This repository contains sample social network datasets specifically collected and formatted for teaching with Gephi. Each folder contains a nodes csv, an edges csv, and a GraphML file that can be imported into Gephi, as well as background information about the original source of the data, the methodologies used to compile it, and the context/significance of the social network.
Most of the edges csv files can also be dragged and dropped into John Ladd's incredibly handy Network Navigator tool.
The sample network datasets include: characters in the Game of Thrones universe; modernist authors who published together in journals; characters in the Marvel Universe; seventeenth-century Quakers; books about U.S. politics that were co-purchased around the 2004 presidential election; and people in TrumpWorld.
If you have questions, suggestions, or would like to add another dataset to the repository, please feel free to submit a pull request, open an issue, or email me.
A sample Gephi project created with the Game of Thrones network data as a teaching tutorial can be viewed and explored as an interactive web network here.
The Game of Thrones network data can also be analyzed with John Ladd's Network Navigator tool.