diff --git a/GLPIScan.py b/GLPIScan.py
index 393de9f..e23df13 100644
--- a/GLPIScan.py
+++ b/GLPIScan.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, argparse, chalk
from inc import Config, Infos, Credentials, Files, Plugins
@@ -10,47 +10,47 @@
print(chalk.white("\\ \\ \\__ \\ \\ \\ \\____ \\ \\ __/ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\___ \\ \\ \\ \\____ \\ \\ __ \\ \\ \\ \\-. \\ ", bold=True))
print(chalk.white(" \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\/\\_____\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\\"\\_\\", bold=True))
print(chalk.white(" \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \\/_/\\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_/", bold=True))
-print(chalk.white(" v1.1 contact[@]digitemis.com\n\n\n", bold=True))
+print(chalk.white(" v1.2 contact[@]digitemis.com\n\n\n", bold=True))
def parsing():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GLPI Vulnerability Scanner.')
- parser.add_argument('-u', dest='url', metavar="url", required=True, help='URL of GLPI application')
- parser.add_argument('-a', dest='allcheck', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform allcheck')
- parser.add_argument('-c', dest='credscheck', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform Credential Check')
- parser.add_argument('-C', dest='credsfile', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform Credential Check with specific wordlist (user:password)')
- parser.add_argument('-f', dest='filescheck', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform Files Check')
- parser.add_argument('-p', dest='pluginscheck', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform Plugin Check')
- parser.add_argument('-d', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Debug mode')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- Config.DEBUG = args.debug
- Config.BASE_URL = args.url
- Config.ALLCHECK = args.allcheck
- Config.CREDSCHECK = args.credscheck
- Config.CREDSFILE = args.credsfile
- Config.FILESCHECK = args.filescheck
- Config.PLUGINSCHECK = args.pluginscheck
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] Debug mode : ON")
- print("[DEBUG] GLPI url : " + Config.BASE_URL)
- print("[DEBUG] Checking everything : " + str(Config.ALLCHECK))
- print("[DEBUG] Checking Default Creds : " + str(Config.CREDSCHECK))
- print("[DEBUG] Checking Default File : " + str(Config.FILESCHECK))
- print("[DEBUG] Checking Default Plugins : " + str(Config.PLUGINSCHECK))
- print("")
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GLPI Vulnerability Scanner.')
+ parser.add_argument('-u', dest='url', metavar="url", required=True, help='URL of GLPI application')
+ parser.add_argument('-a', dest='allcheck', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform allcheck')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', dest='credscheck', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform Credential Check')
+ parser.add_argument('-C', dest='credsfile', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform Credential Check with specific wordlist (user:password)')
+ parser.add_argument('-f', dest='filescheck', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform Files Check')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', dest='pluginscheck', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform Plugin Check')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Debug mode')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ Config.DEBUG = args.debug
+ Config.BASE_URL = args.url
+ Config.ALLCHECK = args.allcheck
+ Config.CREDSCHECK = args.credscheck
+ Config.CREDSFILE = args.credsfile
+ Config.FILESCHECK = args.filescheck
+ Config.PLUGINSCHECK = args.pluginscheck
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] Debug mode : ON")
+ print("[DEBUG] GLPI url : " + Config.BASE_URL)
+ print("[DEBUG] Checking everything : " + str(Config.ALLCHECK))
+ print("[DEBUG] Checking Default Creds : " + str(Config.CREDSCHECK))
+ print("[DEBUG] Checking Default File : " + str(Config.FILESCHECK))
+ print("[DEBUG] Checking Default Plugins : " + str(Config.PLUGINSCHECK))
+ print("")
def main():
- parsing()
- print(chalk.white("[+] GLPI Scan start : " + Config.BASE_URL + "\n", bold=True))
- if (Infos.UrlCheck().getInfo()):
- if (Config.ALLCHECK or Config.CREDSCHECK):
- Credentials.CredentialsCheck().credentials()
+ parsing()
+ print(chalk.white("[+] GLPI Scan start : " + Config.BASE_URL + "\n", bold=True))
+ if (Infos.UrlCheck().getInfo()):
+ if (Config.ALLCHECK or Config.CREDSCHECK):
+ Credentials.CredentialsCheck().credentials()
- if (Config.ALLCHECK or Config.FILESCHECK):
- Files.FilesCheck().files()
+ if (Config.ALLCHECK or Config.FILESCHECK):
+ Files.FilesCheck().files()
- if (Config.ALLCHECK or Config.PLUGINSCHECK):
- Plugins.PluginsCheck().plugins()
+ if (Config.ALLCHECK or Config.PLUGINSCHECK):
+ Plugins.PluginsCheck().plugins()
diff --git a/Pipfile b/Pipfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8588f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pipfile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+name = "pypi"
+url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
+verify_ssl = true
+pychalk = ">=2.0.1"
+requests = ">=2.18.4"
+urllib3 = ">=1.22"
+packaging = ">=19.0"
+python_version = "3"
diff --git a/Pipfile.lock b/Pipfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91a77ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pipfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ "_meta": {
+ "hash": {
+ "sha256": "e3a568c64c7c18d65a9a51fed3a26c2ae3e88a8afc8efe038120745c8f9f76df"
+ },
+ "pipfile-spec": 6,
+ "requires": {
+ "python_version": "3"
+ },
+ "sources": [
+ {
+ "name": "pypi",
+ "url": "https://pypi.org/simple",
+ "verify_ssl": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "default": {
+ "attrs": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:69c0dbf2ed392de1cb5ec704444b08a5ef81680a61cb899dc08127123af36a79",
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+ ],
+ "version": "==19.1.0"
+ },
+ "certifi": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:046832c04d4e752f37383b628bc601a7ea7211496b4638f6514d0e5b9acc4939",
+ "sha256:945e3ba63a0b9f577b1395204e13c3a231f9bc0223888be653286534e5873695"
+ ],
+ "version": "==2019.6.16"
+ },
+ "chardet": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:84ab92ed1c4d4f16916e05906b6b75a6c0fb5db821cc65e70cbd64a3e2a5eaae",
+ "sha256:fc323ffcaeaed0e0a02bf4d117757b98aed530d9ed4531e3e15460124c106691"
+ ],
+ "version": "==3.0.4"
+ },
+ "idna": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:c357b3f628cf53ae2c4c05627ecc484553142ca23264e593d327bcde5e9c3407",
+ "sha256:ea8b7f6188e6fa117537c3df7da9fc686d485087abf6ac197f9c46432f7e4a3c"
+ ],
+ "version": "==2.8"
+ },
+ "packaging": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:a7ac867b97fdc07ee80a8058fe4435ccd274ecc3b0ed61d852d7d53055528cf9",
+ "sha256:c491ca87294da7cc01902edbe30a5bc6c4c28172b5138ab4e4aa1b9d7bfaeafe"
+ ],
+ "index": "pypi",
+ "version": "==19.1"
+ },
+ "pychalk": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:f763275f6fa68835a30d22c2449f73724d569f33532a031d26e32edc604e7e39"
+ ],
+ "index": "pypi",
+ "version": "==2.0.1"
+ },
+ "pyparsing": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:6f98a7b9397e206d78cc01df10131398f1c8b8510a2f4d97d9abd82e1aacdd80",
+ "sha256:d9338df12903bbf5d65a0e4e87c2161968b10d2e489652bb47001d82a9b028b4"
+ ],
+ "version": "==2.4.2"
+ },
+ "requests": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:11e007a8a2aa0323f5a921e9e6a2d7e4e67d9877e85773fba9ba6419025cbeb4",
+ "sha256:9cf5292fcd0f598c671cfc1e0d7d1a7f13bb8085e9a590f48c010551dc6c4b31"
+ ],
+ "index": "pypi",
+ "version": "==2.22.0"
+ },
+ "six": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:3350809f0555b11f552448330d0b52d5f24c91a322ea4a15ef22629740f3761c",
+ "sha256:d16a0141ec1a18405cd4ce8b4613101da75da0e9a7aec5bdd4fa804d0e0eba73"
+ ],
+ "version": "==1.12.0"
+ },
+ "urllib3": {
+ "hashes": [
+ "sha256:b246607a25ac80bedac05c6f282e3cdaf3afb65420fd024ac94435cabe6e18d1",
+ "sha256:dbe59173209418ae49d485b87d1681aefa36252ee85884c31346debd19463232"
+ ],
+ "index": "pypi",
+ "version": "==1.25.3"
+ }
+ },
+ "develop": {}
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f577ddc..18aca85 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ GLPIScan is a vulnerability scanner for GLPI.
## Prerequisites
+GLPIScan has been developped for python3.
* pychalk >= 2.0.1 - Recommended: latest
* requests >= 2.18.4 - Recommended: latest
* urllib3 >= 1.22 - Recommended: latest
@@ -11,13 +13,23 @@ GLPIScan is a vulnerability scanner for GLPI.
## Installation
-In order to install GLPIScan, you only need to clone the repository, and install the python dependencies using the requirements.txt
+2 possiblities is offered to install and use GLPIScan
+### Classic installation
+In order to install GLPIScan, you only need to clone the repository, and install the python dependencies using the requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
+### Pipenv installation
+It is also possible to use pipenv in order to install all dependencies inside a virtual environnment :
+$ python3 -m pip install pipenv
+$ python3 -m pipenv install
+$ python3 -m pipenv shell
## Usage
List of options :
@@ -40,7 +52,7 @@ optional arguments:
Most common usage :
-$ python GLPIScan.py -u http://glpi/ -a
+$ python3 GLPIScan.py -u http://glpi/ -a
## Further configuration
diff --git a/inc/AjaxTelemetry.py b/inc/AjaxTelemetry.py
index c32195b..3a507af 100644
--- a/inc/AjaxTelemetry.py
+++ b/inc/AjaxTelemetry.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
-import Config
+from inc import Config
import chalk
class AjaxTelemetry:
- def getPluginVersion(self, info, name):
- try:
- for plugin in Config.AJAX_TELEMETRY['glpi']['plugins']:
- if plugin['key'] == name:
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(plugin['version'], bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return plugin['version']
- except:
- return False
+ def getPluginVersion(self, info, name):
+ try:
+ for plugin in Config.AJAX_TELEMETRY['glpi']['plugins']:
+ if plugin['key'] == name:
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(plugin['version'], bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return plugin['version']
+ except:
+ return False
- def getGLPIVersion(self):
- try:
- Config.VERSION = Config.AJAX_TELEMETRY['glpi']['version']
- return True
- except:
- return False
+ def getGLPIVersion(self):
+ try:
+ Config.VERSION = Config.AJAX_TELEMETRY['glpi']['version']
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
diff --git a/inc/Config.py b/inc/Config.py
index 3dfcbef..8564f33 100644
--- a/inc/Config.py
+++ b/inc/Config.py
@@ -37,131 +37,131 @@
FILES = ['/ajax/telemetry.php',
- '/CHANGELOG.md',
- '/status.php',
- '/files/_log/cron.log',
- '/files/_log/event.log',
- '/files/_log/php-errors.log']
+ '/CHANGELOG.md',
+ '/status.php',
+ '/files/_log/cron.log',
+ '/files/_log/event.log',
+ '/files/_log/php-errors.log']
FOLDERS = ['/files/',
- '/files/_dumps/',
- '/plugins/']
+ '/files/_dumps/',
+ '/plugins/']
USERS = [['glpi','glpi'],
- ['post-only','postonly'],
- ['tech','tech'],
- ['normal', 'normal']]
+ ['post-only','postonly'],
+ ['tech','tech'],
+ ['normal', 'normal']]
PLUGINS = [['/plugins/addressing/LICENSE', 'IP Report', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/addressing', 'PluginAddressing'],
- ['/plugins/fusioninventory/js/footer.js', 'FusionInventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/fusioninventory', 'PluginFusionInventory'],
- ['/plugins/dashboard/changelog.txt', 'Dashboard', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/dashboard', 'PluginDashboard'],
- ['/plugins/datainjection/datainjection.xml', 'Data Injection', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/datainjection', 'PluginDataInjection'],
- ['/plugins/fields/plugin.xml', 'Fields', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/field', 'PluginFields'],
- ['/plugins/formcreator/package.json', 'FormCreator', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/formcreator', 'PluginFormCreator'],
- ['/plugins/genericobject/genericobject.xml', 'Generic Objects Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/genericobject', 'PluginGenericObjectsManagement'],
- ['/plugins/mreporting/mreporting.xml', 'More Reporting', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mreporting', 'PluginMoreReporting'],
- ['/plugins/ocsinventoryng/docs/CHANGELOG.txt', 'OCS Inventory NG', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/ocsinventoryng', 'PluginOCSInventoryng'],
- ['/plugins/reports/LICENSE', 'Reports', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/reports', 'PluginReports'],
- ['/plugins/pdf/LICENSE', 'PDF', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/pdf', False],
- ['/plugins/archires/LICENSE', 'Network Architecture', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/archires', 'PluginArchires'],
- ['/plugins/room/room.xml', 'Room Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/room', 'PluginRoom'],
- ['/plugins/racks/locales/glpi.pot', 'Racks / Bays Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/racks', 'PluginRacks'],
- ['/plugins/manageentities/LICENSE', 'Entities Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/manageentities', False],
- ['/plugins/accounts/LICENSE', 'Accounts Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/accounts', False],
- ['/plugins/appliances/LICENSE', 'Appliances Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/appliances', 'PluginAppliances'],
- ['/plugins/badges/locales/glpi.pot', 'Badges Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/badges', 'PluginBadgesInventory'],
- ['/plugins/certificates/LICENSE', 'Certificates Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/certificates', False],
- ['/plugins/databases/LICENSE', 'Databases Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/databases', 'PluginDatabases'],
- ['/plugins/domains/locales/glpi.pot', 'Domains Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/domains', 'PluginDomainsInventory'],
- ['/plugins/financialreports/LICENSE', 'Financial Reports', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/financialreports', False],
- ['/plugins/environment/LICENSE', 'Meta-Plugin Environment', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/environment', False],
- ['/plugins/shellcommands/locales/glpi.pot', 'Launch Shell Commands', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/shellcommands', 'PluginLaunchShellCommands'],
- ['/plugins/webapplications/LICENSE', 'Web Applications Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/webapplications', 'PluginWebApplications'],
- ['/plugins/order/plugin.xml', 'Order Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/order', 'PluginOrderManagement'],
- ['/plugins/uninstall/uninstall.xml', 'Uninstall', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/uninstall', 'PluginUninstall'],
- ['/plugins/geninventorynumber/plugin.xml', 'Inventory Number Generation', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/geninventorynumber', 'PluginInventoryNumberGeneration'],
- ['/plugins/behaviors/LICENSE', 'Behaviors', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/behaviors', 'PluginBehaviors'],
- ['/plugins/barcode/barcode.xml', 'Barcode', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/barcode', 'PluginBarcode'],
- ['/plugins/positions/locales/glpi.pot', 'Cartography', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/positions', 'PluginCartography'],
- ['/plugins/typology/locales/glpi.pot', 'Typology', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/typology', 'PluginTypology'],
- ['/plugins/mask/mask.xml', 'Mask', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mask', 'PluginMask'],
- ['/plugins/surveyticket/LICENSE', 'SurveyTicket', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/surveyticket', 'PluginSurveyTicket'],
- ['/plugins/mantis/mantis.xml', 'MantisBT synchronization', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mantis', 'PluginMantis'],
- ['/plugins/reservation/LICENCE', 'Reservation', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/reservation', 'PluginReservation'],
- ['/plugins/timezones/timezones.xml', 'Timezones', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/timezones', 'PluginTimezones'],
- ['/plugins/sccm/sccm.xml', 'SCCM', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/sccm', 'PluginSCCM'],
- ['/plugins/tag/plugin.xml', 'Tag', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/tag', 'PluginTag'],
- ['/plugins/news/plugin.xml', 'News', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/news', 'PluginNews'],
- ['/plugins/purgelogs/plugin.xml', 'Historical purge', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/purgelogs', 'PluginHistoricalPurge'],
- ['/plugins/escalade/escalade.xml', 'Escalade', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/escalade', 'PluginEscalade'],
- ['/plugins/moreticket/LICENSE', 'Moreticket', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/moreticket', 'PluginMoreTicket'],
- ['/plugins/itilcategorygroups/itilcategorygroups.xm l', 'ItilCategory Groups', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/itilcategorygroups', 'PluginItilCategoryGroups'],
- ['/plugins/consumables/LICENSE', 'Consumables', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/consumables', 'PluginConsumables'],
- ['/plugins/printercounters/LICENSE', 'PrinterCounters', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/printercounters', 'PluginPrinterCounters'],
- ['/plugins/processmaker/processmaker.xml', 'Processmaker', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/processmaker', 'PluginProcessmaker'],
- ['/plugins/seasonality/README.md', 'Seasonality', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/seasonality', 'PluginSeasonality'],
- ['/plugins/tasklists/locales/glpi.pot', 'Tasks List (Kanban)', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/tasklists', 'PluginTasksList'],
- ['/plugins/mailanalyzer/mailanalyzer.xml', 'Mail Analyzer', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mailanalyzer', 'PluginMailAnalyzer'],
- ['/plugins/mydashboard/locales/glpi.pot', 'My Dashboard', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mydashboard', 'PluginMyDashboard'],
- ['/plugins/timelineticket/locales/glpi.pot', 'Timelineticket', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/timelineticket', 'PluginTimelineticket'],
- ['/plugins/airwatch/airwatch.xml', 'Airwatch connector', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/airwatch', 'PluginAirwatchConnector'],
- ['/plugins/archifun/funcarea.xml', 'Functional Areas', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/archifun', 'PluginFunctionalAreas'],
- ['/plugins/useditemsexport/plugin.xml', 'Used items export', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/useditemsexport', 'PluginUsedItemsExport'],
- ['/plugins/nebackup/nebackup.xml', 'Network Equipment Backup', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/nebackup', 'PluginNetworkEquipmentBackup'],
- ['/plugins/openvas/openvas.xml', 'OpenVAS', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/openvas', 'PluginOpenVAS'],
- ['/plugins/browsernotification/browsernotification.xml', 'Browser Notification', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/browsernotification', 'PluginBrowserNotification'],
- ['/plugins/credit/plugin.xml', 'Credit', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/credit', 'PluginCredit'],
- ['/plugins/xivo/xivo.xml', 'xivo', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/xivo', 'PluginXivo'],
- ['/plugins/glpi2mdt/glpi2mdt.xml', 'GLPI to MDT connector', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/glpi2mdt', 'PluginMDTConnector'],
- ['/plugins/telegrambot/telegrambot.xml', 'TelegramBot', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/telegrambot', 'PluginTelegramBot'],
- ['/plugins/cleanarchivedemails/cleanarchivedemails.xml', 'Clean Archived Emails', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/cleanarchivedemails', 'PluginCleanArchivedEmails'],
- ['/plugins/officeonline/js/officeonline.js', 'Office Online', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/officeonline', 'PluginOfficeOnline'],
- ['/plugins/satisfaction/satisfaction.js', 'More satisfaction', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/satisfaction', 'PluginMoreSatisfaction'],
- ['/plugins/gdrive/README.md', 'GDrive', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/GDrive', 'PluginGDrive'],
- ['/plugins/archisw/archisw.xml', 'Apps structure inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/archisw', 'PluginAppsStructureInventory'],
- ['/plugins/dataflows/dataflows.xml', 'Dataflows inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/dataflows', 'PluginDataflowsInventory'],
- ['/plugins/statecheck/statecheck.xml', 'Statecheck', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/statecheck', 'PluginStatecheck'],
- ['/plugins/archimap/archimap.xml', 'Diagrams', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/archimap', 'PluginDiagrams'],
- ['/plugins/metabase/metabase.xml', 'Metabase', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/metabase', 'PluginMetabase'],
- ['/plugins/orderservice/orderservice.xml', 'Order Service', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/orderservice', 'PluginOrderService'],
- ['/plugins/glpicheckingversion/glpicheckingversion.xml', 'GLPI Checking Version', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/glpicheckingversion', 'PluginGLPICheckingVersion'],
- ['/plugins/taskdrop/LICENSE', 'Task n Drop', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/TaskDrop', 'PluginTaskDrop'],
- ['/plugins/impacts/impacts.xml', 'Impacts', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/impacts', 'PluginImpacts'],
- ['/plugins/manufacturersimports/LICENSE', 'Manufacturers Web Imports', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/manufacturersimports', 'PluginManufacturersImports'],
- ]
+ ['/plugins/fusioninventory/js/footer.js', 'FusionInventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/fusioninventory', 'PluginFusionInventory'],
+ ['/plugins/dashboard/changelog.txt', 'Dashboard', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/dashboard', 'PluginDashboard'],
+ ['/plugins/datainjection/datainjection.xml', 'Data Injection', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/datainjection', 'PluginDataInjection'],
+ ['/plugins/fields/plugin.xml', 'Fields', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/field', 'PluginFields'],
+ ['/plugins/formcreator/package.json', 'FormCreator', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/formcreator', 'PluginFormCreator'],
+ ['/plugins/genericobject/genericobject.xml', 'Generic Objects Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/genericobject', 'PluginGenericObjectsManagement'],
+ ['/plugins/mreporting/mreporting.xml', 'More Reporting', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mreporting', 'PluginMoreReporting'],
+ ['/plugins/ocsinventoryng/docs/CHANGELOG.txt', 'OCS Inventory NG', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/ocsinventoryng', 'PluginOCSInventoryng'],
+ ['/plugins/reports/LICENSE', 'Reports', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/reports', 'PluginReports'],
+ ['/plugins/pdf/LICENSE', 'PDF', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/pdf', 'PluginPdf'],
+ ['/plugins/archires/LICENSE', 'Network Architecture', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/archires', 'PluginArchires'],
+ ['/plugins/room/room.xml', 'Room Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/room', 'PluginRoom'],
+ ['/plugins/racks/locales/glpi.pot', 'Racks / Bays Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/racks', 'PluginRacks'],
+ ['/plugins/manageentities/LICENSE', 'Entities Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/manageentities', 'PluginManageEntities'],
+ ['/plugins/accounts/LICENSE', 'Accounts Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/accounts', 'PluginAccounts'],
+ ['/plugins/appliances/LICENSE', 'Appliances Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/appliances', 'PluginAppliances'],
+ ['/plugins/badges/locales/glpi.pot', 'Badges Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/badges', 'PluginBadgesInventory'],
+ ['/plugins/certificates/LICENSE', 'Certificates Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/certificates', 'PluginCertificates'],
+ ['/plugins/databases/LICENSE', 'Databases Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/databases', 'PluginDatabases'],
+ ['/plugins/domains/locales/glpi.pot', 'Domains Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/domains', 'PluginDomainsInventory'],
+ ['/plugins/financialreports/LICENSE', 'Financial Reports', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/financialreports', 'PluginFinancialReports'],
+ ['/plugins/environment/LICENSE', 'Meta-Plugin Environment', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/environment', 'PluginEnvironment'],
+ ['/plugins/shellcommands/locales/glpi.pot', 'Launch Shell Commands', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/shellcommands', 'PluginLaunchShellCommands'],
+ ['/plugins/webapplications/LICENSE', 'Web Applications Inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/webapplications', 'PluginWebApplications'],
+ ['/plugins/order/plugin.xml', 'Order Management', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/order', 'PluginOrderManagement'],
+ ['/plugins/uninstall/uninstall.xml', 'Uninstall', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/uninstall', 'PluginUninstall'],
+ ['/plugins/geninventorynumber/plugin.xml', 'Inventory Number Generation', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/geninventorynumber', 'PluginInventoryNumberGeneration'],
+ ['/plugins/behaviors/LICENSE', 'Behaviors', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/behaviors', 'PluginBehaviors'],
+ ['/plugins/barcode/barcode.xml', 'Barcode', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/barcode', 'PluginBarcode'],
+ ['/plugins/positions/locales/glpi.pot', 'Cartography', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/positions', 'PluginCartography'],
+ ['/plugins/typology/locales/glpi.pot', 'Typology', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/typology', 'PluginTypology'],
+ ['/plugins/mask/mask.xml', 'Mask', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mask', 'PluginMask'],
+ ['/plugins/surveyticket/LICENSE', 'SurveyTicket', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/surveyticket', 'PluginSurveyTicket'],
+ ['/plugins/mantis/mantis.xml', 'MantisBT synchronization', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mantis', 'PluginMantis'],
+ ['/plugins/reservation/LICENCE', 'Reservation', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/reservation', 'PluginReservation'],
+ ['/plugins/timezones/timezones.xml', 'Timezones', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/timezones', 'PluginTimezones'],
+ ['/plugins/sccm/sccm.xml', 'SCCM', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/sccm', 'PluginSCCM'],
+ ['/plugins/tag/plugin.xml', 'Tag', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/tag', 'PluginTag'],
+ ['/plugins/news/plugin.xml', 'News', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/news', 'PluginNews'],
+ ['/plugins/purgelogs/plugin.xml', 'Historical purge', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/purgelogs', 'PluginHistoricalPurge'],
+ ['/plugins/escalade/escalade.xml', 'Escalade', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/escalade', 'PluginEscalade'],
+ ['/plugins/moreticket/LICENSE', 'Moreticket', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/moreticket', 'PluginMoreTicket'],
+ ['/plugins/itilcategorygroups/itilcategorygroups.xm l', 'ItilCategory Groups', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/itilcategorygroups', 'PluginItilCategoryGroups'],
+ ['/plugins/consumables/LICENSE', 'Consumables', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/consumables', 'PluginConsumables'],
+ ['/plugins/printercounters/LICENSE', 'PrinterCounters', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/printercounters', 'PluginPrinterCounters'],
+ ['/plugins/processmaker/processmaker.xml', 'Processmaker', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/processmaker', 'PluginProcessmaker'],
+ ['/plugins/seasonality/README.md', 'Seasonality', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/seasonality', 'PluginSeasonality'],
+ ['/plugins/tasklists/locales/glpi.pot', 'Tasks List (Kanban)', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/tasklists', 'PluginTasksList'],
+ ['/plugins/mailanalyzer/mailanalyzer.xml', 'Mail Analyzer', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mailanalyzer', 'PluginMailAnalyzer'],
+ ['/plugins/mydashboard/locales/glpi.pot', 'My Dashboard', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/mydashboard', 'PluginMyDashboard'],
+ ['/plugins/timelineticket/locales/glpi.pot', 'Timelineticket', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/timelineticket', 'PluginTimelineticket'],
+ ['/plugins/airwatch/airwatch.xml', 'Airwatch connector', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/airwatch', 'PluginAirwatchConnector'],
+ ['/plugins/archifun/funcarea.xml', 'Functional Areas', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/archifun', 'PluginFunctionalAreas'],
+ ['/plugins/useditemsexport/plugin.xml', 'Used items export', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/useditemsexport', 'PluginUsedItemsExport'],
+ ['/plugins/nebackup/nebackup.xml', 'Network Equipment Backup', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/nebackup', 'PluginNetworkEquipmentBackup'],
+ ['/plugins/openvas/openvas.xml', 'OpenVAS', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/openvas', 'PluginOpenVAS'],
+ ['/plugins/browsernotification/browsernotification.xml', 'Browser Notification', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/browsernotification', 'PluginBrowserNotification'],
+ ['/plugins/credit/plugin.xml', 'Credit', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/credit', 'PluginCredit'],
+ ['/plugins/xivo/xivo.xml', 'xivo', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/xivo', 'PluginXivo'],
+ ['/plugins/glpi2mdt/glpi2mdt.xml', 'GLPI to MDT connector', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/glpi2mdt', 'PluginMDTConnector'],
+ ['/plugins/telegrambot/telegrambot.xml', 'TelegramBot', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/telegrambot', 'PluginTelegramBot'],
+ ['/plugins/cleanarchivedemails/cleanarchivedemails.xml', 'Clean Archived Emails', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/cleanarchivedemails', 'PluginCleanArchivedEmails'],
+ ['/plugins/officeonline/js/officeonline.js', 'Office Online', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/officeonline', 'PluginOfficeOnline'],
+ ['/plugins/satisfaction/satisfaction.js', 'More satisfaction', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/satisfaction', 'PluginMoreSatisfaction'],
+ ['/plugins/gdrive/README.md', 'GDrive', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/GDrive', 'PluginGDrive'],
+ ['/plugins/archisw/archisw.xml', 'Apps structure inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/archisw', 'PluginAppsStructureInventory'],
+ ['/plugins/dataflows/dataflows.xml', 'Dataflows inventory', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/dataflows', 'PluginDataflowsInventory'],
+ ['/plugins/statecheck/statecheck.xml', 'Statecheck', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/statecheck', 'PluginStatecheck'],
+ ['/plugins/archimap/archimap.xml', 'Diagrams', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/archimap', 'PluginDiagrams'],
+ ['/plugins/metabase/metabase.xml', 'Metabase', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/metabase', 'PluginMetabase'],
+ ['/plugins/orderservice/orderservice.xml', 'Order Service', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/orderservice', 'PluginOrderService'],
+ ['/plugins/glpicheckingversion/glpicheckingversion.xml', 'GLPI Checking Version', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/glpicheckingversion', 'PluginGLPICheckingVersion'],
+ ['/plugins/taskdrop/LICENSE', 'Task n Drop', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/TaskDrop', 'PluginTaskDrop'],
+ ['/plugins/impacts/impacts.xml', 'Impacts', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/impacts', 'PluginImpacts'],
+ ['/plugins/manufacturersimports/LICENSE', 'Manufacturers Web Imports', 'https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/manufacturersimports', 'PluginManufacturersImports'],
+ ]
CVE = [
- ['GLPI', [['<', '0.80.2']], 'Sensitive information disclosure' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2011-2720', 'CVE-2011-2720'],
- ['GLPI', [['>=', '0.78'], ['<=', '0.80.61']], 'Remote file inclusion vulnerability in front/popup.php' ,'https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2012/Feb/157', 'CVE-2012-1037'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '0.83.3']], 'Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)' ,'http://www.prajalkulkarni.com/2012/10/multiple-csrf-and-xss-vulnerabilities.html', 'CVE-2012-4002'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '0.83.3']],'Multiple cross-site scripting', 'http://www.prajalkulkarni.com/2012/10/multiple-csrf-and-xss-vulnerabilities.html', 'CVE-2012-4003'],
- ['GLPI', [['=', '0.83.9']], 'Unserialize() Remote Code Execution' ,'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/26530', 'CVE-2013-2225'],
- ['GLPI', [['>=', '0.83'], ['<=', '0.83.8']], 'Multiple Error-based SQL Injection' ,'https://downloads.securityfocus.com/vulnerabilities/exploits/60693.txt', 'CVE-2013-2226'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '0.84.2']], 'GLPI install.php Remote Command Execution' ,'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/28483', 'CVE-2013-5696'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '0.84.7']], 'Access control defecting on cost criteria' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2014-5032', 'CVE-2014-5032'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '0.84.8']], 'Directory traversal vulnerability in inc/autoload.function.php' ,'http://tlk.tuxfamily.org/doku.php?id=writeup:cve-2014-8360', 'CVE-2014-8360'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '0.85.1']], 'Blind SQL Injection in ajax/getDropdownValue.php' ,'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35528', 'CVE-2014-9258'],
- ['GLPI', [['<=', '0.85.2']], 'Privilege escalation' ,'https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Feb/71', 'CVE-2015-7685'],
- ['GLPI', [['>=', '0.85.0'], ['<=', '0.85.2']], 'Remote Code Execution' ,'https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Feb/71', 'CVE-2015-7684'],
- ['GLPI', [['=', '0.90.4']], 'Cross-Site Request Forgery' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2016-7507', 'CVE-2016-7507'],
- ['GLPI', [['=', '0.90.4']], 'Multiple SQL injection' ,'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42262', 'CVE-2016-7508'],
- ['GLPI', [['=', '0.90.4']], 'Store XSS in Ticket' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2016-7509', 'CVE-2016-7509'],
- ['GLPI', [['<=', '9.1.5']], 'front/backup.php file denial of service' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2017-11183', 'CVE-2017-11183'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '9.1.5']], 'SQL injection in front/devicesoundcard.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2450', 'CVE-2017-11183'],
- ['GLPI', [['<=', '9.2.1']], 'Cross Site Scripting in /front/preference.php' ,'https://members.backbox.org/glpi-9-2-1-multiple-vulnerabilities/', 'CVE-2018-7563'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '9.1.5']], 'SQL injection in front/devicesoundcard.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2449', 'CVE-2017-11184'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '9.1.5']], 'SQL injection in ajax/getDropdownValue.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2456', 'CVE-2017-11329'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '']], 'SQL injection in ajax/common.tabs.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2475', 'CVE-2017-11474'],
- ['GLPI', [['<', '']], 'SQL injection in front/rulesengine.test.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2476', 'CVE-2017-11475'],
- ['GLPI', [['<=', '9.2.1']], 'Remote code execution' ,'https://github.com/bowline90/RemoteCodeUploadGLPI', 'CVE-2018-7562'],
- ['GLPI', [['<=', '9.3.3']], 'Pre-authenticated SQL injection' ,'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/advisories/GLPI_9.3.3_SQL_Injection.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10232'],
- ['GLPI', [['>=', '9.3'], ['<', ' 9.3.4']], 'Type juggling authentication bypass', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_9.4.0_Type_juggling_auth_bypass.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10231'],
- ['GLPI', [['>=', '9.4'], ['<', '']], 'Type juggling authentication bypass', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_9.4.0_Type_juggling_auth_bypass.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10231'],
- ['GLPI', [['>=', '9.3'], ['<', ' 9.3.4']], 'Timing attack user enumeration', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_9.4.0_Timing_attack_user_enumeration.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10233'],
- ['GLPI', [['>=', '9.4'], ['<', '']], 'Timing attack user enumeration', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_9.4.0_Timing_attack_user_enumeration.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10233'],
- ['FusionInventory', [['>=', '9.3'], ['<', ' 9.3+1.4']], 'Arbitrary PHP function call', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_FusionInventory_9.4.0_Arbitrary_call_user_func_array.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10477'],
- ['FusionInventory', [['>=', '9.4'], ['<', ' 9.4+1.1']], 'Arbitrary PHP function call', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_FusionInventory_9.4.0_Arbitrary_call_user_func_array.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10477'],
- ]
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '0.80.2']], 'Sensitive information disclosure' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2011-2720', 'CVE-2011-2720'],
+ ['GLPI', [['>=', '0.78'], ['<=', '0.80.61']], 'Remote file inclusion vulnerability in front/popup.php' ,'https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2012/Feb/157', 'CVE-2012-1037'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '0.83.3']], 'Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)' ,'http://www.prajalkulkarni.com/2012/10/multiple-csrf-and-xss-vulnerabilities.html', 'CVE-2012-4002'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '0.83.3']],'Multiple cross-site scripting', 'http://www.prajalkulkarni.com/2012/10/multiple-csrf-and-xss-vulnerabilities.html', 'CVE-2012-4003'],
+ ['GLPI', [['=', '0.83.9']], 'Unserialize() Remote Code Execution' ,'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/26530', 'CVE-2013-2225'],
+ ['GLPI', [['>=', '0.83'], ['<=', '0.83.8']], 'Multiple Error-based SQL Injection' ,'https://downloads.securityfocus.com/vulnerabilities/exploits/60693.txt', 'CVE-2013-2226'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '0.84.2']], 'GLPI install.php Remote Command Execution' ,'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/28483', 'CVE-2013-5696'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '0.84.7']], 'Access control defecting on cost criteria' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2014-5032', 'CVE-2014-5032'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '0.84.8']], 'Directory traversal vulnerability in inc/autoload.function.php' ,'http://tlk.tuxfamily.org/doku.php?id=writeup:cve-2014-8360', 'CVE-2014-8360'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '0.85.1']], 'Blind SQL Injection in ajax/getDropdownValue.php' ,'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35528', 'CVE-2014-9258'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<=', '0.85.2']], 'Privilege escalation' ,'https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Feb/71', 'CVE-2015-7685'],
+ ['GLPI', [['>=', '0.85.0'], ['<=', '0.85.2']], 'Remote Code Execution' ,'https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Feb/71', 'CVE-2015-7684'],
+ ['GLPI', [['=', '0.90.4']], 'Cross-Site Request Forgery' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2016-7507', 'CVE-2016-7507'],
+ ['GLPI', [['=', '0.90.4']], 'Multiple SQL injection' ,'https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42262', 'CVE-2016-7508'],
+ ['GLPI', [['=', '0.90.4']], 'Store XSS in Ticket' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2016-7509', 'CVE-2016-7509'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<=', '9.1.5']], 'front/backup.php file denial of service' ,'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2017-11183', 'CVE-2017-11183'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '9.1.5']], 'SQL injection in front/devicesoundcard.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2450', 'CVE-2017-11183'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<=', '9.2.1']], 'Cross Site Scripting in /front/preference.php' ,'https://members.backbox.org/glpi-9-2-1-multiple-vulnerabilities/', 'CVE-2018-7563'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '9.1.5']], 'SQL injection in front/devicesoundcard.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2449', 'CVE-2017-11184'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '9.1.5']], 'SQL injection in ajax/getDropdownValue.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2456', 'CVE-2017-11329'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '']], 'SQL injection in ajax/common.tabs.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2475', 'CVE-2017-11474'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<', '']], 'SQL injection in front/rulesengine.test.php' ,'https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/2476', 'CVE-2017-11475'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<=', '9.2.1']], 'Remote code execution' ,'https://github.com/bowline90/RemoteCodeUploadGLPI', 'CVE-2018-7562'],
+ ['GLPI', [['<=', '9.3.3']], 'Pre-authenticated SQL injection' ,'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/advisories/GLPI_9.3.3_SQL_Injection.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10232'],
+ ['GLPI', [['>=', '9.3'], ['<', ' 9.3.4']], 'Type juggling authentication bypass', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_9.4.0_Type_juggling_auth_bypass.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10231'],
+ ['GLPI', [['>=', '9.4'], ['<', '']], 'Type juggling authentication bypass', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_9.4.0_Type_juggling_auth_bypass.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10231'],
+ ['GLPI', [['>=', '9.3'], ['<', ' 9.3.4']], 'Timing attack user enumeration', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_9.4.0_Timing_attack_user_enumeration.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10233'],
+ ['GLPI', [['>=', '9.4'], ['<', '']], 'Timing attack user enumeration', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_9.4.0_Timing_attack_user_enumeration.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10233'],
+ ['FusionInventory', [['>=', '9.3'], ['<', ' 9.3+1.4']], 'Arbitrary PHP function call', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_FusionInventory_9.4.0_Arbitrary_call_user_func_array.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10477'],
+ ['FusionInventory', [['>=', '9.4'], ['<', ' 9.4+1.1']], 'Arbitrary PHP function call', 'https://www.synacktiv.com/ressources/GLPI_FusionInventory_9.4.0_Arbitrary_call_user_func_array.pdf', 'CVE-2019-10477'],
+ ]
diff --git a/inc/Credentials.py b/inc/Credentials.py
index 30bc576..c8f9117 100644
--- a/inc/Credentials.py
+++ b/inc/Credentials.py
@@ -1,58 +1,55 @@
-import Config
+from inc import Config
import requests, chalk, re
class CredentialsCheck:
- def checkAuthent(self, request, user):
- if request.status_code == 302:
- print(chalk.white('[+] Valid user account found : ', bold=True) + chalk.red(user[0] + ':' + user[1], bold=True))
- elif request.status_code == 200 and request.content.find("window.location='/front/") != -1:
- print(chalk.white('[+] Valid user account found : ', bold=True) + chalk.red(user[0] + ':' + user[1], bold=True))
- def getLoginField(self, content):
- content = re.findall(r'name=\".*id=\"login_name\"', content)[0]
- login = content[content.find('name="')+len('name="'):]
- login = login[:login.find('"')]
- return login
- def getPasswordField(self, content):
- content = re.findall(r'type="password" name=\".*.id=\"login_password\"', content)[0]
- password = content[content.find('name="')+len('name="'):]
- password = password[:password.find('"')]
- return password
- def getCSRFField(self, content):
- csrf = content[content.find('_glpi_csrf_token" value="')+len('_glpi_csrf_token" value="'):]
- csrf = csrf[:csrf.find('"')]
- return csrf
- def Authenticate(self, user, loginField, passwordField, CSRFField):
- payload = {'_glpi_csrf_token': CSRFField, passwordField: user[1], loginField: user[0], 'submit': 'Submit'}
- cookie = {Config.COOKIE.split('=')[0]:Config.COOKIE.split('=')[1]}
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] POST : " + Config.BASE_URL + "/front/login.php")
- Config.HEADERS['Referer'] = Config.BASE_URL + "/"
- r = requests.post(Config.BASE_URL + "/front/login.php", data=payload, cookies=cookie, allow_redirects=False, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- self.checkAuthent(r, user)
- def getAuthForm(self, user):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL)
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- Config.COOKIE = r.headers.get('Set-Cookie').split(';')[0]
- loginField = self.getLoginField(r.content)
- passwordField = self.getPasswordField(r.content)
- CSRFField = self.getCSRFField(r.content)
- self.Authenticate(user, loginField, passwordField, CSRFField)
- def credentials(self):
- print(chalk.green('\n[+] Performing Credential check', bold=True))
- print(chalk.green('===============================\n', bold=True))
- for user in Config.USERS:
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] Trying " + user[0] + ":" + user[1])
- self.getAuthForm(user)
\ No newline at end of file
+ def checkAuthent(self, request, user):
+ if request.status_code == 302:
+ print(chalk.white('[+] Valid user account found : ', bold=True) + chalk.red(user[0] + ':' + user[1], bold=True))
+ elif request.status_code == 200 and request.content.decode('utf-8').find("window.location='/front/") != -1:
+ print(chalk.white('[+] Valid user account found : ', bold=True) + chalk.red(user[0] + ':' + user[1], bold=True))
+ def getLoginField(self, content):
+ content = re.findall(r'name=\".*id=\"login_name\"', content)[0]
+ login = content[content.find('name="')+len('name="'):]
+ login = login[:login.find('"')]
+ return login
+ def getPasswordField(self, content):
+ content = re.findall(r'type="password" name=\".*.id=\"login_password\"', content)[0]
+ password = content[content.find('name="')+len('name="'):]
+ password = password[:password.find('"')]
+ return password
+ def getCSRFField(self, content):
+ csrf = content[content.find('_glpi_csrf_token" value="')+len('_glpi_csrf_token" value="'):]
+ csrf = csrf[:csrf.find('"')]
+ return csrf
+ def Authenticate(self, user, loginField, passwordField, CSRFField):
+ payload = {'_glpi_csrf_token': CSRFField, passwordField: user[1], loginField: user[0], 'submit': 'Submit'}
+ cookie = {Config.COOKIE.split('=')[0]:Config.COOKIE.split('=')[1]}
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] POST : " + Config.BASE_URL + "/front/login.php")
+ Config.HEADERS['Referer'] = Config.BASE_URL + "/"
+ r = requests.post(Config.BASE_URL + "/front/login.php", data=payload, cookies=cookie, allow_redirects=False, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ self.checkAuthent(r, user)
+ def getAuthForm(self, user):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL)
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ Config.COOKIE = r.headers.get('Set-Cookie').split(';')[0]
+ loginField = self.getLoginField(r.content.decode('utf-8'))
+ passwordField = self.getPasswordField(r.content.decode('utf-8'))
+ CSRFField = self.getCSRFField(r.content.decode('utf-8'))
+ self.Authenticate(user, loginField, passwordField, CSRFField)
+ def credentials(self):
+ print(chalk.green('\n[+] Performing Credential check', bold=True))
+ print(chalk.green('===============================\n', bold=True))
+ for user in Config.USERS:
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] Trying " + user[0] + ":" + user[1])
+ self.getAuthForm(user)
diff --git a/inc/Exploits.py b/inc/Exploits.py
index 1791cd9..89d20b2 100644
--- a/inc/Exploits.py
+++ b/inc/Exploits.py
@@ -1,34 +1,32 @@
-import Config
+from inc import Config
from packaging.version import Version, parse
import requests, chalk
-class ExploitsCheck:
+class Exploits:
- def verifVersion(self, version, CVE):
- for v in CVE:
- if v[0] == "<" and parse(version) >= parse(v[1]):
- return False
- if v[0] == "<=" and parse(version) > parse(v[1]):
- return False
- if v[0] == ">" and parse(version) <= parse(v[1]):
- return False
- if v[0] == ">=" and parse(version) < parse(v[1]):
- return False
- if v[0] == "=" and parse(version) is not parse(v[1]):
- return False
- return True
+ def verifVersion(self, version, CVE):
+ for v in CVE:
+ if v[0] == "<" and parse(version) >= parse(v[1]):
+ return False
+ if v[0] == "<=" and parse(version) > parse(v[1]):
+ return False
+ if v[0] == ">" and parse(version) <= parse(v[1]):
+ return False
+ if v[0] == ">=" and parse(version) < parse(v[1]):
+ return False
+ if v[0] == "=" and parse(version) is not parse(v[1]):
+ return False
+ return True
- def getCVE(self, CVE):
- print(chalk.red('\n\t[+] Vulnerable to: ' + CVE[2], bold=True))
- print("\t[+] Reference: " + CVE[3])
- if CVE[4]:
- print("\t[+] CVE: " + CVE[4])
+ def getCVE(self, CVE):
+ print(chalk.red('\n\t[+] Vulnerable to: ' + CVE[2], bold=True))
+ print("\t[+] Reference: " + CVE[3])
+ if CVE[4]:
+ print("\t[+] CVE: " + CVE[4])
- def verifExploit(self, module, version):
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Looking for [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(module, bold=True) + chalk.white('] exploits depending on version [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- for CVE in Config.CVE:
- if CVE[0] == module and self.verifVersion(version, CVE[1]):
- self.getCVE(CVE)
+ def verifExploit(self, module, version):
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Looking for [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(module, bold=True) + chalk.white('] exploits depending on version [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ for CVE in Config.CVE:
+ if CVE[0] == module and self.verifVersion(version, CVE[1]):
+ self.getCVE(CVE)
diff --git a/inc/Files.py b/inc/Files.py
index d558b53..6d28361 100644
--- a/inc/Files.py
+++ b/inc/Files.py
@@ -1,42 +1,40 @@
-import Config
+from inc import Config
import requests, chalk, re
class FilesCheck:
- def listFolder(self, folder):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + folder)
- r = requests.get(folder, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- contents = re.findall(r'
+ def tryTelemetry(self):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + "/ajax/telemetry.php")
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + "/ajax/telemetry.php", verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ if (r.status_code == 200):
+ content = r.content.decode('utf-8')
+ Config.AJAX_TELEMETRY = json.loads(content[content.find('{'):content.find('')])
- def getVersion(self, request):
- try:
- version = request.content[request.content.find('GLPI version ')+len('GLPI version '):]
- version = version[:version.find(' Copyright')]
- Version(version)
- return version
- except:
- pass
- try:
- version = request.content[request.content.find('?v=')+len('?v='):]
- version = version[:version.find('"')]
- Version(version)
- return version
- except:
- pass
- try:
- version = request.content[request.content.find('">GLPI ')+len('">GLPI '):]
- version = version[:version.find(' Copyright')]
- Version(version)
- return version
- except:
- return False
+ def getVersion(self, request):
+ try:
+ version = request.content[request.content.find('GLPI version ')+len('GLPI version '):]
+ version = version[:version.find(' Copyright')]
+ Version(version)
+ return version
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ version = request.content[request.content.find('?v=')+len('?v='):]
+ version = version[:version.find('"')]
+ Version(version)
+ return version
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ version = request.content[request.content.find('">GLPI ')+len('">GLPI '):]
+ version = version[:version.find(' Copyright')]
+ Version(version)
+ return version
+ except:
+ return False
- def checkVersion(self):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL)
- if not Config.VERSION:
- if not AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getGLPIVersion():
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- Config.VERSION = self.getVersion(r)
- if not Config.VERSION:
- print(chalk.white('[!] Cannot find GLPI Version', bold=True))
- return False
- print(chalk.white('[+] Version of GLPI : ', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(Config.VERSION, bold=True))
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit('GLPI', Config.VERSION)
- def checkServer(self):
- try:
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL)
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL, timeout=10, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- print(chalk.white('[+] Server Header : ', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(r.headers['Server'], bold=True))
- self.getURLBase(r.content)
- self.getRootDoc(r.content)
- self.tryTelemetry()
- self.checkVersion()
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- print(chalk.red('[-] ' + Config.BASE_URL + ' seems not accessible', bold=True))
- return False
+ def checkVersion(self):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL)
+ if not Config.VERSION:
+ if not AjaxTelemetry().getGLPIVersion():
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ Config.VERSION = self.getVersion(r.decode('utf-8'))
+ if not Config.VERSION:
+ print(chalk.white('[!] Cannot find GLPI Version', bold=True))
+ return False
+ print(chalk.white('[+] Version of GLPI : ', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(Config.VERSION, bold=True))
+ Exploits().verifExploit('GLPI', Config.VERSION)
+ def checkServer(self):
+ # try:
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL)
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL, timeout=10, verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ print(chalk.white('[+] Server Header : ', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(r.headers['Server'], bold=True))
+ self.getURLBase(r.content.decode('utf-8'))
+ self.getRootDoc(r.content.decode('utf-8'))
+ self.tryTelemetry()
+ self.checkVersion()
+ return True
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # print(chalk.red('[-] ' + Config.BASE_URL + ' seems not accessible', bold=True))
+ # return False
- def getInfo(self):
- print(chalk.green('[+] Gathering basic information', bold=True))
- print(chalk.green('===============================\n', bold=True))
- if (self.checkServer()):
- return True
- return False
\ No newline at end of file
+ def getInfo(self):
+ print(chalk.green('[+] Gathering basic information', bold=True))
+ print(chalk.green('===============================\n', bold=True))
+ if (self.checkServer()):
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/inc/Plugins.py b/inc/Plugins.py
index 6c5de1b..691e332 100644
--- a/inc/Plugins.py
+++ b/inc/Plugins.py
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
-import Config
-from inc import ImportPlugin
+from inc import Config, ImportPlugin
import requests, chalk, json
class PluginsCheck:
- def getPlugin(self, plugin):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + plugin[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + plugin[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- if (r.status_code == 200):
- print(chalk.white('\n[+] Plugin [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(plugin[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] found !', bold=True))
- if plugin[3]:
- obj = ImportPlugin.ImportPlugin().importModule(plugin[3])
- obj.initPlugin(plugin)
- else:
- print(chalk.white('\t[-] Version not found : ', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(Config.BASE_URL + plugin[0], bold=True))
+ def getPlugin(self, plugin):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + plugin[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + plugin[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ if (r.status_code == 200):
+ print(chalk.white('\n[+] Plugin [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(plugin[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] found !', bold=True))
+ if plugin[3]:
+ obj = ImportPlugin().importModule(plugin[3])
+ obj.initPlugin(plugin)
+ else:
+ print(chalk.white('\t[-] Version not found : ', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(Config.BASE_URL + plugin[0], bold=True))
- def plugins(self):
- plugins = Config.PLUGINS
- print(chalk.green('\n[+] Performing Plugins check', bold=True))
- print(chalk.green('============================', bold=True))
- for plugin in plugins:
- self.getPlugin(plugin)
+ def plugins(self):
+ plugins = Config.PLUGINS
+ print(chalk.green('\n[+] Performing Plugins check', bold=True))
+ print(chalk.green('============================', bold=True))
+ for plugin in plugins:
+ self.getPlugin(plugin)
diff --git a/inc/__init__.py b/inc/__init__.py
index e69de29..64bb7a1 100644
--- a/inc/__init__.py
+++ b/inc/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from .Config import *
+from .AjaxTelemetry import *
+from .Credentials import *
+from .Exploits import *
+from .Files import *
+from .ImportPlugin import *
+from .Plugins import *
+from .Infos import *
diff --git a/plugins/PluginAccounts.py b/plugins/PluginAccounts.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67e792f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/PluginAccounts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
+import requests, chalk
+class PluginAccounts:
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'accounts')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginAddressing.py b/plugins/PluginAddressing.py
index 3727b8c..feef6d4 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginAddressing.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginAddressing.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginAddressing:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'addressing')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'addressing')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginAirwatchConnector.py b/plugins/PluginAirwatchConnector.py
index 51d4163..f6f88e1 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginAirwatchConnector.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginAirwatchConnector.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginAirwatchConnector:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginAppliances.py b/plugins/PluginAppliances.py
index 524cfb5..b9194a3 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginAppliances.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginAppliances.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginAppliances:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'appliances')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'appliances')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginAppsStructureInventory.py b/plugins/PluginAppsStructureInventory.py
index 41fe86b..56776e0 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginAppsStructureInventory.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginAppsStructureInventory.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginAppsStructureInventory:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginArchires.py b/plugins/PluginArchires.py
index 7514ae5..f93d848 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginArchires.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginArchires.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginArchires:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'archires')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'archires')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginBadgesInventory.py b/plugins/PluginBadgesInventory.py
index 4d8435e..012be24 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginBadgesInventory.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginBadgesInventory.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginBadgesInventory:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Badges plugin ') + len('Badges plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Badges plugin ') + len('Badges plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginBarcode.py b/plugins/PluginBarcode.py
index d3c1944..fbce227 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginBarcode.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginBarcode.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginBarcode:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginBehaviors.py b/plugins/PluginBehaviors.py
index cdaac5d..95c1766 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginBehaviors.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginBehaviors.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginBehaviors:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'behaviors')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'behaviors')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginBrowserNotification.py b/plugins/PluginBrowserNotification.py
index 99e6445..95c2888 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginBrowserNotification.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginBrowserNotification.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginBrowserNotification:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginCartography.py b/plugins/PluginCartography.py
index 5f75885..b0aa750 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginCartography.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginCartography.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginCartography:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Positions plugin ') + len('Positions plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Positions plugin ') + len('Positions plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginCertificates.py b/plugins/PluginCertificates.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf4076f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/PluginCertificates.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
+import requests, chalk
+class PluginCertificates:
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'certificates')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginCleanArchivedEmails.py b/plugins/PluginCleanArchivedEmails.py
index 883a042..5319305 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginCleanArchivedEmails.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginCleanArchivedEmails.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginCleanArchivedEmails:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginConsumables.py b/plugins/PluginConsumables.py
index 0567178..b9e30ba 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginConsumables.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginConsumables.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginConsumables:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'consumables')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'consumables')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginCredit.py b/plugins/PluginCredit.py
index 35bab60..1a633e0 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginCredit.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginCredit.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginCredit:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginDashboard.py b/plugins/PluginDashboard.py
index cf83be8..abb2c39 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginDashboard.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginDashboard.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginDashboard:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Version ') + len('Version '):]
- version = version[:version.find(':')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Version ') + len('Version '):]
+ version = version[:version.find(':')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'dashboard')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'dashboard')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginDataInjection.py b/plugins/PluginDataInjection.py
index cf49aaf..f5c9d19 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginDataInjection.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginDataInjection.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginDataInjection:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginDatabases.py b/plugins/PluginDatabases.py
index c5f631e..26cac0f 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginDatabases.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginDatabases.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginDatabases:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'databases')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'databases')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginDataflowsInventory.py b/plugins/PluginDataflowsInventory.py
index d684ec8..1824fca 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginDataflowsInventory.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginDataflowsInventory.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginDataflowsInventory:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginDiagrams.py b/plugins/PluginDiagrams.py
index 81e75a3..243ce00 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginDiagrams.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginDiagrams.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginDiagrams:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginDomainsInventory.py b/plugins/PluginDomainsInventory.py
index 8ce48d0..5b2e8ca 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginDomainsInventory.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginDomainsInventory.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginDomainsInventory:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Domains plugin ') + len('Domains plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Domains plugin ') + len('Domains plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginEnvironment.py b/plugins/PluginEnvironment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e85c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/PluginEnvironment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
+import requests, chalk
+class PluginEnvironment:
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'environment')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginEscalade.py b/plugins/PluginEscalade.py
index efce8d1..5018cd0 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginEscalade.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginEscalade.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginEscalade:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'escalade')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'escalade')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginFields.py b/plugins/PluginFields.py
index 8f2e76a..ba8bb7a 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginFields.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginFields.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginFields:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'fields')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'fields')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginFinancialReports.py b/plugins/PluginFinancialReports.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f7af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/PluginFinancialReports.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
+import requests, chalk
+class PluginFinancialReports:
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'financialreports')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginFormCreator.py b/plugins/PluginFormCreator.py
index 3aed13c..9a4a080 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginFormCreator.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginFormCreator.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginFormCreator:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('"version": "') + len('"version": "'):]
- version = version[:version.find('"')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('"version": "') + len('"version": "'):]
+ version = version[:version.find('"')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'formcreator')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'formcreator')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginFunctionalAreas.py b/plugins/PluginFunctionalAreas.py
index 204e787..bd7aee1 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginFunctionalAreas.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginFunctionalAreas.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginFunctionalAreas:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginFusionInventory.py b/plugins/PluginFusionInventory.py
index f1de43e..c40172b 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginFusionInventory.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginFusionInventory.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginFusionInventory:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('FusionInventory ') + len('FusionInventory '):]
- version = version[:version.find(' ')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('FusionInventory ') + len('FusionInventory '):]
+ version = version[:version.find(' ')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'fusioninventory')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'fusioninventory')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginGDrive.py b/plugins/PluginGDrive.py
index dbc1102..fe90c6c 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginGDrive.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginGDrive.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginGDrive:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'gdrive')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'gdrive')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/PluginGLPICheckingVersion.py b/plugins/PluginGLPICheckingVersion.py
index 7f6cc44..5f06f23 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginGLPICheckingVersion.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginGLPICheckingVersion.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginGLPICheckingVersion:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginGenericObjectsManagement.py b/plugins/PluginGenericObjectsManagement.py
index 736757b..fc0c2eb 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginGenericObjectsManagement.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginGenericObjectsManagement.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginGenericObjectsManagement:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginHistoricalPurge.py b/plugins/PluginHistoricalPurge.py
index 77d02a4..9de099e 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginHistoricalPurge.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginHistoricalPurge.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginHistoricalPurge:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginImpacts.py b/plugins/PluginImpacts.py
index 72ca64e..a7b06cf 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginImpacts.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginImpacts.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginImpacts:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginInventoryNumberGeneration.py b/plugins/PluginInventoryNumberGeneration.py
index bde3f56..5d4ad2e 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginInventoryNumberGeneration.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginInventoryNumberGeneration.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginInventoryNumberGeneration:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginItilCategoryGroups.py b/plugins/PluginItilCategoryGroups.py
index d853420..ce6a793 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginItilCategoryGroups.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginItilCategoryGroups.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginItilCategoryGroups:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginLaunchShellCommands.py b/plugins/PluginLaunchShellCommands.py
index 7dfce38..6827e17 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginLaunchShellCommands.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginLaunchShellCommands.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginLaunchShellCommands:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Shellcommands plugin ') + len('Shellcommands plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Shellcommands plugin ') + len('Shellcommands plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'shellcommands')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'shellcommands')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMDTConnector.py b/plugins/PluginMDTConnector.py
index e5825b1..7683960 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMDTConnector.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMDTConnector.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginMDTConnector:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMailAnalyzer.py b/plugins/PluginMailAnalyzer.py
index 8a81d35..485cea3 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMailAnalyzer.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMailAnalyzer.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginMailAnalyzer:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginManageEntities.py b/plugins/PluginManageEntities.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c066b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/PluginManageEntities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
+import requests, chalk
+class PluginManageEntities:
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'manageentities')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMantis.py b/plugins/PluginMantis.py
index 989cbaa..336ab57 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMantis.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMantis.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginMantis:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginManufacturersImports.py b/plugins/PluginManufacturersImports.py
index 78857be..560e3ad 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginManufacturersImports.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginManufacturersImports.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginManufacturersImports:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'manufacturersimports')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'manufacturersimports')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMask.py b/plugins/PluginMask.py
index ccb88e4..3fba3a8 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMask.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMask.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginMask:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMetabase.py b/plugins/PluginMetabase.py
index 9800095..968f929 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMetabase.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMetabase.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class pluginDiagrams:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMoreReporting.py b/plugins/PluginMoreReporting.py
index 360da74..2290573 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMoreReporting.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMoreReporting.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginMoreReporting:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMoreSatisfaction.py b/plugins/PluginMoreSatisfaction.py
index f8e5d9f..6166cc3 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMoreSatisfaction.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMoreSatisfaction.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginMoreSatisfaction:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'satisfaction')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'satisfaction')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMoreTicket.py b/plugins/PluginMoreTicket.py
index 3092175..e9e51ed 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMoreTicket.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMoreTicket.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginMoreTicket:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'moreticket')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'moreticket')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginMyDashboard.py b/plugins/PluginMyDashboard.py
index e992b91..8655d95 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginMyDashboard.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginMyDashboard.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginMyDashboard:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Project-Id-Version: GLPI - MyDashboard plugin ') + len('Project-Id-Version: GLPI - MyDashboard plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Project-Id-Version: GLPI - MyDashboard plugin ') + len('Project-Id-Version: GLPI - MyDashboard plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'mydashboard')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'mydashboard')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginNetworkEquipmentBackup.py b/plugins/PluginNetworkEquipmentBackup.py
index 82e86c6..b3e5553 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginNetworkEquipmentBackup.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginNetworkEquipmentBackup.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginNetworkEquipmentBackup:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginNews.py b/plugins/PluginNews.py
index a1aec69..9eccd42 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginNews.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginNews.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginNews:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'news')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'news')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginOCSInventoryng.py b/plugins/PluginOCSInventoryng.py
index 16e8678..a3331d5 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginOCSInventoryng.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginOCSInventoryng.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginOCSInventoryng:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'ocsinventoryng')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'ocsinventoryng')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginOfficeOnline.py b/plugins/PluginOfficeOnline.py
index 8b8feb2..6fb8669 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginOfficeOnline.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginOfficeOnline.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginOfficeOnline:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'officeonline')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'officeonline')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/PluginOpenVAS.py b/plugins/PluginOpenVAS.py
index c362146..d6f2f18 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginOpenVAS.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginOpenVAS.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginOpenVAS:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginOrderManagement.py b/plugins/PluginOrderManagement.py
index 3a9b58c..5c41d2b 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginOrderManagement.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginOrderManagement.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginOrderManagement:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginOrderService.py b/plugins/PluginOrderService.py
index 9800095..968f929 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginOrderService.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginOrderService.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class pluginDiagrams:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginPdf.py b/plugins/PluginPdf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb8a0a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/PluginPdf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
+import requests, chalk
+class PluginPdf:
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'pdf')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginPrinterCounters.py b/plugins/PluginPrinterCounters.py
index 92e2874..523478b 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginPrinterCounters.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginPrinterCounters.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginPrinterCounters:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'printercounters')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'printercounters')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/PluginProcessmaker.py b/plugins/PluginProcessmaker.py
index e182905..3a4a5e6 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginProcessmaker.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginProcessmaker.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginProcessmaker:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginRacks.py b/plugins/PluginRacks.py
index 553df24..d7dff9c 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginRacks.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginRacks.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginRacks:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Racks plugin ') + len('Racks plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Racks plugin ') + len('Racks plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'racks')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'racks')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginReports.py b/plugins/PluginReports.py
index 6b0f7d9..20d9b40 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginReports.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginReports.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginReports:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'reports')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'reports')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginReservation.py b/plugins/PluginReservation.py
index 063895e..735237a 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginReservation.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginReservation.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginReservation:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'reservation')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'reservation')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginRoom.py b/plugins/PluginRoom.py
index f331b76..040dbab 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginRoom.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginRoom.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginRoom:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.rfind('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginSCCM.py b/plugins/PluginSCCM.py
index 830ba2f..9b208c2 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginSCCM.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginSCCM.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginSCCM:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginSeasonality.py b/plugins/PluginSeasonality.py
index ce91179..1c05c51 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginSeasonality.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginSeasonality.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginSeasonality:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'seasonality')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'seasonality')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/PluginStatecheck.py b/plugins/PluginStatecheck.py
index a742958..6bf1047 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginStatecheck.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginStatecheck.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginStatecheck:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginSurveyTicket.py b/plugins/PluginSurveyTicket.py
index b7d61c9..869e4d5 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginSurveyTicket.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginSurveyTicket.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginSurveyTicket:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'surveyticket')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'surveyticket')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginTag.py b/plugins/PluginTag.py
index b154938..f832c49 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginTag.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginTag.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginTag:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginTaskDrop.py b/plugins/PluginTaskDrop.py
index 2091a25..36fa4f7 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginTaskDrop.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginTaskDrop.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginTaskDrop:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'taskdrop')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'taskdrop')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/PluginTasksList.py b/plugins/PluginTasksList.py
index c792c10..259c260 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginTasksList.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginTasksList.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginTasksList:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Tasklists plugin ') + len('Tasklists plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Tasklists plugin ') + len('Tasklists plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginTelegramBot.py b/plugins/PluginTelegramBot.py
index 0fa726a..727c22f 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginTelegramBot.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginTelegramBot.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginTelegramBot:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginTimelineticket.py b/plugins/PluginTimelineticket.py
index e028f17..3b24a99 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginTimelineticket.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginTimelineticket.py
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginTimelineticket:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Project-Id-Version: GLPI - Timelineticket plugin ') + len('Project-Id-Version: GLPI - Timelineticket plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Project-Id-Version: GLPI - Timelineticket plugin ') + len('Project-Id-Version: GLPI - Timelineticket plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'timelineticket')
- if not version:
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'timelineticket')
+ if not version:
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginTimezones.py b/plugins/PluginTimezones.py
index 3fcb334..7313e6d 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginTimezones.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginTimezones.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginTimezones:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginTypology.py b/plugins/PluginTypology.py
index 249c1c1..a69bee6 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginTypology.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginTypology.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginTypology:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('Typology plugin ') + len('Typology plugin '):]
- version = version[:version.find('\\')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('Typology plugin ') + len('Typology plugin '):]
+ version = version[:version.find('\\')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginUninstall.py b/plugins/PluginUninstall.py
index 713d664..731fc36 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginUninstall.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginUninstall.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginUninstall:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginUsedItemsExport.py b/plugins/PluginUsedItemsExport.py
index b51f748..96529fd 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginUsedItemsExport.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginUsedItemsExport.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginUsedItemsExport:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginWebApplications.py b/plugins/PluginWebApplications.py
index dc3d39c..312ebde 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginWebApplications.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginWebApplications.py
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginWebApplications:
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = AjaxTelemetry.AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'webapplications')
- if version:
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = AjaxTelemetry().getPluginVersion(info, 'webapplications')
+ if version:
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)
diff --git a/plugins/PluginXivo.py b/plugins/PluginXivo.py
index 5a3542b..191a7d1 100644
--- a/plugins/PluginXivo.py
+++ b/plugins/PluginXivo.py
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
from inc import Config, Exploits, AjaxTelemetry
import requests, chalk
class PluginXivo:
- def getVersion(self, info):
- if Config.DEBUG:
- print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
- r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
- content = r.content
- version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
- version = version[:version.find('<')]
- print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
- return version
+ def getVersion(self, info):
+ if Config.DEBUG:
+ print("[DEBUG] GET : " + Config.BASE_URL + info[0])
+ r = requests.get(Config.BASE_URL + info[0], verify=False, proxies=Config.PROXY, headers=Config.HEADERS)
+ content = r.content.decode("utf-8")
+ version = content[content.find('') + len(''):]
+ version = version[:version.find('<')]
+ print(chalk.white('\t[+] Version of [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(info[1], bold=True) + chalk.white('] : [', bold=True) + chalk.yellow(version, bold=True) + chalk.white(']', bold=True))
+ return version
- def initPlugin(self, info):
- version = self.getVersion(info)
- Exploits.ExploitsCheck().verifExploit(info[1], version)
+ def initPlugin(self, info):
+ version = self.getVersion(info)
+ Exploits().verifExploit(info[1], version)