- [python] Fixed build error for numpy versions <= 1.20
- [cpp] Implement spline parametrizer
- [python] Fixed build error when cython and numpy were not pre-installed
- [python] Fix a bug that prevent user from using the ConstAccelParametrizer
- [python] Allow specifying minimum nb of grid-points during automatic selection
- [python] Minor performance tweak in reachability_algorithm.py
- [ci] Fix python2.7 dependencies
- [python] Minor bug fixed in the SimplePath class
- [cpp] #129 Implement constant-acceleration trajectory parametrizer
- [cpp] #143 Add PathParametrizationAlgorithm::setGridpoints
- [cpp] #146 Add constraint::CartesianVelocityNorm
- [cpp] #158 Add Seidel solver.
- [cpp] Enhance Seidel solver numerical behaviour.
- [cpp] [#161] Enable to construct spline from 1st and 2nd order derivatives at the curve endpoints
- [cpp] [#153] Fix variable mismatch in constraint::CartesianVelocityNorm
- Switch to furo theme for better readability.
- [docs] Use example gallery to show examples.
- [cpp] Implement serialization/deserialization for piecewise poly trajectory.
- [cpp] Provide Python bindings for PiecewisePolyPath, TOPPRA and constraint classes.
- [cpp] Construct piecewise poly as a hermite spline.
- [cpp] Add varying joint velocity limits.
- [python] #117 Provide an option to allow Python 2.7 usage
- [python] #117 Post-processing is now done via parametrizer classes.
- [python]Add some type annotations to parameterizer.py
- [python]Support older interpolation method.
- [cpp] Minor improvement to PiecewisePolyPath.
- [python] Implement
to allow reparametrize path. - [python] Parametrization output accessible via ParameterizationData class.
- [python] Remove useless
in parameter computation. - [cpp] Clamp velocities to be within controllable sets.
- [ci] #117 Improve CI pipeline to test on several python versions
- [ci] [#139] Automate publish to PyPI server
Major release! Implement TOPPRA in C++ and several improvements to Python codebase.
- [cpp] Add solver wrapper based on GLPK.
- [cpp] Initial cpp TOPPRA implementation: compute parametrization, feasible sets, qpOASES solver wrapper.
- [python] Implement a new trajectory class for specified velocities.
- [python] Improve documentation for
- [python] #98: Eliminate use of deprecated method.
- [cpp] Bug fixes in solver wrapper.
- [python] Simplify TOPPRA class interface.
- [python] 0e022c Update README.md to reflect development roadmap.
- [python] Format some source files with black.
- [python] #78 Improve documentation structure.
- [python] #79 Improve documentation structure.
- Dropping support for Python2.7. Adding type annotation compatible to Python 3.
- Auto-gridpoints feature (#73)
- Many commits and features.