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Levels and experience

There is two distinct 'level' systems on DuckHunt. The first one is based on your current experience (levels), and the other one is the prestige system.

Your current level change based on how much experience you currently have : buying something in the shop might make you level down, while killing ducks will make you level up.

However, the prestige system is only activated when you decide, and you can't lose a prestige level. Activating prestige will restart the game for you, in exchange for a bonus that will help you progress faster in your next run.

Why do I have less bullets than before ?

You have more magazines but fewer bullets right now because you have leveled up. Leveling up exchanges these differences for a big boost in accuracy, and reliability (the stat that determines how often your gun jams).

Think of it like having an AK47 in the beginning at level 1.... you have a full clip that can hold 6 shots, and your belt can hold only a couple of them. However, it's not made for long range, so it is inaccurate as hell, and it's old as the hills, so it jams like crazy.

...but in the end, you get a new badass sniper rifle. Only holds one bullet at a time, but its military grade, can shoot a fly off a bull's horn from a mile away, and it's reliable enough that it will almost never jam, even if you submerge it in mud for a week.

Game levels

Level number Minimum experience Name Accuracy Reliability Bullets Magazines
-3 Negative cheater ?
-2 Duck hugger ?
-1 What are you doing ?
0 N/A Public danger 95 85 6 1
1 -4 Tourist 90 85 6 2
2 20 Noob 70 86 6 2
3 50 Trainee 54 87 6 2
4 90 Duck misser 58 88 8 2
5 140 Member of the Committee Against Ducks 59 89 8 2
6 200 Duck hater 60 90 8 2
7 270 Duck pest 65 93 4 3
8 350 Duck hassler 67 93 4 3
9 440 Duck plucker 69 93 4 3
10 540 Hunter 71 94 4 3
11 650 Duck inside out turner 73 94 4 3
12 770 Duck clobberer 73 94 4 3
13 900 Duck chewer 74 95 4 3
14 1040 Duck eater 74 95 4 3
15 1190 Duck flattener 75 95 4 3
16 1350 Duck disassembler 80 97 2 4
17 1520 Duck demolisher 81 97 2 4
18 1700 Duck killer 81 97 2 4
19 1890 Duck skinner 82 97 2 4
20 2090 Duck predator 82 97 2 4
21 2300 Duck chopper 83 98 2 4
22 2520 Duck decorticator 83 98 2 4
23 2750 Duck fragger 84 98 2 4
24 2990 Duck shatterer 84 98 2 4
25 3240 Duck smasher 85 98 2 4
26 3500 Duck breaker 90 99 1 5
27 3770 Duck wrecker 91 99 1 5
28 4050 Duck impaler 91 99 1 5
29 4340 Duck eviscerator 92 99 1 5
30 4640 Duck terror 92 99 1 5
31 4950 Duck exploder 93 99 1 5
32 5270 Duck destructor 93 99 1 5
33 5600 Duck blaster 94 99 1 5
34 5940 Duck pulverizer 94 99 1 5
35 6290 Duck disintegrator 95 99 1 5
36 6650 Duck atomizer 95 99 1 5
37 7020 Duck annihilator 96 99 1 5
38 7400 Serial duck killer 96 99 1 5
39 7790 Duck genocider 97 99 1 5
40 8200 Old noob 97 99 1 5
41 9999 Duck toaster 98 99 1 6
42 11111 Unemployed due to extinction of the duck species 99 99 1 7

Prestige levels

To level up with prestige, you'll need to have at least 11111 experience points, and type dh!prestige confirm. There is no going back.

When prestiging, you'll keep some of your achievements, and 10% of your experience above 11111. The rest of your data will be deleted.

Of course, prestige levels stack. It means that, if you are level 3, you'll get advantages from level 1, 2 and 3 at the same time.

Level 0

This is the default level when you first start the game. You get the right to p(l)ay DuckHunt.

Level 1

The first time you prestige, you'll get Unbreakable sunglasses. You won't need to buy sunglasses anymore.

Level 2

You'll be able to choose the color of your coat.

Level 3

Get access to the dh!prestige daily command. This will give you free experience every day you play.

The experience awarded by the command is random, but will get higher the higher your prestige level goes.

Level 4

You'll get access to Icelandic water, that will wet your target for longer.

Level 5

You'll get an untearable coat. Just like on level 1, you won't need to buy coats anymore.

Level 6

Your silencers are now military grade. They last twice as long, for the same price.

Level 7

You get to be part of the super secret DuckHunt Secret Service. By joining, you'll get a complimentary, permanent, license to kill

Level 8

Your ammo packs get bigger, allowing you to load twice as many bullets in your gun.

Level 9 and above

Higher levels increase the amount of experience you can get from the dh!prestige daily command. If you have a great idea for a new prestige power up, please tell us on the support server