The Interior is the name outsiders give to the trackless blue desert that forms Vaarn's heart. It is a harsh and inhospitable landscape, and has claimed the lives of many travellers over the millennia, but there are peoples and monsters and marvels to be discovered in the vastness. The Interior is traversed by wary trade caravans, terrorised by laughing Cacklemaw warbands, and inhabited by the Faa nomads, to whom this desert is not the Vaarnish Interior but rather the world entire. The deepest deserts also play host to Vaarn’s most spectacular and regal inhabitants: the gigantic sandworms, which strike awe into the hearts of all who are lucky enough to witness them.
The Interior is a land of extremes, where the days are searingly hot, while the desert nights can grow cold enough to induce frostbite. The region receives even less rain than Vaarn’s parched southern badlands, and water is such a precious commodity that to spit upon a Faa nomad is to honor them.
No accurate map has ever been drawn of the Vaarnish Interior: the territory seems to defy rational organisation. This is a place without borders, the horizon between blue sand and blue sky no longer a stark dividing line but rather a molten membrane that swims and drifts woozily in the sun’s wine-red heat, the land making and remaking itself just as a lizard sheds its skin. The blue sands retreat from the wind, revealing structures that have lain dry and deathless and undisturbed for aeons, and then those same restless dunes shroud the ruins once again, before a living soul can name them. This is a country vast and blue, as deep with secrets as the ocean and twice as capricious. No welcome here for adventurers, but rewards might be won amongst the sands that defy human imagination.
Simply put, the Interior connects all regions of Vaarn to one another; the quickest route from Gnomon in the south to the Lazul Mountains in the north will always be directly across the sands; likewise a traveller from the Wall who wished to reach Ikor Quag or the Mooncradle Mountains would be obliged to charter a wind-barge and cross the deeps of the desert.
There are also reasons to make the Interior a destination in its own right. Most of Vaarn’s noteworthy ruins and vaults are located in the desert - the vastness and shifting nature of the place allows creative referees to place whatever kind of structure they can imagine in the Interior, without having to further justify its obscurity and isolation. There are also unique cultures that exist predominantly in the desert. Players who wish to locate a certain Faa nomad clan or Lithling scholar will find that they must brave the sandstorms and heatwaves in order to speak with them.
Campaigns that focus on the Interior should revolve around movement, exploration, and discovery. If your players find the trading city Gnomon too claustrophobic, then give them an opportunity to enlist as guards for a merchant’s caravan, or let them come into possession of a small wind-barge and enjoy sailing wherever fate takes them. Other adventure starters in the Interior could include rescuing an important prisoner from a Cacklemaw warband, hunting down a notorious caravan robber in order to collect a bounty, or searching for the ruins of a biotech laboratory in order to discover the cure for a virulent disease.
The travelling people of the great blue desolation. The Faa have roamed the desert since the Titans were young (or so their songs say). Generations ago, the ancestors of the Faa bestowed upon their children genetic adaptations to the harsh conditions of the Interior. The most obvious of these changes is their flesh and hair, which have taken on a blue hue that matches the sands of Vaarn. Combined with the blue robes the nomads wear, they can swiftly become almost invisible amongst the azure dunes and rocks. The Faa also boast an impressive modified metabolism that allows them to survive for weeks without taking in fresh water, as their sweat and urine are collected and purified by sub-dermal biomechanisms and recycled into their bodies. Even the eyes of the Faa have been sculpted to survive in the desert: they possess a second set of translucent eyelids, which protect their vision during sandstorms. The nomads are also famously unable to produce tears, another modification that privileges water retention above all.
In truth the Faa are no single culture, but a mosaic of families and clans who share these genetic adaptations and a lingua franca known as the Faatongue. Faa groups are wildly varied in their beliefs and lifestyles. Most are nomadic, but some Faa make permanent homes in the foothills of the mountains or around a valuable water source. Some clans are feared slavers and warriors, but others are sworn to the Pale Faith of Amun-Oh and may harm no living creature. Some Faa are legal citizens of the New Hegemony; other clans are bitter enemies of the true-kin empire. Some Faa ostracise cacogen, synths, and newbeasts, while others welcome them. Faa nomads can be found everywhere in Vaarn, from the shadow of the Great Wall to the markets of Gnomon and the fortress monasteries that speckle the heights of the Lazul Mountains, and in each place there is no concordance on what it means to be Faa.
Perhaps the only true commonality is that all Faa are fiercely independent-minded, and will leave their clan rather than submit to an authority they believe unjust. This may be the reason it is impossible to define what the Faa hold in common - whenever one way of living is pronounced ideal, there will be within that group a minority who instantly declare the opposite, and set out alone to prove it.
The Faa clans of the Interior are known for a deep understanding of sandworm husbandry, and their ability to ride the creatures, as well as methods by which the worms’ growth may be arrested, to prevent them assuming their enormous, aggressive adult shapes. The sandworms have deep religious significance to many Faa, as their secretions are used to brew the valuable psychoactive substance known as Amaranthine Sugar, an enormously potent drug that can awaken extra-sensory perception even in minds that were not born with such gifts.
They are newbeasts of a sort, although they disdain masks and seek no approval from humankind. In form the Cacklemaw are hyena-headed women, standing seven feet or more, with three-fingered hands and a terrible strength in their lanky limbs. The oaths that bound them as warriors in service of the Fallen Autarchy are long-since broken and these creatures are a blight upon humanity, killing and abducting at will and mounting daring raids into Hegemony territory. They respect strength alone, and perhaps they would have overrun the Urth by now if it was not for the constant intra-family bloodletting, as younger Cacklemaw challenge their elder sisters for status.
Two things stand out, aside from their love of violence: their mirth and their singular gender. On the first subject, the chronicler Markus of Dulcrest has written that ‘to the Cacklemaw, all waking activity is slaughter that descends into revelry; else it is revelry that descends into slaughter’. The creatures are famed for their screaming laughter, their love of practical jokes, and most of all for the grisly leather puppets they make from the remnants of defeated foes. Their religion is not well-understood, for rites are closed to outsiders, but it is known to revolve around a fool-capped puppet-demoness the Cacklemaw name ‘Grand-Mama Punch’, to whom they devote wild rites of bloodletting and clowning.
On the second subject, much has been written. Some theorise that there is an unseen caste of Cacklemaw males. Others claim the Cacklemaw are surely a clone race, emerging fully-grown from pseudowombs beneath the desert surface. Others still declare the bite of a Cacklemaw to be infectious, and believe human women are bitten by the creatures and painfully transform into new giggling monsters. Vaarnish maidens who laugh too long and too raucously, and are given to drink and loose behaviour, may be accused of having hidden Cacklemaw toothmarks festering on their bodies.
Cacklemaw swear allegiance to War Mamas, but these oaths are not binding and political support is won by the Mama who can best provide her daughters with food, drink, laughter, and violence. At present the dominant War Mamas are Mama Hecklehaw in the trackless Interior, Mama Gloatgrim in the southern badlands, and Mama Yawningfool in the Lazul mountains. Ageing matriarchs Nana Blacklaugh and Nana Rictus command small but devoted cadres of veteran fighters, who respect the older Nanas' tactical nous above the younger Mamas’ savage energy.
The Lithling are formed from a mesh of motile crystals, each shard attracted to its neighbours and animated by an energy field far beyond the understanding of Vaarnish scholars. They walk stiffly and ponderously, but have surprisingly dexterous fingers, and are capable of skilful manipulations of brushes, pens, and other delicate objects. They are fed by wavelengths of energy quite invisible to humanity and thus do not breathe, eat, or drink, a quality that makes them masters of the harshest environments imaginable. Lithling scholars have carried out extensive surveys of the toxic landscapes of Ikor Quag, and think nothing of spending years at a time submerged beneath the ocean or the surface of the desert, composing some treatise in their calcified minds.
The lithling life cycle is as alien to humanity as their bloodless bodies. Lithling are grown from a seed, which must crystallise and bloom in a deep bath of alchemical elixirs. After decades of maturation, they are deemed fully-moulded and allowed to awaken, as large and strong as they will ever be. They are inducted into the Lithic Lyceum by their kindred, and instructed in their duties as scholars.
Lithling have a scholarly, enquiring cast of mind, and are endlessly fascinated by the alien world of biological organisms they find themselves marooned on. The Lyceum is devoted to cataloging the minutiae of the natural world, and contains the life’s work of millions of long-dead lithling in its underground archives. Unfortunately, the records of the lithling are often of dubious usefulness to outsiders – their dissertations and essays tend to focus on the minutiae of data and experience while lacking the wider context that a human mind might find meaningful. One celebrated lithling study describes the movements made by generations of land-snails over a hundred year period, with the relative positions of each snail recorded by the second.
Travel is an integral element of running game sessions in Vaarn’s Interior. Although many readers will have travel procedures that they are accustomed to using, I felt it might benefit those who feel less confident about running overland travel to learn how I do it in my own Vaarn games.
I don’t make use of detailed breakdowns of every six-mile hex between one destination or another. I use an abstracted system which boils down travel into two resources: travel days and rations. Characters need to spend both in order to make progress.
Vaarn is not well-mapped, and it is not recorded exactly how far one must travel between locations. Distances given by NPCs are approximations, expressed in days: ‘From here it will take five days of travel to reach the circular ruins’, for example. These estimates apply to speed on foot. If players are using a vehicle, divide the number of travel days in half.
Under normal conditions, the PCs can travel a half day’s worth of distance in the morning, and a half day’s worth of distance in the afternoon. At night they must eat a meal and rest.
Rations are an abstraction of food and water carried. Three days’ worth of rations can be carried in a single inventory slot. Unless their Ancestry exempts them, PCs must consume a ration each day. If they do not, they become Deprived, and cannot recover lost HP. Characters who are Deprived due to hunger and thirst will die after three days.
Rations can be obtained from the bodies of dead opponents or allies, so long as the referee rules that the creature is made from an edible material. Convert the dead creature’s Hit Dice into rations at a ratio of 1:1.
If you find numbers on a character sheet a bit abstract, you could use a bowl of poker chips to represent the players’ total rations. Have each player remove a poker chip from the bowl when they camp for the night, and add chips back in when they find fresh sources of nourishment.
At any point during the travel day, the players may declare that they are exerting themselves in order to walk faster than usual, or are piloting their vehicle at greater speeds than normal. If the party exerts themselves in this manner, they can travel two days’ worth of distance in one day. However, they must fill an inventory slot with Exhaustion.
Exhaustion cannot be removed from a PC’s inventory until they rest in one place for an entire day and night, with no distance being covered. If a PC has no more spare slots to fill with Exhaustion, they must discard an item to make room. A PC who fills ten inventory slots with Exhaustion will die.
Losing one’s way has never seemed particularly fun to me, and I assume the PCs are competent desert navigators, who will never get lost as long as they can see the sun and stars. However, some circumstances - players attempting to travel during a sandstorm, for example - demand it. In such cases roll a d6, and add the resulting number of days to their travel schedule.
The referee should check for an encounter once during the morning of a travel day, once during the afternoon, and once per night. This is done by rolling a d6, and consulting the results below:
1 - Active Encounter. The PCs encounter a creature or situation that definitely notices them, and will actively attempt to involve them in their business.
2 - Passing Encounter. The PCs encounter a creature or situation in passing - it may be happening far away, or be a creature that is not interested in the PCs.
3 - Hint. The PCs find a hint of an encounter. This may be an object or footprint left in the sand, a flying creature glimpsed on the horizon, or similar. The entity the Hint concerned will always appear as the next Active or Passing Encounter.
4-6 - Nothing.
If the PCs are traveling in an extremely slow, noisy, or obvious manner, the referee may choose to roll 2d6 or even 3d6 for encounter checks, and use the lowest result.
At the start of each day, as you roll for encounters, the players may collectively roll a Vigilance Dice. This is a single d6, without modifiers. If the players roll a six, they have a guarantee of spotting their next Active or Passing Encounter before the opposing entity or group spots them. If they roll a one, the next Active or Passing Encounter will spot them before they spot it. This vigilance effect resets at the end of each day, whether the players made use of it or not.
Since the Interior is a large, open desert, there is a good chance that hostile parties will spot one another some time before they are able to engage in combat. In such situations, one party may choose to flee rather than fight. I resolve pursuits as a series of three opposed CON saves. If the pursuers win two of the three saves, they catch up with their quarry and immediately win the initiative in a combat round. If the fleeing party wins two of the three saves, they escape and cannot be caught.
Sometimes CON may not be the appropriate attribute to test; pursuits over particularly unsteady ground might require DEX saves, for example. The pursuit rules should only be used if there is a reasonable doubt as to the result of the chase.
When camping in the desert, the PCs may elect a party member to take watch. Whoever is on watch cannot benefit from a Long Rest; instead they will regain only d8 + CON bonus HP. If the party is approached by a hostile creature at night, the referee should ask the character on watch to make a PSY save opposed to the creature’s DEX. Failure grants the monsters a surprise round in combat; the aggressors strike with advantage, and the players cannot respond. After the surprise round is resolved, roll for initiative as normal.
d20 | Encounter | Terrain | Behaviour |
1 | Yurling | Scrubby Bushes | Sleeping |
2 | Thunderstrike Bird | Salt Pan | Dying |
3 | Battle Boar | Sand Dunes | Patrolling |
4 | Blue Baboon | Heavy Scree | Mating |
5 | Giant Azure Scorpion | Dried Up Stream | Territorial Display |
6 | Lizard Lion | Dry Watering Hole | Eating |
7 | Glass Tiger | Large Rock | Relaxing / Nesting |
8 | Greenguard | Cactus Field | Pursuit / Fleeing |
9 | Grey Locust | Grove of Martyr Trees | Scavenging |
10 | Doppelgeller | Derelict Vehicle | Wounded |
11 | Leopard Worm | Wrecked Spacecraft | Wounded |
12 | Indigo Servitor | Abandoned Town | Travelling |
13 | Bandit | Ruined Bell-tower | Psychedelic State |
14 | Pthalo-Jackal | Toxin Pools | Sheltering / Hiding |
15 | Planeyfolk | Caustic Geyser | Combat with another creature (roll again) |
16 | Regenerator | Crystalline Growths | |
17 | Tiger Fly | Ancient Battlefield | |
18 | Stumbling Drone | Fungus-choked Outpost | |
19 | Alzabo | Silent Machinery | |
20 | Cacogen Pseudo-giant | Abandoned Campsite |
The climate of Vaarn’s Interior may be simulated using the following method: first, place a marker in the centre of the hex-chart on the opposite page. Then roll a d6 once at the start of each day the party spends in the desert, moving the marker across the hexes in the direction shown and recording the weather indicated by each. If the marker moves off the edge of the chart, it should wrap around onto the opposite side. The exception to this rule is the edges marked with an X; the marker cannot cross these edges and instead it should stay put for that day.
The desert landscape is still, untroubled by the susurration of the heavens. Visibility is good.
The air is still, but mists of a lurid hue hang over the desert. Visibility is impaired and landmarks cannot be seen from a distance. Vigilance checks are made with disadvantage.
The wind blows sheets of blue dust across the desert. Visibility is badly impaired. Traveling under such conditions is possible, but the pace is slowed to half normal speed. A three day journey will take six days, and so on. Vigilance checks are made with disadvantage.
A howling wind blows a ferocious cloud of azure sand across the desert. Nobody travels in Vaarn’s sandstorms; the PCs must hunker down and wait out the storm. Tents or other makeshift shelters will provide adequate protection. Any encounters rolled during these days are assumed to be seeking shelter from the storm in the same place as the party.
Urth’s dying sun musters all the warmth it can. PCs must consume twice their normal ration of water per day if they wish to travel during a heatwave.
The sandworms of the Interior reproduce through a baroque, decade-long process of parthenogenesis, culminating in the explosive release of thousands of melon-sized spores into the atmosphere. This worm-pollen drifts back to Urth in ponderous sticky deluges that can last for weeks. Progress through shifting mounds of the stuff is slowed to half normal speed; the upside is that worm-pollen is edible, and many a starving man has been saved by the timely arrival of spores from the heavens. Treat worm-pollen days as providing d4 rations per player.
A rare bounty. The parched blue earth is blessed with water. The party may collect 2d6 days of rations per member. In the aftermath of a rainshower, the desert is conquered by a short-lived imperium of majestic flora.
The sky bruises with clouds of midnight blue. Howling winds carry scouring sheets of sand across the landscape. Thunder rends the air and polychromatic lightning caresses the desert like the tendrils of a jellyfish deity. No travel of any kind is possible, and the PCs will take 3d6 electrical damage every hour they spend above-ground.
For use when the party searches a corpse, a wrecked vehicle, a deserted house, etc.
01 | Torn Robe | 51 | Length of Chain |
02 | Black Candle | 52 | Long, Thin Bronze Needle |
03 | Leather Sword Belt | 53 | Mortar and Pestle |
04 | Empty Traveller’s Pack | 54 | Newbeast’s Mask |
05 | Dried Poisonous Plant | 55 | Rusting Padlock |
06 | Bronze Bell | 56 | Pair of Tweezers |
07 | Glass Container of Paprika | 57 | Pair of Spectacles |
08 | Plastic Container of Cooking Oil | 58 | Pair of Chrome Earrings |
09 | Steel Flask of Tea | 59 | Pair of Grimy Goggles |
10 | Silk Glove with Seven Fingers | 60 | Plastic Bottle |
11 | Rusted Key | 61 | Plastic Pouch of Psychedelic Drug |
12 | Cracked Mirror | 62 | Hard Bread and Cheese, Wrapped in Cloth |
13 | Jade Statuette of a Sandworm | 63 | Pouch of Red Wax |
14 | Jackal’s Tooth | 64 | Pouch of Exorcist’s Salt |
15 | Newbeast's Tooth | 65 | Pouch of Cooking Salt |
16 | Bag of Dried Flesh | 66 | Ring with the Seal of an Autarch |
17 | Plastic Bag That Holds Human Teeth | 67 | Rusty Set of Manacles |
18 | Belt Made from the Skin of a Lizard-Lion | 68 | Set of Dominos |
19 | Blood-Soaked Linen Bandage | 69 | Set of Bamboo Eating Utensils |
20 | Broken Spyglass | 70 | Set of Gaming Dice |
21 | Broken Pistol | 71 | Set of Lock-Picks |
22 | Broken Arrow | 72 | Set of Metal Working Tools |
23 | Broken Memory Crystal | 73 | Set of Playing Cards |
24 | Broken Clock | 74 | Shard of Flint |
25 | Cast Iron Skillet | 75 | Shovel |
26 | Metal Disc, with Rune Scratched into the Surface | 76 | Single Feather |
27 | Ceramic Pot Sealed with Wax | 77 | Single Chess Piece |
28 | Ceramic Tiles | 78 | Syntax Engine, Ruined by Sand |
29 | Can of Pre-Collapse Survival Rations | 79 | Small Pouch of Bones |
30 | Coil of Razor-Snare | 80 | Small Hourglass Filled with Strange White Sand |
31 | Ancient Coin, Embossed with an Autarch’s Sigil | 81 | Oxygen Mask |
32 | Plasteel Hunting Knife | 82 | Smoking Pipe |
33 | Crude Map of the Surrounding Area | 83 | Stick of Chalk |
34 | Crumpled Paper, Decorated with Lewd Pictures | 84 | Stick of Charcoal |
35 | Crystalline Vial of Ink | 85 | Synthetic Eye |
36 | Decaying Scroll | 86 | Synthetic Hand |
37 | Desecrated Holy Symbol | 87 | Tangled Bundle of String |
38 | Watercolour Painting of a Monster | 88 | Tattered Elastane Cloak |
39 | Functional Memory Crystal | 89 | Spent Ammunition Case |
40 | Glass Bottle | 90 | Thin Wire with a Hook |
41 | Glass Vial of Blood | 91 | Tinderbox |
42 | Glowstone | 92 | Dice Engraved with Arcane Symbols |
43 | Handful of Stone Spheres | 93 | Vial of Acid |
44 | Handful of Ceramic Shards | 94 | Vial of Indigo Dye |
45 | Golden Container of Ashes | 95 | Vial of Antitoxin |
46 | Large Glass Jar | 96 | Wax Tablet and Stylus |
47 | Large Shard of Stained Glass | 97 | Wooden Flute |
48 | Pouch of Dried Herbs | 98 | Worn Whetstone |
49 | Pouch of Caltrops | 99 | Old, Yellowed, and Illegible Scroll |
50 | Linen Sandal | 00 | Human Embryo, Preserved in Cyro-Flask |
A blade engraved with paradoxical LogLang glyphs. Synthetic creatures cannot recognise this weapon as a blade, nor can they recognise the bearer of the sword as a living being.
Amaranthine Sugar
Fabulously valuable substance, extracted through patient husbandry from the bodies of adult sandworms. Ingestion greatly boosts the psychic strength of biological creatures. Each dose grants one new randomly rolled Mystic Gift.
Bottled Thicket
Glass vial containing weaponised seeds. When the vial is broken, the seeds germinate and begin an astoundingly rapid life cycle, sprouting into a dense tangle of iridescent vines within seconds.
Gecko Gloves
Finely woven nano-cloth gloves. Allow the wearer’s hands to stick to any surface with a near-unbreakable grip.
Tempest Cannon
Heavy weapon (d12, 3 slots). Creates tiny, incredibly violent thunderstorms wherever its shells explode. Must be refilled with a day’s worth of water after each combat.
The Crimson Cantos
Small, unassuming volume of poetry, bound in crimson leather. The book’s contents are neuroactive, and always guaranteed to fling the reader into a murderous rage. Readers must EGO save or violently attack the nearest living creature.
Bedazzling Blade
Off-handed parrying sword, made in the Fallen Autarchy. Has an inbuilt trick - the blade can briefly glow as brightly as the sun, blinding one’s opponent. Of interest to collectors of rare weapons.
Aegis of the Empty-Minded Sage
Golden amulet, worn in the centre of the forehead. Renders the wearer immune to mind control, telepathy, and all other forms of psychic intrusion. The aegis does this by totally suppressing the wearer’s memory and personality, rendering the bearer near catatonic until the amulet is removed by a companion. Of dubious utility.
Exorcist’s Sidearm
The Bullet-witches of Ka-El believed no spirit was beyond the influence of a properly armed gunwoman. This sorcerous sidearm fires a rotating trepanation round, which can violently evict the demons from a possessed man’s skull at an alarmingly long distance.
A novelty crossbow, which ‘fires’ very convincing holograms of arrows.
Bounty Beacon
May be used outdoors to signal an ancient supply satellite, which drops a Support Pod containing a week’s rations for a long-dead reconnaissance unit. Only works once.
Lazarus Cap
Grim necrotech helm. If applied to the head of a fresh corpse, will re-activate the brain. The effect only lasts while the cap is worn, and does nothing to arrest the decay of the flesh.
Synthetic partycrasher. Crude android that is powered by alcohol, and can unerringly locate parties, orgies, weddings etc. within a five mile radius.
Prison Orb of the Miniature Beast
A hypergeometric orb the size of a grapefruit, with a scarlet upper hemisphere and a pallid lower hemisphere. Used by the citizens of a long-faded civilisation to imprison a collection of tiny fighting-beasts, and compel them to do battle with other beast-masters. 4-in-6 chance the Orb still contains a Citrine-coated Volt Rat (HD 1, Armour 13, d6 electric tail), hungry and trained to kill without hesitation. 2-in-6 chance the Orb holds nothing but the desiccated corpse of a forgotten beast.
Autarch’s Nectar
Honeyed golden tonic containing gene-sculpting nanomachines. When drunk by a biological creature, grants a permanent +1 boost to three Ability scores. Only works once.
Babble Grenade
Neuro-active hand grenade. All living creatures caught within the blast will find themselves unable to understand spoken or written language, and their own speech is likewise gibberish. The effect lasts for a day.
Helm of the Unerring Hound
Hunting apparatus from the Fallen Autarchy. Black, hound-shaped mask that fits over the human head and inserts biotech probes up the nostrils. Boosts the wearer’s sense of smell to superhuman levels.
Mr Skuggly-Wuggly
A pink-furred synthetic bear, roughly the size of a domestic cat. Mr Skuggly-Wuggly was designed to amuse the children of a long-lost era, and speaks in comforting rhymes and calming nonsense. Secretly longs for death, but is unable to request this.
Ditto Gun
Revolver that generates weaponised temporal anomalies when its bullets impact a target. These anomalies inflict a wound identical to the most recent injury suffered by the target, with a matching damage value.
The Book of Sand
Hypergeometric book with an infinite number of pages, each filled with dense paragraphs of minuscule, utterly illegible text. All efforts to decode the book will fail, although it could provide the fuel for an eternally burning fire.
The Referee can generate regions of Vaarn using the following method. This technique will not create detailed maps encompassing every feature of the terrain, but rather a simulacra of a landscape that will fuel a few sessions of gaming.
- Take a sheet of blank paper. A4, or something of equivalent size, will do nicely.
- Drop a handful of dice onto the paper. I suggest using five or six dice to create a decent sized region, but there is no upper limit. The more dice you drop, the more regional features you will create. You may use any size of dice up to d20, but be aware that using smaller dice sizes will constrain the results.
- Draw circles around the dice where they fell, and note the number showing on the dice. Consult the Location Type table below to find what kind of location has been created.
- Draw lines connecting each location to its neighbors. Locations need not connect to every other location on the map; two or three connections per location is quite adequate. These lines represent known travel routes between the locations. If the locations are very close on the page, roll d6. If they are a moderate distance apart, roll 2d6, and if they are very far apart roll 3d6. This dice roll gives you the number of days it will take to travel on foot between the two locations.
- Travel routes that connect two even-numbered locations, or an odd and an even-numbered location, are (relatively) safe. Travel routes between two odd-numbered locations, however, have a hazard associated with them. Consult the table below for inspiration.
- Now that the broad shape of the region has been created, return to each location and use the tables provided in this zine to generate more specific details about each one. Write down your ideas for each location inside the circles. You are not obliged to abide by the results of the tables if they don’t fit your concept for the region.
- If you need more details about the region as a whole, roll on the Landscape Type table below to get an idea of the general terrain. You can also roll to find out the origin of the region’s name.
- Build a region-specific encounter table using the bestiary. There sample encounter table in VOV #1 if you need inspiration. The character of the region you have generated should inform the encounters you seed it with. A region that contains the ruins of a synth factory will likely have malfunctioning synths lurking around, whereas a region with lots of settlements may have an abundance of trading caravans.
- Last but by no means least, think of a few NPCs who might be found in the region, and what they might want from the party. Use the Story Seeds table if you are stuck.
d20 | Location Type | Travel Hazard | Landscape Type | Region Named For |
1 | Ruin | Bandits Control the Road | Featureless Sands | Famous Resident |
2 | Settlement | Salt Pan | ||
3 | Oasis | Hunting Ground of Chromavore | Hard Rocky Plain | Local Wildlife |
4 | Holy Place | Dried-up Lake | ||
5 | Wreck | Prowled by Argent Shepherd | Dried-up River | Natural Wonder |
6 | Vault | Towering Monoliths | ||
7 | Landmark | Sandworm Spawning Grounds | Mesas | Natural Hazard |
8 | Bandit Camp | Low Hills | ||
9 | Bounty Hunter's Camp | Very Windy; Guaranteed Sandstorms | Single Mountain | Famous Monster |
10 | Lair | Toxic Lake | ||
11 | Archive | Roving Cult Searching for Converts | Toxic River | Long-Dead Settlement |
12 | Arcology | Fungal Forest | ||
13 | Grave | Malfunctioning Synths Demand a Toll | Crystal Growths | Forgotten Religion |
14 | Science-Mystic's Abode | Windswept Plateau | ||
15 | Trade Post | Road Watched by Cacklemaw Clan | Mountainous | Local Weather |
16 | Hegemony Camp | Winding Canyons | ||
17 | Faa Nomad Camp | Warring Faa Nomads | Abandoned City | Natural Resource |
18 | Cacklemaw Den | Cactus Fields | ||
19 | Anomaly | Unexploded Landmines | Riddled with Caves | Name No Longer Understood |
20 | (Roll d20 twice and combine results) | Garbage-strewn Wastes |
d20 | NPC A | Wants To | NPC B | Added Complication |
1 | Village Elder | Impress | Village Fool | Sandstorms |
2 | Faa Warrior | Bandit King | Hungry Alzabo | |
3 | Blind Oracle | Marry | Tomb Prospector | Packbeast Stampede |
4 | Sly Bandit | Wealthy Merchant | Drunken Bandits | |
5 | Uptight Synth | Betray | Famous Bounty Hunter | Pointless Local War |
6 | Cacogen Artist | Astronomer | Faa Nomad Wedding | |
7 | Hegemony Tax Collector | Collect Debt From | Relic Thief | Family Curse |
8 | Water Prospector | Boastful Soldier | An Impostor | |
9 | Titan Cultist | Punish | Camel Jockey | Unrequited Love |
10 | Spice Merchant | Jealous Widow | A Deadly Duel | |
11 | Pedantic Heretic | Locate | Hedonistic Poet | Psychic Children |
12 | Escaped Slave | Cruel Inquisitor | Murderious Clone | |
13 | Sin Eater | Abduct | Naive Philosopher | Carnivorous Tree |
14 | Retired Gladiator | Beautiful Sniper | Malfunctioning AI | |
15 | Tiny Cacogen | Divorce | Enormous Cacogen | Poisoned Harvest |
16 | Amorous New-Beast | Alchemist | Secret Cult | |
17 | Exorcist | Cure Sickness Of | Synth Surgeon | Rigged Chariot Race |
18 | Monkey Breeder | Possessed Barber | Mistaken Identity | |
19 | Wandering Musician | Discredit | Card Cheat | Blackmail |
20 | Clone Catcher | Wealthy Layabout | Psychedelic Visions |
Vaarn is studded with the fractured remnants of the works of the ancients; the desert a dolorous mosaic of squandered ambitions and forgotten marvels. Broken by time and eroded by the mastication of the azure sands, these hollow vessels are known nonetheless to house both horrors and wonders.
d20 | What Was It? | And Then? | And Now? | Appearance | Shape | Other Feature |
1 | Interrogation Halls | Brewery | Desolate Shell | Opulent | Dome | Inhabited by Planeyfolk |
2 | Cryogenic Chambers | Criminal's Hideout | Fragmented | Arch | Choked with Synthetic Vines | |
3 | Orbital Defence Turret | Bath House | Intact But Empty | Looming | Tower | Has Hidden Water Source |
4 | Cyborg Construction | Ossuary | Crumbling | Orb | Has Abundant Food Source | |
5 | Munitions Factory | Monastery | Faa Nomad Campsite | Graffiti-Coated | Shell | Has Abundant Drugs |
6 | Cloning Facility | Barracks | Gigantic | Knife | Contains Exotica | |
7 | University | Brothel | Hideout for Bandits | Translucent | Bottle | Secret Weapons Cache |
8 | Nanotech Forge | Inn | Bat-Infested | Flower | Contain Wild Animal Nest | |
9 | Power Generator | Theatre | Cacklemaw Den | Sunbleached | Hand | Used for Sacrifices |
10 | Noble's Residence | Gladiator Pit | Half-Collapsed | Eye | Ancient Defense Systems Active | |
11 | Autarch's Tomb | Madhouse | Hegemony Outpost | Threatening | Head | Upsetting Decorations |
12 | Chemical Plant | Observatory | Crooked | Pyramid | Swallowed by the Sands | |
13 | Psychic Training Facility | Mystic's Abode | Monster Lair | Towering | Slab | Fire Damaged |
14 | Pleasure Garden | Titan Cult Shrine | Monolithic | Prism | Radiation Poisoned | |
15 | Transit Hub | Hydroponic Garden | Science-Mystic's Abode | Dazzling | Cube | Servitor Synths Still Function |
16 | Farm Array | Battle Site | Decrepit | Wheel | Crashed Vehicle Present | |
17 | Bioengineering Facility | Quantum Daemon Shrine | Grave Site | Sand-scoured | Torus | Encrusted with Crystals |
18 | Medical Facility | Trading Post | Ill-Omened | Needle | Overgrown with Fungus | |
19 | Communications Array | Slaughterhouse | Holy Place | Beautiful | Bowl | Hypergeometric Portal Inside |
20 | Space Port | Prison | Molten | Ziggurat | Conceals Long-Burried Threat |
d20 | The Houses | Local Industry | Notable Structure |
1 | Hide Yurts | Hunting and Scavenging | Ancient Forge |
2 | Clay Brick Huts | Agriculture (Fungi) | Slave Pit |
3 | Underground Warren | Agriculture (Cacti) | Deep Well |
4 | Repurposed Trash | Agriculture (Seven-Fruit Trees) | Slender Silver Tower |
5 | Neat Plastic Cubes | Agriculture (Water Vines) | Radar Dish |
6 | Grimy Towers | Metalworking | Abandoned Theatre |
7 | Vine-covered Villas | Mining (Glowstone) | Holy Catacombs |
8 | Huge Eggshells | Mining (Plastics) | Birthplace of Famed Musician |
9 | Chrome Spindles | Mining (Sky-seeking Stone) | Birthplace of Famed Warrior |
10 | Repurposed Vehicles | Mining (Synth Parts) | Birthplace of Famed Tyrant |
11 | Repurposed Weapon Arrays | Leatherworking | Glowering Autarch Statue |
12 | Moulded Glass | Breeding Packbeasts | Memory Crystal Library |
13 | Hanging from a Cliff | Breeding Fighting Beasts | Forbidden Grave |
14 | Atop Colossal Stilts | Pottery | Huge Carnivorous Plant |
15 | Made from Bone | Carpet Weaving | Statue of Void Saint |
16 | Living Biotech Structures | Herding (Lizards) | Shunned Shrine |
17 | Inside a Cave | Herding (Zoxen) | Enigmatic Obelisk |
18 | Inside Vast Corpse | Herding (Land Parrots) | Automated Clock Tower |
19 | Inside Mutant Tree | Herding (Giant Snails) | Artificial Landmark |
20 | Huge Communal Tent | Brewing | Central Ruin |
d20 | Government | Mood of Populace | Community Lacks |
1 | Secretive Oligarchy | Cowed | Soldiers |
2 | Idiot King | Rebellious | Food |
3 | Two Rival Families | Creative | Clean Water |
4 | Puppet Ruler | Manic | Men |
5 | Automated Communism | Pious | Women |
6 | Ruled by Cultists | Warlike | Children |
7 | Paranoid Theocracy | Destructive | Music |
8 | Strong-willed Matriarch | Paranoid | Silence |
9 | Decadent Monarchy | Complacent | Peace |
10 | Oracular Severed Head | Divided | Books |
11 | Council of Elders | Suspicious | Memory |
12 | Synthetic Philosophers | Welcoming | Safety |
13 | Benevolent Dictator | Decadent | Justice |
14 | Psychic Hive-Mind | Obsessive | Drugs |
15 | Neo-Anarchist Commune | Jubilant | Sanity |
16 | Bandit Chieftain | Hostile | Medicine |
17 | Ruled by Lottery | Bewildered | Information |
18 | Gun-worshipping Priests | Fanatical | Hope |
19 | Ruled by Eccentric AI | Lecherous | Machine Parts |
20 | Power Struggle (Roll twice and combine) | Contented | Clothing |
d20 | NPC A | Source of Conflict | NPC B |
1 | Respected Member of Government | Envy (Property) | Resident, Correctly Regarded as Foolish |
2 | Envy (Success) | ||
3 | Loathed Member of Government | Love (Forbidden) | Resident, Who Pretends to be Foolish |
4 | Love (Unrequited) | ||
5 | Spouse of Governing Figure | Love (Triangle) | Resident With A Hidden Connection To The Notable Structure |
6 | Unpaid Debts | ||
7 | Religious Leader | Boredom | Resident With A Hidden Connection To The Government |
8 | Taxes | ||
9 | Respected Warrior | Robbery | Hermit, Who Lives Outside the Settlement |
10 | Gossip | ||
11 | Violent, Lazy Thug | Adultery | Argumentative, Widely-Disliked Resident |
12 | Conspiracy | ||
13 | Scholarly, Introverted Citizen | Gluttony | Naïve and Trusting Resident |
14 | Mistaken Identity | ||
15 | Respected Artisan | Wild, Baseless Accusations | Conspiratorial, Mistrustful Resident |
16 | Addiction (Drink) | ||
17 | Despised Artisan, Known for Shoddy Work | Addiction (Narcotics) | Community Pariah, Ostracised for Unjust Reasons |
18 | Wedding Plans | ||
19 | Disreputable Mystic | Blackmail | Stranger, Just Passing Through |
20 | Murder |
The land parches and withers beneath a wine-red sun, yet even here one may glimpse fragments of paradise.
d20 | The Water | What's Here? (x2) | Who's Here? (x2) | Custom Of The Oasis |
1 | Very Blue | Date Palms | Trading Caravan | Pay Toll |
2 | Leaks from Machinery | Flamingos | No Bloodshed | |
3 | Incredibly Clear | Towering Rock | Moonlit Sacrifices | |
4 | Umber and Silty | Rusted War Machine | No Bathing | |
5 | Still and Glassy | Autarch Statue | Faa Nomads | Ritual Combat |
6 | Black and Muddy | Flowering Bushes | Vow of Silence | |
7 | Almost Gone | Ibis | Ruled by Chance | |
8 | Full of Fish | Lurking Crocodiles | Hegemony Scouts | Sacred to Men |
9 | Tastes Sour | Black Obelisks | Bounty Hunters | Sacred to Women |
10 | Algae-choked | Decaying Buildings | Titan Cultists | Consult Computer |
11 | Fetid | Addax Herd | Wandering Mystics | Consult Oracle |
12 | Full of Plastic | Solar Panels | Travelling Circus | Must be Naked |
13 | Rusty Red | Arcology Dome | Mendicant Warror | Must be Veiled |
14 | Warm and Bubbling | Crystalline Growths | Escaped Slaves | An Animal Is Holy |
15 | Champagne Coloured | Fungal Growths | Sunburnt Exiles | An Animal Is Profane |
16 | Deep and Silent | Broken Pillar | Pilgrim Monks | Laughter is Prohibited |
17 | Inside a Cave | Grave | Synths | Sacred to Petty God |
18 | Healing Properties | Wrecked Synths | Cacklemaw Warband | Drug Ritual |
19 | Sugary Sweet | Mud Holes | Exultant in Disguise | Water Ritual |
20 | Mildly Psychedelic | Sacred Caves | Famous Musician | Fasting |
None can predict the capricious and bemusing vessels through which the divine will make itself known, but such relics - whenever they manifest themselves - are meticulously preserved, and tended to by venerable orders.
d20 | Location | Focus of Worship | Holy To | Tended By |
1 | Decrepit Keep | Ancient Book | Church of the Promised Sun | Nobody |
2 | Sand-swallowed | Holy Bee Hive | Pale Faith of Amun-Oh | Family of Tiny Cacogen |
3 | Petrified Trees | Caged Bird | The Thrice-Born Sage | Sentient Plant |
4 | Ring of Stones | Enormous Gemstone | Seekers of Eyeless Wisdom | Eunuch Priests |
5 | Rough Altar | Beautiful Statue | Church of Sevenscore Moons | Chaste Priestesses |
6 | Underground Church | Ancient Computer | Temple of the Binary Devotion | Automated Priests |
7 | Glass Pagoda | Broken Statue | The Blue Goddess of Empty Places | Lithling Monk |
8 | Ziggurat | Crystal Skull | Azathoth, the Daemon Sultan | Blind Old Woman |
9 | Broken Temple | Wooden Idol | Cult of KRONOS | Masked Mutes |
10 | Dried-up Oasis | Polychrome Throne | Cult of METIS | Sentient Wasp Hive |
11 | Looming Statue | Crystal Diadem | Cult of MNEMOSYM | Learned Monks |
12 | Ruined Village | Ancient Shoe | Cult of HYPERION | Warrior Monks |
13 | Fungal Church | Urn of Ashes | Cult of GAEA | Guardian Synth |
14 | Chrome Tower | Mummified Jackal | Cult of COEUS | Pack of New-Jackals |
15 | Windy Hilltop | Molten Statue | Cult of THEMIS | Paranoid Exiles |
16 | Hidden Cave | Mummified Child | Faa Nomad Ancestors | Faa Nomads |
17 | Missile Silo | Ancient Telescope | A Solar Saint | Cacogen Oracle |
18 | Wreck | Levitating Orb | A Fungal Saint | Mycomorph Oracle |
19 | Settlement | Synthetic Head | A Void Saint | Beggar Monks |
20 | Ruin | Human Tooth | Nameless, Forgotten God | Monster Lair |
All journeys must end - some more dramatically than others.
d20 | Vessel | Condition | Original Cargo | Cause of Wreck |
1 | Wind-barge | Decrepit | Spies | Bandits |
2 | Auto-chariot | Laser-seared | Masks | Sabotage |
3 | Dune Skuggy | Burned | Water | Sandstorm |
4 | Armoured Crawler | Corrupted | Soldiers | Fuel Ran Out |
5 | Stilt Strutter | Sun Bleached | Memory Crystals | Landmines |
6 | Kite Wagon | Rusted | Guns | Disease |
7 | Transport Zeppelin | Shattered | Slaves | Warfare |
8 | Hegemony Ornithopter | Cloven | Coffee | Faulty Machinery |
9 | Orbital Satellite | Disintegrating | Prisoners of War | Simply Abandoned |
10 | Autarchy War Stalker | Graffiti-coated | Heretics | Biotech Infestation |
11 | Water Prospector's Rig | Riddled with Holes | Wine | Nanomachines |
12 | Autarch's Pleasure Barge | Skeletal | Refugees | Faa Nomad Ambush |
13 | Colossal Exosuit | Shredded | Fungus | Cacklemaw Ambush |
14 | Ancient Submarine | Inside Out | Embryos | Faulty Navigation |
15 | Ancient Warship | Overgrown | Lithling Seeds | Drunk Driving |
16 | Ancient Steam Ferry | Looted | Bombs | Incompetent Officers |
17 | Ancient Train | Halfway Repaired | Cyborg Parts | Crew Mutiny |
18 | Ancient Fighter Jet | Occupied | Synths | Attacked by Monster |
19 | Motile Home | Surprisingly Intact | Holy Relics | EMP Blast |
20 | Pre-Collapse Spacecraft | Some Features Work | Exotica | Orbital Weapon Strike |
The ground beneath the desert is riddled with passageways, tunnels, shafts, and other entrances to the underworld. Who can say what long-buried secrets such locations conceal?
d20 | Entrance | Tunnels | Original Function | Other Feature |
1 | Steel Blast Doors | Half-Flooded | Fallout Shelter | Bandit Hideout |
2 | Back of Tiny Cave | Filled with Sand | Transport Tunnels | Haunted (Planeyfolk) |
3 | Enormous Crater | Dusty and Silent | Bioweapon Research | Haunted (Chromavore) |
4 | Narrow Fissure in Cliff | Crystal-encrusted | Time Paradox Research | Ancient Defence Cannons |
5 | Through Old Sewer | Blood Red Walls | Language Virus Research | Vending Machines Still Function |
6 | Atop Mountain | Decorated Tiles | Geothermal Power Station | Strange Lights |
7 | Opens at Full Moon | Fire-Damaged | Nuclear Power Station | Power Source Active |
8 | Scrawled With Runes | Winding and Narrow | Hypergeometry Research | Hypergeometric Rift |
9 | Functioning Lift | Descend into the Urth | Deep Core Mining | Guard Synths |
10 | Broken Lift | Somehow Absorb Sound | Military Command Post | Cacklemaw Den |
11 | Functioning Escalator | Lightless and Dank | Titan AI Memory Banks | Science-Mystic's Abode |
12 | Broken Escalator | Spiralling, Strange | Titan AI Cooling System | Poisonous Gases |
13 | Ruined Train Tunnel | Lit with Bioluminous Moss | Seed Bank | Carnivorous Fungus |
14 | Beneath Toxic Water | Surprisingly Clean | Interrogation Chambers | Janitor Synths |
15 | Air Filtration Vent | Full of Ancient Corpses | Synth Production | Hologram Cinema |
16 | Infested with Bats | Incredibly Cold | Illicit Cloning Facility | Frozen Embryos |
17 | Barricaded from Inside | Enormous and Echoing | Spy Network Base | Lost Archive |
18 | Below Arcology | Battle Damaged | Autarch's Hideout | Monster Lair |
19 | Below Settlement | White and Sterile | Hidden Resrvior | Holy Place |
20 | Below Ruin | Filled with Garbage | Recycling Facility | Contains Exotica |
d20 | Natural Landmark | Artificial Landmark |
1 | Colossal Cactus | Flickering Hologram Billboard, In Language No Longer Spoken |
2 | Husk of Dead Sandworm | Cairn of Blue Stones |
3 | Rock Resembling Hand | Tall Intimidating Totem |
4 | Rock Resembling Face | Enigmatic Stone Circle |
5 | Toxic Geyser | Banquet Table, Laid For A Hundred Guests. Somehow Never Ages or Changes. |
6 | Meteor Impact Crater | Glowering Statue of an Autarch |
7 | Gigantic Petrified Tree | Black Rectangular Monolith |
8 | Enormous Humanoid Skeleton | Statue of Reclining Woman |
9 | Huge Empty Snail Shell | Cliff Face, Painted with Fresco Honouring The Titans |
10 | Tall Rock with Eye-like Hole | Indestructible Chrome Tower, Without Windows or Doors |
11 | Vast Network of Termite Mounds | Ancient Lighthouse, Empty and Decaying |
12 | Single Pale Martyr Tree | Vast Hologram Projector Array; Displays Glitchy, Obscene Images |
13 | Lonely Blue Mesa | Gleaming Sword-like Shard of Orbital Debris |
14 | Inexplicable Coral Reef, Long Dead | Unbreakable Glass Tesseract; Verdant Jungle Dimly Visible Within |
15 | Enormous Glowing Crystal Growth | Strobing Lattice of Hard Light; Serves No Clear Purpose |
16 | Rock, Resembling A Grieving Widow | Field of Broken Solar Panels |
17 | Iridescent, Unbearably Salty Lake | Vast White Marble Hand |
18 | Looming Extinct Volcano | Fallen War-Synth, So Old It’s Part of a Hillside |
19 | Bulbous Fungal Chimney | Ancient Siren Pole, Broadcasting Unintelligible Warning |
20 | Plain of Uncountable Bleached Skeletons | Bottomless Dark Pit, With Unnaturally Smooth Sides |
d20 | Type | Leader | Weapons | They Want |
1 | Ex-Gladiators | Injured Gladiator | Martial Arts | Water |
2 | Sly Mycomorphs | Small but Intense | Bite and Scream | Food |
3 | Hegemony Deserters | One-Eyed Woman | Crossbows | Gold |
4 | Escaped Slaves | Rogue Synth | Blowdarts | Weapons |
5 | Luckless Drifters | Self-styled King | Throwing Axes | Sacrifices |
6 | Doomsday Cult | Exiled Nobleman | Swords | New Recruits |
7 | Lepers | Tells Jokes | Slings | Medicine |
8 | Slavers | Infamous Outlaw | Spears and Nets | Forbidden Books |
9 | Cruel Synthetic Children | Silent Brute | Flails | Fungus |
10 | Ghoul Clan | Scrawny Genius | Rocket Launcher | Synths |
11 | False Monks | Ex-Courtesan | Poison Gas | Children |
12 | Fungus-riddled Maniacs | Smiling Psychopath | Revolvers | Slaves |
13 | Businesslike Thugs | Delusional Drunkard | Rifles | Entertainment |
14 | Gibbering Cacogen | Sadistic Glutton | Crude Jezails | Wine |
15 | Maskless Newbeasts | Calm and Polite | Ancient Cannon | Beer |
16 | Gang of Fools | Apologetic but Firm | Combat Lasers | Forgiveness |
17 | Scantily Clad Women | Lustful and Crude | Sonic Weapons | To Eat You |
18 | Elderly Thieves | Cartoonishly Evil | Trained Beasts | Single Combat |
19 | Hegemony Soldiers | Leaves a Calling Card | Plasma Rifles | Your Eyes |
20 | Gentleman Robbers | Robin Hood-esque | Psychic Powers | Your Teeth |
d20 | NPC A | Source of Conflict | NPC B |
1 | Bandit Leader | Envy (Property) | Rival to Leader’s Authority |
2 | Envy (Success) | ||
3 | Leader’s Trusted Underling | Love (Forbidden) | Talkative, Annoying Bandit |
4 | Love (Unrequited) | ||
5 | Leader’s Ambitious Underling | Love (Triangle) | Lazy, Useless Bandit |
6 | Unpaid Debts | ||
7 | Leader’s Despised Underling | Boredom | Scholarly, Educated Bandit |
8 | Petty Rivalry | ||
9 | The Best Cook (of a Bad Bunch) | Cheating at Cards | Religious, Psychotic Bandit |
10 | Gossip | ||
11 | The Best Shot (of a Bad Bunch) | Adultery | Sharp-eyed, Paranoid Bandit |
12 | Conspiracy | ||
13 | Widely Disliked Bandit | Gluttony | Tough-talking Bandit, Secret Coward |
14 | Mistaken Identity | ||
15 | Ferocious, Feared Bandit | Wild, Baseless Accusations | Prisoner, Who Keeps the Camp Tidy |
16 | Addiction (Drink) | ||
17 | Very Young Bandit | Addiction (Narcotics) | Prisoner, Who Aids with Cooking |
18 | Division of Loot | ||
19 | Ancient, Decrepit Bandit | Blackmail | Wealthy Prisoner, Kept for Ransom |
20 | Murder |
It is commonly known that those seeking to escape the New Hegemony’s justice will flee into the deepest reaches of the Interior, preferring a brief harsh life full of uncertainty to a brief harsh life filled with terrible certainty. It is likewise commonly known that there exists an eccentric and vibrant fraternity of misfits, who attempt - both for profit and for pleasure - to fetch these fugitives back.
d20 | Hunter | Hunting | Their Method | They Want |
1 | Grim and Scarred | Heretic | Patient Stalker | A Lead on their Quarry |
2 | Avuncular and Evil | Bandit King | Guns Blazing | |
3 | Psychotic Synth | Murderer | Use Poison | Help Killing Dangerous Quarry |
4 | Three-headed Cacogen | Conman | Use Gas | |
5 | One-Eyed New-Wolf | Water Debtor | Elaborate Disguises | Help Catching Dangerous Quarry Alive |
6 | Remote-Controlled Armour | Gambling Debtor | Sniper Rifle | |
7 | Young and Beautiful | Livestock Thief | Tranquilliser Crossbow | Help Killing Someone You Know |
8 | Depressed Drunkard | Adulterer | Shoot First | |
9 | Husband and Wife Team | Rogue Synth | Alluring Honey Trap | Help Bringing Prisoner to Distant Settlement |
10 | Looks Way Too Young | Cacklemaw Exile | Enlist Big Posse | |
11 | Clean Cut and Heroic | Faa Nomads | Bribes for Information | Help Bringing Prisoner To Distant Arcology |
12 | Dashing Womaniser | Water Token Forger | Reliable Informants | |
13 | Flamboyant Old Woman | Poisoner | Trained Monster | Help Bringing Prisoner To Faa Nomads |
14 | Clone Siblings | Child Killer | Quiet Abductions | |
15 | New-Baboon, Riding Human | Oath Breaker | Secret Martial Art | Help Capturing Science-Mystic Alive |
16 | Veteran Soldier | Runaway Bride | Psychic Gifts | |
17 | Famous Exile | Runaway Groom | Expert Desert Tracker | Help Killing Dangerous Monster |
18 | Sacred Assassin | Disgraced Cleric | Use Camera Drones | |
19 | Faa Nomad Tracker | Hegemony Deserter | Utterly Incompetent | Help Escorting Prisoner to Gnomon |
20 | Psychic Mute | Own Family Member | Absurdly Complex Traps |
The wild places of Vaarn are well-stocked with monstrosities of all stripes. The prudent traveller sleeps lightly, keeps a weapon close at hand, learns to sight these miserable pariahs of the Urth well in advance of their sighting him, and will avoid at all costs the places such creatures dwell.
d20 | Inhabitant | Appearance | Warning Omen |
1 | Argent Shepherd | Ruined Chapel | Madmen Affixed With Argent Halos Beg Party To Turn Back |
2 | Chrome-Feathered Sailback | Flat Basking Plain | Chrome Feathers Float on the Wind |
3 | d6 Quill-Spiders | Burrows in Earth | An Antelope, Limping, Leg Full of Quills |
4 | Chromavore | Colourless Cactus Grove | Colourless Husks of Faa Family |
5 | d6 Hiveymen | Gruesome Black Hive | Single Sable Bee Crawls on Ground |
6 | d6 Lizard Lions | Sun-kissed Basking Rock | Discover a Shed Skin |
7 | d6 Battle Boars | Shaded Dustbath | Boulders With Tusk-Marks |
8 | Alzabo | Deep Cave | Hear A Child’s Voice, Which Echoes Oddly |
9 | 3d6 Pthalo-Jackals | Shallow Dens | Hear Howling on the Wind |
10 | d4 Pseudo-Giants | Crude Brick Huts | Remains of a Hegemony Skiff, Stomped to Pieces |
11 | d6 Lambent Lynx | Den High in the Cliffs | Electrical Taste in the Air, As If Before A Storm |
12 | 3d6 Blue Baboons | Rocky Outcrop | Excrement Heaped Everywhere |
13 | d6 Walking Wombs | Foul-smelling Sinkhole | Wide Dragging Tracks In the Sand |
14 | 3d6 Tiger Flies | Tall Papery Nest | Tell-tale Buzzing |
15 | d4 Regenerators | Human-skin Tents | Crude Idols Made of Bones |
16 | Thunderstrike Bird | Roosts on Mesa | Huge Tar-black Feather Caught on Cactus |
17 | d4 Glass Tigers | Lurk On Salt Flats | Corpse with Tell-tale Bite Marks |
18 | Amaranthine Death-Worm | Poisoned Tree | Huge Sinuous Tracks in the Dirt |
19 | Xanthous Mycomorph | Fungal Thicket | Yellow Spores on the Wind |
20 | d12 Greenguard | Abandoned Fortifications | Enamel Bullets Embedded in Rocks |
To forget is to be human, for the burden of an unceasing memory is too great for the mortal mind to withstand. Some resist the creeping triumph of oblivion, erecting great libraries and charging these structures with the endless remembering their frail minds cannot bear.
d20 | Archive Of | Appearance | The Archivists | They Want |
1 | Books (Holy) | Dusty | Glum Nuns | Rare Object Retrieved From Elsewhere in Vaarn |
2 | Books (Fiction) | Collapsing | Pedantic and Rude | |
3 | Books (Obscene) | Cluttered | Salacious Bigots | A Stolen Item From the Collection Retrieved |
4 | Memory Crystals | Labyrinthine | Senile Synths | |
5 | Seeds | Dark | Bored Hedonists | Players to Intervene in Internal Power Struggle |
6 | Fungal Spores | Dazzling | Lazy Mycomorphs | |
7 | Embryos | Grimy | Tiny Lithling | A Sealed Wing Of the Archive Explored |
8 | Eggs | Chaotic | Maternal New-Parrots | |
9 | Maps | Malfunctioning | Ascetic Mutes | An Archivist Escorted To Distant Settlement |
10 | Poems | Elegant | Cultists Who Worship Decay | |
11 | Video Recordings | Serene | Ignorant of What They Collect | A Rival Archive Raided |
12 | Music | Squalid | Worship Their Collection | |
13 | Play Scripts | Sterile | Chattering Imbeciles | To Send A Message to a Science-Mystic |
14 | Art (Paintings) | Ordered | Attack Outsiders | |
15 | Art (Statues) | Polluted | Desperately Seeking Recruits | To Locate an Archivist Who Vanished in the Stacks |
16 | Art (Conceptual) | Occult | Afflicted by Strange Illness | |
17 | Taxidermy | Foreboding | Whispering New-Spiders | Monster Lair Removed From Archive |
18 | Preserved Brains | Cheerful | Masked Philosophers | |
19 | Titancreed Syntax | Burned | Cruel and Calculating | Vault Beneath Archive Explored |
20 | Insects | Infested | Paranoid and Isolated |
Arcologies are self-sufficient, hermetically sealed artificial ecosystems, which protected the true-kin through the fevered centuries of the Great Collapse. They have long since been unsealed and released their inhabitants into the blue lands of Vaarn, but these domes are still a common sight in the wastes and are often occupied, as their subterranean gardens offer a stable source of water and food.
d20 | Dome | Inhabitants | Abundance | Lack |
1 | Broken | Abandoned | Meat | Olives |
2 | Molten | Fresh Water | Fish | |
3 | Sand-swallowed | Hermit | Salt | Beer |
4 | Dingy | Mystic | Guzzleline | Men |
5 | Blackened | Escaped Slaves | Coffee | Women |
6 | Self-Repairing | Ghouls | Wine | Children |
7 | Barely Intact | Hegemony Deserters | Bread | Music |
8 | Booby-trapped | Newbeasts | Jewellery | Silence |
9 | Reinforced | Semi-Feral Orphans | Books | Livestock |
10 | Functional | Amnesiac Clones | Fruit | Books |
11 | Warlike | Elderly Mutes | Information | Coffee |
12 | Delicate | Conceptual Artists | Bells | Bread |
13 | Ornate | Orchestra | Drugs | Spices |
14 | Welcoming | Fungus Cultists | Livestock | Drugs |
15 | Garden-like | Polygamous Church | Skilled Labour | Sanity |
16 | Elegant | Lepers | Musical Instruments | Medicine |
17 | Devotional | Warrior Monks | Slaves | Information |
18 | Flooded | Psychic Choir | Cheese | New Blood |
19 | Geodesic | Androids Pretending to be Human | Weapons | Machine Parts |
20 | Perfect | Exotica | Clothing |
Vaarn is above all else a land heavy with endings, and tombs punctuate the desolation with grim regularity.
d20 | Location | Grave For | Burial Method | Grave Quirk |
1 | Ruined Village | Autarchy Soldiers | Upside Down | Has Been Desecrated |
2 | Large Cave | Titan-era Programmers | In Salted Earth | Believed Cursed |
3 | Secret Cave | Autarchy Nobles | In Decorated Urn | Has Been Robbed |
4 | Below Floating Crystal | Autarch’s Consort | Mummified | Visited by Ghouls |
5 | Lonely Hilltop | Newbeasts | Laminated | Home to Rare Animal |
6 | Dry River-bed | Synthetic Warrior | Held in Preservation Tank | Believed Haunted |
7 | Dry Lake-bed | Synthetic Poet | Held in Anti-Entropy Sphere | Coins Left In Tribute |
8 | Imposing Crypt | Synthetic Oracle | Cryogenic Pod | Food Left In Tribute |
9 | Cactus Grove | Notorious Heretic | Surrounded by Grave Goods | Swords Left In Tribute |
10 | Ring of Standing Stones | Cacogen Mystic | Crystal Coffin | Candles Burning |
11 | Under Petrified Tree | Faa Nomad Ancestors | Biotech Sarcophagus | Memorial Tree |
12 | Below Huge Statue | Faa Nomad Prophet | Wearing Lifelike Death Mask | Engraved Mantra |
13 | Elegant Pagoda | Powerful Psychic | Sky Burial | Memorial Fountain (Dry) |
14 | Looming Edifice | Famed Swordsman | Consumed by Fungus | Ritual Artwork (Ugly) |
15 | Plain of Stones | Bandit King | Food for Sacred Flower | Ritual Artwork (Good) |
16 | Near Wreck | Hegemony Rangers | Below Cairn | Site of Pilgrimage |
17 | Near Oasis | Massacred Faa Nomads | Inside Stone Cube | Synthetic Grave Keeper |
18 | Near Ruin | Hegemony Exultant | Inside Hypergeometric Artefact | Hideout for Bandits |
19 | Near Holy Place | Autarch | Frozen Outside Time-stream | Entrance to Vault |
20 | Near Settlement | Extra-Solar Explorers | Not Really Dead | Monster Lair |
Certain avenues of philosophical enquiry are best pursued in the deepest deserts, far away from curious neighbors, the reach of law enforcement, or indeed any conceivable restraint save one’s own threadbare conscience.
d20 | Abode | The Science-Mystic | Researching | They Want |
1 | Secluded | Cloaked, Masked, Decaying | Immortality | ‘Volunteers’ for Experimentation |
2 | Armoured | Booming Voice, Tiny Body | Telepathy | |
3 | Vine-choked | Sallow and Smelly | Mind Control | To Hire A New Assistant; Don’t Ask About the Old One |
4 | Dark | Dazzlingly Beautiful | Antigravity Field | |
5 | Spiralling | Plastic-fleshed Synth | Time Stasis | To Dispose of a Rogue Creation |
6 | Sentient | Double-faced Cacogen | Time Travel | |
7 | Wheeled | Ostentatious New-Tiger | Time Paradox | A Fabled Chemical Substance; Found In Nearby Ruin |
8 | Transparent | Permanently Invisible | Hypergeometry | |
9 | Crystalline | Brain in a Vat | Synthetic Anatomy | A Fabled Artefact; Said to be Held by a Faa Nomad Clan |
10 | Sword-like | Levitating Idiot | Synthetic Psychology | |
11 | Towering | Terrified of their Reflection | Newbeast Biology | Body Parts of Local Monster |
12 | Severe | Flesh-eating Mycomorph | Newbeast Psychology | |
13 | Decadent | Extra Arms Grafted On Back | Mycomorph Biology | Revenge on Ex-Assistant; They Stole Research |
14 | Buried | Neurotic New-Lynx | Mycomorph Psychology | |
15 | Overgrown | Stuttering Synth | Language Virus | An Armed Escort To Explore A Distant Vault |
16 | Elegant | Bashful Murderer | Teleportation | |
17 | Devotional | Icily Polite | Titancreed Syntax | An Armed Escort to Accompany Them to Gnomon |
18 | Pyramid | Blood-drinking Cacogen | Ancient Super-weapon | |
19 | Deceptively Normal | Way Too Friendly | Contact Azathoth | Assistance With An Obviously Dangerous Experiment |
20 | Floating Orb | Glows in the Dark | Space Travel |
d20 | Location | Who Trades Here? (x2) | What is Traded? (x2) |
1 | Large Tent | Hegemony Soldiers | Water |
2 | Crossroads | Faa Nomad Raiders | Information |
3 | Beneath Great Cactus | Faa Nomad Herdsmen | Memories |
4 | Echoing Cave | Cacogen Drifters | Music |
5 | Beneath Glowering Idol | Furtive Monks | Olives |
6 | Sheltered Valley | Cacklemaw Exiles | Weapons |
7 | Atop Great Rock | Oracle’s Caretakers | Armour |
8 | Within Huge Skull | Servants of a Petty God | Pottery |
9 | Within Huge Empty Shell | Vault Raiders | Jewellery |
10 | Ancient Tollbooth | A Science-Mystic | Dried Fish |
11 | Stone Fort | Lithling Scholars | Livestock |
12 | Grove of Martyr Trees | Gnomonian Merchants | Prisoners |
13 | Dried Up Oasis | Mercenary Band | Psychedelics |
14 | Polluted Lakeshore | Roaming Scavengers | Flowers |
15 | Near Faa Nomad Camp | Secretive Hermit | Synth Parts |
16 | Near Hegemony Camp | Lowly Goatherds | Camels |
17 | Near Wreck | Pious Synths | Books |
18 | Near Holy Place | Deranged Synths | Carpets |
19 | By Oasis | Pack of Newbeasts | Medicine |
20 | Inside Ruin | Titan Cultists | Exotica |
d20 | NPC A | Source of Conflict | NPC B |
1 | Owner of the Trade Post | Envy (Property) | Successful, Pompous Trader |
2 | Envy (Success) | ||
3 | Owner’s Spouse | Love (Forbidden) | Sly, Scheming Trader |
4 | Love (Unrequited) | ||
5 | Owner’s Sibling | Love (Triangle) | Elderly, Naïve Trader |
6 | Unpaid Debts | ||
7 | Owner’s Heir | Boredom | Young, Cruel Trader |
8 | Petty Rivalry | ||
9 | Peacekeeper at the Trade Post | Robbery | Reckless, Hotheaded Trader |
10 | Gossip | ||
11 | Peacekeeper’s Sinister Deputy | Adultery | Whining, Annoying Trader |
12 | Conspiracy | ||
13 | Studious Clerk | Gluttony | Brawny Youth, who Assists a Trader |
14 | Mistaken Identity | ||
15 | Dishonest Clerk | Wild, Baseless Accusations | Performer, Who Entertains Traders |
16 | Addiction (Drink) | ||
17 | Lowly Servant | Addiction (Narcotics) | Fortune-Teller, Just Passing Through |
18 | Shoddy Goods | ||
19 | Orphan, Found in the Desert | Blackmail | Wandering, Scheming Stranger |
20 | Murder |
Vaarn is considered one of the least desirable postings a Hegemony soldier can receive, and patrolling the Interior is considered the least desirable duty within the Legions assigned to Vaarn. The Hegemony camps found amongst the blue dunes are generally sparse, miserable, and paranoid affairs, garrisoned by the most mutinous and untrustworthy soldiers the New Hegemony has to offer.
d20 | Unit Type | Commander | Camp Mood | Activity |
1 | Deserters (d6) | Dead | Panicked | Treating Wounds |
2 | Missing | Surly | Preparing for Combat | |
3 | Scouts (d6) | Dying | Mutinous | Cleaning Campsite |
4 | Wounded | Stressed | Cooking | |
5 | Weirdly Optimistic | Downcast | Weapons Drill | |
6 | Raving Mad | Sleepy | Repairing Gear | |
7 | Rangers (d8) | Incompetent | Lazy | Troop Inspection |
8 | Stern | Paranoid | Burying Dead | |
9 | Wavering | Stoic | Waiting for Orders | |
10 | Steady | Deranged | Gambling | |
11 | Synth-Hunting Team (d8) | Grim | Furious | Sleeping |
12 | Bloodthirsty | Hopeful | Feeding Prisoners | |
13 | Measured | Optimistic | Hunting Wildlife | |
14 | Cold | Celebratory | Executing Prisoners | |
15 | Legionaries (d20) | Shrewd | Suspicious | Searching for Water |
16 | Competent | Bored | Combat With Monster | |
17 | Loathed | Generous | ||
18 | Respected | Drunken | Combat With Faa | |
19 | Artillery Unit (d8) | Alert | Overconfident | |
20 | Beloved | Mournful | Combat With Cacklemaw |
d20 | Leader | They Have | They Want | Mood |
1 | Stern Patriarch | Meat | Meat | Angry |
2 | Stern Matriarch | Dates | Wine | Scared |
3 | Council of Elders | Olives | Beer | Mourning |
4 | Charismatic Visionary | Cheese | Salt | Talkative |
5 | Wounded Old Warrior | Weapons | Weapons | Sullen |
6 | Husband and Wife, arguing | Hides | Information | Warlike |
7 | Husband and Wife, happy | Precious Metal | Shelter | Contemplative |
8 | Young Hothead | Machine Parts | Slaves | Pious |
9 | Drug-addled Oracle | Medicine | Escaped Prisoner | Crazed |
10 | Sinister Slaver | Spices | Captured Bride | Suspicious |
11 | Lecherous Patriarch | Drugs | Runaway Groom | Cheerful |
12 | Lecherous Matriarch | Spare Livestock | Revenge: Other Faa | Wary |
13 | Twin Brothers/Sisters | Fabrics | Revenge: Monster | Overconfident |
14 | Blind Brothers/Sisters | Fungus | Revenge: Hegemony | Argumentative |
15 | Skilled Worm-tamer | Sugar | Revenge: Bandits | Proud |
16 | Frail Grandmother | Cybernetics | Missing Child | Silent |
17 | Skilled Sharpshooter | Tonics | Medical Help | Praying |
18 | Cruel Psychic | Books | Humiliate Other Faa | Celebrating |
19 | Power Struggle | Exotica | To Party | Drunken |
20 | Anarchy | Water | Water | Boastful |
d20 | NPC A | Source of Conflict | NPC B |
1 | Clan Leader | Envy (Property) | Rival to Leader’s Authority |
2 | Envy (Success) | ||
3 | Leader’s Spouse | Love (Forbidden) | Spouse of Rival to Leader |
4 | Love (Unrequited) | ||
5 | Leader’s Sibling | Love (Triangle) | Child of Rival to Leader |
6 | Unpaid Debts | ||
7 | Leader’s Respected Child | Boredom | Clan Member, Considered Foolish |
8 | Honor | ||
9 | Leader’s Contemptible Child | Robbery | Clan Member, Considered Dangerous |
10 | Gossip | ||
11 | Old, Frail Elder | Adultery | Clan Member, Injured in Battle |
12 | Conspiracy | ||
13 | Cunning, Manipulative Elder | Gluttony | Prisoner, Captured in Battle |
14 | Mistaken Identity | ||
15 | Feared Old Warrior | Wild, Baseless Accusations | Cantankerous Storyteller |
16 | Addiction (Drink) | ||
17 | Young Warrior, with Something to Prove | Addiction (Narcotics) | Skilled Tracker |
18 | Wedding Plans | ||
19 | Widow of Previous Leader | Blackmail | Skilled Artisan |
20 | Murder |
The dens of the Cacklemaw are not difficult to locate - one must simply follow the sound of uproarious merriment, of weapons being discharged wildly, of discordant and rowdy music played fast and poorly, and of vehicles being driven in circles with no apparent destination.
d20 | Sworn To | Weapons | Activity | They Want |
1 | Mama Hecklehaw | Bowcasters | Sleeping | Meat |
2 | Rusted Blades | Fleeing | ||
3 | Ornate Razorwhips | In-Fighting | ||
4 | Envenomed Spears | Funeral | ||
5 | Impulse Rifles | Singing | Water | |
6 | Mama Gloatgrim | Hellblasters | Drunk | |
7 | Storm Guns | Psychedelic Ritual | ||
8 | Throwing Knives | Sacred Puppet Show | ||
9 | Blunderbores | Rustling Livestock | Directions | |
10 | Prism Cannons | Extorting a Merchant | Tribute | |
11 | Mama Yawningfool | Nailguns | Transporting Prisoners | Jokes |
12 | Flesh-rippers | Repairing Tents | Music | |
13 | Nets and Tridents | Gambling | Cruelty | |
14 | Spore Launchers | Marking Territory | Repairs | |
15 | Laser Rifles | Cooking | Weapons | |
16 | Nana Rictus | Exploding Javelins | Fighting (Other Monster) | Drugs |
17 | Shrieker Bombs | Booze | ||
18 | Glue Guns | Fighting (Other Cacklemaw) | Shelter | |
19 | Nana Blacklaugh | Hegemony Autorifles | Reinforcements | |
20 | Teeth and Claws | Fighting (Faa Nomads) | Prisoners |
There are more things in the Heavens and Urth than are dreamed of in your philosophies. There are more things. There are always more.
d20 | Quality | Form | Primary Effect | Secondary Effect |
1 | Dazzling | Web | Inverts Local Gravity | Induces Paranoia |
2 | Nauseating | Mist | Heals Injuries | Total Silence Nearby |
3 | Floating | Cave | Translates Languages | Absorbs Light |
4 | Singing | Tower | Reanimates Dead | Extreme Cold Nearby |
5 | Mist-like | Lotus | Merges Creatures Together | Strange Music Audible |
6 | Glitching | Tree | Makes Prophecies | Strange Voices Echo |
7 | Luminous | Pool | Other Universe Visible | Localised Weather System |
8 | Radioactive | Fountain | Implants Memories | Time Flows Strangely |
9 | Self-replicating | Stone | Implants Mystic Gifts | Induces Mania |
10 | Quicksilver | Skull | Induces Amnesia | Always Nighttime Nearby |
11 | Many-eyed | Prism | Induces Delusions | Induces Mutations |
12 | Iridescent | Cube | Kills Indiscriminately | Rusts All Metal |
13 | Toxic | Pyramid | Induces Empathy | Exudes Lightning |
14 | Crystal | Sphere | Transforms Matter | Exudes Flames |
15 | Speaking | House | Teleports Matter | Exudes Toxins |
16 | Mobile | Miasma | Creates Planeyfolk | Creates Solid Light |
17 | Blossoming | Waterfall | Creates Monsters | Nanomachine Cloud |
18 | Burning | Infant | Grants Visions of Past | Infection with Virus |
19 | Mesmerising | Shell | Grants Visions of Future | Infection with Fungus |
20 | Terrifying | Helix | Makes Thoughts Solid | Infection with Spirit |