repo forall -g EXTRAS -c 'echo git remote add LineageOS [email protected]:$(echo ${REPO_PROJECT} | sed "s|ROM-EXTRAS|LineageOS|g;")'
repo forall -v -g EXTRAS -c "git log --oneline | head -n1"
repoheads () {
repo forall -pv -g EXTRAS -c "git log --oneline --decorate | head -n1" | grep -v github-ssh/lineage-19.1 | grep HEAD -B1 |grep project | cut -d' ' -f2
# Now use a loop to so whatever is needed
for i in $(repoheads); do git rebase -f github-ssh/lineage-19.1 --exec="git commit --amend --no-edit"
A=($(repo forall -g EXTRAS -c "echo \$REPO_PATH"))
repo start lineage-19.1 "${A[@]}"
repo forall -v -g EXTRAS -c 'echo $REPO_PATH'
git log --oneline github/lineage-19.1..HEAD | awk '{first = $1; $1 = ""; print $0, "#", first; }'
git log --oneline github/lineage-19.1..<diffrepo> | awk '{first = $1; $1 = ""; print $0, "#", first; }'
# Remove known misses, sort both, send to diffchecker
repoproj (){
repo info $file | grep Project | cut -d" " -f2 | sed 's/ROM-EXTRAS/LineageOS/g'
Alternative, needs patches in the repo tool
repoproj (){
repo info $file | grep 'ReviewProject' | cut -d" " -f2
git log <commit>..HEAD | grep Change-Id | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -d
#gerrit is aliased to 'ssh -p <port> user@gerrithost gerrit'
gerrit query --current-patch-set 'status:abandoned' | egrep '^ revision' | awk '{print $2}' > CHANGES_NUMBERS
for i in `cat CHANGES_NUMBERS`; do gerrit review --restore $i; done
repo info . | grep Project | cut -d" " -f2
gerrit create-project LineageOS/android_packages_modules_Connectivity
git push lgerrit:`repoproj` HEAD:refs/heads/master -o skip-validation
gerrit create-branch `repoproj` lineage-19.1 ded73434a
gerrit query 'intopic:^.+'
# 1) Query all current ref: refs/changes/xx/yy and save it to a temp file
gerrit query --current-patch-set 'project:LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings status:merged' | egrep "^ ref:" | cut -d' ' -f6 >/tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS
# Example output
# $ head /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS
# refs/changes/23/1823/1
# refs/changes/39/39/2
# refs/changes/44/144/2
# 2) Replace the last digit in the ref with "meta"
for i in `cat /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS`; do echo "$(dirname $i)/meta"; done > /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2
# Example output
# $ head /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2
# refs/changes/23/1823/meta
# refs/changes/39/39/meta
# refs/changes/44/144/meta
# 3) Copy /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2 to the gerrit server
# 4) IMPORTANT!! Stop the gerrit instance and cd into the project's .git directory
# Make sure git log refs/changes/xx/yy/meta returns a log!
# 5) Backup the `packed-refs` file somewhere safe
# 6) Replace all matching refs' commit hash from /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2 with refs/changes/xx/yy/meta~1
for i in `cat /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2`
CURRENT="$(git rev-parse $i)";
REPLACE="$(git rev-parse $i~1)";
sed -i "s|$CURRENT $i|$REPLACE $i|g;" ~/packed-refs
In this example I will be creating a mapping ChangeID <-> Topic
- Get all changes that have a topic and are merged:
gerrit query --current-patch-set 'intopic:^.+ status:merged' --no-limit --format=JSON > topics.json
- Sanitize the json by filtering all the unnecessary details, and avoiding empty lines:
cat topics.json | jq 'with_entries(select([.key] | inside(["id", "topic"])))' | jq -c 'select(length > 0)' > gerrit.json
This gives us a file that looks like:
Refer my comment here
This script is called via SSH to the gerrit server's HOST (Not the gerrit's SSH!)
Example of execution with script saved in my Gerrit Host's ~/gerrit/scripts/
ssh root@gerrithost 'GERRIT_REPO="LineageOS/android_vendor_lineage" ~/gerrit/scripts/'
Script: LINK