.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.ByElements.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + + + SetPrefix + + + Action + + + Set Prefix + + + setprefix,setprefix,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimension.setprefix + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.SetPrefix.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.SetPrefix.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + + + SetSuffix + + + Action + + + Set Suffix + + + setsuffix,setsuffix,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimension.setsuffix + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.SetSuffix.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.SetSuffix.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + + + SetValueOverride + + + Action + + + Set Value override + + + setvalueoverride,setvalueoverride,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimension.setvalueoverride + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.SetValueOverride.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.SetValueOverride.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + + + Prefix + + + Query + + + Get Prefix + + + prefix,prefix,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimension.prefix + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.Prefix.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.Prefix.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + + + Suffix + + + Query + + + Get Suffix + + + suffix,suffix,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimension.suffix + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.Suffix.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.Suffix.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + + + Value + + + Query + + + Get Dimension Value + + + value,value,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimension.value + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.Value.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.Value.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + + + ValueOverride + + + Query + + + Get Value override + + + valueoverride,valueoverride,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimension.valueoverride + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.ValueOverride.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Dimension.ValueOverride.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.DimensionType + + + FromExisting + + + Create + + + Creates new Dimension Type by duplicating an existing. + + + fromexisting,fromexisting,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimensiontype.fromexisting + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DimensionType.FromExisting.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DimensionType.FromExisting.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DimensionType + + + StyleType + + + Query + + + Returns Dimension Style for a givent type. + + + styletype,styletype,revitnodes.revit.elements.dimensiontype.styletype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DimensionType.StyleType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DimensionType.StyleType.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.DirectShape + + + ByGeometry + + + Create + + + Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material. The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed. + + + bygeometry,bygeometry,revitnodes.revit.elements.directshape.bygeometry + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByGeometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DirectShape + + + ByMesh + + + Create + + + Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material. The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed. + + + bymesh,bymesh,revitnodes.revit.elements.directshape.bymesh + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByMesh.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByMesh.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DirectShape + + + Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option + + + Action + + + Select a Direct Shape Room Bounding Option. + + + select direct shape room bounding option,selectdirectshaperoomboundingoption,revit.elements.directshape.selectdirectshaperoomboundingoption + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.DirectShapeRoomBoundingOption.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.DirectShapeRoomBoundingOption.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedPath + + + ByCurveAndDivisions (curve, divisions) + + + Create + + + Creates a Revit divided path on the given curve with specified amount of division + + + bycurveanddivisions,bycurveanddivisions,revitnodes.revit.elements.dividedpath.bycurveanddivisions + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurveAndDivisions.Curve-int.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurveAndDivisions.Curve-int.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedPath + + + ByCurvesAndDivisions (curve, divisions) + + + Create + + + Creates a Revit divided path on the given collection of curves with specified amount of division + + + bycurvesanddivisions,bycurvesanddivisions,revitnodes.revit.elements.dividedpath.bycurvesanddivisions + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurvesAndDivisions.Curve1-int.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurvesAndDivisions.Curve1-int.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedPath + + + Spacing Rule Layout + + + Action + + + A spacing rule layout for calculating divided paths. + + + spacing rule layout,spacingrulelayout,revit.elements.dividedpath.spacingrulelayout + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SpacingRuleLayouts.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SpacingRuleLayouts.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedPath + + + Points + + + Query + + + All points along the DividedPath. + + + points,points,revitnodes.revit.elements.dividedpath.points + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.Points.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.Points.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + + + ByFaceAndUVDivisions (elementFace, uDivs, vDivs) + + + Create + + + Create a Revit DividedSurface on a face given the face and number of divisions in u and v directon + + + byfaceanduvdivisions,byfaceanduvdivisions,revitnodes.revit.elements.dividedsurface.byfaceanduvdivisions + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceAndUVDivisions.Surface-int-int.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceAndUVDivisions.Surface-int-int.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + + + ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation (surface, uDivs, vDivs, gridRotation) + + + Create + + + Create a Revit DividedSurface on a face given the face and number of divisions in u and v directon and the rotation of the grid lines with respect to the natural UV parameterization of the face + + + byfaceuvdivisionsandrotation,byfaceuvdivisionsandrotation,revitnodes.revit.elements.dividedsurface.byfaceuvdivisionsandrotation + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation.Surface-int-int-double.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation.Surface-int-int-double.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + + + Rotation + + + Query + + + Rotation of the grid lines with respect to the UV parameterization of the face + + + rotation,rotation,revitnodes.revit.elements.dividedsurface.rotation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.Rotation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.Rotation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + + + UDivisions + + + Query + + + Number of divisions in U direction + + + udivisions,udivisions,revitnodes.revit.elements.dividedsurface.udivisions + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.UDivisions.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.UDivisions.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + + + VDivisions + + + Query + + + Number of divisions in V direction + + + vdivisions,vdivisions,revitnodes.revit.elements.dividedsurface.vdivisions + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.VDivisions.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.VDivisions.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + Geometry + + + Action + + + Get all of the Geometry associated with this object + + + geometry,geometry,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.geometry + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Geometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Geometry.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + GetLocation + + + Action + + + Get an exsiting element's location + + + getlocation,getlocation,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.getlocation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetLocation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetLocation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + GetMaterials + + + Action + + + Get Material Names from a Revit Element + + + getmaterials,getmaterials,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.getmaterials + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetMaterials.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetMaterials.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + GetParameterValueByName + + + Action + + + Get the value of one of the element's parameters. + + + getparametervaluebyname,getparametervaluebyname,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.getparametervaluebyname + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetParameterValueByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetParameterValueByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + MoveByVector + + + Action + + + Move Revit Element by Vector + + + movebyvector,movebyvector,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.movebyvector + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.MoveByVector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.MoveByVector.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + OverrideColorInView + + + Action + + + Override the element's color in the active view. + + + overridecolorinview,overridecolorinview,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.overridecolorinview + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideColorInView.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideColorInView.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + OverrideInView + + + Action + + + Override Elements Graphics Settings in Active View. + + + overrideinview,overrideinview,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.overrideinview + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideInView.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideInView.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + SetLocation + + + Action + + + Update an existing element's location + + + setlocation,setlocation,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.setlocation + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetLocation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetLocation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + SetParameterByName + + + Action + + + Set one of the element's parameters. + + + setparameterbyname,setparameterbyname,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.setparameterbyname + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetParameterByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetParameterByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + ToString + + + Action + + + A basic implementation of ToString for Elements + + + tostring,tostring,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.tostring + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ToString.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ToString.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + BoundingBox + + + Query + + + Get an Axis-aligned BoundingBox of the Element + + + boundingbox,boundingbox,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.boundingbox + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.BoundingBox.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.BoundingBox.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + Curves + + + Query + + + The Curves in this Element + + + curves,curves,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.curves + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Curves.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Curves.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + ElementCurveReferences + + + Query + + + The ElementCurveReference's in this Element. Useful for downstream Element creation. + + + elementcurvereferences,elementcurvereferences,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.elementcurvereferences + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementCurveReferences.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementCurveReferences.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + ElementFaceReferences + + + Query + + + The ElementFaceReference's in this Element. Useful for downstream Element creation. + + + elementfacereferences,elementfacereferences,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.elementfacereferences + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementFaceReferences.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementFaceReferences.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + ElementType + + + Query + + + Returns the FamilyType for this Element. Returns null if the Element cannot have a FamilyType assigned. + + + elementtype,elementtype,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.elementtype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + Faces + + + Query + + + The Faces in this Element + + + faces,faces,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.faces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Faces.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Faces.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + GetCategory + + + Query + + + Get Element Category + + + getcategory,getcategory,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.getcategory + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetCategory.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetCategory.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + Id + + + Query + + + Get the Element Id for this element + + + id,id, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Id.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Id.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + Name + + + Query + + + Get the Name of the Element + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Name.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + Parameters + + + Query + + + Obtain all of the Parameters from an Element, sorted by Name. + + + parameters,parameters,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.parameters + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Parameters.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Parameters.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + Solids + + + Query + + + The Solids in this Element + + + solids,solids,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.solids + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Solids.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Solids.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + + + UniqueId + + + Query + + + Get the Element Unique Id for this element + + + uniqueid,uniqueid,revitnodes.revit.elements.element.uniqueid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.UniqueId.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.UniqueId.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.FailureMessage + + + Description + + + Query + + + The description of the message. + + + description,description,revitnodes.revit.elements.failuremessage.description + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FailureMessage.Description.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FailureMessage.Description.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FailureMessage + + + FailingElements + + + Query + + + The Failing Elements of the message. + + + failingelements,failingelements,revitnodes.revit.elements.failuremessage.failingelements + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FailureMessage.FailingElements.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FailureMessage.FailingElements.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FailureMessage + + + Severity + + + Query + + + Get the failure severity. + + + severity,severity,revitnodes.revit.elements.failuremessage.severity + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FailureMessage.Severity.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FailureMessage.Severity.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Family + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Obtain a Family from the current document given it's name + + + byname,byname, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Family + + + Name + + + Query + + + The name of this family + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Name.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Family + + + Types + + + Query + + + Obtain the FamilyTypes from this Family + + + types,types, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Types.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Types.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + ByCoordinates + + + Create + + + Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) and its coordinates in world space + + + bycoordinates,bycoordinates,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.bycoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByCoordinates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByCoordinates.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + ByFace (familyType, face, line) + + + Create + + + Place a Revit family instance of the given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) on a surface derived from a backing Revit face as reference and a line as reference for its position. Note: The FamilyPlacementType must be CurveBased and the input surface must be created from a Revit Face + + + byface,byface,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.byface + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFace.FamilyType-Surface-Line.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFace.FamilyType-Surface-Line.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + ByFace (familyType, face, location, referenceDirection) + + + Create + + + Place a Revit family instance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) on a surface derived from a backing Revit face as reference, a reference direction and a point location where to place the family. Note: The FamilyType should be workplane based and the input surface must be created from a Revit Face. The reference direction defines the rotation of the instance on the reference, and thus cannot be perpendicular to the face. + + + byface,byface,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.byface + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFace.FamilyType-Surface-Point-Vector.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFace.FamilyType-Surface-Point-Vector.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + ByPoint + + + Create + + + Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) and its coordinates in world space + + + bypoint,bypoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.bypoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + ByPointAndLevel + + + Create + + + Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API), it's coordinates in world space, and the Level + + + bypointandlevel,bypointandlevel,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.bypointandlevel + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + ByFamilyType + + + Action + + + Obtain a collection of FamilyInstances from the Revit Document and use them in the Dynamo graph + + + byfamilytype,byfamilytype,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.byfamilytype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + SetRotation + + + Action + + + Set the Euler angle of the family instance around its local Z-axis. + + + setrotation,setrotation,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.setrotation + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.SetRotation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.SetRotation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + FacingOrientation + + + Query + + + Gets the FacingOrientation of the family instance + + + facingorientation,facingorientation,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.facingorientation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + GetFamily + + + Query + + + Gets the family of this family instance + + + getfamily,getfamily,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.getfamily + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.GetFamily.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.GetFamily.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + GetHost + + + Query + + + Gets the host of this fmaily instance (if any). Eg. returns the wall of a window or door family instance. + + + gethost,gethost,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.gethost + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.GetHost.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.GetHost.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + + + Location + + + Query + + + Gets the location of the specific family instance + + + location,location,revitnodes.revit.elements.familyinstance.location + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Location.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Location.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + + + ByFamilyAndName + + + Create + + + Select a FamilyType given its parent Family and the FamilyType's name. + + + byfamilyandname,byfamilyandname,revitnodes.revit.elements.familytype.byfamilyandname + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyAndName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyAndName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + + + ByFamilyNameAndTypeName + + + Create + + + Select a FamilyType give it's family name and type name. + + + byfamilynameandtypename,byfamilynameandtypename,revitnodes.revit.elements.familytype.byfamilynameandtypename + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyNameAndTypeName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyNameAndTypeName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + + + ByGeometry + + + Create + + + Create new Family Type from a solid geometry. This method exports the geometry to SAT and imports it into a new family document. + + + bygeometry,bygeometry,revitnodes.revit.elements.familytype.bygeometry + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByGeometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a FamilyType given it's name. This method will return the first FamilyType it finds if there are two or more FamilyTypes with the same name. + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.familytype.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + + + VoidByGeometry + + + Create + + + Create a Void Family Type from a solid geometry. This method exports the solid to SAT and imports it into a new family document. + + + voidbygeometry,voidbygeometry,revitnodes.revit.elements.familytype.voidbygeometry + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.VoidByGeometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.VoidByGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + + + Family + + + Query + + + Get the parent family of this FamilyType + + + family,family, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Family.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Family.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + + + Name + + + Query + + + Get the name of this Family Type + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledPatternElement + + + GetByName + + + Create + + + Fill Pattern Element by Name and Target Type. + + + getbyname,getbyname,revitnodes.revit.elements.fillpatternelement.getbyname + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement.GetByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement.GetByName.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegion + + + ByCurves + + + Create + + + Construct a Revit FilledRegion element by Curves + + + bycurves,bycurves,revitnodes.revit.elements.filledregion.bycurves + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegion.ByCurves.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegion.ByCurves.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a FilledRegionType from the current document by name + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.filledregiontype.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + + + Select Filled Region Type + + + Action + + + Select an existing Filled Region Type from the active document. + + + select filled region type,selectfilledregiontype,revit.elements.filledregiontype.selectfilledregiontype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FilledRegionTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FilledRegionTypes.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + + + Color + + + Query + + + Get Color + + + color,color,revitnodes.revit.elements.filledregiontype.color + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType.Color.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType.Color.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + + + FillPatternId + + + Query + + + Get FillPatternId + + + fillpatternid,fillpatternid,revitnodes.revit.elements.filledregiontype.fillpatternid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType.FillPatternId.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType.FillPatternId.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + + + Name + + + Query + + + Get Name + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + + + ByOutlineTypeAndLevel (outlineCurves, floorType, level) + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Floor given its curve outline and Level + + + byoutlinetypeandlevel,byoutlinetypeandlevel,revitnodes.revit.elements.floor.byoutlinetypeandlevel + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Curve1-FloorType-Level.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Curve1-FloorType-Level.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + + + ByOutlineTypeAndLevel (outline, floorType, level) + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Floor given its curve outline and Level + + + byoutlinetypeandlevel,byoutlinetypeandlevel,revitnodes.revit.elements.floor.byoutlinetypeandlevel + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.PolyCurve-FloorType-Level.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.PolyCurve-FloorType-Level.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + + + AddPoint + + + Action + + + Add Point to Slab Shape + + + addpoint,addpoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.floor.addpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.AddPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.AddPoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + + + MovePoint + + + Action + + + Move an existing point in the slab shape editor by an offset. Behaves as moving a point manually in the slab shape editor. + + + movepoint,movepoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.floor.movepoint + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.MovePoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.MovePoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + + + Points + + + Query + + + Get Slab Shape Points + + + points,points,revitnodes.revit.elements.floor.points + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.Points.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.Points.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.FloorType + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a FloorType from the document given + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.floortype.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FloorType + + + Name + + + Query + + + The name of the FloorType + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Form + + + ByLoftCrossSections (curves, isSolid) + + + Create + + + Creates a Form by lofting a nested list of curves + + + byloftcrosssections,byloftcrosssections,revitnodes.revit.elements.form.byloftcrosssections + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve2-bool.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve2-bool.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Create a new Global Parameter by Name and Type + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.globalparameter.byname + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + FindByName + + + Create + + + Find Global Parameter by Name + + + findbyname,findbyname,revitnodes.revit.elements.globalparameter.findbyname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.FindByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.FindByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + SetValue + + + Action + + + Set Global Parameter Value + + + setvalue,setvalue,revitnodes.revit.elements.globalparameter.setvalue + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.SetValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.SetValue.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + SetValueToElementId + + + Action + + + Set Global Parameter Value to an Element ID from Integer + + + setvaluetoelementid,setvaluetoelementid,revitnodes.revit.elements.globalparameter.setvaluetoelementid + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.SetValueToElementId.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.SetValueToElementId.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + Name + + + Query + + + Get Name + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.Name.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + ParameterGroup + + + Query + + + Get Parameter Group + + + parametergroup,parametergroup,revitnodes.revit.elements.globalparameter.parametergroup + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.ParameterGroup.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.ParameterGroup.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + ParameterType + + + Query + + + Get Parameter Type + + + parametertype,parametertype,revitnodes.revit.elements.globalparameter.parametertype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.ParameterType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.ParameterType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + Value + + + Query + + + Get Global Parameter Value + + + value,value,revitnodes.revit.elements.globalparameter.value + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.Value.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.Value.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + + + Visible + + + Query + + + Get Parameter Visibility + + + visible,visible,revitnodes.revit.elements.globalparameter.visible + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.Visible.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter.Visible.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + + + ByArc + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Grid Element in a project along an Arc + + + byarc,byarc,revitnodes.revit.elements.grid.byarc + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByArc.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByArc.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + + + ByLine + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Grid Element in a Project along a Line. + + + byline,byline,revitnodes.revit.elements.grid.byline + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByLine.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByLine.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + + + ByStartPointEndPoint + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Grid Element in a project between two end points + + + bystartpointendpoint,bystartpointendpoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.grid.bystartpointendpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + + + Curve + + + Query + + + Get the underlying Curve geometry from this Element + + + curve,curve,revitnodes.revit.elements.grid.curve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.Curve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.Curve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + + + ElementCurveReference + + + Query + + + Get a Reference to the underlying Curve Geometry of this Element + + + elementcurvereference,elementcurvereference,revitnodes.revit.elements.grid.elementcurvereference + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ElementCurveReference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ElementCurveReference.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.ImportInstance + + + ByGeometries + + + Create + + + Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. This variant is much faster than ImportInstance.ByGeometry as it uses a batch method. + + + bygeometries,bygeometries,revitnodes.revit.elements.importinstance.bygeometries + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ImportInstance + + + ByGeometry + + + Create + + + Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. + + + bygeometry,bygeometry,revitnodes.revit.elements.importinstance.bygeometry + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometry.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ImportInstance + + + BySATFile + + + Create + + + Import Geometry from a SAT file. The SAT file is assumed to be in Feet. + + + bysatfile,bysatfile,revitnodes.revit.elements.importinstance.bysatfile + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.BySATFile.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.BySATFile.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ImportInstance + + + Path + + + Query + + + Gets file path of the sat file that represents the geometry of the specified ImportInstance Element + + + path,path,revitnodes.revit.elements.importinstance.path + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.Path.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.Path.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Level + + + ByElevation + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Level given it's elevation. The name will be whatever Revit gives it. + + + byelevation,byelevation,revitnodes.revit.elements.level.byelevation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Level + + + ByElevationAndName + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Level given it's elevation and name in the project + + + byelevationandname,byelevationandname,revitnodes.revit.elements.level.byelevationandname + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevationAndName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevationAndName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Level + + + ByLevelAndOffset + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Level given it's length offset from an existing level + + + bylevelandoffset,bylevelandoffset,revitnodes.revit.elements.level.bylevelandoffset + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelAndOffset.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelAndOffset.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Level + + + ByLevelOffsetAndName + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Level given a distance offset from an existing level and a name for the new level + + + byleveloffsetandname,byleveloffsetandname,revitnodes.revit.elements.level.byleveloffsetandname + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelOffsetAndName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelOffsetAndName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Level + + + Elevation + + + Query + + + The elevation of the level above ground level + + + elevation,elevation,revitnodes.revit.elements.level.elevation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Elevation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Elevation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Level + + + Name + + + Query + + + The name of the level + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Name.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Level + + + ProjectElevation + + + Query + + + Elevation relative to the Project origin + + + projectelevation,projectelevation,revitnodes.revit.elements.level.projectelevation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ProjectElevation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ProjectElevation.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement + + + GetByName + + + Create + + + Line Pattern Element by name. + + + getbyname,getbyname,revitnodes.revit.elements.linepatternelement.getbyname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement.GetByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement.GetByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement + + + Line Patterns + + + Action + + + All available line patterns. + + + line patterns,linepatterns,revit.elements.linepatternelement.linepatterns + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.LinePatterns.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.LinePatterns.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a material from the current document by the name + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + AppearanceParameters + + + Query + + + Get all apperance parameters + + + appearanceparameters,appearanceparameters,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.appearanceparameters + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.AppearanceParameters.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.AppearanceParameters.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + Color + + + Query + + + Get color + + + color,color,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.color + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Color.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Color.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + CutPatternColor + + + Query + + + Get cut pattern color + + + cutpatterncolor,cutpatterncolor,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.cutpatterncolor + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.CutPatternColor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.CutPatternColor.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + CutPatternId + + + Query + + + Get cut pattern id + + + cutpatternid,cutpatternid,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.cutpatternid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.CutPatternId.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.CutPatternId.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + MaterialCategory + + + Query + + + Get Material category + + + materialcategory,materialcategory,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.materialcategory + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.MaterialCategory.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.MaterialCategory.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + MaterialClass + + + Query + + + Get Material Class + + + materialclass,materialclass,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.materialclass + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.MaterialClass.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.MaterialClass.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + Name + + + Query + + + Get Material Name + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Name.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + Shininess + + + Query + + + Get Shininess + + + shininess,shininess,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.shininess + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Shininess.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Shininess.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + Smoothness + + + Query + + + Get Smoothness + + + smoothness,smoothness,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.smoothness + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Smoothness.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Smoothness.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + StructuralParameters + + + Query + + + Get all structural parameters + + + structuralparameters,structuralparameters,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.structuralparameters + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.StructuralParameters.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.StructuralParameters.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + SurfacePatternColor + + + Query + + + Get SurfacePatternColor + + + surfacepatterncolor,surfacepatterncolor,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.surfacepatterncolor + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.SurfacePatternColor.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.SurfacePatternColor.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + ThermalParameters + + + Query + + + Get all thermal parameters + + + thermalparameters,thermalparameters,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.thermalparameters + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ThermalParameters.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ThermalParameters.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + + + Transparency + + + Query + + + Get Transparency + + + transparency,transparency,revitnodes.revit.elements.material.transparency + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Transparency.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.Transparency.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelCurve + + + ByCurve + + + Create + + + Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve + + + bycurve,bycurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.modelcurve.bycurve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelCurve + + + ReferenceCurveByCurve + + + Create + + + Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve + + + referencecurvebycurve,referencecurvebycurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.modelcurve.referencecurvebycurve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelText + + + ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition + + + Create + + + Create a ModelText Element in the Family Document by providing the text, SketchPlane Element host, coordinates (within the plane of the SketchPlane), the depth of the text, and the text type name + + + bytextsketchplaneandposition,bytextsketchplaneandposition,revitnodes.revit.elements.modeltext.bytextsketchplaneandposition + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelText + + + Depth + + + Query + + + The Depth of the ModelText Element + + + depth,depth,revitnodes.revit.elements.modeltext.depth + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Depth.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Depth.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelText + + + Position + + + Query + + + The Position of the ModelText Element + + + position,position,revitnodes.revit.elements.modeltext.position + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Position.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Position.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelText + + + Text + + + Query + + + The Text of the ModelText Element + + + text,text,revitnodes.revit.elements.modeltext.text + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Text.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Text.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelTextType + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a ModelTextType from the current document by name + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.modeltexttype.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelTextType.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelTextType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Mullion + + + AsFamilyInstance + + + Action + + + Returns FamilyInstance object as represented by the specified mullion + + + asfamilyinstance,asfamilyinstance,revitnodes.revit.elements.mullion.asfamilyinstance + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Mullion + + + ByElement + + + Action + + + get all mullions of curtain wall, system or slope glazing roof + + + byelement,byelement,revitnodes.revit.elements.mullion.byelement + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.ByElement.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.ByElement.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Mullion + + + SupportedPanels + + + Action + + + Returns curtain panels supported by the specified Mullion Element + + + supportedpanels,supportedpanels,revitnodes.revit.elements.mullion.supportedpanels + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.SupportedPanels.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.SupportedPanels.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Mullion + + + LocationCurve + + + Query + + + Gets curve geometry from the specified Mullion Element + + + locationcurve,locationcurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.mullion.locationcurve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.LocationCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.LocationCurve.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + ParameterByName + + + Create + + + Get Element's Parameter by Name + + + parameterbyname,parameterbyname,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.parameterbyname + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.ParameterByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.ParameterByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + CreateProjectParameter + + + Action + + + Create a new Project Parameter in this current Revit document for all applicable categories + + + createprojectparameter,createprojectparameter,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.createprojectparameter + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.CreateProjectParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.CreateProjectParameter.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + CreateProjectParameterForAllCategories + + + Action + + + Create a new Project Parameter in this current Revit document for all applicable categories + + + createprojectparameterforallcategories,createprojectparameterforallcategories,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.createprojectparameterforallcategories + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.CreateProjectParameterForAllCategories.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.CreateProjectParameterForAllCategories.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + CreateSharedParameter + + + Action + + + Create a new Shared Parameter in the current Revit document for all applicable categories + + + createsharedparameter,createsharedparameter,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.createsharedparameter + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.CreateSharedParameter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.CreateSharedParameter.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + CreateSharedParameterForAllCategories + + + Action + + + Create a new Shared Parameter in the current Revit document for all applicable categories + + + createsharedparameterforallcategories,createsharedparameterforallcategories,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.createsharedparameterforallcategories + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.CreateSharedParameterForAllCategories.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.CreateSharedParameterForAllCategories.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + Select BuiltIn Parameter Group + + + Action + + + Select a built-in parameter group. + + + select builtin parameter group,selectbuiltinparametergroup,revit.elements.parameter.selectbuiltinparametergroup + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.BuiltInParameterGroup.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.BuiltInParameterGroup.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + Select Parameter Type + + + Action + + + Select a parameter type. + + + select parameter type,selectparametertype,revit.elements.parameter.selectparametertype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ParameterType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ParameterType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + SetValue + + + Action + + + Set the value of the parameter + + + setvalue,setvalue,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.setvalue + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.SetValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.SetValue.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + SharedParameterFile + + + Action + + + Gets the path to the shared parameter file of this document + + + sharedparameterfile,sharedparameterfile,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.sharedparameterfile + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.SharedParameterFile.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.SharedParameterFile.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + Group + + + Query + + + Get the parameter's group + + + group,group, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Group.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Group.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + HasValue + + + Query + + + Check if the Parameter has a value + + + hasvalue,hasvalue,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.hasvalue + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.HasValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.HasValue.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + Id + + + Query + + + Get the parameter's element Id + + + id,id, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Id.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Id.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + IsReadOnly + + + Query + + + Check if the Parameter is read only + + + isreadonly,isreadonly,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.isreadonly + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.IsReadOnly.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.IsReadOnly.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + IsShared + + + Query + + + Check if the Parameter is shared + + + isshared,isshared,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.isshared + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.IsShared.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.IsShared.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + Name + + + Query + + + The name of the parameter. + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Name.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + ParameterType + + + Query + + + Get the parameter type + + + parametertype,parametertype,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.parametertype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.ParameterType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.ParameterType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + StorageType + + + Query + + + Get Parameter Storage Type + + + storagetype,storagetype,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.storagetype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.StorageType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.StorageType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + UnitType + + + Query + + + Get the parameter's unit type + + + unittype,unittype,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.unittype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.UnitType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.UnitType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + + + Value + + + Query + + + Get the value of the parameter + + + value,value,revitnodes.revit.elements.parameter.value + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Value.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Value.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + + + ById + + + Create + + + Create Performance Adviser Rule by Id + + + byid,byid,revitnodes.revit.elements.performanceadviserrule.byid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.ById.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.ById.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + + + Execute + + + Action + + + Execute Rules + + + execute,execute,revitnodes.revit.elements.performanceadviserrule.execute + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.Execute.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.Execute.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + + + Performance Adviser Rules + + + Action + + + All Performance Adviser rules. + + + performance adviser rules,performanceadviserrules,revit.elements.performanceadviserrule.performanceadviserrules + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.PerformanceAdviserRules.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.PerformanceAdviserRules.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + + + Description + + + Query + + + The description of the rule. + + + description,description,revitnodes.revit.elements.performanceadviserrule.description + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.Description.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.Description.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + + + Enabled + + + Query + + + A boolean indicating if the rule is activated. + + + enabled,enabled,revitnodes.revit.elements.performanceadviserrule.enabled + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.Enabled.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.Enabled.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + + + Name + + + Query + + + The name of the rule. + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.Name.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + + + RuleId + + + Query + + + The id of the rule. + + + ruleid,ruleid,revitnodes.revit.elements.performanceadviserrule.ruleid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.RuleId.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule.RuleId.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Phase + + + Select Phase + + + Action + + + Select an existing Revit Phase from the active document. + + + select phase,selectphase,revit.elements.phase.selectphase + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevitPhases.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevitPhases.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane + + + ByLine + + + Create + + + Form a ReferencePlane from a line in the Active view. The cut vector is the Z Axis. + + + byline,byline,revitnodes.revit.elements.referenceplane.byline + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByLine.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByLine.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane + + + ByStartPointEndPoint + + + Create + + + Form a Refernece plane from two end points in the Active view. The cut vector is the Z Axis. + + + bystartpointendpoint,bystartpointendpoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.referenceplane.bystartpointendpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane + + + ElementPlaneReference + + + Query + + + Get a reference to this plane for downstream Elements requiring it + + + elementplanereference,elementplanereference,revitnodes.revit.elements.referenceplane.elementplanereference + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ElementPlaneReference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ElementPlaneReference.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane + + + Plane + + + Query + + + Get the internal Geometric Plane + + + plane,plane,revitnodes.revit.elements.referenceplane.plane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.Plane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.Plane.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + ByCoordinates + + + Create + + + Create a Reference Point by x, y, and z coordinates. + + + bycoordinates,bycoordinates,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.bycoordinates + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByCoordinates.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByCoordinates.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + ByLengthOnCurveReference + + + Create + + + Create a Reference Point at a particular length along a curve + + + bylengthoncurvereference,bylengthoncurvereference,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.bylengthoncurvereference + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByLengthOnCurveReference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByLengthOnCurveReference.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + ByParameterOnCurveReference + + + Create + + + Create a Reference Point at a parameter on an Curve. This introduces a persistent relationship between Elements in the Revit document. + + + byparameteroncurvereference,byparameteroncurvereference,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.byparameteroncurvereference + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParameterOnCurveReference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParameterOnCurveReference.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + ByParametersOnFaceReference + + + Create + + + Create a Reference Point by UV coordinates on a Face. This introduces a persistent relationship between Elements in the Revit document. + + + byparametersonfacereference,byparametersonfacereference,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.byparametersonfacereference + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParametersOnFaceReference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParametersOnFaceReference.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + ByPoint + + + Create + + + Create a Reference Point from a point. + + + bypoint,bypoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.bypoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + ByPointVectorDistance + + + Create + + + Create a Reference Point Element offset from a point along a vector + + + bypointvectordistance,bypointvectordistance,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.bypointvectordistance + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPointVectorDistance.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPointVectorDistance.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + Point + + + Query + + + Gets point geometry from the specified ReferencePoint + + + point,point,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.point + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Point.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Point.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + X + + + Query + + + Gets 'X' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint + + + x,x,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.x + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.X.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.X.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + XYPlane + + + Query + + + Gets XY plane of the specified ReferencePoint + + + xyplane,xyplane,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.xyplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XYPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XYPlane.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + XZPlane + + + Query + + + Gets XZ plane of the specified ReferencePoint + + + xzplane,xzplane,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.xzplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XZPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XZPlane.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + Y + + + Query + + + Gets 'Y' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint + + + y,y,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.y + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Y.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Y.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + YZPlane + + + Query + + + Gets YZ plane of the specified ReferencePoint + + + yzplane,yzplane,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.yzplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.YZPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.YZPlane.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + + + Z + + + Query + + + Gets 'Z' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint + + + z,z,revitnodes.revit.elements.referencepoint.z + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Z.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Z.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Construct a new Revit Revision by Name + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.byname + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + Select Revision + + + Action + + + Select an existing Revit Revision from the active document. + + + select revision,selectrevision,revit.elements.revision.selectrevision + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevitRevisions.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevitRevisions.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + Select Revision Numbering + + + Action + + + Select an way to number the revisions. + + + select revision numbering,selectrevisionnumbering,revit.elements.revision.selectrevisionnumbering + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevisionNumbering.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevisionNumbering.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + Select Revision Number Type + + + Action + + + Select a revision number type. + + + select revision number type,selectrevisionnumbertype,revit.elements.revision.selectrevisionnumbertype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevisionNumberType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevisionNumberType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + Select Revision Visibility + + + Action + + + Select the revision visilibity type. + + + select revision visibility,selectrevisionvisibility,revit.elements.revision.selectrevisionvisibility + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevisionVisibility.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RevisionVisibility.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + SetIssued + + + Action + + + Set Issued + + + setissued,setissued,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.setissued + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.SetIssued.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.SetIssued.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + SetIssuedBy + + + Action + + + Set IssuedBy + + + setissuedby,setissuedby,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.setissuedby + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.SetIssuedBy.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.SetIssuedBy.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + SetIssuedTo + + + Action + + + Set IssuedTo + + + setissuedto,setissuedto,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.setissuedto + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.SetIssuedTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.SetIssuedTo.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + SetRevisionDate + + + Action + + + Set Revision Date + + + setrevisiondate,setrevisiondate,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.setrevisiondate + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.SetRevisionDate.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.SetRevisionDate.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + Issued + + + Query + + + Get Issued + + + issued,issued,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.issued + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.Issued.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.Issued.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + IssuedBy + + + Query + + + Get IssuedBy + + + issuedby,issuedby,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.issuedby + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.IssuedBy.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.IssuedBy.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + IssuedTo + + + Query + + + Get IssuedTo + + + issuedto,issuedto,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.issuedto + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.IssuedTo.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.IssuedTo.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + + + RevisionDate + + + Query + + + Get Revision Date + + + revisiondate,revisiondate,revitnodes.revit.elements.revision.revisiondate + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.RevisionDate.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Revision.RevisionDate.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud + + + ByCurve + + + Create + + + Construct a Revit RevisionCloud element by curves + + + bycurve,bycurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.revisioncloud.bycurve + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud.ByCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud.ByCurve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud + + + Curves + + + Query + + + Get Revision cloud's curves + + + curves,curves,revitnodes.revit.elements.revisioncloud.curves + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud.Curves.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud.Curves.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud + + + Revision + + + Query + + + Get Revision cloud's revision + + + revision,revision,revitnodes.revit.elements.revisioncloud.revision + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud.Revision.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud.Revision.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + + + ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel + + + Create + + + Extrude Roof by Outline, Referenceplane + + + byoutlineextrusiontypeandlevel,byoutlineextrusiontypeandlevel,revitnodes.revit.elements.roof.byoutlineextrusiontypeandlevel + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + + + ByOutlineTypeAndLevel + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Roof given its curve outline and Level + + + byoutlinetypeandlevel,byoutlinetypeandlevel,revitnodes.revit.elements.roof.byoutlinetypeandlevel + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + + + AddPoint + + + Action + + + Add Point to Slab Shape + + + addpoint,addpoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.roof.addpoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.AddPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.AddPoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + + + MovePoint + + + Action + + + Move existing point by offset + + + movepoint,movepoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.roof.movepoint + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.MovePoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.MovePoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + + + Points + + + Query + + + Get Slab Shape Points + + + points,points,revitnodes.revit.elements.roof.points + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.Points.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Roof.Points.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.RoofType + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a RoofType from the document given + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.rooftype.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.RoofType.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.RoofType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.RoofType + + + Name + + + Query + + + The name of the RoofType + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.RoofType.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.RoofType.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + ByLocation + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Room Element + + + bylocation,bylocation, + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.ByLocation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.ByLocation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + IsInsideRoom + + + Action + + + Check if a point is inside of a room + + + isinsideroom,isinsideroom, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.IsInsideRoom.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.IsInsideRoom.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + SetName + + + Action + + + Set name + + + setname,setname, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.SetName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.SetName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + SetNumber + + + Action + + + Set number + + + setnumber,setnumber, + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.SetNumber.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.SetNumber.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + Area + + + Query + + + Get room area + + + area,area, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Area.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Area.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + CenterBoundary + + + Query + + + Centerline boundary + + + centerboundary,centerboundary, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.CenterBoundary.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.CenterBoundary.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + CoreBoundary + + + Query + + + Core boundary + + + coreboundary,coreboundary, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.CoreBoundary.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.CoreBoundary.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + CoreCenterBoundary + + + Query + + + Core center boundary + + + corecenterboundary,corecenterboundary, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.CoreCenterBoundary.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.CoreCenterBoundary.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + FinishBoundary + + + Query + + + Finish boundary + + + finishboundary,finishboundary, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.FinishBoundary.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.FinishBoundary.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + Height + + + Query + + + Get room height + + + height,height, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Height.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Height.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + Location + + + Query + + + Get Room Location + + + location,location, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Location.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Location.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + Name + + + Query + + + Get room name + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Name.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + Number + + + Query + + + Get room number + + + number,number, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Number.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Number.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + + + Volume + + + Query + + + Get room volume + + + volume,volume, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Volume.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Room.Volume.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.SketchPlane + + + ByPlane + + + Create + + + Make a Revit SketchPlane given a plane + + + byplane,byplane,revitnodes.revit.elements.sketchplane.byplane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ByPlane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ByPlane.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.SketchPlane + + + ElementPlaneReference + + + Query + + + Get an element plane reference from a specified sketch plane + + + elementplanereference,elementplanereference,revitnodes.revit.elements.sketchplane.elementplanereference + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ElementPlaneReference.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ElementPlaneReference.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.SketchPlane + + + Plane + + + Query + + + Gets the plane geometry of the specified sketch plane + + + plane,plane,revitnodes.revit.elements.sketchplane.plane + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.Plane.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.Plane.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + + + BeamByCurve + + + Create + + + Create a beam. + + + beambycurve,beambycurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuralframing.beambycurve + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + + + BraceByCurve + + + Create + + + Create a brace. + + + bracebycurve,bracebycurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuralframing.bracebycurve + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + + + ColumnByCurve + + + Create + + + Create a column. + + + columnbycurve,columnbycurve,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuralframing.columnbycurve + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + + + Location + + + Query + + + Gets curve geometry from location of the specified structural element + + + location,location,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuralframing.location + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Location.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Location.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + + + Beam + + + Query + + + No description available + + + beam,beam,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuraltype.beam + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Beam.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Beam.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + + + Brace + + + Query + + + No description available + + + brace,brace,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuraltype.brace + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Brace.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Brace.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + + + Column + + + Query + + + No description available + + + column,column,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuraltype.column + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Column.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Column.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + + + Footing + + + Query + + + No description available + + + footing,footing,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuraltype.footing + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Footing.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Footing.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + + + NonStructural + + + Query + + + No description available + + + nonstructural,nonstructural,revitnodes.revit.elements.structuraltype.nonstructural + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.NonStructural.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.NonStructural.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + + + Altitude + + + Query + + + Extracts the Altitude. + + + altitude,altitude,revitnodes.revit.elements.sunsettings.altitude + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Altitude.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Altitude.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + + + Azimuth + + + Query + + + Extracts the Azimuth. + + + azimuth,azimuth,revitnodes.revit.elements.sunsettings.azimuth + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Azimuth.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Azimuth.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + + + CurrentDateTime + + + Query + + + Gets the Date and Time for the current frame of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. + + + currentdatetime,currentdatetime,revitnodes.revit.elements.sunsettings.currentdatetime + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.CurrentDateTime.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.CurrentDateTime.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + + + EndDateTime + + + Query + + + Gets the End Date and Time of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. + + + enddatetime,enddatetime,revitnodes.revit.elements.sunsettings.enddatetime + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.EndDateTime.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.EndDateTime.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + + + StartDateTime + + + Query + + + Gets the Start Date and Time of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. + + + startdatetime,startdatetime,revitnodes.revit.elements.sunsettings.startdatetime + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.StartDateTime.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.StartDateTime.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + + + SunDirection + + + Query + + + Calculates the direction of the sun. + + + sundirection,sundirection,revitnodes.revit.elements.sunsettings.sundirection + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.SunDirection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.SunDirection.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + + + ByElement + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element + + + byelement,byelement,revitnodes.revit.elements.tag.byelement + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.ByElement.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.ByElement.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + + + ByElementAndLocation + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element at a specified location point + + + byelementandlocation,byelementandlocation,revitnodes.revit.elements.tag.byelementandlocation + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.ByElementAndLocation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.ByElementAndLocation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + + + ByElementAndOffset + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element at an offset location from the element's view extents + + + byelementandoffset,byelementandoffset,revitnodes.revit.elements.tag.byelementandoffset + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.ByElementAndOffset.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.ByElementAndOffset.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + + + TaggedElement + + + Query + + + Get Tagged Element + + + taggedelement,taggedelement,revitnodes.revit.elements.tag.taggedelement + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.TaggedElement.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.TaggedElement.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + + + TagText + + + Query + + + Get Tag's Text + + + tagtext,tagtext,revitnodes.revit.elements.tag.tagtext + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.TagText.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Tag.TagText.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Text + + + Select Horizontal Text Alignment + + + Action + + + Select the horizontal text alignment style. + + + select horizontal text alignment,selecthorizontaltextalignment,revit.elements.text.selecthorizontaltextalignment + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.HorizontalAlignment.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.HorizontalAlignment.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Text + + + Select Vertical Text Alignment + + + Action + + + Select the vertical text alignment style. + + + select vertical text alignment,selectverticaltextalignment,revit.elements.text.selectverticaltextalignment + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.VerticalAlignment.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.VerticalAlignment.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + ByLocation + + + Create + + + Construct a new Revit TextNote by Location + + + bylocation,bylocation,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.bylocation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.ByLocation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.ByLocation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + SetHorizontalAlignment + + + Action + + + Set Horizontal Text Alignment + + + sethorizontalalignment,sethorizontalalignment,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.sethorizontalalignment + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.SetHorizontalAlignment.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.SetHorizontalAlignment.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + SetKeepRotatedTextReadable + + + Action + + + Set Keep Rotated Text Readable + + + setkeeprotatedtextreadable,setkeeprotatedtextreadable,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.setkeeprotatedtextreadable + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.SetKeepRotatedTextReadable.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.SetKeepRotatedTextReadable.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + SetText + + + Action + + + Set Text + + + settext,settext,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.settext + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.SetText.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.SetText.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + Height + + + Query + + + Get Height + + + height,height,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.height + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.Height.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.Height.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + HorizontalAlignment + + + Query + + + Get Horizontal Alignment + + + horizontalalignment,horizontalalignment,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.horizontalalignment + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.HorizontalAlignment.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.HorizontalAlignment.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + Text + + + Query + + + Get Text + + + text,text,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.text + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.Text.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.Text.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + Typename + + + Query + + + Get Typename + + + typename,typename,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.typename + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.Typename.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.Typename.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + + + VerticalAlignment + + + Query + + + Get Vertical Alignment + + + verticalalignment,verticalalignment,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnote.verticalalignment + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.VerticalAlignment.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNote.VerticalAlignment.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNoteType + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a ModelTextType from the current document by name + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnotetype.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNoteType.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNoteType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNoteType + + + Default + + + Create + + + Return a default TextNoteType + + + default,default,revitnodes.revit.elements.textnotetype.default + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNoteType.Default.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.TextNoteType.Default.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Topography + + + ByPoints + + + Create + + + Create a topography surface from a list of points. + + + bypoints,bypoints,revitnodes.revit.elements.topography.bypoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.ByPoints.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Topography + + + Mesh + + + Query + + + Get the underlying triangular Mesh from the Topography + + + mesh,mesh,revitnodes.revit.elements.topography.mesh + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Mesh.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Mesh.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Topography + + + Points + + + Query + + + The set of points from which this TopographySurface is constructed. + + + points,points,revitnodes.revit.elements.topography.points + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Points.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Points.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Wall + + + ByCurveAndHeight + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Wall from a guiding Curve, height, Level, and WallType + + + bycurveandheight,bycurveandheight,revitnodes.revit.elements.wall.bycurveandheight + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndHeight.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndHeight.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Wall + + + ByCurveAndLevels + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Wall from a guiding Curve, start Level, end Level, and WallType + + + bycurveandlevels,bycurveandlevels,revitnodes.revit.elements.wall.bycurveandlevels + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndLevels.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndLevels.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Wall + + + ByFace + + + Action + + + Creates a Wall following the geometry of a surface. Walls by Faces cannot be updated, any geometry change will create a new wall and delete the old one. + + + byface,byface,revitnodes.revit.elements.wall.byface + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByFace.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByFace.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Wall + + + Wall Location + + + Action + + + Wall locations. + + + wall location,walllocation,revit.elements.wall.walllocation + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallLocation.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallLocation.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Elements.WallType + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Select a walltype from the current document by name + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.walltype.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.WallType + + + Name + + + Query + + + Gets the name of the specified wall type + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings + + + ByProperties + + + Create + + + Create a OverrideGraphicSettings Element. + + + byproperties,byproperties,revitnodes.revit.filter.overridegraphicsettings.byproperties + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings.ByProperties.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings.ByProperties.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings + + + Detail Level + + + Action + + + View Detail Level + + + detail level,detaillevel,revit.filter.overridegraphicsettings.detaillevel + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.DetailLevel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.DetailLevel.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Filter.ParameterFilterElement + + + ByRules + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Parameter Filter Element + + + byrules,byrules,revitnodes.revit.filter.parameterfilterelement.byrules + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Filter.ParameterFilterElement.ByRules.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Filter.ParameterFilterElement.ByRules.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Filter.RuleType + + + Select Rule Type + + + Action + + + Filter Types for Revit Filters + + + select rule type,selectruletype,revit.filter.ruletype.selectruletype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RuleTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.RuleTypes.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Revit.References.RayBounce + + + ByOriginDirection + + + Action + + + Returns positions and elements hit by ray bounce from the specified origin point and direction + + + byorigindirection,byorigindirection,revitnodes.revit.references.raybounce.byorigindirection + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.References.RayBounce.ByOriginDirection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.References.RayBounce.ByOriginDirection.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Revit.Schedules.SchedulableField + + + Name + + + Query + + + Name + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.SchedulableField.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.SchedulableField.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions_ExportColumnHeaders + + + MultipleRows + + + Query + + + No description available + + + multiplerows,multiplerows,revitnodes.revit.schedules.scheduleexportoptions_exportcolumnheaders.multiplerows + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportColumnHeaders.MultipleRows.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportColumnHeaders.MultipleRows.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions_ExportColumnHeaders + + + None + + + Query + + + No description available + + + none,none,revitnodes.revit.schedules.scheduleexportoptions_exportcolumnheaders.none + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportColumnHeaders.None.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportColumnHeaders.None.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions_ExportColumnHeaders + + + OneRow + + + Query + + + No description available + + + onerow,onerow,revitnodes.revit.schedules.scheduleexportoptions_exportcolumnheaders.onerow + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportColumnHeaders.OneRow.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportColumnHeaders.OneRow.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions_ExportTextQualifier + + + DoubleQuote + + + Query + + + No description available + + + doublequote,doublequote,revitnodes.revit.schedules.scheduleexportoptions_exporttextqualifier.doublequote + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportTextQualifier.DoubleQuote.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportTextQualifier.DoubleQuote.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions_ExportTextQualifier + + + None + + + Query + + + No description available + + + none,none,revitnodes.revit.schedules.scheduleexportoptions_exporttextqualifier.none + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportTextQualifier.None.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportTextQualifier.None.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions_ExportTextQualifier + + + Quote + + + Query + + + No description available + + + quote,quote,revitnodes.revit.schedules.scheduleexportoptions_exporttextqualifier.quote + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportTextQualifier.Quote.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptionsExportTextQualifier.Quote.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions + + + ByProperties + + + Create + + + Creates View Schedule Export Options element. + + + byproperties,byproperties,revitnodes.revit.schedules.scheduleexportoptions.byproperties + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions.ByProperties.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions.ByProperties.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleField + + + Name + + + Query + + + Name + + + name,name, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleField.Name.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleField.Name.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter + + + ByFieldTypeAndValue + + + Create + + + Creates Schedule Filter by Schedule Field, Filter Type and value. + + + byfieldtypeandvalue,byfieldtypeandvalue,revitnodes.revit.schedules.schedulefilter.byfieldtypeandvalue + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter.ByFieldTypeAndValue.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter.ByFieldTypeAndValue.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter + + + FiledId + + + Query + + + Related Schedule Field Id + + + filedid,filedid,revitnodes.revit.schedules.schedulefilter.filedid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter.FiledId.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter.FiledId.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter + + + FilterType + + + Query + + + Filter Type + + + filtertype,filtertype,revitnodes.revit.schedules.schedulefilter.filtertype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter.FilterType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter.FilterType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter + + + Value + + + Query + + + Value assigned to Schedule Filter + + + value,value,revitnodes.revit.schedules.schedulefilter.value + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter.Value.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter.Value.Large.png + + + + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + All Elements at Level + + + Action + + + Get all the elements at the specified Level from the model. + + + all elements at level,allelementsatlevel,revit.selection.allelementsatlevel + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsAtLevel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsAtLevel.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + All Elements of Category + + + Action + + + Get all elements of the specified category from the model. + + + all elements of category,allelementsofcategory,revit.selection.allelementsofcategory + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfCategory.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfCategory.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + All Elements of Family Type + + + Action + + + Get all elements of the specified family type from the model. + + + all elements of family type,allelementsoffamilytype,revit.selection.allelementsoffamilytype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfFamilyType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfFamilyType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + All Elements of Type + + + Action + + + All elements in the active document of a given type. + + + all elements of type,allelementsoftype,revit.selection.allelementsoftype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Categories + + + Action + + + All built-in categories. + + + categories,categories,revit.selection.categories + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Categories.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Categories.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Element Types + + + Action + + + All element subtypes. + + + element types,elementtypes,revit.selection.elementtypes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementTypes.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Family Types + + + Action + + + All family types available in the document. + + + family types,familytypes,revit.selection.familytypes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyTypes.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Floor Types + + + Action + + + All floor types available in the document. + + + floor types,floortypes,revit.selection.floortypes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FloorTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FloorTypes.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Get Family Parameter + + + Action + + + Given a Family Instance or Type allows the user to select a parameter as a string. + + + get family parameter,getfamilyparameter,revit.selection.getfamilyparameter + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyInstanceParameters.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyInstanceParameters.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Levels + + + Action + + + Select a level in the active document + + + levels,levels,revit.selection.levels + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Levels.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Levels.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select Divided Surface Families + + + Action + + + Select a divided surface and get its family instances. + + + select divided surface families,selectdividedsurfacefamilies,revit.selection.selectdividedsurfacefamilies + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSDividedSurfaceFamiliesSelection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSDividedSurfaceFamiliesSelection.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select Edge + + + Action + + + Select an edge. + + + select edge,selectedge,revit.selection.selectedge + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSEdgeSelection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSEdgeSelection.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select Edges + + + Action + + + Select multiple edges. + + + select edges,selectedges,revit.selection.selectedges + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectEdges.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectEdges.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select Face + + + Action + + + Select a face. + + + select face,selectface,revit.selection.selectface + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSFaceSelection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSFaceSelection.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select Faces + + + Action + + + Select multiple faces from the Revit document. + + + select faces,selectfaces,revit.selection.selectfaces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectFaces.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectFaces.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select Model Element + + + Action + + + Select a model element from the document. + + + select model element,selectmodelelement,revit.selection.selectmodelelement + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementSelection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementSelection.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select Model Elements + + + Action + + + Select multiple elements from the Revit document. + + + select model elements,selectmodelelements,revit.selection.selectmodelelements + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementsSelection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementsSelection.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select Point on Face + + + Action + + + Select a point on a face. + + + select point on face,selectpointonface,revit.selection.selectpointonface + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSPointOnElementSelection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSPointOnElementSelection.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Select UV on Face + + + Action + + + Select a UV on a face. + + + select uv on face,selectuvonface,revit.selection.selectuvonface + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSUvOnElementSelection.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSUvOnElementSelection.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Structural Column Types + + + Action + + + Select a structural column type in the active document + + + structural column types,structuralcolumntypes,revit.selection.structuralcolumntypes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralColumnTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralColumnTypes.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Structural Framing Types + + + Action + + + Select a structural framing type in the active document + + + structural framing types,structuralframingtypes,revit.selection.structuralframingtypes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralFramingTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralFramingTypes.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Views + + + Action + + + All views available in the current document. + + + views,views,revit.selection.views + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Views.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Views.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Selection + + + Wall Types + + + Action + + + All wall types available in the document. + + + wall types,walltypes,revit.selection.walltypes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallTypes.Large.png + + + + + + + + Revit.Transaction.Transaction + + + End + + + Action + + + Ends the current Dynamo transaction, returning whatever was passed in. + + + end,end,revitnodes.revit.transaction.transaction.end + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.End.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.End.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Transaction.Transaction + + + Start + + + Action + + + Start a transaction if neccesssary, returning whatever was passed in. + + + start,start,revitnodes.revit.transaction.transaction.start + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.Start.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.Start.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Revit.Views.AreaPlanView + + + ByLevelAndAreaScheme + + + Create + + + Create an Area Plan View at the given Level. + + + bylevelandareascheme,bylevelandareascheme,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.areaplanview.bylevelandareascheme + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AreaPlanView.ByLevelAndAreaScheme.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AreaPlanView.ByLevelAndAreaScheme.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.AxonometricView + + + ByEyePointAndTarget + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an eye position and a target position. + + + byeyepointandtarget,byeyepointandtarget,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.axonometricview.byeyepointandtarget + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.AxonometricView + + + ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an Eye position and target position and Bounding Box + + + byeyepointtargetandboundingbox,byeyepointtargetandboundingbox,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.axonometricview.byeyepointtargetandboundingbox + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.AxonometricView + + + ByEyePointTargetAndElement + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an Eye position and target position and Element + + + byeyepointtargetandelement,byeyepointtargetandelement,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.axonometricview.byeyepointtargetandelement + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.CeilingPlanView + + + ByLevel + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Floor Plan at a given Level + + + bylevel,bylevel,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.ceilingplanview.bylevel + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.CeilingPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.CeilingPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.DraftingView + + + ByName + + + Create + + + Create a Revit DraftingView given it's name + + + byname,byname,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.draftingview.byname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.DraftingView.ByName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.DraftingView.ByName.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.FloorPlanView + + + ByLevel + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Floor Plan at a given Level + + + bylevel,bylevel,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.floorplanview.bylevel + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.FloorPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.FloorPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.PerspectiveView + + + ByEyePointAndTarget + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position, a target position, and either an Element or BoundingBox. + + + byeyepointandtarget,byeyepointandtarget,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.perspectiveview.byeyepointandtarget + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.PerspectiveView + + + ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position and target position and Bounding Box + + + byeyepointtargetandboundingbox,byeyepointtargetandboundingbox,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.perspectiveview.byeyepointtargetandboundingbox + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.PerspectiveView + + + ByEyePointTargetAndElement + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position and target position and Element + + + byeyepointtargetandelement,byeyepointtargetandelement,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.perspectiveview.byeyepointtargetandelement + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + + + Export Column Headers + + + Action + + + How to export column headers. Default is MultipleRows. + + + export column headers,exportcolumnheaders,revit.views.scheduleview.exportcolumnheaders + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ExportColumnHeaders.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ExportColumnHeaders.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + + + Export Text Qualifier + + + Action + + + How to qualify text fields. Default is DoubleQuote. + + + export text qualifier,exporttextqualifier,revit.views.scheduleview.exporttextqualifier + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ExportTextQualifier.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ExportTextQualifier.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + + + Schedule Filter Type + + + Action + + + A View Schedule Filter Type. + + + schedule filter type,schedulefiltertype,revit.views.scheduleview.schedulefiltertype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ScheduleFilterType.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ScheduleFilterType.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + + + Schedule Type + + + Action + + + Select a Schedule Type. + + + schedule type,scheduletype,revit.views.scheduleview.scheduletype + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ScheduleTypes.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ScheduleTypes.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.SectionView + + + ByBoundingBox + + + Create + + + Create a Revit ViewSection by a bounding box + + + byboundingbox,byboundingbox,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.sectionview.byboundingbox + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByBoundingBox.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByBoundingBox.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.SectionView + + + ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint + + + Create + + + Creates a Revit ViewSection by a specified corrdinate system, minPoint and maxPoint + + + bycoordinatesystemminpointmaxpoint,bycoordinatesystemminpointmaxpoint,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.sectionview.bycoordinatesystemminpointmaxpoint + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + + + ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Sheet by the sheet name, number, a title block FamilyType, and a collection of views. This method will automatically pack the view onto the sheet. + + + bynamenumbertitleblockandview,bynamenumbertitleblockandview,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.sheet.bynamenumbertitleblockandview + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + + + ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews + + + Create + + + Create a Revit Sheet by the sheet name, number, a title block FamilyType, and a collection of views. This method will automatically pack the views onto the sheet. + + + bynamenumbertitleblockandviews,bynamenumbertitleblockandviews,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.sheet.bynamenumbertitleblockandviews + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + + + SheetName + + + Query + + + Get the SheetName of the Sheet + + + sheetname,sheetname,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.sheet.sheetname + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetName.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + + + SheetNumber + + + Query + + + Get the SheetNumber of the Sheet + + + sheetnumber,sheetnumber,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.sheet.sheetnumber + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetNumber.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetNumber.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + + + Views + + + Query + + + Get the Views on a Sheet + + + views,views,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.sheet.views + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.Views.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.Views.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.StructuralPlanView + + + ByLevel + + + Create + + + Create a Structural Plan View at the given Level. + + + bylevel,bylevel,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.structuralplanview.bylevel + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.StructuralPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.StructuralPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.SunSettings + + + Current + + + Action + + + Returns the SunSettings of the current View. + + + current,current,revit.view.sunsettings.current + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SunSettings.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SunSettings.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + AddFilter + + + Action + + + Add a Filter to a View. The Filter will be added even if View has a View Template applied, which normally would prevent user from adding Filters without first disabling or modifying the View Template. + + + addfilter,addfilter,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.view.addfilter + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.AddFilter.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.AddFilter.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + All Elements In Active View + + + Action + + + Get all the elements which are visible in the active view. + + + all elements in active view,allelementsinactiveview,revit.view.allelementsinactiveview + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsInView.Small.png + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsInView.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + ExportAsImage + + + Action + + + Export the view as an image to the given path - defaults to png, but you can override the file type but supplying a path with the appropriate extension. + + + exportasimage,exportasimage,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.view.exportasimage + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.ExportAsImage.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.ExportAsImage.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + FilterOverrides + + + Action + + + Get Filter overrides + + + filteroverrides,filteroverrides,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.view.filteroverrides + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.FilterOverrides.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.FilterOverrides.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + IsViewTemplate + + + Action + + + Checks if View is a View Template. + + + isviewtemplate,isviewtemplate,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.view.isviewtemplate + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.IsViewTemplate.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.IsViewTemplate.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + SetCategoryOverrides + + + Action + + + Set Category Overrides. + + + setcategoryoverrides,setcategoryoverrides,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.view.setcategoryoverrides + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.SetCategoryOverrides.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.SetCategoryOverrides.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + SetFilterOverrides + + + Action + + + Set Filter overrides. If View doesn't have specified Filter, it will be first added to the View and then its settings will be overriden. This behavior will persist even if View has a View Template applied which normally would prevent user from adding Filters without first disabling or modifying the View Template. + + + setfilteroverrides,setfilteroverrides,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.view.setfilteroverrides + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.SetFilterOverrides.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.SetFilterOverrides.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + SetScale + + + Action + + + Set View Scale + + + setscale,setscale,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.view.setscale + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.SetScale.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.SetScale.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + + + Filters + + + Query + + + Get View Filters + + + filters,filters,revitnodes.revit.elements.views.view.filters + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.Filters.Small.png + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.Filters.Large.png + + + + + + diff --git a/public/data/old/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation_1.json b/public/data/old/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation_1.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa0bf82d --- /dev/null +++ b/public/data/old/Dynamo_Nodes_Documentation_1.json @@ -0,0 +1,12268 @@ +[ + { + "Name": "SiteLocation", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about SiteLocation..." + }, + { + "Name": "IsAlmostEqualTo", + "imageFile": [ + "IsAlmostEqualTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsAlmostEqualTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Analyze/AnalysisExtensions/Action", + "inDepth": "IsAlmostEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether two input UV values are equal. In the example below, the UV parameters are compared at a Point on two nearly identical surfaces. Adjusting the sliders will choose different UV parameters to compare the surfaces at." + }, + { + "Name": "ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/CloudDaylightingJob/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary..." + }, + { + "Name": "Parse", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Parse..." + }, + { + "Name": "Colors", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Colors..." + }, + { + "Name": "IlluminanceValues", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about IlluminanceValues..." + }, + { + "Name": "Normals", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Normals..." + }, + { + "Name": "Points", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Points..." + }, + { + "Name": "ToImage", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ToImage..." + }, + { + "Name": "Resolution", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Resolution..." + }, + { + "Name": "XResolution", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about XResolution..." + }, + { + "Name": "YResolution", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/DaylightingResults/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about YResolution..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByRGB", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/Illuminance/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByRGB..." + }, + { + "Name": "ToFootCandles", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/Illuminance/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ToFootCandles..." + }, + { + "Name": "ToSRGB", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/Illuminance/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ToSRGB..." + }, + { + "Name": "B", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/Illuminance/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about B..." + }, + { + "Name": "G", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/Illuminance/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about G..." + }, + { + "Name": "R", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Daylighting/Illuminance/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about R..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointAndString", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Label/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByPointAndString..." + }, + { + "Name": "Do Cloud Render", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Do Cloud Render..." + }, + { + "Name": "Export Cloud Render Data", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Export Cloud Render Data..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select RenderQuality", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select RenderQuality..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select RenderType", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select RenderType..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select SkyModelType", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select SkyModelType..." + }, + { + "Name": "Upload Cloud Render Data", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Upload Cloud Render Data..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByViewNameWidthHeight", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/CloudRenderingJob/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByViewNameWidthHeight..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByDateInformation", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/DateTime/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByDateInformation..." + }, + { + "Name": "BySkyModelLocationDate", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/RenderingEnvironment/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about BySkyModelLocationDate..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByTypeConstants", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Analyze/Render/SkyModel/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByTypeConstants..." + }, + { + "Name": "AllFalse", + "imageFile": [ + "AllFalse" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AllFalse" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "AllFalse only returns true if every item in a list is false." + }, + { + "Name": "AllTrue", + "imageFile": [ + "AllTrue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AllTrue" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "AllTrue only returns true if every item in a list is false." + }, + { + "Name": "Contains", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Contains..." + }, + { + "Name": "ContainsKey", + "imageFile": [ + "ContainsKey" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ContainsKey" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "ContainsKey will return a boolean value depending on whether a List contains an input key. In the example below, a list of Red values extracted from a bitmap are tested for containing an Index value from an integer slider. Try adjusting the slider to see what values return true or false." + }, + { + "Name": "Count", + "imageFile": [ + "Count" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Count" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Count returns the amount of items in the input list or lists." + }, + { + "Name": "CountFalse", + "imageFile": [ + "CountFalse" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CountFalse" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "CountFalse returns the amount of false (boolean) values in the input list or lists." + }, + { + "Name": "CountTrue", + "imageFile": [ + "CountTrue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CountTrue" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "CountTrue returns the amount of true (boolean) values in the input list or lists." + }, + { + "Name": "Equals", + "imageFile": [ + "Equals" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Equals" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Equals will return a boolean value that is true if ObjectA is equal to ObjectB. In the example below, the radii (doubles) of two circles are compared. Adjusting the sliders can change the circles' radii, making them equal or unequal." + }, + { + "Name": "Flatten", + "imageFile": [ + "Flatten" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Flatten" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Flatten will return a 1D List from a multi-dimensional List. In the example below, two List structures of a Point grid are compared by creating a Sphere at a specified Index of each. The flattened List of Points will return one Point at an Index location. The unflattened List will return 10 Points at an Index location as each Index contains a row of points." + }, + { + "Name": "GetKeys", + "imageFile": [ + "GetKeys" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetKeys" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "GetKeys will return the keys (index values) of an input list as a new list. In the example below, the keys from a simple list of numbers are extracted as their own list." + }, + { + "Name": "GetValues", + "imageFile": [ + "GetValues" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetValues" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "GetValues will return the values in a list as a new list. In the example below, a simple list of numbers is returned in a new list." + }, + { + "Name": "GroupByFunction", + "imageFile": [ + "GroupByFunction" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GroupByFunction" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "GroupByFunction will return a new list grouped by a function. In the example below, two different lists are grouped using List.GetItemAtIndex as the function. This function creates groups (a new list) from each top level index." + }, + { + "Name": "ImportFromCSV (filePath)", + "imageFile": [ + "ImportFromCSV (filePath)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ImportFromCSV (filePath)" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "ImportFromCSV will return the contents of a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file as a list of lists. In the example below, imported values from the a sample CSV are used to define the Z translation distance of a grid of points. The list structure of the imported values (list of lists) corresponds to list structure of the point grid. Each row of the CSV becomes a list." + }, + { + "Name": "ImportFromCSV (filePath, transpose)", + "imageFile": [ + "ImportFromCSV (filePath, transpose)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ImportFromCSV (filePath, transpose)" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "ImportFromCSV will return the contents of a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file as a list of lists with the ability to transpose the list (swap columns with rows). In the example below, imported values from a sample CSV are used to define the Z translation distance of a grid of points. The list structure of the imported values (list of lists) corresponds to the list structure of the point grid. Switching the boolean value for transpose will use different values from the CSV for translation distances. Each row of the CSV becomes a list." + }, + { + "Name": "IndexOf", + "imageFile": [ + "IndexOf" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IndexOf" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "IndexOf will return the Index location of a member in the List. In the example below, the number 3.8 in a List has an Index value of 2." + }, + { + "Name": "Insert (list, element, index)", + "imageFile": [ + "Insert (list, element, index)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Insert (list, element, index)" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Insert will insert multiple elements into a list at a specified index. In the example below, a list of two strings \"Hello\" and \"List\" are inserted at index value 2, making the list one index longer." + }, + { + "Name": "Insert (list, element, index)", + "imageFile": [ + "Insert (list, element, index)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Insert (list, element, index)" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Insert will insert multiple elements into a list at a specified index. In the example below, a list of two strings \"Hello\" and \"List\" are inserted at index value 2, making the list one index longer." + }, + { + "Name": "IsHomogeneous", + "imageFile": [ + "IsHomogeneous" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsHomogeneous" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "IsHomogeneous will return a boolean value based on whether the elements in a list are all of the same type. In the example below, a simple list of numbers is compared to the same list with a string inserted. The original list is homogeneous (numbers) and the new list is not homogeneous (numbers and a string)." + }, + { + "Name": "IsRectangular", + "imageFile": [ + "IsRectangular" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsRectangular" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "IsRectangular will return a boolean value based on whether a list's rows have the same number of elements. In the example below, a false value is returned for a grid of points with an extra point added to a row. A NurbsSurface cannot be created from this point collection until the value returned from IsRectangular is true as NurbsSurfaces require rectangular lists." + }, + { + "Name": "IsUniformDepth", + "imageFile": [ + "IsUniformDepth" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsUniformDepth" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "IsUniformDepth will return a boolean value based on whether the list's depth is consistent (the number of lists inside each list). In the example below, two lists are compared (one of uniform depth and one not) to show the difference. The non-uniform list contains two lists, one of which has two more inside of that. The lists at [0] and [1] are not equal in depth." + }, + { + "Name": "LoopWhile", + "imageFile": [ + "LoopWhile" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "LoopWhile" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "LoopWhile will return the result of a looped function until the constraints are met. In the example below, a simple loop is created to add 10, starting with 1, until the result is larger than 100. loopWhile accepts variables for its init input and functions for the continueWhile and loopBody inputs. continueWhile defines the constraints of the loop, which in this example is a < function and an argument of 100. loopBody defines what the loop does, which in this example is an + function with an argument of 10." + }, + { + "Name": "Map", + "imageFile": [ + "Map" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Map" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Map will return the position of a number in a range as a double. In the example below, a value of 4 is mapped to a range of 2 to 6. Since 4 is halfway between 2 and 6, a value of 0.5 is returned." + }, + { + "Name": "MapTo", + "imageFile": [ + "MapTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MapTo" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "MapTo will get the position of a number in a range (similar to the Map node), then map that position to a target range. A number in the target range is returned based on the position value. In the example below, the number 3 returns a position of 0.5 between a range of 2 and 4. That position value of 0.5 in a target range of 20 to 100 returns the number 60." + }, + { + "Name": "MaximumItemByKey", + "imageFile": [ + "MaximumItemByKey" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MaximumItemByKey" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "MaximumItemByKey will return the largest item in a list based on a key. In the example below, a series of three circles with increasing radii are compared using radius as the key. The circle at (5,0,0) is returned as it has the largest radius." + }, + { + "Name": "MinimumItemByKey", + "imageFile": [ + "MinimumItemByKey" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MinimumItemByKey" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "MinimumItemByKey will return the smallest item in a list based on a key. In the example below, a series of three circles with increasing radii are compared using radius as the key. The circle at the origin is returned as it has the smallest radius." + }, + { + "Name": "NewtonRootFind1DNoDeriv", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about NewtonRootFind1DNoDeriv..." + }, + { + "Name": "NewtonRootFind1DWithDeriv", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about NewtonRootFind1DWithDeriv..." + }, + { + "Name": "NormalizeDepth (list)", + "imageFile": [ + "NormalizeDepth (list)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NormalizeDepth (list)" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "NormalizeDepth will return a new list of uniform depth. In the example below, a list contains two lists of unequal depth. The first list, [0], contains 6 elements. The second list [1], contains two lists each with 6 elements. Normalizing this list gives list [0] the depth of [1] by putting each of it's elements in its own list. Now both [0] and [1] have an equal depth of sub-lists." + }, + { + "Name": "NormalizeDepth (list, rank)", + "imageFile": [ + "NormalizeDepth (list, rank)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NormalizeDepth (list, rank)" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "NormalizeDepth will return a new list of uniform depth to a specified rank. In the example below, a list containing two lists of unequal depth can be normalized to different ranks with an integer slider. By normalizing the depths at different ranks the list increases or decreases in depth, but is always uniform. A list of rank 1 will return single list of elements, while a list of rank 3 will return two levels of sub-lists. See node NormalizeDepth (list) for a more detailed description of normalization." + }, + { + "Name": "Rank", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Counts how many levels are in a list" + }, + { + "Name": "RemoveIfNot", + "imageFile": [ + "RemoveIfNot" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RemoveIfNot" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "RemoveIfNot will return a list with everything removed except a specified type. In the example below, a list is returned with one Line and the Point elements removed." + }, + { + "Name": "RemoveKey", + "imageFile": [ + "RemoveKey" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RemoveKey" + ], + "folderPath": "Dictionary/Action", + "inDepth": "##TEST##Add in-depth information about RemoveKey..." + }, + { + "Name": "Reorder", + "imageFile": [ + "Reorder" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Reorder" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Reorder will return a new list based on a different order of the original list's indices. In the example below, a new list is created by manually changing the index order." + }, + { + "Name": "SetDifference", + "imageFile": [ + "SetDifference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetDifference" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "SetDifference will return a new list based on the objects that one list contains and another does not. In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is compared to a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. Odd numbers below 10 are returned because they are contained in List1, but not in List2." + }, + { + "Name": "SetIntersection", + "imageFile": [ + "SetIntersection" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetIntersection" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "SetIntersection will return a new list based on the objects that both lists both contain. In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is compared to a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. Even numbers below 10 are returned because they are contained in List1 and List2." + }, + { + "Name": "SetUnion", + "imageFile": [ + "SetUnion" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetUnion" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "SetUnion will return a new list by combining the objects of two lists using an equality comparer (eliminate duplicate values). In the example below, a list of 0 to 9 counting by 1 is combined with a list of 0 to 18 counting by 2. The resulting list counts contains all elements from List1 and List2 with duplicates (0, 2, 4, etc) eliminated." + }, + { + "Name": "SortByFunction", + "imageFile": [ + "SortByFunction" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SortByFunction" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "SortByFunction will return a list sorted by a function. In the example below, a line is drawn through a list of randomly placed points that have been sorted with different functions. The first curve through an unsorted list is non-directional. Sorting the list using the X or Y component of each point results in directional lines progressing across X or Y." + }, + { + "Name": "SortIndexByValue (list)", + "imageFile": [ + "SortIndexByValue (list)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SortIndexByValue (list)" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "SortIndexByValue will return a list of indices sorted by their member's values in ascending order. In the example below, a list of random numbers is sorted, and a new order is returned as index values." + }, + { + "Name": "SortIndexByValue (list, ascending)", + "imageFile": [ + "SortIndexByValue (list, ascending)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SortIndexByValue (list, ascending)" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "SortIndexByValue will return a list of indices sorted by their member's values, either ascending or descending by a boolean toggle. In the example below, a list of random numbers is sorted by ascending and descending order and a new order is returned as index values." + }, + { + "Name": "TrueForAll", + "imageFile": [ + "TrueForAll" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrueForAll" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Checks to see if the condition (in the predicate input) is true for ALL of the items in the list. You need to connect a node to the predicate input that returns a boolean." + }, + { + "Name": "TrueForAny", + "imageFile": [ + "TrueForAny" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrueForAny" + ], + "folderPath": "BuiltIn/Action", + "inDepth": "Checks to see if the condition (in the predicate input) is true for ANY of the items in the list. You need to connect a node to the predicate input that returns a boolean." + }, + { + "Name": "Add", + "imageFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "Add will add the individual channels of two colors together, and return the resulting color. Note that the resulting values must be less than 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes. We then use an Add node to add the two colors together. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color." + }, + { + "Name": "ByARGB", + "imageFile": [ + "ByARGB" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByARGB" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "ByARGB will create a color using input Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue values. The input values are in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we use 4 number sliders set to the range 0 to 255 to control the input values of a ByARGB node. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color." + }, + { + "Name": "Color Range", + "imageFile": [ + "Color_Range" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Color_Range" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "Color Range will create a gradient between a set of input colors, and allow colors from that gradient to be selected by a list of input values. The first input, colors, is a list of colors to use in the gradient. The second inut, indices, will determine the relative location of the input colors in the gradient. This list should correspond to the list of colors, each value being in the range 0 to 1. The exact value is not important, only the relative position of the values. The color corresponding to the lowest value will be on the left of the gradient, and the color corresponding to the highest value will be on the right side of the gradient. The final values input allows the user to select points along the gradient in the range 0 to 1 to output. In the example below, we first create two colors: red and green. The order of these colors in the gradient is determined by a list that we create with a code block. A third code block is used to create a range of numbers between 0 and 1 that will determine the output colors from the gradient. A set of cubes is generated along the x-axis, and these cubes are finally colored according the gradient by using a Display.ByGeometryColor node." + }, + { + "Name": "Divide", + "imageFile": [ + "Divide" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Divide" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "

Divide will divide the individual channels of a color by an input number, and return the resulting color. Note that the resulting values must be less than 255. In the example below, we create a color using ByARGB nodes. We then use a Divide node to divide the color by a number controlled with a number slider. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color.

" + }, + { + "Name": "Multiply", + "imageFile": [ + "Multiply" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Multiply" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Create", + "inDepth": "

Multiply will multiply the individual channels of a color by an input number, and return the resulting color. Note that the resulting values must be less than 255. In the example below, we create a color using ByARGB nodes. We then use a Multiply node to multiply the color by a number controlled with a number slider. A Display.ByGeometryColor node is used with a default cuboid in order to visualize the resulting color.

" + }, + { + "Name": "Brightness", + "imageFile": [ + "Brightness" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Brightness" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Action", + "inDepth": "Brightness will return the brightness value of an input color in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The brightness value of the resulting color is found by using a Brightness node." + }, + { + "Name": "Components", + "imageFile": [ + "Components" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Components" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Action", + "inDepth": "Components will return the Alpha, Red, Blue, and Green values of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The resulting individual color components can then be extracted using a Components node." + }, + { + "Name": "Hue", + "imageFile": [ + "Hue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Hue" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Action", + "inDepth": "Hue will return the hue value of an input color. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The hue value of the resulting color is found by using a Hue node." + }, + { + "Name": "Saturation", + "imageFile": [ + "Saturation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Saturation" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Action", + "inDepth": "Saturation will return the saturation value of an input color in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The saturation value of the resulting color is found by using a Saturation node." + }, + { + "Name": "Alpha", + "imageFile": [ + "Alpha" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Alpha" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Query", + "inDepth": "Alpha will return the alpha value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The alpha value of the resulting color is found by using an Alpha node." + }, + { + "Name": "Blue", + "imageFile": [ + "Blue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Blue" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Query", + "inDepth": "Blue will return the blue value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The blue value of the resulting color is found by using a Blue node." + }, + { + "Name": "Green", + "imageFile": [ + "Green" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Green" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Query", + "inDepth": "Green will return the green value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The green value of the resulting color is found by using a Green node." + }, + { + "Name": "Red", + "imageFile": [ + "Red" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Red" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Color/Query", + "inDepth": "Red will return the red value of an input color in the range 0 to 255. In the example below, we create two colors using ByARGB nodes, and then add the two colors together. The red value of the resulting color is found by using a Red node." + }, + { + "Name": "ByColorsAndParameters", + "imageFile": [ + "ByColorsAndParameters" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByColorsAndParameters" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/ColorRange2D/Create", + "inDepth": "ByColorsAndParameters creates an 2D color range from a list of input colors and a corresponding list of specified UV parameters in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we use a code block to create three different colors (in this case simply green, red, and blue) and to combine them into a list. We use a separate code block to create three UV parameters, one for each color. These two lists are used as inputs to a ByColorsAndParameters node. We use a subsequent GetColorAtParameter node, along with a Display.ByGeometryColor node to visualize the 2D color range across a set of cubes." + }, + { + "Name": "GetColorAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "GetColorAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetColorAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/ColorRange2D/Action", + "inDepth": "GetColorAtParameter takes an input 2D color range, and returns a list of colors at specified UV parameters in the range 0 to 1. In the example below, we first create a 2D Color Range using a ByColorsAndParameters node with a list of colors and list of parameters to set the range. A code block is used to generate a range of numbers between 0 and 1, which is used as the u and v inputs in a UV.ByCoordinates node. The lacing of this node is set to cross product. A set of cubes is created in a similar manner, which a Point.ByCoordinates node with cross product lacing used to created an array of cubes. We then use a Display.ByGeometryColor node with the array of cubes and the list of colors obtained from the GetColorAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "AddTimeSpan", + "imageFile": [ + "AddTimeSpan" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AddTimeSpan" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "AddTimeSpan will return a new dateTime with a timeSpan added to it. In the example below, one day and eight hours is added to the dateTime for Now, returning a date that is one day and eight hours ahead." + }, + { + "Name": "ByDate", + "imageFile": [ + "ByDate" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByDate" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "ByDate will return a dateTime from year, month, and day inputs. In the example below, a new dateTime of August 08, 2006 is created from those respective inputs." + }, + { + "Name": "ByDateAndTime", + "imageFile": [ + "ByDateAndTime" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByDateAndTime" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "ByDateAndTime will return a dateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond inputs. In the example below, a new dateTime of August 08, 2006 4:24PM is created from those respective inputs." + }, + { + "Name": "Components", + "imageFile": [ + "Components" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Components" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "Components will return what makes up a DateTime such as the Year, Month, Day, Hour, etc. In the example below, a DateTime of Now returns 2016 for Year, 11 for Month, 9 for Day, and 17 for Hour." + }, + { + "Name": "Date", + "imageFile": [ + "Date" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Date" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "Date will return only the date (year, month, day) from a dateTime. In the example below, only the date, August 08 2006, is extracted from a dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM." + }, + { + "Name": "DayOfWeek", + "imageFile": [ + "DayOfWeek" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DayOfWeek" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "DayOfWeek will return only the day from a dateTime. In the example below, only the day, Tuesday, is extracted from a dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM." + }, + { + "Name": "DayOfYear", + "imageFile": [ + "DayOfYear" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DayOfYear" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "DayOfYear will return the day of the year from a dateTime as a number. In the example below, the dateTime, August 08, 2006 4:24PM, is day 220 of the year." + }, + { + "Name": "DaysInMonth", + "imageFile": [ + "DaysInMonth" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DaysInMonth" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "DaysInMonth will return the number of days in a month of a certain year. In the example below, August 2006 returns 31 days." + }, + { + "Name": "Format", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Format..." + }, + { + "Name": "FromString", + "imageFile": [ + "FromString" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FromString" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "FromString creates a dateTime from a string. The string can contain years through milliseconds. In the example below, a dateTime of November 14, 2016 12:36PM is created from a string." + }, + { + "Name": "IsDaylightSavingsTime", + "imageFile": [ + "IsDaylightSavingsTime" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsDaylightSavingsTime" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "IsDaylightSavingsTime will return a boolean value based on whether the dateTime falls within Daylight Saving Time. In the example below, a dateTime of November 14, 2016 12:36PM returns false." + }, + { + "Name": "IsLeapYear", + "imageFile": [ + "IsLeapYear" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsLeapYear" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "IsLeapYear will return a boolean value based on whether a dateTime falls within a Leap Year. In the example below, a dateTime of 2016 returns true!" + }, + { + "Name": "SubtractTimeSpan", + "imageFile": [ + "SubtractTimeSpan" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SubtractTimeSpan" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "SubtractTimeSpan will return a new dateTime by subtracting a timeSpan from a dateTime. In the example below, a timeSpan of one day and eight hours is subtracted from a dateTime of Now, returning November 13, 2016 4:40AM." + }, + { + "Name": "TimeOfDay", + "imageFile": [ + "TimeOfDay" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TimeOfDay" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Action", + "inDepth": "TimeOfDay will return the time past midnight of a dateTime. In the example below, a dateTime of Now returns 12:40:32 or roughly 12:40PM." + }, + { + "Name": "MaxValue", + "imageFile": [ + "MaxValue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MaxValue" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "MaxValue will return the maximum value that a dateTime can have. In the example below, a dateTime of December 31, 9999 11:59PM is returned." + }, + { + "Name": "MinValue (())", + "imageFile": [ + "MinValue (())" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MinValue (())" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "MinValue will return the minimum value that a dateTime can have. In the example below, a dateTime of January 01, 0001 12:00AM is returned." + }, + { + "Name": "MinValue (dateTime, format)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about MinValue..." + }, + { + "Name": "Now", + "imageFile": [ + "Now" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Now" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "Now will return the current system date and time. The example file below showed Now as returning November 14, 2016 12:48PM when it was created." + }, + { + "Name": "Today", + "imageFile": [ + "Today" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Today" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DateTime/Query", + "inDepth": "Today will return the current date. The example file below showed Today as returning November 14, 2016 12:00AM when it was created." + }, + { + "Name": "Friday", + "imageFile": [ + "Friday" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Friday" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DayOfWeek/Query", + "inDepth": "Friday will return Friday as a DayOfWeek." + }, + { + "Name": "Monday", + "imageFile": [ + "Monday" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Monday" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DayOfWeek/Query", + "inDepth": "Monday will return Monday as a DayOfWeek." + }, + { + "Name": "Saturday", + "imageFile": [ + "Saturday" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Saturday" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DayOfWeek/Query", + "inDepth": "Saturday will return Saturday as a DayOfWeek." + }, + { + "Name": "Sunday", + "imageFile": [ + "Sunday" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sunday" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DayOfWeek/Query", + "inDepth": "Sunday will return Sunday as a DayOfWeek." + }, + { + "Name": "Thursday", + "imageFile": [ + "Thursday" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Thursday" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DayOfWeek/Query", + "inDepth": "Thursday will return Thursday as a DayOfWeek." + }, + { + "Name": "Tuesday", + "imageFile": [ + "Tuesday" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Tuesday" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DayOfWeek/Query", + "inDepth": "Tuesday will return Tuesday as a DayOfWeek." + }, + { + "Name": "Wednesday", + "imageFile": [ + "Wednesday" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Wednesday" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/DayOfWeek/Query", + "inDepth": "Wednesday will return Wednesday as a DayOfWeek." + }, + { + "Name": "Function.Apply", + "imageFile": [ + "Function.Apply" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Function.Apply" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Evaluate/Action", + "inDepth": "Function.Apply will return the result of a function with supplied arguments. In the example below, arguments of a point and vector are applied to a translate function returning a translated point." + }, + { + "Name": "Function.Compose", + "imageFile": [ + "Function.Compose" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Function.Compose" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Evaluate/Action", + "inDepth": "Function.Compose will return a single function from multiple functions. In the example below, the modulus and divide functions are composed into a single function to apply to a list." + }, + { + "Name": "Directory.FromPath", + "imageFile": [ + "DirectoryFromPath" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DirectoryFromPath" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Action", + "inDepth": "Directory FromPath will create a directory object from an input directory path. In the example below, we use a Directory Path input node, which allows us to select a directory path by clicking the 'Browse...' button. A directory path can also be created as a string. A Directory.FromPath node is used to convert the directory path string into a directory object that can be used for directory inputs, such as a Contents node." + }, + { + "Name": "File.FromPath", + "imageFile": [ + "FileFromPath" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FileFromPath" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Action", + "inDepth": "File FromPath will create a file object from an input file path. In the example below, we use a File Path input node, which allows us to select a file path by clicking the 'Browse...' button. A file path can also be created manually as a string. A File.FromPath node is used to convert the file path string into a file object that can be used for file inputs, such as a ReadFromFile node" + }, + { + "Name": "ReadFromFile", + "imageFile": [ + "ReadFromFile" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ReadFromFile" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/CSV/Action", + "inDepth": "Read From File takes a file as input. The file should be a text file that has data separated by commas. The different lines in the file correspond to the outer list, while the individual values in each line correspond to the inner lists. In the example below, we first use a File Path node and a File.FromPath node to create a file object that points to a text file. Then we use a ReadFromFile node to create a list from the CSV file." + }, + { + "Name": "WriteToFile", + "imageFile": [ + "WriteToFile" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "WriteToFile" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/CSV/Action", + "inDepth": "Write To File will produce a CSV file from list of data. The outer lists correspond to lines in the resulting file, while the inner lists correspond to individual values separated by commas in each line. In the example below, we use a File Path node to specify the file we want to write to. A Code Block node is used to create an example list that we will write as a CSV." + }, + { + "Name": "Contents", + "imageFile": [ + "Contents" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Contents" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Directory/Action", + "inDepth": "Contents will return a list of files and directories that are contained within a given directory. An optional searchString can be used to filter the results. In the example below, we first use a Directory Path node and a Directory.FromPath node to create a directory object. We can then get the contents of this directory with a Contents node. We use the search string '*.txt' to filter for only text files." + }, + { + "Name": "Copy", + "imageFile": [ + "Copy" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Copy" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Directory/Action", + "inDepth": "Copy will copy the files and subfolders from one directory to another. The directory to copy from is input as a director object, while the directory to copy to is input as a director path object. An additional boolean input gives the option to overwrite files or not. This node is automatically activated when the input values change. In the example below, we first use a Directory Path node and a Directory.FromPath node to create a directory object. A second Directory Path node is used to specify the directory we want to copy to." + }, + { + "Name": "Delete", + "imageFile": [ + "Delete" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Delete" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Directory/Action", + "inDepth": "Delete will delete the directory specified by the input directory path. A second input accepts a boolean value to control whether the delete node is recursive or not. If recursive is set to false, this node will only delete empty directories. If recursive is set to true, the node will delete all the files and subfolders within the given directory. In the example below, we use a Directory Path node to set the directory to delete, and we use a boolean toggle to set the recursive input to true." + }, + { + "Name": "Exists", + "imageFile": [ + "Exists" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Exists" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Directory/Action", + "inDepth": "Exists takes a directory path as input and returns a boolean value based on whether that directory path exists or not. In the example below, we previously used a Delete node to delete the directory specified by the Directory Path. Using an Exists node with the same directory shows that the directory no longer exists." + }, + { + "Name": "Move", + "imageFile": [ + "Move" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Move" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Directory/Action", + "inDepth": "Move will move the files from the current directory to a new directory. If the new directory does not exist, this node will create it. This node is automatically activated when the input values change. In the example below, we use a Directory Path node to specify the directory to copy from. Since the directory we want to move to does not yet exist, we use a Code Block to manually specify the path of the directory to move to." + }, + { + "Name": "Copy", + "imageFile": [ + "Copy" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Copy" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/File/Action", + "inDepth": "Copy will copy a file specified by an input file object to a new file specified by a file path. A boolean input gives the option to overwrite existing files. This node is automatically activated when the input values change. In the example below, we first use a File Path node followed by a File.FromPath node to create a file object to copy. A destination path is created by using a Combine node that allows us to combine a directory path with a file name." + }, + { + "Name": "Delete", + "imageFile": [ + "Delete" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Delete" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/File/Action", + "inDepth": "Delete will delete a file specified by an input file path. In the example below, we use a File Path node to browse for the file we want to delete." + }, + { + "Name": "Exists", + "imageFile": [ + "Exists" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Exists" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/File/Action", + "inDepth": "Exists will return a boolean value based on whether a file exists or not. In the example below, we use a File Path node to input a file path. After using a Delete node, we can see by using an Exists node that the file no longer exists." + }, + { + "Name": "Move", + "imageFile": [ + "Move" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Move" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/File/Action", + "inDepth": "Move will move a file from a specifed path to a new path. A boolean input gives the option to overwrite any existing files. In the example below, we use a File Path node to browse for a file to move. We get the file name from that file by using a FileName node, and combine that with a Director Path to create a new file path to move the file to." + }, + { + "Name": "ReadText", + "imageFile": [ + "ReadText" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ReadText" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/File/Action", + "inDepth": "ReadText will create a string from specified file path. In the example below, we use a File Path node to browse for the file to read. A Watch node is used to see the string that results from the ReadText node." + }, + { + "Name": "WriteText", + "imageFile": [ + "WriteText" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "WriteText" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/File/Action", + "inDepth": "WriteText will write a string to a specified file. If the file does not exists, this node will create the file. To create newlines in the output file, we can use the escape character '\\r\\n'. In the example below, we have a list of strings that we want to write as three separate lines in a text file. We join the list into a single string using '\\r\\n' as the separator. We then use a WriteText node to write this to a text file." + }, + { + "Name": "ChangeExtension", + "imageFile": [ + "ChangeExtension" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ChangeExtension" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/FilePath/Action", + "inDepth": "Change Extension will replace the extension of an input file path object with a specified new extension input as a string. In the example below, we use a File Path node to browse for a .txt file. We then use a ChangeExtension node to create a new file path with a different extension by replacing the .txt with a .exp extension." + }, + { + "Name": "Combine", + "imageFile": [ + "Combine" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Combine" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/FilePath/Action", + "inDepth": "Combine will join multiple inputs together into a single string. In the example below, we use a Director Path to select a director. We specify a file name by using a Code Block. We then use a Combine node to join the director path and file name together into a file path." + }, + { + "Name": "DirectoryName", + "imageFile": [ + "DirectoryName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DirectoryName" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/FilePath/Action", + "inDepth": "Directory Name will return the director of a file or director path. In the example below, we use a DirectorPath node to extract the directory from a file path. In addition to FileName and Extension, this allows us to break apart a file path into separate components." + }, + { + "Name": "Extension", + "imageFile": [ + "Extension" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Extension" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/FilePath/Action", + "inDepth": "Extension will return the extension from a file path. In addition to FileName and DirectoryName, this allows us to break apart a file path into separate components." + }, + { + "Name": "FileName", + "imageFile": [ + "FileName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FileName" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/FilePath/Action", + "inDepth": "File Name will return the file name from an input file path. A boolean input provides to option to return the file name with or without the extension. In addition to DirectoryName and Extension, this allows us to break apart a file path into separate components." + }, + { + "Name": "HasExtension", + "imageFile": [ + "HasExtension" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "HasExtension" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/FilePath/Action", + "inDepth": "Has Extension returns a boolean value that is true if the input file path has an extension, and false if the input file path does not have an extension. In the example below, we use a File Path node to browse for a file. This path has the extension .txt, so HasExtension returns true." + }, + { + "Name": "Dimensions", + "imageFile": [ + "Dimensions" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Dimensions" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "Dimensions will return the width and height of an input image in pixels. In the example below, we first use a File Path node and a File.FromPath to create a file object that points to an image. Image.ReadFromFile is then used to create an image object based on the file. A Dimensions node shows us that this image has a width and height of 270 pixels." + }, + { + "Name": "FromPixels (colors)", + "imageFile": [ + "FromPixels_c" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FromPixels_c" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "From Pixels will create an image object from an input two-dimensional array of colors. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from 0 to 255. A Color.ByARGB node is used to create colors from this range, and the lacing of this node is set to Cross Product to create a two-dimensional array. We then use an Image.FromPixels node to create an image. A Watch Image node can be used to preview the image created." + }, + { + "Name": "FromPixels (colors, width, height)", + "imageFile": [ + "FromPixels_cwh" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FromPixels_cwh" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "From Pixels with width and height will create an image from an input flat list of colors, where each color will become one pixel. The width multiplied by the height should equal the total number of colors. In the example below, we first create a list of colors using a ByARGB node. A code block creates a range of values from 0 to 255, which when connected to the r and g inputs produces a series of colors from black to yellow. We create a image with a width of 8. A Count node and Division node are used to determine the height of the image. A Watch Image node can be used to preview the image created." + }, + { + "Name": "Pixels", + "imageFile": [ + "Pixels" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Pixels" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "Pixels will return a list of colors from an input image as a two-dimensional array. The Pixels node has two additional inputs to specify the number of x and y samples to use to extract pixels from. In the example below, we read an image using a ReadFromFile node. This image is then input into a Pixels node to extract the pixel colors." + }, + { + "Name": "ReadFromFile", + "imageFile": [ + "ReadFromFile" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ReadFromFile" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "Read From File will create an image object from an input file object. In the example below, we use a FilePath node followed by a File.FromPath node to create a file object to use as the input to a ReadFromFile node. A Watch Image node is used to preview the loaded image." + }, + { + "Name": "WriteToFile", + "imageFile": [ + "WriteToFile" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "WriteToFile" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/File/Image/Action", + "inDepth": "Write to File will write an image to a specified file path. This node is automatically activated when the inputs change. In the example below, we use an Image.FromPixels node to create an image object based on a generated set of colors. A FilePath node is used to specify the directory and file name to write this image to." + }, + { + "Name": "Evaluate", + "imageFile": [ + "Evaluate" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Evaluate" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Formula/Action", + "inDepth": "Evaluate will return a result based on a supplied formula as string, it's parameters, and arguments. In the example below, the radius lengths of two circles are compared using a conditional formula to return a boolean value." + }, + { + "Name": "Boolean", + "imageFile": [ + "Boolean" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Boolean" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "The Boolean node allows the user to toggle between two boolean values 'true' or 'false' by selecting the appropriate radio button. " + }, + { + "Name": "Code Block (())", + "imageFile": [ + "CodeBlock" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CodeBlock" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "The Code Block is universal and can be useful in all definitions. With this node, we can fully customize the Dynamo functionality and experience by coding directly into the graph. In this example, we see a range of possible uses including Numbers, Strings, Booleans for item based code, and Ranges and Sequences for creating lists of values." + }, + { + "Name": "Code Block ()", + "imageFile": [ + "CodeBlock" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CodeBlock" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "The Code Block is universal and can be useful in all definitions. With this node, we can fully customize the Dynamo functionality and experience by coding directly into the graph. In this example, we see a range of possible uses including Numbers, Strings, Booleans for item based code, and Ranges and Sequences for creating lists of values." + }, + { + "Name": "Date Time", + "imageFile": [ + "DateTime" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DateTime" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "DateTime will create a datetime object with the specified input month, day, year, and time. The format must be in the form: 'January 01, 1900 12:00 AM' The month must be capitalized and written out in full. The day must be two digits, the year must be four digits." + }, + { + "Name": "Directory Path", + "imageFile": [ + "DirectoryPath" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DirectoryPath" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "Directory Path allows the user to select a directory from their computer. To set the directory path, click the 'Browse...' button on the Directory Path node, then navigate to the desired directory. If this node is added to a previously saved .dyn file, this node will default to the directory of the .dyn file." + }, + { + "Name": "File Path", + "imageFile": [ + "FilePath" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FilePath" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "File Path allows the user to select a file from their computer. To set the file path, click the 'Browse...' button on the File Path node, then navigate to the desired file." + }, + { + "Name": "Input", + "imageFile": [ + "Input" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Input" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "Input will create an input port for a custom node. The syntax for an input node is input_name : datatype = default_value(optional) and an optional custom comment. In the example below, x and y inputs are created with double data type, default values of 2 and 10, and a custom comment. It is important to note that this node is only available while creating a custom node." + }, + { + "Name": "Integer Slider", + "imageFile": [ + "IntegerSlider" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IntegerSlider" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "An Integer Slider works in the same way as a Number Slider but only outputs integers. The Integer Slider in the example definition allows us to control the list length, ensuring that we always have whole-number of list outputs. " + }, + { + "Name": "Number", + "imageFile": [ + "Number" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Number" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "The Number node allows a user to enter a static number. This node is useful for things like constants that don't change values. Numbers can also be created by using a Code Block node. In the example below, the number is paired with a code block to create a list sequence with a variable step size." + }, + { + "Name": "Number Slider", + "imageFile": [ + "NumberSlider" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NumberSlider" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "The Number Slider is a customizable, tactile node that allows us to interface with the data driving our Dynamo definitions. Here, the number slider is paired with a code block to create a dynamic list sequence with a variable step size." + }, + { + "Name": "Output", + "imageFile": [ + "Output" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Output" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "Output will create an output port for a custom node. The syntax for an output node is simply its name, along with an optional custom comment. In the example below, an output named Percentage is created with a custom comment. It is important to note that this node is only available while creating a custom node." + }, + { + "Name": "String", + "imageFile": [ + "String" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "String" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Input/Action", + "inDepth": "The String node allows a user to enter a string value. A string can also be created with a Code Block by surrounding the string in quotes. In the example below, we use a String node and a Code Block to create the strings 'Hello' and 'World'. A String.Join node is used to combine the two strings together. A second String node is used with a blank space to act as the separator, resulting in the output string 'Hello World'." + }, + { + "Name": "List.Create", + "imageFile": [ + "ListCreate" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListCreate" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Create", + "inDepth": "List.Create allows a list to be created manually by connecting each individual element to be included in the list. Use the '+' and '-' buttons to increase or decrease the number of available input nodes. In the example, we have three number sliders combined together into a list." + }, + { + "Name": "Range", + "imageFile": [ + "Range" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Range" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Create", + "inDepth": "Range will produce a list of numbers between the specified Start and End inputs. The numbers will increase from the Start input according to the Step. In the example below, we start with 1 and end with 25. By using a step of 2 the result is odd numbers between 1 and 25." + }, + { + "Name": "Sequence", + "imageFile": [ + "Sequence" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sequence" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Create", + "inDepth": "Sequence will produce a list of numbers. The list begins at the Start input, and then increments by the Step input. The Amount input determines the number of items in the list. In the example, we create a list of 25 numbers, starting at 1 and incrementing by 2." + }, + { + "Name": "AddItemToEnd", + "imageFile": [ + "AddItemToEnd" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AddItemToEnd" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Add Item to End will insert a specified item at the end of a given list. Note that if a list object is used as the item to add, the entire list is added as a single object, producing a list within a list. To combine two lists together into a single flat list, see List.Join. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then add a new item, the number 20, to the end of that list using AddItemToEnd." + }, + { + "Name": "AddItemToFront", + "imageFile": [ + "AddItemToFront" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AddItemToFront" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Add Item to Front will insert a specified item at the beginning of a given list. The new item will have index 0, while the original items will all be shifted by an index of 1. Note that if a list object is used as the item to add, the entire list is added as a single object, producing a list within a list. To combine two lists together into a single flat list, see List.Join. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then add a new item, the number 20, to the front of that list using AddItemToFront." + }, + { + "Name": "AllIndicesOf", + "imageFile": [ + "AllIndicesOf" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AllIndicesOf" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "All Indicies Of will search a given list for the input item, and returns a list of the indices at which that item is found. In the example below, we first generate a list of random numbers between zero and 5. We can then use AllIndiciesOf to search that list for an input number." + }, + { + "Name": "Chop", + "imageFile": [ + "Chop" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Chop" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Chop will split a given list into smaller lists according to a list of input integer lengths. It returns a nested list with the first list containing a number of elements equal to the first number of the list input into 'lengths', the second list containing a number of elements equal to the second number of the list input into 'lengths' and so on. Chop will repeat the last number in the 'lengths' input until all elements from the input list are chopped. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers between 0 and 5, stepping by one. This list has 6 elements in it. We use a second code block to create a list of lengths to chop the first list into." + }, + { + "Name": "Clean", + "imageFile": [ + "Clean" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Clean" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Clean will return a list without nulls and empty lists. In the example below, a list is cleaned of two null values, returning only the integers. The preserveIndices input can be toggled by a boolean value to keep the indices that once contained nulls." + }, + { + "Name": "Combinations", + "imageFile": [ + "Combinations" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Combinations" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Combinations will return a nested list that includes all possible combinations of the items in the input list with a given length. For combinations, the order of the elements does not matter, so the output list {0,1} is considered the same combination as {1,0}. If 'replace' is set to true, the items will be replaced back into the original list, allowing for elements to be used repeatedly in a combination. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from 0 to 5, stepping by one. We use Combinations with an input length of 3 to generate all the different ways to combine 3 of those numbers. A boolean toggle allows to select whether numbers are replaced or not." + }, + { + "Name": "ContainsItem", + "imageFile": [ + "ContainsItem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ContainsItem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Contains Item searches through a given list for an input item and returns a boolean value based on whether the item is found within the list or not. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to 5, stepping by one. We then use a ContainsItem node to search for the number 3. Since 3 is contained within the list, ContainItem returns the value 'true'." + }, + { + "Name": "Count", + "imageFile": [ + "Count" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Count" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Count returns the number of items within a list. This only counts first level items, so if one of the items is a nested list itself, that item is still counted once. In the example below, we use a code block to generate a range of numbers from 0 to 5 stepping by one. By using a Count node, we can see that this list has 6 items. " + }, + { + "Name": "Cycle", + "imageFile": [ + "Cycle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Cycle" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Cycle will take an input list and return a new list comprised of the input list repeated according the input 'amount'. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then use a Cycle node with an input amount of 3. The result is a list with 18 elements, consisting of 3 cycles of the original list." + }, + { + "Name": "Deconstruct", + "imageFile": [ + "Deconstruct" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Deconstruct" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Deconstruct will take an input list and separate the first item in the list from the remainder. This node has two outputs. The first output is the first item of the original list. The second output is a list with the remaining elements from the original list. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. We then use a Deconstruct node to separate the first item from the remainder. The result is the item '0' as one output, and a list of the range from 1 to 5 as a second output." + }, + { + "Name": "DiagonalLeft", + "imageFile": [ + "DiagonalLeft" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DiagonalLeft" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "DiagonalLeft will return a new list of lists of elements along each diagonal in the list matrix from top right to the lower left. In the example below, a list created by DiagonalLeft is compared to it's source list." + }, + { + "Name": "DiagonalRight", + "imageFile": [ + "DiagonalRight" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DiagonalRight" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "DiagonalRight will return a new list of lists of values along each diagonal in the list matrix from lower right to the top left. In the example below, a list created by DiagonalRight is compared to it's source list." + }, + { + "Name": "DropEveryNthItem", + "imageFile": [ + "DropEveryNthItem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DropEveryNthItem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Drop Every Nth Item will remove items from the input list at intervals of the input 'n' value. The starting point of the interval can be changed with the 'offset' input. For example, putting 3 into 'n' and leaving the 'offset' as the default of zero will removie items with indices 2, 5, 8, etc. Changing the offset to 1 would instead remove items with indices 0, 3, 6, etc. Notice that the offset 'wraps' through the entire list. To keep selected items instead of removing, see 'TakeEveryNthItem'. In the example below, we first generate a list of numbers using Range, and then remove every other number by using 2 as the input for 'n'." + }, + { + "Name": "DropItems", + "imageFile": [ + "DropItems" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DropItems" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Drop Items will remove the input 'amount' number of items from the list. If the 'amount' is positive, the numbers will be removed from the beginning of the list. If the 'amount' is negative, the items will be removed from the end of the list. In the example below, we first create a list using Range, then drop the first item in the list by using Drop Item with an 'amount' of 1." + }, + { + "Name": "FilterByBoolMask", + "imageFile": [ + "FilterByBoolMask" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FilterByBoolMask" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Filter By Bool Mask takes two lists as inputs. The first list will be split into two separate lists according to a corresponding list of boolean (True or False) values. Items from the 'list' input that correspond to a True in the 'mask' input will go to the output labelled 'in', while those items that correspond to a 'False' value will go the 'out' output. In the example below, we use a modulus operator (%) and an equality operator (==) to test each item in the list for divisibility by three. The result after FilterByBoolMask is two lists, the first containing the items that are divisible by 3, and the second containing items that are not divisible by 3. " + }, + { + "Name": "FirstIndexOf", + "imageFile": [ + "FirstIndexOf" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FirstIndexOf" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "First Index Of will search through a given list and return the index of the first instance of the input item to search for. In the example below, we first generate list of ten random numbers between 0 and 4. By using a FirstIndexOf node, we can search for a specific item, and get the index of the first time that item is found in the last." + }, + { + "Name": "FirstItem", + "imageFile": [ + "FirstItem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FirstItem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "First Item simply returns the first item of an input list. In the example below, we generate a list of ten random numbers between zero and five. We then use FirstItem node to return the first item of the list. " + }, + { + "Name": "Flatten", + "imageFile": [ + "Flatten" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Flatten" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Flatten will take a nested list and flatten levels of the list by combining the first levels into a single level. The 'amt' input determines how many levels to flatten. Flatten starts from the first branch. In the example below, we first generate a range of numbers from 1 to 5, stepping by one. This creates a list of 5 elements. We use this list as the input for the lengths of a cuboid, producing a list of 5 cuboids. By exploding the cuboids, we get a list of 6 faces for each cuboid. We now have 5 lists of 6 faces, for a total of 30 elements. We go one step further by finding the edges of each face. The result is 5 lists of 6 lists of 4 edges, or a total of 120 elements. By using a Flatten node, we take the first level, the initial 5 different lists, and combine that into a single list. The resulting output is 30 lists of 4 edges. " + }, + { + "Name": "GetItemAtIndex", + "imageFile": [ + "GetItemAtIndex" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetItemAtIndex" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Get Item At Index takes an input list, and an integer and returns the item from the list found at the input index. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to 5, stepping by one. We can then extract a single element at a specified index by using a GetItemAtIndex node." + }, + { + "Name": "GroupByKey", + "imageFile": [ + "GroupByKey" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GroupByKey" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Group By Key takes an input list of items to group, and a list of keys to determine how the first list is grouped. The list of keys should have the same number of elements as the input list. Items in the original list that correspond to matching keys will be grouped together in an output list. In the example below, we use a range of numbers between 0 and 9 as the input list. We also generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 4 to use as the keys. GroupByKey outputs a nested list of elements, grouped according to the corresponding key. It also outputs a list of the unique keys." + }, + { + "Name": "IsEmpty", + "imageFile": [ + "IsEmpty" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsEmpty" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Is Empty takes a list as input, and returns a boolean value based on whether or not the input list is empty. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to 5, stepping by one. We input this list into an IsEmpty node. Since the list is not empty, IsEmpty returns a 'false' value." + }, + { + "Name": "Join", + "imageFile": [ + "Join" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Join" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Join will take the input lists and join them together into a single list. You adjust the number of input points by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the Join node. In the example below, we first use two codes blocks to generate two ranges of numbers. One is the odd numbers {1,3,5}, while the second is the even numbers {0,2,4}. By using a Join node, we can join these two lists into a single list {1,3,5,0,2,6}. " + }, + { + "Name": "LastItem", + "imageFile": [ + "LastItem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "LastItem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Last Item simply returns the last item of an input list. In the example below, we generate a list of ten random numbers between zero and five. We then use LastItem node to return the last item of the list. " + }, + { + "Name": "List.CartesianProduct", + "imageFile": [ + "ListCartesianProduct" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListCartesianProduct" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Cartesian Product will apply an input combinator to each pair of items across two lists. The first item of the first input list will be combined with each element of the second list in turn, followed by the second item in the first list combined with each element of the second list, and so on. In the example below, we use addition as our combinator. Note that we leave the inputs to the Addition empty, causing the node to return a 'function', which will act as the combinator for our Cartesian Product node. We then use two code blocks to create two ranges of numbers: {0,1,2,3,4,5} and {1,3,5} to combine together. For a simple operation like addition with two numbers, using Cartesian Product is equivalent to using an Addition node directly and changing the lacing to Cross Product. Both are shown in the example below as a comparison." + }, + { + "Name": "List.Combine", + "imageFile": [ + "ListCombine" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListCombine" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Combine will apply an input combinator to corresponding elements in two input lists. In the example below, we use addition as our combinator. Note that we leave the inputs to the Addition empty, causing the node to return a 'function'. We then use two code blocks to create two ranges of numbers: {0,1,2,3,4,5} and {1,3,5} to combine together. If the two lists do not have the same number of elements, Combine will return 'null' for the unmatched elements." + }, + { + "Name": "List.Filter", + "imageFile": [ + "ListFilter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListFilter" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Filter takes an input list and splits it into two new list according to an input condition test. The condition is applied to each element in the list. If the condition evaluates to 'true', that list item will be put in the 'in' output, otherwise it will be in the 'out' output. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five, stepping by one. For the condition input, we use a Greater Than node with the number '2' input as the y value. Note that the x input is left blank. This causes the Greater Node to return a function. When applied as the condition for a Filter node, the items from the input list to filter will be used as the x input for the Greater Than function. The result is two list, the first list containing the elements greater than 2, and the second containing the elements less than or equal to 2." + }, + { + "Name": "List.LaceLongest", + "imageFile": [ + "ListLaceLongest" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListLaceLongest" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Lace Longest will apply an input combinator to corresponding elements in two input lists. In the example below, we use addition as our combinator. Note that we leave the inputs to the Addition empty, causing the node to return a 'function'. We then use two code blocks to create two ranges of numbers: {0,1,2,3,4,5} and {1,3,5} to combine together. Lace Longest behaves in the same way as List.Combine, except instead of returning 'null' for unmatched elements it will repeat the last element of the shorter list. For a simple operation like addition of two elements, this is equivalent to using the Addition node directly and changing the lacing to 'Longest'." + }, + { + "Name": "List.LaceShortest", + "imageFile": [ + "ListLaceShortest" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListLaceShortest" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Lace Shortest will apply an input combinator to corresponding elements in two input lists. In the example below, we use addition as our combinator. Note that we leave the inputs to the Addition empty, causing the node to return a 'function'. We then use two code blocks to create two ranges of numbers: {0,1,2,3,4,5} and {1,3,5} to combine together. Lace Shortest behaves in the same way as List.Combine, except instead of returning 'null' for unmatched elements it will ignore the unmatched elements of the longer list. For a simple operation like addition of two elements, this is equivalent to using the Addition node directly and changing the lacing to 'Shortest'." + }, + { + "Name": "List.Map", + "imageFile": [ + "ListMap" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListMap" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Map will take an input function and apply it to each element of an input list. In the example below, we first use a code block to generate a range of numbers from zero to five with a step of one. We use an Addition node with a y input of 3 as the f(x) input. Note that by leaving the x input blank on the Addition node, it returns a function. The output from List.Map contains each number from the original increased by 3." + }, + { + "Name": "List.Reduce", + "imageFile": [ + "ListReduce" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListReduce" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "List.Reduce will combine the elements in a list together by applying a reductor function sequentially to each item in the list, using the accumulated result as the first argument to combine with each subsequent element. The 'seed' input is the initial first argument to combine with the first element of the list. In the example below, we use an Addition node as our reductor function. The two inputs to the Addition node are left blank. A seed of 10 is used, and a range {0,1,2,3,4,5} is used as the list to reduce. List.Reduce will start with the seed 10 and combine it with the first element from the list using addition. The result will then be combined with the second element, and so on until the whole list is completed." + }, + { + "Name": "List.Scan", + "imageFile": [ + "ListScan" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ListScan" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "List.Scan will combine the elements in a list together by applying a reductor function sequentially to each item in the list, using the accumulated result as the first argument to combine with each subsequent element. Each result is output to a list showing the accumulated values. The 'seed' input is the initial first argument to combine with the first element of the list. In the example below, we use an Addition node as our reductor function. The two inputs to the Addition node are left blank. A seed of 10 is used, and a range {0,1,2,3,4,5} is used as the list to reduce. List.Scan will start with the seed 10 and combine it with the first element from the list using addition. The result will then be combined with the second element, and so on until the whole list is completed." + }, + { + "Name": "MaximumItem", + "imageFile": [ + "MaximumItem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MaximumItem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Maximum Item will search through a list of values and return the item with the maximum value. In the example below we generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 49. We then use a MaximumItem node to find the largest item in the list." + }, + { + "Name": "MinimumItem", + "imageFile": [ + "MinimumItem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MinimumItem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Minimum Item will search through a list of values and return the item with the minimum value. In the example below we generate a list of 10 random numbers between 0 and 49. We then use a MinimumItem node to find the smallest item in the list." + }, + { + "Name": "OfRepeatedItem", + "imageFile": [ + "OfRepeatedItem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "OfRepeatedItem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Of Repeated Item will create a list by repeated a given item a certain number of times specified by the 'amount' input. In the example below, we create a list consisting of the number 4 repeated ten times." + }, + { + "Name": "Permutations", + "imageFile": [ + "Permutations" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Permutations" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Permutations will create a nested list consisting of all permutations of a specified length from a given input list. In the example below, we use a code block to create a range of numbers from 0 to 5, stepping by one. We then use a Permutation node with an length input of 3 to generate all permutations of three elements from the range {0,1,2,3,4,5}." + }, + { + "Name": "RemoveItemAtIndex", + "imageFile": [ + "RemoveItemAtIndex" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RemoveItemAtIndex" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Remove Item At Index will take an input list of items, and create a new list by removing the items at specified indices. In the example below we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. We then remove the item with index 3." + }, + { + "Name": "ReplaceByCondition", + "imageFile": [ + "ReplaceByCondition" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ReplaceByCondition" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Replace By Condition will take a given list and evaluate each item with a given condition. If the condition evaluates to 'true', the corresponding item will be replaced in the output list with the item specified in the replaceWith input. In the example below, we use a Formula node and enter the formula x%2==0, which finds the remainder of a given item after dividing by 2, and then checks to see if that remainder is equal to zero. This formula will return 'true' for even integers. Note that the input x is left blank. Using this formula as the condition in a ReplaceByCondition node results in an output list where each even number is replaced by the specified item, in this case the integer 10." + }, + { + "Name": "ReplaceItemAtIndex", + "imageFile": [ + "ReplaceItemAtIndex" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ReplaceItemAtIndex" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Replace Item At Index will take an input list, a list of indices at which to replace items, and a new item to replace with. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. We then use a ReplaceItemAtIndex node to replace the item at index 3 with a new item, in this case the integer 10." + }, + { + "Name": "RestOfItems", + "imageFile": [ + "RestOfItems" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RestOfItems" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Rest Of Items will remove the first element from a list and return the remaining elements in a new list. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to five. After using a RestOfItems node, the output list is a range of numbers from one to five. The first element from the original list has been removed." + }, + { + "Name": "Reverse", + "imageFile": [ + "Reverse" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Reverse" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Reverse simply takes the items in a list and creates a new list with the order of items reversed. In the example, we first generate a list using Range, which produces numbers in increasing order, then we use Reverse to switch the order of the items in the list." + }, + { + "Name": "ShiftIndices", + "imageFile": [ + "ShiftIndices" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ShiftIndices" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Shift Indices will shift the position of the items in a list by the 'amount' input. A positive amount will shift the numbers up, while a negative amount will shift the indices backwards. The items wrap around, causing items at the back of the list to wrap to the beginning. In the example we first generate a list with Range, then shift the indices forward by 3." + }, + { + "Name": "Shuffle", + "imageFile": [ + "Shuffle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Shuffle" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Shuffle will take an input list and randomize the order of the items. In the example, we first generate a list using Range, and then use Shuffle to produce a randomized list." + }, + { + "Name": "Slice", + "imageFile": [ + "Slice" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Slice" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Slice will return a sublist from an input last. The start input specifies which index the output list will start with. The end input specifies when to stop taking elements from the input. This end index is not included in the output list. In the example below, using a start index of 2 and an end input of 5 results in a new list consisting of the items with indices 2,3, and 4 from the orginal list." + }, + { + "Name": "Sort", + "imageFile": [ + "Sort" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sort" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Sort will sort a list of items according to the built-in ordering for the data type. For example, a list of numbers will be sorted into numerical order from least to greatest, while a list of strings will be sorted alphabetically. In the example below, we use Random List to first generate a list of random numbers between 0 and 1. We then multiply by 10 and use a Floor operation to get a list of random integers between 0 and 9. Sort then creates a sorted list from least to greatest." + }, + { + "Name": "SortByKey", + "imageFile": [ + "SortByKey" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SortByKey" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Sort By Key takes an input list to sort, and a list of corresponding sortable keys. Sort By Key will sort the list of keys in ascending order, and will rearrange the input list to correspond to the new order of the sorted keys. This node outputs both the rearranged list, and the sorted list of keys. In the example below, we use a range from zero to nine as our input list. For the list of keys, we generate a list of 10 random numbers between zero and four. The list of keys is sorted numerically, while the range from 0 to 9 is rearranged according to the order of the corresponding elements from the list of keys." + }, + { + "Name": "Sublists", + "imageFile": [ + "Sublists" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sublists" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Sublists will take a input list and return a series of sublists based on the input range and offset. The range determines which elements of the input list to put into the first sublist. The offset is applied to the range, and the new range will determine the second sublist. This process repeats, increasing the range by the given offset until the resulting sublist is empty. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to nine. The range 0 to 5 is used as the sublist range, and we use an offset of 2. In the output of nested sublists, the first list contains the elements with indicies in the range 0..5, the second list contains the elements with indicies 2..7. As this is repeated, the subsequent sublists get shorter as the end of the range becomes larger than the length of the initial list." + }, + { + "Name": "TakeEveryNthItem", + "imageFile": [ + "TakeEveryNthItem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TakeEveryNthItem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Drop Every Nth Item will produce a new list keeping items from the input list at intervals of the input 'n' value. The starting point of the interval can be changed with the 'offset' input. For example, putting 3 into 'n' and leaving the 'offset' as the default of zero will keep items with indices 2, 5, 8, etc. Changing the offset to 1 would instead keep items with indices 0, 3, 6, etc. Notice that the offset 'wraps' through the entire list. To remove selected items instead of keeping them, see 'DropEveryNthItem'. In the example below, we first generate a list of numbers using Range, and then keep every other number by using 2 as the input for 'n'." + }, + { + "Name": "TakeItems", + "imageFile": [ + "TakeItems" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TakeItems" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Take Items will return a new list with the input number of elements taking from the beginning of the input list. In the example below, we start with a range of numbers from zero to nine. We use an integer slider to specify the amount of elements to take from the original list. With an input of 4, the output list will be the first 4 elemenst from the original list." + }, + { + "Name": "Transpose", + "imageFile": [ + "Transpose" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Transpose" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Transpose will take a list a lists and swap the rows and columns. For example, a list that contains 5 sub-lists of 10 items each would be transposed to 10 lists of 5 items each. In the example, we generate two Random Lists, and then use List.Create to combine them. The result is two lists with 3 and 4 items. Transpose switches this to 4 lists of 2 items each. Notice that since one of the original lists was longer than the other, Transpose inserted a null value for the unpaired item." + }, + { + "Name": "UniqueItems", + "imageFile": [ + "UniqueItems" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "UniqueItems" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Action", + "inDepth": "Unique Item will remove all duplicate items from a input list. In the example below, we use Random List to first generate a list of random numbers between 0 and 1. We then multiply by 10 and use a Floor operation to get a list of random integers between 0 and 9, with many of them repeated multiple times. After using Unique Item, we are left with a list in which each integer only occurs once. The order of the output list will be according to the first found instance of an item. " + }, + { + "Name": "Empty", + "imageFile": [ + "Empty" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Empty" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/List/Query", + "inDepth": "Empty will return an empty list. In the example, a list is created with several integers and an empty list." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLatitudeAndLongitude", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLatitudeAndLongitude" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLatitudeAndLongitude" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Location/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLatitudeAndLongitude will return a Location from input latitude and longitude values (doubles) and a input name (string). In the example below, a Location is created from latitude 45.5231, longitude -122.679565, and a name: Portland." + }, + { + "Name": "Latitude", + "imageFile": [ + "Latitude" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Latitude" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Location/Query", + "inDepth": "Latitude will return the latitude value from a Location. In the example below, a latitude of 45.5231 is returned from input Location." + }, + { + "Name": "Longitude", + "imageFile": [ + "Longitude" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Longitude" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Location/Query", + "inDepth": "Longitude will return the longitude value from a Location. In the example below, a longitude of -122.679565 is returned from the input Location." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Location/Query", + "inDepth": "Name will return the name value from a Location. In the example below, a name of Portland is returned from the input Location." + }, + { + "Name": "And", + "imageFile": [ + "And" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "And" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Logic/Action", + "inDepth": "And will take a variable number of boolean inputs. You can increase or decrease the number of inputs by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the And node. Each input must be a single boolean value. And will return 'true' if all of the inputs are true, otherwise it will return 'false'. In the example below, we have three boolean toggles used as inputs for an And node. When all three are set to 'true', And will return 'true'." + }, + { + "Name": "If", + "imageFile": [ + "If", + "If - Ex 2" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "If", + "If - Ex 2" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Logic/Action", + "inDepth": "If acts as a conditional control node. The 'test' input takes a boolean value, while the 'true' and 'false' inputs can accept any data type. If the test value is 'true', the node will return the item from the 'true' input, if test is 'false', the node will return the item from the 'false' input. In the example below, we first generate a list of random numbers between zero and 99. The number of items in the list is controlled by an integer slider. We use a code block with the formula 'x%a==0' to test for divisibility by a second number, determined by a second number slider. This generates a list of boolean values corresponding to whether the items in the random list are divisible by the number determined by the second integer slider. This list of boolean values is used as the 'test' input for an If node. We use a default Sphere as the 'true' input, and a default Cuboid as the 'false' input. The result from the If node is a list of either spheres or cuboids. Finally, we use a Translate node to spread the list of geometries apart.\n\nIF replicates on all nodes AS THOUGH SET TO SHORTEST. You can see the reason for this in the attached examples, especially when looking at what the results are when LONGEST is applied to a formula node and the \"short\" branch of the conditional is passes through. These changes were also made to allow predictable behavior when using single boolean inputs or a list of booleans." + }, + { + "Name": "Or", + "imageFile": [ + "Or" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Or" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Logic/Action", + "inDepth": "Or will take a variable number of boolean inputs. You can increase or decrease the number of inputs by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the Or node. Each input must be a single boolean value. Or will return 'true' if at least one of the inputs are true, otherwise if all inputs are 'false', it will return 'false'. In the example below, we have three boolean toggles used as inputs for an Or node. When all three are set to 'false', Or will return 'false'." + }, + { + "Name": "ScopeIf", + "imageFile": [ + "ScopeIf" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ScopeIf" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Logic/Action", + "inDepth": "ScopeIf will return the input of either the True or False input depending on what boolean value is toggled in the test input. In the example file below, a large and small list of numbers is plugged into the true and false inputs. By sending the result of ScopeIfThrough a point creation node, we can toggle between two different sizes of point grids." + }, + { + "Name": "Xor", + "imageFile": [ + "Xor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Xor" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Logic/Action", + "inDepth": "Xor will accept two boolean values, or two lists of boolean values and determines whether the values are the same or different. Xor compares two values and returns 'true' if exactly one of the inputs is 'true'. If both values are 'true' or if both values are 'false', Xor will return 'false'. In the example below, we start with two lists of boolean values. Together, these lists represent the four possible combinations of true and false values. Notice that unlike And and Or nodes, Xor only allows two values." + }, + { + "Name": "Abs (number)", + "imageFile": [ + "Abs" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Abs" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Abs will return the absolute value of an input value. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to an Abs node." + }, + { + "Name": "Abs (integer)", + "imageFile": [ + "Abs" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Abs" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Abs will return the absolute value of an input value. In the example below, we use an integer slider to control the input to an Abs node." + }, + { + "Name": "Acos", + "imageFile": [ + "Acos" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Acos" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Acos will return the inverse cosine, also known as the ArcCosine, of an input number between -1 and 1. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider set to the range -1 to 1 to control the input to an Acos node." + }, + { + "Name": "Asin", + "imageFile": [ + "Asin" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Asin" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Asin will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcSine, of an input number between -1 and 1. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider set to the range -1 to 1 to control the input to an Asin node." + }, + { + "Name": "Atan", + "imageFile": [ + "Atan" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Atan" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Atan will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcTangent, of an input number. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to an Atan node." + }, + { + "Name": "Atan2", + "imageFile": [ + "Atan2" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Atan2" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Atan2 will return the inverse sine, also known as the ArcTangen, of the ratio of an input numerator and denomnator. This output angle is returned in degrees. In the example below we use two number sliders to control the inputs to an Atan2 node." + }, + { + "Name": "Average", + "imageFile": [ + "Average" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Average" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Average will return the average (arithmetic mean) of a list of numbers. In the example below, we first use three number sliders to create three numbers to find the average of. We then use a List.Create node combine these three numbers into a list that we can then use as the input for an Average node." + }, + { + "Name": "Ceiling", + "imageFile": [ + "Ceiling" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Ceiling" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Ceiling will find the nearest integer that greater than an input number. This can also be thought of as rounding up to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Ceiling node." + }, + { + "Name": "Cos", + "imageFile": [ + "Cos" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Cos" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Cos will return the cosine of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Cos node." + }, + { + "Name": "Cosh", + "imageFile": [ + "Cosh" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Cosh" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Cosh will return the hyperbolic cosine of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Cosh node." + }, + { + "Name": "DegreesToRadians", + "imageFile": [ + "DegreesToRadians" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DegreesToRadians" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "DegreesToRadians will convert an input angle from degrees to radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a DegreesToRadians node." + }, + { + "Name": "DivRem", + "imageFile": [ + "DivRem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DivRem" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "DivRem will return the remainder of an input number after dividing by a given divisor. This is also known as Modulus, and is equivalent to the operator '%'. In the example below, we use two number sliders to set the dividend and divisor for a DivRem node." + }, + { + "Name": "Exp", + "imageFile": [ + "Exp" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Exp" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Exp is the exponential function with a base of 'e'. The input number is applied as an exponent to the constant 'e'. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input number to an Exp node. " + }, + { + "Name": "Factorial", + "imageFile": [ + "Factorial" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Factorial" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Factorial will return the factorial of an input positive integer. If a decimal value is input, factorial will first round the input to the nearest integer. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to a Factorial node." + }, + { + "Name": "Floor", + "imageFile": [ + "Floor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Floor" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Floor will find the nearest integer that less than an input number. This can also be thought of as rounding down to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Floo node." + }, + { + "Name": "Log (number)", + "imageFile": [ + "Log" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Log" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Log will return the natural log (base e) of an input number. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Log node." + }, + { + "Name": "Log (number, logBase)", + "imageFile": [ + "Log_base" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Log_base" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Log with logBase allows the use to specify the base to use for a logarithm with the logBase input. In the example below, we use two number sliders, one to control the input number to find the logarithm of and a second number slider to set the base of the logarithm." + }, + { + "Name": "Log10", + "imageFile": [ + "Log10" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Log10" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Log10 will return the log base 10 of an input number. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Log10 node." + }, + { + "Name": "Max (value1, value2)", + "imageFile": [ + "Max" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Max" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Max will return the greater of two input number. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a Max node." + }, + { + "Name": "Max (int1, int2)", + "imageFile": [ + "Max_int" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Max_int" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Max will return the greater of two input integers. In the example below, we use two integer sliders to control the inputs to a Max node." + }, + { + "Name": "Min (value1, value2)", + "imageFile": [ + "Min" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Min" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Min will return the lesser of two input number. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a Min node." + }, + { + "Name": "Min (int1, int2)", + "imageFile": [ + "Min_int" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Min_int" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Min will return the lesser of two input integers. In the example below, we use two integer sliders to control the inputs to a Min node." + }, + { + "Name": "Pow", + "imageFile": [ + "Pow" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Pow" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Pow will return the result of an input number raised to an input power. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the two inputs to a Pow node." + }, + { + "Name": "RadiansToDegrees", + "imageFile": [ + "RadiansToDegrees" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RadiansToDegrees" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "RadiansToDegrees will convert an input angle from radians to degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input angle to a RadiansToDegrees node." + }, + { + "Name": "Rand", + "imageFile": [ + "Rand" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Rand" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Rand will generate a random number in the range 0 to 1. Each instance of Rand will produce a different random number, but the number for a specific instance will remain constant." + }, + { + "Name": "Random (seed)", + "imageFile": [ + "Random" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Random" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Random with a given seed allows the user to input a seed number to produce a pseudo-random number. Every Rand node with the same seed number will produce the same pseudo-random number. In the example below, we use an integer slider as the input seed into a Rand node." + }, + { + "Name": "Random (value1, value2)", + "imageFile": [ + "Random_range" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Random_range" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Random with two value inputs allows the user to control the range of the generated random number. It will produce a random number between the two input values. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the two inputs into a Random node." + }, + { + "Name": "RandomList", + "imageFile": [ + "RandomList" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RandomList" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "RandomList will generate a list of random numbers in the range 0 to 1. The amount of random to generate is controlled by a number slider." + }, + { + "Name": "RemapRange", + "imageFile": [ + "RemapRange" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RemapRange" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "RemapRange will take a list of numbers and produce a linear scaling of those numbers into a new specified range. The minimum value of the original list is mapped to the newMin input, while the maximum value of the orginila list is mapped to the newMax input. The remaining numbers are scaled to maintain the distribution ratio. In the example below, we use a RandomList node to generate a list of numbers to remap. We use two number sliders to control the new minimum and maximum values of the resulting list." + }, + { + "Name": "Round (number, digits)", + "imageFile": [ + "Round_digits" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Round_digits" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Round with digits allows the user to select the number of decimal places to round the input number to. An input of zero will round to the nearest whole number. Values less than zero are not permitted. In the example below, we use a Rand node to generate a random number. An integer slider is used to control the 'digits' input in a Round node." + }, + { + "Name": "Round (number)", + "imageFile": [ + "Round" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Round" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Round will round the input number to the nearest integer. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Round node." + }, + { + "Name": "Sign (integer)", + "imageFile": [ + "Sign" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sign" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Sign will return 1, 0, or -1 depending on whether the input number is greater than, equal to, or less than zero. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Sign node." + }, + { + "Name": "Sign (number)", + "imageFile": [ + "Sign" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sign" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Sign will return 1, 0, or -1 depending on whether the input number is greater than, equal to, or less than zero. In the example below, we use a number slider to control the input to a Sign node." + }, + { + "Name": "Sin", + "imageFile": [ + "Sin" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sin" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Sin will return the sine of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Sin node." + }, + { + "Name": "Sinh", + "imageFile": [ + "Sinh" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sinh" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Sinh will return the hyperbolic sine of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Sinh node." + }, + { + "Name": "Sqrt", + "imageFile": [ + "Sqrt" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sqrt" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Sqrt will return the square root of an input number. Sqrt will only accept positive numbers. In the example below we use a number slider to control the input to a Sqrt node." + }, + { + "Name": "Sum", + "imageFile": [ + "Sum" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Sum" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Sum will find the sum of the values of an input list. In the example below, we use three number sliders to create three numbers. We then use a List.Create node to combine them into a list that can be used as the input to a Sum node." + }, + { + "Name": "Tan", + "imageFile": [ + "Tan" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Tan" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Tan will return the tangent of an input angle in degrees. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -360 to 360 to control the input angle to a Tan node." + }, + { + "Name": "Tanh", + "imageFile": [ + "Tanh" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Tanh" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Action", + "inDepth": "Tanh will return the hyperbolic tangent of an input angle in radians. In the example below, we use a number slider set to the range -6.28 to 6.28 to control the input angle to a Tanh node." + }, + { + "Name": "E", + "imageFile": [ + "E" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "E" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Query", + "inDepth": "E will return the constant e = 2.71828..." + }, + { + "Name": "GoldenRatio", + "imageFile": [ + "GoldenRatio" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GoldenRatio" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Query", + "inDepth": "GoldenRatio will return the golden ratio constant, also known as 'phi', equal to 1.61803... " + }, + { + "Name": "PI", + "imageFile": [ + "Pi" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Pi" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Query", + "inDepth": "Pi will return the constant pi = 3.14159265..." + }, + { + "Name": "PiTimes2", + "imageFile": [ + "PiTimes2" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PiTimes2" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Math/Query", + "inDepth": "PiTimes2 will return the constant pi multiplied by 2 = 6.28318..." + }, + { + "Name": "Identity", + "imageFile": [ + "Identity" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Identity" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Object/Action", + "inDepth": "Identity will return what is passed in. In the example below, the Identity node is used to preview each piece of geometry created inside a Code Block." + }, + { + "Name": "IsNull", + "imageFile": [ + "IsNull" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsNull" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Object/Action", + "inDepth": "IsNull will return a boolean value based on whether an object is null. In the example below, a grid of circles is drawn with varying radii based on the Red level in a bitmap. Where there is no Red value, no circle is drawn and returns a null in the list of circles. Passing this list through IsNull returns a list of boolean values, with true representing every location of a null value. This list of booleans can be used with List.FilterByBoolMask to return a list without nulls." + }, + { + "Name": "Type", + "imageFile": [ + "Type" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Type" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Object/Action", + "inDepth": "Type will return the type of object passed through the node as a string. In the example below, several types of geometry are passed through the node to show the resulting strings. A Point will return Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point, a NurbsSurface will return Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface, and an integer will return System.Int32." + }, + { + "Name": "Formula (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Formula (())" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Formula (())" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Scripting/Action", + "inDepth": "Formula uses the NCalc mathematical expressions evaluator to return the result of a formula. In the example below, the result of an if statement using NCalc is drawn as a NurbsCurve." + }, + { + "Name": "Formula (IN[0])", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Core/Scripting/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Formula..." + }, + { + "Name": "Python Script", + "imageFile": [ + "Python Script" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Python Script" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Scripting/Action", + "inDepth": "Python Script will return the result of the node's inputs passed through an embedded IronPython script. In the example below, a cube created from Cuboid.ByCorners is arrayed and translated by a Python script that loops through both X and Y. Double clicking the node will bring up an editor for the script." + }, + { + "Name": "Python Script From String", + "imageFile": [ + "Python Script From String" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Python Script From String" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Scripting/Action", + "inDepth": "Python Script From String will return the result of the node's inputs passed through a string Python script. In the example below, a Python script is retrieved from a text file and converted into a string. A cube created from Cuboid.ByCorners is arrayed and translated by the Python script by looping through both X and Y." + }, + { + "Name": "AllIndicesOf", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about AllIndicesOf..." + }, + { + "Name": "Center", + "imageFile": [ + "Center" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Center" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Center will increase the width of an input string according to the newWidth input by adding the padChars input on both sides of the original string. If the original string is longer than the newWidth input, this node will return the original string unchanged. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the input string. A string with an underscore character is used as the padding character, while an integer slider is used to control the new width of the centered string." + }, + { + "Name": "ChangeCase", + "imageFile": [ + "ChangeCase" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ChangeCase" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Change Case takes a string and a boolean value as input. If the boolean input is 'true', it will change the input string to upper case. If the boolean input is false, it will change the input string to lower case. In the example below, we use an example string 'Hello World' as the input string, and a boolean toggle to specify whether to change the string to all upper case or all lower case letters." + }, + { + "Name": "Concat", + "imageFile": [ + "Concat" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Concat" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Concat will concatenate multiple strings together into a single string. The number of input strings can be changed by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the Concat node. In the example below, we start with two separate strings 'Hello' and 'World'. They are concatenated together to 'HelloWorld' using the Concat node." + }, + { + "Name": "Contains", + "imageFile": [ + "Contains" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Contains" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Contains will search one given string for a second input string. If the first string contains the second, it will return true. If not, it will return false. By default, this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used to ignore the case of the strings when searching. In the example below we use the string 'Hello World' and search for the string 'E'. By using a boolean toggle set to true for the ignoreCase input, the Contains node returns true." + }, + { + "Name": "CountOccurrences", + "imageFile": [ + "CountOccurrences" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CountOccurrences" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Count Occurrences will search a given string for a second input string, and will return the number of times that second string is found within the first string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we using the string 'Hello World' and search for the string 'L'. Because ignoreCase is set to true, the CountOccurrences finds the given string three times within 'Hello World'." + }, + { + "Name": "EndsWith", + "imageFile": [ + "EndsWith" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EndsWith" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Ends With will return a boolean value based on whether a given string ends with a second input string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the original string, and use a second string 'orld' as the string to search for. Because 'Hello World' ends in the string 'orld', the EndsWith node returns true." + }, + { + "Name": "IndexOf", + "imageFile": [ + "IndexOf" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IndexOf" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "IndexOf will search a given string for a second input string. If the second string is found, this node will return the index of the first character of the first occurrence of the string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World', and search for the character 'o', This letter occurs twice in the string, but only the index of the first occurrence is returned by the IndexOf node." + }, + { + "Name": "Insert", + "imageFile": [ + "Insert" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Insert" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Insert will insert a given string into a base string at a specified index. In the example below, we start with the base string 'Hello World'. We use a second string 'Hi!' as the string to insert. An integery slider is used to control the index at which the second string will be inserted into the base string." + }, + { + "Name": "Join", + "imageFile": [ + "Join" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Join" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Join will concatenate a series of strings together into a single string using a specified separator string between them. In the example below, we use an underscore character as the separator. We create three strings to concatenate together. The number of string inputs this node will accept can be changed by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the node." + }, + { + "Name": "LastIndexOf", + "imageFile": [ + "LastIndexOf" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "LastIndexOf" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Last Index Of will search a given string for a second input string. If the second string is found, this node will return the index of the last occurrence. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World', and search for the string 'o'. This string is found twice within the base string, and the index of the final occurrence of the string is returned." + }, + { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Length returns the number of characters in an input string. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. By using a Length node, we see that this string has 11 characters." + }, + { + "Name": "PadLeft", + "imageFile": [ + "PadLeft" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PadLeft" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "PadLeft will increase the width of an input string according to the newWidth input by adding the padChars input on the left side of the original string. If the original string is longer than the newWidth input, this node will return the original string unchanged. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the input string. A string with an underscore character is used as the padding character, while an integer slider is used to control the new width of the string." + }, + { + "Name": "PadRight", + "imageFile": [ + "PadRight" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PadRight" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "PadRight will increase the width of an input string according to the newWidth input by adding the padChars input on the right side of the original string. If the original string is longer than the newWidth input, this node will return the original string unchanged. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the input string. A string with an underscore character is used as the padding character, while an integer slider is used to control the new width of the string." + }, + { + "Name": "Remove", + "imageFile": [ + "Remove" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Remove" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Remove takes a string as input, and will remove characters from that string starting at the 'startIndex' input. The number of characters to be removed is specified by the 'count' index. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. Two integer sliders are used to control the startIndex and count of the characters to be removed by a Remove node." + }, + { + "Name": "Replace", + "imageFile": [ + "Replace" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Replace" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Replace will search a given string for a second input string. If that string is found, it will be replaced by a third input string. This node is case sensitive. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. The string 'o' is used as the string to search for, and a third string 'Hi!' is input as the string to replace with. Because the letter 'o' occurs twice within the original string, it is replaced in both occurrence with the string 'Hi!'." + }, + { + "Name": "Split", + "imageFile": [ + "Split" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Split" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Split takes an input string and splits it according to a series of separators. The separator strings, if found, are removed from the original string, and a list of the fragments are returned. The number of separators to split by can be adjusted by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the node. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. The string 'o' is used as the separators string. The result is three fragments of the original string." + }, + { + "Name": "StartsWith", + "imageFile": [ + "StartsWith" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartsWith" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Starts With will return a boolean value based on whether a given string starts with a second input string. By default this node is case sensitive. A boolean value can be used in the 'ignoreCase' input to make the node ignore the case of the strings. In the example below, we use the string 'Hello World' as the original string, and use a second string 'h' as the string to search for. Because 'Hello World' starts with the string 'h' and ignoreCase is set to true, the StartsWith node returns true." + }, + { + "Name": "String from Array", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about String from Array..." + }, + { + "Name": "String from Object", + "imageFile": [ + "String from Object" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "String from Object" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about String from Object..." + }, + { + "Name": "Substring", + "imageFile": [ + "Substring" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Substring" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "Substring takes an input string and returns a sub string based on the start index and length inputs. In the example below, we start with the string 'Hello World'. Two integer sliders are used to control where to start the substring and how many characters to take." + }, + { + "Name": "ToLower", + "imageFile": [ + "ToLower" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ToLower" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "To Lower will convert an input string to lower case letters. In the example below we start with the string 'Hello World'. By using a ToLower node, we change this string to 'hello world'." + }, + { + "Name": "ToNumber", + "imageFile": [ + "ToNumber" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ToNumber" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "To Number will convert an input string to a number data type. This node requires a string that has the format of a number. In the example below, we can see that the string 'Hello World' cannot be converted to a number, while the string '5.2' can be converted to number 5.2 " + }, + { + "Name": "ToUpper", + "imageFile": [ + "ToUpper" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ToUpper" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "To Upper will convert an input string to upper case letters. In the example below we start with the string 'Hello World'. By using a ToUpper node, we change this string to 'HELLO WORLD'." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimLeadingWhitespace", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimLeadingWhitespace" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimLeadingWhitespace" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "TrimLeadingWhitespace will remove the whitespace at the beginning of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrimLeadingWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the beginning of the string." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimTrailingWhitespace", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimTrailingWhitespace" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimTrailingWhitespace" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "TrimTrailingWhitespace will remove the whitespace at the end of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World ', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrimTrailingWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the end of the string." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimWhitespace", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimWhitespace" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimWhitespace" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/String/Action", + "inDepth": "TrimWhitespace will remove all the whitespace of an input string. In the example below, we start with the string ' Hello World ', which has several leading and trailing spaces. By using TrigWhitespace, we can remove the spaces at the beginning and end of the string, as well as the space between 'Hello' and 'World'." + }, + { + "Name": "Pause", + "imageFile": [ + "Pause" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Pause" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Thread/Action", + "inDepth": "Pause will return the result of a node after pausing the thread for a specified amount of time. In the example below, a circle is extruded into a surface 5 seconds after the thread is run. To use the time delay, the program should be run in Manual." + }, + { + "Name": "Add", + "imageFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Add will return a new TimeSpan as the sum of two TimeSpans. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10 Days is added to one of 5 Hours, returning a new TimeSpan of 10 Days and 5 Hours." + }, + { + "Name": "ByDateDifference", + "imageFile": [ + "ByDateDifference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByDateDifference" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "ByDateDifference will return the difference of two DateTimes as a new TimeSpan. In the example below, the difference between Now and November 14, 2000 11:57AM was returned as 5844 Days, and roughly 4 Seconds." + }, + { + "Name": "Components", + "imageFile": [ + "Components" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Components" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Components will return the Days, Hours, Minutes, etc of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 5:16:21 returns 0 Days, 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, 21 Seconds, and 0 Milliseconds." + }, + { + "Name": "Create", + "imageFile": [ + "Create" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Create" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Create will return a new TimeSpan based on days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. In the example below, we create the TimeSpan 2.03:30:00, or 2 Days, 3 Hours, and 30 Minutes." + }, + { + "Name": "FromString", + "imageFile": [ + "FromString" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FromString" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "FromString will return a TimeSpan from a String. In the example below, a String \"5:6:21\" will return a TimeSpan of 5 Hours, 6 Minutes, and 21 Seconds." + }, + { + "Name": "Negate", + "imageFile": [ + "Negate" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Negate" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Negate will return the negative of a TimeSpan. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 2 Days, 3 Hours, and 30 minutes is made negative (-2.03:30:00)." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale will return a new TimeSpan scaled by a factor. In the example below, a TimeSpan (2.03:30:00) is scaled by a factor of 2 (4.07:00:00)." + }, + { + "Name": "Subtract", + "imageFile": [ + "Subtract" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Subtract" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "Subtract will return a new TimeSpan by subtracting one TimeSpan from another. In the example below, a new TimeSpan of 9 Days and 19 Hours is created by subtracting a TimeSpan of 5 Hours from one of 10 Days." + }, + { + "Name": "TotalDays", + "imageFile": [ + "TotalDays" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TotalDays" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalDays will return the number of days in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of days returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is ~2.1458333." + }, + { + "Name": "TotalHours", + "imageFile": [ + "TotalHours" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TotalHours" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalHours will return the number of hours in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of hours returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 51.5." + }, + { + "Name": "TotalMilliseconds", + "imageFile": [ + "TotalMilliseconds" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TotalMilliseconds" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalMilliseconds will return the number of milliseconds in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of milliseconds returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 185400000." + }, + { + "Name": "TotalMinutes", + "imageFile": [ + "TotalMinutes" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TotalMinutes" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalMinutes will return the number of minutes in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of minutes returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 3090." + }, + { + "Name": "TotalSeconds", + "imageFile": [ + "TotalSeconds" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TotalSeconds" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Action", + "inDepth": "TotalSeconds will return the number of seconds in a TimeSpan as a double. In the example below, the total number of seconds returned from the TimeSpan 2.03:00:00 is 185400." + }, + { + "Name": "MaxValue", + "imageFile": [ + "MaxValue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MaxValue" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Query", + "inDepth": "MaxValue will return the maximum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." + }, + { + "Name": "MinValue", + "imageFile": [ + "MinValue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MinValue" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Query", + "inDepth": "MinValue will return the minimum value that a TimeSpan can have. In the example below, a TimeSpan of 10,675,199 Days, 2 Hours, 28 Minutes, 5 Seconds, 477 Milliseconds is returned." + }, + { + "Name": "Zero", + "imageFile": [ + "Zero" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Zero" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/TimeSpan/Query", + "inDepth": "Zero will return a new TimeSpan with no elapsed time. In the example below, a TimeSpan of Zero is displayed as 00:00:00." + }, + { + "Name": "Convert Between Units", + "imageFile": [ + "Convert Between Units" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Convert Between Units" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Units/Action", + "inDepth": "Convert Between Units will return a converted value based on input and output units. In the example below, 4 meters is converted to feet returning a value of ~13.1234." + }, + { + "Name": "Number From Feet and Inches", + "imageFile": [ + "Number From Feet and Inches" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Number From Feet and Inches" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Units/Action", + "inDepth": "Number From Feet and Inches will return a double from feet and inches inputs. In the example below, 2ft 1in returns a double of 2.08333" + }, + { + "Name": "Unit Types", + "imageFile": [ + "Unit Types" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Unit Types" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Units/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Unit Types..." + }, + { + "Name": "Watch", + "imageFile": [ + "Watch" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Watch" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/View/Action", + "inDepth": "Watch will display the output of a node in list format. In the example below, the contents of an Excel file are returned as a list and displayed in a Watch node. Watch is useful for understanding the list structures, geometry types, etc that different nodes return." + }, + { + "Name": "Watch 3D", + "imageFile": [ + "Watch 3D" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Watch 3D" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/View/Action", + "inDepth": "Watch 3D will preview the geometry output of a node in a new workspace window. In the example below, a Solid is previewed in the Watch3D node while its PolySurface bounding box is previewed in the workspace." + }, + { + "Name": "Watch Image", + "imageFile": [ + "Watch Image" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Watch Image" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/View/Action", + "inDepth": "Watch Image will preview a bitmap. In the example below, a bitmap used as a height field is previewed in a Watch Image node. This allows us to compare the resulting geometry with the original image." + }, + { + "Name": "Web Request", + "imageFile": [ + "Web Request" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Web Request" + ], + "folderPath": "Core/Web/Action", + "inDepth": "Web Request will return the content of a webpage from an input URL as a string. In the example below, a web request is made to and its HTML content is returned." + }, + { + "Name": "ByGeometryColor", + "imageFile": [ + "ByGeometryColor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByGeometryColor" + ], + "folderPath": "Display/Display/Display/Create", + "inDepth": "ByGeometryColor will display a piece of geometry with an input color. In the example below, a circle is displayed with an RGB color of 227, 136, 200 and an Alpha value of 200. Unless it is turned off, the preview of the original geometry will cover up the new colored one." + }, + { + "Name": "BySurfaceColors", + "imageFile": [ + "BySurfaceColors" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySurfaceColors" + ], + "folderPath": "Display/Display/Display/Create", + "inDepth": "BySurfaceColors will display the input geometry with a gradient of colors. In the example below, a circle is displayed with a gradient of two RGB colors. Unless it is turned off, the preview of the original geometry will cover up the new colored one." + }, + { + "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByBestFitThroughPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByBestFitThroughPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "

Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints draws an arc that best represents three or more points. This example creates an arc from a list of random points ranging from 0 to 4 in the X and Y directions.

" + }, + { + "Name": "ByCenterPointRadiusAngle", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCenterPointRadiusAngle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCenterPointRadiusAngle" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByCenterPointRadiusAngle draws an arc relative to its center and normal direction. By entering the start and end angle, you are essentially drawing a portion of a circle. In this example, a random point is generated on the XY plane and an arc is constructed around it. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint draws a best-fit arc around a specified Center. The arc will always begin at the Start Point and end at the closest point possible to the given End Point. This example demonstrates this property by randomly feeding the node three random points for the center, start and end point." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "The Arc ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle creates an arc around a Center Point with a given Sweep Angle. The Start Point tells Dynamo where to begin drawing the arc. This example draws an arc around a randomly generated point." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFillet", + "imageFile": [ + "ByFillet" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByFillet" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByFillet draws a portion of a tangential circle along two input curves. In this example, two intersecting lines are drawn and then filleted at a controlled radius." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFilletTangentToCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "ByFilletTangentToCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByFilletTangentToCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByFilletTangentToCurve draws the best fit arc that is tangent to three input curves. In this example, we are using two input lines as reference curves and a circle for the arc to be tangent to." + }, + { + "Name": "ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent", + "imageFile": [ + "ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent draws an arc from two specified points and any given start vector. This example draws an arc from two random points that is always tangent to the X-Axis." + }, + { + "Name": "ByThreePoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByThreePoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByThreePoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Create", + "inDepth": "Arc ByThreePoints draws an arc from three points, given the Start Point, End Point and a point in-between along the arc. This example draws an arc from three randomly created points." + }, + { + "Name": "ByStartEndAndTangencies", + "imageFile": [ + "ByStartAndEndTangencies" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByStartAndEndTangencies" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Action", + "inDepth": "The Arc ByStartEndAndTangencies Action creates a compound arc using two Input Points and their corresponding Vectors. In this example, two points are connected by a compound arc that is always tangent to the Y-Axis at its Start and End Points." + }, + { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Query", + "inDepth": "Arc CenterPoint returns a Point at the Center of an Arc – the same point as the corresponding circle center. This example uses a randomly generated ArcByThreePoints to create the center point." + }, + { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Query", + "inDepth": "Arc Radius returns the Radius value of Arc geometry. In this example, we can visualize the change in Radius as the input points change in the Y-direction." + }, + { + "Name": "StartAngle", + "imageFile": [ + "StartAngle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartAngle" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Query", + "inDepth": "Arc StartAngle returns the Angle of the Arc relative to its corresponding Circle. Since this example uses a Start Point to generate the Arc, our Start Angle should always be equal to zero." + }, + { + "Name": "SweepAngle", + "imageFile": [ + "SweepAngle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SweepAngle" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Arc/Query", + "inDepth": "Arc SweepAngle returns the total angle of the reference circle that the Arc traverses. This example shows how this property is accessed from an Arc ByThreePoints." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCorners", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCorners" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCorners" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Create", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box ByCorners creates a Bounding Box from two input points. In this example we are using the diagonal vector to Translate the Start Point of the box to create its End Point. In order to visualize the Box, we are converting the box to a Polysurface and extracting its edge curves." + }, + { + "Name": "ByGeometry", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByGeometry..." + }, + { + "Name": "Contains", + "imageFile": [ + "Contains" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Contains" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box Contains tests if a specified Point is inside of a Bounding Box. Because the Point in this example is at (5,5,5), and our Origin Sphere’s Radius is larger than 5, the Contains node will return True." + }, + { + "Name": "Intersection", + "imageFile": [ + "Intersection" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Intersection" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box Intersection solves for the Intersection for two Bounding Boxes and returns the overlapping Bounding Box. This example uses two cones to demonstrate the use of this node. In order to visualize the Box we are converting it to a Cuboid." + }, + { + "Name": "Intersects", + "imageFile": [ + "Intersects" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Intersects" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box Intersects tests two bounding boxes for overlap. If the boxes intersect, the node will return True, otherwise it will return False. This example tests for an intersection between the Bounding Boxes of two input Cones." + }, + { + "Name": "IsEmpty", + "imageFile": [ + "IsEmpty" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsEmpty" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "IsEmpty will return a boolean value based on whether the Bounding Box is empty or not." + }, + { + "Name": "ToCuboid", + "imageFile": [ + "ToCuboid" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ToCuboid" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box ToCuboid creates a Cuboid geometry from a Bounding Box. In order to visualize the relationship of the input Sphere to the Cuboid in the example, we are extracting its edge curves." + }, + { + "Name": "ToPolySurface", + "imageFile": [ + "ToPolySurface" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ToPolySurface" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Action", + "inDepth": "ToPolySurface will return a bounding box as a PolySurface. In the example below, the bounding box of several unioned spheres is returned as a PolySurface. The resulting PolySurface is displayed with a color and transparency to show the original geometry inside." + }, + { + "Name": "MaxPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "MaxPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MaxPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Query", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box MaxPoint returns the point that has the largest X, Y and Z values. This example shows a Bounding Box MaxPoint of a Sphere." + }, + { + "Name": "MinPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "MinPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MinPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/BoundingBox/Query", + "inDepth": "Bounding Box MinPoint returns the point that has the smallest X, Y and Z values. This example shows a Bounding Box MinPoint of a Sphere." + }, + { + "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByBestFitThroughPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByBestFitThroughPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Circle By Best Fit Through Points receives point inputs and creates a best fit circle through them. In this example, we can dynamically increase the number of randomly generated points with a Number Slider, altering the shape of the best-fit circle. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByCenterPointRadius", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCenterPointRadius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCenterPointRadius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Circle By Center Point Radius is a simplified node to create a circle with a the Z-Plane normal. This definition uses a code block to create a point in three-dimensional space, and locates the circle around the point. The radius is controlled dynamically with a Number Slider." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCenterPointRadiusNormal", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCenterPointRadiusNormal" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCenterPointRadiusNormal" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Circle By Center Point Radius Normal creates a circle at a point with a controllable radius and normal. In this example, we create a vector from the Origin Point to the Point By Coordinates to control the direction of the circle." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPlaneRadius", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPlaneRadius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPlaneRadius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Circle By Plane Radius is a condensed node to create any type of circle. In this example, we use the YZ plane to determine the circle direction, and a Number slider to dynamically control the circle’s radius." + }, + { + "Name": "ByThreePoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByThreePoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByThreePoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Circle/Create", + "inDepth": "Circle By Three Points receives point inputs and creates a circle. This example shows how thee randomly generated points on the Z-plane will always result in a circle." + }, + { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Circle/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point will find the center point of a given circle. In the example below, we create a circle using Best Fit Through Points, and then extract the center point of the generated circle. " + }, + { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Circle/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will find the center point of a given circle. In the example below, we create a circle using Best Fit Through Points, and then extract the radius of the generated circle. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Create", + "inDepth": "Cone ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii creates a truncated Cone geometry from two Radii, the starting Origin, and a Height value. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with three Number Sliders." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Create", + "inDepth": "Cone ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius creates a Cone geometry from a Radius, the Cone Origin, and a Height value. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with two Number Sliders." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointsRadii", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPointsRadii" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPointsRadii" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Create", + "inDepth": "Cone ByPointsRadii creates a truncated Cone geometry from a Start Point, End Point, and two Radius values. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with three Number Sliders controlling its Height and Radius sizes." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointsRadius", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPointsRadius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPointsRadius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Create", + "inDepth": "Cone ByPointsRadius creates a Cone geometry from a Start Point, End Point, and a Radius value. This example shows a dynamic Cone around the World Origin, constructed with two Number Sliders controlling its Height and Radius size." + }, + { + "Name": "EndPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "EndPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EndPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "End Point will find the apex of a cone, or the center of the top circle of a truncated cone. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a Coordinate System and two radii. We then use End Point to find the center of the top circle of the cone. " + }, + { + "Name": "EndRadius", + "imageFile": [ + "EndRadius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EndRadius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "End Radius will find the radius of the top circle of a truncated cone. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the End Radius back from the cone." + }, + { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "Height will find the height of the cone, which is equal to the distance between the start point and end point. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the height out from the cone." + }, + { + "Name": "RadiusRatio", + "imageFile": [ + "RadiusRatio" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RadiusRatio" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius Ratio will find the ratio between the top and bottom radii of the cone. This is equivalent to taking the top radius and dividing it by the bottom radius. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the Radius Ratio from the cone." + }, + { + "Name": "StartPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "StartPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Point will find the center of the base of a cone. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a Coordinate System and two radii. We then use Start Point to find the center of the bottom circle of the cone. " + }, + { + "Name": "StartRadius", + "imageFile": [ + "StartRadius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartRadius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cone/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Radius will find the radius of the base circle of a cone. In the example below, we create a cone by specifying a start and end point, as well as a start and end radius. We can then extract the Start Radius back from the cone." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCylindricalCoordinates", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCylindricalCoordinates" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCylindricalCoordinates" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCylindricalCoordinates will return a CoordinateSystem at a cylindrical coordinate location. Instead of X, Y, and Z describing the coordinate location, we use radius, theta, and height. This allows us to create CoordinateSystems around a circle or spiral. In the example below, a set of CoordinateSystems at cylindrical coordinate locations are used for a finer degree of control in a boolean difference operation. The CoordinateSystem allows us to move Spheres into or out of the cylinder, producing indents of variable size." + }, + { + "Name": "ByMatrix", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByMatrix..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOrigin (x, y, z)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOrigin (x, y, z)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOrigin (x, y, z)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOrigin (x, y, z) will return a new CoordinateSystem with the X, Y, and Z values of its origin as the node's inputs. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with it's origin at (4,2,1) from inputs 4, 2, and 1 into X, Y, and Z respectively." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOrigin (origin)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOrigin (origin)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOrigin (origin)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOrigin (origin) will return a new CoordinateSystem with it's origin at the input Point. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with its origin at (4,4,0)." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOrigin (x, y)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOrigin (x, y)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOrigin (x, y)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOrigin (x, y) will return a new CoordinateSystem with the X and Y values of its origin as inputs. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is created with it's origin at (4,2,0) from inputs 4 and 2 into X and Y respectively." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis) will return a new CoordinateSystem at an input origin point with input X and Y axes. In the example below, the CoordinateSystem is placed at an origin with new vectors for the X and Y axes. The result is a CoordinateSystem rotated relative to the original CoordinateSystem." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByOriginVectors (origin, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis)..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "ByPlane will return a new CoordinateSystem based on an input Plane. In the example below, the normal of the input Plane has been repositioned, resulting in a new CoordinateSystem rotated about the X axis." + }, + { + "Name": "BySphericalCoordinates", + "imageFile": [ + "BySphericalCoordinates" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySphericalCoordinates" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "BySphericalCoordinates will return a CoordinateSystem at a spherical coordinate location. Instead of X, Y, and Z describing the coordinate location, we use radius, theta, and phi. In the example below, a Surface is mapped to a Sphere by using Lists of phi and theta values. The number sliders can be adjusted to change how the Surface wraps the Sphere." + }, + { + "Name": "Identity (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Identity" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Identity" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Identity will return a CoordinateSystem equal to the World CoordinateSystem. In the example below, the CoordinateSystem returned has an origin of (0,0,0), X, Y, Z axes of (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) respectively, and scale factors of 1." + }, + { + "Name": "Identity (matrix)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Identity (matrix)..." + }, + { + "Name": "Inverse", + "imageFile": [ + "Inverse" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Inverse" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Inverse will return an inverted CoordinateSystem from the input. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem at (1,2,0) is inverted into a CoordinateSystem at (-1,-2,0). The geometry drawn on the CoordinateSystems will be opposite the WCS origin from each other." + }, + { + "Name": "IsEqualTo", + "imageFile": [ + "IsEqualTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsEqualTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "IsEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether the values of the input CoordinateSystems are equal to each other. In the example below, two CoordinateSystems with identical, positive and negative origin positions are passed through IsEqualTo, returning a false boolean value. However, inverting the positive CoordinateSystem returns a true boolean value from IsEqualTo because it's origin point X and Y values are now negative." + }, + { + "Name": "Mirror", + "imageFile": [ + "Mirror" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Mirror" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Mirror will return a new CoordinateSystem mirrored across a Plane. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem at coordinates (2,3,1) is mirrored across the YZ Plane of the WCS and returns a CoordinateSystem at (-2,3,1)." + }, + { + "Name": "PostMultiplyBy", + "imageFile": [ + "PostMultiplyBy" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PostMultiplyBy" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "PostMultiplyBy will return a new CoordinateSystem from multiplying it by a CoordinateSystem and other (argument) CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is returned that is translated and rotated relative to the CS it was multiplied by and it's argument. Switching the coordinatesystem and other inputs will produce a different result as one is applied after the other." + }, + { + "Name": "PreMultiplyBy", + "imageFile": [ + "PreMultiplyBy" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PreMultiplyBy" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "PreMultiplyBy will return a new CoordinateSystem from multiplying it by an other (argument) CoordinateSystem and a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is returned that is translated and rotated relative to the CoordinateSystem it was multiplied by and it's argument. This node is similar to the PostMultiplyBy node with the only difference being that the other input is applied before the coordinatesystem input." + }, + { + "Name": "Rotate (coordinateSystem, plane, degrees)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Rotate..." + }, + { + "Name": "Rotate (coordinateSystem, origin, axis, degrees)", + "imageFile": [ + "Rotate (coordinateSystem, origin, axis, degrees)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Rotate (coordinateSystem, origin, axis, degrees)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotate (coordinateSystem, origin, axis, degrees) will return a new CoordinateSystem rotated about an origin and vector. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem is rotated about an origin point at (2,0,0) and a vector equivalent to the Y Axis. More complex rotations can be achieved with more complex vectors." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (coordinateSystem, plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Scale (coordinateSystem, plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)..." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (coordinateSystem, amount)", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale (coordinateSystem, amount)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale (coordinateSystem, amount)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale (coordinateSystem, amount) will return a new CoordinateSystem scaled by a factor. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem at the origin is scaled by a factor of 3.5. The resulting CoordinateSystem has vector lengths and scale factors of 3.5. Adjust the slider for different scale factors." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (coordinateSystem, xamount, yamount, zamount)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Scale (coordinateSystem, xamount, yamount, zamount)..." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (coordinateSystem, basePoint, from, to)", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale (coordinateSystem, basePoint, from, to)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale (coordinateSystem, basePoint, from, to)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale (coordinateSystem, basePoint, from, to) will return a scaled CoordinateSystem based on basePoint, from, and to inputs. The basePoint input will define where the scaling begins from (how much the CoordinateSystem is moved). The distance between the from and to values defines the amount to scale by. In the example below, a basePoint of (0,2,0) defines where to scale from. The distance between the from (1,1,0) and to (4.2,4.2,0) points determines how much to scale by." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale1D", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale1D will return a new Plane " + }, + { + "Name": "Scale2D", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Scale2D..." + }, + { + "Name": "ScaleFactor", + "imageFile": [ + "ScaleFactor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ScaleFactor" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "ScaleFactor will return a Vector consisting of the X, Y, and Z scale factors of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a scaled CoordinateSystem returns a Vector with X, Y, and Z values of 4.4 and a length of 7.621." + }, + { + "Name": "Transform (coordinateSystem, cs)", + "imageFile": [ + "Transform (coordinateSystem, cs)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Transform (coordinateSystem, cs)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Transform (coordinateSystem, cs) will return a new CoordinateSystem transformed by two input CoordinateSystems. In the example below, the two input CoordinateSystems result in a new CoordinateSystem even further from the origin. The new CoordinateSystem is identified with a Cylinder created on it." + }, + { + "Name": "Transform (coordinateSystem, fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)", + "imageFile": [ + "Transform (coordinateSystem, fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Transform (coordinateSystem, fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Transform (coordinateSystem, fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem) will return a new CoordinateSystem by transforming a CoordinateSystem from one CS to another CS. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem at the origin is translated from a source CS and rotated by a context CS. Cylinders have been created at the original and new CoordinateSystems to show the transformation." + }, + { + "Name": "Translate (coordinateSystem, xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)", + "imageFile": [ + "Translate (coordinateSystem, xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Translate (coordinateSystem, xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Translate (coordinateSystem, xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation) will return a new CoordinateSystem based on translation distances in the X, Y, Z directions. In the example below, a new CoordinateSystem is returned from translation distances of 3.8 in the X, 2.7 in the Y, and 0.8 in the Z. The new CoordinateSystem is identified with a Cylinder created on it." + }, + { + "Name": "Translate (coordinateSystem, direction)", + "imageFile": [ + "Translate (coordinateSystem, direction)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Translate (coordinateSystem, direction)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Translate (coordinateSystem, direction) will return a new CoordinateSystem translated by an input vector. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem at the origin is translated a certain distance and direction as defined by the input Vector of (3.8, 2.7,0). The new CoordinateSystem is identified with a Cylinder created on it." + }, + { + "Name": "Translate (coordinateSystem, direction, distance)", + "imageFile": [ + "Translate (coordinateSystem, direction, distance)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Translate (coordinateSystem, direction, distance)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Translate (coordinateSystem, direction, distance) will return a new CoordinateSystem translated by an input vector and distance. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem at the origin is translated in a direction by the input Vector of (3.1, 4.1,0) and a distance of 3. The distance input will override the vector input's length. The new CoordinateSystem is identified with a Cylinder created on it." + }, + { + "Name": "Determinant", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Determinant..." + }, + { + "Name": "IsScaledOrtho", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about IsScaledOrtho..." + }, + { + "Name": "IsSingular", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about IsSingular..." + }, + { + "Name": "IsUniscaledOrtho", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about IsUniscaledOrtho..." + }, + { + "Name": "Origin", + "imageFile": [ + "Origin" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Origin" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Origin will return a Point at the origin of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, the origins of a set of CoordinateSystems are returned as Points. The CoordinateSystems have been placed by spherical coordinates." + }, + { + "Name": "XAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "XAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "XAxis will return the X Axis of a CoordinateSystem as a Vector. In the example below, the X Axis of a CoordinateSystem is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "XScaleFactor", + "imageFile": [ + "XScaleFactor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XScaleFactor" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "XScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the X Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an X scale factor of 2.3." + }, + { + "Name": "XYPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "XYPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XYPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "XYPlane will return a plane on the X and Y axes of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a plane is placed on the XY axes of a rotated CoordinateSystem." + }, + { + "Name": "YAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "YAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "YAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "YAxis will return the Y Axis of a CoordinateSystem as a Vector. In the example below, the Y Axis of a CoordinateSystem is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "YScaleFactor", + "imageFile": [ + "YScaleFactor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "YScaleFactor" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "YScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the Y Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an Y scale factor of 2.3." + }, + { + "Name": "YZPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "YZPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "YZPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "YZPlane will return a plane on the Y and Z axes of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a plane is placed on the YZ axes of a rotated CoordinateSystem." + }, + { + "Name": "ZAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "ZAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ZAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "ZAxis will return a Vector that represents the ZAxis of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, the ZAxis vector of a rotated CoordinateSystem is used to construct a line." + }, + { + "Name": "ZScaleFactor", + "imageFile": [ + "ZScaleFactor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ZScaleFactor" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "ZScaleFactor will return a double representing the scale factor along the Z Axis. In the example below, a cylinder is scaled by 2.3, returning an Z scale factor of 2.3." + }, + { + "Name": "ZXPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "ZXPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ZXPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/CoordinateSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "ZXPlane will return a plane on the Z and X axes of a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a plane is placed on the ZX axes of a rotated CoordinateSystem." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCorners", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCorners" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCorners" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cuboid/Create", + "inDepth": "Cuboid By Corners creates a cuboid where the two input points are used as the opposite corners of the cuboid. In the example file, two points are randomly generated and used to create a cuboid." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLengths (origin, width, length, height)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLengths_origin" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLengths_origin" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cuboid/Create", + "inDepth": "This Cuboid By Lengths allows the user to input an origin point for the center of the cuboid, as well as the length, width and height of the cuboid. In the example file, we use three number sliders to input the length, width, and height, and generate a random point to use as the origin." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLengths (width, length, height)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLengths" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLengths" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cuboid/Create", + "inDepth": "Cuboid By Lengths creates a cuboid with the input width, legth, and height, and is centered at the origin. In the example, we use three number sliders to input the length, width and height." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLengths (cs, width, length, height)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLengths_cs" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLengths_cs" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cuboid/Create", + "inDepth": "This Cuboid By Lengths allows the user to input a Coordinate System. The cuboid will be created at the origin of the input Coordinate System, with the length, width, and heigh oriented according to the Coordinate System. In the example, we use three number sliders to input the length, width, and heigh, and generate random coordinates to use to create a Coordinate System." + }, + { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cuboid/Query", + "inDepth": "This returns the height of the input cuboid. In the example, we generate a cuboid by corners, and then use a Height query to find the height. Note that if the cuboid has been transformed to a different coordinate system with a scale factor, this will return the orignal dimension of the cuboid, not the world space dimensions." + }, + { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cuboid/Query", + "inDepth": "This returns the Length of the input cuboid. In the example, we generate a cuboid by corners, and then use a Length query to find the height. Note that if the cuboid has been transformed to a different coordinate system with a scale factor, this will return the orignal dimension of the cuboid, not the world space dimensions." + }, + { + "Name": "Width", + "imageFile": [ + "Width" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Width" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cuboid/Query", + "inDepth": "This returns the width of the input cuboid. In the example, we generate a cuboid by corners, and then use a Width query to find the height. Note that if the cuboid has been transformed to a different coordinate system with a scale factor, this will return the orignal dimension of the cuboid, not the world space dimensions." + }, + { + "Name": "ByBlendBetweenCurves", + "imageFile": [ + "ByBlendBetweenCurves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByBlendBetweenCurves" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Create", + "inDepth": "Curve by Blend Between Curves will create a new curve that connects two input curves. The two 'endOrStart' inputs determine whether to connect the end or start points of each curve. The created curve will match the curvature of the original curves at the connection points. In the example below, we start with one arc and one line. We blend between the start of the arch and the end of the line to connect the two curves. Two boolean toggle nodes let us control which ends of the two curves to blend between." + }, + { + "Name": "ByIsoCurveOnSurface", + "imageFile": [ + "ByIsoCurveOnSurface" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByIsoCurveOnSurface" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Create", + "inDepth": "Curve by IsoCurve on Surface will create a curve that is the isocurve on a surface by specifying the U or V direction, and specifying the parameter in the opposite direction at which to create the curve. The 'direction' input determines which direction of isocurve to create. A value of one corresponds to the u-direction, while a value of zero corresponds to the v-direction. In the example below, we first create grid of points, and translate them in the Z-direction by a random amount. These points are used to create surface by using a NurbsSurface.ByPoints node. This surface is used as the baseSurface of a ByIsoCurveOnSurface node. A number slider set to a range of 0 to 1 and a step of 1 is used to control whether we extract the isocurve in the u or in the v direction. A second number slider is used to determine the parameter at which the isocurve is extracted." + }, + { + "Name": "ByParameterLineOnSurface", + "imageFile": [ + "ByParameterLineOnSurface" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByParameterLineOnSurface" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Create", + "inDepth": "Curve by Parameter Line On Surface will create a line along a surface between two input UV coordinates. n the example below, we first create grid of points, and translate them in the Z-direction by a random amount. These points are used to create surface by using a NurbsSurface.ByPoints node. This surface is used as the baseSurface of a ByParameterLineOnSurface node. A set of number sliders are used to adjust the U and V inputs of two UV.ByCoordinates nodes, which are then used to determing the start and end point of the line on the surface." + }, + { + "Name": "ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments", + "imageFile": [ + "ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Approximate with Arc and Line Segments takes a curve as input, and returns a list of straight line and arc curves that approximate the original curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input for an ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments node." + }, + { + "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "CoordinateSystemAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CoordinateSystemAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Coordinate System At Parameter will return a coordinate system aligned with the input curve at the specified parameter. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. The resulting coordinate system will have its x-axis in the direction of the normal of the curve and the y-axis in the direction of the tangent of the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a CoordinateSystemAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength", + "imageFile": [ + "CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Coordinate System At Segment Length will return a coordinate system aligned with the input curve at the specified curve length, measured from the start point of the curve. The resulting coordinate system will have its x-axis in the direction of the normal of the curve and the y-axis in the direction of the tangent of the curve at the specified length. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the segment length input for a CoordinateSystemAtParameter node. If the specified length is longer than the length of the curve, this node will return a Coordinate System at the end point of the curve." + }, + { + "Name": "EndParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "EndParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EndParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "End Parameter will return a number that represents the end of the domain in which the input curve can be evaluated. In most cases the end parameter will be one. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input to an EndParameter node. " + }, + { + "Name": "Extend", + "imageFile": [ + "Extend" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Extend" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extend will extend a input curve by a given input distance. The pickSide input takes the start or end point of the curve as input, and determines which end of the curve to extend. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We use the query node Curve.EndPoint to find the end point of the curve, to use as the 'pickSide' input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." + }, + { + "Name": "ExtendEnd", + "imageFile": [ + "ExtendEnd" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExtendEnd" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extend End will extend a input curve by a given input distance, starting from the end point of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." + }, + { + "Name": "ExtendStart", + "imageFile": [ + "ExtendStart" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExtendStart" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extend Start will extend a input curve by a given input distance, starting from the start point of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider allows us to control the distance of the extension." + }, + { + "Name": "Extrude (curve, direction, distance)", + "imageFile": [ + "Extrude_direction_distance" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Extrude_direction_distance" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrude by direction and distance will extrude an input curve using an input vector to determine the direction of the extrusion. A separate distance input will be used for the extrusion distance. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A Code Block is used to specify the x,y, and z components of a Vector.ByCoordinates node. This vector is then used as the direction input in an Extrude node while a number slider is used to control the distance input." + }, + { + "Name": "Extrude (curve, direction)", + "imageFile": [ + "Extrude_direction" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Extrude_direction" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrude by direction will extrude an input curve using an input vector to determine the direction of the extrusion. The length of the vector will be used for the extrusion distance. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A Code Block is used to specify the x,y, and z components of a Vector.ByCoordinates node. This vector is then used as the direction input in an Extrude node." + }, + { + "Name": "Extrude (curve, distance)", + "imageFile": [ + "Extrude_distance" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Extrude_distance" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrude by distance will extrude an input curve using an input number to determine the distance of the extrusion. The direction of the normal vector along the curve will be used for the extrusion direction. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used as the distance input in an Extrude node." + }, + { + "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (curve, direction, distance)", + "imageFile": [ + "ExtrudeAsSolid_direction_distance" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExtrudeAsSolid_direction_distance" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrude As Solid by direction and distance will extrude an input closed, planar curve using an input vector to determine the direction of the extrusion. A separate distance input will be used for the extrusion distance. This node will cap the the ends of the extrusion to create a solid. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A Code Block is used to specify the x,y, and z components of a Vector.ByCoordinates node. This vector is then used as the direction input in an ExtrudeAsSolid node while a number slider is used to control the distance input." + }, + { + "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (curve, direction)", + "imageFile": [ + "ExtrudeAsSolid_direction" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExtrudeAsSolid_direction" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrude As Solid by direction will extrude an input closed, planar curve using an input vector to determine the direction of the extrusion. The length of the vector will be used for the extrusion distance. This node will cap the the ends of the extrusion to create a solid. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A Code Block is used to specify the x,y, and z components of a Vector.ByCoordinates node. This vector is then used as the direction input in an ExtrudeAsSolid node." + }, + { + "Name": "ExtrudeAsSolid (curve, distance)", + "imageFile": [ + "ExtrudeAsSolid_distance" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExtrudeAsSolid_distance" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extrude As Solid by distance will extrude an input closed, planar curve using an input number to determine the distance of the extrusion. The direction of the extrusion is determined by the normal vector of the plane the curve lies in. This node will cap the the ends of the extrusion to create a solid. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A Number Slider is used as the distance input in an ExtrudeAsSolid node." + }, + { + "Name": "HorizontalFrameAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "HorizontalFrameAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "HorizontalFrameAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Horizontal Frame At Parameter will return a coordinate system aligned with the input curve at the specified parameter. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. The resulting coordinate system will have its z-axis in the world Z direction, and the y-axis in the direction of the tangent of the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a HorizontalFrameAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "Join", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Join..." + }, + { + "Name": "NormalAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "NormalAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NormalAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Normal At Parameter will return a vector aligned with the normal direction at the specified parameter of a curve. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a NormalAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "Offset", + "imageFile": [ + "Offset" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Offset" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Offset will create a new curve offset by a specified distance from an input curve. The input curve must be planar. A negative direction will produce an offset on the opposite side of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for an Offset node." + }, + { + "Name": "ParameterAtChordLength", + "imageFile": [ + "ParameterAtChordLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ParameterAtChordLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Parameter At Chord Length will return the parameter of a point that is a given chord length from an initial specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the straight-line chord distance to find a parameter at. A second number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the initial point along the curve from which the chord distance will be measured. Finally, a boolean toggle is used to determine which direction to measure the chord distance from." + }, + { + "Name": "ParameterAtPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ParameterAtPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ParameterAtPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Parameter at Point will return the parameter value of a specified point along a curve. If the input point is not on the curve, Parameter At Point will return the parameter of the point on the curve closes to the input point. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. An extra single point is created with a Code Block to specify the x and y coordinates. The ParameterAtPoint node returns the parameter along the curve at the point that is closest to the input point." + }, + { + "Name": "ParameterAtSegmentLength", + "imageFile": [ + "ParameterAtSegmentLength", + "ParameterAtSegmentLength - Ex 2" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ParameterAtSegmentLength", + "ParameterAtSegmentLength - Ex 2" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Parameter At Segment Length will return the parameter of a point that is a given length along the curve from the start point. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the segment length to find a parameter at. If the input segment length is longer than the curve, this node will return the parameter value of the end point of the curve." + }, + { + "Name": "Patch", + "imageFile": [ + "Patch" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Patch" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Patch will attempt to create a surface using an input curve as the boundary. The input curve must be closed. In the example below, we first use a Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates node to create a set of points at set intervals in a circle, but with random elevations and radii. We then use a NurbsCurve.ByPoints node to create a closed curve based on these points. A Patch node is cused to create a surface from the boundary closed curve. Note that because the points were created with random radii and elevations, not all arrangements result in a curve that is able to be patched." + }, + { + "Name": "PlaneAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "PlaneAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PlaneAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Plane At Parameter will return a plane aligned with a curve at a specified parameter. The normal vector of the resulting plane will correspond to the tangent of the curve. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a PlaneAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "PlaneAtSegmentLength", + "imageFile": [ + "PlaneAtSegmentLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PlaneAtSegmentLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Plane At Segment Length will return a plane aligned with a curve at a point that is a specified distance along the curve, measured from the start point. If the input length is greater than the total length of the curve, this node will use the end point of the curve. The normal vector of the resulting plane will correspond to the tangent of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the parameter input for a PlaneAtSegmentLength node." + }, + { + "Name": "PointAtChordLength", + "imageFile": [ + "PointAtChordLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointAtChordLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Point At Chord Length will return the point that is a given chord length from an initial specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider is used to control the straight-line chord distance to find a point at. A second number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the initial point along the curve from which the chord distance will be measured. Finally, a boolean toggle is used to determine which direction to measure the chord distance from." + }, + { + "Name": "PointAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "PointAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Point At Parameter will return a point at a given parameter along an input curve. The parameterization of a curve is bounded between zero and one, where the start of the curve has a parameter of zero, and the end of the curve has a parameter of one. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. A number slider is set to the range of zero to one, and used as the input parameter to a Point At Parameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "PointAtSegmentLength", + "imageFile": [ + "PointAtSegmentLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointAtSegmentLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Point At Segment Length will return the point on a curve at a given length along the curve, measured from the start point of the curve. If the input length is greater than the length of the curve, the node will return the end point of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. A number slider is and used as the input length to a Point At Segment Length node. " + }, + { + "Name": "PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Points At Chord Length From Point will return a list of points along a curve, measured sequentially according to an input chord length starting from a specified point along the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A PointAtParameter node is used with a number slider set to the range 0 to 1 to determine the initial point along the curve for a PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint node. Finally, a second number slider is used to adjust the straight-line chord length to use." + }, + { + "Name": "PointsAtEqualChordLength", + "imageFile": [ + "PointsAtEqualChordLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointsAtEqualChordLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Points At Equal Chord Length will return a list of points along an input curve by dividing the curve into equal straight-line chord lengths. The number of divisions to use is input as an integer, and will result in that number of points divided equally in the interior of the curve. This node will not include the end points of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. An integer slider is used for the divisions input in a PointsAtEqualChordLength node." + }, + { + "Name": "PointsAtEqualSegmentLength", + "imageFile": [ + "PointsAtEqualSegmentLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointsAtEqualSegmentLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Points At Equal Segment Length will return a list of points along an input curve by dividing the curve into equal length segments. The number of divisions to use is input as an integer, and will result in that number of points divided equally in the interior of the curve. This node will not include the end points of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. An integer slider is used for the divisions input in a PointsAtEqualSegmentLength node." + }, + { + "Name": "PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Points At Segment Length From Point will return a list of points along a curve, measured sequentially according to an input segment length starting from a specified point along the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A PointAtParameter node is used with a number slider set to the range 0 to 1 to determine the initial point along the curve for a PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint node. Finally, a second number slider is used to adjust the curve segment length to use" + }, + { + "Name": "Project", + "imageFile": [ + "Project" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Project" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Project will project an input curve along a given projection direction onto a specified baseGeometry. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A sphere is created with a default radius of 1, and using a Code Block to specify the coordinates of the centerPoint. We use the world Y-axis as the direction vector for projection in a Project node. The output is a curve that results from the original curve being projected in the Y direction onto the sphere." + }, + { + "Name": "PullOntoPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "PullOntoPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PullOntoPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Pull Onto Plane will create a new curve by projecting an input curve onto an input plane, using the normal of the plane as the direction of projection. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We use the world XY plane as the plane to project onto in a PullOntoPlane node. The result is a planar curve on the XY plane." + }, + { + "Name": "PullOntoSurface", + "imageFile": [ + "PullOntoSurface" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PullOntoSurface" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Pull Onto Surface will create a new curve by projecting an input curve onto an input surface, using the normal vectors of the surface as the directions of projection. In the example below, we first create surface by using a Surface.BySweep node that uses curves generated according to a sine curve. This surface is used as the base surface to pull onto in a PullOntoSurface node. For the curve, we create a circle by using a Code Block to specify the coordinates of the center point, and a number slider to control the radius of the circle. The result is a projection of the cirle onto the surface. " + }, + { + "Name": "Reverse", + "imageFile": [ + "Reverse" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Reverse" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Reverse will reverse the inherent direction of a given curve. This will switch the start point and end point of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We then use a Reverse node to change the direction of the curve." + }, + { + "Name": "SegmentLengthAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "SegmentLengthAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SegmentLengthAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Segment Length At Parameter will return the length of a curve between the start point and the input parameter, where zero is the parameter at the beginning of the curve, and one is the parameter at the end of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. A number slider set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter input in a SegmentLengthAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "SegmentLengthBetweenParameters", + "imageFile": [ + "SegmentLengthBetweenParameters" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SegmentLengthBetweenParameters" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Segment Length Between Parameters will return the length of a curve between the input start parameter and the input end parameter, where a value of zero is the parameter at the beginning of the curve and a value of one is the parameter at the end of the curve. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. Two number sliders set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter inputs in a SegmentLengthBetweenParameters node." + }, + { + "Name": "Simplify", + "imageFile": [ + "Simplify" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Simplify" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Simplify..." + }, + { + "Name": "SplitByParameter (curve, parameter)", + "imageFile": [ + "SplitByParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SplitByParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Split By Parameter (curve, parameter) will take a curve and a single parameter as input. It will split the curve at the specified parameter, and return the two resulting curves as a list. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range of 0 to 1 is used to adjust the parameter to split the curve at." + }, + { + "Name": "SplitByParameter (curve, parameters)", + "imageFile": [ + "SplitByParameters" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SplitByParameters" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Split By Parameter (curve, parameters) will take a curve and a list of parameters as input. It will split the curve at the specified parameters, and return a list of resulting curves. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A Code Block is used to create a series of numbers between 0 and 1 to use as the list of parameters to split the cure at." + }, + { + "Name": "SplitByPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "SplitByPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SplitByPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Split By Points will split an input curve at specified points, and will return a list of resulting segments. If the specified points are not on the curve, this node will find the points along the curve that are closest to the input points and split the curve at those resulting points. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. The same set of points is used as the list of points in a SplitByPoints node. The result is a list of curve segments between the generated points." + }, + { + "Name": "StartParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "StartParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Start Parameter will return a number that represents the start of the domain in which the input curve can be evaluated. In most cases the start parameter will be zero. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. This curve is then used as the input to an StartParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "SweepAsSolid", + "imageFile": [ + "SweepAsSolid" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SweepAsSolid" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Sweep As Solid will create a solid by sweeping an input closed profile curve along a specified path. In the example below, we use a rectangle as the base profile curve. The path is created by using a cosine function with a sequence of angles to vary the x-coordinates of a set of points. The points are used as the input to a NurbsCurve.ByPoints node. We then create a solid by sweeping the rectangle along the created cosine curve." + }, + { + "Name": "SweepAsSurface", + "imageFile": [ + "SweepAsSurface" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SweepAsSurface" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "SweepAsSurface will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we create a curve to sweep by useing a Code Block to create three points of an Arc.ByThreePoints node. A path curve is created a simple line along the x-axis. SweepAsSurface moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." + }, + { + "Name": "TangentAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "TangentAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TangentAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Tangent At Parameter will return a vector aligned with the tangent direction at the specified parameter of a curve. The parameterization of a curve is measured in the range from zero to one, with zero representing the start of the curve and one representing the end of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TangentAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "ToNurbsCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "ToNurbsCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ToNurbsCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "To Nurbs Curve takes a curve as input, and returns a Nurbs curve that approximates the input curve. In the example below, we create an arc by using a Code Block to define three points and using an Arc.ByThreePoints node. This arc is converted to a Nurbs Curve by using a ToNurbsCurve node. Note that the default degree of the resulting Nurbs Curve is 3." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimByEndParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimByEndParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimByEndParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim By End Parameter will remove the end of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TrimByEndParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimByParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimByParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimByParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim By Parameter will remove the start and end of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameters, and will return the resulting middle section of the curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. Two number sliders set to the range 0 to 1 are used to control the start and end parameter inputs for a TrimByParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimByStartParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimByStartParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimByStartParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim By Start Parameter will remove the beginning of an input curve by trimming the curve at the specified parameter. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A number slider set to the range 0 to 1 is used to control the parameter input for a TrimByStartParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimInteriorByParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimInteriorByParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimInteriorByParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim Interior By Parameter will remove the interior portion of a given curve, based on the two input parameters. This node will output the two remaining exterior parts of the curve as a list of two curves. In the example below, we use two sets of random numbers to generate a list of points. These points are used to create a Nurbs Curve by Control Points. Two number sliders set to the range zero to one is used for the parameter inputs in a TrimInteriorByParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimSegmentsByParameter (curve, parameters, discardEvenSegments)", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimSegmentsByParameter_even" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimSegmentsByParameter_even" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim Segments By Parameter, with discardEvenSegments first splits a curve at points determined by an input list of parameters. It then returns either the odd numbered segments or the even numbered sugements, as determined by the boolean value of the discardEvenSegments input. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A Code Block is used to create a range of number between zero and one, stepping by 0.1. Using this as the input parameters for a TrimSegmentsByParameter node results in a list of curve that are effectively a dashed line version of the original curve." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimSegmentsByParameter (curve, parameters)", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimSegmentsByParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimSegmentsByParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Action", + "inDepth": "Trim Segments By Parameter first splits a curve at points determined by an input list of parameters. It then returns only the even numbered segments that result from the split. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. A Code Block is used to create a range of number between zero and one, stepping by 0.1. Using this as the input parameters for a TrimSegmentsByParameter node results in a list of curve that are effectively a dashed line version of the original curve." + }, + { + "Name": "EndPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "EndPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EndPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "End Point will return the end point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the end point of this curve by using an EndPoint node." + }, + { + "Name": "IsClosed", + "imageFile": [ + "IsClosed" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsClosed" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Is Closed will return a boolean value that corresponds to whether the input curve is closed or not. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can then test whether this curve is closed by using a IsClosed node. " + }, + { + "Name": "IsPlanar", + "imageFile": [ + "IsPlanar" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsPlanar" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Is Planar will return a boolean value that corresponds to whether the input curve is planar or not. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can then test whether this curve is planar by using a IsPlanar node." + }, + { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Length will return the length of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the length of this curve by using an Length node." + }, + { + "Name": "Normal", + "imageFile": [ + "Normal" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Normal" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Normal will return the normal vector of an input curve. The curve must be planar for this node. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the normal of this curve by using a Normal node." + }, + { + "Name": "StartPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "StartPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Curve/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Point will return the start point of an input curve. In the example below, we first create a Nurbs Curve using a ByControlPoints node, with a set of randomly generated points as the input. We can find the start point of this curve by using a StartPoint node." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointsRadius", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPointsRadius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPointsRadius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cylinder/Create", + "inDepth": "ByPointsRadius will return a Cylinder from a start Point, end Point, and radius value. In the example below, adjusting the number sliders will change the point positions as well as the Cylinder's radius." + }, + { + "Name": "ByRadiusHeight", + "imageFile": [ + "ByRadiusHeight" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByRadiusHeight" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cylinder/Create", + "inDepth": "ByRadiusHeight will return a Cylinder based on a CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a CoordinateSystem from an origin point and a YAxis vector is used to create Cylinder that appears rotated." + }, + { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Cylinder/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will return the radius of a Cylinder as a double. In the example below, adjusting the number slider will change the Cylinder's radius." + }, + { + "Name": "AdjacentFaces", + "imageFile": [ + "AdjacentFaces" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AdjacentFaces" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Edge/Query", + "inDepth": "AdjacentFaces will return the Faces adjacent to an input Edge. In the example below, an edge on a solid is identified as having two adjacent faces. The edges are gathered from the solid using Topology.Edges." + }, + { + "Name": "CurveGeometry", + "imageFile": [ + "CurveGeometry" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CurveGeometry" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Edge/Query", + "inDepth": "CurveGeometry will return an Edge as a Curve. In the example below, an identified Edge is represented as a Curve." + }, + { + "Name": "EndVertex", + "imageFile": [ + "EndVertex" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EndVertex" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Edge/Query", + "inDepth": "EndVertex will return the Vertex at the end of an Edge. In the example below, an end Vertex is represented as a Point." + }, + { + "Name": "StartVertex", + "imageFile": [ + "StartVertex" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartVertex" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Edge/Query", + "inDepth": "StartVertex will return the Vertex at the start of an Edge. In the example below, a start Vertex is represented as a Point." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemRadii", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinateSystemRadii" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinateSystemRadii" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Ellipse/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse by Coordinate System Radii takes a coordinate system as an input, then creates an ellipse using the inputted radii. The input xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius correspond to the X and Y directions of the input Coordinate System (not the World X and Y directions). In the example file, we generate two random values to create a Coordinate System, then use that Coordinate System with two number sliders for the x and y radii." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOriginRadii", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOriginRadii" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOriginRadii" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Ellipse/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse by Origin Radii creates an ellipse centered on the input Origin point, and has an x and y radius from the input xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius. This ellipse will be aligned with the World XY plane. In the example below, we generate two random numbers to create an origin point, then use two number sliders for the x and y axis radii." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOriginVectors", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOriginVectors" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOriginVectors" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Ellipse/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse by Origin Vectors creates an ellipse centered on the input origin points. In this case, the XAxisRadius and YAxisRadius require vectors as inputs. The two vectors must be orthogonal (at right angles) to each other. The two vectors will determine the plane of the ellipse. They need not be in the world X and Y directions. In the example, we first create an origin point by generating two random numbers. We then use a unit X and unit Y vector, which are then scaled by number sliders." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPlaneRadii", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPlaneRadii" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPlaneRadii" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Ellipse/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse by Plane Radii creates an ellipse centered at the input plane. The xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius take numbers as inputs, and correspond to the X and Y diretions of the input plane, which may be different from world X and Y directions. In the example below, we use a YZ plane as the input, then use two number sliders for the xAxisRadius and yAxisRadius. Because we used a YZ plane, the input xAxisRadius will correspond to the world Y direction, while the yAxisRadius will correspond to the world Z direction." + }, + { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Ellipse/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center point of an input ellipse. Note that this point does not contain any information about the orientation or plane of the ellipse. In the example below, we first create an ellipse by Plane Radii, then find the center point." + }, + { + "Name": "MajorAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "MajorAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MajorAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Ellipse/Query", + "inDepth": "Major Axis will return the longer of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the larger of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the major axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse." + }, + { + "Name": "MinorAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "MinorAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MinorAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Ellipse/Query", + "inDepth": "Minor Axis will return the shorter of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the shorter of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the minor axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPlaneRadiiAngles", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPlaneRadiiAngles" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPlaneRadiiAngles" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/EllipseArc/Create", + "inDepth": "Ellipse Arc by Plane Radii Angles creates a portion of an ellipse. The input xRadius and yRadius give the radii of the ellipse along the X and Y directions of the input plane (which may be different than world X and Y). The startAngle input defines the beginning point of the arc along the ellipse in degrees, starting counter-clockwise from the plane X-axis, and continuing for a total arc length of the sweepAngle input. In the example below, we use the XY plane, and a series of number sliders to control the other input parameters." + }, + { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point finds the center point of an ellipse arc, which is the same as the center point of the completed ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use CenterPoint to extract the center of the ellipse." + }, + { + "Name": "MajorAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "MajorAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MajorAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Major Axis will return the longer of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the larger of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the major axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Major Axis to extract the major axis of the ellipse." + }, + { + "Name": "MinorAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "MinorAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MinorAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Minor Axis will return the shorter of the two axes of the ellipse. The axis is output as a vector, which has a magnitude equal to the shorter of the two radii. Note that Major and Minor axes are determined by length, not by direction. That is, the minor axis might correspond to the xAxisRadius of one ellipse, but the yAxisRadius of a different ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Minor Axis to extract the minor axis of the ellipse." + }, + { + "Name": "Plane", + "imageFile": [ + "Plane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Plane" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane finds the center point of an ellipse arc, which is the same as the plane of the completed ellipse. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Plane to extract the plane of the ellipse." + }, + { + "Name": "StartAngle", + "imageFile": [ + "StartAngle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartAngle" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Start Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise starting from the plane X-axis. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Start Angle to extract the angle of the beginning pont of the ellipse." + }, + { + "Name": "SweepAngle", + "imageFile": [ + "SweepAngle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SweepAngle" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/EllipseArc/Query", + "inDepth": "Sweep Angle finds the starting angle of the ellipse arc. This is measured in degrees counter-clockwise on the ellipse plane, starting from the start angle. The end angle of the ellipse would be equal to the start angle plus the sweep angle. In the example, we first create an Ellipse Arc by using the XY plane and a series of number sliders. We then use Sweep Angle to extract arc length of the ellipse arc." + }, + { + "Name": "SurfaceGeometry", + "imageFile": [ + "SurfaceGeometry" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SurfaceGeometry" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Face/Action", + "inDepth": "SurfaceGeometry will return a Face as a Surface. In the example below, a Face is identified on the Solid and returned as a Surface." + }, + { + "Name": "Edges", + "imageFile": [ + "Edges" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Edges" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Face/Query", + "inDepth": "Edges will return the Edges around a Face in clockwise order. In the example below, the Edges of a Face are identified and represented as Lines" + }, + { + "Name": "Vertices", + "imageFile": [ + "Vertices" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Vertices" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Face/Query", + "inDepth": "Vertices will return the Vertices around a Face in counterclockwise order. In the example below, the Vertices of a Face are indentified and represented as Points." + }, + { + "Name": "ClosestPointTo", + "imageFile": [ + "ClosestPointTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ClosestPointTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ClosestPointTo finds the closest point from one geometry to another, adding a 3D Point to the document. This example finds the closest point on one Sphere to another." + }, + { + "Name": "DeserializeFromSAB", + "imageFile": [ + "DeserializeFromSAB" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DeserializeFromSAB" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "DeserializeFromSAB will return geometry from SAB format data. In the example below, SAB data is read from a file and deserialized into a skewed cylinder." + }, + { + "Name": "DistanceTo", + "imageFile": [ + "DistanceTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DistanceTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry DistanceTo returns the distance between two geometries. This example finds the distance between two Spheres." + }, + { + "Name": "DoesIntersect", + "imageFile": [ + "DoesIntersect" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DoesIntersect" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry DoesIntersect tests two geometries for an intersection. If the objects intersect, the Node will return True. This example tests for an intersection of two Sphere geometries." + }, + { + "Name": "Explode", + "imageFile": [ + "Explode" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Explode" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "The Geometry Explode Node breaks a geometry down into smaller components. For example, a Polysurface can be Exploded into several Surfaces and a Polycurve into curves. In this example, we are extracting a single Surface from a complex Intersection of three Spheres." + }, + { + "Name": "ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath)", + "imageFile": [ + "ExportToSAT_gf" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExportToSAT_gf" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ExportToSAT exports Geometry from Dynamo to a SAT file type. In this example, we are exporting a Polysurface from the Intersection of three Spheres." + }, + { + "Name": "ExportToSAT (geometry, filePath)", + "imageFile": [ + "ExportToSAT_gf" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExportToSAT_gf" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ExportToSAT exports Geometry from Dynamo to a SAT file type. In this example, we are exporting a Polysurface from the Intersection of three Spheres." + }, + { + "Name": "ImportFromSAT (filePath)", + "imageFile": [ + "ImportFromSAT" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ImportFromSAT" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ImportFromSAT imports Geometry to Dynamo from a SAT file type. This node takes a filePath as input, and also accepts a string with a valid file path. For the example below, we previously exported geometry to a SAT file (see ExportToSAT). The file name we chose was example.sat and it was exported to a folder on the users desktop. In the example, we show two different nodes used to import geometry from a SAT file. One has a filePath as the input type, and the other has a 'file' as the input type. The filePath is created using a FilePath node, which can select a file by clicking the Browse button. In the second example, we specify the file path manually by using a string element." + }, + { + "Name": "ImportFromSAT (file)", + "imageFile": [ + "ImportFromSAT" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ImportFromSAT" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry ImportFromSAT imports Geometry to Dynamo from a SAT file type. This node takes a file as input, and also accepts a string with a valid file path. For the example below, we previously exported geometry to a SAT file (see ExportToSAT). The file name we chose was example.sat and it was exported to a folder on the users desktop. In the example, we show two different nodes used to import geometry from a SAT file. One has a filePath as the input type, and the other has a 'file' as the input type. The filePath is created using a FilePath node, which can select a file by clicking the Browse button. In the second example, we specify the file path manually by using a string element." + }, + { + "Name": "Intersect", + "imageFile": [ + "Intersect" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Intersect" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Intersect finds the Intersection Geometry that two Geometry objects share. In this example, the Intersection of two Spheres returns a Polysurface, otherwise known as a Solid Intersection." + }, + { + "Name": "IntersectAll", + "imageFile": [ + "IntersectAll" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IntersectAll" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry IntersectAll finds the Intersection Geometry that any number of Geometry objects share. In this example, the Intersection of three Spheres returns a Polysurface, otherwise known as a Solid Intersection." + }, + { + "Name": "IsAlmostEqualTo", + "imageFile": [ + "IsAlmostEqualTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsAlmostEqualTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "IsAlmostEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether two pieces of geometry share the same representational or numerical values. In the examples below, three Cylinders overlap each other. Two return true if they are in the same position, but will return false with the Solid. The sliders can be adjusted to change one Cylinder's position or height, affecting whether it is equal to the other Cylinder." + }, + { + "Name": "Mirror", + "imageFile": [ + "Mirror" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Mirror" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Mirror reflects a Geometry across a defined Plane. In this example, we are Mirroring a Cone across the Y-Axis." + }, + { + "Name": "Rotate (geometry, basePlane, degrees)", + "imageFile": [ + "Rotate_gbd" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Rotate_gbd" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Rotate Node Rotates an input Geometry around an Origin Point and Axis Vector by a certain Degree amount. In the example file, a Cone is Rotated about the Y-Axis Vector by its End Point." + }, + { + "Name": "Rotate (geometry, origin, axis, degrees)", + "imageFile": [ + "Rotate_goad" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Rotate_goad" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Rotate Node Rotates an input Geometry around a Base Plane by a defined Degree. In the example file, a Cone is Rotated around the XY-Plane with a Number Slider." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (geometry, xamount, yamount, zamount)", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale_gxyz" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale_gxyz" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Scale Node Scales an input Geometry from the object Centroid by an input factor. In the example, a Cone’s Scale can be finely tuned with three Number Sliders. The original Cone Edges are drawn as a visual reference." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (geometry, amount)", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale_ga" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale_ga" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Scale Node Scales an input Geometry from the object Centroid by an input factor. In the example file, a Cone is scaled down with a Number Slider. The original Cone Edges are drawn for a visual reference." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (geometry, plane, xamount, yamount, zamount)", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale_gpxyz" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale_gpxyz" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Scale Node Scales an input Geometry about a Plane by specified X, Y and Z factors. This example shows a Cone before and after it is scaled in relationship to the YZ-Plane." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (geometry, basePoint, from, to)", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale_gbft" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale_gbft" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Scale Node Scales an input Geometry from three reference Points. In this example, we are scaling a Cone relative to its End Point from its Start Point to its Centroid. The Cone Circle and side Edge are drawn as a visual reference of the Scale." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale1D", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale1D" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale1D" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Scale1D Scales a Geometry in one direction from a Base Point and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the Cone Start Point. The original Cone Edges are drawn as a visual reference." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale2D", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale2D" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale2D" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Scale2D Scales a Geometry in two directions from a Base Plane and two reference Points. In the example file, a Cone is scaled from its End Point to its Centroid in relation to the YZ-Plane." + }, + { + "Name": "SerializeAsSAB (geometry)", + "imageFile": [ + "SerializeAsSAB (geometry)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SerializeAsSAB (geometry)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "SerializeAsSAB (geometry) will return a list of SAB format data. In the example below, a Solid is converted to SAB data and returns integers shown in a Watch node." + }, + { + "Name": "SerializeAsSAB (geometry)", + "imageFile": [ + "SerializeAsSAB (geometry)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SerializeAsSAB (geometry)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "SerializeAsSAB (geometry) will return a list of SAB format data. In the example below, a Solid is converted to SAB data and returns integers shown in a Watch node." + }, + { + "Name": "Split", + "imageFile": [ + "Split" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Split" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "The Geometry Split Node functions similarly to the Geometry Trim Node. It inputs a Tool – any type of Geometry that you will be trimming another Geometry with – and a Geometry, and returns all of the fragments of Geometry. In this example, a Cone is Split with a similar Cone. Although all fragments are returned by the Geometry Split Node, one is previewed in the example file." + }, + { + "Name": "Transform (geometry, fromCoordinateSystem, contextCoordinateSystem)", + "imageFile": [ + "Transform_gfc" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Transform_gfc" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Transform Node moves and orients a geometry from one Coordinate System plane to another specified Coordinate System. In this example a Cone is Transformed from the ground plane to the YZ-Plane." + }, + { + "Name": "Transform (geometry, cs)", + "imageFile": [ + "Transform_gc" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Transform_gc" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Transform Node moves and orients a geometry from the XY-Plane to any specified Plane. In this example a Cone is Transformed from the XY-Plane to the YZ-Plane." + }, + { + "Name": "Translate (geometry, direction)", + "imageFile": [ + "Translate_gd" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Translate_gd" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Translate Node moves a geometry by any given Vector. In the example file, we are Translating a Cone by the Vector created between the Start and End Points of the Cone." + }, + { + "Name": "Translate (geometry, direction, distance)", + "imageFile": [ + "Translate_gdd" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Translate_gdd" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Translate Node moves a geometry by a Vector defined in the Node by inputting all three Translation Values for X, Y and Z. In the example file, a Cone is Translated by three Number Slider values." + }, + { + "Name": "Translate (geometry, xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation)", + "imageFile": [ + "Translate_gxyz" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Translate_gxyz" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "This Geometry Translate Node moves a geometry by any given Vector direction and a Distance. In the example file, we are Translating a Cone in the X-Axis direction by a distance inherited by a Number Slider." + }, + { + "Name": "Trim", + "imageFile": [ + "Trim" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Trim" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry Trim functions similarly to the Geometry Split Node in that it inputs a Tool – any type of Geometry that you will be trimming another Geometry with – and a Geometry, but returns only a single fragment of the Geometry. The Geometry that is Picked is selected by a reference Point closest to the fragment. In this example, one Cone is Trimmed by another, with its lower portion Picked." + }, + { + "Name": "BoundingBox", + "imageFile": [ + "BoundingBox" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BoundingBox" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Query", + "inDepth": "BoundingBox will return a box defined by the geometry it contains. A BoundingBox is not displayed, but can be returned as a PolySurface using the BoundingBox.ToPolySurface node. In the example below, a BoundingBox is created for a unioned Solid and represented as a PolySurface." + }, + { + "Name": "ContextCoordinateSystem", + "imageFile": [ + "ContextCoordinateSystem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ContextCoordinateSystem" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Geometry/Query", + "inDepth": "ContextCoordinateSystem will return the CoordinateSystem that was used in creating a piece of geometry. In the example below, a Solid created at centerPoint (3,0,0) returns a CoordinateSystem located at the origin." + }, + { + "Name": "ByAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "ByAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Helix/Create", + "inDepth": "Helix By Axis creates a helix. The axis of the helix is defined by the input axis point and the axis direction. The helix will be created counter-clockwise around the axis, starting from the start point and continuing for an angular length of the Angle Turns input, in degrees. The Pitch input determines the distance of the helix per each 360 degrees in the direction of the axis. In the example below, we start the helix at the point (3,5) and use the Y-axis to define the helix axis. The start point of the helix is controlled by three number sliders. The pitch and angleTurns use two more number sliders. Note that the angleTurns is in degrees." + }, + { + "Name": "Angle", + "imageFile": [ + "Angle" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Angle" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Angle will find the total angular length of a helix in degrees, where one complete turn is equal to 360. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Angle to find the total angle of the helix." + }, + { + "Name": "AxisDirection", + "imageFile": [ + "AxisDirection" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AxisDirection" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Axis Direction will return the direction of the central axis of a helix as a vector. Together with the Axis Point, this defines the central axis. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Axis Direction to find the direction of the helix axis." + }, + { + "Name": "AxisPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "AxisPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AxisPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Axis Point will return the base point of the helix axis. Together with the Axis Direction, this defines the central axis of a helix. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix By Axis, then use Axis Point to find the initial point of the helix axis." + }, + { + "Name": "Pitch", + "imageFile": [ + "Pitch" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Pitch" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Pitch will return the linear distance along the axis direction that a helix spans in one complete turn (360 degrees). In the example below, we create a helix using Helix by Axis, then use Pitch to find the pitch of the helix." + }, + { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Helix/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will return the distance from the central axis to the point on the helix on a plane perpendicular to the axis. In the example below, we create a helix using Helix by Axis, then use Radius to find the radius of the helix." + }, + { + "Name": "ByIndices (a, b, c)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByIndices (a, b, c) (a, b, c)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByIndices (a, b, c) (a, b, c)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/IndexGroup/Create", + "inDepth": "ByIndices (a, b, c) (a, b, c) will return an IndexGroup of three Indices. In the example below, three indices are defined for a three-sided Mesh created with Mesh.ByPointsFacesIndices." + }, + { + "Name": "ByIndices (a, b, c, d)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByIndices (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByIndices (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/IndexGroup/Create", + "inDepth": "ByIndices (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d) will return an IndexGroup of four Indices. In the example below, four indices are defined for a four-sided Mesh created with Mesh.ByPointsFacesIndices." + }, + { + "Name": "A", + "imageFile": [ + "A" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "A" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "A will return the value of Index A. In the example below, the Index value of A is returned as 0 in a three-sided Mesh." + }, + { + "Name": "B", + "imageFile": [ + "B" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "B" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "B will return the value of Index B. In the example below, the Index value of B is returned as 1 in a three-sided Mesh." + }, + { + "Name": "C", + "imageFile": [ + "C" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "C" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "C will return the value of Index C. In the example below, the Index value of C is returned as 2 in a three-sided Mesh." + }, + { + "Name": "Count", + "imageFile": [ + "Count" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Count" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "Count will return an integer that represents the number of Indices in an IndexGroup. In the example below, Index counts are returned for Mesh faces with three and four edges." + }, + { + "Name": "D", + "imageFile": [ + "D" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "D" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/IndexGroup/Query", + "inDepth": "D will return the value of Index D. In the example below, the Index value of D is returned as 3 in a four-sided Mesh." + }, + { + "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByBestFitThroughPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByBestFitThroughPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Line/Create", + "inDepth": "Line by Best Fit Through Points will create a line by approximating a scatter plot of points. The input is a list of points. In this example, we use a number slider to control the number of random points generated, and then find the best fit line through the set of points. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByStartPointDirectionLength", + "imageFile": [ + "ByStartPointDirectionLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByStartPointDirectionLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Line/Create", + "inDepth": "Line by Start Point Direction Length creates a line beginning at the startPoint input, and with a length and direction according to the input direction vector and length. In the example below, we use a code block specify the x,y, and z coordinates of a point. We then use a number slider to control the length of the line." + }, + { + "Name": "ByStartPointEndPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ByStartPointEndPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByStartPointEndPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Line/Create", + "inDepth": "Line By Start Point End Point will create a line between two input points. In this example, we use two code blocks to specify the x,y, and z coordinates of two points, and then create a line between the two points." + }, + { + "Name": "ByTangency", + "imageFile": [ + "ByTangency" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByTangency" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Line/Create", + "inDepth": "Line By Tangency creates a line tangent to an input curve, and with a length of 1 unit. The parameter input specifies the position along the curve to evaluate, with a parameter of zero being the beginning of the curve, and a value of 1 being the end of the curve. In the example, we use a Code Block to generate two lists corresponding to X and Y locations of a series of points. The points are used to draw a Nurbs Curve. We then use a number slider between 0 and 1 as an input parameter to create a line tangent to the curve." + }, + { + "Name": "Direction", + "imageFile": [ + "Direction" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Direction" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Line/Query", + "inDepth": "Direction will return a vector that points in the same direction as a line. The magnitude of the vector is equal to the length of the original line. In the example below, we generate a set of random points, and then us ByBestFitThroughPoints to create a line. We use Direction to find the vector direction of the created line." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointsFaceIndices", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPointsFaceIndices" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPointsFaceIndices" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Mesh/Create", + "inDepth": "ByPointsFaceIndices will return a Mesh based on input vertices as Points and input indices. In the example below, a four-sided Mesh is created with four Points and an IndexGroup of four indices." + }, + { + "Name": "FaceIndices", + "imageFile": [ + "FaceIndices" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FaceIndices" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Mesh/Query", + "inDepth": "FaceIndices will return the IndexGroup of a mesh face in counterclockwise order. In the example below, the an Indexgroup is returned for a four-sided mesh face." + }, + { + "Name": "VertexNormals", + "imageFile": [ + "VertexNormals" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "VertexNormals" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Mesh/Query", + "inDepth": "VertexNormals will return Vectors that represent the normal of each Vertex. In the example below, the normal of each Vertex is returned as a line to represent its direction." + }, + { + "Name": "VertexPositions", + "imageFile": [ + "VertexPositions" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "VertexPositions" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Mesh/Query", + "inDepth": "VertexPositions will return a Mesh face's Vertex positions as Points. In the example below, the Vertex positions of a four-sided Mesh face are returned as Points." + }, + { + "Name": "ByControlPoints (points, degree, closeCurve)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByControlPoints_pdc" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByControlPoints_pdc" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of control points to draw the Nurbs Curve and also allows us to control the degree of the curve. We also have the option to close the curve back to the first point in the list. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions." + }, + { + "Name": "ByControlPoints (points)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByControlPoints_p" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByControlPoints_p" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of points to use as control points and outputs a Nurbs Curve. This example uses a Code Block to generate two lists corresponding to X and Y locations of a series of points. The points are used to draw the Nurbs Curve." + }, + { + "Name": "ByControlPoints (points, degree)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByControlPoints_p" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByControlPoints_p" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Control Points inputs a list of control points to draw the Nurbs Curve and also allows us to control the degree of the curve. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions." + }, + { + "Name": "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots", + "imageFile": [ + "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve by Control Points Weights Knots allows us to manually control the weights and knots of a Nurbs Curve. The list of weights should be the same length as the list of control points. The size of the the list of knots must be equal to the number of control points plus the degree plus one. In the example, we first create a Nurbs Curve by interpolating between a series of random points. We use Knots, Weigts, and Control Points to find the corresponding parts of that curve. We can use ReplaceItemAtIndex to modify the list of weights. Finally we use ByControlPointsWeightsKnots to recreate the Nurbs Curve with the modified weights. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints (points, closeCurve)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints_pc" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints_pc" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through and also allows us to close the curve. This example generates four random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions, closing the curve back to the first point in the list." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints (points, degree)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints_pd" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints_pd" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through, and also allows us to change the degree of the curve. This example generates six random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints (points)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints_p" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints_p" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points inputs a list of points to draw a Nurbs Curve through. This example generates six random points on the World XY plane and connects them in order in the X and Y directions. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointsTangents", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPointsTangents" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPointsTangents" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Curve By Points Tangents inputs a list of control points and the start and end tangent that the Nurbs Curve will maintain. This example uses a reference circle for the control points of the curve, and a single vector to control both the start and end tangents. " + }, + { + "Name": "ControlPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ControlPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ControlPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Control Points will return a list of the control points of a NURBS curve. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use Control Points to then get a list of the control points (instead of the original interpolated points) of the curve." + }, + { + "Name": "Knots", + "imageFile": [ + "Knots" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Knots" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Knots will return the knots of a NURBS curve as a list of numbers. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use Knots to then get a list of the knots for this curve." + }, + { + "Name": "Weights", + "imageFile": [ + "Weights" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Weights" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Weights will return the weights of a NURBS curve as a list of numbers. Each weight corresponds to one control point of the curve. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use Weights to then get a list of the weights for this curve." + }, + { + "Name": "Degree", + "imageFile": [ + "Degree" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Degree" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "Degree will return the degree of a NURBS curve. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use Degree to then get the degree of the curve. Since we created the curve without specifying the degree, it used a default degree of three. (A polygonal curve of straight lines has a degree of one, while the most common degree for non-straight-segmented curves is 3)" + }, + { + "Name": "IsPeriodic", + "imageFile": [ + "IsPeriodic" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsPeriodic" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "IsPeriodic returns a boolean value of true if the curve is periodic, and false if the curve is not periodic. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use IsPeriodic to determine whether or not the curve is periodic." + }, + { + "Name": "IsRational", + "imageFile": [ + "IsRational" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsRational" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "IsRational returns a boolean value of true if the curve is rational, and false if the curve is not rational. In the example, we first generate a number of random points, and then use NurbsCurve ByPoints to create a curve interpolated through the points. We can use IsRational to determine whether or not the curve is rational." + }, + { + "Name": "ByControlPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByControlPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByControlPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Surface By Control Points takes in a two dimensional array of control vertices and outputs a Nurbs Surface. This node also gives us the ability to calibrate the degree in the U and V directions. In this example, a 10 by 10 grid of points is created with a Code Block Range. The grid is then scaled in the Z-direction at random, modulating the output surface from the By Control Points node. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots", + "imageFile": [ + "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByControlPointsWeightsKnots" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByControlPointsWeightsKnots..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Nurbs Surface By Points takes in a two dimensional array of control vertices and outputs a Nurbs Surface. This node also gives us the ability to calibrate the degree in the U and V directions. In this example, a 50 by 50 grid of points is created with a Code Block Range. The grid is then scaled in the Z-direction at random, modulating the output surface from the By Control Points node. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointsTangents", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPointsTangents" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPointsTangents" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByPointsTangents..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives..." + }, + { + "Name": "ControlPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ControlPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ControlPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Action", + "inDepth": "ControlPoints will return the ControlPoints of a NurbsSurface as Points in a List of Lists. In the example below, the ControlPoints are returned from a NurbsSurface created from a Patch." + }, + { + "Name": "UKnots", + "imageFile": [ + "UKnots" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "UKnots" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Action", + "inDepth": "UKnots will return the Surface Knots in the U direction of a NurbsSurface. In the example below, the UKnots of the NurbsSurface are returned as a list of doubles." + }, + { + "Name": "VKnots", + "imageFile": [ + "VKnots" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "VKnots" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Action", + "inDepth": "VKnots will return the Surface Knots in the V direction of a NurbsSurface. In the example below, the VKnots of the NurbsSurface are returned as a list of doubles." + }, + { + "Name": "Weights", + "imageFile": [ + "Weights" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Weights" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Action", + "inDepth": "Weights will return the Weights of a NurbsSurface as doubles in a List of Lists. In the example below, a NurbsSurface returns a list of Weights with a value of 1." + }, + { + "Name": "DegreeU", + "imageFile": [ + "DegreeU" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DegreeU" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "DegreeU will return the degree of a NurbsSurface in the U direction. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created with Points and specified U/V degrees has a degree of 2 in the U direction. Adjusting the number sliders will change the U and V degree values." + }, + { + "Name": "DegreeV", + "imageFile": [ + "DegreeV" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DegreeV" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "DegreeV will return the degree of a NurbsSurface in the V direction. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created with Points and specified U/V degrees has a degree of 2 in the V direction. Adjusting the number sliders will change the U and V degree values." + }, + { + "Name": "IsPeriodicInU", + "imageFile": [ + "IsPeriodicInU" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsPeriodicInU" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about IsPeriodicInU..." + }, + { + "Name": "IsPeriodicInV", + "imageFile": [ + "IsPeriodicInV" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsPeriodicInV" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about IsPeriodicInV..." + }, + { + "Name": "IsRational", + "imageFile": [ + "IsRational" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsRational" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "IsRational will return a boolean value based on whether a NurbsSurface is rational. In the example below, a NurbsSurface created by approximating a Surface returns a false value." + }, + { + "Name": "NumControlPointsU", + "imageFile": [ + "NumControlPointsU" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NumControlPointsU" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "NumControlPointsU will count the control points in the U direction of a NurbsSurface and return an integer. In the example below, the NurbsSurface returns an integer of 22 for its U control points. The control points are returned as Points using NurbsSurface.ControlPoints." + }, + { + "Name": "NumControlPointsV", + "imageFile": [ + "NumControlPointsV" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NumControlPointsV" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/NurbsSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "NumControlPointsV will count the control points in the V direction of a NurbsSurface and return an integer. In the example below, the NurbsSurface returns an integer of 12 for its V control points. The control points are returned as Points using NurbsSurface.ControlPoints." + }, + { + "Name": "ByBestFitThroughPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByBestFitThroughPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByBestFitThroughPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane By Best Fit Through Points uses a set of points and finds the plane that best approximates the set. In the example, we use a series of RandomList components to generate random x,y and z coordinates. The points are created By Coordinates, and the list of points is then used as an input for ByBestFitThroughPoints." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLineAndPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLineAndPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLineAndPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Line and Point creates a plane using the input Point as the origin, and passing through the input line. The point must not lie on the axis of the line. In the example, we create a line by first using a set of random points and then creating a line with ByBestFitThroughPoints. An origin point is created with a code block providing the x,y, and z coordinates for a Point.ByCoordinates component. We then use the line and point as inputs to create a Plane by Line and Point." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOriginNormal", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOriginNormal" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOriginNormal" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Origin Normal creates a plane using the input point as the origin, and perpendicular to the input Normal vector. In the example below, we use a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates of a Point By Coordinates. We then use that point as the Origin, and use a world Y-Axis as the normal vector for a Plane by Origin Normal." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOriginNormalXAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOriginNormalXAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOriginNormalXAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Origin Normal XAxis is similar to Plane By Origin Normal, but this allows us to also input a direction for the XAxis to control the orientation of the plane. If the input xAxis vector is not in the plane defined by the origin and normal inputs, it is first projected onto the plane to determine the Plane XAxis. In the example below, we use world YAxis as the normal vector, and use two code blocks to define the origin point and input xAxis." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOriginXAxisYAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOriginXAxisYAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOriginXAxisYAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Origin XAxis YAxis uses an origin point and two vectors to define a plane. The Normal vector of the plane is created by taking the cross product of the X and Y axis vectors. In the example below, we use world YAxis as the xAxis, and use two code blocks to define the origin point and input xAxis. " + }, + { + "Name": "ByThreePoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByThreePoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByThreePoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane by Three Points will create a plane that passes through the three input points. The points must not be co-linear. In the example below, we use three code blocks to define the three initial points, then use ByThreePoints to create a plane." + }, + { + "Name": "XY", + "imageFile": [ + "XY" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XY" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane XY creates a plane in the world XY directions. The normal of this plane is the world Z-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the XY plane is highlighted." + }, + { + "Name": "XZ", + "imageFile": [ + "XZ" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XZ" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane XZ creates a plane in the world XZ directions. The normal of this plane is the world Y-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the XZ plane is highlighted." + }, + { + "Name": "YZ", + "imageFile": [ + "YZ" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "YZ" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Create", + "inDepth": "Plane YZ creates a plane in the world YZ directions. The normal of this plane is the world X-Axis. In the example file, we show Plane XY, Plane YZ, and Plane XZ. In the image, the YZ plane is highlighted." + }, + { + "Name": "Offset", + "imageFile": [ + "Offset" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Offset" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Action", + "inDepth": "Plane Offset will create a new plane that is offset from the input plane. The amount of offset is controlled by the dist input (short for Distance). The offset is performed along the Normal direction of the plane. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We then use a Number Slider to control the offset distance." + }, + { + "Name": "ToCoordinateSystem", + "imageFile": [ + "ToCoordinateSystem" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ToCoordinateSystem" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Action", + "inDepth": "Plane To Coordinate System will return a Coordinate System based on the input plane, using the plane's origin, XAxis and YAxis. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then use ToCoordinateSystem to convert the Plane to a Coordinate System " + }, + { + "Name": "Normal", + "imageFile": [ + "Normal" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Normal" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane Normal will find the normal vector of an input plane. This is also equal to taking the cross product of the plane XAxis and YAxis. In the example below we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then find the normal vector of this plane." + }, + { + "Name": "Origin", + "imageFile": [ + "Origin" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Origin" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane Origin will return the origin of an input plane as a point. This is specific to the plane, and is not necessarily the same as the world origin. In the example below, we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then find the origin of this plane." + }, + { + "Name": "XAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "XAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane XAxis will return the y-axis of an input plane as a vector. This is specific to the plane, and is not necessarily the same as the world X-direction. In the example below, we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then find the X-axis of this plane." + }, + { + "Name": "YAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "YAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "YAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Plane/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane YAxis will return the y-axis of an input plane as a vector. This is specific to the plane, and is not necessarily the same as the world Y-direction. In the example below, we first use a set of random points to create a Plane by Best Fit Through Points. We can then find the Y-axis of this plane." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCartesianCoordinates", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCartesianCoordinates" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCartesianCoordinates" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "Point By Cartesian Coordinates gives us the ability to set the X, Y and Z values of a point’s location. In this example, we are setting multiple Code Block Ranges controlled by sliders to drive the three-dimensional array of points." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinates", + "ByCoordinates_crossReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinates", + "ByCoordinates_crossReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "The Point By Coordinates (XY) calls for two number inputs and generates a point on the Dynamo base plane. In the first example, we are using two sliders to dynamically control the point’s X and Y location on the Z-plane. In the second, we are using two Number Sliders and a Code Block Range to determine the maximum extents of the grid and the spacing between points. By changing the Points By Coordinates lacing to Cross-Reference, we can create multi-dimensional set of points along the X and Y axis." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z) will return a Point from X, Y, and Z values. In the example below, a Point is created with coordinate values of 2 for X, 3 for Y, and 4 for Z." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCylindricalCoordinates", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCylindricalCoordinates" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCylindricalCoordinates" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "The Point By Cylindrical Coordinates node creates a point located within a cylindrical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of angles and elevations to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius." + }, + { + "Name": "BySphericalCoordinates", + "imageFile": [ + "BySphericalCoordinates" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySphericalCoordinates" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "The Point By Spherical Coordinates node creates a point located within a spherical space. Here, we set the lacing to Cross-Reference and use a range of phi and theta angles to generate a grid of points along a cylinder with a dynamic radius. The location of the sphere is set to a Coordinate System with the origin (1, 5, 1)." + }, + { + "Name": "Origin", + "imageFile": [ + "Origin" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Origin" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Create", + "inDepth": "Origin will return a Point at the Origin of the WorldCoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Circle by centerpoint and radius is created using a Point at the WCS Origin." + }, + { + "Name": "Add", + "imageFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Point Add will add the x,y, and z components of a input vector to the corresponding coordinates of the input point. This is the same as translating the point by the given vector, and is equivalent to using Geometry.Translate (Vector). In the example, we create a point using a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates, then add a world XAxis vector as the vectorToAdd. The result is the point translated by a distance of one in the positive x-direction." + }, + { + "Name": "AsVector", + "imageFile": [ + "AsVector" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AsVector" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Point as Vector takes an input point and returns a vector with x,y, and z components equal to the cartesian coordinates of the point. This can also be thought of as creating a vector by two points, where the first point is the world origin and the second point is the input point. In the example below, we use PointBySphericalCoordinates to generate a point, then use AsVector to get a vector which we can control using spherical coordinates." + }, + { + "Name": "Project", + "imageFile": [ + "Project" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Project" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Project will project a point along a given vector direction onto a specified geometry. The projection is only attempted in the positve direction of the vector. If the vector does not intersect the given geometry, it will return null. In the example below, we create a point using a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates. We use a sphere as the geometry to project onto, and the world XAxis as the projection Direction. The output is a point on the surface of the sphere that is projected from the original point." + }, + { + "Name": "PruneDuplicates", + "imageFile": [ + "PruneDuplicates" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PruneDuplicates" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Prune Duplicates takes a list of points as an input, and will return a list with duplicate points removed. The tolerance input is used to determine how close two points need to be to be considered duplicates. If two points are closer than the tolerance, the first one in the list will be kept, and the other point removed. In the example, we generate a set of random points. We then use Prune Duplicates with a tolerance of one to remove any points that are closer than one unit to another point." + }, + { + "Name": "Subtract", + "imageFile": [ + "Subtract" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Subtract" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Action", + "inDepth": "Point Subtract will subtract the x,y, and z components of a input vector from the corresponding coordinates of the input point. This is the same as translating the point by the reverse of a given vector. In the example, we create a point using a code block to specify the x,y, and z coordinates, then add a world XAxis vector as the vectorToSubtract. The result is the point translated by a distance of one in the negative-x direction." + }, + { + "Name": "X", + "imageFile": [ + "X" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "X" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Query", + "inDepth": "Point X returns the world space X value of an input point. In the example below, we use Point By Spherical Coordinates to create a point who's cartesian coordinate values are not necesarily known in advance, and then use Point X to get the x coordinate." + }, + { + "Name": "Y", + "imageFile": [ + "Y" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Y" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Query", + "inDepth": "Point Y returns the world space Y value of an input point. In the example below, we use Point By Spherical Coordinates to create a point who's cartesian coordinate values are not necesarily known in advance, and then use Point Y to get the y coordinate." + }, + { + "Name": "Z", + "imageFile": [ + "Z" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Z" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Point/Query", + "inDepth": "Point Z returns the world space Z value of an input point. In the example below, we use Point By Spherical Coordinates to create a point who's cartesian coordinate values are not necesarily known in advance, and then use Point Z to get the z coordinate." + }, + { + "Name": "ByJoinedCurves", + "imageFile": [ + "ByJoinedCurves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByJoinedCurves" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Polycurve By Joined Curves creates joined curves from a set of curves with matching vertices. In this example, a RegularPolygon is exploded into a curve list and is then rejoined into a Polycurve." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Polycurve By Points creates joined curves from a set of vertices. This node also allows us to toggle between a closed and an open shape. In this example, points are created along a circle and are redrawn with a PolyCurve By Points component, creating a closed polygon shape." + }, + { + "Name": "ByThickeningCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "ByThickeningCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByThickeningCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Polycurve By Thickening Curve is a node that constructs a closed, offset polygon from a single curve. In this node, we can specify the curve being thickened, the overall thickness, and the normal direction of the offset. This example shows how a randomly generated Nurbs Curve is offset perpendicular to its start and end point vector. " + }, + { + "Name": "BasePlane", + "imageFile": [ + "BasePlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BasePlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Base Plane will return the plane of a planar polycurve. If the curve is not planar, it will give an error. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCurve By Points to create a PolyCurve. Because we only used x and y coordinates, the generated polycurve is planar in the world XY plane. " + }, + { + "Name": "CloseWithLine", + "imageFile": [ + "CloseWithLine" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CloseWithLine" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Close With Line adds a straght line between the start and end point of an open PolyCurve. It returns a new polycurve that includes the added line. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCuve By Points with the connectLastToFirst input set to false to create an open PolyCurve. Inputting this PolyCurve into Close With Line creates a new closed polycurve (and in this case would be equivalent to using a 'true' input for the connectLastToFirst option in PolyCurve By Points)" + }, + { + "Name": "CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs", + "imageFile": [ + "CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs will return a line and tangent arcs to close an open PolyCurve. In the example below, a PolyCurve with two segments is closed with a line and arcs. The arcs are defined by whether they are at the start or end of the new line, and their radii can be controlled independently." + }, + { + "Name": "CurveAtIndex", + "imageFile": [ + "CurveAtIndex" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CurveAtIndex" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Curve At Index will return the curve segment at the input index of a given polycurve. If the number of curves in the polycurve is less than the give index, CurveAtIndex will return null. The endOrStart input accepts a boolean value of true or false. If true, CurveAtIndex will begin counting at the first segment of the PolyCurve. If false, it will count backwards from the last segment. In the example below, we generate a set of random points, and then use PolyCurve By Points to create an open PolyCurve. We can then use CurveAtIndex to extract specfic segments from the PolyCurve." + }, + { + "Name": "Curves", + "imageFile": [ + "Curves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Curves" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Curves will return the indvidual curves that make up a PolyCurve as a list of curves. In the example below, we generate a set of random points, and then use PolyCurve By Points to create an open PolyCurve. We can then use Curves to generate a list of the individual curves." + }, + { + "Name": "ExtendWithArc", + "imageFile": [ + "ExtendWithArc" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExtendWithArc" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Extend With Arc will add a circular arc to the beginning or end of an input PolyCurve, and returns a single combined PolyCurve. The radius input will determin the radius of the circle, while the length input determines the distance along the circle for the arc. The total length must be less than or equal to length of a complete circle with the given radius. The generated arc will be tangent to the end of the input PolyCurve. A boolean input for endOrStart controls which end of the PolyCurve the arc will be created. A value of 'true' will result in the arc created at the end of the PolyCurve, while 'false' will create the arc at the beginning of the PolyCurve. In the example below, we first use a set of random points and PolyCurve By Points to generate a PolyCurve. We then use two number sliders and a boolean toggle to set the parametrs for ExtendWithArc." + }, + { + "Name": "ExtendWithEllipse", + "imageFile": [ + "ExtendWithEllipse" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExtendWithEllipse" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "ExtendWithEllipse will return an extension of a PolyCurve as a portion of an ellipse. In the example below, a PolyCurve with a single segment is extended into an ellipse. The extension is controlled by two radii, it's length, its end parameter, and whether the start or end of the PolyCurve is being extended." + }, + { + "Name": "Fillet", + "imageFile": [ + "Fillet" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Fillet" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new PolyCurve with corners filleted to an input radius. In the example below, a closed PolyCurve is returned with its corners filleted to the default radius of 1." + }, + { + "Name": "Offset", + "imageFile": [ + "Offset" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Offset" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "Offset will output a Curve that is offset from a given PolyCurve by the given distance. The input PolyCurve must be planar and not self-intersecting in order to be offset. The extendCircular input determines whether cornes in the resulting curve should be sharp or circular. Note that this component returns an output of type Curve, not a PolyCurve. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCurve By Points to create a PolyCurve. We then use a Number Slider and a Boolean toggle to control the inputs of Offset. Note that increasing the number of initial points greater than 3 or 4 will often result in a self-intersecting curve, which cannot be offset." + }, + { + "Name": "NumberOfCurves", + "imageFile": [ + "NumberOfCurves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NumberOfCurves" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolyCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "Number Of Curves returns the number of curve segments that make up a given PolyCurve. In the example below, we generate a set of random points and use PolyCurve By Points to create a PolyCurve. If connectLastToFirst is left as 'false', then the number of curves will be one less than the number of points. Otherwise, if we create a closed PolyCurve, the number of curves will be equal to the number of initial points." + }, + { + "Name": "ByJoinedSurfaces", + "imageFile": [ + "ByJoinedSurfaces" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByJoinedSurfaces" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "ByJoinedSurfaces will return a new PolySurface joined from a list of Surfaces. In the example below, two Surface patches and an extrusion are joined into a PolySurface resembling a cylinder." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoft (crossSections)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoft (crossSections)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLoft (crossSections) will return a new PolySurface by lofting between curves in a list. In the example below, a PolySurface is returned from lofting between two circles." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurve) will return a new PolySurface by lofting between curves in a list and guide Curve. In the example below, a new PolySurface is returned by lofting between two Circles. The returned PolySurface is distorted by adjusting the arc of the guideCurve input." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoftGuides", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoftGuides" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoftGuides" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLoftGuides will return a PolySurface by lofting through a list of PolyCurves (crossSections). In the example below, a PolySurface is created by lofting through three arcs and an arc guideCurve. The arcs give the loft its cross section, and the guideCurve gives the loft a rail to follow." + }, + { + "Name": "BySolid", + "imageFile": [ + "BySolid" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySolid" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "BySolid will return a PolySurface from a Solid. In the example below, a Solid is returned as a PolySurface for it to be an acceptable input to Display.BySurfaceColors." + }, + { + "Name": "BySweep (rail, profile)", + "imageFile": [ + "BySweep (rail, profile)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySweep (rail, profile)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "BySweep (rail, profile) will return a PolySurface by sweeping a profile along a rail. In the example below, an Arc is swept along another Arc as its rail." + }, + { + "Name": "BySweep (rail, crossSection)", + "imageFile": [ + "BySweep (rail, crossSection)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySweep (rail, crossSection)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Create", + "inDepth": "BySweep (rail, crossSection) will return a PolySurface by sweeping a list of connected, non-intersecting lines along a rail. In the example below, a Line and an Arc form a cross section to sweep along an Arc. The crossSection input can receive a list of connected Curves that must meet at a start or end point, or the node will not return a PolySurface. This node is similar to BySweep (rail, profile) with the only difference being that crossSection takes a list of Curves while profile only takes one." + }, + { + "Name": "Chamfer", + "imageFile": [ + "Chamfer" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Chamfer" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "Chamfer will return a new PolySurface with chamfered edges defined by an offset input. In the example below, a new PolySurface is returned by chamfering the top and bottom edges of a Cylinder by a 0.5 offset. The offset input must be small enough to fit on the PolySurface. This node is similar to PolySurface.Fillet, but returns a PolySurface with new edges." + }, + { + "Name": "EdgeCount", + "imageFile": [ + "EdgeCount" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EdgeCount" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "EdgeCount will return the number of Edges on a PolySurface. In the example below, an extruded hexagon has an Edge count of 18. The edges are represented as Lines." + }, + { + "Name": "ExtractSolids", + "imageFile": [ + "ExtractSolids" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExtractSolids" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "ExtractSolids will return a Solid from a collection of PolySurfaces. In the example below, a Solid is returned from a collection of three surfaces that form a cylinder. Since the node takes a single PolySurface as an input, the three surfaces must be joined together before returning a Solid." + }, + { + "Name": "Fillet", + "imageFile": [ + "Fillet" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Fillet" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new PolySurface with filleted (round) edges defined by a radius input. In the example below, a new Cylinder is returned with its edges rounded to a radius of 0.5. The radius input must be small enough to fit on the PolySurface. This node is similar to PolySurface.Chamfer." + }, + { + "Name": "LocateSurfacesByLine", + "imageFile": [ + "LocateSurfacesByLine" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "LocateSurfacesByLine" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "LocateSurfacesByLine will return all Surface(s) that a Line intersects. In the example below, a line is found to pass through an extruded hexagon at two places and returns two Surfaces. " + }, + { + "Name": "LocateSurfacesByPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "LocateSurfacesByPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "LocateSurfacesByPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "LocateSurfacesByPoint will return the first Surface intersected in the forward direction as defined by a Vector. In the example below, the Surface returned is intersected by a Vector originating at the Point. The Vector is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "SurfaceCount", + "imageFile": [ + "SurfaceCount" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SurfaceCount" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "SurfaceCount will return the number of Surfaces in a PolySurface as an integer. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns a count of 8. The node takes a single PolySurface as an input, so a collection of Surfaces will need to be joined before counting." + }, + { + "Name": "Surfaces", + "imageFile": [ + "Surfaces" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Surfaces" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "Surfaces will return the Surfaces that make up a PolySurface. In the example below, a extruded hexagon will return eight individual Surfaces." + }, + { + "Name": "UnconnectedBoundaries", + "imageFile": [ + "UnconnectedBoundaries" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "UnconnectedBoundaries" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "UnconnectedBoundaries will return PolyCurves that represent open boundaries. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns it's top and bottom boundaries as PolyCurves since they are unconnected." + }, + { + "Name": "VertexCount", + "imageFile": [ + "VertexCount" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "VertexCount" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/PolySurface/Action", + "inDepth": "VertexCount will return the number of Vertices of a PolySurface as an integer. In the example below, an extruded hexagon returns a Vertice count of 12. The Vertices are represented as Points." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Polygon/Create", + "inDepth": "Polygon By Points creates a polygon from a list of input points. The points will be connected in the order of the list they originate from. In this example, we create a list of random points driven by a Number slider. The points are then connected with lines in the Polygon By Points Component." + }, + { + "Name": "RegularPolygon", + "imageFile": [ + "RegularPolygon" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RegularPolygon" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Polygon/Create", + "inDepth": "Polygon Regular Polygon is a simple component that will inscribe a regular polygon of any number of sides into a circle. In this example, we create the reference circle from a random Best Fit Through Points and draw a six-sided polygon inside the circle." + }, + { + "Name": "Center", + "imageFile": [ + "Center" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Center" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Polygon/Action", + "inDepth": "Polygon Center finds the center of a given polygon by taking the average value of the corners. For concave polygons, it's possible that the center may actually lie outside the polygon. In the example below, we first generate a list of random angles and radii to use as inputs to Point By Cylindrical Coordinates. By sorting the angles first, we ensure that the resulting polygon will be connected in order of increasing angle, and therefore will not be self-intersecting. We can then use Center to take the average of the points and find the polygon center." + }, + { + "Name": "ContainmentTest", + "imageFile": [ + "ContainmentTest" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ContainmentTest" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Polygon/Action", + "inDepth": "Containment Test returns a boolean value depending on whether a given point is contained inside a given polygon. The polygon must be planar and non-self-intersecting in order for this to work. In the example below, we create a polygon using a series of points created By Cylindrical Coordinates. Leaving the elevation constant, and sorting the angles ensures a planar and non-self-intersecting polygon. We then create a point to test, and use ContainmentTest to see if the point is inside or outside the polygon." + }, + { + "Name": "Corners", + "imageFile": [ + "Corners" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Corners" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Polygon/Action", + "inDepth": "Corners will return a list of points that are the corners of the given polygon. In the example below, we first generate a set of random points sorted by angle to use with Polygon By Points. We can get the points back out as a list by using Corners." + }, + { + "Name": "SelfIntersections", + "imageFile": [ + "SelfIntersections" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SelfIntersections" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Polygon/Action", + "inDepth": "Self Intersections will return a list of all points where a polygon intersects itself. In the example below, we first generate a list of random unsorted angles and radii to use with Points By Cylindrical Coordinates. Because we kept the elevation constant, and did not sort the angles of these points, a polygon created with Polygon By Points will be planar and is likely to be self-intersecting. We can then find the intersection points using Self Intersections" + }, + { + "Name": "PlaneDeviation", + "imageFile": [ + "PlaneDeviation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PlaneDeviation" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Polygon/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane Deviation will first calculate the best fit plane through the points of a given polygon. It then averages the distance of each point to that plane to find the average deviation of the points of a polygon from the best fit plane. In the example below, we generate a list of random angles, elevations, and radii, and then use Points By Cylindrical Coordinates to create a set of non-planar points to use for Polygon By Points. Inputting this polygon into PlaneDeviation, we can find the average deviation of the points from a best-fit-plane." + }, + { + "Name": "Points", + "imageFile": [ + "Points" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Points" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Polygon/Query", + "inDepth": "Points will return a list of points that are the end points of the segments of the given polygon. In the example below, we first generate a set of random points sorted by angle to use with Polygon By Points. We can get the points back out as a list by using Points." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCornerPoints (p1, p2, p3, p4)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCornerPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCornerPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Corner Points node takes four input points and creates a rectangle from them. The input points must reflect a rectangle form. In this example, two Number Sliders are used to create the Points By Coordinates at the rectangle’s vertices. A similar but distinct Rectangle ByCornerPoints node uses a list of points as the input rather than each input separately. Both nodes are shown in this example." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCornerPoints (points)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCornerPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCornerPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Corner Points node takes a list of four input points and creates a rectangle from them. The input points must reflect a rectangle form. In this example, two Number Sliders are used to create the Points By Coordinates at the rectangle’s vertices. A similar but distinct Rectangle ByCornerPoints node uses four separate inputs for eacher point rather than as a single list. Both nodes are shown in this example." + }, + { + "Name": "ByWidthLength (plane, width, length)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByWidthLength_pwl" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByWidthLength_pwl" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "Create a Rectangle centered at the origin of the input plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). In the example, we use the world YZ plane as the input plane. The width specifies the plane X Axis length, which in this case corresponds to the world Y axis, and the length specifies the plane Y Axis length which is this case corresponds to the world Z Axis." + }, + { + "Name": "ByWidthLength (cs, width, length)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByWidthLength_cwl" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByWidthLength_cwl" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "Create a Rectangle centered at the input origin in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length)." + }, + { + "Name": "ByWidthLength (width, length)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByWidthLength" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByWidthLength" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Rectangle/Create", + "inDepth": "The Rectangle By Width Length node creates a rectangle on the Z-base plane with a specified length and width dimension. The center of the rectangle will be located at the grid origin. In this example, we use two Number Sliders to drive the shape of the rectangle. " + }, + { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Rectangle/Query", + "inDepth": "Height will output the height of an input rectangle. The height output is the same as the length input for Rectangle.Create nodes. The height is the dimension in the Y-axis of the plane or coordinate system of the rectangle. The example below uses four points to create a rectangle, then shows both Width and height nodes to find the dimensions of the rectangle." + }, + { + "Name": "Width", + "imageFile": [ + "Width" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Width" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Rectangle/Query", + "inDepth": "Width will output the width of an input rectangle. The width is the dimension in the X-axis of the plane or coordinate system of the rectangle. The example below uses four points to create a rectangle, then shows both Width and Length nodes to find the dimensions of the rectangle." + }, + { + "Name": "ByJoinedSurfaces", + "imageFile": [ + "ByJoinedSurfaces" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByJoinedSurfaces" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Solid by Joined Surfaces takes a list of surfaces as an input and will return a single solid defined by the surfaces. The surfaces must define a closed surface. In the example below, we start with a circle as a base geometry. The circle is patched to create a surface, and that surface is translated in the z-direction. We then extrude the circle to produce the sides. List.Create is used to make a list consisting of the base, side, and top surfaces, and then we use ByJoinedSurfaces to turn the list into a single closed solid." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoft" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoft" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLoft with crossSections takes a list of closed curves as an input. It will produce a solid by lofting between the list of curves in order. In the example below, we start with a circle. We then produce a series of translated circles based on a sine curve. This list of curves is used as the input for ByLoft." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoft_guideCurves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoft_guideCurves" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLoft with crossSections and guideCurves allows us to input a list of guide curves to produce different profiles along the perimeter of a lofted solid. In the example below, we use two offset rectangles as the crossSections. Two different guide curves are generate around the perimeter, one based on a Cosine function, and the other a simple line." + }, + { + "Name": "ByRevolve", + "imageFile": [ + "ByRevolve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByRevolve" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Solid by Revolve creates a surface by rotating a given profile curve around an axis. The axis is defined by an axisOrigin point, and an axisDirection vector. The start angle determines where to begin the surface, measured in degrees, and the sweepAngle determines how far around the axis to continue the surface. In the example below, we use a curve generated with a cosine function as the profile curve, and two number sliders to control the startAngle and sweepAngle. The axisOrigin and axisDirection are left at the default values of the world origin and world z-axis for this example." + }, + { + "Name": "BySweep", + "imageFile": [ + "BySweep" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySweep" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Solid By Sweep will create a solid by sweeping an input closed profile curve along a specified path. In the example below, we use a rectangle as the base profile curve. The path is created by using a cosine function with a sequence of angles to vary the x-coordinates of a set of points. The points are used as the input to a NurbsCurve by Points node. We then create a solid by sweeping the rectangle along the created cosine curve." + }, + { + "Name": "BySweep2Rails", + "imageFile": [ + "BySweep2Rails" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySweep2Rails" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "BySweep2Rails will return a new Solid from a curve profile swept along two curve rails. In the example below, a new Solid is returned from sweeping a circle along two arcs as rails. Switching the arc inputs in rail1 and rail2 will change which arc the sweep is perpendicular to." + }, + { + "Name": "ByUnion", + "imageFile": [ + "ByUnion" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByUnion" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Create", + "inDepth": "Solid by Union will create a single new solid out of the union of a list of closed solids. The union is the combination of both solids, and the new solid will include all of the volume of the original solids. In the example below, we use a set of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere. We also use a default cuboid. We use a List.Create node to put both the cube and the sphere into a single list, which we use as the input for Solid ByUnion node." + }, + { + "Name": "Centroid", + "imageFile": [ + "Centroid" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Centroid" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Centroid will return a point that is at the centroid of a solid. The centroid can be thought of as the center of mass of an solid object. Note that it is possible for the center of mass to exist outside the actual solid. In the example below, we use a set of circles to create a Solid ByLoft, and input the resulting solid into a Centroid node." + }, + { + "Name": "Chamfer", + "imageFile": [ + "Chamfer" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Chamfer" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Chamfer will return a new solid with chamfered edges. The edges input specifies which edges to chamfer, while the offset input determines the extent of the chamfer. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the offset distance for the chamfer." + }, + { + "Name": "Difference", + "imageFile": [ + "Difference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Difference" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Difference will create a new solid by subtracting one solid from another. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to subtract from, while the 'tool' input is the solid that will be subtracted. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to subtract from. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere, which we use as the tool. If the sphere is intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting part of the sphere subtracted from it." + }, + { + "Name": "DifferenceAll", + "imageFile": [ + "DifferenceAll" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DifferenceAll" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Difference All will create a new solid by subtracting a list of solids from one single solid. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to subtract from, while the 'tools' input is the list of solids that will be subtracted. The solids in this list will be unioned together to create a single solid, which is then subtracted from the 'solid' input. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to subtract from. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere. By using a sequence of numbers as the z-coordinate, we create a list of several spheres. If the spheres are intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting parts of the spheres subtracted from it." + }, + { + "Name": "Fillet", + "imageFile": [ + "Fillet" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Fillet" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Fillet will return a new solid with rounded edges. The edges input specifies which edges to fillet, while the offset input determines the radius of the fillet. In the example below, we start with a cube using the default inputs. To get the appropriate edges of the cube, we first explode the cube to get the faces as a list of surfaces. We then use a Face.Edges node to extract the edges of the cube. We extract the first edge of each face with GetItemAtIndex. A number slider controls the radius for each fillet." + }, + { + "Name": "ProjectInputOnto", + "imageFile": [ + "ProjectInputOnto" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ProjectInputOnto" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Project Input Onto will proect an input geometry onto a given solid, using the projectDirection vector as the axis for projection. In the example below, we first create a solid to project onto by lofting a sequence of circles together with ByLoft. The geometry we are projecting is a vertical circle created next to the solid. We use the world YAxis as the projectDirection. The result is a curve that has been projected onto the irregular solid." + }, + { + "Name": "ThinShell", + "imageFile": [ + "ThinShell" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ThinShell" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Thin Shell will create a new solid by offsetting the surfaces that make up the input solid. This can also be thought of as thickening the surfaces of the input solid. In the example below, we use a chamfered cube as our input solid. We have two number sliders to control the inner and outer thicknesses of the shell faces." + }, + { + "Name": "Union", + "imageFile": [ + "Union" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Union" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Action", + "inDepth": "Union will create a new solid by adding one solid to another. The 'solid' input indicates the solid to add to, while the 'tool' input is the solid that will be added. In the example below, we start with a default cube as the solid we are going to add to. We use a series of number sliders to control the position and radius of a sphere, which we use as the tool. If the sphere is intersecting the cube, then the result is a cube with the intersecting part of the sphere added to it." + }, + { + "Name": "Area", + "imageFile": [ + "Area" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Area" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Query", + "inDepth": "Volume will return the surface area of a given solid. In the example below, we start with a cube, and then chamfer the edges to produce a new solid. We can use Area to find the total area of all the surfaces of this solid." + }, + { + "Name": "Volume", + "imageFile": [ + "Volume" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Volume" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Solid/Query", + "inDepth": "Volume will return the volume of a given solid. In the example below, we start with a cube, and then chamfer the edges to produce a new solid. We can use Volume to find the new volume of this solid." + }, + { + "Name": "ByBestFit", + "imageFile": [ + "ByBestFit" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByBestFit" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Sphere/Create", + "inDepth": "Sphere by Best Fit will create a sphere based on a list of points as input. The sphere will be created to minimize the average distance from the list of points to the surface of the sphere. In the example below, we generate a set of random numbers to use as x,y, and z coordinates for a list of points. The number of points is controlled by an integer slider. The list of points is used as the input for a Sphere ByBestFit node." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCenterPointRadius", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCenterPointRadius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCenterPointRadius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Sphere/Create", + "inDepth": "Sphere by Center Point Radius will create a sphere centered at the input point, and with an input radius. In the example below, we use a code block to specify the coordinates of a Point created by coordinates, and we use a number slider to determine the radius of the sphere." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFourPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByFourPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByFourPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Sphere/Create", + "inDepth": "ByFourPoints will return a Sphere from four input Points on the Surface. In the example below, two Spheres are created from a collection of six Points. Adjusting the X Position and Y Position sliders will change the size of each Sphere relative to the other. It is important to note that not any collection of four points will make a Sphere. It has to be possible for all Points to be on the Sphere's surface." + }, + { + "Name": "CenterPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CenterPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Sphere/Query", + "inDepth": "Center Point will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a CenterPoint node to determine the center of the best fit sphere." + }, + { + "Name": "Radius", + "imageFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Radius" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Sphere/Query", + "inDepth": "Radius will return the center of an input sphere. In the example below, we use a ByBestFit node to create a sphere based on a set of random points. We then use a Radius node to determine the size of the best fit sphere." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoft" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoft" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface ByLoft with cross sections takes a list of curves as an input. It will produce a surface by lofting between the list of curves in order. In the example below we create two curves, a line and a sine curve. We use List.Create to combine these two curves into a list, which we use as an input for Surface ByLoft. The result is a surface that is lofted between a sine curve on one side, and a line on the other." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoft (crossSections, guideCurves)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoft_gcs" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoft_gcs" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Loft with cross sections and guide curves takes a list of cross sections to loft between, and a separate list of guide curves to determine the profile of the loft. In the example below, we use two straight lines as the input cross sections. For the guide curves, we create one sine curve and one straight line. A number slider controls the distance between the sine curve and the straight line. The resulting loft interpolates between the sine curve and the straight line." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPatch", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPatch" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPatch" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Patch will create a surface by filling in the interior of a closed curve. In the example below, we first create a closed Nurbs Curve by using a series of points created with cylindrical coordines. A number slider controls the number of points to create, while a boolean toggle node controls whether the Nurbs Curve is closed on not. We use the Nurbs Curve as the input to a Surface ByPatch node, creating a surface on the inside of the closed curve." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPerimeterPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPerimeterPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPerimeterPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Perimeter Points takes a list of points that defines the perimeter of a closed polygon, and creates a surface inside the resulting polygon. In the example below we create a series of points using cylindrical coordinates. The points are created at regular intervals around a cylinder with randomized inputs for the radius and elevation. The resulting list of points is used as the input for a Surface ByPerimeterPoints node." + }, + { + "Name": "ByRevolve", + "imageFile": [ + "ByRevolve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByRevolve" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Revolve creates a surface by rotating a given profile curve around an axis. The axis is defined by an axisOrigin point, and an axisDirection vector. The start angle determines where to begin the surface, measured in degrees, and the sweepAngle determines how far around the axis to continue the surface. In the example below, we use a curve generated with a cosine function as the profile curve, and two number sliders to control the startAngle and sweepAngle. The axisOrigin and axisDirection are left at the default values of the world origin and world z-axis for this example" + }, + { + "Name": "ByRuledLoft", + "imageFile": [ + "ByRuledLoft" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByRuledLoft" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Ruled Loft takes an ordered list of curves as an input and lofts a straigth-line ruled surface between the curves. Compared to ByLoft, ByRuledLoft can be slightly faster, but the resulting surface is less smooth. In the example below, we start with a line along the X-axis. We translate this line into a series of lines that follow a sine curve in the y-direction. Using this resulting list of lines as the input for a Surface ByRuledLoft results in a surface with straight-line segments between the input curves." + }, + { + "Name": "BySweep", + "imageFile": [ + "BySweep" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySweep" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep will create a surface by sweeping an input curve along a specfied path. In the example below, we use a sine curve in the y-direction as the profile curve. We rotate this curve by -90 degrees around the world z-axis to use as a path curve. Surface BySweep moves the profile curve along the path curve creating a surface." + }, + { + "Name": "BySweep2Rails", + "imageFile": [ + "BySweep2Rails" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySweep2Rails" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Create", + "inDepth": "Surface by Sweep 2 Rails takes an input curve and uses two guide curves to sweep the profile curve along. In the example below, we use a half-circle as the input profile. We create two diverging lines to use as the rail curves for a BySweep2Rails node. The result is a surface with a half-circle profile that grows as the arc moves along the diverging lines." + }, + { + "Name": "ApproximateWithTolerance", + "imageFile": [ + "ApproximateWithTolerance" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ApproximateWithTolerance" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Approximate with Tolerance will create a Nurbs Surface that approximates an input surface. The tolerance input determines how accurately the result will match the original surface. In the example below, we create a surface using a ByPatch node with a close Nurbs Curve as an input. Note that when we use this surface as the input for a ApproximateWithTolerance node, the result is an untrimmed Nurbs Surface with four sides." + }, + { + "Name": "CoordinateSystemAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "CoordinateSystemAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CoordinateSystemAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Coordinate System at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns a coordinate system. The x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the Coordinate System are determined by the Normal direction, U direction, and V direction, respectively. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to create a Coordinate System with a CoordnateSystemAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "CurvatureAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "CurvatureAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CurvatureAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Curvature At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns a coordinate system based on the normal, U direction, and V direction at the UV position on the surface. The Normal vector determines the z-axis, while the U and V directions determine the direction of the X and Y axes. The length of the axes are determined by the U and V curvature. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to create a Coordinate System with a CurvatureAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "DerivativesAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "DerivativesAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "DerivativesAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Derivatives At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the U and V derivaties of the surface at the input UV position on the surface. The derivatives are returned as a list of two vectors, with the first vector being the U derivative and the second vector being the V derivative. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to determine the derivatives with a DerivativesAtParameter node. " + }, + { + "Name": "FlipNormalDirection", + "imageFile": [ + "FlipNormalDirection" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FlipNormalDirection" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Flip Normal Direction will flip the direction of the normal vectors of a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. The Normal direction of this surface points up in the positive z-direction. By usinging a FlipNormalDirection node, we create a new surface with the same geometry, but with the normals pointing down in the negative z-direction." + }, + { + "Name": "GaussianCurvatureAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "GaussianCurvatureAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GaussianCurvatureAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Gaussian Curvature At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvature of the surface at the input UV position of the surface. The Gaussian Curvature is calculated as the product of the two principal curvatures (in the U and V directions). In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the gaussian curvature with a GaussianCurvatureAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "GetIsoline", + "imageFile": [ + "GetIsoline" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetIsoline" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Get Isoline will return the isoline of a surface at an input U or V parameter. The input isoDirection is used to determine whether the U direction or V direction is used. An isoDirection of 0 corresponds to the U direction, while an isoDirection of 1 corresponds to the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders. The first slider controls the U or V direction of the isolines, while the second determines the parameter to find the isoline of." + }, + { + "Name": "Join", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Join..." + }, + { + "Name": "NormalAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "NormalAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NormalAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Normal At Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the Normal vector of the surface at the input UV position on the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a Sweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to determine the Normal with a NormalAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "NormalAtPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "NormalAtPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NormalAtPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Normal At Point finds the Normal vector of the surface at the input point on a surface. If the input point is not on the surface, this node will find the point on the surface that is nearest to the input point. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a Code Block to specify a point to find the normal at. The point is not on the surface, so the node uses the closest point on the surface as the position to find the normal at." + }, + { + "Name": "Offset", + "imageFile": [ + "Offset" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Offset" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Offset will create a new surface that is offset from the input surface at distance specified by the distance input. A positive distance will create the offset surface according to the Normal direction of the surface, while a negative distance will result in the offset on the opposite side of the surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use a number slider to control the distance of the offset in an Offset node." + }, + { + "Name": "PerimeterCurves", + "imageFile": [ + "PerimeterCurves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PerimeterCurves" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Perimeter Curves will return the edge curves of an open surface as a list of curves. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then extract the perimeter edges by using a PerimeterCurves node. " + }, + { + "Name": "PointAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "PointAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Point At Parameter will return the point on a surface specified by U and V parameters. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails node. We then use two number sliders to control the U and V values of the parameter for a PointAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Principal Curvatures at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvatures in the U and V directions. This node returns a list of two numbers, with the first being the curvature in the U direction and the second being the curvature in the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the curvatures using a PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Principal Directions at Parameter uses U and V input parameters and returns the curvatures in the U and V directions. This node returns a list of two vectors, with the first being the direction vector in the U direction and the second being the direction vector in the V direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the directions using a PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter node." + }, + { + "Name": "ProjectInputOnto", + "imageFile": [ + "ProjectInputOnto" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ProjectInputOnto" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Project Input Onto will project an input geometry onto a given surface along a given direction. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. This is the surface we will project onto. We make a circle at the origin to use as the geometry to project, and simply use the world Z-direction as the direction vector for projection. The result is a circle projected onto the surface." + }, + { + "Name": "SubtractFrom", + "imageFile": [ + "SubtractFrom" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SubtractFrom" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Subtract From will create a new surface by subtracting the input trimming geometry from they input surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a series of number slider to contrel the length, width, and height of a cuboid. By using a SubtractFrom node, we can trim the surface by subracting out the area that intersects with the cuboid." + }, + { + "Name": "TangentAtUParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "TangentAtUParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TangentAtUParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Tangent at U Parameter will return the tangent vector in the U direction at a specified UV position on a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the U tangent vector." + }, + { + "Name": "TangentAtVParameter", + "imageFile": [ + "TangentAtVParameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TangentAtVParameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Tangent at U Parameter will return the tangent vector in the V direction at a specified UV position on a surface. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use two number sliders to determine the U and V parameters to find the V tangent vector." + }, + { + "Name": "Thicken (surface, thickness)", + "imageFile": [ + "Thicken" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Thicken" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Thicken will create a solid by offsetting a surface according to the thickness input and capping the ends to close the solid. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then create a solid by using a number slider to dermine the thickness input of a Thicken node." + }, + { + "Name": "Thicken (surface, thickness, both_sides)", + "imageFile": [ + "Thicken_bothSides" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Thicken_bothSides" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Thicken will create a solid by offsetting a surface according to the thickness input and capping the ends to close the solid. This Thicken node has an extra input to specify whether to thicken on both sides or not. The both_sides input takes a boolean value. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then create a solid by using a number slider to dermine the thickness input of a Thicken node. A boolean toggle controls whether to thicken on both sides or just one. Note that the thickness parameter determines the total thickness of the final solid, so if both_sides is set to true, the result will be offset from the original surface by half the input thickness on both sides." + }, + { + "Name": "ToNurbsSurface", + "imageFile": [ + "ToNurbsSurface" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ToNurbsSurface" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "Surface To Nurbs Surface takes a surface as input and returns a Nurbs Surface that approximates the input surface. In the example below, we create a surface using a ByPatch node with a close Nurbs Curve as an input. Note that when we use this surface as the input for a ToNurbsSurface node, the result is an untrimmed Nurbs Surface with four sides." + }, + { + "Name": "TrimWithEdgeLoops", + "imageFile": [ + "TrimWithEdgeLoops" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TrimWithEdgeLoops" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "TrimWithEdgeLoops will return a new Surface trimmed from an input Surface. In the example below, two loops are trimmed out of a Surface, returning two new Surfaces highlighted in blue. The number slider will adjust the shape of the new Surfaces. The loops input will take a single PolyCurve or a list of them." + }, + { + "Name": "UVParameterAtPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "UVParameterAtPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "UVParameterAtPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Action", + "inDepth": "UV Parameter At Point finds the UV position of the surface at the input point on a surface. If the input point is not on the surface, this node will find the point on the surface that is nearest to the input point. In the example below, we first create a surface by using a BySweep2Rails. We then use a Code Block to specify a point to find the UN parameter at. The point is not on the surface, so the node uses the closest point on the surface as the position to find the UV parameter of." + }, + { + "Name": "Area", + "imageFile": [ + "Area" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Area" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "Area will return the area of a surface as a double. In the example below, a surface extruded from a circle with radius 5 to a height of 3 returns an area of ~94.25." + }, + { + "Name": "Closed", + "imageFile": [ + "Closed" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Closed" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "Closed will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's U or V directions. In the example below, two extruded Surfaces are tested, and the extruded circle returns true. By adjusting the number slider, the extruded arc will close into a circle and also return true." + }, + { + "Name": "ClosedInU", + "imageFile": [ + "ClosedInU" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ClosedInU" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "ClosedInU will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's U direction. In the example below, an extruded circle that is closed in one direction returns false for being closed in U." + }, + { + "Name": "ClosedInV", + "imageFile": [ + "ClosedInV" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ClosedInV" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "ClosedInV will return a boolean value based on whether a Surface is closed in it's V direction. In the example below, an extruded circle that is closed in one direction returns true for being closed in V" + }, + { + "Name": "Perimeter", + "imageFile": [ + "Perimeter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Perimeter" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Surface/Query", + "inDepth": "Perimeter will return the length of a Surface's perimeter as a double. In the example below, a complex NurbsSurface's perimeter returns a value of 36.432." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/ConvexHull/Action", + "inDepth": "ByPoints will return a list of curves that represent the convex hull of a set of Points. In the example below, a list of points randomly placed in 3D returns a list of curves representing their convex hull." + }, + { + "Name": "ByParametersOnSurface", + "imageFile": [ + "ByParametersOnSurface" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByParametersOnSurface" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Delaunay/Action", + "inDepth": "ByParametersOnSurface will return a Delaunay triangulation of an input Surface. In the example below, a Delaunay triangulation of a NurbsSurface is returned with a UV count of 400. Increasing the UV count will create a better approximation of the underlying Surface but with more triangles." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Delaunay/Action", + "inDepth": "ByPoints will return a list of curves that represent the Delaunay triangulation of a set of points. In the example below, a list of points randomly placed in 3D returns a list of curves representing their Delaunay triangulation." + }, + { + "Name": "ByParametersOnSurface", + "imageFile": [ + "ByParametersOnSurface" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByParametersOnSurface" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Tessellation/Voronoi/Action", + "inDepth": "ByParametersOnSurface will return a Voronoi representation of a surface's UV as a list of curves. In the example below, a Voronoi representation is created on a surface using a UV system of 50 random values. In order for the Voronoi to stop at the edges of the surface, the returned curves must be intersected with the surface." + }, + { + "Name": "Edges", + "imageFile": [ + "Edges" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Edges" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Topology/Query", + "inDepth": "Edges will return a List of Edges from an input geometry. In the example below, a Cuboid returns a List of 12 Edges." + }, + { + "Name": "Faces", + "imageFile": [ + "Faces" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Faces" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Topology/Query", + "inDepth": "Faces will return the list of Faces that make up a Topology. In the example below, two chamfered PolySurfaces return a lists of Faces of different lengths." + }, + { + "Name": "Vertices", + "imageFile": [ + "Vertices" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Vertices" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Topology/Query", + "inDepth": "Vertices will return a List of Vertex locations for an input geometry. In the example below, the a Cuboid returns a list of 8 Vertex locations." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinates", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinates" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinates" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/UV/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinates will return a UV from two lists of doubles. In the example below, a UV is returned from 400 random values to create a Delaunay triangulation of a NurbsSurface." + }, + { + "Name": "U", + "imageFile": [ + "U" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "U" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/UV/Query", + "inDepth": "U will return the U value of a UV coordinate. In the example below, the U value of a Point location on the NurbsSurface is returned. The UV parameter is returned from the Surface.UVParamterAtPoint node." + }, + { + "Name": "V", + "imageFile": [ + "V" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "V" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/UV/Query", + "inDepth": "V will return the V value of a UV coordinate. In the example below, the V value of a Point location on the NurbsSurface is returned. The UV parameter is returned from the Surface.UVParamterAtPoint node." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinates (x, y, z)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z) will return a Vector from X, Y, and Z coordinates. The input coordinate location defines the Vector's position and length. In the example below, a Vector is returned from a coordinate location of (1,0,1) and is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinates (x, y, z, normalized) will return a Vector from coordinate values and a normalize boolean toggle. In the example below, a Vector is returned with a length of 2.83 that can be normalized to 1. The Vector is represented as a Line to show length change when toggling normalize." + }, + { + "Name": "ByTwoPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByTwoPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByTwoPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "ByTwoPoints will return a Vector defined by two Point locations. In the example below, a Vector created by two Points is represented by a Line. The Vector's length is 3, equal to the distance between Points." + }, + { + "Name": "XAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "XAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "XAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem X axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS X axis." + }, + { + "Name": "YAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "YAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "YAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "YAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Y axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Y axis." + }, + { + "Name": "ZAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "ZAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ZAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Create", + "inDepth": "ZAxis will return a Vector that represents the WorldCoordinateSystem Z axis. In the example below, the Vector returned is used to create a Line that follows the WCS Z axis." + }, + { + "Name": "Add", + "imageFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Add will return a Vector that is the sum of two other Vectors. In the example below, the sum of the WCS Z axis and X axis Vectors results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,1). The new Vector is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "AngleAboutAxis", + "imageFile": [ + "AngleAboutAxis" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AngleAboutAxis" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "AngleAboutAxis will return the angle measurement between two Vectors in degrees from 0 to 360 and about an axis of rotation. In the example below, the angle between two Vectors is measured about the Z axis. Adjust Z Elevation and Rotation Degrees sliders to see how they affect the resulting angle measurement. The Vectors are represented as Lines." + }, + { + "Name": "AngleWithVector", + "imageFile": [ + "AngleWithVector" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AngleWithVector" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "AngleWithVector will return the angle measurement between two Vectors in degrees from 0 to 180. In the example below, an angle measurement is returned for two Vectors. Adjust Z Elevation and Rotation Degrees sliders to see how they affect the resulting angle measurement. The Vectors are represented as Lines." + }, + { + "Name": "AsPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "AsPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AsPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "AsPoint will return a Point at the coordinate values of a Vector. In the example below, a Point is returned from the Vector.ByCoordinates node at (10,5,6)." + }, + { + "Name": "Cross", + "imageFile": [ + "Cross" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Cross" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Cross will return the cross product of two Vectors. In the example below, the cross product of two Vectors results in a new Vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." + }, + { + "Name": "Dot", + "imageFile": [ + "Dot" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Dot" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Dot will return the dot product of two Vectors as a double. In the example below, Vectors of (10,5,6) and (1,10,1) return a dot product of 66." + }, + { + "Name": "IsAlmostEqualTo", + "imageFile": [ + "IsAlmostEqualTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsAlmostEqualTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "IsAlmostEqualTo will return a boolean value based on whether a Vector has the same values as another. In the example below, a true value is returned when comparing a Vector on the WCS Z axis to a Vector with coordinates of (0,0,1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the Vector's coordinate values making it unequal. The Vectors are represented as Lines." + }, + { + "Name": "IsParallel", + "imageFile": [ + "IsParallel" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsParallel" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "IsParallel will return a boolean value based on whether a Vector is parallel to another Vector. In the example below, two Vectors represented as Lines are compared. Adjust the slider to rotate one Vector in and out of parallel with the other." + }, + { + "Name": "Normalized", + "imageFile": [ + "Normalized" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Normalized" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Normalized will return a normalized Vector. The Vector returned will have a length of 1 regardless of its original length. In the example below, a Vector of length ~1.4142 is normalized to a length of 1." + }, + { + "Name": "Reverse", + "imageFile": [ + "Reverse" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Reverse" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Reverse will return a new Vector pointing in the opposite direction from its input. In the example below, a Vector of (1,0,1) will return a Vector of (-1,0,-1). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different reversed vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." + }, + { + "Name": "Rotate (vector, axis, degrees)", + "imageFile": [ + "Rotate (vector, axis, degrees)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Rotate (vector, axis, degrees)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotate (vector, axis, degrees) will return a new Vector rotated about an input axis. In the example below, a Vector represented as a Line is rotated about a Z axis Vector. Try plugging in different Vectors for different rotation axes." + }, + { + "Name": "Rotate (vector, plane, degrees)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Rotate..." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (vector, scale_factor)", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale (vector, scale_factor)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale (vector, scale_factor)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale (vector, scale_factor) will return a new Vector scaled by a factor. In the example below, a Vector of length 1.732 is scaled to 12.471 from a factor of 7.2." + }, + { + "Name": "Scale (vector, xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)", + "imageFile": [ + "Scale (vector, xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Scale (vector, xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor)" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Scale (vector, xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor, zScaleFactor) will return a new Vector scaled non-uniformly in the X, Y and Z directions. In the example below, two new Vectors are scaled from an X scale factor and Y/Z scale factors. All scale factors are 2, yet different Vector lengths are returned from scaling in different and/or multiple directions." + }, + { + "Name": "Subtract", + "imageFile": [ + "Subtract" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Subtract" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Subtract will return a Vector that is the difference of two other Vectors. In the example below, the difference of the a Vector with coordinates (1,0,1) and WCS Z axis results in a Vector with coordinates of (1,0,0). Adjusting the Vector Direction slider will change the vector's coordinate values and return a different subtracted vector. The Vectors are represented as Lines." + }, + { + "Name": "Transform", + "imageFile": [ + "Transform" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Transform" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Action", + "inDepth": "Transform will return a new Vector based on an input CoordinateSystem. In the example below, a Vector is transformed from the WorldCoordinateSystem to a new CoordinateSystem defined by spherical coordinates. Try adjusting the sliders to move the new Vector into a different position. Both Vectors are represented as Lines." + }, + { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Query", + "inDepth": "Length will return the length of a Vector as a double. In the example below, a Vector with coordinates of (4,0,4) returns a length of 5.67. Adjusting the Length slider will change the Vector's length. The Vector is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "X", + "imageFile": [ + "X" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "X" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Query", + "inDepth": "X will return the X component of a Vector as a double. This can also be understood as the length of a Vector in the X direction. In the example below, a Vector with coordinates of (4,2,3) returns an X component value of 4. Adjusting the Vector Scale slider will lengthen the Vector and change its X value. The Vector is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "Y", + "imageFile": [ + "Y" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Y" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Query", + "inDepth": "Y will return the Y component of a Vector as a double. This can also be understood as the length of a Vector in the Y direction. In the example below, a Vector with coordinates of (4,2,3) returns an Y component value of 2. Adjusting the Vector Scale slider will lengthen the Vector and change its Y value. The Vector is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "Z", + "imageFile": [ + "Z" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Z" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vector/Query", + "inDepth": "Z will return the Z component of a Vector as a double. This can also be understood as the length of a Vector in the Z direction. In the example below, a Vector with coordinates of (4,2,3) returns an Z component value of 3. Adjusting the Vector Scale slider will lengthen the Vector and change its Z value. The Vector is represented as a Line." + }, + { + "Name": "AdjacentEdges", + "imageFile": [ + "AdjacentEdges" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AdjacentEdges" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vertex/Query", + "inDepth": "AdjacentEdges will return the Edges that emanate from a Vertex. In the example below, the Edges emanating from a Vertex on a Cube are represented as Lines. Adjust the Edges slider to return different sets of adjacent Edges." + }, + { + "Name": "AdjacentFaces", + "imageFile": [ + "AdjacentFaces" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AdjacentFaces" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vertex/Query", + "inDepth": "AdjacentFaces will return the Faces adjacent to an input Vertex. In the example below, a Vertex on a Cuboid will return a List of three Faces. Adjusting the Index Selector slider will change the input Vertex and return different sets of adjacent Faces. The Faces are represented as Surfaces." + }, + { + "Name": "PointGeometry", + "imageFile": [ + "PointGeometry" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PointGeometry" + ], + "folderPath": "Geometry/Vertex/Query", + "inDepth": "PointGeometry will return Vertex locations as Points. In the example below, the Vertices of a Cube are returned and represented as Points." + }, + { + "Name": "ReadFromFile", + "imageFile": [ + "ReadFromFile" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ReadFromFile" + ], + "folderPath": "Office/Excel/Action", + "inDepth": "Read From File takes a file as input. The file should be a text file that has data separated by commas. The different lines in the file correspond to the outer list, while the individual values in each line correspond to the inner lists. In the example below, we first use a File Path node and a File.FromPath node to create a file object that points to a text file. Then we use a ReadFromFile node to create a list from the CSV file." + }, + { + "Name": "WriteToFile", + "imageFile": [ + "WriteToFile" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "WriteToFile" + ], + "folderPath": "Office/Excel/Action", + "inDepth": "WriteToFile will return a List of Lists that is written to an Excel file. The sheet name, start row, and start column of where to write the data can be defined as inputs as well as whether existing data will be overwritten. In the example below, a List of Lists containing a number sequence is written to sampleexcel.xlsx starting at row 0 (or 1 in Excel) and column 1 (or B in Excel). The Excel file now has nine new columns with data in two existing rows. Screenshots of sampleexcel.xlsx before and after writing are overlaid to show the data in Excel's format." + }, + { + "Name": "!=", + "imageFile": [ + "NotEqualTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "NotEqualTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "!= is the Not Equal To operator. It takes two input values and returns true if the two values are not equal to each other and returns false if the two values are equal. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a != operator." + }, + { + "Name": "%", + "imageFile": [ + "Modulo", + "Modulo - Ex 2" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Modulo", + "Modulo - Ex 2" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "% is the Modulo operator. It returns the remainder of the x input after being divided by the y input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to a % operator." + }, + { + "Name": "&&", + "imageFile": [ + "And" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "And" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "&& is the And operator. It takes two boolean values as input and returns true if both values are true. If one or both values are false, it will return false. In the example below, we use two boolean toggle nodes to control the inputs to the && operator." + }, + { + "Name": "*", + "imageFile": [ + "Multiply" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Multiply" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "* is the multiplication operator. It will return the product of the two input numbers. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the * operator." + }, + { + "Name": "+", + "imageFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Add" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "+ is the addition operator. It will return the sum ofy the two input numbers. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the + operator." + }, + { + "Name": "-", + "imageFile": [ + "Subtract" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Subtract" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "- is the subtraction operator. It will return the result of the y input subtracted from the x input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the - operator." + }, + { + "Name": "/", + "imageFile": [ + "Divide" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Divide" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "/ is the division operator. It will return the result of the x input divided by the y input. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the / operator." + }, + { + "Name": "<", + "imageFile": [ + "LessThan" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "LessThan" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "< is the Less Than operator. If the x input is less than the y input, it will return true. If x is greater than y, or if the two value are equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the < operator." + }, + { + "Name": "<=", + "imageFile": [ + "LessThanOrEqualTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "LessThanOrEqualTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "<= is the Less Than Or Equal To operator. If the x input is less than the y input, or if the two values are equal, it will return true. If x is greater than y, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the <= operator." + }, + { + "Name": "==", + "imageFile": [ + "EqualTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EqualTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "== is the Equal To operator. If the x input is equal to the y input, it will return true. If the two values are not equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the == operator." + }, + { + "Name": ">", + "imageFile": [ + "GreaterThan" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GreaterThan" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "> is the Greater Than operator. If the x input is greater than the y input, it will return true. If x is less than y, or if the two value are equal, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the > operator." + }, + { + "Name": ">=", + "imageFile": [ + "GreaterThanOrEqualTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GreaterThanOrEqualTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": ">= is the Greater Than Or Equal To operator. If the x input is greater than the y input, or if the two values are equal, it will return true. If x is less than y, this operator will return false. In the example below, we use two number sliders to control the inputs to the >= operator." + }, + { + "Name": "Not", + "imageFile": [ + "Not" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Not" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "Not (also written as exclamation point) will return the opposite of an input boolean value. In the example below, we use a boolean toggle node as the input to a Not operator." + }, + { + "Name": "||", + "imageFile": [ + "Or" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Or" + ], + "folderPath": "Operators/Action", + "inDepth": "|| is the Or operator. It takes two boolean values as input and returns true if one or both values are true. If both values are false, it will return false. In the example below, we use two boolean toggle nodes to control the inputs to the || operator." + }, + { + "Name": "ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Analysis/FaceAnalysisDisplay/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByViewFacePointsAndValues", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Analysis/FaceAnalysisDisplay/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByViewFacePointsAndValues..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByViewAndPointAnalysisData", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Analysis/PointAnalysisDisplay/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByViewAndPointAnalysisData..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByViewPointsAndValues", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Analysis/PointAnalysisDisplay/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByViewPointsAndValues..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Analysis/VectorAnalysisDisplay/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByViewPointsAndVectorValues", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Analysis/VectorAnalysisDisplay/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByViewPointsAndVectorValues..." + }, + { + "Name": "ActiveView (document)", + "imageFile": [ + "ActiveView" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ActiveView" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Application/Document/Query", + "inDepth": "ActiveView brings a view element into Dynamo for the active view in the current Revit document. Switching to another open view will change the active view." + }, + { + "Name": "ActiveView (document)", + "imageFile": [ + "ActiveView" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ActiveView" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Application/Document/Query", + "inDepth": "ActiveView brings a view element into Dynamo for the active view in the current Revit document. Switching to another open view will change the active view." + }, + { + "Name": "Current", + "imageFile": [ + "Current" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Current" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Application/Document/Query", + "inDepth": "Current returns the Revit document that you are currently working inside of. Switching to another open Revit file or family will change the current document." + }, + { + "Name": "FilePath", + "imageFile": [ + "FilePath" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FilePath" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Application/Document/Query", + "inDepth": "FilePath returns the Revit document's location on your hard drive as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "IsFamilyDocument", + "imageFile": [ + "IsFamilyDocument" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsFamilyDocument" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Application/Document/Query", + "inDepth": "IsFamilyDocument returns a boolean value based on whether the input document is a family or project file." + }, + { + "Name": "Location", + "imageFile": [ + "Location" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Location" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Application/Document/Query", + "inDepth": "Location returns the Revit document's real world location in latitude and longitude." + }, + { + "Name": "ByParametersOnCurveReference", + "imageFile": [ + "ByParametersOnCurveReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByParametersOnCurveReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/AdaptiveComponent/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByParametersOnCurveReference..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByParametersOnFace", + "imageFile": [ + "ByParametersOnFace" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByParametersOnFace" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/AdaptiveComponent/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByParametersOnFace..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/AdaptiveComponent/Action", + "inDepth": "Adaptive components are families that must be loaded in the current Revit document to use with Dynamo. Adaptive components can be used in many Revit file types such as pattern panel families, adaptive component families, conceptual massing environment, and projects. ByPoints requires that its input points are structured to match the adaptive points, both in their data and geometrically." + }, + { + "Name": "Locations", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/AdaptiveComponent/Query", + "inDepth": "Locations returns the point location of each adaptive point." + }, + { + "Name": "Type", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/AdaptiveComponent/Query", + "inDepth": "Type returns the Revit family type of each adaptive component." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Category/Create", + "inDepth": "ByName brings Revit categories into Dynamo by entering their names as strings." + }, + { + "Name": "Id", + "imageFile": [ + "Id" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Id" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Category/Query", + "inDepth": "Id turns an input category's id number as an integer." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Category/Query", + "inDepth": "Name turns an input category's name into a string." + }, + { + "Name": "BasePoint", + "imageFile": [ + "BasePoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BasePoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Coordinates/Action", + "inDepth": "BasePoint creates a point geometry in Dynamo that represents the Revit project's base point." + }, + { + "Name": "ProjectRotation", + "imageFile": [ + "ProjectRotation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ProjectRotation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Coordinates/Action", + "inDepth": "ProjectRotation returns the Revit project's relative rotation in degrees between true north and project north." + }, + { + "Name": "SurveyPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "SurveyPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SurveyPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Coordinates/Action", + "inDepth": "SurveyPoint creates a point geometry in Dynamo that represents the Revit project's survey point." + }, + { + "Name": "AsFamilyInstance", + "imageFile": [ + "AsFamilyInstance" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AsFamilyInstance" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Action", + "inDepth": "AsFamilyInstance returns the family instance of a curtain panel element. This is useful for querying and modifying instance parameters." + }, + { + "Name": "ByElement", + "imageFile": [ + "ByElement" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByElement" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Action", + "inDepth": "ByElement returns all curtain panel elements created on a host element." + }, + { + "Name": "SupportingMullions", + "imageFile": [ + "SupportingMullions" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SupportingMullions" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Action", + "inDepth": "SupportingMullions returns all mullion elements that host the input curtain panels. Using this in conjunction with CurtainPanel.ByElement enables selection of all elements in a curtain wall system." + }, + { + "Name": "Boundaries", + "imageFile": [ + "Boundaries" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Boundaries" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Query", + "inDepth": "Boundaries returns a polycurve in Dynamo for the boundary of each input curtain panel." + }, + { + "Name": "HasPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "HasPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "HasPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Query", + "inDepth": "HasPlane returns a boolean value based on whether an input curtain panel is planar, or completely flat." + }, + { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Query", + "inDepth": "Height returns the vertical dimension of a rectangular curtain panel as a double." + }, + { + "Name": "IsRectangular", + "imageFile": [ + "IsRectangular" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsRectangular" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Query", + "inDepth": "IsRectangular returns a boolean value based on whether a curtain panel is rectangular or not. Certain CurtainPanel query nodes, such as Height and Width, require that a curtain panel is rectangular." + }, + { + "Name": "Length", + "imageFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Length" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Query", + "inDepth": "Length returns the length of a curtain panel's boundary as a double. This can be used even if the curtain panel is not rectangular." + }, + { + "Name": "PanelPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "PanelPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "PanelPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Query", + "inDepth": "PanelPlane returns a plane in Dynamo at the centroid of a curtain panel." + }, + { + "Name": "Width", + "imageFile": [ + "Width" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Width" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainPanel/Query", + "inDepth": "Width returns the horizontal dimension of a rectangular curtain panel as a double." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFace", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainSystem/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByFace..." + }, + { + "Name": "AddCurtainGrid", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about AddCurtainGrid..." + }, + { + "Name": "RemoveCurtainGrid", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainSystem/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about RemoveCurtainGrid..." + }, + { + "Name": "CurtainSystemType", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainSystem/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about CurtainSystemType..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainSystemType/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByName..." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurtainSystemType/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Name..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByReferencePoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByReferencePoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByReferencePoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurveByPoints/Create", + "inDepth": "ByReferencePoints creates a CurveElement (Model Curve) in Revit from ReferencePoints. ReferencePoints are created in Revit's conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "Curve", + "imageFile": [ + "Curve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Curve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurveElement/Query", + "inDepth": "Curve creates a curve in Dynamo from a Model Curve (CurveElement) in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "ElementCurveReference", + "imageFile": [ + "ElementCurveReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ElementCurveReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/CurveElement/Query", + "inDepth": "ElementCurveReference creates an ElementCurveReference from a Model Curve (CurveElement) in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DetailCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCurve creates a detail curve in Revit from a curve in dynamo. The curve input will not take polycurves, only individual curve segments." + }, + { + "Name": "SetCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "SetCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DetailCurve/Action", + "inDepth": "SetCurve modifies an existing detail curve in Revit by setting it to a new curve in Dynamo. The existing detail curve will be transformed to match the input curve." + }, + { + "Name": "Curve", + "imageFile": [ + "Curve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Curve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DetailCurve/Query", + "inDepth": "Curve extracts the underlying curve geometry from a Revit detail curve." + }, + { + "Name": "ByElements", + "imageFile": [ + "ByElements" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByElements" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Dimension/Create", + "inDepth": "ByElements creates a Revit dimension defined by its reference elements and inputs for other dimension parameters." + }, + { + "Name": "SetPrefix", + "imageFile": [ + "SetPrefix" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetPrefix" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Dimension/Action", + "inDepth": "SetPrefix will add a prefix to all dimensions in the dimension element." + }, + { + "Name": "SetSuffix", + "imageFile": [ + "SetSuffix" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetSuffix" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Dimension/Action", + "inDepth": "SetSuffix will add a suffix to all dimensions in the dimension element." + }, + { + "Name": "SetValueOverride", + "imageFile": [ + "SetValueOverride" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetValueOverride" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Dimension/Action", + "inDepth": "SetValueOverride will override the dimension values of a dimension element with a provided string." + }, + { + "Name": "Prefix", + "imageFile": [ + "Prefix" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Prefix" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Dimension/Query", + "inDepth": "Prefix will return each dimension's prefix as a string for an entire dimension element." + }, + { + "Name": "Suffix", + "imageFile": [ + "Suffix" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Suffix" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Dimension/Query", + "inDepth": "Suffix will return each dimension's suffix as a string for an entire dimension element." + }, + { + "Name": "Value", + "imageFile": [ + "Value" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Value" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Dimension/Query", + "inDepth": "Value will return a double for each dimension in a dimension element." + }, + { + "Name": "ValueOverride", + "imageFile": [ + "ValueOverride" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ValueOverride" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Dimension/Query", + "inDepth": "ValueOverride will return each dimension's value override as a string for an entire dimension element." + }, + { + "Name": "FromExisting", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DimensionType/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about FromExisting..." + }, + { + "Name": "StyleType", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DimensionType/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about StyleType..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByGeometry", + "imageFile": [ + "ByGeometry" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DirectShape/Create", + "inDepth": "A direct shape allows you to create Revit roofs, walls, floors, etc from imported geometry. Giving imported geometry a category allows you to apply certain Revit parameters, filters, or display options just as you would to native Revit elements." + }, + { + "Name": "ByMesh", + "imageFile": [ + "ByMesh" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByMesh" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DirectShape/Create", + "inDepth": "A direct shape allows you to create Revit roofs, walls, floors, etc from imported meshes. Giving an imported mesh a category allows you to apply certain Revit parameters, filters, or display options just as you would to native Revit elements." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option (geometry, category, material, name)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DirectShape/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DirectShape/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCurveAndDivisions", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCurveAndDivisions" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCurveAndDivisions" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedPath/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCurveAndDivisions creates a divided path from a single curve. Divided paths must be created in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCurvesAndDivisions", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCurvesAndDivisions" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCurvesAndDivisions" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedPath/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCurvesAndDivisions creates a divided path from multiple curves. Divided paths must be created in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "Spacing Rule Layout (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Spacing Rule Layout" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Spacing Rule Layout" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedPath/Action", + "inDepth": "Spacing Rule Layout reflects several options in Revit for dividing a path in a conceptual design environment. This node has a drop-down menu with all these options." + }, + { + "Name": "Spacing Rule Layout (dividedPath)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedPath/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Spacing Rule Layout..." + }, + { + "Name": "Points", + "imageFile": [ + "Points" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Points" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedPath/Query", + "inDepth": "Points returns all points along a divided path in Dynamo. For example, a path with seven divisions will return seven points." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFaceAndUVDivisions", + "imageFile": [ + "ByFaceAndUVDivisions" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByFaceAndUVDivisions" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit divided surfaces must be created in the conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation", + "imageFile": [ + "ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedSurface/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit divided surfaces must be created in the conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "Rotation", + "imageFile": [ + "Rotation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Rotation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "The rotation of the grid lines is returned as a double." + }, + { + "Name": "UDivisions", + "imageFile": [ + "UDivisions" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "UDivisions" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "The number of U divisions is returned as an integer." + }, + { + "Name": "VDivisions", + "imageFile": [ + "VDivisions" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "VDivisions" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/DividedSurface/Query", + "inDepth": "The number of V divisions is returned as an integer." + }, + { + "Name": "Geometry", + "imageFile": [ + "Geometry" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Geometry" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "Geometry brings the underlying geometry of a Revit element into Dynamo. For example, this node will extract a solid from a column. Revit elements can have multiple base geometries and types." + }, + { + "Name": "GetLocation", + "imageFile": [ + "GetLocation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetLocation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "GetLocation will return a point in Dynamo that represents the location of each input Revit element. The location of an element is generally determined by its insertion point. For example, the point location of a cylindrical foundation pile is at the top center." + }, + { + "Name": "GetMaterials", + "imageFile": [ + "GetMaterials" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetMaterials" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "GetMaterials will return all materials (and their ids) that exist in a Revit element. Elements with multiple materials will return a list for each element." + }, + { + "Name": "GetParameterValueByName", + "imageFile": [ + "GetParameterValueByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetParameterValueByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "GetParameterValueByName will return the value of an element's parameter given the parameter name as a string. This can be useful for querying a list of element parameters." + }, + { + "Name": "MoveByVector", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about MoveByVector..." + }, + { + "Name": "OverrideColorInView", + "imageFile": [ + "OverrideColorInView" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "OverrideColorInView" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "OverrideColorInView will change the element's color in the active view regardless of the current model display style. For example, an element with an overridden color will display the same in Wireframe, Hidden Line, and Shaded views styles." + }, + { + "Name": "OverrideInView", + "imageFile": [ + "OverrideInView.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "OverrideInView" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "OverrideInView will alter the graphics settings of input elements. The override created in Dynamo will dynamically change in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "SetLocation", + "imageFile": [ + "SetLocation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetLocation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "SetLocation will move a Revit element to a new location defined by a point in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "SetParameterByName", + "imageFile": [ + "SetParameterByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetParameterByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "SetParameterByName will modify a Revit element's parameter given its name and a value. This can be updated live from Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "ToString", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ToString..." + }, + { + "Name": "BoundingBox", + "imageFile": [ + "BoundingBox" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BoundingBox" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "BoundingBox will create a bounding box in Dynamo around a Revit element." + }, + { + "Name": "Curves", + "imageFile": [ + "Curves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Curves" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "Curves finds all CurveElements in a Revit element and brings them into Dynamo as curves. The node can query a list of elements for curves even if some elements do not contain any. Those elements are simply returned as empty lists." + }, + { + "Name": "ElementCurveReferences", + "imageFile": [ + "ElementCurveReferences" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ElementCurveReferences" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "ElementCurveReferences finds a CurveReferences in a Revit element. " + }, + { + "Name": "ElementFaceReferences", + "imageFile": [ + "ElementFaceReferences" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ElementFaceReferences" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "ElementFaceReferences finds all FaceReferences in a Revit element. The node can query a list of elements for faces even if some elements do not contain any. Those elements are simply returned as empty lists." + }, + { + "Name": "ElementType", + "imageFile": [ + "ElementType" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ElementType" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "ElementType returns the FamilyType and its id for each input element. This node is useful for querying all FamilyTypes being used, for example, within a category or on a certain level." + }, + { + "Name": "Faces", + "imageFile": [ + "Faces" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Faces" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "Faces will return all the faces of a Revit element as surfaces in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "GetCategory", + "imageFile": [ + "GetCategory" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetCategory" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "GetCategory will return the category of an element or list of elements. This node is useful for querying large collections of elements for certain categories." + }, + { + "Name": "Id", + "imageFile": [ + "Id" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Id" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "Id will return the revit element's Id, a unique integer identifier. The Id will appear as a green box in the Watch node or node preview and is a clickable shortcut to viewing the element in the best possible view." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "Name returns an element's name as a string. Converting an element's name to a string simplifies the data type, making it more flexible for data manipulation (for example, in a boolean mask)." + }, + { + "Name": "Parameters", + "imageFile": [ + "Parameters" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Parameters" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "Parameters returns all parameters in an element. This is useful for checking what is being defined by element versus by family or family type. The output can be passed into Parameter.IsReadOnly to show a parameter's writability." + }, + { + "Name": "Solids", + "imageFile": [ + "Solids" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Solids" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "Solids brings the underlying solids of a Revit element into Dynamo. Revit elements can contain multiple solids." + }, + { + "Name": "UniqueId", + "imageFile": [ + "UniqueId" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "UniqueId" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Element/Query", + "inDepth": "UniqueId returns the unique string identifier of an element. A unique Id remains unique across multiple local files in a work-sharing environment. It is different from an element Id, which is only unique in a single file." + }, + { + "Name": "Description", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FailureMessage/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Description..." + }, + { + "Name": "FailingElements", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FailureMessage/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about FailingElements..." + }, + { + "Name": "Severity", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FailureMessage/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Severity..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Family/Create", + "inDepth": "ByName returns a Family in Dynamo from its name as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Family/Query", + "inDepth": "Name returns the name of a Family as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "Types", + "imageFile": [ + "Types" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Types" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Family/Query", + "inDepth": "Types returns all FamilyTypes that exist in a Family." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinates", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinates.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinates" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinates uses X, Y, and Z coordinate values to place a Revit FamilyInstance. This is useful for placing large collections of families. The coordinate values and the FamilyInstance within Revit are dynamically linked, allowing real-time manipulation from Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFace (familyType, face, location, referenceDirection)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByFace..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFace (familyType, face, line)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByFace..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoint.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Create", + "inDepth": "ByPoint uses a point defined in Dynamo to place a Revit FamilyInstance. This is useful for placing large collections of families. The point location and the FamilyInstance within Revit are dynamically linked, allowing real-time manipulation from Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointAndLevel", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPointAndLevel.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPointAndLevel" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Create", + "inDepth": "ByPointAndLevel uses a point in Dynamo and Revit level to place a FamilyInstance. This is useful for placing large collections of families across multiple levels. The point location and the FamilyInstance within Revit are dynamically linked, allowing real-time manipulation from Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFamilyType", + "imageFile": [ + "ByFamilyType" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByFamilyType" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Action", + "inDepth": "ByFamilyType returns all FamilyInstances occurring in Revit of a specified Family. FamilyInstance is the bottom level in the Family, Type, and Instance heirarchy and is an element in the Revit file that can be queried for its location, count, and other instance specific qualities." + }, + { + "Name": "SetRotation", + "imageFile": [ + "SetRotation.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetRotation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Action", + "inDepth": "SetRotation allows the rotation of a FamilyInstance from within Dynamo. Since FamilyInstances are individual elements in a Revit file, each can be rotated to a different angle. This can be particularly useful for placing a FamilyInstance in an arc pattern, as each instance has a unique rotation." + }, + { + "Name": "FacingOrientation", + "imageFile": [ + "FacingOrientation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FacingOrientation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Query", + "inDepth": "FacingOrientation returns a vector describing the orientation of a FamilyInstance. This can be used to determine how much an instance has been rotated." + }, + { + "Name": "GetFamily", + "imageFile": [ + "GetFamily" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetFamily" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Query", + "inDepth": "GetFamily returns the Family of a FamilyInstance. Family is the top level in the Family, Type, and Instance heirarchy where global, functional parameters are defined." + }, + { + "Name": "GetHost", + "imageFile": [ + "GetHost" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetHost" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Query", + "inDepth": "GetHost returns the element(s) that hosts a specific FamilyType. Common hosted elements in Revit are doors, windows, and elements of curtain systems." + }, + { + "Name": "GetType", + "imageFile": [ + "GetType" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetType" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Query", + "inDepth": "GetType returns a FamilyInstance's Type. FamilyType is the second level in the Family, Type, and Instance heirarchy where, for example, dimensional and material parameters are defined." + }, + { + "Name": "Location", + "imageFile": [ + "Location" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Location" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Query", + "inDepth": "Location returns a point in Dynamo that represents the location of a FamilyInstance in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "Type", + "imageFile": [ + "Type" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Type" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyInstance/Query", + "inDepth": "Type returns a FamilyInstance's Type. FamilyType is the second level in the Family, Type, and Instance heirarchy where, for example, dimensional and material parameters are defined." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFamilyAndName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByFamilyAndName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByFamilyAndName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyType/Create", + "inDepth": "ByFamilyAndName returns FamilyTypes given input Families and FamilyType names as strings. This can be used to get multiple Types within a Family, or all Types of the same name across multiple Families." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFamilyNameAndTypeName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByFamilyNameAndTypeName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByFamilyNameAndTypeName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyType/Create", + "inDepth": "ByFamilyNameAndTypeName returns FamilyTypes given input string names for Families and FamilyTypes. This can be used to get multiple Types within a Family, or all Types of the same name across multiple Families." + }, + { + "Name": "ByGeometry", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyType/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByGeometry..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyType/Create", + "inDepth": "ByName returns FamilyTypes for their names input as strings. The string input allows other data sources, such as Excel, to be used for querying the Revit file for FamilyTypes." + }, + { + "Name": "VoidByGeometry", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyType/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about VoidByGeometry..." + }, + { + "Name": "Family", + "imageFile": [ + "Family" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Family" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyType/Query", + "inDepth": "Family returns a parent Family for each FamilyType input, even if the Parent is the same across all types." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FamilyType/Query", + "inDepth": "Name returns the name of a FamilyType as a string. Names as strings are useful for data manipulation and creating boolean masks." + }, + { + "Name": "GetByName", + "imageFile": [ + "GetByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FillPatternElement/Create", + "inDepth": "GetByName returns a FillPatternElement from a name and Target as strings. Possible FillPatternTargets can be viewed in the drop-down menu of the Fill Pattern Targets node." + }, + { + "Name": "Fill Pattern Targets", + "imageFile": [ + "Fill Pattern Targets" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Fill Pattern Targets" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FillPatternElement/Action", + "inDepth": "Fill Pattern Targets allows the user to view all possible FillPatternTargets from a drop-down menu and select one." + }, + { + "Name": "Fill Patterns (name, fillPatternTarget)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FillPatternElement/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Fill Patterns..." + }, + { + "Name": "Fill Patterns (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Fill Patterns" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Fill Patterns" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FillPatternElement/Action", + "inDepth": "Fill Patterns allows the user to view all possible FillPatterns in the active document from a drop-down menu and select one." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCurves", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCurves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCurves" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FilledRegion/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCurves creates a filled region from a list of curves. Filled regions can be easily generated from Rooms to create drawing graphics. Polycurves must be exploded into lists of curves to create filled regions." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FilledRegionType/Create", + "inDepth": "ByName returns a FillRegionType from a string input. String inputs are useful for querying a Revit file from another data source, such as Excel." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Filled Region Type (name)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FilledRegionType/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Filled Region Type..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Filled Region Type (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Filled Region Type" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Filled Region Type" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FilledRegionType/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Filled Region Type brings a Filled Region Type element into Dynamo. The node's dropdown menu contains every Filled Region Type in the active document and is useful determining the type of multiple Filled Regions from Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "Color", + "imageFile": [ + "Color" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Color" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FilledRegionType/Query", + "inDepth": "Color returns a FilledRegionType's color. The output is readable by the Core color nodes and can be queried specifically for its R, G, B, and Alpha values." + }, + { + "Name": "FillPatternId", + "imageFile": [ + "FillPatternId" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FillPatternId" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FilledRegionType/Query", + "inDepth": "FillPatternId returns an integer representing an input Fill Pattern's Id." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FilledRegionType/Query", + "inDepth": "Name returns the name of a FillRegionType as a string. String outputs are useful for data filtering and creating boolean masks." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel (outlineCurves, floorType, level)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel (outlineCurves, floorType, level).gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel (outlineCurves, floorType, level)" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Floor/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel creates floors from lists of curves that define outlines. Floors will be dynamically added and removed from the Revit document by adjusting inputs in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel (outline, floorType, level)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel (outline, floorType, level).gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel (outline, floorType, level)" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Floor/Create", + "inDepth": "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel creates floors from Polycurves. Floors will be dynamically added and removed from the Revit document by adjusting inputs in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "AddPoint", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Floor/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about AddPoint..." + }, + { + "Name": "MovePoint", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Floor/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about MovePoint..." + }, + { + "Name": "Points", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Floor/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Points..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FloorType/Create", + "inDepth": "ByName returns a FloorType element. This is useful for defining type when creating floors from Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/FloorType/Query", + "inDepth": "Name returns the name of a FloorType element as a string. String outputs are useful for data filtering and creating boolean masks." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoftCrossSections (curves, isSolid)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoftCrossSections (curves, isSolid)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoftCrossSections (curves, isSolid)" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Form/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit forms are generally used to explore building concepts. They must be created in the conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLoftCrossSections (curves, isSolid)", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLoftCrossSections (curves, isSolid)" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLoftCrossSections (curves, isSolid)" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Form/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit forms are generally used to explore building concepts. They must be created in the conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByName..." + }, + { + "Name": "FindByName", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about FindByName..." + }, + { + "Name": "SetValue", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about SetValue..." + }, + { + "Name": "SetValueToElementId", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about SetValueToElementId..." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Name..." + }, + { + "Name": "ParameterGroup", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ParameterGroup..." + }, + { + "Name": "ParameterType", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ParameterType..." + }, + { + "Name": "Value", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Value..." + }, + { + "Name": "Visible", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/GlobalParameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Visible..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByArc", + "imageFile": [ + "ByArc" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByArc" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Grid/Create", + "inDepth": "ByArc creates an arc Grid element defined by a center, radius, start angle, end angle, and a vector to rotate around. This node is useful for defining large collections of grid elements from static inputs. Dynamically adjusting the Grid element's parameters will create new elements." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLine", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLine" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLine" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Grid/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLine creates a Grid element from a line in Dynamo. This node is useful for defining large collections of grid elements from static inputs. Dynamically adjusting the Grid element's line parameters will create new elements." + }, + { + "Name": "ByStartPointEndPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ByStartPointEndPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByStartPointEndPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Grid/Create", + "inDepth": "ByStartPointEndPoint creates a Grid element from two points in Dynamo. This node is useful for defining large collections of grid elements from static inputs. Dynamically adjusting the Grid element's point positions will create new elements." + }, + { + "Name": "Curve", + "imageFile": [ + "Curve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Curve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Grid/Query", + "inDepth": "The underlying curves are returned as geometry in Dynamo. Rectilinear Grid elements return underlying geometry consisting of lines." + }, + { + "Name": "ElementCurveReference", + "imageFile": [ + "ElementCurveReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ElementCurveReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Grid/Query", + "inDepth": "ElementCurveReference returns the underlying Reference for a Grid element. References are not geometry in model space. They are used in the creation of other elements such as Revit dimensions." + }, + { + "Name": "ByGeometries", + "imageFile": [ + "ByGeometries" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ImportInstance/Create", + "inDepth": "ByGeometries brings all input geometry into Revit as a single Import Instance element. An Import Instance is identified as an Import Symbol in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "ByGeometry", + "imageFile": [ + "ByGeometry" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ImportInstance/Create", + "inDepth": "ByGeometry brings each input geometry into Revit as an individual Import Instance element. An Import Instance is identified as an Import Symbol in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "BySATFile", + "imageFile": [ + "BySATFile" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BySATFile" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ImportInstance/Create", + "inDepth": "BySATFile brings geometry from a SAT file into Revit as a single Import Instance, similar to ImportInstance.ByGeometries. This is useful for directly importing geometry into Revit. An Import Instance is identified as an Import Symbol in Revit. Using BySATFile will bring an Import Instance into Revit at a different scale factor than ByGeometry or ByGeometries." + }, + { + "Name": "Path", + "imageFile": [ + "Path" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Path" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ImportInstance/Query", + "inDepth": "Path returns the full file path of an Import Instance as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "ByElevation", + "imageFile": [ + "ByElevation.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByElevation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Level/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit levels created from Dynamo will be automatically named in Revit based on existing levels." + }, + { + "Name": "ByElevationAndName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByElevationAndName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByElevationAndName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Level/Create", + "inDepth": "If the new level's name matches the name of an existing level, it will automatically be renamed with a number. For example, an input name of Level 1 becomes Level 1(1)." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLevelAndOffset", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLevelAndOffset" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLevelAndOffset" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Level/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLevelAndOffset is useful for creating levels relative to existing ones by offsetting from them." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLevelOffsetAndName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLevelOffsetAndName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLevelOffsetAndName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Level/Create", + "inDepth": "If the new level's name matches the name of an existing level, it will automatically be renamed with a number. For example, an input name of Level 1 becomes Level 1(1). Offsetting is useful for creating new levels relative to existing ones." + }, + { + "Name": "Elevation", + "imageFile": [ + "Elevation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Elevation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Level/Query", + "inDepth": "Ground level is generally elevation 0 in project elevations. This is a baseline for measuring all level elevations from. Elevation returns this distance as a double." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Level/Query", + "inDepth": "Names are returned as strings, which are useful for data manipulation and boolean masks." + }, + { + "Name": "ProjectElevation", + "imageFile": [ + "ProjectElevation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ProjectElevation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Level/Query", + "inDepth": "The project origin is the (0,0,0) coordinate location within the Revit project. All coordinates in the Revit project are relative to this point." + }, + { + "Name": "GetByName", + "imageFile": [ + "GetByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "GetByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/LinePatternElement/Create", + "inDepth": "GetByName returns a line pattern element from it's name as a string. Selecting line pattern elements by string allows for data manipulation and searching, even from external data sources (Excel)." + }, + { + "Name": "Line Patterns (name)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/LinePatternElement/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Line Patterns..." + }, + { + "Name": "Line Patterns (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Line Patterns" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Line Patterns" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/LinePatternElement/Action", + "inDepth": "Line Patterns contains a drop-down menu that allows you to select all line pattern elements in a Revit project." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Create", + "inDepth": "ByName returns a material element from its name as a string. Selecting material elements by string allows for data manipulation and searching, even from external data sources (Excel)." + }, + { + "Name": "AppearanceParameters", + "imageFile": [ + "AppearanceParameters" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AppearanceParameters" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material appearance parameters are returned as Revit parameters." + }, + { + "Name": "Color", + "imageFile": [ + "Color" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Color" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material color is returned as a Dynamo color with A,R,G,B values." + }, + { + "Name": "CutPatternColor", + "imageFile": [ + "CutPatternColor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CutPatternColor" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material cut pattern color is returned as a Dynamo color with A,R,G,B values." + }, + { + "Name": "CutPatternId", + "imageFile": [ + "CutPatternId" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CutPatternId" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material cut pattern id is returned as an integer. An integer of -1 represents the default option in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "MaterialCategory", + "imageFile": [ + "MaterialCategory" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MaterialCategory" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material category is returned as a string. This is useful for data manipulation and boolean masks." + }, + { + "Name": "MaterialClass", + "imageFile": [ + "MaterialClass" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "MaterialClass" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material class is returned as a string. This is useful for data manipulation and boolean masks." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material name is returned as a string. This is useful in conjunction with the Element.GetMaterials node for querying materials from elements." + }, + { + "Name": "Shininess", + "imageFile": [ + "Shininess" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Shininess" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material shininess is returned as an integer." + }, + { + "Name": "Smoothness", + "imageFile": [ + "Smoothness" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Smoothness" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material smoothness is returned as an integer." + }, + { + "Name": "StructuralParameters", + "imageFile": [ + "StructuralParameters" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StructuralParameters" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material structural parameters are returned as Revit parameters." + }, + { + "Name": "SurfacePatternColor", + "imageFile": [ + "SurfacePatternColor" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SurfacePatternColor" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material surface pattern color is returned as a Dynamo color with A,R,G,B values." + }, + { + "Name": "ThermalParameters", + "imageFile": [ + "ThermalParameters" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ThermalParameters" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material thermal parameters are returned as Revit parameters." + }, + { + "Name": "Transparency", + "imageFile": [ + "Transparency" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Transparency" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Material/Query", + "inDepth": "Material transparency is returned as an integer." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ModelCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Model curves (also known as CurveElements) can be created in Revit project environments in two or three dimensions. Model curves created from Dynamo cannot be adjusted within Revit while Dynamo is open." + }, + { + "Name": "ReferenceCurveByCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "ReferenceCurveByCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ReferenceCurveByCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ModelCurve/Create", + "inDepth": "Reference curves are used by Revit to build other elements such as dimensions. They must be created in a family document. Reference curves created from Dynamo cannot be adjusted within Revit while Dynamo is open." + }, + { + "Name": "ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition", + "imageFile": [ + "ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ModelText/Create", + "inDepth": "Model text is a three dimensional text geometry element in Revit and can only be created in a family document." + }, + { + "Name": "Depth", + "imageFile": [ + "Depth" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Depth" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ModelText/Query", + "inDepth": "The depth of a model text element is returned as a double." + }, + { + "Name": "Position", + "imageFile": [ + "Position" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Position" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ModelText/Query", + "inDepth": "The position of a model text element is returned as a Dynamo point." + }, + { + "Name": "Text", + "imageFile": [ + "Text" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Text" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ModelText/Query", + "inDepth": "The text of a model text element is returned as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ModelTextType/Create", + "inDepth": "Model text type determines the properties of a Revit text element such as font, size, and other aspects for an entire family of model text. The available model text types are shown in a drop-down menu in the node." + }, + { + "Name": "AsFamilyInstance", + "imageFile": [ + "AsFamilyInstance" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AsFamilyInstance" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Mullion/Action", + "inDepth": "Family instances can be returned for mullions if they are one. In Revit, a family instance provides more detailed properties so that the family instance type and appearance can be changed." + }, + { + "Name": "ByElement", + "imageFile": [ + "ByElement" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByElement" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Mullion/Action", + "inDepth": "Though ByElement returns mullion objects, they can be treated as elements and queried for their parameters with Element.Parameters." + }, + { + "Name": "SupportedPanels", + "imageFile": [ + "SupportedPanels" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SupportedPanels" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Mullion/Action", + "inDepth": "SupportedPanels returns a list of curtain panels for each supporting mullion. A mullion can support multiple curtain panels, so the same curtain panel element may be returned more than once." + }, + { + "Name": "LocationCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "LocationCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "LocationCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Mullion/Query", + "inDepth": "A mullion's location curve is returned as geometry in Dynamo. These location curves reflect the curtain wall's grid in Revit. Mullions are placed flush to the perimeter grid and centered on the inside grid." + }, + { + "Name": "ParameterByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ParameterByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ParameterByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Create", + "inDepth": "ParameterByName returns both the name and value of an element's parameter." + }, + { + "Name": "CreateProjectParameter", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about CreateProjectParameter..." + }, + { + "Name": "CreateProjectParameterForAllCategories", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about CreateProjectParameterForAllCategories..." + }, + { + "Name": "CreateSharedParameter", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about CreateSharedParameter..." + }, + { + "Name": "CreateSharedParameterForAllCategories", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about CreateSharedParameterForAllCategories..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select BuiltIn Parameter Group", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select BuiltIn Parameter Group..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Parameter Type (())", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Parameter Type..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Parameter Type (parameter)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Parameter Type..." + }, + { + "Name": "SetValue", + "imageFile": [ + "SetValue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetValue" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Setting an element's parameter from Dynamo will override its value in Revit if it is not read-only (writable). This can be checked with the Parameter.IsReadOnly node." + }, + { + "Name": "SharedParameterFile", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about SharedParameterFile..." + }, + { + "Name": "Group", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Group..." + }, + { + "Name": "HasValue", + "imageFile": [ + "HasValue" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "HasValue" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "HasValue returns a list of boolean values based on whether or not a parameter has a value. This can be useful for filtering data with a boolean mask." + }, + { + "Name": "Id", + "imageFile": [ + "Id" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Id" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Id returns a parameter's id as an integer." + }, + { + "Name": "IsReadOnly", + "imageFile": [ + "IsReadOnly" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsReadOnly" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "IsReadOnly returns a list of boolean values based on whether a parameter is read only. A read only parameter cannot be changed." + }, + { + "Name": "IsShared", + "imageFile": [ + "IsShared" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsShared" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about IsShared..." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Name returns parameter names as strings. This is useful for data searching and filtering." + }, + { + "Name": "ParameterType", + "imageFile": [ + "ParameterType" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ParameterType" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "ParameterType returns a parameter's type as a string. Examples of parameter types are Text, Material, Image, and URL. These can be chosen when creating family types in Revit. This is also useful for data searching and filtering in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "StorageType", + "imageFile": [ + "StorageType" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StorageType" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "StorageType returns a parameter's storage type as a string. Storage types can be strings, doubles, and ElementIds. This is useful for determining what to supply a parameter with from Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "UnitType", + "imageFile": [ + "UnitType" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "UnitType" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Unit types are similar to storage types, but refer to types in Revit. Examples of unit types are UT_Number and UT_Length. They are returned as strings." + }, + { + "Name": "Value", + "imageFile": [ + "Value" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Value" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Parameter/Query", + "inDepth": "Value returns the value of each parameter in its respective storage type." + }, + { + "Name": "ById", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/PerformanceAdviserRule/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ById..." + }, + { + "Name": "Execute", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/PerformanceAdviserRule/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Execute..." + }, + { + "Name": "Performance Adviser Rules (())", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/PerformanceAdviserRule/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Performance Adviser Rules..." + }, + { + "Name": "Performance Adviser Rules (performanceAdviserRule)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/PerformanceAdviserRule/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Performance Adviser Rules..." + }, + { + "Name": "Description", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/PerformanceAdviserRule/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Description..." + }, + { + "Name": "Enabled", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/PerformanceAdviserRule/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Enabled..." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/PerformanceAdviserRule/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Name..." + }, + { + "Name": "RuleId", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/PerformanceAdviserRule/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about RuleId..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Phase (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Phase" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Phase" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Phase/Action", + "inDepth": "The Select Phase node contains a drop-down menu that shows all phases in the Revit document." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Phase (name, revDate, description, issued, issuedBy, issuedTo, visibility, numberType)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Phase/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Phase..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLine", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLine" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLine" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePlane/Create", + "inDepth": "Reference planes can be created in both Revit projects and families. The reference plane in Revit does not dynamically change with its Dynamo inputs." + }, + { + "Name": "ByStartPointEndPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ByStartPointEndPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByStartPointEndPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePlane/Create", + "inDepth": "Reference planes can be created in both Revit projects and families. The reference plane in Revit does not dynamically change with its Dynamo inputs." + }, + { + "Name": "ElementPlaneReference", + "imageFile": [ + "ElementPlaneReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ElementPlaneReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePlane/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ElementPlaneReference..." + }, + { + "Name": "Plane", + "imageFile": [ + "Plane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Plane" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePlane/Query", + "inDepth": "Plane returns a Revit reference plane as a plane in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinates", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinates" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinates" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Create", + "inDepth": "Reference points are created in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLengthOnCurveReference", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLengthOnCurveReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLengthOnCurveReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLengthOnCurveReference requires an element curve reference from Revit as its input. Reference points are created in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByParameterOnCurveReference", + "imageFile": [ + "ByParameterOnCurveReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByParameterOnCurveReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Create", + "inDepth": "ByParameterOnCurveReference requires an element curve reference from Revit as its input. Reference points are created in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByParametersOnFaceReference", + "imageFile": [ + "ByParametersOnFaceReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByParametersOnFaceReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Create", + "inDepth": "ByParametersOnFaceReference requires an element face reference from Revit as its input. Reference points are created in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Create", + "inDepth": "Reference points are created in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPointVectorDistance", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPointVectorDistance.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPointVectorDistance" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Create", + "inDepth": "Reference points are created in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "Point", + "imageFile": [ + "Point" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Point" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Query", + "inDepth": "Point returns a point in Dynamo from the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "X", + "imageFile": [ + "X" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "X" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Query", + "inDepth": "X returns a double representing a reference point's X coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "XYPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "XYPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XYPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Query", + "inDepth": "XYPlane returns a plane in Dynamo from a reference point in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "XZPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "XZPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "XZPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Query", + "inDepth": "XZPlane returns a plane in Dynamo from a reference point in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "Y", + "imageFile": [ + "Y" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Y" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Query", + "inDepth": "Y returns a double representing a reference point's Y coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "YZPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "YZPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "YZPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Query", + "inDepth": "YZPlane returns a plane in Dynamo from a reference point in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "Z", + "imageFile": [ + "Z" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Z" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/ReferencePoint/Query", + "inDepth": "Z returns a double representing a reference point's Z coordinate value in the Revit conceptual design environment." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Create", + "inDepth": "Revisions created from Dynamo will remain in Revit after Dynamo is closed. Opening the same Dynamo file again will create another, identical revision. Altering the inputs in Dynamo will dynamically update a revision in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Revision (name, revDate, description, issued, issuedBy, issuedTo, visibility, numberType)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Revision..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Revision (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Revision" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Revision" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Revision contains a drop-down menu that displays every revision in a Revit project." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Revision Number Type", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Revision Number Type" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Revision Number Type" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Revision Number Type allows you to choose one of Revit's revision numbering types (alphanumeric, numeric, or not numbered) from a drop-down menu." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Revision Numbering", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Revision Numbering" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Revision Numbering" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Revision Numbering allows you to choose one of Revit's numbering options (by project or by sheet) from a drop-down menu." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Revision Visibility", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Revision Visibility" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Revision Visibility" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Revision Visibility allows you to choose one of Revit's revision visibility types (cloud and tag, tag, or hidden) from a drop-down menu." + }, + { + "Name": "SetIssued", + "imageFile": [ + "SetIssued" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetIssued" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "SetIssued inteprets boolean values to set whether or not a revision is issued." + }, + { + "Name": "SetIssuedBy", + "imageFile": [ + "SetIssuedBy" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetIssuedBy" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "SetIssuedBy writes a string to the Issued By field. Changes to revisions will remain after closing Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "SetIssuedTo", + "imageFile": [ + "SetIssuedTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetIssuedTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "SetIssuedTo writes a string to the Issued To field. Changes to revisions will remain after closing Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "SetRevisionDate", + "imageFile": [ + "SetRevisionDate" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetRevisionDate" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Action", + "inDepth": "SetRevisionDate writes a string to the Date field. Changes to revisions will remain after closing Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "Issued", + "imageFile": [ + "Issued" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Issued" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Query", + "inDepth": "Issued returns a boolean value for whether or not a revision has been issued." + }, + { + "Name": "IssuedBy", + "imageFile": [ + "IssuedBy" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IssuedBy" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Query", + "inDepth": "IssuedBy returns a string from a revision's Issued By field." + }, + { + "Name": "IssuedTo", + "imageFile": [ + "IssuedTo" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IssuedTo" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Query", + "inDepth": "IssuedTo returns a string from a revision's Issued To field." + }, + { + "Name": "RevisionDate", + "imageFile": [ + "RevisionDate" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RevisionDate" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Revision/Query", + "inDepth": "RevisionDate returns a string from a revision's Date field." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCurve" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/RevisionCloud/Create", + "inDepth": "Revision clouds created in Dynamo depend on the input curves' directions. If the cloud graphic is facing in, reverse the curve direction." + }, + { + "Name": "Curves", + "imageFile": [ + "Curves" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Curves" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/RevisionCloud/Query", + "inDepth": "A revision cloud's curves are returned as geometry in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "Revision", + "imageFile": [ + "Revision" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Revision" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/RevisionCloud/Query", + "inDepth": "Revision returns a Revit revision element and its id in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Roof/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOutlineTypeAndLevel", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Roof/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByOutlineTypeAndLevel..." + }, + { + "Name": "AddPoint", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Roof/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about AddPoint..." + }, + { + "Name": "MovePoint", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Roof/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about MovePoint..." + }, + { + "Name": "Points", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Roof/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Points..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/RoofType/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByName..." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/RoofType/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Name..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLocation", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLocation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLocation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLocation will create a Revit room as long as the point lies inside of room-bounding elements (i.e. walls). In the example below, the new room 'Exterior Mechanical Area' was automatically added to the room legend and assigned a color." + }, + { + "Name": "IsInsideRoom", + "imageFile": [ + "IsInsideRoom" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsInsideRoom" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Action", + "inDepth": "IsInsideRoom returns a boolean value based on whether or not a point is inside a room." + }, + { + "Name": "SetName", + "imageFile": [ + "SetName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Action", + "inDepth": "SetName overrides the name of a room with the supplied string. The room number '105' in the example below persists because it is not part of the name." + }, + { + "Name": "SetNumber", + "imageFile": [ + "SetNumber" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetNumber" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Action", + "inDepth": "SetNumber overrides a room's number with the supplied string." + }, + { + "Name": "Area", + "imageFile": [ + "Area" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Area" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "Room area is returned as a double." + }, + { + "Name": "CenterBoundary", + "imageFile": [ + "CenterBoundary" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CenterBoundary" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "CenterBoundary returns room bounding curves that extend to the wall centerline. The boundary curves of different rooms will touch if they share a wall." + }, + { + "Name": "CoreBoundary", + "imageFile": [ + "CoreBoundary" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CoreBoundary" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "CoreBoundary returns room bounding curves that extend to the wall core boundary. If rooms are separated by walls, their boundary curves will not touch." + }, + { + "Name": "CoreCenterBoundary", + "imageFile": [ + "CoreCenterBoundary" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CoreCenterBoundary" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "CoreCenterBoundary returns room bounding curves that extend to the wall core centerline. The boundary curves of different rooms will touch if they share a wall." + }, + { + "Name": "FinishBoundary", + "imageFile": [ + "FinishBoundary" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FinishBoundary" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "FinishBoundary returns room bounding curves that extend to the wall finish boundary. If rooms are separated by walls, their boundary curves will not touch." + }, + { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "Room height is returned as a double. The height value is subject to constraints set in a room's properties (Upper Limit, Limit Offset and Base Offset)." + }, + { + "Name": "Location", + "imageFile": [ + "Location" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Location" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "Room location is returned as a point. The point represents the room's placement point, shown as intersecting lines in Revit. Room tags are placed relative to this point." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "Room names are returned as strings containing the name and number of a room." + }, + { + "Name": "Number", + "imageFile": [ + "Number" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Number" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Room/Query", + "inDepth": "Room numbers are returned as strings." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPlane", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPlane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPlane" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SketchPlane/Create", + "inDepth": "Sketch planes are used in the creation of 2D and 3D geometry in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "ElementPlaneReference", + "imageFile": [ + "ElementPlaneReference" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ElementPlaneReference" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SketchPlane/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ElementPlaneReference..." + }, + { + "Name": "Plane", + "imageFile": [ + "Plane" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Plane" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SketchPlane/Query", + "inDepth": "Sketch planes are used in the creation of 2D and 3D geometry in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "BeamByCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "BeamByCurve.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BeamByCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralFraming/Create", + "inDepth": "BeamByCurve creates a beam from curves, associated levels, and a structural framing type. Beams can be updated dynamically and will remain in the Revit file after Dynamo is closed. This node is especially useful for generating extensive and/or non-standard structural models from analytical lines." + }, + { + "Name": "BraceByCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "BraceByCurve.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "BraceByCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralFraming/Create", + "inDepth": "BraceByCurve creates a beam from curves, associated levels, and a structural framing type. Braces can be updated dynamically and will remain in the Revit file after Dynamo is closed. This node is especially useful for generating extensive and/or non-standard structural models from analytical lines." + }, + { + "Name": "ColumnByCurve", + "imageFile": [ + "ColumnByCurve.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ColumnByCurve" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralFraming/Create", + "inDepth": "ColumnByCurve creates a column from curves, associated levels, and a structural framing type. Columns can be updated dynamically and will remain in the Revit file after Dynamo is closed. This node is especially useful for generating extensive and/or non-standard structural models from analytical lines." + }, + { + "Name": "Location", + "imageFile": [ + "Location" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Location" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralFraming/Query", + "inDepth": "Structural elements have an underlying location line that can be displayed in Revit. This is useful for identifying points of complex framing joins and visualizing offsets." + }, + { + "Name": "Type", + "imageFile": [ + "Type" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Type" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralFraming/Query", + "inDepth": "Type returns a structural element's family type as well as its parent family." + }, + { + "Name": "Beam", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralType/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Beam..." + }, + { + "Name": "Brace", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralType/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Brace..." + }, + { + "Name": "Column", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralType/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Column..." + }, + { + "Name": "Footing", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralType/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Footing..." + }, + { + "Name": "NonStructural", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/StructuralType/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about NonStructural..." + }, + { + "Name": "Altitude", + "imageFile": [ + "Altitude" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Altitude" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SunSettings/Query", + "inDepth": "The sun's altitude is returned as double. This will update dynamically from Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "Azimuth", + "imageFile": [ + "Azimuth" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Azimuth" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SunSettings/Query", + "inDepth": "The sun's azimuth is returned as a double. This will update dynamically from Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "CurrentDateTime", + "imageFile": [ + "CurrentDateTime" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CurrentDateTime" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SunSettings/Query", + "inDepth": "CurrentDateTime returns a DateTime that represents the sun's current position in Revit. This can be queried for the year, month, day, hour, etc using Dynamo's core DateTime nodes." + }, + { + "Name": "EndDateTime", + "imageFile": [ + "EndDateTime" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "EndDateTime" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SunSettings/Query", + "inDepth": "EndDateTime returns a DateTime that represents the end of a solar study in the Revit sun settings. This can be queried for the year, month, day, hour, etc using Dynamo's core DateTime nodes." + }, + { + "Name": "StartDateTime", + "imageFile": [ + "StartDateTime" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "StartDateTime" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SunSettings/Query", + "inDepth": "EndDateTime returns a DateTime that represents the start of a solar study in the Revit sun settings. This can be queried for the year, month, day, hour, etc using Dynamo's core DateTime nodes." + }, + { + "Name": "SunDirection", + "imageFile": [ + "SunDirection" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SunDirection" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/SunSettings/Query", + "inDepth": "SunDirection returns a vector calculated from the sun's position (azimuth and altitude) relative to the sun path's origin." + }, + { + "Name": "ByElement", + "imageFile": [ + "ByElement" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByElement" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Tag/Create", + "inDepth": "ByElement tags elements relative to their location points. The offset input can be used to reposition the tags with a vector." + }, + { + "Name": "ByElementAndLocation", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Tag/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByElementAndLocation..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByElementAndOffset", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Tag/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByElementAndOffset..." + }, + { + "Name": "TagText", + "imageFile": [ + "TagText" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TagText" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Tag/Query", + "inDepth": "TagText will return a string for each tag." + }, + { + "Name": "TaggedElement", + "imageFile": [ + "TaggedElement" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "TaggedElement" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Tag/Query", + "inDepth": "TaggedElement returns the tagged element for each input tag." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Horizontal Text Alignment", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Horizontal Text Alignment" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Horizontal Text Alignment" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Text/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Horizontal Text Alignment shows all available horizontal alignment styles (center, left, right) in a drop-down menu." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Vertical Text Alignment", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Vertical Text Alignment" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Vertical Text Alignment" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Text/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Vertical Text Alignment shows all available vertical alignment styles (bottom, middle, top) in a drop-down menu." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLocation", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLocation" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLocation" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLocation creates a text note from a point. This is useful for labeling many similar elements in a Revit document as the elements can be queried for their locations." + }, + { + "Name": "SetHorizontalAlignment", + "imageFile": [ + "SetHorizontalAlignment" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetHorizontalAlignment" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Action", + "inDepth": "The horizontal alignment value is determined by a string for the possible styles (left, right, center)." + }, + { + "Name": "SetKeepRotatedTextReadable", + "imageFile": [ + "SetKeepRotatedTextReadable" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetKeepRotatedTextReadable" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Action", + "inDepth": "Rotating text past a certain degree would make it upside-down. SetKeepRotatedTextReadable will automatically flip the text so it always faces up at any rotation value." + }, + { + "Name": "SetText", + "imageFile": [ + "SetText" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetText" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Action", + "inDepth": "SetText overrides all input text notes with a supplied string." + }, + { + "Name": "Height", + "imageFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Height" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Query", + "inDepth": "Text note height is returned as a double. The height value is relative to the view scale." + }, + { + "Name": "HorizontalAlignment", + "imageFile": [ + "HorizontalAlignment" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "HorizontalAlignment" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Query", + "inDepth": "A text note's horizontal alignment is returned as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "Text", + "imageFile": [ + "Text" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Text" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Query", + "inDepth": "Text returns the contents of a text note as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "Typename", + "imageFile": [ + "Typename" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Typename" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Query", + "inDepth": "Typename returns a string for a text note's font size and font (3.5mm Arial, for example)." + }, + { + "Name": "VerticalAlignment", + "imageFile": [ + "VerticalAlignment" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "VerticalAlignment" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNote/Query", + "inDepth": "A text note's vertical alignment is returned as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNoteType/Create", + "inDepth": "Returns a text note type from a name as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "Default", + "imageFile": [ + "Default" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Default" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/TextNoteType/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit projects contain a default text note type that is automatically assigned to text notes." + }, + { + "Name": "ByPoints", + "imageFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByPoints" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Topography/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit will generate and contour a mesh from a list of supplied points. The points cannot be collinear." + }, + { + "Name": "Mesh", + "imageFile": [ + "Mesh" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Mesh" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Topography/Query", + "inDepth": "Mesh returns a Revit topography as a mesh in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "Points", + "imageFile": [ + "Points" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Points" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Topography/Query", + "inDepth": "The points of an underlying mesh are useful for querying elevation or location data. Point sets can be manipulated in Dynamo and fed back into Dynamo as a new topography." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCurveAndHeight", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCurveAndHeight" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCurveAndHeight" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Wall/Create", + "inDepth": "Walls created from Dynamo can be updated dynamically and will remain in the Revit document after Dynamo is closed." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCurveAndLevels", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCurveAndLevels" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCurveAndLevels" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Wall/Create", + "inDepth": "Walls created from Dynamo can be updated dynamically and will remain in the Revit document after Dynamo is closed." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFace", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Wall/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByFace..." + }, + { + "Name": "Wall Location (())", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Wall/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Wall Location..." + }, + { + "Name": "Wall Location (curve, height, level, wallType)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/Wall/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Wall Location..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/WallType/Create", + "inDepth": "ByName returns a wall type from its name as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Name" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Elements/WallType/Query", + "inDepth": "Name returns a selected wall type as a string." + }, + { + "Name": "ByRuleType", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Filter/FilterRule/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByRuleType..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByProperties", + "imageFile": [ + "ByProperties" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByProperties" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Filter/OverrideGraphicSettings/Create", + "inDepth": "ByProperties gives access to the visibility/graphic override parameters that exist in Revit. This is especially useful for creating highly specific view overrides that would otherwise require significant manual customization in Revit." + }, + { + "Name": "Detail Level (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Detail Level" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Detail Level" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Filter/OverrideGraphicSettings/Action", + "inDepth": "Detail Level contains the four Revit detail level settings (Coarse, Fine, Medium, and Undefined). The OverrideGraphicSettings.ByProperties node takes the Detail Level node as an input." + }, + { + "Name": "Detail Level (cutFillColor, projectionFillColor, cutLineColor, projectionLineColor, cutFillPattern, projectionFillPattern, cutLinePattern, projectionLinePattern, cutLineWeight, projectionLineWeight, transparency, detailLevel, halftone)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Filter/OverrideGraphicSettings/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Detail Level..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByRules", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Filter/ParameterFilterElement/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByRules..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Rule Type (())", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Filter/RuleType/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Rule Type..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Rule Type (cutFillColor, projectionFillColor, cutLineColor, projectionLineColor, cutFillPattern, projectionFillPattern, cutLinePattern, projectionLinePattern, cutLineWeight, projectionLineWeight, transparency, detailLevel, halftone)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Filter/RuleType/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Rule Type..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByOriginDirection", + "imageFile": [ + "ByOriginDirection" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByOriginDirection" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/References/RayBounce/Action", + "inDepth": "Ray bounces are a useful for creating studies and analysis in Revit. For example, ray bounces can be used to determine obstructions in line of sight." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Schedules/SchedulableField/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Name..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByProperties", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Schedules/ScheduleExportOptions/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByProperties..." + }, + { + "Name": "Name", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Schedules/ScheduleField/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Name..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByFieldTypeAndValue", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Schedules/ScheduleFilter/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByFieldTypeAndValue..." + }, + { + "Name": "FiledId", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Schedules/ScheduleFilter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about FiledId..." + }, + { + "Name": "FilterType", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Schedules/ScheduleFilter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about FilterType..." + }, + { + "Name": "Value", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Schedules/ScheduleFilter/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Value..." + }, + { + "Name": "All Elements at Level", + "imageFile": [ + "All Elements at Level" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "All Elements at Level" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Use with the Selection.Levels node to get elements associated with any level in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "All Elements of Category", + "imageFile": [ + "All Elements of Category" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "All Elements of Category" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Use with the Selection.Categories node to get all elements in any category in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "All Elements of Family Type", + "imageFile": [ + "All Elements of Family Type" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "All Elements of Family Type" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Use with the Selection.Family Types node to get all elements of any family type in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "All Elements of Type", + "imageFile": [ + "All Elements of Type" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "All Elements of Type" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Use with the Selection.Element Types node to get all elements of any type in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Categories", + "imageFile": [ + "Categories" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Categories" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Categories contains a drop-down menu with every category available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Element Types", + "imageFile": [ + "Element Types" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Element Types" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Element Types contains a drop-down menu with every element type available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Family Types", + "imageFile": [ + "Family Types" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Family Types" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Family Types contains a drop-down menu with every family type available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Floor Types", + "imageFile": [ + "Floor Types" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Floor Types" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Floor Types contains a drop-down menu with every floor type available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Get Family Parameter", + "imageFile": [ + "Get Family Parameter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Get Family Parameter" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Get Family Parameter contains a drop-down menu with all parameters of an input family." + }, + { + "Name": "Levels", + "imageFile": [ + "Levels" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Levels" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Levels contains a drop-down menu with every level available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Divided Surface Families", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Divided Surface Families" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Divided Surface Families" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Divided Surface Families..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Edge", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Edge" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Edge" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Edge brings up a cursor in Revit that allows you to select a single edge." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Edges", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Edges" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Edges" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Edges brings up a cursor in Revit that allows you to select multiple edges." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Face", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Face" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Face" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Face brings up a cursor in Revit that allows you to select a single face." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Faces", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Faces" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Faces" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Faces brings up a cursor in Revit that allows you to select multiple faces." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Model Element (Family Type)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Select Model Element..." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Model Element (())", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Model Element" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Model Element" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Model Element brings up a cursor in Revit that allows you to select a single element." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Model Elements", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Model Elements" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Model Elements" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Model Elements brings up a cursor in Revit that allows you to select multiple elements. Multiple elements must be selected by dragging a selection box around them, they cannot be individually selected." + }, + { + "Name": "Select Point on Face", + "imageFile": [ + "Select Point on Face" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select Point on Face" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Select Point on Face brings up a cursor in Revit that allows you to select a point on a face. The face will appear highlighted prior to placing the point." + }, + { + "Name": "Select UV on Face", + "imageFile": [ + "Select UV on Face" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Select UV on Face" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Select UV on Face brings up a cursor in Revit that allows you to select a UV location on a face. The face will appear highlighted prior to choosing the UV location." + }, + { + "Name": "Structural Column Types", + "imageFile": [ + "Structural Column Types" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Structural Column Types" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Structural Column Types contains a drop-down menu with every structural column type available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Structural Framing Types", + "imageFile": [ + "Structural Framing Types" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Structural Framing Types" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Structural Framing Types contains a drop-down menu with every structural framing type available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Views", + "imageFile": [ + "Views" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Views" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Views contains a drop-down menu with every view available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "Wall Types", + "imageFile": [ + "Wall Types" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Wall Types" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Selection/Action", + "inDepth": "Wall Types contains a drop-down menu with every wall type available in a document." + }, + { + "Name": "End", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Transaction/Transaction/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about End..." + }, + { + "Name": "Start", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Transaction/Transaction/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Start..." + }, + { + "Name": "All Elements In Active View", + "imageFile": [ + "All Elements In Active View" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "All Elements In Active View" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/View/Action", + "inDepth": "Views can contain vast quantities of elements, so downstream management of this node's data is very important. For example, this node could be used to override wall graphics in an active floor plan view without having to query the entire project for every wall." + }, + { + "Name": "SunSettings.Current", + "imageFile": [ + "SunSettings.Current" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SunSettings.Current" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/View/Action", + "inDepth": "SunSettings allows you to query parameters such as altitude, azimuth, and a DateTime in Dynamo." + }, + { + "Name": "ByEyePointAndTarget", + "imageFile": [ + "ByEyePointAndTarget.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByEyePointAndTarget" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/AxonometricView/Create", + "inDepth": "ByEyePointAndTarget creates a view in Revit that can be dynamically updated. In the example below, the eye point is evaluated at different paramters of a circle to rotate the camera around the model." + }, + { + "Name": "ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox", + "imageFile": [ + "ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/AxonometricView/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByEyePointTargetAndElement", + "imageFile": [ + "ByEyePointTargetAndElement.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByEyePointTargetAndElement" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/AxonometricView/Create", + "inDepth": "ByEyePointTargetAndElement allows you to select and isolate a certain element in the view. This is useful for creating views around specific geometry." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLevel", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLevel" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLevel" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/CeilingPlanView/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLevel creates a ceiling plan named after its input level." + }, + { + "Name": "ByName", + "imageFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/DraftingView/Create", + "inDepth": "If the name of the drafting view matches an existing one in Dynamo, it will have its unique id added to its name." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLevel", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLevel" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLevel" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/FloorPlanView/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLevel creates a floor plan named after its input level." + }, + { + "Name": "ByEyePointAndTarget", + "imageFile": [ + "ByEyePointAndTarget.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByEyePointAndTarget" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/PerspectiveView/Create", + "inDepth": "Perspective views created from Dynamo will update only by switching to another view and back again. In the example below, the eye point is evaluated at different parameters of a circle to rotate the camera around the model." + }, + { + "Name": "ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox", + "imageFile": [ + "ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/PerspectiveView/Create", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByEyePointTargetAndElement", + "imageFile": [ + "ByEyePointTargetAndElement.gif" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByEyePointTargetAndElement" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/PerspectiveView/Create", + "inDepth": "ByEyePointTargetAndElement allows you to select and isolate a certain element in the view. This is useful for creating views around specific geometry. Perspective views created from Dynamo will update only by switching to another view and back again." + }, + { + "Name": "CreateSchedule", + "imageFile": [ + "CreateSchedule" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CreateSchedule" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Create", + "inDepth": "Revit schedules are based on a category and schedule type. Different fields are available depending on what category the schedule is created for." + }, + { + "Name": "AddFields", + "imageFile": [ + "AddFields" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AddFields" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "AddFields adds schedulable fields to a Revit schedule. Schedulable fields are determined by the a schedule's category. For the windows category, this could be Count, Family, Phase Created, Visual Light Transmittance, Level, etc. In the example below, a schedule is created based on the window category, then queried for all schedulable fields it could have. Then certain fields are chosen for the schedule." + }, + { + "Name": "AddFilters", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about AddFilters..." + }, + { + "Name": "ClearAllFilters", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ClearAllFilters..." + }, + { + "Name": "Export", + "imageFile": [ + "Export" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Export" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Revit schedules export with the same structure as they have in Revit, unless it is overridden with the ScheduleExportOptions.ByProperties node." + }, + { + "Name": "Export Column Headers", + "imageFile": [ + "Export Column Headers" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Export Column Headers" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Export Column Headers contains a drop-down menu with options to export none, one row, multiple rows of schedule headers. This is in input for the ScheduleExportOptions.ByProperties node." + }, + { + "Name": "Export Text Qualifier", + "imageFile": [ + "Export Text Qualifier" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Export Text Qualifier" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Export Text Qualifier contains a drop-down menu with options for double quotes, quotes and no quotes." + }, + { + "Name": "RemoveFields", + "imageFile": [ + "RemoveFields" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "RemoveFields" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Schedules can be queried for all their fields using ScheduleView.Fields, giving you a list of fields that can be removed." + }, + { + "Name": "Schedule Filter Type", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Schedule Filter Type..." + }, + { + "Name": "Schedule Type (())", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Schedule Type..." + }, + { + "Name": "Schedule Type (category, name, scheduleType)", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Action", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about Schedule Type..." + }, + { + "Name": "Fields", + "imageFile": [ + "Fields" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Fields" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Query", + "inDepth": "Fields returns all fields in a schedule." + }, + { + "Name": "SchedulableFields", + "imageFile": [ + "SchedulableFields" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SchedulableFields" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Query", + "inDepth": "SchedulableFields returns all fields that can be added to a schedule. This is useful for choosing what fields to add to a schedule." + }, + { + "Name": "ScheduleFilters", + "imageFile": [], + "dynFile": [], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/ScheduleView/Query", + "inDepth": "Add in-depth information about ScheduleFilters..." + }, + { + "Name": "ByBoundingBox", + "imageFile": [ + "ByBoundingBox" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByBoundingBox" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/SectionView/Create", + "inDepth": "ByBoundingBox uses a bounding box to create a section. The bounding box acts like a section box, cutting through elements and hiding everything beyond." + }, + { + "Name": "ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint", + "imageFile": [ + "ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/SectionView/Create", + "inDepth": "ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint creates a view section from the geometry drivers of a bounding box (min/max point and a coordinate system)." + }, + { + "Name": "ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView", + "imageFile": [ + "ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/Sheet/Create", + "inDepth": "ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView can create multiple sheets each with a single view. The lists of sheet names, numbers and views need to match in length." + }, + { + "Name": "ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews", + "imageFile": [ + "ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/Sheet/Create", + "inDepth": "ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews will pack a list of views onto a single sheet." + }, + { + "Name": "SheetName", + "imageFile": [ + "SheetName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SheetName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/Sheet/Query", + "inDepth": "SheetName returns the names of sheets as strings. This is useful for data manipulation and searching." + }, + { + "Name": "SheetNumber", + "imageFile": [ + "SheetNumber" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SheetNumber" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/Sheet/Query", + "inDepth": "SheetNumber returns numbers as strings (A102)." + }, + { + "Name": "Views", + "imageFile": [ + "Views" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Views" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/Sheet/Query", + "inDepth": "Views returns all view elements on a sheet in a list." + }, + { + "Name": "ByLevel", + "imageFile": [ + "ByLevel" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ByLevel" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/StructuralPlanView/Create", + "inDepth": "ByLevel creates a structural floor plan named after its input level." + }, + { + "Name": "AddFilter", + "imageFile": [ + "AddFilter" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "AddFilter" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View/Action", + "inDepth": "Filters can be queried from Revit documents as an element type. This allows for an existing filter to be applied to a different view, or a new one can be created." + }, + { + "Name": "ExportAsImage", + "imageFile": [ + "ExportAsImage" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "ExportAsImage" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View/Action", + "inDepth": "A full file path including the file name and extension must be provided to override the default png extension." + }, + { + "Name": "FilterOverrides", + "imageFile": [ + "FilterOverrides" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "FilterOverrides" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View/Action", + "inDepth": "FilterOverrides returns a graphics override element from a Filter. This is useful for applying a filter's graphics settings only to certain elements in a view or across an entire project. A graphics override element can also be created with the OverrideGraphicSettings.ByProperties node." + }, + { + "Name": "IsViewTemplate", + "imageFile": [ + "IsViewTemplate" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "IsViewTemplate" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View/Action", + "inDepth": "IsViewTemplate returns a boolean value based on whether or not a view is a template." + }, + { + "Name": "SetCategoryOverrides", + "imageFile": [ + "SetCategoryOverrides" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetCategoryOverrides" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View/Action", + "inDepth": "SetCategoryOverrides allows a graphic overrides element to be applied to an input category across all input views. This is useful for quickly highlighting walls, floors, curtain walls, etc across many views without creating a view filter or manually changing each view." + }, + { + "Name": "SetFilterOverrides", + "imageFile": [ + "SetFilterOverrides" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetFilterOverrides" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View/Action", + "inDepth": "SetFilterOverrides allows a view filter to be applied to multiple views and toggled on/off. This is useful for quickly changing the graphics of many views." + }, + { + "Name": "SetScale", + "imageFile": [ + "SetScale" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "SetScale" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View/Action", + "inDepth": "A view's scale will update dynamically and remain after Dynamo is closed." + }, + { + "Name": "Filters", + "imageFile": [ + "Filters" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "Filters" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View/Query", + "inDepth": "Filters returns any filters applied to a view." + }, + { + "Name": "CreateUniqueViewName", + "imageFile": [ + "CreateUniqueViewName" + ], + "dynFile": [ + "CreateUniqueViewName" + ], + "folderPath": "Revit/Views/View3D/Action", + "inDepth": "Unique view names are created by appending a unique id to the name if it already exists." + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/data/Dynamo_Library.xml b/public/data/old/Revit_Library_1.xml similarity index 61% rename from public/data/Dynamo_Library.xml rename to public/data/old/Revit_Library_1.xml index 745d97ca..7b7140dd 100644 --- a/public/data/Dynamo_Library.xml +++ b/public/data/old/Revit_Library_1.xml @@ -1,21553 +1,18300 @@ - - - - - - Core.Input - Code Block - Action - Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly - Dynamo.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel,Code Block,codeblock - Not found - Not found - - - Core.Input - Input - Action - A function parameter, use with custom nodes. - -You can specify the type and default value for parameter. E.g., - -input : var[]..[] -value : bool = false - Dynamo.Nodes.Symbol,Input,variable,argument,parameter - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.Input - Output - Action - A function output, use with custom nodes - Dynamo.Nodes.Output,Output - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.Input - Date Time - Action - Create a DateTime object from a formatted date and time string. Date and time must be of the format "April 12, 1977 12:00 PM" - DSCoreNodesUI.DateTime,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DateTime,Date Time - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DateTime.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DateTime.Large.png - - - Core.Input - String - Action - Creates a string. - Dynamo.Nodes.StringInput,Dynamo.Nodes.dynStringInput,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.StringInput,String - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Number - Action - Creates a number. - Dynamo.Nodes.DoubleInput,Dynamo.Nodes.dynDoubleInput,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DoubleInput,Number - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Number Slider - Action - A slider that produces numeric values. - DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DoubleSlider,Number Slider,double,number,float,integer,slider,numberslider - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Large.png - - - Core.Input - File Path - Action - Allows you to select a file on the system to get its filename - DSCore.File.Filename,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.Filename,File Path,filepath - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Directory Path - Action - Allows you to select a directory on the system to get its path - DSCore.File.Directory,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.Directory,Directory Path,directorypath,filepath - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Directory.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Directory.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Boolean - Action - Selection between a true and false. - DSCoreNodesUI.BoolSelector,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.BoolSelector,Dynamo.Nodes.BoolSelector,Boolean,true,truth,false - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector.Large.png - - - Core.Input - Integer Slider - Action - A slider that produces integer values. - DSCoreNodesUI.Input.IntegerSlider,Integer Slider,integerslider - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.IntegerSlider.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.IntegerSlider.Large.png - - - - - Core.Units - Convert Between Units - Action - Convert between units of measure. - DSCoreNodesUI.DynamoConvert,Convert Between Units,Convert,Units,Length,Area,Volume,convertbetweenunits - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.DynamoConvert.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.DynamoConvert.Large.png - - - Core.Units - Number From Feet and Inches - Action - Enter a length. - Number From Feet and Inches,Imperial,Metric,Length,Project,units - - - - src\Resources\UnitsUI\SmallIcons\UnitsUI.LengthFromString.Small.png - src\Resources\UnitsUI\LargeIcons\UnitsUI.LengthFromString.Large.png - - - Core.Units - Unit Types - Action - Select a unit of measurement. - Unit Types,units,unittypes - - - - src\Resources\UnitsUI\SmallIcons\UnitsUI.UnitTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\UnitsUI\LargeIcons\UnitsUI.UnitTypes.Large.png - - - - - Core.Color - Color Range - Create - Get a color given a color range. - DSCoreNodesUI.ColorRange,Color Range,colorrange - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.ColorRange.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.ColorRange.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Red - Query - Find the red component of a color, 0 to 255. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Red.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Red.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Green - Query - Find the green component of a color, 0 to 255. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Green.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Green.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Blue - Query - Find the blue component of a color, 0 to 255. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Blue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Blue.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Alpha - Query - Find the alpha component of a color, 0 to 255. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Alpha.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Alpha.Large.png - - - Core.Color - ByARGB - Create - Construct a color by alpha, red, green, and blue components. - color - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.ByARGB.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.ByARGB.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Brightness - Action - Returns the brightness value for this color. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Brightness.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Brightness.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Saturation - Action - Returns the saturation value for this color. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Saturation.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Saturation.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Hue - Action - Returns the hue value for this color. - hues - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Hue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Hue.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Components - Action - Lists the components for the color in the order: alpha, red, green, blue. - alpha,red,green,blue - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Components.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Components.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Add - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Add.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Add.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Multiply - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Multiply.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Multiply.Large.png - - - Core.Color - Divide - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Divide.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Divide.Large.png - - - - - Core.List - List.Create - Create - Makes a new list out of the given inputs - DSCoreNodesUI.CreateList,List.Create,entwine,listcreate,newlist,makelist,list - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.CreateList.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.CreateList.Large.png - - - Core.List - Range - Create - Creates a sequence of numbers or letters in the specified range. - DSCoreNodesUI.Range,Range,numberrange,numbersequence - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Range.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Range.Large.png - - - Core.List - Sequence - Create - Creates a sequence of numbers. - DSCoreNodesUI.Sequence,Sequence,numbersequence - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Sequence.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Sequence.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Map - Action - Applies a function over all elements of a list, generating a new list from the results. - DSCore.Map,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Map,List.Map,function,applied,over list,do to each - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Map.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Map.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Combine - Action - Applies a combinator to each element in two sequences - DSCore.Combine,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Combine,List.Combine,map multiple,apply over lists,multiple inputs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Combine.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Combine.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.LaceShortest - Action - Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a shortest lacing of the input lists. All lists are truncated to the length of the shortest input. - DSCore.LaceShortest,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.LaceShortest,List.LaceShortest,mix,trim end - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceShortest.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceShortest.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.LaceLongest - Action - Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a longest lacing of the input lists. All lists have their last element repeated to match the length of the longest input. - DSCore.LaceLongest,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.LaceLongest,List.LaceLongest,repeat last - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceLongest.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceLongest.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.CartesianProduct - Action - Applies a combinator to each pair in the cartesian product of two sequences - DSCore.CartesianProduct,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct,List.CartesianProduct,cross product,crossreference,cross ref - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Reduce - Action - Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result. - DSCore.Reduce,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Reduce,List.Reduce,accumulate,aggregate,fold - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Reduce.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Reduce.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Scan - Action - Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result, produces a list of successive reduced values. - DSCore.ScanList,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ScanList,List.Scan,intermediate,maps,folds - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ScanList.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ScanList.Large.png - - - Core.List - List.Filter - Action - Filters a sequence by a given condition such that for an arbitrary element "x," condition(x) = True or False. - DSCore.Filter,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Filter,List.Filter,screen,dispatch - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Filter.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Filter.Large.png - - - Core.List - ReplaceByCondition - Action - Replaces an object with a given substitute if the original object satisfies a given condition. - DSCore.Replace,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Replace,ReplaceByCondition,predicate,override,replace if, - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Replace.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Replace.Large.png - - - Core.List - Empty - Query - An Empty List. - empty list,emptylist,[] - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Empty.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Empty.Large.png - - - Core.List - UniqueItems - Action - Creates a new list containing all unique items in the given list. - removes,duplicates,remove duplicates,cull duplicates,distinct,listcontains - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.UniqueItems.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.UniqueItems.Large.png - - - Core.List - ContainsItem - Action - Determines if the given list contains the given item. - item,search,in,listcontains - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ContainsItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ContainsItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - Reverse - Action - Creates a new list containing the items of the given list but in reverse order. - flip,listcontains - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Reverse.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Reverse.Large.png - - - Core.List - Sublists - Action - Build sublists from a list using DesignScript range syntax. - sublists,build sublists,subset - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Sublists.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Sublists.Large.png - - - Core.List - Sort - Action - Sorts a list using the built-in natural ordering. - sort,order,sorted - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Sort.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Sort.Large.png - - - Core.List - MinimumItem - Action - Returns the minimum value from a list. - least,smallest,find min - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.MinimumItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.MinimumItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - MaximumItem - Action - Returns the maximum value from a list. - greatest,largest,biggest,find max - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.MaximumItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.MaximumItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - FilterByBoolMask - Action - Filters a sequence by looking up corresponding indices in a separate list of booleans. - filter,in,out,mask,dispatch,bool filter,boolfilter - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask.Large.png - - - Core.List - Deconstruct - Action - Given a list, produces the first item in the list, and a new list containing all items except the first. - first,rest,list split,listcontains - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Deconstruct.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Deconstruct.Large.png - - - Core.List - SortByKey - Action - Sort list based on its keys - sort;key - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Large.png - - - Core.List - GroupByKey - Action - Group items into sub-lists based on their like key values - list;group;groupbykey; - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.GroupByKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.GroupByKey.Large.png - - - Core.List - AddItemToFront - Action - Adds an item to the beginning of a list. - insert,add,item,front,start,begin - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToFront.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToFront.Large.png - - - Core.List - AddItemToEnd - Action - Adds an item to the end of a list. - insert,add,item,end - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd.Large.png - - - Core.List - TakeItems - Action - Fetches an amount of items from the start of the list. - get,sub,sublist,extract - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.TakeItems.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.TakeItems.Large.png - - - Core.List - DropItems - Action - Removes an amount of items from the start of the list. If the amount is a negative value, items are removed from the end of the list. - drop,remove,shorten - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DropItems.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DropItems.Large.png - - - Core.List - ShiftIndices - Action - Shifts indices in the list to the right by the given amount. - shift,offset - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ShiftIndices.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ShiftIndices.Large.png - - - Core.List - GetItemAtIndex - Action - Returns an item from the given list that's located at the specified index. - get,item,index,fetch,at,getfrom,get from,extract - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.GetItemAtIndex.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.GetItemAtIndex.Large.png - - - Core.List - ReplaceItemAtIndex - Action - Replace an item from the given list that's located at the specified index. - replace,switch - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ReplaceItemAtIndex.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ReplaceItemAtIndex.Large.png - - - Core.List - Slice - Action - Returns a single sub-list from the given list, based on starting index, ending index, and a step amount. - list,sub,sublist,subrange,get sublist - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Slice.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Slice.Large.png - - - Core.List - RemoveItemAtIndex - Action - Removes an item from the given list at the specified index. - index,indices,cull,remove,item - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.RemoveItemAtIndex.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.RemoveItemAtIndex.Large.png - - - Core.List - DropEveryNthItem - Action - Removes items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset. - nth,remove,cull,every - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DropEveryNthItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DropEveryNthItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - TakeEveryNthItem - Action - Fetches items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset. - fetch,take,every,nth - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.TakeEveryNthItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.TakeEveryNthItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - IsEmpty - Action - Determines if the given list is empty. - test,is,empty,null,count - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.IsEmpty.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.IsEmpty.Large.png - - - Core.List - Count - Action - Returns the number of items stored in the given list. - listlength,list length,count,size,sizeof - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Count.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Count.Large.png - - - Core.List - Join - Action - Concatenates all given lists into a single list. - join lists,merge,concatenate - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Join.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Join.Large.png - - - Core.List - FirstItem - Action - Returns the first item in a list. - get,fetch,first,item,start - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FirstItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FirstItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - RestOfItems - Action - Removes the first item from the given list. - get,fetch,rest,end,rest of list - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.RestOfItems.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.RestOfItems.Large.png - - - Core.List - Chop - Action - Chop a list into a set of consecutive sublists with the specified lengths. List division begins at the top of the list. - sublists,build sublists,slices,partitions,cut,listcontains,chop - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Chop.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Chop.Large.png - - - Core.List - DiagonalRight - Action - List elements along each diagonal in the matrix from the top left to the lower right. - diagonal,right,matrix,get diagonals,diagonal sublists - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalRight.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalRight.Large.png - - - Core.List - DiagonalLeft - Action - List elements along each diagonal in the matrix from the top right to the lower left. - diagonal,left,matrix,get diagonals,diagonal sublists - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalLeft.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalLeft.Large.png - - - Core.List - Transpose - Action - Swaps rows and columns in a list of lists. If there are some rows that are shorter than others, null values are inserted as place holders in the resultant array such that it is always rectangular. - transpose,flip matrix,matrix,swap,rows,columns - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Transpose.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Transpose.Large.png - - - Core.List - Clean - Action - Cleans data of nulls and empty lists from a given list of arbitrary dimension - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Clean.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Clean.Large.png - - - Core.List - OfRepeatedItem - Action - Creates a list containing the given item the given number of times. - repeat,repeated,duplicate,list of item,fill list,copies,listcontains - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - Cycle - Action - Creates a new list by concatenining copies of a given list. - repeat,repeated,duplicate,repeated list,concat list - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Cycle.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Cycle.Large.png - - - Core.List - LastItem - Action - Retrieves the last item in a list. - get,fetch,last,item,end of list - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.LastItem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.LastItem.Large.png - - - Core.List - Shuffle - Action - Shuffles a list, randomizing the order of its items. - random,randomize,shuffle,jitter,randomness - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Shuffle.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Shuffle.Large.png - - - Core.List - Permutations - Action - Produces all permutations of the given length of a given list. - permutation,permutations - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Permutations.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Permutations.Large.png - - - Core.List - Combinations - Action - Produces all combinations of the given length of a given list. - combo - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Combinations.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Combinations.Large.png - - - Core.List - FirstIndexOf - Action - Given an item, returns the zero-based index of its first occurrence in the list. If the item cannot be found in the list, -1 is returned. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FirstIndexOf.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FirstIndexOf.Large.png - - - Core.List - AllIndicesOf - Action - Given an item, returns the zero-based indices of all its occurrences in the list. If the item cannot be found, an empty list is returned. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AllIndicesOf.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AllIndicesOf.Large.png - - - Core.List - Flatten - Action - Flattens a nested list of lists by a certain amount. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Flatten.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Flatten.Large.png - - - - - Core.Scripting - Formula - Action - Evaluates mathematical formulas. Uses NCalc: - DSCoreNodesUI.Formula,Formula - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Formula.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Formula.Large.png - - - Core.Scripting - Python Script - Action - Runs an embedded IronPython script. - Python Script - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.Scripting - Python Script From String - Action - Runs a IronPython script from a string. - Python Script From String - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Core.View - Watch - Action - Visualize the output of node. - Dynamo.Nodes.Watch,DSCoreNodesUI.Watch,Watch,print,output,disply,panel,inspect,debug - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Watch.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Watch.Large.png - - - Core.View - Watch Image - Action - Previews an image - Dynamo.Nodes.WatchImageCore,DSCoreNodesUI.WatchImageCore,Watch Image,image,inspect image,pixels,display,panel,watchimage - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Large.png - - - Core.View - Watch 3D - Action - Shows a dynamic preview of geometry. - Dynamo.Nodes.dyn3DPreview,Dynamo.Nodes.3DPreview,Dynamo.Nodes.Watch3D,DynamoWatch3D.Watch3D,Watch 3D - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Core.String - String from Object - Action - Convert an object to a string representation. - DSCoreNodesUI.StringNodes.FromObject,DSCoreNodesUI.FromObject,String from Object,string.fromobject,tostring,2string,number2string,numbertostring - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromObject.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromObject.Large.png - - - Core.String - String from Array - Action - Convert an array to a string representation. - DSCoreNodesUI.StringNodes.FromArray,DSCoreNodesUI.FromArray,String from Array,string.fromarray,tostring,2string,list2string,listtostring,array2string,arraytostring - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromArray.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromArray.Large.png - - - Core.String - ToNumber - Action - Converts a string to an integer or a double. - 2number,str2number,strtonumber,string2number,stringtonumber,int,double,cast - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToNumber.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToNumber.Large.png - - - Core.String - Concat - Action - Concatenates multiple strings into a single string. - concatenate,join,combine strings - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Concat.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Concat.Large.png - - - Core.String - Length - Action - Returns the number of characters contained in the given string. - count,size,characters,chars,length,sizeof - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Length.Large.png - - - Core.String - Split - Action - Divides a single string into a list of strings, with divisions determined by the given separater strings. - divide,separaters,delimiter,cut,csv,comma - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Split.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Split.Large.png - - - Core.String - Join - Action - Concatenates multiple strings into a single string, inserting the given separator between each joined string. - join,separator,build csv,concat,construct - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Join.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Join.Large.png - - - Core.String - ToUpper - Action - Converts the given string to all uppercase characters. - 2uppercase,to uppercase,touppercase,uppercase - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToUpper.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToUpper.Large.png - - - Core.String - ToLower - Action - Converts the given string to all lowercase characters. - 2lowercase,to lowercase,tolowercase,lowercase - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToLower.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToLower.Large.png - - - Core.String - ChangeCase - Action - Converts the given string to all uppercase characters or all lowercase characters based on a boolean parameter. - 2lowercase,to lowercase,tolowercase,lowercase,2uppercase,to uppercase,touppercase,uppercase - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ChangeCase.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ChangeCase.Large.png - - - Core.String - Substring - Action - Retrieves a substring from the given string. The substring starts at the given character position and has the given length. - subset,get string,part,smaller string - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Substring.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Substring.Large.png - - - Core.String - Contains - Action - Determines if the given string contains the given substring. - test,within,in,is in,part of - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Contains.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Contains.Large.png - - - Core.String - CountOccurrences - Action - Counts the number of non-overlapping occurrences of a substring inside a given string. - count,substring,count occurrences,numberof,search,find,within - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.CountOccurrences.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.CountOccurrences.Large.png - - - Core.String - Replace - Action - Replaces all occurrances of text in a string with other text. - replace,overwrite,override,find and replace - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Replace.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Replace.Large.png - - - Core.String - EndsWith - Action - Determines if the given string ends with the given substring. - test,does end,last,str end,terminated - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.EndsWith.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.EndsWith.Large.png - - - Core.String - StartsWith - Action - Determines if the given string starts with the given substring. - test,beginswith,start,string start,front - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.StartsWith.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.StartsWith.Large.png - - - Core.String - TrimWhitespace - Action - Removes all whitespace from the start and end of the given string. - trimstring,cleanstring,whitespace,blanks,spaces,string trim - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimWhitespace.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimWhitespace.Large.png - - - Core.String - TrimLeadingWhitespace - Action - Removes all whitespace from the start of the given string. - trim string,clean string,trim leading whitespaces,string trim - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimLeadingWhitespace.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimLeadingWhitespace.Large.png - - - Core.String - TrimTrailingWhitespace - Action - Removes all whitespace from the end of the given string. - trim string,clean string,trim trailing whitespaces,string trim - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimTrailingWhitespace.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimTrailingWhitespace.Large.png - - - Core.String - IndexOf - Action - Finds the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a sub-string inside a string. Returns -1 if no index could be found. - index of,find susbstring,where,search - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.IndexOf.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.IndexOf.Large.png - - - Core.String - AllIndicesOf - Action - No description available - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.String - LastIndexOf - Action - Finds the zero-based index of the last occurrence of a sub-string inside a string. Returns -1 if no index could be found. - last index of,find susbstring,where,search - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.LastIndexOf.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.LastIndexOf.Large.png - - - Core.String - PadLeft - Action - Right-aligns the characters in the given string by padding them with spaces on the left, for a specified total length. - pad left,right align,right-align,pad,string space,whitespace - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.PadLeft.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.PadLeft.Large.png - - - Core.String - PadRight - Action - Left-aligns the characters in the given string by padding them with spaces on the right, for a specified total length. - pad right,left align,left-align,pad string space,whitespace - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.PadRight.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.PadRight.Large.png - - - Core.String - Center - Action - Increases the width of a string by encasing the original characters with spaces on either side. - center align,center-align,centered,whitespace,expand string,surround - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Center.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Center.Large.png - - - Core.String - Insert - Action - Inserts a string into another string at a given index. - insertstring,insert string - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Insert.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Insert.Large.png - - - Core.String - Remove - Action - Removes characters from a string. - delete,rem,shorten - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Remove.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Remove.Large.png - - - - - Core.Web - Web Request - Action - Make a web request given a url. - DSCoreNodesUI.WebRequest,Web Request - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WebRequest.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WebRequest.Large.png - - - - - Core.Logic - And - Action - Boolean AND: Returns true only if both of the inputs are true. If either is false, returns false. - DSCore.Logic.And,DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.And,And - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.And.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.And.Large.png - - - Core.Logic - Or - Action - Boolean OR: Returns true if either of the inputs are true. If neither are true, returns false. - DSCore.Logic.Or,DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.Or,Or - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.Or.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.Or.Large.png - - - Core.Logic - If - Action - Conditional statement - DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.If,If - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.If.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.If.Large.png - - - Core.Logic - ScopeIf - Action - Scoped If statement - DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.ScopedIf,ScopeIf - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.ScopedIf.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.ScopedIf.Large.png - - - Core.Logic - Xor - Action - Boolean XOR: Returns true if and only if exactly one of the inputs is true. - xor,exclusive,or - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Logic.Xor.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Logic.Xor.Large.png - - - - - Core.Evaluate - Function.Apply - Action - Applies a function to arguments. - DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction,Function.Apply - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction.Large.png - - - Core.Evaluate - Function.Compose - Action - Compose multiple functions. - DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions,Function.Compose - - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions.Large.png - - - - - - Core.File.FilePath - Combine - Action - Combines multiple strings into a single file path. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Combine.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Combine.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - Extension - Action - Returns the extension from a file path. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Extension.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Extension.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - ChangeExtension - Action - Changes the extension of a file path. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.ChangeExtension.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.ChangeExtension.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - DirectoryName - Action - Returns the directory name of a file path. - directorypath - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.DirectoryName.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.DirectoryName.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - FileName - Action - Returns the file name of a file path. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.FileName.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.FileName.Large.png - - - Core.File.FilePath - HasExtension - Action - Determines whether or not a file path contains an extension. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.HasExtension.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.HasExtension.Large.png - - - - - Core.File.File - ReadText - Action - Reads a text file and returns the contents as a string. - read file,text,file - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.ReadText.var.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.ReadText.var.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - Move - Action - Moves a specified file to a new location - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Move.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Move.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - Delete - Action - Deletes the specified file. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Delete.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Delete.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - Copy - Action - Copies a file. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Copy.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Copy.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - Exists - Action - Determines if a file exists at the given path. - filepath - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Exists.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Exists.Large.png - - - Core.File.File - WriteText - Action - Write the text content to a file specified by the path - write file,text,file,filepath - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.WriteText.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.WriteText.Large.png - - - - - Core.File.Directory - Move - Action - Moves a directory to a new location. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Move.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Move.Large.png - - - Core.File.Directory - Copy - Action - Copies a directory to a destination location. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Copy.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Copy.Large.png - - - Core.File.Directory - Delete - Action - Deletes a directory. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Delete.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Delete.Large.png - - - Core.File.Directory - Contents - Action - Returns all of the contents of a given directory. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Contents.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Contents.Large.png - - - Core.File.Directory - Exists - Action - Determines if a directory exists at the given path. - directorypath - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Exists.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Exists.Large.png - - - - - Core.File.Image - ReadFromFile - Action - Loads the file as a bitmap. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.ReadFromFile.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.ReadFromFile.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - Pixels - Action - Reads an image file and returns the color values at the specified grid locations. - read,image,bitmap,png,jpg,jpeg - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Pixels.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Pixels.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - FromPixels - Action - Constructs an image from a 2d list of pixels. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color2.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color2.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - FromPixels - Action - Constructs an image from a flat list of pixels, a width, and a height. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color1-int-int.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color1-int-int.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - Dimensions - Action - Returns the width and height of an image. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Dimensions.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Dimensions.Large.png - - - Core.File.Image - WriteToFile - Action - Write the image to a path, given the specified file name. - write image,image,file,filepath - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.WriteToFile.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.WriteToFile.Large.png - - - - - Core.File.CSV - WriteToFile - Action - Write a list of lists into a file using a comma-separated values format. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns. - write,text,file - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.WriteToFile.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.WriteToFile.Large.png - - - Core.File.CSV - ReadFromFile - Action - Reads a text file containing comma-separated values into a two dimensional list. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.ReadFromFile.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.ReadFromFile.Large.png - - - - Core.File - File.FromPath - Action - Creates a file object from a path. - DSCore.File.FileObject,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.FileObject,File.FromPath,filepath - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject.Large.png - - - Core.File - Directory.FromPath - Action - Creates a directory object from a path - DSCore.File.DirectoryObject,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DirectoryObject,Directory.FromPath,directorypath,filepath - - - - - - - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DirectoryObject.Small.png - src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DirectoryObject.Large.png - - - - - Core.ColorRange2D - ByColorsAndParameters - Create - Create a ColorRange2D by supplying lists of colors and UVs. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.ByColorsAndParameters.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.ByColorsAndParameters.Large.png - - - Core.ColorRange2D - GetColorAtParameter - Action - Returns the color in this color range at the specified parameter. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.GetColorAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.GetColorAtParameter.Large.png - - - - - Core.DateTime - MinValue - Query - The earliest date and time that can be represented. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MinValue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MinValue.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - MaxValue - Query - The latest date and time that can be represented. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MaxValue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MaxValue.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Now - Query - The current system date and time. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Now.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Now.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Today - Query - The current system date, with time set at midnight. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Today.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Today.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Format - Action - Return a specified date and time as a string, in the specified format. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Core.DateTime - ByDate - Action - Creates a new DateTime at an exact date. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDate.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDate.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - ByDateAndTime - Action - Creates a new DateTime at an exact date and time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - SubtractTimeSpan - Action - Subtracts a TimeSpan from a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.SubtractTimeSpan.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.SubtractTimeSpan.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - AddTimeSpan - Action - Adds a TimeSpan to a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.AddTimeSpan.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.AddTimeSpan.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - DaysInMonth - Action - Calculates how many days are in the given month of the given year. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DaysInMonth.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DaysInMonth.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - IsDaylightSavingsTime - Action - Determines if it is Daylight Savings Time at the given DateTime. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingsTime.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingsTime.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - IsLeapYear - Action - Determines if the given year is a leap year. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsLeapYear.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsLeapYear.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - FromString - Action - Attempts to parse a DateTime from a string. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.FromString.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.FromString.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Date - Action - Extracts only the date from a DateTime. Time components are set to 0. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Date.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Date.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - Components - Action - Extracts the individual components of a DateTime. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Components.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Components.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - DayOfWeek - Action - Returns the Day of the Week from a given DateTime. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfWeek.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfWeek.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - DayOfYear - Action - Returns the day of the year (0-366) - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfYear.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfYear.Large.png - - - Core.DateTime - TimeOfDay - Action - Yields a new TimeSpan representing the amount of time passed since midnight of the given DateTime. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.TimeOfDay.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.TimeOfDay.Large.png - - - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Sunday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Sunday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Sunday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Monday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Monday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Monday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Tuesday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Tuesday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Tuesday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Wednesday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Wednesday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Wednesday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Thursday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Thursday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Thursday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Friday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Friday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Friday.Large.png - - - Core.DayOfWeek - Saturday - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Saturday.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Saturday.Large.png - - - - - Core.TimeSpan - ByDateDifference - Action - Yields a new TimeSpan calculated from the time difference between two DateTimes. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.ByDateDifference.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.ByDateDifference.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Zero - Query - A TimeSpan representing an elapsed time of Zero. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Zero.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Zero.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - MaxValue - Query - The largest TimeSpan that can be represented. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MaxValue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MaxValue.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - MinValue - Query - The smallest TimeSpan that can be represented. - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MinValue.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MinValue.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Create - Action - Creates a new TimeSpan from a span of time. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Create.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Create.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Scale - Action - Multiplies a TimeSpan by a scaling factor. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Scale.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Scale.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Negate - Action - Negates a TimeSpan. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Negate.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Negate.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Add - Action - Adds two TimeSpans. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Add.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Add.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Subtract - Action - Subtracts two TimeSpans. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Subtract.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Subtract.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - FromString - Action - Attempts to parse a TimeSpan from a string. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.FromString.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.FromString.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - Components - Action - Extracts the individual components of a TimeSpan. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Components.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Components.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalDays - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of days. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalDays.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalDays.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalHours - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of hours. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalHours.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalHours.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalMinutes - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of minutes. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalSeconds - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of seconds. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.Large.png - - - Core.TimeSpan - TotalMilliseconds - Action - Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of milliseconds. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.Large.png - - - - - Core.Formula - Evaluate - Action - Evaluates an NCalc formula with given parameter mappings. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Formula.Evaluate.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Formula.Evaluate.Large.png - - - - - Core.Math - Random - Action - Generates a random double in the range of [0, 1). - random,seed - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Random - Action - Produce a random number in the range [lower_number, higher_number). - random,numberrange - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - RandomList - Action - Produces a list containing the given amount of random doubles in the range of [0, 1). - random,listcontains - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Large.png - - - Core.Math - PiTimes2 - Query - Pi Constant Multiplied by 2 - 2pi,2*pi,twopi,two*pi - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.PiTimes2.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.PiTimes2.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Average - Action - Averages a list of numbers. - avg,mean - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Average.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Average.Large.png - - - Core.Math - RemapRange - Action - Adjusts the range of a list of numbers while preserving the distribution ratio. - remap range - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RemapRange.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RemapRange.Large.png - - - Core.Math - PI - Query - The mathematical constant Pi, 3.14159... - 3.141592653589793 - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.PI.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.PI.Large.png - - - Core.Math - E - Query - The mathematical constant e, 2.71828... - exp,2.718281828459045 - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.E.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.E.Large.png - - - Core.Math - GoldenRatio - Query - The golden ratio, (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.61803... - golden,ratio,divine,phi,tau,1.61803398875 - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.GoldenRatio.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.GoldenRatio.Large.png - - - Core.Math - RadiansToDegrees - Action - Converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees. - radians,degrees,angle - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RadiansToDegrees.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RadiansToDegrees.Large.png - - - Core.Math - DegreesToRadians - Action - Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians. - degrees,radians,angle - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.DegreesToRadians.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.DegreesToRadians.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Abs - Action - Finds the absolute value of a number. - absolute value,magnitude - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Abs.double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Abs.double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Abs - Action - Finds the absolute value of a number. - absolute value,magnitude - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Acos - Action - Finds the inverse cosine, the angle whose cosine is the given ratio. - acosine,arccosine - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Acos.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Acos.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Asin - Action - Finds the inverse sine, the angle whose sine is the given ratio. - asine,arcsin - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Asin.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Asin.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Atan - Action - Finds the inverse tangent, the angle whose tangent is the given ratio. - atangent,arctangent - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Atan2 - Action - Finds the inverse tangent of quotient of two numbers. Returns the angle whose tangent is the ratio: numerator/denominator. - atangent,arctangent - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Ceiling - Action - Returns the first integer greater than the number - ceiling,round - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Ceiling.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Ceiling.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Cos - Action - Finds the cosine of an angle. - cosine - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cos.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cos.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Cosh - Action - Finds the hyperbolic cosine of an angle (radians). - hyperbolic cosine - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Large.png - - - Core.Math - DivRem - Action - Finds the remainder of dividend/divisor. - remainder - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.DivRem.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.DivRem.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Exp - Action - Returns the exponential of the number, the constant e raised to the value number. - exponential - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Floor - Action - Returns the first integer smaller than the number. - round - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Floor.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Floor.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Log - Action - Finds the natural logarithm of a number in the range (0, ∞). - natural,logarithm,ln - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Log - Action - Finds the logarithm of a number with the specified base. - logarithm,ld,lg - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double-double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Log10 - Action - Finds the base-10 logarithm of a number. - logarithm - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Max - Action - Returns the greater of two numbers. - maximum,greater,larger - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Max.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Max.double-double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Max - Action - Returns the greater of two numbers. - maximum,greater,larger - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Min - Action - Returns the lesser of two numbers. - minimum,lesser,smaller - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Min.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Min.double-double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Min - Action - Returns the lesser of two numbers. - minimum,lesser,smaller - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Pow - Action - Raises a number to the specified power. - ^,power,raise,exponent - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Pow.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Pow.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Rand - Action - Produce a random number in the range [0, 1). - random,numberrange - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Rand.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Rand.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Round - Action - Rounds a number to the closest integral value. Note that this method returns a double-precision floating-point number instead of an integral type. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Round - Action - Rounds a number to a specified number of fractional digits. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double-int.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double-int.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sign - Action - Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sign.double.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sign.double.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sign - Action - Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ - - - Core.Math - Sin - Action - Finds the sine of an angle. - sine - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sin.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sin.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sinh - Action - Finds the hyperbolic sine of an angle (radians). - hyperbolic - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sqrt - Action - Finds the positive square root of a number in the range [0, ∞). - square,root,radical - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sqrt.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sqrt.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Tan - Action - Finds the tangent of an angle. - tangent - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tan.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tan.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Tanh - Action - Finds the hyperbolic tangent of an angle (radians). - hyperbolic,tanh - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Sum - Action - Find the sum of a series of numbers - mass addition,massadd - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sum.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sum.Large.png - - - Core.Math - Factorial - Action - Finds the factorial result of a positive integer. - ! - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Factorial.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Factorial.Large.png - - - - - Core.Object - IsNull - Action - Determines the if the given object is null. - is null - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.IsNull.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.IsNull.Large.png - - - Core.Object - Identity - Action - Returns what is passed in, doing nothing. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.Identity.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.Identity.Large.png - - - Core.Object - Type - Action - Returns the type of object represented as string. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.Type.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.Type.Large.png - - - - - Core.Thread - Pause - Action - Pauses the current evaluation thread for a given amount of time. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Thread.Pause.Small.png - src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Thread.Pause.Large.png - - - - - Core.Location - Name - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Name.Large.png - - - Core.Location - Latitude - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Latitude.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Latitude.Large.png - - - Core.Location - Longitude - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Longitude.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Longitude.Large.png - - - Core.Location - ByLatitudeAndLongitude - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.ByLatitudeAndLongitude.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.ByLatitudeAndLongitude.Large.png - - - - - - - Geometry.Geometry - ExportToSAT - Action - Exports the specified geometry to the given SAT file path. - ExportToSAT,Export,SAT - - - - - - - - src\Resources\GeometryUI\SmallIcons\GeometryUI.ExportWithUnits.Small.png - src\Resources\GeometryUI\LargeIcons\GeometryUI.ExportWithUnits.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Translate - Action - Translates any given geometry by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively. - move,by amount - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Translate - Action - Translate geometry in the given direction by the vector length - move,along vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Translate - Action - Translates any geometry type by the given distance in the given direction. - move,along vector,distance - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Transform - Action - Transforms geometry by the given CoordinateSystem's transform - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Transform - Action - Transforms this geometry from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem. - from,to - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Rotate - Action - Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree - around,axis,degrees - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Rotate - Action - Rotates an object around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree - around,normal,degrees - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Mirror - Action - Mirror the object across the input Plane - reflect,flip over - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Mirror.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Mirror.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale - Action - Scale uniformly around the origin - resize,size - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale - Action - Scale non-uniformly around the origin - resize,size,scalenu,scaleNU - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale - Action - Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane - resize,size,scalenu,scaleNU - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale - Action - Scale uniformly around a given point, using two pick points as scalars - resize,from,to,size - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale1D - Action - Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0. - resize,size,from,to,scale1d,1d,lines - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale1D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale1D.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Scale2D - Action - Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors - resize,size,from,to,scale2d,2d - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale2D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale2D.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - DistanceTo - Action - Obtain the distance from this Geometry to another - between,length,from,to - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DistanceTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DistanceTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ClosestPointTo - Action - Obtain the closest Point on this Geometry to the other - NearestPoint,GetClosestPoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ClosestPointTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ClosestPointTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - DoesIntersect - Action - Determine if another Geometry object intersects with this one - intersects?,check intersection,test intersection - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DoesIntersect.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DoesIntersect.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Intersect - Action - Get the intersection Geometry for this object and another - get overlap - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Intersect.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Intersect.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - IntersectAll - Action - Get the intersection of Geometry for this object and a collection of other Geometries. Finds common geometry of all participants. - get overlap,multi intersect,intersect many - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IntersectAll.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IntersectAll.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Split - Action - Split this Geometry using another Geometry as a cutting "tool" - cut - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Split.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Split.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Trim - Action - Removes elements of the entity closest to the pick point - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - Explode - Action - Separates compound or non-separated elements into their component parts. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Explode.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Explode.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - IsAlmostEqualTo - Action - Check if the two objects have the same representational geometry or numerical values - approximate,near,close - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - BoundingBox - Query - Get the BoundingBox containing the given piece of Geometry - bounds - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.BoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.BoundingBox.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ImportFromSAT - Action - Imports a SAT file and returns an array of imported geometries - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.var.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.var.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ImportFromSAT - Action - Imports a SAT file and returns an array of imported geometries - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.string.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.string.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ExportToSAT - Action - Exports the specified geometry to the given SAT file path - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ExportToSAT.Geometry1-string.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ExportToSAT.Geometry1-string.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - SerializeAsSAB - Action - Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB..Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB..Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - SerializeAsSAB - Action - Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB.Geometry1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB.Geometry1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - DeserializeFromSAB - Action - Deserializes the specified Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format data and returns a list of geometry - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DeserializeFromSAB.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DeserializeFromSAB.Large.png - - - Geometry.Geometry - ContextCoordinateSystem - Query - Get the context/reference coordinate system that was used to create this geometry. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ContextCoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ContextCoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Arc - ByThreePoints - Create - Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference. - arc,arcs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByCenterPointRadiusAngle - Create - Create an arc by providing it's center point, radius, angle sweep, and normal vector - arc,center,arcs - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle - Create - Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, sweep point, and normal - arc,center,arcs - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint - Create - Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, and end point - arc,center,arcs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByFillet - Create - Create an arc by filleting twp curves with given radius - arc,fillet,round,smooth,arcs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFillet.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFillet.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByFilletTangentToCurve - Create - Create an arc by filleting two curves tangent to given curve at internal point - arc,fillet,round,smooth - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFilletTangentToCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFilletTangentToCurve.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByBestFitThroughPoints - Create - best fit arc through points - arc,approximate,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByStartEndAndTangencies - Action - Create an arc or tangent bi arc by start and end points and tangencies at start and end - arc,tangent - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartEndAndTangencies.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartEndAndTangencies.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent - Create - Create an Arc from start Point to end Point with start tangent to Vector - arc,tangent,arcs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - CenterPoint - Query - The center point of the arc - midpoint,arcs,arc - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - Radius - Query - The radius of the arc - arc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.Radius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - StartAngle - Query - The start angle in degrees - arc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.StartAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.StartAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.Arc - SweepAngle - Query - The total sweep angle in degrees - arc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.SweepAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.SweepAngle.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Curve - ByParameterLineOnSurface - Create - Create a curve by line of surface in uv space - isocurve,curvebyuv,lines,uvs - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ByBlendBetweenCurves - Create - Create a curve that blends between two curves - blend,make continuous,connect - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByBlendBetweenCurves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByBlendBetweenCurves.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ByIsoCurveOnSurface - Create - Create a curve by isoline of surface - isocurve,curvebydir,lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Length - Query - The total arc length of the curve - distance - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - IsPlanar - Query - Determine whether a Curve is planar or not - flat,liesinplane - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsPlanar.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsPlanar.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - IsClosed - Query - Determine if the Curve is closed or not - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsClosed.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsClosed.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - StartPoint - Query - Get the start Point along the Curve - begin,curvestart,startpt - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - EndPoint - Query - Get the end Point along the Curve - end,curveend,endpt - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Normal - Query - The normal to the plane where the curve is contained. Only valid for planar curves. - perpendicular - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Normal.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Normal.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointAtParameter - Action - Get a Point on the Curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() - pointoncurve,curvepoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TangentAtParameter - Action - Get a Vector tangent to the curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() - tangentoncurve,curvetan - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TangentAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TangentAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - NormalAtParameter - Action - Get a Vector perpendicular to the curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() - normaloncurve,curvenorm - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.NormalAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.NormalAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - CoordinateSystemAtParameter - Action - Get a CoordinateSystem with origin at the point at the given parameter. The XAxis is aligned with the curve normal, the YAxis is aligned with the curve tangent at this point, and the ZAxis is aligned with the up-vector or binormal at this point - coordoncurve,curvecoord,derivatives - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - HorizontalFrameAtParameter - Action - Get a CoordinateSystem with origin at the point at the given parameter - frame,axisaligned,aa,coordcurve,framecurve,curveframe,coordoncurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.HorizontalFrameAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.HorizontalFrameAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PlaneAtParameter - Action - Returns a Plane whose normal aligns with the tangent of the Curve. Parameters are adjusted such that 0 is always the start Point and 1 is always the end Point. - planeoncurve,planecurve,tangentplane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointAtSegmentLength - Action - Get a Point at a particular arc length along the curve - pointoncurve,curvepoint,pointalongcurve,distanceoncurve,distancepoint,distpoint,arclength - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointsAtEqualSegmentLength - Action - Returns points spaced equally along the curve length based on the input number of divisions - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointsAtEqualChordLength - Action - Returns points spaced along curve at equal chord length based on the input number of divisions - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualChordLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualChordLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointAtChordLength - Action - Get the point at a particular chord length of the curve from given parameter location. - measure from,measure to,parameteratdist - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtChordLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtChordLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint - Action - Returns points spaced equally along the curve at given segment length and starting from the given point - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint - Action - Returns points spaced on the curve at given chord length starting from the given point - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength - Action - Returns a CoordinateSystem at specified distance from Curve start Point. Y Axis lies tangent to the Curve, X Axis is the curvature. - coordoncurve,curvecoord,derivatives - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PlaneAtSegmentLength - Action - Returns a Plane at the specified distance along the Curve from the start Point. The normal of the Plane aligns with the tangent of the Curve. - planeoncurve,planecurve,tangentplane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SegmentLengthAtParameter - Action - Get the arc length along the Curve at the particular parameter. - lengthatparameter,dist along,lengthatpoint,arclength - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ParameterAtSegmentLength - Action - Get the parameter at a particular arc length along the curve. - parameteratlen,param along,paramatlen,arclength - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtSegmentLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtSegmentLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ParameterAtChordLength - Action - Get the parameter at a particular chord length along the curve from given location. - measure from,measure to,parameteratdist - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtChordLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtChordLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - StartParameter - Action - Get the start of the domain in which the curve can be evaluated - start domain,curvestart - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - EndParameter - Action - Get the end of the domain in which the curve can be evaluated - end domain,curveend - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SegmentLengthBetweenParameters - Action - Get the arc length between two parameter points on the curve - measure,distance,arclength - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthBetweenParameters.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthBetweenParameters.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ParameterAtPoint - Action - Get the parameter at a particular point along the Curve - projectpoint,closestparam,curveparam - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Reverse - Action - Reverse the direction of the curve - flip - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Reverse.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Reverse.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Offset - Action - Offset a Curve by a specified amount. Curve must be planar, and, if a BSplineCurve/NurbsCurve, must have degree > 1. - thicken,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Offset.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Offset.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PullOntoPlane - Action - Create a curve by pulling onto plane - projectcurve,toplane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - PullOntoSurface - Action - Pull this Curve onto the input Surface, in the direction of the Surface normals. - projectcurve,tosurf - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimByStartParameter - Action - Removes the start of the Curve at the specified parameter - rem,remstart,removestart,trimcurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByStartParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByStartParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimByEndParameter - Action - Removes the end of the Curve at the specified parameter - rem,remend,removeend,trimcurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByEndParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByEndParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimByParameter - Action - Removes the beginning and end of the Curve at the specified parameters. - rem,remend,remstart,remove,trimcurve,removeends - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimInteriorByParameter - Action - Removes the interior portion of a Curve at the specified parameters - rem,removemiddle,middle,remmiddle,cutout,trimcurve - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimInteriorByParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimInteriorByParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimSegmentsByParameter - Action - Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments - rem,removeparts,remparts,cutout,trimcurv,interior,odd - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - TrimSegmentsByParameter - Action - Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments - rem,removeparts,remparts,cutout,trimcurv,interior,odd - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SplitByParameter - Action - Split a Curve into two pieces at the given parameter - cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SplitByParameter - Action - Split a Curve into two pieces at the given parameter - cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SplitByPoints - Action - Split a Curve into multiple pieces at the given points - cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut,cut multiple,splitmultiple - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Join - Action - Join this curve and the input curve into a new PolyCurve, maintaining the original curves exactly. - convertcurve,curve2polycurve,joincurve,concat - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Join.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Join.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Extrude - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the normal Vector direction - pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Extrude - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector - pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Extrude - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance - pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtrudeAsSolid - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the Normal direction by the specified distance. Curve must be closed. - profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtrudeAsSolid - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector. Curve must be closed. - profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtrudeAsSolid - Action - Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance. Curve must be closed. - profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Extend - Action - Extend a Curve by a given distance at a particular end determined by a pick Point. The picked side will be extended. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. - makelonger,stretch,extendside - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extend.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extend.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtendStart - Action - Extend a Curve by a given distance on its start side. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. - makelonger,stretch - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendStart.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendStart.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ExtendEnd - Action - Extend a Curve by a given distance on its end. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. - makelonger,stretch - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendEnd.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendEnd.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments - Action - Approximate a Curve with a collection of Arcs and Lines - rationalizecurve,fitarcs,fitlines,arcs,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - ToNurbsCurve - Action - Converts the Curve to a NurbsCurve approximation - curve2spline,convertcurve,tospline,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ToNurbsCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ToNurbsCurve.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Patch - Action - Patch a closed Curve - fill,profiletosurf,loop,loop2surf,edgesurf - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Patch.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Patch.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Project - Action - Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Project.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Project.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SweepAsSurface - Action - Sweeps this Curve along the path Curve, creating a Surface - sweep1,curve2surf - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - SweepAsSolid - Action - Sweeps this closed Curve along the path Curve, creating a Solid - sweep1,curve2solid,loop2solid,profile2solid,curvetosolid,looptosolid,profiletosolid - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSolid.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSolid.Large.png - - - Geometry.Curve - Simplify - Action - Returns a new Curve approximated with the supplied tolerance - fitcurve,reducecurve,simplecurve,approximate - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Simplify.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Simplify.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - ByGeometry - Create - Create an axis-aligned BoundingBox around input Geometry. - bounding,bound - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByGeometry.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - ByCorners - Create - Creates the an axis-aligned BoundingBox spanning between the minimum Point and the maximum Point. - bounding,bound,bymaxmin,max,min,bypoints - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByCorners.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByCorners.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - MinPoint - Query - The minimum point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MinPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MinPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - MaxPoint - Query - The maximum point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MaxPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MaxPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - Intersection - Action - Get the intersection of two BoundingBoxes - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersection.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersection.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - Intersects - Action - Determine whether two BoundingBoxes intersect - get overlap - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersects.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersects.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - IsEmpty - Action - Determine if the BoundingBox is empty - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.IsEmpty.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.IsEmpty.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - Contains - Action - Determine if a point is inside of the BoundingBox - point inside,testpoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Contains.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Contains.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - ToCuboid - Action - Get the BoundingBox as a Solid Cuboid - converttosolid,bb2cube,bb2cub,bounding tosolid,cubes - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToCuboid.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToCuboid.Large.png - - - Geometry.BoundingBox - ToPolySurface - Action - Get the BoundingBox as a collection of Surfaces - converttosurfaces,convert2surfaces,bbtosrfs,bounding to surfaces,bound to poly,convert2poly - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToPolySurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToPolySurface.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Identity - Create - Creates a CoordinateSystem as the World Coordinate System: origin at 0, 0, 0; x axis at 1, 0, 0; y axis at 0, 1, 0; z axis at 0, 0, 1 - zero,wcs - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Identity.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Identity.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByMatrix - Create - Deprecated -- DO NOT USE - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByMatrix.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByMatrix.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOrigin - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X and Y locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. Z defaults to 0. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOrigin - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X, Y, and Z locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. - translate - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOrigin - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at input Point, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. - bypoint - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.Point.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.Point.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByPlane - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem with origin equal to input Plane origin, and X and Y axes lying in the Plane, aligned with Plane X and Y axes. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOriginVectors - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis. Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByOriginVectors - Create - Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis, with Z axis ignored completely. Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem. - byxy,coord by2axis - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector-Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector-Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ByCylindricalCoordinates - Create - Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified cylindrical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - BySphericalCoordinates - Create - Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified spherical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.BySphericalCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.BySphericalCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - IsSingular - Query - Determine whether it is possible to get the Inverse of this CoordinateSystem - inverse,testinverse - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsSingular.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsSingular.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - IsScaledOrtho - Query - Tests if the scaling orthogonal, i.e. does it have a shear component. - uniform - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsScaledOrtho.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsScaledOrtho.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - IsUniscaledOrtho - Query - Tests if the scaling orthogonal and are all the vectors normalized. - uniform,normal,samelength - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsUniscaledOrtho.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsUniscaledOrtho.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Determinant - Query - Obtain the Determinant of this CoordinateSystem - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Determinant.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Determinant.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Origin - Query - Creates a Point representing the CoordinateSystem origin. - position,center - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Origin.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Origin.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - XAxis - Query - Returns X Axis of CoordinateSystem. - left,right - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - YAxis - Query - Returns Y Axis of CoordinateSystem. - forward,back - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ZAxis - Query - Returns Z Axis of CoordinateSystem. - up,down - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - XScaleFactor - Query - Returns the X Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the X Axis vector. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XScaleFactor.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XScaleFactor.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - YScaleFactor - Query - Returns the Y Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Y Axis vector. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YScaleFactor.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YScaleFactor.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ZScaleFactor - Query - Returns the Z Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Z Axis vector. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZScaleFactor.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZScaleFactor.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - XYPlane - Query - Returns the Plane the X and Y axes lie in, with root at the origin. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XYPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XYPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - YZPlane - Query - Returns the Plane the Y and Z axes lie in, with root at the origin. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YZPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YZPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ZXPlane - Query - Returns the Plane the Z and X axes lie in, with root at the origin. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZXPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZXPlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Inverse - Action - Get the inverse of this CoordinateSystem - applying this CoordinateSystem to a piece of Geometry reverses the original. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Inverse.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Inverse.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Mirror - Action - Mirror the object across the input Plane - reflect,flip over - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Mirror.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Mirror.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - PostMultiplyBy - Action - Apply the argument CoordinateSystem after this one - Result = this * other - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PostMultiplyBy.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PostMultiplyBy.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - PreMultiplyBy - Action - Apply the argument CoordinateSystem before this one - Result = other * this - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PreMultiplyBy.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PreMultiplyBy.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - ScaleFactor - Action - Returns a Vector containing the X, Y, and Z scale factors - get size,scalecomponents,scalevector - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ScaleFactor.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ScaleFactor.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - IsEqualTo - Action - Determine if two CoordinateSystems are equal - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsEqualTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsEqualTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Translate - Action - Translates any given CoordinateSystem by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively. - move,by amount - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Translate - Action - Translate the object in the direction and magnitude of input Vector. - move,along vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Translate - Action - Translates any CoordinateSystem type by the given distance in the given direction. - move,along vector,distance - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Transform - Action - Transform the object by the input CoordinateSystem matrix. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Transform - Action - Transforms this CoordinateSystem from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Rotate - Action - Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree - around,axis,degrees - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Rotate - Action - /// - around,normal,degrees - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale - Action - Scale uniformly around the origin - resize,size - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale - Action - Scale non-uniformly around the origin - resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale - Action - Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane - resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale - Action - Scale uniformly around a given point, using - resize,from,to,size - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale1D - Action - Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0. - resize,size,from,to,scale1d,1d,lines - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale1D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale1D.Large.png - - - Geometry.CoordinateSystem - Scale2D - Action - Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors - resize,size,from,to,scale2d,2d - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale2D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale2D.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Vector - ByCoordinates - Create - Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates - vector,xyz,vector3 - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - ByCoordinates - Create - Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates and normalize the Vector - normalize,vector3 - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - ByTwoPoints - Create - Form a Vector by two end points. The result is a vector from the start to the end point. - vector2 - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByTwoPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByTwoPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - XAxis - Create - Get the canonical X axis Vector (1,0,0) - x,basis,right - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.XAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.XAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - YAxis - Create - Get the canonical Y axis Vector (0,1,0) - y,basis,forward - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.YAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.YAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - ZAxis - Create - Get the canonical Z axis Vector (0,0,1) - z,basis,up - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - X - Query - Get the X component of a Vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.X.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.X.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Y - Query - Get the Y component of a Vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Y.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Y.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Z - Query - Get the Z component of a Vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Z.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Z.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Length - Query - Get the length of the vector - otherwise known as the Euclidean norm - magnitude - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Length.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - AsPoint - Action - Get the Point with the same X, Y, and Z component - convertopoint,vector2point - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AsPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AsPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Reverse - Action - Get the reverse of the vector. Essentially this negates the X, Y, and Z components of the Vector. - backwards,vectorflip - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Reverse.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Reverse.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Add - Action - Add a vector - sum,sumvectors - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Add.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Add.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Subtract - Action - Subtract a vector - substact,diff vectors,between - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Subtract.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Subtract.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Cross - Action - Form the cross product of two vectors - perpendicular - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Cross.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Cross.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Dot - Action - Form the dot product of two vectors - project,projectvector,vectorproject,onto - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Dot.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Dot.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Normalized - Action - Get the normalized version of a vector - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Normalized.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Normalized.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - IsParallel - Action - Determine whether two vectors are parallel or not - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsParallel.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsParallel.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - IsAlmostEqualTo - Action - Determine whether two vectors ae almost equal - vector approximate,near,same - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsAlmostEqualTo.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsAlmostEqualTo.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Transform - Action - Transform this Vector by input CoordinateSystem matrix. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Transform.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Transform.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Rotate - Action - Rotates a Vector around an axis by a specified number of degrees - around,axis,degrees - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Vector-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Vector-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Rotate - Action - Rotates a vector around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree - around,normal,degrees - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Scale - Action - Scale Vector uniformly around the origin - resize,size - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - Scale - Action - Scale Vector non-uniformly around the origin - resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - AngleWithVector - Action - Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 180] degrees. - rotation angle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleWithVector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleWithVector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vector - AngleAboutAxis - Action - Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 360] degrees. It uses axis of rotation to determine the direction of the angle. - rotation angle - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleAboutAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleAboutAxis.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Point - ByCoordinates - Create - Form a Point in the XY plane given two 2 cartesian coordinates. The Z component is 0. - xy,position - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - ByCoordinates - Create - Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates - point,xyz,position - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Origin - Create - Get the Origin point (0,0,0) - zero,origin - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Origin.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Origin.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - ByCartesianCoordinates - Create - Form a Point in the given coordinate system with 3 cartesian coordinates - point,xyz,localposition - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCartesianCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCartesianCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - ByCylindricalCoordinates - Create - Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in cylindrical coordinates. - point,localposition - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - BySphericalCoordinates - Create - Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in spherical coordinates. - point,localposition - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.BySphericalCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.BySphericalCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - PruneDuplicates - Action - Prune points to exclude duplicates within tolerance of included points - unique,duplicates,remove duplicates,distinct,near - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.PruneDuplicates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.PruneDuplicates.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - X - Query - Get the X component of a Point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.X.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.X.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Y - Query - Get the Y component of a Point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Y.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Y.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Z - Query - Get the Z component of a Point - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Z.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Z.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - AsVector - Action - Get the Vector with the same X, Y, and Z component - convertovector,point2vector - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.AsVector.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.AsVector.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Add - Action - Add a vector to a point. The same as Translate(Vector). - movepoint,move,move along - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Add.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Add.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Subtract - Action - Subtract a vector from a point. The same as Translate(-Vector). - movepoint,move,move along - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Subtract.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Subtract.Large.png - - - Geometry.Point - Project - Action - Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Project.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Project.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Plane - ByOriginNormal - Create - Create a Plane centered at root Point, with input normal Vector. - plane,tonormal - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByOriginNormalXAxis - Create - Create an "oriented" Plane, positioned at Point origin with Vector normal, but with a specific X axis orientation. This has no impact to splitting, intersect, project, etc oporations, it only specifies the orientation of the input CoordinateSystem. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormalXAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormalXAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByOriginXAxisYAxis - Create - The X and Y axis lie in the plane. The Z axis is the cross product of the two Vectors. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByBestFitThroughPoints - Create - Fits a Plane to the input Points; basically a 3D scatterplot fit. - fit,bestfit - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByLineAndPoint - Create - Create the Plane containing the input Line and external Point. Point cannot lie on the Line or in the Line axis. - lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByLineAndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByLineAndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ByThreePoints - Create - Create a the Plane containing the three input Points. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByThreePoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByThreePoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - XY - Create - Creates a plane in the world XY - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XY.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XY.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - XZ - Create - Creates a plane in the world XZ plane - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XZ.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XZ.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - YZ - Create - Creates a plane in the world YZ - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YZ.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YZ.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - Origin - Query - Returns the origin of the Plane. - position,planecenter - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Origin.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Origin.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - Normal - Query - Returns the normal direction of the Plane. - perpendicular - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Normal.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Normal.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - XAxis - Query - The X basis of the Plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - YAxis - Query - The Y basis of the Plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - ToCoordinateSystem - Action - Produces a new CoordinateSystem representing this plane. It is based on the origin, and X and Y axis basis. - converttoCS,convert2cs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ToCoordinateSystem.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ToCoordinateSystem.Large.png - - - Geometry.Plane - Offset - Action - Create a new Plane offset by this Plane in the normal direction by the specified distance. - alongnormal,moveplane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Offset.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Offset.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Surface - ByLoft - Create - Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves. - loft - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByLoft - Create - Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves. - loft - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByRuledLoft - Create - Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Lines. This is slightly faster and produces a less smooth result than Surface.ByLoft. - ruledsurface,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRuledLoft.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRuledLoft.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - BySweep - Create - Create a Surface by sweeping a cross section Curve along a path. - sweep,rail,guide,sweep1 - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByPerimeterPoints - Create - Create a Polygon Surface connecting input Points in a closed Polygon and patching it. - patch,surfacebypolygon - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - BySweep2Rails - Create - Sweep the cross section curve along a path guided by a two rails - sweep2,guides - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByRevolve - Create - Create a Surface by sweeping the profile Curve around the axis ray formed by origin Point in the direction of the axis Vector, starting at start_angle in degrees, sweeping sweep_angle in degrees. - lathe - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRevolve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRevolve.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ByPatch - Create - Create a Surface by filling in the interior of a closed boundary defined by input Curves. - edgesrf,edgesurface,patch,fill - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Area - Query - Returns the total surface area. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Perimeter - Query - Returns the sum of all edges of the Surface. - circumference - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Perimeter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Perimeter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ClosedInU - Query - Returns true if the Surface is closed in U direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInU.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInU.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ClosedInV - Query - Returns true if the Surface is closed in V direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInV.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInV.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Closed - Query - Returns true if the Surface is closed in U or V directions - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Closed.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Closed.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - SubtractFrom - Action - Subtract the input tools from this Surface. - difference,trim,removefrom,cut - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.SubtractFrom.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.SubtractFrom.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - UVParameterAtPoint - Action - Return the UV parameter pair at the input Point. This is the inverse of Point at parameter. - evaluateatpoint,surfaceatpoint,uvatpoint,uvs - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.UVParameterAtPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.UVParameterAtPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - TrimWithEdgeLoops - Action - Trim the surface with a collection of loops within the surface - trim multiple,removeloops,cutloops - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TrimWithEdgeLoops.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TrimWithEdgeLoops.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - NormalAtPoint - Action - Return the surface normal at the input Point on the Surface. - perpendicular - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ToNurbsSurface - Action - Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ToNurbsSurface.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ToNurbsSurface.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ApproximateWithTolerance - Action - Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface within a specified tolerance. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances. - tonurbs - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ApproximateWithTolerance.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ApproximateWithTolerance.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Thicken - Action - Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals on both sides of the Surface. - offset,tosolid - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Thicken - Action - Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals. If both_sides parameter is true, surface is thickened on both sides. - offset,bothsides,tosolid - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Offset - Action - Offset Surface in direction of Surface normal by specified distance. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Offset.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Offset.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - CurvatureAtParameter - Action - The returned coordination system use xAxis, yAxis and zAxis to represent the uDir, vDir and normal. The length of xAxis, yAxis represents the curvatures. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CurvatureAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CurvatureAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - CoordinateSystemAtParameter - Action - Return a CoordinateSystem aligned with principal curvature directions. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - TangentAtUParameter - Action - Return the U tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtUParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtUParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - TangentAtVParameter - Action - Return the V tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtVParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtVParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - NormalAtParameter - Action - Return the normal Vector at specified U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - DerivativesAtParameter - Action - Return the derivatives at input U and V coordinates. - tangent,normal - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.DerivativesAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.DerivativesAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - GaussianCurvatureAtParameter - Action - Returns the Gaussian curvature at U and V parameters. - developable - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GaussianCurvatureAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GaussianCurvatureAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter - Action - Returns the principal curvatures at the U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter - Action - Returns principal direction vectors at U and V parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - PointAtParameter - Action - Return the Point at specified U and V parameters. - surfacepoint - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - PerimeterCurves - Action - Return all the boundary Curves of the Surface. - edges - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PerimeterCurves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PerimeterCurves.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - GetIsoline - Action - Create a parameter line curve on the given surface. Create a Curve that represents a u or v parameter line on the Surface. A parameter line runs in the direction of increasing u or v parameter at a constant opposite u or v parameter. The resulting Curve will match the Surface parameterisation and its range will be bounded by the Surface parameter range. The type of Curve returned will depend on the Surface type. - lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GetIsoline.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GetIsoline.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - FlipNormalDirection - Action - Returns a new Surface with the Normal flipped. Leaves this surface unchanged. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.FlipNormalDirection.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.FlipNormalDirection.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - Join - Action - Combines this Surface and input Surface into a PolySurface - topolysurface - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Join.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Join.Large.png - - - Geometry.Surface - ProjectInputOnto - Action - Projects the input Geometry onto this Surface in the input Vector direction - projecttosurface,projectonto - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ProjectInputOnto.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ProjectInputOnto.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.UV - ByCoordinates - Create - Create a UV from two doubles. - surfaceparam,parameters,uv,uvs - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.ByCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.ByCoordinates.Large.png - - - Geometry.UV - U - Query - Get the U component of a UV - uv,uvs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.U.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.U.Large.png - - - Geometry.UV - V - Query - Get the V component of a V - uv,uvs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.V.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.V.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ByJoinedCurves - Create - Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity - segments,joincurves - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ByPoints - Create - Make PolyCurve by connecting points. Set the 'connectLastToFirst' input to true to close the PolyCurve. - segments,joincurves,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ByThickeningCurve - Create - Make PolyCurve by thickening a curve. - offset - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurve.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - NumberOfCurves - Query - Number of curves of the polycurve - curvecount,subcurvecount,numbersubcurves - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.NumberOfCurves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.NumberOfCurves.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - Curves - Action - Returns curves of the polycurve - subcurves,polycurvesplit - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - CurveAtIndex - Action - Returns curve of the polycurve by index - subcurveatindex,getsubcurve,getcurvebyindex - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CurveAtIndex.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CurveAtIndex.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - BasePlane - Action - Returns plane of planar polycurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.BasePlane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.BasePlane.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ExtendWithEllipse - Action - Extends polycurve by tangent ellipse - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithEllipse.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithEllipse.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - ExtendWithArc - Action - Extends polycurve by tangent arc - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithArc.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithArc.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - CloseWithLine - Action - Close polycurve by line connecting start and end points - lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLine.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLine.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs - Action - Close polycurve by tangent chain of arc, line, and arc - lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - Offset - Action - Offset polycurve in its plane. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Offset.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Offset.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolyCurve - Fillet - Action - Fillet polycurve in its plane. - round,smooth,radius - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Fillet.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Fillet.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Solid - ByJoinedSurfaces - Create - Create a solid by specifying it's component faces as Surfaces. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByJoinedSurfaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByJoinedSurfaces.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ByLoft - Create - Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ByLoft - Create - Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - BySweep - Create - Sweep a closed Curve along a path. - Brep,brep,sweep1 - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - BySweep2Rails - Create - Sweep a closed profile Curve along two rail Curves. - Brep,brep,sweep2,guides,sweepprofile - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep2Rails.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep2Rails.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ByRevolve - Create - Create a Surface of revolution, sweeping the profile Curve around the axis Ray formed by the origin and the axis Vector, from the start angle in degrees to the sweep angle in degrees. - Brep,brep,lathe,revolveprofile - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRevolve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRevolve.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ByUnion - Create - Union a collection of solids into one solid - Brep,brep,boolean,addition - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Area - Query - Returns the surface area -- sum of all the areas of all faces - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Area.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Area.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Volume - Query - The total volume of the Solid - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Centroid - Action - The centroid of the Solid - average,center - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Centroid.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Centroid.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Union - Action - The boolean union of this Solid and another. - addition,merge,combine - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Union.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Union.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Difference - Action - The boolean difference of this Solid with another - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Difference.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Difference.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - DifferenceAll - Action - The boolean difference of this Solid and the union of input Solids - subtract,differencemany,diffall,diff multi - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.DifferenceAll.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.DifferenceAll.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ThinShell - Action - Obtain a solid Shell from the Faces of this Solid - extract shell,offset and extract - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - ProjectInputOnto - Action - Projects the input Geometry onto this Solid, in the direction of the input Vector - projectonto,projectonsolid,projecttosolid - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ProjectInputOnto.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ProjectInputOnto.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Fillet - Action - Fillets a Solid along input Edges with a given radius. - round,smooth,smoothedge,roundedges - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Fillet.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Fillet.Large.png - - - Geometry.Solid - Chamfer - Action - Chamfers a Solid along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner. - bevel,flattenedges - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Chamfer.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Chamfer.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByControlPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. - nurbscurve,spline,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByControlPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. - nurbscurve,spline,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByControlPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. - nurbscurve,spline,lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByControlPointsWeightsKnots - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by from control vertices, weights, and knots. FROM ASM DOCS: Degree: Should be greater than 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: The knot vector should be a non-decreasing sequence. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows curves with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. knot array: the array size must be num_control_points + degree + 1 - explicit,nurbscurve,spline,degree,spline byarray,lines - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. - fit,approximate,spline,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. - fit,approximate,spline,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-bool.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByPoints - Create - Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. - fit,approximate,spline,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-int.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-int.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ByPointsTangents - Create - Returns a BSplineCurve through the points, with tangent directions. - spline by tangent,tangents,lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPointsTangents.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPointsTangents.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - Degree - Query - The degree of the curve - smoothness,interpolation,continuity - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Degree.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Degree.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - IsPeriodic - Query - Whether the NurbsCurve is periodic or not - isclosed - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsPeriodic.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsPeriodic.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - IsRational - Query - Whether the NurbsCurve is rational or not. This defines whether any of the weights are not 1.0. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsRational.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsRational.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - ControlPoints - Action - Get the control points of the NurbsCurve. These are the points that the curve interpolates. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ControlPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ControlPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - Knots - Action - The knots of the Curve. These, along with the Degree, define the domain of the Curve where a particular control vertex acts. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Knots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Knots.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsCurve - Weights - Action - The weights of the control vertices of the curve. These define the magnitude of influence of the control vertices. - ptweight - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Weights.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Weights.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Cuboid - ByLengths - Create - Create a Cuboid centered at WCS origin, with width, length, and height. - box,cube,cubes - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - ByLengths - Create - Create a Cuboid centered at input Point, with specified width, length, and height. - box,cube,cubebysize,bycenter,cubes - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.Point-double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.Point-double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - ByLengths - Create - Create a Cuboid centered and oriented to input CoordinateSystem, with specified width, length, and height. - box,cube,cubebysize,bycoord,cubes - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.CoordinateSystem-double-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.CoordinateSystem-double-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - ByCorners - Create - Create an Cuboid spanning from low Point to high Point. - box,cube,byminmax,by corners,by points,cubes - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByCorners.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByCorners.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - Length - Query - Returns length distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Length.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - Width - Query - Returns width distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Width.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Width.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cuboid - Height - Query - Returns height distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Height.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Height.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ByLoft - Create - Makes PolySurface by Loft through Curves. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ByLoft - Create - Makes PolySurface by Loft through Curves. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ByLoftGuides - Create - Makes PolySurface by Loft through PolyCurves. - loftbyrails,loft rails,guides - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoftGuides.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoftGuides.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ByJoinedSurfaces - Create - Make Polysurface by joining surfaces. - joinsurfaces,joinsrf - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - BySolid - Create - Make Polysurface by surfaces of Solid. - solid2poly,solidtopoly,convertsolid - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySolid.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySolid.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - BySweep - Create - Make Polysurface by sweeping curves along rail. - sweep,rail,guide,sweep1 - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve1.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - BySweep - Create - Make Polysurface by sweeping a curve along rail. - sweep,rail,guide,sweep1,sweepprofile,profile - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - Surfaces - Action - Return new Surfaces representing the underlying Surfaces. - subsurfaces,getsurfaces,explode - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Surfaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Surfaces.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - LocateSurfacesByPoint - Action - Locate Surfaces by point. Takes first intersection in forward direction. Returns one surface if hit surface interior, two if hit edge interior, and many if hit vertex - surfacesatpoint,findsurfaces,extractsurfaces - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - LocateSurfacesByLine - Action - Locate Surfaces by Line. Takes all surfaces hit by line. - surfacesonline,findsurfaces,extractsurfaces,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByLine.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByLine.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - UnconnectedBoundaries - Action - Compute 2d cell boundaries which are not connected to other Surfaces - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.UnconnectedBoundaries.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.UnconnectedBoundaries.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - ExtractSolids - Action - Extract Solids from Polysurface defined by subset of surfaces - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ExtractSolids.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ExtractSolids.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - SurfaceCount - Action - number of surfaces of Polysurface - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.SurfaceCount.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.SurfaceCount.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - EdgeCount - Action - number of edges of Polysurface - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.EdgeCount.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.EdgeCount.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - VertexCount - Action - number of vertices of Polysurface - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.VertexCount.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.VertexCount.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - Fillet - Action - Fillets a PolySurface along input Edges with a given radius. - round,smooth,smoothedge,roundedges - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Fillet.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Fillet.Large.png - - - Geometry.PolySurface - Chamfer - Action - Chamfers a PolySurface along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner. - bevel,flattenedges - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Chamfer.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Chamfer.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Circle - ByCenterPointRadius - Create - Creates a Circle with input center Point and radius in the world XY plane, with world Z as normal. - circle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - ByCenterPointRadiusNormal - Create - Creates a Circle with specified center Point, radius, and normal direction. - circle,alignedcircle - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - ByPlaneRadius - Create - Create a Circle centered at the input Plane origin (root), lying in the input Plane, with given radius. - circle,alignedcircle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByPlaneRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByPlaneRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - ByThreePoints - Create - Create a Circle passing through three input Points. - circle - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByThreePoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByThreePoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - ByBestFitThroughPoints - Create - Best fit Circle through Points - circle,approximate - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - CenterPoint - Query - The center of the circle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Circle - Radius - Query - The radius of the circle - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.Radius.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Edge - CurveGeometry - Query - The underlying Curve making up the Edge - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.CurveGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.CurveGeometry.Large.png - - - Geometry.Edge - AdjacentFaces - Query - The Faces adjacent to this Edge - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.AdjacentFaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.AdjacentFaces.Large.png - - - Geometry.Edge - StartVertex - Query - The Vertex at which this Edge starts - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.StartVertex.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.StartVertex.Large.png - - - Geometry.Edge - EndVertex - Query - The Vertex at which this Edge ends - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.EndVertex.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.EndVertex.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Vertex - PointGeometry - Query - The Point where this Vertex is located - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.PointGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.PointGeometry.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vertex - AdjacentEdges - Query - The Edges emanating from this Vertex - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentEdges.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentEdges.Large.png - - - Geometry.Vertex - AdjacentFaces - Query - The Faces adjacent to this Vertex - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentFaces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentFaces.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Cone - ByPointsRadius - Create - Create a Cone with given base radius at start Point, extending to a apex at end Point. - cone,cones - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - ByPointsRadii - Create - Create a Cone with axis from start Point to end Point, with given radiuses at start and end. This object does not have an apex, and can be thought of as a trimmed Cone. - trimmed cone,cone,cones - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius - Create - Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular base in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii - Create - Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular bases in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane. - cone,cone by height,cones - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - StartPoint - Query - The start point - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - EndPoint - Query - The end point - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - RadiusRatio - Query - Ratio between the top and bottom radius - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.RadiusRatio.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.RadiusRatio.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - StartRadius - Query - The radius at the base - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - EndRadius - Query - The radius at the bottom - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cone - Height - Query - The total height - cone,cones - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.Height.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.Height.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Topology - Vertices - Query - The Vertices of the Topology - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Vertices.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Vertices.Large.png - - - Geometry.Topology - Edges - Query - The Edges of the Topology - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Edges.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Edges.Large.png - - - Geometry.Topology - Faces - Query - The Faces of the Topology - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Faces.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Faces.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Face - Edges - Query - All of the Edges around this Face in counterclockwise order - faces - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Edges.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Edges.Large.png - - - Geometry.Face - Vertices - Query - All of the Vertices around this Face in counterclockwise order - faces - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Vertices.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Vertices.Large.png - - - Geometry.Face - SurfaceGeometry - Action - The underlying Surface making up the Face - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.SurfaceGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.SurfaceGeometry.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Cylinder - ByRadiusHeight - Create - Construct a Solid Cylinder defined by a parent CoordinateSystem, the radius, and the height of the cylinder - cylinder,tube - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cylinder - ByPointsRadius - Create - Construct a Solid Cylinder given the bottom and top center point of the Cylinder. - cylinder,tube,by center points - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByPointsRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByPointsRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Cylinder - Radius - Query - The radius of the Cylinder - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Radius.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Ellipse - ByOriginRadii - Create - Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, aligned with WCS XY Plane, with specified X and Y axis radii. - ellipse - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - ByOriginVectors - Create - Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, with two specified axes. Axes should be be at 90 degrees to each other. - ellipsebylengths,ellipsebyvectors - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginVectors.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginVectors.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - ByCoordinateSystemRadii - Create - Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input CoordinateSystem, with a x_radius radius in the CS X direction, and y_radius radius in the CS Y direction. - ellipse,aligned ellipse,ellipsebylengths - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByCoordinateSystemRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByCoordinateSystemRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - ByPlaneRadii - Create - Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input Plane, with a x_radius radius in the Plane X axis direction, and y_radius radius in the Plane Y axis direction. - ellipse,aligned ellipse,ellipsebylengths - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByPlaneRadii.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByPlaneRadii.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - CenterPoint - Query - The center of the Ellipse - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - MajorAxis - Query - The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MajorAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MajorAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Ellipse - MinorAxis - Query - The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MinorAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MinorAxis.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - ByPlaneRadiiAngles - Create - Create an EllipseArc in a plane with the given the radii along the X and Y axes and the angles to sweep through - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - CenterPoint - Query - The center of the Ellipse - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - MajorAxis - Query - The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - MinorAxis - Query - The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - StartAngle - Query - The start angle in degrees - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - SweepAngle - Query - The total sweep angle in degrees - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Large.png - - - Geometry.EllipseArc - Plane - Query - The plane in which the ellipse lies - ellipsearc,arcs - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Helix - ByAxis - Create - Create a Helix. The helix always rotates clockwise about the supplied axis direction. If viewing along the axis direction, the viewer will see the point turning clockwise around the axis as it moves along the curve in the direction of increasing parameter. Pitch is Distance the helix moves in the axis direction per turn. This can be positive or negative. - helix,screw,corkscrew,thread - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.ByAxis.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.ByAxis.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - Angle - Query - The angle in degrees through which the Helix turns over its length - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Angle.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Angle.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - Pitch - Query - The pitch of the helix - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Pitch.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Pitch.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - Radius - Query - The radius of the arc - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Radius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - AxisDirection - Query - The direction of the axis of the Helix - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisDirection.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisDirection.Large.png - - - Geometry.Helix - AxisPoint - Query - The base point of the Helix axis - origin,helixstart - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisPoint.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - ByIndices - Create - Create an IndexGroup storing four indices - quad,polygon,mesh,meshes - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\ - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - ByIndices - Create - Create an IndexGroup storing four indices - quad,polygon,mesh,meshes - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\ - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\ - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - Count - Query - Either 3 or 4, depending if it represents a triangle or a quad - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.Count.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.Count.Large.png - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - A - Query - The first index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.A.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.A.Large.png - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - B - Query - The second index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.B.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.B.Large.png - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - C - Query - The third index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.C.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.C.Large.png - - - Geometry.IndexGroup - D - Query - The fourth index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.D.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.D.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Line - ByStartPointEndPoint - Create - Creates a straight Line between two input Points. - line,linebypoints,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Line - ByBestFitThroughPoints - Create - Creates a Line best approximating a scatter plot of Points. - line,approximate,lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Line - ByTangency - Create - Create a Line tangent to the input Curve, positioned at the parameter Point of the input Curve. - tangentline,tangentto,lines - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByTangency.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByTangency.Large.png - - - Geometry.Line - ByStartPointDirectionLength - Create - Create a straight Line starting at start Point, extending in Vector direction by specified length. - linebyvector,lines - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength.Large.png - - - Geometry.Line - Direction - Query - The direction of the Curve - lines - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.Direction.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.Direction.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Mesh - ByPointsFaceIndices - Create - Create a mesh from a collection of Points and a collection of IndexGroups referencing the Point collection - mesh,meshes - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.ByPointsFaceIndices.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.ByPointsFaceIndices.Large.png - - - Geometry.Mesh - FaceIndices - Query - The vertex indices that make up each face in a counterclockwise fashion - mesh,meshes - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.FaceIndices.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.FaceIndices.Large.png - - - Geometry.Mesh - VertexNormals - Query - The normal vector at this vertex - mesh,meshes - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexNormals.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexNormals.Large.png - - - Geometry.Mesh - VertexPositions - Query - The positions of the vertices - mesh,meshes - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexPositions.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexPositions.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByPoints - Create - Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. - fit,topoints - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByPointsTangents - Create - Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. - fit,topoints,totangents - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangents.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangents.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives - Create - Creates a NurbsSurface satisfying a collection of different surface characteristics. This is the most advanced surface fitting method. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. The corner derivatives should be second order (dP/dUdV) and should be supplied in this order [ lowU, lowV ], [ highU, lowV ], [ lowU, highV ], [ highU, highV ]. - fit,topoints,totangents,fit corners,complex fit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByControlPoints - Create - Create a NurbsSurface by using explicit control Points, with specified U and V degrees. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ByControlPointsWeightsKnots - Create - Creates a NurbsSurface with specified control vertices, knots, weights, and U V degrees. There are several restrictions on the data which, if broken, will cause the function to fail and will throw an exception. Degree: Both u- and v- degree should be >= 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: Both knot vectors should be non-decreasing sequences. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows surfaces with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. - lines - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - DegreeU - Query - Surface degree in the U direction. - surface smoothness,continuity - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeU.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeU.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - DegreeV - Query - Surface degree in the V direction. - surface smoothness,continuity - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeV.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeV.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - NumControlPointsU - Query - Number of control Points in the U direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsU.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsU.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - NumControlPointsV - Query - Number of control Points in the V direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsV.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsV.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - IsPeriodicInU - Query - Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the U direction. - closedinU - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInU.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInU.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - IsPeriodicInV - Query - Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the V direction. - closedinV - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInV.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInV.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - IsRational - Query - Returns true if the Surface is rational. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsRational.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsRational.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - ControlPoints - Action - Returns NurbsSurface control points (poles). - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ControlPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ControlPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - Weights - Action - Returns NurbsSurface control point weights. - ptweights - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.Weights.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.Weights.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - UKnots - Action - Surface knots in U direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.UKnots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.UKnots.Large.png - - - Geometry.NurbsSurface - VKnots - Action - Surface knots in V direction. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.VKnots.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.VKnots.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Polygon - ByPoints - Create - Construct a Polygon Curve by connecting Points. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ByPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - RegularPolygon - Create - Construct an inscribed Polygon Curve within a circle. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - Points - Query - Returns all the segment start / end points. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Points.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Points.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - PlaneDeviation - Query - Returns maximum deviation from average plane of polygon. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.PlaneDeviation.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.PlaneDeviation.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - Corners - Action - Returns corners of polygon - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Corners.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Corners.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - Center - Action - Returns average point of corners of polygon - centroid - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Center.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Center.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - SelfIntersections - Action - Returns self intersections between sides of the polygon. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.SelfIntersections.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.SelfIntersections.Large.png - - - Geometry.Polygon - ContainmentTest - Action - Checks if point is inside planar polygon without self intersections. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ContainmentTest.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ContainmentTest.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByCornerPoints - Create - Create a Rectangle by four corner Points. - rectbypointarray - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point1.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point1.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByCornerPoints - Create - Create a Rectangle by four corner Points. - rectbypoints - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point-Point-Point-Point.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point-Point-Point-Point.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByWidthLength - Create - Create a Rectangle centered at the WCS origin in the WCS XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). - rectbylengths - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByWidthLength - Create - Create a Rectangle centered at input Plane root, with input width (Plane X axis length), and length (Plane Y axis length). - rectangle,rectbylengths - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.Plane-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.Plane-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - ByWidthLength - Create - Create a Rectangle centered at the input origin in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). - rectbylengths - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.CoordinateSystem-double-double.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.CoordinateSystem-double-double.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - Width - Query - The width of the Rectangle - rectX,rectx - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Width.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Width.Large.png - - - Geometry.Rectangle - Height - Query - The height of the Rectangle - rectY,recty - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Height.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Height.Large.png - - - - - Geometry.Sphere - ByCenterPointRadius - Create - Create a Solid Sphere cetered at the input Point, with given radius. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius.Large.png - - - Geometry.Sphere - ByFourPoints - Create - Create a Solid Sphere containing four input Points on the surface. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByFourPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByFourPoints.Large.png - - - Geometry.Sphere - ByBestFit - Create - Fit a Sphere as close as possible to the input Points. - Brep,brep - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByBestFit.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByBestFit.Large.png - - - Geometry.Sphere - CenterPoint - Query - Return the center Point of the Sphere. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.CenterPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.CenterPoint.Large.png - - - Geometry.Sphere - Radius - Query - Return the radius of the Sphere. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.Radius.Small.png - src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.Radius.Large.png - - - - - - Geometry.Tessellation.ConvexHull - ByPoints - Action - Creates a convex hull of a set of points. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Geometry.Tessellation.Delaunay - ByParametersOnSurface - Action - Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a surface with a given set of UV parameters. - uvs - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Geometry.Tessellation.Delaunay - ByPoints - Action - Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Geometry.Tessellation.Voronoi - ByParametersOnSurface - Action - Creates a Voronoi tessellation of a surface with a given set of UV parameters. - uvs - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - - Revit.Selection - Select Model Element - Action - Select a model element from the document. - Select Model Element - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Face - Action - Select a face. - Select Face - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSFaceSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSFaceSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Edge - Action - Select an edge. - Select Edge - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSEdgeSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSEdgeSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Point on Face - Action - Select a point on a face. - Select Point on Face - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSPointOnElementSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSPointOnElementSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select UV on Face - Action - Select a UV on a face. - Select UV on Face - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSUvOnElementSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSUvOnElementSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Divided Surface Families - Action - Select a divided surface and get its family instances. - Select Divided Surface Families - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSDividedSurfaceFamiliesSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSDividedSurfaceFamiliesSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Model Elements - Action - Select multiple elements from the Revit document. - Select Model Elements - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementsSelection.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementsSelection.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Faces - Action - Select multiple faces from the Revit document. - Select Faces - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectFaces.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectFaces.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Select Edges - Action - Select multiple edges. - Select Edges - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Selection - All Elements of Family Type - Action - Get all elements of the specified family type from the model. - All Elements of Family Type - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfFamilyType.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfFamilyType.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - All Elements of Type - Action - All elements in the active document of a given type. - All Elements of Type - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfType.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfType.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - All Elements of Category - Action - Get all elements of the specified category from the model. - All Elements of Category - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfCategory.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfCategory.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - All Elements at Level - Action - Get all the elements at the specified Level from the model. - All Elements at Level - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsAtLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsAtLevel.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Family Types - Action - All family types available in the document. - Family Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Get Family Parameter - Action - Given a Family Instance or Type allows the user to select a parameter as a string. - Get Family Parameter - - - - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyInstanceParameters.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyInstanceParameters.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Floor Types - Action - All floor types available in the document. - Floor Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FloorTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FloorTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Wall Types - Action - All wall types available in the document. - Wall Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Categories - Action - All built-in categories. - Categories - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Categories.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Categories.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Levels - Action - Select a level in the active document - Levels - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Levels.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Levels.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Structural Framing Types - Action - Select a structural framing type in the active document - Structural Framing Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralFramingTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralFramingTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Structural Column Types - Action - Select a structural column type in the active document - Structural Column Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralColumnTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralColumnTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Element Types - Action - All element subtypes. - Element Types - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementTypes.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementTypes.Large.png - - - Revit.Selection - Views - Action - All views available in the current document. - Views - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Views.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Views.Large.png - - - - - Revit.View - All Elements In Active View - Action - Get all the elements which are visible in the active view. - All Elements In Active View - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsInView.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsInView.Large.png - - - Revit.View - SunSettings.Current - Action - Returns the SunSettings of the current View. - SunSettings.Current - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SunSettings.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SunSettings.Large.png - - - - - - Revit.Elements.Phase - Select Phase - Action - Select an existing Revit Phase from the active document. - Select Phase - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Select Revision - Action - Select an existing Revit Revision from the active document. - Select Revision - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Select Revision Numbering - Action - Select an way to number the revisions. - Select Revision Numbering - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Select Revision Number Type - Action - Select a revision number type. - Select Revision Number Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Select Revision Visibility - Action - Select the revision visilibity type. - Select Revision Visibility - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - ByName - Create - Construct a new Revit Revision by Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - RevisionDate - Query - Get Revision Date - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - SetRevisionDate - Action - Set Revision Date - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - IssuedTo - Query - Get IssuedTo - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - SetIssuedTo - Action - Set IssuedTo - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - IssuedBy - Query - Get IssuedBy - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - SetIssuedBy - Action - Set IssuedBy - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - Issued - Query - Get Issued - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Revision - SetIssued - Action - Set Issued - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - Select Filled Region Type - Action - Select an existing Filled Region Type from the active document. - Select Filled Region Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - ByName - Create - Select a FilledRegionType from the current document by name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - Name - Query - Get Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - Color - Query - Get Color - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType - FillPatternId - Query - Get FillPatternId - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Select Parameter Type - Action - Select a parameter type. - Select Parameter Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Select BuiltIn Parameter Group - Action - Select a built-in parameter group. - Select BuiltIn Parameter Group - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Name - Query - The name of the parameter. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Value - Query - Get the value of the parameter - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - HasValue - Query - Check if the Parameter has a value - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - IsReadOnly - Query - Check if the Parameter is read only - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - IsShared - Query - Check if the Parameter is shared - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Group - Query - Get the parameter's group - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - ParameterType - Query - Get the parameter type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - Id - Query - Get the parameter's element Id - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - UnitType - Query - Get the parameter's unit type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - ParameterByName - Create - Get Element's Parameter by Name - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - SetValue - Action - Set the value of the parameter - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - StorageType - Query - Get Parameter Storage Type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - SharedParameterFile - Action - Gets the path to the shared parameter file of this document - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - CreateSharedParameterForAllCategories - Action - Create a new Shared Parameter in the current Revit document for all applicable categories - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - CreateSharedParameter - Action - Create a new Shared Parameter in the current Revit document for all applicable categories - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - CreateProjectParameterForAllCategories - Action - Create a new Project Parameter in this current Revit document for all applicable categories - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Parameter - CreateProjectParameter - Action - Create a new Project Parameter in this current Revit document for all applicable categories - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.DirectShape - Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option - Action - Select a Direct Shape Room Bounding Option. - Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DirectShape - ByGeometry - Create - Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material. The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DirectShape - ByMesh - Create - Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material. The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Text - Select Horizontal Text Alignment - Action - Select the horizontal text alignment style. - Select Horizontal Text Alignment - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Text - Select Vertical Text Alignment - Action - Select the vertical text alignment style. - Select Vertical Text Alignment - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Wall - Wall Location - Action - Wall locations. - Wall Location - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Wall - ByCurveAndHeight - Create - Create a Revit Wall from a guiding Curve, height, Level, and WallType - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndHeight.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndHeight.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Wall - ByCurveAndLevels - Create - Create a Revit Wall from a guiding Curve, start Level, end Level, and WallType - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndLevels.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndLevels.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Wall - ByFace - Action - Creates a Wall following the geometry of a surface. Walls by Faces cannot be updated, any geometry change will create a new wall and delete the old one. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement - Fill Patterns - Action - All available fill patterns. - Fill Patterns - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement - Fill Pattern Targets - Action - The type of the fill pattern. - Fill Pattern Targets - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement - GetByName - Create - Fill Pattern Element by Name and Target Type. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement - Line Patterns - Action - All available line patterns. - Line Patterns - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement - GetByName - Create - Line Pattern Element by name. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Performance Adviser Rules - Action - All Performance Adviser rules. - Performance Adviser Rules - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Name - Query - The name of the rule. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Description - Query - The description of the rule. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Enabled - Query - A boolean indicating if the rule is activated. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - RuleId - Query - The id of the rule. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - Execute - Action - Execute Rules - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule - ById - Create - Create Performance Adviser Rule by Id - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.DividedPath - Spacing Rule Layout - Action - A spacing rule layout for calculating divided paths. - Spacing Rule Layout - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SpacingRuleLayouts.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SpacingRuleLayouts.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedPath - Points - Query - All points along the DividedPath. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.Points.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.Points.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedPath - ByCurveAndDivisions - Create - Creates a Revit divided path on the given curve with specified amount of division - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurveAndDivisions.Curve-int.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurveAndDivisions.Curve-int.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedPath - ByCurvesAndDivisions - Create - Creates a Revit divided path on the given collection of curves with specified amount of division - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurvesAndDivisions.Curve1-int.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurvesAndDivisions.Curve1-int.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Parameters - Query - Obtain all of the Parameters from an Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Parameters.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Parameters.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Name - Query - Get the Name of the Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - BoundingBox - Query - Get an Axis-aligned BoundingBox of the Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.BoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.BoundingBox.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Id - Query - Get the Element Id for this element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Id.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Id.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - UniqueId - Query - Get the Element Unique Id for this element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.UniqueId.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.UniqueId.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - GetCategory - Query - Get Element Category - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - ElementType - Query - Returns the FamilyType for this Element. Returns null if the Element cannot have a FamilyType assigned. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - ToString - Action - A basic implementation of ToString for Elements - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ToString.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ToString.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - GetParameterValueByName - Action - Get the value of one of the element's parameters. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetParameterValueByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetParameterValueByName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - OverrideColorInView - Action - Override the element's color in the active view. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideColorInView.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideColorInView.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - OverrideInView - Action - Override Elements Graphics Settings in Active View. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - SetParameterByName - Action - Set one of the element's parameters. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetParameterByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetParameterByName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Geometry - Action - Get all of the Geometry associated with this object - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Geometry.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Geometry.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Solids - Query - The Solids in this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Solids.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Solids.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Curves - Query - The Curves in this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Curves.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Curves.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - Faces - Query - The Faces in this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Faces.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Faces.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - ElementCurveReferences - Query - The ElementCurveReference's in this Element. Useful for downstream Element creation. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementCurveReferences.Small.png - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - ElementFaceReferences - Query - The ElementFaceReference's in this Element. Useful for downstream Element creation. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementFaceReferences.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementFaceReferences.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Element - SetLocation - Action - Update an existing element's location - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - GetLocation - Action - Get an exsiting element's location - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - MoveByVector - Action - Move Revit Element by Vector - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Element - GetMaterials - Action - Get Material Names from a Revit Element - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Category - Name - Query - The name of the Category. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Category - Id - Query - The Id of the category. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Id.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Id.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Category - ByName - Create - Gets a Revit category by the built-in category name. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Material - ByName - Create - Select a material from the current document by the name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ByName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Name - Query - Get Material Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Shininess - Query - Get Shininess - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Smoothness - Query - Get Smoothness - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Transparency - Query - Get Transparency - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - SurfacePatternColor - Query - Get SurfacePatternColor - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - MaterialClass - Query - Get Material Class - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - MaterialCategory - Query - Get Material category - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - CutPatternColor - Query - Get cut pattern color - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - Color - Query - Get color - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - CutPatternId - Query - Get cut pattern id - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - AppearanceParameters - Query - Get all apperance parameters - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - ThermalParameters - Query - Get all thermal parameters - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Material - StructuralParameters - Query - Get all structural parameters - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Coordinates - ProjectRotation - Action - Get Project Rotation - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Coordinates - BasePoint - Action - Get Project Base Point - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Coordinates - SurveyPoint - Action - Get Survey Point - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - Boundaries - Query - Gets curtain panel boundaries - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Boundaries.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Boundaries.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - HasPlane - Query - Checks if the specific curtain panel is planar - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.HasPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.HasPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - PanelPlane - Query - Gets a plane of the given curtain panel, if it is planar - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.PanelPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.PanelPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - Length - Query - Gets the length of the specific curtain panel boundaries - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Length.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Length.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - IsRectangular - Query - Checks whether the specific curtain panel is rectangular. Returns true if the curtain panel is rectangular. Otherwise returns false - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.IsRectangular.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.IsRectangular.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - Width - Query - Gets the width of the specific curtain panel, if it's rectangular - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Width.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Width.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - Height - Query - Gets the height of the specific curtain panel, if it's rectangular - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Height.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Height.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - ByElement - Action - get all panels of curtain wall, system or slope glazing roof - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.ByElement.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.ByElement.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - SupportingMullions - Action - Gets Mullions hosting the specified curtain panel - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.SupportingMullions.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.SupportingMullions.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel - AsFamilyInstance - Action - Gets family instance from curtain Panel - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.AsFamilyInstance.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.AsFamilyInstance.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - Name - Query - Get the name of this Family Type - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - Family - Query - Get the parent family of this FamilyType - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Family.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Family.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - ByFamilyAndName - Create - Select a FamilyType given its parent Family and the FamilyType's name. - symbol - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyAndName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyAndName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - ByFamilyNameAndTypeName - Create - Select a FamilyType give it's family name and type name. - symbol - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyNameAndTypeName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyNameAndTypeName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - ByName - Create - Select a FamilyType given it's name. This method will return the first FamilyType it finds if there are two or more FamilyTypes with the same name. - symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - ByGeometry - Create - Create new Family Type from a solid geometry. This method exports the geometry to SAT and imports it into a new family document. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyType - VoidByGeometry - Create - Create a Void Family Type from a solid geometry. This method exports the solid to SAT and imports it into a new family document. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Mullion - LocationCurve - Query - Gets curve geometry from the specified Mullion Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.LocationCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.LocationCurve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Mullion - ByElement - Action - get all mullions of curtain wall, system or slope glazing roof - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.ByElement.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.ByElement.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Mullion - SupportedPanels - Action - Returns curtain panels supported by the specified Mullion Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.SupportedPanels.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.SupportedPanels.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Mullion - AsFamilyInstance - Action - Returns FamilyInstance object as represented by the specified mullion - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - Type - Query - Gets family type of the specific family instance - symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Type.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Type.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - Location - Query - Gets the location of the specific family instance - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Location.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Location.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - FacingOrientation - Query - Gets the FacingOrientation of the family instance - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByPoint - Create - Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) and its coordinates in world space - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPoint.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByFace - Create - Place a Revit family instance of the given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) on a surface derived from a backing Revit face as reference and a line as reference for its position. Note: The FamilyPlacementType must be CurveBased and the input surface must be created from a Revit Face - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByFace - Create - Place a Revit family instance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) on a surface derived from a backing Revit face as reference, a reference direction and a point location where to place the family. Note: The FamilyType should be workplane based and the input surface must be created from a Revit Face. The reference direction defines the rotation of the instance on the reference, and thus cannot be perpendicular to the face. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByCoordinates - Create - Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) and its coordinates in world space - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByCoordinates.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByPointAndLevel - Create - Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API), it's coordinates in world space, and the Level - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - ByFamilyType - Action - Obtain a collection of FamilyInstances from the Revit Document and use them in the Dynamo graph - byfamilysymbol,ByFamilySymbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - GetHost - Query - Gets the host of this fmaily instance (if any). Eg. returns the wall of a window or door family instance. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - GetFamily - Query - Gets the family of this family instance - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - GetType - Query - Gets the family type of this family instance - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance - SetRotation - Action - Set the Euler angle of the family instance around its local Z-axis. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.SetRotation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.SetRotation.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - ByElements - Create - Construct a Revit Dimension from at least two elements - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - Value - Query - Get Dimension Value - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - Prefix - Query - Get Prefix - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - SetPrefix - Action - Set Prefix - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - Suffix - Query - Get Suffix - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - SetSuffix - Action - Set Suffix - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - ValueOverride - Query - Get Value override - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Dimension - SetValueOverride - Action - Set Value override - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.DetailCurve - ByCurve - Create - Construct a Revit DetailCurve element from a curve - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DetailCurve - Curve - Query - Get Geometry Curve - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DetailCurve - SetCurve - Action - Set Geometry Curve - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurveElement - ElementCurveReference - Query - Obtain the reference curve for this ModelCurve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.ElementCurveReference.Small.png - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurveElement - Curve - Query - Obtain the geometry curve for this geometry curve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.Curve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.Curve.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.DimensionType - FromExisting - Create - Creates new Dimension Type by duplicating an existing. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.DimensionType - StyleType - Query - Returns Dimension Style for a givent type. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints - ByReferencePoints - Create - Construct a Revit CurveByPoints Element (a CurveElement) from a collection of ReferencePoint's - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints.ByReferencePoints.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints.ByReferencePoints.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - X - Query - Gets 'X' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.X.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.X.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - Y - Query - Gets 'Y' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Y.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Y.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - Z - Query - Gets 'Z' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Z.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Z.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - Point - Query - Gets point geometry from the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Point.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Point.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - XYPlane - Query - Gets XY plane of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XYPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XYPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - YZPlane - Query - Gets YZ plane of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.YZPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.YZPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - XZPlane - Query - Gets XZ plane of the specified ReferencePoint - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XZPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XZPlane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByCoordinates - Create - Create a Reference Point by x, y, and z coordinates. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByCoordinates.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByCoordinates.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByPoint - Create - Create a Reference Point from a point. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByPointVectorDistance - Create - Create a Reference Point Element offset from a point along a vector - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPointVectorDistance.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPointVectorDistance.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByLengthOnCurveReference - Create - Create a Reference Point at a particular length along a curve - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByLengthOnCurveReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByLengthOnCurveReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByParameterOnCurveReference - Create - Create a Reference Point at a parameter on an Curve. This introduces a persistent relationship between Elements in the Revit document. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParameterOnCurveReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParameterOnCurveReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint - ByParametersOnFaceReference - Create - Create a Reference Point by UV coordinates on a Face. This introduces a persistent relationship between Elements in the Revit document. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParametersOnFaceReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParametersOnFaceReference.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.FilledRegion - ByCurves - Create - Construct a Revit FilledRegion element by Curves - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.RoofType - Name - Query - The name of the RoofType - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.RoofType - ByName - Create - Select a RoofType from the document given - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - ByOutlineTypeAndLevel - Create - Create a Revit Roof given it's curve outline and Level - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel - Create - Extrude Roof by Outline, Referenceplane - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - Points - Query - Get Slab Shape Points - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - AddPoint - Action - Add Point to Slab Shape - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Roof - MovePoint - Action - Move existing point by offset - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Level - Elevation - Query - The elevation of the level above ground level - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Elevation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Elevation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ProjectElevation - Query - Elevation relative to the Project origin - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ProjectElevation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ProjectElevation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - Name - Query - The name of the level - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ByElevationAndName - Create - Create a Revit Level given it's elevation and name in the project - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevationAndName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevationAndName.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ByElevation - Create - Create a Revit Level given it's elevation. The name will be whatever Revit gives it. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ByLevelAndOffset - Create - Create a Revit Level given it's length offset from an existing level - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelAndOffset.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelAndOffset.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Level - ByLevelOffsetAndName - Create - Create a Revit Level given a distance offset from an existing level and a name for the new level - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelOffsetAndName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelOffsetAndName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane - Plane - Query - Get the internal Geometric Plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.Plane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.Plane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane - ElementPlaneReference - Query - Get a reference to this plane for downstream Elements requiring it - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ElementPlaneReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ElementPlaneReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane - ByLine - Create - Form a ReferencePlane from a line in the Active view. The cut vector is the Z Axis. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByLine.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByLine.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane - ByStartPointEndPoint - Create - Form a Refernece plane from two end points in the Active view. The cut vector is the Z Axis. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType - Name - Query - The name of the CurtainSystemType - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType - ByName - Create - Select a CurtainSystemType from the document given - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem - ByFace - Create - Create Curtain System from face references - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem - AddCurtainGrid - Action - Add Curtain Grid - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem - RemoveCurtainGrid - Action - Remove Curtain Grid - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem - CurtainSystemType - Query - Get CurtainSystemType - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - FindByName - Create - Find Global Parameter by Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - Name - Query - Get Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - Value - Query - Get Global Parameter Value - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - SetValue - Action - Set Global Parameter Value - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - SetValueToElementId - Action - Set Global Parameter Value to an Element ID from Integer - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - ParameterGroup - Query - Get Parameter Group - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - Visible - Query - Get Parameter Visibility - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - ParameterType - Query - Get Parameter Type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter - ByName - Create - Create a new Global Parameter by Name and Type - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Room - ByLocation - Create - Create a Revit Room Element - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Name - Query - Get room name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Number - Query - Get room number - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Area - Query - Get room area - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Height - Query - Get room height - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - CenterBoundary - Query - Centerline boundary - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - CoreBoundary - Query - Core boundary - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - FinishBoundary - Query - Finish boundary - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - CoreCenterBoundary - Query - Core center boundary - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - Location - Query - Get Room Location - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - IsInsideRoom - Action - Check if a point is inside of a room - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - SetName - Action - Set name - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Room - SetNumber - Action - Set number - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud - ByCurve - Create - Construct a Revit RevisionCloud element by curves - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud - Revision - Query - Get Revision cloud's revision - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud - Curves - Query - Get Revision cloud's curves - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.FailureMessage - Description - Query - The description of the message. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FailureMessage - FailingElements - Query - The Failing Elements of the message. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.FailureMessage - Severity - Query - Get the failure severity. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - SunDirection - Query - Calculates the direction of the sun. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.SunDirection.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.SunDirection.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - Altitude - Query - Extracts the Altitude. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Altitude.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Altitude.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - Azimuth - Query - Extracts the Azimuth. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Azimuth.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Azimuth.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - StartDateTime - Query - Gets the Start Date and Time of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.StartDateTime.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.StartDateTime.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - EndDateTime - Query - Gets the End Date and Time of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.EndDateTime.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.EndDateTime.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SunSettings - CurrentDateTime - Query - Gets the Date and Time for the current frame of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.CurrentDateTime.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.CurrentDateTime.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - ByElement - Create - Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element - tagelement,annotate,documentation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - ByElementAndLocation - Create - Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element at a specified location point - tagelement,annotate,documentation,taglocation - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - ByElementAndOffset - Create - Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element at an offset location from the element's view extents - tagelement,annotate,documentation,tagoffset,movetag - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - TagText - Query - Get Tag's Text - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Tag - TaggedElement - Query - Get Tagged Element - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - ByLocation - Create - Construct a new Revit TextNote by Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - Text - Query - Get Text - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - SetText - Action - Set Text - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - SetKeepRotatedTextReadable - Action - Set Keep Rotated Text Readable - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - SetHorizontalAlignment - Action - Set Horizontal Text Alignment - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - HorizontalAlignment - Query - Get Horizontal Alignment - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - VerticalAlignment - Query - Get Vertical Alignment - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - Height - Query - Get Height - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNote - Typename - Query - Get Typename - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.TextNoteType - ByName - Create - Select a ModelTextType from the current document by name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.TextNoteType - Default - Create - Return a default TextNoteType - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.FloorType - Name - Query - The name of the FloorType - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.FloorType - ByName - Create - Select a FloorType from the document given - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ImportInstance - Path - Query - Gets file path of the sat file that represents the geometry of the specified ImportInstance Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.Path.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.Path.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ImportInstance - BySATFile - Create - Import Geometry from a SAT file. The SAT file is assumed to be in Feet. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.BySATFile.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.BySATFile.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ImportInstance - ByGeometries - Create - Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. This variant is much faster than ImportInstance.ByGeometry as it uses a batch method. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ImportInstance - ByGeometry - Create - Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometry.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometry.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ModelText - Text - Query - The Text of the ModelText Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Text.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Text.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ModelText - Depth - Query - The Depth of the ModelText Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Depth.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Depth.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ModelText - Position - Query - The Position of the ModelText Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Position.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Position.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ModelText - ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition - Create - Create a ModelText Element in the Family Document by providing the text, SketchPlane Element host, coordinates (within the plane of the SketchPlane), the depth of the text, and the text type name - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.SketchPlane - ElementPlaneReference - Query - Get an element plane reference from a specified sketch plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ElementPlaneReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ElementPlaneReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SketchPlane - Plane - Query - Gets the plane geometry of the specified sketch plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.Plane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.Plane.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.SketchPlane - ByPlane - Create - Make a Revit SketchPlane given a plane - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ByPlane.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ByPlane.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ModelTextType - ByName - Create - Select a ModelTextType from the current document by name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelTextType.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelTextType.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - Beam - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Beam.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Beam.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - Brace - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Brace.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Brace.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - Column - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Column.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Column.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - Footing - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Footing.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Footing.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralType - NonStructural - Query - No description available - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.NonStructural.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.NonStructural.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Topography - Points - Query - The set of points from which this TopographySurface is constructed. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Points.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Points.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Topography - Mesh - Query - Get the underlying triangular Mesh from the Topography - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Mesh.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Mesh.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Topography - ByPoints - Create - Create a topography surface from a list of points. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.ByPoints.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Form - ByLoftCrossSections - Create - Creates a Form by lofting a list of curves - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve1-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve1-bool.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Form - ByLoftCrossSections - Create - Creates a Form by lofting a nested list of curves - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve2-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve2-bool.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.WallType - Name - Query - Gets the name of the specified wall type - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.WallType - ByName - Create - Select a walltype from the current document by name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Family - Types - Query - Obtain the FamilyTypes from this Family - symbols,symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Types.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Types.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Family - Name - Query - The name of this family - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Name.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Name.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Family - ByName - Create - Obtain a Family from the current document given it's name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - Type - Query - No description available - symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Type.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Type.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - Locations - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Locations.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Locations.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - ByParametersOnFace - Create - Create an adaptive component by uv points on a face. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - ByParametersOnCurveReference - Create - Create an adaptive component referencing the parameters on a Curve reference - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent - ByPoints - Action - Create a list of adaptive components from two-dimensional array of points - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - UDivisions - Query - Number of divisions in U direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.UDivisions.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.UDivisions.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - VDivisions - Query - Number of divisions in V direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.VDivisions.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.VDivisions.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - Rotation - Query - Rotation of the grid lines with respect to the UV parameterization of the face - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.Rotation.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.Rotation.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - ByFaceAndUVDivisions - Create - Create a Revit DividedSurface on a face given the face and number of divisions in u and v directon - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceAndUVDivisions.Surface-int-int.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceAndUVDivisions.Surface-int-int.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.DividedSurface - ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation - Create - Create a Revit DividedSurface on a face given the face and number of divisions in u and v directon and the rotation of the grid lines with respect to the natural UV parameterization of the face - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation.Surface-int-int-double.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation.Surface-int-int-double.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.ModelCurve - ByCurve - Create - Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.ModelCurve - ReferenceCurveByCurve - Create - Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - ByOutlineTypeAndLevel - Create - Create a Revit Floor given it's curve outline and Level - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Curve1-FloorType-Level.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Curve1-FloorType-Level.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - ByOutlineTypeAndLevel - Create - Create a Revit Floor given it's curve outline and Level - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.PolyCurve-FloorType-Level.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.PolyCurve-FloorType-Level.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - Points - Query - Get Slab Shape Points - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - AddPoint - Action - Add Point to Slab Shape - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Elements.Floor - MovePoint - Action - Move an existing point in the slab shape editor by an offset. Behaves as moving a point manually in the slab shape editor. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - Curve - Query - Get the underlying Curve geometry from this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.Curve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.Curve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - ElementCurveReference - Query - Get a Reference to the underlying Curve Geometry of this Element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ElementCurveReference.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ElementCurveReference.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - ByLine - Create - Create a Revit Grid Element in a Project along a Line. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByLine.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByLine.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - ByStartPointEndPoint - Create - Create a Revit Grid Element in a project between two end points - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.Grid - ByArc - Create - Create a Revit Grid Element in a project along an Arc - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByArc.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByArc.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - Location - Query - Gets curve geometry from location of the specified structural element - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Location.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Location.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - Type - Query - Gets family type from the specified structural element - symbol - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Type.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Type.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - BeamByCurve - Create - Create a beam. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - BraceByCurve - Create - Create a brace. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve.Large.png - - - Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming - ColumnByCurve - Create - Create a column. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Filter.RuleType - Select Rule Type - Action - Filter Types for Revit Filters - Select Rule Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings - Detail Level - Action - View Detail Level - Detail Level - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings - ByProperties - Create - Create a OverrideGraphicSettings Element. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Filter.FilterRule - ByRuleType - Create - Create a new Filter Rule - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Filter.ParameterFilterElement - ByRules - Create - Create a Revit Parameter Filter Element - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Schedule Type - Action - Select a Schedule Type. - Schedule Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Export Column Headers - Action - How to export column headers. Default is MultipleRows. - Export Column Headers - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Export Text Qualifier - Action - How to qualify text fields. Default is DoubleQuote. - Export Text Qualifier - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Schedule Filter Type - Action - A View Schedule Filter Type. - Schedule Filter Type - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - CreateSchedule - Create - Create Schedule by Category, Type and Name. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - RemoveFields - Action - Remove Schedule Field from Schedule View. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - AddFields - Action - Add Field (Column) to Schedule View. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Export - Action - Export View Schedule to CSV, TSV etc. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - AddFilters - Action - Add Schedule Filters to Schedule View. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - ClearAllFilters - Action - Clear all Schedule Filters from Schedule View. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - ScheduleFilters - Query - Schedule Filters. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - Fields - Query - Schedule Fields. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.ScheduleView - SchedulableFields - Query - Schedulable Fields. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Views.View3D - CreateUniqueViewName - Action - Determines whether a view with the provided name already exists. If a view exists with the provided name, and new view is created with a unique name. Otherwise, the original view name is returned. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View3D.CreateUniqueViewName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View3D.CreateUniqueViewName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.View - ExportAsImage - Action - Export the view as an image to the given path - defaults to png, but you can override the file type but supplying a path with the appropriate extension - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.ExportAsImage.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.ExportAsImage.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.View - AddFilter - Action - Add Filter to View. Filter will be added even if View has a View Template applied, which normally would prevent user from adding Filters without first disabling or modifying the View Template. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - Filters - Query - Get View Filters - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - SetFilterOverrides - Action - Set Filter overrides. If View doesn't have specified Filter, it will be first added to the View and then its settings will be overriden. This behavior will persist even if View has a View Template applied which normally would prevent user from adding Filters without first disabling or modifying the View Template. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - FilterOverrides - Action - Get Filter overrides - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - IsViewTemplate - Action - Checks if View is a View Template. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - SetCategoryOverrides - Action - Set Category Overrides. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Views.View - SetScale - Action - Set View Scale - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Views.AxonometricView - ByEyePointAndTarget - Create - Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an eye position and a target position. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.AxonometricView - ByEyePointTargetAndElement - Create - Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an Eye position and target position and Element - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.AxonometricView - ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox - Create - Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an Eye position and target position and Bounding Box - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.CeilingPlanView - ByLevel - Create - Create a Revit Floor Plan at a given Level - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.CeilingPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.CeilingPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.StructuralPlanView - ByLevel - Create - Create a Structural Plan View at the given Level. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.StructuralPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.StructuralPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.PerspectiveView - ByEyePointAndTarget - Create - Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position, a target position, and either an Element or BoundingBox. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.PerspectiveView - ByEyePointTargetAndElement - Create - Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position and target position and Element - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.PerspectiveView - ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox - Create - Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position and target position and Bounding Box - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.DraftingView - ByName - Create - Create a Revit DraftingView given it's name - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.DraftingView.ByName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.DraftingView.ByName.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.FloorPlanView - ByLevel - Create - Create a Revit Floor Plan at a given Level - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.FloorPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.FloorPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - SheetName - Query - Get the SheetName of the Sheet - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetName.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetName.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - SheetNumber - Query - Get the SheetNumber of the Sheet - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetNumber.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetNumber.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - Views - Query - Get the Views on a Sheet - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.Views.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.Views.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews - Create - Create a Revit Sheet by the sheet name, number, a title block FamilyType, and a collection of views. This method will automatically pack the views onto the sheet. - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.Sheet - ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView - Create - Create a Revit Sheet by the sheet name, number, a title block FamilyType, and a collection of views. This method will automatically pack the view onto the sheet. - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Views.SectionView - ByBoundingBox - Create - Create a Revit ViewSection by a bounding box - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByBoundingBox.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByBoundingBox.Large.png - - - Revit.Views.SectionView - ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint - Create - Creates a Revit ViewSection by a specified corrdinate system, minPoint and maxPoint - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Transaction.Transaction - Start - Action - Start a transaction if neccesssary, returning whatever was passed in. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.Start.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.Start.Large.png - - - Revit.Transaction.Transaction - End - Action - Ends the current Dynamo transaction, returning whatever was passed in. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.End.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.End.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Schedules.SchedulableField - Name - Query - Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions - ByProperties - Create - Creates View Schedule Export Options element. - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleField - Name - Query - Name - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter - ByFieldTypeAndValue - Create - Creates Schedule Filter by Schedule Field, Filter Type and value. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter - FilterType - Query - Filter Type - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter - FiledId - Query - Related Schedule Field Id - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter - Value - Query - Value assigned to Schedule Filter - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - Revit.References.RayBounce - ByOriginDirection - Action - Returns positions and elements hit by ray bounce from the specified origin point and direction - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.References.RayBounce.ByOriginDirection.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.References.RayBounce.ByOriginDirection.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Application.Document - ActiveView - Query - Get the active view for the document - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.ActiveView.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.ActiveView.Large.png - - - Revit.Application.Document - IsFamilyDocument - Query - Is the Document a Family? - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.IsFamilyDocument.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.IsFamilyDocument.Large.png - - - Revit.Application.Document - FilePath - Query - The full path of the Document. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.FilePath.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.FilePath.Large.png - - - Revit.Application.Document - Current - Query - Get the current document - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Current.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Current.Large.png - - - Revit.Application.Document - Location - Query - Extracts Latitude and Longitude from Revit - Latitude,Longitude - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Location.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Location.Large.png - - - - - - - Revit.Analysis.FaceAnalysisDisplay - ByViewFacePointsAndValues - Create - Show a colored Face Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewFacePointsAndValues.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewFacePointsAndValues.Large.png - - - Revit.Analysis.FaceAnalysisDisplay - ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData - Create - Show a colored Face Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Analysis.PointAnalysisDisplay - ByViewPointsAndValues - Create - Show a colored Point Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndValues.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndValues.Large.png - - - Revit.Analysis.PointAnalysisDisplay - ByViewAndPointAnalysisData - Create - Show a colored Point Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData.Large.png - - - - - Revit.Analysis.VectorAnalysisDisplay - ByViewPointsAndVectorValues - Create - Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndVectorValues.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndVectorValues.Large.png - - - Revit.Analysis.VectorAnalysisDisplay - ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData - Create - Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData.Small.png - src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData.Large.png - - - - - - - - - Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment - BySkyModelLocationDate - Create - Describe the characteristics of the environment in which the rendering should take place - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment.BySkyModelLocationDate.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment.BySkyModelLocationDate.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob - ByViewNameWidthHeight - Create - Set the parameters of a render job to be run in the cloud. \n\nUse this node with CloudRender to submit the job. - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob.ByViewNameWidthHeight.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob.ByViewNameWidthHeight.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Render.DateTime - ByDateInformation - Create - Make a DateTime object from month, day, year, hour, minute, second - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.DateTime.ByDateInformation.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.DateTime.ByDateInformation.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Render.SkyModel - ByTypeConstants - Create - Create a SkyModel for Rendering - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModel.ByTypeConstants.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModel.ByTypeConstants.Large.png - - - - Analyze.Render - Do Cloud Render - Action - Submit a cloud rendering or daylighting job to A360's Cloud Rendering service. This requires cloud credits! - Do Cloud Render - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRender.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRender.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Upload Cloud Render Data - Action - Upload Render Data for use with A360 render service. \n\nUse this node with Cloud Render to submit the job. - Upload Cloud Render Data - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.UploadRenderData.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.UploadRenderData.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Export Cloud Render Data - Action - ExportDocumentRenderData - Export Cloud Render Data - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.ExportDocumentRenderData.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.ExportDocumentRenderData.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Select RenderQuality - Action - Set the quality of the rendering - Select RenderQuality - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderQualityDropDown.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderQualityDropDown.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Select RenderType - Action - Set the type of rendering - Select RenderType - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderTypeDropDown.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderTypeDropDown.Large.png - - - Analyze.Render - Select SkyModelType - Action - Set the quality of the rendering - Select SkyModelType - - - - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModelTypeDropDown.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModelTypeDropDown.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Label - ByPointAndString - Create - No description available - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Analyze.AnalysisExtensions - IsAlmostEqualTo - Action - No description available - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob - ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary - Create - Set the parameters of a daylighting analysis job to be run in the cloud. \n\nDirect the output of this node with Cloud Render to submit the job. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob.ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob.ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Parse - Create - Open and parse an SDF daylighting data file - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Parse.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Parse.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - XResolution - Query - The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the x direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.XResolution.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.XResolution.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - YResolution - Query - The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the y direction - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.YResolution.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.YResolution.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Resolution - Query - The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the form [x,y] - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Resolution.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Resolution.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - IlluminanceValues - Action - Read Foreground Illuminance from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.IlluminanceValues.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.IlluminanceValues.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Colors - Action - ColorData from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Colors.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Colors.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Normals - Action - PositionData from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Normals.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Normals.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - Points - Action - PositionData from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Points.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Points.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults - ToImage - Action - Extract an image from DaylightingData - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.ToImage.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.ToImage.Large.png - - - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - R - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.R.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.R.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - G - Query - No description available - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.G.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.G.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - B - Query - Construct an Illuminance data point. Illuminance is the integrated total visible light energy arriving per unit area on a surface from all directions. The data is three colored illuminance value (RGB). Each color is measured in Lux. Lux is a derived unit equal to lumens per square meter. - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.B.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.B.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - ByRGB - Create - Construct an Illuminance data point. Illuminance is the integrated total visible light energy arriving per unit area on a surface from all directions. The data is three colored illuminance value (RGB). Each color is measured in Lux. Lux is a derived unit equal to lumens per square meter. - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ByRGB.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ByRGB.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - ToSRGB - Action - Transform an RGB Illuminance value to the sRGB standard computed as (0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B). The unit of the returned value is in lux (lumens/m^2)." - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToSRGB.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToSRGB.Large.png - - - Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance - ToFootCandles - Action - Transform a single illuminance value in lux to foot-candles - - - - - - - - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToFootCandles.Small.png - src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToFootCandles.Large.png - - - - - Analyze - SiteLocation - Action - Returns the current Revit site location. - SiteLocation - - - - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SiteLocation.Small.png - src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SiteLocation.Large.png - - - - - BuiltIn - Count - Action - Returns number of items in the specified list - count,length,len - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Count.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Count.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Rank - Action - Returns the deepest depth of the list - rank,depth,nesting,ranks - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Rank.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Rank.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Flatten - Action - Returns the flattened 1D list of the multi-dimensional input list. If the input is a single value, returns that value. - flatten,completely - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Flatten.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Flatten.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SetIntersection - Action - Produces the set intersection of two sequences - intersection,overlap - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetIntersection.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetIntersection.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SetUnion - Action - Produces the set union of two sequences by using the default equality comparer - union - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetUnion.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetUnion.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SetDifference - Action - Returns objects that are included in List1 but excluded in List2 - difference - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetDifference.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetDifference.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - CountTrue - Action - Returns the number of true values in the list - count,true - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\CountTrue.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\CountTrue.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - CountFalse - Action - Returns the number of false values in the list - count,false - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\CountFalse.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\CountFalse.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - AllFalse - Action - Checks if all elements in the specified list are false - all,false,isfalse - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\AllFalse.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\AllFalse.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - AllTrue - Action - Checks if all elements in the specified list are true - all,true,istrue - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\AllTrue.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\AllTrue.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - IsHomogeneous - Action - Checks if all the elements in the specified list are of the same type - homogeneous,same,allequal - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsHomogeneous.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsHomogeneous.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - RemoveIfNot - Action - Removes the members of the list which are not members of the specified type - remove,not,ofType,filtertype - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\RemoveIfNot.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\RemoveIfNot.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Equals - Action - Determines whether two object instances are equal - equals - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Equals.var-var.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Equals.var-var.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Contains - Action - Checks if the specified element is present in the specified list - contains,in - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - BuiltIn - IndexOf - Action - Returns the index of the member in the list - indexof,index - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IndexOf.varN-varN.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IndexOf.varN-varN.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Insert - Action - Inserts an element into a list at specified index - insert - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Insert.varN-var-int.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Insert.varN-var-int.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Insert - Action - Inserts an element into a list at specified index - insert - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Insert.varN-varN-int.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Insert.varN-varN-int.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SortIndexByValue - Action - Sorts a specified list by values of its members in ascending order - sort,index,value - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SortIndexByValue - Action - Sorts a specified list by the values of its members in either ascending or descending order - sort,index,value - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1-bool.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Reorder - Action - Reorders the list using the specified indices - reorder - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Reorder.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Reorder.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - IsUniformDepth - Action - Checks if the list has a uniform depth - depth,jagged - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsUniformDepth.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsUniformDepth.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - IsRectangular - Action - Checks if each of rows in multidimensional list has the same number of elements - rectangular - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsRectangular.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsRectangular.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - NormalizeDepth - Action - Returns a list with uniform depth as specified by the input depth - depth,normalize - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - NormalizeDepth - Action - Returns multidimentional list according the rank given - depth,normalize - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN-var.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN-var.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - Map - Action - Maps a value into an input range - map,scale,remap - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Map.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Map.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - MapTo - Action - Maps a vlaue from one range to another range - mapto,remap,scale - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MapTo.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MapTo.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - ImportFromCSV - Action - Imports data from a text file containing comma separated values into two-dimensional list - csv,import,read - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ImportFromCSV.string.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ImportFromCSV.string.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - ImportFromCSV - Action - Imports data from a text file containing comma separated values into two-dimensional list and also transpose the output list if specified - csv,import,read - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ImportFromCSV.string-bool.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ImportFromCSV.string-bool.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - GetKeys - Action - Gets all keys from the specified key-value pair list - keys - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GetKeys.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GetKeys.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - GetValues - Action - Gets all values stored in the specified key-value pair list and for a simple list it returns all elements in the list - values - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GetValues.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GetValues.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - RemoveKey - Action - Returns true if the specified key is removed from list, otherwise returns false - remove,key - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\RemoveKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\RemoveKey.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - ContainsKey - Action - Checks if the specified key is present in the specified key-value pair list - contain,key - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ContainsKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ContainsKey.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - MinimumItemByKey - Action - No description available - min,item,key - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MinimumItemByKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MinimumItemByKey.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - MaximumItemByKey - Action - No description available - max,item,key - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MaximumItemByKey.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MaximumItemByKey.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - SortByFunction - Action - Use a function to determine how list items should be sorted - sort,order - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortByFunction.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortByFunction.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - GroupByFunction - Action - Use a function to determine how list items should be grouped - group,function - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GroupByFunction.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GroupByFunction.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - TrueForAll - Action - No description available - true,all - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\TrueForAll.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\TrueForAll.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - TrueForAny - Action - No description available - true,any - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\TrueForAny.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\TrueForAny.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - LoopWhile - Action - No description available - loop,while,repeat - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\LoopWhile.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\LoopWhile.Large.png - - - BuiltIn - NewtonRootFind1DNoDeriv - Action - No description available - newton,noderiv,numeric - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NewtonRootFind1DNoDeriv.Small.png - Not found - - - BuiltIn - NewtonRootFind1DWithDeriv - Action - No description available - - - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NewtonRootFind1DWithDeriv.Small.png - Not found - - - - - Operators - + - Action - Adds x to y. - add,plus,addition,+ - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\add.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\add.Large.png - - - Operators - - - Action - x subtract y. - sub,subtract,difference,- - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\sub.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\sub.Large.png - - - Operators - * - Action - Multiplies x by y. - mul,multiply,product,times,*,x - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\mul.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\mul.Large.png - - - Operators - / - Action - Divides x by y. - div,divide,product - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\div.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\div.Large.png - - - Operators - == - Action - Equal x to y? - eq,equal,= - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\eq.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\eq.Large.png - - - Operators - >= - Action - x greater or equals y? - greater,equal - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ge.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ge.Large.png - - - Operators - > - Action - x greater y? - greater - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\gt.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\gt.Large.png - - - Operators - % - Action - Is x divisible by y? - mod,modulo,remainder - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\mod.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\mod.Large.png - - - Operators - <= - Action - x less or equals y? - less,equal - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\le.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\le.Large.png - - - Operators - < - Action - x less y? - less - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\lt.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\lt.Large.png - - - Operators - && - Action - x and y? - and - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\and.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\and.Large.png - - - Operators - || - Action - x || y? - or - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\or.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\or.Large.png - - - Operators - != - Action - x doesn't equal y. - equal - - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\nq.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\nq.Large.png - - - Operators - Not - Action - !x - not - - - - - - - src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Not.Small.png - src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Not.Large.png - - - - - - Office.Excel - ReadFromFile - Action - Read data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is read by row and returned in a series of lists by row. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in cell A1 will appear in the data list at [0,0]. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed. - office,excel,spreadsheet,ifequalreturnindex - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Office.Excel - WriteToFile - Action - Write data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is written by row with sublists to be written in successive rows. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in the data list at [0,0] will be written to cell A1. Null values and empty lists are written to Excel as empty cells. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed. - office,excel,spreadsheet - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - - Display.Display.Display - ByGeometryColor - Create - Display geometry using a color. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\Display\SmallIcons\Display.Display.ByGeometryColor.Small.png - src\Resources\Display\LargeIcons\Display.Display.ByGeometryColor.Large.png - - - Display.Display.Display - BySurfaceColors - Create - Display color values on a surface. The colors provided are converted internally to an image texture which is mapped to the surface. - - - - - - - - - src\Resources\Display\SmallIcons\Display.Display.BySurfaceColors.Small.png - src\Resources\Display\LargeIcons\Display.Display.BySurfaceColors.Large.png - - - - - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Report.Pdf - Style - Action - PDF Settings that control document page size, orientation etc - pdf,style,settings,pdf style - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Report.Pdf - PDF Fit Mode - Action - Retrieves all available PDF Page fit modes. - PDF Fit Mode - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Report.Pdf - PDF Orientation - Action - Retrieves all available PDF Page Orientations. - PDF Orientation - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Report.Pdf - PDF Size - Action - Retrieves all available PDF Page Sizes. - PDF Size - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Report.Pdf - Print to PDF - Action - Print Mandrill window to PDF. - Print to PDF - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Report.Window - Create Report - Action - Creates Mandrill Report object that can be viewed in a Window or Printed to PDF. - Create Report - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Report.Window - Report Window - Action - Use this node to launch a new window that charts will be displayed in. - Report Window - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Text.Text - Create - Action - Create Text Note - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Text.Text - Style - Action - Create Text Style - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Text.Text - Font Weight - Action - Select Font Weight type for a Text Note. - Font Weight - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Text.Text - Font Style - Action - Select Font Style for a Text Note. - Font Style - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Text.Text - Font Transform - Action - Select transformation type for a Text Note. - Font Transform - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Image.Image - Create - Action - Image class. - image - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Image.Image - Style - Action - Image Style object - image style,style - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Legends.Legend - Style - Action - Legend Style - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Legends.Legend - Data - Action - Data - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Legends.Legend - Create - Action - Legend - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.HorizontalBarChart - Style - Action - Horizontal Bar Chart Style - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.HorizontalBarChart - Data - Action - Horizontal Bar Chart Data. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.HorizontalBarChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Horizontal Bar Chart Data. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.HorizontalBarChart - Chart - Action - Horizontal Bar Chart - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.NormalizedStackedBarChart - Style - Action - Normalized Stacked Bar Chart Style. - normalized,stacked,bar,chart,style - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.NormalizedStackedBarChart - Data - Action - Normalized Stacked Bar Chart Data object. - normalized,data,stacked,bar,chart - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.NormalizedStackedBarChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Normalized Stacked Bar Chart Data object. - normalized,data,stacked bar chart,chart,bar,grouped - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.NormalizedStackedBarChart - Chart - Action - New Normalized Stacked Bar Chart object. - normalized,bar,chart,grouped - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.PieChart - Style - Action - Pie Chart Style - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.PieChart - Data - Action - Pie Chart Data. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.PieChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Pie Chart Data - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.PieChart - Chart - Action - Pie chart - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ScatterPlotMatrix - Style - Action - Style - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ScatterPlotMatrix - Data - Action - Data. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ScatterPlotMatrix - DataFromCSV - Action - Data from CSV - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ScatterPlotMatrix - Chart - Action - Scatter Plot Matrix Chart - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.AreaChart - Style - Action - Area Chart Style object. - area,chart,style - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.AreaChart - Data - Action - Area Chart Data object. - area,chart,data - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.AreaChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Area Chart Data from CSV File. - area,chart,data - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.AreaChart - Chart - Action - New Area Chart object - area,chart - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.BarChart - Style - Action - Bar Chart Style object. - bar,chart,style - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.BarChart - Data - Action - Bar Chart Data object. - bar,chart,data - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.BarChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Bar Chart Data object. - bar,chart,data - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.BarChart - Chart - Action - New Bar Chart object. - bar,chart - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.DonutChart - Style - Action - Donut Chart Style object. - donut,chart,style - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.DonutChart - Data - Action - Donut Chart Data object. - data,donut,chart,donut chart data - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.DonutChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Donut Chart Data from CSV. - csv,donut,chart,data - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.DonutChart - Chart - Action - Donut Chart object. - donut chart,chart,donut - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.GroupedBarChart - Style - Action - Grouped Bar Chart Style. - grouped,bar,chart,style - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.GroupedBarChart - Data - Action - Grouped Bar Chart Data. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.GroupedBarChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Grouped Bar Chart Data object. - data,grouped bar chart,chart,bar,grouped - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.GroupedBarChart - Chart - Action - New Grouped Bar Chart object. - bar,chart,grouped - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.LineChart - Style - Action - Line Chart Style object. - line,style - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.LineChart - Data - Action - Line Chart Data object. - data - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.LineChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Line Chart Data object. - line,chart,data - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.LineChart - Chart - Action - New Line Chart object. - line,chart - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.MiscNodes - Margins - Action - Chart Margins. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.MiscNodes - Domain - Action - Chart domain. - area,chart,domain - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.MiscNodes - Address - Action - Grid Address node. - address,mandrill,grid,gridster - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ParallelCoordinates - Style - Action - Parallel Coordinates Style object. - parallel,coordinates,style - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ParallelCoordinates - Data - Action - Parallel Coordinates Data. - parallel,coordinates,data - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ParallelCoordinates - DataFromCSV - Action - Parallel Coordinates Data. - parallel,coordinates,data,csv - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ParallelCoordinates - Chart - Action - Parallel Coordinates Chart. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ScatterPlot - Style - Action - Scatter Plot Style. - style,scatter plot - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ScatterPlot - Data - Action - Scatter Plot Data. - scatter plot,data - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ScatterPlot - DataFromCSV - Action - Scatter Plot Data from CSV File. - scatter plot,data - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.ScatterPlot - Chart - Action - Scatter Plot Chart. - scatter plot,chart - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.StackedBarChart - Style - Action - Stacked Bar Chart Style. - stacked,bar,chart,style - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.StackedBarChart - Data - Action - Staked Bar Chart Data object. - data,stacked,bar,chart - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.StackedBarChart - DataFromCSV - Action - Stacked Bar Chart Data object. - data,stacked bar chart,chart,bar,grouped - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - Archi-lab_Mandrill.Charts.StackedBarChart - Chart - Action - New Grouped Bar Chart object. - bar,chart,grouped - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - - - LunchBox.Lists.Manage - RemoveNulls - Action - Removes null items from a list - lunchbox,lists,duplicate,clean,null,remove - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.Manage - ReplaceNulls - Action - Replace Null values with something else - lunchbox,lists,null,replace - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.Manage - RandomizeOrder - Action - Scramble the order of a list of data - lunchbox,lists,random,order - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Lists.Dictionary - CreateDictionary - Action - Create a new dictionary using key value pairs - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.Dictionary - GetDictionaryKeysValues - Action - Gets the Keys and Values in a Dictionary - lunchbox,dictionary,search - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.Dictionary - GetValueFromDictionary - Action - Gets a value from a dictionary - lunchbox,dictionary,search - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - CreateDataTable - Action - Creates a new DataTable - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - CreateDataSet - Action - Create a new DataSet - lunchbox,lists,dataset - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - GetTablesfromDataSet - Action - Get a list of tables from a DataSet - lunchbox,lists,datatable,dataset - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - GetDataFromTable - Action - Get all rows from a DataTable - lunchbox,lists,rows,dataset,datatable - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - SelectDataFromTable - Action - Search a DataTable using DataSet 'Select' Syntax. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - SerializeXML - Action - Convert a DataSet to XML - lunchbox,lists,rows,dataset,datatable,XML - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - SerializeJSON - Action - Convert a DataSet to JSON - lunchbox,lists,rows,dataset,datatable,JSON,XML - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - DeserializeXML - Action - Convert XML to Dynamo - lunchbox,lists,rows,dataset,datatable,XML - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - GetXMLNode - Action - Get XML node properties - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - XMLtoJSON - Action - Convert XML to JSON - lunchbox,lists,rows,dataset,datatable,JSON,XML - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.DataSets - JSONtoXML - Action - Convert JSON to XML - lunchbox,lists,rows,dataset,datatable,JSON,XML - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Lists.Sequence - RandomNumbers - Action - Random list of numbers using Min/Max range, number of items, and seed value - lunchbox,lists,random,numbers,sequence,division - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.Sequence - RangeDivision - Action - A range of numbers based on divisions - lunchbox,lists,range,numbers,sequence,division - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Lists.Strings - SortDuplicateStrings - Action - Sorts a list of strings based on duplicate values - lunchbox,lists,search,duplicate,sort,string - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Lists.Strings - SearchListForString - Action - Search through a list of strings - lunchbox,lists,search,string - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - LunchBox.Interoperability.Excel - GetExcelFileInfo - Action - Get Excel File Info - lunchbox,lists,rows,excel,dataset,datatable - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Interoperability.Excel - GetExcelWorksheetData - Action - Get All Excel Worksheet Data - lunchbox,lists,rows,excel,dataset,datatable - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Interoperability.Excel - GetExcelWorksheetDataByRange - Action - Get Excel Worksheet Data by Range - lunchbox,lists,rows,excel,dataset,datatable - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Curves - EndPoints - Action - Gets start and end points and parameter values - lunchbox,curve,points,start,end,parameter - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Curves - DivideCurveByDistance - Action - Divides a curve using a distance between segments - lunchbox,curve,point,plane,divide,tangent - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Curves - DivideCurve - Action - Divides a curve evenly along the parameter space - lunchbox,curve,point,plane,divide,tangent - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Curves - DeconstructPolyCurve - Action - Get segment and vertices of a polycurve - lunchbox,polycurve - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Curves - ShortestWalk - Action - Find the 'Shortest Walk' within a curve network. This node uses ported open source code by Giulio Piacentino of McNeel and Associates. - lunchbox,curves,shortest walk,sort,path,distance - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Points - DeconstructPoint - Action - Returns the X,Y, and Z coordinates of a point - lunchbox,point,x,y,z - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Points - NumbersToPoint - Action - Create points from a list of 2 or 3 numbers - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Points - PointToNumbers - Action - Create numbers from points - lunchbox,point - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Points - StringToPoint - Action - Converts a comma separated point string to a point object - lunchbox,point,string - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Points - PointToString - Action - Converts a Point to comma separted point string - lunchbox,point,string - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Points - SortPointsAlongCurve - Action - Sort points along a curve - lunchbox,point,sort - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Surfaces - DivideSurfaceUV - Action - Divides a surface using UV divisions - lunchbox,surface,point,plane,divide,normal,curvature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Surfaces - DeconstructSurface - Action - Deconstructs a surface into edge curves and points - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Surfaces - RebuildSurface - Action - Rebuild the Surface into desired U and V space - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Surfaces - TransposeSurfaceUV - Action - Transpose the UV space of the surface - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Surfaces - DeconstructNurbsSurface - Action - Deconstruct a Surface as a NurbsSurface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Surfaces - DeconstructPolySurface - Action - Deconstructs a polysurface into faces, edge curves, and points - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Intersection - FindIntersections - Action - Find intersections from a list of geometry and a list of cutting geometry. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Intersection - CreateIsovist - Action - Find intersections from a list of geometry and a list of cutting geometry. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Intersection - GeometrySplit - Action - Advanced Geometry Splitting - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelQuad - Action - Create quad panels - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelQuadStaggered - Action - Create staggered quad panels - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelQuadRandom - Action - Create randomized quad panels - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelQuadScewed - Action - Create scewed quad panels - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelDiamond - Action - Create diamond panels - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelHexagon - Action - Create hexagonal panels - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelTriangleA - Action - Create Triangle A panels - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelTriangleB - Action - Create Triangle B panels - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Panel - PanelTriangleC - Action - Create Triangle C panels - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Structure - WireGrid - Action - Create wireframe grid - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Structure - WireGridBraced1D - Action - Create wireframe grid braced in a 1 direction - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Structure - WireGridBraced2D - Action - Create wireframe grid braced in a 2 directions - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Structure - WireDiagrid - Action - Create wireframe diagrid - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Structure - WireHexagon - Action - Create wireframe hexagon - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Structure - WireSpaceTruss - Action - Create a space truss using a surface. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Rationalize - LunchBox Curve to Arcs by Division - Action - Converts a curve to tangent arc segments - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Rationalize - LunchBox Curve to Arcs by Parameters - Action - Converts a curve to arcs using parameter values - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Rationalize - LunchBox Planarize Points - Action - Projects a list of a 4 or more points to a common plane. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Form - LunchBox Helicoid - Action - Creates a parametric Helicoid surface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Form - LunchBox Mobius - Action - Creates a parametric mobius surface. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Form - LunchBox Paraboloid - Action - Creates a parametric Hyperbolic Paraboloid surface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Form - LunchBox Torus - Action - Creates a parametric Torus surface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Form - LunchBox Wave - Action - Creates a parametric Wave surface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Vector - LunchBox Vector Amplitude - Action - Set the amplitude of a vector. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Geometry.Vector - LunchBox Vector Angle - Action - Computes the angle between two vectors. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Adaptive Component Collector - Action - Gets a list of Adaptive Components from a document using the Family Name. - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Area Element Collector - Action - Collects rooms from the Revit document - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox AreaPlan Element Collector - Action - Collects AreaPlans from the Revit model - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Create Room by Name and Number - Create - Creates an unplaced room element using a name and number. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Curtain Panel Collector - Action - Collects curtain panel instances and references them. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Family Instance Collector - Action - Collects Family Instances from the Revit Doc - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Floor Element Collector - Action - Collects Floor elements from the current Revit document. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Grid Element Collector - Action - Collects Revit Grids from the current Revit document - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Level Element Collector - Action - Collects Levels from the current Level document - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox MEP Space Collector - Action - Collects MEP Spaces and properties - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Placed and Unplaced Rooms - Action - Finds placed and unplaced rooms - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Room Element Collector - Action - Collects rooms from the Revit document - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Sheet Collector - Action - Collects sheets from the current document - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Structural Framing Collector - Action - Collects Structural Graming Families from the Revit document. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox View Element Collector - Action - Collects views from the active Revit document. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Elements - LunchBox Wall Element Collector - Action - Collects wall elements from the Revit document. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Revit.Geometry - LunchBox Deconstruct Face - Action - Gets the edges and vertices of a face. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Geometry - LunchBox Deconstruct Solid - Action - Deconstructs a Revit solid into faces, edges, and vertices - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Revit.Math - LunchBox Domain Variables - Action - Gets the Min and Max variables of a Domain. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Math - LunchBox Get Domain - Action - Gets the domain from a list of numbers. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Revit.Math - LunchBox Remap Numbers - Action - Remaps a list of numbers to a new domain. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Revit.Parameters - LunchBox Get Parameter Value - Action - Gets parameter values from a Revit element. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - LunchBox.Generate.Attractor - LunchBox Attractor Wave - Action - Generates a wave attractor effect using lists of attractors and targets. - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Generate.Attractor - LunchBox Attractor - Action - Simple distance-based attractor calculation - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - - LunchBox.Archive.Geometry.Structure - LunchBox Braced Grid Stucture 1D - Action - Creates a 1D braced grid structure on a surface - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Archive.Geometry.Structure - LunchBox Diagrid Structure - Action - Creates a diagrid structure on a surface. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Archive.Geometry.Structure - LunchBox Grid Structure - Action - Creates a grid wireframe on a surface. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Archive.Geometry.Panel - LunchBox Diamond Grid by Face - Action - Create a Diamond XYZ grid on a face. The face surface must have an untrimmed UV parameter space. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Archive.Geometry.Panel - LunchBox Quad Grid by Face - Action - Create a quadrangular XYZ grid on a face. The face surface must have an untrimmed UV parameter space. - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Archive.Geometry.Panel - LunchBox Staggered Grid by Face - Action - Create a Staggered XYZ grid on a face. The face surface must have an untrimmed UV parameter space. - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Archive.Geometry.Panel - LunchBox Triangle Grid by Face - Action - Create a Triangular XYZ grid on a face. The face surface must have an untrimmed UV parameter space. - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Archive.Geometry.Intersection - LunchBox Isovist - Action - Isovist Ray Generation - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - LunchBox.Archive.Format - LunchBox List Matcher - Action - Compares a List A against a List B and matches length of List A. If ListA > ListB, ListB will be extended. If ListA < ListB, ListB will be truncated. - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Archive.Format - LunchBox Point to String - Action - Converts Point objects to strings. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Archive.Format - LunchBox Remove Null Values - Action - Remove 'null' values from a list. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Archive.Format - LunchBox String to Point - Action - Converts a point string "x,y,z" into a true Point. - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - LunchBox.Math.Operators - LunchBox Mass Addition - Action - Returns the total value of a list of numbers. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Math.Operators - LunchBox Mass Multiplication - Action - Returns the total value of a list of numbers. - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - LunchBox.Math.Random - LunchBox Random Numbers - Action - Generates a list of Random numbers using a domain, amount, and seed. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - LunchBox.Math.Random - LunchBox Random Split List - Action - Randomly splits a list of objects into two separate lists. - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - - - - - - .Archive.Geometry.Structure - LunchBox Braced Grid Structure 2D - Action - Creates a braced grid 2D on a surface. - - - - - - - - - - - - Not found - Not found - - - - + + + + + CoreTEST.InputTEST + Code Block + Action + Allows for DesignScript code to be authored directly + Dynamo.Nodes.CodeBlockNodeModel,Code Block,codeblock + Not found + Not found + + + Core.Input + Input + Action + A function parameter, use with custom nodes. + Dynamo.Nodes.Symbol,Input,variable,argument,parameter + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Core.Input + Output + Action + A function output, use with custom nodes + Dynamo.Nodes.Output,Output + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Core.Input + Date Time + Action + TEST Create a DateTime object from a formatted date and time string. Date and time must be of the format "April 12, 1977 12:00 PM" + DSCoreNodesUI.DateTime,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DateTime,Date Time + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DateTime.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DateTime.Large.png + + + Core.Input + String + Action + Creates a string. + Dynamo.Nodes.StringInput,Dynamo.Nodes.dynStringInput,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.StringInput,String + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.StringInput.Large.png + + + Core.Input + Number + Action + Creates a number. + Dynamo.Nodes.DoubleInput,Dynamo.Nodes.dynDoubleInput,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DoubleInput,Number + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleInput.Large.png + + + Core.Input + Number Slider + Action + A slider that produces numeric values. + DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DoubleSlider,Number Slider,double,number,float,integer,slider,numberslider + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DoubleSlider.Large.png + + + Core.Input + File Path + Action + Allows you to select a file on the system to get its filename + DSCore.File.Filename,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.Filename,File Path,filepath + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Filename.Large.png + + + Core.Input + Directory Path + Action + Allows you to select a directory on the system to get its path + DSCore.File.Directory,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.Directory,Directory Path,directorypath,filepath + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Directory.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.Directory.Large.png + + + Core.Input + Boolean + Action + Selection between a true and false. + DSCoreNodesUI.BoolSelector,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.BoolSelector,Dynamo.Nodes.BoolSelector,Boolean,true,truth,false + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.BoolSelector.Large.png + + + Core.Input + Integer Slider + Action + A slider that produces integer values. + DSCoreNodesUI.Input.IntegerSlider,Integer Slider,integerslider + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.IntegerSlider.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.IntegerSlider.Large.png + + + + + Core.Units + Convert Between Units + Action + Convert between units of measure. + DSCoreNodesUI.DynamoConvert,Convert Between Units,Convert,Units,Length,Area,Volume,convertbetweenunits + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.DynamoConvert.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.DynamoConvert.Large.png + + + Core.Units + Number From Feet and Inches + Action + Enter a length. + Number From Feet and Inches,Imperial,Metric,Length,Project,units + + + + src\Resources\UnitsUI\SmallIcons\UnitsUI.LengthFromString.Small.png + src\Resources\UnitsUI\LargeIcons\UnitsUI.LengthFromString.Large.png + + + Core.Units + Unit Types + Action + Select a unit of measurement. + Unit Types,units,unittypes + + + + src\Resources\UnitsUI\SmallIcons\UnitsUI.UnitTypes.Small.png + src\Resources\UnitsUI\LargeIcons\UnitsUI.UnitTypes.Large.png + + + + + Core.Color + Color Range + Create + Get a color given a color range. + DSCoreNodesUI.ColorRange,Color Range,colorrange + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.ColorRange.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.ColorRange.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Red + Query + Find the red component of a color, 0 to 255. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Red.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Red.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Green + Query + Find the green component of a color, 0 to 255. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Green.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Green.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Blue + Query + Find the blue component of a color, 0 to 255. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Blue.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Blue.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Alpha + Query + Find the alpha component of a color, 0 to 255. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Alpha.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Alpha.Large.png + + + Core.Color + ByARGB + Create + Construct a color by alpha, red, green, and blue components. + color + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.ByARGB.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.ByARGB.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Brightness + Action + Returns the brightness value for this color. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Brightness.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Brightness.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Saturation + Action + Returns the saturation value for this color. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Saturation.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Saturation.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Hue + Action + Returns the hue value for this color. + hues + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Hue.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Hue.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Components + Action + Lists the components for the color in the order: alpha, red, green, blue. + alpha,red,green,blue + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Components.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Components.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Add + Create + No description available + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Add.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Add.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Multiply + Create + No description available + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Multiply.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Multiply.Large.png + + + Core.Color + Divide + Create + No description available + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Color.Divide.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Color.Divide.Large.png + + + + + Core.List + List.Create + Create + Makes a new list out of the given inputs + DSCoreNodesUI.CreateList,List.Create,entwine,listcreate,newlist,makelist,list + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.CreateList.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.CreateList.Large.png + + + Core.List + Range + Create + Creates a sequence of numbers or letters in the specified range. + DSCoreNodesUI.Range,Range,numberrange,numbersequence + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Range.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Range.Large.png + + + Core.List + Sequence + Create + Creates a sequence of numbers. + DSCoreNodesUI.Sequence,Sequence,numbersequence + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Sequence.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Sequence.Large.png + + + Core.List + List.Map + Action + Applies a function over all elements of a list, generating a new list from the results. + DSCore.Map,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Map,List.Map,function,applied,over list,do to each + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Map.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Map.Large.png + + + Core.List + List.Combine + Action + Applies a combinator to each element in two sequences + DSCore.Combine,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Combine,List.Combine,map multiple,apply over lists,multiple inputs + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Combine.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Combine.Large.png + + + Core.List + List.LaceShortest + Action + Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a shortest lacing of the input lists. All lists are truncated to the length of the shortest input. + DSCore.LaceShortest,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.LaceShortest,List.LaceShortest,mix,trim end + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceShortest.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceShortest.Large.png + + + Core.List + List.LaceLongest + Action + Applies a combinator to each pair resulting from a longest lacing of the input lists. All lists have their last element repeated to match the length of the longest input. + DSCore.LaceLongest,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.LaceLongest,List.LaceLongest,repeat last + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceLongest.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.LaceLongest.Large.png + + + Core.List + List.CartesianProduct + Action + Applies a combinator to each pair in the cartesian product of two sequences + DSCore.CartesianProduct,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct,List.CartesianProduct,cross product,crossreference,cross ref + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.CartesianProduct.Large.png + + + Core.List + List.Reduce + Action + Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result. + DSCore.Reduce,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Reduce,List.Reduce,accumulate,aggregate,fold + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Reduce.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Reduce.Large.png + + + Core.List + List.Scan + Action + Reduces a list into a new value by combining each element with an accumulated result, produces a list of successive reduced values. + DSCore.ScanList,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ScanList,List.Scan,intermediate,maps,folds + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ScanList.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ScanList.Large.png + + + Core.List + List.Filter + Action + Filters a sequence by a given condition such that for an arbitrary element "x," condition(x) = True or False. + DSCore.Filter,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Filter,List.Filter,screen,dispatch + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Filter.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Filter.Large.png + + + Core.List + ReplaceByCondition + Action + Replaces an object with a given substitute if the original object satisfies a given condition. + DSCore.Replace,DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.Replace,ReplaceByCondition,predicate,override,replace if, + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Replace.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.Replace.Large.png + + + Core.List + Empty + Query + An Empty List. + empty list,emptylist,[] + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Empty.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Empty.Large.png + + + Core.List + UniqueItems + Action + Creates a new list containing all unique items in the given list. + removes,duplicates,remove duplicates,cull duplicates,distinct,listcontains + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.UniqueItems.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.UniqueItems.Large.png + + + Core.List + ContainsItem + Action + Determines if the given list contains the given item. + item,search,in,listcontains + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ContainsItem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ContainsItem.Large.png + + + Core.List + Reverse + Action + Creates a new list containing the items of the given list but in reverse order. + flip,listcontains + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Reverse.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Reverse.Large.png + + + Core.List + Sublists + Action + Build sublists from a list using DesignScript range syntax. + sublists,build sublists,subset + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Sublists.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Sublists.Large.png + + + Core.List + Sort + Action + Sorts a list using the built-in natural ordering. + sort,order,sorted + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Sort.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Sort.Large.png + + + Core.List + MinimumItem + Action + Returns the minimum value from a list. + least,smallest,find min + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.MinimumItem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.MinimumItem.Large.png + + + Core.List + MaximumItem + Action + Returns the maximum value from a list. + greatest,largest,biggest,find max + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.MaximumItem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.MaximumItem.Large.png + + + Core.List + FilterByBoolMask + Action + Filters a sequence by looking up corresponding indices in a separate list of booleans. + filter,in,out,mask,dispatch,bool filter,boolfilter + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask.Large.png + + + Core.List + Deconstruct + Action + Given a list, produces the first item in the list, and a new list containing all items except the first. + first,rest,list split,listcontains + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Deconstruct.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Deconstruct.Large.png + + + Core.List + SortByKey + Action + Sort list based on its keys + sort;key + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.SortByKey.Large.png + + + Core.List + GroupByKey + Action + Group items into sub-lists based on their like key values + list;group;groupbykey; + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.GroupByKey.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.GroupByKey.Large.png + + + Core.List + AddItemToFront + Action + Adds an item to the beginning of a list. + insert,add,item,front,start,begin + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToFront.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToFront.Large.png + + + Core.List + AddItemToEnd + Action + Adds an item to the end of a list. + insert,add,item,end + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AddItemToEnd.Large.png + + + Core.List + TakeItems + Action + Fetches an amount of items from the start of the list. + get,sub,sublist,extract + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.TakeItems.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.TakeItems.Large.png + + + Core.List + DropItems + Action + Removes an amount of items from the start of the list. If the amount is a negative value, items are removed from the end of the list. + drop,remove,shorten + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DropItems.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DropItems.Large.png + + + Core.List + ShiftIndices + Action + Shifts indices in the list to the right by the given amount. + shift,offset + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ShiftIndices.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ShiftIndices.Large.png + + + Core.List + GetItemAtIndex + Action + Returns an item from the given list that's located at the specified index. + get,item,index,fetch,at,getfrom,get from,extract + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.GetItemAtIndex.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.GetItemAtIndex.Large.png + + + Core.List + ReplaceItemAtIndex + Action + Replace an item from the given list that's located at the specified index. + replace,switch + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.ReplaceItemAtIndex.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.ReplaceItemAtIndex.Large.png + + + Core.List + Slice + Action + Returns a single sub-list from the given list, based on starting index, ending index, and a step amount. + list,sub,sublist,subrange,get sublist + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Slice.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Slice.Large.png + + + Core.List + RemoveItemAtIndex + Action + Removes an item from the given list at the specified index. + index,indices,cull,remove,item + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.RemoveItemAtIndex.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.RemoveItemAtIndex.Large.png + + + Core.List + DropEveryNthItem + Action + Removes items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset. + nth,remove,cull,every + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DropEveryNthItem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DropEveryNthItem.Large.png + + + Core.List + TakeEveryNthItem + Action + Fetches items from the given list at indices that are multiples of the given value, after the given offset. + fetch,take,every,nth + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.TakeEveryNthItem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.TakeEveryNthItem.Large.png + + + Core.List + IsEmpty + Action + Determines if the given list is empty. + test,is,empty,null,count + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.IsEmpty.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.IsEmpty.Large.png + + + Core.List + Count + Action + Returns the number of items stored in the given list. + listlength,list length,count,size,sizeof + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Count.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Count.Large.png + + + Core.List + Join + Action + Concatenates all given lists into a single list. + join lists,merge,concatenate + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Join.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Join.Large.png + + + Core.List + FirstItem + Action + Returns the first item in a list. + get,fetch,first,item,start + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FirstItem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FirstItem.Large.png + + + Core.List + RestOfItems + Action + Removes the first item from the given list. + get,fetch,rest,end,rest of list + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.RestOfItems.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.RestOfItems.Large.png + + + Core.List + Chop + Action + Chop a list into a set of consecutive sublists with the specified lengths. List division begins at the top of the list. + sublists,build sublists,slices,partitions,cut,listcontains,chop + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Chop.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Chop.Large.png + + + Core.List + DiagonalRight + Action + List elements along each diagonal in the matrix from the top left to the lower right. + diagonal,right,matrix,get diagonals,diagonal sublists + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalRight.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalRight.Large.png + + + Core.List + DiagonalLeft + Action + List elements along each diagonal in the matrix from the top right to the lower left. + diagonal,left,matrix,get diagonals,diagonal sublists + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalLeft.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.DiagonalLeft.Large.png + + + Core.List + Transpose + Action + Swaps rows and columns in a list of lists. If there are some rows that are shorter than others, null values are inserted as place holders in the resultant array such that it is always rectangular. + transpose,flip matrix,matrix,swap,rows,columns + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Transpose.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Transpose.Large.png + + + Core.List + Clean + Action + Cleans data of nulls and empty lists from a given list of arbitrary dimension + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Clean.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Clean.Large.png + + + Core.List + OfRepeatedItem + Action + Creates a list containing the given item the given number of times. + repeat,repeated,duplicate,list of item,fill list,copies,listcontains + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.OfRepeatedItem.Large.png + + + Core.List + Cycle + Action + Creates a new list by concatenining copies of a given list. + repeat,repeated,duplicate,repeated list,concat list + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Cycle.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Cycle.Large.png + + + Core.List + LastItem + Action + Retrieves the last item in a list. + get,fetch,last,item,end of list + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.LastItem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.LastItem.Large.png + + + Core.List + Shuffle + Action + Shuffles a list, randomizing the order of its items. + random,randomize,shuffle,jitter,randomness + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Shuffle.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Shuffle.Large.png + + + Core.List + Permutations + Action + Produces all permutations of the given length of a given list. + permutation,permutations + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Permutations.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Permutations.Large.png + + + Core.List + Combinations + Action + Produces all combinations of the given length of a given list. + combo + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Combinations.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Combinations.Large.png + + + Core.List + FirstIndexOf + Action + Given an item, returns the zero-based index of its first occurrence in the list. If the item cannot be found in the list, -1 is returned. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.FirstIndexOf.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.FirstIndexOf.Large.png + + + Core.List + AllIndicesOf + Action + Given an item, returns the zero-based indices of all its occurrences in the list. If the item cannot be found, an empty list is returned. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.AllIndicesOf.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.AllIndicesOf.Large.png + + + Core.List + Flatten + Action + Flattens a nested list of lists by a certain amount. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.List.Flatten.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.List.Flatten.Large.png + + + + + Core.Scripting + Formula + Action + Evaluates mathematical formulas. Uses NCalc: + DSCoreNodesUI.Formula,Formula + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Formula.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Formula.Large.png + + + Core.Scripting + Python Script + Action + Runs an embedded IronPython script. + Python Script + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Core.Scripting + Python Script From String + Action + Runs a IronPython script from a string. + Python Script From String + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Core.View + Watch + Action + Visualize the output of node. + Dynamo.Nodes.Watch,DSCoreNodesUI.Watch,Watch,print,output,disply,panel,inspect,debug + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Watch.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Watch.Large.png + + + Core.View + Watch Image + Action + Previews an image + Dynamo.Nodes.WatchImageCore,DSCoreNodesUI.WatchImageCore,Watch Image,image,inspect image,pixels,display,panel,watchimage + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WatchImageCore.Large.png + + + Core.View + Watch 3D + Action + Shows a dynamic preview of geometry. + Dynamo.Nodes.dyn3DPreview,Dynamo.Nodes.3DPreview,Dynamo.Nodes.Watch3D,DynamoWatch3D.Watch3D,Watch 3D + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Core.String + String from Object + Action + Convert an object to a string representation. + DSCoreNodesUI.StringNodes.FromObject,DSCoreNodesUI.FromObject,String from Object,string.fromobject,tostring,2string,number2string,numbertostring + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromObject.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromObject.Large.png + + + Core.String + String from Array + Action + Convert an array to a string representation. + DSCoreNodesUI.StringNodes.FromArray,DSCoreNodesUI.FromArray,String from Array,string.fromarray,tostring,2string,list2string,listtostring,array2string,arraytostring + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromArray.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.FromArray.Large.png + + + Core.String + ToNumber + Action + Converts a string to an integer or a double. + 2number,str2number,strtonumber,string2number,stringtonumber,int,double,cast + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToNumber.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToNumber.Large.png + + + Core.String + Concat + Action + Concatenates multiple strings into a single string. + concatenate,join,combine strings + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Concat.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Concat.Large.png + + + Core.String + Length + Action + Returns the number of characters contained in the given string. + count,size,characters,chars,length,sizeof + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Length.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Length.Large.png + + + Core.String + Split + Action + Divides a single string into a list of strings, with divisions determined by the given separater strings. + divide,separaters,delimiter,cut,csv,comma + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Split.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Split.Large.png + + + Core.String + Join + Action + Concatenates multiple strings into a single string, inserting the given separator between each joined string. + join,separator,build csv,concat,construct + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Join.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Join.Large.png + + + Core.String + ToUpper + Action + Converts the given string to all uppercase characters. + 2uppercase,to uppercase,touppercase,uppercase + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToUpper.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToUpper.Large.png + + + Core.String + ToLower + Action + Converts the given string to all lowercase characters. + 2lowercase,to lowercase,tolowercase,lowercase + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ToLower.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ToLower.Large.png + + + Core.String + ChangeCase + Action + Converts the given string to all uppercase characters or all lowercase characters based on a boolean parameter. + 2lowercase,to lowercase,tolowercase,lowercase,2uppercase,to uppercase,touppercase,uppercase + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.ChangeCase.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.ChangeCase.Large.png + + + Core.String + Substring + Action + Retrieves a substring from the given string. The substring starts at the given character position and has the given length. + subset,get string,part,smaller string + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Substring.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Substring.Large.png + + + Core.String + Contains + Action + Determines if the given string contains the given substring. + test,within,in,is in,part of + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Contains.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Contains.Large.png + + + Core.String + CountOccurrences + Action + Counts the number of non-overlapping occurrences of a substring inside a given string. + count,substring,count occurrences,numberof,search,find,within + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.CountOccurrences.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.CountOccurrences.Large.png + + + Core.String + Replace + Action + Replaces all occurrances of text in a string with other text. + replace,overwrite,override,find and replace + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Replace.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Replace.Large.png + + + Core.String + EndsWith + Action + Determines if the given string ends with the given substring. + test,does end,last,str end,terminated + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.EndsWith.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.EndsWith.Large.png + + + Core.String + StartsWith + Action + Determines if the given string starts with the given substring. + test,beginswith,start,string start,front + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.StartsWith.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.StartsWith.Large.png + + + Core.String + TrimWhitespace + Action + Removes all whitespace from the start and end of the given string. + trimstring,cleanstring,whitespace,blanks,spaces,string trim + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimWhitespace.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimWhitespace.Large.png + + + Core.String + TrimLeadingWhitespace + Action + Removes all whitespace from the start of the given string. + trim string,clean string,trim leading whitespaces,string trim + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimLeadingWhitespace.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimLeadingWhitespace.Large.png + + + Core.String + TrimTrailingWhitespace + Action + Removes all whitespace from the end of the given string. + trim string,clean string,trim trailing whitespaces,string trim + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.TrimTrailingWhitespace.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.TrimTrailingWhitespace.Large.png + + + Core.String + IndexOf + Action + Finds the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a sub-string inside a string. Returns -1 if no index could be found. + index of,find susbstring,where,search + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.IndexOf.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.IndexOf.Large.png + + + Core.String + AllIndicesOf + Action + No description available + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Core.String + LastIndexOf + Action + Finds the zero-based index of the last occurrence of a sub-string inside a string. Returns -1 if no index could be found. + last index of,find susbstring,where,search + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.LastIndexOf.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.LastIndexOf.Large.png + + + Core.String + PadLeft + Action + Right-aligns the characters in the given string by padding them with spaces on the left, for a specified total length. + pad left,right align,right-align,pad,string space,whitespace + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.PadLeft.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.PadLeft.Large.png + + + Core.String + PadRight + Action + Left-aligns the characters in the given string by padding them with spaces on the right, for a specified total length. + pad right,left align,left-align,pad string space,whitespace + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.PadRight.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.PadRight.Large.png + + + Core.String + Center + Action + Increases the width of a string by encasing the original characters with spaces on either side. + center align,center-align,centered,whitespace,expand string,surround + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Center.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Center.Large.png + + + Core.String + Insert + Action + Inserts a string into another string at a given index. + insertstring,insert string + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Insert.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Insert.Large.png + + + Core.String + Remove + Action + Removes characters from a string. + delete,rem,shorten + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.String.Remove.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.String.Remove.Large.png + + + + + Core.Web + Web Request + Action + Make a web request given a url. + DSCoreNodesUI.WebRequest,Web Request + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.WebRequest.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.WebRequest.Large.png + + + + + Core.Logic + And + Action + Boolean AND: Returns true only if both of the inputs are true. If either is false, returns false. + DSCore.Logic.And,DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.And,And + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.And.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.And.Large.png + + + Core.Logic + Or + Action + Boolean OR: Returns true if either of the inputs are true. If neither are true, returns false. + DSCore.Logic.Or,DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.Or,Or + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.Or.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.Or.Large.png + + + Core.Logic + If + Action + Conditional statement + DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.If,If + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.If.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.If.Large.png + + + Core.Logic + ScopeIf + Action + Scoped If statement + DSCoreNodesUI.Logic.ScopedIf,ScopeIf + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.ScopedIf.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Logic.ScopedIf.Large.png + + + Core.Logic + Xor + Action + Boolean XOR: Returns true if and only if exactly one of the inputs is true. + xor,exclusive,or + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Logic.Xor.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Logic.Xor.Large.png + + + + + Core.Evaluate + Function.Apply + Action + Applies a function to arguments. + DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction,Function.Apply + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ApplyFunction.Large.png + + + Core.Evaluate + Function.Compose + Action + Compose multiple functions. + DSCoreNodesUI.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions,Function.Compose + + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.HigherOrder.ComposeFunctions.Large.png + + + + + + Core.File.FilePath + Combine + Action + Combines multiple strings into a single file path. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Combine.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Combine.Large.png + + + Core.File.FilePath + Extension + Action + Returns the extension from a file path. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Extension.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.Extension.Large.png + + + Core.File.FilePath + ChangeExtension + Action + Changes the extension of a file path. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.ChangeExtension.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.ChangeExtension.Large.png + + + Core.File.FilePath + DirectoryName + Action + Returns the directory name of a file path. + directorypath + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.DirectoryName.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.DirectoryName.Large.png + + + Core.File.FilePath + FileName + Action + Returns the file name of a file path. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.FileName.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.FileName.Large.png + + + Core.File.FilePath + HasExtension + Action + Determines whether or not a file path contains an extension. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.HasExtension.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.FilePath.HasExtension.Large.png + + + + + Core.File.File + ReadText + Action + Reads a text file and returns the contents as a string. + read file,text,file + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.ReadText.var.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.ReadText.var.Large.png + + + Core.File.File + Move + Action + Moves a specified file to a new location + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Move.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Move.Large.png + + + Core.File.File + Delete + Action + Deletes the specified file. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Delete.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Delete.Large.png + + + Core.File.File + Copy + Action + Copies a file. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Copy.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Copy.Large.png + + + Core.File.File + Exists + Action + Determines if a file exists at the given path. + filepath + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Exists.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.Exists.Large.png + + + Core.File.File + WriteText + Action + Write the text content to a file specified by the path + write file,text,file,filepath + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.File.WriteText.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.File.WriteText.Large.png + + + + + Core.File.Directory + Move + Action + Moves a directory to a new location. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Move.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Move.Large.png + + + Core.File.Directory + Copy + Action + Copies a directory to a destination location. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Copy.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Copy.Large.png + + + Core.File.Directory + Delete + Action + Deletes a directory. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Delete.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Delete.Large.png + + + Core.File.Directory + Contents + Action + Returns all of the contents of a given directory. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Contents.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Contents.Large.png + + + Core.File.Directory + Exists + Action + Determines if a directory exists at the given path. + directorypath + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Exists.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Directory.Exists.Large.png + + + + + Core.File.Image + ReadFromFile + Action + Loads the file as a bitmap. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.ReadFromFile.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.ReadFromFile.Large.png + + + Core.File.Image + Pixels + Action + Reads an image file and returns the color values at the specified grid locations. + read,image,bitmap,png,jpg,jpeg + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Pixels.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Pixels.Large.png + + + Core.File.Image + FromPixels + Action + Constructs an image from a 2d list of pixels. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color2.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color2.Large.png + + + Core.File.Image + FromPixels + Action + Constructs an image from a flat list of pixels, a width, and a height. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color1-int-int.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.FromPixels.Color1-int-int.Large.png + + + Core.File.Image + Dimensions + Action + Returns the width and height of an image. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Dimensions.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.Dimensions.Large.png + + + Core.File.Image + WriteToFile + Action + Write the image to a path, given the specified file name. + write image,image,file,filepath + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.WriteToFile.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.Image.WriteToFile.Large.png + + + + + Core.File.CSV + WriteToFile + Action + Write a list of lists into a file using a comma-separated values format. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns. + write,text,file + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.WriteToFile.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.WriteToFile.Large.png + + + Core.File.CSV + ReadFromFile + Action + Reads a text file containing comma-separated values into a two dimensional list. Outer list represents rows, inner lists represent columns. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.ReadFromFile.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.IO.CSV.ReadFromFile.Large.png + + + + Core.File + File.FromPath + Action + Creates a file object from a path. + DSCore.File.FileObject,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.FileObject,File.FromPath,filepath + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.FileObject.Large.png + + + Core.File + Directory.FromPath + Action + Creates a directory object from a path + DSCore.File.DirectoryObject,DSCoreNodesUI.Input.DirectoryObject,Directory.FromPath,directorypath,filepath + + + + + + + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\SmallIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DirectoryObject.Small.png + src\Resources\CoreNodeModels\LargeIcons\CoreNodeModels.Input.DirectoryObject.Large.png + + + + + Core.ColorRange2D + ByColorsAndParameters + Create + Create a ColorRange2D by supplying lists of colors and UVs. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.ByColorsAndParameters.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.ByColorsAndParameters.Large.png + + + Core.ColorRange2D + GetColorAtParameter + Action + Returns the color in this color range at the specified parameter. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.GetColorAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.ColorRange2D.GetColorAtParameter.Large.png + + + + + Core.DateTime + MinValue + Query + The earliest date and time that can be represented. + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MinValue.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MinValue.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + MaxValue + Query + The latest date and time that can be represented. + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MaxValue.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.MaxValue.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + Now + Query + The current system date and time. + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Now.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Now.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + Today + Query + The current system date, with time set at midnight. + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Today.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Today.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + Format + Action + Return a specified date and time as a string, in the specified format. + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Core.DateTime + ByDate + Action + Creates a new DateTime at an exact date. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDate.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDate.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + ByDateAndTime + Action + Creates a new DateTime at an exact date and time. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.ByDateAndTime.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + SubtractTimeSpan + Action + Subtracts a TimeSpan from a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.SubtractTimeSpan.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.SubtractTimeSpan.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + AddTimeSpan + Action + Adds a TimeSpan to a DateTime, yielding a new DateTime. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.AddTimeSpan.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.AddTimeSpan.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + DaysInMonth + Action + Calculates how many days are in the given month of the given year. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DaysInMonth.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DaysInMonth.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + IsDaylightSavingsTime + Action + Determines if it is Daylight Savings Time at the given DateTime. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingsTime.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingsTime.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + IsLeapYear + Action + Determines if the given year is a leap year. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsLeapYear.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.IsLeapYear.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + FromString + Action + Attempts to parse a DateTime from a string. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.FromString.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.FromString.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + Date + Action + Extracts only the date from a DateTime. Time components are set to 0. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Date.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Date.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + Components + Action + Extracts the individual components of a DateTime. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Components.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.Components.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + DayOfWeek + Action + Returns the Day of the Week from a given DateTime. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfWeek.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfWeek.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + DayOfYear + Action + Returns the day of the year (0-366) + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfYear.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.DayOfYear.Large.png + + + Core.DateTime + TimeOfDay + Action + Yields a new TimeSpan representing the amount of time passed since midnight of the given DateTime. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DateTime.TimeOfDay.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DateTime.TimeOfDay.Large.png + + + + + Core.DayOfWeek + Sunday + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Sunday.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Sunday.Large.png + + + Core.DayOfWeek + Monday + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Monday.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Monday.Large.png + + + Core.DayOfWeek + Tuesday + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Tuesday.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Tuesday.Large.png + + + Core.DayOfWeek + Wednesday + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Wednesday.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Wednesday.Large.png + + + Core.DayOfWeek + Thursday + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Thursday.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Thursday.Large.png + + + Core.DayOfWeek + Friday + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Friday.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Friday.Large.png + + + Core.DayOfWeek + Saturday + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Saturday.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.DayOfWeek.Saturday.Large.png + + + + + Core.TimeSpan + ByDateDifference + Action + Yields a new TimeSpan calculated from the time difference between two DateTimes. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.ByDateDifference.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.ByDateDifference.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + Zero + Query + A TimeSpan representing an elapsed time of Zero. + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Zero.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Zero.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + MaxValue + Query + The largest TimeSpan that can be represented. + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MaxValue.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MaxValue.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + MinValue + Query + The smallest TimeSpan that can be represented. + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MinValue.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.MinValue.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + Create + Action + Creates a new TimeSpan from a span of time. + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Create.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Create.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + Scale + Action + Multiplies a TimeSpan by a scaling factor. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Scale.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Scale.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + Negate + Action + Negates a TimeSpan. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Negate.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Negate.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + Add + Action + Adds two TimeSpans. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Add.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Add.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + Subtract + Action + Subtracts two TimeSpans. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Subtract.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Subtract.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + FromString + Action + Attempts to parse a TimeSpan from a string. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.FromString.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.FromString.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + Components + Action + Extracts the individual components of a TimeSpan. + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Components.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.Components.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + TotalDays + Action + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of days. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalDays.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalDays.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + TotalHours + Action + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of hours. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalHours.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalHours.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + TotalMinutes + Action + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of minutes. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + TotalSeconds + Action + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of seconds. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.Large.png + + + Core.TimeSpan + TotalMilliseconds + Action + Converts the total amount of time represented by a TimeSpan to an inexact number of milliseconds. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.Large.png + + + + + Core.Formula + Evaluate + Action + Evaluates an NCalc formula with given parameter mappings. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Formula.Evaluate.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Formula.Evaluate.Large.png + + + + + Core.Math + Random + Action + Generates a random double in the range of [0, 1). + random,seed + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + Core.Math + Random + Action + Produce a random number in the range [lower_number, higher_number). + random,numberrange + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Random.double-double.Large.png + + + Core.Math + RandomList + Action + Produces a list containing the given amount of random doubles in the range of [0, 1). + random,listcontains + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RandomList.Large.png + + + Core.Math + PiTimes2 + Query + Pi Constant Multiplied by 2 + 2pi,2*pi,twopi,two*pi + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.PiTimes2.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.PiTimes2.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Average + Action + Averages a list of numbers. + avg,mean + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Average.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Average.Large.png + + + Core.Math + RemapRange + Action + Adjusts the range of a list of numbers while preserving the distribution ratio. + remap range + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RemapRange.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RemapRange.Large.png + + + Core.Math + PI + Query + The mathematical constant Pi, 3.14159... + 3.141592653589793 + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.PI.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.PI.Large.png + + + Core.Math + E + Query + The mathematical constant e, 2.71828... + exp,2.718281828459045 + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.E.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.E.Large.png + + + Core.Math + GoldenRatio + Query + The golden ratio, (1 + sqrt(5))/2 = 1.61803... + golden,ratio,divine,phi,tau,1.61803398875 + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.GoldenRatio.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.GoldenRatio.Large.png + + + Core.Math + RadiansToDegrees + Action + Converts an angle in radians to an angle in degrees. + radians,degrees,angle + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.RadiansToDegrees.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.RadiansToDegrees.Large.png + + + Core.Math + DegreesToRadians + Action + Converts an angle in degrees to an angle in radians. + degrees,radians,angle + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.DegreesToRadians.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.DegreesToRadians.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Abs + Action + Finds the absolute value of a number. + absolute value,magnitude + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Abs.double.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Abs.double.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Abs + Action + Finds the absolute value of a number. + absolute value,magnitude + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + Core.Math + Acos + Action + Finds the inverse cosine, the angle whose cosine is the given ratio. + acosine,arccosine + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Acos.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Acos.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Asin + Action + Finds the inverse sine, the angle whose sine is the given ratio. + asine,arcsin + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Asin.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Asin.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Atan + Action + Finds the inverse tangent, the angle whose tangent is the given ratio. + atangent,arctangent + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Atan2 + Action + Finds the inverse tangent of quotient of two numbers. Returns the angle whose tangent is the ratio: numerator/denominator. + atangent,arctangent + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Atan2.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Ceiling + Action + Returns the first integer greater than the number + ceiling,round + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Ceiling.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Ceiling.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Cos + Action + Finds the cosine of an angle. + cosine + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cos.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cos.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Cosh + Action + Finds the hyperbolic cosine of an angle (radians). + hyperbolic cosine + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Cosh.Large.png + + + Core.Math + DivRem + Action + Finds the remainder of dividend/divisor. + remainder + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.DivRem.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.DivRem.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Exp + Action + Returns the exponential of the number, the constant e raised to the value number. + exponential + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Exp.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Floor + Action + Returns the first integer smaller than the number. + round + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Floor.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Floor.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Log + Action + Finds the natural logarithm of a number in the range (0, ∞). + natural,logarithm,ln + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Log + Action + Finds the logarithm of a number with the specified base. + logarithm,ld,lg + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log.double-double.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Log10 + Action + Finds the base-10 logarithm of a number. + logarithm + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Log10.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Max + Action + Returns the greater of two numbers. + maximum,greater,larger + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Max.double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Max.double-double.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Max + Action + Returns the greater of two numbers. + maximum,greater,larger + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + Core.Math + Min + Action + Returns the lesser of two numbers. + minimum,lesser,smaller + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Min.double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Min.double-double.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Min + Action + Returns the lesser of two numbers. + minimum,lesser,smaller + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + Core.Math + Pow + Action + Raises a number to the specified power. + ^,power,raise,exponent + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Pow.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Pow.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Rand + Action + Produce a random number in the range [0, 1). + random,numberrange + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Rand.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Rand.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Round + Action + Rounds a number to the closest integral value. Note that this method returns a double-precision floating-point number instead of an integral type. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Round + Action + Rounds a number to a specified number of fractional digits. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double-int.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Round.double-int.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Sign + Action + Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sign.double.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sign.double.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Sign + Action + Returns the sign of the number: -1, 0, or 1. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\ + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\ + + + Core.Math + Sin + Action + Finds the sine of an angle. + sine + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sin.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sin.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Sinh + Action + Finds the hyperbolic sine of an angle (radians). + hyperbolic + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sinh.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Sqrt + Action + Finds the positive square root of a number in the range [0, ∞). + square,root,radical + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sqrt.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sqrt.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Tan + Action + Finds the tangent of an angle. + tangent + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tan.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tan.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Tanh + Action + Finds the hyperbolic tangent of an angle (radians). + hyperbolic,tanh + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Tanh.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Sum + Action + Find the sum of a series of numbers + mass addition,massadd + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Sum.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Sum.Large.png + + + Core.Math + Factorial + Action + Finds the factorial result of a positive integer. + ! + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Math.Factorial.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Math.Factorial.Large.png + + + + + Core.Object + IsNull + Action + Determines the if the given object is null. + is null + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.IsNull.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.IsNull.Large.png + + + Core.Object + Identity + Action + Returns what is passed in, doing nothing. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.Identity.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.Identity.Large.png + + + Core.Object + Type + Action + Returns the type of object represented as string. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Object.Type.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Object.Type.Large.png + + + + + Core.Thread + Pause + Action + Pauses the current evaluation thread for a given amount of time. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\SmallIcons\DSCore.Thread.Pause.Small.png + src\Resources\DSCoreNodes\LargeIcons\DSCore.Thread.Pause.Large.png + + + + + Core.Location + Name + Query + No description available + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Name.Large.png + + + Core.Location + Latitude + Query + No description available + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Latitude.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Latitude.Large.png + + + Core.Location + Longitude + Query + No description available + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Longitude.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.Longitude.Large.png + + + Core.Location + ByLatitudeAndLongitude + Create + No description available + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\SmallIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.ByLatitudeAndLongitude.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoUnits\LargeIcons\DynamoUnits.Location.ByLatitudeAndLongitude.Large.png + + + + + + + Geometry.Geometry + ExportToSAT + Action + Exports the specified geometry to the given SAT file path. + ExportToSAT,Export,SAT + + + + + + + + src\Resources\GeometryUI\SmallIcons\GeometryUI.ExportWithUnits.Small.png + src\Resources\GeometryUI\LargeIcons\GeometryUI.ExportWithUnits.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Translate + Action + Translates any given geometry by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively. + move,by amount + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Translate + Action + Translate geometry in the given direction by the vector length + move,along vector + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Translate + Action + Translates any geometry type by the given distance in the given direction. + move,along vector,distance + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Translate.Vector-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Transform + Action + Transforms geometry by the given CoordinateSystem's transform + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Transform + Action + Transforms this geometry from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem. + from,to + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Rotate + Action + Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree + around,axis,degrees + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Rotate + Action + Rotates an object around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree + around,normal,degrees + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Mirror + Action + Mirror the object across the input Plane + reflect,flip over + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Mirror.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Mirror.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Scale + Action + Scale uniformly around the origin + resize,size + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Scale + Action + Scale non-uniformly around the origin + resize,size,scalenu,scaleNU + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Scale + Action + Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane + resize,size,scalenu,scaleNU + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Scale + Action + Scale uniformly around a given point, using two pick points as scalars + resize,from,to,size + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Scale1D + Action + Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0. + resize,size,from,to,scale1d,1d,lines + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale1D.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale1D.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Scale2D + Action + Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors + resize,size,from,to,scale2d,2d + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale2D.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Scale2D.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + DistanceTo + Action + Obtain the distance from this Geometry to another + between,length,from,to + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DistanceTo.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DistanceTo.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + ClosestPointTo + Action + Obtain the closest Point on this Geometry to the other + NearestPoint,GetClosestPoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ClosestPointTo.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ClosestPointTo.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + DoesIntersect + Action + Determine if another Geometry object intersects with this one + intersects?,check intersection,test intersection + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DoesIntersect.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DoesIntersect.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Intersect + Action + Get the intersection Geometry for this object and another + get overlap + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Intersect.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Intersect.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + IntersectAll + Action + Get the intersection of Geometry for this object and a collection of other Geometries. Finds common geometry of all participants. + get overlap,multi intersect,intersect many + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IntersectAll.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IntersectAll.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Split + Action + Split this Geometry using another Geometry as a cutting "tool" + cut + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Split.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Split.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Trim + Action + Removes elements of the entity closest to the pick point + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Trim.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + Explode + Action + Separates compound or non-separated elements into their component parts. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Explode.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.Explode.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + IsAlmostEqualTo + Action + Check if the two objects have the same representational geometry or numerical values + approximate,near,close + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.IsAlmostEqualTo.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + BoundingBox + Query + Get the BoundingBox containing the given piece of Geometry + bounds + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.BoundingBox.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.BoundingBox.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + ImportFromSAT + Action + Imports a SAT file and returns an array of imported geometries + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.var.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.var.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + ImportFromSAT + Action + Imports a SAT file and returns an array of imported geometries + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.string.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ImportFromSAT.string.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + ExportToSAT + Action + Exports the specified geometry to the given SAT file path + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ExportToSAT.Geometry1-string.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ExportToSAT.Geometry1-string.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + SerializeAsSAB + Action + Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB..Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB..Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + SerializeAsSAB + Action + Serializes the specified geometry into Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format and returns serialized binary stream data + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB.Geometry1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.SerializeAsSAB.Geometry1.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + DeserializeFromSAB + Action + Deserializes the specified Standard ACIS Binary(SAB) format data and returns a list of geometry + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DeserializeFromSAB.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.DeserializeFromSAB.Large.png + + + Geometry.Geometry + ContextCoordinateSystem + Query + Get the context/reference coordinate system that was used to create this geometry. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ContextCoordinateSystem.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Geometry.ContextCoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Arc + ByThreePoints + Create + Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference. + arc,arcs + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByThreePoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + ByCenterPointRadiusAngle + Create + Create an arc by providing it's center point, radius, angle sweep, and normal vector + arc,center,arcs + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointRadiusAngle.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle + Create + Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, sweep point, and normal + arc,center,arcs + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint + Create + Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, and end point + arc,center,arcs + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + ByFillet + Create + Create an arc by filleting twp curves with given radius + arc,fillet,round,smooth,arcs + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFillet.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFillet.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + ByFilletTangentToCurve + Create + Create an arc by filleting two curves tangent to given curve at internal point + arc,fillet,round,smooth + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFilletTangentToCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByFilletTangentToCurve.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + ByBestFitThroughPoints + Create + best fit arc through points + arc,approximate,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + ByStartEndAndTangencies + Action + Create an arc or tangent bi arc by start and end points and tangencies at start and end + arc,tangent + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartEndAndTangencies.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartEndAndTangencies.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent + Create + Create an Arc from start Point to end Point with start tangent to Vector + arc,tangent,arcs + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + CenterPoint + Query + The center point of the arc + midpoint,arcs,arc + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.CenterPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + Radius + Query + The radius of the arc + arc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.Radius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.Radius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + StartAngle + Query + The start angle in degrees + arc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.StartAngle.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.StartAngle.Large.png + + + Geometry.Arc + SweepAngle + Query + The total sweep angle in degrees + arc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.SweepAngle.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Arc.SweepAngle.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Curve + ByParameterLineOnSurface + Create + Create a curve by line of surface in uv space + isocurve,curvebyuv,lines,uvs + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByParameterLineOnSurface.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ByBlendBetweenCurves + Create + Create a curve that blends between two curves + blend,make continuous,connect + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByBlendBetweenCurves.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByBlendBetweenCurves.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ByIsoCurveOnSurface + Create + Create a curve by isoline of surface + isocurve,curvebydir,lines + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ByIsoCurveOnSurface.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Length + Query + The total arc length of the curve + distance + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Length.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + IsPlanar + Query + Determine whether a Curve is planar or not + flat,liesinplane + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsPlanar.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsPlanar.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + IsClosed + Query + Determine if the Curve is closed or not + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsClosed.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.IsClosed.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + StartPoint + Query + Get the start Point along the Curve + begin,curvestart,startpt + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + EndPoint + Query + Get the end Point along the Curve + end,curveend,endpt + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Normal + Query + The normal to the plane where the curve is contained. Only valid for planar curves. + perpendicular + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Normal.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Normal.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PointAtParameter + Action + Get a Point on the Curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() + pointoncurve,curvepoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + TangentAtParameter + Action + Get a Vector tangent to the curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() + tangentoncurve,curvetan + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TangentAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TangentAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + NormalAtParameter + Action + Get a Vector perpendicular to the curve at a specified parameter between StartParameter() and EndParameter() + normaloncurve,curvenorm + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.NormalAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.NormalAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + CoordinateSystemAtParameter + Action + Get a CoordinateSystem with origin at the point at the given parameter. The XAxis is aligned with the curve normal, the YAxis is aligned with the curve tangent at this point, and the ZAxis is aligned with the up-vector or binormal at this point + coordoncurve,curvecoord,derivatives + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + HorizontalFrameAtParameter + Action + Get a CoordinateSystem with origin at the point at the given parameter + frame,axisaligned,aa,coordcurve,framecurve,curveframe,coordoncurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.HorizontalFrameAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.HorizontalFrameAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PlaneAtParameter + Action + Returns a Plane whose normal aligns with the tangent of the Curve. Parameters are adjusted such that 0 is always the start Point and 1 is always the end Point. + planeoncurve,planecurve,tangentplane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PointAtSegmentLength + Action + Get a Point at a particular arc length along the curve + pointoncurve,curvepoint,pointalongcurve,distanceoncurve,distancepoint,distpoint,arclength + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtSegmentLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtSegmentLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PointsAtEqualSegmentLength + Action + Returns points spaced equally along the curve length based on the input number of divisions + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualSegmentLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualSegmentLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PointsAtEqualChordLength + Action + Returns points spaced along curve at equal chord length based on the input number of divisions + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualChordLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtEqualChordLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PointAtChordLength + Action + Get the point at a particular chord length of the curve from given parameter location. + measure from,measure to,parameteratdist + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtChordLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointAtChordLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint + Action + Returns points spaced equally along the curve at given segment length and starting from the given point + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint + Action + Returns points spaced on the curve at given chord length starting from the given point + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PointsAtChordLengthFromPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength + Action + Returns a CoordinateSystem at specified distance from Curve start Point. Y Axis lies tangent to the Curve, X Axis is the curvature. + coordoncurve,curvecoord,derivatives + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.CoordinateSystemAtSegmentLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PlaneAtSegmentLength + Action + Returns a Plane at the specified distance along the Curve from the start Point. The normal of the Plane aligns with the tangent of the Curve. + planeoncurve,planecurve,tangentplane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtSegmentLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PlaneAtSegmentLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + SegmentLengthAtParameter + Action + Get the arc length along the Curve at the particular parameter. + lengthatparameter,dist along,lengthatpoint,arclength + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ParameterAtSegmentLength + Action + Get the parameter at a particular arc length along the curve. + parameteratlen,param along,paramatlen,arclength + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtSegmentLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtSegmentLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ParameterAtChordLength + Action + Get the parameter at a particular chord length along the curve from given location. + measure from,measure to,parameteratdist + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtChordLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtChordLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + StartParameter + Action + Get the start of the domain in which the curve can be evaluated + start domain,curvestart + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.StartParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + EndParameter + Action + Get the end of the domain in which the curve can be evaluated + end domain,curveend + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.EndParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + SegmentLengthBetweenParameters + Action + Get the arc length between two parameter points on the curve + measure,distance,arclength + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthBetweenParameters.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SegmentLengthBetweenParameters.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ParameterAtPoint + Action + Get the parameter at a particular point along the Curve + projectpoint,closestparam,curveparam + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ParameterAtPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Reverse + Action + Reverse the direction of the curve + flip + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Reverse.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Reverse.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Offset + Action + Offset a Curve by a specified amount. Curve must be planar, and, if a BSplineCurve/NurbsCurve, must have degree > 1. + thicken,lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Offset.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Offset.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PullOntoPlane + Action + Create a curve by pulling onto plane + projectcurve,toplane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoPlane.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + PullOntoSurface + Action + Pull this Curve onto the input Surface, in the direction of the Surface normals. + projectcurve,tosurf + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoSurface.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.PullOntoSurface.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + TrimByStartParameter + Action + Removes the start of the Curve at the specified parameter + rem,remstart,removestart,trimcurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByStartParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByStartParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + TrimByEndParameter + Action + Removes the end of the Curve at the specified parameter + rem,remend,removeend,trimcurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByEndParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByEndParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + TrimByParameter + Action + Removes the beginning and end of the Curve at the specified parameters. + rem,remend,remstart,remove,trimcurve,removeends + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimByParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + TrimInteriorByParameter + Action + Removes the interior portion of a Curve at the specified parameters + rem,removemiddle,middle,remmiddle,cutout,trimcurve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimInteriorByParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimInteriorByParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + TrimSegmentsByParameter + Action + Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments + rem,removeparts,remparts,cutout,trimcurv,interior,odd + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + TrimSegmentsByParameter + Action + Removes several segments of the curve, discarding the 1st, 3rd, 5th ... segments + rem,removeparts,remparts,cutout,trimcurv,interior,odd + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.TrimSegmentsByParameter.double1-bool.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + SplitByParameter + Action + Split a Curve into two pieces at the given parameter + cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + SplitByParameter + Action + Split a Curve into two pieces at the given parameter + cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByParameter.double1.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + SplitByPoints + Action + Split a Curve into multiple pieces at the given points + cutinto,divide,curve2curves,cut,cut multiple,splitmultiple + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SplitByPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Join + Action + Join this curve and the input curve into a new PolyCurve, maintaining the original curves exactly. + convertcurve,curve2polycurve,joincurve,concat + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Join.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Join.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Extrude + Action + Extrudes a Curve in the normal Vector direction + pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Extrude + Action + Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector + pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Extrude + Action + Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance + pushcurve,pullcurve,curve2surf,curveextrude,extrudecurve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extrude.Vector-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ExtrudeAsSolid + Action + Extrudes a Curve in the Normal direction by the specified distance. Curve must be closed. + profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ExtrudeAsSolid + Action + Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the length of the input Vector. Curve must be closed. + profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ExtrudeAsSolid + Action + Extrudes a Curve in the specified direction, by the specified distance. Curve must be closed. + profileextrude,extrudeprofile,curve2solid,curveextrude,extrudecurve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtrudeAsSolid.Vector-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Extend + Action + Extend a Curve by a given distance at a particular end determined by a pick Point. The picked side will be extended. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. + makelonger,stretch,extendside + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extend.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Extend.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ExtendStart + Action + Extend a Curve by a given distance on its start side. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. + makelonger,stretch + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendStart.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendStart.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ExtendEnd + Action + Extend a Curve by a given distance on its end. Closed curves like Circles and Ellipses cannot be extended. + makelonger,stretch + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendEnd.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ExtendEnd.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments + Action + Approximate a Curve with a collection of Arcs and Lines + rationalizecurve,fitarcs,fitlines,arcs,lines + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ApproximateWithArcAndLineSegments.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + ToNurbsCurve + Action + Converts the Curve to a NurbsCurve approximation + curve2spline,convertcurve,tospline,lines + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ToNurbsCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.ToNurbsCurve.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Patch + Action + Patch a closed Curve + fill,profiletosurf,loop,loop2surf,edgesurf + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Patch.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Patch.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Project + Action + Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Project.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Project.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + SweepAsSurface + Action + Sweeps this Curve along the path Curve, creating a Surface + sweep1,curve2surf + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSurface.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSurface.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + SweepAsSolid + Action + Sweeps this closed Curve along the path Curve, creating a Solid + sweep1,curve2solid,loop2solid,profile2solid,curvetosolid,looptosolid,profiletosolid + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSolid.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.SweepAsSolid.Large.png + + + Geometry.Curve + Simplify + Action + Returns a new Curve approximated with the supplied tolerance + fitcurve,reducecurve,simplecurve,approximate + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Simplify.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Curve.Simplify.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + ByGeometry + Create + Create an axis-aligned BoundingBox around input Geometry. + bounding,bound + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByGeometry.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByGeometry.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + ByCorners + Create + Creates the an axis-aligned BoundingBox spanning between the minimum Point and the maximum Point. + bounding,bound,bymaxmin,max,min,bypoints + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByCorners.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ByCorners.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + MinPoint + Query + The minimum point + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MinPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MinPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + MaxPoint + Query + The maximum point + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MaxPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.MaxPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + Intersection + Action + Get the intersection of two BoundingBoxes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersection.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersection.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + Intersects + Action + Determine whether two BoundingBoxes intersect + get overlap + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersects.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Intersects.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + IsEmpty + Action + Determine if the BoundingBox is empty + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.IsEmpty.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.IsEmpty.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + Contains + Action + Determine if a point is inside of the BoundingBox + point inside,testpoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Contains.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.Contains.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + ToCuboid + Action + Get the BoundingBox as a Solid Cuboid + converttosolid,bb2cube,bb2cub,bounding tosolid,cubes + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToCuboid.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToCuboid.Large.png + + + Geometry.BoundingBox + ToPolySurface + Action + Get the BoundingBox as a collection of Surfaces + converttosurfaces,convert2surfaces,bbtosrfs,bounding to surfaces,bound to poly,convert2poly + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToPolySurface.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.BoundingBox.ToPolySurface.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Identity + Create + Creates a CoordinateSystem as the World Coordinate System: origin at 0, 0, 0; x axis at 1, 0, 0; y axis at 0, 1, 0; z axis at 0, 0, 1 + zero,wcs + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Identity.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Identity.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ByMatrix + Create + Deprecated -- DO NOT USE + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByMatrix.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByMatrix.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ByOrigin + Create + Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X and Y locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. Z defaults to 0. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ByOrigin + Create + Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X, Y, and Z locations, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. + translate + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ByOrigin + Create + Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at input Point, with X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. + bypoint + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.Point.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOrigin.Point.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ByPlane + Create + Create a CoordinateSystem with origin equal to input Plane origin, and X and Y axes lying in the Plane, aligned with Plane X and Y axes. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByPlane.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ByOriginVectors + Create + Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis. Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ByOriginVectors + Create + Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis, with Z axis ignored completely. Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem. + byxy,coord by2axis + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector-Vector.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByOriginVectors.Point-Vector-Vector-Vector.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ByCylindricalCoordinates + Create + Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified cylindrical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + BySphericalCoordinates + Create + Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified spherical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.BySphericalCoordinates.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.BySphericalCoordinates.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + IsSingular + Query + Determine whether it is possible to get the Inverse of this CoordinateSystem + inverse,testinverse + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsSingular.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsSingular.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + IsScaledOrtho + Query + Tests if the scaling orthogonal, i.e. does it have a shear component. + uniform + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsScaledOrtho.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsScaledOrtho.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + IsUniscaledOrtho + Query + Tests if the scaling orthogonal and are all the vectors normalized. + uniform,normal,samelength + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsUniscaledOrtho.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsUniscaledOrtho.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Determinant + Query + Obtain the Determinant of this CoordinateSystem + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Determinant.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Determinant.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Origin + Query + Creates a Point representing the CoordinateSystem origin. + position,center + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Origin.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Origin.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + XAxis + Query + Returns X Axis of CoordinateSystem. + left,right + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + YAxis + Query + Returns Y Axis of CoordinateSystem. + forward,back + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ZAxis + Query + Returns Z Axis of CoordinateSystem. + up,down + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + XScaleFactor + Query + Returns the X Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the X Axis vector. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XScaleFactor.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XScaleFactor.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + YScaleFactor + Query + Returns the Y Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Y Axis vector. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YScaleFactor.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YScaleFactor.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ZScaleFactor + Query + Returns the Z Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Z Axis vector. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZScaleFactor.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZScaleFactor.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + XYPlane + Query + Returns the Plane the X and Y axes lie in, with root at the origin. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XYPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.XYPlane.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + YZPlane + Query + Returns the Plane the Y and Z axes lie in, with root at the origin. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YZPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.YZPlane.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ZXPlane + Query + Returns the Plane the Z and X axes lie in, with root at the origin. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZXPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ZXPlane.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Inverse + Action + Get the inverse of this CoordinateSystem - applying this CoordinateSystem to a piece of Geometry reverses the original. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Inverse.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Inverse.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Mirror + Action + Mirror the object across the input Plane + reflect,flip over + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Mirror.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Mirror.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + PostMultiplyBy + Action + Apply the argument CoordinateSystem after this one - Result = this * other + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PostMultiplyBy.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PostMultiplyBy.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + PreMultiplyBy + Action + Apply the argument CoordinateSystem before this one - Result = other * this + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PreMultiplyBy.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.PreMultiplyBy.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + ScaleFactor + Action + Returns a Vector containing the X, Y, and Z scale factors + get size,scalecomponents,scalevector + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ScaleFactor.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.ScaleFactor.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + IsEqualTo + Action + Determine if two CoordinateSystems are equal + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsEqualTo.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.IsEqualTo.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Translate + Action + Translates any given CoordinateSystem by the given displacements in the x, y, and z directions defined in WCS respectively. + move,by amount + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Translate + Action + Translate the object in the direction and magnitude of input Vector. + move,along vector + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Translate + Action + Translates any CoordinateSystem type by the given distance in the given direction. + move,along vector,distance + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Translate.Vector-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Transform + Action + Transform the object by the input CoordinateSystem matrix. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Transform + Action + Transforms this CoordinateSystem from source CoordinateSystem to a new context CoordinateSystem. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Transform.CoordinateSystem-CoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Rotate + Action + Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified degree + around,axis,degrees + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Point-Vector-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Rotate + Action + /// + around,normal,degrees + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Scale + Action + Scale uniformly around the origin + resize,size + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Scale + Action + Scale non-uniformly around the origin + resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Scale + Action + Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane + resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Plane-double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Scale + Action + Scale uniformly around a given point, using + resize,from,to,size + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale.Point-Point-Point.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Scale1D + Action + Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0. + resize,size,from,to,scale1d,1d,lines + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale1D.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale1D.Large.png + + + Geometry.CoordinateSystem + Scale2D + Action + Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors + resize,size,from,to,scale2d,2d + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale2D.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.CoordinateSystem.Scale2D.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Vector + ByCoordinates + Create + Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates + vector,xyz,vector3 + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + ByCoordinates + Create + Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates and normalize the Vector + normalize,vector3 + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByCoordinates.double-double-double-bool.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + ByTwoPoints + Create + Form a Vector by two end points. The result is a vector from the start to the end point. + vector2 + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByTwoPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ByTwoPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + XAxis + Create + Get the canonical X axis Vector (1,0,0) + x,basis,right + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.XAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.XAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + YAxis + Create + Get the canonical Y axis Vector (0,1,0) + y,basis,forward + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.YAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.YAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + ZAxis + Create + Get the canonical Z axis Vector (0,0,1) + z,basis,up + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.ZAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + X + Query + Get the X component of a Vector + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.X.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.X.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Y + Query + Get the Y component of a Vector + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Y.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Y.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Z + Query + Get the Z component of a Vector + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Z.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Z.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Length + Query + Get the length of the vector - otherwise known as the Euclidean norm + magnitude + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Length.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Length.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + AsPoint + Action + Get the Point with the same X, Y, and Z component + convertopoint,vector2point + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AsPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AsPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Reverse + Action + Get the reverse of the vector. Essentially this negates the X, Y, and Z components of the Vector. + backwards,vectorflip + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Reverse.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Reverse.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Add + Action + Add a vector + sum,sumvectors + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Add.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Add.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Subtract + Action + Subtract a vector + substact,diff vectors,between + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Subtract.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Subtract.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Cross + Action + Form the cross product of two vectors + perpendicular + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Cross.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Cross.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Dot + Action + Form the dot product of two vectors + project,projectvector,vectorproject,onto + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Dot.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Dot.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Normalized + Action + Get the normalized version of a vector + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Normalized.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Normalized.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + IsParallel + Action + Determine whether two vectors are parallel or not + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsParallel.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsParallel.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + IsAlmostEqualTo + Action + Determine whether two vectors ae almost equal + vector approximate,near,same + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsAlmostEqualTo.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.IsAlmostEqualTo.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Transform + Action + Transform this Vector by input CoordinateSystem matrix. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Transform.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Transform.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Rotate + Action + Rotates a Vector around an axis by a specified number of degrees + around,axis,degrees + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Vector-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Vector-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Rotate + Action + Rotates a vector around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree + around,normal,degrees + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Plane-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Rotate.Plane-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Scale + Action + Scale Vector uniformly around the origin + resize,size + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + Scale + Action + Scale Vector non-uniformly around the origin + resize,size,scaleNU,scalenu + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.Scale.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + AngleWithVector + Action + Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 180] degrees. + rotation angle + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleWithVector.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleWithVector.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vector + AngleAboutAxis + Action + Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 360] degrees. It uses axis of rotation to determine the direction of the angle. + rotation angle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleAboutAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vector.AngleAboutAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Point + ByCoordinates + Create + Form a Point in the XY plane given two 2 cartesian coordinates. The Z component is 0. + xy,position + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + ByCoordinates + Create + Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates + point,xyz,position + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + Origin + Create + Get the Origin point (0,0,0) + zero,origin + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Origin.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Origin.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + ByCartesianCoordinates + Create + Form a Point in the given coordinate system with 3 cartesian coordinates + point,xyz,localposition + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCartesianCoordinates.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCartesianCoordinates.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + ByCylindricalCoordinates + Create + Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in cylindrical coordinates. + point,localposition + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCylindricalCoordinates.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + BySphericalCoordinates + Create + Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in spherical coordinates. + point,localposition + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.BySphericalCoordinates.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.BySphericalCoordinates.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + PruneDuplicates + Action + Prune points to exclude duplicates within tolerance of included points + unique,duplicates,remove duplicates,distinct,near + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.PruneDuplicates.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.PruneDuplicates.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + X + Query + Get the X component of a Point + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.X.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.X.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + Y + Query + Get the Y component of a Point + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Y.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Y.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + Z + Query + Get the Z component of a Point + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Z.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Z.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + AsVector + Action + Get the Vector with the same X, Y, and Z component + convertovector,point2vector + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.AsVector.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.AsVector.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + Add + Action + Add a vector to a point. The same as Translate(Vector). + movepoint,move,move along + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Add.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Add.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + Subtract + Action + Subtract a vector from a point. The same as Translate(-Vector). + movepoint,move,move along + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Subtract.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Subtract.Large.png + + + Geometry.Point + Project + Action + Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Project.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.Project.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Plane + ByOriginNormal + Create + Create a Plane centered at root Point, with input normal Vector. + plane,tonormal + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormal.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + ByOriginNormalXAxis + Create + Create an "oriented" Plane, positioned at Point origin with Vector normal, but with a specific X axis orientation. This has no impact to splitting, intersect, project, etc oporations, it only specifies the orientation of the input CoordinateSystem. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormalXAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginNormalXAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + ByOriginXAxisYAxis + Create + The X and Y axis lie in the plane. The Z axis is the cross product of the two Vectors. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByOriginXAxisYAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + ByBestFitThroughPoints + Create + Fits a Plane to the input Points; basically a 3D scatterplot fit. + fit,bestfit + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + ByLineAndPoint + Create + Create the Plane containing the input Line and external Point. Point cannot lie on the Line or in the Line axis. + lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByLineAndPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByLineAndPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + ByThreePoints + Create + Create a the Plane containing the three input Points. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByThreePoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ByThreePoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + XY + Create + Creates a plane in the world XY + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XY.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XY.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + XZ + Create + Creates a plane in the world XZ plane + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XZ.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XZ.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + YZ + Create + Creates a plane in the world YZ + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YZ.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YZ.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + Origin + Query + Returns the origin of the Plane. + position,planecenter + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Origin.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Origin.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + Normal + Query + Returns the normal direction of the Plane. + perpendicular + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Normal.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Normal.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + XAxis + Query + The X basis of the Plane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.XAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + YAxis + Query + The Y basis of the Plane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.YAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + ToCoordinateSystem + Action + Produces a new CoordinateSystem representing this plane. It is based on the origin, and X and Y axis basis. + converttoCS,convert2cs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ToCoordinateSystem.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.ToCoordinateSystem.Large.png + + + Geometry.Plane + Offset + Action + Create a new Plane offset by this Plane in the normal direction by the specified distance. + alongnormal,moveplane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Offset.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Plane.Offset.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Surface + ByLoft + Create + Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves. + loft + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ByLoft + Create + Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Curves. + loft + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ByRuledLoft + Create + Create a Surface by lofting between input cross section Lines. This is slightly faster and produces a less smooth result than Surface.ByLoft. + ruledsurface,lines + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRuledLoft.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRuledLoft.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + BySweep + Create + Create a Surface by sweeping a cross section Curve along a path. + sweep,rail,guide,sweep1 + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ByPerimeterPoints + Create + Create a Polygon Surface connecting input Points in a closed Polygon and patching it. + patch,surfacebypolygon + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + BySweep2Rails + Create + Sweep the cross section curve along a path guided by a two rails + sweep2,guides + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.BySweep2Rails.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ByRevolve + Create + Create a Surface by sweeping the profile Curve around the axis ray formed by origin Point in the direction of the axis Vector, starting at start_angle in degrees, sweeping sweep_angle in degrees. + lathe + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRevolve.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByRevolve.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ByPatch + Create + Create a Surface by filling in the interior of a closed boundary defined by input Curves. + edgesrf,edgesurface,patch,fill + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ByPatch.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + Area + Query + Returns the total surface area. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Area.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + Perimeter + Query + Returns the sum of all edges of the Surface. + circumference + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Perimeter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Perimeter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ClosedInU + Query + Returns true if the Surface is closed in U direction. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInU.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInU.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ClosedInV + Query + Returns true if the Surface is closed in V direction + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInV.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ClosedInV.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + Closed + Query + Returns true if the Surface is closed in U or V directions + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Closed.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Closed.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + SubtractFrom + Action + Subtract the input tools from this Surface. + difference,trim,removefrom,cut + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.SubtractFrom.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.SubtractFrom.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + UVParameterAtPoint + Action + Return the UV parameter pair at the input Point. This is the inverse of Point at parameter. + evaluateatpoint,surfaceatpoint,uvatpoint,uvs + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.UVParameterAtPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.UVParameterAtPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + TrimWithEdgeLoops + Action + Trim the surface with a collection of loops within the surface + trim multiple,removeloops,cutloops + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TrimWithEdgeLoops.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TrimWithEdgeLoops.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + NormalAtPoint + Action + Return the surface normal at the input Point on the Surface. + perpendicular + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ToNurbsSurface + Action + Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ToNurbsSurface.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ToNurbsSurface.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ApproximateWithTolerance + Action + Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface within a specified tolerance. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances. + tonurbs + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ApproximateWithTolerance.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ApproximateWithTolerance.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + Thicken + Action + Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals on both sides of the Surface. + offset,tosolid + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + Thicken + Action + Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals. If both_sides parameter is true, surface is thickened on both sides. + offset,bothsides,tosolid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Thicken.double-bool.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + Offset + Action + Offset Surface in direction of Surface normal by specified distance. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Offset.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Offset.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + CurvatureAtParameter + Action + The returned coordination system use xAxis, yAxis and zAxis to represent the uDir, vDir and normal. The length of xAxis, yAxis represents the curvatures. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CurvatureAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CurvatureAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + CoordinateSystemAtParameter + Action + Return a CoordinateSystem aligned with principal curvature directions. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.CoordinateSystemAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + TangentAtUParameter + Action + Return the U tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtUParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtUParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + TangentAtVParameter + Action + Return the V tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtVParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.TangentAtVParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + NormalAtParameter + Action + Return the normal Vector at specified U and V parameters. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.NormalAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + DerivativesAtParameter + Action + Return the derivatives at input U and V coordinates. + tangent,normal + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.DerivativesAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.DerivativesAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + GaussianCurvatureAtParameter + Action + Returns the Gaussian curvature at U and V parameters. + developable + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GaussianCurvatureAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GaussianCurvatureAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter + Action + Returns the principal curvatures at the U and V parameters. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter + Action + Returns principal direction vectors at U and V parameters. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + PointAtParameter + Action + Return the Point at specified U and V parameters. + surfacepoint + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PointAtParameter.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + PerimeterCurves + Action + Return all the boundary Curves of the Surface. + edges + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PerimeterCurves.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.PerimeterCurves.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + GetIsoline + Action + Create a parameter line curve on the given surface. Create a Curve that represents a u or v parameter line on the Surface. A parameter line runs in the direction of increasing u or v parameter at a constant opposite u or v parameter. The resulting Curve will match the Surface parameterisation and its range will be bounded by the Surface parameter range. The type of Curve returned will depend on the Surface type. + lines + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GetIsoline.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.GetIsoline.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + FlipNormalDirection + Action + Returns a new Surface with the Normal flipped. Leaves this surface unchanged. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.FlipNormalDirection.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.FlipNormalDirection.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + Join + Action + Combines this Surface and input Surface into a PolySurface + topolysurface + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Join.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.Join.Large.png + + + Geometry.Surface + ProjectInputOnto + Action + Projects the input Geometry onto this Surface in the input Vector direction + projecttosurface,projectonto + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ProjectInputOnto.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Surface.ProjectInputOnto.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.UV + ByCoordinates + Create + Create a UV from two doubles. + surfaceparam,parameters,uv,uvs + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.ByCoordinates.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.ByCoordinates.Large.png + + + Geometry.UV + U + Query + Get the U component of a UV + uv,uvs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.U.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.U.Large.png + + + Geometry.UV + V + Query + Get the V component of a V + uv,uvs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.V.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.UV.V.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + ByJoinedCurves + Create + Make PolyCurve by joining curves. Flips curve as needed for connectivity + segments,joincurves + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + ByPoints + Create + Make PolyCurve by connecting points. Set the 'connectLastToFirst' input to true to close the PolyCurve. + segments,joincurves,lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + ByThickeningCurve + Create + Make PolyCurve by thickening a curve. + offset + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ByThickeningCurve.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + NumberOfCurves + Query + Number of curves of the polycurve + curvecount,subcurvecount,numbersubcurves + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.NumberOfCurves.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.NumberOfCurves.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + Curves + Action + Returns curves of the polycurve + subcurves,polycurvesplit + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Curves.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + CurveAtIndex + Action + Returns curve of the polycurve by index + subcurveatindex,getsubcurve,getcurvebyindex + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CurveAtIndex.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CurveAtIndex.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + BasePlane + Action + Returns plane of planar polycurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.BasePlane.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.BasePlane.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + ExtendWithEllipse + Action + Extends polycurve by tangent ellipse + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithEllipse.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithEllipse.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + ExtendWithArc + Action + Extends polycurve by tangent arc + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithArc.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.ExtendWithArc.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + CloseWithLine + Action + Close polycurve by line connecting start and end points + lines + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLine.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLine.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs + Action + Close polycurve by tangent chain of arc, line, and arc + lines + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.CloseWithLineAndTangentArcs.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + Offset + Action + Offset polycurve in its plane. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Offset.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Offset.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolyCurve + Fillet + Action + Fillet polycurve in its plane. + round,smooth,radius + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Fillet.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolyCurve.Fillet.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Solid + ByJoinedSurfaces + Create + Create a solid by specifying it's component faces as Surfaces. + Brep,brep + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByJoinedSurfaces.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByJoinedSurfaces.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + ByLoft + Create + Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves. + Brep,brep + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + ByLoft + Create + Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves. + Brep,brep + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve1.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + BySweep + Create + Sweep a closed Curve along a path. + Brep,brep,sweep1 + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + BySweep2Rails + Create + Sweep a closed profile Curve along two rail Curves. + Brep,brep,sweep2,guides,sweepprofile + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep2Rails.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.BySweep2Rails.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + ByRevolve + Create + Create a Surface of revolution, sweeping the profile Curve around the axis Ray formed by the origin and the axis Vector, from the start angle in degrees to the sweep angle in degrees. + Brep,brep,lathe,revolveprofile + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRevolve.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByRevolve.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + ByUnion + Create + Union a collection of solids into one solid + Brep,brep,boolean,addition + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ByUnion.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + Area + Query + Returns the surface area -- sum of all the areas of all faces + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Area.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Area.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + Volume + Query + The total volume of the Solid + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Volume.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + Centroid + Action + The centroid of the Solid + average,center + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Centroid.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Centroid.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + Union + Action + The boolean union of this Solid and another. + addition,merge,combine + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Union.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Union.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + Difference + Action + The boolean difference of this Solid with another + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Difference.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Difference.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + DifferenceAll + Action + The boolean difference of this Solid and the union of input Solids + subtract,differencemany,diffall,diff multi + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.DifferenceAll.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.DifferenceAll.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + ThinShell + Action + Obtain a solid Shell from the Faces of this Solid + extract shell,offset and extract + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ThinShell.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + ProjectInputOnto + Action + Projects the input Geometry onto this Solid, in the direction of the input Vector + projectonto,projectonsolid,projecttosolid + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ProjectInputOnto.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.ProjectInputOnto.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + Fillet + Action + Fillets a Solid along input Edges with a given radius. + round,smooth,smoothedge,roundedges + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Fillet.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Fillet.Large.png + + + Geometry.Solid + Chamfer + Action + Chamfers a Solid along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner. + bevel,flattenedges + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Chamfer.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Solid.Chamfer.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ByControlPoints + Create + Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. + nurbscurve,spline,lines + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ByControlPoints + Create + Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. + nurbscurve,spline,lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ByControlPoints + Create + Create a BSplineCurve by using explicit control points. NOTE 1: BSplineCurves with deg=1 have G1 discontinuities, which cause problems for extrusion, sweep, and other operations. They should be avoided. Use a PolyCurve instead. NOTE 2: If the curve is periodic (closed), then the first and last points MUST be the same. + nurbscurve,spline,lines + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints.Point1-int-bool.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ByControlPointsWeightsKnots + Create + Create a BSplineCurve by from control vertices, weights, and knots. FROM ASM DOCS: Degree: Should be greater than 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: The knot vector should be a non-decreasing sequence. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows curves with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. knot array: the array size must be num_control_points + degree + 1 + explicit,nurbscurve,spline,degree,spline byarray,lines + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ByPoints + Create + Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. + fit,approximate,spline,lines + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ByPoints + Create + Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. + fit,approximate,spline,lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-bool.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ByPoints + Create + Create a BSplineCurve by interpolating between points. + fit,approximate,spline,lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-int.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPoints.Point1-int.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ByPointsTangents + Create + Returns a BSplineCurve through the points, with tangent directions. + spline by tangent,tangents,lines + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPointsTangents.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ByPointsTangents.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + Degree + Query + The degree of the curve + smoothness,interpolation,continuity + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Degree.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Degree.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + IsPeriodic + Query + Whether the NurbsCurve is periodic or not + isclosed + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsPeriodic.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsPeriodic.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + IsRational + Query + Whether the NurbsCurve is rational or not. This defines whether any of the weights are not 1.0. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsRational.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.IsRational.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + ControlPoints + Action + Get the control points of the NurbsCurve. These are the points that the curve interpolates. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ControlPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.ControlPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + Knots + Action + The knots of the Curve. These, along with the Degree, define the domain of the Curve where a particular control vertex acts. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Knots.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Knots.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsCurve + Weights + Action + The weights of the control vertices of the curve. These define the magnitude of influence of the control vertices. + ptweight + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Weights.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsCurve.Weights.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Cuboid + ByLengths + Create + Create a Cuboid centered at WCS origin, with width, length, and height. + box,cube,cubes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cuboid + ByLengths + Create + Create a Cuboid centered at input Point, with specified width, length, and height. + box,cube,cubebysize,bycenter,cubes + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.Point-double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.Point-double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cuboid + ByLengths + Create + Create a Cuboid centered and oriented to input CoordinateSystem, with specified width, length, and height. + box,cube,cubebysize,bycoord,cubes + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.CoordinateSystem-double-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByLengths.CoordinateSystem-double-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cuboid + ByCorners + Create + Create an Cuboid spanning from low Point to high Point. + box,cube,byminmax,by corners,by points,cubes + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByCorners.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.ByCorners.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cuboid + Length + Query + Returns length distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Length.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Length.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cuboid + Width + Query + Returns width distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Width.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Width.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cuboid + Height + Query + Returns height distance. Note: This return the input dimensions of the Cuboid, NOT the actual world space dimensions. In other words, if you create a Cuboid width (X-axis) length 10, and transform it to a CoordinateSystem with 2 times scaling in X, the width will still be 10. ASM does not allow you to extract the Vertices of a body in any predictable order, so it impossible to determine the dimensions after a transform. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Height.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cuboid.Height.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.PolySurface + ByLoft + Create + Makes PolySurface by Loft through Curves. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + ByLoft + Create + Makes PolySurface by Loft through Curves. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoft.Curve1-Curve.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + ByLoftGuides + Create + Makes PolySurface by Loft through PolyCurves. + loftbyrails,loft rails,guides + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoftGuides.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByLoftGuides.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + ByJoinedSurfaces + Create + Make Polysurface by joining surfaces. + joinsurfaces,joinsrf + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + BySolid + Create + Make Polysurface by surfaces of Solid. + solid2poly,solidtopoly,convertsolid + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySolid.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySolid.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + BySweep + Create + Make Polysurface by sweeping curves along rail. + sweep,rail,guide,sweep1 + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve1.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + BySweep + Create + Make Polysurface by sweeping a curve along rail. + sweep,rail,guide,sweep1,sweepprofile,profile + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.BySweep.Curve-Curve.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + Surfaces + Action + Return new Surfaces representing the underlying Surfaces. + subsurfaces,getsurfaces,explode + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Surfaces.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Surfaces.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + LocateSurfacesByPoint + Action + Locate Surfaces by point. Takes first intersection in forward direction. Returns one surface if hit surface interior, two if hit edge interior, and many if hit vertex + surfacesatpoint,findsurfaces,extractsurfaces + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + LocateSurfacesByLine + Action + Locate Surfaces by Line. Takes all surfaces hit by line. + surfacesonline,findsurfaces,extractsurfaces,lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByLine.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.LocateSurfacesByLine.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + UnconnectedBoundaries + Action + Compute 2d cell boundaries which are not connected to other Surfaces + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.UnconnectedBoundaries.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.UnconnectedBoundaries.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + ExtractSolids + Action + Extract Solids from Polysurface defined by subset of surfaces + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ExtractSolids.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.ExtractSolids.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + SurfaceCount + Action + number of surfaces of Polysurface + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.SurfaceCount.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.SurfaceCount.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + EdgeCount + Action + number of edges of Polysurface + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.EdgeCount.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.EdgeCount.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + VertexCount + Action + number of vertices of Polysurface + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.VertexCount.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.VertexCount.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + Fillet + Action + Fillets a PolySurface along input Edges with a given radius. + round,smooth,smoothedge,roundedges + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Fillet.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Fillet.Large.png + + + Geometry.PolySurface + Chamfer + Action + Chamfers a PolySurface along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner. + bevel,flattenedges + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Chamfer.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.PolySurface.Chamfer.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Circle + ByCenterPointRadius + Create + Creates a Circle with input center Point and radius in the world XY plane, with world Z as normal. + circle + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Circle + ByCenterPointRadiusNormal + Create + Creates a Circle with specified center Point, radius, and normal direction. + circle,alignedcircle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByCenterPointRadiusNormal.Large.png + + + Geometry.Circle + ByPlaneRadius + Create + Create a Circle centered at the input Plane origin (root), lying in the input Plane, with given radius. + circle,alignedcircle + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByPlaneRadius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByPlaneRadius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Circle + ByThreePoints + Create + Create a Circle passing through three input Points. + circle + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByThreePoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByThreePoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Circle + ByBestFitThroughPoints + Create + Best fit Circle through Points + circle,approximate + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Circle + CenterPoint + Query + The center of the circle + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.CenterPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Circle + Radius + Query + The radius of the circle + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.Radius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Circle.Radius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Edge + CurveGeometry + Query + The underlying Curve making up the Edge + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.CurveGeometry.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.CurveGeometry.Large.png + + + Geometry.Edge + AdjacentFaces + Query + The Faces adjacent to this Edge + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.AdjacentFaces.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.AdjacentFaces.Large.png + + + Geometry.Edge + StartVertex + Query + The Vertex at which this Edge starts + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.StartVertex.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.StartVertex.Large.png + + + Geometry.Edge + EndVertex + Query + The Vertex at which this Edge ends + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.EndVertex.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Edge.EndVertex.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Vertex + PointGeometry + Query + The Point where this Vertex is located + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.PointGeometry.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.PointGeometry.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vertex + AdjacentEdges + Query + The Edges emanating from this Vertex + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentEdges.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentEdges.Large.png + + + Geometry.Vertex + AdjacentFaces + Query + The Faces adjacent to this Vertex + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentFaces.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Vertex.AdjacentFaces.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Cone + ByPointsRadius + Create + Create a Cone with given base radius at start Point, extending to a apex at end Point. + cone,cones + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + ByPointsRadii + Create + Create a Cone with axis from start Point to end Point, with given radiuses at start and end. This object does not have an apex, and can be thought of as a trimmed Cone. + trimmed cone,cone,cones + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadii.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByPointsRadii.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius + Create + Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular base in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii + Create + Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular bases in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane. + cone,cone by height,cones + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + StartPoint + Query + The start point + cone,cones + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + EndPoint + Query + The end point + cone,cones + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + RadiusRatio + Query + Ratio between the top and bottom radius + cone,cones + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.RadiusRatio.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.RadiusRatio.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + StartRadius + Query + The radius at the base + cone,cones + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartRadius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.StartRadius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + EndRadius + Query + The radius at the bottom + cone,cones + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndRadius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.EndRadius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cone + Height + Query + The total height + cone,cones + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.Height.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cone.Height.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Topology + Vertices + Query + The Vertices of the Topology + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Vertices.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Vertices.Large.png + + + Geometry.Topology + Edges + Query + The Edges of the Topology + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Edges.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Edges.Large.png + + + Geometry.Topology + Faces + Query + The Faces of the Topology + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Faces.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Topology.Faces.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Face + Edges + Query + All of the Edges around this Face in counterclockwise order + faces + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Edges.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Edges.Large.png + + + Geometry.Face + Vertices + Query + All of the Vertices around this Face in counterclockwise order + faces + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Vertices.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.Vertices.Large.png + + + Geometry.Face + SurfaceGeometry + Action + The underlying Surface making up the Face + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.SurfaceGeometry.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Face.SurfaceGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Cylinder + ByRadiusHeight + Create + Construct a Solid Cylinder defined by a parent CoordinateSystem, the radius, and the height of the cylinder + cylinder,tube + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cylinder + ByPointsRadius + Create + Construct a Solid Cylinder given the bottom and top center point of the Cylinder. + cylinder,tube,by center points + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByPointsRadius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.ByPointsRadius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Cylinder + Radius + Query + The radius of the Cylinder + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Radius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Cylinder.Radius.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Ellipse + ByOriginRadii + Create + Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, aligned with WCS XY Plane, with specified X and Y axis radii. + ellipse + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginRadii.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginRadii.Large.png + + + Geometry.Ellipse + ByOriginVectors + Create + Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, with two specified axes. Axes should be be at 90 degrees to each other. + ellipsebylengths,ellipsebyvectors + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginVectors.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByOriginVectors.Large.png + + + Geometry.Ellipse + ByCoordinateSystemRadii + Create + Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input CoordinateSystem, with a x_radius radius in the CS X direction, and y_radius radius in the CS Y direction. + ellipse,aligned ellipse,ellipsebylengths + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByCoordinateSystemRadii.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByCoordinateSystemRadii.Large.png + + + Geometry.Ellipse + ByPlaneRadii + Create + Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input Plane, with a x_radius radius in the Plane X axis direction, and y_radius radius in the Plane Y axis direction. + ellipse,aligned ellipse,ellipsebylengths + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByPlaneRadii.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.ByPlaneRadii.Large.png + + + Geometry.Ellipse + CenterPoint + Query + The center of the Ellipse + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.CenterPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Ellipse + MajorAxis + Query + The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MajorAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MajorAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Ellipse + MinorAxis + Query + The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MinorAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Ellipse.MinorAxis.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.EllipseArc + ByPlaneRadiiAngles + Create + Create an EllipseArc in a plane with the given the radii along the X and Y axes and the angles to sweep through + ellipsearc,arcs + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.ByPlaneRadiiAngles.Large.png + + + Geometry.EllipseArc + CenterPoint + Query + The center of the Ellipse + ellipsearc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.EllipseArc + MajorAxis + Query + The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius. + ellipsearc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MajorAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.EllipseArc + MinorAxis + Query + The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius. + ellipsearc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.MinorAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.EllipseArc + StartAngle + Query + The start angle in degrees + ellipsearc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.StartAngle.Large.png + + + Geometry.EllipseArc + SweepAngle + Query + The total sweep angle in degrees + ellipsearc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.SweepAngle.Large.png + + + Geometry.EllipseArc + Plane + Query + The plane in which the ellipse lies + ellipsearc,arcs + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.EllipseArc.Plane.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Helix + ByAxis + Create + Create a Helix. The helix always rotates clockwise about the supplied axis direction. If viewing along the axis direction, the viewer will see the point turning clockwise around the axis as it moves along the curve in the direction of increasing parameter. Pitch is Distance the helix moves in the axis direction per turn. This can be positive or negative. + helix,screw,corkscrew,thread + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.ByAxis.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.ByAxis.Large.png + + + Geometry.Helix + Angle + Query + The angle in degrees through which the Helix turns over its length + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Angle.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Angle.Large.png + + + Geometry.Helix + Pitch + Query + The pitch of the helix + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Pitch.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Pitch.Large.png + + + Geometry.Helix + Radius + Query + The radius of the arc + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Radius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.Radius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Helix + AxisDirection + Query + The direction of the axis of the Helix + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisDirection.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisDirection.Large.png + + + Geometry.Helix + AxisPoint + Query + The base point of the Helix axis + origin,helixstart + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Helix.AxisPoint.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.IndexGroup + ByIndices + Create + Create an IndexGroup storing four indices + quad,polygon,mesh,meshes + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\ + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\ + + + Geometry.IndexGroup + ByIndices + Create + Create an IndexGroup storing four indices + quad,polygon,mesh,meshes + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\ + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\ + + + Geometry.IndexGroup + Count + Query + Either 3 or 4, depending if it represents a triangle or a quad + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.Count.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.Count.Large.png + + + Geometry.IndexGroup + A + Query + The first index + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.A.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.A.Large.png + + + Geometry.IndexGroup + B + Query + The second index + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.B.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.B.Large.png + + + Geometry.IndexGroup + C + Query + The third index + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.C.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.C.Large.png + + + Geometry.IndexGroup + D + Query + The fourth index + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.D.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.IndexGroup.D.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Line + ByStartPointEndPoint + Create + Creates a straight Line between two input Points. + line,linebypoints,lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Line + ByBestFitThroughPoints + Create + Creates a Line best approximating a scatter plot of Points. + line,approximate,lines + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByBestFitThroughPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Line + ByTangency + Create + Create a Line tangent to the input Curve, positioned at the parameter Point of the input Curve. + tangentline,tangentto,lines + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByTangency.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByTangency.Large.png + + + Geometry.Line + ByStartPointDirectionLength + Create + Create a straight Line starting at start Point, extending in Vector direction by specified length. + linebyvector,lines + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.ByStartPointDirectionLength.Large.png + + + Geometry.Line + Direction + Query + The direction of the Curve + lines + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.Direction.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Line.Direction.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Mesh + ByPointsFaceIndices + Create + Create a mesh from a collection of Points and a collection of IndexGroups referencing the Point collection + mesh,meshes + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.ByPointsFaceIndices.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.ByPointsFaceIndices.Large.png + + + Geometry.Mesh + FaceIndices + Query + The vertex indices that make up each face in a counterclockwise fashion + mesh,meshes + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.FaceIndices.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.FaceIndices.Large.png + + + Geometry.Mesh + VertexNormals + Query + The normal vector at this vertex + mesh,meshes + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexNormals.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexNormals.Large.png + + + Geometry.Mesh + VertexPositions + Query + The positions of the vertices + mesh,meshes + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexPositions.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh.VertexPositions.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + ByPoints + Create + Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. + fit,topoints + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + ByPointsTangents + Create + Creates a NurbsSurface with specified interpolated points and U and V degrees. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. + fit,topoints,totangents + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangents.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangents.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives + Create + Creates a NurbsSurface satisfying a collection of different surface characteristics. This is the most advanced surface fitting method. The resultant surface will pass through all of the points. The number of tangents must match the number of points in the corresponding direction. The resultant surface will be degree 3 in both the U and V direction. The corner derivatives should be second order (dP/dUdV) and should be supplied in this order [ lowU, lowV ], [ highU, lowV ], [ lowU, highV ], [ highU, highV ]. + fit,topoints,totangents,fit corners,complex fit + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByPointsTangentsKnotsDerivatives.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + ByControlPoints + Create + Create a NurbsSurface by using explicit control Points, with specified U and V degrees. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + ByControlPointsWeightsKnots + Create + Creates a NurbsSurface with specified control vertices, knots, weights, and U V degrees. There are several restrictions on the data which, if broken, will cause the function to fail and will throw an exception. Degree: Both u- and v- degree should be >= 1 (piecewise-linear spline) and less than 26 (the maximum B-spline basis degree supported by ASM). Weights: All weight values (if supplied) should be strictly positive. Weights smaller than 1e-11 will be rejected and the function will fail. Knots: Both knot vectors should be non-decreasing sequences. Interior knot multiplicity should be no larger than degree + 1 at the start/end knot and degree at an internal knot (this allows surfaces with G1 discontinuities to be represented). Note that non-clamped knot vectors are supported, but will be converted to clamped ones, with the corresponding changes applied to the control point/weight data. + lines + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ByControlPointsWeightsKnots.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + DegreeU + Query + Surface degree in the U direction. + surface smoothness,continuity + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeU.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeU.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + DegreeV + Query + Surface degree in the V direction. + surface smoothness,continuity + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeV.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.DegreeV.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + NumControlPointsU + Query + Number of control Points in the U direction. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsU.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsU.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + NumControlPointsV + Query + Number of control Points in the V direction. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsV.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.NumControlPointsV.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + IsPeriodicInU + Query + Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the U direction. + closedinU + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInU.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInU.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + IsPeriodicInV + Query + Returns true if the Surface is periodic in the V direction. + closedinV + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInV.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsPeriodicInV.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + IsRational + Query + Returns true if the Surface is rational. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsRational.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.IsRational.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + ControlPoints + Action + Returns NurbsSurface control points (poles). + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ControlPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.ControlPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + Weights + Action + Returns NurbsSurface control point weights. + ptweights + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.Weights.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.Weights.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + UKnots + Action + Surface knots in U direction. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.UKnots.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.UKnots.Large.png + + + Geometry.NurbsSurface + VKnots + Action + Surface knots in V direction. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.VKnots.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.NurbsSurface.VKnots.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Polygon + ByPoints + Create + Construct a Polygon Curve by connecting Points. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ByPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ByPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Polygon + RegularPolygon + Create + Construct an inscribed Polygon Curve within a circle. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.RegularPolygon.Large.png + + + Geometry.Polygon + Points + Query + Returns all the segment start / end points. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Points.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Points.Large.png + + + Geometry.Polygon + PlaneDeviation + Query + Returns maximum deviation from average plane of polygon. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.PlaneDeviation.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.PlaneDeviation.Large.png + + + Geometry.Polygon + Corners + Action + Returns corners of polygon + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Corners.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Corners.Large.png + + + Geometry.Polygon + Center + Action + Returns average point of corners of polygon + centroid + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Center.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.Center.Large.png + + + Geometry.Polygon + SelfIntersections + Action + Returns self intersections between sides of the polygon. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.SelfIntersections.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.SelfIntersections.Large.png + + + Geometry.Polygon + ContainmentTest + Action + Checks if point is inside planar polygon without self intersections. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ContainmentTest.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Polygon.ContainmentTest.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Rectangle + ByCornerPoints + Create + Create a Rectangle by four corner Points. + rectbypointarray + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point1.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point1.Large.png + + + Geometry.Rectangle + ByCornerPoints + Create + Create a Rectangle by four corner Points. + rectbypoints + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point-Point-Point-Point.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByCornerPoints.Point-Point-Point-Point.Large.png + + + Geometry.Rectangle + ByWidthLength + Create + Create a Rectangle centered at the WCS origin in the WCS XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). + rectbylengths + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Rectangle + ByWidthLength + Create + Create a Rectangle centered at input Plane root, with input width (Plane X axis length), and length (Plane Y axis length). + rectangle,rectbylengths + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.Plane-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.Plane-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Rectangle + ByWidthLength + Create + Create a Rectangle centered at the input origin in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane, with specified width (X Axis length), and length (Y Axis length). + rectbylengths + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.CoordinateSystem-double-double.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.ByWidthLength.CoordinateSystem-double-double.Large.png + + + Geometry.Rectangle + Width + Query + The width of the Rectangle + rectX,rectx + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Width.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Width.Large.png + + + Geometry.Rectangle + Height + Query + The height of the Rectangle + rectY,recty + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Height.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Rectangle.Height.Large.png + + + + + Geometry.Sphere + ByCenterPointRadius + Create + Create a Solid Sphere cetered at the input Point, with given radius. + Brep,brep + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByCenterPointRadius.Large.png + + + Geometry.Sphere + ByFourPoints + Create + Create a Solid Sphere containing four input Points on the surface. + Brep,brep + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByFourPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByFourPoints.Large.png + + + Geometry.Sphere + ByBestFit + Create + Fit a Sphere as close as possible to the input Points. + Brep,brep + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByBestFit.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.ByBestFit.Large.png + + + Geometry.Sphere + CenterPoint + Query + Return the center Point of the Sphere. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.CenterPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.CenterPoint.Large.png + + + Geometry.Sphere + Radius + Query + Return the radius of the Sphere. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\SmallIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.Radius.Small.png + src\Resources\ProtoGeometry\LargeIcons\Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Sphere.Radius.Large.png + + + + + + Geometry.Tessellation.ConvexHull + ByPoints + Action + Creates a convex hull of a set of points. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Geometry.Tessellation.Delaunay + ByParametersOnSurface + Action + Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a surface with a given set of UV parameters. + uvs + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Geometry.Tessellation.Delaunay + ByPoints + Action + Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Geometry.Tessellation.Voronoi + ByParametersOnSurface + Action + Creates a Voronoi tessellation of a surface with a given set of UV parameters. + uvs + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + + + + Revit.Selection + Select Model Element + Action + Select a model element from the document. + Select Model Element + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementSelection.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementSelection.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Select Face + Action + Select a face. + Select Face + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSFaceSelection.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSFaceSelection.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Select Edge + Action + Select an edge. + Select Edge + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSEdgeSelection.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSEdgeSelection.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Select Point on Face + Action + Select a point on a face. + Select Point on Face + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSPointOnElementSelection.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSPointOnElementSelection.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Select UV on Face + Action + Select a UV on a face. + Select UV on Face + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSUvOnElementSelection.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSUvOnElementSelection.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Select Divided Surface Families + Action + Select a divided surface and get its family instances. + Select Divided Surface Families + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSDividedSurfaceFamiliesSelection.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSDividedSurfaceFamiliesSelection.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Select Model Elements + Action + Select multiple elements from the Revit document. + Select Model Elements + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementsSelection.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.DSModelElementsSelection.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Select Faces + Action + Select multiple faces from the Revit document. + Select Faces + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectFaces.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\Dynamo.Nodes.SelectFaces.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Select Edges + Action + Select multiple edges. + Select Edges + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Selection + All Elements of Family Type + Action + Get all elements of the specified family type from the model. + All Elements of Family Type + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfFamilyType.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfFamilyType.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + All Elements of Type + Action + All elements in the active document of a given type. + All Elements of Type + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfType.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfType.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + All Elements of Category + Action + Get all elements of the specified category from the model. + All Elements of Category + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfCategory.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsOfCategory.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + All Elements at Level + Action + Get all the elements at the specified Level from the model. + All Elements at Level + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsAtLevel.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsAtLevel.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Family Types + Action + All family types available in the document. + Family Types + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyTypes.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyTypes.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Get Family Parameter + Action + Given a Family Instance or Type allows the user to select a parameter as a string. + Get Family Parameter + + + + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyInstanceParameters.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FamilyInstanceParameters.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Floor Types + Action + All floor types available in the document. + Floor Types + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FloorTypes.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.FloorTypes.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Wall Types + Action + All wall types available in the document. + Wall Types + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallTypes.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.WallTypes.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Categories + Action + All built-in categories. + Categories + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Categories.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Categories.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Levels + Action + Select a level in the active document + Levels + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Levels.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Levels.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Structural Framing Types + Action + Select a structural framing type in the active document + Structural Framing Types + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralFramingTypes.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralFramingTypes.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Structural Column Types + Action + Select a structural column type in the active document + Structural Column Types + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralColumnTypes.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.StructuralColumnTypes.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Element Types + Action + All element subtypes. + Element Types + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementTypes.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementTypes.Large.png + + + Revit.Selection + Views + Action + All views available in the current document. + Views + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Views.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.Views.Large.png + + + + + Revit.View + All Elements In Active View + Action + Get all the elements which are visible in the active view. + All Elements In Active View + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsInView.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.ElementsInView.Large.png + + + Revit.View + SunSettings.Current + Action + Returns the SunSettings of the current View. + SunSettings.Current + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SunSettings.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SunSettings.Large.png + + + + + + Revit.Elements.Phase + Select Phase + Action + Select an existing Revit Phase from the active document. + Select Phase + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + Select Revision + Action + Select an existing Revit Revision from the active document. + Select Revision + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + Select Revision Numbering + Action + Select an way to number the revisions. + Select Revision Numbering + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + Select Revision Number Type + Action + Select a revision number type. + Select Revision Number Type + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + Select Revision Visibility + Action + Select the revision visilibity type. + Select Revision Visibility + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + ByName + Create + Construct a new Revit Revision by Name + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + RevisionDate + Query + Get Revision Date + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + SetRevisionDate + Action + Set Revision Date + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + IssuedTo + Query + Get IssuedTo + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + SetIssuedTo + Action + Set IssuedTo + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + IssuedBy + Query + Get IssuedBy + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + SetIssuedBy + Action + Set IssuedBy + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + Issued + Query + Get Issued + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Revision + SetIssued + Action + Set Issued + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + Select Filled Region Type + Action + Select an existing Filled Region Type from the active document. + Select Filled Region Type + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + ByName + Create + Select a FilledRegionType from the current document by name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + Name + Query + Get Name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + Color + Query + Get Color + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegionType + FillPatternId + Query + Get FillPatternId + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + Select Parameter Type + Action + Select a parameter type. + Select Parameter Type + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + Select BuiltIn Parameter Group + Action + Select a built-in parameter group. + Select BuiltIn Parameter Group + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + Name + Query + The name of the parameter. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Parameter.Name.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + Value + Query + Get the value of the parameter + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + HasValue + Query + Check if the Parameter has a value + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + IsReadOnly + Query + Check if the Parameter is read only + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + IsShared + Query + Check if the Parameter is shared + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + Group + Query + Get the parameter's group + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + ParameterType + Query + Get the parameter type + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + Id + Query + Get the parameter's element Id + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + UnitType + Query + Get the parameter's unit type + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + ParameterByName + Create + Get Element's Parameter by Name + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + SetValue + Action + Set the value of the parameter + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + StorageType + Query + Get Parameter Storage Type + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + SharedParameterFile + Action + Gets the path to the shared parameter file of this document + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + CreateSharedParameterForAllCategories + Action + Create a new Shared Parameter in the current Revit document for all applicable categories + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + CreateSharedParameter + Action + Create a new Shared Parameter in the current Revit document for all applicable categories + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + CreateProjectParameterForAllCategories + Action + Create a new Project Parameter in this current Revit document for all applicable categories + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Parameter + CreateProjectParameter + Action + Create a new Project Parameter in this current Revit document for all applicable categories + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.DirectShape + Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option + Action + Select a Direct Shape Room Bounding Option. + Select Direct Shape Room Bounding Option + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.DirectShape + ByGeometry + Create + Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material. The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed. + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Base64\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByGeometry.Small.png + src\Resources\Base64\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByGeometry.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.DirectShape + ByMesh + Create + Create a Revit DirectShape given some geometry, a name for the shape, a Category, and Material. The geometry will be tessellated before being placed in the Revit model The category of a DirectShape cannot be changed after creation, so a new DirectShape will be generated if the category input is changed. + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Base64\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByMesh.Small.png + src\Resources\Base64\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DirectShape.ByMesh.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Text + Select Horizontal Text Alignment + Action + Select the horizontal text alignment style. + Select Horizontal Text Alignment + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Text + Select Vertical Text Alignment + Action + Select the vertical text alignment style. + Select Vertical Text Alignment + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Wall + Wall Location + Action + Wall locations. + Wall Location + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Wall + ByCurveAndHeight + Create + Create a Revit Wall from a guiding Curve, height, Level, and WallType + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndHeight.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndHeight.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Wall + ByCurveAndLevels + Create + Create a Revit Wall from a guiding Curve, start Level, end Level, and WallType + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndLevels.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Wall.ByCurveAndLevels.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Wall + ByFace + Action + Creates a Wall following the geometry of a surface. Walls by Faces cannot be updated, any geometry change will create a new wall and delete the old one. + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement + Fill Patterns + Action + All available fill patterns. + Fill Patterns + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement + Fill Pattern Targets + Action + The type of the fill pattern. + Fill Pattern Targets + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FillPatternElement + GetByName + Create + Fill Pattern Element by Name and Target Type. + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement + Line Patterns + Action + All available line patterns. + Line Patterns + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.LinePatternElement + GetByName + Create + Line Pattern Element by name. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + Performance Adviser Rules + Action + All Performance Adviser rules. + Performance Adviser Rules + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + Name + Query + The name of the rule. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + Description + Query + The description of the rule. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + Enabled + Query + A boolean indicating if the rule is activated. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + RuleId + Query + The id of the rule. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + Execute + Action + Execute Rules + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.PerformanceAdviserRule + ById + Create + Create Performance Adviser Rule by Id + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedPath + Spacing Rule Layout + Action + A spacing rule layout for calculating divided paths. + Spacing Rule Layout + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SpacingRuleLayouts.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SpacingRuleLayouts.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.DividedPath + Points + Query + All points along the DividedPath. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.Points.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.Points.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.DividedPath + ByCurveAndDivisions + Create + Creates a Revit divided path on the given curve with specified amount of division + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurveAndDivisions.Curve-int.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurveAndDivisions.Curve-int.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.DividedPath + ByCurvesAndDivisions + Create + Creates a Revit divided path on the given collection of curves with specified amount of division + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurvesAndDivisions.Curve1-int.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedPath.ByCurvesAndDivisions.Curve1-int.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Element + Parameters + Query + Obtain all of the Parameters from an Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Parameters.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Parameters.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + Name + Query + Get the Name of the Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Name.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + BoundingBox + Query + Get an Axis-aligned BoundingBox of the Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.BoundingBox.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.BoundingBox.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + Id + Query + Get the Element Id for this element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Id.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Id.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + UniqueId + Query + Get the Element Unique Id for this element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.UniqueId.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.UniqueId.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + GetCategory + Query + Get Element Category + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Element + ElementType + Query + Returns the FamilyType for this Element. Returns null if the Element cannot have a FamilyType assigned. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Element + ToString + Action + A basic implementation of ToString for Elements + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ToString.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ToString.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + GetParameterValueByName + Action + Get the value of one of the element's parameters. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetParameterValueByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.GetParameterValueByName.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + OverrideColorInView + Action + Override the element's color in the active view. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideColorInView.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.OverrideColorInView.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + OverrideInView + Action + Override Elements Graphics Settings in Active View. + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Element + SetParameterByName + Action + Set one of the element's parameters. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetParameterByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.SetParameterByName.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + Geometry + Action + Get all of the Geometry associated with this object + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Geometry.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Geometry.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + Solids + Query + The Solids in this Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Solids.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Solids.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + Curves + Query + The Curves in this Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Curves.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Curves.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + Faces + Query + The Faces in this Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Faces.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.Faces.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + ElementCurveReferences + Query + The ElementCurveReference's in this Element. Useful for downstream Element creation. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementCurveReferences.Small.png + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Element + ElementFaceReferences + Query + The ElementFaceReference's in this Element. Useful for downstream Element creation. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementFaceReferences.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Element.ElementFaceReferences.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Element + SetLocation + Action + Update an existing element's location + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Element + GetLocation + Action + Get an exsiting element's location + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Element + MoveByVector + Action + Move Revit Element by Vector + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Element + GetMaterials + Action + Get Material Names from a Revit Element + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Category + Name + Query + The name of the Category. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Name.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Category + Id + Query + The Id of the category. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Id.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.Id.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Category + ByName + Create + Gets a Revit category by the built-in category name. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.ByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Category.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Material + ByName + Create + Select a material from the current document by the name + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Material.ByName.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Material + Name + Query + Get Material Name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + Shininess + Query + Get Shininess + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + Smoothness + Query + Get Smoothness + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + Transparency + Query + Get Transparency + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + SurfacePatternColor + Query + Get SurfacePatternColor + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + MaterialClass + Query + Get Material Class + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + MaterialCategory + Query + Get Material category + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + CutPatternColor + Query + Get cut pattern color + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + Color + Query + Get color + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + CutPatternId + Query + Get cut pattern id + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + AppearanceParameters + Query + Get all apperance parameters + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + ThermalParameters + Query + Get all thermal parameters + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Material + StructuralParameters + Query + Get all structural parameters + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Coordinates + ProjectRotation + Action + Get Project Rotation + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Coordinates + BasePoint + Action + Get Project Base Point + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Coordinates + SurveyPoint + Action + Get Survey Point + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + Boundaries + Query + Gets curtain panel boundaries + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Boundaries.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Boundaries.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + HasPlane + Query + Checks if the specific curtain panel is planar + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.HasPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.HasPlane.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + PanelPlane + Query + Gets a plane of the given curtain panel, if it is planar + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.PanelPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.PanelPlane.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + Length + Query + Gets the length of the specific curtain panel boundaries + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Length.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Length.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + IsRectangular + Query + Checks whether the specific curtain panel is rectangular. Returns true if the curtain panel is rectangular. Otherwise returns false + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.IsRectangular.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.IsRectangular.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + Width + Query + Gets the width of the specific curtain panel, if it's rectangular + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Width.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Width.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + Height + Query + Gets the height of the specific curtain panel, if it's rectangular + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Height.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.Height.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + ByElement + Action + get all panels of curtain wall, system or slope glazing roof + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.ByElement.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.ByElement.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + SupportingMullions + Action + Gets Mullions hosting the specified curtain panel + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.SupportingMullions.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.SupportingMullions.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel + AsFamilyInstance + Action + Gets family instance from curtain Panel + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.AsFamilyInstance.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurtainPanel.AsFamilyInstance.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + Name + Query + Get the name of this Family Type + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Name.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + Family + Query + Get the parent family of this FamilyType + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Family.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.Family.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + ByFamilyAndName + Create + Select a FamilyType given its parent Family and the FamilyType's name. + symbol + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyAndName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyAndName.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + ByFamilyNameAndTypeName + Create + Select a FamilyType give it's family name and type name. + symbol + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyNameAndTypeName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByFamilyNameAndTypeName.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + ByName + Create + Select a FamilyType given it's name. This method will return the first FamilyType it finds if there are two or more FamilyTypes with the same name. + symbol + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyType.ByName.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + ByGeometry + Create + Create new Family Type from a solid geometry. This method exports the geometry to SAT and imports it into a new family document. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyType + VoidByGeometry + Create + Create a Void Family Type from a solid geometry. This method exports the solid to SAT and imports it into a new family document. + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Mullion + LocationCurve + Query + Gets curve geometry from the specified Mullion Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.LocationCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.LocationCurve.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Mullion + ByElement + Action + get all mullions of curtain wall, system or slope glazing roof + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.ByElement.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.ByElement.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Mullion + SupportedPanels + Action + Returns curtain panels supported by the specified Mullion Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.SupportedPanels.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.SupportedPanels.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Mullion + AsFamilyInstance + Action + Returns FamilyInstance object as represented by the specified mullion + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + Type + Query + Gets family type of the specific family instance + symbol + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Type.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Type.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + Location + Query + Gets the location of the specific family instance + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Location.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.Location.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + FacingOrientation + Query + Gets the FacingOrientation of the family instance + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.FacingOrientation.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + ByPoint + Create + Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) and its coordinates in world space + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPoint.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + ByFace + Create + Place a Revit family instance of the given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) on a surface derived from a backing Revit face as reference and a line as reference for its position. Note: The FamilyPlacementType must be CurveBased and the input surface must be created from a Revit Face + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + ByFace + Create + Place a Revit family instance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) on a surface derived from a backing Revit face as reference, a reference direction and a point location where to place the family. Note: The FamilyType should be workplane based and the input surface must be created from a Revit Face. The reference direction defines the rotation of the instance on the reference, and thus cannot be perpendicular to the face. + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + ByCoordinates + Create + Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API) and its coordinates in world space + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByCoordinates.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByCoordinates.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + ByPointAndLevel + Create + Place a Revit FamilyInstance given the FamilyType (also known as the FamilySymbol in the Revit API), it's coordinates in world space, and the Level + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + ByFamilyType + Action + Obtain a collection of FamilyInstances from the Revit Document and use them in the Dynamo graph + byfamilysymbol,ByFamilySymbol + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.ByFamilyType.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + GetHost + Query + Gets the host of this fmaily instance (if any). Eg. returns the wall of a window or door family instance. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + GetFamily + Query + Gets the family of this family instance + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + GetType + Query + Gets the family type of this family instance + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance + SetRotation + Action + Set the Euler angle of the family instance around its local Z-axis. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.SetRotation.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FamilyInstance.SetRotation.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + ByElements + Create + Construct a Revit Dimension from at least two elements + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + Value + Query + Get Dimension Value + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + Prefix + Query + Get Prefix + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + SetPrefix + Action + Set Prefix + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + Suffix + Query + Get Suffix + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + SetSuffix + Action + Set Suffix + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + ValueOverride + Query + Get Value override + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Dimension + SetValueOverride + Action + Set Value override + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.DetailCurve + ByCurve + Create + Construct a Revit DetailCurve element from a curve + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.DetailCurve + Curve + Query + Get Geometry Curve + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.DetailCurve + SetCurve + Action + Set Geometry Curve + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurveElement + ElementCurveReference + Query + Obtain the reference curve for this ModelCurve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.ElementCurveReference.Small.png + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.CurveElement + Curve + Query + Obtain the geometry curve for this geometry curve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.Curve.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveElement.Curve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DimensionType + FromExisting + Create + Creates new Dimension Type by duplicating an existing. + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.DimensionType + StyleType + Query + Returns Dimension Style for a givent type. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints + ByReferencePoints + Create + Construct a Revit CurveByPoints Element (a CurveElement) from a collection of ReferencePoint's + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints.ByReferencePoints.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.CurveByPoints.ByReferencePoints.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + X + Query + Gets 'X' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.X.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.X.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + Y + Query + Gets 'Y' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Y.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Y.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + Z + Query + Gets 'Z' coordinate of the specified ReferencePoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Z.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Z.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + Point + Query + Gets point geometry from the specified ReferencePoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Point.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.Point.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + XYPlane + Query + Gets XY plane of the specified ReferencePoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XYPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XYPlane.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + YZPlane + Query + Gets YZ plane of the specified ReferencePoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.YZPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.YZPlane.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + XZPlane + Query + Gets XZ plane of the specified ReferencePoint + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XZPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.XZPlane.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + ByCoordinates + Create + Create a Reference Point by x, y, and z coordinates. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByCoordinates.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByCoordinates.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + ByPoint + Create + Create a Reference Point from a point. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPoint.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + ByPointVectorDistance + Create + Create a Reference Point Element offset from a point along a vector + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPointVectorDistance.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByPointVectorDistance.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + ByLengthOnCurveReference + Create + Create a Reference Point at a particular length along a curve + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByLengthOnCurveReference.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByLengthOnCurveReference.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + ByParameterOnCurveReference + Create + Create a Reference Point at a parameter on an Curve. This introduces a persistent relationship between Elements in the Revit document. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParameterOnCurveReference.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParameterOnCurveReference.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint + ByParametersOnFaceReference + Create + Create a Reference Point by UV coordinates on a Face. This introduces a persistent relationship between Elements in the Revit document. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParametersOnFaceReference.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePoint.ByParametersOnFaceReference.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.FilledRegion + ByCurves + Create + Construct a Revit FilledRegion element by Curves + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.RoofType + Name + Query + The name of the RoofType + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.RoofType + ByName + Create + Select a RoofType from the document given + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + ByOutlineTypeAndLevel + Create + Create a Revit Roof given it's curve outline and Level + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel + Create + Extrude Roof by Outline, Referenceplane + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + Points + Query + Get Slab Shape Points + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + AddPoint + Action + Add Point to Slab Shape + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Roof + MovePoint + Action + Move existing point by offset + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Level + Elevation + Query + The elevation of the level above ground level + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Elevation.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Elevation.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Level + ProjectElevation + Query + Elevation relative to the Project origin + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ProjectElevation.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ProjectElevation.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Level + Name + Query + The name of the level + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.Name.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Level + ByElevationAndName + Create + Create a Revit Level given it's elevation and name in the project + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevationAndName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevationAndName.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Level + ByElevation + Create + Create a Revit Level given it's elevation. The name will be whatever Revit gives it. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevation.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByElevation.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Level + ByLevelAndOffset + Create + Create a Revit Level given it's length offset from an existing level + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelAndOffset.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelAndOffset.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Level + ByLevelOffsetAndName + Create + Create a Revit Level given a distance offset from an existing level and a name for the new level + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelOffsetAndName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Level.ByLevelOffsetAndName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane + Plane + Query + Get the internal Geometric Plane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.Plane.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.Plane.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane + ElementPlaneReference + Query + Get a reference to this plane for downstream Elements requiring it + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ElementPlaneReference.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ElementPlaneReference.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane + ByLine + Create + Form a ReferencePlane from a line in the Active view. The cut vector is the Z Axis. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByLine.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByLine.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane + ByStartPointEndPoint + Create + Form a Refernece plane from two end points in the Active view. The cut vector is the Z Axis. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ReferencePlane.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType + Name + Query + The name of the CurtainSystemType + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystemType + ByName + Create + Select a CurtainSystemType from the document given + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem + ByFace + Create + Create Curtain System from face references + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem + AddCurtainGrid + Action + Add Curtain Grid + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem + RemoveCurtainGrid + Action + Remove Curtain Grid + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.CurtainSystem + CurtainSystemType + Query + Get CurtainSystemType + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + FindByName + Create + Find Global Parameter by Name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + Name + Query + Get Name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + Value + Query + Get Global Parameter Value + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + SetValue + Action + Set Global Parameter Value + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + SetValueToElementId + Action + Set Global Parameter Value to an Element ID from Integer + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + ParameterGroup + Query + Get Parameter Group + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + Visible + Query + Get Parameter Visibility + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + ParameterType + Query + Get Parameter Type + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.GlobalParameter + ByName + Create + Create a new Global Parameter by Name and Type + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Room + ByLocation + Create + Create a Revit Room Element + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + Name + Query + Get room name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + Number + Query + Get room number + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + Area + Query + Get room area + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + Height + Query + Get room height + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + CenterBoundary + Query + Centerline boundary + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + CoreBoundary + Query + Core boundary + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + FinishBoundary + Query + Finish boundary + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + CoreCenterBoundary + Query + Core center boundary + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + Location + Query + Get Room Location + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + IsInsideRoom + Action + Check if a point is inside of a room + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + SetName + Action + Set name + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Room + SetNumber + Action + Set number + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud + ByCurve + Create + Construct a Revit RevisionCloud element by curves + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud + Revision + Query + Get Revision cloud's revision + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.RevisionCloud + Curves + Query + Get Revision cloud's curves + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.FailureMessage + Description + Query + The description of the message. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FailureMessage + FailingElements + Query + The Failing Elements of the message. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.FailureMessage + Severity + Query + Get the failure severity. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + SunDirection + Query + Calculates the direction of the sun. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.SunDirection.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.SunDirection.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + Altitude + Query + Extracts the Altitude. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Altitude.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Altitude.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + Azimuth + Query + Extracts the Azimuth. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Azimuth.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.Azimuth.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + StartDateTime + Query + Gets the Start Date and Time of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.StartDateTime.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.StartDateTime.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + EndDateTime + Query + Gets the End Date and Time of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.EndDateTime.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.EndDateTime.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.SunSettings + CurrentDateTime + Query + Gets the Date and Time for the current frame of the solar study given in the local time of the solar study location. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.CurrentDateTime.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SunSettings.CurrentDateTime.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + ByElement + Create + Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element + tagelement,annotate,documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + ByElementAndLocation + Create + Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element at a specified location point + tagelement,annotate,documentation,taglocation + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + ByElementAndOffset + Create + Create a Revit Tag for a Revit Element at an offset location from the element's view extents + tagelement,annotate,documentation,tagoffset,movetag + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + TagText + Query + Get Tag's Text + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Tag + TaggedElement + Query + Get Tagged Element + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + ByLocation + Create + Construct a new Revit TextNote by Location + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + Text + Query + Get Text + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + SetText + Action + Set Text + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + SetKeepRotatedTextReadable + Action + Set Keep Rotated Text Readable + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + SetHorizontalAlignment + Action + Set Horizontal Text Alignment + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + HorizontalAlignment + Query + Get Horizontal Alignment + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + VerticalAlignment + Query + Get Vertical Alignment + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + Height + Query + Get Height + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNote + Typename + Query + Get Typename + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.TextNoteType + ByName + Create + Select a ModelTextType from the current document by name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.TextNoteType + Default + Create + Return a default TextNoteType + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.FloorType + Name + Query + The name of the FloorType + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.Name.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.FloorType + ByName + Create + Select a FloorType from the document given + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.ByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.FloorType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ImportInstance + Path + Query + Gets file path of the sat file that represents the geometry of the specified ImportInstance Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.Path.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.Path.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ImportInstance + BySATFile + Create + Import Geometry from a SAT file. The SAT file is assumed to be in Feet. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.BySATFile.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.BySATFile.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ImportInstance + ByGeometries + Create + Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. This variant is much faster than ImportInstance.ByGeometry as it uses a batch method. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometries.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ImportInstance + ByGeometry + Create + Import a collection of Geometry (Solid, Curve, Surface, etc) into Revit as an ImportInstance. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometry.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ImportInstance.ByGeometry.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelText + Text + Query + The Text of the ModelText Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Text.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Text.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ModelText + Depth + Query + The Depth of the ModelText Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Depth.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Depth.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ModelText + Position + Query + The Position of the ModelText Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Position.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.Position.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ModelText + ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition + Create + Create a ModelText Element in the Family Document by providing the text, SketchPlane Element host, coordinates (within the plane of the SketchPlane), the depth of the text, and the text type name + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelText.ByTextSketchPlaneAndPosition.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.SketchPlane + ElementPlaneReference + Query + Get an element plane reference from a specified sketch plane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ElementPlaneReference.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ElementPlaneReference.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.SketchPlane + Plane + Query + Gets the plane geometry of the specified sketch plane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.Plane.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.Plane.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.SketchPlane + ByPlane + Create + Make a Revit SketchPlane given a plane + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ByPlane.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.SketchPlane.ByPlane.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelTextType + ByName + Create + Select a ModelTextType from the current document by name + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelTextType.ByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelTextType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + Beam + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Beam.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Beam.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + Brace + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Brace.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Brace.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + Column + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Column.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Column.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + Footing + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Footing.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.Footing.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralType + NonStructural + Query + No description available + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.NonStructural.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralType.NonStructural.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Topography + Points + Query + The set of points from which this TopographySurface is constructed. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Points.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Points.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Topography + Mesh + Query + Get the underlying triangular Mesh from the Topography + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Mesh.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.Mesh.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Topography + ByPoints + Create + Create a topography surface from a list of points. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.ByPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Topography.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Form + ByLoftCrossSections + Create + Creates a Form by lofting a list of curves + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve1-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve1-bool.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Form + ByLoftCrossSections + Create + Creates a Form by lofting a nested list of curves + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve2-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Form.ByLoftCrossSections.Curve2-bool.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.WallType + Name + Query + Gets the name of the specified wall type + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.Name.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.WallType + ByName + Create + Select a walltype from the current document by name + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.ByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.WallType.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Family + Types + Query + Obtain the FamilyTypes from this Family + symbols,symbol + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Types.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Types.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Family + Name + Query + The name of this family + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Name.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.Name.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Family + ByName + Create + Obtain a Family from the current document given it's name + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.ByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Family.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + Type + Query + No description available + symbol + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Type.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Type.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + Locations + Query + No description available + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Locations.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.Locations.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + ByParametersOnFace + Create + Create an adaptive component by uv points on a face. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Base64\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnFace.Small.png + src\Resources\Base64\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnFace.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + ByParametersOnCurveReference + Create + Create an adaptive component referencing the parameters on a Curve reference + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Base64\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnCurveReference.Small.png + src\Resources\Base64\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnCurveReference.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent + ByPoints + Action + Create a list of adaptive components from two-dimensional array of points + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + UDivisions + Query + Number of divisions in U direction + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.UDivisions.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.UDivisions.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + VDivisions + Query + Number of divisions in V direction + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.VDivisions.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.VDivisions.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + Rotation + Query + Rotation of the grid lines with respect to the UV parameterization of the face + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.Rotation.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.Rotation.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + ByFaceAndUVDivisions + Create + Create a Revit DividedSurface on a face given the face and number of divisions in u and v directon + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceAndUVDivisions.Surface-int-int.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceAndUVDivisions.Surface-int-int.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.DividedSurface + ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation + Create + Create a Revit DividedSurface on a face given the face and number of divisions in u and v directon and the rotation of the grid lines with respect to the natural UV parameterization of the face + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation.Surface-int-int-double.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.DividedSurface.ByFaceUVDivisionsAndRotation.Surface-int-int-double.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.ModelCurve + ByCurve + Create + Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ByCurve.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.ModelCurve + ReferenceCurveByCurve + Create + Construct a Revit ModelCurve element from a Curve + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.ModelCurve.ReferenceCurveByCurve.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + ByOutlineTypeAndLevel + Create + Create a Revit Floor given it's curve outline and Level + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Curve1-FloorType-Level.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.Curve1-FloorType-Level.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + ByOutlineTypeAndLevel + Create + Create a Revit Floor given it's curve outline and Level + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.PolyCurve-FloorType-Level.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel.PolyCurve-FloorType-Level.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + Points + Query + Get Slab Shape Points + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + AddPoint + Action + Add Point to Slab Shape + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Elements.Floor + MovePoint + Action + Move an existing point in the slab shape editor by an offset. Behaves as moving a point manually in the slab shape editor. + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + Curve + Query + Get the underlying Curve geometry from this Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.Curve.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.Curve.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + ElementCurveReference + Query + Get a Reference to the underlying Curve Geometry of this Element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ElementCurveReference.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ElementCurveReference.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + ByLine + Create + Create a Revit Grid Element in a Project along a Line. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByLine.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByLine.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + ByStartPointEndPoint + Create + Create a Revit Grid Element in a project between two end points + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.Grid + ByArc + Create + Create a Revit Grid Element in a project along an Arc + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByArc.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Grid.ByArc.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + Location + Query + Gets curve geometry from location of the specified structural element + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Location.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Location.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + Type + Query + Gets family type from the specified structural element + symbol + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Type.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.Type.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + BeamByCurve + Create + Create a beam. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BeamByCurve.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + BraceByCurve + Create + Create a brace. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.BraceByCurve.Large.png + + + Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming + ColumnByCurve + Create + Create a column. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Filter.RuleType + Select Rule Type + Action + Filter Types for Revit Filters + Select Rule Type + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings + Detail Level + Action + View Detail Level + Detail Level + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Filter.OverrideGraphicSettings + ByProperties + Create + Create a OverrideGraphicSettings Element. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Filter.FilterRule + ByRuleType + Create + Create a new Filter Rule + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Filter.ParameterFilterElement + ByRules + Create + Create a Revit Parameter Filter Element + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + Schedule Type + Action + Select a Schedule Type. + Schedule Type + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + Export Column Headers + Action + How to export column headers. Default is MultipleRows. + Export Column Headers + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + Export Text Qualifier + Action + How to qualify text fields. Default is DoubleQuote. + Export Text Qualifier + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + Schedule Filter Type + Action + A View Schedule Filter Type. + Schedule Filter Type + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + CreateSchedule + Create + Create Schedule by Category, Type and Name. + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + RemoveFields + Action + Remove Schedule Field from Schedule View. + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + AddFields + Action + Add Field (Column) to Schedule View. + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + Export + Action + Export View Schedule to CSV, TSV etc. + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + AddFilters + Action + Add Schedule Filters to Schedule View. + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + ClearAllFilters + Action + Clear all Schedule Filters from Schedule View. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + ScheduleFilters + Query + Schedule Filters. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + Fields + Query + Schedule Fields. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.ScheduleView + SchedulableFields + Query + Schedulable Fields. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Views.View3D + CreateUniqueViewName + Action + Determines whether a view with the provided name already exists. If a view exists with the provided name, and new view is created with a unique name. Otherwise, the original view name is returned. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View3D.CreateUniqueViewName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View3D.CreateUniqueViewName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.View + ExportAsImage + Action + Export the view as an image to the given path - defaults to png, but you can override the file type but supplying a path with the appropriate extension + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.ExportAsImage.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.View.ExportAsImage.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.View + AddFilter + Action + Add Filter to View. Filter will be added even if View has a View Template applied, which normally would prevent user from adding Filters without first disabling or modifying the View Template. + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.View + Filters + Query + Get View Filters + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.View + SetFilterOverrides + Action + Set Filter overrides. If View doesn't have specified Filter, it will be first added to the View and then its settings will be overriden. This behavior will persist even if View has a View Template applied which normally would prevent user from adding Filters without first disabling or modifying the View Template. + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.View + FilterOverrides + Action + Get Filter overrides + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.View + IsViewTemplate + Action + Checks if View is a View Template. + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.View + SetCategoryOverrides + Action + Set Category Overrides. + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Views.View + SetScale + Action + Set View Scale + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Views.AxonometricView + ByEyePointAndTarget + Create + Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an eye position and a target position. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.AxonometricView + ByEyePointTargetAndElement + Create + Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an Eye position and target position and Element + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.AxonometricView + ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox + Create + Create a Revit Axonometric (isometric) View from an Eye position and target position and Bounding Box + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.AxonometricView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.CeilingPlanView + ByLevel + Create + Create a Revit Floor Plan at a given Level + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.CeilingPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.CeilingPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.StructuralPlanView + ByLevel + Create + Create a Structural Plan View at the given Level. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.StructuralPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.StructuralPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.PerspectiveView + ByEyePointAndTarget + Create + Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position, a target position, and either an Element or BoundingBox. + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointAndTarget.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.PerspectiveView + ByEyePointTargetAndElement + Create + Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position and target position and Element + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndElement.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.PerspectiveView + ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox + Create + Create a Revit Perspective View from an Eye position and target position and Bounding Box + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.PerspectiveView.ByEyePointTargetAndBoundingBox.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.DraftingView + ByName + Create + Create a Revit DraftingView given it's name + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.DraftingView.ByName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.DraftingView.ByName.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.FloorPlanView + ByLevel + Create + Create a Revit Floor Plan at a given Level + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.FloorPlanView.ByLevel.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.FloorPlanView.ByLevel.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + SheetName + Query + Get the SheetName of the Sheet + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetName.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetName.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + SheetNumber + Query + Get the SheetNumber of the Sheet + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetNumber.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.SheetNumber.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + Views + Query + Get the Views on a Sheet + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.Views.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.Views.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews + Create + Create a Revit Sheet by the sheet name, number, a title block FamilyType, and a collection of views. This method will automatically pack the views onto the sheet. + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.Sheet + ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView + Create + Create a Revit Sheet by the sheet name, number, a title block FamilyType, and a collection of views. This method will automatically pack the view onto the sheet. + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Views.SectionView + ByBoundingBox + Create + Create a Revit ViewSection by a bounding box + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByBoundingBox.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByBoundingBox.Large.png + + + Revit.Views.SectionView + ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint + Create + Creates a Revit ViewSection by a specified corrdinate system, minPoint and maxPoint + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Elements.Views.SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Transaction.Transaction + Start + Action + Start a transaction if neccesssary, returning whatever was passed in. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.Start.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.Start.Large.png + + + Revit.Transaction.Transaction + End + Action + Ends the current Dynamo transaction, returning whatever was passed in. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.End.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Transaction.Transaction.End.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Schedules.SchedulableField + Name + Query + Name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleExportOptions + ByProperties + Create + Creates View Schedule Export Options element. + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleField + Name + Query + Name + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter + ByFieldTypeAndValue + Create + Creates Schedule Filter by Schedule Field, Filter Type and value. + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter + FilterType + Query + Filter Type + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter + FiledId + Query + Related Schedule Field Id + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Revit.Schedules.ScheduleFilter + Value + Query + Value assigned to Schedule Filter + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + + + Revit.References.RayBounce + ByOriginDirection + Action + Returns positions and elements hit by ray bounce from the specified origin point and direction + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.References.RayBounce.ByOriginDirection.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.References.RayBounce.ByOriginDirection.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Application.Document + ActiveView + Query + Get the active view for the document + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.ActiveView.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.ActiveView.Large.png + + + Revit.Application.Document + IsFamilyDocument + Query + Is the Document a Family? + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.IsFamilyDocument.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.IsFamilyDocument.Large.png + + + Revit.Application.Document + FilePath + Query + The full path of the Document. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.FilePath.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.FilePath.Large.png + + + Revit.Application.Document + Current + Query + Get the current document + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Current.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Current.Large.png + + + Revit.Application.Document + Location + Query + Extracts Latitude and Longitude from Revit + Latitude,Longitude + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Location.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.Application.Document.Location.Large.png + + + + + + + Revit.Analysis.FaceAnalysisDisplay + ByViewFacePointsAndValues + Create + Show a colored Face Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewFacePointsAndValues.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewFacePointsAndValues.Large.png + + + Revit.Analysis.FaceAnalysisDisplay + ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData + Create + Show a colored Face Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analysis.PointAnalysisDisplay + ByViewPointsAndValues + Create + Show a colored Point Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndValues.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndValues.Large.png + + + Revit.Analysis.PointAnalysisDisplay + ByViewAndPointAnalysisData + Create + Show a colored Point Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData.Large.png + + + + + Revit.Analysis.VectorAnalysisDisplay + ByViewPointsAndVectorValues + Create + Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndVectorValues.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewPointsAndVectorValues.Large.png + + + Revit.Analysis.VectorAnalysisDisplay + ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData + Create + Show a Vector Analysis Display in the Revit view. + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\RevitNodes\SmallIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData.Small.png + src\Resources\RevitNodes\LargeIcons\Revit.AnalysisDisplay.VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData.Large.png + + + + + + + + + Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment + BySkyModelLocationDate + Create + Describe the characteristics of the environment in which the rendering should take place + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment.BySkyModelLocationDate.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderingEnvironment.BySkyModelLocationDate.Large.png + + + + + Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob + ByViewNameWidthHeight + Create + Set the parameters of a render job to be run in the cloud. \n\nUse this node with CloudRender to submit the job. + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob.ByViewNameWidthHeight.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRenderingJob.ByViewNameWidthHeight.Large.png + + + + + Analyze.Render.DateTime + ByDateInformation + Create + Make a DateTime object from month, day, year, hour, minute, second + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.DateTime.ByDateInformation.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.DateTime.ByDateInformation.Large.png + + + + + Analyze.Render.SkyModel + ByTypeConstants + Create + Create a SkyModel for Rendering + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModel.ByTypeConstants.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModel.ByTypeConstants.Large.png + + + + Analyze.Render + Do Cloud Render + Action + Submit a cloud rendering or daylighting job to A360's Cloud Rendering service. This requires cloud credits! + Do Cloud Render + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRender.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.CloudRender.Large.png + + + Analyze.Render + Upload Cloud Render Data + Action + Upload Render Data for use with A360 render service. \n\nUse this node with Cloud Render to submit the job. + Upload Cloud Render Data + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.UploadRenderData.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.UploadRenderData.Large.png + + + Analyze.Render + Export Cloud Render Data + Action + ExportDocumentRenderData + Export Cloud Render Data + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.ExportDocumentRenderData.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.ExportDocumentRenderData.Large.png + + + Analyze.Render + Select RenderQuality + Action + Set the quality of the rendering + Select RenderQuality + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderQualityDropDown.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderQualityDropDown.Large.png + + + Analyze.Render + Select RenderType + Action + Set the type of rendering + Select RenderType + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderTypeDropDown.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.RenderTypeDropDown.Large.png + + + Analyze.Render + Select SkyModelType + Action + Set the quality of the rendering + Select SkyModelType + + + + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModelTypeDropDown.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Render.SkyModelTypeDropDown.Large.png + + + + + Analyze.Label + ByPointAndString + Create + No description available + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + Analyze.AnalysisExtensions + IsAlmostEqualTo + Action + No description available + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + + Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob + ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary + Create + Set the parameters of a daylighting analysis job to be run in the cloud. \n\nDirect the output of this node with Cloud Render to submit the job. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob.ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.CloudDaylightingJob.ByViewNameDivisionsGridBoundary.Large.png + + + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + Parse + Create + Open and parse an SDF daylighting data file + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Parse.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Parse.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + XResolution + Query + The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the x direction + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.XResolution.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.XResolution.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + YResolution + Query + The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the y direction + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.YResolution.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.YResolution.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + Resolution + Query + The resolution of the DaylightingData grid in the form [x,y] + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Resolution.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Resolution.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + IlluminanceValues + Action + Read Foreground Illuminance from DaylightingData + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.IlluminanceValues.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.IlluminanceValues.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + Colors + Action + ColorData from DaylightingData + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Colors.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Colors.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + Normals + Action + PositionData from DaylightingData + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Normals.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Normals.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + Points + Action + PositionData from DaylightingData + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Points.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.Points.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults + ToImage + Action + Extract an image from DaylightingData + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.ToImage.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.DaylightingResults.ToImage.Large.png + + + + + Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance + R + Query + No description available + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.R.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.R.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance + G + Query + No description available + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.G.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.G.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance + B + Query + Construct an Illuminance data point. Illuminance is the integrated total visible light energy arriving per unit area on a surface from all directions. The data is three colored illuminance value (RGB). Each color is measured in Lux. Lux is a derived unit equal to lumens per square meter. + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.B.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.B.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance + ByRGB + Create + Construct an Illuminance data point. Illuminance is the integrated total visible light energy arriving per unit area on a surface from all directions. The data is three colored illuminance value (RGB). Each color is measured in Lux. Lux is a derived unit equal to lumens per square meter. + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ByRGB.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ByRGB.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance + ToSRGB + Action + Transform an RGB Illuminance value to the sRGB standard computed as (0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B). The unit of the returned value is in lux (lumens/m^2)." + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToSRGB.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToSRGB.Large.png + + + Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance + ToFootCandles + Action + Transform a single illuminance value in lux to foot-candles + + + + + + + + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\SmallIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToFootCandles.Small.png + src\Resources\SimpleRaaS\LargeIcons\Analyze.Daylighting.Illuminance.ToFootCandles.Large.png + + + + + Analyze + SiteLocation + Action + Returns the current Revit site location. + SiteLocation + + + + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\SmallIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SiteLocation.Small.png + src\Resources\DSRevitNodesUI\LargeIcons\DSRevitNodesUI.SiteLocation.Large.png + + + + + BuiltIn + Count + Action + Returns number of items in the specified list + count,length,len + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Count.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Count.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + Rank + Action + Returns the deepest depth of the list + rank,depth,nesting,ranks + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Rank.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Rank.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + Flatten + Action + Returns the flattened 1D list of the multi-dimensional input list. If the input is a single value, returns that value. + flatten,completely + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Flatten.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Flatten.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + SetIntersection + Action + Produces the set intersection of two sequences + intersection,overlap + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetIntersection.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetIntersection.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + SetUnion + Action + Produces the set union of two sequences by using the default equality comparer + union + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetUnion.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetUnion.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + SetDifference + Action + Returns objects that are included in List1 but excluded in List2 + difference + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SetDifference.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SetDifference.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + CountTrue + Action + Returns the number of true values in the list + count,true + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\CountTrue.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\CountTrue.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + CountFalse + Action + Returns the number of false values in the list + count,false + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\CountFalse.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\CountFalse.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + AllFalse + Action + Checks if all elements in the specified list are false + all,false,isfalse + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\AllFalse.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\AllFalse.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + AllTrue + Action + Checks if all elements in the specified list are true + all,true,istrue + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\AllTrue.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\AllTrue.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + IsHomogeneous + Action + Checks if all the elements in the specified list are of the same type + homogeneous,same,allequal + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsHomogeneous.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsHomogeneous.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + RemoveIfNot + Action + Removes the members of the list which are not members of the specified type + remove,not,ofType,filtertype + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\RemoveIfNot.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\RemoveIfNot.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + Equals + Action + Determines whether two object instances are equal + equals + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Equals.var-var.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Equals.var-var.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + Contains + Action + Checks if the specified element is present in the specified list + contains,in + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + BuiltIn + IndexOf + Action + Returns the index of the member in the list + indexof,index + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IndexOf.varN-varN.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IndexOf.varN-varN.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + Insert + Action + Inserts an element into a list at specified index + insert + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Insert.varN-var-int.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Insert.varN-var-int.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + Insert + Action + Inserts an element into a list at specified index + insert + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Insert.varN-varN-int.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Insert.varN-varN-int.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + SortIndexByValue + Action + Sorts a specified list by values of its members in ascending order + sort,index,value + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + SortIndexByValue + Action + Sorts a specified list by the values of its members in either ascending or descending order + sort,index,value + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortIndexByValue.double1-bool.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + Reorder + Action + Reorders the list using the specified indices + reorder + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Reorder.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Reorder.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + IsUniformDepth + Action + Checks if the list has a uniform depth + depth,jagged + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsUniformDepth.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsUniformDepth.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + IsRectangular + Action + Checks if each of rows in multidimensional list has the same number of elements + rectangular + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\IsRectangular.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\IsRectangular.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + NormalizeDepth + Action + Returns a list with uniform depth as specified by the input depth + depth,normalize + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + NormalizeDepth + Action + Returns multidimentional list according the rank given + depth,normalize + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN-var.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\NormalizeDepth.varN-var.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + Map + Action + Maps a value into an input range + map,scale,remap + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Map.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Map.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + MapTo + Action + Maps a vlaue from one range to another range + mapto,remap,scale + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MapTo.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MapTo.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + ImportFromCSV + Action + Imports data from a text file containing comma separated values into two-dimensional list + csv,import,read + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ImportFromCSV.string.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ImportFromCSV.string.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + ImportFromCSV + Action + Imports data from a text file containing comma separated values into two-dimensional list and also transpose the output list if specified + csv,import,read + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ImportFromCSV.string-bool.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ImportFromCSV.string-bool.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + GetKeys + Action + Gets all keys from the specified key-value pair list + keys + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GetKeys.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GetKeys.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + GetValues + Action + Gets all values stored in the specified key-value pair list and for a simple list it returns all elements in the list + values + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GetValues.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GetValues.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + RemoveKey + Action + Returns true if the specified key is removed from list, otherwise returns false + remove,key + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\RemoveKey.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\RemoveKey.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + ContainsKey + Action + Checks if the specified key is present in the specified key-value pair list + contain,key + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ContainsKey.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ContainsKey.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + MinimumItemByKey + Action + No description available + min,item,key + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MinimumItemByKey.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MinimumItemByKey.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + MaximumItemByKey + Action + No description available + max,item,key + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\MaximumItemByKey.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\MaximumItemByKey.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + SortByFunction + Action + Use a function to determine how list items should be sorted + sort,order + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\SortByFunction.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\SortByFunction.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + GroupByFunction + Action + Use a function to determine how list items should be grouped + group,function + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\GroupByFunction.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\GroupByFunction.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + TrueForAll + Action + No description available + true,all + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\TrueForAll.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\TrueForAll.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + TrueForAny + Action + No description available + true,any + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\TrueForAny.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\TrueForAny.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + LoopWhile + Action + No description available + loop,while,repeat + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\LoopWhile.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\LoopWhile.Large.png + + + BuiltIn + NewtonRootFind1DNoDeriv + Action + No description available + newton,noderiv,numeric + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NewtonRootFind1DNoDeriv.Small.png + Not found + + + BuiltIn + NewtonRootFind1DWithDeriv + Action + No description available + + + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\NewtonRootFind1DWithDeriv.Small.png + Not found + + + + + Operators + + + Action + Adds x to y. + add,plus,addition,+ + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\add.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\add.Large.png + + + Operators + - + Action + x subtract y. + sub,subtract,difference,- + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\sub.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\sub.Large.png + + + Operators + * + Action + Multiplies x by y. + mul,multiply,product,times,*,x + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\mul.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\mul.Large.png + + + Operators + / + Action + Divides x by y. + div,divide,product + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\div.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\div.Large.png + + + Operators + == + Action + Equal x to y? + eq,equal,= + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\eq.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\eq.Large.png + + + Operators + >= + Action + x greater or equals y? + greater,equal + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\ge.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\ge.Large.png + + + Operators + > + Action + x greater y? + greater + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\gt.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\gt.Large.png + + + Operators + % + Action + Is x divisible by y? + mod,modulo,remainder + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\mod.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\mod.Large.png + + + Operators + <= + Action + x less or equals y? + less,equal + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\le.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\le.Large.png + + + Operators + < + Action + x less y? + less + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\lt.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\lt.Large.png + + + Operators + && + Action + x and y? + and + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\and.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\and.Large.png + + + Operators + || + Action + x || y? + or + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\or.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\or.Large.png + + + Operators + != + Action + x doesn't equal y. + equal + + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\nq.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\nq.Large.png + + + Operators + Not + Action + !x + not + + + + + + + src\Resources\DynamoCore\SmallIcons\Not.Small.png + src\Resources\DynamoCore\LargeIcons\Not.Large.png + + + + + + Office.Excel + ReadFromFile + Action + Read data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is read by row and returned in a series of lists by row. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in cell A1 will appear in the data list at [0,0]. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed. + office,excel,spreadsheet,ifequalreturnindex + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + Office.Excel + WriteToFile + Action + Write data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data is written by row with sublists to be written in successive rows. Rows and columns are zero-indexed; for example, the value in the data list at [0,0] will be written to cell A1. Null values and empty lists are written to Excel as empty cells. This node requires Microsoft Excel to be installed. + office,excel,spreadsheet + + + + + + + + + + + + Not found + Not found + + + + + + + + Display.Display.Display + ByGeometryColor + Create + Display geometry using a color. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Display\SmallIcons\Display.Display.ByGeometryColor.Small.png + src\Resources\Display\LargeIcons\Display.Display.ByGeometryColor.Large.png + + + Display.Display.Display + BySurfaceColors + Create + Display color values on a surface. The colors provided are converted internally to an image texture which is mapped to the surface. + + + + + + + + + src\Resources\Display\SmallIcons\Display.Display.BySurfaceColors.Small.png + src\Resources\Display\LargeIcons\Display.Display.BySurfaceColors.Large.png + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/index.html b/public/index.html index b112db9e..bffd6c6b 100644 --- a/public/index.html +++ b/public/index.html @@ -28,16 +28,6 @@ - - - - - - - - - Dynamo Dictionary diff --git a/public/js/avp/AVP.min.js b/public/js/avp/AVP.min.js deleted file mode 100755 index 1dafe24a..00000000 --- a/public/js/avp/AVP.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,360 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @license almond 0.3.3 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors. - * Released under MIT license, - */ - -/** - * @license text 2.0.15 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors. - * Released under MIT license, - */ - -/*! - * Bootstrap v3.3.7 ( - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under the MIT license - */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: transition.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: alert.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: button.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: carousel.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: collapse.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: dropdown.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: modal.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: tooltip.js v3.3.7 - * - * Inspired by the original jQuery.tipsy by Jason Frame - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: popover.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: scrollspy.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: tab.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/* ======================================================================== - * Bootstrap: affix.js v3.3.7 - * - * ======================================================================== - * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. - * Licensed under MIT ( - * ======================================================================== */ - -/** - * Prism: Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting - * MIT license - * @author Lea Verou - */ - -// (c) 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors - -// Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. - -/*! @source */ - -/*! - * jQuery UI Widget 1.12.1 - * - * - * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -/*! - * jQuery UI Mouse 1.12.1 - * - * - * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -/*! - * jQuery UI Disable Selection 1.12.1 - * - * - * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -/*! - * jQuery UI Resizable 1.12.1 - * - * - * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -/*! - * jQuery UI Controlgroup 1.12.1 - * - * - * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - 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* - */ - -/* -chroma.js - JavaScript library for color conversions - -Copyright (c) 2011-2015, Gregor Aisch -All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - -1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this - list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - -2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, - this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation - and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - -3. The name Gregor Aisch may not be used to endorse or promote products - derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GREGOR AISCH OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, -INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, -BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY -OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, -EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -*/ - -/*! Hammer.JS - v2.0.7 - 2016-04-22 - * - * - * Copyright (c) 2016 Jorik Tangelder; - * Licensed under the MIT license */ - -/*! - * jQuery UI :data 1.12.1 - * - * - * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -/*! - * jQuery UI Scroll Parent 1.12.1 - * - * - * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -/*! - * jQuery UI Draggable 1.12.1 - * - * - * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -/** - * @preserve FastClick: polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs. - * - * @codingstandard ftlabs-jsv2 - * @copyright The Financial Times Limited [All Rights Reserved] - * @license MIT License (see LICENSE.txt) - */ - -/** - * swagger-client - swagger-client is a javascript client for use with swaggering APIs. - * @version v2.1.32 - * @link - * @license Apache-2.0 - */ - -//#; -// - 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