Mining high utility itemsets without candidate generation |
Mengchi Liu, JunFeng Qu |
code |
355 |
Twevent: segment-based event detection from tweets |
Chenliang Li, Aixin Sun, Anwitaman Datta |
code |
196 |
Social contextual recommendation |
Meng Jiang, Peng Cui, Rui Liu, Qiang Yang, Fei Wang, Wenwu Zhu, Shiqiang Yang |
code |
167 |
gSCorr: modeling geo-social correlations for new check-ins on location-based social networks |
Huiji Gao, Jiliang Tang, Huan Liu |
code |
135 |
Gelling, and melting, large graphs by edge manipulation |
Hanghang Tong, B. Aditya Prakash, Tina EliassiRad, Michalis Faloutsos, Christos Faloutsos |
code |
126 |
Detecting offensive tweets via topical feature discovery over a large scale twitter corpus |
Guang Xiang, Bin Fan, Ling Wang, Jason I. Hong, Carolyn P. Rosé |
code |
106 |
Prediction of retweet cascade size over time |
Andrey Kupavskii, Liudmila Ostroumova, Alexey Umnov, Svyatoslav Usachev, Pavel Serdyukov, Gleb Gusev, Andrey Kustarev |
code |
96 |
KORE: keyphrase overlap relatedness for entity disambiguation |
Johannes Hoffart, Stephan Seufert, Dat Ba Nguyen, Martin Theobald, Gerhard Weikum |
code |
96 |
Exploring personal impact for group recommendation |
Xingjie Liu, Yuan Tian, Mao Ye, WangChien Lee |
code |
89 |
Meta path-based collective classification in heterogeneous information networks |
Xiangnan Kong, Philip S. Yu, Ying Ding, David J. Wild |
code |
83 |
Recommending citations: translating papers into references |
Wenyi Huang, Saurabh Kataria, Cornelia Caragea, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles, Lior Rokach |
code |
72 |
PARMA: a parallel randomized algorithm for approximate association rules mining in MapReduce |
Matteo Riondato, Justin A. DeBrabant, Rodrigo Fonseca, Eli Upfal |
code |
71 |
Evaluating geo-social influence in location-based social networks |
Chao Zhang, Lidan Shou, Ke Chen, Gang Chen, Yijun Bei |
code |
71 |
Deco: declarative crowdsourcing |
Aditya G. Parameswaran, Hyunjung Park, Hector GarciaMolina, Neoklis Polyzotis, Jennifer Widom |
code |
67 |
Discover breaking events with popular hashtags in twitter |
Anqi Cui, Min Zhang, Yiqun Liu, Shaoping Ma, Kuo Zhang |
code |
64 |
Climbing the app wall: enabling mobile app discovery through context-aware recommendations |
Alexandros Karatzoglou, Linas Baltrunas, Karen Church, Matthias Böhmer |
code |
62 |
Topic-sensitive probabilistic model for expert finding in question answer communities |
Guangyou Zhou, Siwei Lai, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao |
code |
61 |
Generating event storylines from microblogs |
Chen Lin, Chun Lin, Jingxuan Li, Dingding Wang, Yang Chen, Tao Li |
code |
60 |
Fast and reliable anomaly detection in categorical data |
Leman Akoglu, Hanghang Tong, Jilles Vreeken, Christos Faloutsos |
code |
58 |
Social recommendation across multiple relational domains |
Meng Jiang, Peng Cui, Fei Wang, Qiang Yang, Wenwu Zhu, Shiqiang Yang |
code |
56 |
The face of quality in crowdsourcing relevance labels: demographics, personality and labeling accuracy |
Gabriella Kazai, Jaap Kamps, Natasa MilicFrayling |
code |
53 |
Question-answer topic model for question retrieval in community question answering |
Zongcheng Ji, Fei Xu, Bin Wang, Ben He |
code |
52 |
Efficient safe-region construction for moving top-K spatial keyword queries |
Weihuang Huang, Guoliang Li, KianLee Tan, Jianhua Feng |
code |
50 |
LINDA: distributed web-of-data-scale entity matching |
Christoph Böhm, Gerard de Melo, Felix Naumann, Gerhard Weikum |
code |
48 |
TALMUD: transfer learning for multiple domains |
Orly Moreno, Bracha Shapira, Lior Rokach, Guy Shani |
code |
48 |
On the design of LDA models for aspect-based opinion mining |
Samaneh Moghaddam, Martin Ester |
code |
47 |
Efficient distributed locality sensitive hashing |
Bahman Bahmani, Ashish Goel, Rajendra Shinde |
code |
47 |
Leaving so soon?: understanding and predicting web search abandonment rationales |
Abdigani Diriye, Ryen White, Georg Buscher, Susan T. Dumais |
code |
45 |
Shaping communities out of triangles |
Arnau PratPérez, David DominguezSal, Josep M. Brunat, Josep Lluís LarribaPey |
code |
45 |
Real-time aggregate monitoring with differential privacy |
Liyue Fan, Li Xiong |
code |
45 |
Joint topic modeling for event summarization across news and social media streams |
Wei Gao, Peng Li, Kareem Darwish |
code |
43 |
Leveraging tagging for neighborhood-aware probabilistic matrix factorization |
Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Qi Liu, Linli Xu, Tengfei Bao, Lei Zhang |
code |
43 |
An efficient index for massive IOT data in cloud environment |
Youzhong Ma, Jia Rao, Weisong Hu, Xiaofeng Meng, Xu Han, Yu Zhang, Yunpeng Chai, Chunqiu Liu |
code |
41 |
Scalable clustering of signed networks using balance normalized cut |
KaiYang Chiang, Joyce Jiyoung Whang, Inderjit S. Dhillon |
code |
40 |
CloST: a hadoop-based storage system for big spatio-temporal data analytics |
Haoyu Tan, Wuman Luo, Lionel M. Ni |
code |
39 |
Efficient retrieval of recommendations in a matrix factorization framework |
Noam Koenigstein, Parikshit Ram, Yuval Shavitt |
code |
37 |
Predicting emerging social conventions in online social networks |
Farshad Kooti, Winter A. Mason, P. Krishna Gummadi, Meeyoung Cha |
code |
37 |
User guided entity similarity search using meta-path selection in heterogeneous information networks |
Xiao Yu, Yizhou Sun, Brandon Norick, Tiancheng Mao, Jiawei Han |
code |
36 |
Language processing for arabic microblog retrieval |
Kareem Darwish, Walid Magdy, Ahmed Mourad |
code |
33 |
Interpreting keyword queries over web knowledge bases |
Jeffrey Pound, Alexander K. Hudek, Ihab F. Ilyas, Grant E. Weddell |
code |
33 |
Time-aware topic recommendation based on micro-blogs |
Huizhi Liang, Yue Xu, Dian Tjondronegoro, Peter Christen |
code |
32 |
Topic-driven reader comments summarization |
Zongyang Ma, Aixin Sun, Quan Yuan, Gao Cong |
code |
32 |
On the usefulness of query features for learning to rank |
Craig Macdonald, Rodrygo L. T. Santos, Iadh Ounis |
code |
31 |
Exploiting enriched contextual information for mobile app classification |
Hengshu Zhu, Huanhuan Cao, Enhong Chen, Hui Xiong, Jilei Tian |
code |
31 |
Exploring and predicting search task difficulty |
Jingjing Liu, Chang Liu, Michael J. Cole, Nicholas J. Belkin, Xiangmin Zhang |
code |
30 |
G-SPARQL: a hybrid engine for querying large attributed graphs |
Sherif Sakr, Sameh Elnikety, Yuxiong He |
code |
30 |
Knowing where and how criminal organizations operate using web content |
Michele Coscia, Viridiana Rios |
code |
30 |
On skyline groups |
Chengkai Li, Nan Zhang, Naeemul Hassan, Sundaresan Rajasekaran, Gautam Das |
code |
30 |
Predicting web search success with fine-grained interaction data |
Qi Guo, Dmitry Lagun, Eugene Agichtein |
code |
29 |
Influence propagation in adversarial setting: how to defeat competition with least amount of investment |
Shahrzad Shirazipourazad, Brian Bogard, Harsh Vachhani, Arunabha Sen, Paul Horn |
code |
29 |
Modeling topic hierarchies with the recursive chinese restaurant process |
Joon Hee Kim, Dongwoo Kim, Suin Kim, Alice Oh |
code |
29 |
ESA: emergency situation awareness via microbloggers |
Jie Yin, Sarvnaz Karimi, Bella Robinson, Mark A. Cameron |
code |
29 |
Making your interests follow you on twitter |
Marco Pennacchiotti, Fabrizio Silvestri, Hossein Vahabi, Rossano Venturini |
code |
28 |
One seed to find them all: mining opinion features via association |
Zhen Hai, Kuiyu Chang, Gao Cong |
code |
28 |
Social book search: comparing topical relevance judgements and book suggestions for evaluation |
Marijn Koolen, Jaap Kamps, Gabriella Kazai |
code |
27 |
Shard ranking and cutoff estimation for topically partitioned collections |
Anagha Kulkarni, Almer S. Tigelaar, Djoerd Hiemstra, Jamie Callan |
code |
27 |
Discovering personally semantic places from GPS trajectories |
Mingqi Lv, Ling Chen, Gencai Chen |
code |
27 |
Incorporating occupancy into frequent pattern mining for high quality pattern recommendation |
Linpeng Tang, Lei Zhang, Ping Luo, Min Wang |
code |
27 |
Learning to rank duplicate bug reports |
Jian Zhou, Hongyu Zhang |
code |
27 |
Clustering short text using Ncut-weighted non-negative matrix factorization |
Xiaohui Yan, Jiafeng Guo, Shenghua Liu, Xueqi Cheng, Yanfeng Wang |
code |
26 |
MEET: a generalized framework for reciprocal recommender systems |
Lei Li, Tao Li |
code |
25 |
Temporal corpus summarization using submodular word coverage |
Ruben Sipos, Adith Swaminathan, Pannaga Shivaswamy, Thorsten Joachims |
code |
25 |
Towards an effective and unbiased ranking of scientific literature through mutual reinforcement |
Xiaorui Jiang, Xiaoping Sun, Hai Zhuge |
code |
24 |
The efficient imputation method for neighborhood-based collaborative filtering |
Yongli Ren, Gang Li, Jun Zhang, Wanlei Zhou |
code |
24 |
Sequential selection of correlated ads by POMDPs |
Shuai Yuan, Jun Wang |
code |
23 |
Frequent grams based embedding for privacy preserving record linkage |
Luca Bonomi, Li Xiong, Rui Chen, Benjamin C. M. Fung |
code |
23 |
Federated search in the wild: the combined power of over a hundred search engines |
Dong Nguyen, Thomas Demeester, Dolf Trieschnigg, Djoerd Hiemstra |
code |
23 |
Indexing uncertain spatio-temporal data |
Tobias Emrich, HansPeter Kriegel, Nikos Mamoulis, Matthias Renz, Andreas Züfle |
code |
23 |
HadoopXML: a suite for parallel processing of massive XML data with multiple twig pattern queries |
Hyebong Choi, KyongHa Lee, SooHyong Kim, YoonJoon Lee, Bongki Moon |
code |
23 |
Interest-matching information propagation in multiple online social networks |
Yilin Shen, Thang N. Dinh, Huiyuan Zhang, My T. Thai |
code |
22 |
Back to the roots: a probabilistic framework for query-performance prediction |
Oren Kurland, Anna Shtok, Shay Hummel, Fiana Raiber, David Carmel, Ofri Rom |
code |
22 |
An effective rule miner for instance matching in a web of data |
Xing Niu, Shu Rong, Haofen Wang, Yong Yu |
code |
22 |
Delineating social network data anonymization via random edge perturbation |
Mingqiang Xue, Panagiotis Karras, Chedy Raïssi, Panos Kalnis, Hung Keng Pung |
code |
22 |
If you are happy and you know it... tweet |
Amir Asiaee T., Mariano Tepper, Arindam Banerjee, Guillermo Sapiro |
code |
22 |
PathRank: a novel node ranking measure on a heterogeneous graph for recommender systems |
Sangkeun Lee, Sungchan Park, Minsuk Kahng, Sanggoo Lee |
code |
21 |
Learning to rank search results for time-sensitive queries |
Nattiya Kanhabua, Kjetil Nørvåg |
code |
21 |
Large-scale item categorization for e-commerce |
Dan Shen, JeanDavid Ruvini, Badrul Sarwar |
code |
21 |
Matching product titles using web-based enrichment |
Vishrawas Gopalakrishnan, Suresh Parthasarathy Iyengar, Amit Madaan, Rajeev Rastogi, Srinivasan H. Sengamedu |
code |
21 |
Estimating interleaved comparison outcomes from historical click data |
Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson, Maarten de Rijke |
code |
21 |
Interactive pattern mining on hidden data: a sampling-based solution |
Mansurul Bhuiyan, Snehasis Mukhopadhyay, Mohammad Al Hasan |
code |
21 |
Mining competitive relationships by learning across heterogeneous networks |
Yang Yang, Jie Tang, Jacklyne Keomany, Yanting Zhao, Juanzi Li, Ying Ding, Tian Li, Liangwei Wang |
code |
21 |
Temporal models for microblogs |
Jaeho Choi, W. Bruce Croft |
code |
21 |
LogUCB: an explore-exploit algorithm for comments recommendation |
Dhruv Kumar Mahajan, Rajeev Rastogi, Charu Tiwari, Adway Mitra |
code |
20 |
The effect of aggregated search coherence on search behavior |
Jaime Arguello, Robert Capra |
code |
20 |
Location-aware instant search |
Ruicheng Zhong, Ju Fan, Guoliang Li, KianLee Tan, Lizhu Zhou |
code |
20 |
TwiSent: a multistage system for analyzing sentiment in twitter |
Subhabrata Mukherjee, Akshat Malu, Balamurali A. R., Pushpak Bhattacharyya |
code |
20 |
Graph classification: a diversified discriminative feature selection approach |
Yuanyuan Zhu, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Hong Cheng, Lu Qin |
code |
20 |
Measuring robustness of complex networks under MVC attack |
RongHua Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Xin Huang, Hong Cheng, Zechao Shang |
code |
20 |
Mining topic-level opinion influence in microblog |
Daifeng Li, Xin Shuai, Gordon GuoZheng Sun, Jie Tang, Ying Ding, Zhipeng Luo |
code |
20 |
Trust prediction via aggregating heterogeneous social networks |
Jin Huang, Feiping Nie, Heng Huang, YiCheng Tu |
code |
20 |
Top-N recommendation through belief propagation |
Jiwoon Ha, SoonHyoung Kwon, SangWook Kim, Christos Faloutsos, Sunju Park |
code |
19 |
An analysis of systematic judging errors in information retrieval |
Gabriella Kazai, Nick Craswell, Emine Yilmaz, Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi |
code |
19 |
Learning to rank for robust question answering |
Arvind Agarwal, Hema Raghavan, Karthik Subbian, Prem Melville, Richard D. Lawrence, David Gondek, James Fan |
code |
19 |
Towards optimum query segmentation: in doubt without |
Matthias Hagen, Martin Potthast, Anna Beyer, Benno Stein |
code |
19 |
GRAFT: an approximate graphlet counting algorithm for large graph analysis |
Mahmudur Rahman, Mansurul Bhuiyan, Mohammad Al Hasan |
code |
19 |
Hierarchical image annotation using semantic hierarchies |
Hichem Bannour, Céline Hudelot |
code |
19 |
A hybrid approach for efficient provenance storage |
Yulai Xie, Dan Feng, Zhipeng Tan, Lei Chen, KiranKumar MuniswamyReddy, Yan Li, Darrell D. E. Long |
code |
19 |
On compressing weighted time-evolving graphs |
Wei Liu, Andrey Kan, Jeffrey Chan, James Bailey, Christopher Leckie, Jian Pei, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao |
code |
19 |
Query-biased learning to rank for real-time twitter search |
Xin Zhang, Ben He, Tiejian Luo, Baobin Li |
code |
18 |
A math-aware search engine for math question answering system |
Tam T. Nguyen, Kuiyu Chang, Siu Cheung Hui |
code |
18 |
Quality models for microblog retrieval |
Jaeho Choi, W. Bruce Croft, Jin Young Kim |
code |
18 |
Feature selection based on term frequency and T-test for text categorization |
Deqing Wang, Hui Zhang, Rui Liu, Weifeng Lv |
code |
18 |
The generalized dirichlet distribution in enhanced topic detection |
Karla L. Caballero Espinosa, Joel Barajas, Ram Akella |
code |
18 |
Location selection for utility maximization with capacity constraints |
Yu Sun, Jin Huang, Yueguo Chen, Rui Zhang, Xiaoyong Du |
code |
18 |
Automatic labeling hierarchical topics |
Xianling Mao, Zhaoyan Ming, ZhengJun Zha, TatSeng Chua, Hongfei Yan, Xiaoming Li |
code |
18 |
Hierarchical target type identification for entity-oriented queries |
Krisztian Balog, Robert Neumayer |
code |
18 |
PRemiSE: personalized news recommendation via implicit social experts |
Chen Lin, Runquan Xie, Lei Li, Zhenhua Huang, Tao Li |
code |
17 |
An evaluation of corpus-driven measures of medical concept similarity for information retrieval |
Bevan Koopman, Guido Zuccon, Peter Bruza, Laurianne Sitbon, Michael Lawley |
code |
17 |
Sort-based query-adaptive loading of R-trees |
Daniar Achakeev, Bernhard Seeger, Peter Widmayer |
code |
17 |
PicAlert!: a system for privacy-aware image classification and retrieval |
Sergej Zerr, Stefan Siersdorfer, Jonathon S. Hare |
code |
17 |
A model-based approach for RFID data stream cleansing |
Zhou Zhao, Wilfred Ng |
code |
17 |
A graph-based approach for ontology population with named entities |
Wei Shen, Jianyong Wang, Ping Luo, Min Wang |
code |
17 |
Document-topic hierarchies from document graphs |
Tim Weninger, Yonatan Bisk, Jiawei Han |
code |
17 |
Differences in effectiveness across sub-collections |
Mark Sanderson, Andrew Turpin, Ying Zhang, Falk Scholer |
code |
17 |
Discovering conditional inclusion dependencies |
Jana Bauckmann, Ziawasch Abedjan, Ulf Leser, Heiko Müller, Felix Naumann |
code |
17 |
Visual appearance of display ads and its effect on click through rate |
Javad Azimi, Ruofei Zhang, Yang Zhou, Vidhya Navalpakkam, Jianchang Mao, Xiaoli Z. Fern |
code |
16 |
You can stop early with COLA: online processing of aggregate queries in the cloud |
Yingjie Shi, Xiaofeng Meng, Fusheng Wang, Yantao Gan |
code |
16 |
Star-Join: spatio-textual similarity join |
Sitong Liu, Guoliang Li, Jianhua Feng |
code |
16 |
Degree relations of triangles in real-world networks and graph models |
Nurcan Durak, Ali Pinar, Tamara G. Kolda, C. Seshadhri |
code |
16 |
Towards jointly extracting aspects and aspect-specific sentiment knowledge |
Xueke Xu, Songbo Tan, Yue Liu, Xueqi Cheng, Zheng Lin |
code |
16 |
Coarse-to-fine sentence-level emotion classification based on the intra-sentence features and sentential context |
Jun Xu, Ruifeng Xu, Qin Lu, Xiaolong Wang |
code |
16 |
Latent topics in graph-structured data |
Christoph Böhm, Gjergji Kasneci, Felix Naumann |
code |
16 |
Swimming against the streamz: search and analytics over the enterprise activity stream |
Ido Guy, Tal Steier, Maya Barnea, Inbal Ronen, Tal Daniel |
code |
15 |
Task tours: helping users tackle complex search tasks |
Ahmed Hassan Awadallah, Ryen W. White |
code |
15 |
Scalable collaborative filtering using incremental update and local link prediction |
Xiao Yang, Zhaoxin Zhang, Ke Wang |
code |
15 |
Survival analysis for freshness in microblogging search |
Gianni Amati, Giuseppe Amodeo, Carlo Gaibisso |
code |
15 |
Incorporating variability in user behavior into systems based evaluation |
Ben Carterette, Evangelos Kanoulas, Emine Yilmaz |
code |
15 |
Automated feature weighting in naive bayes for high-dimensional data classification |
Lifei Chen, Shengrui Wang |
code |
15 |
Joint bilingual name tagging for parallel corpora |
Qi Li, Haibo Li, Heng Ji, Wen Wang, Jing Zheng, Fei Huang |
code |
15 |
Tweet classification based on their lifetime duration |
Hikaru Takemura, Keishi Tajima |
code |
15 |
Composing activity groups in social networks |
ChengTe Li, ManKwan Shan |
code |
15 |
Enhancing product search by best-selling prediction in e-commerce |
Bo Long, Jiang Bian, Anlei Dong, Yi Chang |
code |
14 |
Predicting query performance for fusion-based retrieval |
Gad Markovits, Anna Shtok, Oren Kurland, David Carmel |
code |
14 |
Efficient influence-based processing of market research queries |
Anastasios Arvanitis, Antonios Deligiannakis, Yannis Vassiliou |
code |
14 |
Joint relevance and answer quality learning for question routing in community QA |
Guangyou Zhou, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao |
code |
14 |
An automatic blocking mechanism for large-scale de-duplication tasks |
Anish Das Sarma, Ankur Jain, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Philip Bohannon |
code |
14 |
Reconciling ontologies and the web of data |
Ziawasch Abedjan, Johannes Lorey, Felix Naumann |
code |
14 |
Unsupervised discovery of opposing opinion networks from forum discussions |
Yue Lu, Hongning Wang, ChengXiang Zhai, Dan Roth |
code |
14 |
Finding nuggets in IP portfolios: core patent mining through textual temporal analysis |
Po Hu, Minlie Huang, Peng Xu, Weichang Li, Adam K. Usadi, Xiaoyan Zhu |
code |
14 |
DQR: a probabilistic approach to diversified query recommendation |
Ruirui Li, Ben Kao, Bin Bi, Reynold Cheng, Eric Lo |
code |
13 |
Adapting vector space model to ranking-based collaborative filtering |
Shuaiqiang Wang, Jiankai Sun, Byron J. Gao, Jun Ma |
code |
13 |
Query recommendation for children |
Sergio Duarte Torres, Djoerd Hiemstra, Ingmar Weber, Pavel Serdyukov |
code |
13 |
Using program synthesis for social recommendations |
Alvin Cheung, Armando SolarLezama, Samuel Madden |
code |
13 |
TUT: a statistical model for detecting trends, topics and user interests in social media |
Xuning Tang, Christopher C. Yang |
code |
13 |
On caption bias in interleaving experiments |
Katja Hofmann, Fritz Behr, Filip Radlinski |
code |
13 |
Spatial influence vs. community influence: modeling the global spread of social media |
Krishna Yeswanth Kamath, James Caverlee, Zhiyuan Cheng, Daniel Z. Sui |
code |
13 |
Acquiring temporal constraints between relations |
Partha Pratim Talukdar, Derry Wijaya, Tom M. Mitchell |
code |
13 |
From sBoW to dCoT marginalized encoders for text representation |
Zhixiang Eddie Xu, Minmin Chen, Kilian Q. Weinberger, Fei Sha |
code |
13 |
More than relevance: high utility query recommendation by mining users' search behaviors |
Xiaofei Zhu, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng, Yanyan Lan |
code |
12 |
Learning to rank for hybrid recommendation |
Jiankai Sun, Shuaiqiang Wang, Byron J. Gao, Jun Ma |
code |
12 |
Alternative assessor disagreement and retrieval depth |
William Webber, Praveen Chandar, Ben Carterette |
code |
12 |
BiasTrust: teaching biased users about controversial topics |
V. G. Vinod Vydiswaran, ChengXiang Zhai, Dan Roth, Peter Pirolli |
code |
12 |
Collective intelligence in the online social network of yahoo!answers and its implications |
Ze Li, Haiying Shen, Joseph Edward Grant |
code |
12 |
Influence and similarity on heterogeneous networks |
Guan Wang, Qingbo Hu, Philip S. Yu |
code |
12 |
Stochastic simulation of time-biased gain |
Mark D. Smucker, Charles L. A. Clarke |
code |
12 |
From face-to-face gathering to social structure |
Chunyan Wang, Mao Ye, WangChien Lee |
code |
12 |
A unified learning framework for auto face annotation by mining web facial images |
Dayong Wang, Steven ChuHong Hoi, Ying He |
code |
12 |
Relational co-clustering via manifold ensemble learning |
Ping Li, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen, Zhanying He |
code |
12 |
AMADA: web data repositories in the amazon cloud |
Andrés ArandaAndújar, Francesca Bugiotti, Jesús CamachoRodríguez, Dario Colazzo, François Goasdoué, Zoi Kaoudi, Ioana Manolescu |
code |
12 |
What is happening right now ... that interests me?: online topic discovery and recommendation in twitter |
Ernesto DiazAviles, Lucas Drumond, Zeno Gantner, Lars SchmidtThieme, Wolfgang Nejdl |
code |
11 |
Iterative relevance feedback with adaptive exploration/exploitation trade-off |
Nicolae Suditu, François Fleuret |
code |
11 |
You should read this! let me explain you why: explaining news recommendations to users |
Roi Blanco, Diego Ceccarelli, Claudio Lucchese, Raffaele Perego, Fabrizio Silvestri |
code |
11 |
G-WSTD: a framework for geographic web search topic discovery |
Di Jiang, Jan Vosecky, Kenneth WaiTing Leung, Wilfred Ng |
code |
11 |
Full-text citation analysis: enhancing bibliometric and scientific publication ranking |
Xiaozhong Liu, Jinsong Zhang, Chun Guo |
code |
11 |
Efficient logging for enterprise workloads on column-oriented in-memory databases |
Johannes Wust, JoosHendrik Boese, Frank Renkes, Sebastian Blessing, Jens Krüger, Hasso Plattner |
code |
11 |
On using category experts for improving the performance and accuracy in recommender systems |
WonSeok Hwang, HoJong Lee, SangWook Kim, Minsoo Lee |
code |
11 |
A unified optimization framework for auction and guaranteed delivery in online advertising |
Konstantin Salomatin, TieYan Liu, Yiming Yang |
code |
11 |
Multi-scale link prediction |
Donghyuk Shin, Si Si, Inderjit S. Dhillon |
code |
11 |
Local anomaly descriptor: a robust unsupervised algorithm for anomaly detection based on diffusion space |
Hao Huang, Hong Qin, Shinjae Yoo, Dantong Yu |
code |
11 |
GTE: a distributional second-order co-occurrence approach to improve the identification of top relevant dates in web snippets |
Ricardo Campos, Gaël Dias, Alípio Jorge, Celia Nunes |
code |
11 |
Mining advices from weblogs |
Alfan Farizki Wicaksono, SungHyon Myaeng |
code |
11 |
A constraint to automatically regulate document-length normalisation |
Ronan Cummins, Colm O'Riordan |
code |
11 |
SonetRank: leveraging social networks to personalize search |
Abhijith Kashyap, Reza Amini, Vagelis Hristidis |
code |
10 |
Metaphor: a system for related search recommendations |
Azarias Reda, Yubin Park, Mitul Tiwari, Christian Posse, Sam Shah |
code |
10 |
Fast candidate generation for two-phase document ranking: postings list intersection with bloom filters |
Nima Asadi, Jimmy Lin |
code |
10 |
Decomposition-by-normalization (DBN): leveraging approximate functional dependencies for efficient tensor decomposition |
Mijung Kim, K. Selçuk Candan |
code |
10 |
Graph-based workflow recommendation: on improving business process modeling |
Bin Cao, Jianwei Yin, ShuiGuang Deng, Dongjing Wang, Zhaohui Wu |
code |
10 |
The early-adopter graph and its application to web-page recommendation |
Ida Mele, Francesco Bonchi, Aristides Gionis |
code |
10 |
Keyword-based k-nearest neighbor search in spatial databases |
Guoliang Li, Jing Xu, Jianhua Feng |
code |
10 |
Segmenting web-domains and hashtags using length specific models |
Sriram Srinivasan, Sourangshu Bhattacharya, Rudrasis Chakraborty |
code |
10 |
A practical concurrent index for solid-state drives |
Risi Thonangi, Shivnath Babu, Jun Yang |
code |
10 |
Authentication of moving range queries |
Duncan Yung, Eric Lo, Man Lung Yiu |
code |
10 |
Scaling multiple-source entity resolution using statistically efficient transfer learning |
Sahand Negahban, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, Jim Gemmell |
code |
10 |
Automatic query expansion based on tag recommendation |
Vitor Campos de Oliveira, Guilherme de Castro Mendes Gomes, Fabiano Belém, Wladmir C. Brandão, Jussara M. Almeida, Nivio Ziviani, Marcos André Gonçalves |
code |
9 |
Role-explicit query identification and intent role annotation |
Haitao Yu, Fuji Ren |
code |
9 |
Efficient algorithms for generalized subgraph query processing |
Wenqing Lin, Xiaokui Xiao, James Cheng, Sourav S. Bhowmick |
code |
9 |
Multi-faceted ranking of news articles using post-read actions |
Deepak Agarwal, BeeChung Chen, Xuanhui Wang |
code |
9 |
A decentralized recommender system for effective web credibility assessment |
Thanasis G. Papaioannou, JeanEudes Ranvier, Alexandra Olteanu, Karl Aberer |
code |
9 |
Finding top k most influential spatial facilities over uncertain objects |
Liming Zhan, Ying Zhang, Wenjie Zhang, Xuemin Lin |
code |
9 |
Supporting factual statements with evidence from the web |
Chee Wee Leong, Silviu Cucerzan |
code |
9 |
Supporting temporal analytics for health-related events in microblogs |
Nattiya Kanhabua, Sara Romano, Avaré Stewart, Wolfgang Nejdl |
code |
9 |
Modeling browsing behavior for click analysis in sponsored search |
Azin Ashkan, Charles L. A. Clarke |
code |
8 |
Learning to rank by aggregating expert preferences |
Maksims Volkovs, Hugo Larochelle, Richard S. Zemel |
code |
8 |
Improving bag-of-visual-words model with spatial-temporal correlation for video retrieval |
Lei Wang, Dawei Song, Eyad Elyan |
code |
8 |
Exploiting latent relevance for relational learning of ubiquitous things |
Lina Yao, Quan Z. Sheng |
code |
8 |
Schema-free structured querying of DBpedia data |
Lushan Han, Tim Finin, Anupam Joshi |
code |
8 |
Learning to recommend with social relation ensemble |
Lei Guo, Jun Ma, Zhumin Chen, Haoran Jiang |
code |
8 |
The walls have ears: optimize sharing for visibility and privacy in online social networks |
Thang N. Dinh, Yilin Shen, My T. Thai |
code |
8 |
Providing grades and feedback for student summaries by ontology-based information extraction |
Fernando Gutierrez, Dejing Dou, Stephen Fickas, Gina Griffiths |
code |
8 |
Finding food entity relationships using user-generated data in recipe service |
Youngjoo Chung |
code |
8 |
Utilizing common substructures to speedup tensor factorization for mining dynamic graphs |
Wei Liu, Jeffrey Chan, James Bailey, Christopher Leckie, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao |
code |
8 |
Daily-deal selection for revenue maximization |
Theodoros Lappas, Evimaria Terzi |
code |
8 |
TCSST: transfer classification of short & sparse text using external data |
Guodong Long, Ling Chen, Xingquan Zhu, Chengqi Zhang |
code |
8 |
Predicting aggregate social activities using continuous-time stochastic process |
Shu Huang, Min Chen, Bo Luo, Dongwon Lee |
code |
8 |
Active learning for relation type extension with local and global data views |
Ang Sun, Ralph Grishman |
code |
8 |
Predicting the effectiveness of keyword queries on databases |
Shiwen Cheng, Arash Termehchy, Vagelis Hristidis |
code |
8 |
Efficient jaccard-based diversity analysis of large document collections |
Fan Deng, Stefan Siersdorfer, Sergej Zerr |
code |
8 |
Diversionary comments under political blog posts |
Jing Wang, Clement T. Yu, Philip S. Yu, Bing Liu, Weiyi Meng |
code |
8 |
Sentiment-focused web crawling |
A. Gural Vural, Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Pinar Senkul |
code |
8 |
On bundle configuration for viral marketing in social networks |
DeNian Yang, WangChien Lee, NaiHui Chia, Mao Ye, HuiJu Hung |
code |
8 |
Evaluating reward and risk for vertical selection |
Ke Zhou, Ronan Cummins, Mounia Lalmas, Joemon M. Jose |
code |
8 |
Fast and accurate incremental entity resolution relative to an entity knowledge base |
Michael J. Welch, Aamod Sane, Chris Drome |
code |
8 |
Query-performance prediction and cluster ranking: two sides of the same coin |
Oren Kurland, Fiana Raiber, Anna Shtok |
code |
7 |
Ranking news events by influence decay and information fusion for media and users |
Liang Kong, Shan Jiang, Rui Yan, Shize Xu, Yan Zhang |
code |
7 |
Exploring the cluster hypothesis, and cluster-based retrieval, over the web |
Fiana Raiber, Oren Kurland |
code |
7 |
Constructing test collections by inferring document relevance via extracted relevant information |
Shahzad Rajput, Matthew EkstrandAbueg, Virgiliu Pavlu, Javed A. Aslam |
code |
7 |
Diversifying query results on semi-structured data |
Mahbub Hasan, Abdullah Mueen, Vassilis J. Tsotras, Eamonn J. Keogh |
code |
7 |
Predicting the performance of passage retrieval for question answering |
Eyal Krikon, David Carmel, Oren Kurland |
code |
7 |
Mixed-initiative conversational system using question-answer pairs mined from the web |
Wilson Wong, Lawrence Cavedon, John Thangarajah, Lin Padgham |
code |
7 |
WiSeNet: building a wikipedia-based semantic network with ontologized relations |
Andrea Moro, Roberto Navigli |
code |
7 |
Efficient estimation of dynamic density functions with an application to outlier detection |
Abdulhakim Ali Qahtan, Xiangliang Zhang, Suojin Wang |
code |
7 |
An efficient and simple under-sampling technique for imbalanced time series classification |
Guohua Liang, Chengqi Zhang |
code |
7 |
An analysis of how ensembles of collective classifiers improve predictions in graphs |
Hoda Eldardiry, Jennifer Neville |
code |
7 |
Improving document clustering using automated machine translation |
Xiang Wang, Buyue Qian, Ian Davidson |
code |
7 |
Monochromatic and bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor queries on land surfaces |
Da Yan, Zhou Zhao, Wilfred Ng |
code |
7 |
Efficient provenance storage for relational queries |
Zhifeng Bao, Henning Köhler, Liwei Wang, Xiaofang Zhou, Shazia Wasim Sadiq |
code |
7 |
Map to humans and reduce error: crowdsourcing for deduplication applied to digital libraries |
Mihai Georgescu, Dang Duc Pham, Claudiu S. Firan, Wolfgang Nejdl, Julien Gaugaz |
code |
7 |
Graph-based collective classification for tweets |
Yajuan Duan, Furu Wei, Ming Zhou, HeungYeung Shum |
code |
7 |
Click patterns: an empirical representation of complex query intents |
Huizhong Duan, Emre Kiciman, ChengXiang Zhai |
code |
6 |
Demographic context in web search re-ranking |
Eugene Kharitonov, Pavel Serdyukov |
code |
6 |
Twitter hyperlink recommendation with user-tweet-hyperlink three-way clustering |
Dehong Gao, Renxian Zhang, Wenjie Li, Yuexian Hou |
code |
6 |
A latent pairwise preference learning approach for recommendation from implicit feedback |
Yi Fang, Luo Si |
code |
6 |
Understanding book search behavior on the web |
Jin Young Kim, Henry Allen Feild, MarcAllen Cartright |
code |
6 |
Web-scale multi-task feature selection for behavioral targeting |
Amr Ahmed, Mohamed Aly, Abhimanyu Das, Alexander J. Smola, Tasos Anastasakos |
code |
6 |
I want what i need!: analyzing subjectivity of online forum threads |
Prakhar Biyani, Cornelia Caragea, Amit Singh, Prasenjit Mitra |
code |
6 |
Fast approximation of steiner trees in large graphs |
Andrey Gubichev, Thomas Neumann |
code |
6 |
Author-conference topic-connection model for academic network search |
Jianwen Wang, Xiaohua Hu, Xinhui Tu, Tingting He |
code |
6 |
Short-text domain specific key terms/phrases extraction using an n-gram model with wikipedia |
Muhammad Atif Qureshi, Colm O'Riordan, Gabriella Pasi |
code |
6 |
User engagement: the network effect matters! |
Ricardo BaezaYates, Mounia Lalmas |
code |
6 |
Visualizing timelines: evolutionary summarization via iterative reinforcement between text and image streams |
Rui Yan, Xiaojun Wan, Mirella Lapata, Wayne Xin Zhao, PuJen Cheng, Xiaoming Li |
code |
6 |
GPU acceleration of probabilistic frequent itemset mining from uncertain databases |
Yusuke Kozawa, Toshiyuki Amagasa, Hiroyuki Kitagawa |
code |
6 |
Incorporating word correlation into tag-topic model for semantic knowledge acquisition |
Fang Li, Tingting He, Xinhui Tu, Xiaohua Hu |
code |
6 |
Fast top-k similarity queries via matrix compression |
Yucheng Low, Alice X. Zheng |
code |
6 |
A co-training based method for chinese patent semantic annotation |
Xu Chen, Zhiyong Peng, Cheng Zeng |
code |
6 |
Dictionary based sparse representation for domain adaptation |
Rishabh Mehrotra, Rushabh Agrawal, Syed Aqueel Haider |
code |
6 |
Spatial-aware interest group queries in location-based social networks |
Yafei Li, Dingming Wu, Jianliang Xu, Byron Choi, Weifeng Su |
code |
6 |
Cross-argument inference for implicit discourse relation recognition |
Yu Hong, Xiaopei Zhou, Tingting Che, JianMin Yao, Qiaoming Zhu, Guodong Zhou |
code |
6 |
Processing continuous text queries featuring non-homogeneous scoring functions |
Nelly Vouzoukidou, Bernd Amann, Vassilis Christophides |
code |
6 |
CoNet: feature generation for multi-view semi-supervised learning with partially observed views |
Brian Quanz, Jun Huan |
code |
6 |
Adapt: adaptive database schema design for multi-tenant applications |
Jiacai Ni, Guoliang Li, Jun Zhang, Lei Li, Jianhua Feng |
code |
6 |
Dual word and document seed selection for semi-supervised sentiment classification |
Shengfeng Ju, Shoushan Li, Yan Su, Guodong Zhou, Yu Hong, Xiaojun Li |
code |
6 |
Infobox suggestion for Wikipedia entities |
Afroza Sultana, Quazi Mainul Hasan, Ashis Kumer Biswas, Soumyava Das, Habibur Rahman, Chris H. Q. Ding, Chengkai Li |
code |
6 |
Towards measuring the visualness of a concept |
JinWoo Jeong, XinJing Wang, DongHo Lee |
code |
6 |
Is wikipedia too difficult?: comparative analysis of readability of wikipedia, simple wikipedia and britannica |
Adam Jatowt, Katsumi Tanaka |
code |
6 |
A summarization tool for time-sensitive social media |
Walid Magdy, Ahmed M. Ali, Kareem Darwish |
code |
6 |
Where do the query terms come from?: an analysis of query reformulation in collaborative web search |
Zhen Yue, Jiepu Jiang, Shuguang Han, Daqing He |
code |
5 |
Learning spectral embedding via iterative eigenvalue thresholding |
Fanhua Shang, Licheng Jiao, Yuanyuan Liu, Fei Wang |
code |
5 |
Mining long-lasting exploratory user interests from search history |
Bin Tan, Yuanhua Lv, ChengXiang Zhai |
code |
5 |
CGStream: continuous correlated graph query for data streams |
Shirui Pan, Xingquan Zhu |
code |
5 |
Exploring simultaneous keyword and key sentence extraction: improve graph-based ranking using wikipedia |
Xun Wang, Lei Wang, Jiwei Li, Sujian Li |
code |
5 |
Continuous top-k query for graph streams |
Shirui Pan, Xingquan Zhu |
code |
5 |
The wisdom of advertisers: mining subgoals via query clustering |
Takehiro Yamamoto, Tetsuya Sakai, Mayu Iwata, Chen Yu, JiRong Wen, Katsumi Tanaka |
code |
5 |
Automatic image annotation using tag-related random search over visual neighbors |
Zijia Lin, Guiguang Ding, Mingqing Hu, Jianmin Wang, Jiaguang Sun |
code |
5 |
CONSENTO: a new framework for opinion based entity search and summarization |
Jaehoon Choi, Donghyeon Kim, Seongsoon Kim, Junkyu Lee, Sangrak Lim, Sunwon Lee, Jaewoo Kang |
code |
5 |
TASE: a time-aware search engine |
Sheng Lin, Peiquan Jin, Xujian Zhao, Lihua Yue |
code |
5 |
Community-based classification of noun phrases in twitter |
Freddy Chong Tat Chua, William W. Cohen, Justin Betteridge, EePeng Lim |
code |
5 |
Bridging offline and online social graph dynamics |
Manuel GomezRodriguez, Monica Rogati |
code |
5 |
Extracting interesting association rules from toolbar data |
Ilaria Bordino, Debora Donato, Barbara Poblete |
code |
5 |
What is the IQ of your data transformation system? |
Giansalvatore Mecca, Paolo Papotti, Salvatore Raunich, Donatello Santoro |
code |
5 |
Pay-as-you-go maintenance of precomputed nearest neighbors in large graphs |
Tom Crecelius, Ralf Schenkel |
code |
5 |
Empirical validation of the buckley-osthus model for the web host graph: degree and edge distributions |
Maxim Zhukovskiy, Dmitry Vinogradov, Yuri Pritykin, Liudmila Ostroumova, Evgeny Grechnikov, Gleb Gusev, Pavel Serdyukov, Andrei M. Raigorodskii |
code |
5 |
PolariCQ: polarity classification of political quotations |
Rawia Awadallah, Maya Ramanath, Gerhard Weikum |
code |
5 |
Theme chronicle model: chronicle consists of timestamp and topical words over each theme |
Noriaki Kawamae |
code |
5 |
An interaction framework of service-oriented ontology learning |
Jingsong Zhang, Yinglin Wang, Hao Wei |
code |
5 |
CrowdTiles: presenting crowd-based information for event-driven information needs |
Stewart Whiting, Ke Zhou, Joemon M. Jose, Omar Alonso, Teerapong Leelanupab |
code |
5 |
Collaborative ranking: improving the relevance for tail queries |
Ke Zhou, Xin Li, Hongyuan Zha |
code |
4 |
Predicting CTR of new ads via click prediction |
Alexander Kolesnikov, Yury Logachev, Valeriy A. Topinskiy |
code |
4 |
Contextual evaluation of query reformulations in a search session by user simulation |
Jiepu Jiang, Daqing He, Shuguang Han, Zhen Yue, Chaoqun Ni |
code |
4 |
Diversity in blog feed retrieval |
Mostafa Keikha, Fabio Crestani, W. Bruce Croft |
code |
4 |
Variance maximization via noise injection for active sampling in learning to rank |
Wenbin Cai, Ya Zhang |
code |
4 |
Multi-session re-search: in pursuit of repetition and diversification |
Sarah K. Tyler, Yi Zhang |
code |
4 |
Exploration of monte-carlo based probabilistic query processing in uncertain graphs |
Tobias Emrich, HansPeter Kriegel, Johannes Niedermayer, Matthias Renz, André Suhartha, Andreas Züfle |
code |
4 |
Content-based crowd retrieval on the real-time web |
Krishna Yeswanth Kamath, James Caverlee |
code |
4 |
Location-sensitive resources recommendation in social tagging systems |
Chang Wan, Ben Kao, David W. Cheung |
code |
4 |
An effective category classification method based on a language model for question category recommendation on a cQA service |
Kyoungman Bae, Youngjoong Ko |
code |
4 |
A word-order based graph representation for relevance identification |
Lakshmi Ramachandran, Edward F. Gehringer |
code |
4 |
Semantic context learning with large-scale weakly-labeled image set |
Yao Lu, Wei Zhang, Ke Zhang, Xiangyang Xue |
code |
4 |
Efficient extraction of ontologies from domain specific text corpora |
Tianyu Li, Pirooz Chubak, Laks V. S. Lakshmanan, Rachel Pottinger |
code |
4 |
SemaFor: semantic document indexing using semantic forests |
George Tsatsaronis, Iraklis Varlamis, Kjetil Nørvåg |
code |
4 |
On the connections between explicit semantic analysis and latent semantic analysis |
Chao Liu, YiMin Wang |
code |
4 |
A comprehensive analysis of parameter settings for novelty-biased cumulative gain |
Teerapong Leelanupab, Guido Zuccon, Joemon M. Jose |
code |
4 |
Semantically coherent image annotation with a learning-based keyword propagation strategy |
Chaoran Cui, Jun Ma, Shuaiqiang Wang, Shuai Gao, Tao Lian |
code |
4 |
Leveraging read rates of passive RFID tags for real-time indoor location tracking |
Da Yan, Zhou Zhao, Wilfred Ng |
code |
4 |
Contextualization using hyperlinks and internal hierarchical structure of Wikipedia documents |
Muhammad Ali Norozi, Paavo Arvola, Arjen P. de Vries |
code |
4 |
Completeness of queries over SQL databases |
Werner Nutt, Simon Razniewski |
code |
4 |
On the foundations of probabilistic information integration |
Fereidoon Sadri |
code |
4 |
Learning to discover complex mappings from web forms to ontologies |
Yuan An, Xiaohua Hu, IlYeol Song |
code |
4 |
Generically extending anonymization algorithms to deal with successive queries |
Manuel Barbosa, Alexandre Pinto, Bruno Gomes |
code |
4 |
Model the complex dependence structures of financial variables by using canonical vine |
Wei Wei, Xuhui Fan, Jinyan Li, Longbing Cao |
code |
4 |
Exploiting concept hierarchy for result diversification |
Wei Zheng, Hui Fang, Conglei Yao |
code |
4 |
Mining noisy tagging from multi-label space |
Zhongang Qi, Ming Yang, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang, Zhengyou Zhang |
code |
4 |
The downside of markup: examining the harmful effects of CSS and javascript on indexing today's web |
Karl Gyllstrom, Carsten Eickhoff, Arjen P. de Vries, MarieFrancine Moens |
code |
4 |
Weighted linear kernel with tree transformed features for malware detection |
Prakash Mandayam Comar, Lei Liu, Sabyasachi Saha, Antonio Nucci, PangNing Tan |
code |
4 |
Time feature selection for identifying active household members |
Pedro G. Campos, Alejandro Bellogín, Fernando Díez, Iván Cantador |
code |
4 |
Tracing clusters in evolving graphs with node attributes |
Brigitte Boden, Stephan Günnemann, Thomas Seidl |
code |
4 |
On active learning in hierarchical classification |
Yu Cheng, Kunpeng Zhang, Yusheng Xie, Ankit Agrawal, Alok N. Choudhary |
code |
4 |
Information preservation in static index pruning |
RueyCheng Chen, ChiaJung Lee, ChiungMin Tsai, Jieh Hsiang |
code |
4 |
PRAVDA-live: interactive knowledge harvesting |
Yafang Wang, Maximilian Dylla, Zhaochun Ren, Marc Spaniol, Gerhard Weikum |
code |
4 |
InCaToMi: integrative causal topic miner between textual and non-textual time series data |
Hyun Duk Kim, ChengXiang Zhai, Thomas A. Rietz, Daniel Diermeier, Meichun Hsu, Malú Castellanos, Carlos Ceja Limon |
code |
4 |
Serial position effects of clicking behavior on result pages returned by search engines |
Mingda Wu, Shan Jiang, Yan Zhang |
code |
3 |
Query likelihood with negative query generation |
Yuanhua Lv, ChengXiang Zhai |
code |
3 |
Content-based relevance estimation on the web using inter-document similarities |
Fiana Raiber, Oren Kurland, Moshe Tennenholtz |
code |
3 |
Measuring website similarity using an entity-aware click graph |
Pablo N. Mendes, Peter Mika, Hugo Zaragoza, Roi Blanco |
code |
3 |
Real-time bid optimization for group-buying ads |
Raju Balakrishnan, Rushi P. Bhatt |
code |
3 |
Credibility-based product ranking for C2C transactions |
Rong Zhang, Chaofeng Sha, Minqi Zhou, Aoying Zhou |
code |
3 |
Dynamic covering for recommendation systems |
Ioannis Antonellis, Anish Das Sarma, Shaddin Dughmi |
code |
3 |
Query-focused multi-document summarization based on query-sensitive feature space |
Wenpeng Yin, Yulong Pei, Fan Zhang, Lian'en Huang |
code |
3 |
Learning to predict the cost-per-click for your ad words |
ChiehJen Wang, HsinHsi Chen |
code |
3 |
Entity resolution using search engine results |
Madian Khabsa, Pucktada Treeratpituk, C. Lee Giles |
code |
3 |
A scalable approach for performing proximal search for verbose patent search queries |
Sumit Bhatia, Bin He, Qi He, W. Scott Spangler |
code |
3 |
Probabilistic ranking in fuzzy object databases |
Thomas Bernecker, Tobias Emrich, HansPeter Kriegel, Matthias Renz, Andreas Züfle |
code |
3 |
Simultaneous realization of page-centric communication and search |
Yuhki Shiraishi, Jianwei Zhang, Yukiko Kawai, Toyokazu Akiyama |
code |
3 |
Discretionary social network data revelation with a user-centric utility guarantee |
Yi Song, Panagiotis Karras, Sadegh Nobari, Giorgos Cheliotis, Mingqiang Xue, Stéphane Bressan |
code |
3 |
Exploring the existing category hierarchy to automatically label the newly-arising topics in cQA |
Guangyou Zhou, Li Cai, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao |
code |
3 |
An unsupervised method for author extraction from web pages containing user-generated content |
Jing Liu, Xinying Song, Jingtian Jiang, ChinYew Lin |
code |
3 |
A general framework to encode heterogeneous information sources for contextual pattern mining |
Weishan Dong, Wei Fan, Lei Shi, Changjin Zhou, Xifeng Yan |
code |
3 |
A filter-based protocol for continuous queries over imprecise location data |
Yifan Jin, Reynold Cheng, Ben Kao, Kamyiu Lam, Yinuo Zhang |
code |
3 |
Comprehension-based result snippets |
Abhijith Kashyap, Vagelis Hristidis |
code |
3 |
Hierarchical topic integration through semi-supervised hierarchical topic modeling |
Xianling Mao, Jing He, Hongfei Yan, Xiaoming Li |
code |
3 |
Sketch-based indexing of n-words |
Samuel J. Huston, J. Shane Culpepper, W. Bruce Croft |
code |
3 |
Learning from mistakes: towards a correctable learning algorithm |
Karthik Raman, Krysta M. Svore, Ran GiladBachrach, Christopher J. C. Burges |
code |
3 |
Outlier detection using centrality and center-proximity |
DuckHo Bae, Seo Jeong, SangWook Kim, Minsoo Lee |
code |
3 |
Information propagation in social rating networks |
Priyanka Garg, Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu |
code |
3 |
On the inference of average precision from score distributions |
Ronan Cummins |
code |
3 |
Recency-sensitive model of web page authority |
Maxim Zhukovskiy, Dmitry Vinogradov, Gleb Gusev, Pavel Serdyukov, Andrei M. Raigorodskii |
code |
3 |
4Is of social bully filtering: identity, inference, influence, and intervention |
Yunfei Chen, Lanbo Zhang, Aaron Michelony, Yi Zhang |
code |
3 |
MOUNA: mining opinions to unveil neglected arguments |
Mouna Kacimi, Johann Gamper |
code |
3 |
Primates: a privacy management system for social networks |
Imen Ben Dhia, Talel Abdessalem, Mauro Sozio |
code |
3 |
Domain dependent query reformulation for web search |
Van Dang, Giridhar Kumaran, Adam D. Troy |
code |
2 |
Fast multi-task learning for query spelling correction |
Xu Sun, Anshumali Shrivastava, Ping Li |
code |
2 |
Characterizing web search queries that match very few or no results |
Ismail Sengör Altingövde, Roi Blanco, Berkant Barla Cambazoglu, Rifat Ozcan, Erdem Sarigil, Özgür Ulusoy |
code |
2 |
Mathematical equation retrieval using plain words as a query |
Shinil Kim, Seon Yang, Youngjoong Ko |
code |
2 |
Fifth workshop on exploiting semantic annotations in information retrieval: ESAIR"12) |
Jaap Kamps, Jussi Karlgren, Peter Mika, Vanessa Murdock |
code) |
2 |
Robust distributed indexing for locality-skewed workloads |
MuWoong Lee, Seungwon Hwang |
code |
2 |
Automatically embedding newsworthy links to articles |
Hakan Ceylan, Ioannis Arapakis, Pinar Donmez, Mounia Lalmas |
code |
2 |
Search result presentation based on faceted clustering |
Benno Stein, Tim Gollub, Dennis Hoppe |
code |
2 |
Loyalty-based selection: retrieving objects that persistently satisfy criteria |
Zhitao Shen, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Xuemin Lin |
code |
2 |
Maximizing revenue from strategic recommendations under decaying trust |
Paul Dütting, Monika Henzinger, Ingmar Weber |
code |
2 |
A new probabilistic model for top-k ranking problem |
Shuzi Niu, Yanyan Lan, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng |
code |
2 |
Demonstrating ProApproX 2.0: a predictive query engine for probabilistic XML |
Asma Souihli, Pierre Senellart |
code |
2 |
MADden: query-driven statistical text analytics |
Christan Earl Grant, Joirdan Gumbs, Kun Li, Daisy Zhe Wang, George Chitouras |
code |
2 |
The 2012 international workshop on web-scale knowledge representation, retrieval, and reasoning |
Spyros Kotoulas, Yi Zeng, Zhisheng Huang |
code |
2 |
A simple approach to the design of site-level extractors using domain-centric principles |
Chong Long, Xiubo Geng, Chang Xu, Sathiya Keerthi |
code |
2 |
Efficient buffer management for piecewise linear representation of multiple data streams |
Qing Xie, Jia Zhu, Mohamed A. Sharaf, Xiaofang Zhou, Chaoyi Pang |
code |
2 |
Enabling ontology based semantic queries in biomedical database systems |
Shuai Zheng, Fusheng Wang, James J. Lu, Joel H. Saltz |
code |
2 |
Booksonline'12: 5th workshop on online books, complementary social media and their impact |
Gabriella Kazai, Monica Landoni, Carsten Eickhoff, Peter Brusilovsky |
code |
2 |
Crosslingual distant supervision for extracting relations of different complexity |
André Blessing, Hinrich Schütze |
code |
2 |
Hierarchical co-clustering based on entropy splitting |
Wei Cheng, Xiang Zhang, Feng Pan, Wei Wang |
code |
2 |
Extraction of topic evolutions from references in scientific articles and its GPU acceleration |
Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu |
code |
2 |
Mining coherent anomaly collections on web data |
Hanbo Dai, Feida Zhu, EePeng Lim, HweeHwa Pang |
code |
2 |
Preprocessing of informal mathematical discourse in context ofcontrolled natural language |
Raúl Ernesto Gutiérrez de Piñerez Reyes, Juan Francisco DíazFrías |
code |
2 |
Dynamic effects of ad impressions on commercial actions in display advertising |
Joel Barajas, Ram Akella, Marius Holtan, Jaimie Kwon, Aaron Flores, Victor Andrei |
code |
2 |
Interactive and context-aware tag spell check and correction |
Francesco Bonchi, Ophir Frieder, Franco Maria Nardini, Fabrizio Silvestri, Hossein Vahabi |
code |
2 |
Impact neighborhood indexing (INI) in diffusion graphs |
Jung Hyun Kim, K. Selçuk Candan, Maria Luisa Sapino |
code |
2 |
Optimizing data migration for cloud-based key-value stores |
Xiulei Qin, Wenbo Zhang, Wei Wang, Jun Wei, Xin Zhao, Tao Huang |
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Applying weighted queries on probabilistic databases |
Sebastian Lehrack |
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Fast PCA computation in a DBMS with aggregate UDFs and LAPACK |
Carlos Ordonez, Naveen Mohanam, Carlos GarciaAlvarado, Predrag T. Tosic, Edgar Martinez |
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A probabilistic approach to correlation queries in uncertain time series data |
Mahsa Orang, Nematollaah Shiri |
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A picture paints a thousand words: a method of generating image-text timelines |
Shize Xu, Liang Kong, Yan Zhang |
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The nautilus analyzer: understanding and debugging data transformations |
Melanie Herschel, Hanno Eichelberger |
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PLEAD 2012: politics, elections and data |
Ingmar Weber, AnaMaria Popescu, Marco Pennacchiotti |
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PIKM 2012: 5th ACM workshop for PhD students in information and knowledge management |
Aparna S. Varde, Fabian M. Suchanek |
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Structured query reformulations in commerce search |
Sreenivas Gollapudi, Samuel Ieong, Anitha Kannan |
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Do ads compete or collaborate?: designing click models with full relationship incorporated |
Xin Xin, Irwin King, Ritesh Agrawal, Michael R. Lyu, Heyan Huang |
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Entity centric query expansion for enterprise search |
Xitong Liu, Hui Fang, Fei Chen, Min Wang |
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Data filtering in humor generation: comparative analysis of hit rate and co-occurrence rankings as a method to choose usable pun candidates |
Pawel Dybala, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki, Kohichi Sayama |
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Session-based query performance prediction |
Andrey Kustarev, Yury Ustinovsky, Anna Mazur, Pavel Serdyukov |
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Compressed data structures with relevance |
Jeffrey Scott Vitter |
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Density index and proximity search in large graphs |
Nan Li, Xifeng Yan, Zhen Wen, Arijit Khan |
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RDF pattern matching using sortable views |
Zhihong Chong, He Chen, Zhenjie Zhang, Hu Shu, Guilin Qi, Aoying Zhou |
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Customizing search results for non-native speakers |
Theodoros Lappas, Michail Vlachos |
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The twitaholic next door.: scalable friend recommender system using a concept-sensitive hash function |
Patrick Bamba, Julien Subercaze, Christophe Gravier, Nabil Benmira, Jimi Fontaine |
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An examination of content farms in web search using crowdsourcing |
Richard McCreadie, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis, Jim Giles, Ferris Jabr |
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Predicting primary categories of business listings for local search |
Changsung Kang, Jeehaeng Lee, Yi Chang |
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Information-complete and redundancy-free keyword search over large data graphs |
Byron J. Gao, Zhumin Chen, Qi Kang |
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Multiview hierarchical bayesian regression model andapplication to online advertising |
Tianbing Xu, Ruofei Zhang, Zhen Guo |
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Enabling direct interest-aware audience selection |
Ariel Fuxman, Anitha Kannan, Zhenhui Li, Panayiotis Tsaparas |
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Modeling semantic relations between visual attributes and object categories via dirichlet forest prior |
Xin Chen, Xiaohua Hu, Zhongna Zhou, Yuan An, Tingting He, E. K. Park |
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PriSM: discovering and prioritizing severe technical issues from product discussion forums |
Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Rose Catherine |
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User activity profiling with multi-layer analysis |
Hongxia Jin |
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Mining sentiment terminology through time |
Hadi Amiri, TatSeng Chua |
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A tensor encoding model for semantic processing |
Michael Symonds, Peter D. Bruza, Laurianne Sitbon, Ian W. Turner |
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Lonomics Atlas: a tool to explore interconnected ionomic, genomic and environmental data |
Eduard C. Dragut, Mourad Ouzzani, Amgad Madkour, Nabeel Mohamed, Peter Baker, David E. Salt |
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CarbonDB: a semantic life cycle inventory database |
Benjamin Bertin, VasileMarian Scuturici, JeanMarie Pinon, Emmanuel Risler |
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Two-part segmentation of text documents |
P. Deepak, Karthik Visweswariah, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Sadiq Sani |
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Being picky: processing top-k queries with set-defined selections |
Aleksandar Stupar, Sebastian Michel |
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Labeling by landscaping: classifying tokens in context by pruning and decorating trees |
Siddharth Patwardhan, Branimir Boguraev, Apoorv Agarwal, Alessandro Moschitti, Jennifer ChuCarroll |
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A novel local patch framework for fixing supervised learning models |
Yilei Wang, Bingzheng Wei, Jun Yan, Yang Hu, ZhiHong Deng, Zheng Chen |
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Generating facets for phone-based navigation of structured data |
Krishna Kummamuru, Ajith Jujjuru, Mayuri Duggirala |
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Effective and efficient?: bilingual sentiment lexicon extraction using collocation alignment |
Zheng Lin, Songbo Tan, Xueqi Cheng, Xueke Xu, Weisong Shi |
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A probabilistic approach to mining geospatial knowledge from social annotations |
Suradej Intagorn, Kristina Lerman |
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Balanced coverage of aspects for text summarization |
Takuya Makino, Hiroya Takamura, Manabu Okumura |
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Discovering logical knowledge for deep question answering |
Zhao Liu, Xipeng Qiu, Ling Cao, Xuanjing Huang |
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Finding the optimal path over multi-cost graphs |
Yajun Yang, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Hong Gao, Jianzhong Li |
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A new tool for multi-level partitioning in teradata |
YoungKyoon Suh, Ahmad Ghazal, Alain Crolotte, Pekka Kostamaa |
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Polygene-based evolution: a novel framework for evolutionary algorithms |
Shuaiqiang Wang, Byron J. Gao, Shuangling Wang, Guibao Cao, Yilong Yin |
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On empirical tradeoffs in large scale hierarchical classification |
Rohit Babbar, Ioannis Partalas, Éric Gaussier, Cécile Amblard |
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Large scale analysis of changes in english vocabulary over recent time |
Adam Jatowt, Katsumi Tanaka |
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Concavity in IR models |
Stéphane Clinchant |
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PhotoFall: discovering weblog stories through photographs |
Christopher Wienberg, Andrew S. Gordon |
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MAGIK: managing completeness of data |
Ognjen Savkovic, Paramita Mirza, Sergey Paramonov, Werner Nutt |
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CloudDB 2012: fourth international workshop on cloud data management |
Xiaofeng Meng, Adam Silberstein, Fusheng Wang |
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CDMW 2012 - city data management workshop: workshop summary |
Veli Bicer, Thanh Tran, Fatma Ozcan, Opher Etzion |
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Managing interoperability and compleXity in health systems - MIXHS'12 |
Cui Tao, MattMouley Bouamrane |
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RESQ: rank-energy selective query forwarding for distributed search systems |
Amin Y. Teymorian, Xiao Qin, Ophir Frieder |
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Estimating query difficulty for news prediction retrieval |
Nattiya Kanhabua, Kjetil Nørvåg |
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Similarity search in 3D object-based video data |
Jakub Lokoc, Jürgen Wünschmann, Tomás Skopal, Albrecht Rothermel |
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Top-k retrieval using conditional preference networks |
Hongbing Wang, Xuan Zhou, Wujin Chen, Peisheng Ma |
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Accelerating locality preserving nonnegative matrix factorization |
Guanhong Yao, Deng Cai |
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Relation regularized subspace recommending for related scientific articles |
Qing Zhang, Jianwu Li, Zhiping Zhang, Li Wang |
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Topic based pose relevance learning in dance archives |
Reede Ren, John P. Collomosse, Joemon M. Jose |
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SRGSIS: a novel framework based on social relationship graph for social image search |
Bo Lu, Ye Yuan, Guoren Wang |
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Cager: a framework for cross-page search |
Zhumin Chen, Byron J. Gao, Qi Kang |
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Gumshoe quality toolkit: administering programmable search |
Zhuowei Bao, Benny Kimelfeld, Yunyao Li, Sriram Raghavan, Huahai Yang |
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STFMap: query- and feature-driven visualization of large time series data sets |
K. Selçuk Candan, Rosaria Rossini, Maria Luisa Sapino, Xiaolan Wang |
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iSampling: framework for developing sampling methods considering user's interest |
Jinoh Oh, Hwanjo Yu |
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DUBMMSM'12: international workshop on data-driven user behavioral modeling and mining from social media |
Jalal Mahmud, James Caverlee, Jeffrey Nichols, John O'Donovan, Michelle X. Zhou |
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Learning similarity measures based on random walks |
William W. Cohen |
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Finding influential products on social domination game |
Jinyoung Yeo, JinWoo Park, Seungwon Hwang |
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Selecting expansion terms as a set via integer linear programming |
Qi Zhang, Yan Wu, Xuanjing Huang |
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LUKe and MIKe: learning from user knowledge and managing interactive knowledge extraction |
Steffen Metzger, Michael Stoll, Katja Hose, Ralf Schenkel |
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Maximum margin clustering on evolutionary data |
Xuhui Fan, Lin Zhu, Longbing Cao, Xia Cui, YewSoon Ong |
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Right-protected data publishing with hierarchical clustering preservation |
Michail Vlachos, Aleksander Wieczorek, Johannes Schneider |
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Non-stationary bayesian networks based on perfect simulation |
Yi Jia, Wenrong Zeng, Jun Huan |
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SliceSort: efficient sorting of hierarchical data |
Quoc Trung Tran, CheeYong Chan |
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Clustering Wikipedia infoboxes to discover their types |
Thanh Hoang Nguyen, Huong Dieu Nguyen, Viviane Pereira Moreira, Juliana Freire |
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A positional access method for relational databases |
Dongzhe Ma, Jianhua Feng, Guoliang Li |
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Importance weighted passive learning |
Shuaiqiang Wang, Xiaoming Xi, Yilong Yin |
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A tag-centric discriminative model for web objects classification |
Lina Yao, Quan Z. Sheng |
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Text classification with relatively small positive documents and unlabeled data |
Fumiyo Fukumoto, Takeshi Yamamoto, Suguru Matsuyoshi, Yoshimi Suzuki |
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Parallel proximal support vector machine for high-dimensional pattern classification |
Zhenfeng Zhu, Xingquan Zhu, Yangdong Ye, YueFei Guo, Xiangyang Xue |
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An evaluation and enhancement of densitometric fragmentation for content slicing reuse |
Killian Levacher, Séamus Lawless, Vincent Wade |
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How do humans distinguish different people with identical names on the web? |
Harumi Murakami, Yuki Miyake |
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Improving the performance of the reinforcement learning model for answering complex questions |
Yllias Chali, Sadid A. Hasan, Kaisar Imam |
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A tool for automated evaluation of algorithms |
Philipp Kranen, Stephan Wels, Tim Rohlfs, Sebastian Raubach, Thomas Seidl |
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DTMBIO 2012: international workshop on data and text mining in biomedical informatics |
Min Song, Doheon Lee, Hua Xu, Sophia Ananiadou |
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SHB 2012: international workshop on smart health and wellbeing |
Christopher C. Yang, Hsinchun Chen, Howard D. Wactlar, Carlo Combi, Xuning Tang |
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First international workshop on information and knowledge management for developing region |
Rakesh Agrawal, Douglas W. Oard, Nitendra Rajput |
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WIDM 2012: the 12th international workshop on web information and data management |
George H. L. Fletcher, Prasenjit Mitra |
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DOLAP 2012 workshop summary |
Matteo Golfarelli, IlYeol Song |
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