irun_app <scheduler id> <local application json path>
Errors returned: timeout, invalid config
- Schedule an application specified in an application json file
- Scheduler must be running with id passed in
pause_app <scheduler id> <application token>
Errors returned: timeout
- Pause an application specified by its application token
resume_app <scheduler id> <application token>
Errors returned: timeout
- Resume a paused application specified by its application token
kill_app <scheduler id> <application token>
Errors returned: timeout
- Kill an application specified by its application token
Errors returned: cannot connect to the GFS
- Print the current working directory
rm <global path>
Errors returned: Cannot connect to the GFS, path does not exist
- Remove a file or directory
mkdir <global path>
Errors returned: Cannot connect to the GFS, path does not exist, path already exists
- Make a new directory
touch <global path> <local file path>
Errors returned: Cannot connect to the GFS, problem reading file, path already exists
- Create a new file that contains contents from a local file into the global filesystem
cat <global path>
Errors returned: Cannot connect to the GFS, not a file
- View the contents of a file
Errors returned: Cannot connect to the GFS
- List the files and folders in the current directory
cd <relative global path>
Errors returned: Cannot connect to the GFS, not a directory
- Change the current working directory
- Print out a list of current devices on the network
resource <engine id>
Errors returned: Engine does not exist
- Print out the most recent resource report of a code engine
- Print out a list of running programs on the network
preresource <code name> <instance id>
Errors returned: instance does not exist
- Print out the most recent resource report of a running program
run <engine id> <local file path>
- Run a local code snippet on a code engine
kill <code name> <instance id>
- Kill a running code instance
pause <engine id> <code name> <instance id>
- Pause a running code instance on an engine
migrate <from id> <to id> <code name> <instance id>
- Migrate a code instance between two engines