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Insurance & Banking: NCMB

Business context

Nova Caixa Milenar Bancária (NCMB) is a bank that operates in Portugal since 1900. It has a large portfolio of clients, from individuals to small businesses, and large multi-national organizations. NCMB has a large catalog of products: credit cards, mortgages, and small loans, and acts as a financial broker (allowing customers to trade shares and other assets).

The front-office of the NCMB offers a public website that displays the products and services; a private website in which clients can access their bank account information and subscribe to their products. The information presented on the websites and corresponding features can also be accessed through a mobile app.

A back-office is used by the bank employees to contact the clients, propose new products, and manage the portfolio of the customers (buy and sell financial assets).

The system has integration with external institutions, namely, the Bank of Portugal (to communicate the financial details of the customers) and insurance companies (to promote insurance services that are associated with the loans).

Security challenge

(i) There are some concerns with the access to the financial information of the clients. The authenticity of the information and the privacy of the clients needs to be assured. It is necessary to provide a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) mechanism that requires the bank customers to use an alternative device when logging in the bank app.

Network and system architecture

The system architecture is composed by 5 VMs:

  • Firewall
  • Web server
  • Database
  • Internal user
  • External service

The network is composed of 3 internal networks and 1 host-only network:

Internal Network 1 Internal Network 2 Internal Network 3 Host-only
Firewall (ad. 1) Firewall (ad. 2) Firewall (ad. 3) Firewall (ad. 4)
Web server (ad. 1) Database (ad. 1) Internal user (ad. 1) External user
External service

Who's communicating1 ?

Entity 1 Entity 2 Security protocol
Internal User Web server(nginx) HTTPS
External user Web server(nginx) HTTPS
Web server(nginx) Backend HTTP
Backend Database TLS
Web server(nginx) External server HTTPS

1: All requests go through the firewall before reaching their destination

Create the Virtual Machines

In virtual box, create a new VM using the disk given in the first lab class. Leave the network adpaters as default (Nat in adapter 1, only).

Create 4 more VMs by cloning the first one as in the first lab class.

How to configure VMs (common steps)

Update package manager:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade


Postgres instalation

sudo wget
sudo apt-key add ACCC4CF8.asc
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install postgresql-14

Configure database

Shut down the VM. In Settigns -> Network set adapter 1 to Internal Network and name the network sw2. Make sure the MAC address is unique.

Start the VM again and run the script to configure the network:

chmod +x
sudo ./ database 

Check that postgresql is working:

systemctl status postgresql

Edit /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf:

listen_address = '*''
ssl = on
ssl_cert_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/webserver.crt'
ssl_key_file = '/etc/ssl/private/webserver.key'

Edit /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf:

 hostssl             all       all   md5

Copy the following files in the Webserver(VM1) to the Database VM:

~/openssl/webserver.crt (on webserver)    to    /etc/ssl/certs/webserver.crt (on database)
~/openssl/webserver.key (on webserver)    to    /etc/ssl/private/webserver.key (on database)

Finally restart postgres:

systemctl restart postgresql

Check that server is listening to port 5432:

ss -nlt | grep 5432

Run psql:

sudo -u postgres psql

Change password:


Create database with name ncmb:


Create a super admin First generate the password hash:

await require('bcryptjs').hash("password", 10);

Then connect to the database and insert the super admin:

sudo psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres
\c ncmb;
INSERT INTO "Admin"(name, email, password, role) VALUES ('name', 'email','hashedPassword','SUPERADMIN');

TODO: Create user with non super admin privileges

If something goes wrong check the logs:

tail /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-main.log


To make iptable rules persistent, install:

sudo apt install iptables-persistent -y

Shut down the VM.

In Settings -> Network set adapters as follow:

Adapter 1 -> 
Adapter 2 -> ...
# Complete this 

Make sure the MAC address is unique.

Start the VM again and run the script to configure the network:

chmod +x
sudo ./ database 

Allow IP forwarding:

vi /etc/sysctl.conf
#Uncomment net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

Later test connections with:

telnet 5432   


Generating Certificate Authority (CA) and necessary certificates for the webserver (WebServer VM)

Start by generating the CA key and certificate which will be used to sign the web server certificate request

mkdir openssl && cd openssl
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 356 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=" -keyout rootCA.key -out rootCA.crt 

Compute the SHA1 and MD5 to make available to the client

sha1sum rootCA.crt
md5sum rootCA.crt

Generate the web server key and create a certificate request with the pre-defined configuration

openssl genrsa -out webserver.key
openssl req -new -key webserver.key -out webserver.csr -config ../SIRS2022/openssl-config/webserver.csr.conf 

Use the CA certificate and key to sign the certificate request of the web server which generates a certificate

openssl x509 -req -in webserver.csr -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out webserver.crt -days 365 -sha256 -extfile webserver.conf

The CA certificate and key should be kept in a USB pen (air-gapped)

Copy the webserver certificate and key to both the webserver and the database.
Depending on where you generated them, you may drag-and-drop from the local machine to inside the VMs or if they were locally generated, just move them to:

mv webserver.key /etc/ssl/private/
mv webserver.crt /etc/ssl/certs/

Install recquired tools

Install nvm (0.39.2):

wget -qO- | bash

Or, alternatively:

curl -o- | bash

Restart the shell

Install node (16.18.1) and npm (8.19.2):

nvm install 16.18.1
nvm use 16.18.1
nvm alias default 16.18.1

Setup Backend

Go to frontend folder and install the recquired packages:

cd frontend
npm i

Go to backend folder and install the recquired packages:

cd backend
npm i

Copy the example file and then populate the .env for the backend:

cp .env.example .env

The database options should look like this:


Generate the JWT_*_TOKEN and add it in .env file:


Run prisma to configure the database(after configuring Database VM):

npx prisma migrate dev --name init

Install and configure nginx:

cd ../nginx-config
chmod +x
sudo ./

Shut down the VM. In Settigns -> Network set adapter 1 to Internal Network and name the network sw1. Make sure the MAC address is unique.

Start the VM again and run the script to configure the network:

chmod +x
sudo ./ webserver 

Start the backend:

npm run build
npm start

Build the frontend:

npm run build

External service

Generating Certificate Authority (CA) and necessary certificates for the external service

Start by generating the CA key and certificate which will be used to sign the web server certificate request

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 356 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/CN=" -keyout externalCA.key -out externalCA.crt 

Generate the web server key and create a certificate request with the pre-defined configuration

openssl genrsa -out externalwebserver.key
openssl req -new -key externalwebserver.key -out externalwebserver.csr -config externalwebserver.conf

Use the CA certificate and key to sign the certificate request of the external web server which generates a certificate

openssl x509 -req -in externalwebserver.csr -CA externalCA.crt -CAkey externalCA.key -CAcreateserial -out externalwebserver.crt -days 365 -sha256 -extfile externalwebserver.conf

Copy the external web server certificate and key to the external web server.
Depending on where you generated them, you may drag-and-drop from the local machine to inside the VMs or if they were locally generated, just move them to:

mv externalwebserver.key /etc/ssl/private/
mv externalwebserver.crt /etc/ssl/certs/

Copy the example file and then populate the .env for the external service:

cd external-service
cp .env.example .env

Install and configure nginx (1.18.0):

sudo apt install nginx
rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
cp externalservice_config /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Install nvm (0.39.2):

wget -qO- | bash

Or, alternatively:

curl -o- | bash

Install node (16.18.1) and npm (8.19.2):

nvm install 16.18.1
nvm use 16.18.1
nvm alias default 16.18.1

Start the backend:

npm run build
npm start