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143 lines (133 loc) · 5.26 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (133 loc) · 5.26 KB

Add remote to all repos that match my custom group EXTRAS

repo forall -g EXTRAS -c 'echo git remote add LineageOS [email protected]:$(echo ${REPO_PROJECT} | sed "s|ROM-EXTRAS|LineageOS|g;")'

Check current HEAD of custom repos

repo forall -v -g EXTRAS -c "git log --oneline | head -n1"

List of all repos not matching manifest branch

repoheads () {
    repo forall -pv -g EXTRAS -c "git log --oneline --decorate | head -n1" | grep -v github-ssh/lineage-19.1 | grep HEAD -B1 |grep project | cut -d' ' -f2
# Now use a loop to so whatever is needed
for i in $(repoheads); do git rebase -f github-ssh/lineage-19.1 --exec="git commit --amend --no-edit"

Generate custom repos project-list array to use with repo start/upload

A=($(repo forall -g EXTRAS -c "echo \$REPO_PATH"))
repo start lineage-19.1 "${A[@]}"

Save list of extras repos to use it in a loop

    repo forall -v -g EXTRAS -c 'echo $REPO_PATH'

compare missing commits between repos

git log --oneline  github/lineage-19.1..HEAD | awk '{first = $1; $1 = ""; print $0, "#", first; }'
git log --oneline  github/lineage-19.1..<diffrepo> | awk '{first = $1; $1 = ""; print $0, "#", first; }'
# Remove known misses, sort both, send to diffchecker

Gerrit - Function to give replaced project name

repoproj (){
        repo info $file | grep Project | cut -d" " -f2 | sed 's/ROM-EXTRAS/LineageOS/g'

Alternative, needs patches in the repo tool

repoproj (){
        repo info $file | grep 'ReviewProject' | cut -d" " -f2

Find changeIDs that are duplicates

git log <commit>..HEAD | grep Change-Id | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -d

Gerrit - Batch restore all abandoned commits

#gerrit is aliased to 'ssh -p <port> user@gerrithost gerrit'
gerrit query --current-patch-set  'status:abandoned' | egrep '^    revision' | awk '{print $2}' > CHANGES_NUMBERS
for i in `cat CHANGES_NUMBERS`; do gerrit review --restore $i; done

Repo - Get PWD's REPO_PROJECT for gerrit

repo info . | grep Project | cut -d" " -f2

Gerrit: force create project and update branch baseline

gerrit create-project LineageOS/android_packages_modules_Connectivity
git push lgerrit:`repoproj` HEAD:refs/heads/master -o skip-validation
gerrit create-branch `repoproj` lineage-19.1 ded73434a

Gerrit: List all changes that have a topic:

gerrit query 'intopic:^.+'

Gerrit: Undo all merges in project

# 1) Query all current ref: refs/changes/xx/yy and save it to a temp file
gerrit query --current-patch-set 'project:LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings status:merged' | egrep "^    ref:" | cut -d' ' -f6 >/tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS

# Example output
# $ head /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS
# refs/changes/23/1823/1
# refs/changes/39/39/2
# refs/changes/44/144/2

# 2) Replace the last digit in the ref with "meta"
for i in `cat /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS`; do echo "$(dirname $i)/meta"; done > /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2

# Example output
# $ head /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2
# refs/changes/23/1823/meta
# refs/changes/39/39/meta
# refs/changes/44/144/meta

# 3) Copy /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2 to the gerrit server
# 4) IMPORTANT!! Stop the gerrit instance and cd into the project's .git directory
#    Make sure git log refs/changes/xx/yy/meta returns a log!
# 5) Backup the `packed-refs` file somewhere safe
# 6) Replace all matching refs' commit hash from /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2 with refs/changes/xx/yy/meta~1

for i in `cat /tmp/CHANGES_NUMBERS2`
    CURRENT="$(git rev-parse $i)";
    REPLACE="$(git rev-parse $i~1)";
    sed -i "s|$CURRENT $i|$REPLACE $i|g;" ~/packed-refs

Sanitizing gerrit's json.

In this example I will be creating a mapping ChangeID <-> Topic

  1. Get all changes that have a topic and are merged:
gerrit query --current-patch-set 'intopic:^.+ status:merged' --no-limit --format=JSON > topics.json
  1. Sanitize the json by filtering all the unnecessary details, and avoiding empty lines:
cat topics.json | jq 'with_entries(select([.key] | inside(["id", "topic"])))' | jq -c 'select(length > 0)' > gerrit.json

This gives us a file that looks like:


Undo-ing gerrit merge

Refer my comment here
This script is called via SSH to the gerrit server's HOST (Not the gerrit's SSH!)
Example of execution with script saved in my Gerrit Host's ~/gerrit/scripts/

ssh root@gerrithost 'GERRIT_REPO="LineageOS/android_vendor_lineage" ~/gerrit/scripts/'

Script: LINK
