- Actual version: 0.2.0
- Author: José Véliz (Duccem)
- Restructure the folders and packages to manage better the dependencies
- Restart the config of e2e and unit testing
- Rewrite the Github workflows
- Rewrite the UI web react components to native css
- Rewrite some logic to fit with better practice
- Add joins and projections to criteria
- Add workflows of github actions
- Add the components of mobile and web
- Complete auth flows from hospital platform
- Migrate from Nx to NPM Workspaces
- Implement authentication workflows
- Implement Change password flow 3ec97c4
- Add ci/cd
- Add mobile app
- Update nx to 16
- Change in the confs
- RabbitMQ implementation
- Internationalization
- First unit test
- Railway configuration to deployment
- Firebase Notifications
- Nodemailer + handlebars emails
- Redis cache
- In memory message queue
- Model Profile
- Casl Role system
- Registration company and user
- Oauth Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin, Github
- Logger
- Response modeler
- Error response modeler
- Model Company
- Model User
- Initial commit