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Graph build

Graph format and attributes

For a graph file to be usable in Green Paths, it needs to be in the GraphML file format and feature at least the required edge and node attributes listed in the tables below. All possible edge and node attributes are defined (and described) in common/

Node attributes

Alias Name Type Nullable Description
geometry geom  Shapely point geometry / WKT no Location of the node as a Shapely Point geometry (e.g. POINT (25498747.97 6676644.78)).

Edge attributes

Alias Name Type Nullable Nodata value Description
id_ig ii int no Unique ID of the edge
id_way  iw string no ID of the geometry of the edge (not all geometries are unique)
uv uv tuple no IDs of the start and end nodes of the edge (e.g. (2046, 4576))
geometry geom Shapely LineString geometry / WKT yes GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY Projected geometry of the edge (e.g. LINESTRING (25498199 6677347, 25498191 6677339)). GP uses EPSG:3879 by default.
geom_wgs geom_wgs Shapely LineString geometry / WKT yes GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY Geometry of the edge in WGS (EPSG:4326) coordinates (e.g. LINESTRING (24.967528 60.208895, 24.967381 60.208826)).
length l float no Length of the edge in meters.
is_stairs b_st boolean no A boolean variable indicating whether the edge represents stairs.
allows_biking b_aw boolean no A boolean variable indicating whether the edge allows biking.
bike_safety_factor bsf float no Biking safety factor of the edge (calculated by OTP based on OpenStreetMap tags of the edge)
noises n dictionary yes None Exposures to different noise levels on the edge. Keys of the dictionary represent the lower boundaries of 5-dB noise level ranges (45-70 dB) and values exposures as meters. This attribute is not needed if quiet path routing is disabled from the configuration.
gvi g float yes None Green view index (GVI) of the edge (0-1). This attribute is not needed if green path routing is disabled from the configuration.
// sample GraphML data
<node id="n1905">
  <data key="v_geom">POINT (25497688.29600531 6678110.889221223)</data>
<edge source="n2952" target="n4368">
  <data key="e_ii">1444</data>
  <data key="e_geom">LINESTRING (25497712.53494933 6677892.654694145, 25497714.36057202 6677921.944805327)</data>
  <data key="e_geom_wgs">LINESTRING (24.9587395 60.21378910000001, 24.9587721 60.214052)</data>
  <data key="e_l">29.347</data>
  <data key="e_b_st">0</data>
  <data key="e_b_ab">1</data>
  <data key="e_bsf">1.5</data>
  <data key="e_n">{65: 14.67348, 70: 14.67348}</data>
  <data key="e_uv">(2952, 4368)</data>
  <data key="e_iw">1095</data>
  <data key="e_g">0.23</data>

Building a custom graph: overview / demo

The scripts for building a custom graph are not generic enough to work for any geographical extent without modifications. Localization is needed for adapting to available data sources, file types, nodata areas, projections etc.

However, it should be possible to construct a graph without noise and greenery data with considerably smaller effort by running just steps 1, 2 and 5. The package-level configurations ( files) need to be adjusted to match the local programming environment and data files/directories. Also the scripts may need some minor adjustments, such as setting an appropriate EPSG code for a local projected coordinate reference system.

Running the tests

$ cd src
$ python -m pytest graph_build/tests/otp_graph_import/ -vv
$ python -m pytest graph_build/tests/graph_noise_join/ -vv
$ python -m pytest graph_build/tests/graph_green_view_join/ -vv
$ python -m pytest graph_build/tests/graph_export/ -vv


  • Java Development Kit, preferably version 8 (AKA version 1.8)
  • OpenStreetMap (OSM) data file for the area of interest in pbf file format
  • Python environment defined in env/conda-env.yml

1. Create initial street network graph from OSM with OpenTripPlanner

  1. Place your OSM data file (*.pbf) to directory graph_import/graph_data_in/
  2. cd graph_import
  3. sh

This should produce two files to the folder graph_import/graph_data_in: edges.csv and nodes.csv.

2. Import & re-build street network graph for Green Paths from CSV files

Demo: otp_graph_import/

3. Join noise data to street network graph (optional)

Demo: graph_noise_join/ (uses traffic noise data for HMA)

4. Join greenery data to street network graph (optional)

Demo: graph_green_view_join/ (requires PostGIS, uses land cover and green view index data for HMA)

5. Export graph to GraphML file with only required attributes

Demo: graph_export/

Environmental data for Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA)