diff --git a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/HasActiveNode.java b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/HasActiveNode.java
index d0c99ae1..61fe9ab4 100644
--- a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/HasActiveNode.java
+++ b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/HasActiveNode.java
@@ -15,10 +15,39 @@
package org.dominokit.domino.ui.tree;
+ * An interface for tree structures or nodes that track a single "active" (e.g., focused) node.
+ *
+ *
Commonly, "active" refers to a highlighted node in the tree. Depending on the implementation,
+ * activation may also trigger actions like expanding/collapsing or scrolling the node into view.
+ *
+ * @param the data value type held by the node
+ * @param the node type (e.g., a subclass of {@link TreeNode})
+ * @param the type representing the overall selection or active state
+ */
public interface HasActiveNode, S> {
+ /**
+ * Sets the specified node as the active node in this tree or subtree. Behaviors may include
+ * highlighting the node, deactivating previously active nodes, or other custom responses.
+ *
+ * @param node the node to activate
+ */
void setActiveNode(N node);
+ /**
+ * Sets the specified node as the active node, optionally suppressing event notifications or other
+ * side effects.
+ *
+ * @param node the node to activate
+ * @param silent {@code true} to suppress event notifications, {@code false} to allow them
+ */
void setActiveNode(N node, boolean silent);
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the node currently marked as active, if any.
+ *
+ * @return the active node, or {@code null} if none is active
+ */
N getActiveNode();
diff --git a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/HasTreeRoot.java b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/HasTreeRoot.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a88f239..00000000
--- a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/HasTreeRoot.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright © 2019 Dominokit
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.dominokit.domino.ui.tree;
-public interface HasTreeRoot {}
diff --git a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/IsParentNode.java b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/IsParentNode.java
index f7156f97..3a7b8632 100644
--- a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/IsParentNode.java
+++ b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/IsParentNode.java
@@ -17,20 +17,96 @@
import java.util.Optional;
+ * An interface representing a parent node in a tree-like structure. Defines the minimal contract
+ * for a node that can hold children, expand to show them, and integrate into a root tree hierarchy.
+ *
+ * Methods:
+ *
+ *
+ * - {@link #getRootNode()} - obtains the {@link RootNode} that this node ultimately belongs to
+ *
- {@link #expandNode()} / {@link #expandNode(boolean)} - expands this node (and optionally
+ * parent nodes)
+ *
- {@link #getFilter()} - retrieves the filter logic used to determine visibility/matching
+ * (e.g., for search)
+ *
- {@link #getParent()} - returns the parent node, if any
+ *
- {@link #removeNode(TreeNode)} - removes a child node
+ *
- {@link #getValue()} / {@link #setValue(Object)} - manages the data value associated with
+ * this node
+ *
+ *
+ * This interface also extends {@link HasActiveNode} to provide for activation (focus/selection)
+ * logic at the parent level.
+ *
+ * @param the type of data value or model object stored in nodes
+ * @param the node type (e.g., a concrete subclass of {@link TreeNode})
+ * @param the selection type, often the same as the node type or a collection of nodes
+ */
public interface IsParentNode, S> extends HasActiveNode {
+ /**
+ * Returns the root of the tree that this node is ultimately part of. The root node typically
+ * manages high-level tree behaviors (e.g., auto-collapse, icon suppliers).
+ *
+ * @return the root node of this tree hierarchy
+ */
RootNode getRootNode();
+ /**
+ * Expands this node to show its children (if any). Behavior may vary depending on the tree
+ * configuration (e.g., auto-collapse of siblings, etc.).
+ *
+ * @return this node (for method chaining)
+ */
IsParentNode expandNode();
+ /**
+ * Expands this node, optionally also expanding all parent nodes up the hierarchy. Useful for
+ * ensuring a path is fully visible from the root down to this node.
+ *
+ * @param expandParent if true, also expands parent nodes
+ * @return this node (for method chaining)
+ */
IsParentNode expandNode(boolean expandParent);
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the filter logic that determines if this node (and its subtree) match certain
+ * criteria (e.g., a search token). Often implemented at the root node, then inherited by
+ * children.
+ *
+ * @return the current filter logic for this node
+ */
TreeItemFilter getFilter();
+ /**
+ * Returns an optional reference to this node's parent, if it exists. If the node is at the root
+ * level, the result is typically empty (no parent).
+ *
+ * @return an {@link Optional} containing the parent node
+ */
Optional> getParent();
+ /**
+ * Removes a child node from this node's subtree. If the node is not a direct child,
+ * implementations may ignore or handle it differently.
+ *
+ * @param node the node to remove
+ */
void removeNode(N node);
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the data value associated with this node, if any. This is typically the model object
+ * or identifier linked to the node's display.
+ *
+ * @return the data value for this node
+ */
V getValue();
+ /**
+ * Sets the data value associated with this node. Useful for changing the underlying model object
+ * without recreating the node.
+ *
+ * @param value the new data value
+ */
void setValue(V value);
diff --git a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/RootNode.java b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/RootNode.java
index f35f30d0..d30bc39b 100644
--- a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/RootNode.java
+++ b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/RootNode.java
@@ -15,14 +15,64 @@
package org.dominokit.domino.ui.tree;
+ * Represents the root of a tree structure, providing common behaviors and configurations for all
+ * nodes within the tree.
+ *
+ * Notable capabilities include:
+ *
+ *
+ * - Tracking and managing an active node (see {@link HasActiveNode})
+ *
- Controlling whether nodes automatically collapse or expand under certain conditions
+ *
- Supplying icons for nodes via a {@link NodeIconSupplier}
+ *
- Receiving notifications when a node's active state or selection changes
+ *
+ *
+ * @param the type of data value associated with each node
+ * @param the node (tree item) type
+ * @param the type representing the selection (often the node type or a list of nodes)
+ */
public interface RootNode, S> extends HasActiveNode {
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether parent nodes should automatically collapse when a new node is activated or
+ * expanded.
+ *
+ * @return true if automatic collapse is enabled, false otherwise
+ */
boolean isAutoCollapse();
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether nodes should automatically expand when they match a search or filtering
+ * criterion (e.g., "found" nodes in a search).
+ *
+ * @return true if automatic expansion of found nodes is enabled, false otherwise
+ */
boolean isAutoExpandFound();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the {@link NodeIconSupplier} responsible for providing icons to each node within the
+ * tree.
+ *
+ * @return a {@link NodeIconSupplier} instance
+ */
NodeIconSupplier getIconSupplier();
+ /**
+ * Called when the active node changes within this tree (e.g., a node is activated or
+ * re-activated).
+ *
+ * @param node the node that is now active
+ * @param selection the current selection in the tree
+ * @param silent true if the change should not trigger user-facing events, false otherwise
+ */
default void onActiveNodeChanged(N node, S selection, boolean silent) {}
+ /**
+ * Called when a node is deselected (or changes its selection state) in this tree.
+ *
+ * @param source the node that triggered the deselection event
+ * @param selection the current selection in the tree after deselection
+ */
void onDeselectionChanged(N source, S selection);
diff --git a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/TreeNode.java b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/TreeNode.java
index e2ca966e..1e0332c4 100644
--- a/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/TreeNode.java
+++ b/domino-ui/src/main/java/org/dominokit/domino/ui/tree/TreeNode.java
@@ -57,6 +57,29 @@
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.PrefixElement;
import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.Separator;
+ * An abstract base class for creating tree items (nodes) in a hierarchical tree structure.
+ *
+ * Key responsibilities:
+ *
+ *
+ * - Maintaining and rendering a list of child nodes
+ *
- Supporting activation (e.g., selection or highlighting) of the node
+ *
- Managing collapse/expand behavior for child nodes (if any)
+ *
- Customizable icon logic (which can change on expand/collapse)
+ *
- Filtering of nodes (for searching or hiding certain items)
+ *
- Selection event listeners (if implementing classes require selection logic)
+ *
- Integration with a {@link TreeConfig} for configuring default behaviors (collapsing, icon
+ * strategy, etc.)
+ *
+ *
+ * Typical usage involves subclassing to implement a specific kind of tree node (e.g., see {@link
+ * org.dominokit.domino.ui.tree.TreeItem}).
+ *
+ * @param the data type associated with each node
+ * @param the type of the node itself (for fluent API use)
+ * @param the selection type or structure, commonly the node type or a list of nodes
+ */
public abstract class TreeNode, S>
extends BaseDominoElement
implements IsParentNode,
@@ -81,9 +104,13 @@ public abstract class TreeNode, S>
private OriginalState originalState;
private boolean selectionListenersPaused = false;
- private Set> selectionListeners = new HashSet<>();
- private Set> deselectionListeners = new HashSet<>();
+ private final Set> selectionListeners = new HashSet<>();
+ private final Set> deselectionListeners = new HashSet<>();
+ /**
+ * Internal event listener for clicks on the anchor area (when {@link ToggleTarget#ANY} is in
+ * effect).
+ */
private final EventListener anchorListener =
evt -> {
if (ToggleTarget.ANY.equals(this.toggleTarget)) {
@@ -92,6 +119,11 @@ public abstract class TreeNode, S>
+ /**
+ * Handles the logic when a tree node is "activated" (clicked or otherwise triggered), toggling
+ * expand/collapse if it's a parent node and then calling {@link #activateNode()} to highlight the
+ * node.
+ */
private void onActivation() {
if (isParent()) {
@@ -99,6 +131,10 @@ private void onActivation() {
+ /**
+ * Internal event listener for clicks on the node icon (when {@link ToggleTarget#ICON} is in
+ * effect).
+ */
private final EventListener iconListener =
evt -> {
if (ToggleTarget.ICON.equals(this.toggleTarget)) {
@@ -107,6 +143,10 @@ private void onActivation() {
+ /**
+ * Base constructor that sets up the core DOM elements (list item, anchor, content, subtree list)
+ * and default behavior (collapsed, wave effect, etc.).
+ */
private TreeNode() {
this.element =
@@ -119,15 +159,16 @@ private TreeNode() {
this.textElement = LazyChild.of(span().addCss(dui_tree_item_text), contentElement);
init((N) this);
+ // default collapsible strategy
setAttribute(Collapsible.DUI_COLLAPSED, "true");
- * Constructs a new TreeItem instance with an icon and title.
+ * Constructs a new {@code TreeNode} with an icon and a title.
- * @param icon The icon to be displayed for the tree item.
- * @param title The title of the tree item.
+ * @param icon the icon to display
+ * @param title the text label for this node
public TreeNode(Icon> icon, String title) {
@@ -137,9 +178,9 @@ public TreeNode(Icon> icon, String title) {
- * Constructs a new TreeItem instance with a title.
+ * Constructs a new {@code TreeNode} with a title only (no icon).
- * @param title The title of the tree item.
+ * @param title the text label for this node
public TreeNode(String title) {
@@ -148,9 +189,9 @@ public TreeNode(String title) {
- * Constructs a new TreeItem instance with an icon.
+ * Constructs a new {@code TreeNode} with an icon only (no title).
- * @param icon The icon to be displayed for the tree item.
+ * @param icon the icon to display
public TreeNode(Icon> icon) {
@@ -159,10 +200,10 @@ public TreeNode(Icon> icon) {
- * Constructs a new TreeItem instance with a title and a value.
+ * Constructs a new {@code TreeNode} with a title and a data value.
- * @param title The title of the tree item.
- * @param value The value associated with the tree item.
+ * @param title the text label for this node
+ * @param value the data value associated with the node
public TreeNode(String title, V value) {
@@ -170,11 +211,11 @@ public TreeNode(String title, V value) {
- * Constructs a new TreeItem instance with an icon, title, and a value.
+ * Constructs a new {@code TreeNode} with an icon, title, and a data value.
- * @param icon The icon to be displayed for the tree item.
- * @param title The title of the tree item.
- * @param value The value associated with the tree item.
+ * @param icon the icon to display
+ * @param title the text label
+ * @param value the data value
public TreeNode(Icon> icon, String title, V value) {
this(icon, title);
@@ -182,16 +223,21 @@ public TreeNode(Icon> icon, String title, V value) {
- * Constructs a new TreeItem instance with an icon and a value.
+ * Constructs a new {@code TreeNode} with an icon and a data value (no title).
- * @param icon The icon to be displayed for the tree item.
- * @param value The value associated with the tree item.
+ * @param icon the icon to display
+ * @param value the data value
public TreeNode(Icon> icon, V value) {
this.value = value;
+ /**
+ * Allows post-construction initialization logic. By default, sets up listeners for collapsing and
+ * expanding events, plus a click listener on the anchor element. Subclasses can override or
+ * extend this method for further setup.
+ */
protected void init() {
addBeforeCollapseListener(() -> updateIcon(true));
addBeforeExpandListener(() -> updateIcon(false));
@@ -200,10 +246,10 @@ protected void init() {
- * Sets the title of this tree item and updates the text content of the associated text element.
+ * Sets the visible label (title) of this node.
- * @param title The new title to set.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance.
+ * @param title the title text
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
@@ -212,29 +258,34 @@ public N setTitle(String title) {
- * Retrieves the title of this tree item.
+ * Retrieves the current title (visible label) for this node.
- * @return The title of this tree item.
+ * @return the title string
public String getTitle() {
return title;
- * Sets the parent tree node for this tree item.
+ * Sets the parent node of this item (e.g., another node or a root). Internal use within the tree
+ * structure.
- * @param parentNode The parent tree node.
+ * @param parentNode the parent node
void setParent(IsParentNode parentNode) {
this.parent = parentNode;
+ /**
+ * Subclasses must implement how a node is "activated" (e.g., highlighting or selection). Called
+ * after we ensure toggling is done for a parent node.
+ */
protected abstract void activateNode();
- * Deactivates (deselects) this tree item and any of its sub-items if it is a parent. If
- * auto-collapse is enabled in the tree root, it will collapse the tree item as well. This method
- * returns void.
+ * Deactivates this node if it's currently active, removing the {@code dui_active} CSS class. If
+ * this node has child nodes, they are also deactivated, and if the tree is configured for auto
+ * collapse, the node collapses. Updates the icon accordingly.
public void deactivate() {
@@ -248,10 +299,12 @@ public void deactivate() {
- * Appends a child tree item to this tree item.
+ * Adds a child node to this node, re-parenting the child. Also updates the icon if this node was
+ * previously a leaf. If the tree's root has an icon supplier, it's applied to new child nodes as
+ * well.
- * @param node The child tree item to append.
- * @return This tree item with the child tree item appended.
+ * @param node the child node to add
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N appendChild(N node) {
@@ -272,15 +325,22 @@ public N appendChild(N node) {
return (N) this;
+ /**
+ * Adds multiple child nodes at once.
+ *
+ * @param treeItems the child nodes to add
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
+ */
public N appendChild(N... treeItems) {
return (N) this;
- * Removes a sub-item from this tree item.
+ * Removes a specified child node from this node. If no children remain after removal, the node is
+ * collapsed.
- * @param item The sub-item to remove.
+ * @param item the child node to remove
public void removeNode(N item) {
if (subNodes.contains(item)) {
@@ -293,9 +353,9 @@ public void removeNode(N item) {
- * Clears all sub-items from this tree item.
+ * Removes all child nodes from this node.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance after clearing all sub-items.
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N clear() {
new ArrayList<>(subNodes).forEach(TreeNode::remove);
@@ -303,9 +363,9 @@ public N clear() {
- * Removes this tree item from its parent.
+ * Removes this node from its parent, if it has one.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance after removal.
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N remove() {
@@ -313,16 +373,35 @@ public N remove() {
return (N) super.remove();
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ * Returns a {@link PrefixElement} that wraps the node's content area, allowing insertion of
+ * custom elements (e.g., icons) before the text.
+ */
public PrefixElement getPrefixElement() {
return PrefixElement.of(contentElement);
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ *
Returns a {@link PostfixElement} that wraps the node's content area, allowing insertion of
+ * custom elements (e.g., badges) after the text.
+ */
public PostfixElement getPostfixElement() {
return PostfixElement.of(contentElement);
+ /**
+ * Updates the icon state for this node based on whether it's expanded, collapsed, or active. If
+ * the icon is a {@link ToggleIcon}, it toggles; if it's a {@link StateChangeIcon}, updates the
+ * state accordingly.
+ *
+ * @param collapsed {@code true} if the node is collapsed, {@code false} if expanded
+ */
private void updateIcon(boolean collapsed) {
if (nonNull(nodeIcon) && nodeIcon.isInitialized()) {
if (nodeIcon.element() instanceof ToggleIcon) {
@@ -343,9 +422,10 @@ private void updateIcon(boolean collapsed) {
- * Adds a separator to this tree item.
+ * Inserts a separator (e.g., a horizontal line or spacing) into the subtree of this node.
- * @return This tree item with a separator added.
+ * @param separator a {@link Separator} object
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N appendChild(Separator separator) {
@@ -353,9 +433,10 @@ public N appendChild(Separator separator) {
- * Returns the root of the tree structure to which this tree item belongs.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- * @return The root Tree instance.
+ *
Returns the root of the entire tree structure. Typically used for configuration or top-level
+ * behaviors.
public RootNode getRootNode() {
@@ -363,10 +444,10 @@ public RootNode getRootNode() {
- * Returns an optional parent of this tree item. If the parent exists and is a TreeItem, it
- * returns an Optional containing the parent; otherwise, it returns an empty Optional.
+ * Retrieves this node's optional parent. If the parent is a {@code TreeNode}, returns a non-empty
+ * {@link Optional}; otherwise, it may be empty if this node is top-level.
- * @return An Optional containing the parent TreeItem or an empty Optional.
+ * @return an {@link Optional} containing the parent node if it exists
public Optional> getParent() {
if (parent instanceof TreeNode) {
@@ -386,9 +467,9 @@ public void setActiveNode(N activeNode) {
- * Returns the path to this tree item.
+ * Retrieves a list of nodes forming the path from the root to this node, including this node.
- * @return A list of tree items representing the path to this item, starting from the root.
+ * @return an ordered list of nodes from the tree root to this node
public List getPath() {
List items = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -406,9 +487,9 @@ public List getPath() {
- * Returns the values associated with the path to this tree item.
+ * Retrieves a list of values from the root to this node, including this node's value.
- * @return A list of values representing the path to this item, starting from the root.
+ * @return an ordered list of values from the tree root to this node
public List getPathValues() {
List values = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -426,9 +507,9 @@ public List getPathValues() {
- * Gets the list of sub-items under this tree item.
+ * Returns the direct children of this node (sub-nodes).
- * @return The list of sub-items.
+ * @return a list of child nodes
public List getSubNodes() {
return subNodes;
@@ -443,10 +524,10 @@ public void doActivate() {
- * Activates (selects) this tree item. If 'activateParent' is true, it also activates its parent
- * items in the tree structure. This method returns void.
+ * Activates this node in the UI, optionally indicating whether parent nodes should also be
+ * expanded or marked active. Primarily for internal use.
- * @param activateParent True to activate parent items, false to activate only this item.
+ * @param activateParent whether to propagate activation up the tree
protected void doActivate(boolean activateParent) {
@@ -456,6 +537,11 @@ protected void doActivate(boolean activateParent) {
+ /**
+ * Activates this node, showing it if necessary and performing the default "onActivation" logic.
+ *
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
+ */
public N activate() {
@@ -463,7 +549,7 @@ public N activate() {
- * @return same instance
+ * @return this node
* @deprecated use {@link #activate()}
@@ -473,19 +559,21 @@ public N select() {
- * Returns the currently active (selected) tree item within the tree structure.
+ * Retrieves the currently active (or highlighted) child node of this node, or {@code null} if
+ * none is active.
- * @return The currently active TreeItem instance.
+ * @return the active node, or null
public N getActiveNode() {
return activeNode;
- * Sets the toggle target for this tree item.
+ * Sets the target that toggles expand/collapse behavior. If {@link ToggleTarget#ICON} is chosen,
+ * wave effects are removed from the anchor area, and the node icon becomes clickable instead.
- * @param toggleTarget The toggle target to set.
- * @return This tree item with the toggle target set.
+ * @param toggleTarget the new toggle target
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public TreeNode setToggleTarget(ToggleTarget toggleTarget) {
if (nonNull(toggleTarget)) {
@@ -508,6 +596,7 @@ public TreeNode setToggleTarget(ToggleTarget toggleTarget) {
return this;
+ /** Toggles expand/collapse if this node has child nodes; otherwise, no operation. */
private void toggle() {
if (isParent()) {
@@ -515,31 +604,36 @@ private void toggle() {
- * Checks if this tree item is a parent (has sub-items).
+ * Checks if this node has one or more children.
- * @return True if this tree item is a parent, false otherwise.
+ * @return {@code true} if it has children, {@code false} otherwise
boolean isParent() {
return !subNodes.isEmpty();
- * Checks if this tree item is a leaf (has no sub-items).
+ * Checks if this node is a leaf, meaning it has no children.
- * @return True if this tree item is a leaf, false otherwise.
+ * @return {@code true} if no children, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isLeaf() {
return subNodes.isEmpty();
+ /**
+ * Applies a wave effect (hover ripple) to the anchor. Subclasses can override or disable this if
+ * needed.
+ */
protected void applyWaves() {
withWaves((item, waves) -> waves.setWaveStyle(WaveStyle.BLOCK));
- * Handles changes in the supplied icon for this tree item and its sub-items.
+ * Called when the tree's icon supplier changes, updating this node's icon accordingly, then
+ * recursing into child nodes. No operation if the new icon is null.
- * @param iconSupplier The icon supplier responsible for creating icons.
+ * @param iconSupplier a supplier that provides icons for nodes
void onSuppliedIconChanged(NodeIconSupplier iconSupplier) {
Icon> icon = iconSupplier.createIcon((N) this);
@@ -550,11 +644,12 @@ void onSuppliedIconChanged(NodeIconSupplier iconSupplier) {
- * Sets the icon for this tree item. If the 'icon' parameter is not null, it replaces the existing
- * icon with the new one. This method returns the current TreeItem instance.
+ * Sets (or replaces) this node's icon. If an icon was previously set, it is removed. The new icon
+ * is appended to the content element, and click logic is updated based on the current toggle
+ * target.
- * @param icon The new icon to set.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance.
+ * @param icon the new icon to display
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N setIcon(Icon> icon) {
if (nonNull(nodeIcon)) {
@@ -590,16 +685,17 @@ public N setIcon(Icon> icon) {
- * Returns the clickable HTML anchor element associated with this tree item.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- * @return The clickable HTML anchor element.
+ * Returns the anchor element for the node, which is used for wave effects (unless toggle
+ * target is icon-only).
public HTMLAnchorElement getClickableElement() {
return anchorElement.element();
- /** Collapses all sub-items under this tree item recursively. */
+ /** Recursively collapses this node and all child sub-nodes. */
public void collapseAll() {
if (isParent() && !isCollapsed()) {
@@ -609,7 +705,7 @@ public void collapseAll() {
- /** Expands all sub-items under this tree item recursively. */
+ /** Recursively expands this node and all child sub-nodes. */
public void expandAll() {
if (isParent() && isCollapsed()) {
@@ -620,9 +716,10 @@ public void expandAll() {
- * Expands the tree node represented by this tree item.
+ * Expands this node (shows children if any) by calling {@link #expand()} from {@link
+ * Collapsible}.
- * @return This tree item with the node expanded.
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N expandNode() {
@@ -630,11 +727,10 @@ public N expandNode() {
- * Expands the tree node represented by this tree item. If the 'expandParent' parameter is true,
- * parent nodes will also be expanded. This method returns the current TreeItem instance.
+ * Expands this node. If {@code expandParent} is {@code true}, also expands all ancestors.
- * @param expandParent True to expand parent nodes, false to expand only the current node.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance.
+ * @param expandParent whether to expand parent nodes too
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N expandNode(boolean expandParent) {
@@ -642,10 +738,11 @@ public N expandNode(boolean expandParent) {
- * Shows the tree node represented by this tree item.
+ * Ensures this node is shown (expanded) in the tree. Optionally expands the parent chain, then
+ * calls {@link #expand()} if this node has children.
- * @param expandParent {@code true} to expand the parent nodes, {@code false} otherwise.
- * @return This tree item with the node shown.
+ * @param expandParent if true, parent nodes are also expanded
+ * @return this node (for fluent API)
public N show(boolean expandParent) {
if (expandParent) {
@@ -659,7 +756,8 @@ public N show(boolean expandParent) {
- * Clears the filter applied to this tree item and its children, restoring their original state.
+ * Clears any previously applied filter state (restoring collapsed/expanded state and visibility)
+ * for this node and its children.
public void clearFilter() {
if (nonNull(originalState)) {
@@ -677,10 +775,11 @@ public void clearFilter() {
- * Filters this tree item and its children based on a search token.
+ * Filters this node (and possibly its children) against a search token, showing nodes that match
+ * or have matching descendants. If a match is found, the node is revealed, otherwise hidden.
- * @param searchToken The search token to filter by.
- * @return True if this tree item or any of its children match the search token, false otherwise.
+ * @param searchToken the token to search for
+ * @return true if this node or any child matches the search token, false otherwise
public boolean filter(String searchToken) {
boolean found;
@@ -707,59 +806,55 @@ public boolean filter(String searchToken) {
- * Filters the children of this tree item based on a search token.
+ * Filters child nodes recursively, returning {@code true} if any child node matches.
- * @param searchToken The search token to filter children by.
- * @return True if any of the children match the search token, false otherwise.
+ * @param searchToken the token to filter by
+ * @return true if any child matches, false otherwise
public boolean filterChildren(String searchToken) {
- // We use the noneMatch here instead of anyMatch to make sure we are looping all children
- // instead of early exit on first matching one
return subNodes.stream().filter(treeItem -> treeItem.filter(searchToken)).count() > 0;
- * Checks if this tree item should be automatically expanded when it's found during a search
- * operation.
+ * Indicates whether matching nodes should automatically be expanded (when found by a filter).
- * @return True if this tree item should be automatically expanded when found, false otherwise.
+ * @return true if auto-expand is enabled for found nodes
public boolean isAutoExpandFound() {
return getRootNode().isAutoExpandFound();
- * Retrieves the filter associated with this tree item, which is typically inherited from its
- * parent.
+ * Retrieves the filter logic from the parent or root node.
- * @return The filter associated with this tree item.
+ * @return a {@link TreeItemFilter} used to evaluate matches
public TreeItemFilter getFilter() {
return parent.getFilter();
- * Retrieves the value associated with this tree item.
+ * Gets the data value associated with this node.
- * @return The value associated with this tree item.
+ * @return the node's value
public V getValue() {
return value;
- * Sets the value associated with this tree item.
+ * Sets a data value for this node.
- * @param value The new value to set.
+ * @param value the new value
public void setValue(V value) {
this.value = value;
- * Retrieves the Waves effect element associated with this tree item.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- * @return The Waves effect element.
+ * By default, wave effects apply to the anchor, unless {@link ToggleTarget#ICON} is selected.
public Element getWavesElement() {
@@ -767,27 +862,27 @@ public Element getWavesElement() {
- * Retrieves the text element associated with this tree item.
+ * Gets the {@link SpanElement} holding the text content (the "label") of this node.
- * @return The text element.
+ * @return the text element
public SpanElement getTextElement() {
return textElement.get();
- * Retrieves the UListElement` that represents the sub-tree of this tree item.
+ * Retrieves the unordered list element that holds this node's children.
- * @return The `UListElement` representing the sub-tree.
+ * @return the sub-tree element
public UListElement getSubTree() {
return subTree;
- * Pauses selection listeners for this tree item.
+ * Pauses any selection (activation) listeners for this node, so changes do not trigger events.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance after pausing selection listeners.
+ * @return this node
public N pauseSelectionListeners() {
@@ -796,9 +891,9 @@ public N pauseSelectionListeners() {
- * Resumes selection listeners for this tree item.
+ * Resumes any selection (activation) listeners previously paused.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance after resuming selection listeners.
+ * @return this node
public N resumeSelectionListeners() {
@@ -807,10 +902,10 @@ public N resumeSelectionListeners() {
- * Toggles the pause state of selection listeners.
+ * Toggles the paused state of selection listeners.
- * @param toggle True to pause selection listeners, false to resume them.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance after toggling selection listeners.
+ * @param toggle if true, listeners are paused; if false, they are resumed
+ * @return this node
public N togglePauseSelectionListeners(boolean toggle) {
@@ -819,9 +914,9 @@ public N togglePauseSelectionListeners(boolean toggle) {
- * Retrieves the set of selection listeners associated with this tree item.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- * @return The set of selection listeners.
+ *
Returns the set of selection listeners associated with this node.
public Set> getSelectionListeners() {
@@ -829,9 +924,9 @@ public N togglePauseSelectionListeners(boolean toggle) {
- * Retrieves the set of deselection listeners associated with this tree item.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- * @return The set of deselection listeners.
+ * Returns the set of deselection listeners associated with this node.
public Set> getDeselectionListeners() {
@@ -839,9 +934,9 @@ public N togglePauseSelectionListeners(boolean toggle) {
- * Checks if selection listeners for this tree item are currently paused.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- * @return True if selection listeners are paused, false otherwise.
+ * Indicates whether selection listeners are currently paused.
public boolean isSelectionListenersPaused() {
@@ -849,11 +944,10 @@ public boolean isSelectionListenersPaused() {
- * Triggers selection listeners for this tree item when a selection event occurs.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- * @param source The source tree item that triggered the event.
- * @param selection The selected tree item.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance after triggering selection listeners.
+ *
Notifies all registered selection listeners of a selection event, unless listeners are
+ * paused.
public N triggerSelectionListeners(N source, S selection) {
@@ -866,11 +960,10 @@ public N triggerSelectionListeners(N source, S selection) {
- * Triggers deselection listeners for this tree item when a deselection event occurs.
+ * {@inheritDoc}
- * @param source The source tree item that triggered the event.
- * @param selection The deselected tree item.
- * @return The current TreeItem instance after triggering deselection listeners.
+ *
Notifies all registered deselection listeners of a deselection event, unless listeners are
+ * paused.
public N triggerDeselectionListeners(N source, S selection) {
@@ -882,22 +975,27 @@ public N triggerDeselectionListeners(N source, S selection) {
return (N) this;
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ *
Returns the underlying {@code
} element for this node.
+ */
public HTMLLIElement element() {
return this.element.element();
- * A private inner class representing the original state of a tree item. This state includes
- * whether the tree item was expanded or collapsed.
+ * Stores this node's original expanded/collapsed state before any filter was applied, so it can
+ * be restored via {@link #clearFilter()}.
private static class OriginalState {
- private boolean expanded;
+ private final boolean expanded;
- * Constructs an instance of OriginalState with the specified expanded state.
+ * Constructs an {@code OriginalState} representing the node's expand/collapse state.
- * @param expanded True if the tree item was expanded, false if it was collapsed.
+ * @param expanded {@code true} if originally expanded, {@code false} if collapsed
public OriginalState(boolean expanded) {
this.expanded = expanded;