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Releases: DouyinFE/semi-design


24 Dec 10:52
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  • 【Fix】
    • 修复 Tabs 在 umd 方式使用时,tabPlane tab props 不接受动态更新的问题
  • 【Docs】

  • 【Fix】
    • Fix the problem that tabPlane tab props does not accept dynamic updates when Tabs are used in umd mode
  • 【Docs】


23 Dec 11:46
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v2.2.0-beta.1 Pre-release
  • 【Fix】
    • 修复 DatePicker 输入非法年份导致组件崩溃问题 #422
    • 修复 Notification 多色模式下,背景色透明导致的内容穿透 #430
    • 修复 Vite 构建 CSS 时抛出 @charset utf-8 相关 warning 的问题 #403
    • 修复 Select 多选使用 backSpace 删除已选项后,下拉列表数据显示不正确的问题 #444
    • 修复 Empty 在切换暗色模式时显示 this.updateMode 未定义问题 #452
    • 修复 Safari<=13 版本的响应式报错问题 #442

  • 【Fix】
    • Fixed DatePicker input illegal year causing component crash #422
    • Fixed the content penetration caused by transparent background color in Notification when theme='light' #430
    • Fixed the issue of @charset utf-8 related warning when Vite builds CSS #403
    • Fixed the problem that the data in the drop-down list is not displayed correctly after using backSpace to delete the selected item in Select multiple selection #444
    • Fix Empty display this.updateMode undefined problem when switching dark mode #452
    • Fixed the responsive error reporting issue of Safari<=13 version #442


17 Dec 12:01
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v2.2.0-beta.0 Pre-release
  • 【Feat】
    • Timeline.Item 支持 onClick #402
    • Cascader
      • 支持仅回显叶子节点,提供 leafOnly API #256
      • 支持多选时点击叶子节点即可选中,提供 enableLeafClick API #302 @btea
      • 支持自定义分隔符,提供 separator API #408
    • Upload #342
      • 支持通过 ref 调用 insert 方法
      • 支持 props showPicInfo
      • 使用 gap 控制 FileCard 间隔
    • Icon #260
      • 添加 double_chevron_left,double_chevron_right 图标
      • Icon 支持跟随当前上下文字体大小
    • LocaleProvider 新增西班牙语语言包 @chenjunxyf
    • Select 新增 inputProps ,便于用户在 filter 为 true 时可实现一些特殊功能。例如传入 onCompositionEnd,onKeyDown 事件监听等
    • DatePicker #260
      • 新增年份切换按钮
      • 优化范围选择交互逻辑,避免出现两个面板是相同月份场景
  • 【Fix】
    • Select
      • 修复 Select renderSelectedItem 返回的 isRenderInTag 为 false 时会报 key 的 warning 的问题 #320
      • 修复 Select 搜索高亮关键字时 warning 提示 mark 标签 key 缺失的问题
    • 修复 Cascader multiple+disabled 时标签样式与设计稿不符 #400
    • 修复 Description type='plain' 时,key 或 itemKey 为 node 时渲染不正确的问题 #406
    • 修复 Pagination 同时使用 hideOnSingePage 与 showSizeChanger 时,总页数只有1时,sizeChanger 会消失无法再切换的问题 #252
    • 修复 通过 webpack plugin variables 方式定义 Select 组件 Design Token 时不生效的问题 #375 @summerstream
    • 修复 Rating 组件设置 size 为 number 后 UI 错误
    • 修复 Timeline 自定义 dot 水平对齐的问题 #395 @chenc041
  • 【Docs】

  • 【Feat】
    • Timeline.Item supports onClick #402
    • Cascader
      • Support only echoing leaf nodes with leafOnly API #256
      • Support click the leaf node to select it in multiple selection with enableLeafClick API #302 @btea
      • Support custom separator with separator API #408
    • Upload #342
      • Support ref.current.insert method
      • Support props showPicInfo
      • Use gap to control FileCard interval
    • Icon #260
      • Add double_chevron_left, double_chevron_right icons
      • Icon supports following the current context font size
    • LocaleProvider added Spanish language pack @chenjunxyf
    • Select added inputProps, which is convenient for users to realize some special functions when filter is true. For example, incoming onCompositionEnd, onKeyDown event monitoring, etc.
    • DatePicker #260
      • Add year switch buttons
      • Optimize the scope selection interaction logic to avoid scenes where the two panels are the same month
  • 【Fix】
    • Select
      • Fixed the issue of key warning when isRenderInTag returned by Select renderSelectedItem is false #320
      • Fixed the problem that the mark tag key is missing when the warning prompts the mark when searching for the highlighted keyword in Select
    • Fixed that the label style does not match the design draft when Cascader is multiple+disabled #400
    • Fixed the problem of incorrect rendering when the key or itemKey is node when Description type='plain' #406
    • Fixed the issue that when Pagination uses hideOnSingePage and showSizeChanger at the same time, when the total number of pages is only 1, the sizeChanger will disappear and can no longer be switched #252
    • Fixed the issue that the design token of the Select component does not take effect when defining the Select component through Webpack plugin variables #375 @summerstream
    • Fixed the UI error after setting the size of the Rating component to number
    • Fixed the horizontal alignment of Timeline custom dot #395 @chenc041
  • 【Docs】


10 Dec 10:24
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  • 【Fix】
    • Timeline.time ts 定义支持 ReactNode 类型 #359 @chenc041
    • 修复 Tree 组件 onContextMenu 阻止冒泡的问题 #364 @Nctdtman
    • 修复 Select/Checkbox/Button 缺少 id 的问题 #353
    • 修复 Nav footer、header dts定义相反了的问题
    • 修复 Table fixed 单元格 z-index 过小问题,从 1 调整为 101 #391
    • 修复 Form Field 在未声明 field 属性时使用时下丢失 ref 的问题
  • 【Style】
    • 修复 --overlay-bg token 命名不规范的问题。 修改为 --color-overlay-bg

  • 【Fix】
    • Timeline.time ts definition supports ReactNode type #359 @chenc041
    • Fix the problem of Tree component onContextMenu preventing bubbling #364 @Nctdtman
    • Fix the missing id of Select/Checkbox/Button #353
    • Fix the problem that the definitions of Nav footer and header dts are reversed
    • Fix the problem that the z-index of Table fixed cell is too small, adjusted from 1 to 101 #391
    • Fixed Form Field losing ref bug when it is not given filed prop
  • 【Style】
    • Fix the problem that the naming of --overlay-bg token is not standardized. Modified to --color-overlay-bg


03 Dec 10:57
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  • 【Fix】
    • Checkbox onChange 回调的入参 event 增加 nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation #343
    • 修复 Cascader 多选时点击 Checkbox 在某些场景下触发冒泡 #343
    • 修复 ButtonGroup 的 children 不是 ReactElement 报错的问题 #318
    • 修复 Rating 组件当父级设置 line-height 时半星展示错误 #346
    • Checkbox/Radio
      • 修复鼠标移入/移出选中按钮过程中,鼠标出现状态切换的样式问题 #319
      • 修复选中态 hover/active 时选中按钮会出现外边框的问题 #319
      • 优化卡片类型 selected+disabled 态的样式 #319

  • 【Fix】
    • Add nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation to the event input parameter of Checkbox onChange callback #343
    • Fix the problem that when Cascader is multi-selected, clicking Checkbox will trigger bubbling in some scenarios #343
    • Fix that ButtonGroup children are not ReactElement report errors #318
    • Fix Rating component half star ui error, when parent element set line-height #346
    • Checkbox/Radio
      • Fix the style of the state switching of the mouse when the mouse is moved in/out of the checked button #319
      • Fix the border of the checked button will appear when the checked button is hover/active #319
      • Optimize the style of the checked+disabled state of the card/pureCard type #319


30 Nov 10:37
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  • 【Fix】
    • 修复在源码构建过程中,替换 ImportDeclaration 中 source 的bug

  • 【Fix】
    • Fix the bug of replacing source in ImportDeclaration during source code building


30 Nov 08:46
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  • 【Feature】
    • 支持 Next.js #153
    • 替换飞书Logo图标
  • 【Fix】
    • 修复 AutoComplete 的样式问题
    • 修复 InputNumber 在编辑器没有 API 语法提示问题 #327
    • 修复 Input focus 时 hover 态边框颜色错误问题 #332

  • 【Feature】
    • Support Next.js #153
    • Replace Feishu Logo icon
  • 【Fix】
    • Fix the style problem of AutoComplete
    • Fixed the problem that InputNumber does not have API syntax hints in the editor #327
    • Fix the wrong color of hover state border when Input focus #332


26 Nov 12:55
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  • 【Fix】
    • 提供 semi-icons、semi-illustrations 的 UMD 产物,解决 UMD 场景下无法使用 icon 的问题 #215

  • 【Fix】
    • Provide UMD products of semi-icons and semi-illustrations to solve the problem that icons cannot be used in UMD scenarios #215


26 Nov 11:34
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  • 【Fix】
    • 提供 semi-icons、semi-illustrations 的 UMD 产物,解决 UMD 场景下无法使用 icon 的问题 #215
    • 修复 Collapsible 组件在 content 有 margin 时展开/收起卡顿的问题 @ChelesteWang
  • 【Style】
    • Timeline 新增 $color-timeline_item_content-text-default Sass 变量,用于配置时间轴标题文字颜色
  • 【Docs】
    • 增加对局部模块应用暗色模式、亮色模式的 Demo 例子 #301
    • 更新 Table 示例,使用更符合使用场景的示例代码,对一些常见问题添加备注 #315
    • List 增加与 Checkbox、Radio、Input、Pagination 搭配使用的 Demo 示例;增加拖拽排序的Demo示例;增加键盘响应事件的 Demo 示例

  • 【Fix】
    • Provide UMD products of semi-icons and semi-illustrations to solve the problem that icons cannot be used in UMD scenarios #215
    • Fix the issue that the Collapsible component is stuck when expanding/retracting when the content has a margin @ChelesteWang
  • 【Style】
    • Timeline adds $color-timeline_item_content-text-default Sass variable, which is used to configure the timeline title text color
  • 【Docs】
    • Add a demo example of applying dark mode and bright mode to some modules #301
    • Update the Table sample, use sample code that is more suitable for the usage scenario, and add notes to some common problems #315
    • Added demo examples for use with Checkbox, Radio, Input, Pagination; added demo examples for drag sorting; added demo examples for keyboard response events


24 Nov 13:41
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v2.1.0-beta.3 Pre-release
  • 【Fix】
    • 更新部分组件的ts类型定义,修复 tsconfig.json 开启 strict: true 且 skipLibCheck为false时 build报错的问题 #283

  • 【Fix】
    • Update the ts type definitions of some components, and fix the problem that the build report error when strict: true is enabled and skipLibCheck is false in tscofnig.json #283